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Bachelor of Management
Assignment Cover
Module Code 科目代码:BMM1
Module Name科目名称:Consumer Behavior
Lecturer 讲师:帅哥
Section Code专业班级:Marketing XXXX
Student ID 学生证号码:XXXXXXXXXX
Student Name学生姓名:阿七
Announcement: I declare that this assignment is ENTIRELY my independent work except where referenced. I have marked any Reference sources and am aware of programme regulations concerning plagiarism and referencing.
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1. Introduction (2)
2. Models and Theories about motivation (3)
2.1 Important of motivation (3)
2.2 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and McGurie’s psychological motives (3)
2.3 The impact for marketing strategies of motivation (4)
3. The target consumer's motivation who may purchase CLEAR (4)
3.1 The character of target consumers who may purchase CLEAR (5)
3.2 How target consumers' unsatisfied need impact them to purchase CLEAR (5)
4. The function of marketing mix of CLEAR (7)
4.1 Market mix of CLEAR (7)
4.2 The marketing mix of CLEAR solve the unsatisfied needs of target consumers (7)
5. Conclusion and recommendation (9)
6. Reference (11)
What Motivates Consumers Purchase CLEAR
1. Introduction
Today China shampoo and conditioner market is in the phase mature where competition is more and more severe. P&G, who has taken more than 50% market share, played the leading role in the China shampoo market and has developed its star product Head Shoulders for about 20 years which acted as leader of antidandruff shampoo market. Through more than ten years cultivating and developing evolution in the market, Head Shoulders has been deeply taken up people's heart with the propaganda of "Beautiful hair will be more outstanding without dandruff". when people think of antidandruff, the first product is Head Shoulders, it has occupied about 80% share of antidandruff shampoo market. So big cake caused many enterprise chase, and various functional shampoo brand have been came on broad.
Unilever, who are the leader of fast-moving consumer goods. On April 27, 2007, Unilever declared that their first antidandruff shampoo—CLEAR enter Chinese market formally, it will segment the antidandruff shampoo in male and female. With CLEAR come to market, Chinese antidandruff shampoo would be changed completely. It broken the condition that dandruff puzzle Chinese as long as 20 years, and at the same time, it has make up for the blank space of Unilever in shampoo segments of dandruff product market in the market. "if someone is lying to you again and again, you have to dumped him immediately, right?". This is advertising message of CLEAR. Place oneself in the competition complex market environment, the offscreen voice of CLEAR seemed meaningful, and it has spearhead it's attack at Head Shoulders. The goal of CLEAR became the leader of dandruff shampoo with billion-dollar sales in three years. Since CLEARenter in Chinese market in 2007, it has more than four years. But today, CLEAR still face the strong competition in the market, and development condition and achievements is still tepid. Where is the way of CLEAR in Chinese market? How to proceed develop? How to motivate consumers to buy their products?
Grasp the consumer purchasing motivation has become the main work of Unilever.
The data in the thesis come from magazines, enterprise annual report, enterprise's official website and survey in the store or supermarket. Analysing the motivation which affect the consumers buy CLEAR with Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Mcguire's psychological motives, and f ind out how the target consumers’ unsatisfied needs impel them to purchase CLEAR. Finally, find out and solve the motivation and factors which would promote consumers buy CLEAR with 4Ps marketing mix.
2. Models and Theories about motivation
2.1 Important of motivation
Motivation is the reason for behaviour, consumers purchase of each of these brand is caused by a different motive. For example, sometimes, consumers do not buy products. Instead, they buy motive satisfaction or problem solutions, thus, on the choice of hair care products, consumers do not buy shampoo or a chemical compound, instead, they buy fashion, popular, sensual pleasure, and a host of other emotional and psychological benefits. Thus, managers must discover the motives that CLEAR can satisfy consumers' need, and develop marketing mixes and motivation theories around these motives.
2.2 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and McGurie’s psychological motives
Consumer motivations are energizing forces that activate behaviour and provide purpose and direction to that behaviour.
2.2.1 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Maslow's need hierarchy states that basic motives must be minimally satisfied before more advanced motives are activated. It proposes five levels of motivation: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization.
2.2.2 McGurie’s psychological motives
McGuire has developed a more detailed set of motives—the needs for consistency, causation, categorization, cues, independence, novelty, self-expression, ego-defense, assertion, rein-forcement, affiliation, and modeling. McGuire has developed a motive classification system that is more specific than Maslow's.
2.3 The impact for marketing strategies of motivation
It is important that any given consumption behaviour can satisfy more than one need. Likewise, the same consumption behaviour can satisfy different needs at different times. Because of the large number of motives and the many different situations that consumers face, motivational conflict can occur, in an approach-approach conflict, the consumer face a choice between two at tractive alternatives. In an approach-avoidance conflict, the consumer faces both positive and negative consequences in the purchase of a particular product. And finally, in the avoidance-avoidance conflict, the consumer faces two undesirable alternative.
