PDA TR26 除菌过滤验证(中文2008)



6、FDA Guidance for Industry - Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing – Current Good Manufacturing Practice (Section IX. Validation of Aseptic Processing and Sterilization), 2004
4、FDA Human Drug CGMP Notes, Dec. 1995
§ 1998 – PDA 发行除菌过滤验证技术报告( Technical Report No. 26) 5
§ 1998-2003 – FDA 内部稿, 2002 议案, 2003 指南草稿 § 2004 – FDA 发行无菌工艺指南修正版6
§ “无需在实际生产区域进行过滤器有效性验证试验(包 括微生物挑战性试验)。
§ 然而,实验室试验必须模拟实际的生产条件。 § 过滤器有效性验证试验较为复杂,过滤器用户无力承担
时,常常由外部实验室或过滤器制造商进行试验。 § “然而, 对于有效性验证数据(关于过滤器生成无菌滤出
§ 完整性 (100%)
§ 100%前进流检测 § 与相应的细菌截留数据相关联
§ 细菌挑战试验 (批次抽样)
§ 蒸气高压灭菌 (批次抽样)
§ 流出物冲洗 (抽样)
§ 内毒素(热原), 清洁度, pH, TOC, 电导率 – 依据USP标 准
§ 材料验证
§ 生物安全
u 依据USP Biol. Toxicity, in vivo,(体内的生物毒性 )Class VI (第六级)-121°C



1. Introduction介绍1.1 Background背景In recent years, cleaning has achieved a position of increasing importance in the pharmaceutical industry. The current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) regulations recognize that cleaning is a critical issue to ensure product quality. Virtually every aspect of manufacturing involves cleaning, from the initial stages of bulk production to the final dosage form.近年来清洁作业逐渐在制药界占有重要的地位。



The CGMPs in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world have provided the pharmaceutical industry with general guidance for cleaning requirements. For example, in the U.S., section 211.67 of part 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) states that "Equipment and utensils shall be cleaned, maintained, and sanitized at appropriate intervals to prevent malfunctions or contamination that would alter the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of the drug product beyond the official or other established requirements." Section 211.182 of part 21 of the CFR identifies that cleaning procedures must be documented appropriately, and that a cleaning and use log should be established. In addition to CGMPs, various inspectional guideline documents published by the FDA contain expectations regarding cleaning in the pharmaceutical industry. Cleaning is also addressed in the PIC recommendations on cleaning validation and in the SFSTP Commission report "Validation desprocédés de nettoyage."美国、欧洲及全球其他地区均有制药界清洁作业的通则性指南。

