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The relative coursePre-course: digital electronics, analog electronics, The principle and application of the computerBack-course: The principle and technology of sensor, Intelligent InstrumentⅢ. The basic content and requirement of the courseChapter 1 IntroductionContent: This chapter introduces the basic character and application of microcontroller unit.Requirement: The basic concept and familiar brand of MCU should be known.Chapter 2 The structure of MCS-51Content: This chapter introduces the internal structure which includes the structure of CPU and memory, I/O ports, timer/counter, interrupt system, also the pins function and working mode should be known.Requirement: The internal resource should be grasped skillfully. The student should be familiar with the internal structure of MCU, and have the hardware basis for the future chapters.Chapter 3 The instruction system of MCS-51Content: This chapter introduces the instruction format, addressing mode and instruction system of MCS-51Requirement: The function and application characteristic of instructions should be graspedskillfully, and the students should know that the instruction system and the internal resources are related tightly, and the student can read and write easy program.Chapter 4 Assembly program designContent: This chapter introduces the characteristic of the machine language, assembly language, advanced language, the programming of assembly language such as the subroutine program, searching table, the keyword searching, the maxim and minimum number searching, the sequence of numbers, program branching, circulation and code changing of subroutine.Requirement: The students should be familiar with assembly language of MCS-51 to program all kinds of subroutine, because it is the fundamental of the program design. To make the students grasp the contents of the chapter, some experiment lessons should be set.Chapter 5 Interrupts system of MCS-51Content: This chapter introduces the principle of the interrupt system, some related SFRs and application examples.Requirement: The interrupt resources of MCS-51, how to initial the related SFR and how to program the interrupt subroutine are especially focused.Chapter 6 The timers and counters of MCS-51Content: This chapter introduces the structure and principle of timers and counters, some related SFRs and application examples.Requirement: The working mode of timers/counters, external circuits design relating the interrupt and timer/counter the are especially focused.Chapter 7 The serial port of MCS-51Content: This chapter introduces the structure and principle of the serial port, some related SFRs and application examplesRequirement: The basic concept of serial communication, the basic resource of serial I/O ports should be grasped skillfully. Some easy serial communication program should be read and written.Chapter 8 The external expansion of MCS-51Content: This chapter introduces the expansion of external bus, external storages and parallel interface.Requirement: The concept of three buses should be known. The student should be familiar with the representative chips and the combination of MCS-51. Also the serial and parallel ports, the common use of external devices characterize ,the easy external circuits design and software program should be grasped.Ⅳ.The requirement of the experiments and course design1. experiments and demandThe course is focused on practice. The multi-media should be applied in theory teaching, that makes the student sensitive to the MCU application. The demand is as follows: Experiment 1: The basic usage of Keil software and none symbol numbers addition (2 hours, must done, test style)The usage of Keil software should be known primarily. A program of double bytes none symbol numbers addition should be written and debugged. The environment and instruction system should be grasped familiarly.Experiment 2: A binary number changed to a decimal number(2 hours, must done, design style)A program of a binary number changed to a Decimal number should be written, that makes a double bytes binary number changes to a decimal number. And the result should be displayedExperiment 3: Sorting of the data (2 hours, must done, design style)A sorting program should be programmed, that makes a series of numbers in the RAM sort from the least to the most.Experiment 4: LED displaying (2 hours, must done, design style)The displaying principle of LED, the implement of serial method of LED and the combination debugging of the software and hardware should be known.Experiment 5: The experiment of Times (2 hours, must done, comprehensive style)A software of interrupt program using Timer 0 should be written, that makes the counter increase 1 per-second and display in the LED.Experiment 6: Data communication based on RS232(2 hours, selected done, test style)A communication program between MCU and pc should be written to fulfill follows:1.The lower-part transmits data to the upper-part, if it is correct, the upper-part sends back true message, otherwise sends back wrong message.2. The upper-part transmits data to the lower-part, if it is correct, the lower-part sends back true message and displays data in LED, otherwise sends back wrong message and display DP51 in LED.Experiment 7: Simulation of the neon-light (2 hours, selected done, design style)Assembly language should be written to make LEDs on the circuit board simulate the neon-light.Experiment 8: Keys identification (2 hours, selected done, comprehensive style)A program should be written to recognize 8 keys, give the relative key-words and displays it in LED.(1) An automatic traffic light system based on MCS-51An automatic traffic light system should be designed using MCS-51 to fulfill the connect and disconnect time, switching between day and night and display the counter down time.(2)Digital clock based on MCS-51A minimum system of MCS-51 should be written to fulfill the basic function of the time, the clock time, second time, make deepen understanding of external devices such as keyboards and LED, upgrade the usage of timers and interrupt.Ⅴ.The quantities and demand of exercisesIn each chapter, some exercises are given to consolidate the basic concept, enhance the practice skill about the principle, hardware design and programming.Ⅵ.Teaching and testing styleThe blackboard and multimedia are used in teaching lesson. The most-significant part is in teaching lesson, also the testing and designing experiment is combined. The testing style combine the final test and peacetime test which includes exercise and fulfillment of experiment.Ⅶ.The assignment of teaching hours1.The focus and difficulty of the course: There are some difficulties in the course such as the internal sources, the instruction system, the program design, the characteristics and application of external devices. The combination and repeating should be applied between the front and back parts which make the student have deepen understanding about the basic concept. Because the course is practical, there are many codes and hardware circuit diagram, multimedia is introduce the teaching with some necessary writing on the blackboard. After the basic concept is given, new method should be complemented to widen the information for the technology is developing rapidly,The course is the testing course of bi-languages, two teaching materials are used, one is Chinese, the second is English written by ourselves. Two materials should be both read to cultivate the professional English skill. Chinese and English should be used in class, particularly in internal-resources, instruction set, the IDE software and chips datasheet, English is focused, which make the student know the datasheet content, use the software of English, know the menu, dialog box and help. Some English exercise is required to cultivated the comprehensive ability of lessoning, speaking, reading and writing using professional English.2.Recommend books(1) Hu hancai. The principal and interface technology (2nd edition ). Tsinghua publishing company, 2004(2)Li guangdi. The basis of single chip microcomputer(revised edition) BUAA publishing company, 2001(3) Bi-languages material written by ourselves3. Main references(1) MCS51 MICROCONTROLLER FAMILY USER’S MANUAL(2)He liming Selected material about the application technology of MCU(1-8). BUAA publishing company, 1999。







