



扬声器设计指导书1. 扬声器常用国家标准GB/T9396-1996 《扬声器主要性能测试方法》GB/T9397-1996 《直接辐射式电动扬声器通用规范》GB9400-88 《直接辐射式扬声器尺寸》GB7313-87 《高保真扬声器系统最低性能要求及测量方法》GB12058-89 《扬声器听音试验》2. 扬声器T/S参数:磁力系数BL额定阻抗Z n om电气品质因数Qes机械品质因数Qms总品质因数Q ts等效容积V as共振频率 F o额定正弦功率P sin额定噪功率P nom长期最大功率P max额定频率范围F-F ho平均声压级SPL3. 扬声器主要零部件尺寸设计3.1扬声器口径扬声器口径必须符合客户要求,若客户没有具体要求,则优先采用国家标准GB9400 《直接辐射式扬声器尺寸》。



常用铁氧体尺寸:32*18*6,35*18*6,40*19*8,45*22*8,50*22*8,55*25*8,60*25*8,60*32*8,65*32*10,70*32*10,80*40*15,90*40*15,100*45*18,100*60*20,110*60*20120*60*230*60*20,140*62*20,145*75*20,156*80*20,180*95*20,220*110*20常用标准:SJ/T10410-93 《永磁铁氧体材料》3.4音圈音圈中孔尺寸优选常用系列值,具体尺寸(如卷宽、线径)需按性能要求确定,骨架高还需考虑到与鼓纸、支架的配合。

常用音圈中孔尺寸:13.3 14.3 14.7 15.4 16.3 18.4 19.4 20.4 25.5 25.9 30.5 35.538.644.5 49.5 50.5 65.5 75.5 80.0 100.0 127.03.各种零件的尺寸配支架、磁体、音圈等零件的主要尺寸确定后,其它零件的主要尺寸选择余就受到限制,因为各种零件的尺寸必须相互配合,同时其性能参数也要相配合3.5. 支架与鼓鼓纸外缘与支架胶合面一般需大2 mm微型扬声器不受此限制,鼓纸外径必须小于支架内1m 以上,鼓纸次外径不能小支架次外3mm 以上、也不能大于支架次外2 mm以上,鼓有效高必须小于支架有效0.5 mm以上3.5. 支架与弹弹波外缘与支架胶合面一般需大2mm,弹波外径必须小于支的弹波接着0.5 mm以上弹波有效高必须小于支架有效高与鼓有效高的差0.5 mm以上3.5. 支架与华配合尺寸主要取决于支架与华司的铆接工艺,总的要求铆接应牢固内铆支架尤其要注意材料厚度学资学习网3.5. 音圈与鼓鼓纸中孔尺寸一般要大于音圈骨架外0.0.9 mm小口径小圈取值小些3.5. 音圈与弹弹波中孔尺寸一般大于音圈骨架外0.0.4 mm太大会漏胶小难装配3.5. 音圈音圈中孔尺寸一般大铁中柱外0.0.6 mm小音圈取值相小些3.5. 音圈与华华司中孔尺内铆的为铆后尺一般要大于音圈最大外为绕部)0.0.6 mm间隙太小容易碰圈影响到装配合格率间隙大又会降低磁性能、从而导致灵敏度下降3.5. 鼓纸与弹鼓纸中孔与弹波中孔的距离,中小口径的扬声器0.2 mm为佳,距离大些定位效果会更好、更能承mm5大口径可以加大到.4. 扬声器关键零部件的性能设计4.1磁路4.1.1磁路设计的目的与方法磁路设计的目的主要有两种:一是给定磁体规格(已知材料性能和尺寸),设计出磁路纟构,使其工作气隙磁感应密度B值为最大,B值的大gg小对扬声器的灵敏度及电气品质数Q影响很大;二是给定B值,ges设计出磁路结构,使所用磁体尺寸为最小,从而达至约成本的目的。



音箱外壳模具设计毕业设计(论文)题目:音箱外壳模具设计专业:模具设计与制造层次:专科毕业论文(设计)任务书目录前言 (1)1模具的发展趋势 (2)2塑件的工艺分析 (3)2.1塑件成型工艺分析 (3)2.2.1 ABS塑料主要的性能指标: (4)3 注塑设备的选择 (6)3.1估算塑件体积 (6)3.2选择注射机 (6)3.2最大注射压力的校核 (6)4塑件工艺尺寸的计算 (8)4.1型腔的径向尺寸 (8)4.2型芯的计算 (8)4.3模具型腔壁厚的计算 (9)5浇注系统的设计 (10)5.1主流道设计 (10)5.2分流道设计 (10)5.3浇口选择 (11)6分型面的选择与排气系统的设计 (13)6.1分型面的选择 (13)6.2合模导向机构的设计 (13)6.3脱模机构的设计 (14)7模具的装配 (16)7.1模具的装配顺序 (16)结论 (18)致谢 (19)参考文献 (20)摘要现在,模具生产技术水平的高低,已成为衡量一个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志之一,因为模具在很大程度上决定着产品的质量、效益和新产品的开发能力。








《模具CAD/CAE技术及应用》课程设计说明书扬州市职业大学机械工程学院2010年5月《模具CAD/CAE技术及应用》课程设计任务书设计课题: 音响外壳模具CAD设计与CAE分析学生姓名: 学号:班级:指导教师:扬州市职业大学机械工程学院2010年5月一、适用专业及从属课程:1.适用专业:模具设计与制造专业2.从属课程:《模具CAD/CAE技术及应用》二、设计题目撰写说明书注意事项:1、可以利用Pro/E软件的不同版本建立以下课题的CAD模型,但不得使用其它软件。







