BEC中级口语 Part III应试指导

BEC中级口语 Part III应试指导
BEC中级口语 Part III应试指导
















C.使用工作场合中常用的套话使得交流更加自然。例如:Shall we get down to our business?

D.在讨论中表达同意时所用的句型:I think so. / You are right. /That’s quite true. /Definitely. /I have the same view. /I share your concern. /That’s a good point. / No doubt about it.

E. 在讨论中表达不同意时所用的句型:That’s true but…. Yes I know but…. I understand but….

I don’t think that I agree with you. I don’t think so. I can’t agree with you. I have some difficulty with your view.

Attending Trade Fairs

Your company has been invited to take part in a trade fair, which will take place during the busiest time of the year. Y ou have been asked to decide whether staff should be sent to this trade fair.

Discuss and decide together:

*what the advantages and disadvantages are of attending trade fairs

*which members of staff would most usefully represent a company at a trade fair

Model Answer 1:

A: You know our company has been invited to this year’s Guangzhou Trade Fair in July. But July is our busiest time. So we have to decide whether to send our staff to attend this fair. What’s your opinion?

B: I think we should send our staff because….

A: I agree with you. From my point of view, we should…because….

B: Which members of staff will you choose to represent our company to attend the fair?

A: My ideal members of staff are … You know…

B: I think that is the exact reason why we should …

A: I am very happy that we hold the same idea.

B: So let’s make this decision.

A: Ok. I’ll let our boss know our decision this afternoon.

Model Answers2:

A: You know our company has been invited to this year’s Guangzhou Trade Fair in July. But July is our busiest time. So we have to decide whether to send our staff to attend this fair.

B: I think we should send our staff because…

A: To be frank, I don’t agree with you…

B: But the fact is we can benefit much more from sending our staff to the fair than keeping them at work. You know…

A: Ok, maybe you are right.

B: Let’s move to the next agenda. Which members of staff should our company send?

A: …

B: I agree with you. …

A: Ok. Let’s make this decision.

B: Ok. I’ll let our boss know our decision this afternoon.

Entertaining Foreign Clients

Your company is entertaining a group of foreign clients for three days, including one non-working day.

You have been asked to plan a programme for the visit.

Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What kinds of activities would be suitable for the visit

●What information it would be useful to know about the clients before finalizing the


Interlocutor: [Select one or more of the following questions as appropriate, to redress any imbalance or to broaden the discussion.]

●What kinds of arrangements need to be made before foreign visitors arrive? (Why?)

●Are there any disadvantages for a company in having a visit from foreign clients? (Why /

Why not?)

●Where would you take foreign visitors in your home town? (Why?)

●Would you enjoy looking after business visitors for a few days? (Why / Why not?)

●What problem might there be when socializing with foreign business people? (Why?)

●What are the long-term benefits of establishing personal contacts with foreign clients? Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test.


Candidate A: It is the first time for our company to attend a trade fair in Paris. So we have to do a lot of preparations before we set off. Do you think so?

Candidate B: I’m of exactly the same idea. Firstly, I think we must arrange an appropriate schedule. For example, we should arrive a day earlier to give us time to adjust and acclimatize适应环境、水土.

Candidate A: I agree entirely. As we know, travel fatigue, climatic changes, jet lag时差, foreign food, etc. will all have great effect on us.

Candidate B: Yes. And then we should book air tickets and reserve accommodations in advance. Candidate A: Yes. I think we should contact the travel agent because it can offer variety of choices and discount.

Candidate B: That’s just what I was thinking. Then, we must remind every participant that cultural differences can cause a lot of misunderstandings and even break a deal. So they should learn more about French culture.

Candidate A: Can you put things into the perspective?

Candidate B: For instance, shaking hands with everyone present, inviting your customers to lunch rather than dinner, avoiding talking business over the main course, etc. are all basic business customs that our participants should bear in mind.

Candidate A: I go along with you about that. I think we can invite French people to give every participant lecture to help them familiarize with French culture.

