英文回答:Upon perusing Jin Shenghong's seminal work "Rules and Education", I was profoundly moved by the author's profound insights into the pivotal role of rules and education in shaping an individual's character and behavior. The book underscores the paramount importance of discipline and guidance in the upbringing of children, and the author furnishes pragmatic counsel on how parents and educators can inculcatemendable habits and values in the younger generation. Jin Shenghong's prose is captivating and thought-provoking, and he expounds his ideas in a lucid and succinct manner, facilitatingreaders'prehension and application of the principles delineated in the book.在对龚盛红的开创性作品"规则与教育"进行透视后,对作者深刻地洞察到规则与教育在塑造个人性格和行为中的关键作用,我深感感动。
践行教育规律:重塑未来的光辉之路英文回答:Following the Laws of EducationEducation is a crucial aspect of human development and progress. It is important to understand and follow the laws of education to ensure effective and meaningful learning experiences. These laws provide guidelines and principles that help educators create a conducive environment for students to thrive and grow. Let's explore some key laws of education.1. Law of Readiness: This law emphasizes the importance of preparing students before introducing new concepts or skills. It suggests that learners should be ready and motivated to learn in order to maximize their understanding and retention. Teachers must assess students' readiness and provide appropriate scaffolding to facilitate their learning process.2. Law of Exercise: This law highlights the significance of practice and repetition in learning. It states that regular exercise and reinforcement of knowledge lead to better retention and mastery. Students should be given ample opportunities to apply what they havelearned through hands-on activities, discussions, and real-world scenarios.3. Law of Effect: This law emphasizes the impact of positive or negative consequences on learning. It suggests that students are more likely to repeat behaviors that are rewarded and avoid behaviors that are punished. Educators should provide meaningful feedback, praise achievements, and create a supportive learning environment to enhance motivation and engagement.4. Law of Association: This law focuses on the connection between new information and existing knowledge. It suggests that students learn best when they can relate new concepts to their prior understanding. Teachers should facilitate meaningful connections by using analogies, examples, and real-life applications to help students grasp complex ideas.5. Law of Intensity: This law emphasizes the importance of creating stimulating and engaging learning experiences. It suggests that learners are more likely to remember and understand information that evokes strong emotions or is presented in a memorable way. Educators should incorporate multimedia, interactive activities,and experiential learning to enhance the intensity of learning.By following these laws of education, teachers can create effective learning environments that promote student engagement, motivation, and academic success. It is essential to recognize that every learner is unique and may respond differently to various teaching methods. Therefore, educators should adapt their strategies to cater to individual needs and ensure inclusive and equitable education for all.中文回答:遵循教育规律教育是人类发展和进步的重要方面。
1.学科规训 2.教育的逆转与教育学 3.关于学科规训的反思
discipline :①学科、学术领域及相关课程; ②严格的训练或熏陶; ③纪律、规范准则、戒律或约束。 (1)前学科规训阶段:在这一阶段,学科(discipline) 主要指知识的分类和学习的科目。 (2)米歇尔· 福柯的开创性阶段:福柯重新强调discipline 所兼具的“学科”和“规训”双重含义。他认为任何学科都 是一种社会的规范。考试、审查是现代知识权力和现代所有 无微不至的规训控制方式中最精髓的体现。
• (3)华勒斯坦、霍斯金的拓展阶段: 一是发现了“知识—权力”结构之间起连接作用的第三 者—教育实践方式; 二是提出了“学科规训”的概念及其在学科发展、分化过 程中的重要作用。 三是揭示了学科规训制度的缘起与后果。“所谓新的知识 门类的出现,其实是新的教育实践形式带来的。”霍斯金 认为考试、评分和书写这些细微的教育实践方式改革,对 整个近代学科规训制度的生产有着无与伦比的影响。 学科规训的结果是产生新知识和备受规训、自我规训的个 体。
《教育与学科规训制度的缘起——意想不到的逆转 》 教育学的地位:次等学科 “培训教师”的工具性科目 作者的用意:不是把教育恢复为一门学科(错上加 错),但教育学与学科的关系并不是到此为止。 逆转:教育的权力—所有的学科都以教育为缘起, 教育实践方式是所有学科规训的根基,教育场所是 学科规训产生的场所。这种规训方式的影响通过教 育培养的人渗透到整个以书写为中心的社会中。
