



简答题1.What are the qualities of a good language teacher?a. non-intellectual qualitiesPsychological qualities are essential factors. strong will-power(顽强的意志品质)good motivation(明确的动机)good motivation(明确的动机)perseverance (持之以恒的精神)out-going characteristics(外向的性格)b. Intellectual qualitiesLanguage learning abilitySelf-study abilityFour language skills abilityApplication of CAIc. Application of CAI( computer-assisted instruction)d. Teaching practice qualitiese. self-assessment qualities2.What are the difference between linguistic competence andcommunicative competence? What is communicative competence?1)2)It covers a variety of development in syllabus design and in themethodology of foreign language teaching and includes bothknowledge about how to use the language appropriately incommunicative situation.3. What is deductive method of teaching grammar? What is inductive method of teaching grammar?1)Deductive method: it refers on reasoning, analysing and comparison.First ,the teacher write an example on board or draws attention to anexample in the textbook. Then the teacher explains the underlyingrules regarding the forms and positions of certain structural word.2)Inductive method: in the inductive method ,the teacher provideslearners with authentic language data and induces the learners torealise grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation. It isbelieved that the rules will become evident if the students are givenenough appropriate examples.3.What are the principles for good lesson planning?1)Variety:Planning a number of different types of activities and where possible introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning isalways interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students. 2)Flexibility:Planning to use a number of different methods and techniques rather than being a slave to one methodology. This will make teaching and learning more effective and more efficient.3)Linkage:The stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language learning needs recycling and reinforcement.4)Learnability:The contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students. Of course, things should not be too easy either. Doing things that are beyond or below the students’coping ability will diminish their motivation.4.What are the difference between macro planning and micro planning?Ideally, lesson planning should be done ay two levels: macro planning and micro planning. The former is planning over time, for instance, the planning for a month,a term, or the whole course. The latter is planning for a specific lesson, which usually lasts 40 or 50 minutes. Of course, there is no clear cut difference between these two types of planning. Micro planning should be based on macro planning, and macro planning is apt to be modified as lessons go on.5.What are the components of a lesson plan?1)Teaching aims:The first thing to do in lesson planning is to decide theaims of a lesson, which include what language components to present, what communicative skills to practise, what activities to conduct and what materials and teaching aids to be used.2)Language contents and skills:language contents: structures (grammar),vocabulary,functions,topics and so on. Language skills: communicative skills involved in listening, speaking reading and writing3)Teaching stages and procedures:Teaching stages are the major stepsthat language teachers go through in the classroom.Procedures are the detailed steps in each teaching stage.The most popular language teaching stages are the three P’s model, which include presentation, practice and production.6.What are the aspects of pronunciation?Pronunciation is an umbrella term covering mang aspects besides sound and phonetic symbols, such as stress, intonation, and rhythm.7.What are the principles for teaching listening?1 Focus on process2 Combine listening with other skills3 Focus on the comprehension of meaning4 Grade difficulty level appropriately8.What are the purposes for pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening activities?1)Pre-listening:To spark interest and motivate students to attend to thespoken message,To activate or build students' prior topical and linguistic knowledge,To set purposes for listening.2)While-Listening: To foster students' comprehension of the speaker'slanguage and ideas, To focus students' attention on such things as the speaker's organizational patterns, To encourage students' critical reactions and personal responses to the speaker's ideas and use of language.3)Post-listening: To examine relationships between prior knowledgeand experience, and new ideas and information gained from the speaker or discussion ,To invite and encourage student reflection and response,To clarify and extend comprehension beyond the literal level to the interpretive and critical levels.9.Can you name some types of speaking activities?1 Controlled activities: it mainly focuses on form and accuracy.2 Semi-controlled activities: it focuses on more on meaning and communication.3 Communicative activities: it allows for real information exchange.10.What is the bottom-up model of teaching reading?11.What is the top-down model of teaching reading?12.What are the purposes of pre-reading activities?To interest and motivate studentsTo activate students’ prior knowledge13.What is the process approach to writing?14.What is the interrelationship between listening and speaking? What isthe interrelationship between reading and writing?15.Why should we integrate the four skills? What is skills integration?a.Skills integration generally refers to linking two or more of thetraditional four skills of language learning: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.There are many situations in which we use more than one language skill .b.An integrating approach for the development of communicative skillsin the classroom, in which the four skills in the acquisition of knowledge of a foreign language can be taught in a coherent way, and practiced together.16.What are the conditions for language learning according to JaneWillis’ Framework for Task-Based Leaning? What are the essential conditions and what is the desirable condition?a.Essential and desirableb.Essential: 1.Exposure to a rich but comprehensible input of realspoken and written language in use e of the language to do things 3 Motivation to listen to and read the language and to speak and write itC . Desirable: instruction in language (i.e. chances to focus on form)17.What are the means to integrate the four skills in teaching?1 Simple integration2 Complex integration18.What are the methods of assessment?Positive assessment;neglect assessment;teacher’s assessment;continuous assessment;Ss’self-assessment;portfolios (个人成长档案)19.What are the criteria for assessment?1.Criterion-referenced assessment2.Norm-referenced assessment3.Individual-referenced assessment20.What are the features of good textbooks?21.What are the methods of adapting textbooks? What are the 8 optionsin adapting textbooks?。

英语教学法试题 (附答案)

英语教学法试题 (附答案)

英语教学法试题(1)Information for the examinees:This examination consists of THREE sections. They are:Section I: Multiple-choice Questions (30 points, 20 minutes)Section Ⅱ: Problem Solving (30 points, 50 minutes)Section Ⅲ: Mini-lesson Plan (40 points, 50 minutes)The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 2 hours.Section I: Multiple-choice Questions(30 points)Questions 1 -- 15 are based on this part.Directions: Choose the best answer from A, B or C for each question. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. Which of the following belongs to the communicative approach?A. focus on accuracyB. focus on fluencyC. focus on strategies2. Which of the following is characteristic of acquisition?A. form-focusedB. accuracy-orientedC. meaning-focused3. Which of the following statements about course design is NOT true?A. The general goals of a course should be specified based on the learners’ needs.B. The contents of a course should be selected to fit in with the learning experiences.C. The assessment activities should reflect those taught in a course.4. Which of the following generally does NOT describe a CLT syllabus?A. The vocabulary and grammar structures needed for communicative objectives (e. g. telling directions, requesting information, expressing agreement, etc.).B. The skills required in typical situations (e. g. listening, speaking or writing skills).C. The grammar rule appropriate for social occasions (e. g. at a conference, at a party, in a grocery store, etc.)5. Which of the following is most suitable for the cultivation of linguistic competence?A. sentence-makingB. cue-card dialogueC. simulated dialogue6. Which of the following activities is most likely interactive?A. mimickingB. role playC. problem solving7. When a reader tries to guess the meaning of a new word based on the contextual clue, which one of the following approaches is he using?A. Bottom-up Approach.B. Top-down ApproachC. Interactive Approach.8. When a researcher reads an academic paper to see if it is relevant to his field of interest, which one of the reading skills is he using?A. Skimming.B. Scanning.C. Inferring.9. Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?A. re-arranging the materialsB. brainstorming the topicC. writing a summary of the text10. Which of the following activities can be used to get the main idea of a passage?A. reading to decide on the titleB. reading to sequence the eventsC. reading to fill in the charts11. What should the teacher try to avoid when selecting listening materials?A. The texts scripted and recorded in the studio.B. The texts with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of students.C. The texts delivered through the accents other than RP or Standard American Pronunciation.12. What purpose does NOT post-listening activities serve?A. Helping students relate the text with their personal experience.B. Offering students the opportunities of extending other language skillsC. Practicing students’ ability of matching the pre-listing predictions with contents of the text.13. What does “locating the specific information” help to train?A. scanningB. skimmingC. inferring14. Which of the following activities is best for training detailed reading?A. drawing a diagram to show the text structureB. giving the text an appropriate titleC. transferring information from the text to a diagram15. For a teacher who teaches young learners English pronunciation, which principle is he suggested following?A. Maximum quantity of spoken input.B. Conscious effort.C. Tolerance of errors in continuous speech.Section II: Problem Solving (30 points)Questions 16 -- 20 are based on this part.Directions: Below are five situations in the classroom. Each has a problem. First, identify the problem. Second, provide your solution according to the communicative language teaching principles. You should elaborate on the problem(s) and solution(s) properly. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.16. The following sequence of activities is what a teacher adopted in a reading class.A. instruct the students to read aloud the textB. explain paragraph by paragraph the new words or sentence structuresC. ask the students some comprehensive questions about the textD. require the students to translate some Chinese sentences into English using the key words or sentence patterns17. The following sequence of activities is what a teacher adopted in a speaking class.A. write the topic for discussion on the blackboardB. instruct the students to discuss the topic in groupsC. move from group to group correcting the stud ents’ language errors whenever he catches themD. express to the class his views on the topic18. The teacher was playing the record of a speech. He stopped the tape whenever he felt the need to explain a word or provide some background information.19. After asking the students to work in pairs to make up a dialogue, the teacher sat down and corrected the students’ home assignments till the time for this activity was up.20. A teacher was organizing an information-gap activity with his class of sixty students. It took him 5 minutes to get Worksheet A and B to the proper students. Soon after he instructed the students to keep their eyes only on their own sheets, he found some students were looking at others’ sheets. No sooner had he stopped them from doing t hat than several others in the front began to break the rule. The whole class had become out of control.Section Ⅲ:Mini-lesson Plan (40 points)Directions:Read the following two texts carefully and design two teaching plans.1. The following is an abstract from Senior Ⅱ, Student Book. Please design a teaching plan with the text.In these oceans live huge numbers of a small fish just 5 cm long. These fish swim together, often in a group that may be 4. 5 meters thick and hundreds of meters long. There may be 63,000 fish per cubic meter. These fish provide the main food for whales. A whale may eat a ton 0f them at a time, and may enjoy four meals a day.2. The following is an abstract from Senior Ⅱ, Student Book. Please design a teaching plan with the text.Listen to the tape. Then put these sentences in the correct order.( ) A. The assistant started painting something on the ceiling.( ) B. The artist stepped back.( ) C. The assistant shouted something.( ) D. The artist was painting the ceiling.( ) E. The artist got angry.( ) F. The assistant looked up.( ) G. The assistant explained to the artist why he had done this.( ) H. The artist rushed forwards.( ) I. The assistant was mixing some paint.( ) J. The artist stepped back again.英语教学法(1)试题答案及评分标准(供参考)Section I:1. B2. C3. B4. C5. A6. B7. B8. A9. B 10. A 11. B 12. C 13.A 14. C 15. CSection II:16. Problem: The lesson fails to help the students to improve their reading skills, because it focuses totally on the meanings and uses of individual words or sentence patterns.Solution: The teacher is suggested to divide the class into three stages. In the pre-reading stage, the teacher can engage the students in some speaking activities to help them predict the contents of the text. Thus arouses their interests in the text and, more importantly, gives them a purpose for reading--checking the predictions. Such activities can also activate the students’ schemata about the topic that can facilitate their understanding of the text. Or it is necessary, the teacher can provide the students with the background information or list of new words to help remove potential cultural or language barriers. In the while-reading stage, the teacher can design activities to develop the students’ skills of skimming, scanning, reading for detail or inferring. They can help the students to comprehend the text not only at the linguistic level but also at the contextual and rhetorical levels. The teacher can also design some post-reading activities which offer the students the opportunities of using freely the language they learnt from the text in speaking or writing con texts.17. Problem: The lesson started with the third stage of the PPP Model--the stage of production but skipped the two important stages before it--the stages of presentation and practice.Solution: Before the students are asked to talk freely about a topic, they should have relevant language input. Therefore, on the stage of presentation the teacher can introduce to them some vocabulary or some reading/listening materials related to the topic and introduce to them some useful sentence patterns of stating opinions, presenting reasons, expressing agreement, etc. The teacher is then expected to give the students the opportunities to use the newly-presented language items in a controlled framework. This may be done by drills or prompted short dialogues. The focus of this practice stage should be on accuracy and therefore any language errors, once spotted, should be corrected immediately. Finally comes the stage of production where the students do the activities, like the group discussion in this case, to experiment with the new language items freely and creatively. Since this stage is intended to develop fluency, the teacher should refrain from frequently interrupting a student who is speaking for immediate correction.18. Problem: The teacher should not stop the tape time and again to explain a word or information point, because this is not the way people listen in real lifeSolution: Anticipating some language or information barriers the students are likely to encounter in the process of listening, the teacher can design some pre-listening activities to get the students ready for the contents and language of the text. An alternative is to have the students do some inferring activities while they are listening. In this way they can not only have a purpose for listening, but also develop their ability of making inferences based on the contextual cues.19. Problem: The teacher only performed the role of a manager but neglected someother significant roles such as those of a prompter, assessor, resource person, etc. Solution: A qualified teacher has many roles to play in the classroom. The communicative language teaching features a student-centered, task-based and Process-oriented class. This does not diminish the teach er’s importance in the class, but puts a higher demand on his/her functions, especially those associated with facilitating and monitoring the learning process. When the students are doing an activity, the teacher needs to move around to offer encouragement and suggestions as a prompter, give help with ideas or language as a resource person and detect problems for immediate or delayed correction as an assessor. In addition, the teacher acts as a controller to maintain discipline and make sure each student is participating in the activity the way he/she is required to do. The teacher may also need to give examples of how to do an activity. In this case, he/she serves as an instructor.20. Problem: The class hag so many students that it is not easy to control.Solution: A ready solution is to replace the worksheets with a blackboard drawing or poster. The alternative rows of students are asked to turn around, so that half the class is facing the student behind them. In this way, only the front-facing rows can see the information on the blackboard or poster. Alternatively, two different posters can be put up, one on the front blackboard and the other on the back wall. Then the one is visible to the front-facing students while the other can be seen by those facing the back of the room. In either situation exists an information gap. The pairs can then exchange the information until they have completed the assigned task.Section Ⅲ:Mini-lesson Plan (40 points)两题的评分标准相同,具体如下:Name of activity 1分Objective(s) of the activity 2分Type of the activity 1分Classroom organization of the activity 1Teacher’s role 1分Students’ role 1分Teacher working time 1分Student working time 1分Teaching aid(s) 1分Predicated problem(s) 2分Solution(s) 2分Procedures 1) 2分2) 2分3) 2分下面教案仅作参考:1.Name of activity ReadingObjective(s) of the activityGet to know something of the fish in the oceanType of the activityThe exploitation of the textClassroom organization of the activityPersonal work /IndividualTeacher’ s roleOrganizes and guidesStudents’ roleRead with skills to find out the key information of the text.Teacher working time2 minStudent working time4 minTeaching aid(s)Some pictures, or videos, or overhead projector.Predicated problem(s)Some students may read word by word and they neglect the reading skills.Solution(s)The teacher explains the skills clearly.Procedures1) The teacher explains some skills, such as locating specific information, taking notes on the main points, and so on.2) Students read with skills3) Get feedbackAfter reading, the teacher invites some students to give some key information of the text.下面教案仅作参考:2.Name of activity Put the events in the correct order.Objective(s) of the activityHelp the students understand the content and structure of the text.Type of the activityListeningClassroom organization of the activityGroup work.Teacher’s roleInstructor , managerStudents’ roleActive participant in class activityTeacher working time1 minStudent working time4 minTeaching aid(s)Tape and tape recorder.Predicated problem(s)There will be pure listeners in group work, or there will be some who tend to idle, and the students may have some difficulties in putting the events in the correct order.Solution (s)For those pure listeners and those who are off-task, the teacher can walk close to them and show them how to participate.If students have difficulty, the teacher should offer, help, showing them how to decide the time order of the events.Procedures1) The teacher assigns the work2) Students listen carefully and decide the order of the events.3) Get feedbackWhen the students have finished their work, the teacher invites some to show their decision.教学活动设计题型的参考答案样例(设计10分钟的听力教学活动)Objectives: (教学目标)to ensure students can identify information concerning what people are doingClassroom organization(教学活动组织形式): pair workAssumed time(预计时间): 10’Teaching aid(教具): Pictures, multi-mediaProcedure(过程)1.Prepare for listening (3’)Teacher's instruction:"Now, boys and girls, first let's see whether you know these activities. Work with your partner, see how many you can read."Student act (2’):Students work in pairs to read the activities.Teacher's instruction:"Ok, which pair wants to have a try?"(After several pairs have tried) "Now, let's read togeth er."(1’)2.Listening and identify. (2’)Teacher's instruction"Good, you can read the words quite well. Now let's listen to these activities. Listen and tick the pictures when you hear them"Students' act (2’)Students listen and try to tick the right pictures while listening. Then the teacher checks whether the students can get the right answer.3.Listening (3’)Teacher's instruction:"Just now we listened to the phrases about the picture. Now we will listen to the sentences. Listen and tick the right pictures."Students' act (3’)Students listen and tick the right picture according to what they hear.4.Feedback(2’)Teacher's instruction."OK. Have you got the right pictures? Please check your answer with your partner and then report to class."Students' act (2’)Students check their answers with their partners. Then one of each pair reports the answer. Each pair reports one picture.Predicted problems:1.There may not be recording of phrase.2.Students may know the phrases already, or they may know only a little.Solutions:1.The teacher can make one out of the recording of the sentences, or may also record the phrases himself.2.The teacher can adjust the time of practice of preparation.。