PDA TR26 液体过滤灭菌

PDA TR26 液体过滤灭菌

液体灭菌过滤技术报告No.26目录1.INTRODUCTION简介 (1)2.PHARMACEUTICAL FILTRATION:HISTORICAL HIGHLIGHTS药用过滤:历史成果 (1)3.HOW FILTERS WORK过滤器如何工作 (2)3.1Size Exclusion体积排阻 (2)3.2Other Retention Mechanisms其他保留机理 (2)3.3Bioburden Retention Probability生物负荷保留概率 (2)3.4Pore Size Rating孔径大小等级 (3)4.FILTER SELECTION AND CHARACTERIZATION过滤器选择和特点 (3)4.1Filter Types过滤器类型 (3)4.2Filter Configuration过滤器配置 (3)4.3Particle Shedding颗粒脱落 (4)4.4Extractable萃取物 (4)4.5Chemical Compatibility化学兼容性 (4)4.6Adsorption吸附 (4)4.7Thermal Stress Resistance抗热应力 (4)4.8Hydraulic Stress Resistance抗液压 (4)4.9Toxicity Testing毒性试验 (4)4.10Bacterial Challenge Testing细菌挑战性测试 (5)4.11Physical Integrity Testing物理完整性测试 (5)5PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTER-ISTICS物理和机械特性 (5)5.1Filtration Rate and Clogging(Throughput)过滤流速和堵塞(产量) (5)5.2Fluid/Piping液体/管道 (6)5.3Fluid/Filter液体/过滤器 (6)5.4Physical and Structural Limitations物理和结构极限 (6)6STERILE FILTER VALIDATION/BACTERIAL RE-TENTION无菌过滤器验证/细菌保留 (6)6.1Factors Influencing Microbial Retention影响微生物停留的因素 (6)6.2Considerations for Bacteria1Retention Validation Studie细菌停留验证研究需考虑方面 (7)6.3Challenge Organism Selection Criteria挑战有机物选择标准 (7)6.4Culture Maintenance培养基保存 (7)6.5Culture Conditions and Standardizatio培养基状况和标准 (7)6.6Effective Challenge Concentration有效挑战浓度 (8)6.7Challenge Level挑战等级 (8)6.8Aggregation聚合 (8)6.9Culture Viability培养基存活能力 (8)6.10Challenge Test Methods挑战性测试方法 (8)6.11Test Organism Viability测试有机物存活能力 (8)6.12Testing Procedure and Protocol Development测试程序和方案起草 (8)6.13Nonbactericidal Processes and Fluids无菌工艺和液体 (9)6.14Surrogate Fluids替代液体 (9)6.15Bacteriostatic/Bactericidal/Nondispersive Challenge Fluids细菌抑制/灭菌/非分散挑战液体 (10)6.15.1Product Use at Reduced Exposure Time对比暴露时间内的产品使用 (10)6.15.2Modify Process修改工艺 (10)6.15.3Modify Formulation修改剂型 (10)6.15.4Use of Resistant Indigenous Bioburden抗固有生物负荷的使用 (10)6.16Filter Medium versus Device过滤器介质VS.设备 (11)6.17Pressure Differential and Flow Rate压差和流速 (11)6.18Duration持续时间 (11)6.19Downstream Samplin下游取样 (11)6.20Assay Membrane Selection检测膜选择 (11)6.21Results Interpretation结果说明 (11)6.22Product Bioburden产品生物负荷 (12)6.23Filter Configuration Change过滤器配置变更 (12)7INTEGRITY TESTING完整性测试 (12)7.1Integrity Testing Theory完整性测试理论 (12)7.2Relationship Between Integrity Test Results and Bacterial Retention完整性测试结果和细菌停留的关系 (14)7.3Product-Wetted versus Water-Wetted Integrity Testing产品浸湿VS水侵完整性测试 (15)7.3.1Product-Wetted Bubble Point(Ratio)产品浸湿气泡点(比率) (16)7.3.2Product-Wetted Bubble Point(Statistical Approach产品浸湿气泡点(统计法) (16)7.3.3Product-Wetted Diffusive Flow/Forward Flow Test Specifications产品浸湿扩散流/顺流测试说明 (17)7.4Upstream Testing without Downstream Manipulation Utilizing Automated Integrity Test Instruments自动完整性测试仪进行上游测试,无下游控制 (17)7.5When a Sterilizing Grade Filter Should Be Integrity Tested灭菌级过滤器何时应进行完整性测试 (17)7.6Failure Analysis/Troubleshooting故障分析/故障检修 (18)8FILTER STERILIZATION过滤器灭菌 (19)8.1Steam Sterilization蒸汽灭菌 (19)8.1.1Autoclave Sterilization高压蒸汽灭菌 (19)8.1.2Sterilize-in-Place在线灭菌 (19)8.2Irradiation Sterilization辐射灭菌 (19)8.3Gas Sterilization气体灭菌 (20)APPENDIX A,PORE SIZE ESTIMATION附件A,孔径估测 (21)APPENDIX B,TOXICITY AND FILTER EXTRACTABLES TESTING附件B,毒性和过滤器浸出物测试 (22)APPENDDIX C,FILTER VALIDATION RECOMMENDA-TlONS附件C,过滤器验证建议 (23)Tests Commonly Performed by Filter Users and the Filter Manufacturers-General Industry Practices通常由过滤器使用者和过滤器生产商进行的测试一般工业规范 (23)APPENDIX D,NONDESTRUCTIVE PHYSICAL INTEGRITY TEST METHODS附件D,非破坏性物理完整性测试方法 (24)Bubble Point Test气泡点测试 (24)Diffusive Flow/Forward Flow Test扩散流/顺流测试 (24)Pressure Hold/Decay Test压力保持/衰减测试 (25)Automated Integrity Test Instruments自动完整性测试仪Correlation Between Pressure Hold/Decay and Diffusive Flow/Forward Flow压力保留/衰减和扩散流/顺流 (26)APPENDIX E,STATISTICAL ADJUSTMENT TOTHE CALCULATED PRODUCT-WETTED BUBBLE POINT附件E,所计算产品浸湿气泡点的统计调整 (28)1.INTRODUCTION简介Sterilizing filtration is the process of removing all microorganisms,excluding viruses,froma fluid stream.A sterilizing filter must remove all microorganisms present in a fluid streamwithout adversely affecting product quality.This technical report is intended to provide a systematic approach to selecting and validating the most appropriate filter for a sterilizing filtration application.灭菌过滤是从液体蒸汽中除去不包括病毒在内的所有微生物的过程。



企业提供 了一 流 的过 滤验证 技 术服务 ( A CC E S S S E R V ICE ) 。 从药物研 发到生 产 的每个 阶段 , 密理 博都深 知
用 户 在法 规符合和 成 本控制方 面 的要 求 。 本着科学 、 务 实 的工 作态 度 , 密理 博专注 于 用 户 的技术 细节 ,运 用 各
项专业 技术 , 帮助用 户优化工 艺设 计及 过程 , 满足用 户 的验证 需求 。
近 年来 , 注射剂药物 的安全 问题越来越 引起各界 人 士 的广泛 关 注 。 许 多注 射剂是通 过 除菌过 滤法 来保证
产 品达 到一 定 的无 菌水 平 的 。 因此 , 在 采 用 除菌过 滤 的工 艺 时 , 如何根 据产 品 的特性 选 择合适 的过 滤器 , 并 对
术设 备 给 大 家 留下 了深 刻 的 印象 。
“ 密理 博 (
中国 )过 滤技术 博 ( 中国
程 技术 中心

的正 式 落成 开 业 在 国 内将形
成 一 个 制 药行 业 内分 享及 时有 效验证 信息 和 技 术 的 良好 交 流 平 台 , 为 国 内药 品企 业 提 供长 期 、 及 时 的技 术 支
同时提供 I T 4 完整性 测 试 仪 的校 正 , 维 修保 养服 务 ;微生 物检测 洁
净 室 主 要 开 展 涉 及 无 菌 的方 法 开 发 和 测 试 , 其 洁 净 级 别 为 7/~ - F 的局 部 百 级 , 符合 国 内 外 医 药工 业 洁 净室 的设 计标 准 。 中心 严 谨 、 有序 的 工 作环 境 、 完善 的 工 作流程 和 先进 的技
区 域 、 工 程 技 术 区 域 、 微 生 物检 测 洁净室 三 部 分组 成 , 其 中验证 区 域 主 要 用 于 过 滤 器















