人教版二年级上册语文按要求写句子周末专项练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________按要求写句子1. 仿照例子写句子。
要是________________________________________________________________2. 仿写句子。
### 数学练习题1. 加法练习:- 计算下列各题的和:- 34 + 56- 87 + 23- 45 + 782. 减法练习:- 计算下列各题的差:- 100 - 35- 92 - 47- 76 - 293. 乘法练习:- 计算下列各题的积:- 6 × 7- 8 × 9- 5 × 44. 除法练习:- 计算下列各题的商:- 48 ÷ 6- 56 ÷ 8- 35 ÷ 5### 语文练习题1. 成语填空:- 请在下列句子中填入合适的成语:- 他做事总是____,从不马虎。
- 她学习非常____,成绩总是名列前茅。
2. 阅读理解:- 阅读下面的短文,回答问题:- 短文内容(略)- 问题:文章中的主要人物是谁?他/她做了什么?3. 写作练习:- 写一篇关于“我的周末”的短文,描述你周末的活动和感受。
### 英语练习题1. 单词拼写:- 根据下列单词的发音,写出正确的拼写:- /'kæt/ (cat)- /'dɒg/ (dog)- /'bɑ:n/ (barn)2. 语法练习:- 用括号中的正确形式填空:- She ___ (be) a teacher.- They ___ (have) a big family.3. 阅读理解:- 阅读下面的短文,回答问题:- 短文内容(略)- 问题:What does the story mainly talk about?### 科学练习题1. 观察练习:- 观察家中的植物,记录它的生长情况。
2. 实验练习:- 做一个简单的浮力实验,观察不同物体在水中的浮沉情况。
3. 问题解答:- 为什么天空是蓝色的?通过这些练习题,小学生可以在周末的时间里,以轻松愉快的方式复习和巩固学习内容,同时也能够培养他们的思考能力和解决问题的能力。
一、选择题1. 下列哪个数是偶数?A. 17B. 18C. 19D. 202. 下列哪个图形是正方形?A. 正三角形B. 长方形C. 等腰梯形D. 梯形3. 下列哪个国家位于南美洲?A. 美国B. 巴西C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚4. 下列哪个节日是中国的传统节日?A. 感恩节B. 母亲节C. 中秋节D. 独立日5. 下列哪个单位是长度单位?A. 千克B. 米C. 秒D. 摄氏度二、填空题1. 5 + 3 = ______2. 2 × 4 = ______3. 7 2 = ______4. 100 ÷ 5 = ______5. 8 + 8 = ______三、判断题1. 所有奇数都是质数。
()2. 平行四边形一定是矩形。
()3. 地球是太阳系中唯一有生命的行星。
()4. 水的沸点是100摄氏度。
()5. 人类已经成功登陆月球。
()四、简答题1. 请简述圆的性质。
2. 请简述三角形按边分类的方法。
3. 请简述地球自转和公转的区别。
4. 请简述质量守恒定律的基本内容。
5. 请简述光合作用的基本过程。
五、应用题1. 一辆汽车以每小时60公里的速度行驶,行驶了3小时,请问这辆汽车行驶了多少公里?2. 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,请问这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?3. 一桶水有10升,用去了3升,请问还剩下多少升水?4. 一个班级有40名学生,其中有20名女生,请问这个班级男生和女生的比例是多少?5. 一辆自行车以每小时15公里的速度行驶,行驶了2小时后,请问这辆自行车行驶了多少公里?六、计算题1. 计算 456 + 1232. 计算 789 3453. 计算12 × 674. 计算98 ÷ 75. 计算0.25 × 0.5七、几何题1. 一个圆的半径是5cm,求其面积。
2. 一个三角形的底是6cm,高是4cm,求其面积。
3. 一个长方体的长是8cm,宽是4cm,高是6cm,求其体积。
2.把选文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(4分) (1)此则岳阳楼之大观也,前人之述备矣。 这就是岳阳楼的壮丽景象,前人的记叙很详尽了。 (2)先生奇轼言,尽以告之。 先生认为苏轼说的话奇特,把十一个人的情况全部告知了 他。
3.选出下列各项中加点词语意思相同的一项是( B )(2分)
A.在洞庭一. 湖/而不一. 见其面 B.予观. 夫巴陵胜状/轼从旁窃观. C.或异二者之为. /吾得其为. 人 D.览物之. 情/读之. 至流涕 【解析】A.全/一次; B.看;C.表现/做;D.的/代词,指
嘉祐二年,始举进士,至京师,则范公殁,既葬而墓碑 出,读之. 至流涕,曰:“吾得其为. 人,盖十有五年,而不一. 见其面,岂非命欤?”是岁登第,始见知于欧阳公,因公以识 韩、富,皆以国士待轼,曰:“恨子不识范文正公。”
(1)迁. 客骚人( 贬谪,降职 ) (2)朝晖. 夕阴( 日光 ) (3)予尝求. 古仁人之心( 探求 )
1.太阳( )是东升西落。
A.一定B.不一定C.不会2.与北极星相对的方向是( ) 。
A.东 B.南 C.西3.小明座位的西南方向是张强的座位,那么小明在张强的( )方向。
A.东南 B.西北C.东北4.三(1)班教室的黑板在教室的西面,那么老师讲.课时面向( )面。
A.东B.南C.西 D.北5.张丽面向南站立,当她向后转之后,她的左面是( ),右面是( )。
A.东B.西 C.北二、填空。
1.把手表平放在桌面上,用数字12 正对着北方。
正对着南方的是数字( );数字3 正对着( )方。
2.小铃面向西站立,向右转动两周半,面向( );向左转动l周半,面向( )。
(1)1号楼在中心花园的( )方向;3号楼在中心花园的( )方向;4号楼在中心花园的( )方向。
(2)4号楼在2号楼的( )方向;1号楼在2号楼的( )方向。
(3)中心花园在( )的北面,( )的西北面,2号楼的( )方向。
(4)( )在( )北面。
.(5)5号楼的西面有( )号楼和( )号楼。
( )2.和西北相对的方向是西南。
