园艺专业英语翻译(中→英)Lesson1 part A1、protected (structure) horticulture is defined as a cultivation method taking use of heatkeeping ,chilling prevention or cooling and rainproof facilities to prevent the crops production from being influenced or seriously done by natural seasons and toartificially create a microclimate environment suitable for growing horticultural crops in cold or hot weather hat actually unfavorable to the crop development .it is also termed as out-of-season culture ,season-off culture or forcing culture .because of the season in which horticultural crops are planted is hand for their growing in open field.2、Windbreak、cold –frame 、hot-frame、 plastic-clad tunnel and greenhouse could providea variety of vegetable seeding for open field or protected culture or protect seedingof cold tolerant vegetable living through the winter ,for early planting andacquirement of early mature products.3、In respect of structure type, the largest horticultural structure area in our countryconsists of plastic tunnels and lean to houses, especially the energy-sawing solar greenhouse, which has become the dominant greenhouse type in the country. Presently the development of large greenhouse or multi-span house has been initiated. Lesson2 part A4、In horticultural crop cultivation under structure the key point of environment managementfor growers is to create optimal complex of environmental conditions for crop growth and development, as possibly as they can, according to properties and environmental demand of crop.Lesson3 part ALesson4 part A1、most soil amendments are consisted of the increasing of organic matters ,addition ofspecific nutritional elements and ph adjustment2、the soil is an important constitute of the land loamy soil must consist of soul particleswith proper ratio ,with equilibrium of nutrients ,in which contains some organic matter ,and with considerable moistureLesson5 part ALesson6 part A1、sink demand of horticultural crops extremely affects photosynthetic ,for example ,leafphotosynthesis noticeably decrease when potato tubers are removed during their growth short-term response may be stomato close effect ,but this cannot explain common continuous effects ,sometime when the source-sink ratio increases significantly ,some old leaves can renew their photosynthesis functions ,on the other hand ,rapidly growing sinks sometimes compete with leaves for mobilizable nitrogen and this results in abscission of leaves and lower photosynthesis capacity.2、It is not clear yet that how the sink demand affect photosynthesis of leaves .the simplestexplanation is that photosynthesis accumulated in leaves restrain photosynthesis .however trials for examining this hypothesis usually obtained the oppositeresults .furthermore ,in practice ,photosynthates seemly not accumulate besidechloroplasts in mesophyll cells .thus ,more research work should be done on source-sink relationship to improve yields of horticultural cropsLesson7 part A1、the development of horticultural crops product organs consist of maturity 、full ripenessand senescence stages .maturity includes physiological ripeness and horticultural ripeness the former means that in the last growth stage ,mature organs become full ripening and the later means the best growth stage of horticultural crops forharvest ,such as leaf vegetables ,when they are reaped ,they are not physiological ripe ,and flower crops are harvested when thy flower.Full ripeness is the develop stage after fruit mature some fruits can get full ripeness in trees ,while some must ripen after separated from trees .after full ripen the fleshmealiness aroma strength proper acidity and sugar ,senescence is a stoppingterminating process of living activity. In this stage, product organs quality of horticultural crops become bad and completely leaves their economical value in the endLesson8 part A1、hormone produced by seed influence fruit setting ,fruit growth and the balance of hormonesin plant2、Stone fruits can no t set their fruits when their embryos develop abnormally. pome fruitscan set without seeds ,but flesh cells grow slowly3、Gibberellins was produced after pollination with seed development gibberellins