中英文 PDA TR 干热灭菌验证

中英文 PDA TR 干热灭菌验证
some may be subject to change in the future. However, the terms used in a validation program must be clearly defined and well understood within the company and clearly defined in internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), standards, and in regulatory filings. For the purposes of this technical report, the following definitions are used. 使用的是当前FDA、ICH以及其他管理当局的名词定义,但技术报告团队添加上更清晰的内容这 种司之间的使用可能是不同的, 而一些术语在未来可能会有变化。但是,验证程序中使用的术语必须清晰定义并且能够在公司 内被清楚理解,在内部标准操作规程(SOP)、标准及管理文件中也应清楚定义。本技术报告 出于这样的目的,使用如下定义。
术方法也可能存在并被应用,如果这些其他方法有合理的科学方法做支持。 This technical report is intended to give information about current industry practices and approaches to validating dry-heat depyrogenation and sterilization processes. In addition, sections will cover various aspects of dry-heat sterilization using biological indicators. 这份技术报告的目的是为目前工业实践以及干热除热原和灭菌工艺验证方法提供信息支持。此 外,报告的一些章节覆盖了干热灭菌使用的生物指示剂的各方面。 This technical report is organized in a chronological fashion, starting with a discussion of the general concepts of depyrogenation and sterilization science which are the foundation upon which to build a robust process. This includes use of biological indicators and endotoxin indicators. Also included are points to consider in equipment design, equipment verification, process development and performance qualification for new systems and the development and validation of processes for existing systems. 该技术报告是以时间顺序排列,以除热原和灭菌科学的通用概念开始,而这是建立稳固工艺的 基础。其中包括了生物指示剂和内毒素指示剂的使用。也包括了新系统的设备设计、设备确证、 工艺开发以及性能确认,还包括现有系统中工艺设计和验证中所需考虑的问题。 In the discussion of process development, particular attention has been given to the load type, loading patterns, and temperature profiles for depyrogenation and sterilization in both ovens and tunnels. The sections are followed by a brief discussion of items for consideration during routine processing and ongoing maintenance of the validated process. 工艺开发的讨论中,对于在烘箱和隧道中进行除热原和灭菌的负载种类、负载模式以及温度曲 线都给予特殊的关注。在已验证工艺的日常操作和持续维护中所需考虑的内容在这一部分也做 了简要讨论。 The background sections on depyrogenation/sterilization science and endotoxin/biological indicators are not comprehensive—but provide information specific to dry-heat processes. Information within the technical report is applicable to both forced hot air dry-heat batch processes (chambers) and to continuous processes (tunnels). Information within this technical report does not apply to dry-heat processes used for the sterilization of oil bases and oil based products, fixed processing streams or to those processes using infrared and microwave heating media. 关于除热原/灭菌科学和内毒素/生物指示剂的背景部分并不全面——但是所提供的信息是针对 干热工艺的。技术报告中的信息既适用于强制热空气干热批生产工艺(腔体),也适用于连续 性工艺(隧道)。本技术报告中的信息不适用于油性基质及油性基质产品,固定工艺流程或者 那些使用红外及微波加热介质的工艺中灭菌所用的干热工艺。 Current FDA, ICH, and other regulatory definitions are used except when more clarity is added by the Technical Report Team. Regulatory guidelines offer other definitions that maybe considered. Variations in the use of some terms may differ from company to company and









使用serratia marcescens作为标准菌对这些过滤器进行确认,确认用于水质量测试的膜。

然而在1960年发布的论文中,美国FDA的Frances Bowman博士发现0.45µm的“除菌过滤的”培养基可受到一种生物的污染,在每平方厘米104-106以上的挑战水平下少量的这种生物可反复穿透0.45µm级别的膜。

(5)ASTM F838也由此产生,这是一种标准测试法,用于评估除菌级别的膜过滤器。


1.1目的/ 适用范围工作组的主要目标是开发一份有关除菌过滤的科学的技术报告。





PDA TR29(1998)中英文对照版[1]

PDA TR29(1998)中英文对照版[1]
This Technical Report was disseminated in draft for public review and comment prior to publication. Many of the submitted comments have been included in the final document. We
清洁剂 4.3 Microbiological Contaminants
微生物污染 4.4 Other Contaminants to be Removed
蒲公英论坛首发。Eleven 制作,未经许可请勿在其他网站和论坛发布。
次要设备——主要设备 Materials of Construction 构造材质 2.4 Product Attributes 产品属性 Low Risk——High Risk Drugs 低风险——高风险药物 Highly Characterized——Poorly Characterized 高度特性化——缺乏特性化 Non-Sterile——Sterile 非无菌——无菌 2.5 Formulation Attributes 配方属性 Solids——Liquids 固体——液体 Soluble (Active or Excipient)——Insoluble (Active or Excipient) 可溶活性成分或赋形剂——难溶活性成分或赋形剂 2.6 Operational Issues 操作上的问题 Single Product Facility——Multiple Product Facility 单品种设施——多品种设施 Campaign Production——Batch Production 连续生产——批次生产 Simple Equipment Train——Complex Equipment Train 简单设备组合——复杂设备组合