音箱外壳设计说明书目录课程设计任务书 (1)一、模型制造………………………………………………2—6二、PRO/E开模仿真……………………………………..6—9三、Moldflow………………………………………….10—30四、Moldflow的方案设计与比较……………………30—31五、参考文献 (31)一模型制造(1)启动Pro/ENGINEER程序启动Pro/ENGINEER软件。



ANYANG INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY本科毕业设计说明书喇叭罩冲压模设计Horn Progressive Metal Stamping Cover Design毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。




作者签名:日期:目录中文摘要、关键词....................................................................................英文摘要、关键词....................................................................................前言 (3)第1章零件的工艺性分析 (4)第2章零件冲压工艺方案的确定 (5)2.1 冲压工艺性分析 (5)2.2 工艺方案及模具结构的确定 (5)第3章模具的设计3.1 落料模设计计算3.1.1 毛坯尺寸及排样3.1.2 压力中心计算3.1.3 冲裁工艺力3.1.4 落料模刃口尺寸3.2 冲孔模设计计算3.2.1 冲孔力3.2.2 冲孔模刃口尺寸3.3 拉深设计计算3.3.1 确定拉深次数3.3.2 拉深力3.3.3 拉深模刃口尺寸第4章冲压设备的选择第5章模具结构设计5.1 落料凹模5.1.1 模的刃口高度5.1.2 厚度H和壁厚c5.2 冲孔凹模5.2.1 凹模的刃口高度5.2.2 凹模厚度H和壁厚c5.3 冲孔凸模设计及校核5.4 凸凹模设计及校核5.5 成型推板5.6 其他模具零件结构尺寸5.6.1 模座尺寸5.6.2 垫板5.6.3 凸凹模固定板5.6.4 冲孔凸模固定板5.6.5 弹压卸料板5.6.6 模柄5.6.7 打杆和推杆5.6.8 弹顶装置5.6.9 挡料销5.6.10 螺钉和销钉5.6.11 导套和导柱5.7 模具的闭合高度第6章典型模具零件的加工工序6.1 冲孔凸模加工工艺过程6.2 上垫板加工工艺过程第7章模具总装配图结论致参考文献喇叭罩冲压模具设计摘要:本设计题目为喇叭罩拉深落料冲孔整形复合模具设计,此论文主要阐述了我国模具工业的现状及发展趋势、对零件的工艺分析、模具结构的设计、模具装配与部装图的设计。










使用NX UG6.0软件设计声学外壳的整体设计并完成它。


关键词:机械设计;模具设计;CAD绘制二维图;注射机ABStractThe topic of this paper for the juicer filter injection mold design, according to the given the structure characteristics of the plastic parts, precision grade and the qualitative analysis of plastic parts, understand the basic purposes, juicer filter manufacturability analysis, juicer filter is made of PC, the appearance of wall covered with center face said, both sides have stiffened plate, choose according to the size of the plastic parts of one module and one cavity arrangement, side pouring gate, the pouring amount calculated, injection model USES the Haitian HTF80XB, to design of cooling system, compares the demoulding mode choice, and to check the mould structure, and to the whole plastic mold flow analysis, using NX UG6.0 software for the integral design of the mould of juicer filter and complete detail drawings of rendering, and finish the preparation of the design specification.Key words: mechanical design; die design; CAD drawingtwo-dimensional map; injection machine目录摘要 (I)第1章绪论 (1)第2章塑料材料分析 (4)2.1 塑料材料的基本特性 (4)2.2 塑件材料成型性能 (4)第3章塑件的工艺分析 (5)3.1 塑件的结构设计 (6)3.2 塑件尺寸及精度 (7)3.3 塑件表面粗糙度 (7)3.4 塑件的体积和质量 (7)第4章注射成型工艺及模具结构确定 (8)4.1、注射成型工艺过程分析[5] (8)4.2 浇口种类的确定 (8)4.3 型腔数目的确定 (9)4.4 注射机的选择和校核 (9)4.4.1 注射量的校核 (10)4.4.2 锁模力的校核 (11)4.4.3 模具与注射机安装校核 (11)第5章注射模具结构设计 (13)5.1 分型面的设计 (13)5.2 型腔的布局 (13)5.3 浇注系统的设计 (14)5.3.1 浇注系统组成 (15)5.3.2 确定浇注系统的原则 (15)5.3.3 主流道的设计 (15)5.3.4 分流道的设计 (17)5.3.5 浇口的设计 (18)5.4 注射模成型零部件的设计[7] (18)5.4.1 成型零部件结构设计 (18)(1)、凹模宽度尺寸的计算 (19)(2)、凹模长度尺寸的计算 (20)(3)、凹模高度尺寸的计算 (20)(4)、凸模宽度尺寸的计算 (20)(5)、凸模长度的计算 (20)(6)、凸模高度尺寸的计算 (20)5.4.2 成型零部件计算 (22)5.5 排气结构设计 (22)5.7 脱模机构的设计 (22)5.7.1 脱模机构的选用原则 (22)5.7.2 脱模机构类型的选择 (23)5.7.3 推杆机构具体设计 (23)5.8 注射模温度调节系统 (23)5.8.1 温度对塑件的影响 (24)5.8.2 冷却系统之设计规则 (24)5.9 模架及标准件的选用 (25)5.9.1 模架的选用 (25)第6章模具材料的选用 (26)6.1 成型零件材料选用 (26)6.2 注射模用钢种 (26)总结 (27)致谢 (31)参考文献 (32)。

