



A-Leve l数学(Mathe matl cs)由四亍郃分姐成.换业数学・C ore Mathe matlcs h 力学数学t M ech an les Mathemati csx 轨计數H (Stali^tl cs Mathematitsy 决第數学Decision M ath&mati c& □选择学耳数学(Mathematics)^生,際了孩心数学心时Mathemahcs:^必修的基础数学之尔学生还需^据自己将来的犬学报读若业选择茸中T磯学『力Mechanics Mathematics},统计数学:Statistics f.fathemstics}.决董数学Decision Mathematics]・50将采读工程删]字主.可追力学数学谢xhanlcs);读社会科学觀金融经桥类的.可选:比计數字(Slatistlcs):僂计算机嗽件类的.町选: 决策数韋Decision Maltieinalics^Core Mathematicsl (AS/A2) ------ 核心数学11. Algebra and fun ctio ns --- 代数和函数2. Quadratic functions ----- 二次函数3. Equati ons and in equalities --- 等式和不等式4. Sketchi ng curves ----- 画图(草图)5. Coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane--------- 平面坐标系中的坐标几何6. Seque nces and series——数歹U7. Differe ntiation ------ 微分8. In tegrati on --- 积分Core Mathematics2 (AS/A2) ----- 核心数学21. Algebra and fun ctio ns --- 代数和函数2. The sine and cos ine rule ---- 正弦和余弦定理3. Expo nen tials and logarithm ----- 指数和对数4. Coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane--------- 平面坐标系中的坐标几何5. The bi no mial expa nsion --- 二项展开式6. Radia n measure and its applicati on --- 弧度制及其应用7. Geometric seque nces and series ---- 等比数歹U8. Graphs of trig ono metric functions ----- 三角函数的图形9. Differe ntiation ------ 微分10. Trigonometric identities and simple equations ------ 三角恒等式和简单的三角等式11. I ntegration ---- 积分Core Mathematics3 (AS/A2) ----- 核心数学31. Algebra fractio ns ------ 分式代数2. Functions ------ 函数3. The expo nen tial and log fun ctio ns --- 指数函数和对数函数4. Numerical method ----- 数值法5. Tran sform ing graph of functions ---- 函数的图形变换6. Trigon ometry ------- 三角7. Further trig ono metric and their applicati ons ---- 高级三角恒等式及其应用8. Differe ntiation ------ 微分Core Mathematics4 (AS/A2) ----- 核心数学41. Partial fractio ns ---- 部分分式2. Coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane--------- 平面坐标系中的坐标几何3. The bi no mial expa nsion --- 二项展开式4. Differe ntiation ------ 微分5. Vectors ----- 向量6. In tegrati on --- 积分A-Level :核心数学 Core Maths ,力学数学,统计数学,决策数学 1 2 3 4 5 6 7oio14 14 1520 24 252b3S丽48b4Core Mathematics1 (AS/A2 ) ----- 核心数学 1 8. In tegrati on ------ 积分 每章内容:SketclSketching < \4.1 4.2 4.3 4.44.5Quadratic functions 2A2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 1 Algebra and futictlons1.1 1.2 L3 1用 IS L6 L7 L8 Summary of key poinisPlotting the s^phs of Solvingquadratic eqi 】“ 沪 巧 Completingthe: Solving quddratiuSolving quadrate t ions by “Sketching Z> JSummary of kfy 尸為Equations 匚 M Solving sinSolving simultaneob.Using substISolving linGi 『 in 何亦It 華& Solving quadratic^^^ii^sj.jtions by elimination 屈tion* by substitutinn f equation Is linear and the other is quadraticSimplifying an expression by collecting like termsThe laws Qf indicesExpanding an expression Factorhing an expressionFactorising a quadr^k expressionThv las\s of indices for dll rational exponents The use and nianipulation of it rdsRationalising the iknonnridtor of a fraction ivhen 才二dw: XCxsE by ractor i sa ti映>;肯『 c equtijLArby comgTfctjng th 」square .' 'J u iht^m uh Quadratic formulae ; ^ncc^is liiKar rq 3.13.2 33 3J 3.5Suiiunary of 匕叮心疋试he 护ph$ of cubic functions Interpr^lW^yaphs nf cubk fuiKtioiuSketch inutile reciprocal function JK ■ttivinicr sect ion points of o[ functions to solv< equations of the triinsfbr mat ions f(x + ⑷ dnd 冃工-川 舉effect of the transforiiiations fiux) and'Fftrfotming transformations on the sketches of curves詁ry of key pointsAlgebra and fun ctio ns ----- 代数和函数 Quadratic functions ----- 二次函数Equati ons and in equalities --- 等式和不等式 Sketchi ng curves --- 画图(草图)Coordinate geometry in the (x , y ) plane -------- 平面坐标系中的坐标几何 Seque nces and series ——数列Differe ntiation ------ 微分5 Coordinate geonwtry in the (x9 y) plane 6S5.1 The equation of a straight line in the form y = nix + c or ax + 如 + c = 0 655.2 The gradient of a straight line 605.3 The equation of a straight line of the form y - y严ifi(x - 心) 7&5.4 The formula for finding the equation of a straight line5.5 The conditions for two straight lines to be parallel or perpendicular ' 75Summary of key points6 Sequences and series6.1 Introduction to sequences6.2 The nth term of a sequence 0 836.3 Sequences generated by a recurrence relationship i \ // ()856.4 Arithmetic sequences 二886.5 Arithmetic series \C/^ \ °°6.6 The sum to n of an arithmetic series 936.7 Using X notation 」97Summary of key points ' 〃丿) 101 7 Differentiation (//. 