



国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(2)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2159)2022盗传必究L . Directions: (VocabularyA Structure)Hencath each of the following senlcnccs, there are four choices marked A. B. C andD. Choosethv one that best completes the sentence Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Example: The homeless rouplt? at \aa\ in Finding H flat to renLA. managed R didG finished D, succeededThe sentence should re&d. " The homeless couple succeeded at last in finding A FUt to rent. " Therefore you should choose IIL I ent spicy (ood^ ! am allergic to them.A. amn 4 supposed to <lon f t have toC・ needn f \ D・ cun*!2. Rose is some infortnAtion in the library.A. looking out H. looking backG looking for IX looking over3. The Kims are rhrtr way to the theatre.A. At K inC. on wunder{. I rvnlly like this «weatrnA< wool new blue B. blue new wool(X new blue wool new wool blue5. I will have ro George when 1 sec him.A. Apologise to & apologize forC. apologia onD. apologue of6. 1 won11 RD cumping H stops rainrng.A. tlB. whileC when D» unless7. Ple«x wake him upL He for 4 Hours.A. w» »lccpin«B. had been slceptnffC> ha. Bern deepmg I、•leepin<H ・ Thr huu )iv 队 very nicr> but ihr rnmpound IH toci mnlLA« lum^clf H H MC II C> hernclfD. oneself 9. Thr cat ID Koing again now. l oinILA. hHB been repninng (\ h” rrpairtLlIn. Could I 8>k you?A. if it< \ how much it wasII. Directional^ChooM? A. B ur C to complete ciich ennvenation. using the srntcncc* below. Murk your Answer <>n the ANSWER SHEK1. (20 poinU)Eiuimpki —(*ht lonk> Joni Mitchell \n in town.Whnt? Shr% otic of thr 筋fie" folk Ringers in the world!A< Who** that? Pvc never heard of her.Surct Pm in town#V. Yes. Pm i (hd shr r a corning./XnMwrr A corrrrt becaunr thr ronvcrsutian should re<»d«" Oh. look. Joni Mitchell in in town<WAo 〃“以? I *xv gwr hwrd <>/ h ,,・Wluit 、thrtt? Sh/f» one of the Kre-AteMt fulk ■itiKcr 日 in the world!I l. 一 Steve) I hnverr I nrrn you in werk*! What huvr you been up lo f/A< I 1 vr hern writing an importani letter thu whole morning. H. WtlL Pvr been fltudy&ng (or entrance cxnrn^ (nr thr two rnontha.(二 1 * vr hrrn irnvchng ・ l<K< In I AC 1 < I * v<- lirrn to three diilerriil cilics in the pnH TWO wrekulYcjii thr E IFM ( iry Kink is on the next block, h 、right next to Pies Plu* A. Do you know if then ■ bunk nround here?K Could you tell me if there F s a pay phonr near here? C 1 wonder if there A bookstore in this neighbourhood. 13. ——Doesn * I your sweater have H hole in it?K I IAA I MJCFI rrpairrd IX w” rrpairinKK how mony IT W «5 th d it wasA. I don't have a CT> playcnB. We shouldn't have given her a swcatrr<C・ I guefi* I should have looked it uvrr morv carefully.14. —You mean she decided to take a two- week vacation -starting today? I did”、know that.A. Welle she staid she only decided at the last minute.H. Really? I thought you'd be excited about it.C. No. I don11• but that*5 A good qnc^riona15. Could I see that shirt, please?Which one?A. You have good unie< xm K This is a beauty.t\ Thr plaid one-16. Would you like \a HCC A menu?A. No. thanks I have n lot of homework to M队No. ihankn. I already know whit to orden(\ No< pleHAc don e t bother nmI7> Arc you Rcmx <o lake it vacation this y<?m”A. Not il I r«n MIVC »arnr mc>ncy>It WelL not if it stop* mining-C. Nat unlr^H 1 enn »nv(? Kome money.18. Sorry I am'I came to your party tonight. 1 hftvr a big exam io Mudy (or.—Oh. ger. I know how tlwt in. WelL good luck on your tc”・A. Thank you far your coming. K Thank# (or bcinn no undrrMnndin«.C. 1 hr wnmr to you.1».-Last night 1 was aleeping in bed when 1 was awakened by a ioud crush in the kitchen.A. That * s exnctly what it was.K You must have been scared to death,Q My sister showed up for a surprise20. Would you like me to show you around?A・ Welcome. & 喝咄Thflt,* lerrib,c-Ce Yen. please!Dl> OlrriihiiKiFor each numbmd blank In the following piM^Mge. (herr arc four choke* mnrkcd A.虬C undl). ChiMMt the br»l <mr und mnrk your umwrr •»« tbr ANSWER SHEET. (20 |x»intn)Miw» Kbrrt kepi the link hftkery cm th< corner. Two or three time ■ week» »he hud a cufcturncr in 21 «hr brgnn to take «n mrerenr. Me WHR A rni(k1l<r«Rrd fnan Apcctaclct ■nd ・brown •>ear<L H« JifKike English with n strong German accrnt. Ilin dothcB were worn und wrtnklr<L hut he looked neat and 23 very Rood numnerte He always bought two Imvz ol nlnlc hrriuL Hr nrvrt nikrd for nnything 24 breadi il co»t a lol I CSIH thMii (rr«h brmd."nrr MiftR Elwrt 2::n red mid brown itain on hi# finxer. Shr wun »nrr thnt he w” an «n<l wry poor. Ns doubt hr I IVM I in an nttic« where hr pnintcd piclurcn nnd AIC eViile btrnd nnd ihuuRht ol lhe 曲od lhing> 26 cat in the bakery.()hrn whrn M I«R Eberl M H down to her evening rnrale ehc would «igh nnd wiuh thr e山hi ・hiwr her I OCM I 27 of cntinK his dry brend. Onr d・y the cuttornrr canie ln 2M UBUN! nnd asked (or hH Male breach As the Midden noi*c of the fire engine made him hu”y to the door. Miw Khrri 2p the opportumiy. She cut each of the loaves with a knifee inserted Rome huiter uncle when thr cuutomer 30 t she wait putting them into n paper ba* 2L A. who K. whrn whuni IX t hut22・ A. in H. wiih C.uf H for23. A. bcm It wtt・<-• Rrrmcd11 hud24. A. but H. whilr C・ cl»r 1). from25. A. nutihrd 11 noted (• nonccd IX knew26. A. and Ik to Cfor a off27. A< enough Ik instead (-in spite D. lack28. A. as B. at (:• such D. by29. A. sAvctl K barrnwed sowed D. planned30. A< ran swayli AtQ(>d up lumped up D. turned round |V . Dirretiofu:Ench of the piiKMgew below h followcti by nonir qurntlon% bor each quest Ion there art four uniwen nuirked A.H. C tindl). Kcud the pn、Migz carefully and chinwe the beM »n»wcr la each of lhe qucutiunx. Mark your nnsiwcr on the ANSWER SHEE I. (20 point*)Questions 31 35 are baud on thr /allowingIn 1009 an English newapuper offered £ 1 <000 to the (int man to fly *cro»s the English Channel in an arroplanr- Tod«yt nindern jet* croM it in minute Hut at that time it s till uremrd ■ KOCM I distance* ( he rncr to winthe money MH)n breninr A ravr brtwren two men# Both were very colourfulOne wan Louia Blcrtott He owned ・ factory in France that made motorcar hmpn. He wnw iilrrndy well known “ a piiol (乜行(ft)because he had hn(i Accidents wrvrrnl Some piroplr 1BUK I IC(I «< him. ()nr mwii tuiid. "Hr may not he the hrsit to lly acrosji the ( hnnne! but he will certainly be the fir” to <hr in nn •ccicicnt But Bkriot WAJI really A good *nd brnvr ptlou He oho hfld mnny 慕。



第 1 页 共 4 页2020-2021《英语听力》2期末课程考试试卷 A本试卷(闭卷)适用于 考试日期:;试卷所需时间:120分钟;试卷总分:100分。

I In this part, you are going to hear a report on the Olympic Games in Sydney . Listen carefully and fill in each blank with the numbers or dates. It will be readII Listen to the short talk entitled “The ‘Inverted Pyramid ’ in News Reporting.” Some important words are taken away from the written passage. Supply the missing words. It will be read TWICE (1%×10=10%).The ‘Inverted Pyramid ’ in News ReportingBroadcasting news in English has some particular characteristics, such as its style, its structure, the choice of words, and the __11___ order of presentation, etc.The standardized narrative procedure in news reporting is often called the “inverted pyramid.” That is to say, the most important information is usually ___12 __ in the news lead. And a news lead, in a sense, is also a condensed form of a complete news story. Each ___13___ sentence becomes less significant, providing further information on the “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” or “how .”If we want to sum up a certain news item, we can take words from either ___14__ or outside the news stories. We can say, for example, “this news item is about somebody ’s view on something,” or “it ’s about the 15 between country A andcountry B.” Other words such as 16 , remarks, attitudes, analysis can also be very useful.Apart from current news, radio reports on some 17 in science and technology also help update our knowledge about the world. However, vocabulary has proved to be a problem that often 18 our understanding of the new information. Therefore, in order to enhance our ability in listening, words that frequently appear in some popular science programs should be carefully 19 . Besides, if we have a close examination of the experiment reports, we may find that they are often divided into different parts or paragraphs on the “subjects,” the “test or 20 procedures,” the “observations,” the “findings or results ” and so on. This kind of knowledge also helps us in following the latest developments in science.III Reports (30%)A. Listen to the following two reports and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question or to complete each statement. Each of these two reports will be read only ONCE (1%×10=10%): Report 121. According to the 3rd Global Report on Child Labor, there are _______ childlaborers in the world.A. 115 millionB. 215 millionC. 150 millionD. 250 million 22. As is reported, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The child labor is still increasing worldwide.B. The ILO called for an increase in global efforts to end the worst forms of child labor.C. Patrick Quinn is now not working on the Elimination of Child Labor.D. There is clear evidence that some kinds of policies are not most effective in combating the problem of child labor.23. What Patrick Quinn says indicates that __________.A. there are many barriers that stop poor families accessing education.B. although governments tackle the education fees, many poor families do not encourage their children to attend school yet.C. governments are putting in place the right education policies.D. governments have been introducing social protection programs which give benefits to families with children.24. The ILO reports that all the following areas of the world are making importantprogress EXCEPT __________.A. Latin AmericaB. south AsiaC. north AfricaD. the Caribbean院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线25. Patrick Quinn says __________.A. efforts to combat the problem must be increased at different levelB. the ILO is working with international organizations to change opinions aboutchild laborC. world leaders will discuss the issue later this year at a meeting on the UnitedNations Millennium Development GoalsD. the close link between these goals and combating child labor is not recognized Report 226. What do you know about Phoebe Prince ____________?A. Her family moved from Northern Ireland.B. She was 16 years old this year.C. She hanged herself after 2 months of bullying.D. Several teenagers were charged with her death.27. According to Judy Kuczynski, her daughter Tina ____________.A. got bullied severely in middle schoolB. was ever a very outgoing girl studentC. started to have health problems like headaches and stomachachesD. didn’t want to go back home after school28. Each of the following tells clearly about bullying EXCEPT that _________.A. it is a negative behavior repeated over time against the same studentB. it can be physical or it can be verbalC. excluding a person from a group is known as relational bullyingD. cyberbullying, involving face-to-face contact, uses the Internet at any time29. The latest government study released last year in the United States found that about__________ of students age _____________ were bullied at school.A. 30%, twelve to eighteenB. one-third, twelve to eighteenC. one-third, two to eightD. 30%, two to eighteen30. Susan Swearer says that bullying is related to _____________.A. being excluded from activities or damaging others’ propertyB. being the victims of cyberbullying in 2007C. anxiety, depression and anti-social behaviorD. the school which treats bullying as a mental problemB. Listen to a third report and judge the following statements. Write a “T”forTrue or an “F” for False in the brackets. The report will be read to you only ONCE (1%×10=10%):31. ( ) American government recently did not keep their ruling over their power toenforce competition on the Internet.32. ( ) Telephone service remains an area for the F.C.C to regulate.33. ( ) The government is now regulating the Internet, supporting net neutrality thatall Web traffic should be treated equally. 34. ( ) Last month, a federal appeals court judged that the F.C.C had no legal basisto prevent Comcast from limiting access to some services over its network.35. ( ) Broadband providers did not support the F.C.C plan.36. ( ) When the plan was announced, the Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered along severe drop.37. ( ) On Thursday, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced new“circuit breakers” to support orderly trading.38. ( ) Stock exchanges have agreed to temporarily stop trading of any stock thatrises or falls five percent or more within ten minutes.39. ( ) In another news, the Senate voted Thursday to permit final debate and a voteon a financial reform bill.40. ( ) In another news, the Senate voted Thursday to permit final debate and a voteon a financial reform bill.C. Listen to a fourth report and answer the following questions briefly in theblanks below each of the questions. It will be read to you TWICE (2%×5=10%):41. Altogether four advantages of the new treatment of sleeping sickness are mentionedin this report. Please list two of them.42. What are the common signs of sleeping sickness?43. Besides seizures and coma, what other problems will be caused by the disease?44. According to the WHO, how many people are currently infected with this kind ofdisease and how does it develop?45. In Uganda, a new study has confirmed earlier research linking the spread ofsleeping sickness to infected farm animals. Where was the study published?IV. Dictation (50%):A. You are going to hear a short passage and try to write down every sentence youhear. It will be read to you FOUR TIMES(20%×1=20%):46.B. You are going to hear SIX news headlines and try to write down every wordyou hear about the news headlines. Each of the news items will be read to you THREE TIMES (5%×6=30%):47.48.4950.51.52第 2 页共4 页第 3 页 共 4 页2020-2021《英语听力》2期末课程考试试卷 A 答案本试卷(闭卷)适用于考试日期: ;试卷所需时间:120分钟;试卷总分:100分。



Unit 1 Personality and Development Listening and speaking1, What does your taste in music reveal about your personality1, creativity 2, favorite songs3, 36,000 4, 104 different musical styles5. their personality6. conventional7. more uneasy 8. outgoing9. hard-working 10. stable11. gentle 12.low13. at ease with 14.intelligentThinking and speaking2. Does your career fit your personality?Listening and understanding1, imaginations 2, designs3. patterns4. graphic designer5. landscape architect6. procedures7. instructions 8. details and data9. routine and order 10. accountant11. cost estimator 12. see projects though 13. doers 14. big picture15. sales agent 16. management analyst 17. logic 18. mysteries19. detail 20. librarian21. software engineer 22. results-driven23. outdoors 24. jewelry25. electrician 26. nuclear engineer 27. human interaction 28. personal coach 29. school psychologist3. Easy ways to be an optimist1/. B; C; E2/.1. It comes from a series of active inner processes-psychological somersaults.2. to stress that optimism can be improved with practice.3. If you serve up a smile to others, they usually bounce it back.4. Probably because they evolved as a means of nonverbal communication between people.5. A happy face can influence one's brain in a positive way, making the brain begin to change the mood accordingly.6. To be in a protective bubble to feel optimistic, which means to self-direct our own moment-to-moment perspective.Unit 2 Leisure and WorkListening and speaking1. Leisure and work in the US1, D2/1. relaxing or fun2. a paying job3. four to eight hours a week4. every category5. employer's6. cooking7. keeping house 8. household economy 9. rising real incomes 10. squeeze ever11. try to do too much 12. changing nature2. Leisure and Culture1. 40 hours a week; choose to use it2. how we approach leisure; better at it2/.1. work-related activities2. a business goal3. the holiday4. schedules5. new experiences6. a national pastime7. physical education 8. active9. an exercise ethic 10. outdoor skills11. richness 12. meaningful13. playing 14. win15. competitive and team skills3. Traditional outdoor games: why do they matter? 1/.1. a decline2. everyday life3. physical, interpersonal and social4. gender and cultural5. fun6. death7. encouraging 8. interest in 9. need for2/.1. revive interest in; adults'; little or no2. dismissed; breathe new life3. ages; abilities; numbers; adapted; fair play4. sort out disputes; risk management5. long-term risk management6. growing; break timesUnit 4 IQ and EQ1. Are we more clever than we really are?1/Adjectives: bright; smart; clever; sharp; quick; talented Nouns: ability; skill; talent; giftPhrases: have a skill in ; have a talent for2/1. self-fulfilling2. confident about3. intelligent4. capable5. more bold6. dramatic decisions7. be able to do it8. skill9. talent 10. less likely3/1. A;2. A;3. D;4. A; 5C2. Controversy of intelligence1/1.D;2. B;3. A;4. B;5. C2/1. assess and compare2. long. complex and dark3. 1800s4. natural selection5. smart people6. a master race7. 20th century 8. mental age9. extra help/ attention 10. fixed inborn11. proper attention 12. practice13. IQ measurement14. one's mental age÷ chronological age×10015. early 1900s 16. army recruits17. a kind of label 18. undesirable traits19. their answers 20. interpreted and weighted21.real and measurable 22. genetic, environmental, educational3. IQ vs. EQ: What makes people successful? 1/1.F;2. T;3. T;4. F;5. F;6. T2/1. A;2. C;3. D;4. C;5. B(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。



