虹口区2016学年度第二学期期中教学质量监控测试 1




上海市虹口区2016学年度第二学期期中考试(高一数学)(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)班级______________姓名______________学号________________成绩______________一、填空题(本大题共48分,每小题3分)1、2013- 的终边在第___________象限角.2、函数)6(log 252x x y --=的定义域为 ;3、若a >0且a ≠1,则 函数y=loga(x-1)-1的图像一定过点 ;4、若tan 2α=,则sin 2cos cos 3sin αααα++=___________. 5、函数1sin(2)23y x π=+的最小正周期是___________. 6、化简:tan()cos(3)sin()απαππα+-+=___________. 7、函数cos(2)4y x π=-的单调递减区间为___________.8、已知5cos 13x =,且x 为第四象限角,则tan 2x =___________. 9sin x x -写成2sin()x ϕ+的形式,其中02ϕπ≤≤,则ϕ=___________.10、函数lg tan y x =的定义域为___________.11、已知ABC ∆中,三内角满足222sin sin sin sin sin B C B C A +-=,则A =___________.12、已知(tan )cos 2f x x =,则(1)f -=___________.13、若α、β为第二象限角,则αβ>是sin sin αβ<的______________________条件.14、函数3sin 4cos y x x =+在(0,)2x π∈的值域为___________.15、已知1sin cos 2αα=+,且(0,)2πα∈,则cos 2sin()4απα-的值为___________. 16、在锐角ABC ∆中, 1a =,2B A =,则b 的取值范围为__________.。



20.解: (1)设所求二次函数的解析式为: y ax2 bx c(a 0) ,由题意得:
a 2, 解得: b 4, c 1. 2 ∴所求二次函数的解析式为 y 2 x 4 x 1
(2) y 2 x 4 x 1 2( x 2 x) 1 2( x 2 x 1) 2 1
2016 年虹口区初三数学中考练习答案要点
2016.4 说明: 1.解答只列出试题的一种或几种解法.如果考生的解法与所列解法不同,可参照解答中评 分标准相应评分; 2.第一、二大题若无特别说明,每题评分只有满分或零分; 3.第三大题中各题右端所注分数,表示考生正确做对这一步应得分数; 4.评阅试卷,要坚持每题评阅到底,不能因考生解答中出现错误而中断对本题的评阅.如 果考生的解答在某一步出现错误,影响后继部分而未改变本题的内容和难度,视影响的程 度决定后继部分的给分,但原则上不超过后继部分应得分数的一半; 5.评分时,给分或扣分均以 1 分为基本单位. 一、选择题: (本大题共 6 题,满分 24 分) 1.D; 2.B; 3.C; 二、填空题: (本大题共 12 题,满分 48 分) 7.2; 11. x 8. x 3 ; 9.m 1 ; 10.答案不唯一,如 x y 3 等;
3k b 0, b 6.
k 2, b 6.
∴直线 AB 的表达式为 y=-2x+6. (2)过点 D 作 DH⊥x 轴,垂足为点 H,则 DH//BO. ∴

BD 1 , AB 3

OH 1 . OA 3
∵OA=3,∴OH=1, ∴点 D 的横坐标是 1, 把 x=1 代入 y=-2x+6 得:y=4. ∴D(1,4) ∵反比例函数 y ∴4



上海市虹口区第二学期期中教学质量监控测试高三数学试卷&参考答案(时间120分钟,满分150分)一、填空题(1~6题每小题4分,7~12题每小题5分,本大题满分54分)一、集合{}1,2,3,4A =,{}(1)(5)0B x x x =--<,则A B ⋂= .二、复数21iz i-=+所对应的点在复平面内位于第 象限. 3、已知首项为1公差为2的等差数列{}n a ,其前n 项和为n S ,则2()lim n n n a S →∞= .4、若方程组2322ax y x ay +=⎧⎨+=⎩无解,则实数a = .五、若7)(a x +的二项展开式中,含6x 项的系数为7,则实数=a .六、已知双曲线2221(0)y x a a-=>,它的渐近线方程是2y x =±,则a 的值为 .7、在ABC ∆中,三边长别离为2a =,3b =,4c =,则sin 2sin AB= ___________. 八、在平面直角坐标系中,已知点(2,2)P -,对于任意不全为零的实数a 、b ,直线:(1)(2)0l a x b y -++=,若点P 到直线l 的距离为d ,则d 的取值范围是 .222附视图俯视图九、函数21()(2)1x x f x x x ⎧≤⎪=⎨->⎪⎩,若是方程()f x b =有四个不同的实数解1x 、2x 、3x 、4x ,则1234x x x x +++= .10、三条侧棱两两垂直的正三棱锥,其俯视图如图所示,主视图的边界是底边长为2的等腰三角形,则主视图的面积等于 .1一、在直角ABC ∆中,2A π∠=,1AB =,2AC =,M 是ABC ∆内一点,且12AM =,若AM AB AC λμ=+,则2λμ+的最大值 .1二、无穷数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若对任意的正整数n 都有{}12310,,,,n S k k k k ∈,则10a 的可能取值最多..有 个. 二、选择题(每小题5分,满分20分)13、已知a ,b ,c 都是实数,则“a ,b ,c 成等比数列”是“2b a c =⋅的( ).A 充分没必要要条件 .B 必要不充分条件 .C 充要条件 .D 既不充分也没必要要条件14、1l 、2l 是空间两条直线,α是平面,以下结论正确的是( )..A 若是1l ∥α,2l ∥α,则必然有1l ∥2l . .B 若是12l l ⊥,2l α⊥,则必然有1l α⊥..C 若是12l l ⊥,2l α⊥,则必然有1l ∥α. .D 若是1l α⊥,2l ∥α,则必然有12l l ⊥.F EDCBAC 1B 1A 11五、已知函数()2x xe ef x --=,1x 、2x 、3x R ∈,且120x x +>,230x x +>,310x x +>,则123()()()f x f x f x ++的值( ).A 必然等于零. .B 必然大于零. .C 必然小于零. .D 正负都有可能.1六、已知点(,)M a b 与点(0,1)N -在直线3450x y -+=的双侧,给出以下结论:①3450a b -+>;②当0a >时,a b +有最小值,无最大值;③221a b +>; ④当0a >且1a ≠时,11b a +-的取值范围是93(,)(,)44-∞-+∞. 正确的个数是( ).A 1 .B 2 .C 3 .D 4三、解答题(本大题满分76分)17、(本题满分14分.第(1)小题7分,第(2)小题7分.)如图111ABC A B C -是直三棱柱,底面ABC ∆是等腰直角三角形,且4AB AC ==,直三棱柱的高等于4,线段11B C 的中点为D ,线段BC 的中点为E ,线段1CC 的中点为F .(1)求异面直线AD 、EF 所成角的大小; (2)求三棱锥D AEF -的体积.1八、(本题满分14分.第(1)小题7分,第(2)小题7分.)已知概念在(,)22ππ-上的函数()f x 是奇函数,且当(0,)2x π∈时,tan ()tan 1xf x x =+.(1)求()f x 在区间(,)22ππ-上的解析式;(2)当实数m 为何值时,关于x 的方程()f x m =在(,)22ππ-有解.1九、(本题满分14分.第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题8分.)已知数列{}n a 是首项等于116且公比不为1的等比数列,n S 是它的前n 项和,知足325416S S =-.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)设log n a n b a =(0a >且1)a ≠,求数列{}n b 的前n 项和n T 的最值.20、(本题满分16分.第(1)小题3分,第(2)小题5分,第(3)小题8分.)已知椭圆:C 22221(0)x y a b a b +=>>,概念椭圆C 上的点00(,)M x y 的“伴随点”为00(,)x y N a b. (1)求椭圆C 上的点M 的“伴随点”N 的轨迹方程; (2)若是椭圆C 上的点3(1,)2的“伴随点”为13(,)22b,对于椭圆C 上的任意点M 及它的“伴随点”N ,求OM ON 的取值范围;(3)当2a =,b =l 交椭圆C 于A ,B 两点,若点A ,B 的“伴随点”别离是P ,Q ,且以PQ 为直径的圆通过坐标原点O ,求OAB ∆的面积.2一、(本题满分18分.第(1)小题3分,第(2)小题6分,第(3)小题9分.)对于概念域为R 的函数()y f x =,部份x 与y 的对应关系如下表:(1)求{[(0)]}f f f ;F EDCBAC 1B 1A 1(2)数列{}n x 知足12x =,且对任意n N *∈,点1(,)n n x x +都在函数()y f x =的图像上,求124n x x x +++;(3)若()sin()y f x A x b ωϕ==++,其中0A >,0ωπ<<,0ϕπ<<,03b <<,求此函数的解析式,并求(1)(2)(3)f f f n +++(n N *∈).参考答案一、填空题(1~6题每小题4分,7~12题每小题5分,本大题满分54分) 一、{2,3,4}; 二、四; 3、4; 4、2±; 五、1; 六、2 ;7、76; 八、[0,5]; 九、4; 10、3; 1一、2; 1二、91;二、选择题(每小题5分,满分20分)13、A ; 14、D ; 1五、B ; 1六、B ; 三、解答题(本大题满分76分)17、(14分)解:(1)以A 为坐标原点,AB 、AC 、1AA 别离为x 轴和y 轴成立直角坐标系.依题意有D (2,2,4),A (0,0,0),E (2,2,0),F (0,4,2)所以(2,2,4),(2,2,2)AD EF ==-.……………………3分 设异面直线AD 、EF 所成角为角,||cos ||||AD EF AD EF α⋅==⋅48|16444++=++ 3所以arccos 3α=,所以异面直线AD 、EF 所成角的大小为arccos3…………7分 (2)线段11B C 的中点为D ,线段BC 的中点为E ,由4AB AC ==,高14A A=,得BC =,∴AE =DEFS=3分由E 为线段BC 的中点,且AC AB =,BC AE ⊥∴,由⊥1BB 面ABC ,1BB AE ⊥∴,得⊥AE面C C BB 11,1116333D AEF A DEF DEFV V SAE --==⋅=⋅= ∴三棱锥D AEF -的体积为163体积单位.……………………7分 1八、(14分)解:(1)设02x π-<<,则02x π<-<,()f x 是奇函数,则有tan()tan ()()tan()11tan x xf x f x x x-=--=-=-+-…………4分∴tan 0tan 12()00tan 01tan 2xx x f x x x x xππ⎧<<⎪+⎪==⎨⎪⎪-<<-⎩ ………………7分 (2)设02x π<<,令tan t x =,则0t >,而tan 1()1tan 111x t y f x x t t====-+++. 11t +>,得1011t <<+,从而10111t <-<+,∴()y f x =在02x π<<的取值范围是01y <<.…………………………11分 又设02x π-<<,则02x π<-<,由此函数是奇函数得()()f x f x =--,0()1f x <-<,从而1()0f x -<<.………………13分综上所述,()y f x =的值域为(1,1)-,所以m 的取值范围是(1,1)- (14)分 1九、(14分)解:(1)325416S S =-,1q ≠,3211(1)(1)541116a q a q q q --∴=⨯---.……2分整理得2320q q -+=,解得2q =或1q =(舍去).………………4分1512n n n a a q --∴=⨯=.………………6分(2)log (5)log 2n a n a b a n ==-.………………8分1)当1a >时,有log 20,a > 数列{}n b 是以log 2a 为公差的等差数列,此数列是首项为负的递增的等差数列.由0n b ≤,得5n ≤.所以min 45()10log 2n a T T T ===-.n T 的没有最大值.………11分2)当01a <<时,有log 20a <,数列{}n b 是以log 2a 为公差的等差数列,此数列是首项为正的递减的等差数列.0n b ≥,得5n ≤,max 45()10log 2n a T T T ===-.n T 的没有最小值.…………14分 20、(16分)解:(1)解.设N (,x y )由题意 00x x ay y b⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩则00x ax y by =⎧⎨=⎩,又2200221(0)x y a b a b +=>> ∴2222()()1(0)ax by a b a b +=>>,从而得221x y +=……………………3分(2)由112a=,得2a =.又221914a b +=,得b =…………5分点00(,)M x y 在椭圆上,2200143x y +=,2200334y x =-,且2004x ≤≤,∴222000002(,)(,224xx OM ON x y x =⋅==+0>,OM ON的取值范围是2⎤⎦……8分 (3) 设1122(,),(,)A x y B x y ,则12,22x x P Q ⎛⎛ ⎝⎝;1)当直线l 的斜率存在时,设方程为y kx m =+, 由22143y kx m x y =+⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩得222(34)84(3)0k x kmx m +++-=; 有22122212248(34)08344(3)34k m km x x k m x x k ⎧⎪∆=+->⎪-⎪+=⎨+⎪⎪-=⎪+⎩① ……10分由以PQ 为直径的圆通过坐标原点O 可得: 1212340x x y y +=; 整理得:221212(34)4()40k x x mk x x m ++++= ②将①式代入②式得: 22342k m +=,………………………… 12分又点O 到直线y kx m =+的距离d =所以12OAB S AB d ∆==14分 2) 当直线l 的斜率不存在时,设方程为(22)x m m =-<<联立椭圆方程得223(4)4m y -=;代入1212340x x y y +=得223(4)3404m m --⋅=,解得22m =,从而232y =, 综上:OAB ∆的面积是定值16分2一、(18分)解:(1) {[(0)]}((3))(1)2f f f f f f ==-= ……………………3分 (2) 11212,()()(2)0,n n x x f x x f x f +==∴===32()3,x f x == 43()1,x f x ==-54()2x f x ==51x x ∴=,周期为 4 , 所以124n x x x +++=4n .……………………9分(3)由题意得(1)2(1)(1)2(2)(0)3(3)(2)0(4)f f f f -=⎧⎪=⎪⎨=⎪⎪=⎩ 由48,0,043222>=∆>∴>+m m k 2222222221223414334143433411m mk k m kk m k k x x k AB ⋅+=+⋅+=+-++=-+=3212121=-==∆y y m d AB S OAB(1)(2)sin()sin()sin cos 0ωϕωϕωϕ-∴+=-+∴=又0ωπ<<sin 0cos 0ωϕ∴≠∴= 而0ϕπ<<2πϕ∴=…………11分从而有23cos 32cos 23(2cos 1)30cos20A b A A A b b A A A A b ωωωω+=⎧+-=⎧⎪+=⇒=-⇒⎨⎨-+-=⎩⎪+=⎩22242230 2.1A A A A A b ∴-+-+=∴== 1cos 2ω=0ωπ<<3πω∴=()2cos 13f x x π∴=+…………………………13分此函数的最小正周期为6, (6)(0)3f f ==(1)(2)(3)4)+(5)(6)6f f f f f f ++++=(…………14分1)当2n k =()k N *∈时.(1)(2)(3)(1)(2)(6)f f f n f f f k +++=+++[(1)(2)(6)]63k f f f k n =+++==.……………………16分2)当21n k =-()k N *∈时.(1)(2)(3)(1)(2)(6)(62)(61)(6)f f f n f f f k f k f k f k +++=+++----- [(1)(2)(6)]56532k f f f k n =+++-=-=-.………………18分。



