SpecificationsAir FilterFlow characteristics• F1000-6• F1000-8• F3000-8• F3000-10• F4000-8• F4000-10• F4000-15• F8000-20• F8000-25F3000•F4000-*-Y (0.3 m elements)F8000F8000-*-YPlease consult with CKD for large volume type.F4000-*-YF3000-*-Y0.5MPa 0.7MPa0.3MPa P r e s s u r e d r o p (M P a)0.5MPa 0.1MPaP r e s s u r e d r o p (M P a)0.3MPa0.5MPaP r e s s u r e d r o p (M P a)0.3MPa 0.5MPaP r e s s u r e d r o p (M P a)0.5MPa 0.7MPaP r e s s u r e d r o p (M P a )0.5MPa0.3MPaP r e s s u r e d r o p (M P a)0.5MPa0.3MPaP r e s s u r e d r o p (M P a )0.060.3MPa0.5MPaP r e s s u r e d r o p (M P a)0.060.3MPa P r e s s u r e d r o p (M P a )A i r f l o w r a t e (m 3/m i n (A N R ) )2(Max. flow rate)Air Filter SeriesHow to orderNote 1:Select options per drainage, bowl material, element and differential pressure detection sections.When selecting multiple options, write them from the top.Note 2:Min. operating pressure of automatic drain is 0.1MPa for option symbol "F".Purge air with initially generated drain until pressure rising to0.1 MPa.Note 3:Min. operating pressure of automatic drain is 0.15MPa for option symbol "F1".Note 4:A piping adaptor set A*00-** (refer to page 586) is attached.Note 5:Refer to " auxiliary components " (Page 557 to) forattachments.Also, a piping adapter set and a C type bracket can not beused together.Air FilterINote 2: An element assembly is provided for an element of F1000.Note 3: Refer to Page 318 for repair kits.Air Filter Series• F3000(File name: Page 363 or Ending 15)•Types with manual cock and automatic drainare same dimensions for a plastic bowl.Note: C type bracket and piping adapter set can not be used together.C type bracketC type bracketAir FilterDimensionare same dimensions for a plastic bowl.Note: C type bracket and piping adapter set can not be used together.Air Filter SeriesOptional parts drawing Repair kits(Set of louver, baffle, element and bowl O ring)Note 1:Baffle and element assembly is provided for F1000, so a set of element assembly and bowl O ring is provided.Note 2:A set of baffle, element and bowl O ring is provided for F8000.*NO type automatic drain is not selected for oil mist filters; M3000, M4000 and M8000. *Large automatic drain can not be installed to M8000.Air Filter Optional parts drawing。
净水器安装说明 英文
Retract pin before
fitting to pipe
The water supply to your system must be the cold mains, as hot water will severly
damage your system.
Turn the water on at the mains and open the swan neck tap.
Filter Replacement Filters should be replaced every 6000 litres or 6 months. To replace filter, turn off water at mains and self-piercing valve. Open Swan Neck Tap to release water pressure. Carefully release housings with ring spanner supplied. Replace filter and ensure large “O” ring in top of housing is seated evenly before re assembling the housing to the unit. Finally tighten with to the self-cutting valve using the internal ferrule, olive & nut supplied.
Ensure the piercing pin is fully retracted in the Quick Fit Self Piercing Valve.
All of the air is expelled and the water will begin to flow.
Parker OIL-X 压缩空气过滤器手册说明书
FILTRO PER ARIACOMPRESSA OIL-XFiltri per aria compressaMANUALE UTENTE: 17 118 6004 08/19 Rev. AGuida alla manutenzione: 171186001Guida all'installazione e configurazione: 171186002Manuale utente FiltrazioneP010 - P055 (WS, A0, AA, ACS)0405091116131819222123201217071014– Installazione del sistema OIL-X– Raccomandazioni per l'installazione– Codifica dei modelli– Portate del separatore d'acqua– Portate del filtro – Dati tecnici– Portate del filtro– Dichiarazione di conformità– Accessori/Ricambi– Parker nel mondo– Pesi e dimensioni del filtro– Depressurizzazione del sistema – Rimozione del bicchiere del filtro– Rimozione di elementi del bicchiere del filtro – Sostituzione dello scarico automatico– Etichetta di promemoria manutenzione – Procedura di avviamento del sistema– Intervalli di manutenzione– I nserimento di elementi di ricambio nel bicchiere del filtro– S ostituzione della guarnizione dell'o-ring della testa del filtro– Reinstallazione del bicchiere nella testa del filtro– Procedura di avviamento – Configurazione di esercizio– P esi e dimensioni del separatore d'acqua– Video: GuidaRACCOMANDAZIONI PER L'INSTALLAZIONERACCOMANDAZIONI PER L'INSTALLAZIONESi raccomanda che l'aria compressa venga trattata prima dell'ingresso nel sistema di distribuzione e nei punti di utilizzo/applicazioni critici.L'installazione di essiccatori per aria compressa in un sistema precedentemente umidificato potrebbe generare ulteriore sporco nei filtri sul punto di utilizzo durante l'essiccazione del sistema di distribuzione.In questo periodo potrebbe essere necessario cambiare gli elementi filtranti più frequentemente.Nelle installazioni in cui sono utilizzati compressori senza olio e sono ancora presenti aerosol d'acqua e particolato, devono essere ancora utilizzati gradi generici e ad alta efficienza.Un filtro per uso generico deve sempre essere installato per proteggere il filtro ad alta efficienza da aerosol di liquidi dispersi e particolato solido. Installare un'apparecchiatura di depurazione alla temperatura più bassa oltre il punto di congelamento, preferibilmente a valle di postraffreddatori e serbatoi d'aria.Il punto di utilizzo dell'apparecchiatura di depurazione deve essere installato il più vicino possibile all'applicazione.L'apparecchiatura di depurazione non deve essere installata a valle di valvole ad apertura rapida e deve essere protetta da eventuali flussi inversi o urti.Spurgare tutte le tubazioni in ingresso nell'apparecchiatura di depurazione prima dell'installazione, dopo l'installazione e prima della connessione all'applicazione finale.Se le linee di bypass sono installate attorno all'apparecchiatura di depurazione, assicurarsi che venga fornita una filtrazione adeguata alla linea, per evitare la contaminazione del sistema a valle.Installare le linee di scarico dai filtri a coalescenza direttamente in un separatore di condensa. Se non è possibile collegare le linee di scarico direttamente a un separatore, sfiatare le linee in un manifold di condensa (dotato di sfiato a un'estremità) e quindi in un unico ingresso di un separatore di condensa.Incaricare un'azienda preposta per lo smaltimento dei liquidi raccolti dall'apparecchiatura di filtrazione.I liquidi raccolti devono essere trattati e smaltiti responsabilmente.PROCEDURA DI AVVIAMENTOPrima di pressurizzare il filtro, assicurarsi che la testa e il bicchiere siano installati in modo appropriato e che il blocco sia allineato correttamente. Aprire lentamente la valvola di ingresso (01) per pressurizzare gradualmente il filtro e attendere 1 minuto (02) prima di aprire lentamente la valvola di uscita (03) per ripressurizzare le tubazioni a valle.Nota: non aprire le valvole di ingresso o uscita rapidamente né sottoporre l'unità a una pressione differenziale eccessiva, in quanto possono verificarsi danni.0 bar7 bar0103WSAAAO 1 minuto02WSAAAOMANUTENZIONE DEL PRODOTTOINTERVALLI DI MANUTENZIONEPer prestazioni ottimali del filtro, gli elementi filtranti a coalescenza e anti-particolato asciutto OIL-X Grado AO e OIL-X Grado AA devono essere sostituiti ogni 12 mesi (8736 ore) insieme allo scarico automatico con galleggiante.A differenza degli elementi filtranti a coalescenza e anti-particolato asciutto, che vengono sostituiti annualmente per garantire laqualità dell'aria compressa, la durata dell'elemento filtrante ad adsorbimento e della cartuccia può dipendere da vari fattori e richiedere sostituzioni più frequenti. I fattori che influiscono sulla durata dei filtri ad adsorbimento sono:Concentrazione dei vapori d'olioMaggiore è la concentrazione di vapore d'olio in ingresso, più rapidamente si esaurisce la capacità del materiale di adsorbimento, con conseguente riduzione della durata dell'elemento filtrante ad adsorbimento e della cartuccia.Grandi quantità di olioI filtri ad adsorbimento sono progettati solo per ridurre vapori di olio e odori, non olio liquido o sospensioni di olio. Un prefiltraggio con scarsa manutenzione o inesistente (filtri a