中外禁忌的一些区别(英语课题) TABOO





由于中西方人的历史传统、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、价值观念的不同,禁忌语(verbal taboos)也有很多不同之处。






就如数字 13 在英国就是禁忌。













一、禁忌禁忌,在英语中的对应词是“taboo ”有的写作tabu 或者tapu ,有人将它音译为“塔布”。








• 尊称 • 尊:尊府、尊兄、尊驾、尊夫人; 贤:贤弟、贤妻; 贵:贵体(有问候意)、贵姓、贵庚; 高:高朋、高见; 大:大礼、大作、大驾。 惠:惠存、惠临、惠顾、惠赠 • 令: 令尊、令堂、令郎、令爱
• 2) 西方受自由平等思想的影响,强调个体 和个人价值,提倡个人的自信和实事求是 的态度,面对赞扬与恭维,大多趋于接受 ,并表示高兴与感谢。
• 在经济和信息日益全球化的今天,不同国家、不 同民族和不同种族人们之间的交流也日益频繁。 不同文化群体的人们在相互接触的过程中,不是 想说什么就说什么,在日常交际中也不是什么话 题都可以涉及,在一定的文化中,参与交际的人 们都会不约而同的对某些话题和某些词汇有意回 避,因为人们不愿或不敢随便谈论这些话题和词 汇,于是语言中就出现了禁忌语。
• 4)五与星期五 • 在中国,“五”是个和谐、优美的数字,表示 “圆满、完全”,特别受人喜爱。如“五湖四海 ”、“五光十色”等。在西方人的观念中,“五 ”没有特别的涵义,却认为“星期五是个不吉祥 的日子,常给人以恐怖之感。一种说法是,星期 五是耶稣受难日,所以主凶,还有人认为,据《 圣经》记载,人类的祖先亚当和夏娃被逐出伊甸 园也是星期五这一天。含有“Friday”的习语也说 明了这一点,如:Black Friday(耶稣受难日,发 生灾难事件的星期五)
• •
3)六与七 在中国,“6”是一个时空谐和数,最为吉祥。俗语“六 六大顺”即是最好的印证。在使用电话号码或汽车车牌号 时,人们尤其钟爱尾数为“66”、“666”、“6666”这几组 数字,因为它们象征着顺顺利利,万事如意。然而由于宗 教的影响,在西方“6”不是一个受欢迎的数字,被视为大 凶数,这从以下习语中也可见。如:at sixes and sevens( 乱七八糟;糊涂的;迷茫的)、hit sb. for six/knock sb. Six (给敌人/某人以毁灭性打击) 、six of the best (以藤 鞭击六———一种惩罚手段)、six penny(不值钱)、six of one and half a dozen of the other (半斤八两,差不多)等 。在西方“666”一直被基督教称为“魔鬼数字”,因为在 《圣经》中,恶魔撒旦的代表符号便是“666”,所以在基 督教中6 代表了浑沌不堪。

中西方禁忌(Taboos between China and Western countries)

中西方禁忌(Taboos between China and Western countries)

