






XXX先生资料如下:此致敬礼:XXXXX公司2012年11月5日篇二:邀请外国专家确认件和邀请函(文教)(审批类)1. 邀请外国专家确认件和邀请函,文教,,审批类,审批项目名称:邀请外国专家确认件和邀请函,文教,,审批类,审批项目编号:BJXSAWSOO7-01-2002,北京行审A类外事007-1子项-2002年, 审批项目依据:《国家外专局、外交部关于使用和管理聘请外国专家确认件的通知》,外专办发[1996]16号,审批收费依据:本审批项目不收费审批总时限:5个工作日审批程序:一、条件:申办人须提交如下申办材料:,依据《关于印发〈聘请外国专家确认件〉管理办法的通知》外专发[1997]53号第五条,1、单位申请报告2、通过政府、友好城市、校际交流协议派遣的外国专家, 需提交协议复印件或由签约部门印发的外国专家名册;3、经批准登记的境外组织派遣的外国专家,需提交该组织与中方签订的协议复印件,或由签约部门或国家外国专家局印发的外国专家名册;4、通过自荐和他人介绍的外国专家,需提交个人简历、学位证书和本国教授出具的推荐信或教师证书、有关专业技术证明、婚姻状况证明、健康证明和由国家外国专家局制发的标准聘用合同复印件;5、中外合作办学和专门招收外籍人员子女的学校聘请外籍教师和管理人员,需提交聘用合同复印件或具有法律效力的派遣文书复印件。

6、外专本人的护照复印件,如有家属随行~须提供家属的护照复印件,7、《外国专家确认件》申请表标准: 受理申办人提交的申办材料齐全、规范、有效。





竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除外国专家邀请函篇一:一封写给外国教授的邀请函(英文版)DearprofessorLinus,Iwaspresidentofstudentunionofxiamenuniversity.wedec idedtoorganizeaconferencenextmonth.wewillcomeacross tothescholars,teachers,studentstoattendtheseminar.w ekindofwanttoinviteyoutoattendourconference,anddeli veredaspeech.ThespeechwillbeinJuly7th,theschoolconferenceroom.9: 00inthemorningtocontinuefortwohours.participantswil lbefromourfacultyinmydepartment,whoaresoeagertogeti nformationonoverseasstudy.wehopethatyouwillacceptourinvitationifitisconvenien tforyou.pleasecallmeat1234567ifyouhaveanyquestions. Iamlookingforwardtoyourreply.withbestwishes.Yourssincerely,thestudents’unionDearms.smith,Iwaspresidentofstudentunionofxiamenuniversity.Imwri tingtoinviteyoutobeajudgeatourenglishspeechcontestt obeheldinourschoolonJun15.Itwillstartat2:00pmandlas tforaboutthreehours.Tenstudentswilldelivertheirspee chesonthegiventopic“manandnature”.wehopethatyouwillacceptourinvitati onifitisconvenientforyou.pleasecallmeat1234567ifyou haveanyquestions.Iamlookingforwardtoyourreply.withb estwishes.Yourssincerely,Liming篇二:邀请外国专家确认件和邀请函(文教)(审批类)1.邀请外国专家确认件和邀请函(文教)(审批类)审批项目名称:邀请外国专家确认件和邀请函(文教)(审批类)审批项目编号:bJxsAwsoo7-01-20XX(北京行审A类外事007-1子项-20XX年)审批项目依据:《国家外专局、外交部关于使用和管理聘请外国专家确认件的通知》(外专办发[1996]16号)审批收费依据:本审批项目不收费审批总时限:5个工作日审批程序:一、条件:申办人须提交如下申办材料:(依据《关于印发〈聘请外国专家确认件〉管理办法的通知》外专发[1997]53号第五条)1、单位申请报告2、通过政府、友好城市、校际交流协议派遣的外国专家,需提交协议复印件或由签约部门印发的外国专家名册;3、经批准登记的境外组织派遣的外国专家,需提交该组织与中方签订的协议复印件,或由签约部门或国家外国专家局印发的外国专家名册;4、通过自荐和他人介绍的外国专家,需提交个人简历、学位证书和本国教授出具的推荐信或教师证书、有关专业技术证明、婚姻状况证明、健康证明和由国家外国专家局制发的标准聘用合同复印件;5、中外合作办学和专门招收外籍人员子女的学校聘请外籍教师和管理人员,需提交聘用合同复印件或具有法律效力的派遣文书复印件。