( )3.在森林中可以利用树叶的疏密来识别方向。
( )4.面对早晨的太阳,你的右手边是南方。
( )五、解决问题。
1.小强的家门面向东,放学回家后站在门前,面向家门,他的前后左右分别是什么向?2.小明和小立背对背站立,小明向北走150米,小立向南走120米,两人相距多远?三年级周末练习(二)一、口算23+19= 64-45= 96÷3= 58+36= 7×10=80÷8= 78+19= 84÷4= 21×3= 82-26=13×2= 26÷2= 39÷3= 120÷4= 44÷4= 二、填空。
A. 89,90,91
B. 94,93,92
C. 88,87,89
12.根据等式的性质填空x+16=40 x -52=4x+16-16=40○()x-52+52=4○()x=()x=()x÷8=24 3 x=27x÷8×()=24○() 3 x÷()=27○()x=()x=()二、判断1、a²=a+a ( )2、小红今年a岁,比小艺大2岁,小艺今年(a+2)岁。
()7、3+5+8=x 不是方程。
()三、选择1、当a=20,b=40时,2a²-b=()A. 0B. 160C.7602、甲、乙两地相距150千米,一辆汽车从甲地出发,每小时行m千米,5小时以后离乙地还有()千米。
二年级上册数学计算题周末专项练习班级:__________ 姓名:__________1. 直接写出得数。
32÷8= 4×7= 21÷3= 54÷9= 25÷5= 81÷9= 72+8= 56÷7= 36÷9= 5×7= 18÷2= 7÷1= 2. 口算。
8×5= 9-6= 7+7= 8×9= 35-0= 9×4= 7×6= 5+9= 5×6= 4×7+7= 3. 口算。
8050-= 6000700+= 549÷=5032+= 7613-= 980910-= =÷756344÷= 1700700-= 300700+= 09⨯=738÷= 4. 直接写得数。
39-23= 8+22= 9×4=3×5= 5×4= 3×8= 6×2=5×5= 7×3= 1×5= 3×9=5. 直接写出得数。
5×9= 36÷4= 1200-800=24+66= 28÷7= 54÷9= 20÷5×4= 6×7= 48÷6= 44-7= 480+50= 820-570=6. 脱式计算下面各题。
85-27+18 (44-26)÷336+5×4 (34-18)÷481-(48+25) 54+9÷37. 直接写出得数。
486÷= 369÷= 455÷= =÷864 60003000-= 729÷= =÷981 =÷88 500800+= 1600700-=8. 直接写得数。
小学三年级周末练习题作业题一1. 在下列5个数中,将最大的两个数字相加:49、92、35、80、61。
2. 把以下几个字母按照字母表的顺序排列:G、D、K、B、H。
3. 小明参加了一个跳绳比赛,他连续跳了200下。
如果每分钟跳40下,他一共跳了多少分钟?答案:200 ÷ 40 = 5分钟。
作业题二1. 请写出25以内所有的偶数。
2. 请写出20以内所有的奇数。
3. 小红有12颗巧克力,她想平均分给她的4个朋友,每个人能分到几颗巧克力?答案:12 ÷ 4 = 3颗。
作业题三1. 下面是一组数字:3、7、2、5、9、1,请按照从大到小的顺序排列。
2. 下面是一组数字:8、4、12、6、3,请按照从小到大的顺序排列。
3. 小林参加了一个游戏比赛,他一共得到了45分,如果每个正确答案得3分,他一共回答了几个正确的问题?答案:45 ÷ 3 = 15个正确答案。
作业题四1. 请写出30以内所有的倍数。
2. 请写出35以内所有的不是倍数的数字。
3. 小明在一本书上花了30分钟读了15页,他每分钟读多少页?答案:15 ÷ 30 = 0.5页。
作业题五1. 请计算以下各式:3 + 5 × 2 = ?6 ÷ 2 × 3 = ?9 - 4 × 2 = ?10 ÷ 2 + 3 = ?答案:13、9、1、8。
2. 如果一共有9个苹果,小明和小红分别拿了5个和3个,还剩下几个苹果?答案:9 - 5 - 3 = 1个苹果。
1、时光我们度过一起这快乐的________________ __________________ _____2、我们老师公园带领去玩星期天___________________ ____________________ ___3、买了姐姐书彩色的一本送我给_______ ___________________________________ 4、又红又圆苹果的爱吃我们都___ ___________________________________________5、我的我小伙伴请家里到玩来__________________________________ ___________二、按故事发展的顺序,在括号里填上序号。
(2)填空a、一年有()、( )、( )、( )四个季节。
b、春天的树上,芽瓣();夏天的树上,叶片();秋天的树叶颜色有()和();冬天的树下,满地是( )。
(4)(讲故事)作者在书中说:“我从未见过任何中国青少年有这样 一种人格尊严,我发现在这些红红脸蛋、欢乐愉快、精神饱满、 忠诚不渝的‘红小鬼’身上,充满着一种令人惊奇的蓬勃精神,让 人看到希望。”请用书中一个关于“红小鬼”的故事来印证这句话。 (4分) 示例:斯诺刚进入根据地时,碰到两个端饭菜的“红小鬼”。两个 “红小鬼”面对毫无礼貌的斯诺,不理不睬,但当斯诺经别人提醒 道谢时,他俩才有礼貌地回答:不用道谢,都是革命工作。(3分) 这样有原则的“红小鬼”正是中国的希望。(1分)(言之有理即可)
二、课内外文言文比较阅读 【甲】三峡
自三峡七百里中,两岸连山,略无阙处。重岩叠嶂,隐天蔽日, 自非亭午夜分,不见曦月。
至于夏水襄陵,沿. 溯阻绝。或王命急宣,有时朝发白帝,暮到江 陵,其间千二百里,虽乘奔御风,不以疾. 也。
春冬之时,则素湍绿潭,回清倒影,绝山献多生怪柏,悬泉瀑 布,飞漱其间,清荣峻茂,良多趣味。
Байду номын сангаас
3.下列句子中加点的词语使用不. 恰. 当. 的一项是( B )(3分) A.她轻. 盈. 的舞步,霎时间成为众人的焦点,那美好的步伐让人不禁沉醉其 中。
B.在上交试卷的前几分钟,他又细心检查了一遍答案,篡. 改. 了好几处错误 的地方。
C.他在写作上殚. 精. 竭. 虑. 地运筹,苦心孤诣地经营,因而他的散文作品别具 韵致和蔼象。
课内外文言文比较 阅读(15分)
