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一、bring[要点] bring in引进;挣得bring about引起,导致bring up养育,培养;提出 bring out推出(书、唱片等)bring down降低; bring back把…带回来;使忆起; bring on惹来(坏的结果)

二、break[要点] break down崩溃,瓦解;垮掉;抛锚;(化学)分解; break up打碎;(物理)分解;驱散人群 break through逾越,突破;冲破break away(from)挣脱,脱离break out爆发break in破门而入break off折断;中断break into闯入建筑物以便行窃;

三、Call[要点] Call for 需要,要求 call on sb拜访某人 call at sp拜访某地 call in 把某人请进来,邀请 call up call off取消 call out大声喊叫

三、come[要点] come about发生come out结果出来;出版;泄露; come on跟随;作为挑战语(来呀!);加油come across偶遇;被理解come true变为现实come up走上前;被提出;长出地面;走近;升起come up with提出,发现(解决办法、答案等)come along一起来come back 回来; come to总计;清醒过来

四、cut down 砍下(树木)削减 cut up切碎 cut off 隔绝 cut in插话 cut out 删除

五.carry[要点] carry off获胜;成功做成(困难之事)carry on继续,坚持carry out执行carry through帮助渡难关;

六get[要点] get about四处走动;传开get across传达,解释get along\on (with)进展,相处get away逃脱,设法离开get down 使沮丧get in 收割; get off下车 get together聚会get up 起床; get through 接通;通过;把事情做完,度过 get back取回;回到某地; get down to开始认真干get out被人知道,泄露; get over克服,恢复,复原。

七、give[要点] give up放弃give in 屈服; give out 用尽,耗尽;分发;发出give away露马脚;颁发;赠送,捐赠 give off发出 give back归还;使恢复。

八.、go[要点] go against违背;与……不符;对……不利go without勉强维持,凑合go in for 爱好,参加;从事go by过去; go on继续; go over 复习;仔细审查go ahead 进行,请便吧go through 被通过;从头到尾地阅读;经历(look through浏览)go away走开;外出度假;消失go for去取来或接来;争取得到;go out出去, 熄灭,

九、hold[要点] hold on 别挂断,等会儿;坚持hold on to,抓住不放,坚持hold out伸出(手)维持;hold off使(雨雪等)暂停;使远离hold up举起;使不能行驶 hold back隐瞒;阻碍(某人发展);控制(情感),扣留

十、keep[要点] keep away(from)使远离,避开;不踩、吃、谈等=keep off。keep back 忍住,扣除,保留;隐瞒不讲keep on继续keep out 挡在外边;(警示语)请勿靠近keep up保持好的势头,不低落;再接再厉keep up with跟上)。Keep …from阻止某事发生

十一、look[要点] look ahead向前看look about环顾look after照看;负责处理look back回忆,回顾look out 当心;向外看 look on旁观look up 向上看;查阅; look down upon看不起look forward to 盼望 look through翻阅 look into调查;向内看 look round边走边看,观光look over检阅;逐一检查。

十二Leave over留下,剩下 leave off 停止,中断 leave behind 把…落在后面 leave out 省略掉,遗漏掉 leave alone 别睬,别碰…

十三、make[要点] make up编造;给某人化妆;组成,构成; make up of 由……构成make up for 补偿,弥补make out 辨认出 make into制成;使成为make from由…制成(看不出原料)make of 由…制成(能看出原料); make for走向,冲向;有助于,倾向于;。

十四、put[要点] put back放回原处; put down镇压;记下put aside把(正在读的书或正在干的活)放在一边; put away将事物收拾起来放置于惯常保存之处或安全处以便以后用;储蓄; put forward提出(计划、建议)put off延期; put on穿戴;上映put out扑灭;生产put up为某人提供食宿;短期住宿;建造;举起;张贴,公布put up with容忍。Put into 翻译成,编入,放入

十五、send[要点] send for 派人去请; send up上升;发射; send out 发送;发出(请柬、信号等)send to派遣到.送到 send in =hand in 上缴 send back退还

十六、set[要点] set off 出发;引爆;引起,激发 set out 开始;动身踏上漫长旅途set up 创建,建立;安装;竖起set about doing sth =set out to do sth着手干(尤指费时费劲的事);处理set down写下。

十七、take[要点] take in吸收,欺骗,招收take for 误认为take out 拿出 take down 放下take up从事;拿起;占据(时间或空间)take off 飞机起飞;脱下; take along 随身携带take away 带走,拿走; take back 收回(说错的话);退回(所购商品); take charge 负责,掌管 take on 呈现;雇佣 take over 接管,接任take place发生

十八、turn[要点] turn against转而反对;使与…为敌,违背turn back折回,掉转头turn out 结果是; turn down 拒绝;调小turn off 关掉 turn over打翻;翻转 turn in 上交(作业等)turn into变成;翻译turn on打开turn to求助于;翻到 turn up调大;出现。

十九pick up 收到,接受收,捡起,偶然学到,身体恢复,用车接送人 make up编造;给某人化妆;组成,构成; take up从事;拿起;占据(时间或空间) put up 为某人提供食宿;短期住宿;建造;举起;张贴,公布

二十drop out 辍学 drop in on sb =call on sb 拜访人 drop in at sp =call at sp 参观地方 drop off离开,散去

1. The Internet has brought _____big changes in the way we work.

A. about

B. out

C. back

D. up

2. The teacher made up a sentence to ______the meaning of the phrase.

A. show off

B. turn out

C. bring out

D. take in

3. As we all know, air pollution often ____diseases.

A. brings on

B. brings up

C. brings back

D. brings forward

4. News reports say peace talks between the two countries ____with no agreement reached.

A. have broken down

B. have broken out

C. have broken in

D. have broken up

5. You should relax yourself, otherwise you will _____in time.

A. break off

B. break up

C. wear out

D. break down

6. Until then did I realize that their marriage was _____because they had little in common.

A. breaking up

B. breaking down

C. breaking through

D. breaking off

7. The girl is clever and she always ______good ideas whenever she is in trouble.

A. comes about

B. comes up with

C. gets up as

D. comes up

8. --- I don’t feel like going out. Why don’t we watch TV at home?

---______You promised to take me out for dinner.

A. Really?

B. Not at all.

C. Why not?

D. Come on!

9. I have no idea how it _____that the man met with trouble again.

A. came up

B. came out

C. came across

D. came about
