17th Ave N
17th Ave N
P12 I8 V9 I12 C6 T13
11 12 13 14 15 16
S9 V10 P8 T7 R14 R6 S11 U9 S8 U8
▲ handicap parking
motorcycle parking
Soccer Practice Field
Schlanser Running Track
R Football Practice Field
15th Ave N
★ information signs
controlled access area
B 14
.... Softball .... Diamonds
Tennis Courts
● handicap building access
16th Ave N
RF Newman Outdoor Field
Albrecht Blvd
● ●
▲ ▲
18th St N
.............................. .............................. .............................. WE .............................. .............................. .............................. ........ .............................. .............................. ▲ .............................. .............................. ▲
谈及爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh),其综合实力可称“苏格兰之王”,全球20强顶尖名校,达尔文、大卫·休谟、亚当·斯密、麦克斯韦、亚当·弗格森等诸多名家均曾在爱丁堡学习或从事研究。
下面,为大家介绍ECA本科&研究生申请情况:本科专业(附官网链接)School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 建筑学-Architecture景观建筑-Landscape Architecture建筑史-Architectural HistorySchool of Art新媒体艺术-Intermedia Art油画-Painting摄影-Photography雕塑-SculptureSchool of Design动画-Animation时尚-Fashion影视-Film and Television平面设计-Graphic Design插画-Illustration室内设计-Interior Design珠宝和银器-Jewellery and Silversmithing戏服-Performance Costume产品设计-Product Design纺织品设计-Textiles费用本科学费:21900英镑(不同专业略有浮动)住宿费:Apartment单间:400-500英镑/月(市中心,学校附近) 合租:200英镑/月(根据合租人数及住房类型,略有浮动) 生活费+杂费:300英镑/月平均整体留学费用:28000英镑/年申请材料申请截止日期:1月15日申请材料清单:1. 高中毕业证中英文件2. 高中成绩单中英文件4. 信用卡信息,用来支付学校申请费5. 护照首页扫描件6. 雅思/托福/PTE/成绩单扫描件7. 作品集语言要求:雅思:6.5分,听说读写各单项不低于5.5分托福(机考):92 分,听说读写各单项不低于20分剑桥英语:176分,各部分不低于162分PTE:61,各部分不低于51作品集要求:作品集格式:建议电子版PDF格式;作品集大小:建议A4;三维作品如模型、雕塑需要拍成高质量的照片;确保原创,如果有引用需要做引用说明;作品集的表现媒介:铅笔、钢笔、水彩、油画、摄影、软件、模型、雕塑等研究生专业清单(附官网链接)School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture(筛选出热门专业) 建筑学Architecture - MArch景观建筑Landscape Architecture - MLA可持续设计Advanced Sustainable Design - MSc建筑与城市设计Architectural & Urban Design - MSc艺术空间与自然Art, Space & Nature - MFA/MA城市规划与设计Urban Strategies & Design - MScSchool of Art艺术- Art MPhil艺术- Art PhD当代艺术实践- Contemporary Art Practice MA/MFA当代艺术理论- Contemporary Art Theory MA材料实践- Material Practice MSCSchool of Design动画- Animation MA/MFA PhD设计学- Design MPhil/PhD信息设计- Design Informatics MFA, MA时尚设计- Fashion MFA电影导演- Film Directing MFA MA玻璃-Glass MFA MA平面设计- Graphic Design MFA MA插画- Illustration MFA MA室内设计- Interior Design MA珠宝- Jewellery MFA戏服设计- Performance Costume MFA/MA产品设计- Product Design MFA/MA纺织品设计- Textiles MFA/MA费用学费:19000英镑/年(不同专业略有浮动)住宿费:Apartment单间:400-500英镑/月(市中心,学校附近) 合租:200英镑/月(根据合租人数及住房类型,略有浮动) 生活费+杂费:300英镑/月平均整体留学费用:26000英镑/年申请截止时间建议尽早在1月前提交申请,但学校没有明确规定截止日期,对于国际学生以及需要资金资助的学生建议越早越好,以便为学校预留出审理时间。
英国高等教育监察机构(Higher Education Degree Datacheck,以下简称Hedd)专门监管学位造假,截至目前,被打入黑名单的野鸡大学有243所。
下面就以两个学校为例:Manchester Open University,学校网站信息显示该校每年学费竟高达£35,000。
该校号称在曼彻斯特的Oxford Road有校区,在校生2,000人,来自90个不同国家,开设的专业有历史、英语、医学,但是官方经过调查后并未发现任何这所学校的踪迹。
Oxbridge University of Kilmurry,学校网站介绍该校可提供研究生、博士和职业证书课程,最后被发现注册地原来在西非的冈比亚。
教育部承认学位的英国大学名单A学校名称:University of Aberdeen中文译名:阿伯丁大学官方网址:/学校名称:Abertay University中文译名:阿伯泰大学官方网址:/备注:又名University of Abertay Dundee学校名称:Aberystwyth University(Prifysgol Aberystwyth)中文译名:亚伯大学官方网址:/en/学校名称:Anglia Ruskin University中文译名:安格利亚鲁斯金大学官方网址:/ruskin/en/home.html学校名称:The Archbishop of Canterbury中文译名:坎特伯雷大教主大学官方网址:/学校名称:Arts University Bournemouth中文译名:伯恩茅斯艺术大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of the Arts,London中文译名:伦敦艺术大学官方网址:/学校名称:Ashridge Business School中文译名:阿什里奇商学院官方网址:/website/content.nsf 备注:又名Ashridge(Bonar Law Memorial)Trust学校名称:Aston University中文译名:阿斯顿大学官方网址:/学校名称:Anglo-European College of Chiropractic中文译名:英欧脊椎推拿疗法学院官方网址:/学校名称:Arden University中文译名:雅顿大学官方网址:https:///备注:曾用名Resource Development InternationalB学校名称:Bangor University(Prifysgol Bangor)中文译名:班戈大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Bath中文译名:巴斯大学官方网址:/学校名称:Bath Spa University中文译名:巴斯泉大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Bedfordshire中文译名:贝德福特大学官方网址:/学校名称:Birkbeck,University of London中文译名:伦敦大学伯贝克学院官方网址:/front-page备注:可同时授予伦敦大学学位学校名称:University of Birmingham中文译名:伯明翰大学官方网址:/index.aspx学校名称:Birmingham City University中文译名:伯明翰城市大学官方网址:/学校名称:University College Birmingham中文译名:伯明翰大学学院官方网址:/home.aspx学校名称:Bishop Grosseteste University中文译名:格罗斯泰斯特主教大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Bolton中文译名:博尔顿大学官方网址:/Home.aspx学校名称:Bournemouth University中文译名:伯恩茅斯大学官方网址:/学校名称:BPP University中文译名:英博夏尔大学官方网址:/bpp-university/home学校名称:University of Bradford中文译名:布拉德福德大学官方网址:/external/学校名称:University of Brighton中文译名:布莱顿大学官方网址:/index.aspx学校名称:University of Bristol中文译名:布里斯托大学官方网址:/学校名称:Brunel University中文译名:布鲁内尔大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Buckingham中文译名:白金汉大学官方网址:/学校名称:British School of Osteopathy中文译名:英国整骨学校官方网址:/学校名称:Buckinghamshire New University中文译名:白金汉郡新大学官方网址:/备注:目前已恢复招收国际学生资质的高等教育机构C学校名称:University of Cambridge中文译名:剑桥大学官方网址:/学校名称:Canterbury Christ Church