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First of all,thank Ida_pan and rockycui


composition may be took about the lesson 1 on the examination paper


The Most Important Thing I think We should Learn at College

The most important thing I think we should learn at college is to gain more mental knowledge through the great works of literature.

It's well-known that the college is a large family with people from anywhere and its purpose is to educate students.As the modern technology improved,it is not enough to depend on the mere

knowledge from books.There are so many useless persons who were good students at college.So we should learn knowledge at college not only from the books but also the civilized works.To achieve the aim,do read more masterpiece and get more spirital knowledge to help us

exist usefully in the world.

So we should touch more great works as much as we can at college. The above is my article.then,could u write your own one about "the

most important thing i think we should get at college"?

Composition in Lesson 2

Being Somebody

Nowadays there are so many pop singers or film stars and more and more people pursue those celebrities by their hearts while the old people donot.

They admire heroes like Dong Cuirui,Leifeng.

Then,a hero become famous for his enduring achievement while a celebrity for much publicity;to become a celebrity,one needs luck while a hero needs accomplishment.So they get different reflection:Heroes inspire respect; celebrities inspir envy.

The rise of photography,moving pictures,radio and television people

could see and recognize their heroes.The production of photos in newspapers turned famous people into celebrities whose dress,appearance, and personal habits were widely commented upon.Here comes the celebritity-worship.

With the arrival of television,the faces of the stars became as familiar

as those we saw across the breakfast table.We came to know more about the celebrities.So the celebrities often invited on talk shows because the television wanna high ratings though they donot really have the qualities

of wit,eloquence,brilliance,etc.

So we should learn some useful things from both heroes and celebrities

instead of blindly pursuing.

Lesson 3 Go-Go Americans

“Time is money,” say Americans, “ Since you are allowed only this much

of time in your life, you’d better make the best use of it.” In the United States, highly efficient and well-organized people are admired. These people will list all the things that they are going to do, draw up plans and carry them out one by one. In this country, an ideal person turns up at meeting on time,