1027」The derivative of f(x) as the thiCpn^kto tft^ graph y = f(x) 102105109113114115116117121122122124125126128130Core Mathematics2 (AS/A2 ) 核心数学 21. Algebra and fun ctio ns ---- 代数和函数2. The sine and cos ine rule ---- 正弦和余弦定理3. Expo nen tials and logarithm ---- 指数和对数4. Coordinate geometry in the (x , y ) plane -------- 平面坐标系中的坐标几何5. The bi no mial expa nsion --- 二项展开式6. Radia n measure and its applicati on --- 弧度制及其应用7. Geometric seque nces and series --- 等比数歹 U8. Graphs of trig ono metric functions ---- 三角函数的图形9. Differe ntiation ------ 微分 10. Trigonometric identities and simple equations ------ 三角恒等式和简单的三角等式 11. I ntegration ---- 积分 每章内容: Aigcbrj dEid luiKtions 1J1.2 13 1.4 Simplifying algebraic fractions by division Dividing apolynomial by (x i p)Factorising a polynomial using the Factor TheoremUsing the Remainder Theorem Summary of k (?y pointsThe sint : and cosine ruleUsing the sine rule to find missing sides Using the sine nde find unF^wn angles The rule andfinding two w* Using the cosine ruEc ia Fin# Using the cosine rule tc a Using the sine tl «Calculaikng the area 2A 2.2 23 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 f or a nih^F Eo切 Mck ssing an^ic^ L . ■ #4RI le 3 nr< !'『 庶耳竝遁 Theo re mot^Jy^ngle us)闵jExponctuiah an<r^ogaMh * 3J王2 玉33.43.5 3.6Summary of key pointsCk Coordinate in the (x, y\ plant4.1 The 4.2 The ciiibi Suniinjjy of key polrt 115 10 131718 18 21 23 24 27 30 32 36 37 37 39 4() 41 43 45 4ti 49 49 57 60 68 70 70 72 73 75 79tnsTh<bfunctk 严 Writing ns as a Calculating *丄耳 to Laws of JogarithmS Solvi ng equations 汐 a' - b Changing the mt ni ot A line M 峥曲亡two points on a line 4*3 The equatitJiiif a circle Summiiry of fr r/ points iriomTal expansion s triangle X Combinntions and factorialUsing (:) m the binomial expansion5-4 Expanding (d + bxY r using the binomial expansion Summary of key point*11o Kaaian measure ana its applications Using radians to measure angles The length ofthe arc of a circle The area of a sector of a circle The area of a segment of a circle Geometric sequences Geometric progressions and the nth term Usinggeometric sequences to solve problems The sum of a geometric seriesThe sum to infinity of a geometric series Graphs of trigonometric functionsSine, cosine andtangent(unctionsThe values of trigonomef/ functions in the Exact values and surds f Graphs of sine 0f cos J J 、 Simple transformants oDifferentiation9.1 Increasing s ・9.2 Stationarymaximun 、, minipjum and points of inflexion 9.3Using f^rninjf points to Summar 1 “ 亠 inisTrigonom^/ Jidentitie】0.161 6.2 6.3 6.4Summary of key pointsGeometric sequences and series 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5Summary of key points8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 &5Summary of key poE ;' le equations titles ometrical equations e formsin(nd + a), cos(n0 + a) and tan(n0 + a) = k ig?nometrical equationsSimple trigoSolving simj SolvingeqySolving qudIntegratio11.1 11.2 11.3 Are n.4 94 94 9598 100 103 109 110 110 114 117 118 121 127 141 141 146 149 151 156157 157 159 161 164 169 17710129 129 131135 1406 93 ms10.210.310.4Summary ote integrationa curvea curve that gives negative values n a straight line and a curve rapezium Rule of key points11Core Mathematics3 (AS/A2 ) 核心数学 31 2 3 4 5 6 7 8101Ki.S1 12每章内容:7.5 i'hc racloi tbrinuiai'Alxvbrdit Iriiciions1.1 1.2 1.3I'rigonomctry64 6.2AjipJying a corn^ixiatj Sketching trar^8 Differentiation8.1 B.2 8.3 K 4 E r unctioi-i^2,1 2.2 2-3 2.4 2.5Differentiating ti&ing the chain rule Differ ent tatlng using the product rult Differs nt latL ng using the quotient rukr I if fere nt iat j ng the exponential function Finding the differential of the logarithmic function. _Differentiating 5in x(C~Di fferenti ati ng cos xDifferent is tin^ t^n xDifferenliatkng further trigonometrLcaJ functions[differentiating functians formed by combining frigon 九丁贰#乎卜 cxprtncniiaL logfkritl-imLc and polynomial fLinctior^ ;Simplify algebraic fractions by LUI 1{.C IL UI ^ 口 Multiply dix jdici^frjLiujii->Adding and subtracting algvbrd k frautionsI nx alxvbriiit fr*ittic.jri^ jind tiir rcn )i»iii<lvr Ltit.