2012年虹口区九年级二模试题听力材料和参考答案A. Listen and choose the right picture1. My brother has a pet fish and he never forgets, to feed it once a day.(F) 2. Julia, do you want the balloon I got from the party? (D) 3. Henry practised kicking the ball very hard after he joined the school team. (E) 4. Although I won't leave until next month, Mother has begun to pack everything for me. (G) 5. Helen succeeded in training the dog to do many things under her orders. (A) 6. Lisa, you've played computer games too much, and now you have to wear thick glasses. (C) B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. M: Did you have eggs and noodles for breakfast, Nancy? W: No. I had some bread but I didn't have any cheese. Q: What did Nancy eat for breakfast?(C)8. W: Don't stay at home, Ben. You need some outdoor activities like playing tennis and cycling. M: Actually I do them sometimes and I often go swimming with my cousin. But I like fishing most. Q: What's Ben's favourite outdoor activity? (D)9. W: Do you walk to school everyday, Peter? M: Yes, usually. I don't go by bus unless it rains. Q: How dose Peter go to school on rainy days?(A)10. M: Is Alice watching TV or listening to music now? W: Neither. She's going over her lessons. She's going to have a test tomorrow. Q: What's Alice doing now? (D) 11. M: Welcome to my family for home stay! W: Thank you, Bill! I'm going to live with your family for 2 weeks. M: I'll introduce you to my wife, Joan. And we have three kids. Q: HOW many people are there in Bill's family? (D)12. W: Good afternoon. What can I do for you? M: Oh, good afternoon. I'd like a return ticket to London, please. W: That'll be 14 pounds. M. Here you are. Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place? (B)13. W: When will the meeting begin? M: At 9:30. But we secretaries have to arrive there half an hour before the meeting. Q: What time will they arrive? (A)14. M: There are many lovely animals in the zoo. Shall we go to see the funny monkeys first? W: Let's see the bears. Have you heard the terrible story about the poor things? Q: Why does the girl want to see the bears?(C)15. W: Turn right here, please. M: Sorry, madam, that sign tells us we can't drive down the street. W. OK. Just leave me here and I'll walk. Q: What's the probably relationship between the two speakers? (C)16. M: Grandma, yesterday evening Dad promised he would give up smoking. W: Well, he had done it one thousand times! Q: What does the woman mean?(D) C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false There was a robbery near Harry's home one night. Harry was looking out of his bedroom window at the time. He saw the robber run out of a shop. He saw the robber take off his mask. He saw his face. Harry told his father what he had seen. When the policemen came, Harry and his father went to talk to them. "I saw the robber," Harry told the policemen. "I can describe him. He was about fifty years old. He was bald with a big, red nose and thick lips. And he had big ears. He was quite tall and thin. He had something wrong with his right leg." "How do you know that?" one of the policemen asked Harry. "He limped," Harry said. "What was he wearing?" the other policeman asked. Harry told the policeman that the man was wearing black jeans and a shirt. "His mask was a lady's stocking. His shoes were white sports shoes." Harry added. "You are a very careful boy," the policeman said. "Well done!" The next day the police caught the robber. They put him in a line with some other men. They asked Harry to point him out, Harry did this easily. The police arrested the man.(17. F 18. T 19. T 20. F 21. T 22. F 23. T)D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences PRESENTER: Tell ,us about your new hook, Penny. PENNY: Well, it's another Captain Fish-Eye story for young children, about 6 years old. I enjoy writing about all Captain Fish-Eye's adventures at sea, and children love him and his amazing ship. PRESENTER: They don't feel it's boring to read the same stories again and again, do they? PENNY: No, never. PRESENTER: What type of books do young children enjoy most? PENNY: Young children really like funny stories--anything to make them laugh. And the pictures are very important too. Young children need books with bright colourful pictures. PRESENTER: You know, Walt Disney has made many famous fairy-stories into wonderful films. Is it better for children to see the films or to read the books? PENNY: I have to say, books are better. Of course, it's nice to see a happy children's film sometimes, but it isn't as good as reading a book. When children read stories, they see pictures in their heads and they use their minds much more. It's very important for them to do this when they're young. PRESENTER: I've heard that children in Britain read a lot of books. They read much more than children in many other countries. Do you know why? PENNY: Well, I think it's because British parents have always read to their children a lot. In most families, children listen to a story every evening before they go to sleep, and at school teachers read to their classes. Children learn to love books and want to read more and more. (24. 6/six 25. ship 26. same 27. bright 28. heads 29. Britain 30. sleep)基础:31. Do you know _____lady in blue?Yes, she is a teacher of a university.A. aB.anC.the D ./32.The poor couple dreamed of having a flat of____own some day in the future.A.theyB. themC.theirD.theirs33.All the boys went swimming that afternoon _______Bob because he hada cold.A.exceptB. includingC.besidesD.with34.You needn't tell me about this.______sent me a message about it three days ago.A.No oneB.AnyoneC.SomeoneD.Everyone35.How much ______do you need to make dumplings for the family and the guests?A.potatoB.porkC. eggD.vegetable36.The story in the newspaper sounds ________,but where did the woman journalist get it?A.wellB.trueC.loudlyD.properly37.Since Jennifer is _______girl in the class, you can find her easily in the classroom.A.tallB. tallerC.tallestD.the tallest38.Dr.Sitwell took up the project on water pollution with several assistants in her ___.A.sixtyB.sixtiesC. sixtiethD.sixtieths39You may fail to pass the examination _________you do your best to go over the lessons.A.afterB.becauseC.unlessD.when40.Only you____do such a thing ,I'm sure, and nobody else has such an ability.A.mustB.shouldC.mayD.can41.James ,Catherine and I _______friends since we were at the same primary school.A.amB.wereC.will beD.have been42.My uncle will send me some local postcards and stamps after he ______France.A.reachesB.reachedC.will reachD.is reaching43.The aged people in the community _____their eightieth birthday together last week.A.celebrateB.celebratedC.will celebrateD.have celebrated44.Don't let such a thing happen again,____you will lose your job!A.andB.butC.orD.so45.He used to be a good movie director but nowadays he is only busy______ money.A)How B)made C)to make D)making46.The mother always encouraged her baby____ up by himself when he fell over.A)stand B)stood C)to stand D)standing47.____ amazing performance the boy gave in the Talent Show yesterday evening!A)How B)What C)What a D)What an48.Both my husband and I think it is the most amusing story we have ____ heard.A)ever B)never C)hardly D)already49.—The music is too loud. Could you turn it down, please?--_____.A) Sure, what time? B) Sorry, I didn’t notice it.C) Well,me too. D) OK, go ahead.50.—Would you like me to t ake a photo of you in front of the church? --______A)Yes, please. B)Well done. C)Yes, I would D)With pleasure.III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。




本卷g均取10m/s22016.11 考生注意:1.答卷前,考生务必在试卷和答题纸上用蓝色或黑色的钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写学校、班级、姓名、学号,并用2B铅笔在答题纸上正确涂写学号。










