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T ask 1: T ypes of business
Task 1): Vocabulary
Find out the equivalent terms in Chinese. As well as asking students think of one advantage and disadvantage for each approach, ask them to give an example of a business they know which matches
Reference expressions
Credit rating 信用度,信用评级
Franchise agreement 特许协议
Franchise fee 特许证费用
Well-established 公认的,知名的
Brand name 品牌名称
Financial assistance 金融支持
As a sole trader, you are independent; you are your own boss.作为独立经销者,你做事独立自主,你是你自己的老板。

As a franchisee, your promotional activities, financial records, hiring, service procedure, etc. are not in complete control of your own.作为被特许的经销者,你无法完全掌控促销活动、财务记录、员工雇佣、产品服务等环节。

In partnership you share risks and profits with your partner.在合伙经营中你与合伙人风险共担,利益共享。

You may disagree with your partner on strategy.在决策方面你与合伙人可能会有分歧。

Franchising enables people to both own a business and get help running it.特许经营能够使人们在拥有公司的同时得到如何经营公司的帮助。

A well-run franchise organization can provide a person who has never managed a business with guidance.经营良好的特许企业可以给从未拥有或经营过企业的人指引方向。

Franchisors can provide a brand name, products or services and financial assistance.特许企业可以提供品牌、产品或服务,甚至金融支持。

Franchisees have to pay franchise fees and they lose some independence.加盟者必须支付特许证费而且会丧失一定的独立性。

Sometimes the training programs provided by the franchisors are weak --- too brief and staffed by trainers who do not have instructional skill.有时特许经营者提供的培训课程收效甚微:太简短,而且选派的培训者缺乏授课技巧。

Task 2):Reading---We wanna hold your hand
II.Reading in depth sense: It is the application of wisdom for today's business, or simply put, common sense
in business. It is more than knowledge, facts, and figures. It is copious use of ideas especially those that are so simple, ordinary, or basic that they are disregarded. It is insight, the ability to interpret developments and the business environment differently, and to see, discern, and use differently and profitably, what others see but ignore because they look so ordinary or appear foolish.
2.entrepreneurial spirit创业的,具有企业精神的
entrepreneur [ɔntrəprə’nə:]〈法〉创业者,企业家(尤指涉及财务风险的) the show 主持演出,主持,操纵
4.the most entrepreneurial = massively entrepreneurial 极具开拓进取精神的
5.branch out into franchising 从…分离出来,拓展新业务
6.log on to 登陆,上网
eg. Log on to the internet without cables 无线上网
Task 3):Listening---Advice on franchises & Planning a seminar
I.Notes taking
Ask students to listen to a trainer doing a seminar on being an entrepreneur and make them to take notes about the question: ‘What advice does the trainer give?’
--- you must be someone who likes to follow rules and have support from others.
--- choose a strong brand and something you’re interested in
--- you need start-up capital
Task 4):Grammar---Will and the future
Task 5):Speaking---discussing a schedule
I.Pair work
There are 2 stages to this pair work activity.
1) Reading stage: students need to turn to their files on Pages 126 and 131 and read the correspondence. Using the information, they make changes to the schedule on Page 29.
Student A:
However, before you confirm these details, read some correspondence and make any changes and notes on the schedule. Finally, meet with your partner to discuss and confirm the final version.
From: r.thorne@
Subject: workshop
Thank you for inviting me to run a workshop on the 15th. I am delighted to confirm that I will be able to attend. I would like to suggest the title: ‘You might want it but does your customer?’It will be about targeting the customer and improving service. Does that sound OK? I’m currently available either morning or afternoon. Please confirm asap. Regards
TELEPHONE MESSAGE Fiona Br ewst er called. She has a
pr oblem wit h speaking on t he 15t h. She’s going t o be lat e so asked t o speak lat er in t he day. C an you change her session? Maybe t o lat er in t he mor ning or t he af t er noon?
St udent A Secur it y j ust said t hey
pr obably won’t be opening t he building unt il 9.15 on t he 15t h. I t’s a pr oblem wit h
st af f ing!
9:15-9:30 Registration and coffee (should we put everything back by fifteen minutes?) 9:30-11:00 Introductions and workshop: ‘You might want it but does your customer?’Speaker: R Thorne
3:30- 5:00 Talk: ‘A good idea does not necessarily make money
Speaker: Fiona Brewster
Student B:
TELEPHONE MESSAGE Laszio Reiner called t o conf ir m his t alk. His f light lands at 8.30 on Sunday evening. Will you be meet ing him? By t he way, he seems t o t hink he’s speaking f or t wo hour s not one. He also said it isn’t r eallly a t alk –mor e of a discussion and wor kshop.
C an you let him know?Subject: another change!
I rang earlier and left a message saying I’d be late and couldn’t do the morning session. Actually I can now but it will have to be mid morning. Then I definitely have to leave after lunch. Sorry to change things around like this.
The company doing t he buf f et
on Monday have made a mist ake.
They can’t guar ant ee 1 pm. Do
you mind if it’s 1.15?
St udent B 11:30-1:00 Talk: ‘A good idea does not necessarily make money’
Speaker: Fiona Brewster. (She can’t do 9:30? What do we replace her with at 9:30 Workshop and mini-presentations by each participant. (When do we do this?)
1:15-2:00 Lunch (Can we shorten lunch or put events back by fifteen minutes?)
2:00-3:00 Workshop: Online businesses – the myth and the truth
Speaker: Laszlo Reiner (He wants to speak for two hours!)
2) Speaking stage: working in pairs students report on the changes to their schedules and try to prepare a finalized schedule. Make sure each pair presents their version and gives reasons. Note that there is no one correct version.
9:15-9:45 Registration and coffee
9:45-11:15: Introductions and workshop: ‘You might want it but does your customer?’Speaker: R Thorne
11:45-1:15 Talk: ‘A good idea does not necessarily make money’
Speaker: Fiona Brewster
1:15-2:15: Lunch
2:15-4:15: Workshop: Online businesses – the myth and the truth
Speaker: Laszlo Reiner
4:30-5:30 Mini-presentations by each participant
T ask 2 Listening T est-Part 1
Task 1): Listening—Leaving messages
I.Tips for Part one
