promotessynthesis of auxin , therefore ,promotes fruit setting .the fruit set and fruit growth is similar between the ovule not pollinated treated by gibberellins and those which has seed4、Gibberellins produced by apple seeds apparently restrain flower differentiation andresult in alternate fruiting .alternate fruiting is not normal in pear and many stone fruits .it is because the early occurrence of gibberellins synthesis peak which is not concurrent with flower differentiation initiation.Lesson13 part A1、pruning of fruit trees is a practice involves the heading back cuts and the thinningcuts of branches for good framework ,for regulating contradiction between growth and fruiting ,for maintaining the equilibrium between vegetative growth and propagative growth and for good sunlight exposure, to fruit early to achieve high yield and to get commodity with high quality2、the pruning methods are best determined by the characteristics of fruit species andcultivars ,the climate the soil condition and the crop developing stages and growth status .in order to get the best result ,it is useful to combine pruning with other cultural practices like fertilization ,irrigation, etc3、Reinvigoration of trees is better performed annually, which can keep fruit fromstimulating excessive sprouts .remove dead branches, sprouts and some crossing shoots.Secondly, large branches should be thinned out gradually to open tree chamber and to improve distribution of sunlight in order to simulate fruiting.Lesson15 part A1、temperature is an critical element in biological ,chemical and physiological processesof all plant species2、Temperature regulates the rate of chemical reactions ,leading to the adjustment of plantgrowth rate.3、As a important contributing factor to climate .temperature play an important role inadaptability and growth ,date of plant thus the horticultural crop types which can be cultured in a specific area rely on temperature4、Most plants can live and grow in the range of 0 to 50℃ .however low-temperaturesensitivity limit the successful cultivated regions of plantsLesson16 part A1、sprinkler irrigation is often used in maintaining and flower beds which has the specialtythe uniform water amount in its coverage .however, water waste occur when sprinkler is not limited in the area need irrigation .in addition ,evaporation result in some water loss too。
Lesson 1Part BEarly Development and Status of Plasticulture塑料栽培早期的发展和状况没有任何技术比运用农业塑料对改变园艺作物栽培的进程有更大的作用。
1948年首次采用了聚乙烯作为温室覆盖物,当时Kentucky大学的Emery Myers Emmert教授用廉价塑料取代了较昂贵的玻璃。
Emmert 博士被认为是美国的农业塑料之父,他基于农业目的,通过自己在温室、小拱棚和地膜上的研究,创立了许多关于塑料技术的理论。
园艺专业英语课文翻译Lesson 1Part A保护地栽培(设施栽培)的历史与发展(摘自《温室生态系统》温室的历史与地理概况)这一课简要叙述温室从古至今的发展状况。
园艺专业英语翻译(中→英)Lesson1 part A1、protected (structure) horticulture is defined as a cultivation method taking use of heat keeping ,chillingprevention or cooling and rainproof facilities to prevent the crops production from being influenced or seriously done by natural seasons and to artificially create a microclimate environment suitable for growing horticultural crops in cold or hot weather hat actually unfavorable to the cropdevelopment .it is also termed as out-of-season culture ,season-off culture or forcing culture .because of the season in which horticultural crops are planted is hand for their growing in open field.2、Windbreak、cold –frame 、hot-frame、plastic-clad tunnel and greenhouse could provide a variety ofvegetable seeding for open field or protected culture or protect seeding of cold tolerant vegetableliving through the winter ,for early planting and acquirement of early mature products.3、In respect of structure type, the largest horticultural structure area in our country consists of plastictunnels and lean to houses, especially the energy-sawing solar greenhouse, which has become thedominant greenhouse type in the country. Presently the development of large greenhouse ormulti-span house has been initiated.Lesson2 part A4、In horticultural crop cultivation under structure the key point of environment management for growersis to create optimal complex of environmental conditions for crop growth and development, aspossibly as they can, according to properties and