• 两次工业革命后,学科规训的取得了合法化地位,从而用 自己的特定形式将人类“学科化”了。 • (1)为我们的知识提供了标准和各种分析解释方法。 • (2)学科规训制度制造了一大批身体力行的践行者,他 们的思想和行为构成了社会成员认知和发展的标准与榜样。 • (3)学科规训制度与社会的知识传播和交流系统有机结 合起来,创造了丰富的对话可能,提供了就业机会,产生 了各种名誉和声望。 • 依靠这些形式,学科规训制度与社会各种机构和运行机制 有效整合起来,这正是学科规训的权力在社会中的延伸。
Educati on and Discipli neBetrand RussellAny serious educational theory must consist of two parts: a conception of the ends of life , and a scienee of psychological dynamics , i.e., of the laws of mental change. Two men who differ as to the ends of life cannot hope to agree about education. The educational machine, throughout Western civilization , is dominated by two ethical theories : that of Christianity , and that of n atio nalism. These two, whe n take n seriously, are in compatible , as is beco ming evident in Germany. For my part, I hold that where they differ, Christianity is preferable , but where they agree, both are mistake n.The conception which I should substitute as the purpose of education is civilization ,a term which , as I meant it , has a defi niti on which is partly in dividual , partly social. It con sists , in the in dividual , of both in tellectual and moral qualities : in tellectually , a certa in minimum of general knowledge , technical skill in one's own profession , and a habit of forming opinions on evidenee; morally , of impartiality , kindliness , and a modicum of self-control. I should add a quality which is neither moral nor intellectual , but perhaps physiological: zest and joy of life. In com mun ities , civilizati on dema nds respect for law , justice as betwee n man and man , purposes not involving permanent injury to any section of the human race , and intelligent adaptati on of means to en ds.If these are to be the purpose of educati on , it is a questi on for the scie nee ofpsychology to consider what can be done towards realizing them , and , in particular , what degree of freedom is likely to prove most effective.On the question of freedom in education there are at present three main schools of thought , deriving partly from differences as to ends and partly from differe nces in psychological theory. There are those who say that childre n should be completely free , however bad they may be ; there are those who say they should be completely subject to authority , however good they may be ; and there are those who say they should be free , but in spite of freedom they should be always good. This last party is larger than it has any logical right to be ; Children , like adults , will not all be virtuous if they are all free. The belief that liberty will in sure moral perfecti on is a relic of Rousseauism , and would n ot survive a study of animals and babies. Those who hold this belief think that education should have no positive purpose , but should merely offer an environment suitable for spontaneous development. I cannot agree with this school , which seems too individualistic , and unduly indifferent to the importance of knowledge. We live in com mun ities which require cooperati on , and it would be utopia n to expect all the necessary cooperation to result from spontaneous impulse. The existence of a large population on a limited area is only possible owing to science andtechnique ; education must, therefore , hand on the necessary minimum of these. The educators who allow most freedom are men whose success depends upon a degree of benevolence , self-control , and trained intelligence which can hardly be gen erated where every impulse is left un checked ;their merits , therefore , are not likely to be perpetuated if their methods are undiluted. Education , viewed from a social sta ndpo int , must be someth ing more positive tha n a mere opport unity for growth. It must , of course , provide this , but it must also provide a mental and moral equipme nt which childre n cannot acquire en tirely for themselves.The argume nts in favor of a great degree of freedom in educati on are derived not from man's natural goodness , but from the effects of authority , both on those who suffer it and on those who exercise it. Those who are subject to authority become either submissive or rebellious , and