




选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、多选题:科学时期(50年代末60年代初-70年代)的英语语言测试的理论基础有哪些?选项:A: 结构主义语言学B: 行为主义心理学C: 心理测量学D: 认知主义心理学答案: 【结构主义语言学; 行为主义心理学; 心理测量学】3、判断题:倾向测试和诊断测试都可以对学生将来的学习情况进行测试和评估。

A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、判断题:分离式测试是指把语言分成语音、词汇、语法等要素,再从这些要素中分出语言点,针对这些语言点设计试题,一道试题往往只测一个语言项目。


选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、单选题:_______的主要用途是对考生进行甄别、分类和选拔。

选项:A: 标准参照考试B: 主观型考试C: 客观型考试D:常模参照考试答案: 【常模参照考试】6、判断题:客观性考试容易出题,主观性测试容易猜题。

A:对B:错答案: 【错】7、多选题:以下哪些因素会影响测试的信度?选项:A:题量B:题目性质C:题目区分度D: 成绩分布答案: 【题量 ;题目性质 ;题目区分度; 成绩分布】第二章单元测试1、判断题:命制试题需要对与测试对象教育水平相当的同族语者进行试测。

选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、判断题:考试大纲中的二级标题中的语言知识和语言运用,明确了高考试卷的考核目标与要求,对考试语音、词汇、语法基础知识的掌握程度都在附录中做了明确的规定;选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、单选题:以下哪一项,不属于考试大纲的作用?选项:A: 帮助考生把握考试内涵B: 帮助考生明确考试方向C: 帮助教师明确教学内容D: 对考试范围、考试题型与能力要求进行规定答案: 【帮助教师明确教学内容】4、多选题:以下属于多项选择题的编写原则有选项:A: 每题只能有一个正确答案B: 每题只能有一个测试重点C: 干扰项应有一定的迷惑性,并防止出现语法错误D: 试题的各个选项的长度可以有长有短E: 只有作为答案的选择才是适当的答案: 【每题只能有一个正确答案; 每题只能有一个测试重点;干扰项应有一定的迷惑性,并防止出现语法错误; 只有作为答案的选择才是适当的】5、判断题:在命制试卷的步骤中,编写规范是最重要,也是最难的一步。