coalescenza) causa il rapido esaurimento della capacità del filtro con conseguente rapida riduzione della durata dell'elemento filtrante ad adsorbimento e della cartuccia.TemperaturaIl contenuto di vapori di olio aumenta in modo esponenziale rispetto alla temperatura di ingresso, riducendo la durata dell'elemento filtrante ad adsorbimento e la cartuccia. Inoltre, nella misura in cui aumenta la temperatura, la capacità di adsorbimento del materiale adsorbente diminuisce, riducendo ulteriormente la durata dell'elemento filtrante ad adsorbimento e della cartuccia.Umidità relativa e punto di rugiadaL'aria umida riduce la capacità di adsorbimento del materiale adsorbente e la durata dell'elemento filtrante ad adsorbimento e della cartuccia. In teoria, i filtri ad adsorbimento in linea devono sempre essere installati a valle dell'essiccatore per aria compressa per prolungare la durata degli elementi filtranti ad adsorbimento e della cartuccia.Cambio dell'olio del compressoreQuando si cambia l'olio del compressore, il nuovo lubrificante brucia "componenti leggeri", aumentando il contenuto di vapore di olio per ore o settimane dopo il cambio. Questo incremento del contenuto di vapore di olio viene adsorbito dall'elemento filtrante o dalla cartuccia, riducendone la durata.Filtri ad adsorbimento OIL-X Grado ACSL'elemento OIL-X Grado ACS offre prestazioni ottimali a una temperatura di ingresso nominale di 21 °C, con punto di rugiada in pressione a -40 °C e concentrazione massima di vapore di olio di ingresso di 0,018 mg/m3. In queste condizioni il filtro OIL-X Grado ACS avrà una durata di 650 ore. L'uso del filtro OIL-X Grado ACS a temperature di ingresso/concentrazioni di vapore di olio di ingresso superiori o a monte di un essiccatore ad adsorbimento o frigorifero riduce la durata del filtro ad adsorbimento. Sostituire l'elemento filtrante a carbone se si rilevano vapori, odori o sapori. I filtri OIL-X Grado ACS sono raccomandati per applicazioni al punto di utilizzo solo dove la sostituzione degli elementi con più frequenza è accettabile.Filtr iA differenza dei filtri ad adsorbimento in linea (OIL-X Grado ACS), i filtri ad adsorbimento OIL-X Grado OVR sono dimensionati e selezionati non solo per fornire aria di qualità costante ma anche per garantire una durata della cartuccia di 12 mesi. La durata di 12 mesi (6000 ore per modelli OVR 100 ~ OVR 250 e 8736 ore per modelli OVR 300 ~ OVR 550) della cartuccia dipende dal dimensionamentodei seguenti parametri di ingresso: temperatura di ingresso massima/tipo di compressore, pressione di ingresso minima, posizione nel sistema (a monte o a valle dell'essiccatore) e contenuto di vapori di olio. Il filtri ad adsorbimento OIL-X Grado OVR sono progettati sia per l'intero impianto (sala compressori) che per applicazioni al punto di utilizzo.Chiudere lentamente le valvole di ingresso (01) e di uscita (02) e depressurizzare il filtro (03) utilizzando lo scarico.Svitare il bicchiere del filtro (01 e 02) e rimuovere gli elementi utilizzati (03).Nota: per rimuovere il bicchiere dei filtri 050 e 055 potrebbe essere necessaria una chiave a nastro.Attenzione0 bar/0 psi010203Attenzione0 bar/0 psiGuanti di protezioneSmaltire in modo sicuro0102Rimuovere l'elemento del bicchiere del filtro.Svitare lo scarico automatico (01) e smaltirlo (02). Installare il nuovo scarico (03) e serrarlo (04).2,5 N/mSmaltire in modo sicuro0104030203Inserire il nuovo elemento nel bicchiere del filtroaccertandosi che i capicorda siano posizionati correttamente nelle scanalature.Sostituire l'o-ring posto nella testa del filtro con il nuovo o-ring fornito.Reinstallare il bicchiere e la testa del filtro accertandosi che le filettature siano completamente inserite (01) e i blocchi siano allineati (02).Nota: per garantire che il bicchiere sia completamente inserito nella testa, è necessaria una rotazione di 360° fino all'arresto filettato per il bicchiere 010-030, di 720° per il bicchiere 035-045 e di 540° per il bicchiere 050-055.Accertasi di lubrificare l'o-ring e le filettature con un tipo di vaselina priva di acidi adeguato.0201Fino a 720°Non aprire le valvole diingresso o uscita rapidamentené sottoporre l'unità a unapressione differenzialeeccessiva, in quanto possonoverificarsi danni.Attaccare l'etichetta con la data di sostituzione dell'elemento al bicchiere del filtro e annotarvi sopra la data della sostituzione successiva, ad esempio dopo 12 mesi.Aprire lentamente la valvola di ingresso (01) per pressurizzare gradualmente il filtro e attendere 1 minuto (02) prima di aprire lentamente la valvola di uscita (03) per ripressurizzare le tubazioni a valle.Non utilizzaresolventi o alcol perpulire le etichette inquanto ciò potrebbecausare danni.0 bar/0 psi7 bar/100 psi011 minuto0203PROBLEMI? GUARDATE LA GUIDAGuarda la guida sul sito Web Parker Hannifin CONTENUTO DEL VIDEOInstallazione del sistema OIL-XProcedura di avviamentoDepressurizzazione del sistemaRimozione del bicchiere del filtroRimozione di elementi dal bicchiere del filtroSostituzione dello scarico automaticoInserimento di elementi di ricambio nel bicchiere del filtroSostituzione della guarnizione dell'o-ring della testa del filtroReinserimento del bicchiere nella testa del filtroEtichetta di promemoria manutenzioneProcedura di avviamento del sistemaSPECIFICHE TECNICHEESEMPIO DI CODIFICA DEI MODELLISCELTA DEL PRODOTTOI valori di portata indicati si riferiscono al funzionamento a 7 bar g (100 psi g), con valori di riferimento a 20o C, 1 bar (a), 0% di pressione relativa al vapore acqueo.Per valori di portata in presenza di altri livelli di pressione applicare i fattori correttivi indicati.MODELLO A = 1/4"B = 3/8"C = 1/2"D = 3/4"E = 1"G = 1 1/2"H = 2"I = 2 1/2"J = 3"G = BSPP N = NPTF = Galleggiante M = ManualeX = Nessuno I = Monitor criticitàWS AO AA ACS030PCodice a 3 cifre come mostrato di seguitoPORTATE DEL SEPARATORE D'ACQUACFP – Fattore di correzione della pressione minima di ingresso (separatori d'acqua)MODELLODIMENSIONIATTACCOL/SM 3/MINM 3/HCFMP010A P020D P045I P010C P035G P025E P055JP010B P025D P050I P015C P040H P030G [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]¼¾2 ½½1 ½1½13⅜¾2 ½½2104035010350110800101108004.2 2-235EPDM 1100,62,421,00,621,06,648,00,66,648,02,421,06,636144126036126039628803639628801441260396218574221742233169521233169585742233161514131211109876543212322182031891741601451311161008773584429150,680,710,730,760,790,820,850,890,941,001,141,331,592,002,634,00DATI TECNICIMODELLOMODELLI DI FILTROMIN. DI ESERCIZIO PRESSIONE MAX DI ESERCIZIO PRESSIONE MIN. RACCOMANDATA TEMP . DI ESERCIZIO MAX RACCOMANDATA TEMP . DI ESERCIZIOBAR GBAR GOCOCPSI GPSI GOFOFNota: i filtri di grado AO/AA/WS per l'uso fino a 16 bar g (232 psi g) sono forniti con scarico galleggiante [F] di serie.Per pressioni da 16 a 20 bar g (da 232 a 290 psi g), è necessario utilizzare uno scarico manuale [M].I filtri di grado ACS sono forniti con scarico manuale [M] di serie.P010P010P010P010P010P010055055055055055055[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]F M M FFM F M M FFM [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]11111116202016162015151515151523229029023223229022222235353535353580100100808050176212212176176122––––––P030G P050I P040H P055JP035G P055I P045I 1 ½2 ½231 ½2 ½2 ½1104302206201606203306,625,813,237,39,637,319,823391146613143391314699P030P050P040P055P035P055P0453961548792223257622321188PORTATE DEL FILTROCFP – Fattore di correzione della pressione minima di ingresso (filtri a coalescenza e anti-particolato asciutto)MODELLODIMENSIONI ATTACCOL/SM 3/MINKIT ELEMENTI DI RICAMBIOM 3/HCFMN.P010A P020C P010C P025D P010B P020D P015C P025E ¼½½¾⅜¾½110301060103020600,61,80,63,60,61,81,23,6216421127216442127P010P020P010P025P010P020P015P025[Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado][Grado]111111*********3610836216361087221616201519141813171211109876543212322902182772032631892481741601451311161008773584429150,680,710,730,760,790,820,850,890,941,001,141,331,592,002,634,00[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]PESI EDIMENSIONI DEL SEPARATORE D'ACQUAPESI E DIMENSIONI DEL