1. 提高学生的英语水平。



2. 拓宽知识视野。



3. 增强学生的综合能力。


二、双语教学在《单片机原理与应用》课程中的具体实施方式1. 采用双语教材。



2. 引入双语教学视频。


3. 实施双语教学模式。


4. 开展双语教学实践活动。


1. 学生英语水平的提高。


2. 学生对单片机技术的理解和应用能力。


























































单片机原理及应用英文版教学设计 (3)

单片机原理及应用英文版教学设计 (3)

Microcontroller Principles and Applications EnglishEdition Teaching DesignIntroductionMicrocontrollers are essential components in modern electronic devices. They are used in a variety of applications, from simple consumer electronic products to complex industrial control systems. With the widespread use of microcontrollers, teaching the principles and applications of microcontrollers has become an essential part of the curriculum in many engineering programs. This teaching design is med at introducing the principles and applications of microcontrollers in the English language. This design will outline the necessary skills, knowledge, and activities that students can expect to develop to become proficient in using microcontrollers.Course Objectives•To build a strong foundation in microcontroller principles and applications.•To learn the essentials of programming microcontrollers using the C programming language.•To develop practical skills in the design and implementation of microcontroller projects.•To understand the function and application ofmicrocontrollers in various electronic systems.Course OutlineWeek 1: Introduction to Microcontrollers•What are microcontrollers?•Types of microcontrollers•Basic components of a microcontroller system•Microcontroller applicationsActivities: * Microcontroller identification activity * Microcontroller project showcaseWeek 2: C Programming Language•Introduction to the C programming language• C programming basics: data types, variables, operators, and expressions•Using C programming to develop microcontroller applications Activities: * C programming language quiz * Writing basic C programs for microcontrollersWeek 3: Microcontroller Architecture•Microcontroller memory organization•Microcontroller input/output (I/O) interfaces•Microcontroller communication interfaces: SPI, I2C, UART, etc.Activities: * Microcontroller hardware design activity * Microcontroller programming activityWeek 4: Microcontroller Operation•Microcontroller startup and initialization•Microcontroller interrupts and event handling•Microcontroller sleep and power-saving modesActivities: * Writing interrupt handlers for microcontrollers * Microcontroller power-saving modes activityWeek 5: Microcontroller Applications•Embedded system design and development•Real-time control using microcontrollers•Microcontroller-based sensor and actuator control Activities: * Design and implementation of a simple embedded system * Microcontroller-based control of a robot armWeek 6: Microcontroller Project Design•Project proposal development•Project implementation and testing•Project presentation and evaluationActivities: * Microcontroller project design activity * Project proposal presentationConclusionThis teaching design ms to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and applications of microcontrollers, as well as developing essential practical skills in programming and designing microcontroller projects. The teaching design outlined above can be adapted to meet the specific needs of different institutions and students.。
































二、课程内容《单片机原理与应用》双语课程的内容主要包括以下几个方面:1. 单片机基础知识:介绍单片机的定义、种类、性能参数、工作原理等基础知识,为学生打下坚实的基础。