一、积累运用 1.默写古诗文。(共10分。答对一句得1分,满分不超过10分) (1)八方各异气, 千里殊风雨 。(曹植《梁甫行》) (2) 攀条折其荣 ,将以遗所思。 馨香盈怀袖 ,路远莫致 之。(《庭中有奇树》) (3)此物何足贵? 但感别经时 。(《庭中有奇树》)
六年级上册周末作业练习题一、选择题1. 下列选项中,属于带有音标的单词是:a) book b) cat c) apple d) dog2. 请选出一组相似的动词:a) play, jump, run b) apple, orange, banana c) big, small, tall d) teacher, student, doctor3. 下列句子中,哪一句是正确的?a) They go to swim. b) I do my homeworks. c) She wants some apples. d) We has a dog.4. 请选出下列选项中含有形容词的句子:a) The cat is sleeping. b) I like to eat ice cream. c) He runs fast. d) She has a toy.5. 下列单词中,哪一项是没有元音字母的?a) cat b) book c) apple d) orange6. 请选出一个以“th”发音的单词:a) cat b) think c) dog d) house7. 下列选项中,哪个单词的含义与其他三个不同?a) pen b) pencil c) book d) bag8. 请选出一个变成第三人称单数形式的动词:a) go b) plays c) are d) do9. 下列句子中,哪一句是对的?a) My brother have three apples. b) They goes to school. c) The girl has a blue dress. d) We like to play football.10. 下列选项中,哪一句是陈述句?a) Can I have a pencil? b) What's your name? c) It's a beautiful day! d) Are you ready for the test?二、填空题1. 我们每天早上七点半起床。
一、数学题1. 请用最简单的公式计算出2 + 2等于几?2. 一辆火车以每小时120公里的速度行驶了3小时,那么它行驶的总距离是多少?3. 若A是B的3倍,而B又是C的2倍,那么C是A的几分之一?二、推理题1. 某大楼有10层,你站在第3层,往下数第3层是哪一层?2. 有一辆电梯,只能承重1000千克,已经有999千克的人上了电梯,你和另外一个500克的东西站在电梯门口,电梯能否运行?3. 如果所有的绵羊都睡觉了,那么狗呢?三、语言题1. 请写出“美好”一词的反义词。
2. 完成下列成语:龙飞凤舞、井井有条、心灵手巧、百家争鸣、一视同仁。
3. 请将下列句子改为否定句:小明喜欢吃苹果。
四、常识题1. 地球的自转是顺时针还是逆时针?2. 请问,中国的首都是哪里?3. 你知道最常用的计量单位是什么吗?五、文化题1. 莎士比亚的代表作是哪一部?2. 西游记的作者是谁?3. 请用英文写出“你好”是哪个单词?六、聪明的你出题由于你已经完成了以上的练习题,现在轮到你来出一道练习题了。
周末练习十动词时态、语态一、单项选择题1. I can guess you were in a hurry. You __your sweater inside out.A. had wornB. woreC. were wearingD. are wearing2. — We __that you would fix the TV set this week.—I’m sorry. I __to, but I’ve been too busy.A. had expected;had intendedB. are expecting;had intendedC. expect;intendD. expected;intend3. He will stop showing off, if no notice __of him.A. is takenB. will be takenC. takesD. has taken4. — It is said that another new car factory__now.— Yeah. It __one and a half years.A. is building;takesB. is being built;will takeC. is built;will takeD. is being built;takes5. —I’m sorry, but I shouldn’t have been so rude to you.— You __your temper b ut that’s OK.A. have lostB. had lostC. did loseD. were losing6. — Why? Tom, your shirt is so dirty!— Mum, I __my storeroom downstairs。
A. cleanedB. have workedC. was cleaningD. have been cleaning7. They won’t buy new clothes because they__money to buy a color TV set.A. saveB. are savingC. has savedD. were saving8. Good heavens! There you are! We__anxious about you, and we __you back throughout the night.A. are;expectB. were;had expectedC. have been;were expectingD. are;were expecting9. I’ve finally finished my paper and it __me an entire month.A. takesB. tookC. was takenD. had taken10. The traffic in our city is already good and it __even better.A. getsB. gotC. has gotD. is getting11. — Has Jack finished his homework yet?