法学专业毕业论文外文翻译--- 新西兰奥特来罗瓦的公正和法律
北京化工大学北方学院NORTH COLLEGE OF BEIJING UNIVERSITY OFCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY(2011)届本科生毕业设计外文文献翻译题目:半干法烟气脱硫—反应器的优化学院:理工学院专业:应用化学学号: 070105131 姓名:谷东亮指导教师:孟献民老师教研室主任(负责人):顾明广老师2011 年 5 月 18 日外文文献原稿和译文原稿ABSTRACTThe TURBOSORP process is a dry flue gas cleaning system to remove pollutants like,,mercury,heavy metals, dioxins and furans, and dust. The main principle of this process is tobring flue gas into an intensive contact with calcium hydroxide, open hearth furnace coke, waterand recirculated material in the Turboreactor, which operates as a circulating fluidized bed in themanner of fast fluidization.In 2000 AE&E started a development and research project with the aim to simulate the fluiddynamics of the Turboreactor with a commercially used CFD code. Starting with the developmentof the one-phase simulation the existing reactor geometry was optimized concerning the pressureloss. After this step research activities on a two-phase simulation (gas and solid flow) based on theconcept of Euler-Lagrange should help to better understand the mechanism of solid distribution inthe reactor and to calculate the part of the pressure drop of the fluidized bed depending on thesolids.Among other things the recent results of the start-up phase of a TURBOSORP FGD-plant withoptimized reactor design are described in this paper. As a highlight the Turboreactor pressure losswas reduced by about 20 percent, compared to a conventional reactor design. INTRODUCTIONToday, the application of dry technologies for the cleaning of flue gases of power stations or wasteincineration plants is considered as the state-of-the-art technology. Due to the use of the fluidizedbed technology and of the recirculation of the partially reacted product it hasbeen possible toeliminate prejudices against this technology which were based upon a bad utilisation of the sorbentand low separation performances.Because of the considerably reduced investment costs there is an important market potential for thedry technology in addition to the wet technology. Especially in the field of retrofitting and/orrehabilitation of existing plants the dry technology plays an important role.Presently, various competitors offer dry processes on the market of which the differences in theprocess concept hardly can be discerned. In certain cases, the differences only exist in the planttechnology and in the design of the reactor. Nevertheless, the potential of optimisation aiming atfurther improved desulphurisation performances and at minimum consumption of consumables is not exhausted yet.As state-of-the-art in the field of flue gas desulphurisation removal efficiencies up to 95 % at Ca/Sratiosup to 1.25 can be achieved with this technology without problems. Even in the field of fluegas cleaning after waste incineration plants the emission limits as prescribed by the 17th Decree ofthe German Federal Immission Act (17. BImSchV) can be achieved (see table1.Table 1: Emission regulations for flue gases from waste incineration - EuropeAustrian Energy and Environment AG (AEE), emerged from the traditional companies WaagnerBiro AG and Simmering Graz Pauker AG, was reestablished in July 2002, after a short intermezzowith the German Babcock Borsig Power Group between 1999 and 2002. By way of theTURBOSORPÒ process AEE offers a dry technology for the flue gas desulphurisation and the fluegas cleaning after waste incineration plants. Because of the use of the most up-to-date design tools like e.g. CFD-modeling of critical plant components, AEE is able to provide an optimum design.Additionally, AEE operates a pilot plant where critical operating cases, as for example extreme fluegas compositions, can be simulated duringexperiment.PROCESS TECHNOLOGYIn the TURBOSORPÒ process the flue gas flows through a cylindrical apparatus (fluidized bedreactor) from the bottom to the top. The bed material is made up of solids, consisting of calciumhydroxide, calcium carbonate, the solid reaction products of the flue gas cleaning process, and ashesfrom the combustion process. Fresh and active material, either Ca(OH)2 or CaO, is injected into thereactor while solids, that have already undergone several cycles are recirculated into the reactor(refer to Fig. 1). The term …cycle“ means a complete circulation of the sorbent particles through thewhole plant (Turboreactor, separator, buffering tanks that may be installe.In order to lower the flue gas temperature for achieving an increased desulphurisation capacitywater is injected horizontally or vertically, usually by means of a water nozzle, which is in thevicinity of the flue gas inlet. 6 In addition to the temperature reduction of the flue gas this also leadsto an increase in the relative humidity. Moreover, the wetting of the recirculated sorbents in thereactor makes new and reactive surfaces accessible at the solids particles as product layers whichwere already formed become detached again by thiswetting (refer to Fig. 2.Apart from this activation by means of the water injection a mechanical activation of therecirculated solids particles is also achieved by means of the turbulent flow in the fluidized bedreactor, as the solids particles collide with each other and with the wall. The operating state of thefluidized bed lies within the range of the so-called ²fast fluidized beds², i.e. within the transitionzone to pneumatic conveying.The flue gas inlet of the Turboreactor is designed as a Venturi nozzle. Due to the high flue gasvelocities in the Venturi nozzle the collapse of the fluidized bed and the falling down of solidparticles through the Venturi nozzle is avoided.After the outlet from the Turboreactor the solid particles are separated from the flue gas inaseparator. When using the TURBOSORPÒ process for flue gas desulphurisation either electrostaticprecipitators or fabric filters, preferably with mechanical pre-separators, can be used. When using itfor the cleaning of flue gases of a waste incineration plant, only a fabric filter may be installed. Therecirculation of the separated material in the reactor can be made either pneumatically (fluidizing conveyor) or mechanically (screw conveyor). Fig. 3 shows the process flow diagram of theTURBOSORP process.For the use of the TURBOSORPÒ process within the framework of the flue gas desulphurisationand/or in the field of gas cleaning after waste incineration plants not only the solids separator isdifferent but mainly the operating range of the process.Fig. 4 shows the different applications for the TURBOSORPÒ process. Depending on the relationbetween SO2 and HCl there are three types of applications, the TURBOSORPÒ-FGD (flue gasdesulphurization), the TURBOSORPÒ-FGCB (flue gas cleaning after biomass boilers) and theTURBOSORPÒ-FGCW (flue gas cleaning after waste incinerators).In the TURBOSORPÒ-FGD process the minimum operating temperature depends on the situationof the water dew point of the gas to be cleaned. It is recommended to maintain a minimum distanceof 20 to 25°C from the dew point, which prevents caking or agglomeration of the solids on the wallsin the Turboreactor. The content of chlorine in the flue gas is to be considered as well as thereaction product, which is strongly hygroscopic, and may lead to caking andagglomeration.For the use of the TURBOSORPO-FGCW process in the field of flue gas cleaning after wasteincineration plants the content of chlorine of the flue gas is higher than the content of SO2.Furthermore, in the TURBOSORPO-FGC process open-hearth oven coke (HOC) is injected inaddition to the sorbent containing calcium, which guarantees the separation of dioxins/furans aswell as the separation of the volatile heavy metals like mercury, cadmium, and thallium. In theTURBOSORPO-FGCB process the relation ofwill be between the FGD and the FGCW.The typical range of the operation temperature can be found in Fig. 5. The exact temperaturedepends also on the relative humidity, the fly ash input into the process and the demandedseparation efficiency for the.The product of the TURBOSORPO-FGD process can be dumped in a landfill for non-hazardouswaste without further treatment. Stabilized product can also be used for special building purposeslike sound insulation or the final covering of landfills.The product from the TURBOSORPO-FGBC or FGCW process can be dumped in a landfill fornon-hazardous waste only after a further stabilization which is required because of the mobilizationof the heavy metals that would occur otherwise.CFD-SIMULATIONThe design and optimization of circulating fluidized beds is still a challenging task. To get a betterunderstanding of the behavior of the multi-phase flow inside the reactor, the application ofComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can be a helpful tool. For the optimization and theinvestigation of the TURBOSORPO process, a research project was started in the year 2000 incooperation of Austrian Energy and Environment and the University ofLeoben to perform CFDsimulationsof this process.The following milestones were fixed for the research project:·Development of a strategy to simulate the two-phase flow of solids and flue gases forengineering purposes.