(机械部分) 最大加工直径: 6300 mm 出厂编号:
齐 齐 哈 尔 二 机 床 (集 团 )有 限 责 任 公 司
1 安全注意事项 ………………………………………………………… 1 2 机床外观及结构简介 …………………………………………………… 4 2.1机床外观 ……………………………………………………………………4 2.2结构简介 ……………………………………………………………………5 3 主要用途与适用范围 …………………………………………………… 5 4 技术参数 ………………………………………………………………… 6 5 主要结构及性能 ………………………………………………………… 7 5.1 主传动机构 …………………………………………………………… 7 5.2 进给机构 ……………………………………………………………… 7 5.3 主要部分结构特点 …………………………………………………… 7 5.4 工作台承重与转速关系图 ………………………………………… 8 5.5 刀架切削力与滑枕伸出长度关系图 ………………………………… 9 5.6 功率扭矩图 …………………………………………………………… 9 5.7 主传动转速分布图 …………………………………………………… 10 6 传动系统 ……………………………………………………………… 11 6.1 传动系统图 ………………………………………………………… 11 6.2 传动件明细表 ………………………………………………………… 12 6.3 轴承位置图 …………………………………………………………… 14 6.4 轴承明细表 …………………………………………………………… 15 7 液压系统 ……………………………………………………………… 17 7.1 液压系统原理图 …………………………………………………………17 7.2 液压元件明细表 …………………………………………………………21 7.3 液压系统说明 ……………………………………………………………23
PM-5060UVE 微型精密电脑晒版机 操作说明书
![PM-5060UVE 微型精密电脑晒版机 操作说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a8ae6ab64793daef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e996f18.png)
PM-5060UVE微型精密电脑晒版机操作说明书Tabletop Micro-computer UV Exposure machineOperation instruction东莞市高宝印刷机械科技有限公司Dongguan KC Printing Machine Limited设备规格:Technology parameter:Model PM-4050UVE型PM-5060UVE型Glass size400×500mm×5mm500×600mm×5mmMax frame size380×280mm480×380mmMax exposure area380×280mm480×380mmStandard Lamp6×15W气冷型紫外线灯6×15W气冷型紫外线灯Vacuum Pump220V/0.8HP无油泵220V/0.8HP无油泵Power supply220V/5A/50HZ220V/5A/50HZOuter dimension400×500×210mm500×600×210mm Wooden case dimensionNet weight20KG20KG设备运输和安装要求:Transport and installing1、运输途中不能翻滚,上落轻放。
Please do not turn over this machine when carrying.2、如带木箱包装应小心拆卸,慎防机内玻璃和灯管易碎件的损坏。
Please open the wooden case carefully to avoid breaking Glass and UV lamp3、机器安置固定后,提起压盖,将水平仪放置在玻璃板的中央,(水平仪放置时,应小心轻放,避免磨擦,以免刮伤曝光玻璃)。
班组管理者: 车间管理者:
培训范围说明: 针对操作工的培训需完成1~7,对象是各岗位操作工包括上料人员; 针对车间班组的培训需完成1~10,对象是班组长,DCS操作员,仪表维护人员等; 针对车间管理员的培训需完成全部培训内容,包括车间管理员和设备维护人员。
碎解模块: 4hours D:\KBCSTAND\kbc training\ppt版\Pulper training rebuild.ppt
1.单机说明 2.碎解圈路 3.连锁逻辑 4.启停顺序 5.操作维护
• 碎浆机操作浓度:3-5% • 碎浆机操作液位:70-80% • 碎浆机启动条件:密封水,油泵运行信
5800纸 机培训内容与计划
Kadant Black Clawson CHINA
Base training for start up
第一天 碎解和筛选: 安全操作,原理及基本结构,操作及注意事项,例检及问题处理
第二天 除渣和分级: 原料及基本知识,操作及注意事项,例检及问题处理
号,润滑油流量信号,油温信号; • 碎浆机运行:卸料浆泵连锁条件; • 间隙:0.5-1.5mm; • 润滑油牌号:ISO320;
• 链板机上料:忌整包跌入,均匀连续; • 绞绳直径:200-400mm; • 绞绳机间隙:尽可能小; • 水力清渣机:进浆浓度2.0-3.5%; • 水力清渣机程序:冲进疏洗轻重; • 高浓除渣器:压差172kpa; • 高浓除渣器渣阀连锁:上未关下不开; • 注意事项:避免带料启动。
美国特产 Roval 面座吸盘用纸巾机和废纸筒说明书
![美国特产 Roval 面座吸盘用纸巾机和废纸筒说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3d14b69e951ea76e58fafab069dc5022abea4602.png)
441 Saw Mill River Road, Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 476-9000
INSTALLATION Surface mount unit on wall using №10 self-tapping flat head screws (by others) through concealed mounting holes provided. For compliance with ADA Accessibility Guidelines install unit so that towel dispenser slot is 48" (1219) maximum above finished floor (AFF) if clear floor
OPERATION Soap is manually dispensed by pushing down on the spout stem. Dispenser is refilled by using the special refill key to unlock the escutcheon and remove the valve body with dip tube from the shank to expose reservoir opening.