中西方禁忌(Taboos between China and Western countries)Taboo is a universal cultural phenomenon in human society, which regulates people's speech act and social communication. Around the world, there are "Customs" which require extreme attention and are punished if they do not pay attention to a certain taboo. Can cause misunderstanding, or suffer fatal disaster. Magellan was killed by aborigines on the Philippines islands because of the taboos he made against the natives. With the progress and development of society, taboo customs have precipitated rich cultural connotations. The quantity is not reduced but increased in a way. It also has distinctive cultural characteristics and strong characteristics of the times. Therefore, in intercultural communication in Chinese and western personality characteristics and main taboos, and to understand and study the taboo taboo custom can reduce cross-cultural communication may lead to misunderstanding and friction, ensuring international communication smoothly. A taboo and taboo customs of taboo is a complicated social phenomenon, English word is "taboo" ("Tabou, tower of terror"), said "no" or "suppression", which originated from the South Pacific Polynesian dialect Tonga people, the original meaning is "sacred" "be violated". In 1777, the taboo phrase was first discovered by the English navigator Cook (JamesCook) and introduced into english. There is a taboo in the early Han Dynasty in China recorded: "and to hold detainees, and taboos, mud in decimal, and any ghosts sheren." Taboo is a universal cultural phenomenon in human society, which regulates people's speech act and social communication. Around the world, there are "Customs" which require extreme attention and are punished if they do not pay attention to a certain taboo. Can cause misunderstanding, or suffer fatal disaster. Magellan waskilled by aborigines on the Philippines islands because of the taboos he made against the natives. With the progress and development of society, taboo customs have precipitated rich cultural connotations. The quantity is not reduced but increased in a way. It also has distinctive cultural characteristics and strong characteristics of the times. Therefore, in intercultural communication in Chinese and western personality characteristics and main taboos, and to understand and study the taboo taboo custom can reduce cross-cultural communication may lead to misunderstanding and friction, ensuring international communication smoothly. A taboo and taboo customs of taboo is a complicated social phenomenon, English word is "taboo" ("Tabou, tower of terror"), said "no" or "suppression", which originated from the South Pacific Polynesian dialect Tonga people, the original meaning is "sacred" "be violated". In 1777, the taboo phrase was first discovered by the English navigator Cook (JamesCook) and introduced into english. There is a taboo in the early Han Dynasty in China recorded: "and to hold detainees, and taboos, mud in decimal, and any ghosts sheren." tabooIncluding the nature, natural objects (stars, lightning) as a sacred form about their taboos and behavior; of some animals and plants taboo; worship of ancestors and gods, the gods and ancestors have symbolic relics taboo [1], also formed in interpersonal relationships in the long-term taboo customs. Freud, a famous psychologist in Austria, made a deep study of the cultural phenomenon of taboo in his book totem and taboo. In his view, Tab (taboo), in our view, it represents two different aspects of meaning. First of all, it's "mysterious", "dangerous", "forbidden", and "unclean"". The opposite of Tabin Polynesian language is "NOA", which means "popular" or "usually approachable". So, that means a taboo have been restricted or prohibited and can not touch the nature of things exist. We usually say "sacred person or thing" in meaning and has some of the same tower [2]. Generally passed through oral inheritance and social demonstration. "Taboos are almost everywhere. In the same culture,Taboos differ and differ because of regional or sub cultural differences. Taboos vary much in different cultures." [3] taboos involve speech acts, and if you do not pay attention to or disrespect each other's taboos, it is easy to hurt each other's feelings. Because of this, more people taboo communication, especially cross-cultural communication is a sort of a small obstacle. Taboo refers to violations of the expectations of the society, it not only comes from the people of some mysterious force of fear, but also contains people in the long-term accumulation of experience in the struggle with nature, and formed in interpersonal communication in the long-term social etiquette. Taboo customs vary according to nationality, society, culture, region, occasion and so on. Therefore, people must be very sensitive to taboos incross-cultural communication and have to study it. They have to pay attention to it and have to avoid it in order to communicate smoothly. Two, the taboo characteristics of Chinese and Western taboos are the common cultural phenomena of different ethnic groups in the world, but the content and form of taboos are different. Taboos, as a kind of non behavioral normative folk customs, are closely related to the cultural characteristics and traditions of the society in which taboos are based. In the course of human history, the samenation usually has a common spiritual structure, value system, psychological characteristics and behavior patterns, and it is in this common cultural background that they have a sense of belonging and identity. The dialectics of Chinese classical philosophy emphasizes the harmony and interpenetration of opposites, that is, unity in opposites, and the whole world is a unity. The book of changes uses the interaction of two opposing forces, yin and Yang, to explain the development and change of things. Chinese traditional culture emphasizes the harmony between man and nature as a whole. "Harmony" in the political field is the spring and autumn unified concept, on ethical performance for the overall situation; in terms of value, although the ancient China is private ownership, but on the relationship between individual and society still emphasize collectivism, value orientation in order to safeguard the overall interests of the. With the changes of the times, the phenomenon of taboo which reflects the patriarchal clan system and hierarchy has disappeared. But there are still taboos in appellation. The dialectics of western philosophy is similar to the dialectics of Chinese classical philosophy. Heraclitus, an ancient Greek philosopher, also believes that the world is a harmonious unity. However, the 14 sixteenth Century European Renaissance and religious reform is like a star in the night of seventeenth Century; Newton and other scientists reveal the secrets of the universe, inductive reasoning observation, Bacon advocated the scientific research as the hard facts; eighteenth Century cultural enlightenment movement swept Europe and the United States, national independence, democracy and Republic, within the in the 21st century, "the world is a philosophy in the unity of opposites", the pursuit of "freedom and equality" and "civil rights, thepeople" concept and "individual struggle" in the western society is deeply rooted in the hearts of "individual standard" consciousness as the mainstream consciousness. For the pursuit of freedom and human rights, the concept of "privacy" (Privacy) in personal life is extremely developed, and privacy has become an important content of taboos. In this colorful folk culture, some factors vary from culture to culture, western culture is likely to be highly appreciated from the Chinese culture, and Chinese culture of "bad habits" may be as unalterable principles in western culture. Some topics are popular in Chinese culture, but in Western cultures it may constitute a violation of privacy. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" is a must. Three, the taboos of Chinese and western social taboos mainly exist in all aspects of human social interaction. Chinese and Western English speaking countries have different social taboos because of different cultural backgrounds, cultural traditions, religious beliefs and different hierarchical concepts. 1. self esteem and privacy incross-cultural communication, involving Chinese self-esteem or "face" and Westerners privacy issues is absolutely not openly asked, otherwise it will be regarded as rude and disrespectful. The Chinese people pay most attention to "face"". In Chinese culture, "face" is a symbol of status, identity, honor and self-respect. Chinese saying "don't hit the face,Don't speak Jieduan, Chinese the biggest taboo is related to personal dignity "weaknesses" and "pain" and "shortcomings" "wrong" and so on. Chinese people are good at face, criticism can not be mentioned directly, but should be expressed in a tactful way. No evil human nature concept in China. For the personality cultivation of the heart should be mature and timesof day. Instead of trying hard to improve one's own character, but to pay attention to the faults of others, just as a stone hits his own foot, society will come to the concept of "disgrace" and so on。



It is not similar with the use of Chinese culture considering the different culture . eg ,we use “你发福了” to compliment someone healthy body, and indicate that he has a better living standard .but we should replace it with stout in English culture.
2.Vocabulary or phrase
• Occidentals are greatly exquisite at body appearance, posture respect terms. people who speak English especially ladies, they are greatly sensitive to their weight and body. If you say she fat, she will not be happy. • They generally do not use “ugly” to describe looks and posture which is not beautiful .however , they use “plain”, “ordinary” to describe people ,and use of “chubby, plump “and “slim, slender “to substitute “fat “or “skinny”.
• We all know that the pronunciation of number 4, 7 like the word “death”, “gas”, so One phone number, few people are willing to choose the end of 4, 7 number .and 14 is not used by people because it may means will die(要 死).what is more ,73 and 84 are vital to life-ordeath . • On the contrary ,people like numbers with end of 6 or 8 ,which are thought of luck or success .In the ancient times ,the emperor of china are fond of number 9 ,which has the same pronunciation with “久”. because they indicate the meaning of forever and unity and solidarity






那里的居民称这种禁忌为taboo 直译为“塔布”塔布。











英语中表示“死亡”的委婉语非常丰富,如“pass away, go to the heaven, go to sleep, go to see the God, depart, be in heaven with God”等等。

