
put away 收拾起来,放好
例句:Put away the dishes after you finish eating.
put back 放回原处
例句:Please put the book back on the shelf.
put down 放下,镇压
例句:Put down your weapons and surrender!
put off 推迟,延期
例句:We have to put off the meeting until next week.
put on 穿上,戴上
例句:Put on your coat before going out.
put out 熄灭,扑灭
例句:The firemen quickly put out the fire.
put up 张贴,搭建
例句:Put up the poster on the wall.
put together 整理,组合
例句:Put the puzzle together to form a picture.
put forward 提出,建议
例句:The scientists put forward a new theory about the origin of the universe.
put out of action 使失去作用,使停止运行
例句:The enemy's tank was put out of action by a well-aimed shell.。

二、put用作基本动词1. put + 名词/代词:表示把某物放置到特定位置。
例如:- She put the book on the shelf.(她把书放在书架上。
)- He put his keys on the table.(他把钥匙放在桌子上。
)2. put + 宾补:表示把某人(或自己)置于某种状态或处境中。
例如:- The music always puts me in a good mood.(这音乐总是让我心情愉快。
)- He put himself in danger by climbing the mountain alone.(他自己一个人爬山,置自己于危险之中。
)3. put + 状语:表示将某物放置至特定状态。
例如:- They put the house up for sale.(他们将房子挂牌出售。
)- The company decided to put their plans into action.(公司决定将计划付诸实施。
)4. put + 副词或介词短语:表示放置或安排某物的方式。
例如:- She put the dishes gently in the cupboard.(她轻轻地把盘子放进橱柜里。
)- The teacher put the students into groups for a group project.(老师把学生分成小组进行小组项目。
)三、常见put短语1. put up with:忍受、容忍用法示例:- I can't put up with his bad behavior any longer.(我再也无法忍受他的坏行为了。

以下是“put”的主要用法总结:1. 放置(Put)- 将物体放置在某个地方:She put the book on the table.- 把某物放进容器中:He put the money in his pocket.- 将某物归位:Please put the dishes back in the cupboard.2. 转移(Transfer)- 转移某物的位置:Can you put the chair next to the window?- 转移某人的注意力:He put his finger to his lips to indicate silence.- 转移某人的职责或责任:They put him in charge of the project.3. 提交(Submit)- 提交申请、建议等:She put forward a proposal at the meeting.- 递交文件、作品等:He put his resume in for the job.4. 表达(Express)- 表达思想、观点等:She put her thoughts into words.- 表达感情或意见:He put up a strong argument against the proposal.5. 记录(Record)- 记录、注释:He put a note in the margin of the book.- 登记、记录:They put his name on the list.6. 安置(Place)- 安置、安顿(强调位置):They put the new employees in the corner office.- 安排、安放(强调方式):He put the chairs in a circle for the meeting.7. 加入(Add)- 加入、放入:Put the sugar in the coffee.- 加上、增加:You can put more salt in if you like.8. 打电话(Make a Phone Call)- 打电话给某人:I'll put you through to the manager.请注意,上述只是“put”的一些常见用法总结,并不是所有的用法。

put的短语用法下面是一些常见的"put"短语用法:1. put on:穿上/戴上(衣物、饰品等)- Put on your coat before you go outside.(出门前穿上外套。
)2. put off:推迟/延迟- The meeting has been put off until next week.(会议已经推迟到下周。
)3. put up:搭建/举起/承载- He put up a tent in the backyard.(他在后院搭起了一个帐篷。
)4. put down:放下/写下- Please put down your phone and pay attention.(请放下手机,注意听讲。
)5. put away:收拾/放好(物品)- Don't forget to put away your toys after playing.(玩耍后别忘了收拾好玩具。
)6. put in:安装/投入- We need to put in a new air conditioner in the office.(我们需要在办公室安装一个新的空调。
)7. put out:熄灭/扑灭- They managed to put out the fire before it spread.(他们设法在火势蔓延前扑灭了火源。
)8. put forward:提出/提议- She put forward a new idea during the meeting.(她在会议上提出了一个新的想法。
)9. put aside:放置一边/搁置- Let's put this issue aside for now and focus on the more urgent matter.(我们暂时将这个问题搁置一边,专注于更紧急的事情。
)10. put off:使厌倦/使不喜欢- The constant noise put me off studying.(持续的噪音让我无法专心学习。

下面是“put”的各种用法总结:1. 放置、安放:- Put something on/into/inside/under/over/near/beside/on top of something:把某物放在/进入/里面/下面/上面/附近/旁边/顶部的某物上。
- Put something on/onto/off/away:把某物放到/放到…上/脱下/放开。
- Put something in/into/out of:把某物放进/放入/拿出。
- Put something aside:把某物放在一边。
- Put something together/apart:把某物组装/拆分。
2. 提交、递交:- Put something (forward)/ (up)/ (in):提交/上交/递交某物。
- Put in a claim/ a request/ a complaint/ an application:提出索赔/请求/投诉/申请。
- Put someone on hold:让某人等一等。
3. 列举、记录:- Put down something:写下/记录某物。
- Put something in writing:以书面形式记录某物。
4. 安排、安排好:- Put something in order/ in place:整理/摆放某物。
- Put something on the agenda/list/schedule:把某物列入议程/清单/日程表。
- Put something in a certain order/ in a certain way:以某种顺序/方式安排某事物。
5. 给予、施加:- Put pressure/effort/time into something:对某事物施加压力/付出努力/花费时间。

二、物体放置1. 放置位置“Put”可以指定物体放置在具体位置上。
例如:“I put the book on the table.”(我把书放在桌子上。
)2. 容器中“Put”也可表示将物体放入容器中。
例如:“Please put the clothes in the drawer.”(请把衣服放进抽屉里。
)3. 高处当我们要将物体放到较高的地方时,“put”也能很好地表达这种动作。
例如:“She put the vase on the top shelf.”(她将花瓶放在最顶层架子上。
)三、行为执行1. 执行动作除了描述物品的摆放外,“put”还可以表示执行某种行动或动作。
例如:“He put his hand up to ask a question.”(他举手提问。
)2. 对待“Put”在英语中还可表示对待或处理某人或某事情。
例如:“They put a lot of effort into their work.”(他们在工作中付出了很多努力。
)四、表达抽象概念1. 表示言论在英语中,我们也可以使用“put”来表示某人的言论或观点。
例如:“He put forward a proposal during the meeting.”(他在会议上提出了一个建议。
)2. 描述感受“Put”还可以用来描述某人的感受或状态。
例如:“The news put her in a good mood.”(这个消息让她心情愉快。
)五、常见put短语1. Put on这个短语表示穿上衣物或配戴饰品等。
例如:“She put on her coat and went outside.”(她穿上外套,走到外面去了。