3. The target consumer's motivation who may purchase CLEAR
Consumers are often aware of and will admit to the motives causing their behaviour. These are manifest motives. They can be discovered by standard marketing research techniques such as direct questioning. Direct advertising appeals can be made to these motives. At other times, consumers are unable or are unwilling to admit to the motives that are influencing them. These are latent motives. They can be determined by motivation research techniques such as word association, sentence completion, and picture response. While direct advertising appeals can be used, indirect appeals are often necessary. Both manifest and latent motives are operative in many purchase situations. Thus, if mangers want to know consumers motivation, they should be avoid to ask consumers directly, instead, rely on talks and try to guess it. And make a reasonable marketing planing.
Through the market survey and observed friends' habit of buying and using of shampoo,
speculating according to the characteristics of the product, the results show that the consumers who used CLEAR have the following purchasing motivation.
3.1 The character of target consumers who may purchase CLEAR
As a follower, CLEAR belong to the same segment field as Head Shoulders, through four years playing in the market, CLEAR has taken a piece of cake. Impeccable is the product concept of CLEAR, confident product concept take a group of young consumers. After four years of market test, market research shows CLEAR the largest group target audience is between 20 to 30 years old, most of them has accepted a higher education. Although this consumer groups are not high income groups, CLEAR can attract this consumer groups, because it has a perfect product idea. CLEAR is expensive than other shampoo with the same capacity. CLEAR position in a high-end products line, it has satisfied the consumer who pursuit of individual character and fashion psychological motivation.
3.2 How target consumers' unsatisfied need impact them to purchase CLEAR
According to the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and McGurie’s psychological motives analysis, consumer still has some unsatisfied needs on shampoo market. And these unsatisfied needs impel them to purchase CLEAR which can satisfy their others need.
Physiological needs of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs .
Shampoo has no segment in sex all the time in China, some products have segment in sex on the spokesman at most. CLEAR position consumers one divides into two, it was a breakthrough and a meaningful challenge. As the leading product, which segment in sex in Chinese marketing, it has Good anti-dandruff effect
Good smell My friends used this brand
Makes me feel more manly and more attractive Make me more confident
and more dynamic
filed the blank of male dandruff shampoo market, satisfied male's physiological needs on dandruff shampoo.
●Self-actualization needs of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
CLEAR emphasized the function of dandruff on the basic of basic need, it is position in the social Needs and Esteem needs on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. These have a perfect shown in the advertising of CLEAR. Rain, who speaking the product of CLEAR in male series, showing that CLEAR antidandruff shampoo give confidence and fashion to consumers. The advertising messages is: With the world watching, my hair, my clothes.I like black, Black is confident, Black looks good. Looking good means no dandruff, Confidence means no dandruff, Clear means no dandruff. I trust clear, Dandruff never comes back. My name is rain. With the magnify in advertising marketing, CLEAR not only satisfy the physiological needs, safety needs, social needs and esteem needs, but also satisfied consumers' self-actualization needs.
●Need for Consistency and Need for Imitate of McGurie’s psychological motives.
McGurie’s psychological motives of CLEAR also showing on advertising. Consumers want their image and grade keep in a same level as the star who speaking the product. This is the psychological motive of Need for Consistency and Need for Imitate. The star effect of Xidi Xu, her perfect performance in the ad, calm, confident, let consumers have a impulse of the eager to taste CLEAR
●Need to Attribute Causation of McGurie’s psychological motives.
CLEAR pay attention to the propaganda of scientific evidence, it is emphasizing the formula professional of Shampoo, eliminating consumers doubt, and breakthrough the line of defencing of the Need to Attribute Causation.
●Need for Self-Expression of McGurie’s psychological motives.
Although CLEAR insight into the consumer psychological motivation comprehensive, there is a short of the Need for Self-Expression. Through the market survey, its show that CLEAR not satisfy consumers expectation in the packaging.
4. The function of marketing mix of CLEAR
4.1 Market mix of CLEAR
In the domestic shampoo market, many companies are facing a same problem Homogenization. In their marketing process, a significant task is to find thecustomer of their own products, to differentiate the needs of their customer, which is extremely important in executing the differentiated marketing strategy. For those homogenized companies, the model of using a unique marketing strategy and differentiate a brand is a strategy that worth considering.
4Ps are the controllable factors in corporate marketing activities: Product, from a marketing point of view, the product is able to provide anything that used of people and meet the people of a need, including tangible products, services, personnel, organization, ideas, or their combination. Price, is the price the customers to buy products, including the discount, payment deadlines, price or pricing decisions related to the profits of an enterprise, the cost of compensation and whether it is conducive to product sales, promotion and other issues. Place, the so-called sales channels is all aspects of the whole processin from manufacturers to consumers in commodity circulation. Promotion, promotion is a way, which company or organization for notification to the target market their products, services, image and philosophy, to convince and remind them trust, support and attention to any form of communication of the company's products. Advertising, promotion, personal selling, sales promotion is the four elements of the promotional mix of an institution. All below of those would using the 4P theory to analysis the marketing strategy of CLEAR and to find the current problems in its strategy. Several suggestions have also been made on how to improve its marketing strategy in the future.