Annex 1 Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products (2008) 无菌药品的生产
110. 一般认为,如果可能在药品最终容器中对药品灭菌,仅仅利 用过滤并不足以达到灭菌目的。在目前可用的灭菌方法中,应当 首选蒸汽灭菌。 …
111. Due to the potential additional risks of the filtration method as compared with other sterilization processes, a second filtration via a further sterilised micro-organism retaining filter, immediately prior to filling, may be advisable. The final sterile filtration should be carried out as close as possible to the filling point.
附录1 无菌药品 第七十五条 非最终灭菌产品的过滤除菌应当符合以下要
求: (三)除菌过滤器使用后,必须采用适当的方法立即对其
完整性进行检查并记录。常用的方法有起泡点试验、扩散 流试验或压力保持试验。
Annex 1 Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products (2008)
是 采用高压灭菌锅121℃、15 分钟
是 否
药液能否适合过滤是否可以通 过微生物截留过滤器过滤
是 否
采用湿热灭菌Fo≥8 分钟 除菌过滤和无菌工艺相结合




由于直接接种法是理想的 由于测试微生物活性的一些问题,一个成功的 测试计划可能需要改变

挑战液体 挑战条件 或两者兼有

可能需要预处理过滤器 文件给出了定义毒性水平的指南
2. 直接法
B. Diminuta / 挑战微生物
化验滤出液 中的微生物
可存活的 微生物?

除菌过滤是在对产品没有不良影响的前提下从流动的 液体中去除微生物的过程。 ASTMF 838-05 是一种标准的内置TM,可以用于比 较所有灭菌级的膜。 证明能去除一种标准试验细菌(Brevundimonas diminuta) 最低浓度为107 cfu/cm2 这是一个很好的开始,但是还要考虑其他因素
Section 6.2

应该在产品细菌挑战后调查测试微生物是否在 过滤器的下游重现。 如果调查确认测试微生物穿过了过滤器,并且 过滤器达到了完整性测试要求

那么应重新考虑该过滤器是否适合于这样的过程条 件。
Section 6.2

成分相同、只有浓度不同的系列产品可以通过 挑战极限浓度和接受中间一组浓度来验证。 如果某个单个产品被认为是最差情况代表,则 应伴有依据和数据。
47 mm 盘
Section 6.16

盘测试的原因: 确保过滤装置完整性

过滤器最初的和过程中的完整性通过以下手段 得以充分保证…

证明过滤器与过程相匹配的充分研究 过滤器生产商质量系统审查 经验证的完整性测试

除菌过滤器的重复使用(New-final out)

除菌过滤器的重复使用(New-final out)
Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Finished Pharmaceuticals – Part 211.65(a):
“设备应当建造得使其与组分、中间体或药品接触的表面不得 因与药品反应、添加或吸附而对药品的安全性、特性、浓度 、质量或纯度产生影响,以至于造成不符合官方法规或其它 已确定的规范要求的情形 。”
取得工艺使用后的滤芯 用滤芯进行挑战以验证最大重复使用循环后的膜化学兼容性,
复杂--不是洗洗再用 所有残留物必须除去
来自上游储罐和管道中的物质可能会停留在过滤器上并释放到 下个批次产品中
PDA TR26 Sterilizing Filtration of Liquid (2008 ) 美注射剂协会,技术报告26号,液体除菌过滤
过滤器的重复使用通常不实际,也不推荐用于制药过程。 但 是,如果重复使用一个除菌级过滤器,则需要证明有理由, 重复使用的参数也应当验证。
细菌穿透将能发生 前进流可能升高,但不足以指示局部缺陷
用FF 或 BP确认膜完好 FF 或 BP 可探知大孔/泄漏/旁通缺陷
FF 可探知全面变薄,但BP不行 FF 或 BP 均不能探知局部变薄
结论: 重复使用验证
一次性使用,产品特定验证,包括最恶劣条件膜片 用膜片模拟重复使用过程并对最大使用循环次数重新验证 当模拟困难时…...



的兼容性 验证 不 能替 代 重 复使 用 后 的兼 容性 验 证 。 重 复使 用兼 容性 的验 证 方 法 跟单 次 使 用 的 方 法 相
似, 仅工 艺流 体接触 的过 程不 同 , 用实 际生 产过程 可 代 替工 艺流体 接 触 过 程 。验证 时 , 复使 用 的 批数 重
过滤 器 , 而确 认其 细菌 截 留效 率 。因此 , 从 完整 性检 测 成 为兼容 性验 证 中的一个 关键 方法 。
没有受 到工艺 流体及 工 艺条 件 的负 面影 响 。兼 容 性
是影 响除菌效率 的重要因素之一 , 必须给予验证 。
兼 容性验 证将 通过 实验 数据 证 明过 滤器 耐受 工 艺 流体 及工 艺条件 ( 差 、 间 、 压 时 温度 等 ) 过滤 器 的 ,
性 能并 未受 到影 响 。 细菌挑战实验是过滤器对细菌截 留性能最直接 的 证明, 然而往往会 由于工艺条件 和/ 产品对挑战用 菌 或 生存 性 的影 响 , 不总是采 用实 际产 品和在 最差条件 并
容性验证将为过滤器 的性能确认提供 更全面 的证 明。
3 兼 容 性 验 证 实 验
完 整性测 试 法是 法规认 可 的非破 坏性 除菌过 滤
多 次重 复使用 后有 潜 在 的堵 塞 和 磨损 的风 险 , 完
整 性数据 不 能得 到客 观 体 现 , 因此 首 先 应进 行 单次 使 用情 况下 的兼 容 性验 证 。在单 次 使 用情 况 下 , 证 实 了过滤 器 和工艺 流体 、 工艺 条件兼 容 以后 , 进行 再 重 复使用 后 的过滤 器验证 。因为在 重复使 用 的情况
13 7 5
挥 发性 残 留物检 测 、 出物 和颗粒 物分 析 等方 法 , 溶 以