each attitude has its drawbacks.The submissive lose initiative , both in thought and action ; moreover , the an ger gen erated by the feeli ng of being thwarted tends to find an outlet in bully ing those who are weaker. That is why tyranni cal in stitutio ns are self-perpetuat ing what a man has suffered from his father he inflicts upon his son , and the humiliati ons which he remembers hav ing en dured at his public school he passes on to "natives" when he becomes an empire-builder. Thus an unduly authoritativeeducati on turns the pupils into timid tyra nts , in capable of either claimi ng or tolerati ng origi nality in word or deed. The effect upon the educators is eve n worse : they tend to become sadistic discipli naria ns , glad to in spire terror , and content toin spire nothing else. As these men represe nt kno wledge , the pupils acquire a horror of knowledge , which , among the English upper class , is supposed to be part of human nature , but is really part of the well-grounded hatred of the authoritarian pedagogue.Rebels , on the other hand , though they may be necessary , can hardly be just to what exists. Moreover , there are many ways of rebelling , and only a small minority of these are wise. Galileo was a rebel and was wise ;believers in the flat-earth theory are equally rebels , but are foolish. There is a great dan ger in the tendency to suppose that opposition to authority is essentially meritorious and that unconven ti onal opinions are bound to be correct : no useful purpose is served by smashing lamp-posts or maintaining Shakespeare to be no poet. Yet this excessive rebellious ness is ofte n the effect that too much authority has on spirited pupils. And whe n rebels become educators , they sometimes en courage defia nee in their pupils , for whom at the same time they are trying to produce a perfect environment , although these two aims are scarcely compatible.What is wan ted is n either submissive ness nor rebelli on , but good nature ,and gen eral frien dli ness both to people and to new ideas. These qualities are due in part to physical causes , to which old-fashioned educators paid too little attention ; but they are due still more to freedom from the feeling of baffled impote nee which arises whe n vital impulses are thwarted. If the young are to grow into friendly adults , it is necessary , in most cases , that they should feel their environment friendly. This requires that there should be a certain sympathy with the child's important desires , and not merely an attempt to use him for some abstract end such as the glory of God or the great ness of on e's coun try. And , in teaching , every attempt should be made to cause the pupil to feel that it is worth his while to know what is being taught--at least whe n this is true. When the pupil cooperates willingly , he learns twice as fast and with half the fatigue. All these are valid reas ons for a very great degree of freedom.It is easy , however , to carry the argument too far. It is not desirable that children , in avoiding the vices of the slave , should acquire those of the aristocrat. Con sideratio n for others , n ot on ly in great matters , but also in little everyday things , is an essential element in civilization ,without which social life would be in tolerable. I am not thi nki ng of mere forms of polite ness, such as say ing "please"and "tha nk you": formal mann ers are most fully developed among barbaria ns, and diminish with every advanee in culture. I am thinking rather of willingness to take a fair share of n eeessary work , to be obligi ng in small ways that save trouble on the bala nee. It is not desirable to give a child a sense of omn ipote nee , or a belief that adults exist only to minister to the pleasures of the young. And those who disapprove of the existenee of the idle rich are hardly eonsistent if they bring up their ehildre n without any sense that work is n eeessary , and without the habits that make eon ti nu ous applieati on possible.There is ano ther eon siderati on to whieh some advoeates of freedom attaeh