6-9 16" [167]
11-516" [287] CENTRAL
一、准备工作在使用印刷设备之前,务必做好以下准备工作:1. 确保印刷设备的供电正常,接通电源并检查电源线是否连接紧固;2. 检查印刷设备的纸张、油墨、印版等配套材料是否齐全,并确保其处于良好状态;3. 对印刷设备进行一次简要的外观检查,确保没有明显的损坏或问题。
二、印刷设备的基本操作1. 打开印刷设备的电源开关,并确保控制面板显示正常;2. 根据需要调整印刷设备的工作模式,在控制面板上选择相应的操作指令;3. 将待印刷的纸张放置在纸箱中,并根据印刷要求进行纸张的调整;4. 导入印刷文件,可以通过USB接口或其他数据传输方式将文件输入到印刷设备中;5. 调整印刷速度、油墨厚度、打印精度等参数,根据需要进行合理的设置。
三、印刷设备的注意事项1. 在使用印刷设备时,应仔细阅读设备的说明书,并按照说明书中的操作指引进行操作;2. 严禁在印刷设备运行过程中随意擅自更改设备的参数或操作方式,以免引发故障或事故;3. 如果发现印刷设备出现异常情况或故障,应立即停机,并及时联系专业技术人员进行维修处理;4. 使用印刷设备时要注意个人安全,避免手指等身体部位接触到设备的带电部分,以防触电事故发生;5. 使用印刷设备时注意安全工作,如佩戴好防护眼镜、防护手套等个人防护用品,避免发生意外伤害。
四、印刷设备故障排除方法在印刷设备使用过程中,可能会遇到一些常见的故障问题,以下是一些常见问题及处理方法:1. 打印机无法正常启动或无法连接电脑时,可先检查电源线和数据线是否连接紧固,或尝试重新启动设备和电脑;2. 打印机卡纸时,应立即停止打印工作,断开电源,并按照设备说明书中指示的方法进行纸张的清理和排除;3. 打印效果不理想时,可检查油墨是否充足、印版是否损坏,并进行相应的调整或更换;4. 设备运行速度过慢或异常,可能是由于文件过大或内存不足所致,可以尝试清理设备内存或优化文件格式。
SPRT思普瑞特 SP-POS58V打印机使用说明书
![SPRT思普瑞特 SP-POS58V打印机使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5f200824dcccda38376baf1ffc4ffe473368fd16.png)
SP-POS58V使用说明书纸仓盖(Ver1.03)北京思普瑞特科技发展有限公司目录一、简介 (3)二、特点与性能 (3)2.1打印性能 (3)2.2打印纸 (3)2.3打印字符 (3)2.4通信接口形式 (4)2.5打印控制命令 (4)2.6电源要求 (4)2.7工作环境 (4)2.8噪音标准 (4)2.9外型尺寸、重量 (4)3.0型号分类 (4)三、接口连接 (5)3.1电源接口 (5)3.2串行接口连接 (5)3.2USB接口 (5)四、操作说明 (5)4.1换纸和上纸 (5)4.2自检测 (6)4.3十六进制打印 (6)4.4通过软件设置打印机参数 (6)4.5指示灯说明 (7)附录:通过按键设置打印机默认参数方法 (8)一、简介SP-POS58V打印机是一种新型行式热敏打印机,具有打印速度快,噪声低,可靠性好,打印质量高等优点。
二、产品组成1. 平版印刷机主机:包括底座、进纸装置、印刷装置等部分。
2. 平版:用于印刷图文信息的铜制版或聚酯薄膜。
3. 墨水系统:包括墨池、墨盘、墨辊、墨刀等部件。
4. 控制面板:提供操作控制和参数调整功能。
5. 进纸输送系统:用于将纸张送入平版印刷机。
三、操作流程1. 准备工作a. 将平版安装在印刷机的印刷装置上,并确保固定牢固。
b. 检查墨池中的墨水是否充足,如不足则添加适量墨水。
c. 清洁并调整好进纸输送系统,确保纸张能够顺利进入印刷区域。
2. 打开电源a. 检查电源连接是否正常。
b. 打开电源开关,待机器启动完毕后进入下一步操作。
3. 调整印刷参数a. 使用控制面板上的按钮或旋钮,调整所需的印刷参数,如印刷速度、墨水厚度等。
b. 确保印刷参数与所需印刷效果相符。
4. 开始印刷a. 将待印刷的纸张放置在进纸装置上,调整好位置。
b. 按下启动按钮,平版印刷机将开始进行印刷操作。
c. 在印刷过程中,注意观察印刷效果,如出现问题,及时停机处理。
5. 完成印刷a. 当所需印刷数量达到或印刷任务完成时,按下停机按钮,平版印刷机将停止运行。
b. 关闭电源开关,断开电源连接。
四、注意事项1. 操作人员必须经过培训并熟悉本说明书内容后方可操作平版印刷机。
2. 严禁将手指或其他物品伸入印刷区域,以免发生意外伤害。
3. 定期检查并清洁印刷机各部件,保持设备正常运行。
4. 注意墨水的储存和使用,防止墨水过期或被污染。
5. 在操作过程中,如发现设备异常响声、异味或其他异常情况,应及时停机检查。
![BK PRECISION 2640 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/efc70536ae45b307e87101f69e3143323968f596.png)
只有B&K Precision的服务技术员(对于仪器状态和危险电压有专业知识)才可以维修仪器。
请勿在对功能是否正确有疑问时操作本仪器:如果您认为仪器未正常工作,请将仪器返回至B&K Precision服务或维修以确保维持其安全特性。
·仪器维护*避免光线直射*远离供暖系统*避免高温(如暑期的车内)*远离液体*避免高湿度或不佳空气流通*远离灰尘或烟雾*避免极低温BK2640 Ni-MH电池可充电。
EPS干法无尘2100纸机传动系统操作说明书绵阳海天斯威福特有限责任公司2019年2月20日传动系统操作说明书开机,进入WINXP 操作系统后,就会显示登陆画面。
按“CTRL ”、“L ”组合键,弹出系统登陆框,此时输入用户名和密码,然后就可以进入到操作界面。
SPRT思普瑞特 SP-EU58III嵌入式打印单元使用说明书
![SPRT思普瑞特 SP-EU58III嵌入式打印单元使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cba99e0ee55c3b3567ec102de2bd960591c6d95b.png)
SP-EU58III嵌入式打印单元使用说明书VER1.02北京思普瑞特科技发展有限公司目录目录 (2)一、简介 (4)二、打印单元组成 (4)三、主控板说明 (7)3.1主控板按键及接口说明 (7)3.2默认串行接口外观图及管脚定义 (7)3.3可定制串行接口外观图 (8)3.4可定制串行接口管脚定义 (8)3.5并行接口外观图 (9)3.6并行接口管脚定义 (9)3.7USB接口 (10)3.8电源接口 (10)四、性能特点 (11)4.1打印性能: (11)4.2电源要求: (11)4.3接口方式: (11)4.4纸张处理: (11)五、操作说明 (11)5.1按键和指示灯说明 (11)5.2自检操作 (12)5.3十六进制打印 (12)5.4打印机参数设置 (12)5.5进入程序升级模式 (13)5.6装纸 (13)5.7卡纸故障的排除方法 (13)六、控制命令 (14)HT (15)LF (15)FF (15)CR (16)DLE EOT n (16)ESC SP n (18)ESC!n (18)ESC$nL nH (19)ESC%n (19)ESC&y c1c2[x1d1...d(y×x1)]...[xk d1...d(y×xk)] (20)①ESC‘m n1L n1H...nmL nmH②ESC mL mH n1L n1H...nmL nmH. (22)ESC*m nL nH d1...dk. (23)ESC-n (25)ESC2 (25)ESC3n (25)ESC=n (26)ESC?n (26)ESC@ (26)ESC D n1...nk NUL.. (27)ESC E n (27)ESC G n (28)ESC J n (28)ESC M n (28)ESC R n (29)ESC V n (29)ESC\nL nH (30)ESC a n (30)ESC c5n (31)ESC d n (31)ESC t n (32)ESC{n (33)FS P n (34)GS!n (34)GS*x y d1...d(x×y×8).. (35)GS/m (36)GS B n (36)GS H n (37)GS L nL nH (37)GS P x y (38)①GS V m②GS V m n (38)GS W nL nH (39)GS f n (39)GS h n (40)①GS k m d1...dk NUL②GS k m n d1...dn. (40)GS w n (42)ESC Z m n k dL dH d1...dn (43)GS Z n (44)①GS k m v r d1...dn NUL②GS k m v r nL nH d1...dn (44)FS!n (45)FS& (46)FS-n (46)FS (46)FS2c1c2d1...dk.. (47)FS C n (48)FS S n1n2 (48)FS W n (49)七、安装与使用注意事项 (49)附录A:CODE128码 (51)附录B:通过按键设置打印机默认参数方法 (55)一、简介SP-EU58III 嵌入式打印单元是一种使用灵活,功能齐全,性能卓越的新型热敏打印单元。
MT-500 seriesMT-510T, MT-508T Installation Instruction1.0 Installation and StartupGuideInstall EnvironmentWhere UsedThe MT-500 Series is designed for use in a factory environment. It is designed to operate from 32 to 113 °F (0 to 45 °C) temperatures, as found in most industrial environments. It may not be suitable for use in certain outdoor applications. Please consult the factory for advised usage in outdoor applications.NEMA RatingThe MT-500 Series front bezel is NEMA 4 rated. When installed properly in a NEMA 4 panel, the NEMA 4 rating of the panel will not be compromised. This means that fluids will not enter the panel during wash downs.Electrical EnvironmentThe MT-500 Series has been tested to conform to European CE requirements. This means that the circuitry is designed to resist the effects of electrical noise. This does not guarantee noise immunity in severe cases. Proper wire routing and grounding will insure proper operation.Mechanical EnvironmentAvoid installing units in environments where severe mechanical vibration or shocks are present.2.0 Installation Instructions2.1 Mounting Instructions2.1.1 Location ConsiderationsCare should be taken when locating equipment behind the unit to ensure that AC power wiring, PLC output modules, contactors, starters and relays, and any other source of electrical interference are located away from the back of the unit.Particular note should be taken to the position of variable speed drives and switching power supplies. Their input and load cables should be screened to a central star earth point.2.1.2 Making a NEMA-4 MountingPanel Details The unit can be mounted into panels with a depth of 4” (105mm). It is recommended that the unit be mounted on the front panel of a steel enclosure, through an appropriate opening*. Allow a clearance of 1”(25mm) around the sides of the unit for mounting hardware. Allow clearance for cable connections to the back of the unit. Unit depth may vary according to cable type used. Typically, plan a depth to accommodate at least 4” (105mm) behind the panel.NEMA-4 Mounting Put the unit through the panel