从禁忌语看中外文化差异taboo words,culture differences

从禁忌语看中外文化差异taboo words,culture differences

ContentsAbstract (2)摘要 (2)Key words (2)关键词 (2)Introduction (2)1 Some fundamental knowledge about taboo (3)1.1 Definition of taboo (3)1.2 Origin of taboo (4)1.2.1Origin of taboo in English (4)1.2.2 Origin of taboo in Chinese (5)1.3 Reasons for the appearance of taboo (5)1.4 Social functions of taboo word (6)1.4.1 Indicating gender differences (6)1.4.2 Showing anger (6)1.4.3 Showing insult (6)1.4.4 Relieving tension (6)1.4.5 Showing affection and friendship (7)2 The similarities in Chinese and English taboos (7)2.1 Taboos on sex (7)2.2 Taboos on bodies and their effluvia (7)2.3 Taboos on illness, old and death (8)2.3.1 Taboos on illness (8)2.3.2 Taboos on old (8)2.3.3 Taboos on death (9)3 The differences between Chinese and English taboos (9)3.1 Taboos in naming and addressing (9)3.2 Taboos in Privacy (10)3.3 Taboos in religion and superstition (10)4 The development of taboos (11)4.1 The decreased taboos (11)4.2 The new taboos (12)4.3 The changed taboos (13)5 Conclusion (13)Acknowledgements (14)Bibliography (15)Culture Differences between Chinese and Western from TabooAbstract: Language never exists as an isolated object, which is always showing its different appearances in different nations, different countries and different areas all over the world together with culture. Nowadays, the information and globalization bring mankind more and more opportunities of intercultural communication in our “earth village”. To avoid misunderstandings, discomforts and embarrassments during intercultural communication, people need to get fundamental knowledge about taboos in non-native countries. Taboo speech, originating from social life, is part of social taboos. It involves many aspects in people’s daily life including taboo things, places and persons which are made untouchable or sacred by religious customs or superstition or other reasons. The article, based on studies on taboos' generalities and the background, in which they arise, as well as their cultural similarities and differences between China and the West, aims at familiarizing English learners with cross-culture background, developing their cross-cultural awareness, and avoiding unnecessary communication failures.摘要: 语言,从来不是作为一个单独的个体而存在,它在文化斑斓的外衣下以不同的面貌出现在世界上不同的民族,不同的国家,不同的地区中。



浙江一带,小孩肥胖,忌说“壮”,因本 地猪肥叫壮,要以“个头好”,“补胚好” 代胖的意思。人有病,最忌说“生病”, 要说“不新鲜”、“懒意’、“着力过了” 等。人死了,其家人忌说“死”,要说 “老了”、“好了”、“过辈了”等。小 孩夭亡,也忌说“死”,要说“逃出去 了”、“转去了”。
语言禁忌 节日禁忌 社交禁忌 饮食禁忌 生活禁忌
语言禁忌是语言灵物崇拜的结果。语言本来是劳 动创造并与劳动生产一起发展起来的一种社会交 际工具。但是在对自然现象和自然力不理解的环 境里,语言往往和某些自然现象联系起来,或者 同某些自然力给人类的福祸联系起来。这样,语 言就被赋予了一种它本身没有的、超人的感觉和 超人的力量。语言成了祸福的根源。谁要是得罪 这个根源,谁就会得到加倍的惩罚;反之,谁要 是讨好这个根源,谁就会得到庇护和保佑。这就 自然而然地导致了语言的禁忌和灵物崇拜。
谐音式禁忌 用反义语来替换不吉的词语,
谓“讨口彩” 用比喻来代替不吉的词语。
旧时代的戏班子里有很多机会的字,尤其 最忌讳“散”字。因为散班是戏班里最大 的灾难,凡事与“散”字同音的,也必须 用别的字代替。比如雨伞,因为“伞”字 与“散”同音,得叫“雨盖”、“雨挡”、 “雨遮”、“雨拦”。又如船上人讳言 “翻身、搁住”等字眼,于是把“帆”叫 做“蓬”,把“箸”叫作“筷”。
而在中国人的观念中, 上述西方人的隐私是极为平常的事, 而且在社交中常常作为关注的话题加以讨论, 而绝没有西 方人的那种感觉。中国人也有忌谈的东西, 那主要是涉及 个人尊严的“ 短处”、“ 痛处” 、“ 缺点” 、“ 毛病” 等方面的事情。中国有句俗话“打人别打脸, 说话别揭 短”, 讲的就是这个道理。