University中文译名:坎特伯雷大学官方网址:/学校名称:Cardiff Metropolitan University(Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd)中文译名:卡迪夫城市大学官方网址:/English/Pages/home2.aspx备注:原名称为University of Wales Institute Cardiff(Athrofa Prifysgol Cymru Caerdydd)学校名称:Cardiff University(Prifysgol Caerdydd)中文译名:卡迪夫大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Central Lancashire中文译名:中央兰开夏大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Chester中文译名:切斯特大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Chichester中文译名:奇切斯特大学官方网址:/学校名称:City University London中文译名:城市大学官方网址:/学校名称:Coventry University中文译名:考文垂大学官方网址:/学校名称:Cranfield University中文译名:克兰菲尔德大学官方网址:/学校名称:University for the Creative Arts 中文译名:创意艺术大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Cumbria中文译名:坎布里亚大学官方网址:/Home.aspxD学校名称:De Montfort University中文译名:德蒙福特大学官方网址:/home.aspx学校名称:University of Derby中文译名:德比大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Dundee中文译名:邓迪大学官方网址:/学校名称:Durham University中文译名:杜伦大学官方网址:https:///备注:原名称为University of DurhamE学校名称:University of East Anglia中文译名:东英吉利亚大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of East London中文译名:东伦敦大学官方网址:/学校名称:Edge Hill University中文译名:知山大学官方网址:/学校名称:The University of Edinburgh中文译名:爱丁堡大学学校名称:Edinburgh Napier University中文译名:爱丁堡龙比亚大学官方网址:/Pages/home.aspx学校名称:University of Essex中文译名:埃塞克斯大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Exeter中文译名:埃克塞特大学官方网址:/学校名称:University College of Estate Management 中文译名:地产管理大学学院官方网址:https://F学校名称:Falmouth University中文译名:法尔茅斯大学官方网址:/G学校名称:University of Glasgow中文译名:格拉斯哥大学官方网址:/学校名称:Glasgow Caledonian University中文译名:格拉斯哥卡利多尼亚大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Gloucestershire中文译名:格鲁斯特大学官方网址:/Pages/default.aspx学校名称:Glyndwr University(Prifysgol Glyndŵr)中文译名:格林多大学官方网址:/学校名称:Goldsmiths,University of London中文译名:伦敦大学金史密斯学院备注:可同时授予伦敦大学学位学校名称:University of Greenwich中文译名:格林威治大学官方网址:/学校名称:Guildhall School of Music and Drama中文译名:吉尔德霍尔音乐与戏剧学院官方网址:/H学校名称:Harper Adams University中文译名:哈珀亚当斯大学官方网址:/学校名称:Heriot-Watt University中文译名:赫瑞•瓦特大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Hertfordshire中文译名:赫特福德大学官方网址:/学校名称:Heythrop College,University of London 中文译名:伦敦大学海斯洛普学院官方网址:/备注:可同时授予伦敦大学学位学校名称:University of the Highlands and Islands 中文译名:高地与群岛大学官方网址:/en学校名称:University of Huddersfield中文译名:哈德斯菲尔德大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Hull中文译名:赫尔大学官方网址:/I学校名称:The London Institute of Banking and Finance中文译名:伦敦银行与金融学院官方网址:/备注:从ifs University College更名而来学校名称:Imperial College of Science,Technology and Medicine(also known as Imperial College London)中文译名:帝国理工学院官方网址:/备注:该校于2007年正式脱离伦敦大学学校名称:Institute of Education,University of London中文译名:伦敦大学教育学院官方网址:/备注:可同时授予伦敦大学学位K学校名称:Keele University中文译名:基尔大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Kent中文译名:肯特大学官方网址:/学校名称:King's College London中文译名:伦敦国王学院官方网址:/index.aspx备注:可同时授予伦敦大学学位学校名称:Kingston University中文译名:金斯顿大学官方网址:/L学校名称:Lancaster University中文译名:兰卡斯特大学官方网址:/学校名称:The University of Law中文译名:英国法学大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Leeds中文译名:利兹大学官方网址:/学校名称:Leeds Beckett University中文译名:利兹贝克特大学官方网址:备注:2014年9月22日更名学校名称:Leeds Trinity University中文译名:利兹三一大学官方网址:/pages/default.aspx学校名称:University of Leicester中文译名:莱斯特大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of Lincoln中文译名:林肯大学官方网址:/home/学校名称:University of Liverpool中文译名:利物浦大学官方网址:/学校名称:Liverpool Hope University中文译名:利物浦赫普大学官方网址:/学校名称:Liverpool John Moores University中文译名:利物浦约翰摩尔大学官方网址:/学校名称:University of London中文译名:伦敦大学官方网址:/学校名称:London Business School中文译名:伦敦商学院官方网址:/备注:可同时授予伦敦大学学位学校名称:London Metropolitan University中文译名:伦敦城市大学官方网址:/学校名称:London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine中文译名:伦敦卫生与热带医药学院官方网址:/备注:可同时授予伦敦大学学位学校名称:The London School of Economics and Political Science,The(LSE)中文译名:伦敦政治经济学院官方网址:/home.aspx备注:可同时授予伦敦大学学位学校名称:London South Bank University中文译名:伦敦南岸大学官方网址:/学校名称:University College London中文译名:伦敦大学学院官方网址:/备注:可同时授予伦敦大学学位。
爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)位于苏格兰的首府爱丁堡市,成立于1583年,是英国第6古老的大学。
主要名校有:谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield),该校建筑学的教学水平和研究水平在国际学术界享有很高的声誉,教学水平获得Excellent,研究水平得到5分。
爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh),其建筑专业高居于专业前十强。
2.英国留学热门专业——教育学英国大学教育学实力排名为:Bristol、Sheffield、Cambridge、Warwick、Leicester、Leeds Metropolitan、Exeter、Cardiff、Aberdeen、Bath、King’s College、Keel、Dundee、Goldsmiths College、Queens Belfast、London South Bank、Surrey、Durham、York、Edinburgh。
UOW Campus Map卧龙岗大学地图