cut out. Slide the clamps into the 6 holes provided around the case. Tighten the clamping screws in an even pattern until the unit is secured in the panel.Caution!Do not over tighten mounting clamps!Note:SpecificationsNote: To seal to NEMA-4 specifications, all supplied mounting clamps must be used andpanel cannot flex more than 0.010”.2.1.3 Environmental Considerationsz The MT-500 are to be used indoors as built in displays. Make sure that the displays are installed correctly and that the operating limits are followed (See Specifications).z Do not operate the unit in areas subject to explosion hazards due to flammable gases, vapors or dusts.z The unit should not be installed where fast temperature variations and/or high humidity are present. This will cause condensation of water in the device.z Do not install these terminals in environments where have inflammable gases.2.2 Power ConnectionsMake sure that all local and national electrical standards are met when the installing the unit.Contact your local authorities to determine which codes apply.2.2.1 Power RequirementsPower The MT-500 can be powered by DC power only. The specified voltage rangeis 24±5% V olts DC. This insures compatibility with most controller DCsystems.The power conditioning circuitry inside the unit is accomplished by aswitching power supply. The peak starting current can be as high as 700mA.Fusing Requirements If the display does not come on within 2 seconds of power up, remove power. An internal fuse will prevent damage if the polarity of the DC power is incorrect. Check wiring to insure proper connections and try to power up again.Caution High Voltage An Internal fuse will prevent damage for over voltage condition however it isn’t guaranteed.DC voltage sources should provide proper isolation from main AC power and similar hazards.Caution Emergency Stop A Hard-wired EMERGENCY STOP should be fitted in any system using an MT-500 to comply with ICS Safety Recommendations.Caution Supply Voltage Condition Do not power the MT-500 and inductive DC loads, or input circuitry to the controller, with the same power supply. Note: The 24 VDC output from some controllers may not have enough current to power the MT-500.Caution Wire Routing Wire lengths should be minimized (Maximum 1600’ (500 m) shielded, 1000’ (300 m) unshielded).Wires should be run in pairs with a neutral or common paired with a hot or signal line.If wiring is to be exposed to lightning or surges, use appropriate surge suppression devices.Keep AC, high energy, and rapidly switching DC wiring separate from signal wires.Equip ungrounded DC supplies with a resistor and capacitor in parallel to earth ground. This provides a path for static and high frequency dissipation. Typical values to use are 1MOhm and 4700pF.Connection To make a connection, strip about 3/8” of insulation off the end of the wire,turn the connector screw counterclockwise until the gap is wide open, insertthe wire all the way in, and turn the screw clockwise until it’s tight.Connect positive DC line to the ‘+24V’ terminal and the DC ground to the‘0V‘ terminal.2.2.2 Grounding RequirementsChassis ground must be used. DC ground is not directly coupled to Earthground internally. It is preferable not to ground DC negative return to chassisground as poor site earths can introduce noise into a system, but if necessaryan earth connection should be made, from the power supply return point tothe central star earth point. Ground conductors should be as short and as largein size as possible. The conductors must always be large enough to carry themaximum short circuit current of the path being considered. Groundconductors should be connected to a tree from a central star earth groundpoint. This ensures that no ground conductor carries current from any otherbranch.2.2.3 CE RequirementsTo make an MT-500 comply with EMC directives, and to reduce susceptibility to electrical interference, a separate #14 AWG ground wire should be taken to the chassis ground terminal of the power connector. This ground connection should be run directly to the central star earth connection point (as recommended in most Installation Instructions).2.2.4 Safety GuidelinesThis section presents recommended installation practices, and procedures. Since no two applications are identical, these recommendations should be considered as guidelines.Hardware Considerations WARNING!The system designer should be aware that devices in Controller systems could fail and thereby create an unsafe condition. Furthermore, electrical interference in an operator interface, such as an MT-500, can lead to equipment start-up, which could result in property damage and/or physical injury to the equipment operator.If you, or your company, use any programmable control systems that require an operator or attendant, you should be aware that this potential safety hazard exists and take appropriate precautions. Although the specific design steps depend on your particular application, the following precautions generally apply to installation of solid-state programmable control devices. In addition, these precautions conform to the guidelines for installation of Controllers as recommended in the NEMA ICS 3-304 Control Standards.Programming Considerations To conform with ICS Safety Recommendations, checks should be placed in the controller to ensure that all writable registers that control critical parts of plant or machinery have limit checks built into the program, with an out-of-limit safe shut down procedure to ensure safety of personnel.ICS 3-304.81 Safety Recommendations:Consideration should be given to the use of an emergency stop function, which is independent of the programmable controller.Where the operator is exposed to the machinery, such as in loading or unloading a machine tool, or where the machine cycles automatically, consideration should be given to the use of an electromechanical override or other redundant means, independent of the programmable controller, for starting and interrupting the cycle.If provision is required for changing programs while the