too little importanee. In a eommunity of ehildren whieh is left without adult in terfere nee there is a tyranny of the stron ger , whieh is likely to be far more brutalthan most adult tyranny. If two ehildren of two or three years old are left to play together , they will , after a few fights , diseover whieh is bound to be the vietor , and the other will the n beeome a slave. Where the nu mber of ehildre n is larger, one or two aequire eomplete mastery , and the others have far less liberty tha n they would have if the adults in terfered to proteet the weaker and less pug nacious. Con sideratio n for others does not , with most ehildre n , arise spontan eously ,but has to be taught , and can hardly be taught except by the exercise of authority. This is perhaps the most important argument against the abdieation of the adults.I do not thi nk that educators have yet solved the problem of comb ining the desirable forms of freedom with the neeessary minimum of moral training. the right solution , it must be admitted , is often made impossible by parents before the child is brought to an enlightened school. Just as psyehoanalysts , from their。
第24卷第11期河北法学Vol .24,No .112006年11月Hebei Law S cience Nov .,2006微观权力分析 ———读米歇尔·福柯的《规训与惩罚》韩 平收稿日期:2006-06-20作者简介:韩 平(1978-),女,山西原平人,吉林大学法学院法学理论专业2005级博士研究生。
(吉林大学理论法学研究中心,吉林长春130012)摘 要:通过对微观权力分析,指出福柯与传统自由主义“司法—论述性的分析”模式不同之处,他并没有采用合法与非法的二元对立的模式,而是将自由主义分析框架之中对权力分析所需要的价值基础从它的分析中剥离出去,因而将其自由主义社会本身中隐藏的微观权力用系谱学的方法揭示出来,指出的微观权力的隐匿性与生产性的特征。
关键词:福柯;微观权力;规训;系谱学;反抗中图分类号:DF0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-3933(2006)11-0002-07Analyzing the Bio -power Theory———Reading Foucault 's Punishment and DisciplineHAN Ping(The Center for the Ju risprudence Research ,Jilin University ,Changchun 130012China )Abs tract :Analyzing the bio -pow er theory ,I point out that Foucault 's pow er theory model is different from the juridical -discur -sive model of the traditional liberalism theory ,w hich is dismissed by him and he doesn 't adopt an opposing duality w ay .Foucault rem oves of the value foundation which is needed in making an estimation ,at the same time w ho opens out the bio -pow er with genealogy methodology and considers that the pow er is purely dorman t and productive ,hence the bio -pow er secrets in the s ocial operating mechanis m and our l iving society .Therefore ,all this things result in pro -ducing the truth and the k now ledge that come into being the disciplinary society .Facing this society ,how can w e break aw ay from this suppress ing society and express ours elves actuall y ?In the third part ,I construe the relationship of the power and the resistance ,lately making a distinction betw een Habermas taking a duality of legality and illegality and al -so differing from W eber about the outlet of individual subject .Subsequently ,according to the above analyzing and rea -soning the aesthetic decis ion ,I as sume that Foucault may be in the danger of the pos sibility of underl ying the foundation and the confliction of the individual aesthetic decision in the decis ion theory .In practice ,I am al so doubt the practical feasibility of the daily resistance of the masses and the des irabil ity of the individual aesthetic resistance .K ey words :Foucault ;bio -power ;dis cipl ine ;genealogy ;res istance 米歇尔·福柯(M ichel Foucault 1926—1984)①是20世纪西方知识界最引人注目的核心人物之一,福柯与—2—DOI :10.16494/j .cn ki .1002-3933.2006.11.001让-保尔·萨特、莫里斯·梅洛-庞蒂、乔治·冈奎汉姆、路易·阿尔都塞、雅克·德里达、克德·列维-斯特劳斯、罗兰·巴特、吉尔·德勒兹等人一起,揭开了巴黎哲学、美学与政治思潮中革命性的篇章,在30年时期中产生了辉煌的著作,这种成果是我们不可匹敌的。
深大外院王辉——罗素 Education and Discipline
pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world, and, through this knowledge, turning a stream of fresh and free thought upon our stock notions and habits, which we now follow staunchly but mechanically.
Mill’s contribution:
argues that intellectual and moral pleasures (higher
pleasures) are superior to more physical forms of pleasure (lower pleasures)
I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy -
ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what--at last--I have found.