英语视听说2学习通超星课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.Australian swimming star Ian Thorpe with deals worth 5 million dollars.答案:makesakilling2.When Levin and Turner proclaimed their deal, it was Earth meets Mars. Butlast week the two dealmakers actually seemed to and perceive the same future.答案:bespeakingthesamelanguage3.The entrance exam is so difficult. Judy had to and said: "University is notfor me."答案:throwupherhands4.She had only spent 20 minutes writing her essay. She won the writingcontest .答案:byafluke5.Helen considered staying with her mother because she did not have toworry about house-keeping.答案:asoftoption6.Just two more months before she has her boy. Aside from the occasional boutof morning sickness, it's been for her so far.答案:smoothsailing7.原作业不能重新评分,请大家重新上传。



8.During an interview, he was sharp, combative and a bit relieved to be talkingabout things he .答案:knowsinsideout9.He carefully cultivated the image of the Outsider. He avoided the restaurantswhere politicians and cut their backroom deals.答案:liveditup10.We can't accept that . We need intervene with boys, to hold themaccountable for what they are doing.答案:boyswillbeboys11.请上传房源介绍视频。



Book21-unit5)Unit1.Inside view2.They have decided on:2,5and55,1,c;2.C;3.b; 4.A;5.d6.1.Maybe I should2.Supposing3.everything’s organized,isn’t it4.I’ve arranged for people to5.I’ll count it all up6.We’d better7.I’ve got a suggestion8.How aboutOutside view2.The true statements are3and5 3.1,one of the best universities2.most talented students3.well-known around the world4.have open doors5.good social life6.you want it to be7.on another campus8.it’s a fun place9.go to concerts10.during the weekListening in8.1.b;2.D;3.D;4.B;5,aUnit2Inside view2.Kate;Kate;Janet;Janet;Janet;Janet;Kate 34-1-2-7-3-5-66.1.b;2,a;3.D;4,d;5.D;7.1.She was feeling2.I felt as if3.I wouldn’t worry about it4.I wish I could have helped5.you look cheerful6.What an amazing grade7.I feel on the top of the world 8.1.a;2.A;3.A;4.A;5.A;6.BOutside view2.1.Kim2.Kim3.Ted4.Sebastien5.Ted6.Kim7.Sebastien8.Kim3.The true statements are:2,3and54.1.c;2.A;3.B;4.C;5.D;6.A;7.D;8.B;9.C;10. AListening-in1.Red2.Blue3.Blue-green4.Green5.Red6.Green7.Red8.Red9.Blue10.Orange11.Blue12.Yellow-green13.Blue14.Orange15.Yellow16.Yellow-orange4.1.blue;2.Yellow;3,green;4.Blue-green;5.Red;6.Orange;7.Blue-green;8.Yellow7.1.g;2.F;3.D;4.C;5.E;6.B;7,aUnit3.Inside view4.1.c;2.D;3.B;4.d5.B5.1.This woman said that.2.You’re joking3.That’s what she said4.It’s just too much5.She thinks6.I’m really furious.7.Unbelievable8.what they said was6.1.a;2,b;3.B;4.B.5.A.6.AOutside view.3.1.gain accessmit this crime;looking at property;an uncut garden3..800crimes4.white female(African and Asian Britons are more likely to live in larger family units.)4,6-4-2-5-1-35.1.b;2.D;3.B;4.B.5.DListening-in3.1.the policeman2.bite someone3.2,0004.the newspaper5.what was happening6.1.Anna Black2.Just over a week ago3.about seven4.male5.mobile phone6.two men7.five minutes7.1.b;2.A;3.A;4.B;5.DUnit4.Inside view1.1.story A,32.story B,13.story B,34.story A,25.story A,16.Story B,22,1.front2.several3.did not realize4.the thief5.sell3,1.Mark2.Mark3.Mark4.Janet5.Kate6.Mark,Kate4,1.Tornadoes have damaged home in Northern England2.He is still missing3.Global warming is accelerating4.There are lots of different views and it I very stimulating5.A news addict6.They have to be knowledgeable about current affairs7.Whether she is going to watch Friends with her later.5,1.There is still no news of2.Scientists claim that3.Mostly get my news4.I’ve got used to5.I’ve got into the habit of6.I spend too much time6.1.b;2.A;3.B;4.B;5.B;6.AOutside view2,2-7-4-5-1-3-63,1.do you mind2.journalism,photography3.for two hours4.getting these invitations5.on the screen4.The true statements are;2and55.1.Every Saturday night2.To take people’s pictures3.How do you like the idea that someone can take pictures of you on the street?4.They feel you shouldn’t have the right to invade their privacy.5.Because whatever we’re consuming,we’re encouraging them to spread(by buying magazines with such photos in them we are encouraging paparazzi to go and take such pictures.)Listening-in2.1.He says he was on the phone to his girlfriend, but in the cartoon he was actually talking to a girl in the kitchen.2.Because he is the person being interviewed for the news story and knows the most about it.3.1.Phil Taylor2.South Block,Room183.November104.11pm5.He had a telephone conversation with his girlfriend and forgot about the chips he was deep-frying,and then the chips and oil caught fire.6.ten minutes7.The fire ruined the cooker,two kitchen units and one wall.4.1.d;2.A;3.A;4.B;5.C7.1.Tricia2.Karen3.Tricia4.Karen5.Karen6.Rick7.Tricia,Rick and Karen8.1.just as many2.how they behave3.a gardening programme4.do very well5.to say to thatUnit5Inside view1.Topics mentioned are2,3,5,6and821.I’d love to know more about the emperor he was cool2.Before that there were seven big stars and they had been fighting each other for many years.3.Qin was king of the largest state and he defeated the six other states,one after another.4.After his army had attacked the first state,the next state surrendered without much fight.5.The army leaders were very clever,they used a river to flood the city.6.After conquering the last state,Qin made himself Emperor of the whole of China.7.Was he the emperor who created the Terracotta Warriors?8.He was so afraid of death that he wanted them to guard him in the afterlife.3.1.Something like500,000men.2.He is seen as the greatest emperor in Chinese history.3.Yes,of course he had enemies.4.Yes,he built the first Great Wall4.1.She says it was an incredible achievement.2.As a result of unification.3.He standardized writing,the money system and the system for measuring and weighing things.4.He built it to stop tribes from the north invading.5.1.Well,so he unified China2.as a result3.something like4.as a result5.Some people hated him so much6.so he built a huge wall.6.1.b;2.A;3.B;4.AOutside View2.3-6-5-7-2-1-43.1.dawn service2.remember;forget3.died in battle;identified4.one unshakable truth5.conflicts;around the world6.remembering;go home4.1.a;2.C;3.B;4.A;5.D;6.A;7.D;8.C;9.C;10.B Listening-in2.1.businessman;11years old2.first name;his second name3.the same age as4.terrible four years;survive5.his Japanese friend6.strength;courage31.B;2.D;3.A;4.D.5.B5.1.Women in the Land Army worked in agriculture as the men were away fighting2.No,they were in non-combatant roles, although some of them flew transport planes and others worked in dangerous places,like fighter stations.3.They worked in transport,catering,tracking bombers and generally in support services.6.1.It was very hard work,very physical.2.She thought planes were exciting and she liked the uniforms.3.She worked on a fighter station tracking the German bomber.4.They were always in danger of being bombed.5.They had contributed so much to the war effort and to society,therefore,their role in society should be highly valued.Book2,key to unit6-u10Unit6.Inside view3.1.a;2.B;3.A;4.B4.It takes place on the river near the Hertford College Boathouse.5.1.I t manages to win the practice race.2.He hopes to get a place on the team.3.He did not hurt himself very badly,it was only a scratch.4.Some of the people who rowed with him have rowed before,and he can’t help thinking that they were better than him.5.The team list is put on the door.6.Kate believes that Mark deserves a place on the team.So she is very pleased fro him.6.1.Well done.2.You were amazing.3.I’m worried about4.The problem is that5.And I can’t help thinking that6.Everything will be OK7.Oh,I’m so sorry.8.No need to get nervous9.Congratulations10.you deserve it.7.1.a;2.A;3.B;4.A;5.B;6.BOutside view2.The false facts are:3and6.3.1.2,000years ago2.hand and foot3.everyone;fitness level.4.Six years5.self-confidence6.fun;learning something7.Local clubs8.Look on the website.4.1.It was a Korean general.2.It was created for the Korean army for self-defencw.3.It was his wife’s uncle who was a black belt.4.it helps people to release stress by coming to the class and smacking a pad.It also helps people to become fitter,more flexible,to go out and make new friends.5.He offered a free lesson anytime.Listening-in2.The type of listening is a radio commentary during the match.3.1.They are wearing white.2.They usually wear white.3.They may press the ball to the Germans who are wearing white.4.England is attacking.5.It is Kopke,the German goalkeeper.6.Alan Shearer scores the goal.7.He scores it after only two minutes’play.6.1.a sports film2.a true story3.the Siula Grande Mountain in the Peruvian Andes4.Joe Simpson and Simon Yates5.Simpson falls and breaks his leg.6.cutting from interviews to shots of the climb itself.7.1.a;2.B;3.C;4.D;5.DUnit7Inside view1.c;2.B;3.B;4.A;5.D3.1.She is surprised.2.Janet likes cats but is afraid of dogs3.She’s mad about animals4.1.Because she thinks it will find her way home.2.You don’t keep animals as pets,do you?3.Janet explains that more people in China are keeping pets now,especially in cities.4.She thinks they carry diseases.5.She is frightened of their teeth.6.Do you want to go,baby?There you go.5.1.They’re so mad about2.dislike3.I quite like4.terrified of5.frightened of6.I’m afraid of7.I’m really scared of1.b;2.A;3.A;4.AOutside view2The true statements are1and4 3.1.really quiet2.ambassadors for education3.put your hand up4.at least16years old5.up to60,70miles an hour.ed up all their energy.7.socialized wild animal8.blind and deaf9.ear holes in your sofa.10.loose in the house.4.1.being stroked2.she thinks of the wolf now.3.won’t bite4.she liked stroking the wolf.5.cute,fluffy and cuddlyListening-in2.1.dog owners in America2.cats in the USA3.not an unusual amount for someone to leave their dog when they die4.the percentage of dogs that can expect to receive toys and biscuits at Christmas day5.do owners who dress up their pet for Christmas day.6.outfits that one woman designed for her dog.7.the cost of the bed she bought her dog.3.1.the developed world2.His meal were prepared.3.she loved him4.couldn’t use anyway.5.you guessed it.6.their friend or parent7.love them less5.1.They can be as long as33metres.2.Ten metres high.3.At least80years.4.As a result of whaling and climate change.5.Yes,because they are difficult to find and they can move away quickly.6.1.d;2.C;3.A;4.C;5.D;6.AUnit8Inside view2.1.Samuel Beckett2.next Tuesday3.next Saturday.4.Oxford Playhouse5.OUDS6.Mark3.1.Neither of them2.They don’t make sense.3.He’s a fascinating writer.4.She loves the theatre and wants to see Mark acting.5.Only because Mark’s in it6.Friday night.4.1.i doubt it if the play is as difficult as it seems to be.2.Well,they must,mustn’t they=they are his friends3.They will congratulate him and say how well he acted.4.He will be pleased and feel proud.5.In the short term,he will get back to his studies-he must have given a lot of time to his rehearsals.In the long term,perhaps he will try to get parts in films and television programmes.6.1.I bothered2.I had read3.If only I had4.it was so-so5.But you were brilliant6.You were awesome.7.let me guess8.I don’t believe it7.1.a;2.B;3.B;4.A;5.B;6.BOutside view3.1.-82.-1,2,63.-34.-75.-7,86.-277.8.-29.10.-4511.-212.-713.-514.-815.-34.1.They are deciding what to watch2.Channel surfing3.Three4.There are so many channels and so many different kinds of programme to watch.5.The business traveler6.1.He hates it.2.There’s a basketball game the following night and he wants to ask his friends over to watch it.3.They decide to go out and get some pizza.4.Because he has watched Pretty Woman together with the woman.5.Because the woman is going to visit her sister tomorrow.7.1.careful negotiation2.it’s my favourite movie3.You’re so sweet.4.too many times5.there’s nothing on6.putting up with it again7.watch the basket game.8.waht he was looking for.Listening–in2.1.e—c—c,g,l2.a—j---3.m—d—i4.b—k,f—h5.US:basketball;Australian:surfing;Russia:chess7.1.--baseball,basketball,American football,icehockey---football,ice hockey---Australian rules football,rugby,cricket,association football,horse racing2.---martial arts eg.Tae Kwon Do,bowling,movies,watching television---chess,television,dancing---television,movies3.---cycling,tennis,golf,walking,jogging,soccer ---collecting mushrooms,skiing,ice hockey---cycling,golf,tennis,lawn bowls,sailing, surfing,swimming,fishing4.---concerts,book clubs---ballet,opera,watching films---aboriginal music,dancing,art5.---hunting,camping,hiking,volunteering---going to a dacha--barbecues,bushwalkingUnit9Inside view2.1.Kate’s plan is to go off to a law firm as soon as she gets her degree.2.You have to plan ahead to be successful3.It might give them ideas.4.Kate is having a long conversation with a man from a law firm.5.The man said she could get a job placement asintern over the summer.3.1.Why are you interested in law?What qualities do you have that will make you a good law intern?2.Four to six weeks3.She wants some traveling in Europe4.What sort of work will be asked to do?5.Yes4.w interests her.She’s intelligent and has a good memory. Good play2.read files and summarize themResearch3.end of June5.1.I seem to remember that2.Is that right3.I’m planning to4.what does the job involve5.your main responsibility would be6.We’d also want you7.won’t you6.1.b;2.B;3.A;4.B;5.A Outside view2.1.17to252.100people3.Costa Rica4.ten weeks5.environmentalmunity7.adventure3.1.d;2.D;3.B;4.B.5.A4.1.during a gap year.munities in need get help3.arranges for4.taking part in5.protective environment6.breed and feed7.build a storehouse8.a survival activity.Listening-in1.The five pieces of advice he career adviser gives the student are1,2,4,7and82.1.The woman is to take her second year exams.2.She wants to do literary editing.3.She is drawn to publishing,reads a lot of novels and is quite a good critic.4.He tells her it is a hard profession to get into and doesn’t pay very well.5.It is very good for her CV and the woman will learn something about the business.6.She can find it in the careers section of the library.7.She should consider marketing,sales and production.8.She maintains that she wants to do literary editing.4.1.In the major economies where there is a demand for English,for example, China/Japan/Saudi Arabia/European countries and so on.2.It allows them to travel and make contact with local people.mercial language schools/ school/universities/hotels/classroom teaching/ producing learning materials/teaching training 5.1.Harry2.Harry3.Patrick4.Lucy5.Jessica6.Harry6.1.lucy:enjoying everything2.Jessica:enjoying travelling,enjoying teaching and wanting a career.3.Patrick enjoying travelling,enjoying teachingand wanting a career4.enjoying travelling7.1.a;2.D;3.C.4.AUnit10Inside view2.The true statements are1,6and83.1.The battery2.It can’t be,the battery is still charged.3.Her memory stick.4.She hasn’t backed anything up for a while and she may lose these things.5.The operating system.6.The graphic card.4.1.Kate reads out from her book.2.Kate and Mark take the computer to be seen to. The computer problem has been put right.3.Janet regrets not backing up her data in hersleep.5.1.It’s not like Janet to2.She should have been3.It was stupid of me4.What a relief5.thank goodness6.What was the problem7.I’m so relieved6.1.b;2.B;3.B;4.AOutside viewTopics mentioned are:1,3,5,6and8 2.1.France2.China3.Britain4.Spain,Germany,Britain,France5.Canada6.Britain7.France3.1.d;2.B;3.B;4.A;4.CListening-in2.1.presenter2.Brian Thomas3.Jane Ferris4.Jane Ferris5.Jane Ferris6.Brian Thomas3.1.in technology;who we are2.is a very dangerous thing3.all this information4.young people think5.in our behavior6.some interesting questions6.1.Do we really need computer?2.Of course we need computers-they’ve revolutionized our lives3.We can send a document from London to Sydney in five minutes;we can use webcam to conference with people who are far away.4.Life moves so fast these days.Don’t you think we should slow down a bit,enjoy life a bit more? 7.1.I thought you might say that.2.That’s not quite true.3.But why is it so useful,to be able to send a document to Australia in five minute?4.But why the hurry?5.But is that really necessarily better?6.So what?7.You know as well as I do it’s a big reason.。