equipment is in operation, consideration should be given to the use of locks or other means of assuring that only authorized personnel can make such changes.These recommendations are intended as safeguards against the failure of critical components and the effects of such failures or the inadvertent errors that might be introduced if programs are changed while the equipment is in operation. * z The ICS 3-304.81 Safety Recommendations are reproduced by permission of the National ElectricalManufacturers Association from NEMA ICS 3-3042.3 Communications ConnectionsThe ports as you look at the back of the case, are the ports for connecting to a printer, PLC or some external device (Controller Connectors).2.3.1 Connection to an External DeviceCableRequirementsDifferent cables are required for various devices.Caution Restrict cable length to less than 500’ (150m) for RS485/422 devices and 50’ (15m) for RS232 devices to avoid communications problems. Communications problems cause the display to show “PLC no response...” until communications can be established. The COM light on the front of the MT-500 will turn on with each communication.Shielded cable must be used for long lengths or cables run in an electrically noisy environment.Do not run cables next to AC power lines or near sources of electrical noise. Be sure that the cable ends have been inserted all of the way into mating connectors and are securePin DesignationsPin assignment of the 9 Pin, Female, SUB-D, PLC [RS-232] Port. This port is used for connecting the MT-500 to a controller.Note: This port is not used for programming the MT-500 or for printing functions.PLC [RS-232]Pin# Symbol PLC [RS232] AUX[RS232](only E series)1 Aux_TxD TransmittedData2 TxD TransmittedData3 RxD ReceivedData4 Notused5 GND SignalGround6 Aux_RxD ReceivedData7 CTS Clear to send input8 RTS Ready to send output9 +5V2.3.2 Connection to a Personal ComputerThe 9 Pin, Female, SUB-D, PC [RS-232] & PLC [RS-485] Port on the back of the unit is the programming port (PC Connector) and RS485/422 communications port for connecting to a controller.Connection This port can be attached to a Computer via a special DB9 Female to DB9Female cable. (P/N: MT5_PC, optional)Port Activation This port is activated automatically by the PC during on line simulation,download and upload activities.The Programmer Port cannot simulate, download or upload to the MT-500 while it is on line with the controller at the same time. The MT-500 must be put into “RDS” mode with the EasyManager applet first.Pin DesignationsPC [RS-232] &PLC [RS-485]Pin assignment of the 9 Pin, Male, SUB-D PC [RS-232] &PLC [RS-485]Port. (Only MT5XXXE4 has AUX RS485) Pin# Symbol PLC[RS485]4 wire PLC[RS485]2 wire Aux[RS485] (only E series) PC[RS232]1 Rx- Rx- Data-2 Rx+ Rx+ Data+3 Tx- Tx-4 Tx+ Tx+5 GNDSignal Ground6 Data- Data-7 TxD Transmit 8 RxDReceive 9 Data+Data+MT-500 to PC MT5_PC Cable ConfigurationMT-500 RS232/485PLC RS485PC RS2322.3.3 Connection to a PrinterThe printer port on the back of the unit is a Parallel printer port and is compatible with most printers that accept parallel connectors.Print OutThe MT-510T and MT-508T models have print out capabilities. The printer port transmits data when a printable object is activated.MT-500 support compatible with EPSON ESC/P2 printer. For details, contact your local distributor.Note: Connect printer the distance can’t longer than 5m. Pin DesignationsPin assignment of the 25 Pin, SUB-D, Parallel Printer Port.PRINTER Pin# Symbol Function Pin# Symbol Function1 STB Output 11 BUSY Input2 DATA0 Output 15 ERROR Input3 DATA1 Output 16 INIT Output4 DATA2 Output 17-25GND SignalGround5 DATA3 Output6 DATA4 Output7 DATA5 Output8 DATA6 Output9 DATA7 Output2.3.4 Dip Switchz Touch Screen Test mode: In this mode when you touch the screen, the screen will display a “+” sign.So you can test the touch screen was accurate.z RDS (Remote Debug & Simulation) mode: Used for simulation and download/upload.When E4 series insert a CF card will appear a green button on screen right and bottom side.Press this button to startup the project download procedure.z Touch Adjust (Touch screen calibration) mode: Used to calibrate the touch screen.z Application (On line operation) mode: This is the normal operating mode of the EasyView; the EasyView will start from the startup window of the project download.2.4 CE RequirementsEU directives that apply to the MT-500 Series:z EMC Directive (89/336/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC) electromagnetic emissions and immunityz Machinery Directive (89/392/EEC, 91/368/EEC, 93/44/EEC, 93/ 68/EEC) machine safetyz MT500 products will be CE-marked to indicate compliance with the EMC Directive.The MT-500 Series has been designed to operate satisfactorily in electromagnetic noise (immunity) and without emitting high levels of electrical noise into the environment (emission). The units are designed to meet European Community standards when installed per the wiring instructions in this manual.CompatibilityStandards The MT-500 has been designed to meet electromagnetic compatibility for industrial environments.• CISPR (EN 55011) Group 1, Class A Radiated Emissions levels• EN50081-2 Generic emission standard, industrial environment (Also US FCCClass A)• EN50082-2 Generic immunity standard, industrial environmentSW1SW2ModeON ON Touch Screen Test modeOFF ON RDS (Remote Debug & Simulation) modeON OFF Touch Adjust (Touch screen calibration)modeOFF OFF Application (On line operation) mode3.0 SpecificationsMT510TE MT510TV MT508TE MT508TVHardware SpecificationDisplay 10.4" TFT 10.4" TFT 8" TFT 8" TFT Brightness 400 cd/m2 400 cd/m2 400 cd/m2 400 cd/m2 Color 256 color 256 color 256 color 256 color Contrast Ratio 300:1 300:1 250:1 250:1 Resolution (WxH dots) 640 x 480 640 x 480 640 x 480 640x480 Back light CCFLx2 CCFLx2 CCFLx1 CCFLx1 CCFL life time 50,000 hr. min. 50,000 hr. min. 50,000 hr. min. 50,000 hr. min. Touch panel 4 wires resistive typeTouch Accuracy 2mmSurface Hardness 4HSerial port HMI-PC (RS-232)HMI-PLC (RS-232/485)HMI-AUX (RS-232/485)HMI-PC (RS-232)HMI-PLC (RS-232/485)HMI-PC (RS-232)HMI-PLC (RS-232/485)HMI-AUX (RS-232/485)HMI-PC (RS-232)HMI-PLC (RS-232/485)Ethernet port 10Mbps N/A 10Mbps N/AProcessor 32bit RISC CPU 200MHzFlash Memory4MB 2MB 4MB 2MBRecipe memory 128kBCompact Flash card slot Yes N/A Yes N/ARTC YesParallel printer port YesSystem Diagnostic Power failure detectionGeneral SpecificationInput Power 24±5% VDCMaximum Power Consumption 440 mA@24VDC 440 mA@24VDC 440 mA @24VDC 440 mA @ 24VDCCE Complies with EN50081-2 and EN50082-2 standardsFCC Complies with FCC Class AV oltage resistance 500V AC (1 min.)Isolation resistance Exceed 50MΩ at 500VDCVibration endurance 10 to 25 Hz (X,Y,Z direction 2G 30minutes)Protection structure IP65 front panel (O ring seal)Operating Temperature 0~45°COperation humidity 10-90% RH (non –condense)Enclosure Plastic Dimensions WxHxD 315x238x62mm 315x238x62mm 231x176x55mm 231x176x55mmPanel cutout dimension302 x 225 mm 302 x 225 mm 222 x 167 mm 222 x 167 mmWeight Approx.2.0 kg Approx.2.0 kg Approx.1.2 kg Approx.1.2 kgSoftwareScreen Editor Software EasyBuilder 500 V2.7.0 or later。
Scan for Informationroduct o verviewDispenses 350 C-fold, 475 multi-fold paper towels. 3.0 gal. (1tumbler lock. 22 gauge type 304 stainless steel door in a satin finish with a flush lock and a heavy-duty 3/16" [4,7] staked piano hinge on door. Towels are self-feeding upon user manual demand until supply is depleted. Unit may be reloaded with a partial load in place and will continue to feed properly. manually. Locked door and waste receptacle prevents unauthorized access or removal.ey F eatures & s Curved front adds strength and eleganceConcealed, Multi-Staked Piano Hinge - Removable Waste Can Type 304 Stainless Steel - Satin Finish Recessed Pull T ype350 C-Fold or 475 Multi-Fold / 3.0 Gal. (1American Specialties, Inc. | 441 Saw Mill River Road, Yonkers, NY 10701 | (914) 476-9000 | Model:#204623Issued:11/1/2021Revised:3/10/2023Page:1 of 2Revision :R1uStainability /lEEDRoval™ Recessed Paper Towel Dispenser & Removable Waste Receptacle271Toilet Accessories CSI:10 28 13MR 4.1 (1) MR 4.2 (1) MR 6 (1) EQ 4.1 (1)EQ 4.2 (1) EQ 4.4 (1)O peratiOn & M aintenancet echnical i nfOrMatiOn / p rOduct p rOpertiesi nstallatiOnW arrantyRecess mount unit in wall using four (4) #8 self-threading flat head screws (by others) through concealed mounting holes provided. For compliance with 2010 ADA Accessibility Standards install unit so that centerline of towel dispenser slot is 48" [1219] maximum Above Finish Floor (AFF) if clear floor reach access is provided. Install unit for general utility with bottom edge 40" [1016] AFF .Rough Wall Opening (RWO) required is 11-1/4" [286] W x 26-7/16" [672] H x 3-15/16" [100] D minimumManufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the design, dimensions or functionality of the product without formal notice.Towels are self-feeding upon user manual demand until supply is depleted. Unit may be reloaded with a partial load inplace and will continue to feed properly. Towels are replenished and waste receptacle is emptied manually on a cycle determined by maintenance needs. Locked door and waste receptacle prevents unauthorized access or removal.One (1) Y ear from date of InvoiceAmerican Specialties, Inc. | 441 Saw Mill River Road, Yonkers, NY 10701 | (914) 476-9000 | Model:CSI:#20462310 28 13Toilet Accessories Issued:11/1/2021Revised:3/10/2023Page:Revision :Type 304 Stainless Steel - Satin Finish Pull T ype350 C-Fold or 475 Multi-Fold / 3.0 Gal. (11.2 L) Waste CapacityPropertyValueDimensions Construction 12-3/4" [325] W x 28" [710] H x 6-1/2" [165] D Recessed2 of 2R1Mounting Capacity。
泡 answear Cascade 纸机部件说明书
![泡 answear Cascade 纸机部件说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3100a57ca9114431b90d6c85ec3a87c240288a23.png)
Parts Manual cFor Technical Assistance call: 800-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-8207 To Order Parts call: 888-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-0234OR Paper Roll Clamp 77F-RCP-01CR2ModelSerial Number cascadeாcorporation612345Roll Clamp Safety DecalsREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION16665595No Hand Hold Decal23660269Short Arm Rotation Position Decal 34656038Caution Decal 44679150No Step Decal54665677Trapped Pressure Decal 61679059Quick-Change Hook DecalSafety DecalsRoll Clamp Publications674512Service Manual674509Operator’s Guide – Fixed Frame 676268Operator’s Guide – Swing Frame674510Installation Instructions – Fixed Frame 674511Installation Instructions – Swing Frame 677555Driver Training Video – VHS 678363Troubleshooting Video – VHS680664Servicing Cascade Cylinders – VHS 679929Tool Catalog673964Literature Index Order FormPublicationsFrame Group77FREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION682202Frame Group11670931Seal21682437Faceplate31678381Baseplate48675007Bushing51672830Bearing Assembly613643539Capscrew, .50 x 1.75711643538Capscrew, .50 x 1.5081795492Drive Group q91605761Fitting, 8-8101601250Fitting, 8-8111601377Fitting, 8-8124661742Capscrew, .50 x 1.2513176290Lockwasher1416605Plug15244507Capscrew, .50 x 1.751617401Grease Fitting174631385Plug1672842Bearing Service Kit (items 5 and 15) q See Drive Group page for parts breakdown.Reference: Common Parts Group 675069.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION795492Drive Group with 2.8 c.i. Motor 16769570Capscrew, M12 x 2521676855Cover3q674513Shim – .005" (blue)4q670574Shim – .010" (brown)5q671757Shim – .015" (pink)6q671758Shim – .020" (yellow)72670579Bearing81670582Key91670556Pinion101775551Housing111686465Gasket121675608Worm131775553Adapter1422705O-Ring151670549Check Valve v1646444Lockwasher174607059Capscrew, 5/16 NC x 1.75 GR8 181670575Gasketq Quantity as required.v See Check Valve page for parts breakdown.