The comparison of taboo in the Western and ChineseAbstract:With the advancement of economic globalization, the communications between Chinese and the western are increasingly frequent. Cultural differences are the critical obstacle to communicate in intercultural communication. Therefore profound observation on cultural difference may contribute to more effective communication. Language is the carrier of culture, taboo, as part of the language, is inseparable, plays an important role in communication. Acquaint oneself with taboo and the expression of taboo in the form of euphemism makes a harmonious communication. A large number of studies have shown the relationship between culture and taboo; however, the studies of contrastive analysis between Chinese and English taboos, from the perspective of cultural differences and similarities, are seldom published.In the paper, I make a contrastive analysis about Chinese and English taboos, from the perspective of intercultural communication, by means of pragmatics, to summarize the differences and similarities and to achieve the strategies and methods of successful communication. Taboos often refer to certain words or certain topics, which everybody can't, wouldn’t or don't want to say in communicative situations. Taboo can be divided into three categories: taboo words, name title and topic taboo. Chinese and Western cultural taboos include death, religion, superstition, and other languages, whereas they have different cultural connotation.Key Words: Linguistic Taboo, Cultural Difference, Intercultural CommunicationContentChapter 1 summarize (3)1.1 the definition and origin of taboos (3)1.2 A review of research at home and abroad (4)1.2.1 The foreign research (4)1.2.2 Research on the taboo of domestic scholars (5)1.3 the purpose of the research between English and Chinese taboos . 8 Chapter 2 The common features of Chinese and western taboos (9)Chapter 3 The difference between English and Chinese taboos (11)3.1 the causes of difference between English and Chinese taboos (11)3.2 the classification of the differences between English and Chinesetaboos (13)3.3 the development and change of taboos (15)Conclusion (16)References (17)Chapter 1 summarizePragmatics as a new cognitive science was born in 1970 .It studies how to realize the accurate understanding of the meaning of the discourse and the appropriate expression in different contexts,find and determine the appropriate expression and accurate understanding of the basic principles of discourse semantics.Pragmatic core study is to examine how people build meaning.In research how to build meaning at the same time, to analyze the language strategies and occasions; In the study of language comprehension, pays great attention to the cognition of socialrelations.Application pragmatics is one of the areas of pragmatics,in the application of pragmatics, pragmatic contrastive studies between different languages is a commonly used research methods.Context is one of the core concepts of pragmatics. Communication between people cannot do without certain context, context directly affect people use and understanding of discourse.Some specific speech act appropriately must according to its context to judge.People have social attributes,The life of people should be restricted and the norms of the society.People in social interaction, often encounter many sensitive issues, or unspeakable embarrassment, this is taboo.It is like an invisible shackles shackles people's language and behavior.In the process of communication, taboo people say or write some words or discourse, is the verbal taboo; prohibited or taboo to say or write words are taboo.Taboo is a reflection of human societyculture, as an integral part of the language,so can take a pragmatic method tostudy linguistic taboo, taboo words that contrast between different languages,through specific contextual understanding of expression taboos.1.1 the definition and origin of taboosThe word "taboo" is the result of the Pacific islands of Polynesia Tongan ,English sound is a Taboo or Tabu, Chinese known as "Mr". Later, inanthropology, ethnology and sociology in the field of study, as a kind of special terms used and widely used.Taboo language usually refers to the communicative occasions, for some reason, people who can't,or don't want to say some words or certain topics.These words or topics are considered as dangerous, divine, they only be used in some occasions. For example, in the western countries,advocating independence, in a conversation if asked, such as "are you married?"and "how old is this year", such as problems involving personal privacy,Theymay produce misunderstanding, and even feel offensive shows detested anddespised.Taboo language is an integral part of language, it is accompanied by the formation of language. As a kind of Sociolinguistic phenomenon, taboo language is a cultural factors, psychosocial factors and contextual factors such ascomprehensive effect,The results. In the early days of human civilization, human knowledge level is low, conquering nature's ability i s limited, People can not be a correct understanding and understanding of natural phenomena andrules, thewrong link some awesome worthy of objective things and phenomena andlanguage, so have the language taboo. In ancient Greece or Rome, people havea sense of reverence for the gods, dare not speak its name; It is also a more godworship, whether it is a primitive natural worship also is artificial religiousworship,The growth of these have become a taboo and taboo language of the soil.Taboo language is a kind of universal existence social cultural phenomenon, the existence of all nationalities in the world culture.From the different extent reflects the different national social values, moral values, social psychology and the corresponding cultural tradition, the deep national culture is reflectedbehind the society relying on.1.2 A review of research at home and abroadThe research history and current status of the following at home and abroad to do a simple introduction, focuses on the current situation of domestic research on.1.2.1 The foreign researchEarly studies on taboos abroad mainly from three aspects: sociology, anthropology and ethnology. Early in the 1960s, foreign scholars in exploring the relation between language and society, discovered the importance of taboo on the subject in this study. And do a lot of research at that time, some reasons ofrepresentative works of Totem and Taboo on the production of taboos areexplained, The book of Taboo, Truth and Religion in-depth study of the taboo phenomenon, classification, impact and functionality.With the in-depth study of sociolinguistics, generated a lot of research,Which R.A.Hudson s Sociolinguistics' (1980) definition, meaning and function oflanguage taboo for a more thorough description, An Introduction to Languageand Society (1983) and Ronald Wardhaugh's An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (1986) and other works of culture and euphemisms to the social background of taboo words introduced.To the 1990s, research boom on taboo words stillcontinue,the research upsurge of taboos still continue, published and published a large number of books and articles, such as Don 't Do It: A Dictionary of theForbidden a book introduced in the English speaking countries, in different social background, different countries, taboo and communicative approach is how with the change of the times; Do' s and Taboos Around the World a book on thevarious etiquette communication shall be detailed, become communication guide people; in addition, some of the taboos of articles have been published in thelanguage of academic journals.In recent years, research on taboo more practical,people say taboo frequency distribution, say taboo crowd, what is most often said taboo and taboo onpsychology research significance problem.In the pragmatic focus on research of taboo,the study also reflects the taboo words out of cultural issues.1.2.2 Research on the taboo of domestic scholarsScholars in our country research on taboo began in 1980s,nearly thirty years of development,qualitative research on taboo words more mature,Especially of comparative study of English and Chinese taboo words, the relationship between language and cultural taboos, taboos Pragmatic analysis published numerouspapers. Our study of the characteristics of English and Taboos(1) from the culture, social customs, sociolinguistics and pragmatics perspectivecarried on the analysis to the taboo.This is not only the basic theory, including the emergence and development, characteristics, classification, also from the angle of comparison between English and chinese.the study of taboo and Euphemism in combination.(2) in combination the study of taboo and Euphemism.(3) our country using the method of integrating theory with practice to.adetailed analysis of taboo words. Our country research content in English and Chinese.(1) generation, definition and characteristics of taboosFor the root of taboo words produced, and many researchers believe that the poor of early human social sciences are related.In the human developmentprocess, the lack of human cognition and understanding of science of naturalphenomena and the laws of nature, the members of the community actuallythought the language itself can bring happiness to mankind and disaster thatlanguage is the root of fortune, then emerge as the times require language taboo.The first "language taboos" is defined from a famous Chinese historian and educator Mr. Chen Yuan in the 1940s book "Examples of HistoricalTaboos".Chen Yuan in 1980 published "language and society" in such adefinition: "language taboo" is by Tab (Taboo) produced.The language of Tab (verbal taboo) includes two aspects: namely, language worship and languagedisabled or substitute. Deng Yanchang in the 1989 publication of "language and culture between English and Chinese language culture comparison" in one book, give the definition of taboo is relatively simple:Some of the words because of different traditions or social customs, will cause other strongly frowns, should be avoided, and this article After more taboo words follow the abovedefinition.Research for the characteristics of taboo, Li Xianjin thought that the characteristics of linguistic taboos in English and Chinese is features mainly in subtle, universality, times, register and nationality;Cai Jian think taboos andeuphemism has the national characteristic, group, regional, and analyzes theimpact of these three factors on the taboo words and euphemisms.(2) classification of tabooTaboos about classification, due to the different angles of each researcher, the classification criteria are not the same. But the main classifications are:1 divided into words taboos, full name appellation taboo and topics classtaboo three.2 divided into desecration words taboo, obscene words taboo and wordsblights taboo three categories.3 divided into Christian related vocabulary taboo, sex related words taboo,human excrement related words taboo.4 divided into language taboos, religious taboos, racial discrimination taboo, gender discrimination taboo,obscene coarse taboos and customs of taboo.The classification method is different but basically includes all aspects of taboo, this paper adopts the first classification method.(3) cultural comparative study of English and Chinese TaboosTo investigate the differences of taboo from the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western culture is the starting point of most scholars in the study of taboo,Shi Xiaowei of Zhejiang University in the same point of the culture, by way of contrast to explore the similarities and differences of Chinese and English taboo;While in the cultural aspects of the personality from the Chinese culture name taboo, some with the ominous words are pronounced the same or similar to become taboo, group consciousness, the unique cultural tradition and other aspects of human rights and freedom, privacy and other western countries in terms of taboo, instead of political taboo euphemism and discusses the aspects of newborn.In addition, from the study of taboo words to reflect the cultural research has gradually increased, for example: Zhang Song by comparison research on the East and the west of euphemism and taboo, revealing the cultural difference between East and West, in the religious sense of hierarchy and manners.(4) Taboo Pragmatic ResearchEnglish and Chinese Taboos were pragmatic comparative and pragmatic failure analysis,can enhance the understanding and use of the specific context of taboo words and Chinese and Western cultural exchange will help.In this regard: Shi Xiaowei found from the comparison of English and Chinese taboos:In English and Chinese languages the existence of taboos have guiding function, pragmatic functions and regulating the function of positive function;At the same time also has negative effect that contributed to ignorance, superstition and hide of beautifying the some ugly phenomenon.Zhou Xiumin first describes the impact of context on the meaning of taboo words discourse,to discuss the pragmatic functions of linguistic taboos on this basis: humor, anti tradition and authority, provocative, anger and said intimate relationships.