1.A question that views on language learning involve is “____?”A.What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes of language learningB.Why do human beings have languageC.How a language is different from anotherD.How do people use language when they have a desire to communicate 答案:A2.In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of ___.A.structuresB.sentencesC.formD.meaning答案:D3.One of the reasons why the deductive method is criticized is that ___ in the method.nguage is taught in a contextB.much attention is paid to meaningC.the practice is often mechanicalD.not enough explanation is provided答案:C 4.Twocharacteristicsof spokenlanguage arespontaneity and___.A.preparationB.time-constraintC.accuracyD.fluency答案:B5.One of theproblems invocabularylearning is thatstudents ___.e context fortheir vocabularylearningB.try hard tounderstand thewordsC.treatvocabulary itemsindiscriminatelye a variety ofvocabularybuildingstrategies答案:C6.PPP and TBL aretwo approaches tolanguage teaching.PPP stands forPresentation,Practiceand Productionand TBL standsfor___.A.Task BookLanguageB.Text BookLearningC.Teacher-BasedLearningD.Task-BasedLearning答案:D7.When we ask thestudents to dopredicting tasksin listening, weshould letstudentsread/hear thelisteningcomprehensionquestions ___.A.before theylistenB.while they arelisteningC.after theirlisteningD.none of theabove答案:A8.According to WangQiang,information-gapactivities,problem-solving,___, “Dialoguesandrole-plays”, and “Findsomeone who …” are sometypes of speaking tasks.A.reading aloud inchorusB.repeating what theteacher has saidC.reciting a dialogueD.“Change the story”答案:D9.According to the ___there are a finite numberof grammatical rules inthe system and withknowledge of these rulesan infinite number ofsentences can beproduced.A.Behaviourist theoryB.Cognitive theoryC.structural viewD.functional view答案:B10.Role-playing through cuedialogues, role-playingthrough situation andgoals, and role-playing through debatesor discussion areexamples of ___.A.mechanical practiceB.drilling languageC.pre-communicativeactivitiesD.social interactionactivities答案:D11.According to Wang Qiang, pre-listeningactivities include predicting, setting the scene,___, and listening for specific information.A.learning new wordsB.learning new grammarC.listening for the gistD.concluding答案:C12.Explanation of phonetic rules should ___ at the beginning stage of teaching pronunciation.A.always be adoptedB.take placeC.be emphasizedD.be avoided答案:D13.Suppose a teacher is teaching his students to read an interesting story about how a doctormakes a joke of a young man. The teacher wants the students to tell part of the story withsome key words from the story like “a doctor –village – annoyed; people – stop –street – advice; never paid –never –money –made up his mind–put and end”.Inwhich stage ofteaching do youthink the teachershould do this?A.At thepre-reading stage.B.At thewhile-readingstage.C.At thepost-readingstage.D.At any of thethree stages.答案:C14.To help ourstudents passexams is one ofthe purposes ofour Englishteaching. Anotherpurpose, which isvery important,is to prepare ourstudents to ___.e English inreal lifeB.obtainknowledge aboutlanguageC.make upsentencesD.get a good jobin the future答案:A15.Pre-readingactivitiesinclude ___,setting the scene,skimming, andscanning.A.predictingrmationtransferactivitiesC.readingcomprehensionquestionsD.reproducing thetext答案:A16.One of predictingtasks inlistening is tolet students readthe listeningcomprehensionquestions ___.A.before theylistenB.while they arelisteningC.after they havefinishedlisteningD.none of theabove答案:A17.It is believedthat the way alanguage teacherlearned alanguage will tosome extentinfluence the way he orshe ____.A.learns a languageB.teaches a languageC.learns his mothertongueD.obtains linguisticknowledge答案:B18.When teachingpronunciation, we should___.A.never use visual aidse explanation ratherthan demoe dictionaries toshow the soundsD.bring variety to theclassroom, for example,show British & Americanpronunciati答案:D19.One of the reasons ofproviding the studentswith a variety ofspeaking activities isthatthe variety ofactivities helps ___.A.keep motivation highB.de-motivate studentsC.memorise the speechD.learn the dialogues byheart答案:A20.According to Wang Qiang,when designing speakingtasks, we must following the principles of“Maximum ___, even participation, high motivation, and right language level”.A.chorusB.repetitionC.foreign talkD.accuracy答案:C21.From the sentence ‘When she came into the room, the large crowd grew silent’ the studentsmay know that here‘she’ must be a woman of power, e.g. a boss or a teacher. In thisexample, the students are making ___ when reading.A.an inferenceB.a referenceC.perceptionD.production答案:A22.In teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that thestudents can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, webelieve that thisteacher isfollowing ___ inhis teaching.A.the bottom-upmodelB.the top-downmodelC.the interactivemodelD.all of the above答案:B23.Receptive skillsof languageinclude ___.A.listening andreadingB.listening andspeakingC.reading andwritingD.speaking andwriting答案:A24.When we areteachingpronunciation,___ andintonation shouldbe taught from theverybeginning.A.knowledge aboutsoundsB.phonetic rulesC.phonetictranscriptsD.stress答案:D25.CommunicativeCompetenceconsists ofknowledge andability for___.A.rules of rulesof pronunciation,vocabulary andgrammarB.rules ofgrammar/form andrules of languageuseC.pronunciation,words, andgrammarD.speaking andwriting答案:B26.If we believe thatwhen we arereading, ourbrain receivesvisualinformation andat thesame timeinterprets orreconstruct themeaning, and thatthe readingprocess does notonlyinvolve theprinted page butalso there ader’sknowledge of thelanguage in general, ofthe world and of the texttypes, we would followthe ___ in our teaching.A.Bottom-Up ModelB.Top-Down ModelC.Interactive ModelD.all of the above答案:C27.In teaching grammar,substitution and ___ areexamples of mechanicalpractice.ing chain phrasesfor story tellinging informationsheets as promptsC.chain of eventsD.transformation drills答案:D28.According to Wang Qiang,activities such as“Listen and tick”,“___”, “Listen andact”, “Listen and draw”,“Listen and guess”,“Listen and fill” canbe performed in thewhile-listening stage ofteaching listening.A.Listen and repeatB.Listen and reciteC.Listen and sequenceD.None of the above答案:C29.Suppose a teacher is teaching his students to read a passage about two earthquakes in SanFrancisco, one in 1906 and the other in 1989. The teacher gives the students the followingtable, and asks them to fill the blanks with information they have got from the text.TimeDateLocationNumber of people killed DamageEarthquake in 1906 Earthquake in 1989 This is an exampleof using ___ inteacher reading.A.transitiondevicemunicationactivitiesrmation-gap activitiesD.gist-gettingdevice答案:A30.According to JaneWillis, thecomponents of theframework ofTask-BasedLearning (TBL)include ____.A.exercises,exercise-tasksand tasksB.presenting newlanguage items,time and learningcultureC.a purpose, acontext, aprocess and aproduct/outcomeD.Pre-Task, TaskCycle andLanguage Focus答案:D31.Reasons forproviding thestudents with avariety ofspeakingactivitiesinclude ___.(必须选三项)A.It helpssimplifystudents’learning style.B.It will enablestudents to copewith differentsituations inreality.C.It suitsstudents ofdifferentlearning styles.D.The variety ofactivities helpskeep students'motivation high.答案:B,C,D32.What are thedisadvantages oftraditionalpedagogy?(必须选三项)A.It focuses onform rather thanon functions.B.The learnersare not able touse the languagein an integratedway.C.The learnersare not able towrite.D.It tends toisolate languagefrom its context.答案:A,B,D33.According to Wang Qiang,principles for teachingreading include ___.(必须选三项)A.Design tasks toencourage reading forthe main meaning.B.Design tasks todevelop students’reading skills andstrategies.C.Design tasks to helpthe students to read ontheir own.D.Help the students tomemorize every new wordand explain everysentence.答案:A,B,C34.Ways of consolidatingnew words suggested inWang Qiang’s book (2006)include ___.(必须选三项)ing word categoriesing word net-workC.Copying the wordsD.“Word bingo”答案:A,B,D35.What an effective readerdoes include ___.(必须选三项)A.Bearing in mind a clearpurpose in readingB.Guessing the meaningof new words from thecontextC.Concentrating on the insignificant partsing background information to help understand the text答案:A,B,D36.Strategic skills needed in reading include ___.(必须选三项)A.Skimming, i.e. reading for the gist or main ideaB.Scanning, i.e. reading to look for specific informationC.Predicting, i.e. guessing what is coming nextD.Reciting: i.e. memorizing every word答案:A,B,C37.Forms of transition device adopted in teaching reading include ___.(必须选三项)A.Reading aloud the vocabulary itemspleting a tableC.Making a listD.Taking notes答案:B,C,D38.What characteristics does Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) have? (必须选三项)A.CLT advocates grammar analysis through reading.B.CLT focuses on meaning rather than onform.C.CLT suggeststhat learningshould berelevant to theneeds of thestudents.D.CLT stressesauthentic andcreative use ofthe language.答案:B,C,D39.Rod Ellis’ sixcriteria forcommunicativeactivitiesinclude ___.(必须选三项)municativepurposergevocabulary sizemunicativedesireD.Content, notform答案:A,C,D40.Ways ofpresenting newwords suggestedby Wang Qianginclude ___.(必须选三项)ing visualaids such aspictures, photos,video clips, etc.to show meaninging lexicalsetsC.Translating andexemplifying,especially withtechnical orabstract wordsD.Asking thestudents toconsultdictionaries forthe meaning inclass答案:A,B,C41.The final goal ofCommunicativeLanguage Teachingis to developstudents’ ____(开头字母:co)competence.(必须输入完整的单词,单词后面不要输入空格。