I. Listening Comprehension (20%)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of three sections.Section A (1%×5 = 5%)Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are five recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both thedialogues and questions will be spoken only ONCE. When you hear a question, youshould decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and Dgiven in your test paper. Then you should write the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet.Example:You will hear: M: Would you please give Mr. Right a message?W: Sorry. Mr. Right is having a holiday in Chicago.Question: What does the woman mean?You will read:A. The woman is busy working.C. Mr. Right is in his office. B. The woman cannot take the message.D. Mr. Right will be back soon.From the dialogue we learn that Mr. Right is away for ho liday. Therefore, choice B. ”The woman cannot take the message” is the correct answer. You should write B on your Answer Sheet. Now the test begins.1. A. The man doesn’t enjoy his workC. The man is an applicant. B. The man enjoys his work.D. The man is a shop assistant.2. A. The man turns down the offer.C. The man accepts the soft drink. B. The man is annoyed by the offer.D. The man prefers tea to fruit juice.3. A. The Prime Minister is in China.C. The man knows the news from BBC. B. The person they are talking about is a male.D. They are talking about the President.4. A. The man is in New Jersey.C. The man is reading a magazine. B. The man is writing a story.D. The man is reading a story.5. A. The man is visiting Hongkong on holiday. B. The man’s parents are on business.C. The man’s parents are visiting Hongkong.D. The man is visiting Hongkong on business. Section B (1%×5 = 5%)Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There is one recorded conversation in it. After the conversation, there are some recorded questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only ONCE. You shoulddecide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D in your testpaper and then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.6. A. Christine and James are engaged. B. Christine and James are married.C. Christine and James are giving a party.D. Christine and James are traveling.7. A. In the summer.C. In the autumn.B. In the winter. D. In the spring. 8. A. It is not expensive there.C. It is very beautiful there. B. Her parents live there.D. James’ parents live there.9. A. They are going to buy a flat or a small house somewhere in St. Albans.B. They are going to buy a flat or a small house somewhere in South London.C. They are going to rent a flat or a small house somewhere in North London.D. They are going to rent a flat or a small house somewhere in South London.10. A. No. She’s looking for another job after engagement.B. Yes. She would stay at home after marriage.C. No. She is going to give up her present job but she may look for another one after marriage.D. No. She would not give up her job even after marriage.Section C (1%×10 = 10%)Directions: This section is to test your ability in dictation. You will hear a recorded passageTWICE. When you are listening to the passage, try to fill in the blanks with words,phrases or sentences according to what you hear from the recording. Please writeyour answers on the Answer Sheet.A famous at an American university. ”I’mgoing to tell you how to live a announced. ”The is very simple. All you have to do is every morning, work at least 10 hours a day and stood up. ”My father did all those things and yet he died (1) -year-old millionaire once gave a life and how to get ve ry rich at the same time,” helike drinking and smoking. as well,” he said. Aat the age (2) (3) (4) (5)You have to (6) (7) young man in (8) (9)of only 39. How do you explain that?” he asked. The millionaire thought for a moment. ”It’s verysimpl e. He didn’t do them for (10) ,” he answered.II. Vocabulary and Structure (30%)Section A ( 1%×10=10%)Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each of the following sentences. Write thecorresponding letters on the Answer Sheet.1. After he failed in the business, he ended up _____ nothing to his name.A. to haveB. haveC. hadD. having2. You must know that the difficulties are _____, and everything will be better.A. temper 3. We put up pictures and other _____ in the classroom.A. decorationsB. decisionsC. decorates B. movement C. momentD. temporaryD. decides4. The new book has received _____ attention in China and abroad.A. considerateB. consideredC. considerableD. considering5. It is predicted that the heavy rain last night will badly _____ the crops.A. affectB. effectC. impressD. hurt6. The staff in the kitchen has _____ the message that a customer wants a special dish.A. ordered 7. The price of paper _____ according to its quality.A. variesB. fallsC. exchanges 8. We are justified in _____ equal rights at work.A. needingB. requiringC. wanting B. accepted C. pointedD. receivedD. risesD. demanding9. I did not like the house at the beginning but the new furniture _____ all the difference.A. didB. hadC. madeD. took10. The president was _____ a prize for his great contribution to world peace.A. shiftedB. challengedC. awardedD. appliedSection B (1%×10=10%)Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the answers onthe Answer Sheet.1. They fought to ______ (liberation) the black people from slavery.2. You need to read the ______ (instruct) carefully before you use the machine.3. The two small shops ______ (combination) to make a larger one.4. He could not resist the ______ (tempt) to drink another glass of beer.5. I didn’t ______ (recognition) him at first as we hadn’t met each other for long.6. The chairman agreed to our plan, but with some ______ (reluctant).7. The ______ (miserable) I went through made me realize what life was all about.8. The idea of working for state-owned enterprises is less and less ______ (attract) to youngpeople nowadays.9. That he could eat fifty eggs is an ______ (exaggerate).10. The shopping centre sells a ______ (various) of goods.Section C (1%×10=10%)Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Write the answers on the Answer Sheet.balancedrole formerly income diet ordinary vegetables expensive quantities explainedThere have been some changes in the people in China, is now playing a less important (2) . While meat and milk are produced intoday, people are having more vegetables.The changes in diet can be by a number of factors. First, people are much better off than before. With a higher (5) , they can afford to buy more foods which, in the past, were rarely seen on the dinner tables of families. Another factor is that people have realized the importance of a diet to their health. If they eat too much meat, they put on weight easily, and lack of will result in poor health. For all these reasons, what was called ”a diet of grain” has become one of varied foods.(1) of the Chinese. Grain, the main food of mostlarge (3) (4)(6)(7)(8)(9) (10)III. Reading Comprehension (20%)Section A (1%×10=10%)Answer briefly the questions after each passage. Write the answers on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Many people seem to know little about physical fitness. Even those who have been exercising for years have wrong ideas about how exercise and their bodies work. Here is one of the most common misconceptions: I’ve been doing 100 sit-ups and side bends a day for weeks. Why can’t I get rid of my fat waist?Because spot reduction is almost impossible. ”When you use fat, it comes from fatty substances throughout the body, not from one specific part,” says Robert M Otto, director of the Human Performance Laboratory at Adolphi University. Sit-ups are fine for strengthening the abdominal muscles, but they won’t melt fat away.So how do you lose fat? It seems relatively simple: just burn off more calories through exercise than you take in through food. Even then the weight problem may be the last to go: There’s a genetic tendency to lay down fat in certain a reas. We lose weight last from the place we put it on first. For most men, that will be in the abdominal or side areas, and for most women the upper thighs, buttocks and arms.1. What is the purpose of the writer in writing this passage?To correct _____________.2. Where does fat come from when you use it?From _____________.3. Sit-ups cannot melt fat away, but they can _____________.4. Where do men lose weight last?In the _____________.5. Why do men and women put on weight in different parts of the body?There is a _____________.Passage 2On the basis of research that we’ve been doing for the past six years, 40 percent of all Americans, or more than 80 million people, consider themselves shy. Among the notables who have at s ome time in their lives so described themselves are President and Mrs. Carter, England’s Prince Charles, movie star Catherine Deneuve, and TV’s Carol Burnett and Barbara Walters. Many people who publicly do not appear shy nevertheless experience the pain of shyness.Shyness develops out of the particular experiences we have in the home or in school. Our research shows that a quarter of the people who are shy as adults were not shy as children. Shyness makes it difficult to meet new people, and to make friends. It prevents an individual from speaking up, expressing opinions and values. With authorities such as a boss or a teacher, the shy are less likely to communicate effectively or express criticism.Can shy people change their behavior? Sometimes they can force themselves to do things that are difficult. Practice makes perfect.People who have more self-confidence can notice when people are shy and encourage them to talk and praise them when they are successful in their job or studies. Shy people feel miserable much of the time. Others can help them feel more comfortable.6. How many people consider themselves shy?7. How does shyness develop?8. How does shyness make life difficult?9. What does ”practice makes perfect” mean in the third paragraph?10. How can we help shy people?Section B (2% ×5 = 10%)Read passages A to E and complete the statements or answer the questions below. Write the answers on the Answer Sheet.1. Read Passage A. Which number would you call if you were looking for a house or anapartment?_____________2. Read Passage B. Which city experienced the biggest decrease in population in the ten-year period?_____________.3. Read Passage C. The product is to _____________.4. Read Passage D. The requirements for the job advertised include strong background, an M.A., a broker’s license and _____________.5. Read Passage E. The postcard mainly describes _____________.ARefer to the following telephone listingLads and Lassies Play School2902 N.W. 22nd Place Land Clearing Service RFD Millville 375-7742 462-1606 372-9636 377-4276Lannon’s Real Estate905 S.E. 2nd TerraceLarry’s Pools Inc.4100 Oak StreetBPOPULATION CHANGES –RECENT CENSUS STATISTICS-------------1970 ========= 1980Oak Hill --------------------------------------------------------------------34,510 ======================================== 34,265 Holly --------------------------------------------------------------------19,451=======================================10,900Avondale ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,782=======================================15,943Beechwood ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7,569========================================7,620Lakeside --------------------------------------------------------------------1,243======================================== 998CShake well. Dispense into palm. Then smooth over face, legs, shoulders, arms, wherever the skin feels uncomfortably dry.CAUTION: Keep away from flame, fire, or extreme heat above 120F. Keep out of reach of children.DOutstanding opportunity with local real estate corporation. Requires strong background in real estate, financing, closing. Some legal training helpful. Prefer candidate with M.A. and two or more years of successful real estate experience. Broker’s license requ ired. Salary range$16,000-23,000 commensurate with education and experience. Begin immediately. Interviews will be conducted Tuesday and Thursday, June 10 and 12. Call for an appointment 243-1153, or send a letter of application and resume to:Personnel DepartmentExecutive Real Estate Corporation500 Capital AvenueLawrence, Kansas 67884ENew York, Wednesday evening, 22 JuneDear Eddie,It’s really boiling here in New York; today has been really hot and sunny with a high of 36! I was expecting that there would be some rain, but it was sunny at lunchtime when I went for a walk in Central Park. Paris on Tuesday was sunny too, but not as hot as here. London was warmer than I had expected, but there was some rain in the afternoon.See you on Sat urday. What’s the weather been like where you are?Best wishes.AlanIV. Translation (10%)Section A (2%×3=6%)Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write the answers on the Answer Sheet.1. I followed the doctor’s instructions, with the happy result that my life was preserved and is still going on.2. The general manager’s resignation is widely considered to be irrational.3. A lot of theories have been put forward about the possible causes of cancer.Section B (2%×2=4%)Translate the following sentences into English. Write the answers on the Answer Sheet.4. 尽管有很多人参加面试, 我还是成功地得到了那份工作。