Candidate B: Ok, that’s agreed. I’ll present our ideas to the board of directors. Nice talking with you.

Candidate A: Our company is organizing a press conference to launch our latest model. We must make careful planning and considerate arrangements to ensure the most satisfying outcome. Candidate B: True enough. I think the first thing we should take into consideration is the people we shall invite to the press conference. What are your views on this?

Candidate A: As I see it, we should target most important motoring magazines, national papers, major regional papers and freelance journalists, etc.

Candidate B: That’s a good point. When the public reads positive things in their favorite magazine or newspaper, they are the journalists’own comments and therefore much more powerful than advertising because they aren’t influenced by the organization.

Candidate A: Yes. So, our goal is to communicate the quality and image of our cars to the motoring press.

Candidate B: Then, how about the information needed in the press conference. Would you comment on this point?

Candidate A: I think we should make sure that press information packs are accessible to everyone present.

Candidate B: I wonder if you could explain it in more detail.

Candidate A: sure. The information packs include, for example, brochures about specifications of our advanced cars, the most attractive pictures reflecting the modern image of our cars, etc. Candidate B: I agree entirely. What’s more, I think welcome information and itineraries for guests should also be prepared in advance.

Candidate A: Oh, exactly.

ⅢExamination Strategies




Discussion Functional Sentences


Let’s start with …

Shall we begin with …

So, the first item on the agenda is …

Linda, would you like to kick off?


Right, I think that covers the first item.

Shall we leave that item?

If you don’t have anything else to add, …


Let’s move on to the next item …

The next question on the agenda is …

Now let’s come to the question of …


Excuse me, may I interrupt?

Just a moment, but …

Can I say something here?

Mark, sorry, …

Sorry to interrupt, but …



That’s a good point.

I agree with you. I can’t agree with you more.

I see what you mean.

Yes, …

That’s quite a good idea.

That’s absolutely true.

I'd go along with you on that.

I suppose so.

That’s marvelous.

That’s great.

That’s fine.

I see your point.


I don’t think so.

Do you really think so?

I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

I see what you mean. But in my opinion…

I don’t entirely agree with you.

That’s one way of looking at it, but we have other ways, too.


What do you think about this?

What’s your opinion of…?

Have you considered …

I haven’t heard your opinion about …

How do you feel about…?


I think/feel/believe that …

You mentioned that …, but, in my view …

In my opinion, we should …

I’d like to point out …

Let me emphasize …

My view is that …

Just let me finish.


That’s a good idea/an excellent idea.

That’s very interesting.

I’m sure we’d all agree with that.

That’s a very good point/an important point.


I don’t see what you’re getting at.

I’m not sure what you mean.

I’m not sure what you are saying.

It’s not clear what you mean.


We’re missing the point.

We’re getting off the point.

Let’s get back to the main point.

It’s not on the agenda, but …


没听清时I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch you. Could you repeat that?//

Would you mind saying that again?

没听懂时I’m sorry. I don’t quite understand what you mean (by…).Would you please explain it?

(十二) 纠正或解释自己的观点

Sorry, let me explain…//let me put it this way

Well, what I’m trying to say is that…

Well, the point I’m trying to make is that…




b.How true!



e.Well said!

f.You got it!

g.You bet!

h.That’s for sure.

i.My opinion exactly!

2. 表同意

a.I share your view on that!

b.Oh, yes, I couldn’t agree with you more, you are genient!

c.I don’t think anyone would disagree.

d.I have no problem with that.

e.I couldn’t have said it better.

f.I wish I had said that.

g.I am with you there.

3. 部分同意

a.Could be!

b.Yes, you’ve point there.

c.So it seems! (似乎有点道理)

d.So to speak!

e.In the manner of speaking.

f.I agree with much of what you said.

g.That’s one way of looking at it, I admit.

4. 口语化表达不同意

a.Not really.

b.Not at all.

c.Of course not.

d.No way.

e.Not a chance.

5. 不同意

a.I am not convinced.

b.Don’t speak too soon.

c.I will believe it when I see it.

d.I’m afraid we don’t see eye to eye on this.

e.That was not the case.