外国专家来华的公司邀请函的格式Name of your pany:Place of your pany:Tel:InvitationDear Sir or Madam,We hereby confirm that will visit our pany in Nantong from business cooperation. We hereby kindly hope you could issue him a proper Visa.Here are his personal dates::Family name:First name:Date of birth:Place of birth:Nationality:passport no_外国专家来华的公司邀请函的格式。

Passport expiryProfessionWe herewith kindly request the China Embassy and the ___ officials to support this application by granting the required one-entry visa. We look forward to welingThank you very much!very truly yours,_外国专家来华的公司邀请函的格式。

NameJob titleCompany name (then signature and chop) 外国人来华访友邀请函格式邀请人:___号码:住址:___:邮箱地址:被邀请人:被邀请人护照号码为:与邀请人关系:美国住址:___:邀请人邀请被邀请人于**年**月**日到**年**月**日来**省**市旅游,所有费用由邀请人支付,将居住在邀请人家(地址:*****)。

邀请人签名:**年**月**日XXXXXXXXXX TRADING CO., LTD.担保函敬启者,XXXX贸易有限公司主要经营XXXXXXXXXX .外贸合作对象主要是中东,欧洲,的客户.现在我公司因拓展业务的需要,需邀请客户过来中国进行商务访问,并与我司进行洽谈以及合同的签订.The main business of our pany is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,our cooperation country is Middle-East, Europe,Africa.For more business requirment,we need to invite the client to have a business visit.以下是此次来华人员 ___:我公司在此保证,此次来访的客人将由我司人员全程陪同,他们在中华人民 ___境内将遵守法律法规,并按时离境,如有违反规定,我司将承担相应的责任.We guarantee, the client will obey the China rule and go back to their country on time.YYYY-MM-DD 地址:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXADDRESS: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.Tel:XXXXXXXXXXXXXFax:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX联系人:XXXXXX(一)申请临时商务、访问签证类《邀请确认函》(应邀来华访问、考察、经商、进行科技文化交流、参加会议或大型活动)所需材料:1.《邀请外国人来华审批表》(网上申报并打印)。





国外专家邀请函范文篇一:Dear professor Linus,I was president of student union of Xiamen University. We decided to organize a conference next month. We will come across to the scholars, teachers,students to attend the seminar. We kind of want to invite you to attend ourconference, and delivered a speech.The speech will be in July 7th, the school conference room. 9:00 in the morning to continue for two hours.Participants will be from our faculty in my department, who are so eager to get information on overseas study.We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 1234567 if you have any questions. I am looking forward to your reply. With best wishes.Yours sincerely, the Students' Union Dear Ms.Smith,I was president of student union of Xiamen University. I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on Jun 15. It will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topicyou will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 1234567 if you have any questions. I am looking forward to your reply. With best wishes.Yours sincerely,国外专家邀请函范文篇二:Dear Dr. 姓名,It is my pleasure to invite you to join my research group in the Department of XXX at XXXX University for the purpose of carrying out your research as a visiting scholar supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC). You will perform research in the field of XXXX, under mysupervision. I would like to have you join us starting in 年月for a period of X months (年月日–年月日). We will provide you with the necessary office, lab space, lab equipment and access, and supplies for your research during your stay.From our initial communications, I attest that you meet our English language requirements for the research work. You will be conducting research of XXXXXX. As a group member, you will work alongside pre‐ and post‐doctoral researchers who are developing XXXXXX.This offer is based on the condition that you have obtained a CSC scholarship(covering international airfare and your stipend to cover living expenses and health insurance) for the time of your studies with us. Apart from that, you will be exempt from any other school fees for all your time here.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email.Sincerely,。

【精品文档】学术讲座专家英文邀请函-word范文 (5页)