解忧书店JieYouBookshop期末考试1单选(2分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage.Gender differences are also reflected in the ways that men and women use language. In junior high school, Joy's status will depend on her circle of friends. If her friends are popular, then Joy may enjoy high status at schools. For this reason, Joy and many other girls are interested in gossip, talking about other people and their private lives. If Joy has some information to share about a popular girl at school, this proves that she has a friendship with this girl. In this way Joy can use gossip to gain more status in her school.Tommy, on the other hand, may be less interested in gossip. His status doesn't depend on who his friends are at school. Tommy gains status through his own ability to play sports well or earn high grades. Later in life, Joy may continue to be interested in talking about other people and their lives. Tommy will be less interested in personal talk and more concerned with discussions of sports and news. These give him a chance to gain status by showing others his knowledge.Different ways of speaking are part of gender. As adults, men and women sometimes face difficulties in their communication with each other. Studies of communication show that if a woman tells her husband about a problem, she will expect him to listen and offer sympathy. She may be annoyed when he simply tells her how to solve the problem. Similarly, a husband maybe annoyed when his wife wants to stop and ask a stranger for directions to a park or restaurant. Unlike his wife, he would rather use a map and find his way by himself.Language is also part of the different ways that men and women think about friendship. Most men believe that friendship means doing things together such as camping or playing tennis. Women, on the other hand, usually identify their best friend as someone with whom they talk frequently. Moreover, they often use tag questions to get agreement from their friends. If men and women can understand their differences, they may be able to improve their relationships.Question 1 is based on the above passage.Why are girls interested in gossip?A.Gossip teaches them how to act.B.Gossip allows them to use commands.C.Gossip brings them high status.D.Gossip helps them know about their friends.正确答案:C你选对了2单选(2分)Question 2 is based on the same passage of question 1.What do some boys want to prove by discussing sports?A.They are knowledgeable.B.They are more masculine.C.They are interested in sports.D.They are not interested in personal talking.正确答案:A你选对了3单选(2分)Question 3 is based on the same passage of question 1.What will a woman expect her husband to do if she tells him about a problem?A.Tell her how to solve the problem.B.Listen and show sympathy to her.C.Talk about the problem with her.D.Solve the problem for her.正确答案:B你选对了4单选(2分)Question 4 is based on the same passage of question 1.Men usually show friendship by ________.A.doing things togetherB.agreeing with each otherC.talking together oftenD.camping or playing tennis together正确答案:A你选对了5单选(2分)Question 5 is based on the same passage of question 1.What message does the writer want to send out?A.Both men and women should speak directly.B.Talking to women is easier than talking to men.C.There are many differences between men and women.D.It's beneficial to understand gender differences in using language.正确答案:D你选对了6单选(2分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage.Red, white, pink, purple – what is your favorite color? We are all sensitive to color. There are some colors we like a lot and some we don't like at all. Some colors comfort us, others excite us, some make us happy, and others make us sad. People are affected by color more than they realize because color is tied to all aspects of our lives.Experts in colorgenics, the study of the language of color, believe that the colors we wear say a lot about us. Do you know why you select a shirt or dress of a certain color when you look through your clothes in the morning? Colorgenics experts say that we unconsciously choose to wear certain colors in order to communicate our desires, emotions, and needs.Colorgenics experts claim that our clothes send messages to others about our mood, personality, and desires. Pink expresses the peace and contentment of the wearer. People who often wear pink are supposed to be warm and understanding. The message is that you would like to share your peace and happiness with others. Red garments, on the other hand, indicate a high level of physical energy. People who wear red like to take life at a fast pace. Brown is the color of wealth, and it shows a need for independence and material security. Wearers of green have a love of natureand enjoy peaceful moments. They often like to be left alone with their thoughts.Although colorgenics may be a recent area of study, associating colors with emotions is not new. Colors have always been used to describe not only our feelings but also our physical health and attitudes. "Red with rage" describes anger; "in the pink" means to be in good health; "feeling blue" is a sad way to feel; and "green with envy" indicates a jealous attitude.In conclusion, the study of color can help us to understand ourselves and to improve our lives. It offers an alternative way to heal the body and spirit, and it can help us understand what others are trying to communicate.Question 6 is based on the above passage.Why are people affected by color more than they realize?A.Colors make people more sensitive.B.Colors bring people different feelings.C.Colors are everywhere in people's lives.D.Colors give people excitement.正确答案:C你选对了7单选(2分)Question 7 is based on the same passage of question 6.According to the passage, ________.A.people wear different colors to show their feelings.B.people communicate better when wearing their favorite colors.C.people like to wear different colors in the morning.D.people choose different colors without knowing they do it purposely.正确答案:D你选对了8单选(2分)Question 8 is based on the same passage of question 6.Who want to share peace and happiness?A.People who wear green clothes.B.People who wear pink clothes.C.People who need security and independence.D.People who like to be left alone with their thoughts.正确答案:B你选对了9单选(2分)Question 9 is based on the same passage of question 6.What is implied in the passage?A.People started to associate colors with emotions long time ago.B.How colors show emotions is a new research topic.C.People wearing different colors usually feel happy.D.The colors people choose affect their physical health.正确答案:A你选对了10单选(2分)Question 10 is based on the same passage of question 6.How might learning about color be useful in our lives?A.It helps us to express our ideas more clearly.B.It helps us to control our emotions and desires.C.It helps us to feel happier and more excited.D.It helps us to understand ourselves and others.正确答案:D你选对了11单选(2分)A suspected man may deny a charge, but his fingerprints can ________ him even when there is nothing else to even say who he is.A.justifyB.simplifyC.notifyD.identify正确答案:D你选对了12单选(2分)Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be ________ to us as we experiment every day to find out the right way of doing things.A.beneficialB.influentialC.substantialD.potential正确答案:A你选对了13单选(2分)Due to the unpredictable changes of weather, we bought an extra supply of coal ________ of a severe winter.A.in anticipationB.in obligationC.in associationD.in cooperation正确答案:A你选对了14单选(2分)In no country ________ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.A.more thanB.other thanC.rather thanD.less than正确答案:B你选对了15单选(2分)US military forces are fully prepared to __________ the military mission once the order is given by the President.A.exploreB.explodeC.executeD.exclude正确答案:C你选对了16单选(2分)Professor Chen complained that he had been unable to __________ any Ph.D. students for more than five years and it seemed that no one wanted a doctorate in humanities.A.regulateB.recruitC.rejectD.release正确答案:B你选对了17单选(2分)The report stated that __________ a result of environmental tobacco smoke, thousands of nonsmokers die of lung cancer each year and thousands more suffer from a lot of illnesses.A.toB.withC.asD.for正确答案:C你选对了18单选(2分)The goal of the university is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable __________ his financial conditions.A.in terms ofB.regardless ofC.with respect toD.in accordance with正确答案:B你选对了19单选(2分)A major-party candidate has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election________ it has the support from the faithful party.A.in whichB.in whatC.in thatD.from which正确答案:C你选对了20单选(2分)The company is back to the right track. There is ________ that the new method has greatly raised labor productivity.A.not to denyB.not to be deniedC.not denyingD.no denying正确答案:D你选对了21填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveI like wild sunflower not because it has a(n) _____ North American flavor but because its image is closely connected with our continent's early history.正确答案:distinctive22填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveI was embarrassed as an American for having _____ such an awful concept upon the French, sayingthat the French hated the idea of the theme park, Euro Disney.正确答案:thrust23填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveIf you must sit facing the desk, shift your chair slightly as you sit down or _____ your body in the chair slightly so that you can be right in front of your interviewer.正确答案:adjust24填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveWe might ______ further from the story and say that these people probably lived very close to the well because of the importance of water to life.正确答案:speculate25填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveIf workers believe inflation is likely to _____, they will demand higher wages to compensate for expected increases in prices.正确答案:accelerate26填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveThe cost of repairing damaged public facilities is so high that some local governments are unwilling to _____ in the rebuilding projects.正确答案:invest27填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveTrying to convince the school that it's not her fault, the teacher _____ that she should not take blame for student's cheating and that she was totally innocent.正确答案:protested28填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveAs a nation with 5,000 years of glorious history, China should adopt the positive things from abroad and, meanwhile, _____ the valuable aspects of her own culture.正确答案:preserve29填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveCustoms officers seized more than 3.7 tons of fake goods last week, including more than 42,000 watches designed to _____ luxury brands.正确答案:imitate30青春须早为,岂能长少年。



1. One should build a pleasant relationship
his/her colleagues.
A. with
B. of
C. for
D. over
2. It's only 4:00 p. m .. It's A. too, to C. such, to
go out for dinner.
11. - Eric, tell me about your trip. How was it? - Well. . , it wasn't the best vacation I've ever taken. - Really? How come?
A. Actually, the food was pretty good. I found a wonderful restaurant. Some of their seafood dishes were the best I've ever tasted.
20. - What would you do if you had all the time in the world?
A. If I could find another job, you know I'd take it in a minute. B. I would spend two thirds of my time with those people who are in great need of
B. so, to
D. enough, to
3. I really like this A. wool new blue C. new blue wool

英语专业视听说II B卷

英语专业视听说II B卷


Part I PassageDirection: In this section, you will hear 3 passages. Listen to the passage only once and choose the best answer, or fill the blanks to complete each of the following sentences. (2'x18) Passage One( ) 1.France has ski resorts larger than all the ski resorts _______.A.in UtahB. in the United StatesC.in Utah and Colorado combinedD. in Utah and Colombia combined( ) 2. People prefer to eat lunch at the mountain restaurants because__________.A. food is normally better thereB. it is much more convenientC. the atmosphere is normally much nicer thereD. it is normally much cheaper( ) 3. Most of the French resorts are _________.A. financially supported by the governmentB. financially supported by private companiesC. privately ownedD. privately operated( ) 4. French students usually have _________ vacation.A. a staggered two-week winterB. a two week skiingC. a two week campingD. a two week hiking( ) 5.The French have got a quite unfair reputation of being__________.A. generally arrogantB. generally arrogant and rudeC. generally aggressiveD. generally aggressive and rude( ) 6. When greeting someone or saying good-bye, a __________ handshake is recommended.A. a firm and pumpingB. a firm and slight pressureC. a quick and slight pressureD. a quick and pumping( ) 7. Good topics of conversation include________ and where you come from.A. food, sports, historyB. food, sports, politicsC. food, prices, hobbiesD. food, sports, hobbies( ) 8. Generally speaking, France is a very safe country to visit but precaution against________ is necessary.A. robberyB. beggingC. car theftD. theft Passage Two( ) 9.Which of the following is the least important in judging an ideal teacher according to the passage?A. His age and appearance.B. His personality.C. His scholarship.D. His relationship with students.( ) 10. Does an ideal teacher make mistakes sometimes?A. No. Because he knows what he says in class will affect his students all their lives.B. Yes. But he never fails to apologize if he does.C. No. Because he is always well prepared before stepping onto the platform.D. Yes. But he is willing to learn.( ) 11. What relationship should be set up between an ideal teacher and his students?A. Mutual respect and understanding.B. Mutual love and affection.C. Mutual help and encouragement.D. Mutual trust and support.( ) 12. How does an ideal teacher see his students?A. He sees them all as talented young people.B. He sees them all as self-centered individuals.C. He sees them each as understanding, respectful individuals.D. He sees them each as an individual with a unique personality.( ) 13. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A. An ideal teacher should always set an example for his students.B. Both teachers and students benefit in the process of teaching and learning.C. Students should never expect their teacher to be ideal.D. Those who are trying to improve themselves constantly are ideal teachers.Passage Three( ) 14. Which of the following can be true of the credit card?A. It is a plastic card.B. It allows the holder of the card to buy things without cash.C. People using credit cards are never discredited.D. Both A and B.( ) 15. Why are credit cards so popular?A. They are easy to carry though not very safe.B. Many Americans like to carry both credit cards and a lot of cash.C. They are accepted in many places and can be used to buy both large and small items.D. Both A and B.( ) 16. What is the advantage of a credit card?A. The more you buy, the better your credit is.B. When you do not have money, you can still buy things.C. Since the credit card company sometimes pays the store, you do not have to pay at all.D. The credit card is accepted in fast food restaurants.( )17. When you receive a bill from your credit card company, how much can you pay immediately?A. In full.B. By half.C. A small part of the bill.D. Any of the above.( ) 18. What may happen if you don’t pay the bill until some time later?A. You must pay the interest.B. You pay double the amount of the original bill.C. Your card will become useless.D. You have to register with the credit card company again.Part II ConversationsDirection: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations . At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. (2'x10)( ) 19. A) At 9. B) At 9:15.C) At 9:30. D) At 9:50.( ) 20. A) 5 dollars. B) 10 dollars.C) 20 dollars. D) 15 dollars.( ) 21. A) One. B) Two.C) Three. D) Four.( ) 22. A) It is beside a hotel. B) It is beside a busy road.C) It is next to a hotel. D) It is opposite a hotel on a busy road.( ) 23. A) He often teaches English in his free time.B) He is an English teacher.C) He often teaches English for nothing.D) He gives three English lessons each week.( ) 24. A) She is not interested in hotel management.B) She is too busy to study hotel management.C) She majors in hotel management.D) She will study hotel management later.( ) 25. A) At a book store. B) At a restaurant.C) At a grocery store. D) At a farmer’s market.( ) 26. A) A chair. B) A bicycle.C) A TV set. D) A house.( ) 27. A) The chemistry lab. B) The physics lab.C) The language lab. D) The chemistry and physics lab.( ) 28. A) It’s not bad. B) It’s boring.C) It’s exciting. D) It’s very good.Part III: Compound DictationDirections: In this section, you will hear a short movie clip three times. When the clip is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 29 to 38 with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. (2'x10)ROCHESTER: You have grown attached to Thornfileld.JANE: I have been happy here.ROCHESTER: Would it grieve you to leave it?JANE: ____29_____it?ROCHESTER: When I marry I shall not want to live here.JANE: Of course. Adele will go to school. I will find another post. I ______30______ go in, sir. I am cold.ROCHESTER: Jane.JANE: Please, let me go, sir.ROCHESTER: Wait.JANE: Let me go!ROCHESTER: Jane.JANE: Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? Do you think _____31_____ I am poor and plain I have no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and ___32_____ 1 should make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. Yet my spirit can address yours as if both of us had ____33_____ through the grave and stood __34____ Him equal.ROCHESTER: Jane.JANE: Let me go, sir.ROCHESTER: I love you, I love you.JANE: Please, don’t make me____35____.ROCHESTER: Foolish? I need you. What is Blanche to me? I know what I am to her. ____36__ to manure her father’s lands with. Marry me, Jane. Say you’ll ___37__ me.JANE: Do you mean it?ROCHESTER: You torture me with your doubts. Say yes. Say yes! God ___38___ me. And let no man meddle with me. For I will keep her, keep her.Part IV: True or FalseDirections: Listen to the conversations and decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F), you will hear the conversations only once.(2'x12)Questions 39 to 45 are based on the conversation you have just heard.( ) 39. Bruce’s watch was probably ten minutes slow.( ) 40. The car needed some petrol.( ) 41. Bruce was watching the football match.( ) 42. They got a phone call from Pam on their way to the airport.( ) 43. The plane landed at about noon.( ) 44. It always takes a lot of time to get the luggage.( ) 45. It is Pam’s first visit to London.Questions 46 to 50 are based on the conversation you have just heard & please mark the statement T(true) or F (false).( ) 46. The man is bold and skillful in driving.( ) 47. The woman thinks it is necessary to wear seatbelts because 75 people have been injured this year.( ) 48. The woman had an accident because the road was wet.( ) 49. The woman’s brother almost died in the accident though he wore a seatbelt.( ) 50. The woman believes the man wouldn’t wear a seatbelt even after a narrow escape from an accident.。







第一套问题1:What do you do to keep fit?卡片题目:What makes health care so expensive?Why is it so difficult to seek medical treatment? (两位考生卡片不同)问题2:What do you usually do when you catch a cold? Why?对话题目:The most urgent issue to tackle in improving health care in China?第二套问题1:What do you think is the ideal age for people to retire?卡片题目:Problems old people often encounterActivities old people enjoy doing问题2:What would you do when you see an elderly person slip on the ground?对话题目:Is it good for old people to live with their children?第三套问题1:How do you like the university you are studying in?卡片题目:The importance of college educationWhat makes a good college?问题2:What do you plan to do after graduation? Please explain.对话题目:The most important factor contributing to academic success?第四套Q1: Have you had part-time work experience? Please explain.卡片题:Factors students consider when seeking a job;.Challenges students face when seeking a job.Q2: What’s your plan for future employment? Please explain.对话题:Should self-employment be encouraged among college graduates?第五套Q1: Do you think the world is facing an energy crisis? Why or why not?卡片题:Different forms of energy: Pros and cons.The important role of energy in modern society.Q2: What do you think is the best renewable energy? Please explain.对话题:Should nuclear energy be promoted?第六套Q1: Are you busy working every day? What do you usually do?卡片题:Please talk about your understanding of “All work and no play makes a lazy boy”.Q2:How do you think one can enjoy a happy life?对话题:How to balance work and play?第七套Q1: Have you heard of anyone involved in drug abuse? Please say something about it.卡片题:The harm of drug abuseMeasures to combat drug abuseQ2:What would you do if you found somebody involved in drug abuse.对话题:Should singers and movie stars having drug problems be banned from performing?第八套Q1: Do you take notes in class?卡片题:The importance of taking notes in class.Different ways of taking notes in class.Q2:Do you make notes while reading? Why or why not?对话题:How to make the best use of notes taken in class?第九套Q1: Do you enjoy reading? What do you usually read?卡片题:My understanding of intensive reading.Some students’ neglect of intensive reading.Q2:Do you make notes while reading? Why or why not?对话题:Is intensive reading still necessary in language learning?第十套Q1: What role do migrant workers play in urban development? Please explain.卡片题:The importance of providing a good education for migrant workers.Problems migrant workers face in their children’s education.Q2:What can college students do to help educate migrant workers’ children?对话题:Should migrant workers’ children receive education in their hometown or in the city?。