模具毕业设计134音箱面壳模具设计说明书 -

模具毕业设计134音箱面壳模具设计说明书 -








运用Pro/E软件完成音箱外壳模具的整体设计;应用Pro/E中的塑料顾问模块(Plastic Advisor),对塑料制品进行注射仿真分析。

最后对三维造型使用Pro/Engineer 形同转出dwg文件进行出图。

关键词:注塑模具;注射机;Pro/Engineer;EMX(模架设计专家)Abstract.In recent years, China's rapid development of the mold, especially the plastic mold of the increasingly high demand, in recent years, the plastic mold in the mold industry the proportion of up to 30% jobs, I believe in the coming years, China plastic mold industry will maintain an average annual growth rate of more than 10% high speed development, the domestic market to plastic mold injection mold greatest demand. The future development direction of injection mold to more sophisticated, more efficient, complex and multi-purpose, larger, more sophisticated, more complex, more green and more economic development, mold the technical content of the product will continue to improve, the manufacturing cycle of the die will shorten ceaselessly.Plastic molding injection molding is an important method, which is mainly applied to the thermal plastic molding, molding can be a simple or complex precision plastic parts. This topic is the speaker as a design model, the injection mold related knowledge as the basis, elaborates the structure process of plastic products, injection molding machine equipment composition classification and specifications.Through proper analysis of the speaker molding process, I designed a double-cavity plastic mould.While designing molding components, based on the characteristics of plastic, plastic parts of the structure and use requirements, the overall layout of the cavity, the joint face, the stripping methods, design of gating system, exhaust system should be determined. the working size of the molded parts is calculated. Then use Pro / E software to complete the overall design hair dryer shell mold; and finally the plastic module consultant (Plastic Advisor) in Pro / E is applied for plastic injection simulation analysis. finally the3D modeling using Pro / Engineer DWG file is transferred out of a map.Key words: Injection molding; injection machine; Pro/Engineer; EMX (formwork design expert)目录摘要Abstract第一章绪论 (V)1.1模具及模具工业的发展与现状.................... 错误!未定义书签。
