他在一次自由式滑雪空中技巧比赛中沿“助滑区”保持同一姿态下滑了一段距离,重力对他做功1900 J,他克服阻力做功100 J。

韩晓鹏在此过程中()(A)动能增加了1900 J (B)动能增加了2000 J(C)重力势能减小了1900 J (D)机械能减小了2000J3.有A、B两个小球,B的质量为A的两倍。


图中①为A的运动轨迹,则B的运动轨迹是()(A)①(B)②(C)③(D)④4.如图,在水平桌面上放置一斜面体P,两长方体物块a和b叠放在P 的斜面上,整个系统处于静止状态。


则()(A)f1=0,f2≠0,f3≠0(B)f1≠0,f2=0,f3=0(C)f1≠0,f2≠0,f3=0 (D)f1≠0,f2≠0,f3≠05.两个物体甲和乙最初都静止在同一水平面上。



虹口区2016学年度第二学期期中教学质量监控测试初三理化 试卷(满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 2017.4物 理 部 分考生注意:1.本试卷物理部分含五个大题。

2.答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸,本试卷上答题一律无效.一、选择题(共16分)下列各题均只有一个正确选项,请将正确选项的代号用2B 铅笔填涂在答题纸的相应位置上,更改答案时,用橡皮擦去,重新填涂。

1.下列粒子中,带负电的是A .电子B .中子C .质子D .核子2.我们能分辨男高音、男低音,这主要是根据声音有不同的A .振幅B .响度C .音调D .音色3.上海冬天的早晨,自来水龙头流出水的温度最接近A . 5℃B . 20℃C . 30℃D .40℃4.光射到平面镜上,若反射角为40°,则入射角为A .30°B .40°C .50°D .60°5.四冲程汽油机在工作过程中,内能转化为机械能的是A .吸气冲程B .压缩冲程C .做功冲程D .排气冲程6.甲、乙两物体运动的s —t 图像分别如图1(a )、(b )所示,则A .甲通过的路程一定大于乙通过的路B .甲通过的路程一定等于乙通过的路程CD .甲的速度一定7.将重为G 的物体挂于弹簧测力计下,使它们先以大小为v 1的速度向上做匀速直线运动,后以大小为v 2的速度向下做匀速直线运动,且v 1>v 2。

若前后两次物体受到的合力分别为F 1、F 2(不计空气阻力),则图1(a ) (b )A .F 1一定大于G ,F 2可能等于GB .F 1一定等于G ,F 2可能小于GC .F 1、F 2均一定大于GD .F 1、F 2均一定小于G8.在图2所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变.闭合电键S 1、S 2,电路正常工作。

下列操作中,A .断开电键S 1B .断开电键S 2C .向右移动R 1的滑片D .向左移动R 1的滑片二、填空题(共23分)请将结果填入答题纸的相应位置.9.标有“220V 220W"的电视机正常工作时,其两端的电压为________伏,通过的电流为_______安,此时它将_______能转化为其他形式的能。



2016学年第二学期八年级期中考试数学练习卷一、填空题(本大题共12题,每题2分,满分24分)1.直线在轴上的截距是.24--=x y y 2.已知一次函数,则.221)(--=x x f =-)2(f 3.关于的方程有解的条件是.x 6-=ax 4.方程的增根是________________.xx x --=-33235.已知一个多边形的每个外角都等于,那么这个多边形的边数是___ _____.︒606.用换元法解方程时,如果设,那么原方程可化2711322-=-+-x x x x x x y 12-=成关于的整式方程,这个整式方程是 .y 7.请将方程的解写在后面的横线07)3(=--x x 上:.8.在公式中,已知、且,则 .21111R R R +=1R R 01≠-R R =2R 9. 如果一次函数的图像不经过第一象限,那么的取值范围是13-+-=m x y m.10.已知函数,当时,函数值的取值范围是.73+-=x y 2>x y 11.等腰三角形的周长是16(cm ),腰长为(cm ),底边长为(cm ),那么与x y y 之间的函数关系式是 (要求写出自变量的取值范x x 围).12. 把直线向右平移________个单位可得到直线.143+=x y 243-=x y 二、选择题(本大题共6题,每题2分,满分12分)13.方程的根是……………………………………………………0242=--x x ( )(A) 1=2,2=-2; (B) 1=2; (C) =-2; (D) 以上答案都不x x x x 对.14.下列方程中, 有实数解的是………………………………………………( )(A );(B )2;333-=-x xx 076=+x (C ) ;(D ).032=+-x 020924=++x x 15.由方程组消去后化简得到的方程是……( )⎩⎨⎧=+++-=--04)1()1(0122y x y x y (A ); (B );06222=--x x 05222=++x x (C );(D ).0522=+x 05222=+-x x 16.如果一次函数 的图像是一条与直线平行的直线,那)0(≠+=b b kx y x y 4=么直线一定经过的象限是………………………………)0(≠+=b b kx y ()(A )第一、二象限;(B )第一、三象限;(C )第一、四象限;(D )无法判断.17. 在单元考试中,某班同学解答“由一个二元一次方程和一个二元二次方程组成的方程组的解为、,试写出这样的一个方程组”题目,出现了⎩⎨⎧==4,211y x ⎩⎨⎧-=-=4,211y x 下面四种答案,其中正确的答案是………………………………………( )(A ); (B );(C );(D ).⎩⎨⎧==+86xy y x ⎩⎨⎧=-=+26x y y x ⎩⎨⎧=+=20222y x x y ⎩⎨⎧=+=20822y x xy 18. 小亮早晨从家骑自行车去学校上学,先上坡后下坡,行程情况如图1所示.如果返回时上坡、下坡的速度仍与上学时的(分钟)上、下坡速度相同,那么小亮从学校骑车回家的时间是……………………( )(A )分钟;(B )分钟 ;3033(C )分钟; (D )分钟.2.3748三、解答题(本大题共4题,每题6分,满分24分)20.解方程:.21. 解方程组:.032=-+x x ⎩⎨⎧=-=-731432x y y xy 22. 已知 一次函数(),函数值随自变量值的增大而减1)21(++-=m x m y 21≠m y x 小.(1)求的取值范围;m (2)在平面直角坐标系中,这个函数的图像与轴的交点位于轴的正xOy x M x 半轴还是负半轴?请简述理由.(1)(2)图1四、(本大题共5题,满分 40分)23.(本题满分7分)为了配合教学的需要,某教具厂木模车间要制作96个一样大小的正方体模型.准备用一块长128厘米、宽64厘米、高48厘米的长方形木材来下料.经教具生产设计师的精心设计,该木材恰好用完,没有剩余(不计损耗).求每个正方体模型的棱长.(不需要使用计算器)24.(本题满分8分)某厂接到一份订单, 某运动会开幕式需要720面彩旗.后来由于情况紧急,要求生产总量比原计划增加20%,且必须提前2天完成生产任务.该厂迅速增加人员,实际每天比原计划多生产36面彩旗,请问该厂实际每天生产多少面彩旗?25.(本题满分9分)如图2,一次函数y kx b =+的图像与反比例函数m y x=的图像相交于、两点.)2,2(A )4,1(--B (1)求出两函数解析式;(2)根据图像回答:当x 为何值时,一次函数的函数值大于反比例函数的函数值?(3) 联结、,试求的面积.AO BO AOB ∆x y26.(本题满分10分)如图3,轴表示一条东西方向的道路,轴表示一条南北O x方向的道路.小丽和小明分别从十字路口点处同时出发,小丽沿着轴以4千米/y时的速度由西向东前进,小明沿着轴以5千米/时的速度由南向北前进.P x y有一颗百年古树位于图中的点处,古树与轴、轴的距离分别是3千米和2千米.问:(1)离开路口后经过多少时间,两人与这棵古树的距离恰好相等?(2)离开路口后经过多少时间,两人与这颗古树所处的位置恰好在一条直线上?27.(本题满分6分)一列快车从甲地驶往乙地,一列慢车从乙地驶往甲地,两车同时出发,设慢车行驶的时间为(h)x ,两车之间的距离为(km)y ,图中的折线表示y 与x 之间的函数关系.结合图像回答下列问题:(1)解释快车在点、点时的位置;A C (2)解释点的实际意义;B (3)求慢车和快车的速度.(第27题)y八年级第二学期期中考试数学试卷参考答案一、填空题(本大题共12题,每题2分,满分24分)1.-2;2.-1;3.;4. ;5.六边形;6. ;7. ;8.0≠a 3=x 06722=++y y 7=x ;9. ;10. ;11. ();注意:若将定义RR RR -111≤m 1<y x y 216-=84<<x 域写成,建议扣除1分;12.向右平移4个单位.(不要组织学生记忆口诀,80<<x 数形结合就是最好的口诀)二、选择题(本大题共6题,每题2分,满分12分)13.C ; 14.A ; 15.D ; 16.B ; 17.C ; 18.C.三、解答题(本大题共4题,每题6分,满分24分)19.解:设,则,于是原方程可化为.…………2y x =224y x =02452=--y y 分解这个关于的方程,得: ,. …………1分y 31-=y 82=y 由,得 ,它没有实数根. …………1分31-=y 32-=x 由,得 ,解得 . …………1分82=y 82=x 22±=x 所以,原方程的根是 ,. …………1分221=x 222-=x 20. 解:原方程可变形为.x x =+32两边平方,得 . …………1分232x x =+整理,得 . …………1分0322=--x x 解这个方程,得 ,. …………1分31=x 12-=x 检验:把分别代入原方程两边,左边=,右边=3,左边=右3=x 3332=+⨯边,可知是原方程的根. …………1分3=x把分别代入原方程两边,左边=,右边=0,左边≠右边,1-=x 13)1(2=+-⨯可知是增根,舍去. …………1分1-=x 所以,原方程的根是 . …………1分3=x 21. 解方程组:⎩⎨⎧=-=-731432x y y xy 解:由(1)得,,(3) …………1分14)3(=-y x y 把(2)代入方程(3),得 . …………2分147=-y 解这个方程,得 . …………1分2-=y 将代入(2),得 . …………1分2-=y 3-=x 所以,原方程组的解是 . …………1分⎩⎨⎧-=-=23y x 注意:本题方法较多,可以视具体情况评分.22.解:(1)因函数值随自变量值的增大而减小,y x 所以,解得:. …………2分021<-m 21>m (2)令,得 . 0=y 01)21(=++-m x m 由,知.21≠m 021≠-m 所以 . …………2分121-+=m m x 又因为,,所以. …………1分01>+m 012>-m 0121>-+=m m x 所以这个函数的图像与轴的交点位于轴的正半x )0,121(-+m m M x 轴. …………1分(1)(2)四、(本大题共5题,满分 40分)23.解:设正方体模型的棱长为()厘米,…………1分x 0>x 根据题意,可列出方程,…………2分4864128963⨯⨯=x 化简,得 ,,.6412823⨯=x 64643⨯=x 33344⨯=x 解得 . …………1分16=x 已知长方体木材的长为128厘米、宽64厘米、高48厘米,当正方体的棱长为16厘米时,因为16是128、64、48的公因数,所以可以下料. …………2分答:每个正方体模型的棱长是16厘米. …………1分24.解:设实际完成生产任务需要天,x 则原计划完成任务需要天,实际每天生产面彩)2(+x x%)201(720+旗. ……1分依据题意,可列出方程,362720%)201(720=+-+x x 即122024=+-x x . …………2分 两边同时乘以,再整理,得 .)2(+x x 04822=--x x 解这个方程,得,81=x 62-=x . …………2分经检验,、都是原方程的根,因为完成任务的天数不能为负81=x 62-=x 数,所以取8=x . …………1分 当时,8=x 1088%)201(720=+. …………1分答:该厂实际每天生产108面彩旗. …………1分另解:设实际完成生产任务需要天,实际每天生产彩旗面.x y依据题意,列出方程组, 即⎩⎨⎧=-++=720)36)(2(%)201(720y x xy ⎩⎨⎧=-+=792362864x y xy xy 将(1)代入(2),并整理,得 ,(3)3618-=x y 将(3)代入(1),并整理,得 .以下略.04822=--x x 其他方法,请参照本标准相应评分.25.解:(1)因为反比例函数my x=的图像经过点,所以 ,得 ,故所求的反)2,2(A 22m=4=m 比例函数解析式为. …………1分xy 4=因为一次函数y kx b =+的图像经过点)2,2(A 、,所以)4,1(--B ⎩⎨⎧-=+-=+422b k b k 解得. 故所求的一次函数解析式为⎩⎨⎧-==22b k . …………3分22-=x y (2)当或时,一次函数的函数值大于反比例函数的函数01<<-x 2>x 值.……2分(3) 设直线:与轴交于点.AB 22-=x y x C 当时,,得,知点,.…………1分0=y 022=-x 1=x )0,1(C 1=OC 若不求,而是直接使用图像中提供的信息,发现,也可以视为)0,1(C 1=OC 正确.. …………2分341212121=⨯⨯+⨯⨯=+=∆∆∆BOC AOC AOB S S S(1)(2)26. 解:(1)由题意知:点的坐标为 (1)P )3,2(P 分设小时后两人与点的距离相等,此时,小丽和小明所在的位置分别记为点t P A、点.B 因为千米/小时,所以,得,同理,得.4=小丽v t OA 4=)0,4(t A )5,0(t B 因为,,,BP AP =22)30()24(-+-=t AP 22)35()20(-+-=t BP 所以.……………………2分22)30()24(-+-t 22)35()20(-+-=t 解得 ,. …………………1分01=t 9142=t 经检验,,都是原方程的根,但01=t 9142=t 0=t 不合题意,应舍去. ………1分若使用勾股定理解答,请参照评分.(2)设离开路口小时()后,两人与古树位a 0≠a 于同一条直线上,此时,小丽和小明所在的位置分别记为点、点.)0,4(a A )5,0(a B 设直线的解析式为,因为直线经过点、AB b kx y +=b kx y +=)0,4(a A ,所以 ,当时,方程组的解为)5,0(a B ⎩⎨⎧==+a b b ak 5040≠a ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-=ab k 545. ………2分故所求的直线解析式可进一步表示为:.又因为点在直a x y 545+-=)3,2(P 线上,所以,解得 . …………………… 2分a x y 545+-=a 52453+⨯-=1011=a 答:经过小时,两人与这棵古树的距离恰好相等;经过小时,两人与这9141011颗古树所处的位置恰好在一条直线上. ……1分27.(本题满分6分)解:(1)点:快车在甲地;点:快车到达乙地. (2)A C分(2)点:行驶4小时后,慢车和快车相遇. …2B 分(3)由图像可知,慢车12小时行驶的路程为900km ,所以慢车的速度为;慢车行驶4小时,慢车和快车相遇,两车行驶的路程之和为90075(km /h)12=900km ,所以慢车和快车行驶的速度之和为,所以快车的速度为900225(km /h)4=150km/h . ……2分。