* P.diminuta(假单胞菌)挑战
除菌级过滤器(亲水性、疏水性) 除病毒过滤器 部分预过滤器
确认正确安装 检测破损 确认过滤系统达到验证性能
完不整性是检检测测对滤于保膜证微产孔品质的量“和孔批径次 ”分

PDA技术报告26 液体除菌过滤(2008年新 版)
PDA——Parenteral Drug Association, 注射用药物协会
EU guidelines to GMP Annex 1
ISPE评论—对于不能进行除菌过滤的 悬浮液和疫苗可能是个问题。
建议:当最终产品不能进行除菌过滤, 每种组分必须无菌检测及无菌混合。
114.同一过滤器的使用时间不得超出 一个工作日(除非经过验证)。
EU guidelines to GMP Annex 1
EU guidelines to GMP Annex 1
生产工艺控制的宗旨:将未过滤制品的生物负荷 降至最低。 对于未经灭菌处理的散装溶液,应当测定其生物 负荷,以了解生物潜在污染源的特征倾向。
FDA “Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing”September,2004

PDA TR 26过滤器完整性测试

PDA TR  26过滤器完整性测试

Copyright 2008 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Page 6
完整பைடு நூலகம்膜
上游的污染物大 于膜孔
缺陷允许上游的污 染物穿透
Copyright 2008 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc.
完整性测试是非破坏性的物理性测试 可以用于预测细菌截留的效果
• 并非仅仅 “发现过较大滤孔”
• 过滤器厂商通过对过滤器就进行细菌挑战,基于一系列测试数值 为每个型号的过滤器设置物理测试要求。
显示了孔径的分布 对于小面积膜过滤器来说由于较 低的扩散流/顺流而受到限制。
Copyright 2008 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc.
10” Cartridge 142 mm disc (5000 cm²EFA) (100 cm²EFA)
Bulk Flow Bubble Point Region Diffusive Flow
7.0 完整性测试 – 内容
7.1 完整性测试结果和细菌截留之间的关系
7.1.1验证测试 7.1.2生产用过滤器的完整性测试 7.1.3滤出液无菌保证
7.2 产品湿润完整性测试
7.2.1产品湿润起泡点测试 起泡点值分析法 起泡点统计法 7.2.2产品湿润扩散流/顺流测试