【精品文档】学术讲座专家英文邀请函-word范文 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==学术讲座专家英文邀请函篇一:外国专家讲座邀请函外国专家讲座邀请函dear mr. ×××,we know that you are an expert on literature. as students in english major, we want to know some details about literature. we should be very grateful if you could give a talk on "american literature" to students of the english department on saturday,××××. if this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.we have already had several very interesting talks fromdistinguished visiors from various countries this semester and we look forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.sincerely yours,×××篇二:国际学术交流英语邀请信国际学术交流英语邀请信篇三:英文学术会议邀请函Dear Professor John Doe,It is my pleasure,on behalf of the Organizing Committee,to invite you to attend the 21 International Conference on Chemical Education (19th ICCE),to be held in Beijing ,china,August 12-17,201X.I am writing to ask whether you are willing to present a talk in English at theconference. Invited talks will be one hour long,followed by a 20-minute question and answer session.The theme of the 21th ICCE is “Chemistry and Chemical Education for Humanity”,in keeping up with our Fast-changing world and continually expanding scope of the chemistry and chemical field.Chemistry is not only an essential tool and language as well as basic knowledge forthe most of science and technology of our everyday life,but also an essential science for future generations to ensure their quality of life.In appreciation of your agreement to give a talk,,the 19th ICCE will provide your local expenses,including hotel accommodations,and meals during the conference,and free registration to the conference.If you have any enquiries,please contact our Conference ConvenerMs.Song Mei at(86)0108836 xxxx or visit .I am looking forward to seeing you in Beijing.Sincerely yours, (signature) Li Hou Chair,Organizing Committee of21th ICCE1.I am pleased to invite you to attend our Annual Conference on Chemical Education to be held on November 1-4,201X in Atlanta.我很高兴邀请你参加我们的年度会议在化学教育将于十一月在亚特兰大1-4201X。





外国专家邀请函模板【一】dear mr. ,we know that you are an expert on literature. as students in english major, we want to know some details about literature. we should be very grateful if you could give a talk on american literature to students of the english department on saturday, . if this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.we have already had several very interesting talks from distinguished visiors from various countries this semester and we look forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.sincerely yours,外国专家邀请函模板【二】Dear ______,I will be holding ________ at ______ on _________ in order to _________ _. As you are a close friend of our family, my parents and I would very much like you to join us in_________ and share our joy.The occasion will start at _________ , and activities include _________ , _________ and _________ . In addition, there will be _________ . I am sure you will enjoy a good time.My family would feel honored by your presence.Yours sincerely,外国专家邀请函模板【三】Dear _________ ,On behalf of _________ , I would like to invite you to visit our university / my hometown for _________ .It would give us great pleasure if you could deliver a speech on the topic of _________ during the visit, because _________ . I am sure that it would be immensely beneficial to _________ if _________ .During your stay in _________ , we would like to offer you with _________ , _________ , which is free of charge, and . We would appreciate it very much if you could accept our invitation.。








2. __初步设计文件

学术讲座专家英文邀请函 (5页)

学术讲座专家英文邀请函 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==学术讲座专家英文邀请函篇一:外国专家讲座邀请函外国专家讲座邀请函dear mr. ×××,we know that you are an expert on literature. as students in english major, we want to know some details about literature. we should be very grateful if you could give a talk on "american literature" to students of the english department on saturday,××××. if this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.we have already had several very interesting talks fromdistinguished visiors from various countries this semester and we look forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.sincerely yours,×××篇二:国际学术交流英语邀请信国际学术交流英语邀请信篇三:英文学术会议邀请函Dear Professor John Doe,It is my pleasure,on behalf of the Organizing Committee,to invite you to attend the 21 International Conference on Chemical Education (19th ICCE),to be held in Beijing ,china,August 12-17,201X.I am writing to ask whether you are willing to present a talk in English at theconference. Invited talks will be one hour long,followed by a 20-minute question and answer session.The theme of the 21th ICCE is “Chemistry and Chemical Education for Humanity”,in keeping up with our Fast-changing world and continually expanding scope of the chemistry and chemical field.Chemistry is not only an essential tool and language as well as basic knowledge forthe most of science and technology of our everyday life,but also an essential science for future generations to ensure their quality of life.In appreciation of your agreement to give a talk,,the 19th ICCE will provide your local expenses,including hotel accommodations,and meals during the conference,and free registration to the conference.If you have any enquiries,please contact our Conference ConvenerMs.Song Mei at(86)0108836 xxxx or visit .I am looking forward to seeing you in Beijing.Sincerely yours, (signature) Li Hou Chair,Organizing Committee of21th ICCE1.I am pleased to invite you to attend our Annual Conference on Chemical Education to be held on November 1-4,201X in Atlanta.我很高兴邀请你参加我们的年度会议在化学教育将于十一月在亚特兰大1-4201X。