英语教学法考试题及答案2003年7月Section Ⅰ:Basic Theories and Principles 30 pointsQuestions 1-15 are based on this part.Directions:Choose the best answer for the following questions and write your answers on the answer sheet.1. Among the factors affecting a lesson plan, which of the following is human factor?A. personality of the teacherB. class sizeC. course requirement2. What should a required lesson plan look like?A. a copy of explanation of words and structuresB. a timetable for activitiesC. transcribed procedure of classroom instruction3. When should the teacher issue the instruction?A. as soon as class beginsB. when students’ attention is directed to the teacherC. when class is silent4.Which of the following arrangements of seats is most suitable for presentation?5. For better classroom management, what should the .teacher do while the students a doing activities?A. participate in a groupB. prepare for the next procedureC. circulate around the class to monitor, prompt and help6. Which of the following expresses instrumental motivation?A. I learn English in order to survive in the target language country.B. I learn English just because of interest.C. I learn English in order to get promoted in one"s position.7. Which of the following activities can best motivate junior learners?A. gamesB. recitationC. role-play of dialogues8. To cultivate communicative competence, what should correction focus on?A. linguistic formsB. communicative strategiesC. grammatical rules9. Which of the following activity is most demanding?A. list what you can buy at a supermarketB. list what you can buy at a supermarket in five minutesC. list at least 15 things in you can buy at a supermarket in five minutes10. Which of the following activity is most productive?A. read the text and then choose the best answer to the questionsB. discuss on the given topic according to the text you have just readC. exchange and edit the writing of your partner11. To help students understand the structure of a text and sentence sequencing, we could use for students to rearrange the sentences in the right order.A. cohesive devicesB. a coherent textC. scrambled sentences12. The purpose of the outline is to enable the students to have a clear organization of ideas and a structure that can guide them .A. in the actual writingB. in free writingC. in controlled writing13. tell you what you should use in order to produce accurate utterances.A. The descriptive grammarB. The prescriptive grammarC. The traditional grammar14. The grammar rules are often given first and explained to the students and then the students have to apply the rules to given situations. This approach is called .A. deductive grammar teachingB. inductive grammar teachingC. prescriptive grammar teaching15. It is easier for students to remember new words if they are designed inand if they are and again and again in situations and contexts.A. context, sameB. context, differentC. concept, difficultSection Ⅱ:Problem Solving 30 pointsDirections:Five situations in classroom teaching are provided here. In each situation there are some problems. Firstly, identify the problems; Secondly, provide your own solutions according to the communicative language teaching principles. You must elaborate on the problem (s) and solutions in about 50-70 words.Situation 1In a writing lesson, the teacher writes the topic "EnviroXXXental Awareness" on the blackboard, and then asks the students to write an essay of 150 words in half an hour in class. Half an hour later, the teachercollects the writings.Situation 2At the practice stage of a grammar lesson, the teacher designs an activity with multiple choice questions to practise the grammatical items the students learned.Situation 3At the production stage of a speaking lesson, the teacher divides the students into 6 groups to do the discussion. And then the teacher retreats to a corner of the classroom to prepare for the next activity.Situation 4In an oral class, a teacher asks students to answer questions. To ensure smooth progress of his lesson, he always asks the excellent students to answer questions.Situation 5In a reading lesson, at the while-reading stage, the teacher assigns some skimming tasks, but some students are consulting their dictionaries for new words and expressions. The teacher notices all this but pretends not to see.Section Ⅲ:Mini-lesson Plan 40 pointsDirections:Read the following two texts carefully and complete the teaching plans.1. The following is an abstract from Senior Ⅰ, Student Book. Pl ease design a teaching plan with the text.Write about a well-known person from Chinese history.2. The following is an abstract from Senior Ⅱ, Student Book. Please design a teaching plan with the text.Grammar Noun Clauses as the AppositiveThe idea that computers will recognize human voices surprises many people.The possibility that the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed.Section Ⅰ:Basic Theories and Principles 30 points1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B11.C 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.BSection Ⅱ:Problem Solving 30 points共30分,每题6分(找出咨询题得3分,依照交际法原则提出合理的解决方案得3分,咨询题和解决方案应有50至70词的阐述,并应基本包括参考答案所涉及的要点。



I. Multiple Choices: (30%)Directions: In this section, you are given 20 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B,C and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point five points is given to each correct choice.1. According to the records available, human beings have been involved in the study of language for ___________ years.A. 1,000B. 1,500C. 2,000D. 2,5002. By the mid-_________ the upheaval(剧变/动荡) in linguistics and psycholinguistics created by Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar had begun to affect language pedagogy(教学法).A. 1940sB. 1950sC. 1960sD. 1970s3. The Natural Approach(自然教学法)believes that the teaching of_________(口语教学) should be delayed until comprehension skills are established.A. listeningB. speakingC. readingD. writing4. The generative-transformational school of linguistics emerged through the influence of __________ .A. Noam ChomskyB. J. PiagetC. D. Ausubel D. J.B. Bruner5. In foreign language teaching, the target language was interpreted (理解)as a system of rules to be observed in texts and sentences, and to be related to the first language __________ and meaning.A. wordsB. rulesC. sentencesD. context6. In the 19th century, the strategy in language teaching usually adopted by foreign language teachers was the _______ of grammar rules with translation.A. introductionB. interpretationC. comprehensionD. combination7. In the Direct Method, teachers encourage learners to _______ rules of grammar through active use of the target language in the classroom.A. applyB. analyzeC. induceD. paraphrase8. _________can be introduced as a means of consolidation and evaluation in the Direct Method.A. ReadingB. ListeningC. SpeakingD. Writing9. The psychological theory underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was _________ Psychology.A. DevelopmentalB. ChildC. FacultyD. Adult10. In the opinion of Palmer and some other linguists of his time,_________ played one of the most important roles in foreign language learning.A. grammarB. phoneticsC. vocabularyD. rhetoric11. _________ is NOT one of the systematic principles the Oral Approach involves?A. SelectionB. TranslationC. GradationD. Presentation12. In which book did Skinner apply the theory of conditioning to the way humans acquire language?A. Lado English SeriesB. Toward a Theory of InstructionC. Language Teaching AnalysisD. Verbal Behavior13. According to the behaviorist, a _________ is formed when a correct response to a stimulus is consistently rewarded.A. meaningB. wordC. habitD. reaction14. Materials in the Audiolingual Method(听说教学法)are primarily _________.A. instruction-orientedB. student-orientedC. teacher-oriented (教师为中心)D. habit-oriented15. _________ is NOT discussed in the book Foreign Language Teaching Methodology?A. The nature of foreign language teaching methodologyB. The history of foreign language teachingC. Theories of foreign language teaching methodologyD. The history of the English language16. Piaget saw cognitive development as essentially a process of__________ within which genetics and experience interact.A. maturationB. accommodationC. comprehensionD. assimilation17. Georgi Lozanov asserts(声称)that the reason for our inefficiency is that we __________.A. lay too much emphasis on oral performanceB. ignore the needs of learnersC. set up psychological barriers to learningD. give students little room and time to learn18. Krashen believes that acquisition of a language refers to the__________ process leading to the development of competence and is not dependent on the teaching of grammatical rules.A. consciousB. unconsciousC. overconsciousD. subconscious19.Another linguistic theory of communication favored in Communication Language Teaching is _________ functional account of language use.A. Chomsky’sB. Hymes’sC. Candlin’sD. Halliday’s20. With regard to syllabus design(教学大纲), the Communicative Approach (交际法)lays special emphasis on _________ .A. authentic materialsB. learners’ needsC. meaningful drillsD. teachers’ rolesII. Filling Blanks: (20%)Directions: In this section, there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.21. ___Latin__ was a language of communication that people widely studied in the Western world before the 16th century.22. In Malinowski’s opinion, an utterance has no ___meaning__ at all if it is out of the context of situation.23. Behaviorism believes that basic learning processes could be described in terms of stimuli and__response__.24. Some linguists thought that all languages originated from one language and were ruled by a common _grammar__ .25. The combination of structural linguistic theory, aural-oral procedures, and behaviorist psychology led to the __Audiolingual__ Method.26. The formula __ "I + 1" __, advocated by Krashen, means input that contains structures slightly above the learner’s present level.27. In the Direct Method, the target language is used __exclusively__in the language classroom as a means of instruction and communication.28. In a suggestopaedic(提示学习法) course, direct and indirect positive__suggestions__ are made to enhance students’ self-confidence and to convince them that success is attainable(可达到的).29. Chomsky divides the grammar of a natural language into __core__ grammar and peripheral(次要的) grammar.30. The Direct Method advocates the importance of oral language and believes that language should be learned through direct _association_ of form and meaning.31. The Direct Method believes in the _natural_ process of language learning and in the inductive teaching of grammar.32. The Oral Approach believes in a theory of learning that is based ona type of behaviorist _habit-formation__theory.33. The Cognitive Approach(认知法) lays emphasis on innate organizing principles(天生的/固有的组织原则) in human perception(知觉/感知)and__learning__.34. In a typical Audiolingual lesson the following procedures can be observed: recognition, imitation and repetition, __pattern__ drills(模式训练/句型操练), and follow-up activities(后续活动).35. At the level of classroom teaching, the Communicative Approach holds that activities should provide opportunities for learners to __use__ the language.36. The Cognitive Approach holds that learning a language is a process of acquiring __mental___control of the phonological, grammatical and lexical patterns(词汇模式) of a second language, largely through study and analysis of these patterns as a body of knowledge.37. Krashen sees the learner’s emotional state or attitudes as an adjustable ___filter__(过滤器)_ that freely passes or blocks input necessary to acquisition.38. Gattegno anticipates(预见) that using the Silent Way(默教法)would require most teachers to change their perception of their __role__.39. Community Language Learning (交际式语言学习)advises teachers to consider their studen ts as “whole persons”; therefore, the method is sometimes cited as an example of a “__humanistic__ approach”(人文主义教学方法).40. British linguists of structuralism(构造主义) believed that__elements__ in a language were rule-governed.III. Questions for Long Answers: (50%)Directions: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge you've learned.41. What advantages can be found in the Direct Method? (20%)(1) It makes the learning of English interesting and lively by establishing direct bond between a word and its meaning.(2) It is an activity method facilitating alertness and participation of the pupils.(3) According to Macnee, "It is the quickest way of getting started". Ina few months over 500 of the commonest English words can be learnt and used in sentences. This serves as a strong foundation of further learning.(4) Due to application of the Direct Method, students are able to understand what they learn, think about it and then express their own ideas in correct English about what they have read and learnt.(5) Psychologically it is a sound method as it proceeds from the concrete to the abstract.(6) This method can be usefully employed from the lowest to the highest class.(7) Through this method, fluency of speech, good pronunciation and power of expression are properly developed.42. What are the main features of the Communicative Approach?(30%)1. David Nunan offers five points to characterize the Communicative Approach:①According to the CA, an emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language. ②The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation. ③The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on the learning process itself. ④An enhancement of the learner’s own personal experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning.⑤An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom.2. The most obvious characteristics of the CA is that almost everything that is done with a Communicative intent. The teacher is concerned with the learners themselves, their feelings and ideas. The classroom activities are learner-centered.3. Students use the language a great deal through communicative activities such as games,role-plays, and problem-solving tasks. In this process, the focus is on meaning, rather than on language form.4. For learners who are studying in a non-English-speaking setting, it is very important to experience real communicative situations in which they learn to express their own views and attitudes, and in which they are taken seriously as people.5. Another characteristic of the teaching / learning process of the CA is the use of authentic materials.6. The degree of learner-centered activity depends, among other things, on the type of material they are working on. Unlike some contemporary methodologies such as Community Language Learning, practitioners of Communicative Approach view materials as a way of influencing the quality of classroom interaction and language use. Materials thus have the primary role of promoting communicative language use.7. There are three kinds of materials currently used in the Communicative Approach will be introduced and they are labeled “ text-based”, “task-based”, and “realia”.(1). Text-based materials(2). Task-based materials(3). Realia-------Many proponents of the Communicative Approach have advocated the use of “authentic” materials in the classroom. These might include language-based realia, such as signs, magazines, advertisements, and newspapers or graphic and visual sources around which communicative activities can be built.8. Learner-centred activities provide opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language, but also on the learning process itself. This type of activities involve students in doing and making things. This practice agrees with one of the basic assumptions of the Communicative Approach” students will be more motivated to learn a foreign language if they feel they are learning to do something with the language.9. The role of the teacher:① a facilitator of students’ learning; ②a manager of classroom activities;③ an advisor of students’ questions;④ a co-communicator in the communicative activity.10. The teacher’s level of proficiency in the target language and her stamina have some bearing on the effectiveness of a given teaching strategy.11. The teacher has to possess a very high level of language competence, because she is the main source of input, at least in the beginning stage and, especially, in the foreign language context.12. In a Communicative Approach classroom, lessons tend to be less predictable; the teacher has to be ready to what the learners say and not just how they say it, and to interact with them in as “natural” a way as possible; she has to use a wider range of management skills than in the traditional teacher-dominated classroom. 13. The role of the learner: a negotiator; a communicator; a contributor; an independent learner.14. Truly communicative have three features: information gap, choice of form and content and feedback. An information gap exists when one person in the exchange knows something that the other person doesn’t know and he wants to know. Feedback refers to any information which provides a report on the result of communication which takes place not only between the listener and the speaker.15. Activities in the Communicative Approach are often carried out by students in small groups.16. Grammatical structure does not require explicit analysis or attention, and by the necessary grammatical structure are automatically provided in the input. 17. Classroom environment in the Communication Approach:①cooperation and empathy;② learner-centred; ③tolerance of errors; ④working in small groups.。