ACADEMIC PROGRAMSArtsEnglish Literatures, Philosophy and Languages History and PoliticsSocial Sciences, Media and CommunicationCommerceAccounting and FinanceEconomics and Information Systems Management and Marketing Employment RelationsCreative ArtsArt and Design Music and DramaJournalism and Creative WritingEducation EngineeringCivil, Mining and Environmental Engineering PhysicsMechanical, Materials and MechatronicsHealth & Behavioural SciencesBehavioural Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health Sciences PsychologyGraduate School of Medicine InformaticsComputer Science and Software Engineering Electrical, Computer andTelecommunications Engineering Information Systems and Technology Mathematics and Applied StatisticsLaw ScienceScience Biological Sciences ChemistryEarth and Environmental SciencesSydney Business School University of WollongongNorthfi elds Avenue NSW 2522 Australia Tel: 1300 367 869Tel: +61 2 4221 3218Fax: +61 2 4221 3233Email: uniadvice@.au Web: .auThe University of Wollongong attempts to ensure that the information contained in this publication is correct at the time of publication (December 2011), however sections may be amended without notice in response to changing circumstances. University of Wollongong CRICOS: 00102EOTHER UOW SITESA FIVE-STAR UNIVERSITYThe University of Wollongong was the highest-performing public university in Australia overall for ‘domestic graduates’ in the independent Good Universities Guide 2012. The category rates universities across fi ve key performance indicators, where only the top twenty per cent of universities nationwide can be awarded 5 stars in any one category. This demonstrates UOW graduates are well-rounded, enjoy high employment rates, great access to further study, and are taught by leaders in their fi eld.★ Domestic Graduates: Generic Skills★ Domestic Graduates: Overall Satisfaction ★ Domestic Graduates: Teaching Quality ★ Staff Qualifi cations ★ Staff-student ratiosThe Good Universities Guide 2012 EditionA TOP RANKING UNIVERSITYUOW is ranked in the Top 2% of universities in the world by its performance in the 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities; the Times Higher Education World University Rankings; and the QS World University Rankings. UOW is ranked in the Top 2% of universities in the world by its performance in the 2011 Times Higher Education World University Rankings; and the 2011 QS World University Rankings. UOW is ranked in the top 100 universities in the world in the Times Higher Education Employer Review.UNIVERSITY OFWOLLONGONG IN DUBAIBlocks 5 & 15Knowledge VillageDubai, United Arab Emirates www.uowdubai.ac.ae Tel: +971 4 3672400Fax: +971 4 3672760INNOVATION CAMPUSSquires WayFairy Meadow NSW.au Tel: (02) 4221 5115Email: info@.auSHOALHAVEN CAMPUSRay Cleary Building George Evans RoadWest Nowra NSW 2541 Australia .au Tel: (02) 4448 0888Fax: (02) 4448 0889UOW BATEMANS BAY‘Hanging Rock’ Beach Road Batemans Bay NSW 2536.au Tel: (02) 4472 2125Fax: (02) 4472 2126UOW BEGA176 Auckland StreetBega NSW 2550.au Tel: (02) 6494 7035Fax: (02) 6494 7036UOW SOUTHERN SYDNEYRawson Avenue Loftus NSW 2232.au Tel: (02) 9545 0000Fax: (02) 9542 3438UOW MOSS VALEKirkham StreetMoss Vale NSW 2577.au Tel: (02) 4869 1888Fax: (02) 4869 2342SYDNEY BUSINESS SCHOOLGateway Building 1 Macquarie Place Circular QuaySydney NSW .au/sbs Tel: (02) 9266 1300Fax: (02) 9266 13992543N1768Bourk e Stre etSOUTH ERN FR EEWAY WAY WA F6Mt Ousley RoadN o r t h e r n D i s t r i b ut o rHindmarsh shAveM a r r S tPorter StreetM tK e i ra R dC r ow n S t Gipps StreetC l i f f Ro a d S q ui r e sW a yK e i r a S t r e e tF l i n d e r s S t r e e tNth Wollongong Railway Station(FREE SHUTTLE BUSES TO UOW)Walking & cycling path from Nth Wollongong Railway StationFairyMeadow Railway Stn.T h ro s b y D r i v eF o l e y S t r e e tE ll io t s Ro a dC o w p e r S t r e e tP R I N C E S H W YI r v i n e S t r e e tNorthfields AvenueU n i v e r s i t y A v eMurphys AvenueR o b s o n s R o a dR o b s o n s R o a dEastern EntranceWestern EntranceRobsons Rd Entrance University of WollongongWollongong CampusiC CentralITAMSThe Mike Codd Bld.AIIM P&D EMFAIIMUniCentre OOSH/Vacation CareInnovation CampusWollongong TAFEPacific OceanWollongongCityNan Tien TempleNovotel HotelNorth BeachNorth WollongongFromNowraNowr Alternative Route to/from SouthFrom SydneyFrom S From BulliFairy MeadowWollongong Botanical GardenS OU T HE R N FR E E W A Y F 6S O U T H E R N F R E E W Y A F 6P R I N C E S H W YP R I NC E S H W YFOR UOW TRANSPORT INFOvisit: .au/transportOff-Campus Accommodation Locations1. International House: Hindmarsh Ave, Nth Wollongong2. Weerona College: Throsby Dr, Gwynneville3. Campus East: Cowper St, Fairy Meadow4. Kooloobong: Northfields Ave, Wollongong5. Graduate House: Northfields Ave, Wollongong6. Keiraview: Keira St, Wollongong7.Gundi: Marr St, Wollongong8.Marketview: Market St, WollongongSydney AirportSydney CBD SutherlandNewcastleWollongongSCALE 0 40 80KilometresSydney Central Business District (CBD)90 minutes by train or freeway Sydney Airport60 minutes by freeway Sutherland30 minutes by freewayM o n t a g u e S t r e e tA j ax A v e Campus EastSBRCunder constructionScience Centre iC Enterprise 1CAMPUS LOCATIONSHELLO GREEN CLEAN CONNECT:CAMPUS MAP。
俄亥俄州立大学Ohio State University 校园地图
Ohio State is a tobacco free campus.