2. 单片机编程:讲解单片机的编程方法、编程语言、程序设计技巧等内容,帮助学生掌握单片机编程的核心技术。

3. 单片机接口控制:介绍单片机与外部器件的接口控制方法,包括数字接口、模拟接口、通信接口等,让学生了解单片机与外部设备的连接和通信方式。

4. 单片机应用案例分析:通过实际案例分析,展示单片机在电子、通信、汽车、医疗等领域中的应用,并让学生了解单片机在实际项目中的应用技巧和方法。

5. 实验操作:组织学生进行单片机实验操作,让他们通过亲自动手实践,加深对单片机原理与应用的理解,提高实际操作能力。

三、教学方法《单片机原理与应用》双语课程采用了多种教学方法,以提高学生的学习积极性和兴趣,包括:1. 理论讲授:通过讲解单片机的基本原理和应用知识,让学生建立起系统的知识框架。

4. 互动讨论:组织学生参与讨论,分享自己的学习体会和经验,促进学生之间的交流和学习氛围。

5. 课程设计:设计实际项目任务,让学生应用所学知识,完成相关项目,提高他们的应用能力和创新能力。


































































●Keywords:MCS(Micro Computer System)指令系统(Instruction System)寻址方式(Look for address mode)寄存器(Register)直接(Directness)位(Bit)立即(Immediately)间接(Indirectly)变址(Change address)相对(Comparatively)数据传送指令(Data Move Instruction)算术运算指令(Arithmetic Operation Instruction)逻辑运算指令(Logic Operation Instruction)控制转移指令(Control Transfer Instruction)位操作指令(Bit Operation Instruction)码(BCD,Binary Coded Decimal)加法(ADD,Addition)减法(SUB,Subtration)乘法(MUL,Multiplication)除法(DIV,Divition)数据调整(DA,Data Adjust)加大(INC,Increase)减少(DEC,Decrease)●Introduction:(Ⅰ)Addressing modes:8031’s assembly language instruction set consists of an operation mnemonic and zero to three operands separated by commas. In two byte instructions the destination is specified first, and then the source. Byte wide mnemonics like ADD or MOV use the Accumulator as a source operand and also to receive theresult.The 8031 supports five types of addressingmodes:#Register Addressing#Direct Addressing#Register Indirect Addressing #Immediate Addressing#Index Addressing#Change Addressing#Comparatively Addressing*Register Addressing:Register Addressing accesses the eight working registers (R0-R7) of the selected register bank. The least significant three bits of the instruction opcode indicate which register is to be used for the operation. One of the four banks of registers is to be predefined in the PSW before using register addressing instruction. ACC, B, DPTR and CY, (the Boolean Accumulator) can also be addressed in this mode.*Direct Addressing:Direct addressing can access any onchip variables or hardware register. To indicate the address of the location, an additional byte is attached to the opcode. Depending on the highest order bit of the direct address byte one of two physical memory space is selected. When the direct address range is between 0 and 127 (00H - 7FH) one of the 128 low order onchip RAM location is accessed. All I/O ports, special function, control registers are assigned between 128 and 255 (80H - FFH). When direct addressing indicates any location in this range, corresponding hardware register is accessed. This is the only method available for accessing I/O ports and special function registers.*Register Indirect Addressing:Register indirect addressing uses the contents of either R0 or R1 (in the pre selected register bank) as a address pointer to locate in a 256 byte block (the lower 128 bytes of internal RAM in 8031 or 256 bytes in 8032) or the lower 256 bytes of external data memory. Note that the special function registers are not accessible in this mode. Access to full 64K external data memory address space is indicated by the 16 bit Data Pointer register, DPTR. Execution of PUSH and POP instructions also involve indirect register addressing. The Stack Pointer indicates the correct stack location anywhere in the internal RAM.*Immediate Addressing:When a source operand is a constant rather than a variable, then the constant can be embedded into the instruction itself. This kind of instructions take two bytes and first one specifies the opcode and second byte gives the required constant.*Index Addressing:Only the Program Memory can be accessed by this mode. This mode is intended for reading lookup tables in the Program Memory. A 16 bit base register (either DPTR or the Program Counter) points to the base of the lookup tables and the Accumulator carries the constant indicating table entry number. The address of the exact location of the table is formed by adding the Accumulator data to the base pointer.(Ⅱ)Instruction Set:8031 architecture sports a powerful and versatile instruction set that enables the user to develop a compact program. There is a facility to manipulate both byte data and 1 bit binary data. The table gives complete information on the instruction set.*Data Transfer Instructions:The above table gives the instructions that can be used to move data around internal memory spaces and the addressing modes that can be used with each one. The MOV , instruction allows data to be transferred between any two internal RAM locations without disturbing the Accumulator. The upper 128 bytes of the data RAM can be accessed only by indirect addressing and SFR space by direct addressing. In all 8031 devices, the stack resides in onchip RAM, and grows upwards. The PUSH instruction first increments the Stack Pointer (SP), then copies the byte into the stack. PUSH and POP use only direct addressing to identify the byte being saved or restored. But the stack itself is accessed by indirect addressing using the SP register. This means the stack can go into the upper 128 bytes if they are implemented but not into SFR space. In devices that don't have upper 128 bytes, if the SP points to anywhere in upper 128 bytes, pushed bytes are lost and popped bytes are indeterminate. The data transfer instructions include a 16 bit MOV that can be used to initialize the Data Pointer (DPTR) for lookup tables in Program Memory or for 16 bit external Data Memory accesses. The XCH A, instruction causes the Accumulator and the addressed byte to exchange the data. The XCHD A,@Ri instruction exchange only low nibble between the Accumulator and the addressed byte.