英语教学法试题及答案【篇一:英语教学法考试题目】xt>1.in the past century, language teaching and learning practice has been influenced by three different views on language. what are they? what is their main idea of language?1) structural view: language is a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntacx. to learn a language is to learn its vocabulary and structural rules.2) functional view: language is a linguistic system as well as a means for doing things. learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it (use it). to perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions3) interactional view: language is a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people. learners need to know the rules of a language and where, when and how it is appropriate to use them.1. list different views on language learning.behaviorist theory cognitive theory constructivist theory socio-constructivist theory 2. what are the qualities of a good language teacher?ethic devotion, professional quality and personal styles.how can one become a good language teacher?wallace?s reflective modelstage 1: language development stage 2: learning, practice, reflection goal:development of professional1). learn from others experience2). learn received knowledge3). learn from ones own experiencepseudo practice and the real classroom teaching3. what is communicative competence?communicative competence include both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations .five components of communicative competence:linguisticcompetence, pragmatic competence , discourse competence, strategic competence, fluency4. what is clt? comment on clt.communicative language teaching is an approach to teaching of foreign language that emphasize interaction as both the means and ultimate goal of learning a language. it is also referred to as communicative approach to the teaching of foreign or simply the communicative approach.5. what is tblt? comment on tblt.task-based language teaching, tblt is a further development of clt. it shares the same belief in the use of language in real life, but stresses the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching。

小学英语教学法试题 (含答案)

小学英语教学法试题 (含答案)























《英语教学法》作业参考答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D13.A 14.B 15.D16.A17.A 18.C19.D 20.A 21.C22.D23.C 24.APart II Teaching Activities( 客观试题,每题1分,共10分)25.∨26.∨27.×28.×29.×30.∨31.×32.∨33.×34.×35.∨36.×37.∨38.∨39.∨40.×41.×42.×43.×44.∨45. ×46.×47.×48.∨Part III Teaching Principles49.∨50.∨51.×52.∨53.×54.∨55.∨56.×57.×58.×59.∨60.×61.×62.∨63.×64.∨65.×66.∨67.∨68.∨69.×70.∨71.×72.∨Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills73.disagree 74.disagree 75.agree 76.agree 77.agree 78.agree 79.disagree 80.Disagree 81.Agree 82.agree 83.agree 84.Disagree 85.Disagree 86.disagree 87.Agree88.Agree 89.Agree 90.Agree 91.Agree 92.Disagree 93.Agree 94.Disagree 95.Agree 96.AgreePart V Teaching Planning1.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To have students learn simple present tenseB) To know scientific reportNEW LEXIS: A) seed, dandelion, sycamore, parachute, parachute, burdock, furB) scatter, stick to, twist, throws out, shakes out, drop outGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: by wind, by bird, like, so that..PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of Nature,B) free discussion of natural phenomenon, questionsC) review of present tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of seedsC) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more examples in groupsB) discuss seeds and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to the role of Nature in scattering seeds everywhere Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) write natural phenomenon, papers exchange,B) use present tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about NatureHomework: write something about wind, bird, rain, etc.Reserve activity: analogy of seeds, human beings and seedsVisual aids: flash, slide show2.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To learn simple past tense, describe past actionsB) To learn the structure of “to do” as objectNEW LEXIS: be annoyed, manage to, make up one’s mind, put an end to, pretend to, out of mouth…GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: to leave someone doing,PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of seeing a doctorB) free discussion of hospital or clinicC) review of past tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of the joke,C) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more one’s own experience in hospital in groupsB) discuss doctors and patients and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to doctors’ way of prescription in treating patients Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) tell class the own story, papers exchange,B) use past tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about seeing a doctorHomework: write something about illnessReserve activity: noneVisual aids: flash, slide show, short video‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.3.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) Speaking lesson, for teaching chunksB) ask for helpNEW LEXIS: A) few or noneB) names of people and placesGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: if….; can you… ?PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) Listening to the dialogueB) GamesC) Ask students to say anything as if they have lost somethingStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) proper names background knowledgeB) role-play based on the dialogueC) exercise of “can I….can you?”Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) examples of chunks as “thanks a lot”, “not much”, ..B) ellipsisC) informal style in spoken languageStage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) to design an active to practice the way of asking for help in pairsB) ask them to present their pair workC) explain the function of each chunksHomework: listen moreReserve activityVisual aids: noPart VI Comment and Evaluation1.Prompter: in teaching sometime teachers give students hints to start an activity.Macro planning: the general aims or ideas about the teaching, not in detail. The time may cover as long as a term.Traditional pedagogy: teacher-centered, audio-lingua method, teaching language components Language form: behaviorist view of language emphasizes the importance of language form, instead of language meaning.Role-plays: interaction, meaningful, functional2.Function/notion approach: they regard language as functions and we have some notions to realize these functionsConsistency: in language learning, pronunciation should be smooth and naturalTask-based method: the teaching activities are based on variety of tasksDeductive and inductive method: two opposite ways of grammar teaching. That is, from examplesto rules and from rules to examples in detailPrompter: teachers sometime should be a person always giving hints or cues or prompts to students so as to help them in learning3.Prompter: teacher who provides the hints or cues for studentsLinguistic competence: contrasted to communicative competenceRole-plays: tasks designed for students to play someone so as to practice real situationBottom-up and Top-down models: letter to words process and the whole to detail process in learning Behaviorism: key words: pattern drills, reinforcement, S-R, native language, repetition, …I1communicative view2communicative view3structural view4functional view5interactional view6cognitive theory7. functional view8. structural view9. behaviorist theory10. behaviorist theory11. cognitive theory12. functional viewII答案空缺IIIIV1-5 a, b, c, d, e 6-10 e, d, c, b, aV答案空缺。



英语教学法(1) 试题注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。







Ⅰ. Choose the best answer (30%)Directions: In this part, you are given ten questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one that can best answer the question.1. Which of the following is characteristic of children in learning a foreign language?A. They pay more attention to meaning than to form.B. They have a clear purpose in learning a foreign language.C. They can monitor their own learning.D. They can concentrate for a long time in class.2. Which of the following is focused on writing?A. Labeling pictures according to their contents.B. Sequencing the pictures according to the story.C. Matching the pictures with the headings.D. Commenting on the pictures.3. Which of the following activities helps train logical thinking best*.A. Story telling.B. Finding patterns.C. Interviewing.D. Mind mapping.4. Which of the following should we examine if we want to assess the students' intrapersonal intelligence?A. Performance in a discussion.B. Posters.C. Learning diaries.D. Performance in an interview.5. What does the following practise?I want you to send ^ it out in ^ a minute.I have collected a ^ lot^ of monkey stamps.A. Stress.B. Intonation.C. Pronunciation.D. Liaison.6. Which of the following can help to presentA. Realia.B. Miming.C. Examples.D. Pictures.7. What strategy does "creating a situation for students to use the words" help to train?A. Association.B. Association.C. Contextualization.D. Collocation.8. Which of the following activities can be used at the practice stage of vocabulary instruction?A. Completion exercises.B. Reading to discover the meaning of words.C. Cross-word puzzles.D. Teacher explaining the usage of words.9. Which of the following is a communication activity?A. Bingo.B. Information transfer.C. Substitution.D. Twenty questions.10. Which of the following can train oral proficiency?A. Flow chart dialogue.B. Distant dictation.C. Sequencing pictures.D. Labeling pictures.11. Which of the following activities help to train reading?A. Drawing according to oral instructions.B. Designing praising cards.C. Commenting on pictures,D. Matching the pictures with different stories.12. Which of the following seating arrngements is most suitable for group discussion?13. What is the teacher doing by saying "Now you are going to do this in pairs. "?A. Setting up tasks.B. Controlling discipline.C. Demonstrating.D. Getting feedback.14. Which of the following activities is most suitable for whole-class work?A. Presenting new language.B. Role-play.C. Information gap.D. Writing summaries.15. Which of the following belongs to physical factors that affect the designing of a lesson plan?A. Students' needs.B. Students' background.C. Student language proficiency.D. Syllabus requirements.Directions: In this part, you are given five questions, Each question is followed by two columns of options. You are to match the options on the left marked 1), 2), 3), 4) with relevant options on the right marked A, B, C and D, and write the answers on the answer sheet. Make sure each option can only match with one another.1. Match the learning styles on the left with the type of activities on the right.1) Group learners. A. Cutting paper.2) Individual learners. B. Watching videos.3) Visual learners. C. Discussing weekend plans.4) Tactile learners. D. Doing reading practice.2. Match the teacher's actions on both sides.1) S: I seed a film yesterday. A. Helping the student to correct hisT: Mum? own mistakes.2) S: I seed a film yesterday. B. Giving hints that there are mistakesT: You SEED a film yesterday? in his speech.3) S: I seed a film yesterday. C. Encouraging others to correct theT: You should say "saw", not mistake."seed".4) S: I seed a film yesterday. D. Correcting the student's mistakesT: What did Tom do? Anyone, who directly.can tell us?3. Match the activities on the left with the focus of instruction on the right.1) Complete the sentences according to the pictures. A. Listening.2) Put the sentences in the correct order according to B. Speaking.the pictures.3) Decide on the right pictures according to the C. Reading.recording.4) Discuss hobbies according to the pictures. D. Writing.4. Match the activities with the relevant classroom arrangement.1) Chain retelling of a story. A. Whole class work.2) Flow-chat dialogue. B. Individual work.3) Forming a basketball team. C. Pair work.4) Sentence completion D. Group work.5. Match the questions with the items they assess.1) What problems do you still have? A. Language performance.2) How well did you prepare before class? B. Progress.3) How well did you work in your group C. Classroom participation.work?4) Flow well did you do in the vocabulary quiz? D. Self-regulation.Ⅲ. Multiple choice questions (10%)Directions: In this part, you are given ten questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one(s) you think suitable. Yon may have more than one answer to each question.1. Which of the following roles do the primary school teachers play?A. A helper.B. A motivator.C. A friend.D. An organizer.2. Which of the following are/is characteristic of children?A. Not afraid of making mistakes.B. Analytical in learning.C. More instrumentally motivated.D. Good at generalizing.3. Which of the following explain(s) how children acquire their first language?A. By experimenting with the language.B. By interacting with people around them.C. By mimicking.D. By attending lessons.4. Which of the following features the learning of a foreign language?A. Natural learning context.B. Structured input.C. Conscious learning.D. Little error correction.5. Which of the following give(s) the right explanation of Chinese and English phonetic systems?A. English differentiates stressed syllables and unstressed syllables, and so does Chinese.B. Both English and Chinese have many vowels.C. Both English and Chinese have a lot of combined consonants.D. English words often have two or more syllables, but Chinese characters have only one.Ⅳ. Short Answer Questions (20%)Directions: In this part there are five questions about English Teaching Methodology. Write your answers in brief. You will be assessed in the points you present and the way you present them.1. What advantages do projects have in English instruction? How can we make better use of them?2. If some students withdraw from classroom activities with stories, what might be the reasons?3. Why can't testing fulfill the task of assessment?4. If some students are not directing their attention to the lesson, what might be the reasons? What will you do to get the children's attention?Ⅴ. Activity designing (20%)Directions: In this part, you are to design a 10-minute speaking activity according to the material given. The activity should be based on the following dialogue and make use of the pictures given. Make sure yon include all the items of an activity described in the textbook objective, organization, assumed time, procedure, predicted problems and solutions). You can 'rife your design of the activity according to the table given. Make sure you give the assumed me for each step.Tom: Do you miss China?Darning: Sometimes.Tom: Do you want to go to China with me?Darning: Chinatown? But this is America.Tom: There is a Chinatown in New York! There are a lot of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Darning: Really?Tom: Yes, and there's Chinese dancing.Darning: Let's go to Chinatown now.Objective(s)Classroom organizationPredicted problem(s)Solution(s)Procedure1)2)3)试题答案及评分标准Ⅰ. Choose the best answer本题为单选题,共15个小题,30分,每题2分。