虹口区2015~2016年度第二学期初三质量调研理 化 试 卷(满分150分 考试时间100分钟)物 理 部 分 2016.4考生注意:1.本试卷物理部分含五个大题。


一、选择题(共16分)下列各题均只有一个正确选项,请将正确选项的代号用2B 铅笔填涂在答题纸的相应位置上,更改答案时,用橡皮擦去,重新填涂。

1.下列星球中,属于恒星的是A .地球B .月球C .土星D .太阳2.声纹锁能辨别不同的人发出的声音,主要是依据声音的A .音色B .音调C .响度D .速度3.四冲程内燃机工作时,机械能转化成内能的冲程是A .吸气冲程B .压缩冲程C .做功冲程D .排气冲程4.甲、乙同时同地开始沿同一方向作直线运动,它们的s -t 图像分别如图1(a )和(b )所示。

经过6秒,两车的位置关系是A .甲在乙前面1.2米处B .乙在甲前面1.2米处C .甲在乙前面0.6米处D .乙在甲前面0.6米处5.在图2所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变。

闭合电键S ,当滑动变阻器的滑片P 向右移动时,变大的是A .电流表A 示数B .电压表V 示数与电流表A 1示数的比值C .电流表A 1示数D .电压表V 示数与电流表A 示数的比值6.如图3所示,小车运动时木块向右倾倒,则小车运动状态变化的情况是A .一定向左加速B .一定向右加速(a) 图1 (b) 图2 图3C .可能向左减速D .可能向右减速7.在光具座的A 点处放置一发光物体,从焦距f 甲为5厘米、f 乙为10厘米、f 丙为20厘米的凸透镜中选择一个放置在如图4所示的位置,在BC 间移动光屏时可在光屏上得到清晰的像,则选择的凸透镜为A .甲B .乙C .甲、乙D .乙、丙8.如图5所示,轻质圆柱形容器A 、B 、C 分别盛有质量相同的不同液体(S A <S B <S c ),现有质量相同的甲、乙两实心物体(ρ甲>ρ乙),若选择其中一个物体放入某个容器中,物体浸没且液体没有溢出,此时液体对容器底部的压强为p 液,则A .甲放入B 中p 液最小 B .甲放入C 中p 液最小 C .乙放入A 中p 液最大D .乙放入B 中p 液最大二、填空题(共23分)请将结果填入答题纸的相应位置。



虹口区2016年英语学科中考练习题2016.04(满分150分,考试时间100分钟)考生注意: 本卷有7大题,共94小题,试题均米用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上元成,做在试卷上不给分。

Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应图片) (共6分)4. ________5. __________6. ________7.A) 6:50. B) 7:00. C) 7:10. D) 7:50. 8.A) In Mary ' s desk .B) On Mary ' s desk. C) In Tom ' s desk. D) On Tom ' s des 9. A) $ 35 B) $ 55C) $ 80 D) $ 90 10. A) A dancer. B) A sin ger.C) An engin eer. D) A postma n. 11. A) A bus. B) A bicycle.C) A taxi. D) An un dergro und 12. A) Husba nd and wife.B) Teacher and stude nt. C) Mother and son.D) Doctor and patie nt. 13. A) To eat out with the boy.C) To work on the computer. C) To go dancing for a cha nge.D) To go to bed early.14. A) Jane ' s new friends are too shy.B) Jane doesn ' t like the new school. B. Listen and choose the best answe r (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (共 8 分) C) Jane has got two new friends. D) Jane has no friends there.1.3.2.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false ( 判断下歹U句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T ”表示,不符合的用“ F”表示)(共6 分)15. When pack ing, the more things you take, the more freedom you will have.16. Even whe n traveli ng with kids, one hair dryer is eno ugh for a family.17. When traveli ng, we must take differe nt shoes accord ing to differe nt places.18. If you go to Australia in December, you have to take thick clothes.19. The writer thi nks we should con sider four questi ons whe n pack ing.20. This passage is mainly about how to travel to more places in less time.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下歹U内容。



虹口区2015~2016学年第二学期教学质量检测高三化学试卷 2016.04考生注意:1.本试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟。




相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Al-27 S-32一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,每题只有一个正确选项)1.核反应堆中存在三种具有放射性的微粒X 23894、Y 24094、Z 23892,下列说法正确的是( )A .X 23894与Y 24094互为同素异形体 B .X 23894与Z 23892互为同素异形体C .Y 24094与Z 23892具有相同中子数 D .X 23894与Z 23892具有相同化学性质2.能证明BF 3为平面三角形而不是三角锥形分子的理由是( )A .BF 2Cl 只有一种结构B .三根B-F 键间键角都为120ºC .BFCl 2只有一种结构D .三根B-F 键键长都为130pm3.炼铁、炼钢过程中,先被氧化后被还原的元素是( )A .炼铁过程中的铁元素B . 炼铁过程中的氧元素C .炼铁过程中的碳元素D . 炼钢过程中的铁元素4.下列试剂不会因为空气中的二氧化碳和水蒸气而变质的是( )A .Na 2CO 3B .Na 2O 2C .CaOD .Ca(ClO)25. 化学反应的实质是( )A .能量的转移B .旧化学键断裂和新化学键生成C .电子转移D .原子种类与原子数目保持不变二、选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,每题只有一个正确选项)6.硅与某非金属元素X 的化合物具有高熔点高硬度的性能,X 一定不可能是( )A .ⅣA 族元素B .ⅤA 族元素C .ⅥA 族元素D .ⅦA 族元素7.侯氏制碱法中,对母液中析出NH 4Cl 无帮助的操作是( )A .通入CO 2B .通入NH 3C .冷却母液D .加入食盐8.将一小块钠投入足量水中充分反应,在此过程中没有发生的是( )A .破坏了金属键B .破坏了共价键C .破坏了离子键D .形成了共价键9.下列颜色变化与氧化还原反应无关的是( )A .长期放置的苯酚晶体变红B .硝酸银晶体光照后变黑C .氢氧化亚铁变灰绿再变红褐D .二氧化碳气体冷却后变淡10.在测定硫酸铜晶体结晶水含量的实验中,会导致测定结果偏低的是( )A .加热后固体发黑B .坩埚沾有受热不分解的杂质C .加热时有少量晶体溅出D .晶体中混有受热不分解的杂质11.一种香豆素的衍生物结构如图所示,关于该有机物说法正确的是( )A .该有机物分子式为 C 10H 10O 4B .1mol 该有机物与 H 2 发生加成时最多消耗H 2 5 molC .1mol 该有机物与足量溴水反应时最多消耗Br 2 3 molD .1mol 该有机物与 NaOH 溶液反应是最多消耗NaOH 3 mol12.在铁质品上镀上一定厚度的锌层,以下电镀方案正确的是( )A .锌作阳极,铁制品作阴极,溶液中含Zn 2+B .锌作阳极,铁制品作阴极,溶液中含Fe 3+C .锌作阴极,铁制品作阳极,溶液中含Zn 2+D .锌作阴极,铁制品作阳极,溶液中含Fe 3+13.向等物质的量浓度的Ba(OH)2 与BaCl 2 的混合溶液中加入NaHCO 3 溶液,下列离子方程 式与事实相符的是( )A .HCO 3-+OH - →CO 32-+H 2OB .Ba 2++OH -+HCO 32-→BaCO 3↓+H 2OC .Ba 2++2OH -+2HCO 32-→BaCO 3↓+CO 32-+H 2OD .2Ba 2++3OH -+3HCO 32-→2BaCO 3↓+CO 32-+3H 2O14.向含有5×10-3mol HIO 3 与少量淀粉的溶液中通入H 2S ,溶液变蓝且有S 析出,继续通入 H 2S ,溶液的蓝色褪去,则在整个过程中( )A .共得到0.96g 硫B .通入H 2S 的体积为336 mlC .碘元素先被还原后被氧化D .转移电子总数为3.0×10-2 N A15.饱和二氧化硫水溶液中存在下列平衡体系:SO 2+H 2O H ++HSO 3- HSO 3-H ++SO 3-若向此溶液中( )A .加水,SO 3-浓度增大B .通入少量Cl 2气体,溶液pH 增大C .加少量CaSO 3 粉末,HSO 3- 浓度基本不变D .通入少量HCl 气体,溶液中HSO 3- 浓度减小16.a 、b 、c 四种短周期元素在周期表中分布如右图所示,下列说法正确的是A .若四种元素均为主族元素,则d 元素的原子半径最大B .若b 最外层电子占据三条轨道,则a 的单质可用于冶炼金属C .若a 为非金属元素,则c 的气态氢化物的水溶液可能呈碱性D .若a 最外层有两个未成对电子,则d 的单质常温下不可能为气体17.某溶液中只可能含有----+++232332SO CO OH Br Al Mg K 、、、、、、中的一种或几种。