environmental demand of crop.Lesson3 part ALesson4 part A1、most soil amendments are consisted of the increasing of organic matters ,addition of specific nutritionalelements and ph adjustment2、the soil is an important constitute of the land loamy soil must consist of soul particles with properratio ,with equilibrium of nutrients ,in which contains some organic matter ,and with considerablemoistureLesson5 part ALesson6 part A1、sink demand of horticultural crops extremely affects photosynthetic ,for example ,leaf photosynthesisnoticeably decrease when potato tubers are removed during their growth short-term response may be stomato close effect ,but this cannot explain common continuous effects ,sometime when thesource-sink ratio increases significantly ,some old leaves can renew their photosynthesisfunctions ,on the other hand ,rapidly growing sinks sometimes compete with leaves for mobilizable nitrogen and this results in abscission of leaves and lower photosynthesis capacity.2、It is not clear yet that how the sink demand affect photosynthesis of leaves .the simplest explanation isthat photosynthesis accumulated in leaves restrain photosynthesis . however trials for examining this hypothesis usually obtained the opposite results .furthermore ,in practice ,photosynthates seemly notaccumulate beside chloroplasts in mesophyll cells .thus ,more research work should be done onsource-sink relationship to improve yields of horticultural cropsLesson7 part A1、the development of horticultural crops product organs consist of maturity 、full ripeness and senescencestages .maturity includes physiological ripeness and horticultural ripeness the former means that in the last growth stage ,mature organs become full ripening and the later means the best growth stage of horticultural crops for harvest ,such as leaf vegetables ,when they are reaped ,they are notphysiological ripe ,and flower crops are harvested when thy flower.Full ripeness is the develop stage after fruit mature some fruits can get full ripeness in trees ,whilesome must ripen after separated from trees .after full ripen the flesh mealiness aroma strength proper acidity and sugar ,senescence is a stopping terminating process of living activity. In this stage,product organs quality of horticultural crops become bad and completely leaves their economicalvalue in the endLesson8 part A1、hormone produced by seed influence fruit setting ,fruit growth and the balance of hormones in plant2、Stone fruits can no t set their fruits when their embryos develop abnormally. pome fruits can set withoutseeds ,but flesh cells grow slowly3、Gibberellins was produced after pollination with seed development gibberellins promotes synthesis ofauxin , therefore ,promotes fruit setting .the fruit set and fruit growth is similar between the ovule not pollinated treated by gibberellins and those which has seed4、Gibberellins produced by apple seeds apparently restrain flower differentiation and result in alternatefruiting .alternate fruiting is not normal in pear and many stone fruits .it is because the earlyoccurrence of gibberellins synthesis peak which is not concurrent with flower differentiationinitiation.Lesson13 part A1、pruning of fruit trees is a practice involves the heading back cuts and the thinning cuts of branches forgood framework ,for regulating contradiction between growth and fruiting ,for maintaining theequilibrium between vegetative growth and propagative growth and for good sunlight exposure, to fruit early to achieve high yield and to get commodity with high quality2、the pruning methods are best determined by the characteristics of fruit species and cultivars ,the climatethe soil condition and the crop developing stages and growth status .in order to get the best result ,it is useful to combine pruning with other cultural practices like fertilization ,irrigation, etc3、Reinvigoration of trees is better performed annually, which can keep fruit from stimulating excessivesprouts .remove dead branches, sprouts and some crossing shoots. Secondly, large branches should be thinned out gradually to open tree chamber and to improve distribution of sunlight in order tosimulate fruiting.Lesson15 