• 英国埃夫伯里巨石遗址即巨石阵 (外文名:Stonehenge),又名索 尔兹伯里石环、环状列石。由巨大 的石头组成,每块约重50吨。它的 主轴线、通往石柱的古道和夏至日 早晨初升的太阳,在同一条线上; 另外,其中还有两块石头的连线指 向冬至日落的方向。公元前4000-公 元前2000年建造。是欧洲著名的史 前时代文化神庙遗址,位于英格兰 威尔特郡索尔兹伯里平原,约建于 公元前4000~2000年(2008年3月 至4月,英国考古学家研究发现,巨 石阵的准确建造年代距今已经有 4300年,即建于公元前2300年左 右)。2013年8月,考古学家研究显 示史前巨石阵挖掘发现至少63具人 类尸骨,推测最初这里曾是一个墓 地,大约100年之后才开始建造巨石
这些巨石高约5~10 米, 平均重量为25~ 30 吨, 直立的石块上边还架着巨石的横梁, 形成一个十分壮观的圆形大栅栏, 还竖着5 座形如门框的三石塔。其中, 最高的一块重 达50 吨。据研究人员估计,建造圆形石林, 总共花了3000万个小时的人工,相当于一万 人工作一年。
科学家虽然知道原始石阵的石头是来自威尔士,可是没 有人知道,古代的威尔士人是如何把这些几十吨重的巨 石,运到数公里之外索尔兹伯里平原建造这座巨石阵的。 不久前,40名科研人员开始了一项试验,试图完全 依靠几千年前古代人掌握的工具和方法,把一块只有三 吨重的岩石从威尔士运到巨石阵的所在地。 可是在他 们费了九牛二虎之力以后,这块巨石最终还是沉入了1 8米深的泥潭里。 一些科学家认为,这些巨石可能根 本不是人力搬来的,而是由曾经覆盖地球表面的冰川带 来的。但这也仅仅是一种猜测而已,巨石阵这道难题的 确切答案谁也说不出来。
在英格兰南部荒芜的索尔兹伯里平原上, 屹立着 一组高大的巨石, 形成一个直径30 米的圆圈。 世人称它們为巨形方石柱;也有人称它們为巨石 阵;还有人称它們为圆形石林。 这些四千年前新石器时代建造的庞然大物, 至今 还悄悄地流传着古文明的神话与传说。那一条条 笔直的石柱插天兀立, 令现代人叹为观止。虽然 四千多年的风霜雨雪在不少岩石块上蚀成了奇形 怪状的洞孔, 但是它仍然兀立不倒, 显示着它的创 造者那非凡的智慧和力量。
【英文儿童科普】巨石阵的未解之谜The History of Stonehenge for Kids