《综合英语(B)2》期末考试试卷附答案一、交际英语(每小题2分,共10分)1、- David injured his leg playing football yesterday.- Really? _______A:Who did that? B:What's wrong with him?C:How did that happen? D:Why was he so careless?2、- I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?- ___________ I'm not using it right now.A:Sure, go ahead. B:I don't know.C:It doesn't matter. D:Who cares?3、- Haven't seen you for ages! What are you busy with now?- _____________A:I hate the weather here. B:My hair is getting a bit longer.C:Yeah, thanks for coming. D:I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.4、I missed yesterday's football final.- _____________________A:It's a good idea. B:What a pity!C:Remember to bring it next time. D:I'm glad to hear that.5、-- Hi, is Mary there, please?-- _____A:Hold on. I'll get her. B:No, she isn't here.C:Yes, she lives here. D:Yes, what do you want?二、阅读理解(每小题3分,共30分)1、Laws have been written to govern the use of American National Flag, and to ensure proper respect for the flag. Custom has also governed the common practice in regard to its use. All the armed services have precise regulations on how to display the national flag. This may vary somewhat from the general rules. The national flag should be raised and lowered by hand. Do not raise the flag while it is folded. Unfold the flag first, and then hoist it quickly to the top of the flagpole. Lower it slowly and with dignity. Place no objects on or over the flag. Do not use the flag as part of a costume or athletic uniform. Do not print it upon cushions, handkerchiefs, paper napkins or boxes. A federal law provides that the trademark cannot be registered if it comprises the flag, or badgers of the US. When the flag is used to unveil a statue or monument, it shouldn't serve as a covering of the object to be unveiled. If it is displayed on such occasions, do not allow the flag to fall to the ground, but let it becarried high up in the air to form a feature of the ceremony. Take every precaution to prevent the flag from soiled. It should not be allowed to touch the ground or floor, nor to brush against objects.(1)、How do Americans ensure proper respect for the national flag? _________A:By making laws. B:By enforcing discipline.C:By educating the public. D:By holding ceremonies.(2)、What is the regulation regarding the raising of the American National Flag?_________A:It should be raised by soldiers. B:It should be raised quickly by hand.C:It should be raised only by Americans. D:It should be raised by mechanical means.(3)、How should the American National Flag be displayed at an unveiling ceremony? _________A:It should be attached to the status.B:It should be hung from the top of the monument.C:It should be spread over the object to be unveiled.D:It should be carried high up in the air.(4)、What do we learn about the use of the American National Flag? _________A:There has been a lot of controversy over the use of flag.B:The best athletes can wear uniforms with the design of the flag.C:There are precise regulations and customs to be followed.D:Americans can print the flag on their cushions or handkerchiefs.(5)、What is Americans' attitude towards their National Flag? _________A:Arbitrary. B:Respect. C:Happy. D:Brave.There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly, months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allowyourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.(1)、Our long-term goals mean a lot _______.A:if we cannot reach solid short-term goals B:if we complete the short-term goalsC:if we have dreams of the future D:if we put forward some plans (2)、New short-term goals are built upon______.A:a daily basis B:your achievement in a weekC:current activities D:the goals that have been completed(3)、When we complete each step of our goals, ________.A:we will win final successB:we are overwhelmedC:we will build up our confidence to achieve successD:we should have strong desire for setting new goals(4)、What is the main idea of this passage? _______A:Life is a dynamic thing. B:We should set up long-term goals. C:Different kinds of goals in life. D:The limitation of long-term goals. (5)、Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? _______ A:The long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without achieving short-term goals.B:The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals.C:Life is a static thing, thus never allowing a long-term goal to limit us.D:We should often add new short-term goals to what have been completed.三、词汇与语法(每小题2分,共10分)1、It's bad ________ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.A:behavior B:action C:manner D:movement2、People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware ____ he had gone.A:of where B:of the place where C:where D:the place 3、Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder!A:mass B:mess C:guess D:bus4、While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo, ____ is very useful now for me.A:it B:which C:that D:what5、The manager will not _________ us to use his car.A:have B:let C:agree D:allow四、完型填空(每小题2分,共20分)1、Climate change is one of the most fundamental challenges ever to confront humanity. Its impacts are already showing and will intensify over time __21__ left unchecked. There is overwhelming scientific evidence, __22__ shown in the Fourth Assessment Report (第四次评估报告的综合报告)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC), that climate change will threaten __23__ growth and long-term prosperity, as well as the very survival of the most vulnerable populations. IPCC projections indicate that if emissions continue to rise at their current __24__ and are allowed to double from their pre-industrial level, the world will face an average temperature__25__ of around 3°C this century. Serious impacts are associated __26__ this scenario (情景), including sea-level rise, shifts in growing seasons, and an __27__ frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as storms, floods and droughts.The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December in 2009 offers a __28__ opportunity to step up international action on climate change. A Copenhagen deal is __29__ the global transition into green economic growth, and, most urgently, to help the world, especially the most vulnerable, to adapt to impacts__30__ are now inevitable.1.A:if B:whether C:when D:which2. A:because B:as C:while D:when3. A:economics B:economical C:economy D:economic4. A:speed B:rate C:pace D:rhythm5. A:rising B:rise C:raise D:raising6. A:with B:to C:from D:in7. A:being increased B:increased C:increase D:increasing8. A:history B:historical C:historic D:historically9. A:necessary B:inevitable C:essential D:basic10.A:that B:of which C:who D:what五、英译汉(10分)(1)、All that glitters is not gold.(3分)(2)、I was having a nap when suddenly the telephone rang.(4分)(3)、I'm thinking about a visit to Paris. (3分)六、写作(20分)Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。



听说英语(2)期末复习及参考答案听力部分(共15分)Ⅰ、Listening Comprehension: Listen to the following material once, then make the best choice ( 听力理解: 听下列材料一次, 然后做出正确选择)C1. What does the “Open University” mean?A.The university is in the open country.B.The students often have classes in the open air.C.The courses are open to anyone who wants to take them.B2. Which party put forward the idea of the Open University?D.The Liberal Party.E.The Labour Party.F.The Conservative Party.C3. When did the Open University start its teaching program?A. In1963.B. In 1970.C. In 1971B4. How many students were accepted by the Open University in the year 1970?A. 40,000.B. 25,000.C. 14,000.C5. Which of the following is not often used in the Open University now?A. CD-ROM.B. E-mail.C. Telegram.B6. The first Americans were .A. BlacksB. IndiansC. AfricansA7. There are about American Indians in the United States now.A. 900,000B. 400,000C. 210,000C8. Today there are people in the United States.A. about 90 millionB. fewer than 40 millionC. more than 210 millionC 9. President Lincoln freed the slaves in .A. 1790B. 1970C. 1863C10. What does the story tell us about the old woman?A.She was found stealing in a bookstore.B.She caught someone in the act of stealing.C.She said she was wrongly accused of stealing.C11. What was said to have been stolen?A. A book.B. $3,000.C. A Christmas card. A12. What happened to Mrs. White after she was taken back to the store?A. She was shut in a small room for 20 minutes.B. She was insulted by the shoppers around her.C. She was body-searched by the store manager.B13. What was now the attitude of the department store in this legal case?A. They regretted having wrongly accused her of stealing.B. They still suspected that she was a thief.C. They agreed to pay her $3,000 for damages.C14. Why are Susan Riphen and Anna Ford very well known in Britain?G.They are the most attractive women in Britain.H.They are the most popular film stars.I.They are the first women news announcers on British television.C15. When does Susan read the news on TV?a)At 10 o’clock in the morning.b)At 12 o’clock at noon.c)At 9 o’clock in the evening.B16. When does Anna read the news?A. At 6:00.B. At 22:00.C. At 9:00.A17. Which of the following is not true?A. There are not many men news announcers in Britain today.B. Susan reads the news on BBC Television.C. Anna reads the news on Independent Television.C18. How do we know tha t Anna’s first appearance on TV was also a big attraction?A. Fewer people watched Susan’s program from then on.B. People still talk a lot about it.C. The number of viewers of her program that day increased by millions.C19. What does the advertisement say?a)It’s easy to speak a language.b)It’s easy to read foreign books.c)It’s easy to learn a foreign language fast.A20. What do most people want to learn?d)To speak a foreign language.e)To read foreign literature.f)To learn about the country where the language is spoken.C21. Which of the following is NOT necessary for many people who are learning a foreign language?A. Books and records.B. Radio and television programs.C. Learning it in the foreign country where it is spoken.B22. According to the speaker, why do most people learn a foreign language?A. Because they want to go abroad.B. Because they want to improve their work.C. Because they want to read books and reports in the foreign language.C23. According to the speaker, which of the following is the most important in learning a foreign language?A. Machines and good books.B. Classes.C. Hard work.C24.Which of the following is not true?A. Many Americans attend special church services on Thanksgiving Day.B. People in New Y ork and Philadelphia celebrate the holiday with the IndiansC. A Lot of Americans watch football games on that day.B25. The most common way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day is to__________.A. go on a holiday in MassachusettsB. send presents to relatives and friendsC. have a thanksgiving dinner.A26. Which of the following is Not mentioned as the traditional Thanksgiving Day food?A. Fried sausages.B. Roast turkey.C. Sweet potatoes.Ⅱ、Listen to the following material again, then fill in the missing words ( 再听下列材料一次, 然后填入缺漏的词汇)(1)In 1963, the idea of the Open University was first put forward by the Labour Party . But at that time many people laughed at the new idea. The plan for the new university was well advanced in 1969 , and by 1970, the university received 40,000 applications. Thousands of clerks, farm workers, housewives, teachers and policemen attended the first class over radio or on TV in January 1971. Nowadays new technology such as computer conferencing and World Wide Web are also widely used in the Open University in Britain.(2)The first Americans were Indians . They came from Asia . Today most Indians live in the southwest part of the country. Blacks first came to America from Africa as slaves . About eleven percent of the present population is Blacks. The first immigrants in America were from England and the Netherlands. Today people are still arriving in America from many countries in the world.(3)Mrs. White, a 72 -year-old woman, is claiming $3,000for damages from the store for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment. Mrs. White was followed through the town by thestore manager . He stopped her at a bookstore , grasped her bag and asked if he could it. She was taken back to the store and shut in a small room in full view of shoppers for20 minutes. She was also body-searched at the police station. Her lawyer said that department store sent an insincere apology and they insisted that she may have been stealing. The hearing continues.(4)The two most famous faces in Britain today belong to Susan and Anna . They appear on television almost every night. Susan and Anna are the first women new announcers in Britain. People show great interest in them. Articles about them appear in every popular magazine and newspaper in Britain today.(5)Learning a foreign language is quite different from learning the mother tongue .Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language in order to read the literature of the country. Now speaking the foreign language is what most people want. Whether the language is learned quickly or slowly , it is hard work. Machines and good books will help, but they cannot do the student’s work.(6)Thanksgiving Day is one of America’s _most_ _popular_ holiday. On that day many Americans _attend_ _special_ church services to offer prayers of Thanksgiving to God. Others watch football games _on_ _television_ or _at_ _sports_ stadiums. Friends and family get together to spend the day enjoy _a_ _long_ dinner and conversation. T o most Americans, Thanksgiving means a time of family reunions as well as a time to give thanks _for_ __the_ Richness of the past year.Ⅲ、Make the best choice for each sentence ( 为每个句子做出一个最佳选择)A1. October 24 --- the UN birthday is as United Nations Day.A. celebratedB. celebrateC. to celebrateD. celebratingB2. It is a day belongs to everyone.A. /B. thatC. whoD. whatD3. It is celebrated in countries of the world.A. the mostB. oneC. anotherD. mostB4. Some countries celebrate it for a week a day.A. insteadB. instead of B. instead forC. instead inC5. Every year the President of the United States, in a special announcement, asks Americans United Nations day.A. rememberB. rememberingC. to rememberD. rememberedD6. Life insurance means that upon your death a specific amount of money to your family.A. will payB. will paidC. will be paidD. be paidA7. The reason for this type of insurance that your family will be able to continue to live normal life style after you.A. is to guaranteeB. to guaranteeC. guaranteeD. is guaranteeC8. The fist type of property insurance you need is fire and theft.A. forB. againC. againstD. fromC9. Y ou also your car if you have one.A. need insuredB. need to be insuredC. need to insureD. need insuringB10. , you have to insure against liability in the event that you case an accident.A. BesideB. BesidesC. Be on sideD. On one sideD11. the word “green” means “ young”.A. SometimeB. Some timeC. Some timesD. SometimesC12. A person with “” seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well.A. green fingerB. green handC. green thumbD. green eyeA13. A“” is a person who has no experience, who is new to a situation.A. greenhornB. green thumbC. green eyeD. green headB14. Green is the color describe the powerful emotion, jealousy.A. use toB. used toC. used asD. usedA15. Paper is becoming one of the most useful .A. productsB. productC. productionD. productionsB16. We are not only using more and more of paper, its uses are still increasing.A. as well asB. but alsoC. andD. /D17. Annie did traveling.A. manyB. a fewC. lotsD. a great deal ofB18. Paper car bodies.A. has used to makeB. has been used to makeC. has been used to makingD. has used to makingD19. The food we eat every day seems to have effects on our health.A. foundB. profoundedC. preferD. profoundA20. Human illnesses are diet.A. related toB. relation toC. relative toD. related withD21.It becomes more difficult to know on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. B. that thing C. which thing D. which thingsB22. Penicillin in the milk of treated cows.A. has foundB. has been foundC. foundD. has been foundedB23. On July 1, 1859, four men, with sufficient supplies of provision, started on a trip by balloon from St. Louis to New York. The word “sufficient” means .A. lack ofB. enoughC. too muchD. sufferD24. Thousands of people have attended the wedding ceremony on that day. “Thousands of”stands for .A. a thousandB. two thousandC. not manyD. a great number ofC25. With high speed, the balloon to the height of two miles.A. raisedB. risenC. roseD. riseD26. Near Lake Ontario the balloon met with a hurricane, lost its power, and rapidly towards the water.A. rosing … sankB. rising … sinkC. raising … sankD. risin g … sankB27. Carefree smiling is in fashion in Japan.A. no longB. no longerC. not longD. not longerA28. , not only the amount of smiling but the way of smiling is changing.A. As a matter of factB. As a factC. As factD. In a factB29. Both the stars magazine covers and their readers say they can not smile any more. A. in B. on C. from D. against B30. The active smiles, people give to each other to show affection, friendliness or to make others feel easy, are cherished much all over the world.