关于put的常见短语和用法put有放;安置;使处于;提交;记下等意思,那么你知道有关put的常用短语都有哪些吗?下面是为大家带来关于put的常见短语和用法,欢迎大家参考学习!put away v.放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃put on v.穿上, 把...放在上, 装出, 假装, 增加, 欺骗, 添上, 使靠...维持生命put up v.举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举put off v.推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻put into v.使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植put down v.放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, 取缔put out v.放出, 伸出, 生产, 消除, 打扰, 麻烦, 作出努力, 使退场put in 插话,put on 穿上,put down 记下来,写下来,put sth aside 放到一边,put it on 假装生气,put away 收起来,put sth by 存钱以备不时之需,put back,放回,put off 推迟,放下。
put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把……放在一边He has a little money put aside for a rainy day.他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。
The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident.经理不得不暂时搁下手头的工作去处理一件紧急事故。
put away 收拾起来;储存(钱);喝掉The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner.小男孩吃完晚饭后把食品放到橱柜里。

put的用法及固定搭配一、put的基本含义和用法1. put的基本含义在英语中,动词put的基本含义是“放置”或“放下”,它用于描述将一个物体或物体的一部分放置在特定的位置上。
2. put的基本用法put的基本用法是put + 宾语 + 地点,表示将某物放在某处。
例如: - He put the book on the table.(他将书放在桌子上。
) - Please put the cup in the dishwasher.(请将杯子放入洗碗机。
)二、put的固定搭配1. put ona. 含义put on的含义是“穿上”或“戴上”,用于描述将衣物或首饰放在身上或头上。
b. 示例•She put on her coat and left the house.(她穿上外套离开了房子。
)•He put on a hat to protect himself from the sun.(他戴上帽子以保护自己避免阳光暴晒。
)•The actors are getting ready and putting on their costumes.(演员们正在准备并穿上他们的戏服。
)a. 含义put off的含义是“推迟”或“延期”,用于表示将计划或安排从原定时间推迟到以后的时间。
b. 示例•They decided to put off the meeting until next week.(他们决定将会议推迟到下周。
)•The concert was put off due to bad weather.(由于恶劣的天气,音乐会被推迟了。
)•I have to put off our lunch appointment because I have an urgent meeting.(我不得不推迟我们的午餐约会,因为我有一场紧急会议。
)3. put upa. 含义put up的含义有两个主要的用法。

1. put + 名词/代词:表示将某物放置到特定位置。
例如:- He put the book on the table.他把书放在桌子上。
- Please put it there.请把它放在那里。
2. put + 形容词:表示把某物置于某种状态。
例如:- Don't put yourself in danger.不要把自己置于危险之中。
- He put me at ease with his smile.他的微笑使我感到安心。
3. put + 副词/介词短语:表示进行某项活动或采取某种方式。
例如:- She put her plan into action.她开始实施她的计划。
- They decided to put off the meeting until next week.他们决定把会议延期到下周。
1. put on:穿上,戴上- She put on her coat and hat before going outside.她在外出之前穿上了大衣和帽子。
- He put on a brave face to hide his disappointment.为了掩饰失望,他振作起来。
2. put off:推迟,延期- We had to put off the meeting due to bad weather.由于天气恶劣,我们不得不推迟会议。
- Don't put off doing your homework until the last minute.不要把作业拖到最后一分钟再做。

put的常用短语:put about( v.+adv. )put aboutput across1( v.+adv. )put across2( v.+prep. )put aside( v.+adv. )put at( v.+prep. )put away( v.+adv. )put back( v.+adv. )put by( v.+adv. )put down( v.+adv. )put forth( v.+adv. )put forward( v.+adv. )put in( v.+adv. )put的用法例句:1. A changing world has put pressures on the company.日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。
2. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。
3. Her bed was crisply made, her clothes put away.她的床收拾得很整洁,衣服也收起来了。

二、表示放置或安排某物/某人的用法与搭配短语1. Put something on/in/at当我们要放置(或安排)某物时,我们可以使用如下表达方式:- Put something on:把东西放在一个平面上例如:He put his coffee mug on the table.翻译:他把咖啡杯放在桌子上。
- Put something in:把东西放入一个容器中例如:She put her books in her backpack.翻译:她把书放进背包里。
- Put something at:将东西放在特定位置例如:I put the vase at the corner of the shelf.翻译:我把花瓶放在书架的角落里。
2. Put someone/something + 形容词当我们要描述某人或某物处于特定状态时,可以使用如下用法:- Put someone/something to sleep:使某人、某物入睡例如:The lullaby put the baby to sleep.翻译:摇篮曲使婴儿入睡。
- Put someone/something on hold:将某人、某物暂时搁置例如:They put the project on hold due to budget constraints.翻译:由于预算限制,他们将这个项目暂时搁置。
- Put someone/something in danger:使某人、某物处于危险之中例如:The reckless driving put everyone's lives in danger.翻译:鲁莽的驾驶让每个人的生命都处于危险之中。

put的词组短语上课讲义put about 【航海】1. 使…转向:改变方向或使…改变方向;从一个航向转到另一个航向或使从一个航向转到另一个航向put across1. 使被理解:陈述以使被清楚地理解或迅速地接受Tried to put her views across during the hearing.在听讼过程中试图使她的观点能被清楚地理解2. 搞成:用欺骗或计谋完成或贯彻put away1. 抛弃;舍弃Put all negative thoughts away.抛弃所有消极的思想2. 【非正式用语】吃掉,喝掉:乐意并很快地吃光或喝光(食物或饮料)Put away the dinner in just a few minutes.就在几分钟内吃光了晚餐3. 【非正式用语】关进精神病医院4. 埋葬The injured cat was put away.这个受伤的猫被杀死了5. 把...收起;放好Put away the tools after work, will you?工作结束后请把工具收拾好。
put by1. 储存…备用:节约以供后来的使用My grandmother puts by her fresh vegetables.我的祖母把她的新鲜蔬菜搁在一边存下来put down1. 记入名单2. 制止,取缔:使变得不起作用Put down a rebellion.镇压了一起暴乱Put down rumors.制止流言3. 使(动物)无痛苦的死亡4. 羞辱,使丢脸Her parents put her down for failing the course.她的父母因为她考试不及格而批评她He tried to put down her knowledge of literature.他试图贬低她的文学知识“Many status games seem designed to put down others”( -- Alvin F.Poussaint)“许多权位竞争好象是为战胜别人而设计的”( -- 阿尔文F.普森特)5. 归因于…Just put him down as a sneak.他被归入鬼鬼祟祟的那一类人Let's put this disaster down to experience.让我们把这次灾难归因于经验不足6. 吃光,喝光:很容易地吃光或喝光(食物或饮料);吃光Puts down three big meals a day.一天吃掉三顿大餐put forth1. 生长Plants put forth new growth in the spring.植物在春天里开始新的生长2. 表现;发挥At least put forth a semblance of effort when you scrub the floor.当你擦地板时至少能表现出努力的样子3. 提出:提出以供考虑Put forth an idea.提出一个想法put forward1. 提出:提议以供考虑Put forward a new plan.提出一个新计划put in1. 提交:提出…的正式提议Put in a plea of guilty.正式提出犯罪诉讼2. 插入,插话He put in a good word for me.他插进来为我说了一句好话3. 花时间:在某一场所或工作上花费(时间)The inmate had put in six years at hard labor. She put in eight hours behinda desk.犯人已经做了六年的苦工。