【英文儿童科普】巨石阵的未解之谜The History of Stonehenge for Kids巨石阵的未解之谜The History of Stonehenge for Kids在英格兰中心的深处路边矗立着大量的石碑Deep in the heart of England, by the side of a road, stands a massive stone monument它使访客们困扰了千百年that has mystified visitors for millennia.它就是巨石阵这是一个古老的石圈甚至比埃及的吉萨金字塔还要古老It is called Stonehenge, and it is an ancient stone circle, older than the pyramids of Giza.考古学家几乎也不能拼凑起关于它的历史What little is known about its history has been pieced together by archaeologists, because因为它太过古老以至于没有关于它的建筑或者原始意图的文字记录it is so old that there is no written record of its construction, or of its original purpose.巨石阵大概有4000到5000年的历史它的建筑已经流传Stonehenge is probably between 4,000 and 5,000 years old, and its construction was spread百年甚至千年across hundreds or even thousands of years.它过去的其中一个用途是作为墓葬地点It was used, among other things, as a place of burial.还有一些人认为它过去可能还被当成日历来使用或者来观测星象的运动Some think it may also have been used as a calendar, or as a place to study the movements和供奉祭祀太阳和月亮of the stars and worship the Sun and Moon.虽然我们也许永远不会知道巨石阵建立的确切原因但大部分人认为它过去是被用来做宗教的Although we may never know exactly why Stonehenge was built, most believe it was used for religious仪式所建立ceremonies.巨石阵最早的版本由土木防御工事和鹿角做的工具挖出的壕沟The earliest versions of Stonehenge were made of earthworks and ditches dug with tools made组成of antlers.这些最终被一些木质结构所替代This was eventually replaced by some kind of wooden structure, which was replaced in接着又被围成圆形的立着的石头所替代turn by circles of massive standing stones.巨石阵里的石头被运到那儿已经几百年了The stones at Stonehenge were brought there over a period of several hundred years.其中最大的石头被称为砂岩残块据测量有30尺也就是9米那么高The largest stones, called sarsens, measure up to 30 feet or 9 meters tall and weigh an平均有25吨那么重average of 25 tons.这些石头可能被运输了20英里或32千米到达巨石阵These stones were probably transported 20 miles or 32 kilometers to Stonehenge.其中一些比较小的石头称作青石被认为来自威尔士Some of the smaller stones, called bluestones, are believed to have been brought from Wales,运送超过了140英里也就是225千米的距离more than 140 miles or 225 kilometers away.尽管青石比巨大的砂岩残块小但仍每块平均重达4吨Although they are smaller than the massive sarsens, the bluestones still weigh an average考古学家非常疑惑人们是怎样运输了如此远的距离of 4 tons each, and archaeologists are baffled as to how they were transported so far without在没有现代工具甚至没有轮子的情况下modern technology –or even the wheel!一些人认为石头是被放在树干上滚装前进或者在一个巨大的篮子里Some people think the stones were rolled on tree trunks, or dragged in huge baskets pulled被公牛拽着人力拖行by oxen.另一些人认为石块由船运输是在附近埃文河的帮助下Others believe they were moved by boat, with the help of the nearby river Avon.无论这些石块是如何被运输的它们都以一个不可置信的精确角度被放置However the stones were moved, they were placed with incredible precision.在这个古老的圆圈中一些特定的石头随着夏至的日出和冬至的日落Certain stones in the ancient circle line up with the midsummer sunrise and the winter标志出了一年最长和最短的日子solstice sunset, marking the longest and shortest days of the year.今天巨石阵作为世界遗产地正被小心地保护起来每年被数以百万计的人参观Today Stonehenge is a carefully protected World Heritage Site visited by about a million许多人仍然在夏至和冬至这天参观巨石阵people each year, and many people still visit Stonehenge at midsummer and midwinter to view观看巨石阵标志着日升日落的这一古老现象the ancient phenomena that marks the rising and the setting of the sun, and wonder at惊叹于巨石阵仍然未解的秘密the mysteries Stonehenge still hides.希望你能喜欢今天关于巨石阵的学习I hope you enjoyed learning about Stonehenge today.期待下次再见啦!Goodbye till next time!。
【英语周报】外研版选修七备课资料:Module 6 背景材料 文章 Stonehenge

只要坚持梦想总能实现 1。

巨石阵作文100字英文回答:Stonehenge is a magnificent and mysterious ancient monument located in Wiltshire, England. It consists of a ring of massive standing stones, some weighing up to 25 tons, arranged in a circular pattern. The purpose and origin of Stonehenge have been a subject of much speculation and debate.One theory suggests that Stonehenge was used as a religious site or a place of worship. The alignment of the stones with the solstices and equinoxes suggests that it may have been used for astronomical observations and rituals. For example, during the summer solstice, the sun rises in perfect alignment with the Heel Stone, creating a stunning visual effect.Another theory proposes that Stonehenge was a burial ground. Archaeological excavations have uncovered humanremains and cremation deposits in the vicinity of the monument. This suggests that it may have been a sacredburial site for ancient communities.Furthermore, Stonehenge's construction itself is a marvel. The stones were transported from quarries located miles away, and their precise arrangement required advanced engineering skills. It is believed that ancient people used a combination of sledges, rollers, and possibly even water transport to move the massive stones. The fact that they were able to accomplish such a feat without modern technology is truly awe-inspiring.中文回答:巨石阵是位于英格兰威尔特郡的一座宏伟而神秘的古代遗迹。