-c.i^int <ln y 4-cn U>iTi 耳$ [JCX JJ€»TLOkl t k J I fLIIlC'Floriiir^^of <> gr^jj^/ica11 y 「_ ___2 =」cth^Js^lcrlind approximate root 萤 of 陶仟彳Tran 露Fermi 订呂 graf^/of fui^ctiini^5-1 Sketch! tig graphs ot 1^hhockx!^^ 4^u net ion y 一 lf(x)l 5u2 Sketching g^r^phs y = f(lxl) (A p olvin^a mcxluliis mictions to sketch erv«?« 什fih 订花JJ CFIM H 11 台 Mlielling lhe co-ordinates ofgiven H, cosecant 仇 and cotaingEfU 丹 f ^tant 也 cosecant 优 and cotangent 甘 xpressicmsj proving iclentiti^ iind solving equations, usingMapping diingrarns and 耳of opaeiiitions ( JFunc-tions <irid functioii notatk>tiRange, mapping diagrams,, graphs and definitionsJUsing composite functions #*f 丿Finding and using inverse-The exponential and log f u net ion s°3/1 Introdticing exponent ial ・ rtions of lhe I'omCj^ . h 心 3・立 Graphs of exponential旷卞:」^ 前m 扌匸卩 存占;逆"二tlxfn 琴, 严U^irig 护 ^Eidinwu b©■—主亠二亠亠」一■■Numerical method? ” 4.1 Finding approx if 4.2 U^ing ilerati algebraic iiicthi l ^irs'lw^nnd approximate rt>ots The fijnr/Q?6?/I TieSimplifying £ sec 他 cowO?R and cot Hidcnlitles l 十 lan 2^ = $2H and 1 + cot-^ = cosec 2IJs.iriglmerse trigcinometricai Uinclions and their graphs7 ..Further tngimonietrk identities and theif applies HonsSt/LMrig addition trigoiionietrical lormulac二Using double an^lc trigoiiDmctrical farmulae7?T Solving equdtiom and proving Idcntltiics using doubk iirigle foniiuLie ^^7 4 Usin^ the fonii a cos b sin B lin striving trigonotnetrical piobiennAlgebra fractions ------ 分式代数 Functions ----- 函数Transforming graph of functions -------函数的图形变换 Trigonometry ----- 三角Further trigonometric and their applications ------ 高级三角恒等式及其应用 Differentiation ------ 微分The exponential and log functions Numerical method ------ 数值法指数函数和对数函数Core Mathematics3 (AS/A2 ) 核心数学4Core Mathematics3 (AS/A2 ) 核心数学 51 2 3 4 556 vector37074 11B4 2110ft6J1111126139 SI6264 fi2 «2 AIXJUL L l||\ ULHJK2A3.2 33 Exam style paperFormulae you need to know List of symbols and notation AnswersIndexof two vectors n of a straightAdding and subtracting algehraic fractionsPartial fractions with two linear factors in the denominatorPartial fractions with ttnee or mor^ linear factors in th<? denominator Partial tract ions with repeated linear factors in the denominator Improper fractions into partial fractions1 Partial fractions L:y 1 ■jitrgrating £t^ndard Junctions Integrating using the reverse chain rule Using trigonometric identities in integrationUsing partial fractions to Integrate expressionsUsing standard patterns to integrdle expre^iorr liitvgraUon by subtjtiti.ition Integration by parts Numericalintegration Integration to find ateas and volumes 1Using integration to solvedifferential equations Difkrtntiai rquatjom in context2 Cootdinate geometry in the (x, y) 2」Parametric equations used toParametric equations used to dtiine the uxirdin^tes ot a Using paranictrkequ 訓 UKndinate 驴oimtr* Converting paramet^. jitions into cartesian 世qiut 档才 Finding the itrea ^iidche airve given by pannr 严旷 ^quations3 Fhe binomial ex3,i UMII^ VtXUMl IU UtSUilW J-^JJJLS I ;In 2 or 3 dimensions 二,二二 55Cartesian toniponeidi Gf a \yytor in 2dimensionsCartesian components ol in 3 dimensio%7^; Extending 2 /悸幺?冲results io ]he seal;| The vect*[nUT^clrnjfetraighi line vector 戸理逖石kFx linesJo between two straight Using partial fracti>#w$ Kjtw tiiv ■binamiai expanjy^f \、 Different la Uon4.1 Differentki(I nti ;ons givenpararnetricaifrf/4 2 Diffenyitiating^uationwhich arc implicitO43 Diffett»y^a!ing the function a 1 4.4{垃 tSftitiibn and rates of change4.5 唏蛙少他rtrntjai equations 5 VecS^ ?<^54,Ve?tor d^fmitipns 4nd vector ^^iiAgrams r 、§,2 Vector arithmetic and the unit vectorThe binomial expulsion a - positive integral index Using the binomidexpand + l^x)"\ j ' 6. In tegrati on ------ 积分 每章内容:The bi no mial expa nsion --- 二项展开式 Differe ntiation ------微分 Vectors ----- 向量Partial fractio ns ---- 部分分式 Coordin ate geometry in the ( x , y ) pla ne 平面坐标系中的坐标几何。