2020智慧树知到《英语精读与写作(二)》章节测试【完整答案】.docx最新资料欢迎阅读2020 智慧树知到《英语精读与写作(二)》章节测试【完整答案】智慧树知到《英语精读与写作( 二) 》章节测试答案第一章1、The manager promised that I could ( ) some of my chocolate for the shoes I wanted.changesubstitutetrade bill答案 : trade2、It ”s a very popular play, so it will be wise to ( )seats well in advance.buyprovidebooktake答案 : book3、( ) , over 1600 houses, schools and hospitals were transferred to other places in 1953.1In totalRatherTotally答案 : In total4、( ) he”d come to the door, he thought he might as well go in with the others to have a look.Now thatHoweverAlthoughIf答案 : Now that5、 Peter prided himself on never getting ( ) involved inhis life.physicallypsychologicallyemotionallyintelligently答案 : emotionally6、Don”t resort to cheap copies; ( ) for the real thing. savesave upmake upmake of答案 : save up7 、 William always gives the best advice on how to solve problems. However, ( ) , his opinion doesn”t count. I do find it funny!during this timefor onceonce againfor a time答案 : for once8、This plan couldn ”t help, ( ) again, it probably couldn ”t hurt.ratherhoweveron the other side答案 : but then9、They complained that they had not been consulted properlyby the council ( ) the work.prior tountildue toregardless of答案 : prior to10 、 The town is ( ) prosperous, bustling and busy - let”s keep it that way.todaypresentlylastingenduring答案 : presently第二章1、 I have found that the community has ( ) great changessince I was here last.submittedundergonesustainedexperimented答案 : undergone2、 In running this business, I need to ( ) ask myselfwhether what I ”m doing is aligned with my goals.invariablyusuallyendlessly答案 : constantly3、He was the sort of good listener who seemed to find everybody else more interesting and( ) than himself.impossibleimpressiveunlikelyunimaginable答案 : impressive4 、 It is muchbetter to concentrate on a few subjects which interest you than try to ( ) your mind with knowledge.fillfullmeetfulfill答案 : fill5、 Rather than being hoodwinked, I would ( ) anything.indulgedivergeendureinstruct答案 : endure6、 A fortunate encounter brought the two friends together after a long ( ) .distinctiondifferenceseparationdiscrimination答案 : separation7、 Most of us thought that you ( ) to those questions inan interesting and unusual way.reactedimpactedworkedacted答案 : reacted8、 I have often seen him ( ) upon the moon and stars for hours. Why do you think he is doing that?lookglancestaregaze答案 : gaze9 、 We ( ) a parent to care for us, to forgive us our errors, and to save us from our childish mistakes.search forlong forfor longlook after答案 : long for10、His occasional courtesies did not ( ) his general rudeness.compensate forpay back keepup change into答案 : compensate for第三章1、Louie was fun, with a great sense of play, and yet, unafraid to ( ) new challenges.take intake ontake outtake up答案 :take on2、As early as the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese beganto ( ) a great d eal of effort on science, technology and education.expelexpandexpendexpatiate答案 :expend3、It is unfortunate that the problem of children educationis often ( ).neglectedoverwhelmedwithdrawndisputed答案 :neglected4、Plants will ( ) in a fertile soil when plenty of sunshineand rain is available.cherishnourishflourishpolish答案 :flourish5 、Being ( ) to the Internet,she knows a lot about e-commerce, which made her a skilled online buyer.expressedexecutedexpendedexposed答案 :exposed6、The constitution had ( ) everybody with rights and obligations.instructedinvestedinspiredindulged答案 :invested7、This new kind of refrigerator is environment-friendly which ( ) 60 percent less electricity than traditional models.consumesconductsconformsconveys答案 :consumes8、 The main road through