(5) Study of taboos and EuphemismsTaboo words are often not as the exchange of people's normal language, but it will not disappear from the language, communicative pragmatic need carrierusing taboo euphemism in communication continuity, euphemism is humaninteraction and cultural communication lubricant. Sun Jing the rheological Dalian University of Technology explore the historical developmen of the perspective of Taboo and Euphemism from folk psychology. Guo describes the relationship between English Taboo and Euphemism between analyzed taboos andEuphemism characteristics and discusses their application and development.Research on the above research contents are generally concentrated in the aspect of theory, research in practice is still scarce. Study on the practical aspect is the focus of our future research.1.3 the purpose of the research between English and Chinese taboosToday in the age of globalization, the international status of Chinese gradually enhanced, two-way international exchange of English and Chinese.The increasing international communication,In cross-culturalcommunication in the international, the difference between Chinese andWestern cultural taboos have become a big obstacle to communication and the exchange of people; In addition, the social values associated with changes in the economy and information network.The rapid development of culture and fantastic colorful changes prompted taboo language, so it is increasingly being language learning communicator, teaching workers and researchers' attention. Therefore, the study of English and Chinese linguistic taboo is not only have beneficial to remove the obstacles and achieve harmonious and smooth cross-culturalcommunication to achieve effective communication, success, decent, also is good for intercultural communication studies, more conducive to the macro language study and the cognitive mechanism of human language.Chapter 2 the common features of Chinese and westerntaboosAlthough the English and Chinese cultural background is different, still have common between Chinese and western culture, Chinese and English taboos language also has many common:(1) phonologyLanguage, has been as a tool for human communication, people in the primitive age gives it mysterious force the amount. Think that the root of all the fortunes of come from human language. Therefore, some of the words is generally as taboo in the West and Chinese people, such as: is the same or similar pronunciation of words is the disaster of word pronunciation. People do avoid use in communication, so as not to cause disaster.In China, now we eat with chopsticks, the ancient called "zhu", because "chopsticks" and "live" unisonant,For the big fear of ships, in order to change the "chopsticks" to "chopsticks", "chopsticks" and "quick" homophonic, auspicious meaning think. "Pear" is a taboo words in the folk. Due to the "pear" and "from" unisonant, is said in some places.Pear as "circle", and "the two people don't eat pear", said couples and their relatives don't want to separate.Examples in the west there are also many, people don't use "along", and "donkey"to replace, because "along" and "arse" (the bottom part of the body) of the same pronunciation,Belong to the indecent words.(2)VocabularyObscene words taboo: abusive words, usually will offend others, is not happy, even cause.Both sides of the conflict, so usually be taboo of the masses. Most of the English and religion or related to sex and sexual organs.Word is often used to curse others, such as: Christ, shit. Also useful animal names, such as: pig, bitch and so on. English is commonly used in "God one", "Hell" (animal, hateful things) of abuse.This is not only in call names, but also is an affront to god. "Damn", "fuck", "Son of a bitch."in Chinese is also very common. Such as young people on the Internet use of TMD, TNND initials a little word. Commonly used "framed", "whore" woman scold disorderly behaviour. "Bastard" commonly used scold the bad guys.Taboo sickness and death aspect: this kind of words in the westerners areall avoided mentioning in daily life. For example:Related to the death, Westerners use "go to heaven", "pass away". Chinese is commonly used"don't”,in the" heaven "and other ways to express. In additionto "death", people in the west to treat the disease is also a similar attitude. People will say unequivocally "uncomfortable" to represent the daily the pain. In talking about serious diseases such as: "cancer", Westerners will say "Big C",or "the long illness ", Chinese will say" the disease "or" bad disease".Desecration of taboo: Direct call God or Buddha's language, which is a affront to God, absolutely prohibited. As the third of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shat not speak my name in vain "in English in a variety of religious words like God , devil , heaven, hell , Christ , Jesus , damn and other words only in serious occasions to use. People will blame those who violated. So in everyday life, people try to avoid such terms, will use golly, gosh, not God. In China, God has many names: "Great""Story", "Buddha" In addition, the tiger is northeast of the people as a god, think Tiger is king of the forest. Called"Tiger", "mountain god."Chapter 3 The difference between English and Chinesetaboos3.1 the causes of difference between English and Chinese taboosEnglish and Chinese belong to two different language taboos, they have great difference.The reasons can go to study from the history, culture, cognition and so on many aspects,but the most important is cultural nguage and culture are closely related, is the carrier of culture. Sapir said: "Language isa guide to social reality. "taboo language as a cultural phenomenon of the society, thereis aprofound national culture Contains in its behind and its do rely on. Thefollowing from the religious belief ideological value system three aspectsto discuss the influence of cultural differences on English and Chinese taboos:(1) religious beliefReligion plays an important role in the English language taboos, Neaman noted that "The subject of earliest taboo words was undoubtedly religious ". But the religious parties in the West surface is very different.Westerners believe in God, Christian, think that God is the source of all value, the influence of Christianity on English sound very profound, whichmakes God related words became taboo, the corresponding number 13 has also become a ban taboo.However, in the heart of the Chinese, there are a lot of god. Taoism, Buddhism, Islam. For death is have their own saying: "died", "dead", "heaven"refers to Buddhism, such as "the best","Feather" refers to the Taoism. In addition, some animals were believed in god, such as "mountain king", "mountain God "is the northeast tiger's call.(2)the hierarchy systemChinese has five thousand years of history in the feudal society, the implementation of the emperor despotism, other each grade hierarchicalclassification. Life is superior to another branch. Hierarchical relationship and the ethical relationship China is by Confucianism to dimension.This ritual is protection, Confucius Confucianism, has profound influence on people's ideology. Therefore, Chinese have a lot of taboo words are used todistinguish the respectable and humble. Factors to consider when talking with others is also very much, such as conversations with object relations and soon, what to say, what should not to say must always bear in mind. Therefore, thesome respect teachers, leading people to reap the opportunities in social networking,got the praise.Western human rights in the said in 1688, the British to the declaration of human rights affirms life is equal, and enjoy the same rights (All men are created equal). In the west, between parents and children, unit colleague or between leadership and staff call names, they think it is friendly way of expression, is a kind of respect to each other. People are trying to maintain their own rights, at the same time they also don't literally infringing the rights of others. Their relationship reflects the morality. While China is hierarchy, this relationship is perceptual, is based on "the ritual" and "law" in ethics.(3)the thought value systemIndividualism and liberalism is the total characteristics of Western culture, Westerners focus on personality, stressed the need to reflect the value of the individual, to the exercise and protection of individual rights, promote individual liberation. Each individual has the right to equality and freedom. "All men are created equal" concept in the depth of people's cultural ideas. By this culture,they argued, people respect the dignity of the individual. This has become the focus of the right of individual rights, and therefore lead to people the importance of individual privacy in social. They believe that privacy is sacred, if someone were spying, interference or infringement, it would have to pick up the legal weapons to protect themselves.Community culture is the main characteristic of Chinese culture, advocate a "social" principle. China's vast territory, large population. Through the ages, people have become accustomed to a cluster of life together. This makes the social idea into people's psychology. The connections between people, influence and effect exists in people's consciousness. At the same time also produced a social custom, in this life environment for a long time, makes the Chinese most social concepts. People an opportunity to contact more and more not afraid of each other's care and help. Even if is one thing, the whole family will help. "All men are brothers", "party hard, plus support" the proverb is fully embody the concept of this kind of group. Therefore, this principle to the Chinese people in work hard to protect privacy.3.2 the classification of the differences between English and Chinese taboos(1) the name tabooTaboo in address terms between English and Chinese two languages are different. In the western countries, is respected by people, the concept of equality.And generational status, age does not affect people call for each other. Children call elders, teachers name. People in the west there is a unique habits with elders names for their children. Their name is made up of three parts: first name, middle name and last name. First name and middle name can use their elders, thepresident or the name of the great man. To commemorate their, or hope children can like a great success. So there were many people in the United States called franklin, Benjamin, and so on. The last name is their family name, when women get married to follow her husband's surname.(2) the taboo words and phrasesIn English and Chinese are taboo of Numbers. In western culture in the world, people is the most taboo time of Friday, the most taboo Numbers is 13.They think travel, sailing, marriage, or couldn't do business on Friday, it isunlucky, the chance of misfortune will rise. Because Jesus died on the dayhappened to be on Friday, and Adam and eve that year to make a mistake, steal to eat the forbidden fruit, were expelled from the garden of Eden, was also onFriday. 13 is in daily life, people try to avoid mentioning. For example, won'thave 13 people sit together to eat, the dishes on table will never is 13, housenumber no. 13, no 13th floor, 12 layer directly above is the 14th floor. , thereason is that the last supper of Jesus is 13th judas, who betrayed Jesus, just to 30 pieces of silver. Eventually led to Jesus' crucifixion, on Friday the 13th istragically last painful death on the cross.In China, the number 7, and 4 are considered unlucky number. Because the Chinese characters have tone, people pay attention to. 4 and the word "death". All things in daily life with 4 of the license plate number, telephone number and other people refuse to use. There are 14 (homophonic "die"), 514 (homophonic "I die"), 474 (sichuan dialect in homophonic "to die"), 714 (sichuan dialect in homophonic "to die"), 44, 444, 4444 and so on related to 4 Numbers are unpopular, people try to avoid mentioning or use. 7 will be listed in the taboo of using digital inside.For example: gifts taboo bring seven items, the dishes on table cannot be sevenset, seven, 17 or 27 also forever with auspicious date. The reason is that Chinese people advocate the even psychology. And the Chinese traditional festivals of the dead customs also have an inseparable relationship. Associated with "seven" in Chinese idioms are mostly contains pejorative connotation, such as: standing, then, so anxious, seven twisting eight slanting, etc. In addition, the Chinese people are talking about age 55 and 66. Reasons are self-evident, China has a common said: people live 55, yama count; People live sixty-six, deathless also want to meat. There is also another proverb says: "73、84, yan don't please myself", people think it is very important in my life for two years, seems to be no body status over the past two years, can safely. So this was seen as a two hurdles in life, two years of absolute silence. Legend because Confucius death at age 73, mencius died at the age of 84. In addition, the one hundred - year - old is also banned people. Because they say "turtle ten thousand, one thousand, one hundred - year - old thorn kid", people refused to say the one hundred - year - old, they became animals seems to live to that age.(3) taboo topicsReligion as an important field of taboo language, Chinese and western have very big difference.Western people are Christian, so the name of Jehovah god (the Lord) has become the most taboo words. People casually not mentioned in our daily life, it will be as blasphemous. Recorded in The old testament, The book of exodus, god rules must abide by The "Ten commandments" (The Ten Commandment s) on The third ring is "Thou shalt not speak my name in megalomania" (such as you shall not misuse The name of me). American linguist now anfield in regard to the taboo language has said that all kinds of religious words in English, like God (God), devil (the devil), heaven (heaven), hell (hell), and other words used in serious speech is appropriate.The coexistence of diverse religions of China society is, the wide range of people's beliefs, due to the different object of worship, the taboos are different. Such as: followers of Buddhism and Taoism all avoid "lying". "Family not dozen kuang language," the buddhist sayings. Buddhism in the aspect of personal life taboo is mainly: don't get married, not SiCai storage, etc. Therefore, associate with monks when should not be asked whether they have been married and so on; In Tibet, parents, brother and sister together, not to talk about marriage and love,。
