小学英语教学法试题小学英语教学法试题一、选择题1、以下哪个单词不是表示颜色的单词?A. redB. blueC. greenD. yellow正确答案:B. blue解释:在英语中,red表示红色,green表示绿色,yellow表示黄色,而 blue表示蓝色。


2、下列哪个词组不是表示位置的常用表达?A. on the tableB. in the boxC. under the bedD. next to the door正确答案:A. on the table解释:在英语中,on the table表示“在桌子上”,这是一个表示位置的常用表达。

而其他选项 in the box、under the bed、next to the door都是表示位置的常用表达。



广西高校教师资格证考试《英语教学法》练习题及答案一、选择题1. 下列哪个是英语教学法的基本原则?A. 知识主导B. 教师主导C. 学生主导D. 竞争主导答案:C2. 针对不同学生的研究特点,英语教师可以采用的教学策略是:A. 同一教学方法B. 不同教学方法C. 教师中心教学D. 学生中心教学答案:B3. 英语教学法中的课堂控制指的是:A. 教师严格控制学生B. 学生完全自由控制C. 教师和学生相互控制D. 提供一种积极、稳定、和谐的教学环境,教师有序地组织学生的研究活动答案:D二、问答题1. 请简要说明英语教学法的概念和作用。



2. 请列举并简要说明英语教学法中的一种教学策略。



3. 简述如何提高英语教学中的课堂控制能力。





英语教学法试题及答案【篇一:英语教学法考试题目】xt>1.in the past century, language teaching and learning practice has been influenced by three different views on language. what are they? what is their main idea of language?1) structural view: language is a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntacx. to learn a language is to learn its vocabulary and structural rules.2) functional view: language is a linguistic system as well as a means for doing things. learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it (use it). to perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions3) interactional view: language is a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people. learners need to know the rules of a language and where, when and how it is appropriate to use them.1. list different views on language learning.behaviorist theory cognitive theory constructivist theory socio-constructivist theory 2. what are the qualities of a good language teacher?ethic devotion, professional quality and personal styles.how can one become a good language teacher?wallace?s reflective modelstage 1: language development stage 2: learning, practice, reflection goal:development of professional1). learn from others experience2). learn received knowledge3). learn from ones own experiencepseudo practice and the real classroom teaching3. what is communicative competence?communicative competence include both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations .five components of communicative competence:linguisticcompetence, pragmatic competence , discourse competence, strategic competence, fluency4. what is clt? comment on clt.communicative language teaching is an approach to teaching of foreign language that emphasize interaction as both the means and ultimate goal of learning a language. it is also referred to as communicative approach to the teaching of foreign or simply the communicative approach.5. what is tblt? comment on tblt.task-based language teaching, tblt is a further development of clt. it shares the same belief in the use of language in real life, but stresses the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching。



小学英语教法试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语教学中,教师应该注重培养学生的哪项能力?A. 阅读能力B. 写作能力C. 听说能力D. 语法分析能力答案:C2. 以下哪种教学方法适合小学生学习英语?A. 直接教学法B. 任务型教学法C. 语法翻译法D. 情景教学法答案:B3. 小学英语课堂上,教师应该使用哪种语言进行教学?A. 全英文B. 全中文C. 中英混合D. 根据学生水平决定答案:A4. 以下哪种活动不适合作为小学英语课堂的热身活动?A. 唱歌B. 听故事C. 做数学题D. 角色扮演答案:C5. 在小学英语教学中,教师应该如何处理学生的发音错误?A. 立即纠正B. 课后纠正C. 忽略不计D. 鼓励学生自我纠正答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 小学英语教学应该注重培养学生的__________能力。

答案:语言交际2. 教师在课堂上应该使用__________来吸引学生的注意力。

答案:多媒体工具3. 小学英语教学中,__________是提高学生学习兴趣的有效方法。

答案:游戏化教学4. 教师应该鼓励学生在课堂上__________,以提高他们的听说能力。

答案:积极参与5. 小学英语课堂应该创造一个__________的学习环境。

答案:轻松愉快三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简述小学英语教学中如何有效地使用故事教学法。




2. 描述一下在小学英语课堂上如何进行有效的小组合作学习。





小学英语教材教法测试题(一)一、填空(20%)1、Language learning process is a ___________process. Therefore ___________and_________________with the language in communication are very important factors for language development.2、Imitation and repetition are the main ways for children acquire their mother tongueexcept these please give another two ways______________ and _______________-.3、TPR is the abbreviation(缩写)of _____________________.4、Howard Gardener has proposed the theory of _________________.5、内省智能_____________ 音乐智能_____________ 人际交往智能____________-6、In some occasions ,meaning can be understood with ________language. such as when we praise the children : “you did a very good job!” you can only say “good” with your thumb raised.7、When we teach children English ,maybe the students will not understand your instructions. the best way we can use __________language and ___________、facial expressions and so on.8、A good primary English teacher need to develop competence in at least three areas: the English language, the __________of children and the __________and ___________for teaching children.9、We can change seating _____________ once in a while that could add some ___________in the classroom.10、As a qualified English teacher, first you should have good__________ and ___________.二、判断(20%)11( ) It is necessary to establish a classroom routine from the beginning.12( )The target language should be used as much as possible even with beginners.13( ) In language teaching classroom ,the primary concern is to let the students sit well and listen to teacher carefully.14( ) Good language learner is that he should look up every word that he doesn’t know.15( ) We should treat children as human being.16( ) On the whole, men are better at language.17( ) Children pay more attention to form while adults pay more attention to meaning.18 ( )If we take humanistic education we could solve all the problems in teaching.19( ) children have a clear purpose for learning.20( ) children can acquire their mother tongue by watching TV and listening to stories.三、简述题(30%)21 分析并阐述母语习得和第二语言学得的差异的主要因素。



Section I. Basic Theories and Principles (30 points)Directions: Choose the best answer from A.B. or C for each question. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1.What kind of cohesive devices is used to link sentences through signaling relationships between sentences by means of anaphora or back reference?A.Cohesive devices that indicate meaning relationships between or within sentences, such as apart from, in order to, since, however, not only, and but also.B.Grammatical devices that establish links to from the cohesion of a text, such as it, this, the, here, that, and so on.C.Lexical devices that use the repetition of key words or synonymous words to link sentences together.2. What will a good writer usually do in the pre-writing stage of the writing process?A.Make decisions on the purpose, the audience, the contents, and the outline of the writing.B.Concentrate on getting the content right first and leave the details like correcting spelling, punctuation, and grammar until later.C.Develop a revising checklist to pinpoint the weaknesses of his/her writing and focus on the flaws likely to appear in their drafts.3. Writing exercises like completion, reproduction, compression, and transformation are mainly the type of exercises used in which writing tasks?A.Controlled writing.B.Guided writing.C.Free writing.4.Which type of grammar tends to teach you how the grammar is used by the people rather than how it should be used?A.Descriptive grammar.B.Prescriptive grammar.C.Traditional grammar.5.When the students are given the structure in an authentic or near authentic context and are asked to work out the rule for themselves, what kind of method their teacher is using?A.Deductive grammar teaching.B.Inductive grammar teaching.C.Traditional grammar teaching.6.In which stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach will students have the chance to use the language freely and incorporate it into their existing language?A.Presentation Stage.B.Practice Stage.C.Production Stage.7.How can we help students to memorize a new word more effectively?A.Put the new word in a context, relate it to known words, and use illustrations.B.Pre-teach the new word of a text, pronounce it correctly, and group it.C.Put the new word in a list of unconnected words with illustrations.8.Which of the following techniques can best present the word“ pollution ”?A.Show or draw a picture.B.Give a definition or an example.C.Demonstrate the meaning by acting or miming.9.Whether two words go together with each other or not is an issue of what?A.Connotation.B.Register.C.Collocation.10.Among the following factors that may affect a lesson plan, which one includes classroom size?A.Human factors.B.Physical conditions.C.Syllabus and testing.11.What are the most important parts of a lesson plan?A.Textbooks and classroom aids.B.Anticipation of problems and flexibility in dealing with them.C.Objectives of the lesson and procedure to achieve them.12.Why do we need to design tasks to supplement the textbook?A.Textbooks usually are not well written.B.Textbooks need adaptations to fit the needs of their target students.C.Textbooks only cover a limited amount of language skills.13.Among the five subcategories of classroom management, that is people, language, environment, organization and tools, which of the following elements can be classified under environment?A.Textbook, exercise book, teache'r s book, and blackboard.B.Interaction between teacher and students.C.Arrangement of desks and chairs.14.What role does a teacher take to create an environment in which learning can take place?A.Instructor.B.Manager.C.Assessor.15.Whole class teaching, pair work, group work, and games are activities under which subcategory of classroom management?A.People.B.Environment.anization.Section II: Problem Solving (30 points)First, identify the problem. 首先,确定问题所在。