英语作文教育惩戒与规则Education, Discipline and Rules。
Education, discipline and rules are three essential elements of a successful society. Education enables individuals to learn and grow, discipline ensures that individuals behave appropriately, and rules provide a framework for society to function smoothly.Education is the foundation of a successful society. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in life. Education also fosters critical thinking, creativity, and a sense of responsibility. It is through education that individuals can learn about the world around them, understand different perspectives, and develop empathy for others.Discipline is necessary to ensure that individuals behave appropriately in society. Discipline can be achieved through various means, such as punishment, rewards, orpositive reinforcement. It is important to note that discipline should not be used as a means of control or domination, but rather as a tool to help individuals understand the consequences of their actions.Rules provide a framework for society to function smoothly. They establish boundaries and expectations for behavior, and help to maintain order and stability. Rules can be formal or informal, and can be enforced through various means, such as laws, social norms, or peer pressure. It is important for individuals to understand and respectthe rules of society, as they are essential for the well-being of all members.However, it is also important to recognize that education, discipline, and rules are not always perfect or infallible. They can be influenced by various factors, such as cultural norms, personal biases, or societal pressures.It is important to continually evaluate and improve these elements to ensure that they are effective and equitable.In conclusion, education, discipline, and rules areessential elements of a successful society. They enable individuals to learn and grow, behave appropriately, and function within a framework of order and stability. However, it is important to continually evaluate and improve these elements to ensure that they are effective and equitablefor all members of society.。
Education and Discipline in China——文学赏析英语课论文
Title: Education and Discipline in ChinaAbstract:In recently years, China pays more and more attention to education. But many students run after fame and wealth blindly. They are limited with the discipline and have little will to make a deep thinking in their study and their life. The reasons causing this phenomenon is that the society pay too much attention to educate students knowledge of test content but the moral education, which leads to students attach importance to utilitarian things and ignore the development of their inner world of the heart. In this case, we should change the educational concept. We should take much count of the personality education and give students freedom to develop themselves. Key words:education; discipline; blindly; utilitarianIntroduction:The Chinese government has been trying hard to solve the problems with education for many years. As the demand for education development is increasing, contradiction is becoming more and more acute. There are a lot of problems in the education of China. Students can't completely get rid of the bondage on education thinking, and lack of the ability of independent thinking and innovation.Illusions and Realism1.Some negative phenomena of education and discipline in China.A certain number of Chinese students are unduly stereotyped. They blindly run after things that others want and ignore the true thinking inward.At a young age, our teachers repeatedly tell us to write a composition in a correct view and form. If the view is wrong, the paper would be given zero score even written well. It resulted that we don't need to think about and understand what we write means, but we can recite and copy the following words reflex.In this study way, we grow up from a primary school extended to the doctor. When we do research papers, the teacher would tell us first