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. in whichD31. In communities, young people plays about the United Nations.A. other, put inB. another, put onC. the other, putD. other, put onB32. Schools celebrate songs and dances.A. withB. asC. withinD. throughB33. Schools give parties foods of other countries are served.A. whichB. whereC. whatD. with whichC34. The purpose of these celebrations is everyone understand the United Nations and why it is important.A. to helpingB. helpC. to helpD. helpedA35. The United Nations encourages people to learn about other lands and their .A. customsB. customersC. customedD. costumeC36. This is especially true with a car can bring about a serious accident on the highway.A. in whichB. whatC. whichD. /D37. There are many types of insurance, which one can buy.A. othersB. anotherC. the otherD. otherB38. Medical insurance is also very important but this is usually provided by one’s .A. employmentB. employerC. employeeD. employA39. If you property is stolen, the insurance will your loss.A. pay forB. pay toC. payD. pay byA40. , one has to insure his life, property and business.A. GenerallyB. GeneralC. In generallyD. Generally speakB41. A person with “” is one who is very jealous.A. green thumbB. green eyeC. greenhornD. green lightB42. In everyday speech a “” means approval to continue with a program or action.A. green thumbB. green lightC. green eyeD. greenhornA 43. Mr. Richards was quite good with a rifle.A. at shootingB. to shootingC. at shootD. to shootB44. Mr. Richard has several competitions in his small town.A. take partB. taken part inC. takes part inD. took part inB45. that before long, you may be able to change your car body.A. It saysB. It is saidC. It has saidD. It is sayB46. Other materials cars in many cases.A. are used as makingB. are used to makeC. used to makeD. used to makingC47. The container ship is designed for loads.A. more heavierB. much heavyC. heavierD. much more heavierB48. It is to use wood in some forms of paper-making in the 1990s.A. necessarilyB. necessaryC. to be necessaryD. to be necessarilyC49. Drugs are used to animals not for medical purposes, financial reasons.A. as forB. as toC. bur forD. but toC50. The farmers are simply trying to the animals in order to obtain a higher price.A. fatB. fatterD. fatenA51. Although the FDA has tried to control these procedures, the practices continue.A. repeatedlyB. repeatC. repeatedD. repetitiveD52. Should everyone the truth all the time?A. speakB. sayC. talkD. tellD53. The balloon finally reached the shore, for 50 miles.A. have traveledB. have been travelingC. having travelingD. having traveledC54. The little bird flew the surface of the water.A. onB. inC. aboveD. intoB55. They never expected to reach the ground .A. liveB. aliveC. livelyD. livingB56. The whole distance traveled was 1,200 miles, and the time to complete the journey was 19 hours.B. takenC. tookD. takingB57. The teenagers refuse along with the people around them.A. gettingB. to getC. gotD. gettingD58. The Americans take a lot of anti-fat food. The word “anti-fat” means .A. very fatB. with fatC. with meat fatD. fat-freeD59. French people think that moderate daily intake of wine is good health.A. toB. withC. fromD. forD60.The French ignore any warning against smoking. The word “ignore” means .A. pay attention toB. respectC. likeD. pay no attention toB61. He in Atlanta.A. was boreB. was bornC. is bornD. to be bornD62. He was born January 15, 1929.A. inB. withC. forD. onA63. He became world-famous in short a time.A. soB. thatC. suchD. howC64. He to study at the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University and Boston University.A. went inB. went withC. went onD. went forC65. At Boston University he Coretta.A. meetB. has metC. metD. met withD66. The French are famous their wines.A. toB. withC. ofD. forC67. , the old-fashioned names “pop” and “soda” arepopular.A. NeverB. NeverlessC. NeverthelessD. Never thelessB68. Cocaine coca leaves.A. comesB. comes fromC. comes toD. come fromC69. Americans are heavy of carbonated drinks.A. drinkB. drinksC. drinkersD. drinkerD70. Carbonated drinks have become part of life of .A. the most AmericansB. most AmericanC. most AmericasD. most AmericansB71. Mr. Richards had to go to a city for a month.A. in businessB. on businessC. for businessD. to businessC72. He joined the local rifle club and spent several pleasant evenings there.A. shootB. to shootC. shootingD. shootedC73. Mr. Richards suddenly just before match.A. feel illB. fall illC. fell illD. felt illnessB74. The captain had to choose somebody else to in a hurry.A. take placeB. take his placeC. take placesD. take one placeC75. A long time ago, there was a rich old man who loved wine and good food everything else.A. onB. uponC. aboveD. forD76. He had never caught his servant drinking his wine or his food.A. eatB. to eatC. eatenD. eatingA77. One day the old man to dinner at the home of one of his friends.A. was invitedB. is invitedC. invitedD. has been invitedC78. He did not know the wine.A. what to doB. what to do forC. what to do withD. what do toC79. is a universal communication style.A. LieingB. LayingC. LyingD. LainingD80. Nobody can claim that he has never .A. said a lieB. spoken a lieC. talked a lieD. told a lieD81. Only one ten will get to pass the test.A.ofB. outC. withD. inA82. Half of the adults in a radio poll last year admitted they had told a lie.A. interviewedB. intervieweredC. interviewedD. interviewD83. Mr. Wise is perfectly satisfied with the of the experiment.A. successfulB. succeedC. successfullyD. successB84. They offered some explanations but were not at all sure how the hole .A. was causedB. had been causedC. has causedD. has been causedA85. He occasionally visits his grandmother. The word “occasionally” means .A. not very oftenB. alwaysC. usually D oftenB86. that a large shell which must have lain buried under the ground for many years had suddenly exploded.A. It thoughtB. It was thoughtC. It thinksD. It was thinkingB87. They never their voices or make any rude gestures.A. riseB. raiseC. roseD. risenC88. They are just as cool as in the wild disorder.A. appleB. pearC. cucumberD. cabbageD89. For centuries, people have been wondering why cats have the ability to right themselves in the midair while f alling down from a very high place. Here “centuries” stands for . A. ahundred years B. two hundred yearsC. ten yearsD. several hundred yearsB90. Biologists regard it an example of adaptation by natural selection.A. toB. asC. forD. withA91. For his ideas and actions, he was jailed a short time.A. forB. withinC. asD. afterD92. Many years later he a crowd of 250,000 people.A. toldB. saidC. spokeD. spoke toD93. On April 4, 1968, he to death.A. were shootB. were shootC. was shootD. was shotD94. The man had preached nonviolence all his life died a victim of violence.A. /B. whichC. whomD. whoB95. Many Americans are still struggling that dream come true.A. makingB. to makeC. madeD. makeD96. The Coca-Cola Company is soft drink company in the world.A. biggestB. biggerC. the biggerD. the biggestD97. The profits of the company is over $400,000,000. The number should be read as .A. four millionB. four billionC. four hundred thousandD. four hundred millionB98. Colas are in almost every part of the world.A. avilableB. availableC. unavailableD. inavailableC99. Carbonated drinks are soft drinks.A. know asB. known toC. known forD. known asB100. , the bottle cap doesn’t make a popping sound when you open the bottle.A. NowadayB. NowadaysC. NowdaysD. NowdayA101. He to take part in the competition.A. was invitedB. was inviteC. was been invitedD. was being invitedA102. Mr. Richards felt greatly to be asked to shoot for such a good team.A. honoredB. honorC. honorfulD. honorlessC103. He felt for the first round of the match.A. nervouslyB. nervousnessC. nervousD. nerveA104. He was afraid a fool of himself and letting down his team.A. of makingB. to makeC. makingD. to makingB105. In the cupboard there are two bottles poison.A. fill withB. filled withC. full inD. full withC106. He was what was happening.A. satisfying forB. satisfying withC. satisfied withD. satisfied forB107. At midnight the rich old man .A. returned backB. returned homeC. returned to homeD. turned homeB108. The letter you write is your representative.A. personB. personalC. personnelD. personifyA109. means that a lie which makes people feel comfortable.A. White lieB. Black lieC. Blue lieD. Green lieB110. I am deeply by his lies.A. hurtedB. hurtC. woundD. woundedD111. Police officers and judges are no better detecting lies than ordinary people.A. inB. toD. atA112 In Pakistan the role of women has been changing in the last three decades, which is years.A. thirtyB. threeC. thirty-sixD. sixtyB113. To some people, watching TV is than reading books.A. far more interestingB. further interestingC. much interestingD. many interestingB114. , they had to leave their homeland.A. Since thisB. Because of thisC. Because thisD. As thisC115. This is explanation how the hole had appeared.A. the simplerB. simplestC. the simplestD. much simpleB116. We can see that phenomenon we dip a piece of glass into water.A. whichB. whenC. thatD. whatD117. Physicists take it a miracle.B. forC. withD. asD118. If a cat has no spin when it down and experiences no external torque, it shouldn’t be able to twist around as it falls.A. thatB. feltC. fellD. fallsC119. The spins of the cat in the midair are too fast for human eyes follow.A. thatB. asC. toD. tooB120. Y ou may walk either on this side that side of the street.A. andB. orC. notD. tooA121. Acupuncture in China for more than 2,000 years.A. has been practicedB. has practicedC. have practicedD. have been practicedC122. Several hospitals in the United States are now experimenting acupuncturea way of treating pain.A. for …asB. with …forC. with …asD. as …withD123. An American journalist who stood a patient during an operation in Shanghai described the process and its effects.A. be sideB. besidesC. be sidesD. besideA124. It has been done to keep the patient from pain during the operation.A. feelingB. to feelC. feltD. feelD125. Two needles under the skin on each side of the patient’s neck.A. insertedB. will insertedC. has insertedD. were insertedD126. Sir Stamford Raffles, after the world famous Raffles Hotel is named, arrived in Singapore.A. hisB. whatC. himD. whomC127. There were living there.A. a few fishermanB. fewer fishermenC. a few fishermenD. few fishermanA128. The population of Singapore is 3,000,000. The number should be read as .A. 3 millionB. 3 millionsC. 3 thousand millionD. 3 billionD129. Singapore is one of the few countries in the world the number of tourists in a year is greater than the population.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. whereA130. The consistently warm weather makes for tourism to be spread throughout the year.A. it possibleB. it is possibleC. it impossibleD. it is impossibleB131. He did very in the competition.A. badB. badlyC. goodD. fineA132. He was nervous he could not keep his hands from trembling while he was shooting.A. so … thatB. such … thatC. so … asD. as … asA133. Y ou take two bullets with you if you do that.A. had betterB. had better toC. would betterD. would lieC134. After seeing my score, I feel like outside and shooting myself.A. go B to goC. goingD. goesA135. It will be better for you to go there .A. in personB. in your personC. with personD. to personA136. He wrote to thank me his family.A. for entertainingB. to entertainC. as entertainD. for entertainC137. Is he that alone?A. able doingB. able with doingC. able to doD. able to doingC138. A friendly letter a visit on paper.A. likeB. is alikeC. is likeD. is likingB139. Although traditional clothing and staying at home used to be the rule, today many women are going into professions.A. dressingB. wearingC. putting onD. wearing inA140. Women still run up some roadblocks since many government jobs are closed to them.A. againstB. forC. withD. onB141. Do they have an alternative to their old way of life? The word “alternative”means .A. collectionB. choiceC. changeD. completionC142. CA T scans can show than X-rays.A. more evenB. muchC. even moreD. more betterC143. When the cohesive forces are greater than the adhesive, the solid is not by the liquid.A. wetB. wetedC. wettedD. wetsC144. He is his former colleagues.A. contactB. contact withC. in contact withD. in contactD145. Desert mammals the normal mammals in the practice of maintaining a constant body temperature.A. different fromB. different toC. differ toD. differ fromA146. This university has to the students.A. less attractionB. less attractC. fewer attractionD. fewer attractC147. There were two sequences of twenty photos each, one from the side and from behind.A. the othersB. anotherC. the otherD. othersB148. Cats know this skill .A. as birthB. by birthC. from birthD. for birthC149. Thick fogs can keep a traveler where he is going.A. from seeB. from to seeC. from seeingD. from to seeingB150. He wrote an article after these stories.A. studyB. studyingC. studiesD. studiedRead the passage and judge whether the following statements are true or false ( 阅读文章判断下列句子正确与否, 正确的用T表示, 不正确的用F表示).F1. October 24 is the National Day of the United States.F2. Every year the President of the United States asks Americans to plant a tree to celebrate United Nations Day.T3. V arious programs are prepared in schools for this day.T4. On October 24, plays about the United Nations are put on by young people.F5. The United Nations encourages people to learn from developed countries.Passage T woA man went to an insurance office to have his life insured. The manager of the office asked him how old his parents were when they died. “Mother had a heart attack and died at the age of 32. Father died of cancer when he was 36.”“I am sorry,”said the manager, “We cannot insure your life as your parents were not healthy.”“Y ou must not be so frank and tell the tr uth,” said the clerk. “No office will insure you if you speak like that. Use your imagination a little.”The man went to another office and was shown into themanager’s room. “ Well, young man, how old were your parents when they died?”“Mother was 83, and she died from a fall off her bike. Father was 85 and he died while he was playing football.”The manager immediately agreed to insure the man’s life.Read the passage and choose the best answer ( 阅读文章选择最佳答案)C1. The manager of the insurance office asked the man about his parents in order to .A.know more about the man’s lifeB.know whether his parents were still livingC.decide whether they should insure his lifeD.be friendly with the manD2. The manager would not insure the man’s life because .A.his parents were oldB.his mother had a bad heartC.his father had cancerD.both his parents died youngA3. When the man left the first insurance office , he was .A. unhappyB. happyC. satisfiedD. angryA4. The clerk of the first insurance office advised the man .A.to make up some storiesB.to speak more openlyC.not to speak rudely to the managerD.to say “sorry” to the managerC5. The manager of another office agreed to insure the man’s life because .。