SEPARATORE D'ACQUAMODELLOTUBO MISURAALTEZZA (H)(A)LARGHEZZA (L)(B)PROFONDITÀ (P)(C)PESOMMMMMMMMMMMMKGINSINSINSINSINSINSLB¼13½1 ½¾2 ½⅜1 ½½2¾2 ½180277516180440238440180277238440277516154232444154383202383154232202383232444761201927616489164761208916412019250701205010050100507050100701206509021836515784157650902841570902183383840383838383838383838400,802,6410,830,786,691,356,280,792,541,086,462,6410,807,0910,9120,317,0917,329,3717,327,0910,919,3717,3210,9120,316,069,1317,486,0615,087,9515,086,069,137,9515,089,1317,482,994,727,562,996,463,56,462,994,723,56,464,727,561,972,764,721,973,941,973,941,972,761,973,942,764,722,564,537,202,566,183,316,182,564,533,316,184,537,201,51,51,571,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,571,765,8323,891,7214,742,9813,851,755,612,3914,235,8323,81WSP010A WSP025E WSP055JWSP010C WSP035G WSP020D WSP045I WSP010B WSP030G WSP015C WSP040H WSP025D WSP050I Nota: i separatori d'acqua non presentano alcun indicatore DP , utilizzare le dimensioni H + d per l'altezza complessiva.Diametro del tubo (dimensioni attacco)bicchiere rimozione GiocoW ACHBDPESI EDIMENSIONI DEL FILTROPESI E DIMENSIONI DEL FILTROMODELLOTUBO MISURAALTEZZA (H)(A)LARGHEZZA (L)(B)PROFONDITÀ (P)(C)PESOMMMMMMMMMMMMKGINSINSINSINSINSINSLB¼¾2 ½3½1 ½½2⅜1½1 ½¾2 ½2 ½1802776548441803672385321802772384402385328441542325827721543222024751542322023832024757727612019219276120891647612089164891641925070120120507050100507050100501001206509021831836509028415765090284157841571833232686832323868323232683268680,842,1410,3015,300,823,041,177,300,842,691,166,901,447,1015,97,0910,9125,7533,237,0914,459,3720,947,0910,919,3717,3210,9120,9433,236,069,1322,9130,396,0612,687,9518,76,069,137,9515,077,9518,730,392,994,727,567,562,994,723,56,462,994,723,56,463,56,467,561,972,764,724,721,972,761,973,941,972,761,973,941,973,944,722,564,537,207,202,564,533,316,182,564,533,316,183,316,187,201,51,51,571,571,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,571,864,7122,7133,731,816,702,5816,091,865,922,5515,213,1915,6535,05P010A P025D P050I P055JP010C P030G P020C P040H P010B P025E P015C P035G P020D P045I P055I W ACHBDDiametro del tubo (dimensioni attacco)Gioco rimozione bicchiereCMODELLI DI FILTRON. CAT.INDICE010010010025 – 030025 – 030025 – 030015 – 020015 – 020015 – 020035 – 045035 – 045035 – 045050 – 055050 – 055035 – 055010 – 055TRK1-2MBK1-1MBK1-2TRK3-2MBK3-1MBK3-2TRK2-2MBK2-1MBK2-2TRK4-2MBK4-1MBK4-2TRK5-2MBK5-1ZD90GL EM1ACCESSORI/RICAMBI (KIT DI MANUTENZIONE)PARKER NEL MONDOAE – EAU, DubaiTel.: +971 4 8127100********************AR – ARGENTINA, Buenos AiresTel.: +54 3327 44 4129AT – AUSTRIA, Wiener NeustadtTel.: +43 (0)2622 23501-0*************************AT – EUROPA ORIENTALE,Wiener NeustadtTel.: +43 (0) 2622 23501 900****************************AU – AUSTRALIA, Castle HillTel.: +61 (0)2-9634 7777AZ – AZERBAIGIAN, BakuTel.: +994 50 2233 458****************************BE/LU – BELGIO, NivellesTel.: +32 (0) 67 280 900*************************BR – BRASILE, Cachoeirinha RSTel.: +55 51 3470 9144BY – BIELORUSSIA, MINSKTel.: +375 17 209 9399*************************CA – CANADA, Milton, OntarioTel.: +1 905 693 3000CH – SVIZZERA, EtoyTel.: +41 (0)21 821 87 00*****************************CL – CILE, SantiagoTel.: +56 2 623 1216CN – CINA, ShanghaiTel.: +86 21 2899 5000CZ – REPUBBLICA CECA, KlecanyTel.: +420 284 083 111*******************************DE – GERMANIA, KaarstTel.: +49 (0) 2131 4016 0*************************DK – DANIMARCA, BallerupTel.: +45 43 56 0400*************************ES – SPAGNA, MadridTel.: +34 902 330 001***********************FI – FINLANDIA, VantaaTel.: +358 (0) 20 753 2500*************************FR – FRANCIA, Contamine s/Arve Tel.: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25************************GR – GRECIA, Atene Tel.: +30 210 933 6450************************HK – Hong Kong Tel.: +852 2428 8008HU – UNGHERIA, Budapest Tel.: +36 1 220 4155*************************IE – IRLANDA, Dublino Tel.: +353 (0) 1 466 6370*************************IN – INDIA, Mumbai Tel.: +91 22 6513 7081-85IT – ITALIA, Corsico (MI)Tel.: +39 02 45 19 21***********************JP – GIAPPONE, Tokyo Tel.: +81 (0) 3 6408 3901KR – COREA DEL SUD, Seul Tel.: +82 2 559 0400KZ – KAZAKISTAN, Almaty Tel.: +7 7272 505 800****************************LV – LETTONIA, Riga Tel.: +371 6 745 2601************************MX – MESSICO, Apodaca Tel.: +52 81 8156 6000MY – MALESIA, Shah Alam Tel.: +60 3 7849 0800NL – Paesi Bassi,Oldenzaal Tel.: +31 (0) 541 585 000********************NO – NORVEGIA, Asker Tel.: +47 66 75 34 00************************NZ – NUOVA ZELANDA, Mt Wellington Tel.: +64 9 574 1744PL – POLONIA, Varsavia Tel.: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************PT – PORTOGALLO, Leca da Palmeira Tel.: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – ROMANIA, Bucarest Tel.: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – RUSSIA, Mosca Tel.: +7 495 645-2156************************SE – SVEZIA, Spånga Tel.: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00************************SG – Singapore Tel.: +65 6887 6300SK – SLOVACCHIA, Banská Bystrica Tel.: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – SLOVENIA, Novo Mesto Tel.: +386 7 337 6650**************************TH – TAILANDIA, Bangkok Tel.: +662 717 8140TR – TURCHIA, Istanbul Tel.: +90 216 4997081************************TW – TAIWAN, Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2298 8987UA – UCRAINA, Kiev Tel.: +380 44 494 2731*************************UK – REGNO UNITO,Warwick Tel.: +44 (0) 1926 317 878********************US – USA, Cleveland Tel.: +1 216 896 3000VE – VENEZUELA, Caracas Tel.: +58 212 238 5422ZA – SUD AFRICA,Kempton Park Tel.: +27 (0) 11 961 0700*****************************22Filtro per aria compressa OIL-X - Manuale utente. ©2019.Centro informazioni prodotti per l'Europa Numero verde: 00 800 27 27 5374(da AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PT, SE, SK, UK)GARANZIA DI UN ANNO SULLAQUALITÀ DELL'ARIALa garanzia della qualità dell'aria ha durata di 1 anno e si rinnova a ogni sostituzione annuale degli elementi filtranti.Le sostituzioni annuali degli elementi filtranti garantiscono:• Prestazioni ottimali costanti• Qualità dell'aria sempre conforme agli standard internazionali• Protezione delle apparecchiature a valle, del personale e dei processi• Costi operativi ridotti• Maggiore produttività e redditività• TranquillitàPARKER HANNIFIN MANUFACTURING LIMITEDGas Separation and Filtration Division EMEADukesway, Team Valley Trading EstGateshead, Tyne and WearInghilterra NE11 0PZTel.: +44 (0) 191 402 9000Fax: +44 (0) 191 482 6296/gsfe© Parker Hannifin Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati.。
> Port size: 1/8 ... 1/2” (ISO G)
> Design allows in-line installation or modular installation with other 49 Series products.
Model Automatic -
Semi automatic Manual
Option selector
Port size 1/8” 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” Thread form ISO G
Substitute 1 2 3 4
Substitute G
Transparent with guard *3)
Semi automatic drain
Manual drain
Automatic drain *3)
*1) Outlet pressure can be adjusted in excess of and less than those speci�ied. Do not use these units to control pressures outside of the speci�ied ranges.
bowl for replacing filter element.
空气过滤器 FFU中英文资料
95/30 1990/80
825/30 1650/80
660/20 1700/20 850/20 1420/20 1180/20 950/20 1800/18 850/18 1420/18 1180/18 950/18
1325/63 3400/70 1700/70 2840/70 2360/70 1870/70 3400/68 1700/68 2840/68 2360/68 1870/68
Integrity、 Quality 、Innovation 、Service、Value (IQIS&V)
MF-Air FilterG3,G4 金属框空气过滤器
The initial effect panel type filter is suitable for the initial filtration of air conditioner and ventilation systems, filtration of the returned air in the clean chambers and pre-filtration for the partial high-effect filtration systems. It has been broadly used in various industries, to include electronics, electric appliances, aviation and aerospace, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, biological engineering, environmental protection, telecommunication, banks, intelligent buildings, hotels, restaurants, etc.