there was blocked for three hours today after an accident ( ) two trucks.containingconnectinginvolvingincluding答案 :involving9、Children often catch minor diseases, but they soon bounce ( ), so don ”t be over-worried.outoffbackon答案 :back10、Passers-by on the street managed to ( ) the badly injured driver with first aid treatment like cardiac massage and artificial respiration.reliverevivesurvivealive答案 :revive第四章1、 He saw a laundry bag and ( ) it to use as a shield.grabbedgrubbedembracedgathered答案 :grabbed2、Tom”s teacher finds it difficult ( ).believingto believeto be believingbelieve答案 :to believe3、What ( ) way to celebrate Thanksgiving ( )to do something nice to others?better, than better,rather than thebest, thanthe best, rather than答案 :better, than4、I never quite got it, but that was part of the ( ).encouragementhorrorallurediscouragement答案 :allure5、He noted that Germaninvestors were ( ) invest in stocks, but were crazy about bitcoin.willing towilling forreluctant toreluctant for答案 :reluctant to6 、 The more different wines you drink, the better your ( ) becomes for which bottle to open, which ingredient to add to the meal to create a wonderful harmony.needgeniusskillinstinct答案 :instinct7、Some think it looks like a rainbow castle and Rush said it ”s totally open to( ).comprehensionunderstandingtranslationinterpretation答案 :interpretation8、 Light struggles to ( ) in through four dirty squarewindows set in the sides of the dome.joinfiltersplitflow答案 :filter9、 A powerful exploration of what it means to be human: loneliness, freedom, ( ) for connection, the expectations we hold for ourselves and hopes we maintain for others.yearningpleadingbeggingdreaming答案 :yearning10 、 We think there was a great deal more diversity in the( ) native American populations than is apparent today, so this isconsistent with a lot of other evidence.traditionalconventionaloriginalauthentic答案 :original第五章1、 His guilty expression ( ) my suspicion.confrontedconfirmedconvenedconcluded答案 :confirmed2、Salisbury sent him on a diplomatic ( ) to North America.projectplanprogrammission答案 :mission3、Experts are trying to ( ) ways to clean up the huge slick.devisederivethinkmeasure答案 :devise4、They have ( ) a number of conditions to the agreement.regulatedattachedattackedformulated答案 :attached5、Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his ( ).rulesprinciplesstandardinstinct答案 :principles6、As autumn ( ), the plants and colours in the garden changed.approachedreachedaccessedstayed答案 :approached7、The hour-long programme will be updated each week and ( ) highlights from recent games.characteristiccoverunderscorefeature答案 :feature8、 The agreement would allow the rebels to be ( ) into a new national police force.putabsorbedjoinedincorporated答案 :incorporated9、 I usually do a rough ( ) before I start on a painting.portraitimagepicturesketch答案 :sketch10 、 It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstractconcept by ( ) with something concrete.analogyanalysiscomparisoncontrast答案 :analogy第六章1、She isn ”t beautiful. But she is ( ) pretty.a sort ofa kind ofof a sortsort of答案 :a kind of2、It”s a situ ation that( )a blend of delicacy and force.calls oncalls forcalls offcalls at答案 :calls for3、( ) we climbed, ( )awe-inspiring the scenery became.The higher, the moreThe more higher, the moreThe more high, the betterThe more highly, the better答案 :The higher, the more4、 The policeman advised the criminal to interact()thepolice.to withinamong答案 :with5、 Most students do not expect to()economics.specializespecialize inspecial inspecialist in答案 :specialize in6 、 Thousands were forced to()from rural to urban areas in search of work.migrate emigrate。