· Consideration of the heat transfer between the solids and the gas.· Extension of the model to describe the three-phase flow of gas, solids, and water.· Modeling the evaporation of the water droplets and the drying of the agglomerates. Currently, the third point in the project schedule has been reached.Theoretical backgroundWe use the commercial CFD-Software FIRE 7.3, of AVL-List GmbH. The program is a generalpurpose CFD-software package and it uses the finite-volume method to simulate fluid systems. Thesolution domain is subdivided into a finite number of volume elements. To each volume element,the conservation equation for mass, momentum, energy andadditional parameters of the flow field(e.g. species concentration) are applied.To take into account the turbulence of the gas flow, the k-e two-equation model is used.The description of the multiphase flow is based on the Euler-Lagrange approach. While the gasphase is treated as a continuous fluid, the solid particles and liquid droplets are represented by anumber of numerical particles. The motion of the numerical particles is calculated by solvingLagrangian equations of motions in accordance with Newton’s Second Law. The interactionbetween the continuous and the dispersed phase is considered by two-way coupling.The application of the Euler-Lagrange approach to simulate multi-phase flow in circulatingfluidized beds is somewhat untypical, because it is valid only for dilute flows. Nevertheless, due tothe flow regime of fast fluidization up to pneumatic conveying and the very low overallconcentration of solids and water in the reactor, the assumption of a dilute flow is valid, except nearthe solids feed.The advantages of this way of multi-phase flow modeling are the capabilities of a more detaileddescription of the properties of the dispersed phase like size distribution or inter-particle forces.For the application of FIRE, it was necessary to extend the code with usersubroutines for thedescription of particle-wall, particle-particle interaction, solids input and recirculation as well aswater injection. A routine for the modeling of the interaction of solids particles with the waterdroplets and the resulting formation of agglomerates is currently in the test phase.译文摘要半干法烟气是一个用干燥的流体清洗系统来去除烟气污染物如二氧化硫、盐酸、氢氟酸、水银、重金属、二恶英和呋喃、尘土的脱硫过程。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:强奸罪文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:法学专业班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)题目:论强奸罪的犯罪对象专业(方向):法学专业外文出处:CRIMINAL LAW NEWS.ISSUE 52 FEBRUARY2013.ISSN 1758-843X.外文资料翻译译文强奸罪1.普通法系中的强奸“强奸”一词的字典定义包括对一个人或社区的任何严重破坏性侵犯。
暴力强奸的罪行可能由陌生人或者甚至是受害者认识的人犯下,研究表明,这种类型的强奸是最常见的报道(Bachman and Saltzman, 1995)。
外文翻译原文:Constructs of Justice: Beyond Civil Litigation Of:Alan J. Tomkins andKimberly ApplequistProminent justice theories, that is, distributive, procedural, restorative, and retributive justice.Briefly, distributive justice is concerned primarily with the perceived fairness of the outcome of a given proceeding, whether that proceeding is judicial, quasi judicial or entirely non-judicial in nature. Procedural justice, in contrast, is concerned with whether the procedures used in a given process are considered fair by the participants, and is similarly not restricted to judicial settings. Restorative justice is concerned, as the name implies, with restoring an injured party to his or her pre-injury state and helping the injuring party recognize and redress the injurious nature of his or her acts. Finally, retributive justice looks at the psychology of responding to harms that have been inflicted. Recent research indicates that retributive and restorative justice principles are, as with the distributive and procedural justice contexts, applicable outside the judicial context.Justice constructs as well as the numbers, their boundaries, etc. For purposes of this rely on the constructs of justice used by Tom Tyler, by far the most prolific and important of modern justice scholars, and his colleagues in their book, Social Justice in a Diverse Society.Constructs of Justice: Beyond Civil Litigation 259 distribution of resources among competing parties, while a need-based allocation might result in a previously disadvantaged party receiving a larger share of the resources, and an efficiency-based allocation might call for distributing a larger share to those parties that produce the most. In a given situation, then, how might one decide which principle(s) should be applied to make an appropriate allocation determination? There is, perhaps not surprisingly, some dispute about this. Rawls himself felt that the principles apply in some sort of orderly hierarchy, but others have argued that people may use most or allof the principles to some degree, depending on the given situation . Research in the area of distributive justice also suggests that there may be differences in priority for people of different demographic groups. Gender, race, and cultural background can all affect distribution prioritization, as can cognitive processes such as attributions.Given the principles that appear to be at work in the distributive justice construct, then, it is not difficult to see how research in this area could tell us much not only about civil justice in courtroom settings, but also about legislative decisions that regulate courtroom outcomes or allocate resources directly. Distributive justice principles would be particularly valuable to examine public satisfaction with administrative agency decision-making, which regulates so much activity in American society, particularly with respect to the allocation or distribution of resources.Procedural Justice Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, distributive justice principles are often less important to disputants than other factors when individuals are asked to evaluate their overall satisfaction with the resolution of some dispute or resource allocation. In many instances, procedural justice principles carry greater weight than distributive outcome measures like equity or equality in determining the overall level of satisfaction for parties to a dispute. In other words, individuals who view the dispute resolution process as fair are often more willing to accept outcomes that are objectively less equal or equitable. Starting with early research by John, a social psychologist, and Laurens Walker, a law professor, into procedural justice, the role of perceptions of procedural justice has been and continues to be a major focus for researchers. Indeed, research into the interactive roles of procedural 260 A. J. Tomkins, K. Applequist and distributive justice indicates that a sense of procedural justice is usually more important than a sense of distributive justice in determining whether an outcome or distribution allocation is likely to be accepted by the parties to a dispute.Procedural justice, as the name implies, focuses on whether the procedures used to make an allocation determination are fair, without regard to the actual outcome. Tyler identifies four key factors that individuals weigh when determining whether a proceeding is procedurally fair: fairness and neutrality of the decision maker;opportunity to present one’s side of the dispute; trustworthiness of the decision maker; and respectful treatment of all parties during the course of the proceedings.Perhaps least surprising among the four components of procedural justice is the requirement that the decision maker be perceived as neutral. Although it might seem reasonable that one would prefer to have a dispute heard by a judge known to be biased in favor of the claimant’s position,2 it is also the case that no one would want to have a matter resolved by a decisionmaker known to be biased against the claimant. Thus, it is important that the decisionmaker be perceived as neutral by all parties to a dispute in order to prevent either party from feeling that justice has suffered due to the decisionmaker’s bias.As important as the neutrality of the decisionmaker is the opportunity to present one’s side of the dispute in front of that neutral decisionmaker.Research indicates that the opportunity to voice one’s position is critical to the overall perception of procedural justice. Indeed, there are reports of instances where even though a party has received everything sought in a dispute, he or she nevertheless reports frustration with the proceedings due to the denial of the opportunity to fully tell his or her story. Tyler reports defendants’ dissatisfaction with a traffic court judge who routinely dismissed the tickets of those who appeared in court to contest them. The judge reasoned that if the defendants had taken the time off their jobs to come to court to fight the matter, they had been sufficiently punished for whatever infraction they might have been charged with. Although the outcome manifestly favored those who contested their traffic tickets, the defendants frequently reported that they felt frustrated with the outcome because they were not given the opportunity to present their case before the decision was rendered. Many of