Wyandotte Ave.
Wyandotte Ave.
Rothenbuhler Honey Bee Research Lab.
W. Patterson Ave. E. Patterson Ave.
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Points of Interest
Campus Area Bus Service (CABS)
Arcadia Ave.
Neil A ve.
E. Hudson St.
Limited Vehicular Access
/maps Campus Maps1 Clinical Research ImagingCentre2 Queen’s Medical ResearchInstitute3 Chancellor Building4 Anne Rowling RegenerativeNeurology Clinic 5 Scottish Centre forRegenerative Medicine1 Riddell-Swan VeterinaryCancer Centre 2 Hospital for SmallAnimals3 Royal (Dick) School ofVeterinary Studies – T eaching Building4 Campus Service Centre5 Roslin Institute Building6 Sir AlexanderRobertson Building 7 Farm Animal Practiceand Equine Clinical Unit 8 Equine Hospital9 Farm Animal Hospital 10 Scintigraphy andExotic Animal UnitEaster Bush CampusLittle France CampusTheUniversity in the cityThe University Central Area1Paterson’s Land2St Leonard’s Land 3Old Kirk4Charteris Land5Simon Laurie House 6St John’s Land7Dalhousie Land8Old Moray House9Thomson’s Land10Centre for Sport and Exercise11 Pleasance12High School Yards 13Chisholm House14Old Surgeons’ Hall 15Old High School16 1 Drummond Street 171–7 Roxburgh Street 1813 Infirmary Street 1911 Infirmary Street 20St Cecilia’s Hall 21Adam House22Charles Stewart House23Old College andT albot Rice Gallery24Minto House25New College26Alison House27The Lister PostgraduateInstitute29MacKenzie House (34West Richmond Street)30The Potterrow StudentCentre: Students’Association (EUSA);Chaplaincy Centre317 Bristo Square:Centre for ProfessionalLegal Studies;Institute for AcademicDevelopment32The University HealthCentre33Bedlam Theatre34 5 Forrest Hill35McEwan Hall36Old Medical School37William Robertson Wing38Chrystal MacmillanBuilding39Hugh Robson Building40Wilkie Building41Reid Concert Hall42T eviot Row HouseStudent Union437 George Square44 1 George Square45Dugald Stewart Building46University Visitor Centre:information, exhibitionand shop47Informatics Forum48 Inspace49Appleton T ower5057 George Square5150 George Square52David Hume T owerLecture Theatres53David Hume T ower5433 Buccleuch Place:International Office;Student Recruitment &Admissions55University of EdinburghBusiness School56George Square LectureTheatre57Main Library; CareersService; StudentCounselling Service;Student DisabilityService5816–22 George Square5927–29 George Square6017–30 Buccleuch Place6114–16 Buccleuch Place627–13 Buccleuch Place631–6 Buccleuch Place64Hope Park Square65ECA Main Building66Lauriston ArchitectureBuilding67Hunter Building68Evolution House69Edinburgh DentalInstituteShuttle bus to theKing’s BuildingscampusThe timetable for the shuttle bus between the CentralCampus and the King’s Buildings can be viewed at/schools-departments/transport/public-transport/buses/shuttle-bus.1 Biomedical Research Facility2 CJD Surveillance Unit3 Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility4 Outpatients Department; Medical Education Centre5 IGMM Complex6 Breakthrough Research Unit7 Clock T ower Building8 Library9 Old Metabolic Clinic/Diabetic Clinic 10 Bramwell Dott Building11 Department of Clinical Neurosciences: wards 12 Department of Clinical Neurosciences: research;MRI Unit13 Department of Clinical NeurosciencesThe King’s Buildings CampusWestern General Hospital1 Joseph Black Building2 KB House: EUSA3 Grant Institute4 Ashworth Building5 March Building6 John Murray Building7 Ann Walker Building8 KB Centre;KB Library Study Centre 9 The Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library 10 John Muir Building 11 Sanderson Building12 William Rankine Building13Alexander Graham Bell Building14 Fleeming Jenkin Building 15 Alrick Building 16 Faraday Building17 Hudson Beare Building18 Hudson Beare Lecture Theatre 19 Daniel Rutherford Building 20 CH Waddington Building21 Darwin Learning and T eaching Cluster and KB Library Store 22 Darwin Building 23 Swann Building24 James Clerk Maxwell Building; Learning and T eaching Cluster 25 Erskine Williamson Building 26Peter Wilson Building (SRUC)27 Roger Land Building28 Scottish MicroelectronicsCentre29 Flowave Wave and Tidal T estFacility30 Crew Building 31 Prayer House 32 Weir Building33 British Geological Survey 34 Student accommodationP Permit parking C Cafe S ShopPedestrian area Bike racks Traffic barrier KB Nursery (under construction) Shuttle bus to Central CampusPublic busNB: Access to the Peter Wilson Building’s car park should be via Gate 1.The timetable for the shuttle bus between the Central Campus andthe King’s Buildings can be viewed at /schools-departments/transport/public-transport/buses/shuttle-bus .A u g u s t 2013T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f E d i n b u r g h i s a c h a r i t a b l e b o d y , r e g i s t e r e d i n S c o t l a n d , w i t h r e g i s t r a t i o n n u m b e r S C 005336.。
经济学、人类学、社会 学、建筑学、土木工程 、电子工程学、化学、 计算机科学、法律、地 质学、数学和统计学、 物理学、银行与风险学 、细胞和分子生物学。
下设11个学院,包括法学院、神学院、经济学院、艺 术学院、建筑与景观学院、哲学及心理学院等,是爱 大规模最大、研究领域最广的学院,它的悠久历史、 崇高声誉和光荣传统吸引了国内外众多优秀的学生和 学者。在四百多年的历史中,它培养了许多影响世界 文明发展进程的人物,如哲学家、经济学家与历史学 家大卫· 休谟,哲学家与历史学家亚当· 福格森,作家 与历史学家托马斯· 卡莱尔等,此外,它还培养了3名 英国首相与2名诺贝尔经济学奖得主。
