

Lesson 1 Nutrition

1.Food might be defined as any edible substance that provides nourishment when consumed. 食物可定义为食后起滋养作用的任何可食用的物质。

2.We need them for energy, for building and maintaining body tissue; and for regulating body processes the three essential functions of foods in the body.


3.Nutrition might be defined as the process whereby we obtain the essential nutrients and use them to make many other substances our bodies need.


4.The term good nutrition implies that we are obtaining from our food all of the essential nutrients in the amounts needed to keep our bodies functioning and to maintain optimum health. A very simplified definition of good nutrition might be" eating the right foods in the right amounts.”由此可见,唯有营养素才是真正必需的,而正常提供营养素的则是食物。食物是维持生命所必不可少的,因此我们必须懂得各种食物的营养素含量,必须懂得哪些食物是各种各样营养素最丰富的来源,懂得怎样把它们配成有益健康的膳食。营养良好这一术语是指我们处在从食物中获取为保持机体正常活动和维持最佳健康状况所需的全部营养素。营养良好最简明的说法是:“适量食用恰当的食物”。

5.Nutrients might be divided into two genial categories based on the amount that we need. These are the macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water), which we need in relatively large amounts and the micronutrients) mineral elements and vitamins), which we need in relatively small amounts.


6.Recommended Dietary Allowances 推荐膳食标准,简写“RDA”

7.National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, And Food and Nutrition Board. 美国科学院全国科学研究委员会食品营养研究会

8.To allow for individual difference, the usually are set with a generous margin of safety.


9.On the other side of the coin, receiving too much of certain nutrients, amounts significantly above the RDA, can be just harmful as not obtaining enough certain vitamins (such as A and D) and minerals can be highly toxic if high for optimal nutrient intake from the standpoint of both maximum and minimum levels. 另一方面,摄取某些营养素过多(大大超过RDA),也有可能与这些营养素摄取不足一样有害。某些维生素(如VA、VD)和矿物质若大计量的食用超过一段时间会有很大的毒性。因此,可把RDA作为从最高、最低两限量来看都是最佳的营养素摄入量标准来使有。

lesson 4 Amino acids and protein


peptide 肽hydrophobic 疏水的

hydrophilic 亲水的building blocks 结构单元

the α-helix α-螺旋he β-pleated sheet configuration β-折叠片结构

the collagen helix 胶原螺旋


Amino acids are chemical compounds which contain both basic amino groups and acidic carboxyl groups.(氨基酸是既含碱性氨基又含酸性羧基的化合物)

When the amino group of one amino acid reacts with the carboxyl group of another amino acid,a peptide bond is formed and a molecule of water is released.


Proteins perform a wide variety of biological functions and since they are composed of hundreds of amino acids,their structures are much more complex than those of peptides(蛋白质执行着多种多样的生理功能,而且由于它是数百个氨基酸组成的,故其结构远比肽复杂)

Enzymes are globular proteins produced in living matter for the special purpose of catalyzing vital chemical reactions that otherwise do not occur under physiological conditions(酶是生物体中产生的球状蛋白质,目的是专门催化某些生命化学反应,不然的话,这些化学反应在生理条件下是不会发生的)




1.In mammals,including man,proteins function as structural components of the body.

2.Some proteins function as biocatalysts(enzymes and hormones)to regulate chemical reactions within the body.

3.Proteins are necessary for immunological reactions

氨基酸的四种类型(The side chains may be classified into four groups)

①amino acids with polar-uncharged(hydrophilic亲水的)R groups

②amino acids with nonpolar(hydrophobic疏水的)R groups

③amino acids with positively charged(basic碱性的)R groups

④the dicarboxylic amino acids with net negative charges


①The linear sequence of amino acids in a protein is referred to as “primary structure”

②The three-dimensional manner in which relatively close members of the protein chain are arranged is ref erred to as “secondary structure”

③The manner in which large proteins of the protein chain are arranged is referred to as tertiary structure

④The structure formed when individual(subunit)polypeptide chains interact to form

a native protein molecule is referred to as “quaternary structure”.