put about [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) about or put about (something) Brit : to tell many people about (something)They put about the news that he was resigning. = They put it about that he was resigning.2 a of a boat or ship : to change directionThe ship put about and sailed back out to sea.2 b put (something) about : to cause (a boat or ship) to change directiona boat that can be put about quicklyput across [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) across or put across (something) : to cause (something) to be clearly understood : to get (something) acrossShe has had trouble putting her message acrossto voters.2 put (yourself) across as (something) : to cause (yourself) to appear to be (a particular type of person)He tries to put himself across as [=to make other people believe that he is] a nice guy.put aside [ phrasal verb ]put (something) aside or put aside (something)1 : to save or keep (something, such as money) to be used at a later timeShe's been putting aside some money for a vacation.Can you put a few minutes aside for a short meeting?2 : to stop worrying or thinking about (something)We need to put these problems aside for now and get the work done.It's time to put aside our differences and start working together.put away [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) away or put away (something)1 a : to return (something) to the place where it belongsHe washed, dried, and put away the dishes after dinner.She put the pictures away for safekeeping.Put your notes away. It's time for the test.1 b : to save or keep (something, such as money) to be used at a later timeHer parents started putting away money for her education the year she was born.1 c informal : to eat (a large amount of food)I used to put away huge meals before I went on a diet.That guy can really put it away!2 put (someone) away or put away (someone)informal : to cause (someone) to be kept in a prison or mental hospitalHe's a vicious criminal. I hope they put him awayfor the rest of his life.put back [ phrasal verb ]put (something) back or put back (something)1 : to return (something) to the place where it belongsRemember to put the vacuum cleaner back in the closet after you've used it.The books had been put back neatly on the shelf.2 Brit : to change (a planned event) to start at a later date or timeThey put back [=pushed back, postponed] the game until next week.The meeting has been put back from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.put by [ phrasal verb ]put (something) by or put by (something) chiefly Brit : to save (money) for a later timeShe has put some money by [=put aside] for emergencies.put down [ phrasal verb ]1 put (someone or something) down also put down (someone or something)1 a : to place (someone or something that you have been holding or carrying) on a table, on the floor, etc.She carefully put the vase down on the table.The police ordered him to put down the gun.I don't need you to carry me. Put me down!1 b : to add (someone or something) to a listDon't forget to put down milk and bread on the shopping list.1 c informal : to say critical or insulting things about (someone or something)He frequently puts down her work.Her parents are always putting her down.He puts himself down a lot, but he's really quite an attractive man.—see also put-down2 put (something) down or put down (something)2 a : to write (something) : to record (something) in writingShe says that the reporter put her quote downincorrectly.Every night, he puts his thoughts down in a journal.I need to put down my thoughts on paper before I forget them.What answer did you put down on the test?2 b : to give (an amount of money) as a first payment when you are buying something that costsa lot of moneyWe put 10 percent down on the house. = We put down a 10 percent deposit on the house.Put no money down and pay no interest on the car until next year.2 c : to put (something) in place on the floor or groundPutting down [=installing] a new hardwood floor would greatly increase the value of your home.We put down a layer of mulch in the rose garden.2 d : to stop (a violent or dangerous activity) by using forceFederal troops were brought in to help put downthe riot.put down a rebellion/revolt/uprising2 e : to kill (an animal) in a way that causes it little pain usually because it is injured or sickThey had to have their dog put down [=put to sleep] by the vet.2 f Brit : to end a telephone connectionShe said goodbye and put down the phone. [=hung up the phone]She put the phone down on him. [=she hung up the phone while he was still talking to her]2 g Brit : to formally suggest (something) as an idea to be discussed and voted on by a group of people : to propose or introduce (something)putting down an amendment in Parliament3 put down or put (something) down or put down (something) chiefly Brit : to land or to cause (an airplane) to landOur plane put down [=landed] in New York around 2 p.m.The pilot was forced to put [=set] the plane downin a field.4 put (someone) down or put down (someone) :to place (a baby or child) in a bed to sleepHe put the baby down (in her crib) for a nap.5 put (someone) down as (something) : to think of (someone) as (a specified kind of person or thing)Most people put him down as [=believe that he is] a fanatic.6 put (someone) down for (something) : to write the name of (someone) on a list of people who will do or give (something)Can I put you down for a donation? [=can I write that you will give a donation?]Sure, put me down for $20.7 put (something) down to (something) : to say or think that (something) happened because of (something)Let's put the mistake down to your inexperience and forget about it.The mistake was put down to [=attributed to] his inexperience.put forth [ phrasal verb ]put forth (something) or put (something) forthsomewhat formal1 : to suggest (an idea, plan, etc.) for people to think about or considerThe same argument has been put forth by many people in the opposition.I would like to put forth some alternatives.putting forth a plan/proposal/theory2 : to use (something, such as energy) for a particular purposeShe put forth all her energy to win the race.They put forth a good effort.3 of a plant : to produce or send out (something) by growingThe trees are starting to put forth new leaves.put forward [ phrasal verb ]put (something) forward or put forward (something) somewhat formal : to suggest (something) for consideration : proposeHe put forward [=put forth] a theory about how the accident may have occurred.put in [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) in or put in (something)1 a : to make (something) ready to be used in a certain place : installWe put in new cabinets just last year.In order to fix the car they have to put in a new engine.1 b : to add (a comment) to a conversation or argumentShe put a quick comment in about her busy schedule.I'd like to put in a few words on his behalf. [=to say something that supports him]Would you mind putting in a good word for me? [=would you say something good about me?]You will each have a chance to put in your two cents. [=to express your opinion]1 c : to make an official statement, offer, or requestShe put in a plea of not guilty. [=she pleaded not guilty]I need to put in [=make, submit] a report about this.You have two weeks to put in [=submit] a claim with the insurance company.They are putting in [=making] a $300,000 offer for the house.I'd like to put in [=place] an order for a dozen roses.Contractors have begun putting in bids for the job.1 d : to perform (a particular action)They put in an amazing performance last night.The prime minister put in a call to [=called] the White House.I won't be able to stay at the party long, but I'll at least try to put in an appearance. [=to go to the party for a short time]1 e : to work or do something for (an amount of time)She put in 10 hours at the office yesterday.She put in a long day at work.He has put in his time (in jail), and now he is a free man.2 put in (something) or put (something) in (something) : to use (a certain amount of energy or effort) when doing somethingIf we put in a little more effort, we could finish by this afternoon.He puts a lot of energy in his performances.3 put (something) in (something)3 a : to invest (money) into (something)She put her money in stocks and bonds.3 b—used to say what causes you to have faith, confidence, etc.He puts his faith in reason/science.putting her trust in God4 put in for (something) : to ask for (something) in an official way : to formally request (something)He put in for a leave of absence.putting in for a promotion5 of a boat or ship : to enter a harbor or portThe ship put in at Sydney.put off [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) off or put off (something) : to decide that (something) will happen at a later time :postponeThe meeting has been put off until next week. = We put off (holding) the meeting until next week.I've been meaning to call him, but I keep putting it off.I've been putting off calling him.2 put (someone) off or put off (someone)2 a : to cause (someone) to waitI need to come up with an excuse to put off the bill collector.She finally called him after putting him off all week.2 b : to cause (someone) to dislike someone or somethingDon't let the restaurant's dingy appearance putyou off–their food is great.I was put off by his rudeness.(chiefly Brit) His rudeness put me off him [=made me dislike him] at once.