*Data Transfer In External RAM:This following table gives possible data transfer operations in external data memory space. Only indirect addressing can be used. The choice is whether to use a one byte address by @Ri, where Ri can be either R0 or R1 of the selected register bank or a two byte address, @DPTR. Note that in all external data RAM accesses the Accumulator is always either the destination or source of data. The read and write strobes to external RAM are activated only during the execution of a MOVX instruction. Normally these signals are inactive and infact if they are not going to be used at all, then their pins are available as extra I/O lines.*Lookup Tables:This table shows the two instructions that are available for reading lookup tables from Program Memory. Since they access only Program Memory, the lookup tables can only be read not updated. The mnemonic MOVC is for constant? If the table access is to external Program Memory, then the read strobe is PSEN. The first MOVC instruction of the table can read a byte from 256 entries, numbered 0 through 255. The number of the desired entry loaded into the Accumulator and the Data Pointer is set up to point to beginning of the table. The other MOVC instruction works with the Program Counter (PC). Hence PC acts as the table base and the Accumulator should carry the table entry value.*Arithmetic Instructions:Note that most of the operations use Accumulator and any byte in the internal data memory space can be increased or decrease without using Accumulator. The instruction MUL AB multiplies the unsigned eight bit integer values held in the Accumulator and B registers. The lower order byte of the 16 bit product is left in the Accumulator and the higher order byte in B. DIV AB divides the unsigned eight bit integer in the Accumulator by the unsigned eight bit integer in the B register. The integer part of quotient stays with the Accumulator and the remainder in the B register. The DAA instruction is for BCD arithmetic operations. In BCD arithmetic, ADD and ADD C instructions should always be followed by a DAA operation, toensure that the result is also in BCD. The DAA operation produces a meaningful result only in the second step when adding two BCD bytes.*Logical Instructions:The following table gives the list of 8031抯logical instructions. The instructions that perform Boolean operations (AND, OR, Exclusive OR, NOT) on bytes perform the operation on a bit by bit basis. All of the logical instructions that are Accumulator specific execute in 1μs (using a 12MHz clock). Others take 2μs. Boolean operations can be performed on any byte in the lower 128 internal data memory space or the SFR space using direct addressing without having to use the Accumulator. If the operation is in response to an interrupt, not using the Accumulator saves time and effort in the interrupt service routine.The Rotate instructions (RL A, RLC A, etc.) shift the Accumulator 1 bit to the left or right. For a left rotation, the MSB rolls into the LSB position and for a right rotation, the LSB rolls into MSB position. The SWAP A instruction interchanges the high and low nibbles within the Accumulator. This is a useful operation in BCD manipulation.*Program Control---Jumps, Calls, and Returns:LJMP (long jump) encodes a 16 bit address in the 2ndand 3ndinstruction bytes. The destination may be anywhere in the 64K byte Program Memory address space. The two byte AJMP (Absolute jump) instruction encodes its destination using a 11 bit address which is embedded in the instruction itself. Address bits 10 through 8 form a 3 bit field in the opcode and address bits 7 through 0 form a second byte. Address bits 15-11 remain unchanged from the incremented contents of the PC, so AJMP can only be used when the destination is known to be within the same 2K memory block.*Jump Instructions:Following table gives a list of unconditional jumps.As you can see, there are three types of jump operations:SJMP---Short Jump LJMP---Long Jump AJMP---Absolute Jump Basically these jump operations differ from each other by the way of address generation meant for that jump operation. SJMP (Short Jump) determines the destination with a Program Counter relative address mentioned in the second byte. The CPU calculates the destination at run time by adding the signed 8 bit displacement value to the incremented PC. Negative offset values will cause jumps upto 128 bytes backwards; positive values upto 127 bytes forward. In contrast, LJMP instructions jump into any place in the 64K bytes program space. The instruction is three bytes long, first byte is the opcode and next two bytes give destination address. Like SJMP, AJMP instructions jump into much longer space, anywhere into 2K block. The instruction is 2 bytes long, containing the opcode in the first byte and the second byte holds low byte of the destination address. The opcode itself carries higher order bits of 2K space (bits 8 ?10). During the instruction execution, these 11 bits are simply substituted for the low 11 bits in the PC. Hence, the destination has to be within the same 2Kblock as the instruction following the AJMP. The JMP @A+DPTR