part A1、temperature is an critical element in biological ,chemical and physiological processes of all plant species2、Temperature regulates the rate of chemical reactions ,leading to the adjustment of plant growth rate.3、As a important contributing factor to climate .temperature play an important role in adaptability andgrowth ,date of plant thus the horticultural crop types which can be cultured in a specific area rely on temperature4、Most plants can live and grow in the range of 0 to 50℃ .however low-temperature sensitivity limit thesuccessful cultivated regions of plantsLesson16 part A1、sprinkler irrigation is often used in maintaining and flower beds which has the specialty the uniformwater amount in its coverage .however, water waste occur when sprinkler is not limited in the area need irrigation .in addition ,evaporation result in some water loss too。
园艺专业英语:Lesson 3 Plants and Environmental Factors
• Root hairs- single cell roots
located a few mm back from root tip, absorb water
• Root cap- mass of cells that
– Stigma- sticky surface for capturing pollen at top of styles
– Style- tube-like structure that connects stigma and ovary
– Ovary- contains ovules or eggs
protects root tips from coarse soil
What are the differences between taproot and fibrous root systems?
• Taproot
– One large primary root that grows down + small secondary roots
• Whitish or tan in color • Make up one-half or more of the entire plant body • Absorb water and nutrients from the soil then transport
them above ground • Serve to anchor and support the top portion on plant • Can store carbohydrates to be used later for energy by
Lesson 1 The History and the Development of Protected Cultivation(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Materials:The History and the Development of Protected Cultivation(2) Early Development and Status of Plasticulture2.重、难点提示(1) Protected cropping(2) Structure of GreenhousesLesson 2 Soil Properties of Horticultural Crop Cultivation(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Orchard Soil Management and Deciduous Fruit Tree Nutrition(2) Plant-growing Media2.重、难点提示(1) Soil Properties;(2) Plant-growing Media;Lesson 3 Soilless Cultivation(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material:Soilless Culture(2) Soilless Culture Technique2.重、难点提示(1) Re-circulated hydroponics system(2) Nutrient-film technique (NFT) 营养液膜技术;Lesson 4 Drip Irrigation Technology(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material:Drip Irrigation Technology(2) NMSU Scientist Studies Latest Drip Irrigation Technology 2.重、难点提示(1) Drip irrigation(2) Precision agricultureLesson 5 Plasticulture(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material:Plasticulture(2) The Future of Plasticulture: Challenges and Opportunities 2.重、难点提示(1) Plasticulture(2) Controlled environment agricultureLesson 6 Biotechnology and Horticulture(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Haploids and Anther Culture(2) Gene Transfer2.重、难点提示(1) What is biotechnology?(2) Gene TransferLesson 7 Crop Production Situation(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material:Crop Production Situation(2) CO2 Enrichment in Practice2.重、难点提示(1) Production situation 1 — potential yield as defined by CO2, radiation and temperature(2) Production situation 2a — attainable yield as limited by water(3) Production situation 2b — attainable yields as limited by nutrients(4) Production situation 3 — actual yields as reduced by effects of weeds, pests, diseases and pollutantsLesson 8 Dry Matter Production and Distribution(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material: Dry Matter Production and Distribution(2) The Growth and Yield Responses of strawberry to Elevated CO2 and N Supply 2.重、难点提示(1) Carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis(2) The breakdown of carbohydrates to yield energy for growth and cell activities.Lesson 9 Plant Biological Control and Natural Pollination(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material: Plant Biological Control and Natural Pollination(2) Insect Biology and Ecology: A Primer2.