PDA TR26 08液体除菌过滤

PDA TR26 08液体除菌过滤

2008Sterilizing Filtration of Liquids Task ForceHanna R. Kviat Antonsen, Novo Nordisk A/SVictor Awafo, PhD, Sanofi PasteurMrs. Jean L. Bender, Genentech, Inc.Jeffrey R. Carter PhD, GE HealthcareRobert S. Conway, PhD, ConsultantStefan Egli, Pall Corporation.Teresa M. Feeser, PhD, Bristol-Myers Squibb CompanyMaik W. Jornitz, Sartorius Stedim Biotech S.A.Mary Kearns, Schering-Plough CorporationRichard V. Levy, PhD, PDARussell E. Madsen, The Williamsburg Group, LLCJerold M. Martin, Pall CorporationLeesa D. McBurnie, Meissner Filtration Products, Inc.Laura S. Meissner, Meissner Filtration Products, Inc.Theodore H. Meltzer, PhD, Capitola Consulting CompanyVinayak Pawar, PhD, U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationMaurice Phelan, Millipore CorporationPaul S. Stinavage, PhD, Pfizer IncNeal Sweeney, PhD, U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationHumberto Vega, PhD, Merck & Co., Inc.Leonore C. Witchey-Lakshmanan, PhD, GeneraMedix, Inc.The content and views expressed in this technical report are the result of a consensus achieved by the authoring task force and are not necessarily views of the organizations they represent.Sterilizing Filtration of LiquidsTechnical Report No. 26 (Revised 2008) Supplement to thePDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and TechnologyVol 62, No. S-52008© 2008 PDA1.1 Purpose/Scope (2)2.0 GLoSSaRy oF TERMS (3)3.0 HoW FILTERS WoRK (7)3.1 Pore Size Rating (7)4.0 FILTER SELEcTIoN aNd cHaRacTERIZaTIoN ..84.1 Filter Qualification and Validation (8)4.1.1 Revalidation (9)4.2 Filter Cleanliness (9)4.3 Filter Safety (10)4.3.1 Toxicity (10)4.3.2 Animal-Derived Materials (10)4.4 Operational Ranges (10)4.5 Filter Interactions with the Process Stream (10)4.5.1 Evaluating Filter Extractables andLeachables (10)4.5.2 Chemical Compatibility (12)4.5.3 Adsorption (12)5.0 FILTER uSE, HaNdLING aNd dESIGNcoNSIdERaTIoNS (13)5.1 Flow Characteristics (13)5.2 Filter Throughput (14)5.3 Filter Scale-up Considerations (15)5.3.1 Small-Scale Device Testing (16)5.3.2 Filter Cartridge Design (16)5.4 Effect of System Design (17)5.5 Operating Conditions (18)5.5.1 Inlet and Differential Pressure (18)5.5.2. Filtration Process Temperature (18)5.5.3 Filtration Time (Duration) (19)5.5.4 Flushing Conditions / Filter Priming (19)BacTERIaL RETENTIoN (20)6.1 Factors Influencing Bacterial Retention (20)6.2 Bacterial Retention Validation Studies (20)6.3 Bacterial Retention Validation Studies –Risk Assessment (21)6.4 Challenge Organism Selection Criteria (22)6.5 Culture Maintenance and ChallengePreparation (22)6.6 Testing Procedure and Protocol Development ..236.7 Nonbactericidal Processes and Fluids (23)6.8 Bacteriostatic/Bactericidal/NondispersiveChallenge Fluids (23)6.8.1 Reduced Exposure Time (25)6.8.2 Modify Test Method Parameters (25)6.8.3 Modify Test Product Formulation (25)6.8.4 Use of Resistant Indigenous Bioburden (25)6.9 Filtrate Sampling (26)6.10 Results Interpretation (26)6.11 Filters in Series (26)6.12 Filter Assembly Change (26)7.0 INTEGRITy TESTING (27)7.1 Relationship between Integrity Test Resultsand Bacterial Retention (28)7.1.1 Validation Testing (29)7.1.2 Integrity Testing of Production Filters (30)7.1.3 Filtrate Sterility Assurance (30)7.2 Product-Wetted Integrity Tests (30)7.2.1 Product-Wetted Bubble Point Tests (30) Bubble Point Ratio Approach (30) Bubble Point Statistical Approach (31)7.2.2 Product-Wetted Diffusive/Forward-FlowTest (32)7.3 Automated Integrity Test Instruments (32)7.4 Integrity Testing of Filters in Large,Multiple-Cartridge Housings (33)7.5 Qualification of Integrity Test Devices (33)Integrity Tested (34)7.6.1 Pre-Use Integrity Test Considerations (35)7.6.2 Post-Filtration Integrity TestConsiderations (36)7.6.3 Serial Filtration (36)7.7 Failure Analysis/Troubleshooting (36)7.7.1 Insufficient Wetting Failure Analysis (39)8.0 STERILIZaTIoN oF FILTERS (40)8.1 Steam Sterilization (40)8.1.1 Autoclave (40)8.1.2 Steam in Place (41)8.2 Irradiation Sterilization (41)8.3 Gas Sterilization (41)8.4 Resterilization of Filters (42)9.1 Filter Capsules (43)9.2 User Requirement Specifications (43)9.3 Component and System Qualification (44)9.3.1 Qualification Tests (44)9.3.2 Process and Functionality Tests (44)10.0 aPPENdIcES (46)APPENDIx A: Diffusive Flow Theory (46)APPENDIx B: Nondestructive Physical IntegrityTest Methods (48)APPENDIx C: Statistical Adjustment To TheCalculated Product-WettedBubble Point (55)APPENDIx D: Integrity Test Troubleshooting Guide ..56 11.0 REFERENcES (58)1.0 Introductionaffecting product quality. (1–4) This technical report is intended to provide a systematic approach to selecting and validating the most appropriate filter for liquid-sterilizing filtration applications.PDA’s original Technical Report No. 26, Sterilizing Filtration of Liquids, published in 1998, described the use and validation of sterilizing filtration to a generation of pharmaceutical scientists and engi-neers. This revision of the original report was developed in response to enhancements in filtration technologies and recent additional regulatory requirements within the pharmaceutical industry. References to regulatory documents, standards and scientific publications are provided where more detail and supportive data may be found.When membrane filters entered the market in the 1960s, 0.45 µm-rated membranes were considered “sterilizing-grade” filters and were used successfully in the sterilizing filtration of parenterals. These filters were qualified using Serratia marcescens as a standard bacterium for qualifying membranes used for water quality testing. In a paper published in 1960, however, Dr. Frances Bowman of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration observed a 0.45 µm “sterile-filtered” culture medium to be contami-nated with an organism subsequently shown to repeatedly penetrate 0.45 µm-rated membranes in small numbers at challenge levels above 104-106 per cm². (5) This led to the development of ASTM F 838, a standard test method for evaluating sterilizing-grade membrane filters. (6) Challenge organ-isms are discussed further in Section Purpose/ScopeThe primary objective of the task force has been to develop a scientific technical report on sterilizing filtration. The report does not always address region-specific regulatory expectations, but provides up-to-date scientific recommendations for use by industry and regulators in establishing a sterilizing filtration policy. This report should be considered a guide and is not intended to establish mandatory standards for sterilizing filtration. Concepts presented in this report pertain to processes in which sterilizing-grade filter performance is necessary and may not be universally applicable to all filtration processes (e.g., early stage filtration or routine bioburden). These include, but are not limited to, cell culture media, buffer, intermediate holds in aseptic process, bulk and final sterile filling.The task force was composed of European and North American industry and regulatory profession-als to provide a diverse perspective, thus ensuring that the methods, terminology and practices of sterilizing filtration presented are reflective of sound science and can be utilized globally. This report underwent an 11-week global technical peer review that included feedback from the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe.*Note: Sterilizing filtration is not intended to remove viruses.2.0 Glossary of TermsadsorptionThe retention of solutes, suspended colloidal particles or microorganisms to fluid contact surfaces, e.g., the surfaces of pores in filtration membranes.asepticFree from disease-producing microorganisms. An operation performed in a controlled envi-ronment designed to prevent contamination through the introduction of microorganisms. assayAnalytical method used to determine the purity or concentration of a specific substance in a mixture.BacteriaSingle-celled, microscopic organisms typically with a cell wall and characteristic shape (e.g., round, rod-like, spiral or filamentous); lacking a defined nucleus (“prokaryotic”). BioburdenA population of viable microorganisms in a fluid prior to sterilizing filtration. (7) Bracketing approachA validation method that tests the extremes of a process or product. The method assumes the extremes will be representative of all the samples between the extremes. [Synonym: matrix validation.]Bubble PointThe measured differential gas pressure at which a wetting liquid (e.g., water, alcohol, product) is pushed out of the largest pores of a wetted porous membrane and a steady stream of gas bubbles or bulk gas flow is detected. [Synonym: transition point.]Bubble Point TestA test to indicate the maximum pore size of a filter. The differential gas pressure at which a liquid (usually water) is pushed out of the larg-est pores and a steady stream of gas bubbles is detected from a previously wetted filter under specific test conditions. Used to test filter integ-rity with specific, validated, pressure values, wetting liquids and temperatures for specific pore-size (and type of) filters.cakeSolids deposited on the upstream side of filter media.capsule FilterA self-contained filter device or assembly. cartridge FilterA filter device requiring a housing for use. compatibilityProof that no adverse interaction between the filter and the process fluid has occurred. diffusive FlowThe movement of a dissolved gas across a liquid-wetted membrane based on the concentration (e.g., gas pressure) differential.diffusive/Forward Flow TestA test to determine the integrity of a filter. [Synonym: diffusive flow test, forward flow test.]direct InterceptionParticles with diameters larger than the filter pore diameter that are prevented from passing through the filter.downstream Side (of a Filter)The filtrate or outlet side of the filter. Effective Filtration areaThe total surface area of the filter available to the process fluid.EffluentFluid that flows out of a process step. EndotoxinLipopolysaccharides from the cell walls of bacteria, the most potent of which derive from Gram-negative organisms. When injected, they are known to cause a febrile, or fever-producing reaction that can cause severe patient reactions, and on occasion, can be fatal.synonyms, where applicable.ExtractableA chemical component that is removed from a material by the application of an artificial or exaggerated force (e.g., solvent, temperature or time).Filter (noun)A device used to remove particles from a fluid process stream that consists of a porous medium and a support structure.Porous material through which a liquid or gas is passed to remove viable and non-viable parti-cles.(6)Filter (verb)To pass a fluid through a porous medium whereby bacteria or other particles are removed from the fluid.Filterability TestA test to determine the suitability and sizing of a filter with a given fluid.Filter EfficiencyA measurement of how well a filter retains particles. It is usually expressed as the percent-age, or ratio, of the retention of particles of a specific size by a filter.Filter ElementThe basic filter unit from which cartridges or capsules are assembled.FiltrateFluid that has passed through a filter. FiltrationThe process by which particles are removed from a fluid by passing the fluid through a porous material.Flow rateThe volumetric rate of flow of a solution, expressed in units of volume per time (e.g., L/min or g/day).FluxThe rate of filtrate flow divided by the membrane area. FoulingThe result of solutes blinding or blocking membrane pores. It is observed as a decrease in the flux (at constant p ressure) or an i ncrease i n the filtration differential pressure (at constant flux). Gamma IrradiationIonizing radiation that can be used to sterilize a material.Gauge PressureGauge pressure is the difference between a given fluid pressure and that of the atmosphere. HydrophilicLiterally “water loving.” A filter that will wet with aqueous solutions to allow flow at a low pressure differential.HydrophobicLiterally “water fearing.” A filter that repels aqueous and other high-surface tension fluids and therefore cannot be wetted unless subjected to a high pressure differential. When prewetted with low surface tension fluid, such as alcohol, the membrane will allow water flow at a low pressure differential.InfluentFluid that flows into a process step. [Synonym: feed.]Integrity TestA nondestructive physical test that can be corre-lated to the bacterial retention capability of a filter/filter assembly.(6)LeachableA chemical component that migrates from a contact surface into a drug product or process fluid during storage or normal use conditions. Mass SpectroscopyAn analytical test method for identifying the chemical composition of a sample by separat-ing its gaseous component ions according to their mass and charge.Materials of constructionPolymers or other materials that make up the components of the filter.MediumIn filtration, the porous material which retains particles as a fluid passes through during the process of filtrationMembraneA thin, microporous medium used to remove particles and microorganisms from a fluid stream under pressure.MicroorganismA microbe; a free-living organism too small to be seen by the naked eye.ModuleFilter element that is incorporated into a cartridge or capsule.Non-fiber ReleasingRefers to a filter that does not shed fibers into the filtrate.ParticleAny discrete unit of material structure; a discernible mass having an observable length, width, thickness, size and shape. ParticulateRelating to, or occurring in the form of, particles. PermeabilityThe degree to which a fluid will pass through a porous substance under specified pressure and temperature conditions.PoreThe channel(s)/path(s) in a membrane through which a fluid may pass.PorosityThe ratio of void volume to bulk volume of the filter media.Pre-FilterAny filter placed upstream of the final filter. PressureForce applied per unit area, usually expressed as psi, mbar, kPa or kg/cm2.Back PressurePressure applied downstream of a filter or other piece of equipment.Differential PressureThe difference in pressure between the upstream (feed or influent) and downstream (effluent) sides of the filter. (May be modified with the following terms: applied differential pressure, available differential pressure, clean differential pressure, dirty differential pressure, initial differential pressure or maximum differential pressure.) [Synonym: delta P (Δ P), psid or pressure drop]Inlet PressureThe applied pressure entering the upstream side of the filter. [Synonym: influent, upstream or line pressure]Outlet PressureThe pressure exiting the downstream side of the filter. [Synonym: effluent or downstream pressure]Redundant FiltrationA type of serial filtration in which a second sterilizing-grade filter is used as a backup in the event of an integrity failure of the primary ster-ilizing filter.Serial FiltrationFiltration through two or more filters of the same or decreasing pore size, one after the other.SterilizationValidated process used to render a product free of viable microorganisms.NOTE:In a sterilization process, microbio-logical death or reduction is described by an exponential function. Therefore, the number of microorganisms that survive a sterilization process can be expressed in terms of probability. While the probability may be reduced to a very low number, it can never be reduced to zero. Sterilizing-Grade FilterA filter that reproducibly removes test microor-ganisms from the process stream, producing a sterile filtrate.Surface TensionThe tendency of the surface of a liquid to contract to the smallest area possible under defined conditions. It is expressed as dynes per centimeter.SurfactantA soluble compound that reduces the surface tension of a liquid or reduces interfacial tension between two liquids (causing the formation of micelles), or between a liquid and a solid. ThroughputThe amount of solution that passes through a filter. It is described as volume through the membrane area. [Synonym: capacity] upstreamThe influent, or inlet side of the filter.ValidationA documented program that provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process, method or system will consistently produce a result meeting predetermined acceptance criteria.VolatileEvaporates easily; converts easily from a liquid to a gas.。