them had gone to some lengths to prepare their case–taking pictures of the scene or arranging witnesses – only to have all charges dropped before they could tell their side of the story. Despite the positive distributive outcome, they were disturbed by the fact that their voice was not heard.Related but not identical to the neutrality of the decisionmaker is his, her, or their trustworthiness. A biased decisionmaker by definition will not be deemed trustworthyby all parties to a dispute, but neutrality does not guaranteeIndeed, this common sentiment is the inspiration behind a t-shirt that is popular among litigators, which reads, ‘A good lawyer knows the law; a great lawyer knows the judge.’Constructs of Justice: Beyond Civil Litigation 261 trustworthiness. Rather, the decisionmaker must be an individual or group whom the parties believe will apply any relevant laws, rules, or other decisionmaking principles in an appropriate and consistent manner to oversee the proceedings and arrive at his, her, or their decision(s). Trustworthiness also has implications for legitimacy in governmental actions.As part of their in-depth analysis of a restorative justice dialogue that arose from the robbing of an Israeli woman by two Palestinian boys, Umbreit and Ritter articulate six elements to a restorative justice dialogue. First, everyone who was directly affected by the crime should be encouraged to participate in the dialogue. Second, the victim and the offender should be able to choose family members and or support persons to be present, if they desire.Constructs of Justice: Beyond Civil Litigation 263Third, critically, participation in the dialogue must be voluntary by all parties.Fourth, the process of the dialogue should be adapted to the needs of both the victim and the offender. Fifth, extra deference should be shown to the victim, but the offender should still be treated with respect. And sixth, all of the primary parties to the dialogue should be prepared in advance through in-person meetings with some mediator facilitator prior to the dialogue.While the concept of restorative justice is relatively new to American courts,similar principles can be found in many traditional or historical societies.Gray-Kanatiiosh and Lauderdale discuss the use of restorative principles in Native American societies as a way of maintaining balance within the society.They argue that, rather than exerting control through‘stricter laws, more law enforcement officers, and increased funding’as a way to decrease crime inNative American communities, the money would be better spent restoringa multidimensional web of justiceby identifying, understanding and, where possible,re-creating traditional cultural social practices and structures to maintain social balance, diversity, and harmony within their societies.The web of justice they describe includes preventative as well as restorative mechanisms that together function to maintain justice, at least justice as fairness.More recent research in the area of restorative justice has expanded from the criminal law context to applying the principles of restorative justice in other areas. One such area is that of civil litigation. Civil litigation, and more particularly tort litigation, is generally intended to redress some injury that results from the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of another. Such cases can range from the deliberate injury of one person by another, to medical malpractice, to the notorious slip-and-fall case. Similarly, in breach of contract litigation, a party generally alleges that it has been injured due to the other party’s failure to perform under the terms of the contract, entitling the nonbreaching party to damages or other equitable relief. In both types of lawsuit, the injured party sues in order to be made whole for his or her injury. Yet, is the civil litigation process, with its monetary verdicts, the best recompense for an injury?Greene’s chapter in this volume is an example of the application of restorative justice in the civil justice arena. As Greene points out, the civil litigation experience can be very unpleasant for all the participants, and can ultimately leave even successful litigants feeling unsatisfied. This lack of satisfaction may stem from a number of factors, including the length of time required for the process, its costs –which include time away from work or loved ones and emotional toll in addition to legal fees and court costs and various other frustrations.Greene explores the therapeutic and especially the counter therapeutic effects of litigation. Drawing on procedural justice theory, she argues both plaintiffs and defendants in tort litigation may gain some measure of satisfaction from being able to voice their side of the story and from being treated fairly 264 A. J.Tomkins, K. Applequist and respectfully. On the other hand, the lengthy and often acrimonious process of litigation, which may stretch out for a considerable period of time and usually results at most in the exchange of monetary compensation, often without theactual dispute being heard by the court, may actually have a counter-therapeutic effect in terms of prolonging the suffering of both parties and worsening the physical and mental health and well-being of the injured party. It is for these reasons that Greene argues for adoption of a restorative justice approach to tort litigation, as its emphasis is upon speedy resolution to disputes and providing the parties an opportunity to talk through the injury and its impacts and explain their respective sides of the story. The hope is that by encouraging out-of-court resolution, the parties will find it more satisfying and allow them to move past the dispute or incident that led to the initial conflict.翻译:司法构造:超越民事诉讼作者:Alan J. Tomkins /Kimberly Applequist突出的正义理论,即,分配,程序,恢复性和报复性的正义。
法学 英文文献
1. "The Development of Environmental Law: A Comparative Analysis" - 本文综述了环境法的发展,探讨了不同国家环境法的异同,并对环境法的未来趋势进行了展望。
2. "The Evolution of Corporate Governance: A Global Perspective" - 本文回顾了公司治理结构的演变,探讨了不同国家和地区公司治理的差异,并分析了公司治理对企业发展的重要性。
3. "Human Rights Law: A Comprehensive Analy sis" - 本文对人权法进行了全面的分析,包括人权法的起源、发展、主要的人权公约以及人权法在实践中的应用。
4. "Intellectual Property Law: Key Issues and Ch allenges" - 本文讨论了知识产权法的重要问题和挑战,包括专利、商标、版权的保护范围、侵权行为以及知识产权的国际保护。
5. "Comparative Constitutional Law: A Study of Selected Countries" - 本文比较了不同国家的宪法法律制度,包括宪法的基本原则、权力机构的设置以及宪法的解释和适用。
6. "Criminal Law: Theory and Practice" - 本文综述了刑法的基本理论,包括犯罪、刑事责任、刑罚等概念,并分析了刑法在实践中的应用和挑战。
7. "Family Law: Trends and Reforms" - 本文讨论了家庭法的趋势和改革,包括婚姻、离婚、抚养权、家庭暴力等问题,并分析了不同国家和地区家庭法的差异。
外文原文(一)Savigny and his Anglo-American Disciple s*M. H. HoeflichFriedrich Carl von Savigny, nobleman, law reformer, champion of the revived German professoriate, and founder of the Historical School of jurisprudence, not only helped to revolutionize the study of law and legal institutions in Germany and in other civil law countries, but also exercised a profound influence on many of the most creative jurists and legal scholars in England and the United States. Nevertheless, tracing the influence of an individual is always a difficult task. It is especially difficult as regards Savigny and the approach to law and legal sources propounded by the Historical School. This difficulty arises, in part, because Savigny was not alone in adopting this approach. Hugo, for instance, espoused quite similar ideas in Germany; George Long echoed many of these concepts in England during the 1850s, and, of course, Sir Henry Sumner Maine also espoused many of these same concepts central to historical jurisprudence in England in the 1860s and 1870s. Thus, when one looks at the doctrinal writings of British and American jurists and legal scholars in the period before 1875, it is often impossible to say with any certainty that a particular idea which sounds very much the sort of thing that might, indeed, have been derived from Savigny's works, was, in fact, so derived. It is possible, nevertheless, to trace much of the influence of Savigny and his legal writings in the United States and in Great Britain during this period with some certainty because so great was his fame and so great was the respect accorded to his published work that explicit references to him and to his work abound in the doctrinal writing of this period, as well as in actual law cases in the courts. Thus, Max Gutzwiller, in his classic study Der einfluss Savignys auf die Entwicklung des International privatrechts, was able to show how Savigny's ideas on conflict of laws influenced such English and American scholars as Story, Phillimore, Burge, and Dicey. Similarly, Andreas Schwarz, in his "Einflusse Deutscher Zivilistik im Auslande," briefly sketched Savigny's influence upon John Austin, Frederick Pollock, and James Bryce. In this article I wish to examine Savigny's influence over a broader spectrum and to draw a picture of his general fame and reputation both in Britain and in the United States as the leading Romanist, legal historian, and German legal academic of his day. The picture of this Anglo-American respect accorded to Savigny and the historical school of