Stella Rimington,MI5前领袖 Piers Sellers,宇航员 Samuel Smiles,作家和改革家 霍嘉治,银行家 埃里克· 利德尔,运动员、传教士 马偕(George Leslie Mackay),传教士、台湾马偕医院及牛津学堂 创办人 周兆祥,香港环保先锋、绿色力量创办人 John Aikin,医师和作家 John Brown|,医师和作家 George Chalmers,古文物研究者和政治作家 Henry Thomas Cockburn,法官
查尔斯· 达尔文,自然主义者,物种起源作者,进化论奠基人。 麦克斯韦,物理学家与数学家,电磁学之父。 詹姆斯· 莫理斯,1996年诺贝尔经济学奖得主。 Edward Victor Appleton,1947年诺贝尔物理学奖得主。 马克斯· 玻恩(Max Born), 1954年诺贝尔物理学奖得主。 Alexander R. Todd,1957年诺贝尔化学奖得主。 Igor Tamm, 1958年诺贝尔物理学奖得主。 Peter D. Mitchell,1978年诺贝尔化学奖得主。 Peter Doherty,1996年诺贝尔医学或生理学奖得主。 Terry Barker,2007年诺贝尔和平奖得主。 Robert G. Edwards,2010年诺贝尔医学或生理学奖得主。
Disabled Dedicated Spaces Reception Reception Walkways
The University of York 2009
Younger Court
Ingram Court Irwin Court Lindley Court
Information Centre i A4 A8 A6 A5 King’s Manor Student Centre SP2 Biology Buildings A2 5a Main Street D4 Market Square Market Square Careers and Counselling Building V8 Market Square Wentworth College Chemistry Buildings Helix House SP4 Heslington Hall Computer Science Building Computing Service Building V6 Helix House SP4 Careers and Counselling Building V8 Alumni House D4 Sally Baldwin Buildings Block B V1 SP5 Economics Building A7 Langwith College Physics/Electronics Building Langwith College V9 Innovation Centre SP1 Environment Building V4 Sally Baldwin Buildings Block B V1 A3 V7 Wentworth College V3 D2 Alcuin A Block A4 Seebohm Rowntree Building SP4 J1 Vanbrugh College Vanbrugh College D1 Alcuin A and B Block A4 Heslington Hall Berrick Saul Building Market Square i SP1 Alcuin A and B Block A4 Heslington Hall SP3 V9 V9 D3 A1 SP5 Sally Baldwin Buildings J2 HYMS Building King’s Manor Music Buildings V2 Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall Harald Fairhair Building D2 Derwent College Physics/Electronics Building Derwent College V7 Psychology Building V1 A9 V5 Market Square Seebohm Rowntree Building Alcuin A and B Block A4 Wentworth College Grimston House V3 V7 Sally Baldwin Building Block B V1 Student Centre Genesis 6 York Science Park Heslington Hall Student Administration Building V7 V9 Grimston House V3 Market Square Helix House SP4 BioCentre SP2
14 ACE Extension Aeronautics, Chemical Engineering
15 William Penney Laboratory London e-Science Centre
President & Rector’s Residence
25 Imperial College London and Science Museum Libraries Central Library, Library Archives and Special Collections,
Science Museum Library
Level 4: Archives, Continuing Professional Development Unit, ICT, ICT Helpdesk, Occupational Health Service, Safety Department
Level 5: Blyth Music and Arts Centre, Careers Service, Communications and Public Affairs, Development, Educational Development Unit, Estates (Projects, Facilities, Finance, Property Management) Read and Pippard Lecture Theatres, Seminar and Learning Centre (SALC)
Imperial Incubator, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Institute for Systems and Synthetic Biology
平面设计 (eca)
学校英文名称University of Edinburgh
学校位置英国 | 苏格兰 | 爱丁堡
2020 QS 世界排名20
爱丁堡大学(The University of
由于其悠久的历史、庞大的规模、卓越的教学质量与科研水平,爱丁堡大学在2015年和2016年维基百科世界大学影响力排名中均位居全球第16位 ;同时位列2020年QS世界大学排名第20位 ,2020年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第30位 ,2020年USNews世界大学排名第28位 ,2019年软科世界大学学术排名第31位 。
平面设计 (eca)专业简介
平面设计 (eca)
平面设计 (eca)专业相关信息
专业名称平面设计 (eca)
专业英文名称Graphic Design MA (eca)
语言要求雅思7(单项6.0); 托福100(单项20)GMAT/GRE 要求不需要
2020 Fall 申请时间8月-9月(各学院开放时间不同)
平面设计 (eca)课程内容
* 爱丁堡大学平面设计 (eca)研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。
这些宿舍主要分布在george square主校区和kings buildings校区四周,无论是生活还是学习都非常便捷。
这15处宿舍分别是richmond place、mylnes court、blackwood crescent / causewayside、holyrood south、west mains road、holyrood south、morgan court、david horn、kitchener house、ratcliffe terrace、roxburgh place、potterrow、ascham court、deaconess。
其中好评度较高的宿舍有以下这5处:richmond place特点:最大住宿区、国际学生多、位置最佳简称ri,由churchill house、fleming house 和nicholson组成,既有含独立浴室的套房公寓,也有共用洗浴设施的传统型宿舍,总共可以容纳279名学生入住,是爱丁堡大学最大的研究生宿舍。
ri恰好位于市中心,是离george square主校区最近和生活最方便的宿舍区,走路7分钟就能到george square,1分钟就可以到体育馆锻炼身体,同学们最爱的图书馆也在附近,另外距离大家经常光顾tesco、farmfood和lidl三大超市也非常近,就算步行到以购物为主的王子街也只需10来分钟。
来到苏格兰当然不能错过远近驰名的苏兰威士忌,苏格兰威士忌的主要产区有 四,分别为Highland、Lowland、Islay和Campbeltown,其中高地的斯佩塞 (Speyside)更是苏格兰最著名的威士忌产地,到位于爱丁堡城堡旁的苏格兰威士 忌中心可以度的苏格兰威士忌进入口中,酒液游荡在味蕾之间,梨香、花香、 熏木的香气,并伴着海的味道,不停地冲击着我的神经,刹那间有一种激情汹涌 于心头,这或许就是专属苏格兰男人的那种味道吧
• • 爱丁堡城堡巍然屹立城市中心的一座死火山顶上,从爱丁堡的几乎每一个 角落都能看到它。城堡下三面悬崖,只有一面斜坡可以出入,可以说是一 处天然的要塞。 爱丁堡城堡是英国最古老的城堡之一。早在6世纪,这里就建起一座军事要 塞,并且作为苏格兰王室城堡,成为苏格兰的行政中心。曾有一首苏格兰 古诗描述国王和骑士们在爱丁堡的大厅中欢聚畅饮的情景,据说这就是亚 瑟王和他的圆桌骑士们故事的来源之一。后来历代国王开始在城堡中修建 供居住的宫殿,现存最古老的建筑是11世纪修建的小教堂。可以说,爱丁 堡城堡就是苏格兰民族历史的核心。
特,以及罗伯特路易斯的手稿和纪念物。 开放时间: 周一-周六10:00-17:00
• 爱丁堡大学创建于1583年,是英
国六所最古老、最大的大学之一, 也是在各种全球大学排行榜上多次 名列全球前20强的著名大学。爱丁 堡大学与牛津、剑桥一起,是最早 名列罗素教育集团的多科性综合大 学。在18世纪欧洲启蒙运动的浪潮 中,爱丁堡大学逐渐成为学术中心 和欧洲主要大学之一。著名的大哲 学家休谟年轻时便在学校受教和成 长。在1789年老学院兴建之前,学 校并没有专属的校园,如今这座建 筑物仍然屹立于爱丁堡老城的南桥 街和钱伯街交接处爱丁堡大学则位 于爱丁堡市中心,是公认的欧洲最 富吸引力的城市之一,于2012年击 败伦敦、巴黎、罗马等城市被世界 旅游业联合会授予欧洲最佳旅游目 的地城市 。
Orange Zone O1 The Guild of Students O2 St Francis Hall O3 University House O4 Elm House
Green Zone G1 32 Pritchatts Road G2 31 Pritchatts Road G3 European Research Institute G4 3 Elms Road G5 Computer Centre G6 Metallurgy and Materials G7 IRC Net Shape Laboratory G8 Gisbert Kapp Building G9 52 Pritchatts Road G10 54 Pritchatts Road G11 Nicholson Building G12 Winterbourne House and Garden G15 Westmere G18 Priorsfield G19 Park House G20 Elms Plant G21 Park Grange G22 Elms Day Nursery Green Zone Conference Park G13 Hornton Grange G14 Garth House G16 Lucas House G17 Peter Scott House