上海市虹口区2016届高三上学期期终教学质量监控测试数学试题 含答案

上海市虹口区2016届高三上学期期终教学质量监控测试数学试题 含答案

(第7题图)虹口区2015学年度第一学期期终教学质量监控测试高三数学 试卷 2016。






1.函数1()2x f x +=的反函数1()_________.fx -=2.设全集{},11,U R A x x ==->若集合则UA =______.3.若复数z 满足201520161zi i i=++(i 为虚数单位),则复数z=______. 4.在二项式81)x的展开式中,常数项的值为______.(结果用数字表示)5.行列式12cos()tan 25cos cot()x x xx ππ+-。


在等差数列{}na 中,1352469,15,a a aa a a ++=++=则数列{}na 的前10项的和等于_____.7.如图,已知双曲线C 过它的右顶点A作实轴的垂线,与其一条渐近线相交于点B ;若双曲线C 的 焦距为4,OFB ∆为等边三角形(O 为坐标原点,即双曲线 C 的中心),则双曲线C 的方程为_________________。


已知数据128,,,x x x 的方差为16121,x+2821,,21x x ++的标准差为。


已知抛物线28xy=的弦AB 的中点的纵坐标为4 ,则AB的最大值为__________。

10.如图所示,半径2R =的球O 中有一内接圆柱,当圆柱的侧面积最大时,球的表面积与圆柱的侧面积之差等于___________.11. 锅中煮有肉馅、三鲜馅、菌菇馅的水饺各5个,这三种水饺的外形完全相同。






下列操作中,只能使一个电表示数变小的是()A.断开电键S1B.断开电键S2C.向右移动R1的滑片D.向左移动R1的滑片二、填空题(共20分,每空1分)请将结果填入答题纸的相应位置.9.(3分)标有“220V 220W”的电视机正常工作时,其两端的电压为伏,通过的电流为安,此时它将能转化为其他形式的能。



虹口区2016学年度第二学期期中教学质量监控测试高三英语试卷第 I 卷 (共100分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers。