Eaton BECO和BECOPAD深度过滤器纸过滤器产品说明书
Filtration ProductsBECOPADPremium depth filter sheets made of cellulose, characterized by high-purity, strength and performance for excel-lent color and flavor fidelity.Main applications:Wine, beer, fruit juices, spirits, food, fine/specialty chemistry, biotechnol-ogy, pharmaceutical, cosmetics BECO standardDepth filter sheets with excellentclarification performance for reliableremoval from particles to microorgan-isms due to optimal pore structure andadsorption.Main applications:Wine, beer, fruit juices, spirits, food,fine/specialty chemistry, biotechnol-ogy, pharmaceutical, cosmeticsBECO CPSDepth filter sheets with high dirt-holding capacity and burst strength forfiltration of liquids with high viscosityor particle load.Main applications:Fine/specialty chemistry, biotechnol-ogy, pharmaceutical, cosmetics,food, fruit juicesBECO ACF 07Immobilized activated carbon impartshigh adsorption capacity to carbondepth filter sheets for removal ofcolors, odors and undesirablebyproducts from liquids.Main applications:Fine/specialty chemistry, biotechnol-ogy, pharmaceutical, cosmetics,fruit juices, spirits, foodSelection guideBECO CP1Depth filter sheets specifically manufactured with reduced thick-ness for polishing filtration of viscous liquids.Main applications:Fine/specialty chemistry, cosmetics BECO SELECT ADepth filter sheets specificallymanufactured with reduced calciumand magnesium for prevention andremoval of haze while preserving colorand flavor.Main applications:Spirits,flavors and fragrancesBECO ENDURAReusable support sheet for pre-coatfiltration. Excellent wet strength com-bined with an optimal filter surfacetexture for removal of filter cake withease.Main applications:Beer, food,fine/specialty chemistry, cosmeticsBECOPAD PDepth filter sheets composed of high-purity cellulose with low extractables, extremely low endotoxin content (<0.025EU/ml) after rinsing with 6.6gal/ sqm (25l/m²) WFI (Water for Injection) and up to 50% reduction of rinse volume.Main applications:Pharmaceutical, fine/specialty chemistry, biotechnology A Validation Guide is available upon request.BECO PRDepth filter sheets with excellent clarificationperformance for reliable removal of particulate,microorganisms and retention of endotoxins due tooptimal combi n a t ion of depth filtration and adsorp-tion. An endotoxin content of <0.125EU/ml afterrinsing with 13.2gal/sqm (50l/m²) WFI is achieved.Main applications:Pharmaceutical, fine/specialty chemistry, biotechnologyA Validation Guide is available upon request.BECO PR ENDURA SSupport sheets specifically formulated for pre-coatfiltration and valuable product recovery. The unusualsurface qualities enable quick pasterelease in applications such as plasma fractionation.An endotoxin content of <0.08EU/ml after rinsingwith 13.2gal/sqm (50l/m²) WFI is achieved.Main applications:Pharmaceutical, fine/specialty chemistry, biotechnologyA Validation Guide is available upon request..Technical data1 100k Pa = 1b ar |2 Without the addition of mineral components |3 Determination after rinsing with 6.6 g al/sqm (25l/m2) WFI (Water for Injection) |4 Determination after rinsing with 13.2 g al/sqm (50l/m2) WFIRetention ranges and filtration tasksOrdering informationBECOPAD depth filter sheetsNote for orders:Our 8-digit order no. consists of two parts: • the 5-digit article no. and • the 3-digit format no.Examples for the format no. code:BECO depth filter sheetsNote for orders:Our 8-digit order no. consists of two parts: • the 5-digit article no. and • the 3-digit format no.Examples for the format no. code:All common square or round filter sizes are available for delivery. Special formats are available upon request.US1 A more information, please email us at ********************or visit /filtration© 2018 Eaton. All rights reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All information and recommendations appearing in this brochure concerning the use of products described herein are based on tests believed to be reliable. However, it is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for his own use of such products. Since the actual use by others is beyond our control, no guarantee, expressed or implied, is made by Eaton as to the effects of such use or the results to be obtained. Eaton assumes no liability arising outof the use by others of such products. Nor is the information herein to be construed as absolutely complete, since ad-ditional information may be necessary or desirable when particular or exceptional conditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable laws or government regulations.North America 44 Apple StreetTinton Falls, NJ 07724Toll Free: 800 656-3344 (North America only)Tel: +1 732 212-4700Europe/Africa/Middle East Auf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Germany Tel: +49 2486 809-0Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Germany Tel: +49 6205 2094-0An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Germany Tel: +49 6704 204-0ChinaNo. 3, Lane 280, Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335 Shanghai, P .R. China Tel: +86 21 5200-0099Singapore100G Pasir Panjang Road #07-08 Singapore 118523Tel: +65 6825-1668BrazilRua Clark, 2061 - Macuco 13279-400 - Valinhos, Brazil Tel: +55 11 3616-8400。
Parker Pneumatic全球模块化粒子过滤器产品说明说明书
P33 Aluminum ABS Polycarbonate Aluminum Nylon Polypropylene Acetal Sintered Polyethylene Nitrile Polycarbonate
Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division Richland, Michigan /pneumatics
Filter element
Sight gauge
Metal bowl
P31 Aluminum N/A Polycarbonate Aluminum Nylon N/A Acetal Sintered Polyethylene Nitrile N/A
P32 Aluminum N/A Polycarbonate Aluminum Nylon Polypropylene Acetal Sintered Polyethylene Nitrile Polycarbonate
18.3 (0.72)
116.3 (4.58)
4mm (5/32") I.D. Tube Barb fitting
73 (2.87)
Bowl 33.3 removal (1.31) clearance
73 (2.87)
36 (1.42)
26 (1.02)
Air Preparation Products Global Modular Particulate Filters
S* Metal bowl with sight gauge
* Not available with P31 Series.
Bulk Liquid Precision / Stainless General
Pellicon XL 50设备2 Pellicon XL 50过滤器用户指南说明书
Operating Instructions Pellicon® XL 50 Device2Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide Read and understand this user guide before usingthe Pellicon® XL 50 devices.All Pellicon® XL 50 devices are integrity tested prior to shipment.A certificate of quality is included in every box.The packaging contains a Pellicon® XL 50 device and an Accessories Kit located in the section below the Pellicon® XL 50 device. The components in the kit include:Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide 3 User Supplied Equipment • Peristaltic pump drive, variable speed, 60-600 RPM (or equivalent)• Pump head 480 mL/min at 600 RPM (or equivalent) • Suitable containers for feed, retentate and permeateOptional equipment• Ring stand with clamps or Pellicon® XL 50 stand • 25 mL syringe• 50 mL graduated cylinder• Stopwatch• Stir plate• Gauge kit• 100 mL reservoir• Multimanifold• Scissors or tubing cutter4Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide Set-up1. Remove the Pellicon® XL 50 device from theplastic bag.2. Cut three lengths of tubing, one for the retentate,permeate and feed lines. The approximate length for each piece of tubing for set-up and flushingas seen in Figure 2 is 30 cm (12 in.) for theretentate and permeate lines and 56 cm (22 in.) for the feed line.Note To minimize hold-up volume shorten the tubing lengths where possible.3. Remove the luer caps(do not discard) from thePERMEATE 2, RETENTATEand FEED ports (Figure 1).4.to the ports.5. Slip tubing clamps over theends of the tubing.6. Place the clamps overthe barbs and secure theclamps.Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide 5 7. Stabilize the Pellicon® XL 50 device. Place it inthe stand (Figure 1)—or a ring stand—to hold the device upright, or lay it flat on the bench.8. Place the retentate clamp on the retentate tubingapproximately 3.8 cm (1.5 in.) from the tubingclamp. Secure but do not tighten the clamp.9. Install the feed tubing into the pump headaccording to the pump manufacturer’s directions.10. Place the tubing ends into three separatecontainers (see Figure 2).6Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide FlushingThe Pellicon® XL 50 device contains trace amounts of glycerine and preservatives. To remove these trace amounts before sample processing, follow the flushing procedure below (Figure 3).1. Fill the feed container with 500 mL of purifiedwater.Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide 7 2. Turn on the pump. Set the retentate flow rate(crossflow) to 30–50 mL/min. To measure theflow rate place the end of the retentate tubinginto a graduated cylinder and collect waterfor 1 minute and measure volume collected toobtain flow rate. Adjust pump speed if necessary and measure again. Once the correct flow rateis obtained, note the pump setting for futurereference.3. Flush 150 mL through the retentate tubing.4. Continue flushing until 300 mL are collected inthe permeate container. Add more feed liquidas required. Permeate flow can be increased by tightening the retentate clamp.Note Do not restrict retentate flow completely.5. Turn off the pump.6. Empty all containers.8Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide Integrity Testing (optional) The following tools can be used for low-volumeintegrity testing:• mass flow meter• inverted graduated cylinder• rotameter• liquid displacement in a graduated pipetteThe procedure detailed below is for liquid displacement in a graduated pipette.Pipette MethodA clean air source with a pressure gauge is required for integrity testing. Obtain test pressure to be used from integrity testing section in the Certificate of Quality. 1. With the permeate ports open, connect a cleanair source to the feed port and blow acrossfeedside of membrane at 5 psi to remove asmuch liquid as possible through the retentateport.2. Turn off air source.Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide 9 3. Place cap on the RETENTATE and the PERMEATE 1ports (Figure 1).4. Connect tubing to PERMEATE 2 port. Addapproximately 0.1 mL water to a 1 mL pipette.5. Insert the pipette tip into the permeate tubing.6. Turn on air source. Stabilize at test pressure (seeCertificate of Quality).7. Measure air flow by timing displacement of liquidin the pipette for 30 seconds and multiply by 2 to obtain an air flow rate.The Pellicon® XL 50 device is integral if the air flowis less than or equal to the value in the Certificate of Quality.10Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide Preconditioning1.containersin Figure 4.2. Fill the feedcontainermL of anappropriatebuffer.3. Turn on the pump which has been set at a feedflow rate of 30–50 mL/min.4. Pump approximately 30 mL of buffer through thepermeate tubing to remove residual water.5. Turn off the pump. Remove the feed andretentate tubing from the feed container.6. Empty the feed container.7. Remove permeate tubing from the permeateport and hold upright over the waste container to drain. Replace permeate tubing.Sample Processing (concentration)Mixing of the sample is recommended during processing. A stir plate can be used.1. Arrange clean containers and tubing connections2. Fill feed container with sample to beconcentrated.3. Turn on the pump which has been set at a feedflow rate of 30–50 mL/min.4. Filter the solution until the desired concentrationor volume is obtained. Permeate flow can beincreased by tightening the retentate clampslightly.Note Do not restrict retentate flow completely.5. Turn the pump off. Remove the feed tubing fromthe feed container.6. Turn the pump on. Pump all the retentate andupstream fluid into the feed container.7. Turn the pump off. Remove the feed tubing fromthe pump head.Product RecoveryTo maximize product recovery follow the steps below. Minimum working volume will vary depending upon tubing length, container and pump setup. It is possible to get 15–20 mL final working volume.1. Place the feed tubing in the feed container.2. Remove the permeate tubing from the permeateport. Replace with cap.3. Remove the retentate tubing from the retentateport. Keep the other end in the feed container. 