—see also off-putting2 c Brit : to allow (someone) to get off a bus or other vehicleCould you put [=let] me off (the bus) at the next stop, please?put on [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) on or put on (something)1 a : to dress yourself in (clothing)She put on her new dress.Put on a hat and gloves.I'll put some clothes on and be right there.1 b : to apply (something) to your face or bodyputting on lipstick/mascara/lotionShe puts on far too much makeup.We tried to put on a happy/brave face [=we tried to appear happy/brave] despite our concern.1 c : to add to or increase the amount of (something)The fire was getting low and we needed to put onmore wood.She put on [=gained] 40 pounds during her pregnancy.He's put on some weight recently.1 d : to cause (a machine, a light, etc.) to begin to workWould you mind if I put [=turned] the TV on?Somebody put on the lights.1 e : to cause (something) to begin to be heard, seen, produced, etc.put on a record/CD/albumputting on some musicWe put on the air-conditioning/heat in the car.1 f : to start cooking or making (something)Let me know when to put on the rice.He put on a pot of coffee for his guests.1 g : to produce (something that entertains people, such as a play, a party, etc.)They're putting on a concert.He always puts on a great show/performance.The town puts on a fireworks display every Independence Day.We are putting on a barbecue for everyone in the neighborhood.2 put (something) on (someone or something)2 a : to say that (someone or something) is responsible for or guilty of (something)Responsibility for the accident was put on the other driver.He puts much of the blame for his problems onthe government.2 b : to bet (an amount of money) on (someone or something)We put $2 on the favorite to win.putting money on horse races3 put (someone or something) on (something) :to add (someone or something) to (a list or group of related things)She asked to have her name put on the list of candidates.They put her on the list.We put several new dishes on the menu.“Bartender, I'll have another beer.”“Okay, I'll put it on your bill.”4 put (someone) on or put on (someone) chiefly US, informal : to say things that are not true to (someone) in a joking way : to trick or fool (someone) for amusementHe said he knew the President, but I think he was just putting me on. [=(Brit) having me on]—see also put-on, 25—used to say that you would like to speak to someone on the phoneHi Dad. Could you put Mom on? [=could you give Mom the phone so that I can speak to her?]Put Dave on the phone, please.6 put (someone) on (something) : to tell (someone) to use or do (something)Her doctor put her on medication. [=her doctor prescribed medication for her]He decided to put himself on a diet. [=to go on a diet]7 put (someone) on to (something) : to give (someone) information about (something) : to tell (someone) about (something that he or she did not know about before)A friend of mine put me on to this book in high school.put out [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) out or put out (something)1 a : to cause (something) to stop burning :extinguishShe put the fire out by pouring water on it.She put out her cigarette in an ashtray.1 b : to stop (something) from workingWho put out [=turned off] the lights?1 c : to take (something) outside and leave it thereI put the dog out in the backyard before leaving the house.putting horses out to graze(US) Don't forget to put out the trash/garbage. = (Brit) Don't forget to put out the rubbish.1 d : to extend (something) outwardI put out my hand and he shook it eagerly.She put out her arm for them to stop.1 e : to place (something) where people may use itHe always put out a bowl of candy for the grandchildren.We should put out a few extra chairs in case more people arrive.1 f : to produce (something)This small radiator puts out a surprising amount of heat.They will have to put out considerable effort to meet the deadline.It was early spring, and the trees were just starting to put out their leaves.1 g : to make (something) available to be bought, used, etc.She plans to put out a new album in March.They need to be putting out cars that get better gas mileage.The information was given in a pamphlet put outby the university's health department. Researchers recently put out a report/study on the issue.The police have put out [=issued] a warrant for his arrest.Someone put the word out [=started telling people] that the police were looking for her.2 put (someone) out or put out (someone)2 a : to annoy or bother (someone)All the attention didn't seem to put her out at all.I'm a little put out that no one called to tell me they would be late.2 b : to cause (someone) to do extra work : to cause trouble for (someone)I hope my visit didn't put you out. [=didn't inconvenience you]Please don't put yourself out just for us.2 c : to make (someone) unconsciousThe anesthesia put him out for a little over three hours.2 d sports : to cause (someone) to be out in baseball or cricketThe runner was put out at second base.—see also putout3 chiefly US, informal + impolite : to have sex with someoneDid she put out last night?4 of a boat or ship : to leave a harbor or portThe ship put out to sea.put over [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) over or put over (something) :to cause (something) to be clearly understood : to put (something) acrossHe puts over very complicated concepts in a way that his students can understand.2 put (yourself) over as (something) : to cause (yourself) to appear to be (a particular type of person)She puts herself over as [=makes other people believe that she is] a modern, independent woman.3 put (something) over on (someone) : to lie about (something) to (someone) : to trick or deceive someoneDon't try to put anything over on her. She'll see right through you.put through [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) through or put through (something) : to cause (something) to be accepted or done successfullyThey put through a number of reforms.tax cuts that were put through by former administrationsI asked Human Resources to help me put through[=to help me get] a transfer to a different department.2 put (someone) through (something) : to pay for (someone) to attend (school)She has a full-time job and is putting herself through college.3 put (someone or something) through (something) : to cause (someone or something) to experience (something)His doctor put him through a series of tests.She put her parents through a lot when she was a teenager.You've been put through quite an ordeal.I've been put through hell!We put that truck through a lot when we owned it.The new software still needs to be put through its paces [=it still needs to be tested] before it can be made available to the public.4 put (someone or something) through or put through (someone or something)4 a : to cause a phone call from (someone) to be sent to another person's phonePlease hold while I put you through (to the manager).4 b : to cause (a phone call) to be sent to another person's phonePlease hold while I put your call through (to the manager).put together [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) together or put together (something)1 a : to create (something) by joining or gathering parts togetherYou'll need a screwdriver to put the toy together.They put their first band together when they were in high school.Help me put together a list of what we need at the store.She put a proposal together to give to the committee for consideration.Her outfit was very well put together. [=the parts looked good together]1 b—used to say that someone or something is greater than the total of all the other people or things mentionedYou're smarter than all of those other guys put together.2 put (something) together with (something) : to add or combine (something) with (something)I never would have thought of putting this wine together with fish.The lack of rain put together with [=along with, combined with] the heat ruined many of the region's crops.put up [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) up or put up (something)1 a : to place (something) in a higher positionThey put up the flag in the morning and take it down at night.Sit down. Put your feet up and relax.If you have a question, please put up [=raise] your hand.Stop! Put your hands up (over your head)!When she goes to work, she usually puts her hair up (in a ponytail).1 b : to cause (something) to be on a wall, to hang from a ceiling, etc.She went around town putting up posters for the concert.I just put up new curtains.1 c : to set or place (something) so that it stands upputting up a tentThey put up a display of new products.They put up a “for sale”sign in front of their house.1 d : to build (something)They're putting up a new office building on Main Street.putting up a fence1 e : to make (something) available for people to buy or haveThe lamps were put up at auction.—often + forThey put all of their possessions up for sale.They put the puppies up for adoption.1 f : to provide (money, property, etc.) in order to pay for somethingThey decided not to put up the money for her bail.They put up the company's assets as collateral on the loan.1 g : to offer (something) as a prizeThe police have put up a $1,000 reward for information leading to his capture.1 h chiefly Brit : to increase (something) : raiseThey are likely to put up interest rates again this year.1 i US : to return (something) to the place where it belongsIt's time to put up [=put away] your toys and get ready for bed.He washed, dried, and put up the dishes after dinner.1 j chiefly US : to preserve (fruits, vegetables, etc.) to be used later : canTheir grandmother spent the afternoon putting uppeaches.2 put up (something)2 a : to do (something) as a way of resisting or struggling against someone or something We're not leaving without putting up a fight. [=without fighting]As expected, the kids put up a fuss when we said it was time for bed.They are likely to put up stiff resistance to any new proposals.2 b : to offer (something) as an argument, a suggestion, etc.She put up a good/solid argument in his defense.putting up a proposal2 c : to score (points)They put up 20 points in the first half.She needs to put up big numbers [=to score a lot of points] in today's game.3 a put (someone) up : to give food and shelter to (someone) : to allow or pay for (someone) to stay in someone's home, a hotel, etc., for the nightCould you put me up for the night?His employers put him up at a hotel.We put our guests up in the spare bedroom.3 b chiefly Brit : to stay in someone's home, a hotel, etc., for the nightHe put up with a friend while he was in town.putting up at a hotel4 put (someone) up or put up (someone) : to choose or suggest (someone) to be a candidate or competitorThe party put her up (as its candidate) for governor.They put up their best man to compete against the champion.5 put (someone) up to (something) : to convince (someone) to do (something stupid or foolish)His friends put him up to (playing) the prank.Who put you up to this?6 put up with (something or someone) : to allow (someone or something unpleasant or annoying) to exist or happen : tolerateAt this school, we will not put up with bad behavior.I can't put up with much more of this.7 put up or shut up informal—used to tell someone in a somewhat rude way to start doing something or to stop talking about itYou've complained long enough. It's time to put up or shut up.。