instruction supports case jumps. The destination address is calculated during run time as the sum of the 16 bit DPTR register and the Accumulator. Typical application for this case jump is the facility to jump to the exact location in a lookup table. This particular type of jumps is one of the most wanted operations. Normally, the DPTR holds the address of a lookup table. During runtime, the Accumulator is made to calculate the exact position of the required byte. This instruction sums up both DPTR and the Accumulator and then jumps to that specific byte. These are two CALL instructions: LCALL and ACALL. These instructions are used to call subroutine and they differ in a way the subroutine address is determined. Each instruction increments the PC to the first byte of the following instruction and then pushes it onto the stack (low byte first). Saving both bytes increments the Stack Pointer by two. LCALL instruction is for the long subroutine call operation and the instruction is a 3 byte long one and second and third bytes carry the address of the subroutine. So the subroutine can be anywhere in the 64K Program Memory space. But the ACALL instruction drives an absolute subroutine call operation and uses the 11 bit address format. The subroutine should be within the 2K block as the instruction following the ACALL. Subroutines should end with a RET instruction that pops the high and low order bytes of the PC successively from the stack, decreasing the Stack Pointer by two and program execution continues at the address pushed, the first byte of the instruction immediately following the call. RETI can be used to return from an interrupt service routine. The only difference between RET and RETI is that RETI tells the interrupt control system that the interrupt in progress is done. If there is no active interrupt operation, then the RETI is functionally same as RET.*Conditional Jump Instructions:Like SJMP, all conditional jump instructions use relative addressing: JZ (jump if Zero) and JNZ (jump if not Zero) monitor the state of the Accumulator as implied by their names while JC (jump on carry) and JNC (jump on no carry) test whether or not the carry flag is set. All these 4 instructions are two byte instructions.The 8031 instruction set supports another set of conditional jump instruction using Boolean processing. They are covered separately.*Operate and Branch Instructions---CJNE, DJNZ:This group of instructions combine a byte operation with a conditional jump based on the results. CJNE (Compare and Jump if Not Equal) compares two byte operands and execute a jump if they disagree. The carry flag is set following the rules of subtraction. If the unsigned integer value of the first operand is less than that of second, then it is set. Otherwise, it is cleared. The CJNE instruction can also be used for loop control. Two bytes are specified in the operand field of the instruction. The jump is executed only if the two bytes are not equal. DJNZ (Decrement and Jump if not Zero) decrements the register or direct address indicated and jumps if the result is not zero, without affecting any flags. This provides a simple means of executing a program loop a given number of times, or for adding a moderate time delay (from 2 to 512 machine cycles) using a single instruction. CJNE and DJNZ, like all conditional jumps use Program Counter relative addressing for the destination address.*Boolean Instructions:The 8031 devices contain a complete Boolean (single bit) processor. The internal RAM contains 128 addressable bits and the SFR space can support upto 128 other addressable bits. All of the port lines are bit addressable and each one can be treated as a separate single bit port. The instructions that access these bits are not just conditional branches, but a complete menu of MOVE, SET, CLEAR, COMPLEMENT, OR, AND instructions. This range of bit operations are not easily obtained in other architectures with any amount of byte oriented software. The instruction set for the Boolean processor is shown here. All bit accesses are direct addressing. Bit addresses 00H through 7FH are in the lower 128 bytes and bit addresses 80H through FFH are in SFR space. The carry bit is used as the Boolean processor. Bit instructions that refer to the carry bit as C assemble as carry specific instructions. The carry bit also has a direct address, since it resides in the PSW register which is bit addressable. Boolean instructions support JB (Jump on Bit), JNB (Jump on No Bit), JBC (Jump on Bit and Clear), JC (Jump on Carry) and JNC (Jump on No Carry) operations. The destination address for these jumps is specified in the second byte of the instruction. This is a signed (two complement) offset byte that is added to the PC if the jump is executed. The range of jump is therefore -128 to +127 Program Memory bytes relative to the first byte following the jump instruction.Questions:ⅰHow many addressing modes does the Single Chip Microcomputer support?What they are?ⅱPlease listing the difference of all the addressing modes.ⅲHow many instructions does the Single Chip Microcomputer have?ⅳPlease try to explain how to calculate the jump operations's adress area?ⅴHow does 8051 machine code look ?ⅵWhat are program control instructions ?ⅶWhat is Machine cycle ?ⅷHow to calculate exact time spent in executinga program ? Or how to write exact time delay loops ?。