Lesson 15 Food preservation by fermentation


living organisms 有生命的有机体 photosynthetic process. 光合过程

food spoilage. 食品腐败 respiration 呼吸作用

aerobically 有氧条件下 anaerobic 缺氧的

fermentation 发酵 putrefactive organisms. 腐败微生物putrid fermentation 腐败发酵 butyric fermentation.丁酸发酵availability of oxygen 氧的可利用程度

food adjuncts 食品添加剂 controlling influences 解作有影响


1.Respiration is that process whereby carbohydrates are converted aerobically into carbon dioxide and water with the release of large amounts of energy.Fermentation is a process of anaerobic,or partially anaerobic,oxidation of carbohydrates.Putrefaction is the anaerobic degradation of proteinaceous materials.



(1)The microorganisms should must be able to grow rapidly in a suitable Substrate and environment,and be easily cultivated in large quantity;

(2)The organism must have the ability to maintain physiological constancy Under the above conditions,and yield the essential enzymes easily and abundantly in order that the desired chemical changes can occur. (3)The environmental conditions required for maximum growth and reproduction should be comparatively simple.





Microorganisms first attack carbohydrates,then proteins,then fats.



Complete oxidation (完全氧化)partial oxidation (部分氧化)alcoholic fermentation(酒精氧化) Lactic acid fermentation (乳酸氧化)butyric fermentation (丁酸发酵)


(1)The pH value of is a controlling factor

(2)Source of energy

(3)Availability of oxygen---a principal factor controlling fermentation(主要因素)(4)Temperature requirements----To obtain the maximum performance during fermentation,the optimum temperature for the organisms must be creatd.(为了在发酵过程中达到最大限度的操作效能,必须给微生物创造最适的温度条件。)

Lesson 8 Microorganisms and sanitation


molds 霉菌

yeasts 酵母




water activity (AW)水分活度


1 Microorganisms are considered dead when they cannot multiply,even after being in

a suitable growth medium under favorable environmental conditions.


2.TDT:A measurement of time required to sterilize completely a suspension of bacterial cells or spores at a give temperature is thermal death time.

热致死时间:在指定温度下为某细菌细胞悬浮液完全灭菌所需的时间测定值3.D value:decimal reduction time is the time in minutes required to destroy 90% of the cells at a given temperature.


4.Z value:Defined as the number of degrees that the temperature must be increased to cause a log(90%) reduction in D.


5.Methods of inhibiting microbial growth:Refrigeration ,Chemicals,Dehydration,Fermentation.








中国美食小吃的中英文翻译对照 中式早點 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 饭类 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice

糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面类 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面Duck with noodles 鱔魚面Eel noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 汤类

鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup 甜点 爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 双胞胎Horse hooves

【免费下载】食品专业英语教案professional communication

Lesson11 Professional Communication 1、Resume A resume is a brief summary of the details of a person’s life that are of interest to fellow professionals. It can make or break you in your search for a job or in application for an admission to a university. A strong resume may be the sole difference in getting a call for an interview. An effective resume may win you a job interview.1.1Q: What should be included in a resume?A: Almost every resume should include sections about objective, education, work experience, publications, personality.(1) Objective :You should offer your goal of acquiring a certain position.(2) Education: Stress your high marks here. Remember to include any training related to the position you are applying. (3) Work experience: make certain you include your part-time job and summer employment you had during your college years in this section.(4) Personal: you should tell the employer about yourself. Share the information about what you like to do in your free time. This information offers areas the employer can talk about and lighten the interview.1.2如何写英文简历英文简历的格式结构包括页眉部分、教育背景、工作经历和个人资料四部分。1.2.1页眉部分 1)名字, 名字有7种写法:例如“李扬”: 1) Yang LI 2) YANG LI 3) Yang Li 4) Yang Li 5) Li, Yang 6) Li Yang 7) LI Yang 2)地址 北京以后要写中国,但不必用PRC 等,因为用 China 简单清楚。邮编的标准写法是放在省市名与国名之间, 起码放在China 之前,因为是中国境内的邮编。 、管路敷设技术通过管线敷设技术,不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