jurisprudence which emerges from these sources is fascinating. It sheds light not only upon Savigny’s trans-channel, trans-Atlantic fame, but also upon the extraordinarily*M.H.Hoeflich, Savigny and his Anglo-American Disciples, American Journal of Comparative Law, vol.37, No.1, 1989.cosmopolitan outlook of many of the leading American and English jurists of the time. Of course, when one sets out to trace the influence of a particular individual and his work, it is necessary to demonstrate, if possible, precisely how knowledge of the man and his work was transmitted. In the case of Savigny and his work on Roman law and ideas of historical jurisprudence, there were three principal modes of transmission. First, there was the direct influence he exercised through his contacts with American lawyers and scholars. Second, there was the influence he exercised through his books. Third, there was the influence he exerted indirectly through intermediate scholars and their works. Let us examine each mode separately.I.INFLUENCE OF THE TRANSLATED WORKSWhile American and British interest in German legal scholarship was high in the antebellum period, the number of American and English jurists who could read German fluently was relatively low. Even those who borrowed from the Germans, for instance, Joseph Story, most often had to depend upon translations. It is thus quite important that Savigny’s works were amongst the most frequently translated into English, both in the United States and in Great Britain. His most influential early work, the Vom Beruf unserer Zeitfur Rechtsgeschichte und Gestzgebung, was translated into English by Abraham Hayward and published in London in 1831. Two years earlier the first volume of his History of Roman Law in the Middle Ages was translated by Cathcart and published in Edinburgh. In 1830, as well, a French translation was published at Paris. Sir Erskine Perry's translation of Savigny's Treatise on Possession was published in London in 1848. This was followed by Archibald Brown's epitome of the treatise on possession in 1872 and Rattigan's translation of the second volume of the System as Jural Relations or the Law of Persons in 1884. Guthrie published a translation of the seventh volume of the System as Private International Law at Edinburgh in 1869. Indeed, two English translations were even published in the far flung corners of the British Raj. A translation of the first volume of the System was published by William Holloway at Madras in 1867 and the volume on possession was translated by Kelleher and published at Calcutta in 1888. Thus, the determined English-speaking scholar had ample access to Savigny's works throughout the nineteenth century.Equally important for the dissemination of Savigny's ideas were those books and articles published in English that explained and analyzed his works. A number of these must have played an important role in this process. One of the earliest of these is John Reddie's Historical Notices of the Roman law and of the Progress of its Study in Germany, published at Edinburgh in 1826. Reddie was a noted Scots jurist and held the Gottingen J.U.D. The book, significantly, is dedicated to Gustav Hugo. It is of that genre known as an external history of Roman law-not so much a history of substantive Roman legal doctrine but rather a historyof Roman legal institutions and of the study of Roman law from antiquity through the nineteenth century. It is very much a polemic for the study of Roman law and for the Historical School. It imparts to the reader the excitement of Savigny and his followers about the study of law historically and it is clear that no reader of the work could possibly be left unmoved. It is, in short, the first work of public relations in English on behalf of Savigny and his ideas.Having mentioned Reddie's promotion of Savigny and the Historical School, it is important to understand the level of excitement with which things Roman and especially Roman law were greeted during this period. Many of the finest American jurists were attracted-to use Peter Stein's term-to Roman and Civil law, but attracted in a way that, at times, seems to have been more enthusiastic than intellectual. Similarly, Roman and Civil law excited much interest in Great Britain, as illustrated by the distinctly Roman influence to be found in the work of John Austin. The attraction of Roman and Civil law can be illustrated and best understood, perhaps, in the context of the publicity and excitement in the English-speaking world surrounding the discovery of the only complete manuscript of the classical Roman jurist Gaius' Institutes in Italy in 1816 by the ancient historian and German consul at Rome, B.G. Niebuhr. Niebuhr, the greatest ancient historian of his time, turned to Savigny for help with the Gaius manuscript (indeed, it was Savigny who recognized the manuscript for what it was) and, almost immediately, the books and journals-not just law journals by any means-were filled with accounts of the discovery, its importance to legal historical studies, and, of course, what it said. For instance, the second volume of the American Jurist contains a long article on the civil law by the scholarly Boston lawyer and classicist, John Pickering. The first quarter of the article is a gushing account of the discovery and first publication of the Gaius manuscript and a paean to Niebuhr and Savigny for their role in this. Similarly, in an article published in the London Law Magazine in 1829 on the civil law, the author contemptuously refers to a certain professor who continued to tell his students that the text of Gaius' Institutes was lost for all time. What could better show his ignorance of all things legal and literary than to be unaware of Niebuhr's great discovery?Another example of this reaction to the discovery of the Gaius palimpsest is to be found in David Irving's Introduction to the Study of the Civil Law. This volume is also more a history of Roman legal scholarship and sources than a study of substantive Roman law. Its pages are filled with references to Savigny's Geschichte and its approach clearly reflects the influence of the Historical School. Indeed, Irving speaks of Savigny's work as "one of the most remarkable productions of the age." He must have been truly impressed with German scholarship and must also have been able to convince the Faculty of Advocates, forwhom he was librarian, of the worth of German scholarship, for in 1820 the Faculty sent him to Gottingen so that he might study their law libraries. Irving devotes several pages of his elementary textbook on Roman law to the praise of the "remarkable" discovery of the Gaius palimpsest. He traces the discovery of the text by Niebuhr and Savigny in language that would have befitted an adventure tale. He elaborates on the various labors required to produce a new edition of the text and was particularly impressed by the use of a then new chemical process to make the under text of the palimpsest visible. He speaks of the reception of the new text as being greeted with "ardor and exultation" strong words for those who spend their lives amidst the "musty tomes" of the Roman law.This excitement over the Verona Gaius is really rather strange. Much of the substance of the Gaius text was already known to legal historians and civil lawyers from its incorporation into Justinian's Institutes and so, from a substantive legal perspective, the find was not crucial. The Gaius did provide new information on Roman procedural rules and it did also provide additional information for those scholars attempting to reconstruct pre-Justinianic Roman law. Nevertheless, these contributions alone seem hardly able to justify the excitement the discovery caused. Instead, I think that the Verona Gaius discovery simply hit a chord in the literary and legal community much the same as did the discovery of the Rosetta Stone or of Schliemann’s Troy. Here was a monument of a great civilization brought newly to light and able to be read for the first time in millenia. And just as the Rosetta Stone helped to establish the modern discipline of Egyptology and Schliemann's discoveries assured the development of classical archaeology as a modern academic discipline, the discovery of the Verona Gaius added to the attraction Roman law held for scholars and for lawyers, even amongst those who were not Romanists by profession. Ancillary to this, the discovery and publication of the Gaius manuscript also added to the fame of the two principals involved in the discovery, Niebuhr and Savigny. What this meant in the English-speaking world is that even those who could not or did not wish to read Savigny's technical works knew of him as one of the discoverers of the Gaius text. This fame itself may well have helped in spreading Savigny's legal and philosophical ideas, for, I would suggest, the Gaius "connection" may well have disposed people to read other of Savigny's writings, unconnected to the Gaius, because they were already familiar with his name.Another example of an English-speaking promoter of Savigny is Luther Stearns Cushing, a noted Boston lawyer who lectured on Roman law at the Harvard Law School in 1848-49 and again in 1851- 1852.Cushing published his lectures at Boston in 1854 under the title An Introduction to the Study of Roman Law. He devoted a full chapter to a description of the historical school and to the controversy betweenSavigny and Thibaut over codification. While Cushing attempted to portray fairly the arguments of both sides, he left no doubt as to his preference for Savigny's approach:The labors of the historical school have established an entirely new and distinct era in the study of the Roman jurisprudence; and though these writers cannot be said to have thrown their predecessors into the shade, it seems to be generally admitted, that almost every branch of the Roman law has received some important modification at their hands, and that a knowledge of their writings, to some extent, at least, is essentially necessary to its acquisition.译文(一)萨维尼和他的英美信徒们*M·H·豪弗里奇弗雷德里奇·卡尔·冯·萨维尼出身贵族,是一位出色的法律改革家,也是一位倡导重建德国教授协会的拥护者,还是历史法学派的创建人之一。