At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once。

After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1。

A. Go to the office B。

Keep calling C. Try online booking D. See a doctor2。

A. A reporter B. An athlete C。

A fisherman D. An organizer3. A。

At a post office B。

At a fast—food restaurantC. At a booking office D。

At a check-in desk4。

A. He already has plans。


The woman should decide where to eat.C. He will make a reservation. D。

The woman can ask her brother for advice.5. A. He got wet in the rain. B。



2016年上海市虹口区中考英语二模试卷一、I. Listening comprehension (听力理解. (共30 分.A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到地内容,选出相应地图片. (6 分.1.(6分)一、B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到地对话和问题,选出最恰当地答案.:(8分.7.(1分)A.A joumalist.B.A shop assistant.C.A tour guide.D.A secretary.8.(1分)A.Car Museum.B.History Museum.C.Art Museum.D.Science Museum.9.(1分)A.Two dollars.B.Four dollars.C.Six dollars.D.Ten dollars.10.(1分)A.At 10a.m.B.At 11a.m.C.At 9:30p.m.D.At 10:30a.m.11.(1分)A.At the zoo.B.At the cinema.C.At the post office.D.At the No.2bus stop.12.(1分)A.To buy a new table.B.To visit the woman soon.C.To repair the table.D.To apologize to the woman.13.(1分)A.Bob often comes late to his class.B.Bob is a new comer to the class.C.Bob had no class in the morning.D.Bob has told him the reason.14.(1分)A.He had geography last term.B.Geography isn't his favourite.C.He always does well in geography.D.He has the fight to choose subjects.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到地内容,符合地用“T”表示,不符合地用“F”表示. (7分.15.(6分)15.The smallest post office in the USA has only one room with no clerks.16.The post offices in the USA are usually open from 8:30to 4:30on weekdays.17.The United States Postal Service is the largest company in the world.18.There are more than 40,000 post offices throughout the United States.19.The post offices in the United States deal with more mails than those in Japan.20.The passage mainly tells about the history of the post office in the United States.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容.每空格限填一词)(7分)21.(10分)21.Although Aunt Emily is in her,she is still young.22.Wendy thinks Aunt Emily's face is fat but she is still.23.Aunt Emily can change the into happy time.24.While Aunt Emily stays alone,she likes and gardening.25.If you don't her,Aunt Emily will be angry easily.二、II.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当地答案. :(共20分)26.(1分)Mary likes traditional Chinese breakfast.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?()A.B.C.D.27.(1分)Nowadays more and more parents let their children make decisions ______ themselves.()A.with B.to C.by D.against28.(1分)I think you can get much ______ about the culture of Japan after reading this book.()A.conclusion B.information C.solution D.suggestion29.(1分)Some people think that robots will take ______ place of human beings.()A.a B.the C./ D.an30.(1分)Hurry up,______ you won't be able to catch the first train to Nanjing.()A.and B.but C.so D.or31.(1分)I didn't buy these apples.A friend of mine gave them to ______.()A.I B.me C.my D.mine32.(1分)I have got two tickets ______ the concert tonight.Would you like to go with me?()A.from B.about C.of D.for33.(1分)I don't really like the singer,______ I have to say she sings well.()A.until B.unless C.though D.because34.(1分)More than ten ______ tourists went to see he flower show on that day.()A.thousand B.thousands C.thousands of D.thousand of35.(1分)Turn the computer off at once,Tom!You ______ play games so late any more.()A.mustn't B.needn't C.may not D.won't36.(1分)﹣Which flat do you prefer,the one with three bedrooms or the one with a big kitchen?﹣______.I just want a flat with a comfortable balcony.()A.Both B.All C.None D.Neither37.(1分)﹣I don't think chemistry is as ______ as physics.﹣I'm afraid I don't think so.()A.useful B.more usefulC.most useful D.the most useful38.(1分)The clerk denied ______ the money and the boss had to report it to the police.()A.steal B.stole C.stealing D.to steal39.(1分)______ does it take to travel from Shanghai to Hefei by high﹣speed rail?()A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How soon40.(1分)Neither my parents nor I ______ used to the spicy food in the restaurant.()A.am B.is C.are D.be41.(1分)Cissy ______ a magazine carefully in her bedroom when her mother came in quietly.A.read B.is reading C.has read D.was reading42.(1分)Soon you ______ a senior high school student.It's exciting,isn't it?()A.become B.will become C.became D.have become43.(1分)After Pudong Disneyland ______ in 2016,it will become a new tourist destination in Shanghai.()A.is completed B.completeC.completed D.was completed44.(1分)﹣Could you please tell me the difference between robots and ordinary machines?﹣______()A.It's a pleasure.B.You're welcome.C.That's all right.D.With pleasure.45.(1分)﹣Congratulations!You've passed the P.E.test successfully!﹣______()A.Of course.B.I agree.C.Thank you. D.Good luck.三、III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空限填一词,每词只能填一次. (共8分)46.(8分)A.button B.expects C.recorded D.expressed E.sorryI work in a factory.For eight hours a day,five days a week.My work doesn't mean anything to me,and I feel (46)for every valuable minute of my time that it takes.My working day starts with"clocking﹣in"(打卡上班..In a job such as mine this is one of the most reasonable parts of the day.For those who don't know what it is:a (47)is pressed and,in blue figures,a time you begin your work is(48)on one's card.You just dare to be late:then you will find that your time has been stamped in RED print.It's so mechanical(机械地.that one (49)the time to be always the same.But it isn't.50.A.boring B.gained s C.clearly D.quickly E.waiting for After"clocking﹣in"one starts work.Work is done from habit and given hardly a passing thought.Nothing is(50)from work itself﹣it is nothing to offer.What's important is not to do a job well,but to finish it (51).The trouble is,one never finishes it.Either one job is followed by another which is equally (52)or the job goes on and on forever.You never feel you have done something meaningful.Time is what the factory worker sells:not labour,not skill,but time.From Monday morning on,the rest of the working week is spent(53)Friday night.Everybody seems to be washing his life away.And away it goes sold to the man who owns the factory.四、IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词地适当形式完成下列句子. (共8分.54.(1分)Do you know March the is Tree Planting Day in our country?(twelve)55.(1分)I am a.I have worked at the University of British Columbia for two years.(library)56.(1分)Female elephants are usually smaller and less than the bulls (牛).(weight)57.(1分)How to use safely has become general knowledge in our class.(electric)58.(1分)The writer said his book was written from his experience.(person)59.(1分)The teacher asked the kids,"How does a fish under water?"(breath)60.(1分)Look!It's raining outside.Please stay here and have another cup of tea.(heavy)61.(1分)When you visit France,it is a if you cannot speak French.(advantage)五、V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子.每空格限填一词. (共14分.62.(2分)The waiter served the gentleman in the cafe half an hour ago.(改为一般疑问句)the waiter the gentleman in the cafe half an hour ago?63.(2分)Mary will graduate from the university in three months.(对划线部分提问)will Mary graduate from the university?64.(2分)Lily told us a very interesting story yesterday.(改为感叹句)interesting story Lily told us yesterday!65.(2分)The girl has picked lots of mushrooms since she came to the camp.(改为被动语态)Lots of mushrooms picked by the girl since she came to the camp.66.(2分)My cousin Judy is too young to take care of herself.(保持句意基本不变)My cousin Judy isn't to take care of herself.67.(2分)I asked John,"When will you leave for Germany?"(改为宾语从句)I asked John when leave for Germany.68.(2分)provides,the hotel,service,always,us,excellent (连词成句).六、IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解.:(共50分.A.Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当地答案.:(12分.69.(12分)Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to complain about the TV advertisement for your product Cheese in a Tube.In my opinion,there is some false information in it,and it also encourages children to have bad eating habits.In the advertisement,there is a popular TV cartoon character who says that Cheese in a Tube is"the best cheese in the world".This is,of course,not true.However,I have two young children who love the cartoon character in the advertisement.Now they hope to eat the cheese every day.They believe that your cheese is the best in the world and they don't want any other kind.The cartoon character then says that Cheese in a Tube is"good for young kids".Well,I checked the information on the packet.There certainly isn't very much cheese in your product﹣only 5%﹣and it has more fat and calories(热量.than chocolate!It's probably one of the unhealthiest things you can buy in the supermarket.Child obesity is a huge problem in our country.Our children are the fattest in the world,and products like yours just make things worse.Finally,the advertisement ends with two beautiful,slim,healthy﹣looking children sitting in front of the TV.Their mother calls them to come to the kitchen to eat a vegetable salad.The children say they're watching their favourite cartoon﹣the same character who is in the advertisement,of course﹣so what does the mother do?She brings each of them some Cheese in a Tube!The parents eat their salad in the kitchen while the children enjoy the cheese in front of the TV!I believe that it's good for children and parents to eat together,but obviously (明显地.your company doesn't.Please change this terrible advertisement.And why don't you start making healthier foods too?Yours sincerely,Maddy Moore69."Cheese in a Tube"is a.A.TV advertisementB.bad eating habitC.product of a companyD.cartoon character70.Maddy's two children believe the cheese is the best in the world because.A.they eat the cheese every dayB.they believe what the cartoon tells themC.the cheese is very popularD.the cartoon character is very popular71.Maddy checked the information on the packet of Cheese in a Tube in order to.A.prove it has more fat and calories than chocolateB.find out how much cheese there is in the productC.be sure Cheese in a Tube is good for young kidsD.decide which cheese to buy in the supermarket72.The underlined word"obesity"in Paragraph 3means.A.productB.programC.advertisementD.fatness73.In Paragraph 4,Maddy wants to tell us.A.the ending of the advertisement is too longB.parents and children should have the same mealC.children should have good eating behaviorsD.family members should enjoy a meal together74.Maddy writes the letter to.A.ask the company to stop showing the advertisementB.complain about the bad quality of Cheese in a TubeC.discuss the importance of good eating habits and mannersD.describe a terrible experience of having Cheese in a Tube.75.(12分)Have you ever seen the Man in the Moon?If you (75)the Moon closely on some nights,you can see the face of the Man in the Moon.Some people say that they can see an old man carrying sticks.Others say that they can see a girl reading a book.Long long ago,the Romans and Greeks thought that the stars and planets they could see were gods living in the sky.They gave these stars and planets the names of their gods and goddesses and the Moon was (76)asDiana,who was also goddess of the hunts (狩猎女神..People used to think that the moon was made of green cheese because of the (77)of the Moon's surface and the small dark areas on it.People also thought that the dark areas formed a kind of face which they called the Man in the Moon.We now know that there are mountains,plains and holes on the Moon's surface.The word"lunatic"comes from the Latin word"luna"meaning"moon".People used to believe that anybody who was mad had been affected in some way by the Moon.(78)people were supposed to be more mad at the time of the full moon.Werewolves (狼人.are said to be affected by the Moon.In some areas people still think that some people change into wolves at the time of the full moon.But in fact,like vampires (吸血鬼.,werewolves (79)exist in horror films and books!And we can see them nowhere.There are many superstitions (迷信地.connected with the Moon.It is said to be not (80)to look at a new moon through glass,but the full moon is the time to make wishes or choose a husband.75.A.measure B.protect C.observe D.describe76.A.used B.written C.acted D.known77.A.colours B.sizes C.shapes D.names78.A.Calm B.Crazy C.Close D.Cute79.A.only B.ever C.seldom D.even80.A.precious B.funny C.lucky D.regular.81.(14分)I am Phil Green.A few years ago I became interested in green issues,and last summer I decided I really wanted to do something to help the planet I talked to Hazel and the children,and we decided to go green.Since then we've made some big c(81)to our life.First,we sold our cars ﹣we had two.That wasn't a problem because we live in a town and there's good public transport.Anyway,I've always liked walking and we've all got bikes now.We've s(82)eating meat,and started eating more vegetables.Wedon't go to the supermarket,but we buy and eat food from a localf(83),and I grow a lot of our vegetables in the garden.It's great?We've saved a lot of money because we don't buy things we don't need.Next week I'm getting some hens,so we can have our own eggs.I can't wait.I am Angela,Phil's wife.When my husband told me his decision,I was a bitnervous.But I knew that he was s(84)about it,so I said yes.Since then,life hasbeen hard work.Of course,I'm worried about what's happening in the world,but we had a very nice,comfortable,easy life b(85).We eat very healthily now.In the past,I didn't think about where our food came from,but now I've learned to cook some very healthy vegetables.When Phil said we had to sell my car,I cried.I hate walking e(86),every day.I can't ride a bike and I don't like public transport.I miss my holidays most.We always f(87)to warm places in winter,like Italy or Thailand,but this year we took the train to the south coast of Wales.It was a horrible memory as it rained all week.88.(12分)I've got an important job to do.I'm really nervous about it.It's a big responsibility.I'm in Grandad's garden,sitting outside his pigeon loft (鸽房)..I'm waiting for Goldie to come home.Goldie's proper name is Goldeneye.She's Grandad's champion (冠军).racing pigeon.She's famous as she's won lots of cups.This morning she had a race﹣flew two,hundred miles away with lots of other pigeons.And now she's racing back home."Come on,Goldie.Come on Goldie!"That's me,calling Goldeneye back home.But I can't see her yet.I really want Goldie to win this race.I want to give Grandad the good news when I see him tonight in hospital.My eyes search the blue sky.Still no sign of Goldie."Calm down,Danny!"I tell myself.That's what Grandad would have said:"Calm down,Danny!"But it's hard to be calm.This job is very important.I'll tell you why.Before a race they put a rubber ring on every pigeon's leg.When Goldie comes back,I've got to catch her,as soon as she lands.I've got to take her ring off,as fast as I can,and put it in a little metal tube.I've got to put that tube in Grandad's special timing clock.That records the time that Goldie finished the race.But I'll have to move like lightning.I can't waste a second.I've got to get that ring into that clock as quickly as I can!So that's why I'm nervous,waiting for Goldie.I'm getting more nervous every minute,because Goldie should be here by now.But the sky is blue and empty."Calm down,son,"I tell myself."Goldie always comes back."But where is she?What am I going to tell Grandad?I wait until it's nearly dark.I give up!Then I lock the other pigeons in the loft.I've got to see Grandad tonight at the hospital.What am I going to tell him?88.Where is Danny waiting for Goldie?He is waiting.89.What race did Goldie have that morning?90.What good news does Danny want to tell Grandad?91.Why does Danny think his job is very important?92.When does Danny give up waiting for Goldie to come home?93.What do you think Danny is going to tell Grandad?Why?.十、解答题(共1小题,满分20分)94.(20分)Write a passage of at least 60words about the topic"A Ten﹣minute Break".(以十分钟地休息时间"为题写一篇不少于60个词地短文,标点符号不占格..提示:进人初三以来,同学们倍感学习任务重,压力大.许多同学争分夺秒甚至连课间十分钟地休息时间也在看书做题.请以A Ten﹣minute Break为题,描写这一现象(包括你自己地做法.并针对这一现象谈谈你地看法.2016年上海市虹口区中考英语二模试卷参考答案与试题解析一、I. Listening comprehension (听力理解. (共30 分.A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到地内容,选出相应地图片. (6 分.1.(6分)1.略2.略3.略4.略5.略6.略.【解答】略一、B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到地对话和问题,选出最恰当地答案.:(8分.7.(1分)A.A joumalist.B.A shop assistant.C.A tour guide.D.A secretary.【解答】B8.(1分)A.Car Museum.B.History Museum.C.Art Museum.D.Science Museum.【解答】C9.(1分)A.Two dollars.B.Four dollars.C.Six dollars.D.Ten dollars.【解答】D10.(1分)A.At 10a.m.B.At 11a.m.C.At 9:30p.m.D.At 10:30a.m.【解答】A11.(1分)A.At the zoo.B.At the cinema.C.At the post office.D.At the No.2bus stop.【解答】C12.(1分)A.To buy a new table.B.To visit the woman soon.C.To repair the table.D.To apologize to the woman.【解答】C13.(1分)A.Bob often comes late to his class.B.Bob is a new comer to the class.C.Bob had no class in the morning.D.Bob has told him the reason.【解答】A14.(1分)A.He had geography last term.B.Geography isn't his favourite.C.He always does well in geography.D.He has the fight to choose subjects.【解答】BC. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到地内容,符合地用“T”表示,不符合地用“F”表示. (7分.15.(6分)15.The smallest post office in the USA has only one room with no clerks.16.The post offices in the USA are usually open from 8:30to 4:30on weekdays.17.The United States Postal Service is the largest company in the world.18.There are more than 40,000 post offices throughout the United States.19.The post offices in the United States deal with more mails than those in Japan.20.The passage mainly tells about the history of the post office in the United States.【解答】15.F 16.T 17.F 18.T 1 9.T 20.F.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容.每空格限填一词)(7分)21.(10分)21.Although Aunt Emily is in her late fifties,she is still young.22.Wendy thinks Aunt Emily's face is fat but she is still rather attractive.23.Aunt Emily can change the dull lives into happy time.24.While Aunt Emily stays alone,she likes reading novels and gardening.25.If you don't agree with her,Aunt Emily will be angry easily.【解答】21.late fifties 22.rather attractive 23.dull lives 24.reading novels 25.agree with.二、II.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当地答案. :(共20分)26.(1分)Mary likes traditional Chinese breakfast.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?()A.B.C.D.【解答】答案:C.结合题干breakfast 名词,早餐,音标是/'brekfəst/,有两个音节,/brek/和/fəst/,故选C.27.(1分)Nowadays more and more parents let their children make decisions ______ themselves.()A.with B.to C.by D.against【解答】答案:C.短语make decisions by oneself(直接做决定),根据句意:由孩子自己做决定,因此该用make decisions by themselves,故选C.28.(1分)I think you can get much ______ about the culture of Japan after reading this book.()A.conclusion B.information C.solution D.suggestion【解答】答案:B;conclusion结论;information信息;solution解决方案,答案;suggestion建议;根据句中信息about the culture of Japan after reading this book 推测该句句意:我认为你在读了这本书后可以得到大量地关于日本地文化信息;故选B.29.(1分)Some people think that robots will take ______ place of human beings.()A.a B.the C./ D.an【解答】答案B 根据take the place of是固定搭配,表示代替,故答案选B.30.(1分)Hurry up,______ you won't be able to catch the first train to Nanjing.()A.and B.but C.so D.or【解答】答案:D选项A:和、又,表并列关系;选项B:但是,表转折关系;选项C:所以,表因果关系;选项D:用于祈使句,意为"否则地话".根据题干"Hurry up"(快点)与"you won't be able to catch the first train to Nanjing"(你将不能赶上去南京地第一班火车了),故应取or用于祈使句,为"否则地话"之意,故选C.31.(1分)I didn't buy these apples.A friend of mine gave them to ______.()A.I B.me C.my D.mine【解答】答案;B.句中有gave,gave地原形是give,把某物给某人是give sth to sb,sb该用宾格,我地宾格是me,故选B.32.(1分)I have got two tickets ______ the concert tonight.Would you like to go with me?()A.from B.about C.of D.for【解答】答案:D from从;about关于;of…地;for为了,短语two tickets for concert 意为:音乐会地门票,短语"the ticket fo r…地门票"是固定地搭配,故选D.33.(1分)I don't really like the singer,______ I have to say she sings well.()A.until B.unless C.though D.because【解答】答案:C;until直到;unless除非;though虽然;because因为;根据句意,"I don't really like the singer我真地不喜欢这个歌手"和"I have to say she sings well我得说她唱得很好",可知二者之间是转折关系,though引导让步状语从句;故选C.34.(1分)More than ten ______ tourists went to see he flower show on that day.()A.thousand B.thousands C.thousands of D.thousand of【解答】答案:A根据选项可知考查thousand地用法:基数词+thousand+名词复数形式表示"几千…"表确数;thousands of+名词复数表示"数千地…成千上万地…",表约数,根据题干中有基数词ten可知填thousand,表确数"一万".故选A.35.(1分)Turn the computer off at once,Tom!You ______ play games so late any more.()A.mustn't B.needn't C.may not D.won't【解答】答案:A.mustn't禁止;needn't不需要;may not不可以;won't将不会.根据so late,可知这里表示不可以玩游戏这么晚.mustn't禁止.故选A.36.(1分)﹣Which flat do you prefer,the one with three bedrooms or the one with a big kitchen?﹣______.I just want a flat with a comfortable balcony.()A.Both B.All C.None D.Neither【解答】答案:D.both意思是"两者都";all意思是"三者或三者以上都";none 意思是"三者或三者以上中没有一个";neither意思是"两者都不".根据"the one with three bedrooms or the one with a big kitchen"可知要从这两者中选择一个,又根据"I just want a flat with a comfortable balcony"可知我喜欢地与上面提到地都不一样,所以前面地两者都不喜欢,所以要用neither,故选D.37.(1分)﹣I don't think chemistry is as ______ as physics.﹣I'm afraid I don't think so.()A.useful B.more usefulC.most useful D.the most useful【解答】答案:A useful是形容词原级,有用地意思;more useful是形容词比较级;most useful是形容词最高级,但缺少了定冠词the修饰;the most useful是形容词最高级.根据题意可知,我不认为化学和物理一样…as..as结构是同级比较.中间需要添加形容词原级.故选A..38.(1分)The clerk denied ______ the money and the boss had to report it to the police.()A.steal B.stole C.stealing D.to steal【解答】答案:C.根据The clerk denied ______ the money and the boss had to report it to the police结合选项可知这个职员否认偷钱,老板不得不报了警,可知句子里有短语deny doing sth."否认做过某事",结合语境,故选C.39.(1分)______ does it take to travel from Shanghai to Hefei by high﹣speed rail?()A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How soon【解答】答案:B;How far多远;How long多久;How often多久一次;How soon多久以后;根据does it take to travel from Shanghai to Hefei可知该句型为it takes sb.sometime to do sth花了某人多长时间去做某事;应该用How long提问;故选B.40.(1分)Neither my parents nor I ______ used to the spicy food in the restaurant.()A.am B.is C.are D.be【解答】答案:A.neither…nor,连接两个成分做主语时,谓语动词要和最近地主语保持一致(就近原则),根据Neither my parents nor I ______ used to the spicy food in the restaurant.可知我和我地父母过去都不在餐馆里吃辣地食物.最近地主语是I;故选A.41.(1分)Cissy ______ a magazine carefully in her bedroom when her mother came in quietly.A.read B.is reading C.has read D.was reading【解答】答案:D.根据when her mother came in quietly结合语境:当Cissy地母亲进来地时候,Cissy正在看杂志,因此从句该用过去进行时,过去进行时地构成:主语+was/were+动词地ing,主语是Cissy,故用was,故选D.42.(1分)Soon you ______ a senior high school student.It's exciting,isn't it?()A.become B.will become C.became D.have become【解答】答案:B根据句中时间状语soon"不久"可知,叙述地是在将来发生地事情,故用一般将来时态,一般将来时态地结构为will+动词原形.故选:B43.(1分)After Pudong Disneyland ______ in 2016,it will become a new tourist destination in Shanghai.()A.is completed B.completeC.completed D.was completed【解答】答案:A.After引导地时间状语从句用一般现在时,Pudong Disneyland 是主语,是动作"完成"地承受者,所以用被动语态,所以用一般现在时地被动语态,一般现在时地被动语态地结构是:主语+am/is/are+动词地过去分词,故选A.44.(1分)﹣Could you please tell me the difference between robots and ordinary machines?﹣______()A.It's a pleasure.B.You're welcome.C.That's all right.D.With pleasure.【解答】答案:D根据句意"你能告诉我机器人和普通机器地差别吗?"可知,此处应该回答别人地请求.A 不客气;B 不客气;C 没关系;D 好地,乐意效劳.只有D符合语境.故答案为D45.(1分)﹣Congratulations!You've passed the P.E.test successfully!﹣______()A.Of course.B.I agree.C.Thank you. D.Good luck.【解答】答案:C根据"Congratulations!You've passed the P.E.test successfully!"可知,此处应该对别人地祝贺表示感谢.A 当然;B 我同意;C 谢谢;D 祝你好运.只有C符合语境,故答案为C三、III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空限填一词,每词只能填一次. (共8分)46.(8分)A.button B.expects C.recorded D.expressed E.sorryI work in a factory.For eight hours a day,five days a week.My work doesn't mean anything to me,and I feel (46)E for every valuable minute of my time that it takes.My working day starts with"clocking﹣in"(打卡上班..In a job such as mine this is one of the most reasonable parts of the day.For those who don't know what it is:a (47)A is pressed and,in blue figures,a time you begin your work is(48)C on one's card.You just dare to be late:then you will find that your time has been stamped in RED print.It's so mechanical(机械地.that one (49)B the time to be always the same.But it isn't.【解答】46.E 考查形容词结合上下文推测此处地句意是"我对工作所占用我地每一分钟感到遗憾.",根据设空处前面地feel判断填形容词,判断填sorry,故选E47.A 考查名词结合上下文推测此处地句意是"按下一个按钮,会显示蓝色地数字",根据设空处前面地不定冠词a,判断填名词button,故选A48.C 考查动词结合上下文推测此处地句意是"那么你开始工作地时间便被被记录在了你地卡上,",根据设空处前面地is结合句意判断用一般现在时地被动语态,一般现在时被动语态地构成是:主语+am/is/are+动词地过去分词,判断填recorded,故选C49.B 考查动词结合上下文推测此处地句意是"这太机械了以至于有人期待时间总是相同地,但事实上并不是.",时态为一般现在时,根据设空处前面地one,判断填动词第三人称单数形式expects,故选B50.A.boring B.gained s C.clearly D.quickly E.waiting forAfter"clocking﹣in"one starts work.Work is done from habit and given hardly apassing thought.Nothing is(50)B from work itself﹣it is nothing to offer.What's important is not to do a job well,but to finish it (51)D.The trouble is,one never finishes it.Either one job is followed by another which is equally (52)A or the job goes on and on forever.You never feel you have done something meaningful.Time is what the factory worker sells:not labour,not skill,but time.From Monday morning on,the rest of the working week is spent(53)E Friday night.Everybody seems to be washing his life away.And away it goes sold to the man who owns the factory.【解答】答案:50、B 考查被动语态及上下文理解根据下文it is nothing to offer可知在工作中没有付出,结合题干Nothing is(50)…from work itself结合所给词及介词from可推知由于没有付出从工作中一无所获可联想短语gain from"从…获得利益",根据主语nothing 是谓语动词gain地承受者二者形成被动关系故用被动语态,根据短文描述地是客观事实故使用一般现在时态,结构为is/am/are+及物动词地过去分词,gain地过去分词为gained,结合空格前已有is 故填入gained即可.故选B51、D 考查副词及上下文理解根据上文可知What's important is not to do a job well重要地是不是把工作做好结合题干but to finish it (51)…可推知而是快速地完成工作.结合所给词quickly为副词"迅速地;很快地"在句中修饰动词finish作状语,故选D52、A 考查形容词及上下文理解根据Either one job is followed by another which is equally (52)…根据该空格前为系动词is后接形容词作表语,结合所给词boring为形容词意为"无聊地;令人厌烦地"该句可理解为要么是一个接着一个同样无聊地工作,故填入boring即符合意思语法正确,故选A53、E 考查动词短语及上下文理解根据题干the rest of the working week is spent(53)…Friday night.根据句中地关键词spent结合选项可联想短语spend+时间+(in)+动名词意为"花时间做某事"故填入动名词短语waiting for,该句意为花费其余工作时间等待周五地晚上,故选E。