alevel数学章节摘要:1.A-level 数学简介2.A-level 数学的章节划分3.各章节主要内容概述4.如何学习A-level 数学正文:A-level 数学是英国普通中等教育证书考试(A-level)中的一门重要学科,其地位相当于我国高中阶段的数学课程。

A-level 数学旨在为学生提供扎实的数学基础,培养逻辑思维和解决问题的能力,为后续的大学学习和职业发展奠定基础。

A-level 数学的章节划分为:纯数学、统计学、概率学和机械学。

各个部分包含了不同的章节,具体如下:1.纯数学部分包括:- 代数- 函数- 数据与数据表示- 几何学- 三角学- 微积分- 向量学2.统计学部分包括:- 收集、整理和分析数据- 概率分布- 抽样与统计推断- 回归分析与相关3.概率学部分包括:- 随机事件与概率- 概率分布- 离散型随机变量- 连续型随机变量4.机械学部分包括:- 物理量的测量- 力学- 波动与光学- 电磁学- 核物理与粒子物理学习A-level 数学需要掌握一定的学习方法,以下是一些建议:1.建立良好的数学基础。

学习A-level 数学需要具备一定的数学基础,例如代数、几何和三角函数等。













总之,A-level 数学是一门涉及广泛、内容丰富的学科。




《高等数学II》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:课程名称:高等数学II英文名称:Higher mathematics II课程类别:公共课学时:64学分:4适用对象: 理工科专业考核方式:考试先修课程:高等数学I二、课程简介《高等数学II》是高等学校理工科专业学生的必修课。




Higher mathematics II is a compulsory course for students majoring in science and engineering in institutions of higher learning. Through learning of this course, make the students master the basic concepts of higher mathematics and the basic theory and basic computing skills, for learning the follow-up courses and further the mathematics knowledge to lay the necessary foundation. Through the knowledge content of teaching, cultivate students' operation ability, abstract thinking ability, logical reasoning ability, space imagination ability and the integrated use of knowledge to the ability to analyze and solve problems. The specific contents include: spatial analytic geometry and vector algebra; Multifunction calculus (multifunction differential calculus, reintegration, curvilinear integral and surface integral); Infinite series.三、课程性质与教学目的目前,《高等数学II》已成为理工科类及部分经济、管理类专业的主干学科基础课程,是教育部审定的核心课程和硕士研究生入学考试“数学1”和“数学2”的必考科目,对学好其它专业课程意义重大。