4. Hold the end of the retentate tubing (with thetubing clamp) higher than the feed container to allow sample to drain out.5. Fill a 25 mL syringe with 5 mL of permeate orbuffer.6. Attach the syringe to the retentate port.7. Slowly push all the buffer or permeate into thePellicon® XL 50 device.8. Disconnect the syringe.9. Fill the syringe with air. Withdraw the syringeplunger to the 10 mL mark.10. Reconnect the syringe to the retentate port andpush the air into the Pellicon® XL 50 device. 11. Recover sample remaining in the feed tubingby removing the tubing from the Pellicon® XL50 device and allow it to drain into the feedcontainer.CleaningRecommended cleaning solutions (marked by X):Membranes:1 = Biomax® (Polyethersulphone)2 = Ultracel® (composite regenerated cellulose)3 = Durapore® (PVDF)Do not exceed 30 psi inlet for cleaning cycle. Arrange clean containers and tubing connections as in Figure 6.1. Loosen retentate clamp.2. Fill the feed container with 500 mL of cleaningsolution.3. Set the pump control to the same pump settingused in the flushing step (30–50 mL/min).4. Turn the pump on and collect 250 mL of cleaningsolution in the waste container .5. Turn the pump off. Place the retentate tubing inthe feed container .6. Turn the pump on. Slightly tighten the retentatetubing clamp to increase permeate flow rate.Note Do not restrict retentate flow completely.Figure 6: Cleaning7. Recirculate the cleaning solution for 30–60minutes.8. Turn the pump off and discard the cleaningsolution.FlushingRepeat flushing procedure detailed in Flushing section.StorageRecommended storage solutionsUse storage agents and conditions that are suitable for the process requirements. Storage agents must comply with applicable local regulations.Membranes:1 = Biomax® (Polyethersulphone)2 = Ultracel® (composite regenerated cellulose)3 = Durapore® (PVDF)Pump storage solution through the device or follow the steps below:1. Remove the retentate tubing from the device.2. Remove the feed tubing from the pump head.3. Fill a syringe with 10 mL of storage solution.4. Attach the syringe to the retentate port andslowly push the solution into the device.5. Disconnect the syringe and all tubing. Replacethe caps on the ports. Store flat at 4–25 ºC.SpecificationsFiltration Area50 cm2/0.005 m2 (0.05 ft2) Device Width 3.0 cm (1.2 inch)Device Length18.8 cm (7.4 inch) Holdup Volume (typical) 3.2 mLMaximum OperatingPressure 5.6 bar (80 psig)Maximum Operating Pressure for Optimum Scale-up to Pellicon® 2 (feed to permeate)40 psig (2.7 bar) up to 45 °COptimum Feed Flow Ratefor Polarized Solutions30–50 mL/minpH Compatibility Biomax®Membrane1–14Ultracel®Membrane2-12 (continuous)2-13 (cleaning) Durapore®Membrane1.5–9 (continuous)1–11 (cleaning)Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide 21 Ordering InformationEach Pellicon® XL 50 Device is packaged one per box and includes operating instructions, an accessory kit and a Certificate of Quality.22Pellicon® XL 50 Filter User GuidePellicon® XL 50 Filter User Guide 23For more information anddocumentation please contact: Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany Corporation with General Partners Frankfurter Str . 25064293 Darmstadt, Germany Phone: + 49 6151-72 0The vibrant M, Durapore, Pellicon, Ultracel and Biomax are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their re -spective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources.P60085 Rev 8. 03/2019 © 2001-2019 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany or its affiliates. All rights reserved.For requests from USA and Canada please contact:MilliporeSigmaA subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany 400 Summit DriveBurlington, MA 01803 USA Phone: We provide information and advice to our customers on application technologies and regulatory matters to the best of our knowledge and ability, but without obligation or liability. Existing laws and regulations are to be observed in all cases by our customers. This also applies in respect to any rights of third parties. Our information and advice do not relieve our customers of their own responsibility for checking the suitability of our products for the envisaged purpose.。
Mechanically Cleaned Filters and StrainersDCF, MCF, MCSCollect, concentrate, expel Eaton’s mechanically cleaned filters are based on a simple concept: A cylindrical stainless steel housing (1) contains a filter screen (2); unfiltered liquids enter the inlet (3); solids are deposited on the interior surface of the filtration screen; and filtered fluid exits at the outlet (4).When the media requires cleaning (based on time,differential pressure, or manual selection), a spring loadedcleaning disc travels down and up, wiping the media clean of concentrated solids in both strokes. Once the debris is removed from the slotted screen, the cleaning discdirects the contaminant to the bottom of the housing (6) and out of the flow path (7). This cleaning process happens while the filter remains in service, thereby maintaining process efficiency anddramatically reducing loss of valuable product.Choice of actuation method PneumaticThe cleaning disc can beactuated by air pressure alone (60 to 80 psi @ 5 cfm). DCF-800 and DCF-1600models feature single or twin air cylinders. The smaller DCF-400 is equipped with a single cylinder. The DCF-3000 model is only available in twin actuator design.Pneumatic with magnetic couplingMCS- and MCF-Series utilize rare earth magnets toeliminate the need for lid thru-holes and their associated seals.This cost-effectivemethod reduces maintenance and lengthens operating life.MotorizedThe DCF-2000 Series uses a motor to drive the cleaning disc through higher viscosity fluids and other challenging conditions.• Elimination or reduction in disposable filter bags or cartridges for reduced operator handling inventory costs and landfill waste • Reduction in product loss, more thorough contaminant purge • Reduction or elimination of operator intervention for safer operation • Virtually maintenance free, near 100% uptime• Compact design, lower capital cost to fit most installations • Choice of pneumatic, motor drive or magnetic actuation • Stainless steel screens from 15 micron slots to 1/4" perforations to handle a wide range of filtration needs •Short payback period and increased ROImedia.TYPICAL APPLICATIONS• paper coatings • pcc/gcc slurries • phenolic resins • detergents • petroleum based greases • ethanol processing • hot fry oils • cip fluids (sodium hydroxide) • starch • lime slurries • adhesives • curtain coaters • nutraceuticals • machining coolants • paint • ink • chocolate • edible oils • tallowFor more information, please email us at ********************or visit /filtration© 2022 Eaton. All rights reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All information and recommenda-tions appearing in this brochure concerning the use of products described herein are based on tests believed to be reliable. However, it is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for his own use of such products. Since the actual use by others is beyond our control, no guarantee, expressed or implied, is made by Eaton as to the effects of such use or the results to be obtained. Eaton assumes no liability arising out of the use by others of such products. Nor is the infor-mation herein to be construed as absolutely complete, since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular or exceptional conditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable laws or government regulations.North America 44 Apple StreetTinton Falls, NJ 07724Toll Free: 800 656-3344 (North America only)Tel: +1 732 212-4700Europe/Africa/Middle East Auf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Germany Tel: +49 2486 809-0Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Germany Tel: +49 6205 2094-0An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Germany Tel: +49 6704 204-0Greater China No. 7, Lane 280, Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335 Shanghai, P .R. China Tel: +86 21 5200-0099Asia-Pacific100G Pasir Panjang Road #07-08 Interlocal Centre Singapore 118523Tel: +65 6825-1668US10-2022DCF with T win ActuationDesigned for the rigors of pro-cessing highly viscous, abrasive, sticky, or otherwise hard-to-pro-cess liquids, the Twin Actuation is ideal for a broad spectrum of challenging applications.DCF-1600 with twinactuationDCF-SeriesWhen processing water and water-like liquids where a low initial investment is demanded, this series delivers tremendous benefits.DCF-2000-SeriesDesigned specifically for the needs of the pulp and paper industry, the DCF-2000 features a rugged motorized cleaning action, which can handle the continuous processing requirements of protecting critical wet-end coating operations.High Flow MCS StrainerEngineered to conserve valuable process water while protecting costly equipment from debris, the MCS features fast-cleaning magnetically coupled actuation. This high flow strainer uses a magnetically coupled cleaning disc, which eliminates the need for cover thru-holes and their associated seals.DCF-1600DCF-800DCF-2000MCF-824MCS-500MCF 824-SeriesThe MCF features a magnetically coupled cleaning disc, which eliminates the need for lid thru-holes and their associated seals. The MCF was designed specifically for the most challenging process liquids and conditions, and features the fastest cleaning action of the mechanicallycleaned family.In Eaton’s DCF mechanically cleaned filter unit, incoming fluids (1) are channeled from the interior cylinder through a wire screen (2) to the outer cylinder and out the discharge port (3). A cleaning disc (4) travels down and up inside the cylinder to periodically clear the filter screen. Particles are collected at the bottom of the housing where they can be discharged (5).Our unique circularcleaning disc design (MCF824-Series design shown) ensures intimate contact with the screen to thoroughly and uniformly clean the media.41235///////////////////////TECHNICAL INFORMATIONMechanically Cleaned SystemsDisc PowerFor more information, please email us at ********************or visit /filtration© 2022 Eaton. All rights reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All information and recommenda-tions appearing in this brochure concerning the use of products described herein are based on tests believed to be reliable. However, it is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for his own use of such products. Since the actual use by others is beyond our control, no guarantee, expressed or implied, is made by Eaton as to the effects of such use or the results to be obtained. Eaton assumes no liability arising out of the use by others of such products. Nor