S r面试提问范例




















































The bones should be firm, the air should be soft, the aspirations should be big, the courage should be small, the heart should be vacant, the words should be real, the wisdom should be increased, the good fortune should be cherished, worry is not far, worry is near.简单易用轻享办公(WORD文档/A4打印/可编辑/页眉可删)面试官star问题1.介绍你自己2.你对我们协会有什么样的了解3.为什么你希望来我们协会工作?4.你可以为我们完成哪些其他人做不到的事情?5.你觉得这个职位最吸引你的地方是什么?最不吸引你的地方又是什么?6.为什么我们应该聘用你?7.你希望在工作中能够获得什么?8.谈论一下你对你应聘的这个职位的定义9.你需要多久能够对协会做出显著的贡献?11.你的简历显示你的能力了超过了工作的要求,你是如何认为的?12.你的管理方式是什么样的?13.你是一个合格的管理人员吗?你可以举一些例子吗?你是否觉得你有顶级管理人员的潜力?14.当你招聘人手的时候你需要什么类型的?15.你是否曾经不得不解雇一些干部?是什么理由?你是如何解决这个情况的?16.你认为作为一个高级管理人员最困难的事情是什么?17.在我们协会你觉得我们未来发展的`趋势应该如何?18.在你上一份任职经历中,你最喜欢那个方面的特点?最不喜欢哪个?19.你如何看待协会的理事长?20.你申请这个职位的初衷是什么?21.你为本协会长期的目标是什么?22、你有什么优缺点?23、你有什么特长和爱好?24、你如何评价你的大学生活?25、、你组织参加过何种社会实践和社会活动?26、你认为你适合做什么样的工作?27、你竞聘干部考虑的重要因素是什么?28、如果干部的安排与你的愿望不一致,你是否愿意服从安排?29、如果本协会和另外一个协会同时聘用你,你将如何选择?30.就你申请的这个职位,你认为你还欠缺什么?31.你能给协会带来什么?32.为什么你希望来我们协会工作?33.你觉得以前工作什么最成功?34.你觉得以前工作最大的失败之处在哪?35.如果我录用你,你认为你在这份工作上会待多久呢?36.若受到奖励,你有什么感想?37.你最典型的一个工作日是怎样安排的?38.为取得成功,一个好的管理人员应该具备哪四方面的素质?你为什么认为这些素质是十分重要的?39.你是否恋爱?你如何处理恋爱和工作的关系。



检查重于信任RS-ZP-014教师岗位1、之前工作的公司规模有多大?是做什么的?在这家公司你的工作内容是什么? 考核方向:详细了解所从事的行业是否适合学习顾问录用标准:谈吐清晰 流畅 不磕巴 微笑 思路清晰 有条理;之前是偏于销售,还偏于行政,学习顾问需要稳定的工作及服务意识较强,同时具有一定的销售意思2、详细的介绍一下你的教学经历?都带过什么年级的学生?带了多长时间?带了几个学生?都是什么程度的学生?考核方向:了解教学经验、胜任年级、教学水平录用标准:有一定年限教学经验,带过毕业班,时间较长,不是仅仅带一两个月,学生比较多,不是三四个3、为什么离职?考核方向:了解稳定性、是否和公司某些要求相悖,规避类似离职风险录用标准:如果因为加班、周六日不休息、晚上下班较晚等因素先不要考虑;如果离职原因是没有发展空间,先确认这个岗位发展通道本身有局限还是因为能力的问题。

4、你的同事对你的评价是什么样的?你的领导对你的评价是什么样地?在这家公司工作的这段时间,参加过几次团队活动?通过之前的工作,你得到了哪些收获,哪些方面有所提升?都有哪些突出的业绩或贡献?有没有被领导嘉奖过,包括物质、精神上的?有过职位晋升吗?考核方向:了解团队合作能力、性格特点、为人处世风格,了解是否有突出的能力和优点录用标准:同事评价为善于帮助同事 善于和同事分享经验,喜欢参加并经常参加团队活动,被领导嘉奖过,比如拿过销售冠军奖,优秀员工奖,有过什么样的职位晋升等。




检查重于信任录用标准:能否说出几种宣传的渠道、市场活动开展之前先做市场调研、定活动类型、定单页数量 、人员分工、时间地点选择等等关键词。









以下是店铺整理的hr面试常问的问题英语,希望能帮助到大家!问题一:Could you please describe yourself?(能否请你形容一下自己?)这个问题,一来是想要了解你是什么样的人,二来是想看看你是否知道如何重点式地自我简介。


比方说,今天你打算去应征行销的职务,你就可以说︰I am creative andmotivated. I worked on several major marketing projects with positiveresults. I am now looking for a challenging marketing position in anestablished company. (我有创意、又积极。