3-way 扬声器设计及构建说明书

3-way 扬声器设计及构建说明书

3-Way Loudspeaker Design and ConstructionAlex KulykPHYS 406 5/10/12I. IntroductionThe objective of this project was to design and build a stereo pair of 3-way “hi-fi” speakers using off-the-shelf drivers and an original design for the speaker cabinets. A crossover network would also be designed and implemented to compliment the characteristics of the speakers. The primary purpose of this design exercise was the associated learning experience, and good audio fidelity of the final product was not of the utmost importance.While the quality of the end result was not the most important factor, design decisions were based around constructing speakers that follow accepted design criteria for good performance. To this end, the goal was a flat frequency response in order to allow for acceptable listening for a wide variety of music.II. Initial Design ConsiderationsFrom the begging of the project, the plan was to design a vented 3-way speaker with a relatively flat frequency response of the range of approximately 50 Hz- 20 kHz. For aesthetic reasons, it was decided that the speaker cabinet be a traditional rectangular prism shape with a relatively narrow width compared to most commercially available 3-way, floor standing speakers. Because of the width constraint, smaller bass drivers would have to be used. In order not to sacrifice low frequency output, two identical woofers would be used in each cabinet. The mid and high frequency bands would be handled by a single midrange driver and tweeter, respectively.A vented design was chosen in order to compensate for the higher low-frequency roll-off of the smaller bass drivers. In order to vertically accommodate 4 drivers and a vent per cabinet, and considering the necessary volume, the speaker would also be relatively tall, which was also part of the aesthetic goal of the project. The two, smaller woofer arrangement was also chosen for personal preference, as the designer prefers a tight, fast bass response over the more powerful and extended, but slower response of larger woofersThe crossover would be designed specifically for the drivers chosen, rather than using an off-the-shelf, preassembled crossover, in order to allow for flexibility in component choice. From the outset, the crossover design process seemed daunting due to the inherent non-ideal behavior of passive electronic components in complex audio circuits, and also due to the designer’s inexperience with circuit design.III. Driver SelectionAs previously stated, each of the speaker cabinets required 2 woofers, 1 midrange and 1 tweeter. A per-driver budget was decided upon, and the following drivers were chosen:a.Dayton Audio RS180S-8 7” Shielded WooferThe RS180S-8 was chosen for its combination of small size and low frequencyextension. The external width of the speaker cabinets was set at roughly 8.5”, andthe RS180S-8 is one of the largest woofers available that would fit comfortably inthat dimension. The cone is made of aluminum, resulting in a favorable stiffnessto weight ratio, allowing for larger cone excursion before the onset of distortionwithout the sluggish sound of heavier paper cones, which is especially importantin drivers of this size. It also allows the cone to reach higher frequencies beforecone break-up occurs, which happens when the cone ceases to move as a piston.This higher break-up frequency allows for more flexibility when choosingcrossover frequencies, as will be discussed latter.b.SEAS Prestige MCA12RC-H1304 Midrange DriverThis midrange driver was chosen for its exceptionally wide and flat frequencyresponse. The midrange is one the most important range to produce accurately, asthe fundamental frequencies and important harmonics of many instruments falldirectly in this band. The midrange is also the band in which humans are mostsensitive to distortion. The SEAS has an almost flat frequency response fromapproximately 200Hz up to its breakup around 10kHz, again giving goodflexibility for choosing both crossover frequencies.c.SEAS prestige 29TFF/W-H1318 TweeterThis tweeter was chosen for its flat frequency response and for the fact that it isone of the few tweeters in its price range that extends beyond 20 kHz. While mosthumans can’t hear beyond 20 kHz, and many are limited to significantly lowerfrequencies, a higher tweeter breakup frequency generally corresponds to a flatterresponse in the audible range. This tweeter also makes use of a waveguide tocover the magnet mounting screws in order to reduce diffraction. Anotherimportant factor in its selection was its low free air resonance frequency, whichallows for more flexibility in choosing the upper crossover frequency.IV. Cabinet DesignThe cabinet design was to be tailored to the characteristics of the chosen drivers. It was helpful to have the external aesthetic design requirements before attempting to fully design the speaker cabinets, as it limited the number of degrees of freedom in the design process.With the width fixed, the depth was chosen so that the ratio of internal cabinet depth to internal cabinet width was approximately 1.618:1. This is the golden ratio, and has been shown to be beneficial in avoiding overlapping resonance frequencies resulting from standing waves forming between the parallel walls of the cabinet.At this point, Bass Box Pro 6 loudspeaker enclosure design software was utilized to determine the internal volume of the cabinet that would optimize the performance of the woofers. The bass response of a driver is very much dependent on the type and size of enclosure it is mounted in. It was decided at this point that it would be necessary to separate the midrange driver from the woofer enclosure because the large pressure forces inside the cabinet caused by the long excursions of the woofer cones can negatively affect the performance of the midrange drivers. The tweeter was mounted within the same enclosure as the midrange because its performance is not significantly affected by the volume of the enclosure in which it is placed. With the width of the cabinet fixed and the height of the midrange enclosure determined by the mounting positions of the tweeter and midrange, the depth was determined in order to yield the optimum volume. From here, the overall height was determined by establishing the necessary internal volume for the woofers.With the overall dimensions of the cabinet set, 3 shelf braces were added in order to increase the stiffness of the cabinet and prevent the long side panels from resonating excessively. Significant portions of the material in the braces were removed in order to make them effectively acoustically transparent, while enough remained to provide significant bracing effects.a.Port ConsiderationsIn a vented cabinet design, a port of a specific length and diameter is constructed,leaving the inside of the cabinet open to the exterior. This port causes the cabinetto behave as a Helmholtz resonator. It resonates at a characteristic frequency,which is determined by the size of the cabinet and the acoustic mass of the air inthe port, which, in turn, is determined by the dimensions of the port. The resonantfrequency of the port is chosen so that the output of the port rises as the output ofthe woofers falls, thus extending the bass response further. At the port