6. 强不同意(尽量避免)

a.No, I don’t agree. Don’t waste your breath.

b.You must be joking. / kidding

c.You can’t be serious.

d.You are way off bas

e. (棒不在垒上)

e.You don’t know up from down.

f.Over my dead body.

g.I wasn’t born yesterday.

h.That’s ridiculous.

i.It’s pure fiction.


k.That’s out of the question!


__________________________________________________ What's important when…? 1. Monitoring the quality of service provided Feedback from the customers A: Feedback from the customers is very important because feedback can reflect the opinion of the customers on the quality of your service. To get this feedback a.s.a.p. and analyze it carefully is very helpful. From this feedback you can know what your customers think of your service what they are not satisfied with and how they like you to improve the quality of your service. Once you know what your customers want you will have a clear objective to improve or maintain the quality of your service and your monitoring will be more effective. Checking sales figures A: when we monitor the quality of service provided we must first check our sales figures. Sales figures is one of the most important factors in testing if the service you provide has high quality and if the customers are satisfied with your service. If your sales figures continue to grow that means you succeed in maintaining the quality of your service and your customers are confident when choosing your service. If there is a sudden decrease in your sales figure that will probably mean that you are now in trouble and the quality of your service is declining or undermined by some factors of uncertainty, which means you have to check the whole quality-control system to find out where the problem is. 2. Choosing a new sales agent Experience of agent A: we should first consider the experience of the agent we choose. The more experience the agent has the more chance he or she will have in dealing with sales. An experienced agent has profound knowledge on sales and is very professional in promoting sales and selling goods to customers. Furthermore experienced agent may have established his or her sales channels or relations which are the key factors to the success of sales. They can help


BEC中级口语 第一讲 Ⅰ Presentation Example PART 2: Mini-presentation A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? Selecting applicants for a job W orking experience P ersonal qualities Sample 1 I choose topic A-what is important when selecting applicants for a job. As to this topic, as far as I am concerned, there are 3 things to consider. First, I think working experience is very important when selecting applicants. Applicants who have already had the work experience in the relevant fields will learn the new job easier and quicker. And it will also save the company a lot of training fees if the applicant has related experience. Second, we must consider the personal qualities of the applicants, such as personality and health. Companies tend to employ people whose character fits a special job. For example, consulting company tends to employ applicant who is analytical and knowledgeable, but advertising agents like their employees to be energetic and creative. Third, I believe language is of great importance when selecting applicants. Nowadays, we do business with people from all over the world. Always we buy goods from Africa, and sell our electronic product to Europe; a foreign language especially English is needed if the company wants to expand to the world. Applicants who can speak one or more foreign languages will have a better chance to get the job. Sample 2 As we all know, the criteria used by HR professionals in screening and selecting applicants normally include such factors as working experience, personal qualities and communicative skills. Firstly, we pay a lot of attention to working experience of the applicant. A person with a solid record of related experience is more likely to fit in with a new company. Therefore he or she can be trusted to fulfill the tasks and solve the problems in a more professional and competent way. In addition to this, we also look at the personal qualities of the applicant. Does he or she has integrity, perseverance or ‘can do’spirit? Surely any organization can benefit from the reliability, devotion and enthusiam of its employees. Finally, good communicative skills such as interpersonal skills and team spirit are also becoming an important precondition in selecting qualified employees. B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? Preparing for a job interview S tudying the job advertisement Finding out about the company Before you go for an interview, you must make preparations so as to face the interviewer with more confidence. They include studying the job advertisement, finding out about the company, preparing yourself psychologically, etc.