alevel数学范围【1】A Level数学简介A Level数学是英国高中教育体系中的一部分,针对16-18岁的学生开设。


【2】A Level数学范围概述A Level数学分为两个部分:AS数学和A2数学。









【4】考试评估与评分标准A Level数学考试分为paper 1和paper 2,分别测试学生的核心数学和进阶数学能力。










Core Mathematics1(AS/A2)——核心数学11.Algebra and functions——代数和函数2.Quadratic functions——二次函数3.Equations and inequalities——等式和不等式4.Sketching curves——画图(草图)5.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何6.Sequences and series——数列7.Differentiation——微分8.Integration——积分Core Mathematics2(AS/A2)——核心数学21.Algebra and functions——代数和函数2.The sine and cosine rule——正弦和余弦定理3.Exponentials and logarithm——指数和对数4.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何5.The binomial expansion——二项展开式6.Radian measure and its application——弧度制及其应用7.Geometric sequences and series——等比数列8.Graphs of trigonometric functions——三角函数的图形9.Differentiation——微分10.Trigonometric identities and simple equations——三角恒等式和简单的三角等式11.Integration——积分Core Mathematics3(AS/A2)——核心数学31.Algebra fractions——分式代数2.Functions——函数3.The exponential and log functions——指数函数和对数函数4.Numerical method——数值法5.Transforming graph of functions——函数的图形变换6.Trigonometry——三角7.Further trigonometric and their applications——高级三角恒等式及其应用8.Differentiation——微分Core Mathematics4(AS/A2)——核心数学41.Partial fractions——部分分式2.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何3.The binomial expansion——二项展开式4.Differentiation——微分5.Vectors——向量6.Integration——积分A-Level:核心数学Core Maths,力学数学,统计数学,决策数学Core Mathematics1(AS/A2)——核心数学11.Algebra and functions——代数和函数2.Quadratic functions——二次函数3.Equations and inequalities——等式和不等式4.Sketching curves——画图(草图)5.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何6.Sequences and series——数列7.Differentiation——微分8.Integration——积分每章内容:Core Mathematics2(AS/A2)——核心数学21.Algebra and functions——代数和函数2.The sine and cosine rule——正弦和余弦定理3.Exponentials and logarithm——指数和对数4.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何5.The binomial expansion——二项展开式6.Radian measure and its application——弧度制及其应用7.Geometric sequences and series——等比数列8.Graphs of trigonometric functions——三角函数的图形9.Differentiation——微分10.Trigonometric identities and simple equations——三角恒等式和简单的三角等式11.Integration——积分每章内容:1.Algebra fractions——分式代数2.Functions——函数3.The exponential and log functions——指数函数和对数函数4.Numerical method——数值法5.Transforming graph of functions——函数的图形变换6.Trigonometry——三角7.Further trigonometric and their applications——高级三角恒等式及其应用8.Differentiation——微分每章内容:1.Partial fractions——部分分式2.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何3.The binomial expansion——二项展开式4.Differentiation——微分5.Vectors——向量6.Integration——积分每章内容:。




















爱德思alevel数学课程内容全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:爱德思A level数学课程分为两个阶段,分别是AS阶段和A2阶段。

学生可以选择修读其中一个阶段或者同时修读两个阶段以获得完整的A level数学资格。

下面将介绍一下该课程各个阶段的具体内容:第一阶段:AS阶段在AS阶段,学生将学习以下几个主要主题:1. Pure Mathematics(纯粹数学)在这个模块中,学生将学习代数、函数、三角学、微积分和向量等基础概念。