Yellow Zone Y1 Old Gymnasium Y2 Haworth Building Y3 Mechanical and Civil
Engineering Building Y4 Terrace Huts Y5 Estates West Y6 Maintenance Building Y7 Grounds and Gardens Y8 Chemistry West Y9 Computer Science Y10 Alta Bioscience Y11 Chemical Engineering Y12 Biochemical Engineering Y13 Chemical Engineering Workshop Y14 Sport and Exercise Sciences Y15 Civil Engineering Laboratories Y16 Occupational Health Y17 Public Health
26 27 28 29 29
31 32 33 34
斯凯莱德大 学 (Strathclyd e) 伦敦大学国 王学院 (King's College) 伦敦城市大 学(City) 诺丁汉大学 (Nottingham ) 莱斯特大学 (Leicester) 曼彻斯特大 学 (Manchester ) 卡地夫大学 (Cardiff) 杜伦大学 (Durham) 南安普顿大 学 (Southampto n) 利兹大学 (Leeds) 伯明翰大学 (Birmingham ) 肯特大学 (Kent) 萨塞克斯大 学(Sussex) 谢菲尔德大 学 (Sheffield) 纽卡斯尔大 学 (Newcastle) 东英吉利大 学(UEA) 格拉斯哥大 学(Glasgow) 雷丁大学 (Reading) 贝尔法斯特 女王大学 (Queen's) 罗伯特高登 大学(Robert Gordon) 赫尔大学 (Hull) 萨里大学 (Surrey) 爱丁堡大学 (Edinburgh)
牛津大学 (Oxford) 剑桥大学 (Cambridge) 帝国理工学 院 (Imperial) 巴斯大学 (Bath) 艾克斯特大 学(Exeter) 伦敦政治经 济学院(LSE) 拉夫堡大学 (Loughborou gh) 华威大学 (Warwick) 圣安德鲁斯 大学(St Andrews) 兰卡斯特大 学 (Lancaster) 阿斯顿大学 (Aston) 3.6 3.9 4.1 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.8 3.5 2.6 448 459 401 470 392 450 430 0.81 0.92 0.75 0.88 0.79 0.84 530 0.83 0.94 0.9 0.74 0.89 0.81 0.95 0.84 0.82 0.82
/maps Campus Maps1 Clinical Research ImagingCentre2 Queen’s Medical ResearchInstitute3 Chancellor Building4 Anne Rowling RegenerativeNeurology Clinic 5 Scottish Centre forRegenerative Medicine1 Riddell-Swan VeterinaryCancer Centre 2 Hospital for SmallAnimals3 Royal (Dick) School ofVeterinary Studies – T eaching Building4 Campus Service Centre5 Roslin Institute Building6 Sir AlexanderRobertson Building 7 Farm Animal Practiceand Equine Clinical Unit 8 Equine Hospital9 Farm Animal Hospital 10 Scintigraphy andExotic Animal UnitEaster Bush CampusLittle France CampusTheUniversity in the cityThe University Central Area1Paterson’s Land2St Leonard’s Land 3Old Kirk4Charteris Land5Simon Laurie House 6St John’s Land7Dalhousie Land8Old Moray House9Thomson’s Land10Centre for Sport and Exercise11 Pleasance12High School Yards 13Chisholm House14Old Surgeons’ Hall 15Old High School16 1 Drummond Street 171–7 Roxburgh Street 1813 Infirmary Street 1911 Infirmary Street 20St Cecilia’s Hall 21Adam House22Charles Stewart House23Old College andT albot Rice Gallery24Minto House25New College26Alison House27The Lister PostgraduateInstitute29MacKenzie House (34West Richmond Street)30The Potterrow StudentCentre: Students’Association (EUSA);Chaplaincy Centre317 Bristo Square:Centre for ProfessionalLegal Studies;Institute for AcademicDevelopment32The University HealthCentre33Bedlam Theatre34 5 Forrest Hill35McEwan Hall36Old Medical School37William Robertson Wing38Chrystal MacmillanBuilding39Hugh Robson Building40Wilkie Building41Reid Concert Hall42T eviot Row HouseStudent Union437 George Square44 1 George Square45Dugald Stewart Building46University Visitor Centre:information, exhibitionand shop47Informatics Forum48 Inspace49Appleton T ower5057 George Square5150 George Square52David Hume T owerLecture Theatres53David Hume T ower5430–34 Buccleuch Place:School of Economics;International Office;Student Recruitment &Admissions55University of EdinburghBusiness School56George Square LectureTheatre57Main Library; CareersService; StudentCounselling Service;Student DisabilityService5816–22 George Square5927–29 George Square6017–25 Buccleuch Place6114–16 Buccleuch Place627–13 Buccleuch Place631–6 Buccleuch Place64Hope Park Square65ECA Main Building66Lauriston ArchitectureBuilding67Hunter Building68Evolution House69Edinburgh DentalInstituteShuttle bus to theKing’s BuildingscampusThe timetable for the shuttle bus between the CentralCampus and the King’s Buildings can be viewed at/schools-departments/transport/public-transport/buses/shuttle-bus.1 Biomedical Research Facility2 CJD Surveillance Unit3 Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility4 Outpatients Department; Medical Education Centre5 IGMM Complex6 Breakthrough Research Unit7 Clock T ower Building8 L ibrary9 Old Metabolic Clinic/Diabetic Clinic 10 Bramwell Dott Building11 Department of Clinical Neurosciences: wards 12 Department of Clinical Neurosciences: research;MRI Unit13 Department of Clinical NeurosciencesThe King’s Buildings CampusWestern General Hospital1 Joseph Black Building2 KB House: EUSA3 Grant Institute4 Ashworth Building5 March Building6 John Murray Building7 Ann Walker Building8 KB Centre;KB Library Study Centre 9 The Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library10 John Muir Building 11 Sanderson Building12 William Rankine Building 13 Alexander Graham Bell Building 14 Fleeming Jenkin Building 15Alrick Building16 Faraday Building17 Hudson Beare Building18 Hudson Beare Lecture Theatre 19 Daniel Rutherford Building 20 CH Waddington Building 21 Darwin Learning & T eaching Cluster and KB Library Store 22 Darwin Building 23 Swann Building24 James Clerk Maxwell Building; L earning and T eaching Cluster 25 Erskine Williamson Building 26Peter Wilson Building (SRUC) Access to this