英语视听说2试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。

(每题2分,共10分)(1) What is the man going to do this weekend?A. Visit his parents.B. Go to a concert.C. Stay at home.Answer: A(2) Why does the woman refuse the man's invitation?A. She has to work.B. She is not interested.C. She has another appointment.Answer: C(3) What is the weather like today?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Cloudy.Answer: B(4) What does the man suggest they do?A. Go shopping.B. Watch a movie.C. Have dinner together.Answer: B(5) What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Friends.C. Strangers.Answer: B2. 根据所听短文,回答问题。

(每题2分,共10分)(1) What is the main topic of the passage?Answer: The importance of environmental protection.(2) What does the speaker suggest we should do to reduce pollution?Answer: Use public transportation and recycle more.(3) What are the consequences of ignoring environmental issues?Answer: Loss of biodiversity and health problems.(4) How can individuals contribute to environmental conservation?Answer: By planting trees and reducing waste.(5) What is the speaker's final call to action?Answer: To take immediate action to save the planet.二、口语表达(共30分)1. 根据所给情景,完成对话。



End of Term Test APart I Listening Comprehension (24’)Section A (7’)Directions: Listen to the questions and decide on the best answers. The questions will be spoken twice.1. A) Red and green. C) Yes, I do.B) Because he’s Scottish.D) I don’t want to.2. A) All the time. C) I don’t think so.B) They’re cool. D) Yes, maybe.3. A) They’re getting hotter. C) Sure, here you are.B) I like to do sport. D) Only last summer.4.A) She’s 43 years old.C) Yes, quite well.B) Swimming and hiking.D) She’s always happy.5. A) I don’t think I’d like to. C) No, because it’s hard work.B) Yes, for as long as I can remember. D) At elementary school.6. A) It was expensive. C) I think it’s broken.B) That’s what she told me. D) In the kitchen.7.A) On my social media feed. C) Sometimes.B) Because it was funny. D) Yesterday.Section B (7’)Directions: Listen to the short conversations and decide on the best answers. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken twice.1. A) Tall with dark hair. C) Small with dark hair.B) Small and slim. D) Slim with blonde hair.2. A) On foot. C) By bike.B) By bus. D) By taxi.3. A) It’s environmentally friendly.C) It’s very good.B) It’s expensive. D) It’s not effective.4. A) Men are working longer hours.B) Men are working from home.C) Men are doing more childcare than before.D) Men are doing less childcare than before.5. A) Bedroom temperature and light.B) Hours of sleep.C) Bedroom noise and his dreams.D) Bedroom temperature and hours of sleep.6. A) She thinks her boss doesn’t like her.C) She thinks her boss is relaxed.B) She doesn’t like her boss. D) She thinks her boss is friendly.7. A) To the shops. C) To the park.B) To the movies. D) To the sport center.Section C (5’)Directions: Listen to the short conversations and decide on the best answers. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken twice.Conversation 11. A) Move to a bigger house.C) Move in with his daughter.B) Move to an apartment.D) Move to the countryside.2. A) He wants to be nearer his work. C) It’s cheaper.B) He wants to be closer to his family.D) It’s environmentally friendly.Conversation 23.A) She’s been offered an internship.C) She’s been promoted.B) She’s been fired. D) She’s got a job interview.4. A) Excited and relaxed. C) Bored and unhappy.B) Excited and nervous. D) Unhappy and nervous.5. A) Act like a real boss. C) Ask for her old job back.B) Study some leadership books. D) Just be herself.Section D (5’)Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. The passage will be read three times.Showing your parents that you (1) _______ them is important and you can do this in many simple ways. For example, you can take the time to listen to them when they speak and (2) _______ in their lives. You can also help them with household chores or run errands to lighten their load. It’s also good to express your (3) _______ by saying “I love you” and “thank you”often. Your parents will love to spend (4) _______ with you, whether that means watching a movie or going for a walk. Always remember important dates like their birthdays or anniversaries and (5) _______ with thoughtful gifts. Small gestures of kindness and respect go a long way in showing your parents how much you care about them.Part II Vocabulary & Structure (15’)Section A (10’)Directions: Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences.1. You can buy all sorts of fruit there: apples, bananas, mangoes and the _______.A) piece C) stuffB) like D) things2. Longer skirt lengths are _______ a comeback this summer, and we have some lovely ones!A) doing C) makingB) taking D) seeing3. On hearing the news of his death, we have all been overcome _______ great sadness.A) in C) onB) with D) of4. In the end, Tony paid a high _______ for looking at his phone while driving.A) money C) priceB) fare D) punishment5. How old is that cheese in the refrigerator? It’s _______ off a terrible smell.A) doing C) sendingB) making D) giving6. Can you tidy up this mess, please? I don’t have the time to pick up _______ you.A) after C) overB) around D) along7. All of the money’s gone! Someone must have _______ into our house!A) given C) brokenB) brought D) taken8. Sharon is smart. I’m sure she’ll be able to figure ______ how this works.A) at C) overB) on D) out9. Why don’t you just _______ up? I don’t know why you’re always so serious.A) smile C) cheerfulB) lighten D) happy10. Times are tough, but we’ll work hard and do what we can to stay _______ business.A) over C) onB) in D) withSection B (5’)Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given in brackets.1. Running a _______ (profit) business isn’t always easy, and you need to be strategic.2. Yes, I _______ (vague) remember having a conversation with her on that subject.3. The closet in the hall should be large enough for you to store all your _______ (equip).4. I’m enjoying my new job and my _______ (co-worker) are all very friendly.5. Can you help me? My sister has just been _______ (bit) by a dog.Part III Reading Comprehension (30’)Task 1 (5’)Directions: Read the following passage. Then choose the best answers to complete the exercises that follow.Job interviews can be nerve-wracking experiences for many of us. Read our top five tips on how to overcome interview nerves and present your best self to potential employers.Preparation: One of the most effective ways to deal with interview nerves is to thoroughly prepare. Understand the role you’re applying for and think about the questions you might be asked.Positive self-talk: Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Remind yourself of your skills, experiences and achievements. Visualize a successful interview and believe in your abilities!Relaxing: Deep breathing exercises can help calm your nerves. Take slow, deep breaths before and during the interview to relax your body and mind. Practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation can help you stay focused and less anxious.Feedback: Get your family or career counselor to help you with a practice interview. Feedback and constructive criticism can help you to identify areas for improvement and boost your confidence.Visualizing success: Imagine yourself performing well in the interview, confidentlyanswering questions and connecting with the interviewer. This can help reduce anxiety and enhance your performance.Remember, everyone gets nervous! However, with practice and determination you can conquer these nerves and showcase your true potential to employers.1. The writer of this text suggests you prepare for an interview by ________.A) researching the history of the company onlineB) planning the route you are going to take to the interviewC) deciding what you are going to wear in advanceD) identifying questions that the interviewer might ask you2. According to the text, you can relax before an interview by________.A) going over the questions you will be askedB) spending some time with friends and familyC) meditating and doing deep-breathing exercisesD) listening to relaxing music and having a bath3. The writer suggests identifying the areas you need to improve upon by_______.A) practicing your interview questions in front of the mirrorB) having a practice interview with family or a career counselorC) asking the interviewer if you can film the interviewD) asking previous interviewers for feedback on your performance4. The writer suggests you visualize success by _______.A) imagining yourself being offered the jobB) imagining yourself working in the jobC) imagining yourself performing well at the interviewD) imagining yourself in a warm, peaceful place5. What is the best title for this article?A) How to Give Great Answers at InterviewB) How to Get the Job of Your DreamsC) How to Overcome Interview NervesD) How to Make a Great First Impression at InterviewTask 2 (3’)Directions: Read the following poster.Then choose the best answers to complete the exercises that follow.Step into the Future of Homes!Date: April 5thTime: 10 am–5 pmLocation: Future Homes Ltd., 15 The HighstreetAdmission: FreeAre you curious about the homes of tomorrow? Don’t miss this incredible exhibition which showcases cutting-edge technologies and the designs that will shape our future homes!Join us as we embark on a journey into the world of futuristic living! Have a look at some of the architectural concepts that challenge traditional designs.You will also have the opportunity to:●Embrace sustainable living. Discover eco-friendly solutions that put sustainabilityfirst and reduce our environmental footprint. See how your home can be in harmony with nature and find out how you can contribute to a greener future.●Experience smart homes. Interact with state-of-the-art home automation systems andexperience the power of artificial intelligence! Explore how smart homes make life more secure, convenient and efficient.●Talk to our sales advisors. Find out how a smart home could be tailored to suit yourlifestyle. Consider the possibilities of coming home from work to a warm house where your meals are already prepared for you and your carpets are clean! Sounds like a fantasy? This could be your reality!Don’t miss this opportunity to glimpse the homes of the future! Bring your family and friends to this exhibition and unlock a world of endless possibilities. Step into the future today!6. Where will the exhibition take place?A) At a town hall.B) At a college.C) At a museum.D) At a furniture shop.7. What is the main purpose of the exhibition?A) To encourage people to live more sustainably.B) To weigh up the pros and cons of smart homes.C) To encourage people to buy a smart home.D) To warn people of the dangers of future homes.8. Which of the following does the poster NOT mention?A) Finding out how much a new smart home costs.B) Learning about the technology behind the homes of the future.C) Finding out how a smart home could work with your lifestyle.D) Finding out how smart homes are environmentally friendly.Task 3 (5’)Directions: Read the following company introduction. Then complete the information by filling in the blanks (in no more than 3 words) in the table below.Blue LobsterBlue Lobster specializes in helping small businesses promote and elevate their brands.We understand that as a small business it can be challenging to reach your target audience and establish a strong presence in the market. That’s where we come in.At Blue Lobster, we have a team of experts who are passionate about helping small businesses succeed. We offer a range of advertising services tailored to meet the needs of your brand. Whether you’re looking to create persuasive advertisements or engage with your target audience on social media, we have the expertise to make it happen.What sets us apart is our commitment to delivering results. We believe in the power of effective advertising to transform businesses. We work closely with our clients to develop strategies to suit their goals and budgets.Our experienced team stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends and employs proven techniques to ensure your brand stands out from the competition.When you work with us, you can expect a collaborative approach and great communication. We take the time to understand your unique selling points and develop creative campaigns.Let us be your trusted partner in promoting your brand and driving business growth. Contact us today to discuss how we can help your small business thrive in a competitive marketplace.Task 4 (7’)Directions: Match the terms related to college life with their Chinese equivalents. A-------------------- Climate changeB-------------------- Renewable energyC-------------------- Pollution reductionD-------------------- Sustainable developmentE -------------------- Biodiversity conservationF -------------------- Ecological footprintG -------------------- Greenhouse gas emissionH -------------------- DeforestationI-------------------- Over-fishingJ -------------------- Ozone depletionK -------------------- Wildlife conservationL -------------------- Environmental degradationM -------------------- Water scarcityN -------------------- Plastic pollutionO -------------------- Air qualityP -------------------- Ecosystem restorationTask 5 (10’)Directions: Read the following letter. Then complete the answers that follow the questions in no more than 3 words.Hi Bill,How are you? Last time we spoke, you told me that you were having some difficulties with your parents. Are things getting any better? I hope so. Anyway, I thought I’d write and share some advice, as I had a similar issue with my overprotective parents a few years ago.I think it’s important to remember that your parents are doing what they do because they love you. Instead of getting annoyed with them, try having an honest conversation with them. You could explain your feelings calmly, and tell them you would like more independence.Another approach you can take is to gradually demonstrate your responsibility and maturity. Show your parents that you can handle small tasks and responsibilities on your own. By doing this you can earn their trust over time.It could also be helpful to involve an adult in the conversation between you and your parents—someone you trust, like a relative or a family friend. This could help your parents to see things from a different perspective.I think that patience is important in dealing with overprotective parents. It may take time for them to adjust to you growing older and more independent. In the meantime, try to understand their concerns.I hope that advice is helpful. Remember, I’m always here for you if you need me. Love,Amy21. What is Bill’s problem?Bill is having some difficulties _________________________________.22. Why does Amy think she can help Bill?She had a similar problem with _________________________________.23. What does Amy suggest that Bill do instead of getting annoyed?He should have ________________________ with his parents.24. How could Bill get his parents to see things from another point of view?He could ask _________________________________ to get involved in the conversation.25. What quality does Amy think is important when dealing with overprotective parents?Amy thinks it’s important to _________________________________, as parents can take time to adjust to their children getting older.Part IV Translation—English into Chinese (16’)Directions: Each of the four sentences is followed by three choices of suggested translation marked A, B and C. Make the best choice.1. The main aim of advertising is to appeal to people’s emotions.A) 广告是为了吸引人们的兴趣。



本科《视听说》考试试卷(A卷、闭卷)Part 1 Short dialog s and multiple choice questions(每小题2 分,共20分)Directions: Listen to the short dialog s, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.()A. Everybody hurries, so things are done quickly.错误!未找到引用源。

错B. Everybody hurries, but things are done slowly.误!未找到引用源。

C. People have different opinions on whether we should hurry.错误!未找到引用源。

D. More and more people think we should not hurry.错误!未找到引用源。

2.()A. A woman should apologize for being late.错误!未找到引用源。

B. A man should arrive ahead of time.错误!未找到引用源。

C. Important men can be late for an appointment.错误!未找到引用源。

D. Women can be late for an appointment.错误!未找到引用源。

3.()错A. The same as the woman's opinion.误!未找到引用源。



上海对外贸易学院2010 — 2011 学年第一学期《综合英语(视听说)(II)》课程期末考试试卷A 卷1. Situational Dialogues:1. A acts as a customer who needs a watch, while B as a salesman/woman who is trying to sell awatch to the customer. During the conversation you may take the following expressions for reference: Attractive in appearance; Convenient and practical; Good quality; durable; Not expensive considering its qualityM: What can I do for you, Miss?S: Yeees, I’m looking for a watch as a gift for my father’s birthday.M: Okay, we have just these perfect watches designed for the mid-aged, here you are.S: Let me see. Hmm. They all look alike to me. Which one do you recommend?M: Well, This blue one is pretty attractive in appearance, this grey one is very convenient and practical, and this golden one is quite elegant in style.S: Hmmm, this golden one seems nice, how much is it?M: 300 dollars.S: This price is a little high, how about 250 dollars?M: I’m sorry, Miss. This watch is very durable and with exquisite workmanship; it’s really not expensive considering its quality.S: All right, I’ll take it, as long as my father is happy.2.As a college student, A wants to take a part time job to earn some extra money. But he /shedoesn’t know how to balance the study and part time job. He asks B for help.S: Michelle, I’m considering of taking a part time job.M: Why? Are you short of money?S: Well, it’s always nice to earn some extra money, besides, it adds to my social experience.M: All right, it sounds like a good idea, I guess.S: There is just one problem. I don’t know how to balance the study and the part-time job.M: Hmm, well, as long as you focus on your study at school and do your homework on time, I’m sure you’ll solve your “balance” problem. Be positive, Summer!S: Yeah, you’re right. I’ll try my best, thanks.M: Never mind, maybe you could buy me a lunch after you got your extra money?S: Ha-ha, I’ll consider that.3. A and B are in charge of the neighborhood with a lot of stray cats(流浪猫), which make hugenoise at night and may spread virus. A and B have received a lot of complaints from the residents. Now they are discussing what to do with the cats.S: Hey, Michelle, I’ve received a lot of complaints from the residents in the neighborhood about these stray cats that we are taking care of.M: Complaints? Why would anyone complain about these cute small kitties?! What did they say? S: Well, they said that cats made huge noise at night and may spread virus, and want us to do something about that.M: Hmm, maybe they are right; shall we take them to inject some king of vaccines?S: Yes, it’s a good idea, and we also need to find them a new home.M: All right, I know cats can be rather noisy in spring. Oh, I’ll miss them so much.S: You don’t have to, we could still go and visit them, don’t worry.M: Oh, that’s very kind of you, Summer, thanks.4.In Chinese feudal society, women were advised not to get divorced with their husbands,though they might live in misery. A and B are talking about the equality between men and women in marriage.S: Hi, Michelle, what’s up?M: Hi, Summer, I am just reading a book.S: What is the book talking about?M: It is talking about a story of women who lived in Chinese feudal society. Women were advised not to get divorced with their husbands, though they might live in misery for the rest of their lives. S: That’s terrible. I really feel sorry about that. But fortunately, women and men are almost equal in marriage now.M: Yes, in our modern society, men and women should take the same responsibility in work, family and bringing up children. Although the wife’s mother-in-law may asks the wife to do the housework or to take care of the children alone, it is the responsibility of husband to help the woman.S: That’s true, for example, when wives are doing the housework, husbands can play with the children. When wives are working late at night, husbands can coax children to go to bed. That is to say, couples should cooperate together to keep the harmonious and peaceful atmosphere in the family.M: Yeah, I agree on that, however, you can’t ignore the fact that the sexism still exists in our modern society. For instance, there still are a lot of husbands who ask their wives to stay at home and take care of children instead of having a career.S: That’s also true, it’s going to take a long time to erase the sexism completely.A andB are music fans. A likes pop music especially rock and roll. B likes classical music (Mozart, Chopin, and Beethoven). They are planning to go to the concert.S: Michelle, what’s in your hand?M: Oh, I have booked two tickets for the concert tonight; would you like to join me?S: So I can tell that you are really into music. I have seen you go to the concert many times. Which kind of music do you like?M: Sure, I am a crazy of pop music especially rock and roll. I have these complete collections of “The Beatles” and “Rolling Stones”. And last month, I attended a concert about some classics of the rock music. It’s fantastic!S: I can fully understand your enthusiasm, but I am not keen on the rock music. The classical music of which Mozart, Chopin and Beethoven is my favorite. When I am under great pressures, listening to these music can release my stress and helps me create a good mood. When I’m reading books in the winter sun, listening to this music can remind me of the old, extravagant and graceful time. In addition, listening to these masterpieces can improve my mastery.M: OK, everyone has his own opinion and I acknowledge that classical music is wonderful, but why not try some rock music in this modern society? Maybe it will make your life more colorful and encourage you to meet new challenges. Come on! Let’s go to see the rock concert tonight! S: All right, but you should go to the classical music concert with me next time in return.M: Fair enough!2. DiscussionStudents conduct dialogues on the selected topics. They should use discussion techniques when they give their opinions on the following themes:1.There are a lot of ways to express your love to the right person. What will be your way? Isfriendship more valued by you than love? Why?S: Michelle, what’s the homework today?M: A topic about the way to express your love to the right person.S: That would be a good topic in our ages. What’s your opinion?M: Well, there are a lot of ways to express your love to the right person, as for me, when I love a person, I will say directly to him that I love him in a proper time. I won’t hide feelings in my heart. If you love a person, the best way to respect the relationship between you and him is to tell him what your real feeling is, don’t you think?S: Well, I must say that you are a brave girl. If I love a person, I will love everything about him including his facial expressions, his behaviors, and even his habits. But maybe I will only admire him from a distance until he finds out my love for him. I won’t express my real emotion to him because I lack the courage to say the important three words.M: Why? I think you should just go and tell him that you like him. There’s no need to be shy.S: Because I think that love is just a feeling between the only two people. I think that neither of the couple wants to break this unique ambiguous feeling. So, the only way is to keep silent. It doesn’t really matter if we could only be friends At least I have experienced the wonderful moment of waiting to be loved. Besides, I am a person who value the friendship more than love, because friends can be a large number of people, but the lover can only be one. When you are in trouble, friends can take care of you more than your lover.M: All right, but I can’t quite agree with your opinion that friendship is more important than love. If I love a person, I will try my best to catch his attention in order to let him accept me and love me. If he can be my boyfriend, I can benefit a lot from love. That is to say love can give me something that my friend can’t. So, no offend but I think that love is more important than friendship,2.Different advertisement can have different effects on people. Can you give any examples ofthat? What are the different ways that goods and services are advertised?S: Michelle, why are you laughing so happily?M: Come on, Summer. Look at this advertisement of the “KISSES” Chocolate, the little chocolate is dancing on the ground and the decoration on its head is funny. I mean, how cute it is!S: Well, the idea of this advertisement is really good. Different advertisement can have different effects on people, can’t they?M: Sure. A good advertisement may leave a deep impression on people. For example, a new, fashion car advertisement may push people to buy it regardless of how much it is. A good food advertisement may stimulate people’s appetites. The typical of it is the advertisement of McDonald’s and KFC. Every time I watch them, I will have a desire to rush to McDonald’s or KFC to buy their new products. And the services advertisement such as the CMCC and CDMA, they are all very impressive. Can you tell me the different ways that goods and services are advertised?M: Well, goods such as French fries, hamburgers are usually advertised on TV or billboards, which will let people making amazing and happy expressions after eating those foods. Other goods such as Pocky, chips and meatballs are advertised in supermarket or on the street, letting people eat free of charge. Some equipment such as heater, pot and cooker may invite big names to endorse the equipment. When it comes to services, they usually put emphasis on the feeling of the customers who have experienced the services, that is to say, they may exaggerate the effects that the services can give or they will invite customers to say their thankfulness to the services.S: Hmm, I think we can’t completely believe what the advertisement says. We should have our own decision before purchasing.3.Describe a movie that you enjoy watching. You should say: what the movie is about(including what type of movie); when you watch it; what people are in the movie and explain why you enjoy this movie.S: Hi, Michelle, what did you do at the weekend?M: I watched a movie with my friend on Sunday.S: That’s wonderful. Did you enjoy it? What was the movie talking about?M: It is a family fantasy film called “HARRY POTTER”, which is about a boy who has the strong power of magic and studies in a magic school named HOGWARTS. Harry and his friends fight against the dark lord “V oldemort” to find the secrets of him and the whole past. I enjoyed it very much because I gained the courage in this movie from Harry. When you are in trouble, don’t lose your heart. If you can strengthen your mind and use your love to pardon the mistakes, hope will come out in the end. Keep in mind that darkness will finally disappear, everyone’s future will be bright.S: Yeah, I am also moved by your words. The movie I enjoy most is a Japanese cartoon called “SPIRTIED AW AY”, which was made by a master in Japan. And I watched in the primary school. Maybe the story in the movie is a little bit similar. “SPIRTIED AW AY”is talking about a girl came into a ghost world by accident with her parents. Her parents ate the food without permission, thus they became big. Under the help of a boy, the girl survived in the ghost world, trying to find a way to save her parents. During the experience, the girl changed her bad habits. She became kind and brave. At last, she used her mind to save her parents and helped the boy find his memory. In the film, the most impressive is its pictures and music. I was totally attracted by the amazing scenery and the light music surrounded. They are accordance to the emotion of the characters, which let me have the same feelings as theirs. That is fantastic. And the same as you, I also get courage from the movie.M: Well, I have the desire to watch the film you recommend.S: OK, you can come to my home next week. I hope you like it..4.What kinds of places are there for shopping in you neighborhood? How has shopping inChina changed in the past few decades?S: Hey, Michelle, I’m wondering what kinds of places are there for shopping in your neighborhood?M: Ha-ha, you asked the right person. Have you ever heard of the West palace for workers? It’s just ten minutes’ walking away from my home.S: Yeah! I heard that things sold there are rather cheap! I’ve always wanted to go there and bought some gadgets that our teacher mentioned in class.M: Well, my mom and I often go to the Cheap Road to buy some awesome shoes and clothes, they are really inexpensive and in good quality, if only you can really find them, because there are too much of them, if you know what I mean.S: I see. Shopping in China has changed greatly in the past few decades. More and more people started shopping online!M: Yeah, and I have to admit that those websites are really tempting; they really know how to make a fortune! I almost fell for it, you know.S: Ha-ha, people always think that cheap things are not good; good things are not cheap, however, there usually are some real bargains, you just need to be patient enough to find them.M: I can’t agree with you more. Let’s go to the Cheap Road this Friday to buy you those Martin Boots you’ve always wanted.S: Yeah!5.Describe what you would do if you received a very large amount of money. You should say:who you would share it with; what you would buy; what else you would do and explain how you would feel about getting so much money.M: Summer, what would you do if you receive a very large amount of money?S: Well, I think I would share it with my parents and help them do some investment in stocks, you know, earn extra money. If there’s some money left, a trip around the world would be nice.M: Wow, you really have a good business sense. I think I would just do some shopping, fancy clothes and boots that I dreamt of. And of course, I would share it with my mom and brother. I would buy my family a beautiful house decorated ourselves, I’ve always dreamt about an outdoor swimming pool!S: Good for you. But would you ever wonder how this money came from? I mean, how would you feel about getting so much money?M: Well, it’s hard to say, but I think I might feel a little unsecured, after all, I don’t really think I deserve so much money. Why me, why not somebody else?S: Me, too. I would have a feeling that it’s not true that I’m actually dreaming.M: It’s much more realistic that we earn this money ourselves in future.。