外国专家邀请函模板外国专家邀请函模板【一】dear mr. ,we know that you are an expert on literature. as students in english major, we want to know some details about literature. we should be very grateful if you could give a talk on american literature to students of the english department on saturday, . if this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.we have already had several very interesting talks from distinguished visiors from various countries this semester and we look forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom. sincerely yours,外国专家邀请函模板【二】Dear ______,I will be holding ________ at ______ on _________ in order to _________ _. As you are a close friend of our family, my parents and I would very much like you to join us in _________ and share our joy.The occasion will start at _________ , and activities include _________ , _________ and _________ . In addition, there will be _________ . I am sure you will enjoy a good time.My family would feel honored by your presence.Yours sincerely,外国专家邀请函模板【三】Dear _________ ,On behalf of _________ , I would like to invite you to visit our university / my hometown for _________ .It would give us great pleasure if you could deliver a speech on the topic of _________ during the visit, because _________ . I am sure that it would be immensely beneficial to _________ if _________ .During your stay in _________ , we would like to offer you with _________ , _________ , which is free of charge, and .We would appreciate it very much if you could accept our invitation.。




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ICMXXX国际学术会议得到了IEEE computer society, california state university, International Information Management Associate, US Jiangsu Economy Trade & Culture Association, CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co, LTD及南京信息工程大学的大力支持。

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外国专家邀请函模板(精选3篇)外国专家模板篇1Dear____ ,We know that you are an expert on literature. As students in english major, we want to know some details about literature. We should be very grateful if you could give a talk on american literature to students of the english department on saturday, . If this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.We have already had several very interesting talks from distinguished visiors from various countries this semester and we look forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.Sincerely yours,外国专家邀请函模板篇2Dear _________ ,On behalf of _________ , I would like to invite you to visit our university / my hometown for _________ .It would give us great pleasure if you could deliver a speech on the topic of _________ during the visit, because _________ . I am sure that it would be immensely beneficial to _________ if _________ .During your stay in _________ , we would like to offer you with _________ , _________ , which is free of charge, and .We would appreciate it very much if you could accept our invitation.外国专家邀请函模板篇3Dear ______,I will be holding ________ at ______ on _________ in order to _________ _. As you are a close friend of our family, my parents andI would very much like you to join us in _________ and share our joy.The occasion will start at _________ , and activities include _________ , _________ and _________ . In addition, there will be _________ . I am sure you will enjoy a good time.My family would feel honored by your presence.Yours sincerely,。

【精品文档】外国专家邀请函模板-范文word版 (2页)

【精品文档】外国专家邀请函模板-范文word版 (2页)

【精品文档】外国专家邀请函模板-范文word版本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==外国专家邀请函模板邀请外国专家参加会议,要怎么写邀请函呢?这里公文站小编为你们精心搜集整理了外国专家邀请函模板。


外国专家邀请函模板【一】dear mr. ,we know that you are an expert on literature. as students in english major, we want to know some details about literature. we should be very grateful if you could give a talk on american literature to students of the english department on saturday, . if this subjectdoes not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.we have already had several very interesting talks from distinguished visiors from various countries this semester and we look forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.sincerely yours,外国专家邀请函模板【二】Dear ______,I will be holding ________ at ______ on _________ in order to_________ _. As you are a close friend of our family, my parents andI would very much like you to join us in _________ and share our joy.The occasion will start at _________ , and activities include_________ , _________ and _________ . In addition, there will be_________ . I am sure you will enjoy a good time.My family would feel honored by your presence.Yours sincerely,外国专家邀请函模板【三】。