that we can't in a wrong viewpoint and form.What a terrible academic research it is. We have the idea in a good reason todemonstrate our thoughts. And we can perfectly self-explanatory. But, if your viewpoint or form is wrong, the experts and professors can use his point of view to sentence your viewpoint to death. For example, we appraise a student’s article in many parts, such as innovation points, words express and so on. Any parts’ lack can’t be received by professors or the leaders. It could be concluded that almost all standards is tending to be stereotyped and standardization.Nowadays, there are not many true "education thought" and "education view" in the education policy. It is just a series of "policy" or "rules", but not thought nor ideas. Freud said, sound personality development should be the overall development of the id, the ego and the superego[1]. We can find that our students now seems to have no "id", even the basic animal attribute of the pursuit of happiness is suppressed. There is not a way to do the things we want. What’s more, the superego does not exist basically. Conscience and sense of responsibility retain less in college students. It’s not that college students don't want to have the id and the superego, but they can't choose facing the reality.There is a phenomenon that a lot of inspirational books introducing some experienced people’s experience or successful cases tell the students what a firm goal we should have, and what a strong will and confidence we should have. In the guidance of the successful path, we could see those who do not obtain employment for three years and review one's exams for postgraduate schools in a university of the hostel near the basement[2]. But the goal is to promote their own political or English score from 49 points to 50 points meet a fractional line. They meet every inspiring people "success" principle, but in fact it is likely not a way to the ego. University education in China gives students "the ego" education and let the students make full use of the principle of reality and make their own benefit maximization.2.Reasons for the lake of the ego in students.At present, our university focuses too much attention on teaching students knowledge. But not pay attention to the cultivation of the morality. It can’t be denying that this method of education is very dangerous. In addition, We must pay attention to the correct method of cultivating students' moral. Some publicity stunt should beabsolutely prohibited. Growth in moral is a natural process. It’s common that some children by aid cry on TV with gratitude. Although it meets the vanity of the sponsors, it is not necessarily good to the child's self-esteem. By and large, we can know from it that the university should be managed by the real educators. University education should give the students enough freedom to seek for and find what they want and choose the correct thing they should hang on. It is the short of morality that lead to people gradually utilitarian. People run after wealth and fame so blindly that ignore the significance and worth that they seek for.In addition,education in university could be divided into two kinds. One kind of education is the dissemination of knowledge, and the other is the creation of knowledge. It’s not enough to just spread knowledge in the university education. But create knowledge could build to a first-class university. The creation of knowledge in education could provide students an open thinking. Without the limited of stereotyped, students could have the opportunity to create in knowledge.3.The things that we could do to solve the problem in a way on education.It is widely acknowledged that education should be attached importance from baby. In fact, there is not a clearly and scientific standards that how to take the education into account. Most of us give students education on knowledge of the test content. We do not pay enough attention to the students’ interest. We should change our attention from children