【关键词】单片机原理与应用, 双语课程, 教学探索, 引言, 教学课程设置, 教学方法探索, 实践教学的重要性, 教学资源的整合, 课程评估与改进, 结论1. 引言1.1 引言本课程旨在通过双语教学的方式,提高学生的英语水平以及对单片机技术的理解能力。





2. 正文2.1 教学课程设置教学课程设置是整个课程设计中的基础,关乎到教学的全面性和系统性。
































1.单片机基础知识- 单片机的定义和分类- 单片机的基本结构和工作原理- 单片机的存储器和寄存器结构2.单片机编程和开发环境- 单片机的编程语言和开发工具- 单片机的程序设计和调试技术- 单片机的仿真和调试工具3.单片机应用技术- 单片机的输入输出技术- 单片机的定时器和计数器技术- 单片机的串行通信和并行通信技术4.实际案例分析- 单片机在电子产品中的应用实例- 单片机在工业控制中的应用案例- 单片机在智能家居中的应用案例三、教学方法1.理论教学与实践相结合本课程注重理论知识的讲解和实际操作的培训,学生在学习单片机的基本原理和编程知识的还需要参与实际的单片机应用项目,提高实际操作能力。

























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Keywords:MCS(Micro Computer System)指令系统(Instruction System)寻址方式(Look for address mode)寄存器(Register)直接(Directness)位(Bit)立即(Immediately)间接(Indirectly)变址(Change address)相对(Comparatively)数据传送指令(Data Move Instruction)算术运算指令(Arithmetic Operation Instruction)逻辑运算指令(Logic Operation Instruction)控制转移指令(Control Transfer Instruction)位操作指令(Bit Operation Instruction)码(BCD,Binary Coded Decimal)加法(ADD,Addition)减法(SUB,Subtration)乘法(MUL,Multiplication)除法(DIV,Divition)数据调整(DA,Data Adjust)加大(INC,Increase)减少(DEC,Decrease)Introduction:(Ⅰ)Addressing modes:8031’s assembly language instruction set consists of an operation mnemonic and zero to three operands separated by commas. In two byte instructions the destination is specified first, and then the source. Byte wide mnemonics like ADD or MOV use the Accumulator as a source operand and also to receive theresult.The 8031 supports five types of addressingmodes:#Register Addressing#Direct Addressing#Register Indirect Addressing#Immediate Addressing#Index Addressing#Change Addressing#Comparatively Addressing*Register Addressing:Register Addressing accesses the eight working registers (R0-R7) of the selected register bank. The least significant three bits of the instruction opcode indicate which register is to be used for the operation. One of the four banks of registers is to be predefined in the PSW before using register addressing instruction. ACC, B, DPTR and CY, (the Boolean Accumulator) can also be addressed in this mode.*Direct Addressing:Direct addressing can access any onchip variables or hardware register. To indicate the address of the location, an additional byte is attached to the opcode. Depending on the highest order bit of the direct address byte one of two physical memory space is selected. When the direct address range is between 0 and 127 (00H - 7FH) one of the 128 low orderonchip RAM location is accessed. All I/O ports, special function, control registers are assigned between 128 and 255 (80H - FFH). When direct addressing indicates any location in this range, corresponding hardware register is accessed. This is the only method available for accessing I/O ports and special function registers.*Register Indirect Addressing:Register indirect addressing uses the contents of either R0 or R1 (in the pre selected register bank) as a address pointer to locate in a 256 byte block (the lower 128 bytes of internal RAM in 8031 or 256 bytes in 8032) or the lower 256 bytes of external data memory. Note that the special function registers are not accessible in this mode. Access to full 64K external data memory address space is indicated by the 16 bit Data Pointer register, DPTR. Execution of PUSH and POP instructions also involve indirect register addressing. The Stack Pointer indicates the correct stack location anywhere in the internal RAM.*Immediate Addressing:When a source operand is a constant rather than a variable, then the constant can be embedded into the instruction itself. This kind of instructions take two bytes and first one specifies the opcode and second byte gives the required constant.*Index Addressing:Only the Program Memory can be accessed by this mode. This mode is intended for reading lookup tables in the Program Memory. A 16 bit base register (either DPTR or the Program Counter) points to the base of the lookup tables and the Accumulator carries the constant indicating table entry number. The address of the exact location of the table is formed by adding the Accumulator data to the base pointer.(Ⅱ)Instruction Set:8031 architecture sports a powerful and versatile instruction set that enables the user to develop a compact program. There is a facility to manipulate both byte data and 1 bit binary data. The table gives complete information on the instruction set.*Data Transfer Instructions:The above table gives the instructions that can be used to move data around internal memory spaces and the addressing modes that can be used with each one. The MOV , instruction allows data to be transferred between any two internal RAM locations without disturbing the Accumulator. The upper 128 bytes of the data RAM can be accessed only by indirect addressing and SFR space by direct addressing. In all 8031 devices, the stack resides in onchip RAM, and grows upwards. The PUSH instruction first increments the Stack Pointer (SP), then copies the byte into the stack. PUSH and POP use only direct addressing to identify the byte being saved or restored. But the stack itself is accessed by indirect addressing using the SP register. This means the stack can go into the upper 128 bytes if they are implemented but not into SFR space. In devices that don't have upper 128 bytes, if the SP points to anywhere in upper 128 bytes, pushed bytes are lost and popped bytes are indeterminate. The data transfer instructions include a 16 bit MOV that can be used to initialize the Data Pointer (DPTR) for lookup tables in Program Memory or for 16 bit external Data Memory accesses. The XCH A, instruction causes the Accumulator and the addressed byte to exchange the data. The XCHD A,@Ri instruction exchange only low nibble between the Accumulator and the addressed byte.