resonantfrequency, all of the output is from the port. For this design, the port resonantfrequency was approximately 40 Hz.The length and diameter of the port are constrained by the necessary volume of airit encloses. It is important that the diameter of the port not be too small, as this notonly results in an impractically large port length, but also results in a higher airvelocity within the port. The movement of air can be audible at high speakervolumes due to the turbulence caused at the port ends, and is knownonomatopoetically as “chuffing”. For this design, a diameter of 3” was sufficient,as flared port ends were also employed to further reduce the possibility ofchuffing.W Pro/ENG be in valu 6, which,BassBox frequency V. Cabin T MDF. M througho This has themselv T quite diff manufact together hold the p filler.T installatio damping construct baffle onsupport tThe p imporsound sound With all of th GINEER Wil uable in the , although no x simulations y and imped net Construct The cabinets MDF has desir out, unlike no the benefit o ves. The engi The same lack ficult when i tured, mecha while glue i panels in pla The cabinet w on of drivers material wit tion, as threa n. 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To ensure that the drivers are not subjected to signals outside of their specified frequency band, it is necessary to insert a set of filters, called a crossover, in the signal path. The function of the crossover is to distribute the desired frequencies to each driver, while also preventing unwanted frequencies from reaching the drivers. In a parallel, 3-way design such as this, it is necessary to employ 3 filters: a low pass filter for the woofers, a band pass filter for the midrange, and a high pass filter for the tweeter.An ideal low pass filter allows all of the frequencies below a specified frequency to pass through unaffected, while blocking the frequencies above that. An ideal band pass filter allows all frequencies between two set frequencies to pass through the filter, while blocking all those outside the band. An ideal high pass filter blocks all frequencies below a certain frequency, and passes all those above that frequency through the filter.Real world crossover implementations are far from ideal, especially in passive crossovers like the one used in this design. With passive components, it is impossible to achieve the infinite slope cutoff of the ideal filters described above. It is good practice to put 1-2 octaves between the crossover frequency and the closest driver resonance or break up frequency. First order crossover designs use the fewest number of components, thereby introducing the least amount of distortion to the signal, but only roll off at 6db/octave past the crossover frequencies. This is usually insufficient for 3-way designs, as each driver operates over a relatively narrow frequency band. For this project, a second order crossover network design was chosen because it requires fewer components than higher order networks, and has a sufficient 12dB/octave roll-off.After installing the drivers in the assembled cabinets, the frequency response of each driver was measured in an attempt to locate crossover frequencies. The collected data showed no significant roll-off in any of the drivers within the measured bands, suggesting that the performance of the loudspeakers would not be affected significantly by the small variations in the choice of the crossover frequencies. From this information, the crossover frequencies were set at 600 Hz and 4,000 Hz.Xover Pro 3 software was used to determine the circuit design and component values necessary for a second order network with the above mentioned crossover frequencies. The network is seen in the image below.T reduces t a signific this netw C have a 1%all 18-ga iron-core VII. Mea O response The micrthe botto of the am of those m The tweeter h the output of cantly more e work, the twe Crossover co % tolerance,uge air-core e inductors.asurements a One of the sp measureme rophone was m woofer, a mplifier usedmeasuremen high-pass filt f the tweeter efficient driv eeter would s omponents w so that the t inductors to and Analysis peakers was c nts. Measure s placed at th approximatel d showed thants are shown ter contains r by approxim ver over the sound louder were purchas two loudspea o maintain a scompleted to ements were he midpoint b ly 1m away f at it was veryn below on t a resistor ne mately 4 dB.frequency b r than the oth sed on the ba akers sound low DC resi o the point th e taken using between the from the spe y flat across tthe log V^2 etwork know . This is nec band it is des her drivers.asis of value sufficiently istance and a hat it was po g white noise center of th eaker. Frequ the frequencvs. log f and wn as an L-pa cessary becau signed to ope e-for-money.y similar. The avoid the dis ossible to tak e ranging fro he tweeter an uency respon cy range testd log V^2 vs ad, whichuse the twee erate in. Wit . All capacito e inductors a stortion caus ke frequency om 0 Hz-25 nd the center nse measurem ted. The resus. f plots.eter is thout ors are se by y kHz.r of mentsultsThe most noticeable characteristic of the plot is the consistent high frequency roll-off starting at about 1300 Hz, resulting in 20 kHz being approximately 6 dB down. This is likely due to the L-pad network implemented, suggesting that, because of the use of 2 woofers, the tweeter attenuation is unnecessary. Through the bass frequencies and over a good deal of the midrange, the response is acceptably flat, not varying by more than 3 dB in either direction. A small dip in the plot is visible at 4 kHz, the upper crossover frequency. This is characteristic of a second order filter network, and wiring the midrange out of phase with the tweeter and woofer, as it is in this design, minimizes the effect of that dip.The fully assembled speaker was test with music played through a 50W/channel Rotel RA-1520 integrated amplifier. The frequency response plot is indicative of the sonic results. There is a pronounced recess to the high frequencies. The most troubling result, however, was a very “boxy” sound in the midrange. It is believed that this could be improved by reducing the amount of damping material in the midrange enclosure. It is also likely that the sonic character would be significantly improved if the baffle were rigidly attached to the cabinet with glue, rather than being bolted on, as in the current configuration, the braces do not eliminate any of the resonances in the baffle. Below is a picture of the speakers at their present state of completion.VIII. Future Plans for this ProjectIn the next few weeks, both speakers will be completely assembled, with the baffles rigidly attached. I would like to take more comprehensive frequency, impedance and phase response measurements. From these plots, I could evaluate the validity of the simulations I produced in BassBox and Xover Pro. I would also like to compare any noted resonance peaks to calculated resonances.It would also be interesting to characterize the frequency and phase response of the crossover network, and to see its effect on the speaker output.After I finish construction, if the audio quality is good enough to merit it, I will veneer the cabinets so they are more aesthetically pleasing.。

