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Further objectives
• Additional objectives of this experiment:
• 1. examine effects of pollution on nontarget organisms
• 2. Accuracy of results, if any, in real world situations
• Control series (3 jars)
• 6 series run with fungicide (3 jars/series)
• first fungicide series 4 ml fungicide
:128 ml
of water
• diluted 5 times for each successive 5 series
Experiment layout
• 10 woBiblioteka Baidums added to each jar
• Worms allowed to adjust to new soil habitat
• Mortality is defined in this experiment as lack of movement in response to stimulus or absence, since the worms disintegrate rapidly
• 1st dilution: 1/2 the fungicide concentration of series 1 (2:128 ml)
• 2nd dilution: 1/4 the concentration of series 1 (recommended concentration)
• 3rd dilution: 1/8 the concentration of series 1
Initial Purpose
• To observe any effects of the fungicide on the red worms
• To determine ld50 for our population of red worms
• Materials:
• 24 pint mason jars with lids
• Worms
• Soil mixture - composed of silica sand, kaolin clay,
peat moss, CaCO3, water • Litmus paper
• Pesticide - 0.88%
Ld50 & LC50
• Ld50 - median lethal dose (amount of a chemical in one dose that will kill 50% of the population)
• Lc50 - concentration of material in air that will kill 50% of the test subjects
• Initial pH of the soils were about 6.0 6.5
• pH after addition of fungicide ranged from 4.5 (in the more highlyconcentrated soils) to 5.5 (in the less highly-concentrated soils)
• pesticide added after week 1
• Data collected weekly
• worms sorted and analyzed for lesions, swelling, writhing, Number on and below surface
fungicide concentration series
M a c in to s h P IC T im a g e fo rm a t
is n o t s u p p o rte d
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is not supported
• pH of each soil was taken after soil was mixed and again after the fungicide was added
by heather seavolt and stephanie mCPHERSON
Types of biomarkers
• DNA, RNA or protein adducts and enzymes • cytogenic markers • tissue markers and whole body alterations • behavioral markers • measure toxicants in body fluids & tissues • death of marker animals
• 3. Consider effects of toxin on different organisms
• 4. How this experiment would be improved if carried out for a longer time and replicated
• 5. Ethical issues involved in animal experimentation
• 4th dilution: 1/16 the concentration of series 1
• 5th dilution: 1/32 the concentration of series 1
• Samples of lindsey and jason’s soil • 1. sample from the copper pipe area • 2. sample from site 1 • 3. sample from around suspicious oil