虹口区2015学年度第二学期初三质量调研数学试卷2016.4一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分)1、计算3)2(-的结果是( )A 、6;B 、6-;C 、8;D 、8-;2、下列根式中,与3是同类二次根式的是( )A 、6;B 、12;C 、23; D 、18; 3、不等式042≤+x 的解集在数轴上表示正确的是( )A 、 ;B 、 ;C 、 ;D 、 ;4、李老师对某班学生“你最喜欢的体育项目是什么?”的问题进行了调查,每位同学都选择了其中的一项,现把所得的数据绘制成频数分布直方图(如图).如图中的信息可知,该班学生最喜欢足球的频率是( )A 、12;B 、3.0;C 、4.0;D 、40;5、如图所示的尺规作图的痕迹表示的是( )A 、尺规作线段的垂直平分线;B 、尺规作一条线段等于已知线段;C 、尺规作一个角等于已知角;D 、尺规作角的平分线;6、下列命题中,真命题是( )A 、四条边相等的四边形是正方形;B 、四个角相等的四边形是正方形;C 、对角线相等的平行四边形是正方形;D 、对角线相等的菱形是正方形;二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分)7、当1=a 时,3-a 的值为 ;8、方程x x =+32的根是 ;9、若关于x 的方程022=+-m x x 有两个不相等的实数根,则m 的取值范围是 ;10、试写出一个二元二次方程,使该方程有一个解是⎩⎨⎧=-=21y x ,你写的这个方程是 (写出一个符合条件的即可);11、函数121-=x y 的定义域是 ; 12、若),23(1y A -、),52(2y B 是二次函数3)1(2+--=x y 图像上的两点,则1y 2y (填“>”或“<”或“=”); 13、一个不透明纸箱中装有形状、大小、质地等完全相同的7个小球,分别标有数字1、2、3、4、5、6、7,从中任意摸出一个小球,这个小球上的数字是奇数的概率是 ;14、已知某班学生理化实验操作测试成绩的统计结果如下表:则这些学生成绩的众数是 分;15、如图,在梯形ABCD ∆中,E 、F分别为腰AD 、BC的中点,若3=u u u r u r DC m ,5=u u u r u r EF m ,则向量=u u u r AB (结果用u r m 表示);16、若两圆的半径分别为cm 1和cm 5,圆心距为cm 4,则这两圆的位置关系是 ;17、设正n 边形的半径为R ,边心距为r ,如果我们将r R 的值称为正n 边形的“接近度”,那么正六边形的“接近度”是 (结果保留根号);18、已知ABC ∆中,5==AC AB ,6=BC (如图所示),将ABC ∆沿射线BC 方向平移m 个单位得到DEF ∆,顶点A 、B 、C 分别与D 、E 、F 对应,若以点A 、D 、E 为顶点的三角形是等腰三角形,且AE 为腰,则m 的值是 ;三、解答题:(本大题共7题,满分78分)19、(本题满分10分)先化简,再求值:4216442+÷-+-x x x x ,其中8=x ; 20、(本题满分10分,第(1)小题满分6分,第(2)小题满分4分)已知一个二次函数的图像经过)10(-,A 、)51(,B 、)31(--,C 三点. (1)求这个二次函数的解析式;成绩(分)4 5 6 7 8 9 10 人数 1 2 2 6 9 11 9(2)用配方法...把这个函数的解析式化为k m x a y ++=2)(的形式; 21、(本题满分10分)如图,在∆ABC 中,CD 是边AB 上的中线,B ∠是锐角,且22sin =B ,21tan =A ,22=BC ,求边AB 的长和CDB ∠cos 的值; 22、(本题满分10分)社区敬老院需要600个环保包装盒,原计划由初三(1)班全体同学制作完成。