音响外壳注塑模具设计说明书 (1)

音响外壳注塑模具设计说明书 (1)

音响外壳注塑模具设计分院XX专业XX班级XX学号XX姓名XX指导教师XX完成时间XX摘要本论文的题目为音响外壳注塑模设计,按照给定的塑料零件的结构特色、精度水平和材料对塑料零件进行分析,了解音响外壳的基本用途,进行工艺性分析,音响外壳的材质为PC,音响外壳的外形以中心面对称,两侧均有筋板,根据塑件的尺寸大小选择了一模二腔的排列方式,侧浇口进行浇注,对浇注量进行计算,注塑模型使用海天HTF80XB设计的冷却系统,和脱模手段进行了比较和选取,对模具结构进行检查,并对完整的模型进行模流分析,采用NX UG6.0软件用于完成模具的整体设计和完成零件图的绘制,并完成设计规范的编写。

关键词:机械设计;模型设计;CAD绘制二维图;注射机ABStractThe topic of this thesis is the design of injection molding mold for acoustic shell. According to the structural characteristics, accuracy level and materials of a given plastic part, the plastic part is analyzed, the basic purpose of the acoustic shell is understood, and the process analysis is carried out. The material of the acoustic shell is PC. The shape of the acoustic shell is symmetrical in the center, with ribs on both sides. According to the size of the plastic part, a mode of arrangement with two cavities is selected. The side gate is poured, the pouring amount is calculated, and the injection model is used. The cooling system designed by Haitian HTF 80XB, Compared and selected with the demoulding method, the die structure was checked, and the complete model was modeled. The NXUG6 .0 software was used to complete the overall design of the mold and complete the drawing of the part diagram, and the design specification was completed.Key words: mechanical design; die design; CAD drawingtwo-dimensional map; injection machine目录摘要 (I)第1章绪论 (1)第2章塑料材料分析 (4)2.1 塑料材料的基本特性 (4)2.2 塑件材料成型性能 (4)第3章塑件的工艺分析 (6)3.1 塑件的结构设计 (6)3.2 塑件尺寸及精度 (7)3.3 塑件表面粗糙度 (7)3.4 塑件的体积和质量 (7)第4章注射成型工艺及模具结构确定 (8)4.1、注射成型工艺过程分析[5] (8)4.2 浇口种类的确定 (8)4.3 型腔数目的确定 (9)4.4 注射机的选择和校核 (9)4.4.1 注射量的校核 (11)4.4.2 锁模力的校核 (12)4.4.3 模具与注射机安装校核 (12)第5章注射模具结构设计 (14)5.1 分型面的设计 (14)5.2 型腔的布局 (14)5.3 浇注系统的设计 (15)5.3.1 浇注系统组成 (16)5.3.2 确定浇注系统的原则 (16)5.3.3 主流道的设计 (16)5.3.4 分流道的设计 (18)5.3.5 浇口的设计 (19)5.4 注射模成型零部件的设计[7] (19)5.4.1 成型零部件结构设计 (19)(1)、凹模宽度尺寸的计算 (20)(2)、凹模长度尺寸的计算 (21)(3)、凹模高度尺寸的计算 (21)(4)、凸模宽度尺寸的计算 (21)(5)、凸模长度的计算 (21)(6)、凸模高度尺寸的计算 (22)5.4.2 成型零部件计算 (24)5.5 排气结构设计 (24)5.7 脱模机构的设计 (24)5.7.1 脱模机构的选用原则 (24)5.7.2 脱模机构类型的选择 (24)5.7.3 推杆机构具体设计 (24)5.8 注射模温度调节系统 (25)5.8.1 温度对塑件的影响 (25)5.8.2 冷却系统之设计规则 (26)5.9 模架及标准件的选用 (26)5.9.1 模架的选用 (26)第6章模具材料的选用 (28)6.1 成型零件材料选用 (28)6.2 注射模用钢种 (28)总结 (29)致谢 (33)参考文献 (34)第1章绪论1.1 塑料简介塑料是高分子聚合物材料,核心的化学成分是树脂,是有机的聚合物,它的特色是可以在一定的温度和压力下流动,可以任意地形成不同形状和大小的结构,塑料零件形成之后,形状不会发生改变。



2.塑件材料 ABS 的加工特性
可参考《简明塑料模具设计手册》P32 表 1-14
结论: 溢 边 值 0.04mm 分解温度 250℃ 吸湿性强 无定型塑料,其品种很多,各品种的机电性能及成形特性也各有差异, 应按品种确定成形方法及成形条件。 吸湿性强,含水量应小于0.3%,必须充分干燥,要求表面光泽的塑件应 要求长时间预热干燥。 流动性中等,溢边料0.04 mm左右(流动性比聚苯乙烯,AS差,但比聚 碳酸酯、聚氯乙烯好)。 比聚苯乙烯加工困难,宜取高料温、模温(对耐热、高抗冲击和中抗冲 击型树脂,料温更宜取高)。料温对物性影响较大、料温过高易分解 (分解温度为250℃左右,比聚苯乙烯易分解),对要求精度较高塑件, 模温宜取50~60℃,要求光泽及耐热型料宜取60~80℃。注射压力应比 加工聚苯乙烯稍高,一般用柱塞式注塑机时料温为180~230℃,注射压 力为100~140 MPa,螺杆式注塑机则取160~220℃,70~100 MPa为宜。 模具设计时要注意浇注系统,选择好进料口位置、形式。推出力过 大或机械加工时塑件表面呈现“白色”痕迹(但在热水中加热可消失)。
kmax 7 0.5
按注射量可选 XS-ZY-30,但考虑注射机装模高度,模板尺寸,对模 具的尺寸也进行估算 350×350 h 约 300 选择注塑机为 XS-ZY-125 注射机的主要技术参数
注射装置 螺杆直径 螺杆长径比 理论容量 注射重量 注射压力 螺杆转速 合模装置 合模力 移模行程 拉杆内距 最大模厚 最小模厚 顶出行程 INJECTION UNIT Screw Diameter Screw L/D Ratio Shot Size(Theoretical) Injection Weight(PS) Injection Pressure Screw Speed CLAMPING UNIT Clamp Tonnage Toggle Strok Space Between Tie Bars Max.Mold Height Min.Mold Height Ejector Stroke KN mm mm mm mm mm 860 310 360x360 360 150 100 mm L/D cm g Mpa rpm