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几乎所有食物的英文翻译 水果类(fruits): 西红柿tomato;菠萝pineapple;西瓜watermelon;香蕉banana;柚子shaddock(pomelo);橙子orange;苹果apple;柠檬lemon;樱桃cherry;桃子peach;梨pear;枣Chinese date (去核枣pitted date);椰子coconut;草莓strawberry;树莓raspberry;蓝莓blueberry;黑莓blackberry;葡萄grape;甘蔗sugar cane;芒果mango;木瓜pawpaw或者papaya;杏子apricot;油桃nectarine;柿子persimmon;石榴pomegranate;榴莲jackfruit;槟榔果areca nut;西班牙产苦橙bitter orange;猕猴桃kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry;金橘cumquat;蟠桃flat peach;荔枝litchi;青梅greengage;山楂果haw;水蜜桃honey peach;香瓜、甜瓜musk melon;李子plum;杨梅waxberry red bayberry;桂圆longan;沙果crab apple;杨桃starfruit;枇杷loquat;柑橘tangerine;莲雾wax-apple;番石榴guava 肉、蔬菜类(livestock家畜): 南瓜(倭瓜)pumpkin cushaw;甜玉米Sweet corn;牛肉beef;猪肉pork;羊肉mutton;羔羊肉lamb;鸡肉chicken;生菜、莴苣lettuce;白菜Chinese cabbage(celery cabbage);甘蓝、卷心菜cabbage;萝卜radish;胡萝卜carrot;韭菜leek;木耳agarics;豌豆pea;马铃薯(土豆)potato;黄瓜cucumber;苦瓜balsam pear;秋葵okra;洋葱onion;芹菜celery;芹菜杆celery sticks;地瓜sweet potato;蘑菇mushroom;橄榄olive;菠菜spinach;冬瓜(Chinese)wax gourd;莲藕lotus root;紫菜laver;油菜cole rape;茄子eggplant;香菜caraway;枇杷loquat;青椒green pepper;四季豆、青刀豆garden bean;银耳silvery fungi;腱子肉tendon;肘子pork joint;茴香fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用);鲤鱼carp;咸猪肉bacon;金针蘑needle mushroom;扁豆lentil;槟榔areca;牛蒡great burdock;水萝卜summer radish;竹笋bamboo shoot;艾蒿Chinese mugwort;绿豆mung bean;毛豆green soy bean;瘦肉lean meat;肥肉speck;黄花菜day lily(day lily bud);豆芽菜bean sprout;丝瓜towel gourd (注:在美国丝瓜或用来做丝瓜茎loofah洗澡的,不是食用的) 海鲜类(sea food): 虾仁Peeled Prawns;龙虾lobster;小龙虾crayfish;蟹crab;蟹足crab claws;小虾shrimp;对虾、大虾prawn;(烤)鱿鱼(toast)squid;海参sea cucumber;扇贝scallop;鲍鱼sea-ear abalone;小贝肉cockles;牡蛎oyster;鱼鳞scale;海蜇jellyfish;鳖、海龟turtle;蚬、蛤clam;鲅鱼culter;鲳鱼butterfish;虾籽shrimp egg;鲢鱼、银鲤鱼chub silver carp;黄花鱼yellow croaker 调料类(seasonings): 醋vinegar 酱油soy 盐salt 加碘盐iodized salt 糖sugar 白糖refined sugar 酱soy sauce 沙拉salad 辣椒hot(red)pepper 胡椒(black)pepper 花椒wild pepper Chinese prickly ash powder 色拉油salad oil 调料fixing sauce seasoning 砂糖granulated sugar 红糖brown sugar 冰糖


食品专业英语常用词汇 海南大学食品学院编 2007.09.26 化学名词中常用的数目词头 1/2 hemi, semi 19 nonadeca 1 mono, uni 20 eicosa 2 di, bi, bis 21 heneicosa 3 tri, ter 22 docosa 4 tetra, quadri 23 tricosa 5 penta,quinqui,quinque 24 tetracosa 6 hexa, sexi 25 pentacosa 7 hepta, septi 26 hexocosa 8 octa 27 heptacosa 9 ennea, nona 28 octacosa 10 deca 29 nonacosa 11 undeca, hendeca 30 triaconta 12 dodeca 31 hentriaconta 13 trideca 40 tetraconta 14 tetradeca 50 pentaconta 15 pentadeca 60 hexacoonta 16 hexadeca 70 heptaconta 17 heptadeca 80 octaconta 18 octadeca 90 enneaconta 1、词头 mono- 一uni- 一bi- 二di- 二tri- 三tertio- 三tertrial- 三tetra- 四quart- 四penta- 五hexa- 六hepta- 七octa- 八nona- 九deca- 十undeca- 十一dodeca- 十二trideca- 十三tetradeca- 十四pentadeca- 十五hexadeca- 十六Heptadeca- 十七Octadeca- 十八Nonadeca- 十九Arachidic- 二十Methyl- 甲基Ethyl- 乙基Propyl- 丙基