5、PDA 灭菌方法的讨论

5、PDA 灭菌方法的讨论

灭菌方法的讨论-PDA 技术报告#TR1、3、11、26、40Xiaoming Wang MD, MSMissionTo advance pharmaceutical / biopharmaceutical manufacturing science and regulationso members can better serve patients.VisionTo maximize product quality, availability, and value by connecting people, science, andregulation within the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical community so that PDA is:•The preferred choice for professionals who seek specialized, innovative skills and knowledge enhancing their professional development•The premier educational partner for professionals in academia, industry and government for the advancement of manufacturing, quality and regulatory science •An organization that aligns its practices and resources in support of its core values of science based, integrity, and inclusionPDA Connecting People, Science and RegulationAbout PDAThe Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) is the leading global facilitator of science, technology and regulatory information. The PDA creates awareness and understanding of important issues facing the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical community and delivers education for the community. Founded in 1946 as a nonprofit organization, PDA is committed to developing scientifically sound, practical technical information and expertise to advance pharmaceutical / biopharmaceutical manufacturing science and regulation so members can better serve patients.ValuesScience Based: Science is the foundation of our organization. We utilize a scientific approach to meet challenges and continuously improve. It is not subjective or emotional, but rather a logical, open, rational and transparent process.Integrity: We are relentless in applying the highest ethical standards to our products, services and actions. We will never compromise ethics. We will be known for living to the highest forms and standards of ethical behavior. We will honor our commitments. Inclusion: We work together to create a culture of inclusion built on trust, respect and dignity for all.We contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical / biopharmaceutical operations by building partnerships with professionals in academia, industry and regulatory bodies to better serve patients.MottoCONNECTING PEOPLE, SCIENCE AND REGULATION®灭菌Sterilization•灭菌–在特定概率下使产品没有活体微生物的工艺过程-PDA TR1 Sterilization –A process used to render a product free of viable organisms with specified probability –PDA TR1•经验证的去除所有活体微生物的工艺过程–ISOValidated Process used to render a product free of all forms of viable microorganisms -ISO灭菌方法-PDA 技术报告#TR48、1、61;3;11;26;40 PDA TRChapter中文名称英文名称48/ 1 / 61湿热灭菌系统:设计,实施,操作,验证和维护/湿热灭菌的验证:灭菌程序的设计,开发,确认和日常监控/在位蒸汽灭菌Moist Heat Sterilizer Systems: Design, Commissioning, Operation, Qualification and Maintenance/Validation of Moist HeatSterilization Processes:Cycle Design, Development,Qualification and OngoingControl/Steam in Place3干热除热源灭菌的验证Validation of Dry Heat Processes Used for Depyrogenation andSterilization11注射制剂的Gamma辐照灭菌Sterilization of Parenterals by Gamma Radiation26液体的除菌过滤Sterilizing Filtration of Liquid40气体的除菌过滤Sterilization Filtration of GasesETO, VHP, e-beam,x-ray湿热灭菌Steam Sterilization•湿热灭菌法:用饱和水蒸气、沸水或流通蒸汽进行灭菌的方法,以高温高压水蒸汽为介质,由于蒸汽潜热大,穿透力强,容易使蛋白质变性或凝固,最终导致微生物的死亡•高压灭菌器:通过温度、压力和时间来实现灭菌的设备(Equipment used to achieve sterilization through time, temperature and pressure )湿热灭菌Steam Sterilization•物品暴露在所需的蒸汽下温度、压力下一定时间已达到快速杀灭微生物的手段•4个参数:蒸汽接触、温度、压力、时间(steam contact,temperature,pressure,time)•2006年7月24日,部分患者使用安徽华源生产的克林霉素磷酸酯葡萄糖注射液(即“欣弗”注射液)后,出现胸闷、心悸、心慌、寒战、肾区疼痛、腹痛、腹泻、恶心、呕吐、过敏性休克、肝肾功能损害等临床症状。

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使用serratia marcescens作为标准菌对这些过滤器进行确认,确认用于水质量测试的膜。

然而在1960年发布的论文中,美国FDA的Frances Bowman博士发现0.45µm的“除菌过滤的”培养基可受到一种生物的污染,在每平方厘米104-106以上的挑战水平下少量的这种生物可反复穿透0.45µm级别的膜。

(5)ASTM F838也由此产生,这是一种标准测试法,用于评估除菌级别的膜过滤器。


1.1目的/ 适用范围工作组的主要目标是开发一份有关除菌过滤的科学的技术报告。






















* 注意:灭菌过滤的目的不是去除病毒。























































































(13,14)一般而言,在规定的条件下,在有效的过滤器表面积内每平方厘米截留B. diminuta ATCC19146的能力达到的过滤器定义为除菌级过滤器。