《英语教学法》题库及答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language TeachingDirections: In this part, there are 24 statements about teaching in English, and four answers after each one. You are to choose from each of the following statements the best answer according to what we have learnt in the book of “A Course in English Language Teaching”.1. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.A. This is the behaviorist view of language.B. This is the structural view of language.C. This is the functional view of language.D. This is the interactive view of language.2. Learners should know the grammar and vocabulary, but as importantly they should know the rules for using them in s whole range of communicative contexts.A. This is the behaviorist view of language.B. This is the structural view of language.C. This is the functional view of language.D. This is the interactive view of language.3. According to cognitive theory, .A. students learn language by repeating what teachers sayB. students are asked to think and createC. students learn a language as animals do thingsD. students respond when teachers give stimulus4. By audio-lingua method, students should always .A. be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules B. be trained to form good habits in learningC. relate their rules learned to their uses in real lifeD. be able to communicate with others in practice5. Language is regarded as a communicative tool, whose main use to build up and maintain social relations between people.A. This is the interactional view of language.B. This is the functional view of language.C. This view of language has no basis of theory.D. The view may be out of date in language teaching.6. What is the main idea of Communicative Approach?A. To teach language in a global and meaningful way.B. To teach language in a communicative method.C. To teach language in training of habits.D. To teach language by asking students to repeat and memorize forms.7. What is a good language teacher?A. A person who has a good command of English.B. A person who is armed with a specific range of skills and strategies.C. A person who has ethic devotion, desirable personal styles and professional qualities.D. A person who has professional competence.8. To attain the professional competence, a teacher should have training, learning, practice and .A. experienceB. educational psychologyC. received knowledgeD. reflection9.According to Hymes, in a successful language communication, one’s utterance should be A. reliable and clear B. possible and feasibleC. appropriate and authentic D. possible, feasible, appropriate and really used10. Learning a language means being able to do things with it in some sense..A. This is the behaviorist view of language.B. This is the structural view of language.C. This is the functional view of language.D. This is the interactive view of language11. Behaviorist view of language holds .A. students learn language by repeating what teachers sayB. students are asked to think and createC. students learn a language as animals do thingsD. students respond when teachers give answers12. A teacher should have training, learning, practice and to attain the professional competence,.A. experienceB. educational psychologyC. received knowledgeD. reflection13. Task principle means activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks that promote learning.A. This is the view of communicative approach about competenceB. This involves the function/notion methodC. This is the view of behaviorism in language teaching.D. Not sure.14. We train students to learn a language just as we train animals to do things.A. This can be classified into functional grammar.B. The typical behaviorist view of language learning.C. The view is taken by those who hold grammar-translation method.D. None in history had the view of language learning.15. According to Chomsky, language is not a form of behavior; it is an intricate rule based system.A. It is still a behaviorist view.B. It is functional view of language.C. It is audio lingua method.D. It is the mentalist view.16. Mistakes should immediately corrected and correct utterances should be immediately praised.A. Audio-lingual methodB. Communicative approachC. Mentalist viewD. Silent way17. Language is a system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning.A. Structural view.B. Mentalist view.C. Meaningful way of learningD. Natural approach18. We all set up our own perspective of the world, through individual experiences and schema.A. Mentalist oneB. Not based on any theoryC. Typical constructivist view of learningD. Functional one19. Changes in behavior are observed, and used as indicators as to what is happening inside the learner's mind.A. Audio-lingual oneB. Constructivist viewC. Behaviorist oneD. Cognitive view of language20. Language teaching and learning are focused on a new behavioral pattern being repeated until it becomes automatic.A. Behaviorist view of learningB. ConstructivismC. Cognitive viewD. Not sure21.Listening activities always test the students’ memory rather than other abilities.A.The test is the typical one practiced by communicative approach.B.This kind of view is actually the way of functional method.C.Any traditional teaching way will do in this way.D.Memory training is of course the cognitive approach.22. The communicative activities in classroom should be the one with__________.A.teacher interventionB.materials under controlC.simple language and no variantsD.content on focus not forms23. Process-oriented theories are concerned with__________.A.how materials are organized togetherB.how hypothesis is testedC.how the mind processes new informationD.how learners receive input24.Condition-oriented theories emphasize __________.A.the human and physical context in learningB.the nature of habit formationC.the making of inferenceD.the learning processPart II Teaching ActivitiesDirections: There are 24 activities described below. For each one, you are to judge whether it is the communicative one or not. If you think it a communicative activity, put a tick(∨ ) in bracket, otherwise, mark a cross(×).25. Student A uses a questionnaire to interview his partner, student B, and makes notes. ( ) 26. As two students are talking about their experience, the teacher asks other students to take down their information. ( )27.. Listening to tapes with headphones and then answering listening comprehension questions. ( ) 28. When reading in a foreign language, students are asked to mentally translate everything in order to understand. ( )29.“Write a composition with a title of ‘A Day on the Factory’ in classroom” ( )30. Information-gap activities in spoken lesson. ( )31. Use English-English dictionary to understand the meaning of vocabulary. ( )32. The teacher writes a set of words on the blackb oard and asks the students to find the “odd man out”. ( )33. Ask students to read phonetic transcripts of words. ( )34. Make students in groups to say out grammatical rules. ( )35. Teachers help learners in any way that motivates them to work with the language. ( )36. The target language system will be learned best through the process of struggling to repeat and practice rote learning. ( )37. Pattern drills are practiced peripherally. ( )38. Ask students to use authentic and natural language. ( )39. In any teaching class, teachers ingrate the four skills. ( )40. In teaching we should always prevent students from making errors. ( )41. The linguistic competence is the desired goal in teaching. ( )42. Communicative activities come after a long process of rigid drills and exercises. ( )43. Teachers practice bottom-up mode activity and start from a linear process in reading.( ) 44. To use transition device so that visualization is realized in reading. ( )45. Working in lockstep, the teacher expresses clearly and as much as possible. ( )46.To use substitution drills and prompts in grammar teaching. ( )47. An activity in classroom for students to practice language, which involves no definiteor correct answers in the task. ( )48. Ask students to bridge their information gap in speaking.( )Part III Teaching PrinciplesDirections: In this part of the test, there are some Teaching Principles that need your evaluation. Please choose the ones you think them correct and in accordance with what we have learnt andput a tick( ∨ ) after them.49. The main implication for teaching is that we need to be aware of the discourse features of a text and to be able to make students aware of them. ( )50. A group of students working together to brainstorm topics and ideas will be more productive because their thoughts can be inspired by each other’s ideas. ( )51. The teaching activities must be designed to be done by the individual students rather than all of them, and the activities should also involve the teacher correcting or evaluating how the student do these activities. ( )52. A teacher is a resource-provider. ( )53.It is not the teachers’ work to choose topics and tasks so as to activate students in teaching. ( )54. Teachers need not have extra materials prepared to cope with slower/faster-working students. ( )55. Different approaches stipulate different teacher roles, but there are some common roles that teachers play. ( )56. Teachers can do nothing to increase and maintain the motivation of students by the typesof tasks. ( )57. Teaching listening should focus on the result of listening rather than the process of listening. ( )58. The trick to working with drills is to work on individual sounds for more than few minutes a time. ( )59. Ask students to make a list of optimal solutions to the problem addressed. ( )60. We should require the students to acquire native-like pronunciation. ( )61. Good planning tactics never indicate the importance of knowing what you need to take with you or to arrange to have in your classroom. ( )62. The first step of lesson planning will already have been performed for you: choosing what to teach.63. A teacher can play the roles as controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant andresources provider, but they should not play all of them at one time. ( )64. A normal class should be in such a way in which students can raise questions and challenges to teachers. ( )65. Emotions cannot run high whenever language learners are asked to develop new pronunciation habits. ( )66. In practice, we need mechanical and meaningful practice. One way is to practice our pronunciation in English chunks, ready-made chunks. ( )67. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation. ( )68. Functional grammar holds that a language will play three functions, the idea of which can be used in teaching of language skills.( )69. Take care of trivial details in reading and listening so that students may have a full understanding of the text. ( )70. In writing, teachers help students recognize their own composing process.( )71. We design speaking tasks that do allow outspoken students to dominate discussion. ( )72. We in teaching clarify fixed rules and standards, and are consistent in applying them.( ) Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills第 6 页共21 页Part V Teaching PlanningDirections: In this part of the test, you are to give a ‘Teaching Plan’ according to the material (a text) given below. Your plan should cover ‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’. (Text 1.)Nature gives plants and trees four ways to scatter their seeds. The first is by wind.The seed of some plants are very light, like the dandelion and the sycamore. They have wingsor parachutes so that the wind can carry them easily. The second is by birds and animals.Some seeds, like the seeds of burdock stick to the fur of animals, and drop off as the animalsmove about. Birds carry others, such as berries. The third way is by the plant itself. Theplant itself twists and breaks the walls of the fruit. It throws out or shakes out the seeds.The last is by water. The seeds float on the water either because they are very light, orbecause they have air inside them.Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDUREActivitiesA)B)C)Stage 1:A)B)Stage 2:A)B)C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:(Text 2.)A doctor working in a village was very annoyed because many people used to stop him in the street and asked him for advice. In this way, he was never paid for his services, and he never managed to earn much money. He made up his mind to put an end to this. He was stopped by a young man who said to him, “Oh, doctor, I’m so glad to see you. I’ve got a severe pa in in my left side”. The doctor pretended to be interested and said, “Shut your eyes and stick your tongue out of your month”. Then, he went away, leaving the man standing in the street with his tongue hanging out…and a large crowd of people laughing at him.Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDUREActivitiesA)B)C)Stage 1:A)B)C)Stage 2:C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:(Text3.)Clerk: Good morning, Sir. What can I do for you?Monty: Good morning. I’ve lost my briefcase.Clerk: Where do you think you lost it?Monty: I was on the 8:30 train to Stockport.Clerk: Right. Can you give me your name, Sir?Monty: Yes. Monty Ball.Clerk: And your address?Monty: I live at 26 Ash Avenue, Manchester.Clerk: Can you describe your briefcase, please?Monty: Yes. It’s black and made of leather---one of those flat sided ones. Clerk: Anything in it?Monty: Not much. Just my lunch and a few papers.Clerk: Well, if it turns up we’ll let you know. Where can we ring you?Monty: At my office---the number is 483 7692.Clerk: Right, Mr. Ball. I’ll see w hat I can do.Monty: Thanks a lot. Bye.……………………………………………Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDUREActivitiesC)Stage 1:A)B)C)Stage 2:A)B)C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:Part VI Comment and EvaluationDirections: In this part, you are to give your comment or evaluation on the following terms in language teaching.1.PrompterMacro planningTraditional pedagogyLanguage formRole-plays2. Function/notion approachconsistencytask-based methoddeductive and inductive methodprompter3.Prompter:Linguistic competence:Role-plays:Bottom-up and Top-down models:Behaviorism:Part I Basic Ideas in Language TeachingDirections: In this part, there are ten statements about language and language learning, You are to make your judgment whether they are structural view, functional view, interactional view, or they are behaviorist theory, cognitive theory or communicative view and write down your answers after these statements.1. Day to day language use involves activities such as offering, suggesting, advising and apologizing.Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it.2. Language is a system and so its subsystems include phonological, morphological and lexical itemswhich constitute sentence. We learn these items so as to be able to understand and produce language.3. Teaching actually involves endless listen and repeat drilling excises and promotes reinforcement.4. In the whole process of language learning, stimulus-response can form very good habits which arethe basis for good language training.5. When we learn language, we should always think and ask questions about not only how but also why.6. Learners are trained to express notions that complete their tasks. The notions include conceptof present, past and future time, the expressions of certainty and possibility and so on.7. We should learn language in the way that is used in the real world and therefore we frequentlybridge the gap between the use of language in real life and the teaching or learning pedagogy in classroom.8. When learning language, we should know not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation.9. Language is a linguistic system make of various subsystems from phonological, morphological and lexical to sentences. Human beings put all the items together to understand language and produce language.10. Language is seen as a linguistic system and a means for doing things. To complete these, learnersneed to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notion.11. Learners have to study the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.12. A language learner acquires language competence which enables him to produce language.Part II Teaching ActivitiesDirections: There are five activities stated below. For each one, you are to describe it with simple example.1. ( discovering differences )2. ( pooling information to solve a problem )3. ( simulation activity )4. ( identifying pictures )5. ( work in pairs )6. ( role playing )Part III Teaching PrinciplesDirections: In this part of the test,Wallace’s ‘reflective model’ is to be completed to demonstrate the development of professional competence. You are to fill the blanks with proper terms.Note: The possible selected terms would be: practice, language learning, language practice, own experience, own knowledge, professional competence, received knowledge, development, reflection, oth ers’ knowledge, others’ experience, response and stimuli, language training, stage, goal, etc.11. The efficient teaching implies that we should know the discourse features of any text and makestudents well informed of them. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:12. To inspire students’ productive thoughts in group discussion by means of brainstorming topicsand ideas. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:13. The teacher carefully designs activities for the individual students to complete the tasks andevaluates the whole process. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:14. To vary teaching techniques and train students learning strategy in class. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:15. Extra materials are prepared to cope with slower/faster-working students. ( )Advantages/disadvantages:Part IV Teacher’s role in language teachingDirections: In this part of the test, there are things listed below that teachers often do in the language classroom. You are to decide what role the teacher is playing in each one. Put corresponding letters in the bracketsa. controllerb. assessorc. organizerd. promptere. participant( ) 1. When students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joints on or two groups for s short period of time.( ) 2. The teacher asks a student a question “Have you ever bought clothes with problems?” If the student doesn’t seem to be ready, the teacher says “for example, a shirt without…”and points to the button on his won shirt of jacket.( ) 3. The teacher writes one of five numbers on a number of cards. Each student draws on card.Those who have drawn number 1 will form group 1, and those who have drawn number 2 will formgroup 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.( ) 4. When the students have in groups decided where to go for a spring outing, the teacher asks each group to tell the others why they have made such a choice.( ) 5. The teacher asks the students to produce conversations by using particular patterns or expressions they have just learned.a. controllerb. assessorc. organizerd. promptere. participant( ) 6. The teacher asks the students to take turns to make sentences with a newly learned structure.If someone makes an error, the teacher asks him or her to revise.( ) 7. When a student has made a sentence with “borrow”, “I borrowed a paper to write a letter”, the teacher says, “Well, we don’t say a paper, we say a piece of paper”.( ) 8. The teacher writes one of five numbers on a number of cards. Each student draws on card.Those who have drawn number 1 will form group 1, and those who have drawn number 2 will formgroup 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.( ) 9. T: Do you have any hobbies?D: Yes, I like singing and dancing.T: Uhm, and…?D: I also collect coins.( ) 10. The teacher has a word in his mind and asks students to guess by asking only Yes/No questions until they make the correct guess.Part V Teaching Planning ( 20%)Directions: In th is part of the test, you are to give a ‘Teaching Plan’ according to the material(a text) given below. Your plan should cover ‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’. (Text)Soon we were on our way to Castle Dracula. The mountains were all around us and the moon was behind black cloud. I could see nothing, but I could still hear the wolves. The horseswent faster and faster, and the driver laughed wildly. Suddenly the carriage stopped. I openedthe door and got out. At once the carriage drove away and I was alone in front of the dark,silent castle. I stood there, looking up at it, and slowly the big wooden door opened. A tallman stood in front of me. His hair was while and he was dressed in black from head to foot. Lesson PlanAIMS: A)B)NEW LEXIS: A)B)GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE:PROCEDURE ActivitiesA)B)C)Stage 1:A)B)C)Stage 2:A)B)C)Stage 3:A)B)C)Homework:Reserve activityVisual aids:《英语教学法》作业参考答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D13.A 14.B 15.D16.A17.A 18.C19.D 20.A 21.C22.D23.C 24.APart II Teaching Activities( 客观试题,每题1分,共10分)25.∨26.∨27.×28.×29.×30.∨31.×32.∨33.×34.×35.∨36.×37.∨38.∨39.∨40.×41.×42.×43.×44.∨45. ×46.×47.×48.∨Part III Teaching Principles49.∨50.∨51.×52.∨53.×54.∨55.∨56.×57.×58.×59.∨60.×61.×62.∨63.×64.∨65.×66.∨67.∨68.∨69.×70.∨71.×72.∨Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills73.disagree 74.disagree 75.agree 76.agree 77.agree 78.agree 79.disagree 80.Disagree 81.Agree 82.agree 83.agree 84.Disagree 85.Disagree 86.disagree 87.Agree88.Agree 89.Agree 90.Agree 91.Agree 92.Disagree 93.Agree 94.Disagree 95.Agree 96.AgreePart V Teaching Planning1.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To have students learn simple present tenseB) To know scientific reportNEW LEXIS: A) seed, dandelion, sycamore, parachute, parachute, burdock, furB) scatter, stick to, twist, throws out, shakes out, drop outGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: by wind, by bird, like, so that..PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of Nature,B) free discussion of natural phenomenon, questionsC) review of present tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of seedsC) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more examples in groupsB) discuss seeds and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to the role of Nature in scattering seeds everywhere Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) write natural phenomenon, papers exchange,B) use present tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about NatureHomework: write something about wind, bird, rain, etc.Reserve activity: analogy of seeds, human beings and seedsVisual aids: flash, slide show2.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To learn simple past tense, describe past actionsB) To learn the structure of “to do” as objectNEW LEXIS: be anno yed, manage to, make up one’s mind, put an end to, pretend to, out of mouth…GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: to leave someone doing,PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of seeing a doctorB) free discussion of hospital or clinicC) review of past tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of the joke,C) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more one’s own experience in hospital in groupsB) discuss doctors and patients and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to doctors’ way of prescription in treating patients Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) tell class the own story, papers exchange,B) use past tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about seeing a doctorHomework: write something about illnessReserve activity: noneVisual aids: flash, slide show, short video‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.3.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) Speaking lesson, for teaching chunksB) ask for helpNEW LEXIS: A) few or noneB) names of people and placesGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: if….; can you… ?PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) Listening to the dialogueB) GamesC) Ask students to say anything as if they have lost somethingStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) proper names background knowledgeB) role-play based on the dialogueC) exercise of “can I….can you?”Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) examples of chunks as “thanks a lot”, “not much”, ..B) ellipsisC) informal style in spoken languageStage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) to design an active to practice the way of asking for help in pairsB) ask them to present their pair workC) explain the function of each chunksHomework: listen moreReserve activityVisual aids: noPart VI Comment and Evaluation1.Prompter: in teaching sometime teachers give students hints to start an activity.Macro planning: the general aims or ideas about the teaching, not in detail. The time may cover as long as a term.Traditional pedagogy: teacher-centered, audio-lingua method, teaching language components Language form: behaviorist view of language emphasizes the importance of language form, instead of language meaning.Role-plays: interaction, meaningful, functional2.Function/notion approach: they regard language as functions and we have some notions to realize these functionsConsistency: in language learning, pronunciation should be smooth and naturalTask-based method: the teaching activities are based on variety of tasksDeductive and inductive method: two opposite ways of grammar teaching. That is, from examplesto rules and from rules to examples in detailPrompter: teachers sometime should be a person always giving hints or cues or prompts to students so as to help them in learning3.Prompter: teacher who provides the hints or cues for studentsLinguistic competence: contrasted to communicative competenceRole-plays: tasks designed for students to play someone so as to practice real situationBottom-up and Top-down models: letter to words process and the whole to detail process in learning Behaviorism: key words: pattern drills, reinforcement, S-R, native language, repetition, …I1communicative view2communicative view3structural view4functional view5interactional view6cognitive theory7. functional view8. structural view9. behaviorist theory10. behaviorist theory11. cognitive theory12. functional viewII答案空缺III。