目前,人们在谈到黑人时往往会使用Colored people或者Blacks进行描述,在种族歧视方面也不仅仅只局限于黑人,如将犹太人称之为Kikes,将美籍华人称之为Chinks 等,目前都成为交流中的禁忌语。




避免谈论政治、 宗教等敏感话题
避免使用粗俗、 不礼貌的语言
避免过度饮酒, 保持清醒
避免在公共场合 大声喧哗,保持
避免在社交场合 吸烟,尊重他人
避免在社交场合 随意拍照,尊重
直呼其名:在西方,直呼其名被视为不礼貌的行 为,通常使用姓氏或头衔来称呼对方
避免使用“你”:在西方,使用“你”来称呼对 方被视为不礼貌的行为,通常使用“您”来称呼 对方
文化背景:中西方文化背景不同, 导致社交禁忌的差异
社会环境:中西方社会环境不同, 导致社交禁忌的差异
价值观念:中西方价值观念不同, 导致社交禁忌的差异
历史传统:中西方历史传统不同, 导致社交禁忌的差异
社交禁忌:不同文化背景下的 社交行为和语言表达方式
Байду номын сангаас
避免随意打断他人谈话,保持礼貌 和尊重
饮食禁忌:避免在公共场合大声咀嚼 食物,避免在餐桌上使用手机,避免 在餐桌上谈论政治、宗教等敏感话题。
餐桌礼仪:避免在餐桌上使用筷子, 避免在餐桌上使用手,避免在餐桌 上使用刀叉。
避免在社交场合随意评 价他人
避免在社交场合过于随 意或过于正式
避免谈论政治、宗教等 敏感话题
避免在社交场合过于亲 密或过于疏远
避免在公共场合大声喧 哗