英国巨石阵中英文介绍In the heart of England, where sheep graze and the wind whispers stories of old, lies a prehistoric playground that's been around since the days when the dinosaurs were just a twinkle in the earth's eye. Welcome to Stonehenge, a place where rocks are the stars of the show and the sky is their stage.Picture this: You're standing in a field, surrounded by these massive stones that have been standing tall for over 5,000 years. They're like the ancient grandparents of the rock world, and they've got some tales to tell. The stones are arranged in a circle, with some even stacked on top of each other, defying gravity and common sense. It's like a giant's version of a game of Jenga that's been going on for millennia.Now, it's not just the stones that make Stonehenge a spectacle. The whole place has an air of mystery, like a silent witness to the secrets of the past. Archaeologists have been scratching their heads over this place for centuries, trying to figure out who built it and why. Some say it was a temple for the gods, others claim it was agiant's calendar, and there's always that one guy who thinks it's an ancient alien landing strip.But let's not get too bogged down in the history lesson. Stonehenge is also a place where you can let your imaginationrun wild. Imagine the ancient Brits having a rock concert here, with the stones providing the perfect acoustics. Or maybe it was the world's first stone disco, with the stones grooving to the rhythm of the cosmos.And let's not forget the tourists. Every year, thousands of people flock to this ancient site, hoping to catch a glimpse of the summer solstice sunrise. It's like a cosmic party, with the sun as the guest of honor and the stones as the VIP guests.In conclusion, Stonehenge is more than just a bunch of rocks in a field. It's a monument to the ingenuity and curiosity of our ancestors, a place where the past and present collide in a dance of shadows and light. So the next time you're in England, don't just visit the pub and have a pint. Take a trip to Stonehenge and let the stones tell you their story. Just remember to bring a sense of humor and a healthy dose of wonder.。

介绍英国景点英文作文英文:As a native of the United Kingdom, I have had the pleasure of exploring many beautiful and historic sights throughout the country. Here are just a few of my favorite destinations:1. Stonehenge This prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire is one of the most famous landmarks in the UK. The mysterious stone circles continue to fascinate visitors from all over the world.2. Edinburgh Castle This iconic fortress sits atop ahill in the heart of Scotland's capital city. The castle has played a significant role in Scottish history and is a must-see for anyone visiting Edinburgh.3. The Lake District This stunning region in northwest England is home to some of the most picturesque landscapesin the country. With its rolling hills, crystal-clear lakes, and quaint villages, the Lake District is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.4. The Cotswolds This area of outstanding naturalbeauty is located in south-central England and is known for its charming villages, thatched cottages, and rolling hills. The Cotswolds is a popular destination for both domesticand international tourists.5. The Tower of London This historic castle located on the banks of the River Thames has served as a royal palace, a prison, and a place of execution. Visitors can explorethe castle's numerous towers, see the Crown Jewels, andlearn about the castle's fascinating history.中文:作为英国本土人,我有幸游览了许多美丽而历史悠久的景点。

英国巨石阵英语介绍Stonehenge is one of the most iconic and mysterious archaeological sites in the world. Located in Wiltshire, England, this ancient monument has captivated the imagination of people for centuries, with its towering sarsen stones and intriguing history. As one of the most significant cultural heritage sites in the United Kingdom, Stonehenge is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in history, archaeology, or the wonders of the ancient world.The origins of Stonehenge are shrouded in mystery, with scholars and researchers still debating the purpose and construction of this remarkable structure. The earliest phases of Stonehenge date back to around 3000 BC, when the first earthworks were constructed on the site. Over the following centuries, the monument went through a series of transformations, with the addition of the famous sarsen stones and bluestones, which were transported from distant locations.One of the most intriguing aspects of Stonehenge is its astronomical alignment. The site is precisely oriented to the solstices, with the entrance facing the rising sun on the summer solstice and the setting sun on the winter solstice. This suggests that Stonehenge was notjust a religious or ceremonial site, but also served as a sophisticated astronomical observatory, allowing the ancient Britons to track the movement of the sun and moon with remarkable accuracy.The construction of Stonehenge was an impressive feat of engineering, with the massive sarsen stones weighing up to 25 tons each. The builders used a combination of human labor, simple tools, and ingenious techniques to transport and erect these massive stones, which stand up to 7 meters tall. The construction process is still not fully understood, but it is clear that the people who built Stonehenge possessed a deep understanding of engineering, astronomy, and the natural world.Despite its age and the weathering of the centuries, Stonehenge remains a powerful and awe-inspiring sight. Visitors can walk among the towering stones, touch the ancient rock, and imagine the rituals and ceremonies that once took place on this sacred site. The site is also surrounded by a rich archaeological landscape, with numerous other prehistoric monuments and burial sites nearby, providing a deeper understanding of the cultural and spiritual significance of Stonehenge.One of the most fascinating aspects of Stonehenge is the ongoing debate and research surrounding its purpose and meaning. Scholars have proposed a wide range of theories, from it being a religioustemple, a celestial calendar, or even a place of healing. While the exact purpose of Stonehenge may never be fully known, the site continues to captivate and inspire people from around the world, who come to marvel at its ancient grandeur and to ponder the mysteries of the past.In addition to its archaeological significance, Stonehenge is also a site of great cultural and spiritual importance. The monument has long been a place of pilgrimage and ritual, with many people visiting the site to participate in solstice celebrations, pagan ceremonies, or simply to connect with the ancient energy of the place. The site is also deeply important to the local Wiltshire community, who take great pride in their association with this iconic landmark.Despite the challenges of preserving and managing such a significant cultural heritage site, the UK government and heritage organizations have made great efforts to protect and maintain Stonehenge. The site is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and visitors can explore the monument and its surrounding landscape through a variety of guided tours, exhibitions, and educational programs.In conclusion, Stonehenge is a truly remarkable and awe-inspiring site that continues to captivate and inspire people from around the world. Whether you are interested in history, archaeology, astronomy, or simply the wonder of the ancient world, a visit to Stonehenge isan unforgettable experience that will leave you with a deeper appreciation for the ingenuity and complexity of our human past.。

关于介绍巨石阵英语作文The Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, and it is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. This ancient site consists of aring of standing stones, each around 13 feet high, seven feet wide, and weighing around 25 tons. The stones are set within earthworks in the middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred tumuli (burial mounds).The Stonehenge was built in several stages, with the first phase dating back to around 3100 BC. The stones were transported from as far away as Wales, some 200 miles from the site. The purpose of the monument is still a matter of debate among archaeologists, with theories ranging from a burial ground to an astronomical observatory.One of the most fascinating aspects of the Stonehenge is its alignment with the solstices. During the summer solstice, the sun rises directly over the Heel Stone andaligns with the main axis of the monument. This has led to speculation that the Stonehenge was used as a calendar to mark the changing seasons.Visitors to the Stonehenge can explore the site and learn about its history through the visitor center, which features interactive exhibits and displays. Guided tours are also available for those who want a more in-depth experience.In addition to its historical significance, the Stonehenge is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts millions of visitors from around the world each year. Its mysterious origins and stunning architecture continue to captivate people's imaginations and make it a must-see destination for anyone interested in ancient history.In conclusion, the Stonehenge is a remarkable monument that has stood the test of time and continues to intrigue and inspire people to this day. Its ancient origins andunique design make it a truly special place that should be on everyone's bucket list.。
巨石阵英文 作文

巨石阵英文作文英文:The Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in the world, located in Wiltshire, England. Its construction dates back to around 3000 BC, and it is believed that it was used for various purposes, such as a burial ground and a place for religious ceremonies. The monument consists of a ring of standing stones, each weighing around 25 tons, and some of them are up to 30 feet tall.The mystery surrounding the purpose and construction of the Stonehenge has fascinated people for centuries. Some theories suggest that it was built as an astronomical observatory, while others believe it was used for healing and spiritual purposes. The exact methods used to transport and erect the massive stones remain unknown, adding to the intrigue of the monument.Despite the many theories and speculations, the Stonehenge remains a symbol of ancient engineering and human ingenuity. Its enduring presence serves as a reminder of the rich and complex history of the world we live in.中文:巨石阵是世界上最著名的史前遗迹之一,位于英格兰威尔特郡。

关于巨石阵的英语作文English Answer:Stonehenge, an enigmatic prehistoric monument shrouded in mystery and wonder, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of ancient civilizations. This iconic structure, located in the heart of the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, has captivated the imagination of historians, archaeologists, and travelers for centuries. Its unique configuration and enigmatic origins have sparked countless theories and debates, fueling a fascination that continues to endure.The most striking feature of Stonehenge is its towering stone circles, arranged in concentric rings. The outer ring consists of 30 massive sarsen stones, each weighing an estimated 25 tons and standing at a height of around 13 feet. Inside this outer circle lies a ring of 17 smaller bluestones, each weighing approximately 4 tons and originating from the Preseli Hills in Wales. At the centerof the structure stands the Altar Stone, a massive rectangular block of sarsen weighing an estimated 6 tons.The precise purpose of Stonehenge remains a subject of intense speculation and debate. Some theories suggest that it was a temple or a religious site, while others believeit may have served as an astronomical observatory or a calendar. Archaeological evidence indicates that Stonehenge was constructed in several stages over a period of around 1,500 years, beginning around 3000 BC. The earliest phase involved the creation of a circular ditch and bank, followed by the erection of the sarsen and bluestone circles.One of the most remarkable aspects of Stonehenge is its alignment with the summer and winter solstices. As the sun rises on the summer solstice, its rays align perfectly with the central axis of the monument. Similarly, on the winter solstice, the sun sets in direct alignment with the Altar Stone. This precise alignment suggests that the builders of Stonehenge had a deep understanding of astronomy and the movement of celestial bodies.Over the centuries, Stonehenge has undergone numerous alterations and additions. During the Bronze Age, a series of burial mounds were constructed around the monument, indicating that it had become a site of ceremonial andritual significance. In the medieval period, Stonehenge was used as a meeting point for local courts and gatherings. In the 17th century, the site was acquired by the Crown and became a popular destination for tourists and antiquarians.Today, Stonehenge is one of the most visited historical monuments in the world. Its allure stems from its enduring mystery, its architectural grandeur, and its connection to ancient civilizations. The site is protected as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and is managed by English Heritage, an organization dedicated to preserving and interpreting the country's historical and cultural heritage.中文回答:巨石阵,一座神秘而令人惊叹的史前古迹,是古代文明智慧与技艺的见证。

巨石阵作文100字英文回答:Stonehenge is a fascinating ancient monument located in Wiltshire, England. It consists of a circular arrangement of massive standing stones, some weighing up to 25 tons. The purpose and meaning of Stonehenge have been the subject of much speculation and debate.One theory suggests that Stonehenge was a religioussite used for rituals and ceremonies. For example, during the summer solstice, the sun rises in perfect alignment with the Heel Stone and the Altar Stone, creating a spectacular sight. People from all over the world gather at Stonehenge to witness this event and celebrate the longest day of the year.Another theory proposes that Stonehenge served as an astronomical observatory. The alignment of the stones with certain celestial events, such as the winter solstice,supports this idea. The builders of Stonehenge may have had a deep understanding of astronomy and used the monument to track the movement of celestial bodies.Furthermore, Stonehenge could have been a burial site. Archaeological excavations have uncovered human remainsnear the monument, suggesting that it held somesignificance in relation to the afterlife. It is possible that important individuals were buried at Stonehenge, and the stones were erected as a memorial or marker for these individuals.In addition to its historical and cultural significance, Stonehenge is also a popular tourist attraction. Every year, millions of visitors come to marvel at the ancient stones and learn about their mysterious origins. The site offers audio guides and guided tours, providing visitors with a deeper understanding of the monument's history and significance.中文回答:巨石阵是位于英格兰威尔特郡的一个迷人的古代遗址。

巨石阵英文作文60字初三英文回答:Stonehenge is one of the most iconic and mysterious structures in the world. It is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, and it is estimated to have been built between 3000 and 2000 BC. The site consists of a ring of large standing stones, each of which is around 13 feet tall and weighs around 25 tons. The stones are arranged in a circle, with a diameter of about 100 feet. In the center of the circle is a smaller ring of stones, and there is also a large stone slab known as the Altar Stone.The purpose of Stonehenge is not fully understood, but it is thought to have been used for religious or ceremonial purposes. It is possible that the stones were used to mark the solstices and equinoxes, or that they were used as a place for burials. Stonehenge is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the United Kingdom. Every year, millions of people visitthe site to marvel at its size and beauty.中文回答:巨石阵是世界上最具标志性且神秘的建筑之一。

关于巨石阵的英语作文英文回答:Stonehenge is one of the most enigmatic and iconic prehistoric monuments in the world. Located on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, it consists of a ring of large standing stones, each around 13 feet tall and weighing up to 25 tons. The stones are arranged in two concentric circles, with a horseshoe-shaped arrangement of five trilithons (two upright stones with a lintel stone on top) at the center.The purpose and origins of Stonehenge remain shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to have been constructed in several stages, beginning around 3000 BC. Archaeological evidence suggests that it may have been used for astronomical observations, religious rituals, or as aburial ground. Over the centuries, Stonehenge has become a symbol of British history and culture, and it continues to attract visitors from around the world.中文回答:巨石阵是世界上最神秘且标志性的史前古迹之一,位于英国威尔特郡的索尔兹伯里平原上。

Presentation of Stonehenge巨石阵的介绍This is an ancient monument of huge stone standing on the vast Sablisbury plains in England has captured our imaginations for centuries. It’s the most enigmatic pre-historic monument on earth. 古老的巨石阵屹立在英格兰索尔兹伯里平原上,数世纪以来,它的丰姿赋予了我们丰富的想象力。
What makes the structure at Stonehenge unique is the fact that for the first time they"re shaping stones on a massive scale. Dating back as far as 2950B.C.,theories about who built Stonehenge have included the druids and the Greeks. Speculation as to its purpose, range from astronomy to a UFO landing site.巨石阵是独一无二的,因为它是首次出现的最大规模的成形巨石。
Now a ruin with many of the original stones fallen or removed, this site Sun attracts nearly five thousand tourists everyday.现在,尽管很多巨石已经倒塌,或给搬走,但是这古迹仍然每天吸引着近五千名观光游客。

英国英文介绍景点作文英文,As someone who has traveled extensively throughout the UK, I can confidently say that there are countless amazing attractions to see. However, if I had to choose just one to recommend, it would have to be Stonehenge.Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England. It consists of a ring of standing stones, each weighing several tons, that were erected around 2500 BC. The purpose of Stonehenge is still a mystery, but it is believed to have been a ceremonial site or a place of worship.Visiting Stonehenge is an incredible experience. As you approach the monument, you can't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer size and age of the stones. The site is also surrounded by beautiful countryside, making it a great place for a walk or picnic.There are several ways to visit Stonehenge, including guided tours and self-guided visits. I would recommendtaking a guided tour, as the guides are very knowledgeable and can provide you with a lot of interesting information about the monument and its history.中文,作为一个在英国旅行过的人,我可以自信地说,有无数令人惊叹的景点可以去看。

Read by yourselves.
Fill in the blanks.
On Saturday, Lingling and Amy are going to see _S_to_n_e_h_e_n_g_e_.It’s a very __o_ld__ _p_l_a_c_e_. It’s _a_b_o_u_t _5_00_0_ years old. They will get there by c_a_r_. It will take _t_h_re_e_ _h_o_u_rs_. They’ll see ___lo_t_s _o_f _v_er_y__b_ig_s_t_o_n_es___. They are in a __c_ir_c_le__. Some stones are __o_n_t_o_p_o_f__ others. No one knows why people _b_u_i_lt_ this.
Listen and think about following questions.
When are Lingling and Amy going to see Stonehenge? What is Stonehenge? How old is Stonehenge? What will they see there? How will they get to Stonehenge? How long will it take?
巨石阵的用途 : 推测1:古代祭祀场所 推测2:显赫家族的墓地 推测3:康复治疗中心 推测4:天文观测台
What can wSetsoene efrhomenthgeepictures?
We can see lots of stones.
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This is an ancient monument of huge stone standing on the vast Sablisbury plains in England has captured our imaginatio n for centuries. It's the most enigmatic prehistoric monument in the earth.
It was built about 5,000 years ago.There are about 80 stones and each is about five meters tall.The builders broug ht them from hills in the west of the country over 200 ki lometers away.It was probably a place to bury dead people o r somewhere to study the stars and the sky at night.Some o f the stones are missing,but it's still one of the most wo nderful sights of the word.
Getting the stones to the site was an amazing feat, but building Stonehenge was much more complex. It is not just simply one stone piled on to top of another, they"re joined together, this hole in the arch on here that"s been pounded out using stone hammers, and that originally fitted on the top of that stone.
After nearly 5,000 years Stonehenge is still standing. We now know how it was built. The question "why" is a bit more problematic. Twenty century followers of ancient mystical beliefs are sure that Stonehenge has a connection with summer and winter solstices. "As a druid, as a priest of the land, I feel Stonehenge to be one of the key sacred temples in the world. Stonehenge evokes in us a connection between some deep ancestral intuitive soul and the power of nature around us."
What makes the structure unique in the fact that for the first time they are shaping stones on a massive scale.Da ting back as far as 2950BC, theories about who built Ston ehenge have included the Greeks,Speculation as to its purpo se,range from astronomy to a UFO landing site.
There is a new finding at the Stonehenge.In fact some of it's secrets may have been unlocked through the discovery of more stones and bones at Stonehenge.There was a dig around the inner two circles.Expert team of archaeologists and profe ssors believe that it was actually a healing center.
But basically that part of Stonehenge,the inner two circles,m ade of blue stones which over centuries has been believed t o have dealing qualities.So from 2300BC and that corresponds fits in nicely with discoveries over years that were made
of skeletones of people who clearly had some sort of alia ment.So putting the two together,this team believes that the Stonehenge really was a healing center:a place where people
went to try to get better and also,another thing that the y found there was that people tried to take bit of the st one away.
No matter what Stonehenge is used,today,it has become a witn ess of human civilization,for people to enjoy and explore.。