关键词:制造材料,尺寸,模具图纸目录绪论……………………………………………………………….….………….….. ….…. .….….9.课题背景............................................................................................... .. (9)第1章落料,浅拉深,冲孔复合模 (9)1.1冲压工件的工艺分析 (9)1.2主要工艺参数计算 (10)1.2.1毛坯尺寸计算 (10)1.2.2排样 (11)1.3计算第一副模具工序压力 (12)1.3.1落料力................................................................................ (12)1.3.2卸料力 (12)1.3.3冲中心孔力 (12)1.3.4推件力 (13)1.3.5拉深力 (13)1.3.6压边力 (13)1.3.7第一副模具冲压设备的选择 (13)1.4第一副模具主要工作部分尺寸计算 (14)1.4.1落料刃口尺寸计算........................................................ . (14)1.4.2冲孔刃口尺寸计算 (16)1.4.3拉深工作部分尺寸计算 (16)1.5弹性元件设计计算 (17)1.5.1上卸料设计计算 (17)1.5.2下卸料设计计算 (17)1.6第一副模具零件的设计与计算................................................. .. (18)1.6.1凸模外形尺寸.............................................................. .. (18)1.6.2凹模尺寸结构 (19)1.7卸料设计与计算 (20)1.7.1卸料板结构形式 (20)1.7.2卸料螺钉 (21)1.7.3卸料螺钉尺寸关系 (21)1.8其它零件........................................................................ (21)1.8.1挡料销................................................................. . (21)1.8.2上模推件装置 (22)1.8.3弹顶器 (22)1.8.4模柄 (22)1.8.5凸模固定板 (23)1.8.6模架选择 (23)第二章冲腰形孔、安装孔、导线孔冲裁模 (23)2.1 冲裁件的工艺分析 (23)2.2冲压力计算 (24)2.2.1冲裁力 (24)2.2.2卸料力 (25)2.2.3推件力 (25)2.2.4确定模具的压力中心......................................................... (25)2.3 凸凹模刃口尺寸计算 (26)2.4 凸和凹模的结构设计 (27)2.5第二副模具冲压设备的选择 (28)参考文献 (30)体会与致谢 (31)第1 章落料,浅拉深,冲孔复合模1.1 冲压工件的工艺分析工件名称:扬声器底盘 生产批量:20000件 材料:Q235-A 钢, 厚度:t=0.5mm 。















关键词:注射成型模具设计小音箱外壳pro/eThe small speakers’ plastic mold designAbstract:Plastic injection molding has become an important method of thermoplastic molding, it has a short molding cycle time molding complex, dimensional accuracy, with a metallic or nonmetallic embedded in the plastic parts. Injection molding of high production efficiency, easy to automate production, and almost all thermoplastics can be injection molding method of molding, injection molding, widely used in the production of plastic parts, while China's mold industry structural adjustment and The pace of structural reform to increase, mainly in: the large, sophisticated, complex, long life, high-grade mold and mold standard parts of the pace of development is higher than normal molds and mold forming with high quality, high yield, low, low-cost features.The small speaker enclosure on some plastic products and mold design, discusses the key issues and advantages of the injection mold. First of all, will be the performance of plastic materials including plastic parts of the process analysis, to determine the volume and quality computation of plastic parts and injection molding machine parameters, the basic shape and size of the plastic parts start the design and modeling of the shell surface, a reasonable choice of the injection molding method. Then, its structural design: the parting surface selection, cavity number to determine the arrangement of the cavity, gate design, launch and reset mechanism determined; core, cavity size calculation; calculation of mold heating and cooling systems; again part rational distribution and arrangement of the flow channel to connect them together to form two complete plastic parts. The following design elements part of the preparation of the manufacturing processes; mold shut height determined; the relevant parameters of the injection machine check; structure so designed to ensure that mold the use of reliable.The design using Pro/E software to complete the assembly of the part shape and mold the side core structure, pay attention to the coordination between the two core pulling design.Keywords: Injection molding Small speaker Mold design Pro/e目录一、塑件的工艺性能分析 (1)(一)塑件原材料的选择 (1)(二) ABS的主要参数 (1)(三) ABS的成型性能 (1)(四)塑件结构工艺 (2)1. 塑件的圆角 (2)2. 塑件的卡勾 (3)3. 塑件的拔模斜度 (4)4. 塑件的尺寸精度 (4)二、注塑机的选型 (7)(一)模具设计要求 (7)(二)模具设计方案 (7)(三)塑件体积 (8)(四)注塑机选型 (9)三、模具结构设计 (10)(一)型腔布局 (10)(二)分型面设计 (10)(三)浇注系统设计 (11)1、浇注系统组成 (11)2、主流道设计 (12)3、浇口设计 (13)4、分流道设计 (13)(四)成型零部件设计 (14)1、凹模与凸模的零件结构设计 (14)2、成型零部件的工作尺寸计算 (14)(五)模架连同合模导向机构设计 (15)1、模架的选取 (15)2、合模导向机构设计 (15)(六)侧向分型与抽芯机构的设计 (16)1、抽芯力计算 (17)2、斜导柱与侧滑块的相关设计 (17)3、滑块定位装置设计 (18)(七)推出机构设计 (18)(八)排气以及冷却系统设计 (19)1、排气系统的设计 (19)2、冷却系统的设计 (19)(九)注射模具整体结构图 (19)四、注塑机与模具主要参数校核 (22)(一)最大注射量的校核 (22)(二)锁模力的校核 (22)(三)模具安装尺寸的校核 (23)总结 (24)参考文献 (25)致谢 (26)一、塑件的工艺性能分析(一)塑件原材料的选择由于小音箱外壳常常会用手触摸,需绝缘,且需要具备耐酸、化学稳定性好的特点。