2. Mechanics(力学)这个模块将引导学生学习受力平衡、运动学和动力学等力学概念。


3. Statistics(统计学)在统计学模块中,学生将学习数据的收集、整理、分析和解释等统计技术。






爱德思A level数学课程内容非常丰富多样,涵盖了各个数学领域的基础和高级知识,旨在培养学生的数学思维能力和解决问题的能力。


【字数超过了要求,但尽可能全面地描述了爱德思A level数学课程的内容】。

第二篇示例:爱德思(Edexcel)A Level数学课程是英国最著名的高中数学教育课程之一,为所有对数学感兴趣的学生提供了一个全面的学习平台。




Core Mathematics1(AS/A2)——核心数学11.Algebra and functions——代数和函数2.Quadratic functions——二次函数3.Equations and inequalities——等式和不等式4.Sketching curves——画图(草图)5.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何6.Sequences and series——数列7.Differentiation——微分8.Integration——积分Core Mathematics2(AS/A2)——核心数学21.Algebra and functions——代数和函数2.The sine and cosine rule——正弦和余弦定理3.Exponentials and logarithm——指数和对数4.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何5.The binomial expansion——二项展开式6.Radian measure and its application——弧度制及其应用7.Geometric sequences and series——等比数列8.Graphs of trigonometric functions——三角函数的图形9.Differentiation——微分10.Trigonometric identities and simple equations——三角恒等式和简单的三角等式11.Integration——积分Core Mathematics3(AS/A2)——核心数学31.Algebra fractions——分式代数2.Functions——函数3.The exponential and log functions——指数函数和对数函数4.Numerical method——数值法5.Transforming graph of functions——函数的图形变换6.Trigonometry——三角7.Further trigonometric and their applications——高级三角恒等式及其应用8.Differentiation——微分Core Mathematics4(AS/A2)——核心数学41.Partial fractions——部分分式2.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何3.The binomial expansion——二项展开式4.Differentiation——微分5.Vectors——向量6.Integration——积分A-Level:核心数学Core Maths,力学数学,统计数学,决策数学Core Mathematics1(AS/A2)——核心数学11.Algebra and functions——代数和函数2.Quadratic functions——二次函数3.Equations and inequalities——等式和不等式4.Sketching curves——画图(草图)5.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何6.Sequences and series——数列7.Differentiation——微分8.Integration——积分每章内容:Core Mathematics2(AS/A2)——核心数学21.Algebra and functions——代数和函数2.The sine and cosine rule——正弦和余弦定理3.Exponentials and logarithm——指数和对数4.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何5.The binomial expansion——二项展开式6.Radian measure and its application——弧度制及其应用7.Geometric sequences and series——等比数列8.Graphs of trigonometric functions——三角函数的图形9.Differentiation——微分10.Trigonometric identities and simple equations——三角恒等式和简单的三角等式11.Integration——积分每章内容:1.Algebra fractions——分式代数2.Functions——函数3.The exponential and log functions——指数函数和对数函数4.Numerical method——数值法5.Transforming graph of functions——函数的图形变换6.Trigonometry——三角7.Further trigonometric and their applications——高级三角恒等式及其应用8.Differentiation——微分每章内容:1.Partial fractions——部分分式2.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何3.The binomial expansion——二项展开式4.Differentiation——微分5.Vectors——向量6.Integration——积分每章内容:。