重、难点提示(1) Natural Pollination(2) Plant Biological ControlLesson 10 Plant Disease(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material: Plant Disease(2) Chemical Control in Integrated Pest Management (IPM)2.重、难点提示(1) Plant Disease(2) Integrated Pest ManagementLesson 11 Quality and Harvest of Horticultural Products(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Hand Harvesting of Fruit Crops(2) Postharvest Handling of Nine Specialty Cut Flower Species2.重、难点提示(1) Quality of Horticultural Produce(2) Harvesting of Horticultural ProduceLesson 12 Greenhouse Tomatoes(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material: Greenhouse Tomatoes(2) Botany of Tomato2.重、难点提示(1) Scheduling the Crop(2) Pest ManagementLesson 13 Pruning Fruit Trees(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material: Pruning Fruit Trees(2) The Jujube Fruit2.重、难点提示(1) Central leader system(2) Open-center systemLesson 14 Assortment of Ornamental Crops(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material: Assortment of Ornamental Crops(2) Static flowers and dynamic flowers2.重、难点提示(1) Cut flowers and pot plants(2) The main factors determining the quality of ornamental crops Lesson 15 Propagation of Horticultural Crops(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material: Propagation of Horticultural Crops(2) Selection Programmes in China2.重、难点提示(1) Propagation of Horticultural Crops(2) Kiwifruit Breeding Programmes in New ZealandLesson 16 Writing A Research Report(2学时)1.教学内容(1) Reading Material: Writing A Research Report(2)The Application of Tables and Figures on Writing a Scientific Paper 2.重、难点提示(1) Layout of a research report(2) Tenses of verbs七、学时分配八、课程考核方式1.考核方式笔试;开卷。
园艺专业英语Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT萼片 sepal花瓣 petal雄蕊 stamen心皮 carpel转化 transform突变体 mutant花的 floral繁殖的reproductive草坪dormant 休眠turfgrass 草坪草lawn 草坪草mower 割草机mulch覆盖,覆盖物(n);覆盖树根(vt) mulch applicator 覆膜机Lolium 黑麦草属tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) 高羊茅perennial 多年生的annual 一年生植物(n);一年生的(adj)ryegrass (Lolium perenne) 黑麦草productive高产的productivity 生产力cultivate栽培,耕作cultivar 品种cultivation under cover保护地栽培cultural practice栽培措施,栽培技术,栽培实践culture system栽培系统forage 草料翻译Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) is widely planted in many regions ofthe world and is closely related to a lot of Lolium species including perennialr yegrass (Lolium perenne) and annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum). The Festuca-Lolium complex possesses well-adapted, highly productive grass species. Thesecultivated forage grasses provide invaluable economic and social benefits as forage and turf grasses per year.tiller n. 耕种者, 分蘖 vi. 分蘖apical dominance 顶端优势agronomic traits 农艺性状agronomist农艺学家,农学家density 密度plant stature (height)株高mow用镰刀或割草机割草Increasing tiller number and reducing the apical dominance in turfgrass are one of the most important agronomic traits for turfgrass industry because tiller number per plant determines lawn density and plant stature reduced lessens the mowing, which could make a significant contribution to future improvement of turfgrass qualitycytokinin 细胞分裂素auxin 生长素bud 芽(n);发芽,萌芽(vi)axil 叶腋axillary 腋窝的,叶腋的,腋生的deterioration 腐烂,变坏,退化,堕落Cytokinin and auxin contribute to apical dominance through an antagonistic mechanism.Auxin from the terminal bud restrains axillary bud growth causing the shoot to lengthen.Cytokinin (from the roots) stimulates axillary bud growth.Auxin cannot suppress axillary bud growth once it has begun.fungicide 杀真菌剂photosynthesis 光合作用photosynthate 光合产物senescence 衰老mass质量,大量green up in the spring 春季返青tolerant to drought (salinity/ heat)耐旱(盐、热)resistant to drought (salinity/ heat)抗旱(盐、热)Benzyladenine(苄基腺嘌呤) (synthetic cytokinin) and triazole (三唑)fungicides stimulate the growth of turfgrasses. Various studies with cool season turfgrass have shown that auxin can improve photosynthesis, reduce senescence, increase leaf and shoot numbers, and enhance shoot and root mass.creep爬行,蔓延habit习性stolon 匍匐枝indeterminate不确定的,无限的determinate确定的,有限的Japanese lawn grass shows quite uncommon creeping habits; the development and expansion of its stolon is unusually vigorous and entirely indeterminate.wilting; wilt(使)萎蔫,(使)枯萎;枯萎(n)withering 