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1 enurage sb t d sth:鼓励某人做某事

He enurages e t rite dn the str他鼓励我写下这个故事。

混淆短语:be enuraged b:受……的鼓励

I as greatl enuraged b hi我受了他很大的鼓励。

2 engage in:(1)从事于;(2)忙于

(1)He has engaged in prteting anials fr ears他从事保护动物工作很多年了。

(2)Dn’t disturb hi, he is n engaging in his r别打扰他,他现在在忙工作。

3 en ding sth:享受做某事

I hpe u ill en staing here ith us我希望你会喜欢和我们住在这里。

混淆短语:en neself:尽情地玩

I hpe u en urself during the vaatin我希望你在假期能尽情地玩。

4 erase fr:从……擦掉,抹去

I ish I uld erase all the unpleasant erris fr ind我多希望能从心中抹去所有不快乐的记忆。

替换短语:ipe ff:抹去,擦去

I ish I uld ipe all the unpleasant erries ff ind我对希望能从心中抹去所有


esape fr:逃脱

He is tring t esape fr the prisn他试图越狱。

替换短语:run aa:逃跑

The suspet as tring t run aa嫌疑犯试图逃跑。

6 exellene in:某方面的卓越

He has exellene in the usi他在音乐方面很有才华。

7 explde ith rage:勃然大怒

His father explded ith rage after seeing his reprt ard她父亲看到她的成绩单之后很生气。

替换短语:hit the eiling/rf

His father hit the eiling/rf after seeing his reprt ard她父亲看到她的成绩单之后很生气。

8 exprt sth t:输出某物到……

The pan exprted husehld applianes t Eurpe这家公司出口家电用品到欧洲。

1 earn a living:谋生

He earns a living b riting他靠写作谋生。

替换短语:ae a living:谋生

He aes a living b riting他靠写作谋生。

2 earn ne’s salt:自食其力

He is able t earn his salt他有能力自食其力。

3 ease the burden:减轻负担

He rs his a in rder t ease the burden f his parents他半工半读以减轻父母的负担。

替换短语:lighten the burden:减轻负担

He rs his a in rder t lighten the burden f his parents他半工半读以减轻父母的负担。

4 eat ne’s rds:收回之前的话

He ate his rds and aplgized t her他收回之前的话,并向她道歉。

edit ut:删去

The riter as tld that a hle paragraph f his artile had been edited ut作者被告知他的中有一整段字被删掉了。

替换短语:rss ut:删去

The riter as tld that a hle paragraph f his artile had been rsssed ut作者被告知他的中有一整段字被删掉了。

6 ept ut:使成为空的

The an ept ut his pet t prve that he didn’t steal the ath男子将口袋掏空证明他没有偷表。

混淆短语:be ept f:缺少……

I’ afraid that he is ept f ne我担心他缺钱。

7 enable sb t:使某人能够

The Internet enables us t get in tuh ith ur friends easil网络让我们能轻松地与朋友联系。