2020智慧树,知到《英语文学导论》章节测试答案第一章单元测试1、单选题:Decide True or False: Literature as writing is “imaginative” or fictive, as opposed to factual, true, or historical.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【False】2、多选题:What are the Primary Elements of a Plot?选项:A:expositionB:falling action and resolutionC:rising actionD:climax答案: 【exposition ;falling action and resolution;rising action;climax 】3、多选题:Which of the following can be regarded as a theme statement?选项:A:The theme of“The Egg” might be“Disillusionment is necessary to the process of maturing”.B:Bernard Shaw might suggest in his Widowers” Houses that “Even the most idealistic young man must compromise his principles”C:Disillusionment and psychological paralysis in“The Dead”.D:The protagonist Gabriel suffered a psychological breakdown in the end of the story.答案: 【The theme of“The Egg” might be“Disillusionment is necessary to the process of maturing”. ;Bernard Shaw might suggest in his Widowers” Houses that“Even the most idealistic young man must compromise his principles”】4、多选题:What are the possible themes of Eudora Welty”s“A Worn Path”?选项:A:racismB:ability of the human spirit to endure conflict and poor circumstancesC:selfless loveD:compassion and courage答案: 【racism;ability of the human spirit to endure conflict and poor circumstances;selfless love ;compassion and courage】5、单选题:Decide True or False: Style is concerned not with“what to say” but“how to say it”.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【Ture】6、多选题:What does the narrative voice in Hemingway”s“In Another Country” sound like?选项:A:disillusioned and cynicalB:objective and calmC:cold and relentlessD:isolated and detached答案: 【disillusioned and cynical;isolated and detached】7、多选题:In Aspects of the Novel, E.M. Foster classifies characters into …?选项:A:major charactersB:minor charactersC:flat charactersD:round characters答案: 【minor characters;flat characters】8、多选题:What”s true about“indirect characterization”?选项:A:the author reveals character's personality through its effect on other charactersB:the author shows us the traits of the character by describing his/her appearance, actionsC:the author state explicitly the character”s traitsD:the author tells us what he or she wants us to know about the character答案: 【the author reveals character's personality through its effect on other characters;the author shows us the traits of the character by describing his/her appearance,actions】9、多选题:What”s true about Gabriel in“The Dead”?选项:A:He loves his country and is proud of its culture.B:His character is shaped by frustration, rancor, and disappointment.C:He finds no genuine joy or pleasure in life.D:He is obsessed with the past答案: 【His character is shaped by frustration, rancor, and disappointment.;He is obsessed with the past 】10、多选题:What does the image of“eggs” symbolize in“The Eggs”?选项:A:love and happinessB:the fragile American DreamC:ambitionD:hope and aspiration答案: 【the fragile American Dream;ambition;hope and aspiration】第二章单元测试1、单选题:The earliest theoretical work on drama is Plato”s Poetics.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【False】2、单选题:________________ is the reasoning aspect of drama.选项:A:SpectacleB:ThoughtC:Diction答案: 【Thought】3、单选题:Negative capability refers to the capability of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【Ture】4、单选题:Which word did Portia use to address Shylock?选项:A:civilianB:citizenC:alien答案: 【alien】5、单选题:Kristine Linde is a round character.选项:A:FalseB:Ture答案: 【False】6、单选题:In what is the theme of love presented?选项:A:realismB:CarnivalesqueC:optimismD:fantasy答案: 【Carnivalesque 】7、单选题:What type of woman is Vivie?选项:A:A traditional woman in most aspectsB:A radical feministC:A New Woman in some aspectsD:An angel in the house答案: 【A New Woman in some aspects】8、单选题:To what does Waiting for Godot owe part of its success?选项:A:The linear plotB:The mysterious GodotC:The characterization of trampsD:The coherent language答案: 【The mysterious Godot 】9、单选题:Since it was produced, The Last Night of Ballyhoo has gotten a great reputation and it was performed in ______ during the Olympic Games.选项:A: Los AngelesB:New YorkC:BostonD:Atlanta答案: 【Atlanta 】10、单选题:It was Lala”s ______ identity that led her self-conflict.选项:A:JapaneseB:JewishC:AfricanD:European答案: 【Jewish 】。
