使干枯的,进行干燥处理的(adj)adversity; adverse situation;unfavorable conditions逆境brown patch褐斑病Kentucky bluegrass草地早熟禾pathogen病原,病原体,致病菌This paper mainly introduces the host, symptoms, harmfulness and pathogen of brown patch disease of Kentucky bluegrass.sprinkler irrigation 喷灌drip irrigation滴灌furrow irrigation沟灌,畦灌osmotic渗透的,渗透性的osmotic adjustment渗透调节osmotic potential 渗透势osmotic pressure 渗透压dehydrin 脱水素dehydration 脱水abscisic acid脱落酸stomatal气孔的stomata气孔carbohydrate碳水化合物,糖类antioxidant抗氧化剂heat shock 热激It has been identified that among various mechanisms, osmotic adjustment and dehydrin proteins induced may confer drought tolerance, while abscisic acid may contribute to drought avoidance by closing the stomata in turfgrass. Alternation of carbonhydrate and antioxidant metabolism, induction of heat shock proteins, and cytokinin synthesis are involved in protecting cool-season turfgrasses from heat stress injuries.Flower differentiation, pollination and fruit setexternal 外部的, 客观的, [医]外用的, 外国的, 表面的n.外部, 外面internal内在的, 国内的hormonal 荷尔蒙的,激素的inflorescence 花序Both external and internal requirements for floral initiation vary with species. The first step is floral induction, involving hormonal and possibly other biochemical changes that cause cells within a bud to begin organizing a flower or inflorescence.deciduous 每年落叶的、脱落的perennial 多年生的annual 一年生植物,一季生植物Deciduous perennials usually initiate flowers just after shoot growth ceases and when leaves are mature. Presumably the interaction of specific physiologic and environmental factors provides the proper balance of endogenous hormones to cause initiation.endogenous 内生的,内源的graft 嫁接(v/n)girdling 环剥prune 剪除florigen 成花(激)素phloem 韧皮部defoliate 除叶,使…落叶herbaceous 草本的fig 无花果cherry 樱桃,樱桃树apricot杏,杏树Most deciduous fruits start to initiate flowers at the end of the grand growth period for shoots, when the leaves near the buds are mature. Exceptions are the nonwoody strawberry, the fig (无花果), and to some degree the peach, which continue shoot growth late in the summer.primordia 原基differentiate 分化pollen花粉;传花粉给pollinate 对…授粉pollination授粉anthesis开花,开花期deficiency 缺乏,不足deficientdeficency symptom 缺素症boron 硼reproduction繁殖(a)sexual reproduction(无)有性繁殖nut坚果stigma柱头style花柱embryo sac胚囊Sexual reproduction and seed development in fruits and nuts hinge on pollination. After reaching the stigma, the pollen grain germinates and the pollen tube grows down the style and into the embryo sac, where fertilization takes place. After this, a seed may develop along with the fruit.embryo 胚endosperm 胚乳xenia 种子直感,异粉性metaxenia 果实直感astringent 收敛性的,严酷的,涩的fruit set 坐果plum李树almond 扁桃树malus苹果属parthenocarpy 单性结实gibberellin赤霉素raspberry 悬钩子blackberry黑莓currant 黑醋栗gooseberry 醋栗kiwi 猕猴桃blueberry越橘cranberry大果酸果蔓,蔓越橘Fruit set 坐果micropyle (珠孔,卵孔)ovary 子房synergid助细胞anther 花粉囊dioecious 雌雄异株的calyx花萼Pruning Fruit Treespruning 修枝,剪枝,修剪cultural practice 栽培措施,栽培技术,栽培实践sprout 长出来,出现,发芽,萌芽;苗,芽,嫩枝,徒长枝branch分枝Pruning is an important cultural practice used to maintain the size of fruit trees. It involves the removal of plant parts, which stimulates vegetative growth, and reduces fruitfulness.heading-back cut短截thinning-out cut 疏剪training 整形,整枝shoot 新梢Framework 骨架seedling 小树scaffold branches主枝formative years形成期reinvigoration 更新Central leader 中心领导枝Graftingcut n.伤口, 切口grafting n.嫁接法bud n.芽,蓓蕾scion n.幼芽cleft n.裂缝,隙口navel orange 脐橙rootstock 砧木budding 芽接法stenting 片断接法,平接,断根嫁接root grafting根接法propagation繁殖root collar 根颈。
Goals of Greenhouse Climate Control温室气候控制的目标Selected and rewritten from “Greenhouse Climate and Crop Growth and Development” by H. Challa. In: General Principles of “Protected Cultivation”, syllabus of Wageningen University(Li Y aLing, Shanxi Agricultural University)The use of climate control can influence the most important above-ground growth factors. These factors are light, CO2concentration, temperature and air humidity. The quantity of light is determined in most cases by the weather conditions outside the greenhouse, although the use of shades or supplementary lighting allows the grower to control this to some extent. Through the use of climate control, the grower has more influence over the other factors. What are the most important goals in the control of greenhouse climate? These can be summarized briefly:气候控制可以影响最重要的地上部分生长因子。