英文原文:How Real Is China’s Real Estate Bubble And WhatShould Be Done about ItThink U.S. housing prices havegone berserk?Try tho se in Shanghai and Beijing, where the cost ofhomes has been rising an estimated 25%annually in recent years。
Th at’stwice the jump in the median sale priceof existi ng U。
S. homes over the past year, and a sign thatCh ina’s real estate market is in the midst ofwhat some observers view as a potentially explosive bubble.The bubble is rooted insuch factors as China's strong economic growth since 1990 and investor bets that China’s currency, the yuan, will be revalued upward in the near future. But such speculation is helping push the price of homes beyond thereach of middle class citizens in key Chinese cities and raising the prospect ofasudden market collapsethat could threaten thecountry's shaky bank ing sector and wipe out thelife savings of manyfamilies。
fiat justitia ruat caelum解释-概述说明以及解释
fiat justitia ruat caelum解释-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述:“fiat justitia ruat caelum”是一句拉丁文,字面意思是“愿公正击倒天空”。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分旨在介绍本文的整体架构,让读者对接下来的内容有一个清晰的了解。
在引言部分,将会对文章的主题进行概述,解释fiat justitia ruat caelum这一拉丁短语的含义。
在正文部分,我们将从词源解析、历史背景和意义与应用三个方面对fiat justitia ruat caelum进行深入探讨。
最后,在结论部分,将对本文的要点进行总结,并探讨fiat justitia ruat caelum的实践意义和未来的发展前景。
1.3 目的目的部分:文章的目的在于探讨拉丁格言"fiat justitia ruat caelum"的意义和应用。
法律重要的原因英语作文1Law plays an indispensable role in our society. It serves as the cornerstone for maintaining social order, ensuring fairness and justice, and promoting economic development.Firstly, law is crucial for maintaining social order. It provides clear rules and regulations that govern people's behaviors. For instance, traffic laws stipulate how we should drive on the roads to prevent chaos and accidents. Laws against vandalism and theft safeguard public properties and keep our communities safe and orderly.Secondly, law is essential for ensuring fairness and justice. It offers a standardized framework to judge disputes and conflicts. In the field of business, laws regulate commercial activities, ensuring fair competition among enterprises. This helps to create a level playing field and promotes economic growth in a stable manner.Moreover, law plays a vital role in punishing criminal acts. It protects citizens' personal and property safety. When criminals are brought to justice in accordance with the law, it deters potential wrongdoers and maintains social stability and harmony.In conclusion, law is of paramount importance as it provides the necessary framework for a civilized, orderly, and prosperous society. Wemust respect and abide by the law to enjoy its benefits and contribute to the common good.2Law plays an indispensable role in our society, safeguarding the rights and freedoms of individuals while maintaining social order and stability. The importance of law becomes particularly evident in various scenarios.During the pandemic, for instance, laws were enacted to ensure public health and safety. Mandatory mask-wearing, social distancing measures, and restrictions on large gatherings were implemented. These laws, though imposing certain constraints on personal freedom, were crucial for protecting the well-being of the entire community. They prevented the rapid spread of the virus and saved countless lives. At the same time, laws also ensured that individual reasonable freedoms were respected. For example, people were still allowed to go outdoors for essential activities and to express their opinions within legal boundaries.In the digital age, the significance of law is no less. The internet has brought about rapid information dissemination, but it has also raised issues such as the spread of false information and violations of privacy. Laws regulating information dissemination help maintain a reliable and trustworthy online environment. They protect citizens' right to privacy and ensure that their personal information is not misused. At the same time, laws also guarantee the freedom of speech on the internet, allowing peopleto express their views and opinions freely as long as they do not violate the law or harm the rights of others.In conclusion, law is not only a restraint but also a protection. It strikes a balance between individual freedom and social interests, creating a harmonious and orderly society. We should respect and abide by the law to enjoy the benefits it brings.3Law plays an indispensable role in our modern world, especially in international interactions. It serves as the bedrock that maintains order and justice among nations. Take international trade as an example. In this complex and vast field, legal norms act as a reliable safeguard for the legitimate rights and interests of various countries. Without clear and enforceable laws, trade disputes would arise frequently, causing chaos and losses. For instance, when it comes to intellectual property protection, specific legal provisions ensure that innovative products and technologies are properly protected, encouraging the exchange and development of advanced knowledge.Furthermore, in the resolution of international disputes, the authority and impartiality of the law are of paramount importance. When conflicts occur between countries over territorial or resource issues, the application of international law provides a peaceful and rational way to solve the problem. It prevents the escalation of conflicts into violent confrontationsand maintains global stability. For instance, the disputes over maritime boundaries have been addressed through legal means, based on established international maritime law.In conclusion, law is not only a tool for governance but also a guarantee for the smooth progress of international cooperation and communication. Its significance lies in providing a stable and predictable framework, allowing different countries to interact and develop on an equal and just basis.4Law is of paramount importance in our society as it serves as the cornerstone for maintaining order, promoting fairness, and driving social progress. One of the significant roles of law is in facilitating educational equity and safeguarding citizens' right to education. For instance, laws ensure that all children, regardless of their background or economic status, have access to quality education. This not only empowers individuals but also enriches the entire society by cultivating a well-educated workforce that can contribute to various fields and drive economic growth.Another area where law plays a crucial role is environmental protection and sustainable development. Laws impose strict regulations on industries to control pollution emissions and promote the use of renewable resources. Through these measures, we are able to preserve our natural environment for future generations. For example, laws may requirefactories to install advanced filtration systems to reduce harmful substances released into the air and water.In conclusion, law is not just a set of rules but a powerful force that shapes a civilized and prosperous society. It provides a framework within which people can live peacefully, pursue their dreams, and contribute to the common good. Without the guidance and enforcement of law, chaos and injustice would prevail, hindering our progress towards a better world.5Law plays an indispensable role in our society. It is not merely a set of rules but a powerful force that shapes our moral and value systems. Laws guide citizens to adhere to social morality and cultivate a sense of integrity. For instance, traffic laws require us to follow traffic rules, which not only ensures our own safety but also reflects our respect for the rights and safety of others. This kind of compliance gradually becomes a part of our moral code, making us more responsible and self-disciplined.Moreover, laws punish immoral behaviors, thereby upholding justice and kindness. Consider cases of fraud or theft. When law enforcement steps in and holds the perpetrators accountable, it sends a clear message that such actions are unacceptable. This not only deters potential wrongdoers but also reassures the public that justice will prevail.Laws also contribute to the stability and order of society. They provide a framework within which people can interact and conduct their affairswith confidence. Without the rule of law, chaos and injustice would likely prevail, undermining the very fabric of our communities.In conclusion, the importance of law cannot be overstated. It molds us into ethical and responsible citizens, safeguards fairness and justice, and maintains the harmony and stability of society. We must respect and abide by the law to build a better world for ourselves and future generations.。