设计需求包括但不限于以下几个方面: 1. 声音品质:音响模具需能够有效传播并放大声音,提供良好的音质体验。

2. 外观设计:音响模具的外观需要与使用者的审美需求相匹配,兼顾美观和实用性。

3. 可靠性:音响模具需要具备较高的耐用性和稳定性,能够经受长时间的使用。

设计流程设计电脑音响模具的过程可以分为以下几个阶段: 1. 需求分析:确定设计需求,包括声音品质、外观设计和可靠性等方面。

2. 总体设计:确定模具的整体结构和尺寸,并考虑模具的制造工艺和本钱。

3. 详细设计:对模具的各个局部进行详细设计,并进行结构优化和强度分析。

4. 制造和装配:根据设计图纸进行模具制造,并进行部件的装配和调试。

5. 测试和验证:对制作出的模具进行声音测试、可靠性测试和外观检查,确保模具符合设计要求。

在进行电脑音响模具设计时,设计师应遵循以下原那么: 1. 结构合理:模具的结构设计应合理布局,保证各部件之间的协调运作。

2. 确保空间:模具设计应考虑到电脑音响内部元件的摆放空间,确保元件安装和布线的便利性。

3. 必要强度:考虑到音响模具在使用过程中的稳定性和耐用性,需对模具各个局部的强度进行分析,确保模具具备足够的强度。

4. 优化外观:兼顾音响模具的外观设计,注重细节,使音响模具更具吸引力和辨识度,增加用户体验。

设计细节在电脑音响模具设计的过程中,需要注意以下几个细节: 1. 冷却系统设计:音响模具在工作过程中会产生较大的热量,设计师需合理设计冷却系统,以保证模具的稳定性和使用寿命。



1. 概述模具工业在国民经济中的重要地位模具是工业生产的基础工艺装备。















voice coil dust cap
lead wire gasket
cone paper
damper washer
winding height卷幅
shield cover
adhesive接着剂canel magnet
亦称BASKET,是安装振动部分零件,磁气回路和其它零件的母体。小型SPK的支架都是钢板,材质为SPCC(S:STEEL钢铁P:板钢C:COLD冷锻C:硬度区分)。钢板的材质厚度为0.5~1.2MM冲压成型,表面通常处理有五彩电镀,烤黑、电黑,加以防锈。大口径的磁气回路特别强劲笨重,钢板材质会使用1.0MM甚至更厚。但高级HI-FI SPK也有用铝铸的支架,此外用塑料成型的支架亦很多,防水喇叭及头机最常用。塑料框的材质多为ABS或ABS加纤以增高耐热及强度。有些游艇上使用的塑料框的材质为ASA料,可以延长塑料框受紫外线照射而变颜色的时间。铁框材质的厚度除对SPK承受压力有影响外,同时对SPK的安装后能否承受一定的振动不致变形亦有影响。此外,SPK工作频繁振动时,支架可能会在某些频率产生共振而影响音质。



摘要 (2)前言 (3)1 塑件的工艺分析 (4)1.1 塑件的成形工艺性分析 (4)1.2 塑件的成形工艺参数确定 (5)2模具基本结构及模架选择 (7)2.1确定成形方法 (7)2.2型腔布置 (7)2.3确定分型面 (7)2.4选择浇注系统 (8)2.5脱模机构设计 (12)2.6模具结构形式 (13)2.7选择成形设备及模架选择 (13)3模具结构、尺寸的设计计算 (17)3.1 模具结构设计计算 (17)3.2冷却回路尺寸的确定 (21)4模具主要零件图及加工工艺规程 (24)4.1 模具定模板(中间板)零件图及加工工艺规程 (24)4.2 模具动模板(型芯固定板)零件图及加工工艺规程 (24)4.3注塑机参数校核 (25)5模具总装图及模具的装配、试模 (28)5.1模具总装图及模具的装配 (28)5.2 模具的安装试模 (28)结论 (31)致谢 (32)参考文献 (33)随着经济总量和工业产品技术的不断发展,各行各业对模具的需求量越来越大,技术要求也越来越高。






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1 绪论1.1 模具行业的发展现况及市场前景现代模具工业有“不衰亡工业”之称。










1.2 冲压工艺介绍冲压是靠压力机和模具对板材、带材、管材和型材等施加外力,使之产生塑性变形或分离,从而获得所需形状和尺寸的工件(冲压件)的成形加工方法。













1.3 冲压工艺的种类冲压主要是按工艺分类,可分为分离工序和成形工序两大类。















1.4 冲压行业阻力和障碍与突破阻力一:机械化、自动化程度低美国680条冲压线中有70%为多工位压力机,日本国内250条生产线有32%为多工位压力机,而这种代表当今国际水平的大型多工位压力机在我国的应用却为数不多;中小企业设备普遍较落后,耗能耗材高,环境污染严重;封头成形设备简陋,手工操作比重大;精冲机价格昂贵,是普通压力机的5~10倍,多数企业无力投资阻碍了精冲技术在我国的推广应用;液压成形,尤其是内高压成形,设备投资大,国内难以起步。




























2 冲模有关术语冲模有关术语,包括冲压工序术语、冲模和冲模零件术语以及冲压工序以外的其它冲压工艺术语。


2.1 冲压工序术语冲孔冲孔是将废料沿封闭轮廓从材料或工序件上分离的一种冲压工序,在材料或工序件上获得需要的孔见图2-1。





A AA-A2.2 冲模和冲模零件术语下模座 下模座是下模底面的板状零件,工作时直接固定在压力机工作台面或垫板上。






凸模凸模是冲模中起直接形成作用的凸形工作零件, 即以外形为工作表面的零件.见图2-8。