2020 ~2021学年第1 学期《英语教学法》课程期末考试B卷课程所在学院:外国语学院适用专业班级:英语考试形式:闭卷Part Ⅰ Multiple-choice (20 questions, 2 points each, 40 points in total) Directions: Decide on the correct answer and write it down on the Answer Sheet.1. Which is not the cause of an error? _____A. overgeneralizationB. under-generalizationC. simplificationD. deduced errors2. Which does not belong to cognitive strategies?A. resourcingB. self-managementC. translationD. inferencing3. Which one of the characters DOES NOT belong to a good language learner?A. Be creative and experiment with languageB. learns to live with errors and learn from errorsC. recites words without understandingD. seeks out all opportunities to use the target language4. In teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that the students can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following ___ in his teaching.A. the top-down modelB. the bottom-up modelC. the interactive modelD. all of the above5. Which of the following activities is the most suitable for group work? _____A. guessing gameB. story tellingC. information-gapD. drama performance6. Which of the following does NOT represent a “p” of three-p model? _____A. presentationB. practiceC. pre-readingD. production7. Which of the following is NOT true about the assessment in language teaching? _____A. Testing does not equate with assessment.B. Summative assessment focuses on the process of learning.C. The students themselves should be given the chance to evaluate their own performance.D. Assessment means to discover what the learners know and can do at certain stage of the learning process.8. In your opinion, which one is the most typical macro planning? ___A. unit planningB. half a semester planningC.one semester planningD. whole course planning9. Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?A. Tailoring message to competenceB. ParaphrasingC. Using fillers and hesitation devicesD. Appealing for help10. According to the _____ theory represented by Vygotsky, learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and between learners.A. behavioristB. socio-constructivistC. cognitiveD. interactional11. What kinds of methods can you use when you observing lessons? ___A. using videotapesB. using sheetsC. using checklistsD. above all12. If the _________for a listening activity are not clear,the students will not understand what they are supposed to do and how to do itA. instructionsB. audio materialsC. printed pagesD. goals13. ________ involves teachers identifying issues and problems relevant to their own classes.A. literature reviewB. questionnaireC. action researchD. classroom observation14. Interference errors are caused by the influence of the ________.A. native languageB. the target languageC. foreign languageD. the second language15. The principles for good lesson planning are in terms of aim, variety, flexibility, _____, and linkage.A. typeB. learnabilityC. attitudeD. language16. _____ are most frequently used in mechanical practice.A. substitution drills and speaking drillsB. speaking drills and transformation drillsC. transformation drills and comprehension drillsD. substitution drills and transformation drills17. Which of the principles and models for teaching reading is false? _____A. bottom-up modelB. top-down modelC. interactive modelD. medium-model18. Ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: macro planning and _____.A. teaching planningB. language teachingC. assessmentD. micro planning19. In a typical audio lingual lesson the procedures are followed in the order of _____.A. imitation, recognition and repetition, pattern drills and follow-up activitiesB. recognition, imitation and pattern drills, repetition and follow-up activitiesC. imitation, recognition, pattern drills and repetition and follow-up activitiesD. recognition, imitation and repetition, pattern drills and follow-up activities20. The Silent Way is considered suitable for_________.A. more advanced learnersB. beginnersC. more advanced classes as well as for students at the beginning stagesD. learners interactions with each otherPart Ⅱ. Term Explanation (4 terms, 5 points each, 20 points in total) Direction: Please explain the following terms in details and write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.1. curriculum2. interactional view of language3. communicative competence4. formative assessmentPart Ⅲ. Open Questions (4 questions, 10 points each, 40 points in total) Direction: Please answer the questions in details and write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.1. What are the major components of a teaching plan? Explain in details.2. What roles should a language teacher assume? List them and explain at least 5 of them in details.3. What are the major procedures of a listening lesson? Explain with examples in details.4. Talk about TBLT (task-based language teaching) in details, like its definition, advantage, procedures and so on, with concrete examples.2020 ~2021学年第1 学期《英语教学法》课程期末考试B卷答案Part ⅠMultiple-choice (40 points)1-5DBCAD 6-10 CBDBB 11-15DACAB 16-20DDDDAPart Ⅱ. Term Explanation (20 points)1.Curriculum refers to a specific document of a language program developed for a particular country or region, which provides: ①general statements about the rationale about language, language learning and language teaching; ②detailed specification of aims, objectives and targets learning purpose; ③implementations of a program. In some sense, a syllabus is part of a curriculum.2. The interactional view of language sees language primarily as the means for establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships and for performing social transactions between individuals. The target of language learning in the interactional view is learning to initiate and maintain conversations with other people.3. Communicative competence includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations. Speakers not only have to know functional meaning of the language butalso the social context where the message is given. There are five components of communicative competence, namely, linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency.4. Formative assessment is based on information collected in the classroom during the teaching processes for the purposes of improving teaching and learning, therefore, it is sometimes termed as classroom assessment as well.Part Ⅲ. Open Questions (40 points)1.Background information, teaching objective, difficult/important points, teaching methodology, teaching aids, teaching procedure (lead-in, pre-, while-, post-), teaching reflection2. There are a variety of roles to play, such as controller, organizer, assessor, prompter, resource provider, and participant and so on.3. Pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening4. Omitted。



小学英语教学法自考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在小学英语教学中,以下哪项不是常用的教学方法?A. 情景教学法B. 直接教学法C. 任务型教学法D. 机械记忆法答案:D2. 小学英语课堂中,教师通常使用哪种方式来激发学生的兴趣?A. 单一讲授B. 多媒体教学C. 只使用课本D. 重复练习答案:B3. 根据维果茨基的“最近发展区”理论,教师在教学中应该:A. 只教授学生已经掌握的内容B. 教授学生尚未掌握但能够通过努力学会的内容C. 教授超出学生理解范围的内容D. 完全放手让学生自学答案:B4. 小学英语教学中,以下哪项不是评估学生学习效果的方法?A. 课堂观察C. 家长评价D. 小测验答案:C5. 在小学英语教学中,教师应该如何处理学生的发音错误?A. 忽略不计B. 立即纠正C. 课后指出D. 公开批评答案:B6. 小学英语课堂上,教师应该鼓励学生:A. 保持沉默B. 独立思考C. 只听不说D. 重复教师的话答案:B7. 下列哪项不是小学英语教学的目标?A. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣B. 让学生掌握大量词汇C. 提高学生的英语口语能力D. 帮助学生了解英语国家的文化答案:B8. 小学英语教学中,教师应该使用哪种语言进行授课?B. 英语C. 双语交替D. 任何语言答案:C9. 在小学英语教学中,游戏活动的主要作用是:A. 让学生放松B. 增强学生之间的竞争C. 巩固所学知识D. 惩罚不认真听讲的学生答案:C10. 小学英语教师在课堂上应该避免哪种行为?A. 鼓励学生发言B. 耐心倾听学生的回答C. 忽视学生的错误D. 频繁打断学生答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 小学英语教学的主要目的是培养学生的________和________能力。