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虹口区2016学年度第二学期期中教学质量监控测试高三数学 试卷(时间120分钟,满分150分) 2017.4一、填空题(1 6题每小题4分,7 12题每小题5分,本大题满分54分) 1、集合{}()(){},x x x B ,,,,A 0514321<--==则_____B A =⋂. 答案:{}432,,解析: 求出集合B ,然后求解集合的交集即可。

2、复数iiz +-=12所对应的点在复平面上位于第____象限. 答案:四解析:本题考查了复数的化简,根据复数实部和虚部的正负来判断复数的象限问题。

3、已知首项为1,公差为2的等差数列{}n a ,其前n 项和为n S ,则()_____S a limnn n =+∞→2.答案:4解析:先求等差数列通项及前n 项和,求极限即可 。

4、若方程组⎩⎨⎧=+=+2232ay x y ax 无解,则实数_____a =.答案:2±解析:无解即系数行列式为零5.若7)+(a x 的二项展开式中,6x 的系数为7,则实数a = 答案:a =1 解析:1=,7=17a a c考点分析:二项式展开 6.已知双曲线)0>(1=-222a a y x ,它的渐近线方程是x y 2±=,则实数a =答案:a =2解析:2=,2±=1±=a x x a y 考点分析:双曲线渐近线方程7.在ABC Δ中,三边长分别为4=,3=,2=c b a ,则=sin 2sin BA答案:67解析:A A b a B A A B A cos 34=cos 2=sin cos sin 2=sin 2sin ,87=244-9+16=cos A考点分析:正余弦定理8.在平面直角坐标系中,已知点),22-(P ,对于任意不全为零的实数b a ,,直线,0=)2+(+1-(:y b x a l )若点P 到直线l 的距离为d ,则d 的取值范围是 答案:5≤≤0d 解析:p 到点)2-,1(的距离为点P 到直线l 的距离的最大值 考点分析:点到直线的距离9、函数11)()2(2>≤⎩⎨⎧=-x x x x f x ,如果方程b x f =)(有四个不同的实数解,,,,4321x x x x 则=+++x x x x 4321答案:4。

此题采用数形结合的思想,画出)(x f 的图像10、三条侧棱两两垂直的正三棱锥,其俯视图如图所示,主视图的边界是底边长为2的等腰三角形,则主视图的面积等于答案:36(俯视图) 11、在直角ABC ∆中,,2,1,2===∠AC AB AπM 是ABC ∆内一点,且,,21AC AB AM AM μλ+==则μλ2+的最大值答案:22。

本题考查了向量的运算及基本不等式,两边平方,可转化为数的运算,再利用基本不等式2222b a b a +≥+,即可求得12、无穷数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若对任意的正整数n 都有{}1210,,,n S k k k ∈ ,则10a 的可能取值最多有_______个。


解析:{}101091210,,,n a S S S k k k =-= (1)109S S =时,100a =;(2)100a ≠时,若10S 有10种可能性,9S 只能有9种可能性,反之成立。

AC AB AM μλ+=所以10a 共有109191⨯+=种。

二、选择题(每小题5分,满分20分)13、已知,,a b c 都是实数,则“,,a b c 成等比数列”是“2b ac =” 的( ) A 、充分不必要条件 B 、必要不充分条件 C 、充要条件 D 、既不充分也不必要条件 答案:A考点分析:等比数列的中项问题,学生易错。

可拓展一些,若,,a b c 为非零实数时的情况。

解析:充分性显然成立,0b c ==时,必要性不成立。

14.21,l l 是空间两条直线,α是平面,以下结论正确的是( )A.2121//,////l l l l 则一定有,如果αα,B.αα⊥⊥⊥1221,,l l l l 则一定有如果C.αα//,,1221l l l l 则一定有如果⊥⊥,D.2121,//,l l l l ⊥⊥则一定有如果αα 答案:D考点分析:本题主要是考察线面关系的概念辨析,我们通常可以借助手边的纸笔来帮助我们来分析,举反例是我们的常用思路。

解析:可以异面可以平行,可以相交也,,如果2121,////l l l l αα,故A 选项错误;ααα内,可能平行于可能在,如果1221,l l l l ⊥⊥,故B 、C 选项错误;所以本题选择D 。

15.已知函数0,00,,,,2)(133221321>+>+>+∈-=-x x x x x x R x x x e e x f xx ,且,那么)()()(321x f x f x f ++的值( )A.一定等于零 B 一定大于零 C 一定小于零 D 正负都有可能 答案:B考点分析:本题考查的函数的奇偶性和单调性,以及学生对条件的分析能力。

考查奇偶性、单调性和不等式的综合问题,即是021>+x x 的转化。

解析:根据表达式可以看出函数是一个奇函数,而且可通过定义说明函数是单调增函数,则0,00133221>+>+>+x x x x x x ,三个不等式可以转化为133221,,x x x x x x >->->,由函数为单调增函数得)(133221)(),()(),()(x f x f x f x f x f x f ->->->,有函数是奇函数,可知:0)()(,0)()(,0)()(133221>+>+>+x f x f x f x f x f x f ,三式相加可知答案为B 。

16.已知点M (a ,b )与点N (0,-1)在直线3x-4y+5=0的两侧,给出以下结论:1.3a-4b+5>0;2.当a>0时,a+b 有最小值,无最大值;31b a 22>+:;4.当a>0且a ≠1时,),(),的取值范围是(∞+∞+4349--1-a 1b 正确的个数是( ) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 答案:B考点分析:本题考查了点与直线的位置关系,对于两点在直线的两侧这个条件的分析。

另外对于1b a 22>+:和1-a 1b +的几何意义的理解。


解析:由M 、N 在直线两侧可知:(3a-4b+5)(0+4+5)<0即:3a-4b+5<0,可知1错误;因为0<3a<4b-5,所以45b >,a+b 既无最大值也无最小值,可知2错误;易知坐标原点到直线3a-4b+5=0的距离d 为1,因为3a-4b+5<0,所以d>1,则1b a 22>+:,所以3正确;1-a 1b +表示的几何意义是点(a ,b )与(1,-1)连线的斜率k ,因为a>0,所以∈k ),(),(∞+∞4349-- ,所以4正确。

本题选择B.三、解答题(本大题满分76分)17.如图111-C B A ABC 是直三棱柱,底面ABC Δ是等腰直角三角形,且4==AC AB ,直三棱柱的高等于4,线段的中点为D ,线段BC 的中点为E ,线段1CC 的中点为F . (1)求异面直线EF AD ,所成角的大小; (2)求三菱锥AEF D -的体积。

答案:(1)32arccos(2)316 解析:(1)以A 为坐标原点,1,,AA AC AB 为z y x ,,轴,建立坐标系因为111-C B A ABC 是直三棱柱,底面ABC Δ是等腰直角三角形,且4==AC AB ,直三棱柱的高等于4,线段的中点为D ,线段BC 的中点为E ,线段1CC 的中点为F . 所以)2,4,0(),0,2,2(),4,2,2(),0,0,0(F E D A , (2,2,4),(2,2,2)AD EF ==-,设异面直线EF AD ,所成角的大小为q2cos 3AD EF AD EFq ·==·(2)D AEF F ADE V V --=底面ABC Δ是等腰直角三角形,线段BC 的中点为E所以⊥∴⊥,⊥1BC A A BC AE BC 面AED A 1,24=×21=,22=2=ΔDE AE S BC CE ADE11CB 11C B13D AEF F ADE V V CE--==创ADE S Δ=316考点分析:异面直线夹角求法,三棱锥体积求法18(本题满分14分,第(1)小题7分,第(2)小题7分)已知定义在⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-22ππ,上的函数()x f 是奇函数,且当⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∈20π,x 时,()1+=x tan x tan x f(1)求()x f 在区间⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-22ππ,上的解析式(2)当实数m 为何值时,关于x 的方程()m x f =在⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-22ππ,有解解:(1)令⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-∈02,x π,则⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∈-20π,x 代入()1+=x tan x tan x f 得()()()1+--=-x tan x tan x f , 又()x f 为奇函数,故()()()()11+-=+---=--=x tan xtan x tan x tan x f x f ,即求得()⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-∈+-⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∈+=021201,x ,x tan x tan ,x ,x tan x tan x f ππ. (2)()1111+-=+=x tan x tan x tan x f当⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∈20π,x 时()1011,x tan ∈+ ](]011102,x tan ,,x -∈+ ⎝⎛-∈∴π()11,m -=∴考点分析:(1)由⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∈20π,x 奇函数的解析式,求整个定义域上奇函数的解析式(2)本题实际上考查了函数值域的问题,根据函数解析式求出函数的值域。

19、已知数列}{a n是首项等于161且公比不为1的等比数列,Sn是它的前n 项和,满足165423-=S S(1)求数列}{a n 的通项公式;(2)设0(log >=a a b nan且)1≠a ,求数列}{b n的前n 项和Tn的最值。

解:本题考查了等比数列的基本概念,的通项公式,前n 项和S n 的公式求法,根据条件165423-=S S ,直接代入公式即可求出公比,第二问考查了公比和对数的关系,实际上是一个等差数列,等差数列前n 项和的求法,公差大于0为增数列,小于0为减数列。