以下是一些put的常见用法及固定搭配:1. Put something (somewhere): 把某物放置在某处(1)Please put the book on the table.(2)He put the money in his pocket.2. Put on: 穿上(衣物、鞋子等)(1)She put on her coat and went outside.(2)Don't forget to put on your seatbelt before driving.3. Put off: 推迟,延迟(1)They put off the meeting until next week.(2)The concert has been put off due to bad weather.4. Put away: 收起,放好(东西)(1)After dinner, she put away the dishes in the cabinet.(2)You should put away your toys before going to bed.5. Put in: 放入,插入(1)He put in a new light bulb in the lamp.(2)Don't forget to put in your contact lenses in the morning.6. Put up: 搭建,建造(1)They are putting up a new building in the city center.(2)We need to put up a tent for our camping trip.7. Put down: 放下,放置(1)The teacher asked the students to put down their pens and listen.(2)Please put the baby gently down on the bed.8. Put forward: 提出(建议、观点等)(1)He put forward a proposal to improve the company's sales.(2)The committee put forward a plan for the renovation of the park.。

put用法及搭配一.p ut常见用法1.vt. 提出(问题或建议);提交put a question/suggestionput sth before sb 向某人提交put a resignation before the managerput sth to sb 向某人提出2.vt. 写;写上put sth on sth 把……写在……上put sht to sthput one’s signature to the contract在合同上签字3.vt. 放,放置put sth in/on/under二.p ut特殊用法1.vt. 说,表达(以某种方式)be well put 说得好(put sth well)as sb put it 正如某人说过put sth into words 用语言描述to put it mildly 说得婉转点to put it simply 简单来说put it another way 换句话说2.vt. 认为……重要/具有……品质1)put…firstput the family first 把家庭放在第一位(认为家庭重要)2)put…beforeput safety before everythingelse3)p ut…as/among/in3.vt. 安排/部署;让某人去某处put in new strategy 部署新战略put sb in the hospital 使某人住院put the children to bed4.put it here (口)握个手5.vt. 改变某人的情绪或状态put sb into a situation…使某人陷入某种局面put sb in sth(danger/charge/control/)put sb out of sth(a job/action)put sb to sleep 使某人乏味put sb in a good/bad mood 使某人心情……三.p ut常见搭配1.put sb to work on sth 使某人做/干/从事2.put sth to work for sb 使某物对某人有用3.put sth to use 利用某物4.put sth to test 测试某物5.put sth right 弥补错误;改过;扭转局面6.put an end/stop to sth 停止做某事7.put sth into effect/action/practice把……付诸实践;使……生效;实施8.put sth right 整理/收拾好某物We spent a whole day putting theroom right.9.put sb right on sth=set sb right on sth关于某事纠正某人put sb straight=set sb straight向某人挑明10.put sb to trouble/inconvenience给某人带来麻烦/不便11.put sb on a plane把某人送上飞机四.p ut固定搭配1.put up1)张贴put up some posters张贴海报2)提高价格put up prices3)举起,抬高put up one’s hand4)留某人住宿put him up for a few days5)某人投宿put up at/in/with6)提供资金put up a reward for sth 悬赏7)建造put up a wall/fence/building 8)准备好某物put sth up for9)提出put up a proposalput up an argument/case 提出理由10)推举,提名put him for the committee 11)使……固定在(墙上)put up five bookshelves12)put up a fight/struggle 顽强斗争put up with 忍受,忍耐put sb up to sth教唆put up or shut up做就做,不做就闭嘴2.put away1)把某物放回原处/收拾好2)把某人送进监狱/精神病院put sb away for life 把某人终身监禁3)存钱put some money away forentertainment4)进球;赢得比赛put the ball away(接连失利后)put the game away 拿下比赛3.put through1)使经历/受put sb through the training2)完成;达成put through the changes3)供某人上学put oneself through school4)接通电话put me through to Henry给我接通亨利4.put off1)推迟;延迟put off doing sth2)让某人下车put me off at the station3)让某人等put her off as long as you can 4)使某人不做某事put sb off doing sthD on’t let failure put you offstudying harder.5)使某人分心put sb off5.put out1)扑灭put out the fires2)关闭(=switch off)put out the light3)准备好put out the dessert4)把……放出去put the rubbish output the washing out5)使失去知觉;麻醉put sb out6)出版;制作;播出put out a program7)给……增加麻烦I hope it w on’t put you out.8)使生气/恼火be/feel put out9)出航When the ship puts out, ….10)伸出put one’s tongue output the hand out11)put oneself out to do尽力做某事去……6.put on1)穿上,戴上2)播放put on some music3)增加体重(=gain)put on 5 kilos4)假装,装作put on a brave face装作坚强的样子5)涂抹put the oil on the face6)上演;表演;举行put on a play7)让某人接电话put sb on8)下赌注(bet)put $100 on Brazil9)开动,使运行(=turn on=switch on)put on the light10)表现put on a brilliant performance拿出精彩的表现11)开始烹饪put the noodles on12)提供特定服务put on extra flights增开航班13)征税put more tax on cigarettes14)put a limit on 限制put pressure on 施压15)You’re putting me on!你在开玩笑吧!你骗我!7.put in1)插话(书面)2)(正式)提出put in a claim 提出索赔put in an order 订购put in for a pay increase提出加工资3)表现(电影、戏剧、比赛)put in an outstandingperformance 表现出众4)安装(install)put in a new bulb5)花费时间和精力做某事put in a lot of hard work6)put in an appearance 露面7)put one’s faith/confidence/trust in sb信任某人8.put down1)提出(供议会参考)put down a subject/plan/motion(动议)2)让某人下车put sb down at the stop3)批评/责备某人;使出洋相put oneself down 责备某人自己4)武力镇压(革命、起义)put down a revolution5)放下;写下,记下(write down)put the bag downput down your name6)挂电话(hang up)put the phone down on sb突然挂断某人的电话7)使安乐死(put sth to sleep)put the old dog down8)付钱(订金)put down a deposit on sth付定金9)vt./vi.(飞机)紧急着陆The plane put down in the sea. 10)觉得;认为某人为……;把某人看作put sb down asThe boss put him down as lazy. 11)把……归咎于(put down to)put the failure down to lack ofexperienceput it down to experience把……当作一次经验教训12)报名参加put oneself down for sthput myself down for a trainingcourse13)couldn’t put it down爱不释手;欲罢不能9.put aside1)(为了取/获得……而)放下,不考虑;搁置put the disagreement asideput the problem asideput the argument aside2)留出时间put aside an hour3)存钱备用put aside some money for food 10.put forward1)提出(propose)put forward a planput forward an ideaput forward a proposal2)提名,推荐Her name was put forward forthe lead role in the play.3)提前The finals were put forward tothis afternoon.4)把钟表调快(set forward)11.put across1)把……表达清楚/明白put an idea across2)清楚地表达自己put oneself across3)生动的演绎/表演put the character across12.put back1)把(钟表)调慢=set backput a clock back2)延迟,推迟put the meeting back to nextweekThe opening date was put backby several weeks.3)使重现His recovery put a smile back onhis face.4)放回原处;恢复,重回put the book back on the deskput the team back into the firstplace 重回第一的位置13.put forth1)提出put forth an idea/explanationput forth an argument 提出论据2)长出put forth leaves 长出叶子put forth shoots 长出新芽put forth roots 长出根14.put into1)投入put sth into sthput money into education投资教育2)耗费;花费(精力)put a lot of effort into studying 3)增添put more fun into sth为……增添更多的乐趣15.put over1)传达put over the message clearly andsimply 简明扼要的传达信息2)欺骗put one over on sbNobody could put one over onhim.16.put about传播;散步(不真实的消息)put it about thatHe put it about that he hadn’twanted to win the game after he lostit.17.put by存钱备用put some money for a new car18.put at估计;估算;推测put sth at sthput one’s age at…put the number at…put the amount at…put Jack Ma’s fortune at…19.put behind把……抛之脑后put sth behind sb20.put together1)整理出put the proposal together2)组装(assemble)put the computer together3)组建put together a team4)more…than everything else puttogethermore…than the others puttogethermore…than the rest puttogether比……加起来还多Henry put into the job more timethan the rest of us put together.21.put onto向……介绍They put me onto a Thailandrestaurant.22.put underput sb under 麻醉某人。