— I have no idea;he __it this morning.A. was doingB. had been doingC. has doneD. did12. — I will come to attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow.—I’m sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I__my guests in my office.A. is being metB. will meetC. will be meetingD. will have met13. — Alice came back home the day before yesterday. — Really ? Where __?A. has she beenB. had she beenC. has she goneD. had she gone14. John and I__friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we__each other acouple of times before that.A. had been;have metB. have been;have metC. had been;had metD. have been;had met15. I __ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.A. will playB. have playedC. playedD. play16. I’ve won a holiday for two to Florida. I __my mum.A. takeB. am takingC. have takenD. will have taken17. —You haven’t said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?—I’ m sorry I __anything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty on you.A. wasn’t sayingB. don’t sayC. won’t sayD. didn’t say二、完成句子1.Rice (grow) in the south of China.2.this kind of car (make) in the USA?3.You (want) on the phone.4.Why Australia (call) “a country on a sheep’s back”?5.Li Ming (ask) to attend the meeting yesterday.6.The young trees (not water) yesterday.7.Those children (look) after well last week.8.The clothes (wash) yesterday, they (wash) easily.9.The book (write) by Lu Xun.10.The printer (use) (print) something tomorrow.11.What it (make) of? Paper.12.You can watch TV when your homework (do)13.I (ask) to give a talk there last year.14.In which city silk (produce)?15.He often (hear) (sing) in the room.16.The workers (make) (work) for 12 hours by the boss every day.17.Nothing (appear) on the screen.18.An accident (happen) here last night.19.Many stars (can see) at night.20.Your bike (must not put) there.21.All the preparations for the task ______________________(complete) and we are ready to start.22.Hundreds of jobs ________________________(lose) if the factory closes.23.A new hospital _____________________(build). Will it be completed at the end of this year?24.I wonder why Jenny _________________________(not write) to us recently. We should have heard from her bynow.25.The silence of the library ________________________(break) only by the sound of pages being turned over.三、单句改错1. Do you know who defeat Xie Jun at the international chess?2. The park wasn’t belonged to the Duke until recently.3. The lecture was lasted for nearly three hours.4. She lay the baby on the bed and went off.5. They have married for ages and no quarrels have broken out between them.6. As we joined the big crowd I got separate from my friend.7. Since the teacher taught us English in 2001, great progress has made.8. He works hard no matter when I see him.9. John always gets up too late, and never had enough time for breakfast.10. Whether the sports meet might put off depends on the weather.