building’s car park must be via Gate 127 Roger Land Building28 Scottish MicroelectronicsCentre29 FloWave Ocean EnergyResearch Facility 30 Crew Building 31 Old Faculty Office 32 Weir Building33 British Geological Survey 34 Student accommodation 35 Mary Bruck BuildingOpening January 2015 36 Arcadia Nursery37 Estates & Buildings Hub38 Christina Miller Building 39 Biospace40 UK Biochar Research Centre 41 Crew Annex P Permit parking C Cafe S ShopElectric car charging pointPedestrian areaBike racks Traffic barrier Shuttle bus to Central CampusPublic busThe timetable for the shuttle bus between the Central Campus and the King’s Buildings can be viewed at/schools-departments/transport/public-transport/buses/shuttle-bus .S e p t e m b e r 2014 T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f E d i n b u r g h i s a c h a r i t a b l e b o d y , r e g i s t e r e d i n S c o t l a n d , w i t h r e g i s t r a t i o n n u m b e r S C 005336.。
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Self-guided tourGeorge Square campus and surrounding areaWalk towards the Business School - The first modern building on your left, opened in 2014 and is home to the School of Literatures, Languages & Cultures.T urn around and return to the NE corner of George Square.50 George Square11Completed in 1966, the building is named after physicist Sir Edward Appleton. Recently redeveloped with teaching space used by a variety of subjects, as well as a café, computer labs, and social spaces.Appleton Tower12Designed by Bennetts Associates, the Informatics Forum has won numerous awards for its environmentally sustainable design and is used purely for research. T urn right onto Charles Street to pass the University’s Visitors Centre, and the Dugald Stewart Building, which houses the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences. This space provides a state-of-the art centre for innovation and interaction, cutting-edge technology and flexible teaching space.Informatics Forum & Dugald Stewart Building13On your left is T eviot Row House, the oldest purpose built Students’ Union in the world, opened in 1889. The building is now run byEdinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA), and boasts five bars, a debating chamber, dining room, refectory and several meeting rooms. Often referred to as ‘Hogwarts’ by tourists; feel free to go in.Teviot Row House14On exiting T eviot Row House, the large circular building on your left is McEwan Hall, financed by Sir William McEwan, MP for CentralEdinburgh and founder of the famous city brewery. Once Edinburgh’s premier concert venue, McEwan Hall is currently undergoingredevelopment and normally hosts graduation ceremonies and exams. Designed by Sir Robert Rowand Anderson, and completed in 1897, the interior was designed by William Palin with the images decorating the ceiling representing the various subjects offered by the University.McEwan Hall15On the opposite side of Bristo Square is Potterrow, another of the four Students’ Association buildings and a lively and popular place to meet friends. Go in and see the student facilities for yourself, which include banks, a shop, a café, a bar and the Chaplaincy Centre, which offers support for students of all faiths and none. Potterrow is also home to The Venue which hosts numerous themed nights throughout the year including gigs, ceilidhs, and a student club night called Big Cheese. Next to Potterrow is the Richard Verney Health Centre.Potterrow16Old College17Exit Potterrow by the main door and turn right. Follow the railing and continue through the underpass and go along West College Street to enter Old College via the arch on your right.This concludes the main self-guided tour. From the archway of Old College you are a 10 minute walk from Princes Street, and Waverley Train Station, however time permitting, we recommend extending your tour to include the following optional University sights. Upon exiting Old College turn right, and then left onto Drummond Street. Continue to the end of Drummond Street and cross the road at the pedestrian lights.You will see the Centre for Sport and Exercise straight ahead of you, which has recently undergone a £4.8 million extension and refurbishment. If you turn right, slightly further up the hill you will find the Pleasance Student Union on your left. Built by Alexander Paterson and Thomas Dott in 1791, it is used by EUSA, as well as being a prominent venue during the Fringe. The Pleasance building itself has various committee rooms, as well as a theatre and bar.The Pleasance / Centre for Sport and ExerciseA Leaving the Pleasance by the main entrance, turn right, back down the hill, until you reach the crossroads at the bottom. T urn right and continue down Holyrood Road.On your right you will see St Leonard’s Land, which houses Physical Education and the University swimming pool. Directly across the road is Moray House School of Education. Further along Holyrood Road, there is the Scottish Parliament, Holyrood Palace and Holyrood Park.St Leonard’s Land / Moray HouseBRetrace your steps back up Holyrood Road to the crossroads. Go straight across thejunction, onto the Cowgate. There is a narrow