Basic Chemistry 1. Atomic Structure Matter has mass and takes up space. Atoms are basic building blocks of matter, and cannot be chemically subdivided by ordinary means. Both the protons and neutrons reside in the nucleus. Protons have a positive (+) charge, neutrons have no charge --they are neutral. Electrons reside in orbitals around the nucleus. They have a negative charge (-). It is the number of protons that determines the atomic number. The number of protons in an element is constant but neutron number may vary, so mass number (protons + neutrons) may vary. 1。原子结构 物质有质量,占空间。原子是物质的基本组成物,不能用普通的方法进行化学细分。 质子和中子都驻留在原子核中。质子有一个正电荷,中子是不带电的,它们是中性的。电子在原子核周围的轨道上。他们有一个负电荷(-)。 它是确定原子序数的质子数。在一个元素中的质子的数量是恒定的,但中子数可能会有所不同,所以质量数(质子+中子)可能会有所不同。 The same element may contain varying numbers of neutrons; these forms of an element are called isotopes. The chemical properties of isotopes are the same, although the physical properties of some isotopes may be different. Some isotopes are radioactive-meaning they "radiate" energy as they decay to a more stable form, perhaps another element half-life: time required for half of the atoms of an element to decay into stable form. Another example is oxygen, with atomic number of 8 can have 8, 9, or 10 neutrons. 相同的元素可能含有不同数量的中子,这些元素


一、英语专业 二、商务英语专业 职业生涯规划范文:英语专业 Don’t say impossible to yourself 我心中的职业理想——同声传译 其实在高考以前的很久很久,我就想学语言类专业了,我觉得自己对语言有着莫名喜爱,妈妈也说我有学语言的天赋。那时候也许是高看了自己,以为自己一定能去上想去的大学,学自己喜欢的专业。可是08年6月的高考让我的梦想碎成了一地的狼藉。我甚至无法表达出来当时有多么的难过。原来其实,成绩比想象中要差的很多很多。后来,我被语言类专业拒之门外。有那么一段时间,我甚至忽略了自己的梦想,就抱着自暴自弃的态度,学着自己不喜欢的专业,度过了大一的上学期。 寒假的时候我一直在思考,我应该干什么,我能干什么,我想干什么。梦想在模糊混沌中苏醒,我本不是个堕落的人,我应该向着梦想的方向去前进,让未来按着我憧憬的方向去发展。为了梦想,我必须开始奋斗。即使现在学的不是英语类的专业,但是我想,只要付出努力,总会有回报,哪怕只是一点点回报,哪怕我要付出多么艰辛的努力。3年,5年,10年……我还有那么多那么多的时间去努力,年轻真好。我最庆幸的是我现在刚大一,那意味这我还有很多的时间去学习自己想学的东西。 我的梦想是做一名同声传译者,呵呵,很高的梦想。好像现在语言类专业超级热门,很多很多的人在学英语,除了专业英语以外,还有很多非英语专业的人在学习。颇有一种学好英语可以走遍全天下的感觉。这是否意味着我将成为芸芸众生中最不起眼的一粒尘埃呢?我不要这样,我也不能这样。一旦决定了的事情就要去做好它,不管这条路有多难。千军万马度过独木桥的时候又来了,为了创出自己的一片天地,我已经准备好奋斗。 一,梦想定义