*Data Transfer In External RAM:This following table gives possible data transfer operations in external data memory space. Only indirect addressing can be used. The choice is whether to use a one byte address by @Ri, where Ri can be either R0 or R1 of the selected register bank or a two byte address, @DPTR. Note that in all external data RAM accesses the Accumulator is always either the destination or source of data. The read and write strobes to external RAM are activated onlyduring the execution of a MOVX instruction. Normally these signals are inactive and infact if they are not going to be used at all, then their pins are available as extra I/O lines.*Lookup Tables:This table shows the two instructions that are available for reading lookup tables from Program Memory. Since they access only Program Memory, the lookup tables can only be read not updated. The mnemonic MOVC is for constant? If the table access is to external Program Memory, then the read strobe is PSEN. The first MOVC instruction of the table can read a byte from 256 entries, numbered 0 through 255. The number of the desired entry loaded into the Accumulator and the Data Pointer is set up to point to beginning of the table. The other MOVC instruction works with the Program Counter (PC). Hence PC acts as the table base and the Accumulator should carry the table entry value.*Arithmetic Instructions:Note that most of the operations use Accumulator and any byte in the internal data memory space can be increased or decrease without using Accumulator. The instruction MUL AB multiplies the unsigned eight bit integer values held in the Accumulator and B registers. The lower order byte of the 16 bit product is left in the Accumulator and the higher order byte in B. DIV AB divides the unsigned eight bit integer in the Accumulator by the unsigned eight bit integer in the B register. The integer part of quotient stays with the Accumulator and theremainder in the B register. The DAA instruction is for BCD arithmetic operations. In BCD arithmetic, ADD and ADD C instructions should always be followed by a DAA operation, to ensure that the result is also in BCD. The DAA operation produces a meaningful result only in the second step when adding two BCD bytes.*Logical Instructions:The following table gives the list of 8031抯logical instructions. The instructions that perform Boolean operations (AND, OR, Exclusive OR, NOT) on bytes perform the operation on a bit by bit basis. All of the logical instructions that are Accumulator specific execute in 1μs (using a 12MHz clock). Others take 2μs. Boolean operations can be performed on any byte in the lower 128 internal data memory space or the SFR space using direct addressing without having to use the Accumulator. If the operation is in response to an interrupt, not using the Accumulator saves time and effort in the interrupt service routine.The Rotate instructions (RL A, RLC A, etc.) shift the Accumulator 1 bit to the left or right. For a left rotation, the MSB rolls into the LSB position and for a right rotation, the LSB rolls into MSB position. The SWAP A instruction interchanges the high and low nibbles within the Accumulator. This is a useful operation in BCD manipulation.*Program Control---Jumps, Calls, and Returns:LJMP (long jump) encodes a 16 bit address in the 2ndand 3ndinstruction bytes. The destination may be anywhere in the 64K byte Program Memory address space. The two byte AJMP (Absolute jump) instruction encodes its destination using a 11 bit address which is embedded in the instruction itself. Address bits 10 through 8 form a 3 bit field in the opcodeand address bits 7 through 0 form a second byte. Address bits 15-11 remain unchanged from the incremented contents of the PC, so AJMP can only be used when the destination is known to be within the same 2K memory block.*Jump Instructions:Following table gives a list of unconditional jumps.As you can see, there are three types of jump operations:SJMP---Short JumpLJMP---Long JumpAJMP---Absolute JumpBasically these jump operations differ from each other by the way of address generation meant for that jump operation. SJMP (Short Jump) determines the destination with a Program Counter relative address mentioned in the second byte. The CPU calculates the destination at run time by adding the signed 8 bit displacement value to the incremented PC. Negative offset values will cause jumps upto 128 bytes backwards; positive values upto 127 bytes forward. In contrast, LJMP instructions jump into any place in the 64K bytes program space. The instruction is three bytes long, first byte is the opcode and next two bytes give destination address. Like SJMP, AJMP instructions jump into much longer space, anywhere into 2K block. The instruction is 2 bytes long, containing the opcode in the first byte and the second byte holds low byte of the destination address. The opcode itself carries higher orderbits of 2K space (bits 8 ?10). During the instruction execution, these 11 bits are simply substituted for the low 11 bits in the PC. Hence, the destination has to be within the same 2K block as the instruction