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION191206392Drive Motor – 2.8 c.i.s2044468Capscrew, 3/8 NC x .75 GR8 211670580Bearing221675609Worm Gear231670581Bearing2417214Snap Ring251643423O-Ring261775552Cover271783609Seal281783608Capscrew, M10 x 16294200882Capscrew, M8 x 20301644010Relief Fitting311604510Fitting, 6321656300Gear Box Lube – 48 oz. 331668184Sealant670578Shim Service Kit (items 3-6,25,33)675637Bearing Service Kit (items 21 & 33)675638Bearing Service Kit (items 3-7,25)685227Motor Kit-4.5 (items 4,14,18)s See Drive Motor page for parts breakdown.only. Due to cost, if others parts need replacement, the complete drive motor should be replaced.s See Nameplate under valve for correct part number of Gerotor Set and Flange.q Compatible with water glycol based hydraulic fluids.Common Components Group77FREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION680637Components Group18660200Shim2244466Capscrew, 3/8 NC x .50 GR838674828Retainer48680651Pin58673385Drive Pin64674830Retainer74675022Pin84681673Spacer916673379Shim104675086Drive PinHosing GroupPositioned Short ArmCylinderREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION6025746Hosing Group14680239Hose, 63.75 in.216023365Revolving Connection v34680238Hose, 58.75 in.42227962Eye Pin524751Capscrew, .375 x 1.0064680114Insert74673417Segmentv See Revolving Connection page for parts breakdown.Revolving ConnectionREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION6023365Revolving Connection 110604511Fitting, 6-623214649Seal313138Snap Ring 417341Snap Ring 52684587O-Ring 616023344End Block72768798Capscrew, M8 x 40816023343Shaft 916023358Body222694Service KitREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION557363Cylinder Assembly 13674843Bearing 21560997Nut31674843x Bearing 41662462x Seal52638295x Back-Up Ring 62604511Fitting, 6-671556852Fitting, 481557212Check Valve 912801x O-Ring101562731x Back-Up Ring 111554598x Seal 121628047x Wiper 131555393Rod 141555724Retainer 151557389Piston 1612722x O-Ring 171555741Shell181667516Check Valve Service Kit 191—Spacer201669243Seal Loader 555725Service Kitx Included in Service Kit 555725.Reference: S-5313, S-5314.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION557380Cylinder Assembly 11674843Bearing 21560997Nut31660769◆ Bearing 41662462◆ Seal52638295◆ Back-Up Ring 62604511Fitting, 6-671556852Fitting, 481557212Check Valve 912801◆ O-Ring101563977◆ Back-Up Ring 111554598◆ Seal 121564930◆ Wiper 131557399Rod 141555724Retainer 151557389Piston 1612722◆ O-Ring 171555718Shell181667516Check Valve Service Kit 191—Spacer 201—Spacer 212675006Bearing 221669243Seal Loader 555725Service Kit◆Included in Service Kit 555725.Reference:S-5320, S-5321.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION674948Contact Pad Group ●11678537Short Arm ▲22674994Link32682978Clevis Pin 426525Cotter Pin 52674993Pin61674962Contact Pad 72689900Plug81676810Arm Tip Repair Kit●Includes items 2–7.▲Not included in Contact Pad Group.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION206598Contact Pad Group ●11680479Long Arm ▲22674994Link32682978Clevis Pin426525Cotter Pin52674701Pin61206601Contact Pad72689900Plug81676810Arm Tip Repair Kit●Includes items 2–7.▲Not included in Contact Pad Group.Bolt-On Mounting GroupClass IV, 0°REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION678504Mounting Group11675062Upper Hook – LH21675061Upper Hook – RH31670704Stop Kit48675078Capscrew, 3/4 NC x 1.50 52675082Extension68673387Capscrew, 5/8 NC x 1.75 74670692Washer82679832Lower Hook94675079Capscrew, 3/4 NC x 2.00 101675081Center Spacer1124472Capscrew, 3/8 NC x 1.50 1226372Lockwasher, 3/8 in. IDDo you have questions you need answered right now? Call your nearest Cascade Parts Department. Visit us online at Cascade (UK) Ltd.15, Orgreave Crescent Dore House Industrial Estate HandsworthSheffield S13 9NQ EnglandTel: 742-697524FAX: 742-695121Cascade Scandinavia AB Box 124Hammarvägen 10567 23 Vaggeryd SwedenTel: 42-0-393-36950 FAX: 46-0-393-36959Cascade N.V. European Headquarters P.O. Box 30091300 El Almere Damsluisweg 561332 ED AlmereThe NetherlandsTel: 31-36-5492911 FAX: 31-36-5492964Cascade Norway Østerliveien 37A 1153 Oslo NorwayTel: 47-22-743160 FAX: 47-22-743157Cascade France S.A.R.L.1D Rue De CharaintruBP 18, 91360 Epinay-Sur-OrgeMorangis Cedex, FranceTel: 33-1- 64547500FAX: 33-1-64547501Cascade Hispania S.A.Carrer 5 Sector CZona Franca DuaneraPoligono de la Zon Franca08040 Barcelona, SpainOffice No. 256Tel: 93-264-07-30FAX: 93-264-07-31Cascade Canada Inc.5570 Timberlea Blvd.Mississauga, OntarioCanada L4W-4M6Tel: 905-629-7777FAX: 905-629-7785Cascade GmbHD-41199 MonchengladbachKlosterhofweg 52GermanyTel: 49-216-668230FAX: 49-216-6682323Cascade N.V.Benelux Sales and ServiceP.O. Box 30091300 El AlmereDamsluisweg 561332 ED AlmereThe NetherlandsTel: 31-36-5492950FAX: 31-36-5492974Cascade FinlandAlbert Petreliuksenkatu 301370 VantaaFinlandTel: 358-9-836-1925FAX: 358-9-836-1935Cascade Corporation2501 Sheridan AvenueSpringfield, OH 45505Tel:888-CASCADE (227-2233)FAX: 888-329-0234Cascade Japan Ltd.5-5-41,Torikai KamiSettsu, OsakaJapan, 566Tel: 81-726-53-3490FAX: 81-726-53-3497Cascade Korea108B, Namdong Ind Complex 658-3 Gojan-Dong Namdong-GuInchon, 405-310 KoreaTel: 82-32-821-2051FAX: 82-32-821-2055Cascade Australia1445 Ipswich RoadRocklea, QLD 4106AustraliaTel: 1-800227-223FAX: (07) 3373-7333Cascade New Zealand15 Ra Ora DriveEast Tamaki, AucklandNew ZealandTel: 9-273-9136FAX: 9-273-9137Cascade (Africa) Pty. Ltd.P.O. Box 625, Isando 160060A Steel RoadSparton, Kempton ParkSouth AfricaTel: 27-11-975-9240FAX: 27-11-394-1147Cascade-XiamenNo. 668 Yangguang Rd. Xinyang Industrial Zone Haicang, Xiamen City Fujian ProvinceP.R. China 361026 Tel: 86-592-651-2500 FAX: 86-592-651-2571Cascade (Singapore) Trading Co.Four Seasons Park Autumn Block - Apt. 1802 12 Cuscaden Walk SingaporeTel: 65-834-1935FAX: 65-834-1936c。
.AUTOMATIC LAMINATOR MACHINE目录第一章一.前言1.说明及特性2.操作结构设计3.贴合适用纸类二.各部名称或称呼三.各型号机械规格四.贴合机周边位置配置第二章一.飞达部二.印刷纸输送部三.浪纸输送部四.主机部五.加压输送部六.电器控制部第三章一.操作说明二.故障排除三.设备保养第一章一、前言l、说明及特性:◎机型为全自动型,减低人员之负荷。
纸、 涂布纸 、 纯质纸 、 雅质纸等多个纸种 , 在产品质量和产品结构上实现大幅提升 。 此次设备升级改造除涉及膜转移施胶机 、 软压光机两套新型设备外 , 另外包含压榨部找平找正 、 电气系统整 体升级改造等在内的整体设备维护及消缺工作 1 0 0 余项 , 预定检修工期为 4 5 天。 为确保检修进度 , 该公司相关部门通力配合 , 明确责任分工 , 根据当天实际情况及时对检修工作进展进行综 合评估 , 建立检修档案 , 将工作做到细致入微 , 全体工作人员主动放弃“ 十一 ” 休息时间 , 加班加点 , 任劳任怨 , 不 畏艰苦 , 每个人都卯足了精神 , 确保 了检修工作保质保效顺利开展 。 另悉 , 为让 操作 工 和维修 工更 快 的熟 悉新 上设 备操 作规 程 , 确 保 后续开 机 的顺利 和 生产 的稳 定 , 车 间派 出包 括生产副主任 、 操作专责 、 设备负责共计 8 人 的学习小组 , 前往宁夏美利云纸业学习膜转移 、 软压光设备操作规