to the adults. We should better change the practice of one-way infusion. Personality education is the most basic foundation for students’development. Everything is the castles in the air without the personality education. Students should be educated love, honesty, responsibility and so on. What’s more, students should suitable break the discipline and develop their innovative ideas.ConclusionIn fact, the purpose of education is to make the students to obtain happiness. But the intense competition in our society makes people see few place of happiness from education. On the contrary, education becomes the main tool that people use to realize competition goals. In this case, most people, no matter the educator or ones accept education, gradually become utilitarian, blindly, and lack of deep thinking to theknowledge and the education. We should change the concept of education and attach importance to students' personality development.Reference[1] The id is present at birth, just what you want .But unfortunately in the reality, what you want is not what you get.The ego works on the principle of trying to figure out how to make your way though the world, how to satisfy your pleasure. The ego symbolizes the origin of consciousness.You are trying to make your way through the world, but sometimes some desires are inappropriate and you are possibly punished for them, then superego would came out and prevent yourself.[2]郭美玲;2008年12月;The Future of the Private Education in China;《管理与创新》。
“规训”( discipline ) 是法国思想家福柯在《规训与惩罚》一书中使用的概念,用以概括近代以来一种新型的管理权力与特殊的权力技术。
”[ 1]规训是一种持久的运作机制,通过对人体的分配、组合与编排,达到对人体的精心操纵,以此造就“驯顺的肉体”。
”[ 2]2.权力是一张交错的网。
可见, 学校中的规训权力已经渗透到学校教育的各个过程
了一种 “内在” 的体系, 并构成了一个自上而下的关系网
与环节, 对学校教育中知识的传授及对人的训练与约束都
络, 这个网络在某种程度上也是纵向与横向的结合。 它
“‘控制着’ 整体, 完全覆盖着整体, 并从监督者和被不断
监督者之间获得权力效应。 在对纪律实行层层监督时, 权
三、 学校教育中规训与惩罚的影响
流。 其他学生按照课程等级依次向教室中心排列。 同时,
每个学生都有自己相应的座位, 而且座位是固定的, 若没
向性控制的关系, 而是一种相互交错的复杂的网络。 “权
有 “学科” 的释义, 也具有纪律、 训练、 训诫等含义。 福
力以网络的形式运作在这个网上, 个人不仅流动着, 而且
柯利用这个词的多义性, 赋予它新的内涵, 用以指近代产
他 们 总 是 既 处 于 服 从 的 地 位 又 同 时 运 用 权 力 。” 〔3〕 但 是 ,
机构, 这里是权力的中心, 也便于实现观察与监视, 所以
人之间, 在家庭的成员之间, 在老师和学生之间, 在有知
“完美的规训机构应能使一切都一目了然。 中心点应该既是
识和无知识之间, 存在着各种权力关系, 它们不仅仅纯粹
照亮一切的光源, 又是一切需要被了解的事情的汇聚点,
是巨大的统治权力对个人的投射; 它们是具体的、 不断变
有时是教新学生。 最后, 所有学生的全部时间不是用于教,
就是用于学。 学校变成了一个学习机器, 不同水准的学生
试”)。 福柯认为检查实际上是层级监视技术与规范化裁决技
的所有时间都被恰当地结合起来, 在整个教学过程中不断
美国留学教育学专业的分类与优势1.美国留学教育学专业的分类Curriculum and Instruction(教学和课程)Educational Administration and Supervision(教育管理和督导)Education Policy(教育政策)Educational Psychology(教育心理学)Elementary Teacher Education(小学教师教育)Higher Education Administration(高级教育管理)Secondary Teacher Education(初中教育管理)Special Education(特殊教育)Student Counseling and Personnel Services(学生规划辅导和个体服务)Technical / Vocational(技术 / 职业)教学方向的专业教学课程(Curriculum and Teaching),研究各学科的教学课程;早期儿童教育(Early Childhood Education),培养早期儿童教育方面的教师;小学和中学教育(Elementary and Secondary Inclusive Education),培养中小学教育方面的教师;语言学方向的专业应用语言学(Applied Linguistics),研究与语言相关的问题,如语言的交流分析、语法的功能等;英语教学专业(TESOL),教授学生英语教学的方法和技巧;双语教学(Bilingual / Bicultural Education),培养用母语和第二语言进行教学的老师;教育心理学方向的专业教育心理学(Psychology in Education),研究教育中的心理学问题,如知识的获得、认知水平的发展等;宏观教育方向的专业教育经济学(Economics and Education),研究教育学中的经济问题,如个人在教育中的投入和产出;人类教育学(Anthropology and Education),研究学校现象、学生行为等方面;教育史(History of Education),研究教育学的发展历史;教育技术方向的专业教育技术(Technology in Education),研究利用先进的科学技术作为教学的辅助手段;学校管理方向的专业教育领导专业(Education Leadership),培养各个阶段院校的管理型人才;教育政治学(Politics and Education),研究政治机构对于教育领域的影响。
据调查,2005年我国校园暴力事件共发生20 143起,2006年比上一年还要高出5.1%, ① 学生的不良行为问题已经受到教育界以及社会各界的广泛关注。
德国著名哲学家、教育家康德(Immanuel Kant)在他的教育学著作《论教育学》一书中提到:“人是唯一必须受教育的被造物。
EducationandDiscipl ine教育与规训教育与规训伯特兰•罗素任何一种严肃的教育理论都包括两部分:有关生命之目的的观念,以及有关人的心理如何运作(例如,情绪变化的规律是什么)的理论——我们没法指望两个对于生命目的理解不同的人会在教育问题上达成一致。
在我看来,“文明”应当替代它们作为教育的目的,而“文明” 一词的定义则兼有个人与社会的方面。
Discipline and Punishment:on the Education of Teachers′Love to Students for Normal Students in Teachers Colleges and Universities 作者: 剡自勉[1]
作者机构: [1]黔南民族师范学院教育科学学院,贵州都匀558000
出版物刊名: 黔南民族师范学院学报
页码: 78-83页
年卷期: 2020年 第2期
主题词: 师爱;公爱;廉洁从教;监督;全景敞视
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