关于put的常见短语和用法关于put的常见短语和用法关于put的常见短语和用法put的常用短语:put away v.放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃put on v.穿上, 把...放在上, 装出, 假装, 增加, 欺骗, 添上, 使靠...维持生命put up v.举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举put off v.推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻put into v.使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植put down v.放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, 取缔put out v.放出, 伸出, 生产, 消除, 打扰, 麻烦, 作出努力, 使退场put in 插话,put on 穿上,put down 记下来,写下来,put sth aside 放到一边,put it on 假装生气,put away 收起来,put sth by 存钱以备不时之需,put back,放回,put off 推迟,放下。
put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把……放在一边He has a little money put aside for a rainy day. 他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。
The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident. 经理不得不暂时搁下手头的工作去处理一件紧急事故。
put away 收拾起来;储存(钱);喝掉The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner. 小男孩吃完晚饭后把食品放到橱柜里。
put back 时钟向后拨;放回原处;拖延Please put the dictionary back where it was. 请把字典放回原处。

put的常用短语:put about( v.+adv. )put aboutput across1( v.+adv. )put across2( v.+prep. )put aside( v.+adv. )put at( v.+prep. )put away( v.+adv. )put back( v.+adv. )put by( v.+adv. )put down( v.+adv. )put forth( v.+adv. )put forward( v.+adv. )put in( v.+adv. )put的用法例句:1. A changing world has put pressures on the company.日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。
2. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。
3. Her bed was crisply made, her clothes put away.她的床收拾得很整洁,衣服也收起来了。
4. Put a pan of salted water on to boil.将一锅盐水放上去煮。
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p u t短语及详细用法put about [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) about or put about (something) Brit : to tell many people about (something)They put about the news that he was resigning. = They put it about that he was resigning.2 a of a boat or ship : to change directionThe ship put about and sailed back out to sea.2 b put (something) about : to cause (a boat or ship) to change directiona boat that can be put about quicklyput across [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) across or put across (something) : to cause (something) to be clearly understood : to get (something) acrossShe has had trouble putting her message acrossto voters.2 put (yourself) across as (something) : to cause (yourself) to appear to be (a particular type of person)He tries to put himself across as [=to make other people believe that he is] a nice guy.put aside [ phrasal verb ]put (something) aside or put aside (something)1 : to save or keep (something, such as money) to be used at a later timeShe's been putting aside some money for a vacation.Can you put a few minutes aside for a short meeting?2 : to stop worrying or thinking about (something)We need to put these problems aside for now and get the work done.It's time to put aside our differences and start working together.put away [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) away or put away (something)1 a : to return (something) to the place where it belongsHe washed, dried, and put away the dishes after dinner.She put the pictures away for safekeeping.Put your notes away. It's time for the test.1 b : to save or keep (something, such as money) to be used at a later timeHer parents started putting away money for her education the year she was born.1 c informal : to eat (a large amount of food)I used to put away huge meals before I went on a diet.That guy can really put it away!2 put (someone) away or put away (someone)informal : to cause (someone) to be kept in a prison or mental hospitalHe's a vicious criminal. I hope they put him awayfor the rest of his life.put back [ phrasal verb ]put (something) back or put back (something)1 : to return (something) to the place where it belongsRemember to put the vacuum cleaner back in the closet after you've used it.The books had been put back neatly on the shelf.2 Brit : to change (a planned event) to start at a later date or timeThey put back [=pushed back, postponed] the game until next week.The meeting has been put back from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.put by [ phrasal verb ]put (something) by or put by (something) chiefly Brit : to save (money) for a later timeShe has put some money by [=put aside] for emergencies.put down [ phrasal verb ]1 put (someone or something) down also put down (someone or something)1 a : to place (someone or something that you have been holding or carrying) on a table, on the floor, etc.She carefully put the vase down on the table.The police ordered him to put down the gun.I don't need you to carry me. Put me down!1 b : to add (someone or something) to a listDon't forget to put down milk and bread on the shopping list.1 c informal : to say critical or insulting things about (someone or something)He frequently puts down her work.Her parents are always putting her down.He puts himself down a lot, but he's really quite an attractive man.— see also put-down2 put (something) down or put down (something)2 a : to write (something) : to record (something) in writingShe says that the reporter put her quote downincorrectly.Every night, he puts his thoughts down in a journal.I need to put down my thoughts on paper before I forget them.What answer did you put down on the test?2 b : to give (an amount of money) as a first payment when you are buying something that costs a lot of moneyWe put 10 percent down on the house. = We put down a 10 percent deposit on the house.Put no money down and pay no interest on the car until next year.2 c : to put (something) in place on the floor or groundPutting down [=installing] a new hardwood floor would greatly increase the value of your home.We put down a layer of mulch in the rose garden.2 d : to stop (a violent or dangerous activity) by using forceFederal troops were brought in to help put downthe riot.put down a rebellion/revolt/uprising2 e : to kill (an animal) in a way that causes it little pain usually because it is injured or sickThey had to have their dog put down [=put to sleep] by the vet.2 f Brit : to end a telephone connectionShe said goodbye and put down the phone. [=hung up the phone]She put the phone down on him. [=she hung up the phone while he was still talking to her]2 g Brit : to formally suggest (something) as an idea to be discussed and voted on bya group of people : to propose or introduce (something)putting down an amendment in Parliament3 put down or put (something) down or put down (something) chiefly Brit : to land or to cause (an airplane) to landOur plane put down [=landed] in New York around 2 p.m.The pilot was forced to put [=set] the plane downin a field.4 put (someone) down or put down (someone) :to place (a baby or child) in a bed to sleepHe put the baby down (in her crib) for a nap.5 put (someone) down as (something) : to think of (someone) as (a specified kind of person or thing)Most people put him down as [=believe that he is] a fanatic.6 put (someone) down for (something) : to write the name of (someone) on a list of people who will do or give (something)Can I put you down for a donation? [=can I write that you will give a donation?]Sure, put me down for $20.7 put (something) down to (something) : to say or think that (something) happened because of (something)Let's put the mistake down to your inexperience and forget about it.The mistake was put down to [=attributed to] his inexperience.put forth [ phrasal verb ]put forth (something) or put (something) forthsomewhat formal1 : to suggest (an idea, plan, etc.) for