四、语篇填空Alexandrina Victoria 1.________(bear) on 24 May 1819 in Germany. Both Victoria’s father and her grandfather, King George III, 2. ________(die) when she 3.____________(be) eight months old. Raised by her strong-willed mother and by a governess, Victoria was largely protected from the influence of the outside world. At the age of 11, she 4.____________(learn) that she 5.________ one day be queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. She promis ed, “I 6._______(be) good.”That day 7.____________(come) on 20 June 1637, after the death of her uncle, William IV. When Victoria 8.____________(just turn) 18, she 9.____________(move) into Buckingham Palace, changing it from a summer palace to the official residence of the British monarch. The following year, she 10.____________(crown).周末练习十动词时态、语态答案一、单项选择题1– 5 DAABC 6 – 10 DBCBD 11 – 17 ACBDDBD二、完成句子1.is grown2. Is made3. are wanted4. is called5. was asked6.were not watered7. were looked8. were washed; washed9. is written10.will be used; to print 11. is ; made 12. is done 13. was asked 14. is ; produced15.is ; heard; singing 16. are made; to work 17. appears/ appeared18.happened 19. can be seen 20. must not be put 21. have been completed22. will be lost 23. is being built 24. hasn’t written 25. was broken三、单句改错1.defeat→defeated2.wasn’t belonged→belonged3.was lasted→lastedy→laid5.第一个have→have been6.separate→separated7.has made→has been made8.works→is working 9.had→has 10.put off→be put off四、语篇填空1. was born2. died3. was4. Learned5. would6. will be7. came8. had just turned9. moved 10. was crowned。
周末综合练习题一、选择题1.下列词语中,含有纯公共汉字的是:A.雪球B.大山C.牛奶D.大地2.下列数字中哪个最小?A.0.5B.0.15C.0.25D.0.13.以下诗句哪个是描写秋天的?A.飘零叶纷纷,日暮尚沉沉B.春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还C.如今有事南北往,来日多是京华游D.荡秋千,风似刀,霜儿飞雁过4.已知正整数A = 2^3 × 3^2,B = 2^2 × 3^2 × 5^2,那么A、B的最大公约数是:A.2^2 × 3^2B. 2^3 × 3^2 × 5^2C.2^2 × 3^2 × 5^2D. 2^3 × 3^2 × 5^25.下列说法正确的是:A.月球是地球的卫星B.太阳是地球的卫星C.地球是太阳的卫星D.地球也没有卫星二、填空题1.亚洲最长的河流是(),全长6380千米。
2.请问质量守恒定律和能量守恒定律的内容及意义是什么?3.若a,b,c是三角形的三条边长,且a < b < c,那么下面哪些条件可以构成一个三角形?A.a+b > cB.a+b = cC.a+c > bD.a+c < b四、综合应用题某村庄一共有男人、女人和小孩共计500人,每个男人和女人可以看作一个家庭,每个家庭平均有2.5个小孩。
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初三下周末练习题四单项选择1.Various_______ sold at this counter. A. soap is B. soap are C. soaps are D. soap is2. Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed ________well.A. her hairB. her hairsC. the hairD. the hairs3. You’ll find this map of great______ in helping you to get round London.A. priceB. costC. valueD. usefulness4._________turn green in spring. A. Leaf B. Leafs C. Leave D. Leaves5. A good deal of money ______spent on books.A. haveB. hasC. have beenD. has been6.Nobody but Jane______the secret. A. know B. knows C. have known D. is known7. Father went to his doctor for________ about his heart trouble.A. an adviceB. adviceC. advicesD. the advices8. A library with five thousand books______ to the nation as a gift.A. is offeredB. has offeredC. are offeredD. have offered9. The number of people invited______fifty, but a number of them______ absent for different reasons.A. were; wasB. was; wasC. was; wereD.were; were10. Not only I but also Jane and Mary ______ tired of having one examination after another.A. isB. areC. amD. be11. You should pay much________to your pronunciation.A. interestB. noticeC. attentionD. money12. ________ it is to listen to music!A. How funB. How a funC. What a funD. What fun13.---What can I do for you? --I’d like to have a _____of China Daily.A. pieceB. sheetC. lotD. copy14.Beijing has______ of about ten million.A. a populationB. populationsC. the populationD. population15.If these shoes are too big, ask him to bring you a small________.A. oneB. suitC. pairD. ones16. The girl always wears beautiful ______ A. clothes B. cloth C. clothing D. dress17. Thank you, you are so kind. Oh, but there’s_______.A. some other thingsB. one other thingC. little other thingD. other one thing18. That table is made of_______. A. a wood B. wood C. the wood D. woods19. It is impossible for so _______workers to do so________ work in a single day.A. few; muchB. few; manyC. little; muchD. little; many20. He need_______ to develop his skill as a painter.A. a roomB. roomsC. roomD. place21. It is surprising that______Germany can not speak_______ German language. A. / ; a B. a; the C. the ; / D. a ; a22. You know_______ sea covers more than 7percent of the surface of the earth.A. theB. anC. aD. /23. “ Is Paris_______capital of _______France?” the little boy asked.A. /; theB. the; theC. the; /D. a ; the24. Doctor Zheng often goes shopping before_______supper.A. /B. theC. anD. a25. It is_______empty box, and three is nothing in box.A. a ;theB. the ; theC. an; theD. a ; a26.—Where’s Jack? -- I think he’s still in______bed, but he might just be in______bathroomA. /; /B. the; theC. the; /D. /; the27. Put______ on the shelf. A. the books B. books C. book D. a books28. I go to school by________A. a bus B. the bus C. my bus D. bus29. _______ arriving_______ home, he began to do his homework.A. On; atB. With; inC. /; atD. On; /30. I don’t usually like staying at______hotels, but last summer I spent a few days at_____ very nice hotel by ________sea.A. the; the; /B. /; a; theC. the; the; theD. the; a; the31. Our country has a population of ______people.A. 1,200-millionB. 1,200millionsC. 1,200millionD. 