第一章测试1【判断题】(5分) Peopledoresearchinordertohaveabetterunderstandingofourworld.A.对B.错2【判断题】(5分)Wedon’tneedtobecreativeinresearchasanyresearchisbasedonevidences.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分)Goodresearchquestionsareimportantinresearch.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分) Literaturereviewisneededinsomeresearchpapers.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分) Agoodresearchpaperneedscarefulrevisingandproofreading.A.错B.对6【判断题】(5分) Unintentionalplagiarismcanbeexcusedasitisnotcommitteddeliberately.A.对B.错7【判断题】(5分) Academicfalsificationisonecommontypeofacademicdishonesty.A.对B.错8【多选题】(5分) Whatroledoesaliteraturereviewplayinaresearchpaper?A.Itenhancesthecredibilityofyourpaper.B.Itprovestheexistenceofaresearchgap.C.Itsynthesizestheexistingstudiesinyourarea.D.Itprovidesevidencesforyourargument.9【单选题】(5分) WhichofthefollowingisNOTanessentialstepinaresearchpaperwriting?A.ChoosingatopicB.ConsultinginstructorsC.LocatingsourcesD.OutliningthePaper10【多选题】(5分) Whichofthefollowingmayleadtoacademicdishonesty?A.AcademicplagiarismB.AcademicpromotionC.AcademicinterestD.Academicfabrication第二章测试1【多选题】(5分)Inchoosingaresearchtopic,whichofthefollowingdoweneedtoconsider?A.PublicationpossibilitiesB.AcademicimportanceC.OurresearchinterestD.Ourmanageability2【判断题】(5分)Tocheckthevalidityofaresearchtopic,weneedtobecriticalenough.A.对B.错3【判断题】(5分) Itisanactofplagiarismifonesimplyparaphrasesabookforaresearchpaper.A.对B.错4【判断题】(5分) StudentsshouldbebraveenoughtotrychallengingissuesfortheirBAtheses.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分) Carefulreadingofliterarytextisimportantinliterarystudies.A.对B.错6【判断题】(5分) Literarytheoriestakepriorityoverliterarytextsinliteraryanalysis.A.错B.对7【判断题】(5分) ICstudycanbechallengingbutinterestingandpracticalinlife.A.错B.对8【判断题】(5分) Expertssharesimilarunderstandingsoverthestandardsoftranslation.A.错B.对9【判断题】(5分) Translationstrategiesandtranslationtechniquesaredifferentconceptsintranslation.A.对B.错10【判断题】(5分) Sociolinguisticsisoneofthebranchesofappliedlinguistics.A.对B.错第三章测试1【判断题】(5分) Aworkingbibliographyincludesthesourceswehavesofarcollectedforaresearchproject.A.对B.错2【判断题】(5分) Knowingwhatsourcesyouneedisofvitalimportanceinevaluatingyoursources.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分) Sourcesfromleadingscholarscanbeveryusefultoyourresearch.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分)Inreadingsources,weneedtobecriticalandformourpersonalresponses.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分) Theplanforanempiricalresearchshouldcoveritspurpose,method,subjects,andprocedure.A.错B.对6【判断题】(5分) Itiswisefortheobservernottotakepartintheactivityobservedatalltime.A.错B.对7【多选题】(5分)InBooleanLogic,ifonewantstosearchonlyforsourcesrelevantwithcomputervirus,thesearchformul ashouldbe_______.A.computernotvirusB.computernearvirusC.computerorvirusD.computerandvirus8【多选题】(5分) Theannotationofasourceinanannotatedbibliographymayhaveyour____:A.reflectionofthesourceB.adaptationofthesourceC.summaryofthesourceD.assessmentofthesource9【单选题】(5分)Inaquestionnaireentitled“ASurveyontheThirdYearEnglishMajors’EnglishVocabularyinXXUniv ersity”,the“thethirdyearEnglishmajors”shouldbe:A.ThetimeofthesurveyB.ThesubjectofthesurveyC.ThecontentofthesurveyD.Themodeofthesurvey10【单选题】(5分)Inanexperimententitled“AStudyontheEffectsofWriting-after-ReadingActivityonEnglishMajors EnglishVocabulary”,students’languageproficiencyshouldbe:A.IrrelevantvariableB.dependentvariableC.Independentvariable第四章测试1【判断题】(5分)Aresearchproposalshouldbepersuasiveinnature.A.错B.对2【判断题】(5分) Wecanaskforsuggestionsfromtheexpertsforourresearchinourproposal.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分) Weneedtoputforwardourresearchquestionsinourresearchproposals.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分) Aresearchproposaldemonstratesthesignificanceofourproposedresearch.A.错B.