people to think about or considerThe same argument has been put forth by many people in the opposition.I would like to put forth some alternatives.putting forth a plan/proposal/theory2 : to use (something, such as energy) for a particular purposeShe put forth all her energy to win the race.They put forth a good effort.3 of a plant : to produce or send out (something) by growingThe trees are starting to put forth new leaves.put forward [ phrasal verb ]put (something) forward or put forward (something) somewhat formal : to suggest (something) for consideration : proposeHe put forward [=put forth] a theory about how the accident may have occurred. put in [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) in or put in (something)1 a : to make (something) ready to be used in a certain place : installWe put in new cabinets just last year.In order to fix the car they have to put in a new engine.1 b : to add (a comment) to a conversation or argumentShe put a quick comment in about her busy schedule.I'd like to put in a few words on his behalf. [=to say something that supports him] Would you mind putting in a good word for me? [=would you say something good about me?]You will each have a chance to put in your two cents. [=to express your opinion] 1 c : to make an official statement, offer, or requestShe put in a plea of not guilty. [=she pleaded not guilty]I need to put in [=make, submit] a report about this.You have two weeks to put in [=submit] a claim with the insurance company.They are putting in [=making] a $300,000 offer for the house.I'd like to put in [=place] an order for a dozen roses.Contractors have begun putting in bids for the job.1 d : to perform (a particular action)They put in an amazing performance last night.The prime minister put in a call to [=called] the White House.I won't be able to stay at the party long, but I'll at least try to put in an appearance. [=to go to the party for a short time]1 e : to work or do something for (an amount of time)She put in 10 hours at the office yesterday.She put in a long day at work.He has put in his time (in jail), and now he is a free man.2 put in (something) or put (something) in (something) : to use (a certain amount of energy or effort) when doing somethingIf we put in a little more effort, we could finish by this afternoon.He puts a lot of energy in his performances.3 put (something) in (something)3 a : to invest (money) into (something)She put her money in stocks and bonds.3 b— used to say what causes you to have faith, confidence, etc.He puts his faith in reason/science.putting her trust in God4 put in for (something) : to ask for (something) in an official way : to formally request (something)He put in for a leave of absence.putting in for a promotion5 of a boat or ship : to enter a harbor or portThe ship put in at Sydney.put off [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) off or put off (something) : to decide that (something) will happen at a later time :postponeThe meeting has been put off until next week. = We put off (holding) the meeting until next week.I've been meaning to call him, but I keep putting it off.I've been putting off calling him.2 put (someone) off or put off (someone)2 a : to cause (someone) to waitI need to come up with an excuse to put off the bill collector.She finally called him after putting him off all week.2 b : to cause (someone) to dislike someone or somethingDon't let the restaurant's dingy appearance putyou off–their food is great.I was put off by his rudeness.(chiefly Brit) His rudeness put me off him [=made me dislike him] at once.— see also off-putting2 c Brit : to allow (someone) to get off a bus or other vehicleCould you put [=let] me off (the bus) at the next stop, please?put on [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) on or put on (something)1 a : to dress yourself in (clothing)She put on her new dress.Put on a hat and gloves.I'll put some clothes on and be right there.1 b : to apply (something) to your face or bodyputting on lipstick/mascara/lotionShe puts on far too much makeup.We tried to put on a happy/brave face [=we tried to appear happy/brave] despite our concern.1 c : to add to or increase the amount of (something)The fire was getting low and we needed to put onmore wood.She put on [=gained] 40 pounds during her pregnancy.He's put on some weight recently.1 d : to cause (a machine, a light, etc.) to begin to workWould you mind if I put [=turned] the TV on?Somebody put on the lights.1 e : to cause (something) to begin to be heard, seen, produced, etc.put on a record/CD/albumputting on some musicWe put on the air-conditioning/heat in the car.1 f : to start cooking or making (something)Let me know when to put on the rice.He put on a pot of coffee for his guests.1 g : to produce (something that entertains people, such as a play, a party, etc.)They're putting on a concert.He always puts on a great show/performance.The town puts on a fireworks display every Independence Day.We are putting on a barbecue for everyone in the neighborhood.2 put (something) on (someone or something)2 a : to say that (someone or something) is responsible for or guilty of (something) Responsibility for the accident was put on the other driver.He puts much of the blame for his problems onthe government.2 b : to bet (an amount of money) on (someone or something)We put $2 on the favorite to win.putting money on horse races3 put (someone or something) on (something) :to add (someone or something) to (a list or group of related things)She asked to have her name put on the list of candidates.They put her on the list.We put several new dishes on the menu.“Bartender, I'll have another beer.”“Okay, I'll put it on your bill.”4 put (someone) on or put on (someone) chiefly US, informal : to say things that are not true to (someone) in a joking way : to trick or fool (someone) for amusementHe said he knew the President, but I think he was just putting me on. [=(Brit) having me on]— see also put-on, 25— used to say that you would like to speak to someone on the phoneHi Dad. Could you put Mom on? [=could you give Mom the phone so that I can speak to her?]Put Dave on the phone, please.6 put (someone) on (something) : to tell (someone) to use or do (something)Her doctor put her on medication. [=her doctor prescribed medication for her]He decided to put himself on a diet. [=to go on a diet]7 put (someone) on to (something) : to give (someone) information about (something) : to tell (someone) about (something that he or she did not know about before)A friend of mine put me on to this book in high school.put out [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) out or put out (something)1 a : to cause (something) to stop burning :extinguishShe put the fire out by pouring water on it.She put out her cigarette in an ashtray.1 b : to stop (something) from workingWho put out [=turned off] the lights?1 c : to take (something) outside and leave it thereI put the dog out in the backyard before leaving the house.putting horses out to graze(US) Don't forget to put out the trash/garbage. = (Brit) Don't forget to put out the rubbish.1 d : to extend (something) outwardI put out my hand and he shook it eagerly.She put out her arm for them to stop.1 e : to place (something) where people may use itHe always put out a bowl of candy for the grandchildren.We should put out a few extra chairs in case more people arrive.1 f : to produce (something)This small radiator puts out a surprising amount of heat.They will have to put out considerable effort to meet the deadline.It was early spring, and the trees were just starting to put out their leaves.1 g : to make (something) available to be bought, used, etc.She plans to put out a new album in March.They need to be putting out cars that get better gas mileage.The information was given in a pamphlet put outby the university's health department.Researchers recently put out a report/study on the issue.The police have put out [=issued] a warrant for his arrest.Someone put the word out [=started telling people] that the police were looking for her.2 put (someone) out or put out (someone)2 a : to annoy or bother (someone)All the attention didn't seem to put her out at all.I'm a little put out that no one called to tell me they would be late.2 b : to cause (someone) to do extra work : to cause trouble for (someone)I hope my visit didn't put you out. [=didn't inconvenience you]Please don't put yourself out just for us.2 c : to make (someone) unconsciousThe anesthesia put him out for a little over three hours.2 d sports : to cause (someone) to be out in baseball or cricketThe runner was put out at second base.