答案:听、说12. 在小学英语课堂上,教师应该使用________来吸引学生的注意力。

答案:丰富多彩的教学媒体13. 小学英语教学中,教师应该鼓励学生进行________和________。



最新版个人收集英语教学法试题详解及答案个人收藏最新版英语教学法试题详解及答案Unit 1Part I Read the following statements or questions and choose the best answer for each statement or question.1. Much of human behavior is influenced by their_____A____A. experiencesB. wisdomC. knowledgeD. parents2. What is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom? BA. teaching attitudeB. definitions of languageC. structural view of l anguageD. functional view3. What does the structural view of language see language? CA. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learnerB. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between peo pleC. a linguistic system made up of various subsystemsD. a linguistic system and a means for doing things4. What does the functional view of language see language? DA. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learnerB. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between peo pleC. a linguistic system made up of various subsystemsD. a linguistic system and a means for doing things5. What does the interactional view of language see language? BA. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learnerB. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between peo pleC. a linguistic system made up of various subsystemsD. a linguistic system and a means for doing things6. Which of the following teaching method is based on the behaviorist theory? BA. Grammar translationB. Audio-lingualC. Task-based teaching and learningD. Communicative teaching7. What are the characteristics of audio-lingual method? DA. Language is learned by constant repetition and the reinforcement of the tea cherB. Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immedi ately praised.C. Students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their u nderstanding of certain rules.D. Both A and B.8. Which three groups can summarize all the elements of the qualities ofa good teacher? AA. Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal stylesB. Ethic devotion, professional qualities and individual freedomC. Individual freedom, professional qualities and personal stylesD. Ethic devotion, personal styles and individual freedom9. What are the purposeful preparation that a language teacher normally receives before he starts the practice of teaching? DA. Learning from other’s experiencesB. Learning the received knowledgeC. Learning from one’s own experiences as a teacherD. All of the above10. What qualities are considered good qualities of a good teacher? DA. Kind, humorous, well informedB. Hard working, disciplinedC. Well prepared, dynamic and patientD. All of the abovePart 2 Answer the following questions.1. A good teacher should possess many good qualities. List three qualities you think are the most important and explain reasons. Dynamic, well-informed and well-prepared, I think these three qualities are the most important as a teacher. Firstly, the dynamic, well-informed andwell-prepared teachers are always confident who can make the class active and interesting. Secondly, they always keep the teaching aims in mind and try to achieve the goal according to the teaching plan. Thirdly, They can distinguish the various stagesof a lesson and see the relationship between them so that the activities of different difficulty levels can be arranged properly and the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another. Fourthly, they can participate potential problems and solve them properly. Fifthly, they have a systematic knowledge of teaching and the class will be in good discipline.Unit 21. What is the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching? AA. Enable SS to use the foreign language in work or life.B. Enable SS to achieve accuracy of English language structure.C. Enable SS to achieve fluency of English language structure.D. Enable SS to speak standard English.2. What is the possible solution to bridge the gap between classroom la nguage teaching and real-life language use? BA. Task-based teaching and learningB. Communicative language teachingC. Presentation, practice and productionD. Engage---study---activate3. What is linguistic competence concerned with? DA. Appropriate use of the language in social contextB. Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to unde rstand themC. Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to la ck of resourcesD. Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning4. What is pragmatic competence concerned with? AA. Appropriate use of the language in social contextB. Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand themC. Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to la ck of resourcesD. Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning5. What is discourse competence concerned with? BA. Appropriate use of the language in social contextB. Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to unde rstand themC. Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to la ck of resourcesD. Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning6. What is strategic competence concerned with? CA. Appropriate use of the language in social contextB. Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to unde rstand themC. Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to la ck of resourcesD. Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning7. What is fluency competence concerned with? BA. Appropriate use of the language in social contextB. Ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inap propriate slowness or undue hesitationC. Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to la ck of resourcesD. Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning8. What are the principles of communicative language teaching? AA. Communication principle, task principle and meaningful principleB. Communication principle, accuracy principle andmeaningful principleC. Communication principle, fluency principle and meaningful principleD. Communication principle, task principle and purpose principle9. What are the listening and speaking activities in traditional pedagogy ? DA. Listen to texts either read by the teacher or pre-recorded on the tape; repea t what is heard.B. Answer the questions according to what is heard; produce responses base d on given cluesC. Retell what is heardD. All of the above10. What are the five components of communicative competence? AA. Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, stra tegetic competence and fluencyB. Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, str ategetic competence and accuracyC. grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, stra tegetic competence and fluencyD. grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, stra tegetic competence and accuracyPart 2 answer the following questions1. What are the differences between language used in real life and language learned in the classroom under the traditional pedagogy?1) In real life, language is used to perform certain communicative functions,e.g. to give directions, to exchange information, or to make a complaint, etc;in traditional language classroom, the teaching focus is often on forms rather than functions.2) For various reasons, traditional pedagogy tends to focus on one or twolanguage skills and ignore the others. In real language use we use all skills.3) In reality language is always used in a certain context, but traditionalpedagogy tends to isolate language from its context.2. Four components of a task.1) A purpose: making sure the students have a reason for undertaking thetask.2) A content: this can be real, authentic or imaginary, and involvesociolinguistic issues, such as the location, the participates and their relationship, the time and other important factors.3) A process: getting the students to use learning strategies such as problemsolving, reasoning, inquiring, conceptualizing and communicating.4) A product: there will be some form of outcome, either visible (e.g. a writtenplan, a play, a letter, etc) or invisible (e.g. enjoying a story, leaning about another country, etc).Unit 3Designing principle for the National English Curriculum for nine-year compulsory education.1) Aim for educating all students, and emphasize quality-oriented education.2) Promote learners centredness, and respect individual differences.3) Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility andadaptability.4) Pay close attention to the learning process, and advocate experientiallearning and participation.5) Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give specialattention to the development of competence.6) Optimize learning resources, and maximize opportunities for learning andusing the language.Unit 4Part 1 Read the following statements or questions and choose the best answe r for each statement or question.1. What should be included in a lesson plan? DA. Aims to be achievedB. Materials to be coveredC. Activities to be organiz edD. All of the above2. What are the principles for good lesson planning? AA. Aim, variety, flexibility, learnability and linkageB. Aim, preparation flexibility and linkageC. Aim, micro-planning, macro-planning and flexibilityD. Aim, micro-planning, macro-planning and variety3. What are the guidelines for writing teaching aims in alesson plan? DA. Clear, briefB. Specific, students-orientedC. Specific, teacher-orientedD. Both A and B4. What are language contents? AA. Structures, vocabulary, functions and topicsB. Pictures, vocabulary, communication and topicsC. PPT, structures, aims and summaryD. Structures, aims, functions and topics5. What are very commonly used teaching procedures and stages? DA. Presentation, practice and productionB. Pre-reading, while-reading and post-readingC. Mechanical practice and meaningful practiceD. Both A and B6. What is the function of optional activities? AA. Backups in case the lesson goes too fast and there are a few minutes left.B. Prepared for good studentsC. Prepared for bad studentsD. Used for emergency7. Which part is to be finished after a lesson in a lesson plan? DA. Teaching aidsB. End of a lesson summaryC. Optional activities and assignmentsD. After lesson reflectionPart 2 answer the following questions1. What benefits can language teachers get from planning alesson? Firstly, a clear lesson plan makes the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.Secondly, it helps teachers distinguish the various stage of a lesson and seethe relationship between them so that the activities of different difficulty levels can be arranged properly and the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another.Thirdly, proper lesson planning gives teachers the opportunity to anticipate potential problems that may arise in class so that they can be prepared with some possible solutions or other options for the lesson.Fourthly, good planning gives teachers, especially novice teachers, confidence in class.Fifthly,when planning the lesson, the teacher also become aware of the teaching aids that needed for the lesson Last but not least, planning is a good practice and it’s a sign of professionalism.2. Explain five principles for good lesson planning in detail.Aim means the realistic goals for the lesson.Variety means planning a number of different types of activities and where possible, introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students. Flexibility means preparing some extra and alternative tasks and activities as the lesson does not always go according to the plan so that teachers always have the options to cope with the unexpected situations other than being the slaves of the written plans or one methodology.Learnability means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students.Linkage means the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are someway linked with one another.3. What does macro planning involve?Macro planning involves the following:1) Knowing about the profession.2) Knowing about the situation.3) Knowing about the learners.4) Knowing about the curriculum/syllabus.5) Knowing about the textbooks.6) Knowing about the objectives.4. What are components of a lesson plan?Background information, teaching aims, stages and procedures, teaching aids, end of lesson summary, optional activities and assignments, after lesson reflection.unit 5Part 1 Read the following statements or questions and choose the best answe r for each statement or question.1. What are the possible roles of a teacher? DA. Controller, assessorB. Organizer, prompterC. Participant, resource-providerD. All of the above2. What role does a teacher play in the following activity? AThe teacher gives students 2 minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions.A. ControllerB. AssessorC. OrganizerD. Prompter3. What role does a teacher play in the following activity? DT: do you have any hobbies? S: yes, I like singing and dancing. T: Uhm, and... ? S: I also collect coins.T: Oh, really, how many...have you already...collected?A. ControllerB. AssessorC. OrganizerD. Prompter4. What role does a teacher play in the following activity? CThe teacher writes one of five numbers (1-5) on a number of cards (the same number as the students). Each student draws one card. Those who have drawn number 1 will form group1, and those who have drawn number 2 will fo rm group 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.A. ControllerB. AssessorC. OrganizerD. Prompter5. What role does a teacher play in the following activity? BWhen a student has made a sentenc e with borrow, “I borrowed a paper to writ e a letter”, the teacher says, “Well, we don’t say a paper, we say a piece of pa per.”A. ControllerB. AssessorC. OrganizerD. Prompter6. What role does a teacher play in the following activity? DWhile doing a writing task either individually or in groups, the students need to use a particular word they don’t know. Sothey ask the teacher.A. ControllerB. AssessorC. participantD. Resource-provider7. What role does a teacher play in the following activity? DThe teacher asks a student a question “Have you ever bought clothes with pro blems?” If the student doesn’t seem to be ready, the teacher says “for exampl e, a shirt without...” and points to the buttons on his own shirt or jacket.A. ControllerB. AssessorC. OrganizerD. Prompter8. What role does a teacher play in the following activity? BWhen the students have in groups decided where to go for a spring outing, the teacher asks each group to tell the others why they have made such a cho ice.A. ControllerB. AssessorC. OrganizerD. Prompter9. What role does a teacher play in the following activity? CWhen students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joins one or two grou ps for a short period of time.A. ControllerB. AssessorC. participantD. Resource-provider10. What role does a teacher play in the following activity? AThe teacher asks students to produce conversations (either orally or in writing ) by using particular patterns or expressions they have just learned.A. ControllerB. AssessorC. OrganizerD. Prompter11. What role does a teacher play in the following activity? CThe teacher has a word in his mind and asks students to guess by asking only Yes/No questions until they make the correct guess.。

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英语教学法试题及答案一、选择题1. What is the importance of using visuals in language teaching?a) They help create a more engaging and memorable learning experience.b) They replace the need for spoken language in the classroom.c) They can be used as a substitute for actual language practice.d) They hinder students' ability to understand concepts.答案: a) They help create a more engaging and memorable learning experience.2. Why is it important to create a learner-centered classroom environment?a) It allows the teacher to have more control over the students.b) It encourages passive learning among students.c) It promotes active participation and critical thinking.d) It reduces students' responsibility for their own learning.答案: c) It promotes active participation and critical thinking.3. Which of the following is an effective way to assess students' speaking skills?a) Multiple-choice tests.b) Memorization of vocabulary lists.c) Group discussions and presentations.d) Filling in the blanks in a sentence.答案: c) Group discussions and presentations.4. What is the significance of integrating listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in language teaching?a) It increases the workload for both teachers and students.b) It allows students to focus on one skill at a time.c) It reflects real-life language use and promotes holistic learning.d) It hinders students' ability to develop individual skills.答案: c) It reflects real-life language use and promotes holistic learning.5. What is the role of error correction in language teaching?a) To embarrass and criticize students for their mistakes.b) To discourage students from experimenting with the language.c) To provide constructive feedback and foster learning.d) To promote rote memorization of grammar rules.答案: c) To provide constructive feedback and foster learning.二、简答题1. Explain the concept of scaffolding in language teaching.答案: Scaffolding refers to the support and guidance provided by the teacher to help students develop their language skills. It involves breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps and gradually removing the support as students gain proficiency. Scaffolding can include providing clear instructions, modeling language use, using visual aids, offering personalized feedback, and encouraging independent thinking and problem-solving.2. Describe the role of technology in modern English language classrooms.答案: Technology plays a significant role in modern English language classrooms. It provides access to authentic materials, interactive learning resources, and digital platforms for communication and collaboration. Technology can enhance language learning through multimedia presentations, online language practice, virtual language exchanges, and self-paced learning modules. It also promotes digital literacy skills, critical thinking, and creativity among students.3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of teacher-centered instruction.答案: Teacher-centered instruction refers to a more traditional approach where the teacher has full control over the learning process. Advantages of this approach include the teacher's expert knowledge and guidance, efficient time management, and a structured learning environment. However, it may limit students' active participation and critical thinking, discourage autonomy and creativity, and result in passive learning. Teacher-centered instruction may also overlook individual student needs and preferences.4. How can assessment be used as a tool for both learning and motivation in language teaching?答案: Assessment can be used as a tool for learning and motivation by providing students with feedback on their progress and areas for improvement. It can help students identify their strengths and weaknesses, set learning goals, and track their own development. Effective assessments also promote a growth mindset, where students see mistakes as opportunities for growth rather than failures. Furthermore, assessment can motivate students by recognizing their achievements, fostering a sense of accomplishment, and creating a supportive and competitive learning environment.5. Explain the concept of communicative language teaching (CLT) and its main principles.答案: Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes communication as the primary goal of language learning. The main principles of CLT include using authentic language in meaningful contexts, promoting interactive and collaborative activities, focusing on fluency rather than grammatical accuracy, and integrating all four language skills. CLT encourages real-life language use, develops students' ability to negotiate meaning, and prepares them for effective communication in diverse situations.。