麻油鸡汤:sesame chicken soup 排骨酥汤:spareribs soup 榨菜肉丝汤:Szechuan cabbage & pork soup 蛇羹(汤):snake soup 甜点 爱玉:vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦:tomatoes on stick 芝麻球:glutinous rice sesame ball 长寿桃:longevity peach 麻花:hemp flower 双胞胎:horse hooves 杏仁豆腐:almond tofu 豆花:uncongealed tofu 点心 小笼包:small steamed bun 豆沙包:smashed (red) bean bun 水饺:boiled dumpling 蒸饺:steamed dumpling 水晶饺:pyramid dumpling 年糕:new- years hard rice cake 元宵:full- moon dumpling (glutinous rice ball) 月饼:moon cake 茶叶蛋:boiled egg in tea 咸鸭蛋:salted duck egg 皮蛋:preserved egg (100-year egg) 凤梨酥:pineapple cake 锅贴:fried dumpling 蚵仔煎:oyster omelet 油豆腐:oily tofu (bean- curd) 臭豆腐:stinky tofu 甜不辣:tenpura 虾球:shrimp ball 春卷:spring roll 鸡卷:chicken roll 碗糕:salty rice pudding 筒仔米糕:rice tube pudding 红豆糕:red bean cake 萝卜糕:fried white radish cake 绿豆糕:bean paste cake 猪血糕:pork blood cake 芋头糕:taro cake 糯米糕:glutinous rice cake 肉圆:Taiwanese meatball (rice-meat dumpling) 当归鸭:angelica duck 加工食品 牛肉乾:dried beef 豆乾:dried tofu 冬菜:spiced cabbage 肉脯:fried pork crisps 肉松:crushed dried pork 面筋:flour gluten 豆瓣酱:broad bean paste 辣椒酱:chili sauce 泡菜:pickled vegetables (pickles) 榨菜:pickled mustard root 香肠:pork sausage 豆腐乳:preserved bean-curd (bean-curd cheese) 酱瓜:pickled cucumber 酱姜:soy-preserved ginger 萝卜乾:dried turnip 肉类及海鲜: 猪肉pork 猪排chop 五花肉streaky pork/marbled beef 肥肉fatty meat 瘦肉lean meat 前腿fore leg


食品专业英语 化学品/农药残留物检测系统- Chemical/pesticide residue testing; 外界污染源勘测仪器- Detection of foreign contaminating objects; 实验室设备和传感器- Laboratory equipment and sensors; 射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology; 超高温杀菌设备- Over-temperature sterilization equipment; 冷冻速冻设备- Freezing and deep freezing equipment; 超临界萃取设备- Over-critical extraction equipment; 膜分离设备- Velum seperation equipment; 分子蒸馏设备- Molecule distillation equipment; 无菌(真空)包装设备- Vacuum packaging equipment; 化学品分析仪器- Chemical analyzers; 食品成分分析仪器- Constituent analyzers; 过滤设备- Filtration equipment; 食品预处理设备- Food preparation equipment; 湿度控制仪器- Humidity control equipment; 食品配料分析仪器- Ingredient analyzers; 污染控制设备- Pollution control equipment; 离析器- Separators; 饮业清洁设备- Catering sanitizers; 温度纪录仪器- Temperature recording equipment; 检测设备- Testing equipment; 废物处理设备- Waste disposal equipment; 水质量分析和控制设备- Water quality analysis and control equipment; 气相/液相色谱仪- Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus. 溶剂- Solvents; 餐饮业厨房用地板- Kitchen flooring for catering; 手套- Gloves; 清洁剂- Cleanser; 试纸、试剂- Test paper and reagent. 审核和认证服务- Auditing and certification; 数据库和软件服务- Databanks and software on regulatory issues; 实验室食品分析服务- Food analysis laboratory services; 咨询服务- Consulting services; 食品质量控制管理服务- Food quality control management services; 食品安全管理服务- Food safety management services; 食品卫生管理服务- Food hygiene management services; HACCP和BRC培训服务- HACCP & BRC training services; 微生物检测和认证服务- Microbiology testing and identification services; 专家咨询服务- Regulatory experts services; 食品安全保障技术- Food safety guarantee technology; 生物工程技术- Biology engineering technology 食品安全Food Safety 食品防御安全Food Security EEC serial No. 欧共体(食品添加剂)顺序号 EFEMA(European Food Emulsifer Manufacturers Association) 欧洲食品乳化剂制造者协会encapsulating agent for food additives and vitamins 食品添加剂和维生素用包囊剂


大学英语专业学习计划 篇一:大学英语专业规划 英语专业学习规划 英语小教093 陈盼盼 对于英语专业的学生来讲,进入大学校园后会发现专业课程交相出现,英语有关书籍种类繁杂。不由得觉得科科重要,本本经典。但是只有科学的规划,合理的时间安排才会平衡自己学习上的需求与学校授课步伐上的差异,使听说读写译五种技能得到锻炼及提高,四年之后达到熟练掌握英语这门语言工具的能力。 大一: 这一年是英语专业学习压力比较小的时候。主要开设的课程有综合英语,语音,语法,教师基本技能及如思想品德等基础课程。从中可以看到这两个学期是在为专业打基础的时候。可以做的事情首先是锻炼自己的口语,这与一般学校头一二个月的时候进行规范语音的工作相一致。平时进行语言模仿,可以选择语音质量较高的电影,歌曲,配乐诗歌,散文朗诵及演讲等材料进行逐句模仿,大段背诵的形式来锤炼语音,让人在听觉上感到一种享受。其次是对单词的积累。可以结合大学英语六级或是专业英语四级的词汇手册作为参考,加大平时背诵的单词数量,为大二下学期专业四级的考试打下基础。通过阅读有关词根词缀构词法或相关的书籍