Copyright Protection for Artificial IntelligenceCreation1.Introduction在传统的实践中,计算机程序在人类创作作品的过程中通常扮演着辅助工具的角色,作为全新的载体承担代替书写和存储作品的功能,但近年来,人工智能技术的革新改变了这一现状。
所谓人工智能,是指能在人类参与度极低的情况下,能够像人一样perform tasks、think、act、learn、act rationaly(感知、规划、推理、学习、沟通、决策)的智能系统1,从美联社人工智能公司合作开发的人工新闻写作平台Wordsmith的运用,到谷歌人工智能设备DeepDream所生成的绘画拍卖成功,人工智能生成内容逐渐有了近似人类的智力创作的痕迹,并产生相应的经济效益,这对现行的著作权规则提出了新的挑战。
Traditionally, computer program usually played the role of assisting human creation, and as a brand new carrier, assumed the function of replacing writing and storing works. However, in recent years, this situation has been changed by the innovation of artificial intelligence technology. Artificial intelligence refers to intelligent system that can, in the case of very little human involvement, perform tasks, think, act, learn and act rationally just like human being do. From the application of Wordsmith, an artificial news writing platform co-developed by Associate Press artificial intelligence companies, to the successful auction of the painting generated Google artificial intelligence device DeepDream, contents generated by artificial intelligence gradually have with traces of approximate human intelligence creation, and bring about corresponding economic benefits. This poses a new challenge to the existing copyright rules.1See FUTURE of Artificial Intelligence Act of 2017, December 12th, 2017: SEC.3.DEFINITIONS (a) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in subsection (b), in this Act: (1) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.—The term “artificial intelligence” includes the following: (A) Any artificial systems that perform tasks under varying and unpredictable circumstances, without significant human oversight, or that can learn from their experience and improve their performance. Such systems may be developed in computer software, physical handware, or other contexts not yet contemplated. They may solve tasks requiring human-like perception, cognition, planning, learning, communication, or physical action. In general, the more human-like the system within the contxt of its tasks, the more it can be said to use artificial intelligence. (B) Systems that think like humans, such as cognitive architectures and neural networks.(C) Systems that act like humans, such as systems that can pass the Turing test or other conparable test via natural language processing, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, and learning. (D) A set of techniques, including machine learning, that seek to approximate some cognitive task. (E) Systems that act rationally, such as intelligent software agents and embodied robots that achieve goals via perception, planning, reasonging, learning, communicating, decision making, and acting.“作品归于作者”是现代著作权法自诞生以来就确立的原则,作品被视为作者对自身思想和感情的独创性表达,围绕作品产生的权利也只能归属于自然人2。
新西兰法律体系四部分:Court is the implementation of national laws to dealwith the parties or the institution of multi-party disputes. New Zealand's court system from low to high four jurisdictions are divided into:District Court (DistrictCourt);New Zealand High Court (HighCourtofNewZealand);Court of Appeals (CourtofAppeal);Judiciary Committee (in the United Kingdom Privy Council, JudicialCommitteeofthePrivyCouncil);新西兰法院实行的是等级制,即法院按其管辖权大小由低到高逐级上诉,上一级的法院对下一级的法院审理的案件也有审核权,但也有例外情况,比如行政诉讼裁判庭也可以直接上诉到上诉法院。
New Zealand court is a hierarchy, namely the Court of itsjurisdiction size from low to high level by level appeal, on the level of the court on the next level of court cases also have the right to audit。
But there are exceptions, such as administrative proceedings tribunal can also direct appeal to the Court of Appeals.一地区法院District Court in New Zealand about 100 in the country. District Court judges recommended by the Minister of Justice, appointed by the Attorney General. Their number of statutory national shall not be more than 1031.、地区法院的管辖区The district court's jurisdictionCivil, criminal and appellate dispute divided into three types(1) Civil: The scope of the jurisdiction of the district court is---- Tort or contract disputes amount in NZ $ 200,000 less;The land disputes ----- annual rent NZ $ 62,500 or less, or the value of the land in NZ $ 500,000 or less;Request for compensation (such as a request to execute a contract) ----- amount not to exceed NZ $ 200,000 persons.(2)Criminal: the scope of the jurisdiction of the district court isAll minor crimes case. Case of infringement cases or as expressly provided by law, these cases also by two magistrates to hear.Such cases according to the nature of the different form of the trial, such as trial by judge alone or jury trial jointly. Also need to understand is that the District Court usually mild but can sue the crime the right to make judgments shall not exceed three months up to a maximum fine shall not exceed NZ $ 4000. But in the case of a jury to participate in the trial, the district court the power to make law the longest imprisonment or a fine of up to NZ $ 10,000 of the judgment.2、家庭法院New Zealand Family Court was established in 1981, was established in order to provide an appropriate place to referee to resolve family disputes. Family disputes is not only legal issues, as well as its specificity, such as personal behavior and emotional factors.In family court proceedings in cases of non-adversarial, and thus the process of listening to the case is open and informal.Family Court is not open to the public hearing, in order to help safeguard the privacy of theparties. The family courts belong to the Chamber of the District Court, the judge is a judge of the District Court at the same time.3、青少年法院Juvenile courtJuvenile court stressed that informal mediation, consultation procedures, juvenile criminal cases if other solutions, and generally not to prosecute, the juvenile court judge is a judge of the District Court二、高等法院The High Court of New Zealand, has large areas across the Chamber, led by the Chief Justice。
Criminal Law1.General IntroductionCriminal law is the body of the law that defines criminal offenses, regulates the apprehension, charging, and trial of suspected offenders,and fixes punishment for convicted persons. Substantive criminal law defines particular crimes, and procedural law establishes rules for the prosecution of crime. In a democratic society, it is the function of the legislative bodies to decide what behavior will be made criminal and what penalties will be attached to violations of the law.Capital punishment may be imposed in some jurisdictions for the most serious crimes. And physical or corporal punishment may still be imposed such as whipping or caning, although these punishments are prohibited in much of the world. A convict may be incarcerated in prison or jail and the length of incarceration may vary from a day to life.Criminal law is a reflection of the society that produce it. In an Islamic theocracy, such as Iran, criminal law will reflect the religious teachings of the Koran; in an Catholic country, it will reflect the tenets of Catholicism. In addition, criminal law will change to reflect changes in society, especially attitude changes. For instance, use of marijuana was once considered a serious crime with harsh penalties, whereas today the penalties in most states are relatively light. As severity of the penaltieswas reduced. As a society advances, its judgments about crime and punishment change.2.Elements of a CrimeObviously, different crimes require different behaviors, but there are common elements necessary for proving all crimes. First, the prohibited behavior designated as a crime must be clearly defined so that a reasonable person can be forewarned that engaging in that behavior is illegal. Second, the accused must be shown to have possessed the requisite intent to commit the crime. Third, the state must prove causation. Finally, the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime.(1) actus reusThe first element of crime is the actus reus.Actus is an act or action and reus is a person judicially accused of a crime. Therefore, actus reus is literally the action of a person accused of a crime. A criminal statute must clearly define exactly what act is deemed “guilty”---that is, the exact behavior that is being prohibited. That is done so that all persons are put on notice that if they perform the guilty act, they will be liable for criminal punishment. Unless the actus reus is clearly defined, one might not know whether or not on e’s behavior is illegal.Actus reus may be accomplished by an action, by threat of action,or exceptionally, by an omission to act, which is a legal duty to act. For example, the act of Cain striking Abel might suffice, or a parent’s failure to give to a young child also may provide the actus reus for a crime.Where the actus reus is a failure to act, there must be a duty of care. A duty can arise through contract, a voluntary undertaking, a blood relation, and occasionally through one’s official position. Duty also can arise from one’s own creation of a dangerous situation.