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Manufacturer: 创造商:

Agent: 代理商:

The two parties sign this agency agreement on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation. Both sides must comply.


Section 1: Exclusive Selling Agent 第一条独家销售代理

The manufacturer appoints the agent to act as their exclusive selling agent in China to sell the following products of the manufacturer:


Section 2: Responsibility of the Agent 第二条代理人的职责

The agent shall make all efforts to promote the sale of the products of the manufacturer using the agent’s marketing organization. The agent shall send all enquiries and orders received by them to the manufacturer and have no rights to sign any binding agreement on behalf of the manufacturer. The agent shall explain to the customers all the technical parameters and commercial terms stated by the manufacturer and take all steps to co-ordinate between the manufacturer and the customers to secure the orders.


The agent, in relation to the products covered by this agency agreement, describe them only as ‘sales and service agent’ for the products and not hold themselves out or permit any person to hold himself out as being authorized to bind the manufacturer in any way or to do any act which might reasonably create an impression that the agent is so authorized. The offers given and orders received will always include a clause “Subject to approval/acceptance of the order by M/s Veejay Lakshmi Engineering Works Limited.” The right to receive/accept the orders and making the invoices for the products is expressly reserved to the manufacturer.



“M/s Veejay 批准”。创造商有权保留收到的定单和商品的销售发票。

The agent shall not make or give promises, warranties or guarantees or representations concerning the product other than those authorized by the manufacturer in writing.


The agent shall not use any advertising, promotional or selling materials in relation

to the products except those supplied or approved by the manufacturer.


The agent shall obtain all the permissions required by them for carrying the business as agents for sales and service and shall also keep the manufacturer informed of the import duty rates and conditions for any concessions, the laws and regulations in China relating to method of manufacturing, labeling or sale of the products and will also notify the manufacturer in the event the agent is aware that any of the products of the manufacturer is in breach of any such laws or regulations.




Section 3: Training 第三条培训

3.1 In order to understand the technical characteristic of the products, the manufacturer agrees to assign technicians to train the sales personnel of the agent

in China. The no of persons to be trained and the place of training shall be discussed and finalized on mutual consent from time to time.



3.2 In order to provide after-sales service like erection, commissioning and attending service calls during the warranty period, the manufacturer agrees to train two technicians of the agent (one is mechanical technician, the other is electrical). If it is necessary for these two technicians to be trained in India, the boarding and lodging and their local travel expenses in India will be borne by the manufacturer. Air fare to