和其它形式的材料可以帮助揭示单词内在的规律。再次是对语言基础知识的积累。多读些关于语言学习的书和杂志,报刊。如各种简装本的名著,新兴词语汇集,英语学习,二十一世纪报等,它们可以提高对语言的感性认识,增强语感,而另一个非常实用但却容易被忽略的材料是像新概念这样的经典教材,语言准确,句型精美,通过精听,模仿,背诵这三个步骤可以在短时内提高语言基础。 大二: 如果还没有完成如语音表达标准,词汇捕捉敏锐这样的对语言表层现象的掌握,那么这一年要做的事情就显得很多。除了对上述能力的加强外,这个时期对语法的把握也是比较重要的事情。不要相信他人的观点:语法不再重要,没有语法也可以交流。这样的观点看起来是十分荒谬的。英语语言高度的逻辑性就体现在其精准的语法结构上。中西方思维逻辑的判别在这里也可以窥见一斑。阅读专业的语法教材或者参加语法培训都是可取的。在第二个学期,我的学习重点会转向英语专业四级考试。但经过上面三个学期的积累和第四学期大量做题实战加之权威书籍的指点想必我一次性通过的比例应该不小。 大三: 无论是什么专业的同学在这时都应该提早做前途归化。考不考研,考什么研是英语专业学习一直疑问的问题。但不


Effect of frying in different culinary fats on the fatty acid composition of silver carp 油炸不同烹饪脂肪对鲢鱼脂肪酸组 成的影响 姓名: 何毅 学号: 110107904 班级:食工1105班 完成日期: 2013/11/9 DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.40食品科学与营养网页292–297,2013 年7 月

关键字: ?脂肪酸组成; ?煎炸; ?油; ?鲢鱼 摘要 四种不同的油炒的影响(葵花籽油、大豆油、橄榄油、玉米油) 对鲢鱼脂肪酸的组成的 影响进行了评估。油炸后在所有评价样品的水分含量降低的鱼片脂肪含量增加。意思是饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)、多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),∑ω3和∑ω6含量的原 料鱼分别是26.1 ± 0.5、52.1 ± 1.1,15.1 ± 0.6,8.9 ± 0.1 和6.1 ± 0.4%。煎炸导致脂肪酸鲢鱼脂质和油炸用的脂肪之间的交换。作为一个相互作用的结果,MUFA,PUFA,∑ω6,和PUFA / SFA的比例样品炒向日葵,大豆和玉米油,显着增加,而大量的SFA下降。煎炸了∑ω3/ω6比消极影响但橄榄油煎样品中的减少是其他样品之间最小。除了在大豆油中长链ω3-多不饱和脂肪酸含量的样品由油炸不受影响。 简介 海鲜是最丰富的ω3来源-长-多不饱和脂肪酸(LC-PUFA),主要为二十碳五烯酸(EPA,20:5ω3) 和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA,22:6ω3) 链。EPA和DHA的出现在个体发育中起着关键的作用,尤其是神经系统的发育、功能和心血管系统、免疫系统(Lauritzenet al. 2001年)的 运作。ω3和ω6多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)被认为是必不可少的,但由于他们不能在人体内 合成,它们必须通过饮食获得(Mahan 和Escott-Stump2005)。 水产养殖是实现发展中国家像伊朗人民的营养目标的手段之一。鲢鱼支持伊朗淡水渔业,是包括派遣内陆水产品总产量的58%左右的最重要物种。鲢鱼(鲢) 广泛应用于复合鱼文化,由于它的快速增长和抗应激、疾病和粗率的搬运。这一物种的消费对人类的营养尤其是在伊朗极为重要。 鱼通常是由伊朗人常见的食用油炸的形式。煎炸,特别深层脂肪油炸在过去的六年期间已成为最受欢迎的食物制备技术。原因是制备甚至对经验丰富更少的厨师是容易的,过程是快速的,和成品是非常美味(Gere 1982)。 复杂化学和物理所发生的变化过程中感官失败、营养价值下降和形成的化合物对健康产生不利影响的热操作结果。