(2)mens reaA second element of a crime is mens rea. Mens rea refers to an individual’s state of mind when a crime is committed. While actus reus is proven by physical or eyewitness evidence, mens rea is more difficult to ascertain. The jury must determine for itself whether the accused had the necessary intent to commit the act.A lower threshold of mens rea is satisfied when a defendant recognizes an act is dangerous but decides to commit it anyway. This is recklessness. For instance, if Cain tears a gas meter from a wall, and knows this will let flammable gas escape into a neighbor’s house, he could be liable for poisoning. Courts often consider whether the actor did recognise the danger, or alternatively ought to have recognized a danger (though he did not) is tantamount to erasing intent as a requirement. In this way, the importance of mens rea hasbeen reduced in some areas of the criminal law.Wrongfulness of intent also may vary the seriousness of an offense. A killing committed with specific intent to kill or with conscious recognition that death or serious bodily harm will result, would be murder, whereas a killing affected by reckless acts lacking such a consciousness could be manslaughter.(3)CausationThe next element is causation. Often the phrase “but for”is used to determine whether causation has occurred. For example, we might say “Cain caused Abel”, by which we really mean “Cain caused Abel’s death. ”In other words, ‘but for Cain’s act, Abel would still be alive.” Causation, then, means “but for” the actions of A, B would not have been harmed. In criminal law, causation is an element that must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.(4) Proof beyond a Reasonable DoubtIn view of the fact that in criminal cases we are dealing with the life and liberty of the accused person, as well as the stigma accompanying conviction, the legal system places strong limits on the power of the state to convict a person of a crime. Criminal defendants are presumed innocent. The state must overcome this presumption of innocence by proving every element of the offense charged against the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt to thesatisfaction of all the jurors. This requirement is the primary way our system minimizes the risk of convicting an innocent person.The state must prove its case within a framework of procedural safeguards that are designed to protect the accused. The state’s failure to prove any material element of its case results in the accused being acquitted or found not guilty, even though he or she may actually have committed the crime charged.3. Strict LiabilityIn modern society, some crimes require no more mens rea, and they are known as strict liability offenses. For in stance, under the Road Traffic Act 1988 it is a strict liability offence to drive a vehicle with an alcohol concentration above the prescribed limit.Strict liability can be described as criminal or civil liability notwithstanding the lack mens rea or intent by the defendant. Not all crimes require specific intent, and the threshold of culpability required may be reduced. For example, it might be sufficient to show that a defendant acted negligently, rather than intentionally or recklessly.1. 概述刑法是规定什么试犯罪,有关犯罪嫌疑人之逮捕、起诉及审判,及对已决犯处以何种刑罚的部门法。
第1篇Abstract:This paper analyzes a significant case study in tort law, focusing on the landmark case of Smith v. Johnson. The case revolves around the issue of negligence and its implications on the rights and liabilities of the parties involved. The analysis will delve into the facts of the case, the legal principles applied, and the judgment rendered. It will also discuss the broader implications of the case on tort law principles and its impact on future legal decisions.Introduction:Tort law is a vital branch of the legal system that provides remediesfor individuals who have suffered harm due to the wrongful actions of others. The case of Smith v. Johnson is a classic example of how tort law principles are applied in real-life scenarios. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the case, highlighting the key legal issues and their resolution.Facts of the Case:In Smith v. Johnson, the plaintiff, John Smith, sued the defendant, James Johnson, for negligence. The facts of the case are as follows:1. John Smith was driving his car along a busy highway.2. James Johnson was driving his car in the opposite direction.3. Johnson suddenly swerved into Smith's lane, causing a collision.4. The collision resulted in Smith suffering severe injuries.5. Smith claimed that Johnson's actions were negligent and that he should be held liable for the damages.Legal Principles Applied:The case primarily revolves around the legal principle of negligence, which is a cornerstone of tort law. Negligence is defined as the failureto exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm to another person. To establish negligence, the plaintiff must prove the following elements:1. Duty of Care: The defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff.2. Breach of Duty: The defendant breached that duty of care.3. Causation: The breach of duty caused harm to the plaintiff.4. Damages: The plaintiff suffered actual damages as a result of the harm.Analysis of the Case:The court in Smith v. Johnson applied the principles of negligence to determine whether Johnson was liable for the damages caused to Smith.1. Duty of Care: The court held that Johnson owed a duty of care to Smith as a fellow road user. This duty required Johnson to drive his car with reasonable care to avoid accidents.2. Breach of Duty: The court found that Johnson breached his duty of care by swerving into Smith's lane without any apparent reason. This action was deemed to be reckless and negligent.3. Causation: The court determined that Johnson's breach of dutydirectly caused the collision, which in turn led to Smith's injuries.4. Damages: The court confirmed that Smith suffered actual damages as a result of the collision, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.Based on these findings, the court held Johnson liable for the damages caused to Smith. Johnson was ordered to pay Smith compensation for his injuries and other losses.Broader Implications of the Case:The case of Smith v. Johnson has several broader implications for tort law principles:1. It reinforces the importance of the duty of care in tort law. Road users must drive with reasonable care to avoid accidents and harm to others.2. It highlights the consequences of reckless behavior on the roads. Negligent actions can lead to significant legal liability and compensation for the victims.3. It serves as a precedent for future cases involving negligence claims. Courts will likely follow the principles established in this case when determining liability in similar situations.Conclusion:The case of Smith v. Johnson is a notable example of how tort law principles are applied to resolve disputes between parties. The court's analysis and judgment in this case provide valuable insights into the nature of negligence and its implications on the rights and liabilities of individuals. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of exercising reasonable care in our daily lives to avoid causing harm to others and to protect ourselves from legal liability.第2篇Abstract:This paper aims to analyze a land dispute case from a legal English perspective. By examining the case details, legal terminology, andjudicial reasoning, this study provides insights into the application of legal English in real-life legal disputes. The case discussed involves a land ownership dispute between two parties, highlighting thecomplexities involved in land law and the importance of effective communication in legal proceedings. The paper is structured as follows: an introduction to the case, a detailed analysis of the legal issues, discussion of the legal English terminology used, and a conclusion summarizing the key findings.Introduction:Land disputes are a common occurrence in many jurisdictions, often involving complex legal issues and intricate procedural requirements. The language used in legal proceedings, particularly legal English, plays a crucial role in ensuring that the case is understood and resolved effectively. This paper examines a specific land dispute case to illustrate the application of legal English in real-life scenarios.Case Details:The case involves two parties, Party A and Party B, who are in dispute over the ownership of a piece of land. Party A claims that the land was purchased from Party B's predecessor in title, while Party B contests this claim and asserts that the land was never sold to Party A. The case has been filed in the local court, and both