)问题二:Why do you think we should employ you?(你认为我们为何要雇用你?)雇主问此问题,希望你试图证明自己是最佳人选,并且测试你是否熟悉应征职务的工作内容。


假设你今天要应征机械工程的工作,你就可以说︰I am suitable for the position,not only because I have a masters degree in mechanical engineering, butalso because I have worked in this field for more than five years. I believe that my experience can be put to use in further developing your business. (我很适合该职位,不只因为我有机械工程学的硕士学位,更因为我在该产业已经有五年多的工作经验,我相信,我的经验可以派上用场,进一步推动贵公司的事业。

















































你原来领导的部门,一共有几个人?能否讲讲这些人的具体 情况? 你通常采用怎样的方式去调动下属的积极性?/如何激励? 你如果有了某项计划准备付诸实施,你一般采用怎样的步骤 组织下属去实施? 你是如何对待哪些令你头痛的职员的? 领导能力 你曾经解雇过你的职员吗? 如果你的下属认为你给他们设立的目标不可能达到,你如何 处理? 请描述你自己的领导风格? 具有部门、跨部门 、多部门协调与领 导经验 具有领导能力 领导能力存在做的工作有多少?你充当什么角色? 你是如何帮助有多数不同观点的人达成共识的? 团队协作 描述一个你最难与之共事的人? 能力 描述一种你认为别人错了而自己正确的情形? 描述一种你不得不与你讨厌的人相处的情形? (专业技术人员)在以往的工作中,曾经进行过哪些技术革 新?取得怎样的效益? (管理人员)你着手改革过哪些管理制度? 创 (管理人员)你曾经提出过哪些成功的策划? 新 能 力 (管理人员)你为谁曾出过哪些好点子? 你在以前的工作中开创过一些全新的工作思路吗? 当你的设想招到别人的强烈反对时,怎么办? 创新 学习 能力 你是怎样学到本行业/岗位知识的?(征对非本岗位相关专业 毕业的应聘者) 你是否接受过专业知识的训练?在哪里?多长时间?有什么 收获? 学 假如明天你就要开始大学生活,你会选择什么课程? 习 你觉得你现在最需要学习哪方面的知识才能使你更快的被提 能 升? 力 你在做**方面几乎没有经验,你计划如何学习相关知识以更 好的完成这份工作? 你有什么级别的专业资格证书或能力鉴定证明? 你最近在看的书籍?书的主题? 学习新知识能力与 学习新知识能力与 速度更新都非常 学习新知识能力与 速度更新较高,能 学习新知识能力与 快,面试官据此判 速度更新低于正常 够在目标岗位中发 更新速度较差 断候选人发展潜力 范围 挥作用 也非常高 专业内创新能力非 具备创新事实,并 创新能力欠缺,但 创新能力不足,对 常高,专业外创新 对该事实描述准确 对专业内工作不存 专业内工作具有负 能力与借鉴能力具 、逻辑性较高 在负面影响 面影响 有较高潜力 较高,超过正常范 一般,在正常范围 不足,在正常范围 围 内 以下——5%以上 严重不足



1. 请介绍一下您的工作经验和背景。

2. 您在过去的项目中遇到过哪些困难和挑战,您是如何解决它们的?
3. 请描述一次您在团队合作中的成功经历。

4. 您如何管理自己的时间和任务,以确保按时完成工作?
5. 请分享一次您面对冲突或不同意见的经历,您是如何处理的?
6. 您是如何应对工作压力和紧迫性的?
7. 请举例说明您是如何自我评估和提升自己的工作表现的。

8. 您如何与项目的利益相关者进行有效的沟通和合作?
9. 在面对一个复杂的问题时,您会采取哪些步骤来解决它?
10. 请描述一次您帮助团队成员解决问题或克服困难的经历。

11. 您如何管理和处理您的工作优先级?
12. 请分享一次您对一个项目或任务的贡献和成就感。

13. 您是否有过与客户或用户的快速演示交流的经历?请解释

14. 您的领导和管理风格是如何的?请举例说明您如何激励和

15. 请分享一次您在工作中学到的重要教训或经验。









1、您为何要离开目前服务的这家公司(答案可能是待遇或成长空间或人际氛围或其它,待回答完毕后继续发问您跟您的主管或直接上司有没有针对以上问题沟通过(如果没有,问其原因;如果有,问其过程和结果)2、除了简历上的工作经历,您还会去关注哪些领域(或有没有其它潜在的兴趣或是否想过去尝试、从事的其它职业)(若有,继续发问)您觉得这跟您目前要从事的职业有哪些利、弊关系(若无,继续发问)您不觉得您的知识结构有些狭窄或兴趣较贫乏,说说未来的改善计划3、您在选择工作中更看重的是什么(可能是成长空间、培训机会、发挥平台、薪酬等答案) (若薪酬不排在第一,问)您可不可以说说你在薪酬方面的心理预期(待回答完毕后)那您刚才的意思也可以这样理解:薪酬方面可以适当低于您的心理预期,对吗(若薪酬显得不太让步,可问)有人说挣未来比挣钱更为重要,您怎样理解(若薪酬排在第一,问)有人说挣未来比挣钱更为重要,您怎样理解4、您觉得您在以前类似于我司提供的这个岗位上的工作经历中有哪些方面做得不足(若答有,问)您打算在以后的工作中采取哪些改善措施(待回答完毕后,继续发问)您再想想如果到我们公司来任职还有没有补充改善措施(若答无,问)您认为您能胜任我们提供给您的这份工作吗(四)兴趣爱好这关系到应聘者的知识广博度和学习能力1、您工作之余有哪些兴趣爱好兴趣中有没有比较擅长的2、您在大学所设的专业课中最感兴趣的是哪一门(待回答完毕,问)谈谈您对其感兴趣的相关看法。



微软面试官最爱问的英文面试题有哪些?如何回答?As we move into 2023, the tech industry is more competitive than ever. With so many talented professionals vying for limited positions, it's important to stand out from the crowd during the interview process. One way to do this is to be prepared for the questions that will likely be asked by the interviewer. In the case of Microsoft interviews, there are several questions that are commonly asked by their interviewers. In this article, we'll take a look at some of these questions and explore how you can best answer them.Question 1: Tell me about yourself.This question is often used as an icebreaker and is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to the interviewer. Your response should be brief and to the point. You should speak about your educational background and any relevant work experience you have. Be sure to also mention any achievements or awards you have received that are relevant to the position you are applying for.Question 2: Why do you want to work for Microsoft?Before attending the interview, you should research Microsoft and its products and services. This will allow you to give a thoughtful and informed answer to this question. You should talk about how you admire the company's cultureand values and how you believe you can contribute to its success. You should also mention any specific projects or initiatives that you are excited about.Question 3: What are your strengths?This question is an opportunity for you to showcase your skills and abilities. You should choose two or three strengths that are relevant to the position you are applying for and provide examples of how you have demonstrated these strengths in the past. It's important to be honest and authentic when answering this question.Question 4: What are your weaknesses?This is often considered one of the more challenging interview questions. It's important to be honest when answering this question, but also to frame your weaknesses in a positive way. You should choose a weakness that is not essential to the job and talk about how you have been working to improve it.Question 5: How do you handle conflict in the workplace?Conflict is a common occurrence in any workplace, so it's important to be able to handle it effectively. In your answer to this question, you should provide an example of asituation where you successfully resolved a conflict. You should also talk about your communication skills and how you would approach conflicts in the future.Question 6: How do you stay current with industry trends and developments?The tech industry is constantly evolving, so it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments. In your answer to this question, you shouldtalk about how you keep yourself informed and any industry events or conferences you have attended. You should also mention any relevant blogs or publications you read on a regular basis.Question 7: Can you give an example of a time when you failed and how you responded to it?This question is designed to test your resilience and problem-solving skills. You should choose an example of atime when you faced a significant challenge or failure and provide details about how you responded to it. It's important to show that you are able to learn from your mistakes and use them as an opportunity for growth.In conclusion, preparing for these commonly askedinterview questions can help you to feel more confident and prepared during your Microsoft interview. Remember to be honest and authentic with your answers and to providespecific examples wherever possible. With careful preparation, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job at Microsoft.。





















可编辑修改精选全文完整版外企HR面试问题提问大全外企hr提问大全section 1 启动1. did you have any trouble finding us?2. how do you know about this job and organization?3. what kind of work do you want to do?4. how would your friends describe you? your professors?5. what else should i know about you?6. what are your expectations of your future employer?7. what two or three things are important to you in your new position?8. what goals have you set for yourself and how are you planning to achieve them?9. who has had the greatest influence on the development of your career interests?10. would your supervisor be surprised to learn that you are seeking new employment?11. how long have you been looking for a job?12. why do you want to leave your current position?13. have you received any offers so far?14. how far can you advance with your current employer?15. if you are so happy where you are, why are you looking for another job?16. do you know much about our company, department, team?17. why would you like to work for us?18. how does this job compare with others you’ve appliedfor?19. what is the ideal position for you in any company?20. based on what you know about our industry right now, how does your ideal job stack up against the description of the job you’re applyi ng for?21. if you could make a wish, what would be you perfect job?22. what causes you to lose your temper?23. what two adjectives best describe you?24. what are your best professional skills?25. if you were in my position, would you hire you?section 2 历史1. in your capacity as a _____ at _____ company, what did you actually do? please provide details.2. what do you feel are the biggest challenges facing this field? this industry?3. tell me about your last (or present) job.4. what do you think it takes for a person to be successful in your particular area?5. how long have you been looking for a position?6. how have previous jobs equipped you for greater responsibility?7. what aspects of your current job would you consider to be crucial to the success of the business? why?8. what was the least relevant job you have held?9. how long will it take for you to make a contribution?10. what did you enjoy most about your last job?11. what did you enjoy least about your last job?12. what was the biggest pressure on your last job?13. have you held other positions like the one you are applying for today? if yes, describe how you expect the positionsto be the same.14. in what ways do you expect them to differ?15. what is the most important thing you learned from your previous experience that you would bring to this job?16. if there were two things you could change in your last job, what would they be and how would you change them?17. why did you leave your last job?18. why do you think you were successful in your last job?19. how has you r last job changed since you’ve held it?20. please describe your last supervisor’s management style.21. if you could make one constructive suggestion to your last ceo, what would it be?。



1.How would you describe yourself?Sample excellent response:My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to become the very best financial consultant I can become.Let me tell you specifically how I've prepared myself.I am an undergraduate student in finance and accounting at Zhejiang University. My past experiences has been in retail and higher education.Both aspects have prepared me well for this career.I have been dreaming of going to the University of Hong Kong since I was 15 when I finished my visit to HKU.What HKU appeals to me most is its academic atmosphere of freedom and the close connection with the whole globe. As the poem written by Petőfi goes,” Both can be given up for freedom.” In my opinion, freedom is what a citizen of a civilized country have to fight for through all his life. And I think the one who is with a great ambition must base his aspiration on a great sight. Having considered all those above, the University of Hong Kong is the best choice for its rich history, culture and lofty reputation.As for the major, I would like to choose BSC(AC) as my first choice and BECON/BFIN/BECON&FIN as the second. At present,our country is in the state of the beginning of the establishing a financial market. There is also a lack of the talented person of finance in our country for the coming decades. So I think such a choice would guarantee good quality work after graduation which could satisfy my expectation of the future. Compared with most western countries ,China is still not that mature in the financial field. My strong will of undertaking the responsibility to help develop our country in her undeveloped fields consists a part of the motivation for me to make such a choice as well.Concerning about the future, to achieve my goal s of life and to be a better man, I’m looking forward to being admitted by the University of Hong Kong eagerly.2.What specific goals,including those related to your occupation,have you established for your life?Sample excellent response:I want to be working for an excellent company like yours in a job in which I am managing information.I plan to contribute my leadership,interpersonal,and technical skills.My long-range career goal is to be the best information systems technician I can for the company I work for.3.How has your college experience prepared you for a business career?Sample excellent response:I have prepared myself to transition into the the work force through real-world experience involving travel abroad,internship,and entrepreneurial opportunities.While interning with a private organization in Ecuador,I developed a 15-page marketing plan composed in Spanish that recommended more effective ways the company could promote its services.I also traveled abroad on two other occasions in which I researched the indigenous culture of the Mayan Indians in Todos Santos,Guatemala,and participate din a total language immersion program in CostaoneRica.As you can see from my academic,extracurricular,and experiential background,I have unconditionally committed myself to success as a marketing professional.4.Please describe the ideal job for you following graduation.Sample excellent response(equates ideal job with job he's interviewing for):My ideal job is one that incorporates both my education and practical work skills to be the best I can ly combining my education in finance with my working knowledge of customer service operations, entrepreneurial abilities,computer skills,and administrative skills.I want to utilize my analytical expertise to help people meet their financial goals.This is exactly why I am convinced that I would be a very valuable member of the Merrill Lynch team.5.What influenced you to choose this career?Sample excellent response:My past experiences have shown me that I enjoy facing and overcoming the challenge of making a sale.Without a doubt,once I have practiced my presentation and prepared myself for objections,I feel very confident approaching people I don't know and convincing them that they need my stly,I like sales because my potential for success is limited only by how much of myself I dedicate toward my goal.If any profession is founded on self-determinism,it surely must be sales.6.At what point did you choose this career?Sample excellent response:I knew that I wanted to pursue information systems technology about my sophomore year in college.It was then that I realized that my that my hobby(computers)was taking up most of my time.My favorite courses were IT courses.I also realized that I was doing computer-oriented work-study that I enjoyed so much I would have done it for free.7.What specific goals have you established for your career?Sample excellent response:My goals include becoming a Certified Financial Advisor so I can obtain a better working knowledge of financial research analysis,which would allow me contribute to my client base as a better financial consultant since I would have that extra insight into the companies they are seeking to invest in.Also this is the foundation block to advancing my career to portfolio manager or even branch office manager.8.What will it take to attain your goals,and what steps have you taken toward attaining them?Sample excellent response:I've already done some research on other workers at Merrill Lynch to see how they achieved similar goals.I know that Merrill Lynch encourages the pursuit and will reimburse for tuition of a graduate degree.I plan on pursuing a MBA to give me an even more extensive knowledge of business and financial analysis.two9.What do you think it takes to be successful in this career?Sample excellent response:I believe successful salespeople put forth that extra effort that turns potential clients into first-time customers.Salespeople who attend to the details by doing whatever it takes to win over a prospective customer distinguish themselves from the countless others who don't go to any extra effort.Second,I think that if you label success as an attainable goal,you will never consistently remain successful.You can only succeed if you learn all there is to learn about your product,your competitors,and personal selling.Since this learning process is continuous,it's an unattainable goal.With good reason,salespeople should not consider success an attainable ending point but an objective that will always linger slightly beyond their reach.10.How do you determine or evaluate success?Give me an example of one of your successful accomplishments.Sample excellent response:Last semester I was hired by by university's Council for Student Activities.The group negotiates contracts of entertainers,sets up sound equipment,markets the entertainers to students,and generally decides what kind of programming should be done.When I got hired,I didn't know the first thing about how fill any of those responsibilities.I decided,however,that I wasn't going to fail.Four months later,I have become the Webmaster for the group.I also write our campus newsletter and created Game Night,a student competition of table games.That event yielded the biggest audience ever for a non-concert event.11.Do you have the qualifications and personal characteristics necessary for success in your chosen career?Sample excellent response:I believe I have a combination of qualities to be successful in this career.First,I have a strong interest, backed by a solid,well-rounded,state-of-the-art education,especially in a career that is technically oriented. This basic ingredient,backed by love of learning,problem-solving skills,well-rounded interests,determination to succeed and excel,strong communication skills,and the ability to work hard,are the most important qualities that will help me succeed in this career.To succeed,you also need a natural curiosity about how systems work--the kind of curiosity I demonstrated when I upgraded my two computers recently.Technology is constantly changing,so you must a fast learner just to keep up or you will be overwhelmed.All of these traits combine to create a solid team member in the ever-changing field of information systems.I am convinced that I possess these characteristics and am ready to be a successful team member for your firm.12.What has been your most rewarding accomplishment?Sample excellent response:A recent satisfying accomplishment I was sent to one of our branch banks that wasthreenotorious for not growing their loan base.The branch had logged$75,000 in new loans in an 18-month period prior to my arrival. Having a reputation as a"hired gun"when it came to loan production I was successful in the solicitation and booking of$700,000 in my first six months at the branch.13.If you could do so,how would you plan your college career differently?Sample excellent response:I wouldn't change anything.All that I have done was a great learning experience that I will carry forward throughout the rest of my life.14.Are you more energized by working with data or by collaborating with other individuals?Sample excellent response:I like the validity of information and also like the energy that comes with working with people.The best thing about working in a group is combining the great minds from different perspectives and coming up with something extremely great,compared with when you're working alone.At the same time,information can generate vitality in the project you're working on.No matter how many heads you've got together,without information,you can't go very far.The perfect situation would be a combination of working with information and people,and I'm confident of my abilities in both areas. [Submitted by"Stacey"]15.How would you describe yourself in terms of your ability to work as a member ofa team?Sample excellent response:I have had many opportunities in both athletics and academics to develop my skills asa team player.My tenure as a rower with my college's crew team serves as a good example.I learned a great deal about teamwork while rowing because all the rowers in the boat must act as one,which meant that we incessantly worked to keep each movement in the boat synchronized.On an individual basis,we still worked toward group goals through weightlifting and land-rowing.My experience as a marketing research team leader also helped me to learn the role of"team player."I viewed my position as that of group leader and of group member.I ensured that everyone in the group had equal opportunity to contribute,maintained excellent communication among group members,and coordinated their energies toward reaching our team's goal.16.What motivates you to put forth you greatest effort?Sample excellent response:You would think that because I am interested in sales,only financial compensation would motivate me to achieve.Although monetary rewards are important to me,I am driven to succeed internally.More than anything,I want to be respected by my friends and coworkers for being the best at what I do.Whether I am considered to be the best car detailer in my hometown or the best columnist for my college newspaper,I want to be recognized as the best.four17.Given the investment our company will make in hiring and training you,can you give us a reason to hire you?Sample excellent response:I sincerely believe that I'm the best person for the job.I realize that there are many other college students who have the ability to do this job.I also have that ability.But I also bring an additional quality that makes me the very best person for the job--my attitude for excellence.Not just giving lip service to excellence,but putting every part of myself into achieving it.In college and at my previous jobs,I have consistently reached for becoming the very best I can become.I think my leadership awards from my college,and my management positions are the result of possessing the qualities you're looking for in an employee.18.Would you describe yourself as goal-driven?Sample excellent response:Yes,and I demonstrated my goal orientation as president of the local Jaycees,a community service organization.I am very proud of the fact that I set a goal of signing 50 new members by the end of the year, and I accomplished that.19.Describe what you've accomplished toward reaching a recent goal for yourself. Sample excellent response:My first few years in banking had me on the fast track to branch management.I realized at some point along the way that my true passion was in offering financial advice not limited to checking accounts and loans.It was at that point that I made the necessary arrangements to go back to school full-time to pursue my goal, which I am just about to achieve.20.What short-term goals and objectives have you established for yourself?Sample excellent response:My short-term objectives are to graduate from the Professional Development Program before the standard two years and begin developing a clientele.As an intern,I prepared ahead of time by studying for the Series 7 and Series 64 exams that constitute a majority of a beginning financial consultant's time.I'd like to make make the company that hires me wonder what it ever did without me.21.Can you describe your long-range goals and objectives?Sample excellent response:My primary objectives are to learn as much as possible about your company's product offering,organizational structure,and professional sales techniques so that I may become the most productive member of your sales team.22.What do you expect to be doing in five years?Sample excellent response:Although it is hard to predict the future,I sincerely believe that I will become a veryfivegood financial consultant.I believe that my abilities will allow me to excel to the point that I can seek other opportunities as a portfolio manager(the next step)and possibly even higher.My ultimate goal continues to be--and will always be--to be the best at whatever level I am working at within Merrill Lynch's corporate structure.23.What do you see yourself doing in ten years?Sample excellent response:Ten years from now I see myself as a successful consultant for a world-class firm like yours.I want to have developed a wonderful bond with my employer I will have proven myself a highly competent systems analyst and will represent my company in helping others find solutions to their information-systems needs in a professional and timely manner.24.How would you evaluate your ability to deal with conflict?Sample excellent response:I believe I am quite good at handling conflict.Working in retail and in the residence halls required that I make many unpopular decisions at times,whether it was terminating an associate or taking judicial action on a resident.Often the person in conflict with me would be upset and sometimes physically outraged.I would always make sure that I fully explained the situation,the policies behind my decision,and why those policies ually by the end of the conversation,the person could see the other side of the situation.25.Have you ever had difficulty with a supervisor or instructor?How did you resolve the conflict?Sample excellent response:Yes,I had an incident with my Spanish professor.I turned in an essay that she said was too good to be mine. I was honest with her;I told her that I had a native speaker review the essay,but he made very few corrections.However,I had broken the Golden Rule of Spanish Composition--the essay must not even touch the hands of a native speaker.To prove to her that I was capable of producing an essay that exceeded her expectations of a non-native speaker,I offered to re-write another essay in her office.I earned an A-minus.26.Tell me about a major problem you recently handled.Were you successful in resolving it?Sample excellent response:While working at K-mart,I was one of three people to work in the electronics department.One day upon arriving at work,I was told the district manager was coming the next day to do a store inspection.The two other people who worked in electronics were both over 55.Neither could lift heavy objects,and one refused to work at all.As a result,the electronics department was usually left to me to keep stocked with product and kept in order.I had about five hours of work time to get the entire department in order.Those five hours passed around,and there was still a substantial amount of worksixto be done.I asked the store manager if I could stay and work after hours while the overnight stockers were there.He said that because of the employment budget,he could not let me.I was faced with bringing the entire store's rating down,so I suggested a creative staffing solution,allowing me to work the extra hours while temporarily reducing the hours of the other two members of the department.Because of this solution,in a matter of hours,the department was in tip-top shape--and still under budget.And the results?The electronics department got a score of 95 out of 100.27.Would you say that you can easily deal with high-pressure situations?Sample excellent response:Yes.My past experience as an Administrative Coordinator required me to deal with many serious situations since I held emergency on-call duties as a supervisor.One example was when I was called by a Resident Assistant to deal with an attempted suicide on her residence hall floor.The situation required that I think clearly and quickly in this life-and-death situation.I had to weigh the many tasks that needed to be completed. I had to assign RAs to call 911,make sure that EMS could get into the locked building,while at the same time applying first aid,and ensuring that the rest of the residents on the floor were OK.I also had to make sure the privacy of the resident in need was respected.I basically prioritized and dealt with each task by its importance.I delegated responsibility to RAs for things that they were capable of handling because I could not physically be in many places at once.Once the resident was taken to the hospital,I was responsible for paperwork and follow up to make sure the staff members,residents,and the resident-in-need adjusted back to"normal"life.I know this is an extreme example not found in the financial consulting field;however,it shows just how well I can deal with extreme pressure.28.What quality or attribute do you feel will most contribute to your career success? Sample excellent response:My greatest strength is my flexibility.I have learned that work conditions change from day to day and throughout the day,as well,no matter where I have worked in the past.I also have realized that certain projects require individual attention and others involve a teamwork approach.These are just a few examples of the changes that happen in the financial consulting field,as you are well aware.My flexibility to adapt to the different demands of the job has allowed me to surpass my supervisor's expectations.29.What personal weakness has caused you the greatest difficulty in school or on the job?Sample excellent response(shows how he recognized his weakness and worked to improve):My greatest weakness had been delegation.I would take it upon myself to do many small projects throughout my shift as a manager that could have been done by others in an attempt to improve my workers'efficiency. Once I realized that I was doing more work than the other assistant managers,and they were achieving better results,I reevaluated what I was doing.I quickly realized that if I assigned each person just one small project at the beginning of their shift,clearly state expectations for thesevenproject,and then follow up that everything would get done,and I could manage much more efficiently and actually accomplish much more.30.What were your reasons for selecting your college or university?Sample excellent response(tells how education specifically will benefit the employer): My college has always had a reputation as having an excellent accounting department,so I knew that if I enrolled there,I would achieve first-class preparation for my chosen career field.It is also a highly accredited school known for satisfying employers with the preparation of its graduates--that's why companies like yours recruit at my school--the school produces top graduates.The school offers an excellent liberal-arts background,which research shows equips graduates with numerous qualities,such as versatility and strong critical-thinking skills.Finally,having visited the campus before enrolling,I knew that the business school emphasized group projects.During my four years in the school,I participated in more than 35 group projects, which taught me invaluable teamwork,communication,and interpersonal skills.31.If you could change or improve anything about your college,what would it be? Sample excellent response:My major department had a wonderful internship program,and I was able to complete three valuable internships with my department's guidance.Some other departments in the business school don't have internship programs that are as strong as my department's.I'd like to see all the departments have strong internship programs so all my school's business grads would have the same opportunities that I had.32.How will the academic program and coursework you've taken benefit your career? Sample excellent response(response is very specific to the job he is interviewing for): As you will note on my resume,I've taken not only the required core classes for the finance field,I've also gone above and beyond by double majoring in accounting.I doubled majored since I knew that the financial consulting field requires much knowledge of portfolio analysis and understanding of the tax laws.I believe that my success in both areas of study have specifically prepared me for this area.But it's not just taking the classes in these two areas that allows me to offer Merrill Lynch clients more.I minored in Spanish to understand the growing hispanic clientele in the Central Florida area,which as you are well aware is a growing source of revenue for the industry.If you like,I can elaborate on other aspects of my education further.33.Which college classes or subjects did you like best?Why?Sample excellent response:My favorite classes have been the ones pertaining to my major,which is marketing.These classes have laid the groundwork for my career in marketing.They have also taught me skills that I can bring to my employer, ranging from communication skills to interacting with others.eight34.Are you the type of student for whom conducting independent research has been a positive experience?Sample excellent response:Yes,I love it.I thoroughly enjoyed my senior research in college while many others in my class were miserable.I was never tired of learning more about my topic and found it exhilarating to be researching something that had not been studied before.35.Describe the type of professor that has created the most beneficial learning experience for you.Sample excellent response:My favorite professors were the ones who gave me hands-on learning experiences that I can apply to my career.Any person can make you memorize the quadratic equation,but someone who can show you how to use it,and why,were the professors I liked.I liked teachers who realized that sometimes there is more then one answer and everyone thinks differently.36.Do you think that your grades are a indication of your academic achievement? Sample excellent response:I have focused much of my energy on work and obtaining real-world experience.I commend my classmates who have earned high GPAs,but I also feel it's important to be well-rounded.In addition to work experience,I participated in sports and extracurricular activities in school.These activities taught me leadership, communication,and teamwork skills.Sometimes my heavy load has not allowed me to keep up with some of my studies,but I have learned an enormous amount that I can apply in my future industry.As you will discover if you talk to my supervisors,my ability to work effectively is much more reflective of my future potential than is my GPA.37.What plans do you have for continued study?An advanced degree?Sample excellent response:I plan to continue my education for the rest of my life.In any technology-related field,keeping up to date through continuing education is of the utmost importance.Continuing education can include on-the-job training,courses sponsored by the employer,and courses taken in new technologies as they emerge.I plan to be not only a career employee but a career student so that I can be the best information systems analyst I can be.I will ensure,however,that any education I pursue not only doesn't interfere with my job or the company's policies,but will enhance my value as an employee.38.Before you can make a productive contribution to the company,what degree of training do you feel you will require?Sample excellent response:My background has been focused on preparing me for the financial consulting industry,so I can be productive right away.I already have obtained the educationalninecredentials and skills to allow me to become an immediate asset to Merrill Lynch.After interning for a semester,I am well aware of the shared beliefs of the organization and its corporate values.I already have a very good working knowledge of the financial consulting business.I am confident of my ability to get up to speed quickly in any assignment with which I'm not familiar.39.Describe the characteristics of a successful manager.Sample excellent response:A successful manager should have the vision and capabilities to formulate strategies to reach his or her objectives and communicate these ideas to his or her team members.In addition to serving as a positive role model for co-workers,successful managers must also be capable of inspiring others to recognize,develop, and apply their talents to their utmost potential to reach a common goal.These are the traits I hope to demonstrate when I'm a manager.40.Why did you decide to seek a position in this field?Sample excellent response:I want to work in the marketing and PR industry because ever since I took my first marketing course in college, I have felt very passionate toward the industry and cannot imagine myself doing anything else.41.Tell me what you know about our company.Sample excellent response:You're large and respected worldwide.You're both a clinical and teaching hospital.Over the last 60 to 70 years you've produced award-winning research.In reviewing your Web site,I've familiarized myself with many of your corporate goals and objectives.42.Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?Sample excellent response:I am convinced that there would be no better place to work than Accenture.You are the top consulting firm in the United States.You provide your employees with the tools they need to stay competitive and sharpen their skills while working in an open,team-based environment.I am also aware that you provide a mentor for all new employees,and I would embrace any opportunity to work with a mentor and eventually become one myself.43.Do you have a geographic preference?Sample excellent response:Although I would prefer to stay in the Mid-Atlantic area,I would not rule out other possibilities.44.Why do you think you might like to live in the community in which our company is located?ten。



SRE(Site Reliability Engineering)面试中的深度问题可以涉及多个领域,包括但不限于技术、工程、团队协作、系统设计、性能优化、故障排查等。

以下是一些可能有深度的问题,供您参考:1. 描述一下你曾经解决过的最复杂的性能问题。


2. 假设你负责一个大型网站的维护和优化,你如何确保网站的高可用性和稳定性?这个问题考察对系统设计和维护的理解,以及团队协作和沟通能力。

3. 描述一下你使用过的最有效的代码审查工具和方法。


4. 描述一下你曾经参与过的最复杂的故障排查和修复过程。


5. 描述一下你如何使用日志和监控工具来提高网站的可观察性和响应速度。


6. 描述一下你曾经使用过的最有效的自动化工具或技术,如何提高网站运维的效率?这个问题考察对自动化工具和技术应用的理解和实施能力。

7. 描述一下你如何平衡开发速度和代码质量之间的关系,以及如何处理代码变更对系统性能的影响。


8. 描述一下你在过去的工作中是如何保持数据安全和隐私的。


9. 在一个快速发展的互联网公司中,你如何平衡长期稳定性和短期创新性的需求?这个问题考察对系统设计和维护的理解,以及决策和应变能力。

10. 你如何处理与其他团队的沟通和协作问题?这个问题考察团队协作和沟通能力。

回答这些问题时,请注意以下几点:* 结合具体案例或项目经验来回答问题,展示你的实际技能和经验。

* 强调你的解决问题和决策的能力,展示你的应变和创新能力。

* 展示你对SRE理念和方法的了解,包括自动化、可观察性、韧性等。

* 保持回答清晰、有条理,让面试官能够理解你的思路和方法。

招聘秘笈——S R式发问

招聘秘笈——S R式发问














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23:课外学习•在大学四年当中,除课本外,有没有学习其它资料?•你读的书主要偏重哪些方面?•为何要读这方面的书呢?•这些书都读完了吗?•有没有读得特别熟的书呢?焈 请简要介绍一下这本书的基本思路。

焈 书的内容好不好理解?焈 看书遇到难理解的地方,是自己去钻研呢?还是请教别人?焈 这本书的知识是否在某项工作中应用?焈 请举例说明在你遇到问题时,是如何运用这本书的知识,分析、检验和解决问题的?焈 在你所学习的知识中,课外自学所占的比例有多少?焈 课外的学习有哪些收获?焈 还需要在哪些方面加强学习?评价:考核学习能力、主动性24、自学课程•除了学校规定要完成的课程之外,请问你还自学了哪些课程?•你是采用何种自学方式?•做了哪些习题?是和教材配套或者教材里的题目吗?•有没有和同学讨论或问老师呢?•与同学讨论哪些内容呢?•问老师呢哪些内容呢?•自学的效果怎么样?•考试成绩如何?•就你的自身感觉来看,自学和老师讲课都是学习的两个方面,你更喜欢那种方式,在你所掌握的知识中,那种方式更重要?评价:主要考核学习能力。

25、学习上的互助•在学习方面向你求教的同学多不多?•都向你求教些什么问题?•你通常是如何回答?•别人向你求教可你不会怎么办呢?焈 在大学里有没有你每次遇到困难都能给你帮助的人?评价:考核合作性、服务精神、主动性等素质。