4.2 The marketing mix of CLEAR solve the unsatisfied needs of target consumers
First, there are three conditions to make the characteristics of the product to become a competitive advantage: consumers care about, competitors do not, the advantage of the enterprise. is hard to say it is an effective difference if do not meet a condition of any. CLEAR launched with four
differentiated: Dandruff and scalp nourishment function. It is a professional anti-dandruff shampoo tailored for the Chinese of "CLEAR French technical center". Containing vitamin mineral group, depth nourish the scalp. The first professional male anti-dandruff shampoo. All of these showing that CLEAR is better than Head Shoulders, and motives consumers purchase CLEAR.
Second, on design, did not follow the usual luxury exogenous of Unilever is the worst plan of CLEAR with a too simple appearance of the packaging. So long time consumers see as CLEAR is a domestic second-tier brands. Chinese like the warm colors, warm colors to make them feel happy, Chinese people like luxury packaging, because they believe that luxurious things that will make them seemed noble. Therefore, a popular product abroad may not popular in Chinese market. So CLEAR should "do as the Romans do".
Volume(ml)200 400 200 400 200 400 200 400
Price(yuan)19.5 38 15 29 18.5 33 13 23 Product VS SASSOON LUX CAILE CLEAR Volume(ml)200 400 200 400 200 400 200 400
Price(yuan)21 41 18 31 13 27 22 40
The price of 200ml CLEAR higher than VS SASSOON, the most high-end shampoo brand, higher almost doubled than domestic local professional anti-dandruff brand Caile, so that many consumers are terrified. In fact, this is the universal to the risks faced by the differentiation strategy. Unilever ignored to consider "quality premium" risk, but to meet their consumption values from the customer psychology, customer often have a psychological value of feeling from psychologically enhance their own sense of superiority, when they need in its "high quality" to pay a higher purchase price.
As FMCG, shampoo can be sold almost all the channels, such as shopping malls, supermarkets, grocery store, bath, hair salons, hotels and other channels. However, due to the high prices at CLEAR, its presence only in the large shopping malls and supermarkets. 80% of the grocery store and small shops can not to purchase, and lead to resonant levels of coverage in the channels and the arrival rate levels lower than Head Shoulders. Therefore, the biggest problem need to solve to CLEAR is rapiding development of sales channels.
Product Head Shoulders REJOICE PANTENT HAZELINE Market share 22% 18% 15% 12%
Market share 10% 9% 7% 7%
Unilever form a better grades in the following promotional.
First, cooperate with TV series "Ugly Wudi". This is actually a hidden advertising marketing, put advertising content is hidden in a plot which makes them an important part of. The "Black Valentine" implanted marketing is a number of innovations in marketing, no doubt it has brought new ideas on product promotion in China.
Second, CLEAR in the terminal, net and other channels to carry out the theme of "100% challenge, dandruff no longer coming" big challenge activities Consumers through use of products feeling the dandruff efficacy of CLEAR on the spot, and taking consumer more direct experience and confidence.
5. Conclusion and recommen dation
When CLEAR came into , shampoo market has matured. Shampoo market in this period growth rate is not high, the demand growth rate is not high, technically mature, industry characteristics, industry competitive conditions and user characteristics are very clear and stable, in
the condition of the formation of a buyer's market, the decline in profitability, it is very different of new products development. With the advent of maturity, the market performance of the new features. The first is significantly shorter new product life cycle, the key competitive factors in this period is whether enterprises have the ability to quickly introduce new products or not. The prices are still play a role, but it is less important like growing. These two features make the sales growth rate slowed down, but the total profit is still increasing and market competition become sharper, all companies are beginning to focus on a target, that is to maximize profits. So in the modern maturity, household products business is almost not to write the specified price to intake profit, should be used the permeability pricing methods to maintain and expand sales. Large-scale promotions and a lot of advertising is inappropriate
Because of CLEAR is the latter in Shampoo market, the weak market foundation, it has lost most of the customers. The issue is not only the high prices but also on sales channels, CLEAR need to build a management channel value chain, shorten the gap with the competitors. First, through creating "image standard shop" - the KA store + household products stores + beauty salons, to create three-dimensional marketing channels in the regional market. Raising brand awareness and product sales, by the KA store + household products stores + beauty salons, and then driven the terminal outlets - supermarket chains + convenience stores + schools supermarkets, to realize the network fully open, increase of sales, improve brand influence and achieve a breakthrough in the regional market.
By CLEAR success and failure in the application of differentiated marketing strategy can be seen that differentiated marketing strategy is just a tool to implement the business objectives. The key of tool is how to use it. To enterprise, any strategy is suitable for first difference in the second. No matter how good the difference in creativity, if not suitable for your business, will likely bring disaster. Wish CLEAR find a suitable marketing strategy to increase market share.
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