II. Tips for part two








一般说来,应对BEC 中级听力特别是短文听力,其备考训练必须抓住竖听和横听两点结合来进行。





Task 2): Speaking —Leaving a voicemail message
I. Format
Telephone messages or slips are a kind of notes, including visitor slips, appointment slips, asking-for-a-leave slips, message slips, etc.
Telephone slips, as well as other notes, are written for the convenience of the people who are temporarily off.
Telephone slips may be designed and printed as standard office slips (sample 1) or written in a casual way (sample 3).
Telephone Message
in your absence
Mr/Mrs/Miss _________________________________________of ___________________________________________________ Telephone No.:________________________________________
and left the following message
Signed: ______________________
Date: _________________ Time: _________________
Sample 1
Sample 3
Please call …about sth.
II. Direction
1. Students make up their own message. It can be similar to the kind of message they leave in their work or they can crate any context they like.
2. Students work in pairs and leave their message. Afterwards, students can compare and check they have all the key information. Make sure that students use some of the expressions in exercise
3. III. Reference expressions
When you leave voicemail, it is important to be very clear:
●Prepare the listener for the message
This is Frank Larsen from Scandinavian Conference
It’s 9.30 on Wednesday morning.
I’m ringing about the sales report.
●Make requests simple and polite
Could you send me the report, please?
Could you please call me back?
●Give clear contact information
I’m in Helsinki until Friday.
My telephone number is 345766.
Task 3): Writing—Taking notes and messages
I. Taking notes
1. Refer students to the Learning Tip. Being able to summarize and shorten what someone has said is
a particularly useful skill in business, not only for phone messages but also for note-taking at meetings or presentations.
2. Students listen to the recordings again from exercise 1 on page 30. They may need to hear them twice. Ask students to take note of the key words the first time they listen, and finalize their messages on the second listening.
II. Reference phrases
(1)Just a minute. I’ll get a pen. 请等一下,我拿支笔。

(2)I’ll let him know, Mr. Brown.
(3)No. I really need to talk to him personally.
(4)would you like to lave a message on his voicemail,
(5)Hold on and I’ll transfer you. 稍候,我会帮您转接过去。

(6)I’m not available to take your call, but please leave your
name, number and a brief message.
(7)Please call me at 556-3243 when you get back.
T ask 3: Listening T est-Part 2
I. Dos & Don’ts

Step 1:第一遍听磁带时认真做题,对所选取的每段文章都认真仔细,注意时间,模拟考场氛围。


Step 2:脱离文字材料再听4-5遍磁带。



Step 3:在足够熟悉此段落中的内容后,打开文字材料,一边听录音一边看,并在段落中相应考点和问题答案,仔细体会,分析自己为什么被某些干扰项误导。

Step 4:跟着磁带大声朗读,以提高自己的语速。


1. 鸵鸟式听法。



2. 多而不精。



3. 不愿对着文字材料大声朗读,认为听力就是听力,没有必要和朗读口语联系起来。



4. 训练时间安排不得当。