食品专业英语 化学品/农药残留物检测系统 - Chemical/pesticide residue testing; 外界污染源勘测仪器 - Detection of foreign contaminating objects; 实验室设备和传感器 - Laboratory equipment and sensors; 射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology; 超高温杀菌设备 - Over-temperature sterilization equipment; 冷冻速冻设备 - Freezing and deep freezing equipment; 超临界萃取设备 - Over-critical extraction equipment; 膜分离设备 - Velum seperation equipment; 分子蒸馏设备 - Molecule distillation equipment; 无菌(真空)包装设备 - Vacuum packaging equipment; 化学品分析仪器 - Chemical analyzers; 食品成分分析仪器 - Constituent analyzers; 过滤设备 - Filtration equipment; 食品预处理设备 - Food preparation equipment; 湿度控制仪器 - Humidity control equipment; 食品配料分析仪器 - Ingredient analyzers; 污染控制设备 - Pollution control equipment; 离析器 - Separators; 饮业清洁设备 - Catering sanitizers; 温度纪录仪器 - Temperature recording equipment; 检测设备 - Testing equipment; 废物处理设备 - Waste disposal equipment; 水质量分析和控制设备 - Water quality analysis and control equipment;气相/液相色谱仪 - Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus. 溶剂 - Solvents; 餐饮业厨房用地板 - Kitchen flooring for catering; 手套 - Gloves; 清洁剂 - Cleanser; 试纸、试剂 - Test paper and reagent. 审核和认证服务 - Auditing and certification; 数据库和软件服务 - Databanks and software on regulatory issues; 实验室食品分析服务 - Food analysis laboratory services; 咨询服务 - Consulting services; 食品质量控制管理服务 - Food quality control management services;


1) Electricity can be measured in amount and quality. 电可以用数量和质量来度量。 2) Instrument transformers are installed on the high-voltage equipment. 互感器安装在高压设备上。 3) Electric power is generated in power generating stations or plants. 电能是在发电站或发电厂产生的。 4) The meters are calibrated and the scale is designed to read the value of the desired unit. 这些仪表可以被校准并且设计了不同的量程,以便读出期望的数值。 5)Electrical energy can be stored in two metal plates separated by an insulation medium. Such a device is called a capacitor, and its ability to store electrical energy is termed capacitance. It is measured in Farads. 电能可以储存在被一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属板中,这样的装置被称为电容器,它储存电能的能力就被称为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。 1)The signal should be filtered before it is amplified. The signal should be filtered before being amplified. 放大信号前,应先对其进行滤波。 2)An object becomes hot. It is placed in the sun. Once being placed in the sun, an object becomes hot. 物体放置在太阳下会变热。 3)We must do various experiments before a new electronic product is designed. Before designing a new electronic product we must do various experiments. 在设计一个新的电子产品之前,我们必须做各种实验。 4)Changing resistance is a method for controlling the flow of the current. 改变电阻是控制电流的一种方法。 5)Conducting electricity means the flow of electrons through an object. 传导电流意味着电子在物体内的流动。 1)The power supply, which is shown in block-diagram in Fig.1, is a single-phase switch-mode inverter. The power supply shown in block-diagram in Fig.1 is a single-phase switch-mode inverter. 图1中用框图表示的电源是一个单相开关逆变器。 2)A three-phase circuit, as it was pointed out above, is merely a combination of three single-phase circuits. A three-phase circuit, as pointed out above, is merely a combination of three single-phase circuits. 正如上面所指出的那样,三相电路只不过是三个单相电路的组合。 3) The transistor, which is working with correctly polarities, can work as an amplifier. The transistor working with correctly polarities can work as an amplifier. 工作于正确电源极性下的晶体管,作用就像放大器。 1)The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger so that the increasing demand of electric power is satisfied. The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to satisfy the increasing demand of electric power. 单台发电机的容量越来越大,目的就是满足不断增长的用电需求。 2) What does a fuse do? It protects a circuit. The function of a fuse is to protect a circuit. 保险的作用就是保护电路。


中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称哲学Philosophy 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism xx 哲学Chinese Philosophy xx 哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic

西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics
