
开学典礼英文发言稿范文3篇开学典礼英文发言稿范文1Good evening, ladies and gentlemenIt’s so great an honor for me to meet you here at your grand opening ceremony. This is our first official meeting, so please allow me to represent all senior students of foreign language department to give you our biggest welcome and sincerest congratulations.It’s the fourth year for me in binzhou university ,but I still remember the occasions when I first got here. I understand your reluctance to leave your dear family, your curiosity about how life will be in next few years and your ambition to improve yourselves. Of course, you’ve also been undertaking huge pressures from your parents’ high expectations. But as time passing by, you will be gradually attracted by the exciting and meaningful life here. You’re gonna experience more freedom, more interesting classes, a large number of clubs and especially, more responsibilityfor yourself, because from this day on, you will be the only master of your own.First of all, being responsible for yourself needs your full dedication to study. College students as we are, study still remains as our primary task. Every good habit developed in your high school is worthy to be insisted on, like getting up early for reading, listening carefully to teachers in classes and reviewing lessons for refreshing your memory. Besides, here in the college, you are provided with the access to rich resources of books in the library, electronic documentations and lectures by experts. Anything you want is there for you, and what you need to do is just sparing time to get there and check out. I assure you that every timeyou read in the library, every different surprise is to be discovered.Second, being responsible for yourself needs your openness to surrounding communities and involvement in them, which means you should be positive to face challenges. There must be something in your character that you want to change and sort of abilities that you want to improve. Thendo something to change it. By joining a students’organization, you can perform your talents and make friends; by taking part in a contest, you can enjoy both tensions of fierce competitiveness and pleasures of success. All of these experiences will be greatly beneficial for your future career.Third, being responsible for yourself needs your strong control over your minds. Facing with the complex world and colorful college life, it’s a necessity for us to always keep clear about what we want and what is right, to overcome our laziness and timidity, and to resist all temptations which may completely destroy us.Ladies and gentlemen, three years can win a battle, four years can produce an Olympic champion. What about your college yearsTo live it peacefully or make it unforgettableTo be a loser or fight as a warrior Ladies and gentlemen, every opportunity is earned by no one but yourself. So just go for your dreams and build your future!Thank you very much!开学典礼英文发言稿范文2win at the starting linegood afternoon, everyone. very happy to see so many new faces here. i am wang pengyuan, a senior student from class 1101. today, it gives me a great honor to give a welcome speech here, to share with you some of my experiences as well as give you some suggestions in the beginning of your college life.actually, i am very much curious about your definitions of a good college life at this special point. someone once complained to me that the college life is totally a waste of time and money. do you think so? the answer is definitely no. here i want to tell you that if you try to manage your college life well, you will find that it will be really a valuable part of your life.and now i’m going to share with you my personal experiences of my college life. i remember when i was a freshman, a junior student was giving a speech on this stage i was so impressed by her, and made my mind to study hard. so what i did in my pervious three years was just about making full use of college resources to develop my ownpotentials. in my first year, i studied hard as i did in my high school, attending every class, listening to teachers carefully, reviewing after class and doing homework by myself. college at that time was a brand new stage for me, i was trying to find my way of adapting to it quickly. i participated in various kinds of activities to improve my abilities, such as joining in the students union, going to the old people’s home, selling newspapers outside campus, taking part in chorus competition and recitation contest. i think my ability is somehow improved through the year of efforts.the second year was a very important turning point for me. i tried to learn more by myself and then apply the knowledge into practice. the very important event for me is the 18th china daily 21st century cup national english speaking competition in which i got the first prize in our school. but what i want to mention is only the benefiits i gained from this competition, for example, my english speaking ability has been improved, and no longer afraid of saying a word in public and also i made friends with many students from other universities with whom i can share experience. and some other competitions like hubeiprovincial translation and interpreting competition, and so many more.another part is the social activities. in july __, i went to singapore to be a volunteer in the second international traditional martial arts competition. that was also an amazing experience in my life. as you can see that i witnessed with my own eyes a different culture thus broadening my horizons. so here i want to appeal to you all that seize every opportunity to develop yourself, for the college is an integrated platform in the journey of your life through which you are bound to grow up.the third years seems like a great leap for me. equipped with the solid foundation i laid in the previous two years, i further participated in some important major-related contests, such as the outlook talent show held by cctv, the fifth cross-strait interpreting competition and national english ability competition. through all these contests, i found myself much more confident in the road ahead.next i’m going to give you some suggestions to help you manage your college life better.suggestion1: learn as much as possible.for most of us college can be an unforgettable period for us to learn something. some one once said that university is like a dye vat, which means that you may be easily influenced by others. if you want to learn something you will be embraced by knowledge and wisdom; and if you don’t have the desire to learn you will find you get nothing after 4 years’ college life.开学典礼英文发言稿范文3win at the starting linegood afternoon, everyone. very happy to see so many new faces here. i amwang pengyuan, a senior student from class 1101. today, it gives me a greathonor to give a welcome speech here, to share with you some of my experiences aswell as give you some suggestions in the beginning of your college life.actually, i am very much curious about your definitions of a good collegelife at this special point. someone once complained to me that the college lifeis totally a waste of time and money. do you think so? the answer is definitelyno. here i want to tell you that if you try tomanage your college life well,you will find that it will be really a valuable part of your life.and now i’m going to share with you my personal experiences of my collegelife. i remember when i was a freshman, a junior student was giving a speech onthis stage i was so impressed by her, and made my mind to study hard. so what idid in my pervious three years was just about making full use of collegeresources to develop my own potentials.in my first year, i studied hard as i did in my high school, attendingevery class, listening to teachers carefully, reviewing after class and doinghomework by myself. college at that time was a pand new stage for me, i wastrying to find my way of adapting to it quickly. i participated in various kindsof activities to improve my abilities, such as joining in the students union,going to the old people’s home, selling newspapers outside campus, taking partin chorus competition and recitation contest.i think my ability is somehowimproved through the year of efforts.the second year was a very important turning point for me. i tried to learnmore by myself and then apply the knowledge into practice. the very importantevent for me is the 18th china daily 21st century cup national english speakingcompetition in which i got the first prize in our school. but what i want tomention is only the benefits i gained from this competition, for example, myenglish speaking ability has been improved, and no longer afraid of saying aword in public and also i made friends with many students from otheruniversities with whom i can share experience. and some other competitions likehubei provincial translation and interpreting competition, and so many more.another part is the social activities. in july __, i went to singapore tobe a volunteer in the second international traditional martial arts competition.that was also an amazing experience in my life. as you can see that i witnessedwith my own eyes a different culture thus poadening my horizons. so here i wantto appeal to you all that seize every opportunity to develop yourself, forthecollege is an integrated platform in the journey of your life through which youare bound to grow up.the third years seems like a great leap for me. equipped with the solidfoundation i laid in the previous two years, i further participated in someimportant major-related contests, such as the outlook talent show held by cctv,the fifth cross-strait interpreting competition and national english abilitycompetition. through all these contests, i found myself much more confident inthe road ahead.next i’m going to give you some suggestions to help you manage your collegelife better.suggestion1: learn as much as possible.for most of us college can be an unforgettable period for us to learnsomething. some one once said that university is like a dye vat, which meansthat you may be easily influenced by others. if you want to learn something youwill be empaced by knowledge and wisdom; and if you don’t have the desire tolearn you will find you get nothing after 4 years’ college life.suggestion2: cultivate your potentials and interests.as we know, university is an integrated platform compared with high school.you do not need to bury your head in the books all day long. you need toconductyour self-cultivation and find where your interests lie in. for example, if youhave the talent for dancing, you can join in the dance association. just showit. life will be colorful if there is joy.suggestion3: always be optimistic and hopeful.everybody knows that college life is mostly determined by ourselves.sometimes you may find that teachers can’t instruct you in every aspects. so youmay easily come across difficulties with which you will get bored. but pleaseremember that life has its ups and downs, adversity is just part of our lives.be optimistic, you will always find your way out.in a word, combine all the suggestions i’ve mentioned above with your owncharacteristics and stick to it, you will find success lies in somewhere alongthe road.ok, since time is limited, i will stop here. if you have further question,come to me, i will always be willing to help. that’s my part for today. thankyou.。

Respected faculty, dear students, ladies and gentlemen,It is my great pleasure to extend my warmest congratulations to the opening of 2016 academic year. I also warmly welcome all of you coming from almost all of the world to study at Chong Qing Three Gorges University.Confucius told his students over 2,000 years ago, “It is a great pleasure to have friends coming to visit you from far away.” This is our first official meeting, so please allow me to represent all teachers of foreign language department to give you our biggest welcome and sincerest congratulations.It is really a big moment in your life since tomorrow you will start your academic study at a university which you feel proud of. But your future success is not defined by your success in receiving a letter of acceptance. I understand your reluctance to leave your dear family, your curiosity about how life will be in next few years and your ambition to improve yourselves. Of course, you’ve also been undertaking huge pressures from your par ents’ high expectations. But as time passing by, you will be gradually attracted by the exciting and meaningful life here. You’re gonna experience more freedom, more interesting classes, a large number of clubs and especially, more responsibility for yourself, because from this day on, you will be the only master of your own.First of all, being responsible for yourself needs your full dedication to study. College students as we are, study still remains as our primary task. Every good habit developed in your high school is worthy to be insisted on, like getting up early for reading, listening carefully to teachers in classes and reviewing lessons for refreshing your memory. Besides, here in the college, you are provided with the access to rich resources of books in the library, electronic documentations and lectures by experts. Anything you want is there for you, and what you need to do is just sparing time to get there and check out. I assure you that every time you read in the library, every different surprise is to be discovered. Second, being responsible for yourself needs your openness to surrounding communities and involvement in them, which means you should be positive to face challenges. There must be something in yourcharacter that you want to change and sort of abilities that you want to improve. Then do something to change it. By joining a students’ organization, you can perform your talents and make friends; by taking part in a contest, you can enjoy both tensions of fierce competitiveness and pleasures of success. All of these experiences will be greatly beneficial for your future career. Third, being responsible for yourself needs your strong control over your minds. Facing with the complex world and colorful college life, it’s a necessity for us to always keep clear about what we want and what is right, to overcome our laziness and timidity, and to resist all temptations which may completely destroy us.Ladies and gentlemen, three years can win a battle, four years can produce an Olympic champion. What about your college years? To live it peacefully or make it unforgettable? To be a loser or fight as a warrior? Ladies and gentlemen, every opportunity is earned by no one but yourself. So just go for your dreams and build your future!Thank you very much!。

Good morning/afternoon, everyone! It is with great pleasure and a sense of excitement that I stand before you today to deliver this speech on the occasion of our new semester. As the new session begins, I wouldlike to extend a warm welcome to all the freshers, returning students, faculty, and staff. This is a momentous occasion for us all, and I am honored to be a part of it.Firstly, let me address the freshers. Welcome to the vibrant and dynamic world of higher education! You have made a significant decision to pursue your dreams and aspirations here, and I commend you for that. The journey ahead may be challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding. As you embark on this new chapter in your lives, I want to share some insights and advice that might help you navigate through the ups and downs of university life.1. Embrace the Culture of Learning:University is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is about learning how to learn. Be curious, ask questions, and seek out opportunities to expand your intellectual horizons. Remember, the more you learn, the more you grow. Embrace the culture of learning, and you will find that the world is your classroom.2. Build Strong Relationships:Your university experience will be incomplete without forming lasting friendships and connections. Get to know your classmates, join clubs and societies, and participate in extracurricular activities. These interactions will not only enrich your social life but also enhance your personal growth. Remember, you are not alone in this journey; we are all in this together.3. Develop Time Management Skills:University life can be overwhelming, with a packed schedule of classes, assignments, and social events. It is crucial to develop effective time management skills to balance your academic and personal life. Create a schedule, prioritize your tasks, and set realistic goals. Remember, you have control over your time; make the most of it.4. Take Responsibility for Your Education:As students, it is our responsibility to take charge of our education. Attend classes regularly, participate actively, and seek help when needed. Your professors and teaching assistants are here to guide you, but ultimately, your success depends on your efforts. Be proactive, and don't be afraid to ask for help.5. Stay Healthy:Physical and mental health are essential for academic success. Make sure to take care of yourself by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Remember, a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Seek help from the university's counseling services if you everfeel overwhelmed or stressed.6. Be Open to New Opportunities:University offers a plethora of opportunities to grow and develop. From internships and research projects to study abroad programs, make the most of these opportunities. Step out of your comfort zone, and be open to new experiences. These opportunities will shape your future and prepare you for the challenges ahead.7. Stay Connected with Your Roots:As you delve into the world of academia and explore new horizons, don't forget your roots. Stay connected with your family and friends, and maintain your cultural identity. Remember the values and beliefs that have shaped you, and let them guide you as you navigate through life.Now, let me address the returning students. Welcome back! You have completed another semester, and I am sure you have learned a lot from your experiences. As you step into this new session, I urge you toreflect on your achievements and challenges from the past semester. Use these insights to improve yourself and set new goals.Remember, university is a marathon, not a sprint. It is essential to maintain a balance between your academic and personal life. Stay focused, stay committed, and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed. As youprogress through your academic journey, keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to become well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to society.To the faculty and staff, thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment to our students. Your efforts in creating a conducive learning environment are invaluable. We appreciate your guidance, support, and encouragement. Together, we can shape the future of our students and society.In conclusion, as we begin this new semester, let us all embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Be curious, be open, and be resilient. Let us work together to create a vibrant and inclusive university community that thrives on knowledge, innovation, and growth.Wishing you all a successful and fulfilling semester ahead. Thank you.[Applause]。

Good evening, ladies and gentlemenIt 's so great an honor for me to meet you here at your grand opening ceremony. This is our first official meeting, so please allow me to represent all senior students of foreign language department to give you our biggest welcome and sincerest congratulations.It 's the fourth year for me in binzhou university ,but I still remember the occasions when I first got here. I understand your reluctance to leave your dear family, your curiosity about how life will be in next few years and your ambition to improve yourselves. Of course, you've also been undertaking huge pressures from your parents'high expectations. But as time passing by, you will be gradually attracted by the exciting and meaningful life here. You're gonna experience more freedom, more interesting classes, a large number of clubs and especially, more responsibility for yourself, because from this day on, you will be the only master of your own.First of all, being responsible for yourself needs your full dedication to study. College students as we are, study still remains as our primary task. Every good habit developed in your high school is worthy to be insisted on, like getting up early for reading, listening carefully to teachers in classes and reviewing lessons for refreshing your memory. Besides, here in the college, you are provided with the access to rich resources of books in the library, electronic documentations and lecturesby experts. Anything you want is there for you, and what you need to do is just sparing time to get there and check out. I assure you that every time you read in the library, every different surprise is to be discovered.Second, being responsible for yourself needs your opennessto surrounding communities and involvement in them, which means you should be positive to face challenges. There must be something in your character that you want to change and sort of abilities that you want to improve. Then do something to change it. By joining a students'organization, you can perform your talents and make friends; by taking part in a contest, you can enjoy both tensions of fierce competitiveness and pleasures of success. All of these experiences will be greatly beneficial for your future career.Third, being responsible for yourself needs your strong control over your minds. Facing with the complex world and colorful college life, it 's a necessity for us to always keep clear about what we want and what is right, to overcome our laziness and timidity, and to resist all temptations which may completely destroy us.Ladies and gentlemen, three years can win a battle, four years can produce an Olympic champion. What about your college years? To live it peacefully or make it unforgettable? To be a loser or fight as a warrior?Ladies and gentlemen, every opportunity is earned by no one but yourself. So just go for your dreams and build your future!Thank you very much!。

一起来看看大学新生入学英文演讲稿范文,欢迎查阅!大学生入学英文演讲1hello everyone!Students, guests , teachers and Honorable JudgesGood morning !my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher.As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life。
I don’t expect complete freedom, which is impossible。
I simply have a dream that supports my life。
I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life。
With my favorite fictions, I lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring,listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last。
Simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction。
I dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of comic and cartoon away。

Good morning! It is my great honor to stand here today and deliver a speech to all the new students who are about to embark on a new journey in college life. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you,and I hope you will find this speech helpful and inspiring.First of all, let me start by introducing myself. My name is [Your Name], and I am a senior student from [Your Major]. Today, I would like toshare with you some of my thoughts and experiences, which I believe will be beneficial for you as you begin your college life.As you all know, college is a significant milestone in our lives. It is a place where we will grow, learn, and discover ourselves. However, it can also be overwhelming, especially for those who are new to this environment. Therefore, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what to expect and how to make the most out of this opportunity.1. Embrace the new environmentCollege is a completely new environment compared to high school. Youwill meet people from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. This diversity can be both exciting and challenging. It is important to be open-minded and embrace the new experiences that come with it. Try to get to know your classmates, make friends, and participate in various activities to expand your social circle.2. Set clear goalsCollege is a time for self-discovery and personal growth. It is crucial to set clear goals for yourself and work towards achieving them. These goals can be academic, career-related, or personal. For example, you can aim to improve your GPA, learn a new language, or participate in extracurricular activities. Setting goals will give you a sense of direction and purpose, and help you stay motivated.3. Develop good study habitsAcademic success is a significant part of college life. To achieve this, you need to develop good study habits. This includes attending classes regularly, taking detailed notes, and organizing your study schedule.Additionally, it is important to stay organized and prioritize your tasks. Avoid procrastination and seek help when needed. Remember, hard work pays off.4. Take advantage of resourcesCollege offers numerous resources that can help you succeed. These include libraries, tutoring centers, career services, and academic advisors. Make full use of these resources to enhance your learning and personal development. Don't hesitate to seek guidance and support from these professionals when you need it.5. Balance your academic and social lifeWhile academics are important, it is also crucial to maintain a healthy balance between your academic and social life. College is a time to explore your interests, make new friends, and have fun. Participate in clubs, sports, and other extracurricular activities that interest you. This will not only enrich your college experience but also help you develop valuable skills and friendships.6. Take care of your mental and physical healthCollege can be stressful at times. It is important to take care of your mental and physical health. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly. If you are feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to seek help from a counselor or a trusted friend. Remember, your well-being is the most important thing.7. Be prepared for challengesCollege life is not without its challenges. You may face difficulties in your studies, relationships, or personal life. However, it is essential to be resilient and learn from these experiences. Don't be afraid to ask for help and support when needed. Remember, every challenge you overcome will make you stronger and more capable.In conclusion, college is an exciting and challenging time in your life. By embracing the new environment, setting clear goals, developing good study habits, taking advantage of resources, balancing your academic andsocial life, taking care of your health, and being prepared for challenges, you will be well on your way to a successful college experience.Once again, welcome to college, and I wish you all the best in your new journey. May you find happiness, success, and growth during your time here.Thank you!。
【参考文档】新生开学典礼英文发言稿-范文word版 (12页)

【参考文档】新生开学典礼英文发言稿-范文word版本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==新生开学典礼英文发言稿新生开学典礼英文发言稿 1Leaders, teachers and students:Good!Gold September, sunny, cool autumn wind sent. In this harvest season, we greet the new school year the opening ceremony. I am here on behalf of all the new schools extend a warm welcome! At the same time, I have to all freshmen, Laosheng express my best wishes: I wish everyone good health, Xueyeyoucheng!Since the beginning of a new semester, our campuses everywhere filled with a festive mood in the near future students will be equipped with modern teaching building of the school atmosphere, a good feeling Never mind. In recent years, we are not in school at all times of great change. So who can not for pride and joy? »All along, the leadership and the teachers work in silence, selfless dedication, the students have worked hard to create a beautiful campus environment, and create a good learning conditions. In the development of a school every day, every day to improve the environment.However, the students have thought about it » Schools to develop and image to tall, the efforts of teachers alone is not enough, need you, me and him, the joint efforts of all.。

University Opening Ceremony Speech - Student Representative Good morning everyone,Honorable guests, faculty members, respected professors, fellow students, and friends,I stand before you today as a proud representative of our student body, to address you on this momentous occasion - the opening ceremony of our esteemed university. It is indeed an honor to have this opportunity to share my thoughts and aspirations with all of you.Firstly, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our distinguished guests, who have graced this occasion with their presence. Your support and guidance are invaluable to our university, and we are immensely grateful for your continued support.To our esteemed faculty members and professors, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude. You have dedicated your lives to shaping the minds of countless students, imparting knowledge, and nurturing our futures. Your expertise, wisdom, and dedication inspire us to strive for excellence and reach new heights.Fellow students, today marks the beginning of our journey together at this prestigious university - a journey of academic pursuits, personal growth, and lifelong friendships. The opportunities that lie ahead of us are vast and diverse. It is up to us to make the most of these opportunities, to embrace challenges, and to discover our potential.As we step into this new chapter of our lives, let us remember the importance of staying committed to our goals and aspirations. While the path may not always be smooth, let us not be discouraged by obstacles or setbacks. Instead, let us view them as stepping stones that will lead us to success and personal growth.The university experience extends beyond the confines of the classroom. It provides us with a platform to explore and indulge in our various interests, be it sports, arts, or community service. I urge all of you to actively participate in extracurricular activities, as they not only enhance our skills but also foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.Moreover, let us strive to create a culture of inclusivity and diversity within our university. We come from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, and it is this diversity that enriches our learning environment. Let us celebrate our differences and learn from one another, in order to create a harmonious and respectful campus community.During our time here, let us also remember the importance of giving back to society. Volunteering and community service are essential in shaping us intoresponsible and compassionate individuals. Engaging in initiatives that benefit society not only impact the lives of others but also teach us valuable lessons that cannot be learned from textbooks alone.In conclusion, as we embark on this incredible journey together, let us nurture the flame of curiosity, embrace challenges, and strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives. Let us remember that we have the power to make a difference - not only within the confines of this university but also in the world at large. We have the potential to contribute to society and positively impact the lives of others.Together, let us make the most of our time here, as we strive towards becoming well-rounded individuals prepared to face the challenges of the future.Thank you, and once again, a warm welcome to each and every one of you.。

Welcome to the University of XXX's Opening Ceremony! Today, we gather here to mark the beginning of a new academic year, a time of excitement, opportunity, and growth. As the Dean of the University, it is my great honor to address you all and share a few thoughts on this momentous occasion.Firstly, let me extend a warm welcome to all the new students joining our university community. You have made a significant decision to pursue higher education here, and we are thrilled to have you with us. This is the start of an incredible journey that will shape your future and define who you are as individuals.To the returning students, welcome back! We are delighted to see you once again and to continue our shared academic endeavors. Your dedication and hard work have brought you to this point, and we look forward to witnessing your continued growth and success.Now, let us delve into the essence of today's ceremony. As we embark on this new chapter, it is important to reflect on the values andprinciples that will guide us throughout our time at the University of XXX. Here are a few key messages that I would like to impart to you all:1. Embrace Curiosity and Lifelong LearningUniversity is a place where curiosity is not only encouraged but celebrated. It is where you will explore new ideas, challenge your preconceptions, and expand your horizons. Embrace this curiosity and never stop learning. The knowledge you acquire here will serve as a foundation for your future endeavors, but remember that learning is a lifelong journey.2. Develop Critical Thinking and Analytical SkillsIn today's rapidly evolving world, critical thinking and analytical skills are more crucial than ever. As students of the University of XXX, you will be exposed to a wide range of subjects and disciplines. Usethis opportunity to develop your critical thinking skills and learn how to analyze information objectively. These skills will enable you to make informed decisions and become a well-rounded individual.3. Foster a Culture of Respect and InclusionThe University of XXX is a diverse and inclusive community, where students from various backgrounds come together to learn and grow. It is essential that we foster a culture of respect and inclusivity. Treat each other with kindness, listen to different perspectives, and celebrate our differences. Together, we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.4. Build Strong Relationships and NetworkYour time at university will be filled with numerous opportunities to build relationships and expand your network. Take advantage of these opportunities to connect with your peers, professors, and professionals in your field of interest. Building a strong network will not only enhance your academic experience but also open doors to future career opportunities.5. Balance Academic Excellence with Personal DevelopmentWhile academic excellence is undoubtedly important, it is equallycrucial to focus on your personal development. University is not just about grades and coursework; it is also about discovering your passions, exploring your interests, and nurturing your talents. Find time to engage in extracurricular activities, participate in community service, and develop your leadership skills.6. Embrace Challenges and ResilienceDuring your time at the University of XXX, you will undoubtedly face challenges and setbacks. Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and resilience. Learn from your mistakes, be persistent in your pursuits, and never give up. Remember that the journey is as important as the destination.7. Stay Connected to Your RootsAs you embark on this new chapter, do not forget to stay connected to your roots. Remember the values and lessons that shaped you and brought you to this point. Whether you come from a different country, culture,or background, your unique experiences will contribute to the richnessof our university community.In conclusion, the University of XXX is a place where dreams are nurtured, knowledge is shared, and futures are built. As you step into this new academic year, remember the values and principles that guide us. Embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, and let your time at the University of XXX be a transformative experience.Once again, welcome to the University of XXX! I wish you all asuccessful and fulfilling academic journey. May you achieve your dreams, make a positive impact on the world, and leave a lasting legacy.Thank you.。

Good morning! It is my great honor to stand before you today and deliver a speech on the occasion of the opening ceremony of our university. As a freshman, I am thrilled to be part of this prestigious institution and to share some thoughts with my fellow new students.Firstly, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you who have chosen to embark on this new chapter of your lives. We come from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, but today, we are united by a common goal: to pursue knowledge, to grow as individuals, and to make a positive impact on the world.University is a unique place where you will be exposed to a wide range of ideas, perspectives, and opportunities. It is a place where you will challenge your own beliefs and expand your horizons. As you step into this new environment, I encourage you to embrace the following principles:1. Embrace the Learning ExperienceUniversity is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is about the journey of learning. Be curious, ask questions, and seek out new information. Engage in discussions, participate in seminars, and collaborate with your peers. Remember that learning is a lifelong process, and it is your responsibility to make the most of it.2. Cultivate a Growth MindsetA growth mindset is the belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and see failures as opportunities for growth. Surround yourself with people who inspire you and support your goals. Remember that success is not measured by your achievements but by the effort you put into them.3. Foster a Strong Work EthicUniversity life can be challenging, and it requires a strong work ethic to succeed. Manage your time effectively, prioritize your tasks, and maintain a balance between academic responsibilities and personal well-being. Stay committed to your goals, and never settle for mediocrity. Remember that hard work pays off, and it is the key to unlocking yourfull potential.4. Develop Critical Thinking SkillsCritical thinking is the ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information in a logical and systematic manner. It is a skill that will serve you well throughout your life. Question assumptions, challenge stereotypes, and seek evidence to support your arguments. By developing strong critical thinking skills, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions and contribute to meaningful discussions.5. Build a Support NetworkUniversity is not just about academics; it is also about building relationships and forming connections. Make an effort to get to knowyour professors, peers, and other members of the university community. Attend social events, join clubs and organizations, and participate in extracurricular activities. Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and having a strong support network will make it easier to navigate the challenges ahead.6. Stay True to YourselfAs you navigate the university environment, it is important to stay true to who you are. Embrace your unique qualities, passions, and values. Do not be afraid to express your opinions, and do not let others define you. Remember that you have the power to shape your own destiny, and it is up to you to determine your path.In conclusion, I encourage you to approach your university experience with an open mind, a positive attitude, and a willingness to grow. Embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and make the most ofthis incredible journey. Remember that you are part of a community that is dedicated to your success, and that you have the potential to achieve greatness.Congratulations on your new beginning, and I wish you all the best as you embark on this exciting adventure.Thank you.。

第1篇Good morning! It is with great pleasure and a sense of anticipation that I stand before you today to deliver this speech at the opening ceremony of our new academic session. As we embark on this journey together, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the school authorities, our teachers, and all the staff members for their unwavering dedication and support in shaping our future.Firstly, let me extend a warm welcome to all the new students who have joined our esteemed institution. It is truly a privilege to have you here, and I am confident that you will make the most of this golden opportunity to grow, learn, and excel. To our returning students, I would like to extend a hearty welcome back and wish you a successful and productive academic year ahead.The beginning of a new session is always a time of excitement and renewal. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. As we gather here today, let us take a moment to reflect on the past, appreciate the present, and look forward to the future.In the past academic session, we have witnessed remarkable achievements by our students. From academic excellence to extracurricular activities, our students have made us proud. Their dedication, hard work, and perseverance have not only brought laurels to our institution but have also inspired us all. As we move forward, let us continue to strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives.As students, we are fortunate to be in a nurturing environment that fosters our growth and development. Our teachers are not just mentors but guides who lead us through the complexities of knowledge and wisdom. They have invested their time, effort, and passion in nurturing our talents and shaping our character. Therefore, it is our duty to show gratitude and respect towards them.In this new academic session, let us set ourselves new goals and challenges. The journey of education is not just about acquiringknowledge but also about developing skills, attitudes, and values that will serve us well in the future. Here are a few suggestions to help us make the most of this new session:1. Set Clear Goals: Begin by setting clear, achievable goals for yourself. Whether it is to excel in a particular subject or to participate actively in extracurricular activities, having a goal will give you direction and motivation.2. Develop Time Management Skills: As students, we often find ourselves juggling between academics, extracurricular activities, and personal life. It is essential to develop effective time management skills to ensure that we meet our responsibilities and achieve our goals.3. Cultivate a Positive Attitude: A positive attitude can make a significant difference in our lives. It helps us overcome challenges, embrace opportunities, and appreciate the little joys in life. Let us strive to maintain a positive outlook and spread positivity around us.4. Be Curious and Inquisitive: The world is full of wonders, and our curiosity is the key to unlocking its secrets. Be inquisitive, ask questions, and seek knowledge. Never be afraid to explore new ideas and concepts.5. Build Strong Relationships: Our interactions with others play a crucial role in our personal and professional growth. Make an effort to build strong relationships with your teachers, classmates, and peers. Support each other, share ideas, and learn from each other.6. Embrace Diversity: Our school is a melting pot of cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds. Embrace this diversity and learn to appreciate and respect different perspectives. This will not only broaden your horizons but also help you become a more well-rounded individual.As we move forward, let us also remember the importance of social responsibility. It is our duty to contribute to the betterment of society and make a positive impact in the world. Whether it is through community service, environmental conservation, or promoting peace and harmony, let us strive to be responsible citizens.In conclusion, the new academic session is a time of renewal, growth, and opportunity. Let us embrace this journey with enthusiasm, determination, and a positive mindset. Together, we can achieve great things and make a lasting impact on the world.Once again, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the stakeholders for their unwavering support. Let us work together to make this academic session a memorable and successful one.Thank you.第2篇Good morning! It is with great pleasure and a sense of anticipation that I stand before you today to deliver a speech on the occasion of our opening ceremony. As a new student at this prestigious institution, I am honored to be given the opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with all of you.First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the faculty, staff, and administrators for their unwavering support and dedication in making this event possible. Your efforts in organizing and preparing for the opening ceremony are truly commendable, and we are all fortunate to be part of this vibrant and dynamic community.As we gather here today, we are embarking on a new journey, filled with challenges, opportunities, and growth. This is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, and I believe that it is important for us to reflect on our goals, aspirations, and the values that will guide us throughout our academic pursuits.One of the most important lessons that I have learned from my experiences is the importance of setting clear goals and working diligently towards achieving them. As students, we have theresponsibility to make the most of our time at this institution and to strive for excellence in all that we do. We must embrace the challenges that lie ahead and not be afraid to step out of our comfort zones. By doing so, we will be able to grow both personally and academically.Another crucial value that I hold dear is the importance of respect and tolerance. We live in a world that is increasingly diverse and interconnected, and it is essential that we learn to appreciate and respect the differences among us. We must strive to create a community that is inclusive and supportive, where everyone feels valued and heard. By fostering an environment of respect and tolerance, we can work together to build a brighter future for all.In addition to setting goals and embracing diversity, I believe that it is crucial for us to cultivate a strong sense of integrity. Integrity is the foundation of trust and respect, and it is essential for personal and professional success. We must always strive to do the right thing, even when it is difficult or challenging. By living with integrity, we can inspire others to do the same and contribute to a better world.As we begin this new academic year, I would like to offer a few words of advice to my fellow students. First and foremost, we must remember that our education is not just about acquiring knowledge and skills; it is also about developing as individuals. We must take the time to explore our interests, passions, and talents, and to seek out opportunities that will help us grow and evolve.Secondly, we must be proactive in our approach to learning. This means taking advantage of the resources and opportunities that are available to us, and not waiting for things to happen. We must be proactive in seeking out mentorship, networking with our peers, and engaging in extracurricular activities that will enhance our learning and personal development.Lastly, we must be compassionate and supportive of one another. As we navigate the challenges of our academic journey, we will undoubtedly face setbacks and obstacles. It is during these times that we need to support one another, offer words of encouragement, and help each other overcome our struggles.In conclusion, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations toall of my fellow students for embarking on this new journey. I am confident that, with determination, hard work, and a strong sense ofcommunity, we will be able to achieve our goals and make a positive impact on the world.Let us embrace this new chapter with open hearts and minds, and let us strive to be the best versions of ourselves. Together, we can create a future that is bright, hopeful, and filled with endless possibilities.Thank you.第3篇It is with great honor and excitement that I stand before you today to address this esteemed assembly. As we gather here for the opening ceremony of the new academic year, I am filled with a sense of anticipation and gratitude. This moment marks the beginning of a new journey, filled with opportunities, challenges, and growth.First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our beloved principal, teachers, and staff for their unwavering dedication and commitment to our education. Your efforts and sacrifices have paved the way for us to embark on this exciting adventure. We are truly fortunate to be a part of such a nurturing and supportive environment.Dear fellow students, the start of a new academic year is a time of renewal and possibility. It is a chance to leave behind the past and embrace the future with open arms. As we gather here today, we are reminded of the journey that lies ahead, and it is up to us to make the most of it.In the words of Confucius, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Education is not merely about acquiring knowledge, but about shaping our character, developing our skills, and preparing us for the challenges of the future. It is a journey that will equip us with the tools and confidence to make a positive impact on society.As we embark on this new chapter, let us remember that we are part of a larger community. Our interactions with our peers, teachers, and staff will shape our experiences and contribute to our personal growth. Let usstrive to be kind, respectful, and supportive of one another. By fostering a positive and inclusive environment, we can create a space where everyone feels valued and inspired to reach their full potential.One of the most important lessons we will learn during our time here is the importance of perseverance. The path to success is often filled with obstacles and setbacks. It is crucial to maintain resilience and determination in the face of adversity. As we navigate through the challenges that lie ahead, let us remember that perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving our goals.In addition to academic pursuits, we must also cultivate a well-rounded character. This includes developing our social skills, fostering creativity, and nurturing our moral values. As we grow and learn, let us not forget to prioritize our physical and mental well-being. It is essential to strike a balance between our studies and personal life, ensuring that we are healthy, happy, and ready to face the demands of the future.As we step into this new academic year, let us embrace the following principles:1. Curiosity: Let us approach our studies with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to explore new ideas. Embrace the unknown and be open to learning from every experience.2. Integrity: Let us conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity, both in our academic and personal lives. Be true to ourselves and others, and always strive to do what is right.3. Resilience: Let us face challenges with courage and determination. Remember that failure is not the end, but a stepping stone towards success.4. Collaboration: Let us work together, supporting and uplifting one another. By pooling our talents and resources, we can achieve great things and create a stronger community.5. Gratitude: Let us express appreciation for the opportunities and blessings we have been granted. Be thankful for the guidance and support of our teachers, family, and friends.In conclusion, the beginning of a new academic year is a time of excitement, hope, and renewal. As we embark on this journey, let us remember the importance of education, the power of community, and the significance of personal growth. With determination, curiosity, and perseverance, we can make a meaningful impact on the world and achieve our dreams.Thank you for your attention, and may this academic year be filled with success, knowledge, and happiness for all of us.God bless our school and its community.Thank you.。

开学典礼学生代表英文发言稿附译文,开学典礼英文发言稿Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon!On behalf of all the students, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our honored guests, esteemed teachers, and fellow students. Today marks the beginning of a new academic year, and it gives me great pleasure to stand here as the student representative to express our excitement and gratitude.As we gather here today, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation and enthusiasm for the year ahead. For some of us, this may be our first year of college/university, while for others, it may be a continuation of our educational journey. Regardless of our individual circumstances, we all share a common purpose – to pursue knowledge and grow academically, intellectually, and personally.Education is not simply about memorizing facts and figures, butit's about developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and fostering a love for learning. It's about creating a community of curious minds who are willing to explore new ideas, challenge the status quo, and make a positive impact in the world.Today, I stand before you as a student representative, but I am also a student like each and every one of you. I understand the第1页/共4页challenges and responsibilities that come with being a student, but I also recognize the tremendous opportunities and support that we have been provided with.First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our esteemed teachers. Your dedication, passion, and commitment have shaped us into the individuals we are today. You have not only imparted knowledge but have also served as mentors, guiding us through the ups and downs of our academic journey. We are gratefulfor your patience, encouragement, and belief in our abilities. As we embark on this new academic year, we promise to make the most of the opportunities you provide and strive for excellence in all our endeavors.I would also like to express our appreciation to our parents and guardians who have supported us every step of the way. Your unwavering love, encouragement, and sacrifices have made our education possible. We understand the countless hours you have spent supporting us, both financially and emotionally, and we assure you that we will make the most of the opportunities we have been given. We will work hard, stay focused, and make you proud.Lastly, I want to acknowledge the efforts of our fellow students who have stood by our side through thick and thin. We are a diverse community of individuals, each with our own unique talents and aspirations. It is our diversity that makes us strong, and it is our unity that will enable us to achieve great things. Let us support and uplift each other, celebrating our successes and learning from our failures. Together, we can create a nurturing environment thatfosters growth, creativity, and collaboration.As we embark on this new academic year, let us embrace the challenges that lie ahead with courage and determination. Let usstrive to make a difference, both on campus and in the world around us. Let us seize the opportunities before us and make the most of our time here.Thank you once again to all the guests, teachers, and studentsfor being here today. May this year be filled with joy, success, and personal growth for all of us. Let us make it a year to remember.Thank you!女士们先生们,早上好/下午好!我代表全体学生向我们的尊贵客人、敬爱的老师和同学们致以热烈的欢迎。

New Student Welcome SpeechGood morning, esteemed faculty members, fellow students, and honored guests. On behalf of [university/school name], I extend a warm welcome to all the new students joining our prestigious institution. Starting a new phase of our lives in a new place can be both exciting and challenging, but today marks the beginning of a journey that promises growth, learning, and transformation.Embracing Diversity and UnityOur institution prides itself on fostering a diverse community that represents different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. As we embark on this educational journey together, let us remember the importance of embracing diversity and promoting unity. Each one of us brings unique experiences and knowledge that will enrich our learning environment and contribute to the overall growth of our institution.The Power of EducationEducation holds the power to transform lives, empowering individuals to reach their full potential. Our institution is committed to providing a holistic education that goes beyond textbooks and exams. We believe in nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and leadership skills that will empower each student to become a global citizen and make a positive impact on society.Seizing Opportunities and Overcoming ChallengesEntering a new chapter of our lives can be daunting, as we face various challenges along the way. However, it is essential to remember that challenges are an opportunity for growth. It is through overcoming challenges that we discover our true potential and build resilience. Let us embrace every challenge we encounter as students, for it is these experiences that will shape us into strong, capable individuals.Supportive CommunityAs new students, it is natural to have questions and uncertainties. Rest assured, our institution has a strong support system in place to assist you throughout your academic journey. Our faculty members and administrative staff are here to guide and support you, ensuring that your time here is fruitful and rewarding. Additionally, our fellow students are also a valuable resource. Building connections and seeking help from your peers will make your experience at [university/school name] even more enriching.Making the Most of Your Time HereDuring your time at [university/school name], I encourage you to seize every opportunity that comes your way. Engage in extracurricular activities, join clubs and organizations, and participate in community service projects. These experiences will not only help you develop new skills but also foster lifelong friendships and memories.ConclusionIn conclusion, I would like to once again extend a warm welcome to all the new students joining our institution. The journey that starts today is a remarkable one, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth. Let us embrace diversity, support one another, and make the most of our time here. Together, we will create a vibrant and inclusive community that strives for excellence and positive change.Thank you, and best of luck to all of you on this exciting new chapter!。

Good morning! It is with great pleasure and honor that I stand before you today to deliver a speech at the opening ceremony of our university. First of all, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all the new and returning students, faculty, and staff. I would also like to thank the organizers for making this event possible.As we gather here today, we are embarking on a new journey, a journey filled with opportunities, challenges, and growth. University life is a unique experience that will shape us into the individuals we aspire to be. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts and insights with you all.Firstly, let us embrace the spirit of curiosity and lifelong learning. University is a place where we can explore our interests, broaden our horizons, and acquire knowledge that will serve us throughout our lives. The world is constantly evolving, and it is our responsibility to stay informed and adapt to the changing circumstances. Embrace the spirit of curiosity, ask questions, and never cease to learn.Secondly, let us cultivate resilience and perseverance. University life is not always smooth sailing. There will be moments of doubt, frustration, and failure. However, it is through these challenges that we grow and become stronger. Remember that success is not measured by the absence of failure, but by the ability to rise above it. Face adversity with courage and determination, and never give up on your dreams.Thirdly, let us foster a sense of community and mutual respect. University is not just a place of academic pursuit, but also a community of diverse individuals with unique backgrounds and perspectives. We must learn to appreciate and respect each other's differences, and work together to create a harmonious and inclusive environment. Embrace the diversity around you, and let it enrich your university experience.Fourthly, let us prioritize our well-being and mental health. University life can be stressful and demanding. It is crucial to take care of ourselves, both physically and mentally. Seek support when needed, and don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or professionals.Remember that it is okay to ask for help, and that you are not alone in this journey.Fifthly, let us make the most of our time and opportunities. University is a fleeting period of our lives, and it is essential to make the most of it. Take advantage of the resources and facilities available to you, participate in extracurricular activities, and build a network offriends and mentors. Invest in yourself, and strive to be the best version of yourself.Lastly, let us be agents of change and positive impact. University isnot just about personal growth and academic achievement; it is alsoabout contributing to the betterment of society. As future leaders and professionals, we have the power to make a difference in the world. Let us use our knowledge, skills, and passion to address social issues, promote sustainable development, and create a more just and equitable world.In conclusion, I would like to remind you all that university is a transformative experience that will shape your future. Embrace the journey with enthusiasm, determination, and courage. Be curious, resilient, and compassionate. Cultivate a sense of community andprioritize your well-being. Make the most of your time and opportunities, and be agents of change and positive impact.On behalf of the university administration, I wish you all a successful and rewarding academic year. May you grow, learn, and thrive in this wonderful institution. Thank you.。

开学典礼学生代表英文发言稿【附译文】范文开学典礼学生代表英文发言稿【附译文】范文Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and fellow students,Good morning! It is my great honor to stand here today as the student representative and deliver this speech on our school's opening ceremony. On behalf of all the students, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you who have joined us in this special occasion.Today marks a significant milestone in our academic journey as we gather here to celebrate the beginning of a new school year. It is a time filled with anticipation, excitement, and perhaps a little nervousness. But more importantly, it is a time for us to reflect on our achievements thus far and set new goals for ourselves.Over the past year, we have faced numerous challenges and have had to adapt to a rapidly changing world. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented disruptions to our education system and forced us to embrace online learning. Despite the difficulties, we have shown resilience and determination to overcome these obstacles. We have learned to be flexible, to adapt to new ways of learning, and to seize opportunities for growth.Today, we stand here not only as individuals, but as a united community. We are a diverse group of individuals with unique talents,第1页/共5页backgrounds, and aspirations. Yet, we share a common goal - to pursue knowledge, to strive for excellence, and to make a positive impact on the world.As we embark on this new school year, let us remember the importance of education. Education is not merely about gaining knowledge and acquiring skills; it is about developing a thirst for learning, cultivating critical thinking abilities, and nurturing our creativity. It is about discovering our passions and building astrong foundation for our future.In the face of challenges, let us be courageous and persistent. Let us not be discouraged by failures, but rather, let them serve as stepping stones towards success. Let us remember that setbacks arenot the end, but merely opportunities for growth and improvement. As we navigate through this journey, let us support and uplift one another, for together, we can achieve great things.I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all our teachers and staff members who have worked tirelessly to ensure that we receive the best education possible.Your dedication inspires us and motivates us to strive for excellence. We are eternally grateful for your guidance and support.To my fellow students, let us make the most of this new school year. Let us embrace new challenges, seize every opportunity that comes our way, and use our time wisely. Let us prioritize our studies while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Let us get involved in extracurricular activities, pursue our passions, and develop ourselves holistically.In conclusion, I would like to once again express my gratitude to everyone present here today. Let us embark on this new school year with hope, enthusiasm, and a commitment to reaching our full potential. Together, let us make this year a memorable and successful one.Thank you and have a wonderful school year!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -第3页/共5页Thank you!这是我非常荣幸能够以学生代表的身份站在这里,并在我们学校的开学典礼上发表这篇演讲。

开学典礼学生代表英文发言稿开学典礼学生代表英文发言稿精选2篇(一)Dear teachers, parents, and fellow students,Good morning! It is my honor to stand here today as the student representative and address you all on this special occasion of our school's opening ceremony.First and foremost, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new students joining our school community this year. I believe that each of you will find this school to be a place of growth, learning, and friendship. Embrace every opportunity that comes your way and make the most out of your time here. Remember, the key to success lies in hard work, perseverance, and a positive attitude.To our esteemed teachers, I would like to express our sincere gratitude for your dedication and patience in guiding us throughout our educational journey. Your passion for teaching has not only imparted knowledge but has also inspired us to pursue our dreams. Your belief in us has given us the confidence to overcome challenges and become the best versions of ourselves.Parents, thank you for entrusting us with your precious children. We understand the sacrifices and support you have given us. Your unwavering love and encouragement have been our constant motivation. We promise to make you proud and strive for excellence in everything we do.Fellow students, as we embark on this new academic year, let us remember that we are not just here to gain knowledge but also to grow as individuals. Let us support each other, embrace our differences, and foster a sense of unity and belonging. Together, we can navigate any obstacle and create a positive and inclusive environment for everyone.Furthermore, I would like to emphasize the importance of balance in our lives. While academic achievement is crucial, it is equally important to cultivate other aspects of our personality. Let us engage in extracurricular activities, embrace our passions, and develop our creativity. Remember, true success is a harmonious combination of academic excellence, personal growth, and nurturing relationships.In conclusion, I am confident that this academic year holds numerous opportunities for us to learn, grow, and succeed. Let us work together as a team, support each other, and make this year the best one yet.Thank you all for your attention and have a wonderful year ahead!开学典礼学生代表英文发言稿精选2篇(二)尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们:大家好!首先,我感到非常荣幸能够站在这里,代表学生发言,向大家致以最热烈的欢迎和最诚挚的祝福。

New Student Orientation Ceremony Speech Good morning, esteemed faculty members, distinguished guests, fellow students, and the entire school community. It is my honor and privilege to stand before you today as we gather to celebrate the commencement of a new academic year.I would like to extend a warm welcome to our incoming students, who join us on this momentous day. Your journey as a member of this esteemed institution begins here, and I can assure you that you have made an excellent choice in selecting this institution.Starting college can be both an exciting and daunting experience. It is a time of tremendous personal and intellectual growth, a time to discover new passions, develop new skills, and forge lifelong friendships. This ceremony marks the beginning of a transformative chapter in each of our lives.An important aspect of the college experience is the opportunity for personal and intellectual development. Our institution provides a supportive environment that encourages exploration and creativity. Professors and mentors will guide you on this remarkable journey of self-discovery.As new students, you are joining a vibrant community that promotes diversity and inclusivity. Our institution values the unique perspectives and experiences each of you brings to our campus. Embrace the diversity around you, as it will enrich your learning experience and broaden your horizons.Participating in extracurricular activities is another important aspect of college life. Whether it is joining a club, participating in student organizations, or engaging in community service, these activities will enrich your college experience and help you develop essential skills, such as leadership and teamwork.College is not just about academics; it is also about personal growth. You will face challenges and obstacles along the way, but remember that these are opportunities for growth. Embrace them, for they will shape you into the best version of yourself.In conclusion, I would like to congratulate each and every one of you on your decision to pursue higher education. The road ahead may be challenging, but I have no doubt that you all have the strength, resilience, and intelligence to overcome any obstacles that come your way.As we embark on this new academic year, let us remember the significance of this moment. We are here to learn, to grow, and to make a difference in the world. Together, we will build a community that fosters academic excellence and personal growth.Once again, welcome to our institution. I wish you all a successful and fulfilling college experience. Thank you.*Note: The above speech is a fictional example and can be adapted as per the requirements of the new student orientation ceremony.。

Good evening, ladies and gentlemenIt’s so great an honor for me to meet you here at your grand opening ceremony. This is our first official meeting, so please allow me to represent all senior students of foreign language department to give you our biggest welcome and sincerest congratulations.It’s the fourth year for me in binzhou university ,but I still remember the occasions when I first got here. I understand your reluctance to leave your dear family, your curiosity about how life will be in next few years and your ambition to improve yourselves. Of course, you’ve also been undertaking huge pressures from your parents’high expectations. But as time passing by, you will be gradually attracted by the exciting and meaningful life here. You’re gonna experience more freedom, more interesting classes, a large number of clubs and especially, more responsibility for yourself, because from this day on, you will be the only master of your own.First of all, being responsible for yourself needs your full dedication to study. College students as we are, study still remains as our primary task. Every good habit developed in your high school is worthy to be insisted on, like getting up early for reading, listening carefully to teachers in classes and reviewing lessons for refreshing your memory. Besides, here in the college, you are provided with the access to rich resources of books in the library, electronic documentations and lectures by experts. Anything you want is there for you, and what you need to do is just sparing time to get there and check out. I assure you that every timeyou read in the library, every different surprise is to be discovered.Second, being responsible for yourself needs your openness to surrounding communities and involvement in them, which means you should be positive to face challenges. There must be something in your character that you want to change and sort of abilities that you want to improve. Then do something to change it. By joining a students’ organization, you can perform your talents and make friends; by taking part in a contest, you can enjoy both tensions of fierce competitiveness and pleasures of success. All of these experiences will be greatly beneficial for your future career.Third, being responsible for yourself needs your strong control over your minds. Facing with the complex world and colorful college life, it’s a necessity for us to always keep clear about what we want and what is right, to overcome our laziness and timidity, and to resist all temptations which may completely destroy us.Ladies and gentlemen, three years can win a battle, four years can produce an Olympic champion. What about your college years? To live it peacefully or make it unforgettable? To be a loser or fight as a warrior?Ladies and gentlemen, every opportunity is earned by no one but yourself. So just go for your dreams and build your future!Thank you very much!。

It is my great honor to stand before you today and address the incoming class of [University Name]. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you who have chosen to embark on this new journey of higher education. As you gather here today, you are about to step into a world of endless possibilities and opportunities.Firstly, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the efforts and dedication of your parents, guardians, and teachers who have supported you throughout your academic journey. Their love, guidance, and encouragement have brought you to this moment. I also want to thank the faculty and staff of [University Name] for their unwavering commitmentto providing an exceptional educational experience for our students.Today, I would like to share with you some thoughts and insights that I hope will inspire and guide you as you navigate through your college years. College is not just a place to acquire knowledge; it is a transformative experience that will shape your future and define who you are as an individual.1. Embrace the spirit of curiosityOne of the most valuable qualities you can possess in college is curiosity. Curiosity drives learning and discovery. It is the desire to explore, question, and understand the world around us. Embrace your curiosity and seek knowledge in all forms. Read books, attend lectures, engage in discussions, and explore subjects that may seem unfamiliar or challenging. Remember, knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more you can contribute to society.2. Develop critical thinking skillsCritical thinking is the ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information in a logical and rational manner. It is an essential skillfor success in college and beyond. As you encounter various perspectives and ideas, challenge yourself to think critically and form your own opinions. Do not be afraid to question assumptions and seek evidence to support your arguments. Critical thinking will enable you to make informed decisions and become a more effective leader.3. Build relationshipsCollege is not just about academics; it is also about building relationships. You will meet people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. Take the time to get to know your classmates, professors, and staff. Forming meaningful connections will not only enhance your college experience but also expand your network of support and opportunities. Remember, the people you meet today may become your future colleagues, friends, and mentors.4. Take advantage of opportunities[University Name] offers a wide range of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Participate in clubs, organizations, and activities that interest you. Attend workshops, seminars, and guest lectures. Engage in research projects, internships, and volunteer work. These experiences will help you develop new skills, expand your horizons, and make your college years more memorable.5. Balance academics and personal lifeCollege can be challenging, and it is important to maintain a healthy balance between academics and personal life. Make time for your studies, but also prioritize your well-being. Exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep. Spend time with friends and family, and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Remember, a healthy mind and body are essential for success in college and beyond.6. Be resilientCollege is filled with ups and downs. You will face challenges, setbacks, and failures. However, it is important to be resilient and learn from your experiences. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity and do notbe afraid to take risks. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and never give up on your dreams.In conclusion, I encourage you to embrace the spirit of curiosity, develop critical thinking skills, build relationships, take advantage of opportunities, maintain a balance between academics and personal life,and be resilient. College is a transformative experience that will shape your future. Make the most of it and create a legacy that you can be proud of.Once again, welcome to [University Name]. I look forward to witnessing your growth, achievements, and success. Congratulations, and may your college years be filled with happiness, knowledge, and endless possibilities.Thank you.。

开学典礼英文发言稿范文1 win at the starting line good afternoon, everyone. very happy to see so many new faces here. i amwang pengyuan, a senior student from class 1101. today, it gives me a greathonor to give a welcome speech here, to share with you some of my experiences aswell as give you some suggestions in the beginning of your college life. actually, i am very much curious about your definitions of a good collegelife at this special point. someone once complained to me that the college lifeis totally a waste of time and money. do you think so? the answer is definitelyno. here i want to tell you that if you try to manage your college life well,you will find that it will be really a valuable part of your life. and now i’m going to share with you my personal experiences of my collegelife.i remember when i was a freshman, a junior student was giving a speech onthis stage i was so impressed by her, and made my mind to study hard. so what idid in my pervious three years was just about making full use of collegeresources to develop my own potentials. in my first year, i studied hard as i did in my high school, attendingevery class, listening to teachers carefully, reviewing after class and doinghomework by myself. college at that time was a pand new stage for me, i wastrying to find my way of adapting to it quickly. i participated in various kindsof activities to improve my abilities, such as joining in the students union,going to the old people’s home, selling newspapers outside campus, taking partin chorus competition and recitation contest. i think my ability is somehowimproved through the year of efforts. the second yearwas a very important turning point for me. i tried to learnmore by myself and then apply the knowledge into practice. the very importantevent for me is the 18th china daily 21st century cup national english speakingcompetition in which i got the first prize in our school. but what i want tomention is o nly the benefits i gained from this competition, for example, myenglish speaking ability has been improved, and no longer afraid of saying aword in public and also i made friends with many students from otheruniversities with whom i can share experience. and some other competitions likehubei provincial translation and interpreting competition, and so many more. another part is the social activities. in july xx, i went to singapore tobe a volunteer in the second international traditional martial arts competition.that was also an amazing experience in my life. as you can see that i witnessedwith my own eyes a different culture thus poadening my horizons. so here i wantto appeal to you all that seize every opportunity to develop yourself, for thecollege is an integrated platform in the journey of your life through which youare bound to grow up. the third years seems like a great leap for me. equipped with the solidfoundation i laid in the previous two years, i further participated in someimportant major-related contests, such as the outlook talent show held by cctv,the fifth cross-strait interpreting competition and national english abilitycompetition. through all these contests, i found myself much more confident inthe road ahead. next i’m going to give you some suggestions to help you manage your collegelife better. suggestion1: learn as much as possible. for most of us college can be an unforgettable period for us to learnsomething. some one once said that university is like a dye vat, which meansthat you may be easily influenced by others. if you want to learn something youwill be empaced by knowledge and wisdom; and if you don’t have the desire tolearn you will find you get nothing after 4 years’ college life. suggestion2: cultivate yourpotentials and interests. as we know, university is an integrated platform compared with high school.you do not need to bury your head in the books all day long. you need to conductyour self-cultivation and find where your interests lie in. for example, if youhave the talent for dancing, you can join in the dance association. just showit. life will be colorful if there is joy. suggestion3: always be optimistic and hopeful. everybody knows that college life is mostly determined by ourselves.sometimes you may find that teachers can’t instruct you in every aspects. so youmay easily come across difficulties with which you will get bored. but pleaseremember that life has its ups and downs, adversity is just part of our lives.be optimistic, you will always find your way out. in a word, combine all the suggestions i’ve mentioned above with your owncharacteristics and stick to it, you will find success lies in somewhere alongthe road. ok, since time is limited, i will stop here. if you have further question,come to me, i will always be willing to help. that’s my part for today. thankyou. 开学典礼英文发言稿范文 2 win at the starting line good afternoon, everyone. very happy to see so many new faces here. i am wang pengyuan, a senior student from class 1101. today, it gives me a great honor to give a welcome speech here, to share with you some of my experiences as well as give you some suggestions in the beginning of your college life. actually, i am very much curious about your definitions of a good college life at this special point. someone once complained to me that the college life is totally a waste of time and money. do you think so? the answer is definitely no. here i want to tell you that if you try to manage your college life well, you will find that it will be really a valuable part of your life. and now i’m going to share with you my personal experiences of my college life. i remember when i was a freshman, a junior student was giving a speech on this stage i was so impressed by her, and made my mind to study hard. so what i did in my pervious three years was just aboutmaking full use of college resources to develop my own potentials. in my first year, i studied hard as i did in my high school, attending every class, listening to teachers carefully, reviewing after class and doing homework by myself. college at that time was a brand new stage for me, i was trying to find my way of adapting to it quickly. i participated in various kinds of activities to improve my abilities, such as joining in the students union, going to the old people’s home, selling newspapers outside campus, taking part in chorus competition and recitation contest.i think my ability is somehow improved through the year of efforts. the second year was a very important turning point for me. i tried to learn more by myself and then apply the knowledge into practice. the very important event for me is the 18th china daily 21st century cup national english speaking competition in which i got the first prize in our school. but what i want to mention is only the benefiits i gained from this competition, for example, my english speaking ability has been improved, and no longer afraid of saying a word in public and also i made friends with many students from other universities with whom i can share experience. and some other competitions like hubei provincial translation and interpreting competition, and so many more. another part is the social activities. in july XX, i went to singapore to be a volunteer in the second international traditional martial arts competition. that was also an amazing experience in my life. as you can see that i witnessed with my own eyes a different culture thus broadening my horizons. so here i want to appeal to you all that seize every opportunity to develop yourself, for the college is an integrated platform in the journey of your life through which you are bound to grow up. the third years seems like a great leap for me. equipped with the solid foundation i laid in the previous two years, i further participated in some important major-related contests, such as the outlook talent show held by cctv, the fifthcross-strait interpreting competition and national english ability competition. through all these contests, i found myself much more confident in the road ahead. next i’m going to give you some suggestions to help you manage your college life better. suggestion1: learn as much as possible. for most of us college can be an unforgettable period for us to learn something. some one once said that university is like a dye vat, which means that you may be easily influenced by others. if you want to learn something you will be embraced by knowledge and wisdom; and if you don’t have the desire to learn you will find you get nothing after 4 years’ college life. 开学典礼英文发言稿范文3 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen It’s so great an honor for me to meet you here at your grand opening ceremony. This is our first official meeting, so please allow me to represent all senior students of foreign language department to give you our biggest welcome and sincerest congratulations. It’s the fourth year for me in binzhou university ,but I still remember the occasions when I first got here. I understand your reluctance to leave your dear family, your curiosity about how life will be in next few years and your ambition to improve yourselves. Of course, you’ve also been undertaking huge pressures from your parents’ high expectations. But as time passing by, you will be gradually attracted by the exciting and meaningful life here. You’re gonna experience more freedom, more interesting classes, a large number of clubs and especially, more responsibility for yourself, because from this day on, you will be the only master of your own. First of all, being responsible for yourself needs your full dedication to study. College students as we are, study still remains as our primary task. Every good habit developed in your high school is worthy to be insisted on, like getting up early for reading, listening carefully to teachers in classes and reviewing lessons for refreshing your memory. Besides, here in the college, you are provided with the access to rich resources of books inthe library, electronic documentations and lectures by experts. Anything you want is there for you, and what you need to do is just sparing time to get there and check out. I assure you that every time you read in the library, every different surprise is to be discovered. Second, being responsible for yourself needs your openness to surrounding communities and involvement in them, which means you should be positive to face challenges. There must be something in your character that you want to change and sort of abilities that you want to improve. Then do something to change it. By joining a students’ organization, you can perform your talents and make friends; by taking part in a contest, you can enjoy both tensions of fierce competitiveness and pleasures of success. All of these experiences will be greatly beneficial for your future career. Third, being responsible for yourself needs your strong control over your minds. Facing with the complex world and colorful college life, it’s a necessity for us to always keep clear about what we want and what is right, to overcome our laziness and timidity, and to resist all temptations which may completely destroy us. Ladies and gentlemen, three years can win a battle, four years can produce an Olympic champion. What about your college yearsTo live it peacefully or make it unforgettableTo be a loser or fight as a warrior Ladies and gentlemen, every opportunity is earned by no one but yourself. So just go for your dreams and build your future! Thank you very much!。
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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen
It’s so great an honor for me to meet you here at your grand opening ceremony. This is our first official meeting, so please allow me to represent all senior students of foreign language department to give you our biggest welcome and sincerest congratulations.
It’s the fourth year for me in binzhou university ,but I still remember the occasions when I first got here. I understand your reluctance to leave your dear family, your curiosity about how life will be in next few years and your ambition to improve yourselves. Of course, you’ve also been undertaking huge pressures from your parents’high expectations. But as time passing by, you will be gradually attracted by the exciting and meaningful life here. You’re gonna experience more freedom, more interesting classes, a large number of clubs and especially, more responsibility for yourself, because from this day on, you will be the only master of your own.
First of all, being responsible for yourself needs your full dedication to study. College students as we are, study still remains as our primary task. Every good habit developed in your high school is worthy to be insisted on, like getting up early for reading, listening carefully to teachers in classes and reviewing lessons for refreshing your memory. Besides, here in the college, you are provided with the access to rich resources of books in the library, electronic documentations and lectures by experts. Anything you want is there for you, and what you need to do is just sparing time to get there and check out.I assure you that every time you read in the library, every different surprise is to be discovered.
Second, being responsible for yourself needs your openness to surrounding communities and involvement in them, which means you should be positive to face
challenges. There must be something in your character that you want to change and sort of abilities that you want to improve. Then do something to change it. By joining a students’ organization, you can perform your talents and make friends; by taking part in a contest, you can enjoy both tensions of fierce competitiveness and pleasures of success. All of these experiences will be greatly beneficial for your future career.
Third, being responsible for yourself needs your strong control over your minds. Facing with the complex world and colorful college life, it’s a necessity for us to always keep clear about what we want and what is right, to overcome our laziness and timidity, and to resist all temptations which may completely destroy us.
Ladies and gentlemen, three years can win a battle, four years can produce an Olympic champion. What about your college years? To live it peacefully or make it unforgettable? To be a loser or fight as a warrior?
Ladies and gentlemen, every opportunity is earned by no one but yourself.So just go for your dreams and build your future!
Thank you very much!