外国专家邀请函模板专家邀请函格式模板外国专家邀请函模板【一】dear mr.,we know that you are an epert on literature.as students in english major, we want to know some details about literature.we should be very grateful if you could ve a talk on ameran literature to students of the english department on saturday, .if this subject does not suit you, any other similar would be wele as well.we have already had several very interesting talks from distinguished visiors from various countries this semester and we look forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your eperience and wisdom.sincerely yours,外国专家邀请函模板【二】Dear ,I will be holdingatonin order to.As you are a close friend of our family, my parents and I would very much like you to join us inand share our joy.The occasion will start at, and activities include,and.In addition, there will be.I am sure you will enjoy a good time.My family would feel honored by your presence.Yours sincerely,外国专家邀请函模板【三】Dear,On behalf of, I would like to invite you to visit our university / my hometown for.It would ve us great pleasure if you could deliver a speech on the ofduring the visit, because.I am sure that it would be immensely benefial toif.During your stay in, we would like to offer you with,, whh is free of charge, and .We would reciate it very much if you could accept our invitation.。








被邀请人姓名:_____;性别:_____;年龄:______;家庭地址:_______;联系电话:______邀请人姓名:_____;性别:_____;年龄:______;家庭地址:_______;联系电话:______ (可分行列明)xxx20xx年x月x日外国人邀请函篇3××市××区××××公司(公司英文名称)地址:电话:传真:邮政编码:邀请函(被邀请的公司名称或外国人姓名):我公司是一间(什么性质)的企业,公司有员工×人、占地××、年营业额××,主要的经营范围和介绍公司所在行业的地位,生产或销售什么产品等。


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XXX先生资料如下:此致敬礼!XXXXX公司2012年11月5日篇二:老外英文邀请函模板下载外商来华邀请函格式AFORMALVISAINVITATION格式公司抬头TO*********ATTENTION:******AFORMALVISAINVITATIONDearSirorMadam:WeareverypleasedtoinviteMr.***cometoourfactoryforvisitingandbusinessnegotiation.Thebusine sstripwillstartfrom18thApril2005.Andbecausethelongbusinessc o-operationinfuturebetween**对方公司名andus,theywillcometoChinaformanytimes.Pleasenote,however,thatwedon’tassumeanylegalorfinancialresponsibilitywhateverregardingth epresenceof******inChina.Allexpensesof*****'Sjourneyto/fromChina,theirstayinChinaaswellashealthinsurance willbebornebytheiremployers.Wesendyouourkindestregardsandbestwishesforapleasanttrip. Yourssincerely,GeneralManagersignaturJuly29,2005XXX,CEOXXX,VPSalesXXXXXXXXCorporation1、邀请外国人来华签证申报表2、被邀请的每一人的护照复印件3、双方购销合同4、对方公司营业执照(如果今年贵公司未曾办理邀请函,也须提供营业执照)上述四项材料为一份材料,您需要提供共三份材料。