— see also putout3 chiefly US, informal + impolite : to have sex with someoneDid she put out last night?4 of a boat or ship : to leave a harbor or portThe ship put out to sea.put over [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) over or put over (something) :to cause (something) to be clearly understood : to put (something) acrossHe puts over very complicated concepts in a way that his students can understand.2 put (yourself) over as (something) : to cause (yourself) to appear to be (a particular type of person)She puts herself over as [=makes other people believe that she is] a modern, independent woman.3 put (something) over on (someone) : to lie about (something) to (someone) : to trick or deceive someoneDon't try to put anything over on her. She'll see right through you.put through [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) through or put through (something) : to cause (something) to be accepted or done successfullyThey put through a number of reforms.tax cuts that were put through by former administrationsI asked Human Resources to help me put through[=to help me get] a transfer to a different department.2 put (someone) through (something) : to pay for (someone) to attend (school)She has a full-time job and is putting herself through college.3 put (someone or something) through (something) : to cause (someone or something) to experience (something)His doctor put him through a series of tests.She put her parents through a lot when she was a teenager.You've been put through quite an ordeal.I've been put through hell!We put that truck through a lot when we owned it.The new software still needs to be put through its paces [=it still needs to be tested] before it can be made available to the public.4 put (someone or something) through or put through (someone or something)4 a : to cause a phone call from (someone) to be sent to another person's phonePlease hold while I put you through (to the manager).4 b : to cause (a phone call) to be sent to another person's phonePlease hold while I put your call through (to the manager).put together [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) together or put together (something)1 a : to create (something) by joining or gathering parts togetherYou'll need a screwdriver to put the toy together.They put their first band together when they were in high school.Help me put together a list of what we need at the store.She put a proposal together to give to the committee for consideration.Her outfit was very well put together. [=the parts looked good together]1 b— used to say that someone or something is greater than the total of all the other people or things mentionedYou're smarter than all of those other guys put together.2 put (something) together with (something) : to add or combine (something) with (something)I never would have thought of putting this wine together with fish.The lack of rain put together with [=along with, combined with] the heat ruined many of the region's crops.put up [ phrasal verb ]1 put (something) up or put up (something)1 a : to place (something) in a higher positionThey put up the flag in the morning and take it down at night.Sit down. Put your feet up and relax.If you have a question, please put up [=raise] your hand.Stop! Put your hands up (over your head)!When she goes to work, she usually puts her hair up (in a ponytail).1 b : to cause (something) to be on a wall, to hang from a ceiling, etc.She went around town putting up posters for the concert.I just put up new curtains.1 c : to set or place (something) so that it stands upputting up a tentThey put up a display of new products.They put up a “for sale” sign in front of their house.1 d : to build (something)They're putting up a new office building on Main Street.putting up a fence1 e : to make (something) available for people to buy or haveThe lamps were put up at auction.— often + forThey put all of their possessions up for sale.They put the puppies up for adoption.1 f : to provide (money, property, etc.) in order to pay for somethingThey decided not to put up the money for her bail.They put up the company's assets as collateral on the loan.1 g : to offer (something) as a prizeThe police have put up a $1,000 reward for information leading to his capture.1 h chiefly Brit : to increase (something) : raiseThey are likely to put up interest rates again this year.1 i US : to return (something) to the place where it belongsIt's time to put up [=put away] your toys and get ready for bed.He washed, dried, and put up the dishes after dinner.1 j chiefly US : to preserve (fruits, vegetables, etc.) to be used later : canTheir grandmother spent the afternoon putting uppeaches.2 put up (something)2 a : to do (something) as a way of resisting or struggling against someone or somethingWe're not leaving without putting up a fight. [=without fighting]As expected, the kids put up a fuss when we said it was time for bed.They are likely to put up stiff resistance to any new proposals.2 b : to offer (something) as an argument, a suggestion, etc.She put up a good/solid argument in his defense.putting up a proposal2 c : to score (points)They put up 20 points in the first half.She needs to put up big numbers [=to score a lot of points] in today's game.3 a put (someone) up : to give food and shelter to (someone) : to allow or pay for (someone) to stay in someone's home, a hotel, etc., for the nightCould you put me up for the night?His employers put him up at a hotel.We put our guests up in the spare bedroom.3 b chiefly Brit : to stay in someone's home, a hotel, etc., for the nightHe put up with a friend while he was in town.putting up at a hotel4 put (someone) up or put up (someone) : to choose or suggest (someone) to be a candidate or competitorThe party put her up (as its candidate) for governor.They put up their best man to compete against the champion.5 put (someone) up to (something) : to convince (someone) to do (something stupid or foolish)His friends put him up to (playing) the prank.Who put you up to this?6 put up with (something or someone) : to allow (someone or something unpleasant or annoying) to exist or happen : tolerateAt this school, we will not put up with bad behavior.I can't put up with much more of this.7 put up or shut up informal— used to tell someone in a somewhat rude way to start doing something or to stop talking about itYou've complained long enough. It's time to put up or shut up.。