is the infor-mation herein to be construed as absolutely complete, since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular or exceptional conditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable laws or government regulations.North America 44 Apple StreetTinton Falls, NJ 07724Toll Free: 800 656-3344 (North America only)Tel: +1 732 212-4700Europe/Africa/Middle East Auf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Germany Tel: +49 2486 809-0Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Germany Tel: +49 6205 2094-0An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Germany Tel: +49 6704 204-0Greater China No. 7, Lane 280, Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335 Shanghai, P .R. China Tel: +86 21 5200-0099Asia-Pacific100G Pasir Panjang Road #07-08 Interlocal Centre Singapore 118523Tel: +65 6825-1668US 10-2022///////////////////////Mechanically Cleaned Filters & StrainersMechanically Cleaned Filters and StrainersSelection of media retentions and degree of automation is easy with Eaton mechanically cleaned filtration systems. Choose from 15-micron filter elements to 1/4" strainers.Manual to semi-automatic to full microprocessor controlled systems can be configured to suit specific operations, and the range of internal and external components help make Eatonsystems a logical choice for long-term efficiency and cost control.MEDIA ELEMENTSA range of control systems can be employed to actuate and monitor mechanically cleaned systems. Microcomputer controls can also be integrated with system-wide operations.Slotted Wedge WireDCF/MCF/MCS filter screens feature special wedge wire that is honed perfectly circular to guarantee contact with the cleaning disc so the slot openings are smallest at the screen’s surface. This design helps prevent particle plugging of the slot openings while assuring total rated solids removal.PerforatedPerforated screens feature precise and uniform perforation patterns for complete removal of larger solids. These elements are ideal for straining large volumes of viscous fluids.1/16", 1/8", and 1/4" perforationsare available.For more information, please email us at ********************or visit /filtration© 2022 Eaton. All rights reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All information and recommenda-tions appearing in this brochure concerning the use of products described herein are based on tests believed to be reliable. However, it is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for his own use of such products. Since the actual use by others is beyond our control, no guarantee, expressed or implied, is made by Eaton as to the effects of such use or the results to be obtained. Eaton assumes no liability arising out of the use by others of such products. Nor is the infor-mation herein to be construed as absolutely complete, since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular or exceptional conditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable laws or government regulations.North America 44 Apple StreetTinton Falls, NJ 07724Toll Free: 800 656-3344 (North America only)Tel: +1 732 212-4700Europe/Africa/Middle East Auf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Germany Tel: +49 2486 809-0Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Germany Tel: +49 6205 2094-0An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Germany Tel: +49 6704 204-0Greater China No. 7, Lane 280, Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335 Shanghai, P .R. China Tel: +86 21 5200-0099Asia-Pacific100G Pasir Panjang Road #07-08 Interlocal Centre Singapore 118523Tel: +65 6825-1668US 10-2022.0006 15 – 2 .001 25 – 3 .0015 38 400 5 .002 50 325 6 .003 75 200 9 .004 100 150 12 .006 150 100 17 .007 180 80 19 .008 200 70 21 .009 230 60 23 .015 380 40 33 .024 610 30 44 .030 750 20 50.04511401560Perforated1/16 157 5 12 40 1/8 3175 6 401/46350357Additional retentions available. Consult Eaton.Cleaning discsLid and element sealsContinuous Cleaning Valve (CCV) is the standard configuration where the cleaning disc continuously cycles, driven by shop airflow. Purge iscontrolled by a manual valve or push-button.PLC controls deliver programmable stand-alone performance. A panel mounted HMI allows for easy parameter changes and system monitoring. Power isolation design reduces electrical shock hazard. PLC controls can also integrate into existing control networks. Eaton, Allen Bradley and Siemens are standard options. Hardware is mounted in a NEMA4 enclosure (stainless steel optional).The low cost smart relay optionallows for timed clean or timed clean and purge. Parameter changes are made via an integrated display. Hardware is mounted in a NEMA4 enclosure (stainless steel optional). Dual pneumatic timers are also available. As standard, hardware in mounted in a NEMA4 enclosure (stainless steel optional).The control options for mechanically cleaned filters are as broad as the applications they serve. Available controllers include:UHMWPETeflon ® or Kynar ®(DCF design shown)UrethaneSlotted Wedge WireTo meet the widest range of operating conditions andprocess liquid characteristics, Eaton mechanically cleaned systems are available with a number of lid and element seal elastomers and cleaning discs.Nordel ®Viton ®Viton ®, Nordel ® and Teflon ® are registered trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. Kynar ® is a registered trademark of Arkema Group.。
冷却水过滤- 6 x PFH 112610 汽车厂冷却水过滤– 2 x PFH 112606 钢厂冷却水过滤
- 3 x PTW 212612 河水过滤- KFH 112606 电厂冷却水过滤– 2 x PFH 112610 海水过滤
- 2 x KTW 212612
饮用水过滤- 4 x PFH 112608 井水过滤- SPT 110303 SFH 110202 河水过滤- PTR 312616。
3M Versaflo 氧气过滤器产品说明说明书
Pneumatic PF602 过滤器系列用户手册说明书
FRL-SIF-82 Hi-Flow PF602 Filters
ISSUED: May, 2001 Supersedes: None
Twist Drain
Automatic Drain
Twist Drain ..................................................... PSA600Y7-1 Filter Elements – 40 Micron ................................................. PEK602B
2 .1
Flow Characteristics PF602-10EJ
1-1/4 Inch Ports
Flow1-1/2 Inch Ports
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
08. 1" 10. 1-1/4" 12. 1-1/2"
Bowl E. Metal Bowl
J. 40 Micron G. 5 Micron
Blank Twist Drain
Float Drain
NOTE: Shaded items are standard.
1" Ported Body ................................................................... PRK602B 1-1/4" & 1-1/2" Ported Body .............................................. PRK602C
Clean Air Filter SFD110-∗Safety Instructions P.21. Application P.72. Standard specification P.73. How to order P.74. Construction and Replacement parts P.85. Maintenance P.86. How to mount P.87. Dimensions P.9Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.” They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC)*1) , and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems. ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines .(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could resultin minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result indeath or serious injury.Warning1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs the equipment ordecides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined its compatibility with the product.This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment. The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed. 1.The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures to prevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2.When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above are implemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed to direct sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping, vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis.e in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using a mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.Safety InstructionsCautionThe product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange specifications or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsThe product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”.Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1.The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product isdelivered,whichever is first.∗2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts. Please consult your nearest sales branch.2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility,a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred due to the failure of the product.3. Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms and disclaimersnoted in the specified catalog for the particular products.∗2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of the vacuumpad or failure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limitedwarranty.Compliance Requirements1. The use of SMC products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons of massdestruction (WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2. The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are governed by therelevant security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules governing that export are known and followed.CautionSMC products are not intended for use as instruments for legal metrology.Measurement instruments that SMC manufactures or sells have not been qualified by type approval tests relevant to the metrology (measurement) laws of each country.Therefore, SMC products cannot be used for business or certification ordained by the metrology (measurement) laws of each country.Warning(1) Thoroughly and carefully confirm the purpose of use, required specifications and operatingconditions (fluid, pressure, flow rate, nominal filtration rating and environment) then select a model within the specifications.(2) The product is not certified under the High Pressure Gas Safety law, so for nitrogen, its maximumoperating pressure will be 0.99 MPa (gauge pressure).(3) Contact us beforehand if the product will be used in an application such as a caisson shield,breathing, food and/or medical treatment that affects the human body directly or indirectly.(4) If the compressed air includes ozone, do not use it since it may damage the product or causemalfunction. When it includes ozone, use a clean gas filter (SFA/B/C).Warning(1) Operating manualMount the product after reading and understanding the operation manual. Keep it in a location where it can easily be found.(2) FlushingFlush the piping line when the filter is used for the first time or has been replaced. In the event of connecting such as piping, flush (air blow) when using this product for the first time or replacing its elements in order to reduce the affect of the dust generated from the connection, etc. Flushing the line is also required to eliminate contamination resulting from the piping line installation. Therefore, be sure to flush the line before actually running the system. Fix all mounting parts for use.(3) Use fittings with resin threads for the connection of fittings to the IN and OUT ports.Using fittings with metal threads could damage the IN and OUT ports.(4) Connect tubing to the IN and OUT One-touch fittings in accordance with the precautions for One-touch fittings.Caution(1) Connect the piping in accordance with the flow direction marked on the case.If connected in reverse, the element could break.