4 8
造 纸 装 备 材 料 项 目 简 讯
20 1 7 年 第 1期
1 9 9 4 年, 维美德 曾向该公司提供过一套烟气脱硫设备。这也是波兰历史上首套烟气脱硫设备。作为全球领先的 烟气净化设备供应商 , 维美德为任何已有的污染物排放控制系统提供一流的升级改造业务。 目前 , 维 美德 正 向波 兰 C i e c h S o d a P o l s k a S A公 司 I n o w r o c l a w和 J a n i k o w o 工 厂提供 两套 类似 的 F G D 系统 。 对P C C R o k i t a 公司烟气脱硫系统的改造 , 彰显维美德向客户提供设备整个寿命周期服务的实力。目前其它 几个类似项 目 也正在进行中, 其 目的就在于延长设备寿命 , 提高处理量和效率 。 这个项 目就是其中之一 。 它为我
5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ WinchCONTENTS:Page 1Specifications2Safety Information and Warranty Information 3Parts List4-8Assembly Instructions 91011-12Procedure for Bleeding Air Pump InstructionsWinch Kit List and Winch Installation Instructions 13Replacement Parts List14Pump and Ram Exploded Parts Diagram 15-16Notes© Copyright 2014, Sunex Tools ®SAFETY INFORMATIONThis symbol alerts you to the possibilityof serious injury or death if instructionsare not followed.This symbol alerts you to the possibility of damage to or destruction of equipmentif instructions are not followed.Failure to heed these warnings may result in lossof load, damage to the press and/or failure resulting in property damage, personal or fatal injury. Thisoperating manual contains important details concern-ing the safe operation of this tool. The user must read and understand these details before any use of the tool. This manual must be retained for future reference.• Read, study, understand and follow all instructions before operating this press.• Always wear safety goggles, (users and bystanders).• Parts being pressed may splinter, shatter, or be ejected from the press at a dangerous rate of speed. Because there are a variety of press applications, it is the responsibility of the press owner to provide adequate guards, eye protection and protective clothing to the press operator.• Visual inspection of the press should be made before use, checking for signs of cracked welds, bent bed pins, loose or missing bolts, leaks, or any other structural damage. Corrections must be made before using the press.• Do not go near leaks. High pressure hydraulic fluid can puncture skin and cause serious injury, gangrene, or death. If injured, seek emergency medical help as immediate surgery is required to remove the fluid.• Prior to use make sure the press is securely anchored to a concrete floor.• Keep hands, arms, feet, and legs out of work area. Accidental slippage can result in personal injury.• Always use an accurate force gauge to measure pressing force.• Do not exceed the rated capacity or tamper with the pressure/force settings. When attachments and adapters are used the rated capacity of the system shall be no greater than the rated capacity of the lowest rated component or combination of components that make up the system.• Avoid off-center loads. Offset loads can damage ram and may cause load to eject at a dangerous rate of speed. Do not use any spacer or extender between the press ram plunger and the item being pressed. If there is not enough ram stroke, adjust the height of the movable bolster.• Remove all loads from movable bolster before attempting to adjust bolster height. Beware of possible falling bolster.• Press only on loads supported by movable bolster and press plates included. Do not support loads on floor or press frame legs.• When using any accessories such as press plates or arbor plates, be certain they are centered on the movable bolster and in full contact with both sides of the bolster.• Before applying load, be certain all movable bolster supporting pins are fully engaged. Verify lift cables (if equipped) are slack before pressing on the bolster.• Always use a bearing shield when pressing bearings.• Use caution when positioning work to be pressed to ensure the item to be pressed cannot be ejected at a dangerous rate of speed.• Release hydraulic pressure before loosening any fittings.• Maintain proper hydraulic fluid levels.• Do not make any alterations to the press.• This product may contain one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth def ects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands thoroughly after handling.• Failure to heed and understand these markings may result in serious or fatal personal injury and/or property damage.OWNER/USER RESPONSIBILITYThe owner and/or user must have an understanding of the manufacturer'soperating instructions and warnings before using this press. Personnel involved in the use and operation of equipment shall be careful, competent, trained, and qualified in the safe operation of the equipment and its proper use when servicing motor vehicles and their components. Warning information should be emphasized and understood.If the operator is not fluent in English, the manufacturer's instructions and warnings shall be read to and discussed with the operator in the operator's native language by the purchaser/owner, making sure that the operator comprehends its contents.Owner and/or user must study and maintain for future reference themanufacturer’s instructions. Owner and/or user is responsible for keeping all warning labels and instruction manuals legible and intact. Replacement labels and literature are available from the manufacturers.INSPECTIONVisual inspection of the shop press should be made before each use of the press, checking for damaged, loose or missing parts. Each press must be inspected by a manufacturer’s repair facility immediately, if subjected to an abnormal load or shock. Any press which appears to be damaged in any way, is found to be badly worn, or operates abnormally must be removed fromservice until necessary repairs are made by a manufacturers's authorized repair facility. It is recommended that an annual inspection of the press be made by a manufacturer’s authorized repair facility and that any defective parts, decals or warning labels be replaced with manufacturer’s specified parts. A list of authorized repair facilities is available from the manufacturer.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS• CHECK YOUR LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS REGARDING THE SAFE USE OF THIS EQUIPMENT.