对5【判断题】(5分) Theliteraturereviewsectioninaproposalprovestheexistenceofaresearchgap.A.对B.错6【判断题】(5分)The“ApplicationoftheResearch”tellshowyourresearchwillbenefitinpractice.A.对B.错7【判断题】(5分)A“PreliminaryBibliography”isalistofthesourcesyouhavecitedinyourproposal.A.错B.对8【判断题】(5分) Thesignificanceofyourresearchemphasizespossibleresearchcontributions.A.对B.错9【判断题】(5分)Simpleasitis,aBAthesisproposalincludesalltheelementsinagrantresearchproposal.A.错B.对10【多选题】(5分)WhichofthefollowingisNOTincludedinthree-moveschemeoftheproposalsummary?A.researchneedB.potentialcontributionsC.possiblelimitationsD.researchmethod第五章测试1【判断题】(5分) Theuseofsignalphrasesincitationcanenhancethefluencyofwriting.A.对B.错2【判断题】(5分) Theintegrationofthesourcesmustfitourwritinginstructureandgrammar.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分) Researchlimitationisacompulsoryelementinallresearchpapers.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分) CARSModelisapatternforintroductionwritinginresearchpapers.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分)Inrevising,weneedtofocusontheerrorslikegrammarandspelling.A.错B.对6【判断题】(5分) Aliteraturereviewmainlypresentsasummaryofeachsourceinchronologicalorder.A.错B.对7【单选题】(5分) Characteristicsofacademicwritingincludesallthefollowingexcept________.A.thefirst-personviewB.aformaltoneC.aclearfocusD.precisewordchoice8【单选题】(5分) Itisessentialtoalwaysacknowledgethesourceofborrowedideasinyourpaper.Todootherwiseisconsi dered_________.A.IgnoranceB.CarelessnessC.Plagiarism9【单选题】(5分)Whichofthefollowingarefeaturesofagoodtitle?A.ClearB.AlloftheaboveC.Attractive.D.Direct10【单选题】(5分)Abstractscanbedividedintotwotypes accordingto their_________.A.functionsB.length第六章测试1【判断题】(5分)MLAin-textcitationrequiresthattheauthorinformationshouldbeputeitherinthetextofthepaperorint heparentheticalcitation.A.错B.对2【判断题】(5分)InMLAdocumentation,parentheticalcitationinthetextofthepapermustalwaysincludetheauthor’sn ameandthework’stitle.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分)MLAworkscitedlistisorganizedalphabeticallybytheauthor’slastnames(orbytitleforaworkwithnoa uthor).A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分)Whenawork’sauthorisunknown,theworkislistedunder“Anonymous”inthelistofMLAworkscited.A.错B.对5【单选题】(5分)Lee(2007)stated,“Theabilitytothinkcriticallyisneededinthisrevolutionaryageoftechnologicalcha nge”(p.82).Thein-textcitationusedhereis__________.A.integratedB.non-integrated6【多选题】(5分)WhatarethefunctionsofAPAdocumentation?A.Tociteothers’ideasandinformationusedwithinyourpaperB.TodemonstratethetypeofresearchconductedC.ToindicatethesourcesintheReferenceslist7【单选题】(5分)Writethelistofworkscited,usingtheAPAformat.Aparaphraseofanideafrompage121ofWritingSpace:TheComputer;Hypertext,andtheHistoryofWr iting,byJayDavidBolter.This1991bookwaspublishedbyLawrenceErlbaumAssociatesofHillsdale, NewJersey.Whichofthefollowingiscorrectfortheauthor’sname?A.Bolter,J.DB.J.D.BolterC.Jay,D.BolterD.Bolter,JayDavid【单选题】(5分)Writethelistofworkscited,usingtheAPAformat.Aquotationfrompage78ofanarticlebyBartKoskoandSatornIsakafromtheJuly1993issueofScientifi cAmerican,amonthlypublication.Thearticleisentitled"FuzzyLogic"andappearsonpages76to81in volume239,ofthejournal. Whichofthefollowingisthecorrectformatforthevolumeandpagernumber?A.ScientificAmerican,239,78B.ScientificAmerican,239,76-81C.ScientificAmerican,239:76-81D.ScientificAmerican,239,76-81.9【多选题】(5分)Bohren,M.A.,G.J.Hofmeyr,C.Sakala,R.K.Fukuzawa,andA.Cuthbert.(2017).Continuoussupportf orwomenduringchildbirth.CochraneDatabaseofSystematicReviews,2017(7).https:///10.1 002/14651858.CD003766.pub6Errorsmadeinthisentryinclude_________.A.authors’namesB.issuenumberC.theword“and”D.doinumber10【单选题】(5分)Perrey,S.(2017).Doweperformbetterwhenweincreaseredbloodcells?TheLancetHaematology,17, 2352-3026.https:///10.1016/S2352-3026(17)30123-0.RetrievedAugust23,2018.Whatinfo rmationisNOTneededinthisentry?A.ThedateofretrievalB.ThepagerangeC.Thedoinumber。