1,200million of32. _______is heavier than the first. A. The two B. The second C. Two D. Second33. The town is five miles_______ from here.A. aboutB. aroundC. or soD. some34. He is in his ______. A. fourty B. forty C. fourties D. forties35. Spending on farm programs will_______$14.9 billionA. reduce forB. be reduced atC. be reduced byD. be reduced36.—What did the teacher tell you to do?---He told me to write a ________ composition.A.two-thousand-wordB.two-thousand-wordsC.two-thousand-wordsD. two-thousands-word37. There is a learning tower about________.A. 180 feet highB. 180 foot highC. high 180 feetD. 180 foot high38. The war broke out in________.A. 1930’sB. the 1930sC. the 1930’sD. 1930s39.8/3 is ___________in English.A. two point two thirdsB. two over two-thirdC. two and two-thirdsD. two twos and three40. It will take_______ time to finish the courseA. one and a half years’B. a year and a halfC. one and a half year’sD. a year and a half’s二.完形填空A 1 bee went to a river to drink. As it was drinking, the bee was carried away by the running water.A kind bird saw that the bee was in 2 . It picked a leaf off a tree and threw 3 into the water in front of the bee. The bee climbed onto the leaf, and it was brought 4 to the land. The bee thanked the bird a lot and then 5 away.Not long after that, the bird was sitting on the branch(树枝)of a tree. It did not know that a man wanted to kill it. But the bee saw 6 the man was doing. So it flew into the man's 7 and stung(刺蜇) him. The pain in the man's eye was so great that he was not able to shoot 8 the bird, and the bird flew away.9 , the bee, whose life had been saved by the bird, was able to save the 10 of the bird.1. A. hungry B. thirsty C. tired D. happy2. A. hurry B. a trouble C. danger D. dangerous3. A. them B. one C. it D. this4. A. safety B. safe C. saved D. safely5. A. climbed B. ran C. flew D. got6. A. that B. what C. which D. when7. A. eye B. nose C. mouth D. ear8. A. in B. at C. to D. on9. A. In the way B. On the way C. By the way D. In this way10. A. lives B. living C. life D. lifes三.用所给词的正确形式填空1. The raincoat is used for (keep) off the rain.2. It's hard (imagine) how they can improve English so quickly.3. When you do your homework, you must be as (care) as you can.4. What will you do after your work (finish)?5. My recorder is broken. I'll have it (fix) up this afternoon.6. If you have a chance to go to another country, you should try (not break) the rules of etiquette.7. Never give up (achieve) your dreams, though you've met a lot of difficulties.8. With the help of the (special) trained dog, he has a normal life.9. Oh, time is short. You'd better take) a taxi to the museum.10. Because of the Olympic Games, Beijing was full of _____(tour) and athletes in July, 2008.四.句型转换。