新概念英语青少版 1B

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Unit Topic Key words and sentences


On the

London Eye

●There are two cars in/on/under ...

●Are there any women in front of / near / beside ...?

●There aren't any children in the park.

●There are some children in the classroom.

●How many boats are there in ...?

●I can't see any children in ... but I can see some in ...

●There are two men in the street. They are policemen.

17 Smile, please!

●Can you do Maths?

Yes, I can. / No, I can't.

●Can you drive a car?

Yes, I can. It's easy. / No, I can't. It's difficult.

●Can you play violin?

Yes, I can. I'm good at it. / No, I can't. I'm useless at



Men can cook


●What's in the packet? Is it tea?

No, it isn't (tea). It's coffee.

●I can't see any tea.

I can. There's some in the packet.

●Pass / Give me some milk, please.

●I can't see a cup in the cupboard.

No, there isn't one.

●I can't see any tea in the cupboard.

No, there isn't any.

19 You must eat!

●There's a lot of / lots of fish ...

There are a lot of / lots of peaches ...

●Is there any fish ...?

Yes, there is, but there isn't any meat.

●Are there any peaches ...?

Yes, there are, but there aren't any grapes.

●Buy some bread / peaches, please.

Why? There are a lot ...

●Don't buy any bread / peaches.

Why not? There aren't any ...

●You must eat.


What a


●What time is it?

It's a quarter past two / half past two / a quarter to


●What time's / When's your English lesson?

At one o'clock. / At a quarter past two. / At half past two. / At a quarter to six.

●I / We must hurry.

●Come on! Hurry up!




●Have you got any tea?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

●Have we got any coffee?

Yes, we have. / No, we haven't.

●They've got some bread, but they haven't got any


●How much coffee have you / we got?

I / We haven't got much.

●Do you want any ...?

No, I don't want any ...

●I don't want any ..., but I want some ...


Watching the


●Paul has got a lot of friends.

●They haven’t got a lot of spare time.

●He can introduce her to them.

●How many CDs has Paul got?


An expensive


●Has he / she got a British camera?

Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't.

●What kind of camera has he / she got?

He's / She's got a Japanese one.

●Claire wants a camera. She doesn't want a CD player.

●He / She likes Japanese cameras.

●What kind of bag do you want?