[单选题] *○对○错○答案:对2、 2、讲英语的人喜欢 “beating around the bush”,讲中文的人喜欢“expressing their ideas directly and frankly”。

[单选题] *○对○错○答案:错3、 3、英文表达透露出来“集体主义“倾向,而中文表达更注重“个人主义”倾向。

[单选题] *○对○错○答案:错4、 4、英文的句子结构像孔雀——头小尾巴大,而中文句子结构像雄狮子一般——头大尾巴小。

[单选题] *○对○错○答案:对5、5、在抽象形式逻辑表达方面,印欧语系语言文字___汉语。


[单选题] *○优于,优于○劣于,劣于○答案:优于,优于6、 1、Find out the incorrect parts and put the corresponding letter after the statement. [单选题] *○I think that she can to finish the tasks by herself, for she never relies on others’ assistance.○I think○can to finish○never relies○others’ assistance○答案:can to finish7、 2、Find out the incorrect parts and put the corresponding letter after the statement. [单选题] *○Tomorrow I will in Beijing University to attend an international academic conference, and one of my best friends○will in Beijing University○an international academic conference○one of my best friends○at Beijing Airport.○答案:will in Beijing University8、 3、Find out the incorrect parts and put the corresponding letter after the statement. [单选题] *○In the past 3 years, great c hanges have been taken place in my hometown. For example, loads of buildings have been torn away and rebuilt.○In the past 3 years,○have been taken place○loads of buildings○torn away and rebuilt.○答案:have been taken place○9、 4、Find out the incorrect parts and put the corresponding letter after the statement.○There will be many students come to attend my classes because I am a popular lecturer at my university.○will be○come to attend○because○a popular lecturer○答案:come to attend10、 5、Find out the incorrect parts and put the corresponding letter after the statement [单选题] *○She is an university student majoring in English literature, which is a promising subject for her to find an ideal job.○an university○majoring in○which○find an ideal job○答案:an university11、 1、Which is the topic sentence? [单选题] *○I○E○H○G○查看问题答案12、 1、What are the supporting sentences? [单选题] *○G, F, C○B, D, G○A, G, I○A, E, G○查看问题答案13、 1、What are the detailed sentences? [单选题] *○G, B○H, F○D, H○H, C○查看问题答案14、 1、Which is the concluding sentence? [单选题] *○C○E○H○I○查看问题答案15、 1、Based on the above questions, arrange sentences A to I into a coherent paragraph. Which is the best logic order? [单选题] *○A B E G D F C H I○B A E D G H I F C○E G D A B H I C F○G D F B A E C H I○查看问题答案16、 1、American universities prepare their undergraduates for global careers by giving them chances for international study or internship. [单选题] *○A○B○C○D○E:E○F:F○G:G○H:H○I:I○查看问题答案17、 1、Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.9 percent [单选题] *○A○B○C○D○E:E○F:F○G:G○H:H○I:I○查看问题答案18、 1、The enrollment of international students will have a positive impact on America rather than threaten its competitiveness. [单选题] *○A○B○C○D○E:E○F:F○G:G○H:H○I:I○查看问题答案19、 1、The way research is carried out in universities has changed as a result of globalization. [单选题] *○B○C○D○E:E○F:F○G:G○H:H○I:I○查看问题答案20、 1、Of the newly hired professors in science and engineering in the United States, twenty percent come from foreign countries. [单选题] *○A○B○C○D○E:E○F:F○G:G○H:H○I:I○查看问题答案21、 1、The number of foreign students applying to U.S. universities decreased sharply after September 11 due to changes in the visa process. [单选题] *○A○B○C○D○E:E○F:F○G:G○H:H○I:I○查看问题答案22、 1、The U.S. federal funding for research has been unsteady for years. [单选题] *○B○C○D○E:E○F:F○G:G○H:H○I:I○查看问题答案23、 1、Around the world, governments encourage the model of linking university-based science and industrial application. [单选题] *○A○B○C○D○E:E○F:F○G:G○H:H○I:I○查看问题答案24、 1、Present-day universities have become a powerful force for global integration. [单选题] *○A○C○D○E:E○F:F○G:G○H:H○I:I○查看问题答案25、 1、When foreign students leave America, they will bring American values back to their home countries. [单选题] *○A○B○C○D○E:E○F:F○G:G○H:H○I:I○查看问题答案。