BEC中级口语考试:基础篇 1.1第一部分考试形式 (Test format of Part 1) 在第一部分考试中,考官就考生的个人情况或工作、学习情况向其提问,考生作答。然后考官再提问,考生再作答。考官一般会对每个考生进行两轮提问,每一轮三至四个问题,随后转向另一名考生,在两名考生间交替进行,直到规定时满为止,一般大约3 分钟。 这部分考试的特点是:话题涵盖的范围一般比较简单、浅显,不会超出日常会话的范畴,而且大部分话题都比较类似,是由主考官从剑桥大学考试委员会印发的Question List上随机挑选的。考前的充分准备足以保证考生应付大多数问题。而且在第一部分考核过程中,考官提问的问句大部分都是简单句,一般不超过15个单词,清晰易懂。 1.2应试建议 (Tips on how to cope with Part 1) (1)Greet upon entering the exam room. 进入考场后,考生应当充满自信,自然大方地向考官问候致意。话不需多,但自然、新切的问候语,可以给考官留下良好的第一印象。常用的问候语包括: Good morning, sir / miss / madam. Good afternoon, sir / miss / madam. Nice to meet you. (注:有两位男老师在场,可以称呼gentlemen. 有两位女老师在场,可以称呼misses. 有一位男老师和一位女老师在场,可以干脆免去后面的敬呼语,或直接采纳上面第三种问候方式,以免去敬呼语太长、太繁琐的尴尬。Madam 一般用于明显很年长的女教师,否则改用miss,因为女性对年龄认可度比较敏感。) (2)Relax yourself, yet do avoid over relaxing yourself. 大部分考生都有过这样的经历:平时跟同伴一起练口语的时候说得挺流畅的,但一到课堂上回答老师问题时,或是一进入口语考试房间时,所有头脑中的思路都不翼而飞,头脑一片空白。因此,在很多情况下,口语考试表现不好并不是口语水平问题,而是过分紧张导致的发挥失常。因此,平时试着让自己多练练紧张时放松的能力,对于克服进入考场后突然情绪紧张导致的发挥失常很有帮助。 (3)Familiarize yourself with the pronunciation and intonation of the interlocutor and the other candidate. 由于考生来自不同的地域,很多方音重的考生在说英语的时候也同样如此,这在很大程度上会影响其他同一考场的考生的理解和反应。考官尽管发音准确,但因为不熟悉他(她)的语音语调,也有可能造成误解。因此,进入考场后,要尽快熟悉他们的语音语调及语速,以免由于误听导致反应错误。 (4)Be precise in understanding the questions. 考官的提问也好,同伴的问题也好,没听清的情况下切不可盲目作答,一定要问清楚问题是什么。考生要清楚的一点是,BEC口语考试是“口语”考试,而非听力考试,也许没听清对方的问题会影响你的分数,而在没听清问题的情况下盲目作答而导致答非所问,更会真正丢分。在以往的考试中,有些考生由于事先针对第一部分做了充分的准备,因此在考官提问的时候没有全神贯注,而是凭着准备过的问题想当然,背诵事先准备好的答案。这种错误是极不应该的,不仅会给考官留下作弊(cheating )的不良印象,还会由于听力水平不佳而被扣分。要求对方重述问题的常用句型包括: Pardon, please? I beg your pardon? Sorry, could you please say that again? I’m sorry, but I didn’t quite catch you. Would you please repeat what you’ve


中级口语考试技巧 口试第一部分考生在回答考官问题时,不要简单回答Yes 或No,还要用两三句话来做进一步解释说明。 第二部分: I choose topic A, 然后把题念一遍。 总括I think there are three points/aspects to consider. First, 把题卡上第一点说一下,然后用两三句话解释 Second, 把题卡上第二点说一下,然后用两三句话解释 Third, 把你发挥的第三点说一下,然后用两三句话解释 总结: In conclusion,/In summary, I think 三个要点重复一下are important when doing sth.(重复一下原题的要求) Well, that’s all I want to say. Thank you! 或 Well, I think I have covered the main points. Thank you! 切记: 1. 一定要合理利用1分钟的准备时间,最好写下要点,以防忘记,造成发言不连贯。要点是指能起到提醒作用的单词或词组,不必写完整句子,时间太短,没有时间写完整句子。 2. 一定要尽量发挥第三点,以使你的发言丰满,同时也能使考官看到你语言和话语组织能力。但是如果实在想不出来第三点,就说提示的两点也可以,但是一定要说满一分钟,解释要点可以有详有略。注意采用总-分-总的方法,这样显得条理清楚。 3. 在听搭档发言时,就要努力想自己要提的问题,要根据搭档的发言提问,不要跑题。如果搭档讲的内容没有听明白,就根据你听懂的几个单词提问也可以。 Which do you think is the most important point? Why? (前提是搭档在发言时没有表明态度) 要求搭档进一步解释某个要点。I am very interested in -----Could you further explain ----- , please? 提出自己看法,然后要求搭档评论。I think --- is also important. What do you think of it? 要求搭档说一下自己公司的有关情况?Could you say something about ----- in your