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*2037772342*UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONSGeneral Certificate of Education Advanced LevelFURTHER MATHEMATICS9231/21 Paper2May/June20133hours Additional Materials:Answer Booklet/PaperGraph PaperList of Formulae(MF10)READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRSTIf you have been given an Answer Booklet,follow the instructions on the front cover of the Booklet.Write your Centre number,candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.Write in dark blue or black pen.You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams or graphs.Do not use staples,paper clips,highlighters,glue or correctionfluid.Answer all the questions.Give non-exact numerical answers correct to3significantfigures,or1decimal place in the case of angles in degrees,unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question.Where a numerical value is necessary,take the acceleration due to gravity to be10m s−2.The use of a calculator is expected,where appropriate.Results obtained solely from a graphic calculator,without supporting working or reasoning,will not receive credit.You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.At the end of the examination,fasten all your work securely together.The number of marks is given in brackets[]at the end of each question or part question.This document consists of5printed pages and3blankpages.JC1306_9231_21/RP©UCLES2013[Turn over1A uniform rod AB,of mass m and length4a,rests with the end A on rough horizontal ground.Thepoint C on AB is such that AC=3a.A light inextensible string has one end attached to the point P which is at a distance5a vertically above A,and the other end attached to C.The rod and the string are in the same vertical plane and the system is in equilibrium with angle ACP equal to90 (see diagram).The coefficient of friction between the rod and the ground is .Show that the least possible value of is2443.[8]2Three uniform small smooth spheres,A,B and C,have equal radii.Their masses are4m,2m and m respectively.They lie in a straight line on a smooth horizontal surface with B between A and C.Initially A is moving towards B with speed u,B is at rest and C is moving in the same direction as Awith speed12u.The coefficient of restitution between any two of the spheres is e.Thefirst collisionis between A and B.In this collision sphere A loses three-quarters of its kinetic energy.Show that e=12.[6]Find the speed of B after its collision with C and deduce that there are no further collisions between the spheres.[5]3A particle P of mass m is attached to one end of a light inextensible string of length a.The other end of the string is attached to afixed point O.When P is hanging vertically below O,it is given a horizontal speed u.In the subsequent motion,P moves in a complete circle.When OP makes an angle with the downward vertical,the tension in the string is T.Show thatT=mu2a+mg 3cos −2 . 5Given that the ratio of the maximum value of T to the minimum value of T is3:1,find u in terms of a and g.[4] Assuming this value of u,find the value of cos when the tension is half of its maximum value.[3]on asameis afixed horizontal axis through C perpendicular to the plane of the ring,is 30+55 ma2.[6]Given that the system performs small oscillations of period2 5agabout this axis,find the valueof .[6]5For a random sample of12observations of pairs of values x,y ,the product moment correlation coefficient is−0.456.Test,at the5%significance level,whether there is evidence of negative correlation between the variables.[4]6The random variable X has distribution function F given byF x =1−e−0.6x x≥0,0otherwise.Identify the distribution of X and state its mean.[2] Find(i)P X>4 ,[2] (ii)the median of X.[3]7A random sample of80observations of the continuous random variable X was taken and the values are summarised in the following table.Interval2≤x<33≤x<44≤x<55≤x<6Observed frequency362996 It is required to test the goodness offit of the distribution having probability density function f givenbyf x =3x2≤x<6, 0otherwise.Show that the expected frequency for the interval2≤x<3is40and calculate the remaining expected frequencies.[4] Carry out a goodness offit test,at the10%significance level.[5]8The continuous random variable X has probability density function f given byf x =16x2≤x≤4, 0otherwise.The random variable Y is defined by Y=X3.Show that Y has probability density function g given byg y =118y−138≤y≤64,0otherwise.[6]Find E Y .[3] 9A gardener P claims that a new type of fruit tree produces a higher annual mass of fruit than the type that he has previously grown.The old type of tree produced5.2kg of fruit per tree,on average.A random sample of10trees of the new type is chosen.The masses,x kg,of fruit produced aresummarised as follows.Σx=61.0Σx2=384.0Test,at the5%significance level,whether gardener P’s claim is justified,assuming a normal distribution.[6] Another gardener Q has his own type of fruit tree.The masses,y kg,of fruit produced by a random sample of10trees grown by gardener Q are summarised as follows.Σy=70.0Σy2=500.6Test,at the5%significance level,whether the mean mass of fruit produced by gardener Q’s trees is greater than the mean mass of fruit produced by gardener P’s trees.You may assume that both distributions are normal and you should state any additional assumption.[8]10Answer only one of the following two alternatives.EITHERA light elastic string has modulus of elasticity32mg and natural length a.A particle of mass m isattached to one end of the string.The other end of the string is attached to afixed point A.The particle is released from rest at A.Show that when the particle has fallen a distance ka from A,where k>1,its kinetic energy is14mga 10k−3−3k2 . 3Show that the particlefirst comes to instantaneous rest at the point B which is at a distance3a vertically below A.[3]Show that the time taken by the particle to travel from A to B is2a+232a3. 8ORThe regression line of y on x,obtained from a random sample offive pairs of values of x and y,has equationy=x+k,where k is a constant.The following table shows the data.x2334py45842Find the two possible values of p.[8] For the smaller of these two values of p,find(i)the product moment correlation coefficient,[3] (ii)the equation of the regression line of x on y.[3]Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible.Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher(UCLES)to trace copyright holders,but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included,the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group.Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate(UCLES),which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.。







四、线性代数(Linear Algebra):学生需要学会矩阵计算、向量空间、行列式、线性变换、线性方程组解法等知识。








alevelm2知识点总结1. KinematicsKinematics is the study of motion and its causes, including the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of objects. In A-Level Mathematics M2, students will learn about concepts such as scalar and vector quantities, displacement, velocity-time graphs, and acceleration-time graphs.Scalar and vector quantities: Scalar quantities have only magnitude, while vector quantities have both magnitude and direction. Examples of scalar quantities include speed and temperature, while examples of vector quantities include displacement and velocity.Displacement: Displacement is the distance and direction of an object’s change in position from its starting point to its ending point. It can be determined using vector notation, which specifies both magnitude and direction.Velocity-time graphs: Velocity-time graphs depict an object’s velocity over a period of time. The gradient of a velocity-time graph represents the acceleration of the object, while the area under the graph shows the total displacement of the object.Acceleration-time graphs: Acceleration-time graphs depict an object’s acceleration over a period of time. The gradient of an acceleration-time graph represents the rate of change of acceleration, while the area under the graph shows the total change in velocity.2. ForcesForces are interactions that cause an object to change its velocity. In A-Level Mathematics M2, students will learn about equilibrium of forces, resolution of forces, and friction. Equilibrium of forces: When the vector sum of all the forces acting on an object is zero, the object is said to be in equilibrium. This means that it is not accelerating and that the forces are balanced.Resolution of forces: Forces can be resolved into components that are perpendicular to each other. By breaking forces down into their horizontal and vertical components, students can analyze their effects more effectively.Friction: Friction is the force that opposes the motion of one surface as it moves over another surface. It can be divided into two types: static friction, which prevents two surfaces from sliding past each other, and kinetic friction, which opposes the relative motion of two surfaces that are sliding past each other.3. MomentsMoments are turning effects produced by forces. In A-Level Mathematics M2, students will learn about the principle of moments, torque, and center of mass.Principle of moments: The principle of moments states that for an object in equilibrium, the sum of the clockwise moments about any point is equal to the sum of the anticlockwise moments about that same point.Torque: Torque is the measure of a force’s tendency to produce rotational motion. It is calculated as the product of the force and the perpendicular distance from the pivot point to the line of action of the force.Center of mass: The center of mass is the point at which the mass of a body may be considered to be concentrated. It is the point at which a single force would act to cause the same motion as the actual forces acting on the body.In conclusion, A-Level Mathematics M2 covers important topics such as kinematics, forces, and moments. Students will gain a deep understanding of these concepts and their applications, allowing them to solve complex problems and analyze real-world scenarios. Mastering these knowledge points is essential for success in A-Level Mathematics and building a strong foundation for further studies in mathematics, physics, and engineering.。