园艺专业英语(a-k)园艺专业英语(a-k) A alternate bearing 大小年结果amendment 调理剂ample 充足的anatomical 解剖的aneuploid 非整倍性(的)anion 阴离子annual 一年生植物,一季生植物anther 花粉囊,花药anthocyanin [植]炭疽病antibiotic 抗生素anti-drop film 无滴膜antiviral 抗过滤性病原体的,抗病毒的apex 尖,顶端aphid 蚜虫apomixis 单性生殖,孤雌生殖apendix n. 附录,附属品,[解]阑尾apricot 杏aquifer 含水土层,蓄水层aroma 芳香,香气,香味arsenate n.[化]砷酸盐arsenic n.[化]砷,砒霜artificial intelligence(AI)人工智能asphalt-coated wood 涂上一层沥青的木头assimilate 合成代谢产物assimilation 同化,同化作用,吸收associated yield 相关的产量aster 紫菀astringency 涩味astringent 收敛性的,严酷的,涩的asymmetrical 不对称的at normal atmospheric pressure 在标准大气压下atomize 使雾化attached in-line emitter 在制作过程中胶合或焊接在滴灌带(或软管)上的内置式喷头(滴头)attainable yield 可得到的产量attendant 伴随的auxin 生长素avenue 林荫道avocado 油梨axil 叶腋axillary 腋窝的,叶腋的,腋生的园艺专业英语2(L-Z)Llabour-intensive production process 劳动密集型生产过程laid (lay的过去式)产(卵)landfill 垃圾掩埋法,垃圾landscape designer 园林设计师large plastic house 塑料大棚larva [复] larvae 幼虫latent heat 潜热lateral branch 侧枝lattice girder 支撑桁架lay-flat bag 平放的种植袋lay-flat duct 平铺管layout n. 规划,设计,(书刊等)编排,版面设计,(工厂等)布局图leaf area ratio 叶面积比leaf cutting 叶插leaf epidermis 叶表皮,叶上皮leaf mold 腐殖土;叶霉病leaf variegation 叶杂色性,叶色变异leaf : fruit ratio 叶果比leaf-miner 潜叶蝇leak 渗漏lean-to house 一面坡温室,单屋面温室legend 图例lepidopterous 鳞翅目的light intensity 光强light transmission 光的透射light transmissivity 透光率lightweight medium 质地较轻的基质likelihood n. 可能,可能性lily 百合,百合花limb 枝limestone 石灰石line graph 直线图,折线图,曲线图linoleic acid 亚油酸lipid 类脂,脂类,类脂化合物liquid plastic mulch 液体塑料膜load 负荷lobe 圆片locule [生物]小腔,小室,心室,室(指子房,花药等)longitudinal angel 纵向角度looper 尺蠖Loosduinen 荷兰的一个地名low tunnel 小拱棚lycopene [生物]番茄红素。
和梨在果水的常正不是期果etanretla.期果的替交致导和化分花的产生子种果苹制抑显明素霉赤外内国前当就 .noitaitini noitaitnereffid rewolf htiw tnerrucnoc ton si hcihw kaep sisehtnys snillerebbig
etanretla ni tluser dna noitaitnereffid rewolf niartser yltnerappa sdees elppa yb decudorp snillerebbiG 、31
力能的用作合光落脱低降和叶树在果结个这和氮叶,争竞之与时有槽水的长增速快,面方一另,用作合光的们 他新更能子叶的老些一,高提幅大例比库源的续连的见常时候时的有,响影的释解能不并这但,果效的闭关是以可应反期 短薯铃马中程过长成的们他低降时除去显明是也茎块薯铃马如例,用作合光片叶、用作合光物作艺园响影其极求需的槽水 .yticapac sisehtnysotohp
地露在是往往节季产生其于由。响影的节季然自受少或受不产生的物作艺园使�境环候气小的育发长生物作艺园宜 译翻后课语英业专艺园
适造创地为人�施设雨防温降或寒防、温保用利�节季热炎或冷寒的育发长生物作艺园宜适不在指是艺园施设 、1
长增济经持维为,盾矛的间之架框好节调于用,构机支分,减削的疏稀和产减候时晚傍到及涉践实个一是树果剪修 ytilauq hgih htiw ytidommoc teg ot dna dleiy hgih eveihca
emos elihw, seert ni ssenepir lluf teg nac stiurf emos erutam tiurf retfa egats poleved eht si ssenepir lluF
Lesson 1 The History and the Development of Protected Cultivation保护地栽培(设施栽培)的历史与发展1. It includes a discussion of protected cropping in cold-and hot-frames glass cloches lean-to houses winter gardens orangeries conservatories and glasshouses in their varied forms and plastic-clad plant enclosures of all sizes ranging from low tunnels walk-in tunnels to large plastic houses它包括一系列利用冷床、温床、玻璃罩、单屋顶温室、冬季花园、橘园、暖房和不同形式的玻璃温室和塑料覆盖,包括小拱棚、中棚(人能在其中行走)和塑料大棚中对园艺作物进行保护性种植的讨论。
2. the greenhouse is defined as a transparent enclosure designed to grow or temporarily protect plants Thus the definition does not include enclosures for growing mushrooms or tissue cultures.温室定义为:旨在生长和临时保护作物的透明覆盖物。
因而这个定义不包括食用菌和组织培养的设施3. Chinese plant culture may have included greenhouses that according to tradition go back to antiquity A Chinese greenhouse consisted of a brick wall oriented east-west. On its southern side, a transparent surface consisting of bamboo sticks covered with oiled paper was placed at an angle 30。
塑料不仅可用于温室透明覆盖,也可以取代无土栽培 种植床的水泥硬化地面,或做成塑料袋填装无土基质, 进行无土栽培生产。 Plastics not only can be used as glazing cover of greenhouse, can also in place of the concrete in lining the growing beds , or be made to be plastic bag for packing growing media to soilless cultureuality improvement through climate control is the recently developed concept of DIF temperature.
气候控制不能看成是与作物相隔离的,因为温室气 候控制就是要试图创造作物理想的生长条件。 Climate control cannot be seen as separate from the crop, for which one tries to create optimal conditions.
塑料覆盖栽培也被称作第二次绿色革命,因为它已经 使世界范围内几乎所有的国家都显著提高了其粮食产 量。 As the Green Revolution expanded the production of agronomic crops, Plasticulture has provided yet another revolution. While more silent, plasticulture has enabled countries throughout the world to greatly extend their food production capability.