剑桥BEC真题集第四辑(中级)口语修正版答案 What is important when Planning a presentation? ●Audience ●Equipment needed Firstly,You need to know who is going to be the target audience. Whether the audience know anything about the topic of your presentation, What they are interested in, and Why they come to your presentation. Once you have found out something about the target audience, you need to keep in mind their interests and needs so as to make your presentation interesting and meaningful for the target audience. Secondly, you need to decide what kind of equipment will be needed for the presentation, e.g. over-head projector; clear transparencies; computer; microphone, acoustic for the venue where the presentation will take place. Also,You need to make sure that the equipment needed will be available on the day when the presentation will take place. what’s more, you need to check that all the equipment is in good condition and works well. What is important when selecting an interpreter for a meeting with foreign clients ●Experience ●Reliability Firstly, you need to select an interpreter who is experienced in interpreting for such meetings, the interpreter should have a wide knowledge about business management and familiar with the special terms and jargons for commercial negotiations, finance, law, etc. in addition, a background knowledge about the target country is also important too. Secondly, the interpreter for a meeting with foreign clients should be reliable in the following aspects: being punctual for the meetings,keeping information learned at the meetings confidential and interpreting accurately what is being discussed What is important when introducing a new product range onto the market ●Timing ●advance publicity Firstly ,the introduction should be made at an appropriate time, i.e. when the market is matured for having this new product range, in other words, there will be prospective customers to buy the products. If there are any competitors who are planning to introduce similar products onto the market, then it is necessary that the introduction should be made ahead of their introduction so as to grab as much market share as possible. Secondly, advance publicity is important in that it will pave the way for the introduction, i.e. to make it known to the general public. There are different ways to implement advance publicity. -- to have a news conference to declare the introduction --to advertise on TV/radio, in newspaper/magazines --to deliver samples of the new product (delivery can be made in the streets, in


剑桥商务英语(BEC)中级口语考试试题 口语考试分为三部分: 第一阶段:考官和考生交流,时间大约3分钟Example 1.Q:What’s your name? A:My name is (Kate) (注:括号内的为参考答案) 2 .Q:Where are you from? A:I come from (JiangSu Province) 3. Q:Are you a student or worker? A:I am a (student/worker) 要点::以上问题,只要你简单阐述就行了,不要长篇大论,而且老师问什么,你回答什么,千万不要拖泥带水。 Exercise:(每人问两个问题和答两个问题) 1、What is your major? 2、Which course do you like best? 3、Why do you study English? 4、Do you like doing business? Why? 第二阶段:时间大概6分钟,每个考生分别发给一张带有三个不同题目的卡片,每个考生的题目都是不同的。考生需要从三个题目中选择一个题目,准备一分种,然后根据题目的要求他和提示作一分种的简短发言。 Exercise :(以下问题三选一,每人陈述一分钟,并把你要讲的内容写在作业本上。) 1、Selecting a business magazine,which is more important? Cost Content 2、Choosing software, which is more important? Potential benefit