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上海对外贸易学院2010 — 2011 学年第一学期《综合英语(视听说)(II)》课程期末考试试卷A 卷1. Situational Dialogues:1. A acts as a customer who needs a watch, while B as a salesman/woman who is trying to sell awatch to the customer. During the conversation you may take the following expressions for reference: Attractive in appearance; Convenient and practical; Good quality; durable; Not expensive considering its qualityM: What can I do for you, Miss?S: Yeees, I’m looking for a watch as a gift for my father’s birthday.M: Okay, we have just these perfect watches designed for the mid-aged, here you are.S: Let me see. Hmm. They all look alike to me. Which one do you recommend?M: Well, This blue one is pretty attractive in appearance, this grey one is very convenient and practical, and this golden one is quite elegant in style.S: Hmmm, this golden one seems nice, how much is it?M: 300 dollars.S: This price is a little high, how about 250 dollars?M: I’m sorry, Miss. This watch is very durable and with exquisite workmanship; it’s really not expensive considering its quality.S: All right, I’ll take it, as long as my father is happy.2.As a college student, A wants to take a part time job to earn some extra money. But he /shedoesn’t know how to balance the study and part time job. He asks B for help.S: Michelle, I’m considering of taking a part time job.M: Why? Are you short of money?S: Well, it’s always nice to earn some extra money, besides, it adds to my social experience.M: All right, it sounds like a good idea, I guess.S: There is just one problem. I don’t know how to balance the study and the part-time job.M: Hmm, well, as long as you focus on your study at school and do your homework on time, I’m sure you’ll solve your “balance” problem. Be positive, Summer!S: Yeah, you’re right. I’ll try my best, thanks.M: Never mind, maybe you could buy me a lunch after you got your extra money?S: Ha-ha, I’ll consider that.3. A and B are in charge of the neighborhood with a lot of stray cats(流浪猫), which make hugenoise at night and may spread virus. A and B have received a lot of complaints from the residents. Now they are discussing what to do with the cats.S: Hey, Michelle, I’ve received a lot of complaints from the residents in the neighborhood about these stray cats that we are taking care of.M: Complaints? Why would anyone complain about these cute small kitties?! What did they say? S: Well, they said that cats made huge noise at night and may spread virus, and want us to do something about that.M: Hmm, maybe they are right; shall we take them to inject some king of vaccines?S: Yes, it’s a good idea, and we also need to find them a new home.M: All right, I know cats can be rather noisy in spring. Oh, I’ll miss them so much.S: You don’t have to, we could still go and visit them, don’t worry.M: Oh, that’s very kind of you, Summer, thanks.4.In Chinese feudal society, women were advised not to get divorced with their husbands,though they might live in misery. A and B are talking about the equality between men and women in marriage.S: Hi, Michelle, what’s up?M: Hi, Summer, I am just reading a book.S: What is the book talking about?M: It is talking about a story of women who lived in Chinese feudal society. Women were advised not to get divorced with their husbands, though they might live in misery for the rest of their lives. S: That’s terrible. I really feel sorry about that. But fortunately, women and men are almost equal in marriage now.M: Yes, in our modern society, men and women should take the same responsibility in work, family and bringing up children. Although the wife’s mother-in-law may asks the wife to do the housework or to take care of the children alone, it is the responsibility of husband to help the woman.S: That’s true, for example, when wives are doing the housework, husbands can play with the children. When wives are working late at night, husbands can coax children to go to bed. That is to say, couples should cooperate together to keep the harmonious and peaceful atmosphere in the family.M: Yeah, I agree on that, however, you can’t ignore the fact that the sexism still exists in our modern society. For instance, there still are a lot of husbands who ask their wives to stay at home and take care of children instead of having a career.S: That’s also true, it’s going to take a long time to erase the sexism completely.A andB are music fans. A likes pop music especially rock and roll. B likes classical music (Mozart, Chopin, and Beethoven). They are planning to go to the concert.S: Michelle, what’s in your hand?M: Oh, I have booked two tickets for the concert tonight; would you like to join me?S: So I can tell that you are really into music. I have seen you go to the concert many times. Which kind of music do you like?M: Sure, I am a crazy of pop music especially rock and roll. I have these complete collections of “The Beatles” and “Rolling Stones”. And last month, I attended a concert about some classics of the rock music. It’s fantastic!S: I can fully understand your enthusiasm, but I am not keen on the rock music. The classical music of which Mozart, Chopin and Beethoven is my favorite. When I am under great pressures, listening to these music can release my stress and helps me create a good mood. When I’m reading books in the winter sun, listening to this music can remind me of the old, extravagant and graceful time. In addition, listening to these masterpieces can improve my mastery.M: OK, everyone has his own opinion and I acknowledge that classical music is wonderful, but why not try some rock music in this modern society? Maybe it will make your life more colorful and encourage you to meet new challenges. Come on! Let’s go to see the rock concert tonight! S: All right, but you should go to the classical music concert with me next time in return.M: Fair enough!2. DiscussionStudents conduct dialogues on the selected topics. They should use discussion techniques when they give their opinions on the following themes:1.There are a lot of ways to express your love to the right person. What will be your way? Isfriendship more valued by you than love? Why?S: Michelle, what’s the homework today?M: A topic about the way to express your love to the right person.S: That would be a good topic in our ages. What’s your opinion?M: Well, there are a lot of ways to express your love to the right person, as for me, when I love a person, I will say directly to him that I love him in a proper time. I won’t hide feelings in my heart. If you love a person, the best way to respect the relationship between you and him is to tell him what your real feeling is, don’t you think?S: Well, I must say that you are a brave girl. If I love a person, I will love everything about him including his facial expressions, his behaviors, and even his habits. But maybe I will only admire him from a distance until he finds out my love for him. I won’t express my real emotion to him because I lack the courage to say the important three words.M: Why? I think you should just go and tell him that you like him. There’s no need to be shy.S: Because I think that love is just a feeling between the only two people. I think that neither of the couple wants to break this unique ambiguous feeling. So, the only way is to keep silent. It doesn’t really matter if we could only be friends At least I have experienced the wonderful moment of waiting to be loved. Besides, I am a person who value the friendship more than love, because friends can be a large number of people, but the lover can only be one. When you are in trouble, friends can take care of you more than your lover.M: All right, but I can’t quite agree with your opinion that friendship is more important than love. If I love a person, I will try my best to catch his attention in order to let him accept me and love me. If he can be my boyfriend, I can benefit a lot from love. That is to say love can give me something that my friend can’t. So, no offend but I think that love is more important than friendship,2.Different advertisement can have different effects on people. Can you give any examples ofthat? What are the different ways that goods and services are advertised?S: Michelle, why are you laughing so happily?M: Come on, Summer. Look at this advertisement of the “KISSES” Chocolate, the little chocolate is dancing on the ground and the decoration on its head is funny. I mean, how cute it is!S: Well, the idea of this advertisement is really good. Different advertisement can have different effects on people, can’t they?M: Sure. A good advertisement may leave a deep impression on people. For example, a new, fashion car advertisement may push people to buy it regardless of how much it is. A good food advertisement may stimulate people’s appetites. The typical of it is the advertisement of McDonald’s and KFC. Every time I watch them, I will have a desire to rush to McDonald’s or KFC to buy their new products. And the services advertisement such as the CMCC and CDMA, they are all very impressive. Can you tell me the different ways that goods and services are advertised?M: Well, goods such as French fries, hamburgers are usually advertised on TV or billboards, which will let people making amazing and happy expressions after eating those foods. Other goods such as Pocky, chips and meatballs are advertised in supermarket or on the street, letting people eat free of charge. Some equipment such as heater, pot and cooker may invite big names to endorse the equipment. When it comes to services, they usually put emphasis on the feeling of the customers who have experienced the services, that is to say, they may exaggerate the effects that the services can give or they will invite customers to say their thankfulness to the services.S: Hmm, I think we can’t completely believe what the advertisement says. We should have our own decision before purchasing.3.Describe a movie that you enjoy watching. You should say: what the movie is about(including what type of movie); when you watch it; what people are in the movie and explain why you enjoy this movie.S: Hi, Michelle, what did you do at the weekend?M: I watched a movie with my friend on Sunday.S: That’s wonderful. Did you enjoy it? What was the movie talking about?M: It is a family fantasy film called “HARRY POTTER”, which is about a boy who has the strong power of magic and studies in a magic school named HOGWARTS. Harry and his friends fight against the dark lord “V oldemort” to find the secrets of him and the whole past. I enjoyed it very much because I gained the courage in this movie from Harry. When you are in trouble, don’t lose your heart. If you can strengthen your mind and use your love to pardon the mistakes, hope will come out in the end. Keep in mind that darkness will finally disappear, everyone’s future will be bright.S: Yeah, I am also moved by your words. The movie I enjoy most is a Japanese cartoon called “SPIRTIED AW AY”, which was made by a master in Japan. And I watched in the primary school. Maybe the story in the movie is a little bit similar. “SPIRTIED AW AY”is talking about a girl came into a ghost world by accident with her parents. Her parents ate the food without permission, thus they became big. Under the help of a boy, the girl survived in the ghost world, trying to find a way to save her parents. During the experience, the girl changed her bad habits. She became kind and brave. At last, she used her mind to save her parents and helped the boy find his memory. In the film, the most impressive is its pictures and music. I was totally attracted by the amazing scenery and the light music surrounded. They are accordance to the emotion of the characters, which let me have the same feelings as theirs. That is fantastic. And the same as you, I also get courage from the movie.M: Well, I have the desire to watch the film you recommend.S: OK, you can come to my home next week. I hope you like it..4.What kinds of places are there for shopping in you neighborhood? How has shopping inChina changed in the past few decades?S: Hey, Michelle, I’m wondering what kinds of places are there for shopping in your neighborhood?M: Ha-ha, you asked the right person. Have you ever heard of the West palace for workers? It’s just ten minutes’ walking away from my home.S: Yeah! I heard that things sold there are rather cheap! I’ve always wanted to go there and bought some gadgets that our teacher mentioned in class.M: Well, my mom and I often go to the Cheap Road to buy some awesome shoes and clothes, they are really inexpensive and in good quality, if only you can really find them, because there are too much of them, if you know what I mean.S: I see. Shopping in China has changed greatly in the past few decades. More and more people started shopping online!M: Yeah, and I have to admit that those websites are really tempting; they really know how to make a fortune! I almost fell for it, you know.S: Ha-ha, people always think that cheap things are not good; good things are not cheap, however, there usually are some real bargains, you just need to be patient enough to find them.M: I can’t agree with you more. Let’s go to the Cheap Road this Friday to buy you those Martin Boots you’ve always wanted.S: Yeah!5.Describe what you would do if you received a very large amount of money. You should say:who you would share it with; what you would buy; what else you would do and explain how you would feel about getting so much money.M: Summer, what would you do if you receive a very large amount of money?S: Well, I think I would share it with my parents and help them do some investment in stocks, you know, earn extra money. If there’s some money left, a trip around the world would be nice.M: Wow, you really have a good business sense. I think I would just do some shopping, fancy clothes and boots that I dreamt of. And of course, I would share it with my mom and brother. I would buy my family a beautiful house decorated ourselves, I’ve always dreamt about an outdoor swimming pool!S: Good for you. But would you ever wonder how this money came from? I mean, how would you feel about getting so much money?M: Well, it’s hard to say, but I think I might feel a little unsecured, after all, I don’t really think I deserve so much money. Why me, why not somebody else?S: Me, too. I would have a feeling that it’s not true that I’m actually dreaming.M: It’s much more realistic that we earn this money ourselves in future.。