parties have presented their evidence and arguments before the court.Legal Issues:1. Ownership of Land: The central issue in this case is the ownership of the land. The parties are required to establish their respective claims of ownership through evidence and legal arguments.2. Title Deeds: The case involves the examination of title deeds to determine the rightful owner of the land. The court will assess the authenticity and validity of the title deeds presented by both parties.3. Precedent and Jurisprudence: The court will consider relevant precedents and legal principles established in previous cases to determine the outcome of the current dispute.4. Burden of Proof: The party claiming ownership of the land must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. This requires the presentation of credible evidence and persuasive legal arguments.Legal English Terminology:1. Ownership: "Ownership" is a legal term used to describe the right to possess, use, and dispose of property. In legal English, it is often referred to as "title" or "possession."2. Title Deeds: "Title deeds" refer to the legal documents thatestablish ownership of land. In legal English, these documents are also known as "deeds of conveyance" or "evidence of title."3. Precedent: "Precedent" refers to a previous decision or judgment made by a court that serves as a guide for future cases. In legal English, it is often used in the phrase "case law" or "precedential authority."4. Jurisprudence: "Jurisprudence" refers to the principles and rules developed by the courts in their interpretation and application of the law. In legal English, it is often used in the context of "legal doctrine" or "legal principles."5. Burden of Proof: "Burden of proof" refers to the obligation on a party to prove their case. In legal English, this concept is expressed as "the party has the burden of proof" or "the party must establishtheir case."Judicial Reasoning:The court will carefully consider the evidence and arguments presented by both parties before reaching a decision. The following factors may influence the judicial reasoning:1. Admissibility of Evidence: The court will assess the admissibility of the evidence presented by each party, ensuring that it is relevant, reliable, and legally admissible.2. Legal Principles: The court will apply relevant legal principles and precedents to the facts of the case, considering the arguments and counterarguments presented by the parties.3. Weight of Evidence: The court will weigh the evidence presented by each party, considering its relevance, reliability, and persuasiveness.4. Burden of Proof: The court will determine whether the party claiming ownership has met their burden of proof, taking into account the evidence and arguments presented.Conclusion:The analysis of the land dispute case from a legal English perspective highlights the importance of effective communication and the application of legal terminology in legal proceedings. The case demonstrates the complexities involved in land law and the necessity of a thorough understanding of legal principles and precedents. By examining the case details, legal issues, and judicial reasoning, this study underscoresthe significance of legal English in resolving real-life legal disputes.Keywords: Land dispute, legal English, ownership, title deeds, precedent, jurisprudence, burden of proof, legal terminology.第3篇Abstract:This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the landmark case, Enka Inco. v. Oiltanking Société Anonyme (Oiltanking), which revolves around the enforcement of an international commercial arbitration award. The case highlights the complexities and legal issues surrounding the recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards under the New York Convention (1958). The paper aims to examine the key legal principles involved, the court's reasoning, and the implications of the judgmentfor the international arbitration community.Introduction:International commercial arbitration has emerged as a preferred dispute resolution mechanism for resolving cross-border disputes due to its efficiency, flexibility, and finality. The New York Convention (1958) (hereinafter, "the Convention") plays a crucial role in facilitating the recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards across jurisdictions. The Enka Inco. v. Oiltanking Société Anonyme (Oiltanking) case is a prominent example that illustrates the challenges and complexities faced by parties seeking to enforce arbitration awards.I. Background of the Case:The dispute arose between Enka Inco. (Enka), a Canadian mining company, and Oiltanking, a French company, in relation to the construction of aship unloading facility in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The parties entered into a contract for the construction, and later, the contract was terminated. Following the termination, Enka initiated arbitration proceedings against Oiltanking, seeking damages for the termination.The arbitral tribunal, seated in Paris, rendered an award in favor of Enka, ordering Oiltanking to pay damages amounting to USD 52 million. However, Oiltanking refused to comply with the award, arguing that the enforcement of the award would violate public policy in France. Consequently, Enka applied to the Paris Court of Appeal to enforce the award.II. Key Legal Issues:The case revolves around the following key legal issues:A. Jurisdiction of the French Court:The first issue was whether the Paris Court of Appeal had jurisdiction to enforce the arbitration award. The Convention provides that a court of a Contracting State shall recognize an award made in another Contracting State as final and binding, and shall enforce the award as if it were a final judgment of the court.B. Public Policy Exception:The second issue was whether the enforcement of the arbitration award would violate public policy in France, thereby rendering it unenforceable. Article V(2)(b) of the Convention provides that an award may be refused enforcement if the recognition and enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public policy of the enforcing jurisdiction.III. Court's Reasoning:The Paris Court of Appeal, in its judgment, examined the two key issues raised and rendered the following conclusions:A. Jurisdiction of the French Court:The court held that it had jurisdiction to enforce the arbitration award under the Convention. It reasoned that the award had been made in a Contracting State and that the Convention did not require any additional conditions for the enforcement of the award.B. Public Policy Exception:The court, however, concluded that the enforcement of the award would violate public policy in France. It emphasized that the Convention did not guarantee the enforcement of an arbitration award if it contravened the public policy of the enforcing jurisdiction. The court held that the enforcement of the award would be incompatible with French public policy due to the significant economic and social consequences of enforcing the award.IV. Implications of the Judgment:The judgment in the Enka Inco. v. Oiltanking case has several implications for the international arbitration community:A. Limitations on the Enforcement of Arbitration Awards:The case highlights the limitations on the enforcement of arbitration awards, especially in jurisdictions with strict public policy requirements. It underscores the importance of considering the potential public policy challenges when choosing the seat of arbitration.B. Need for Clarity in Public Policy Exceptions:The judgment calls for a clearer understanding of the public policy exceptions under the Convention. It emphasizes the need forjurisdictions to establish clear and objective criteria for determining whether the enforcement of an arbitration award would violate public policy.Conclusion:The Enka Inco. v. Oiltanking case serves as a crucial precedent for the international arbitration community, illustrating the complexities surrounding the recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards underthe New York Convention. The case emphasizes the importance of considering public policy exceptions and the potential limitations on the enforcement of arbitration awards. It underscores the need for a clearer understanding of the Convention's provisions and the application of public policy exceptions in different jurisdictions. By examiningthis landmark case, the international arbitration community can better navigate the challenges and complexities associated with the enforcement of arbitration awards.。
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毕业论文外文资料翻译学院(系):专业:姓名:XXX学号:外文出处:1、《Center for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies Monash University Melbourne》附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文外文资料翻译译文新西兰奥特来罗瓦的公正和法律————两个案例的学习摘要:本文通过对两个案例的学习,分析在新西兰奥特来罗瓦法律的实践和这个殖民大陆上“非法”、“不文明”以及“混乱”的关系。
2. 代表性暴行:哈卡党案新西兰奥特亚罗瓦的有关犯罪的媒体报道调查中,斯布雷发现:即使是过度[毛利人和太平洋岛民]表示允许。
“1788年澳大利亚无人居住由主权或由院校或法律承认的人”4. 法律和人权遥感的紧迫性,他们需要解决的情况下的'哈卡党案',人权委员会收集的'白种人意识形态'的范例和毛利人的反对意见,并发表了一份初步报告,是新西兰种族和谐声明的问题。
6. 暴力威胁至于“哈卡党”的案例,它不能简单地认为是毛利人威胁了法律的权威,而是它并没有包含规则,边缘和自身违反的束缚。