b e c中级口语第三部分 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

互相讨论: 本部分考试时间约5分钟,以考生之间的双向对话方式进行,要求考生根据所给的商务背景知识和相关提示准备30秒之后进行为时3分钟的讨论,然后考官将根据考生的发挥情况围绕主题分别对考生提问。这个阶段主要测试考生在比较与对比、总结与分析、争论与让步等中的语言表达能力。 1. 应试技巧: (1)了解自己角色 考生拿到卡片后应迅速浏览关于场景的介绍,熟悉自己扮演的角色,并努力在以下的对话中以此角色的立场来思考问题及阐述观点,这样才能保证对话的顺利进行。 (2)理清发言要点 考生拿到卡片后还应根据题目的要求,迅速展开联想,构思出发言的要点。最好按重要性将各要点排序,做到发言过程中逻辑清晰,条理通顺。 (3)控制发言时间 在考试中不能一味地表现自己,太“霸道”,也不能一味沉默,太“谦虚”。要把握分寸,掌握时机,恰当地运用口语表达技巧,自然地接续、打断、插入或附和别人的话茬,完整地表现自己。 (4)与同伴密切合作 在整个谈话中,考生都应遵循“合作”的原则,保持一种友好、礼貌、轻松的氛围,使讨论卓有成效。在对话过程中要注意在自己发言的同时还要给对方创造发言的机会,使讨论

能够活跃自然。在产生尴尬无话题可讲的情况下,双方都应当尽力找到谈话突破口,保持谈话继续进行。 (5)注意肢体语言 肢体语言有助于给考官留下好的印象。时刻保持微笑,认真地倾听同伴的发言,并适当地点头表示同意(但也不可过于频繁)。 2. 考试演示 考题: Effective Time Management Your company has found that ineffective time management is one of the major problem areas throughout the workforce. You have been asked to put forward some suggestions for improving the situation. Discuss and decide together: why poor time management can become a major problem in company. what procedures could be adopted to ensure that time is managed effectively.参考答案: Zheng: Hi, Ms. Wen. As you know, our company is kind of out of control these days. Don't you think so


第二辑Test 1 Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……? Entertaining clients ●Types of activities ●Cost [思路点拨] 【词汇&短语】 促销赠品Complimentary presents 迎宾室Hospitality room 招待费Entertainment allowance 定制Customize 针对个人Personalize 有目的的Purposeful 商业目的Business objectives 客户需求Customer demand 包间Compartment 舒适的Cozy 【句型点击】 ●间歇、停顿 How shall I put it? 怎么说呢? Well, what I trying to say is…….. 我想说的是…….. I’d like to begin by…… ●个人想法 In my opinion, I’d say that….. The point is that……. Well, we should…. 【参考范例】 Entertaining clients is not an easy job and should be handling appropriately and enjoyably. It contains more than just a wonderful meal, a sightseeing tour or a shopping trip. Good hospitality events can impress clients in a unique manner in and outside of the office. When entertaining clients, we should decide the types of activities according to their interest and favorites. Moreover, these activities should help us achieve our business objectives, for example, we can


1.Staff turnover Reasons S ome people are just leaving for individual reasons,such as private problems concerning family,career growth,etc More and more people are now pursing for boundary-less careers.They place premium on flexibility and capacity to do several kind of jobs,to learn new things,and adapt quickly to different group setting. Situation Have some problems concerning the management style of our company.We should examine our succeeding planning,our motivation programs and appraisal system. Several times we have failed to promote high-potential managerial staff to a higher position.We should make full use of job rotation and transfer to motivate the employees. Solution 1.offer good salary People who get a fairly good salary do not always think about changing their jobs.Everyone wants to get a good salary,so money is the first thing to consider in choosing a job.&High salary is always the key attraction to the good staff. People can get high job satisfaction from the high salary. 2.give bonus to those who work hard 3.maintain staff satisfaction by providing them with a democratic environment 4.keep the communication line open solve problems as they emerge 5.offer psychological consultancy advice so that employees can better adjust themselves to their work pressure. 6.offer career planing A successful career planing can lead people to a satisfying and rewarding lifestyle. Results High staff turnover will induce replacement and training cost,cause tense and stress,increase workloads,decline employee's morale and decrease productivity. 2.Meetings Preparations 1.Send them the exact time,location,agenda,the person who will attend and other documents they need to read. Creating a agenda helps participants know what they should should be talking about and keeps the conversation focused. Make sure the copies of agenda are available before the meeting. 2.It's important to communicate with speakers before the conference,to get to know the basic outline of their speeches. 3.Relevant equipments such as microphones,PowerPoints,OHP(overhead projectors) are need to ensure the meetings to go on smoothly. Speakers