• Your safety is top priority. Please handle equipment with care.• Fully retract unit and remove all items from the press bed frame. • Support the press bed, and remove the pins.• Raise or lower bed to desired height and reinstall press pins. Be certain pins are fully engaged in the parallel flanges of the upright columns.• Position press on a flat, level, hard surface, preferably concrete. Make sure all nuts and bolts are tight.• Clear the area of bystanders, especially small children, before using.• Set the press bed to the required height. The press is most effective when the work piece is located 1 inch below the ram’s retracted position. The compression stroke can include the entire 5 inch working range. • The press is designed to exert a force on anything which is positioned beneath its ram. The work piece can pop out from under the ram at a high rate of speed and injure someone.• Pressing Bearings: It is essential that you use the bearing shield when pressing bearings on or off. LIMITED WARRANTY:SUNEX INTERNATIONAL, INC. WARRANTS TO ITS CUSTOMERS THAT THE COMPANY’S SUNEX TOOLS ® BRANDED PRODUCTS ARE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS.Sunex International, Inc. will repair or replace its Sunex T ools ® branded products which fail to give satisfactory service due to defective workmanship or materials, based upon the terms and conditions of the following described warranty plans attributed to that specific product. This product carries a ONE-YEAR warranty. During this warranty period, Sunex T ools ® will repair or replace at our option any part or unit which proves to be defective in material or workmanship. Other important warranty information....This warranty does not cover damage to equipment or tools arising fromalteration, abuse, misuse, damage and does not cover any repairs or replace-ment made by anyone other than Sunex Tools ® or its authorized warranty service centers. The foregoing obligation is Sunex Tools ®’ sole liability under this or any implied warranty and under no circumstances shall we be liable for any incidental or consequential damages. Note: Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.Return equipment or parts to Sunex Tools ®, transportation prepaid. Be certain to include your name and address, evidence of the purchase date, and description of the suspected defect.If you have any questions about warranty service, please write to Sunex Tools ®. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Repair kits and replacement parts are available for many of Sunex Tools ® products regardless of whether or not the product is still covered by a warranty plan.SHIPPING ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS:Sunex Tools Sunex Tools 315 Hawkins Rd. P .O. Box 4215Travelers Rest, South Carolina 29690 Greenville, South Carolina 29608THIS OPERATING MANUAL CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. READ CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTAND ALL INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATING THIS TOOL. SAVE THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE USE.5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ WinchESTIMATED ASSEMBLY TIME: 45 MINUTESExamine box contents, then proceed with the following instructions.ACCESSORIESPress Frame - 1Press Bed - 1Press Feet - 2Z Bar - 11/2"-13 x 1-1/2" Hex Head Bolts - 81/2" Nuts - 8Washers - 81-1/4" x 14" Press Pins - 4Two StagePump and Ram - 1Ram Frame - 1Pump Extension Handle - 11" x 3" x 14"Press Plates - 2Accessory only -Not needed for assemblyPushing Adapter - 1Accessory only -Not needed for assemblyBearing Shield - 1Accessory only -Not needed for assembly5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ WinchASSEMBL CONTINUED5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ WinchRAM FRAME ASSEMBL Y INSTRUCTIONS5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ WinchWARNINGDO NOT attempt to operate pump unless the BREATHER VALVE IS OPEN. Valve is closed prior to shipping to prevent the loss of hydraulic fluid.PROCEDURE FOR BLEEDING AIR5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ WinchPUMP INSTRUCTIONS 5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ WinchWINCH KIT PARTS LISTWINCH INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CONTINUEDPUMP AND RAM EXPLODED PARTS DIAGRAM 5740 - 40 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Winch 5750 - 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press w/ WinchNOTESNOTES。
包装印刷EPS干法无尘纸机DCS S统使用手册1海天Hi威福特SeaSky SwiftEPS干法无尘2100纸机DCS系统操作说明书绵阳海天斯威福特有限责任公司2020年6月7日DCS系统操作说明书开机,进入WINXP操作系统后,就会显示登陆画面EPS干法无尘纸机DCS控制系统按” CTRL”、” L”组合键,弹出系统登陆框,此时输入用户名和密码,然后就能够进入到操作界面界面上方是EPS干法无尘纸机公司VEFS静程机V U—y Eg加眈仃ndus*r y中文界英文界无尘纸机DCS系统4界面下方是除尘部1备料系統1成型部侵谨部1上噴胶部和热部下喷胶部固化部熟化部區光冷却部配胶部其他”备料系统”按钮是工艺流程中关于绒毛浆分解、SAP和ES 配比、喷胶画面等等的切换按钮,当操作员点击按钮后,按钮颜色就从灰色变为绿色,而且显示该画面;”成型部”按钮是用来切换干法无尘纸机中成型工段的相应画面;”传递部”按钮是用来切换干法无尘纸机中传递工段的相应画面;”上喷胶部”按钮是用来切换干法无尘纸机中上喷胶工段的相应画面;”预热部”按钮是用来切换干法无尘纸机中预热工段的相应画面;”下喷胶部”按钮是用来切换干法无尘纸机中下喷胶工段的相应画面;”固化部”按钮是用来切换干法无尘纸机中固化工段的相应画面;”熟化部”按钮是用来切换干法无尘纸机中熟化工段的相应画面;”压光冷却部”按钮是用来切换干法无尘纸机中压光冷却工段的相应画面;”配胶部”按钮是工艺流程中的配胶计量输送画面的切换按钮;”其它”按钮是工艺流程中的AC系统、锅炉供水、现场急停显示、声光报警种类、其它剩余部分的画面;”除尘部”按钮是工艺流程中专门针对过滤空气中尘埃的画面。
56里面显示登陆的当前用户名称如果是空白,就表明当前系统并没有用户登陆,不能操作任何按钮; 项目编号是系统的出厂号,便于项目的跟踪管理;”退出系统”是关闭 WINCC 项目,而不退出操作系统,只有管 理员才有权限操作。
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1.1 胸辊、导辊、驱网辊
1.2 成形板(HX1022-1.11)
1.3 五片脱水板(HX1022-1.12)
1.4 水腿箱(七片)(HX1022-1.13 HX1022-1.14)
1.5 吸水箱(HX1022-1.15)
1.6 真空伏辊(T6020-0)
1.7 纸边切割水针(HX1022-1.26)
1.8 紧网装置(HX1022-1.16)
网的回程装有2套紧网装置,紧网时紧网装置由电机带动驱动升降,电机型号YDS-100 1.1kw 32r/min., 蜗轮蜗杆升降机型号SWL10-1AIV-220。
1.9 网恒张力装置(HX1022-1.17)
1.10 网案台架(HX1022-1.24)
1.11 导辊刮刀(HX1022-1.18)
1.12 白水盘(HX1022-1.19)
1.13 伏辊损纸池(HX1022-1.15)
本机的伏辊损纸池有2组直径为φ1200 的搅拌叶,配用电机Y180L-4 搅拌轴每分钟147转,池内壁帖瓷砖,出浆口直径为φ270。
1.14 气动校正器(HX1022-1.31)
1 上浆管道的焊接安装应保证内壁光滑,要注意避免死角和可能引起挂浆的毛刺、焊疤等。
2 流浆箱安装时应上、下、前、后、左、右顾及,唇板调节试验,位置要正确,运动部件要轻便灵活。
3 网部安装后,要求胸辊起落灵活,机控阀安装要到位。
4 移动喷水管工作正常,移动无卡阻,轻便,喷咀无阻塞。
5 网,毯自动校正器和校正器控制器机构须经动作试验,通入压缩空气后移动灵活,手轮校正时也能灵活。