following the AJMP. The JMP @A+DPTR instruction supports case jumps. The destination address is calculated during run time as the sum of the 16 bit DPTR register and the Accumulator. Typical application for this case jump is the facility to jump to the exact location in a lookup table. This particular type of jumps is one of the most wanted operations. Normally, the DPTR holds the address of a lookup table. During runtime, the Accumulator is made to calculate the exact position of the required byte. This instruction sums up both DPTR and the Accumulator and then jumps to that specific byte. These are two CALL instructions: LCALL and ACALL. These instructions are used to call subroutine and they differ in a way the subroutine address is determined. Each instruction increments the PC to the first byte of the following instruction and then pushes it onto the stack (low byte first). Saving both bytes increments the Stack Pointer by two. LCALL instruction is for the long subroutine call operation and the instruction is a 3 byte long one and second and third bytes carry the address of the subroutine. So the subroutine can be anywhere in the 64K Program Memory space. But the ACALL instruction drives an absolute subroutine call operation and uses the 11 bit address format. The subroutine should be within the 2K block as the instruction following the ACALL. Subroutines should end with a RET instruction that pops the high and low order bytes of the PC successively from the stack, decreasing the Stack Pointer by two and program execution continues at the address pushed, the first byte of the instruction immediately following the call. RETI can be used to return from an interrupt service routine. The only difference between RET and RETI is that RETI tells the interrupt control system that the interrupt in progress is done. If there is no active interrupt operation, then the RETI is functionally same as RET.*Conditional Jump Instructions:Like SJMP, all conditional jump instructions use relative addressing: JZ (jump if Zero) and JNZ (jump if not Zero) monitor the state of the Accumulator as implied by their names while JC (jump on carry) and JNC (jump on no carry) test whether or not the carry flag is set. All these 4 instructions are two byte instructions.The 8031 instruction set supports another set of conditional jump instruction using Boolean processing. They are covered separately.*Operate and Branch Instructions---CJNE, DJNZ:This group of instructions combine a byte operation with a conditional jump based on the results. CJNE (Compare and Jump if Not Equal) compares two byte operands and execute a jump if they disagree. The carry flag is set following the rules of subtraction. If the unsigned integer value of the first operand is less than that of second, then it is set. Otherwise, it is cleared. The CJNE instruction can also be used for loop control. Two bytes are specified in the operand field of the instruction. The jump is executed only if the two bytes are not equal. DJNZ (Decrement and Jump if not Zero) decrements the register or direct address indicated and jumps if the result is not zero, without affecting any flags. This provides a simple means of executing a program loop a given number of times, or for adding a moderate time delay (from 2 to 512 machine cycles) using a single instruction. CJNE and DJNZ, like all conditional jumps use Program Counter relative addressing for the destination address.*Boolean Instructions:The 8031 devices contain a complete Boolean (single bit) processor. The internal RAM contains 128 addressable bits and the SFR space can support upto 128 other addressable bits. All of the port lines are bit addressable and each one can be treated as a separate single bit port. The instructions that access these bits are not just conditional branches, but a complete menu of MOVE, SET, CLEAR, COMPLEMENT, OR, AND instructions. This range of bit operations are not easily obtained in other architectures with any amount of byte oriented software. The instruction set for the Boolean processor is shown here. All bit accesses are direct addressing. Bit addresses 00H through 7FH are in the lower 128 bytes and bit addresses 80H through FFH are in SFR space. The carry bit is used as the Boolean processor. Bit instructions that refer to the carry bit as C assemble as carry specific instructions. The carry bit also has a direct address, since it resides in the PSW register which is bit addressable. Boolean instructions support JB (Jump on Bit), JNB (Jump on No Bit), JBC (Jump on Bit and Clear), JC (Jump on Carry) and JNC (Jump on No Carry) operations. The destination address for these jumps is specified in the second byte of the instruction. This is a signed (two complement) offset byte that is added to the PC if the jump is executed. The range of jump is therefore -128 to +127 Program Memory bytes relative to the first byte following the jump instruction.Questions:ⅰHow many addressing modes does the Single Chip Microcomputer support?What they are?ⅱPlease listing the difference of all the addressing modes.ⅲHow many instructions does the Single Chip Microcomputer have?ⅳPlease try to explain how to calculate the jump operations's adress area?ⅴHow does 8051 machine code look ?ⅵWhat are program control instructions ?ⅶWhat is Machine cycle ?ⅷHow to calculate exact time spent in executinga program ? Or how to write exact time delay loops ?。