What's important when…?1. Monitoring the quality of service provided Feedback from the customers A: Feedback from the customers is very important because feedback can reflect the opinion of the customers on the quality of your service. To get this feedback a.s.a.p. and analyze it carefully is very helpful. From this feedback you can know what your customers think of your service what they are not satisfied with and how they like you to improve the quality of your service. Once you know what your customers want you will have a clear objective to improve or maintain the quality of your service and your monitoring will be more effective. Checking sales figures A: when we monitor the quality of service provided we must first check our sales figures. Sales figures is one of the most important factors in testing if the service you provide has high quality and if the customers are satisfied with your service. If your sales figures continue to grow that means you succeed in maintaining the quality of your service and your customers are confident when choosing your service. If there is a sudden decrease in your sales figure that will probably mean that you are now in trouble and the quality of your service is declining or undermined by some factors of uncertainty, which means you have to check the whole quality-control system to find out where the problem is. 2. Choosing a new sales agent Experience of agent A: we should first consider the experience of the agent we choose. The more experience the agent has the more chance he or she will have in dealing with sales. An experienced agent has profound knowledge on sales and is very professional in promoting


2.1 What is important when aiming to improve career prospects (职业规划)? When aiming to improve career prospects, I would take four factors into account, namely, a good reading habit, a good command of foreign languages, a further education and organic frame of the world (先列出四论点). To start with, a good reading habit can enrich your knowledge. When you are reading business articles, the latest business events will give you a clue of what to do on your own opinions. Secondly, foreign language learning is becoming increasingly(有意识的替换more and more)popular in companies because it guarantees effective communication with overseas business partners. Thirdly, further education helps you to step forward. With more training, your proficiency will be improved. Last but not least, an organic knowledge system also plays an important part in the career development. A broadened horizon(开阔眼界) would enhance your professional skills. 2.2 What is important when deciding how to transport goods? When you are deciding how to transport goods, the destination of the delivery is the prime element to be considered(这也是表明观点的一种表达方式哦). For the sake of (为了~~) convenience(论点1), various means of transportation should be adopted with regard to different distance of the delivery. Furthermore, we can not overlook speed(论点2). A more prompt delivery means a faster turnover(此处意为流通量,注意它的其他两种意思:营业额及turnover rate员工的离职率). On the other hand, delivery and loading of the goods should not be neglected(论点3). If the goods are not taken care of, there could be damages either in transit or during the loading and unloading process or by other reasons. If the percentage of the damaged portion is too high and the goods are in a bad condition, the company can suffer from a huge loss. And now it comes to the last point: price(论点4). Other things being equal, as long as the transport company can handle the items properly(可以用专业术语“野蛮装卸”rough handling表示), we would definitely choose the one that grants us the best offer. 2.3 What is important when purchasing new machinery? When purchasing new machinery for production line(生产线), the level of automation should be considered first(论点1). Just imagine how much labor it will save if the whole process is computerized and fully automatic, that is exactly the reason why we buy new machineries: to save labor and raise efficiency. Moreover, we should be aware of the maintenance requirement (论点2) of the machineries we bought. It should be stated crystal clear(完全明白,十分明了)in the payment terms(专业术语:付款条件,支付条款)whether it is the responsibility of the buyer or the seller to get the maintenance covered(意为“负责”). Furthermore, quality should be viewed before the purchase(论点3). Finally, if I were in charge of the purchase, my interest will be towards safety(论点4). The visual of some worker getting caught in the blade(刀片)of the machinery is horrifying. If we don’t take this seriously, this image will not be a hypothetical case(噩梦