exactlywhoisinvited.Trytosendyourinvitationlettertwoweeksormoreinadvance!Sampleformalinvitationletter[Date]DearProfessor_____________WearesopleasedthatyouwillbevisitingStanfordtospeakatour____ ___ResearchWorkshopon[date].Toshowourappreciationforyourwil lingnesstoshareyourresearch,wewouldliketoofferyouamodest$__ _____honoraria,assumingyourvisaandtaxstatusallowyoutoaccept this.Pleasebeawarethathonorariapaymentsmaybesubjecttoupto37 %withholding.Inordertoprocessthis,wewillneedyoutocompleteso mepaperwork;wewillbeintouchshortlyaboutthis.Ifyouwouldlikeo urassistancesecuringavisatoentertheUnitedStates,oranITIN.If youchoosethelatteroption,wewillprovideyouwiththeformsandinf ormationnecessarytobereimbursedbyStanford.SponsoredbyagrantformtheMellonFoundation,theResearchWorksho psatStanfordareuniquespaceswherescholarsfromavarietyofdisci plinesandprofessionalcohortsmeettodiscussworkinprogressinth eirfieldsofinterest.Ithinkyouwillenjoyalivelyexchangeofideaswithadiverseaudienceoffacultyandgraduatestudentsinyourwork shop.Wewillmostcertainlyenjoytheopportunitytomeetandexchang eideaswithyouinthisinformal,collegialatmosphere.IftherearespecificscholarsatStanfordyouwouldliketoinvitetoy ourtalk,pleasefeelfreetodoso.Wewillbebackintouchsoontocoord inatethelogisticsofyourvisit.Inthemeantime,ifyouhaveanyques tions,pleasefeelfreetocontactmyselfor__________,ourworkshop’sGraduateStudentCoordinator:XXXXCO.,LTDAdd:xxx,xxx,xxx,city,ChinaTel:xxxxx/Fax:xxxxxINVITATIONLETTERDATE:XXXXXXXWexxxxxxxCo.,LtdLocatedatxxxxxxxxDoesHerebyInviteTheFollowingRepresentativeOfTheCompany:xxx客人公司xxx地址Name:-xxxxPassport#:-xxxxDateofBirth:-xxxxxDateofexpiry:-xx xxxToVisitOurCompanyInChinaFromxxxxxToxxxxxWeThankYouinAdvance forYourCooperation.YoursFaithfullyName:职务:公司名:公章篇三:国外导师邀请函模板模板一Dear。

Itismygreatpleasuretoinviteyoutocomeandworkinmylaboratoryin theSchoolof。


lUniversity.Theperiodoftraininginmylaboratorywillbefor12monthsbeginning inSeptemberof2010.Itismyunderstandingthatyourstipendandheal thinsurancewillbecoveredbyascholarshipfromChina.Iwillprovid ethenecessaryfundsforthesuppliesrequiredforyoutoundertakere searchwithinmygroup.NotuitionpaymentwillberequiredbyT。

IwouldalsoliketopointoutinthisletterthatIamsatisfiedthatyou (。

)meetourstandardsinEnglishlanguageproficiencyforforeignstude nts.Wearelookingforwardtothetimethatyouwillspendwithus.Ihav enodoubtthatyouwillmakeavaluablecontributiontoourresearch.Y ourssincerely,模板二ToWhomItMayConcern,ThisletteristoinviteMr.xxxx’sasavisitingscholartotheUniversityofxx.Mr.xx,borninDecember xx,19xx,comesfromtheSchoolofxx,Universityxx,whereheiscurren tlyaPh.D.student.IhavecommunicatedwithMr.xxforseveraltimesa ndcanattestthathisEnglishlevelsatisfiesourrequirementsforav isitingscholar.Mr.xx’svisitperiodwillbeupto18months,fromSeptember,2010toFebruary ,2012.Mr.xx’sexpensesintheUSincludingtravel,livingandhealth-careforthed urationofhisvisitwillbefullycoveredbytheChinaScholarshipCou ncil.Thereisnotuitionrequirementforvisitingscholars.Mr.xxwillfocus,duringhisstayatxx,onthemobileinternetapplica tionsandthelocationbasedservicesundermysupervision.Mr.xx’svisitwillhelpseveralongoingprojects.Hewillcollaboratewitho therteammembersundermyadvice,aswellasmystudents.Pleasefacilitatethepaperworknecessarytoprocesshisvisit. Thankyouverymuch.Sincerely,xxxx模板三Dear***Iampleasedtoinviteyou,***,bornon***,aPhDcandidateinthe***,t ospendapproximately18monthsasavisitingscholarin***fromSepte mber2010toFebruary2012.Throughourcommunications,Icanattestt hatyourEnglishlevelcansatisfyourrequirementsforavisitingscholar.Asavisitingscholar,youwillnotberequiredtopayanysortoft uitionorfeestotheUniversity.Assuch,youshouldbeeligibletoapp lyforaJ-1visa.Duringyourvisit,youwillmainlyfocusontheprojec tof***,andIwillserveasyouradvisorandbeavailableforconsultat ions.模板四Itismygreatpleasuretoinviteyoutocomeandworkinmylaboratoryin theCenterfor。