(2) The mounting orientation does not affect the performance, but if excessive force is applied to theproduct, the body may become disconnected from the bracket.Therefore, take particular care about the mounting orientation.Warning(1) The material of the element is polycarbonate.The material is resistant to wiping with alcohol, but is not suitable for atmospheres or places with organic solvents, chemicals, cutting oils, synthetic oils, ester base compressor oils, alkalis orthread locking agents.Caution(1) If the pressure difference (pressure drop) between the inlet and the outlet exceeds 0.1 MPa, it cancause damage to the product.(2) Do not install the product in a place where it can be affected by a pulsation (including surgepressure) of over 0.1 MPa.(3) Use caution regarding the particles that may be emitted from the outlet side of a pneumaticequipment.Installation of a pneumatic equipment on the outlet side can deteriorate the cleanliness because a particle will be generated from the equipment.The mounting position of the pneumatic equipment needs to be considered.(4) Set the air flow capacity with an initial pressure drop of 0.03 MPa or less. If the initial pressure dropis set to be high, its service life will be shorten due to clogging.(5) Determine the product by the maximum consumption flow rate.When using compressed air for an air blow application, calculate the maximum volume of air that will be consumed before selecting.(6) Generally, the following pollutant particles are contained in compressed air.[Pollutant particle substances contained in the compressed air]●Moisture (drainage)●Dusts and particles which are in the surrounding air●Deteriorated oil which is discharged from the compressor●Solid foreign matter such as rust and/or oil in the piping1) The SFD series is not compatible with compressed air which contains fluids such as waterand/or oil.2) Install a dryer (IDF, IDG, ID series), mist separator (AM series), micro mist separator (AMDseries), super mist separator (AME series), or odor removal filter (AMF series), etc., for thesource of the air for the SFD series.(7) Using with a flow-rate much higher than its specification could lead to exceeding the differentialpressure the product can resist.Use the product within its specifications. Also, take care about the replacement period of theproduct, taking into consideration that the differential pressure of the filter will increase over time.Caution(1) Unpacking the sealed packageSince the filter is sealed in an antistatic double bag, the inner package should be unpacked in a clean atmosphere (such as a clean room).(2) Apply a wrench to 2 chamfered flats or hexagon portion on the IN side or the OUT side to preventthe housing from rotating.(3) Always tighten threads with the proper tightening torque.When attaching fittings to the product, tighten with the proper tightening torque (2 to 3 N・m). (4) Check the arrow mark on the case which shows the flow direction to connect the IN and OUT portscorrectly.If connected in reverse, the element could break.Warning(1) Follow the maintenance procedures in the operation manual. If handled incorrectly equipment ordevice can be damaged or cause a malfunction.(2) When removing the product, exhaust the air and ensure the air is released to atmosphere beforeremoving it.(3) When the element comes to the end of its life, immediately replace it with a new filter.Service life of elementThe service life of the element ends when either of the following two conditions occurs.1) After 1 year of usage has elapsed.2) When the pressure drop reaches 0.1 MPa even though the operating period has been lessthan 1 year.Warning(1) Do not operate under the conditions listed below due to a risk of malfunction.In locations having corrosive gases, organic solvents, and chemical solutions, or in locations in which these elements are likely to adhere to the equipment.In locations in which salt water, water, or water vapor could come in contact with the equipment.In locations that are exposed to direct sunlight. (Shield the equipment from sunlight to prevent its resin material from ultraviolet ray degradation or overheating.)In locations that have a heat source and poor ventilation. (Shield the equipment from heat sources to protect it from softening degradation due to radiated heat.)In locations that are exposed to shocks and vibrations.In locations with high humidity or a large amounts of dust.(2) When the product is used for blowing, use caution to prevent the work from being damaged byentrained air from the surrounding area.When the compressed air is used for air blow, the exhausted air from the blow nozzle may have taken in airborne foreign matter (such as solid particle, fluid particle) from the surround air. The foreign matter will be sprayed on the work, and the airborne foreign matter may adhere to it.Therefore, use caution for the surrounding environment.Warning(1) When tubing of brands other than SMC’s are used, verify that the tubing O.D. satisfies the followingaccuracy;1) Polyolefin tube: Within ±0.1 mm2) Polyurethane tubing: Within +0.15 mm, within –0.2 mm3) Nylon tubing: Within ±0.1 mm4) Soft nylon tubing: Within ±0.1 mmDo not use tubing which does not meet these outside diameter tolerances. It may not be possible to connect them, or they may cause other trouble, such as air leakage or the tube pulling out after connection.The recommended tube for the clean fitting is polyolefin tube. Other tubes can satisfy theperformance in terms of leakage, tensile strength, etc., but impair the cleanliness. Note this point for use.1. ApplicationThis product aims at eliminating solid foreign matter in the air line.2. Standard specificationModelSFD110 Port size One-touch fittingsφ 4, φ 6, φ 8 Rc, NPT, G1/4 Air flow capacity Up to 120L/min(ANR)FluidAir, NitrogenNominal filtration rating Note1)0.01μm(filtration accuracy 99.99%)Operating pressure range Note2)-100kPa to 1.0MPa (In case of Nitrogen:0.99MPa )Relationship between Operating Temperatureand Max. Operating PressureOperating temperature 5 to 45℃Initial pressure dropLess than 0.03MPa (at inlet pressure 0.7MPa, maximum flow)Element proof differential pressure Note3) 0.5MPa Proof pressure 1.5MPaElement service life 1 year, or when the pressure drop reaches 0.1MPa.4. Construction and Replacement partsSFD110-C** SFD110-*02*Component PartsNo. DescriptionMaterial 1 Element - 2 Cover PBT 3 O-ringHNBR4 Clean One-touch fittings PP , EPDM, Stainless steel5BracketPBTReplacement PartsNo. Description Material Note1Bracket setSFD-BR100With 2 countersunk head screw (M3)5. MaintenanceThe element of this product cannot be disassembled or replaced. It is therefore necessary to replace the entire housing to replace the element.<Time to replace the filter body or element >The service life of the element ends when either of the following two conditions occurs. 1) After 1 year of usage has elapsed.2) When the pressure drop reaches 0.1 MPa even though the operating period has been lessthan 1 year.6. How to mount● Check which side is IN ・OUT before connecting. The direction of IN and OUT must follow thearrow marking on the product housing.● Ensure that each sealing part does not leak.● Keep a space to remove the element for maintenance.● Follow the instructions for the one-touch fitting to connect and disconnect tubing.IN7. DimensionsSFD110-C**SFD110-C** dimensionsModel A BSFD110- C04 4 81 C06 6 81 C08 8 82SFD110-*02*Bracket mounting dimensions Hole shape for bracket mounting*Use a countersunk head screw (M3)for bracket mountingDocument No.DOC1018377 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362© 2022 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved。
EZ-Fit 过滤器单元用户指南说明书
User GuideEZ-Fit® Filtration UnitThe life science business of Merck KGaA,Darmstadt, Germany operatesas MilliporeSigma in theUS and Canada.CoverFunnelMembraneSupport pad (blue unit only)BasePlug (blue unit bulk packaging and selected versions only)IntroductionThe EZ-Fit ® Filtration Unit is a disposable filtration device for bioburden testing of liquid samples like water, process samples, or final products. It is designed for optimizing and securing the laboratory workflow to provide time-saving and reliable microbiologicalresults. After the filtration of the sample, the membrane can be transferred and cultured on an agar plate. Alternately, on the blue unit only, liquid media can be added after the filtration, and the device converts into a Petri dish.This disposable device is designed to fit onto the EZ-Fit ® Manifold, which features specific EZ-Fit ® Filtration heads. It can also fit onto a standard #8 stopper.The EZ-Fit ® filtration device consists of:The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. This manual is believed to be complete and accurate at the time of publication. In no event shall Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising from, the use of this manual.Materials of constructionFunnelStyrene butadiene copolymer MembraneMixed cellulose esters, PVDF Support pad (blue unit versions only)CelluloseBaseAcrilonitrile butadiene styrene Plug (blue unit in bulk packaging & selected versions only)Low-density polyethylene DimensionsHeight100 mL: 66.5 mm (2.6 in.)250 mL: 108.5 mm (4.3 in.)Largest diameter75.8 mm (3.0 in.)Filtration surface 12.56 cm2Sterilization method Electron beamStorage conditions Store in a cool and dry place Maximum temperature of the sample45 °CFiltration1. R emove the device from the packaging by grasping the funnel.CAUTION: G rasping the cover could result inremoving the cover from the funnel.NOTE: T he devices can be stacked.2. R emove the plug from the bottom of the base (blue unit bulk packaging & selected versions only).NOTE: W hen culturing using ampoule liquidmedia, do not discard the plug as it will be used during incubation step.6. T urn the knob to the upright positionto apply vacuum to perform filtration.5. Place the membrane into a solid medium.Ampoule Liquid Media(blue units bulk packaging versions only) 1. T urn the knob to the horizontal positionto stop the vacuum.2. R emove the cover and pour the liquidmedium evenly onto the membrane.3. Q uickly perform the followingoperations:1 Turn the knob to the vertical position. 2S lightly pinch the funnel and remove it.3P lace the cover onto the base.4R eturn the knob to the horizontal position to stop the vacuum.5. R eplace the plug and twist it ontothe support.NOTE: T he devices can be stacked in the incubator.Discarding the productRefer to the materials of construction of the device for proper disposal/recycling of each component.NOTE: The funnels can be stacked to reduce waste volume.Ordering Information®®1EZ-Fit ® Manifold, 3-place for EZ-Fit ® Filtration Units EZFITEFUN3EZ-Fit ® Manifold, 6-place for EZ-Fit ® Filtration Units EZFITEFUN6EZ-Fit ® filtration head for EZ-Fit ® Filtration Units EZFITMVHE1EZ-Fit ® filtration head for EZ-Fit ® Filtration Units 3EZFITMVHE3Visit our website: /EZ© 2020 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. The vibrant M, Millipore, Sigma-Aldrich,Lit. No. VM_PG5162EN Ver. 4.0。
中英文机械过滤器使用说明机械过滤器使用说明 Manual Filter User Guide一、产品概述 Product Overview机械过滤器是一种常用且高效的固液分离设备,广泛应用于水处理、化工、制药、食品等领域。
二、产品特点 Product Features1.结构简单、操作方便。
1. Simple structure and convenient operation.2. High filtration efficiency, can meet the needs of different industries.3. Adjustable filtration accuracy, suitable for particle filtration of different particle sizes.4. Different types of filters can be customized according to user requirements.三、使用方法 Instructions1.安装:先确保过滤器及配件无损坏,再将过滤器安装在对应的管道上。