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ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
扬州高等职业技术学校 孙 佳
[摘 要]在英语文化中,和颜色(即色彩)有关的词汇及其用法多不胜数,可见颜色是是极富表现力的词汇。 [关键词]颜色 色彩 用法
色彩在我们日常生活中无处不在,和颜色有关的词汇及其用法也 多不胜数。但有关颜色的知识比较零散,如颜色词的语用法、词汇构成 法、固定搭配等。本文拟就英语中与颜色相关的各种用法加以综合并做 浅显分析。
特征、名族心理和行为模式。在以下方面,英汉禁忌语存在较明显差异: 1.颜色禁忌 不同民族、不同文化背景下,颜色词承载着不同的感情色彩和文化
信息,因此,在跨文化交流中应该注意颜色词使用上的禁忌。例如,中国 人崇尚红色,国旗采用鲜艳的红色;在婚礼上通常都会采用红色礼服; 逢年过节时,多会贴红色对联,张挂红色灯笼等等。然而在西方文化中, 红色却容易使人联想到“暴力”和“流血”,因而,他们对红色有一定的禁 忌。例如,著名汉学家霍克斯在翻译《红楼梦》时采用了这部书原名《石 头记》的译名“The story of the stone”;白色在中国主要象征丧葬,所以在 喜庆的场合,白色礼服一般都会被禁忌。而在西方白色却倍受青睐,象 征着纯洁、无辜等褒义含义,白色礼服也经常在婚庆时使用;在汉语里 主要象征黑暗、邪恶和灾难的黑色,在西方却象征了威严和尊贵。
一、颜色的语用法 (一)询问颜色,注意表达习惯 正:What color is your bag? 你的书包是什么颜色? 正:What is the color of your bag? (同上) 误:What color has your bag? (二)上下文中表示颜色的含义比较清楚时,一般不用 color 一词 正:The bike is red. 那个自行车是红色的。 正:The bike is red in color. (去掉 in color 更自然) 误:The bike is red color. (三)上下文中表示颜色的含义不很确定时,通常用 color 一词,且 常与不定冠词连用 That thing is of a blue color. 那东西呈蓝色。 It was a blue-green color. 它是蓝绿的。 二、颜色词的词汇构成法 (一)英语中常见颜色 red(红色),black(黑色),blue(蓝色),white(白色),green(绿色),yellow(黄 色),grey (灰色),pink(粉红色),orange(橙色),purple(紫色),brown(棕色)等。 (二)这些基本颜色词和其他形容词一样,具有以下词法特征 1.比较级和最高级形式 red—— —redder—— —reddest green—— —greener—— —greenest blue—— —bluer— ——bluest 2. 加后缀 -en 构成动词 white + en: The house was whitened this summer. 房子在今年夏天被 粉刷成白色。 black + en:He blackened his hair in the barber shop. 他在理发店把头 发染黑了。 (三)如果表示颜色深浅不同程度,可有以下几种不同的构成方法 1.表示浅(淡)色,可在颜色词前加 light 或 pale。 如:light green(浅绿),pale yellow(淡黄),pale blue(浅蓝)等。 The sky was pale blue. 天空是浅蓝色的。 2.表示深色,可在颜色词前加 dark 或 deep。 如:deep red(深红),dark green(深绿)等。 She has a deep red hair. 她的头发是深红色的。 3.表示鲜明的、鲜艳的,可在颜色词前加 bright、vivid、burning、baby 等。 如:bright yellow(鲜黄)、baby pink (亮桃红)。 She wears a bright yellow coat today. 她今天穿了件鲜黄色的外套。 三、颜色词的固定搭配 颜色词的固定搭配是重点和难点。不同的文化背景赋予颜色不同 的文化内涵,有时相同的意思甚至使用了不同的色彩。例如汉语中的 “ 眼 红(嫉 妒)”用 英 语 表 达 为“green with envy”;英 语 词 组“black and