高等数学二的内容介绍High Mathematics II is a critical course in the study of mathematics, building upon the foundational concepts learned in High Mathematics I. It is an essential subject for students majoring in mathematics, physics, engineering, and other related fields. This course delves deeper into topics such as differential equations, multiple integrals, vector calculus, and complex numbers, providing students with a more advanced understanding of mathematical concepts.高等数学二是数学学习中的重要课程,建立在高等数学一所学到的基本概念之上。



One of the key topics covered in High Mathematics II is differential equations, which play a significant role in modeling real-world phenomena in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. By studying differential equations, students learn how to formulate and solve problems involving rates of change and howsystems evolve over time. This knowledge is crucial for understanding dynamic systems and predicting their future behavior.高等数学二涵盖的一个关键主题是微分方程,微分方程在物理、工程、经济等各个领域中对模拟真实世界现象起着重要作用。





Core Mathematics1(AS/A2)——核心数学11. Algebra and functions——代数和函数2. 2. Quadratic functions——二次函数3. Equations and inequalities——等式和不等式4. Sketching curves——画图(草图)5. Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何6. Sequences and series——数列7. Differentiation——微分8. Integration——积分Core Mathematics2(AS/A2)——核心数学21. Algebra and functions——代数和函数2. The sine and cosine rule——正弦和余弦定理3. Exponential and logarithm——指数和对数4. Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何5. The binomial expansion——二项展开式6. Rad measure and its application——弧度制及其应用7. Geometric sequences and series——等比数列8. Graphs of trigonometric functions——三角函数的图形9. Differentiation——微分10. Trigonometric identities and simple equations——三角恒等式和简单的三角等式11. Integration——积分Core Mathematics3(AS/A2)——核心数学31. Algebra fractions——分式代数2. Functions——函数3. The exponential and log functions——指数函数和对数函数4. Numerical method——数值法5. Transforming graph of functions——函数的图形变换6. Trigonometry——三角7. Further trigonometric and their applications——高级三角恒等式及其应用8. Differentiation——微分Core Mathematics4(AS/A2)——核心数学41. Partial fractions——部分分式2. Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何3. The binomial expansion——二项展开式4. Differentiation——微分5. Vectors——向量6. Integration——积分A-Level:核心数学Core Maths,力学数学,统计数学,决策数学Core Mathematics1(AS/A2)——核心数学11. Algebra and functions——代数和函数2. 2. Quadratic functions——二次函数3. Equations and inequalities——等式和不等式4. Sketching curves——画图(草图)5. Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何6. Sequences and series——数列7. Differentiation——微分8. Integration——积分每章内容:Core Mathematics2(AS/A2)——核心数学21. Algebra and functions——代数和函数2. 2. The sine and cosine rule——正弦和余弦定理3. 3. Exponential and logarithm——指数和对数4. Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何5. The binomial expansion——二项展开式6. Rad measure and its application——弧度制及其应用7. Geometric sequences and series——等比数列8. Graphs of trigonometric functions——三角函数的图形9. Differentiation——微分10. Trigonometric identities and simple equations——三角恒等式和简单的三角等式11. Integration——积分每章内容:Core Mathematics3(AS/A2)——核心数学31. Algebra fractions——分式代数2. Functions——函数3. The exponential and log functions——指数函数和对数函数4. Numerical method——数值法5. Transforming graph of functions——函数的图形变换6. Trigonometry——三角7. Further trigonometric and their applications——高级三角恒等式及其应用8. Differentiation——微分每章内容:Core Mathematics4(AS/A2)——核心数学41. Partial fractions——部分分式2. Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何3. The binomial expansion——二项展开式4. Differentiation——微分5. Vectors——向量6. Integration——积分上面就是所有Alevel的教学材料汇总,如果想了解更多可以联系相关培训机构进行了解。

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