cobbled road (High School Wynd) on the left which leads steeply up to Infirmary Street. Walk up and follow the curve to the right. Cross the road at the top and you will find yourself back at the main entrance to Old College. With your back to the main entrance to Old College, turn left and left again onto Chambers Street.Adam House, on the north side of Chambers Street, is a modernistic neo-classical building built 1955, and thought to be named after architect Robert Adam. T oday it is used for matriculation, exams and theatre productions. As you continue to walk along you will pass Minto House, home to Architectural Studies and History of Art, and theNational Museum of Scotland. T urn left at the top of Chambers Street.Chambers StreetCIn front of you, where the road splits, you will see the Bedlam Theatre. The former North Free Church was designed by architect Thomas Hamilton and built in 1846. In 1941 the church closed and the building is now home to the University of Edinburgh Theatre Company, showing over 40 productions every year. The name Bedlam is attributed to the building’s proximity to Edinburgh’s first mental health hospital.Bedlam TheatreDT ake the right hand fork onto Forrest Road, and continue to the traffic lights at the end. Cross to the left, down T eviot Place. On your right walk through a large archway with iron gates.Originally part of the Medical School this Grade A listed building has been refurbished to unite the School of History, Classics and Archaeology under one roof. The building is named after WilliamRobertson (1721-1793), who studied Divinity at the University and was appointed to the role of University Principal in 1762.William Robertson Wing / Old Medical School and NursingEStaying in the quadrangle, the Old Medical School is on your left hand side. You can find the Anatomy Lecture Theatre here; which is still used for 1st and 2nd year Medicine lectures. Nursing is also taught in this building. The School of Medicine was given formal recognition in 1726 and has since developed an impressive international reputation for both teaching and research. The Old Medical School where you now stand was completed in 1886. The 1800s were known for the grisly trade in dead bodies, when recently deceased corpses were illegally sold to the science of anatomy. A secret tunnel between College Wynd and the University’s anatomy theatre was used to deliver dead bodies for dissection. In the 1820s, William Burke and William Hare committed an infamous series of murders to sell the bodies to RobertKnox’s School of Anatomy. The pair were finally caught in 1828. Burke was tried and hanged, but Hare was released and never heard of again. T oday’s state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities for the School of Medicine are located at the Royal Infirmary, Little France.Student Recruitment & Admissions The University of Edinburgh33 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9JS /student-recruitmentA warm welcome to the University of Edinburgh and the city of Edinburgh. The University has a number of sites within the city – this tour is for the George Square campus.Any prospective student of our University will find this tour useful as this campus is also home to the Main Library, Students’ Association, Centre for Sport & Exercise and a range of study spaces and other services that are open to all students at the University.Walking at a leisurely pace with time to take in Edinburgh’s uniqueatmosphere and architecture, the tour should take no more than an hour. If you wish to extend the tour to include High School Yards, the Pleasance and Moray House School of Education, add approximately 30 minutes.Look out for the various plaques around the University, which have been erected to commemorate the achievements of individuals who have been associated with the University through our 400 years.A map showing accessible routes and entrances can be downloaded from: /estates/buildings-information/disabilityThe University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336If you require this document in an alternative format, such as large print, please contact: sra.enquiries@On your right you will pass the T albot Rice Gallery, and as you enter the quadrangle, turn left and follow the walkway around the courtyard and look for the plaque commemorating the University’s first female graduate in 1812: James Miranda Barry, (c.1795-1865). She was an army surgeon and Inspector General of Hospitals in Canada, who lived as a man. Old College is the University of Edinburgh’s oldest existing site, and is home to the impressive Playfair Library and several administrative offices. Construction started in 1789. The architect,Robert Adam, himself a graduate of the University, sadly died in 1792 but his brothers ensured that construction continued. However, the Napoleonic War halted progress once more until one of the greatest Scottish architects of the 19th century, William Playfair,continued the project. Sir Robert Rowan Anderson later added the dome. The “Golden Boy” standing proudly on the dome is reportedly modelled on Edinburgh athlete Anthony Hall.12r e e tr e c cl e 2371112141619202245。