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园艺专业英语(课后翻译)园艺专业英语翻译(中→英)Lesson1 part A1、protected (structure) horticulture is defined as a cultivation method taking use of heatkeeping ,chilling prevention or cooling and rainproof facilities to prevent the crops production from being influenced or seriously done by natural seasons and to artificially create a microclimateenvironment suitable for growing horticultural crops in cold or hot weather hat actually unfavorable to the crop development .it is also termed as out-of-season culture ,season-off culture or forcingculture .because of the season in which horticultural crops are planted is hand for their growing inopen field.2、Windbreak、cold –frame 、hot-frame、 plastic-clad tunnel and greenhouse could provide a varietyof vegetable seeding for open field or protected culture or protect seeding of cold tolerant vegetable living through the winter ,for early planting and acquirement of early mature products.3、In respect of structure type, the largest horticultural structure area in our country consists of plastictunnels and lean to houses, especially the energy-sawing solar greenhouse, which has become thedominant greenhouse type in the country. Presently the development of large greenhouse or multi-span house has been initiated.Lesson2 part A4、In horticultural crop cultivation under structure the key point of environment management forgrowers is to create optimal complex of environmental conditions for crop growth and development, as possibly as they can, according to properties and environmental demand of crop.Lesson3 part ALesson4 part A1、most soil amendments are consisted of the increasing of organic matters ,addition of specificnutritional elements and ph adjustment2、the soil is an important constitute of the land loamy soil must consist of soul particles with properratio ,with equilibrium of nutrients ,in which contains some organic matter ,and with considerablemoistureLesson5 part ALesson6 part A1、sink demand of horticultural crops extremely affects photosynthetic ,for example ,leaf photosynthesisnoticeably decrease when potato tubers are removed during their growth short-term response may be stomato close effect ,but this cannot explain common continuous effects ,sometime when the source-sink ratio increases significantly ,some old leaves can renew their photosynthesis functions ,on the other hand ,rapidly growing sinks sometimes compete with leaves for mobilizable nitrogen and this results in abscission of leaves and lower photosynthesis capacity.2、It is not clear yet that how the sink demand affect photosynthesis of leaves .the simplest explanationis that photosynthesis accumulated in leaves restrain photosynthesis . however trials for examiningthis hypothesis usually obtained the opposite results .furthermore ,in practice ,photosynthates seemly not accumulate beside chloroplasts in mesophyll cells .thus ,more research work should be done on source-sink relationship to improve yields of horticultural cropsLesson7 part A1、the development of horticultural crops product organs consist of maturity 、full ripeness andsenescence stages .maturity includes physiological ripeness and horticultural ripeness the formermeans that in the last growth stage ,mature organs become full ripening and the later means the best growth stage of horticultural crops for harvest ,such as leaf vegetables ,when they are reaped ,they are not physiological ripe ,and flower crops are harvested when thy flower.Full ripeness is the develop stage after fruit mature some fruits can get full ripeness in trees ,while some must ripen after separated from trees .after full ripen the flesh mealiness aroma strength proper acidity and sugar ,senescence is a stopping terminating process of living activity. In this stage,product organs quality of horticultural crops become bad and completely leaves their economicalvalue in the endLesson8 part A1、hormone produced by seed influence fruit setting ,fruit growth and the balance of hormones in plant2、Stone fruits can no t set their fruits when their embryos develop abnormally. pome fruits can setwithout seeds ,but flesh cells grow slowly3、Gibberellins was produced after pollination with seed development gibberellins promotes synthesisof auxin , therefore ,promotes fruit setting .the fruit set and fruit growth is similar between the ovule not pollinated treated by gibberellins and those which has seed4、Gibberellins produced by apple seeds apparently restrain flower differentiation and result in alternatefruiting .alternate fruiting is not normal in pear and many stone fruits .it is because the earlyoccurrence of gibberellins synthesis peak which is not concurrent with flower differentiationinitiation.Lesson13 part A1、pruning of fruit trees is a practice involves the heading back cuts and the thinning cuts of branchesfor good framework ,for regulating contradiction between growth and fruiting ,for maintaining the equilibrium between vegetative growth and propagative growth and for good sunlight exposure, to fruit early to achieve high yield and to get commodity with high quality2、the pruning methods are best determined by the characteristics of fruit species and cultivars ,theclimate the soil condition and the crop developing stages and growth status .in order to get the best result ,it is useful to combine pruning with other cultural practices like fertilization ,irrigation, etc 3、Reinvigoration of trees is better performed annually, which can keep fruit from stimulating excessivesprouts .remove dead branches, sprouts and some crossing shoots. Secondly, large branches should be thinned out gradually to open tree chamber and to improve distribution of sunlight in order tosimulate fruiting.Lesson15 part A1、temperature is an critical element in biological ,chemical and physiological processes of all plantspecies2、Temperature regulates the rate of chemical reactions ,leading to the adjustment of plant growth rate.3、As a important contributing factor to climate .temperature play an important role in adaptability andgrowth ,date of plant thus the horticultural crop types which can be cultured in a specific area rely on temperature4、Most plants can live and grow in the range of 0 to 50℃ .however low-temperature sensitivity limitthe successful cultivated regions of plantsLesson16 part A1、sprinkler irrigation is often used in maintaining and flower beds which has the specialty the uniformwater amount in its coverage .however, water waste occur when sprinkler is not limited in the area need irrigation .in addition ,evaporation result in some water loss too。