中国外语类核心期刊CSSCl2000年度入选刊物《中文社会科学引文索引》源刊WAIYU XUEKANFOREIGN LANGUAGES RESEARCH 2003.5中英文禁忌语之异同及文化内涵李景艳(哈尔滨工业大学,哈尔滨150001)提要:在跨文化交际中,有些词语因传统习惯或社会风俗不同,会引起对方强烈反感,应避免使用,这就是禁忌语。




关键词:禁忌语;宗教;歧视;忌讳:文化内涵中圈分类号:HO-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—0100(2003)05—0015—04 1.禁忌语的概念英语taboo一词的含义是禁忌,也有人将其译为“塔布”。










• “崩”、“崩殂”、“贺崩”及“山陵崩” 等用来指帝王之死的词语。再如湖南临湘 早上忌说“龙”字,因“灯笼”的“笼” 与“龙”音同,故而把“灯笼”比喻为 “亮壳里”。上海郊县恋人通常忌言 “梨”、 “伞”,而将它们比喻为“圆 果”、“竖笠”,是避讳“离散”的意思。 现代汉语里,士兵打仗受伤叫“挂彩”, 南方则叫“带花”,皆为受伤后扎了绷带 的比喻。
送礼禁忌( taboos in giving presents)
• 英语国家的人在日常交往 中, 尤其是在他们的传统 节日圣诞节, 朋友同事之 间, 家庭成员之间送些小 礼品是常有的事, 但忌送 重礼。因为花费较多送重 礼可能被认为是一种贿赂 行为; 另外, 重礼意味着还 礼时也要重礼, 但他们没 有这种习惯, 也不想这样 做。
一般认为包括下列四大类: • 疾病(disease) • 死亡(death) • 性(sex) • 排泄(excretion)
• 英语中为了避开癌(cancer)这个词,用 “the big C”或“long illness”来代替。 • 19 世纪在西方国家, “社会病(social disease) ”被用来婉称“梅毒” ,如今 被用来婉指“艾滋病” 。
• 圣诞节是西方的大节日, 这个节日的禁忌主要和圣 诞布丁联系着。不少西方 人认为,搅动布丁能使自 己在未来的一年中万事如 意。因此,在做圣诞布丁 时,家庭的每个成员都至 少要搅动一下布丁,并许 下一个心愿,他们相信这 个心愿极有可能实现。但 要注意,搅动布丁只能按 顺时针方向,不能逆时针 方向;许下的心愿不能告 诉任何人。
• 打喷嚏( sneeze) 是一种生理现象, 但在公共场合或与朋友聚会, 绝对禁 止冲着他人打喷嚏。这是中西都有 的禁忌。实在要打喷嚏或擤鼻子时, 要用纸或手绢捂着鼻子, 转过身去。 事后还要说一声对不起( Excuse me) 周围的人会说一声“上帝保佑 你” ( God bless you) ,或“ 祝你健 康” ( keep fit/wish you healthy) 的 话语, 其来源说法不一。














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