1. Installation: Ensure that the filter and accessories are intact, and then install the filter on the corresponding pipeline. When connecting, keep the connection tight to prevent leakage.2. Adjusting Filtration Accuracy: Adjust the filtration accuracy of the filter according to actual needs. This can be achieved by replacing filters with different pore sizes or adjusting the tension of the filter mesh.3. Operation: Connect the liquid to be filtered to the inlet of the filter, open the valves of the inlet and outlet, ensure that the liquid flows through the filter, and remove impurities through the outlet.4. Cleaning and Maintenance: During use, if the filter is found to be blocked or the filtration rate slows down, it shouldbe promptly shut down for cleaning and maintenance. After removing the filter mesh, wash it with water or an appropriate solution, then thoroughly dry it before reassembling and using it.四、注意事项 Notice1.在进行清洗维护前,先关闭进口和出口的阀门,防止液体外泄。
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SLAF SeriesCompressed-air Secondary FilterOperation ManualHANGZHOU SHANLI PURIFY EQUIPMENT CORPORATIONContentsI. Product Profile ...................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1. Product Overview ........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2. Structure and Working Principle..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
II. Configuration and Installation ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1. Standard Pipeline for the Filters ..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2. Basic Configuration/Installation Pattern of the Filter..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3. Other Configuration/Installation Patterns of the Filters.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
III. Selection and Maintenance Requirements....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
IV. Troubleshooting................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Appendix: Chemical Corrosion Resistance Performance of the Filter Series..................... 错误!未定义书签。
Prior to startup, please read this manual carefullyI. Product Profile1. Product OverviewWhen free air from atmospheric environment is compressed by an air compressor, the hazardous substances like moisture, dust, and oil mist are fed into the pneumatically operated equipment and instruments along with compressed air. Such a high-temperature, high-moisture and high-pressure air flow may cause serious corrosion and contamination inside the expensive pneumatically operated device, instruments and pipeline soon, not only affecting the product quality, but also resulting in equipment failure/fatal accident due to inaccuracy of the instruments and devices. Furthermore, many industrial air sources for chemical fiber, printing, spray painting, mixing, pneumatic conveying, and pneumatic automated equipment are directly connected to the process tools for working procedures, which require that the compressed air shall be pure, dry, and free of any oil and dust. Therefore, it is essential to have the compressed air subjected to further purification treatment so that it may meet the production requirements, and compressed air drier supported by secondary filter can surely satisfy such requirements.2. Structure and Working PrincipleA secondary filter mainly consists of a filter element and a filter housing, and the latter may be divided into 2 basic types i.e. flange type and gland type as per different structures (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The upstream compressed air enters into the filter element through the air inlet and the air vent in the upper end of the filter element (5). The filter element is composed of multiple layers of filter materials capable of different functions. The compressed air separates and traps the moisture, dust, oil mist, and chemical substances with peculiar smell by means of effects of interception, inertia, gravity force, diffusion and adsorption, and are therefore. Pure compressed air reaches the downstream from the air outlet channel in the filter housing through the filter element (5), and is continually fed into the pneumatically operated equipment. The trapped hazardous substances like moisture, oil mist and dust are collected to the bottom of the cartridge (6) of the filter housing, and are discharge out of the machine through the valve that is automatically opened by the automatic drain trap when a certain volume is reached. The air inlet/outlet channels of filter housing are separated by baffle (2) and O-shaped rubber seal (3) of filter element. The filter housing is designed, manufactured and tested as per relevant technical standards for pressure vessel. Filter elements are a type of tubular parts composed of multi-layers of different materials, and may be divided into 5 basic specifications namely HC, HT, HA, HF and HH as per varied filtration functions (see Table 1):Air outlet Air inletAir outlet Air inletDrain outletDrain outletFig. 1 Flange Type Filter Fig. 2 Gland Type Filter1- filter housing gland 2 - baffle 3- filter element seal ring 4 - cartridge seal ring5- filter element 6- filter housing cartridge 7 - ball valve 8 - automatic drain valveTable (1)II. Configuration and InstallationTo ensure the filtering apparatus achieve the anticipated effects, correct configuration and installation are extremely important in addition to guaranteed quality of products.1. Standard Pipeline for the FiltersA complete set of compressed air purification system is composed of several equipment and relevant filters. To ensure easy operation and maintenance, each filter shall be installed as per the standard pipelines shown in Fig. 3. Items 3 and 4 as shown in the figure are the ON/OFF valves for upstream and downstream of the air supply pipeline, which shall be turned on when the filter works normally and shall be turned off prior to maintenance. Valve 5 is fitted in the air-supply branch and shall be turned off when the filter works normally and turned off prior to maintenance; it alarms automatically once pressure drop of air inlet/out exceeds a certain value to prompt the operator to check the filtration capacity of filter elements; it may also be substituted by fitting a manometer with buffer tube in the inlet/outlet pipeline. Item 2 is a sampling valve fitted in the air-supply pipeline and is designed for sampling prior to determining the degree of purification of the air supply. Note: Piping shown in the figure shall be installed by user.Fig. 3 Standard Pipeline for Filters2. Basic Configuration/Installation Pattern of the FilterHC-class filters are usually installed in the upstream pipeline composed of air compressor (1), after cooler (2) and air tank (3) as per the pattern shown in Fig. 4 to trap tmost of the moisture content, oil mist and dust particles of 3μm or greater contained in the upstream air channel, so that functions of purification and drying of the freezingdrier may be brought into full play. HT-class filter, HA-class filter and HF-class filter shall be connected in series in the downstream air channel after the freeze drier, and the air channel requiring removal of peculiar smell shall be additionally equipped with HH filter so that the filter contents of oil, water and dust of the downstream air may reach the required high purity.1 - air compressor2 - after cooler 3- air tank 4 – HC-class filter 5 - freeze drier6 - HT-class filter7 - HA-class filter.8 - HF-class filter9 - HH-class filter3. Other Configuration/Installation Patterns of the FiltersThe above-mentioned configuration pattern may be altered according to the circumstances as per user’s different requirements for air supply purification. For instance, when 3-stage HC, HT and HA filters are directly connected in series for the upstream air supply from the air tank, most of moisture, oil mist and dust particles contained in the air supply may be removed, satisfying the ordinary applications that require not so high purification of air supply. Some production processes, such as production of lens and integrated circuits, may require hyper-normal purification and dryness of air supply; for such applications, adsorption type drier may be additionally fitted after the freeze drier so that the air supply may meet the nearly ideal requirements for moisture free, grease free, and dust free purification and dryness.III. Selection and Maintenance Requirements1. Service conditions for the product (air delivery pipeline must be kept clean prior to installation of the filters)Working pressure: 0.4MPa-1.0MPa (or customized when lower than 3.5MPa)Operating temperature: ≤50℃Supply air shall be free of corrosive elementsCompress air throughput capacity: 1m 3/min- 300m 3/minIf input pressure is not standard pressure for operating mode, actual throughput capacity of filter element may vary; in such a case, actual air flow shall be divided by the correction coefficient given in Table 2, and select the value as per the obtained result.Table (2)2. Since liquid load-carrying abilities of filter elements of different types are different, filters shall be selectedand installed strictly as per the sequence namely HC – HT - HA - HF – HH, and they must not be converted or mismatched; otherwise, not only the expected filtration effect may not be achieved, but also the filter elements may be prematurely damaged.3. As a pressure vessel, filter housing is designed and manufactured as per the above-mentioned workingpressures; it shall work within the range of allowable pressure indicated in the name plate; no over-pressure ultra-temperature operation is allowed.4. Filter element is a critical component of a filter; when it works, it shall be regularly checked for pressuredrop of inlet/outlet air. The initial-stage pressure drop of this product series is about 0.01Mpa ~ 0.02MPa (each piece). Along withthe increase in service time, the pressure drop of filter element may gradually increase. When pressure drop reaches 0.07MPa, the filter element is already jammed with filth and shall be replaced in time, and it must not be subject to operation when the pressure drop gets too great. To replace a new filter element, the middle long screw rod shall be tightened, and the upper-end seal ring shall be checked for good condition. To replace HA type, HF type or HH type filter elements, do not directly grip the foam layer of the filter element by hand. Specific procedures for replacement of a filter element: a. Discharge completely the compressed air from vessel; b. Unscrew the fastening parts of vessel flange, and open the filter housing cartridge; c. Unscrew the drag-link nut of filter element, and remove the used filter element; d. Fix a new filter element, and replace the sealing members if they lose efficiency; c. Install the cartridge properly.5. The above-mentioned operating conditions shall be abided by strictly. The service life of this series of HC,HT and HA filter elements may reach 8000 hours or higher, and the working life of HH-type filter element is 2500 hours (the working life is counted when pressure drop of single filter element reaches 0.07MPa).IV . TroubleshootingAppendix: Chemical Corrosion Resistance Performance of the Filter Series文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. HANGZHOU SHANLI PURIFY EQUIPMENT CORPORATIONProduction Base: Dongfeng Industrial Area, Dongxi Avenue, Yuhang District, HangzhouTel: 9Special Service Line: 7Fax: 8Postcode: 311107Website:Email:1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.。