A:对B:错答案: 错2、做旅游攻略的过程,就是一个简单的research过程。

A:对B:错答案: 对3、et al就是and others的意思。

A:对B:错答案: 对4、下面哪些选项是学术英语写作的原因?A:To report on a piece of research the writer has conducted;B:To answer a question the writer has been given or chosen;C:To discuss a subject of common interest and give the writer’s view;D:To synthesize research done by others on a topic.答案: To report on a piece of research the writer has conducted;,To answer a question the writer has been given or chosen;,To discuss a subject of common interest and give the writer’s view;,To synthesize research done by others on a topic.5、学术英语写作中的一般文本特征包括:A:sentenceB:headingC:sub-titleD:paragraphE:titleF:phrase答案: sentence,heading ,sub-title,paragraph,title,phrase第二章1、在细化主题时,需要考虑你的写作目的是什么以及预期读者是谁。

A:对B:错答案: 对2、My Most Embarrassing Moment是一个可以写的论文题目。



第一章测试1【判断题】(10分) YourclassmatesandyourroommateswhoareatthesameagewithyouarerightA.对B.错2【多选题】(10分)Itiscommonforfreshmentofeelmiserable,thenwhocantheytalkwith?A.counselorsB.teachersC.roommatesD.classmates3【判断题】(10分)Avaluablebookisjustlikethebestfriend.A.错B.对4【判断题】(10分)Allbooksarevaluable,soweshoulddomorereadinginyoursparetime.A.对B.错5【单选题】(10分)---Dad,whenwillyoubefree?Youagreedtogototheseasidewithmefourdaysago. ---I’msorry,Jean.ButIthinkIwillhavea_______holidaysoon.A.four-dayB.fourdayC.four-daysD.fourthday6【单选题】(10分) Thisstoryhappenedon__________.A.2009,Oct.21stB.2009,21OctoberC.21stofOctober,2009D.Oct.21st,20097【单选题】(10分)________hatisthis?It’s________.A.Whose;meB.Who;mineC.Whose;mineD.Whom;his8【单选题】(10分)Look!Thechildrenarehaving__goodtime.A./B.anC.aD.the9【单选题】(10分)a.AdemonstrationinourcomputerprogrammingclasswillbegivenbyProfessorSmithat1:30 p.m.onThursday,December21,inRoom1207inClassroomBuildingNo.1.b.Allotherstudentsandteachersofourcollegearewelcometoattend.c.AllstudentsandteachersoftheComputerDepartmentareexpectedtobepresent. Question:Whatisthecorrectorderofthesentencesgivenabove?A.c-a-bB.b-a-cC.a-b-cD.a-c-b10【单选题】(10分)Anationwill_____onlywhenitsyoungpeople_____.A.prosper;thriveB.thrive;prosperC.thrive;thriveD.prosper;prosper第二章测试1【判断题】(10分)Anacquaintanceissomeoneyouknowverywell,youwillnotonlyshareactivitieswiththem,but alsoshareonaverypersonallevel.A.错B.对2【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingarecomponentsofathrivingfriendship?A.honestyB.thoughtfulnessC.naturalnessD.commoninterests3【判断题】(10分) Friendshipisbothasourceofpleasureandacomponentofgoodhealth.A.对B.错4【判断题】(10分) Similarlifestyleisnotasignificantfactorinselectingfriends.A.错B.对5【单选题】(10分)Hegotup____yesterdaymorning.A.latterB.latestC.lateD.lately6【单选题】(10分) Hefoundthestreetmuch______A.crowdedlyB.crowdC.crowdedD.crowding7【单选题】(10分) Thedog____mad.A. isbeinglookedB.waslookedC.islookedD.looks8【单选题】(10分) Theweather____.A. notwetandcoldB.werewetC.wetandcoldD.iswetandcold9【多选题】(10分) Whatarethestepsofwritinganapologyletter?A. Statetheproblemandgiveexplanationforwhathappened.B.Arrangeforafutureactiontomakeup.C. Giveyourapologyatthebeginningoftheletter.D. Apologizeagainorgivethanksforunderstanding.10【单选题】(10分)Ariver_____deepbecauseofitssource.A.isrunB.isruningC.runsD.running第三章测试1【判断题】(10分) Shopaholicisapersonwhoenjoysshoppingverymuchandspendstoomuchtimeormoneydoi ngit.A.错B.对2【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingaretipsforsmartshopping?A.makeashoppinglistsB.spendlessthanyouexpectedC.buywhateverischeapD.chartthebestsales3【判断题】(10分) AlipayandWechatcanbeusedonlyinChina.A.错B.对4【判断题】(10分) CashinChinaisincreasinglyunnecessary.A.对B.错5【单选题】(10分)Charlie____herenextmonth.A.isn’tworkingB.won’tworkC.isn’tgoingtoworkingD.doesn’tworking6【单选题】(10分)There____ameetingtomorrowafternoon.A.willgotobeB.willgoingtobeC.isgoingtobeD.willbegoingto7【单选题】(10分)Physics_____muchharderthanEnglish,Ithink.A.isB.wereC.D.are8【单选题】(10分)WhendidMaycomebackfromHongKong?-She_____fromHongKonglastFriday.A.camebackB.comesbackC.comebackD.returnedback9【单选题】(10分)a.Congratulationsonbeingnamedthisyear’sOutstandingStudent.That’sterrific!b.Withallthebestwishes.c.IwassohappyforyouwhenIsawtheannouncementontheschoolwebsite.d.Havingstudiedtogetherfortwosemesters,Iknowthatyouverymuchdeservethishonor.Qu estion:Whatisthecorrectorderofthesentencesgivenabove?A.d-a-b-cB.C.b-c-a-dD.a-d-b-c10【单选题】(10分)Whenthereismutualcare,theworldwillbe______goodorder.A.onB.atC.withD.in第四章测试1【判断题】(10分) Afoodieissomeonewhohasastronginterestinfood.A.对B.错2【多选题】(10分) Itisagoodhabittoconsumefoodsfromeachofthefivefoodgroups:protein,vegetables,_____ _______,__________and_______.A.dairyB.waterC.fruitsD.grains3【判断题】(10分)Parents'eatinghabitsdon'tinfluencechildren'seatinghabits.A.错B.对4【判断题】(10分)Weshouldeatmoregrains,fruits,vegetablesandlessmeatanddairyproducts.A.错B.对5【单选题】(10分)Isyourfatheradoctor?Yes,heis.He______inTownHospital.A.hasworkedB.worksC.isworkingD.worked6【单选题】(10分)Look.they_________agoodtime,_________they?A.arehaving,areB.have,doC.arehaving,aren'tD.have,don't7【单选题】(10分)There____adolphinshowinthezootomorrowevening.A.isgoingtohaveB.wasC.isgoingtobeD.willhave8【单选题】(10分)Listen!They_______inthenextroom.A.singB.issingingC.aresingingD.weresinging9【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingsentencesareusedfortheopeningofarecommendationletter?A.Itismyhopethatherapplicationwillbelookeduponfavorably.B.Whenhestudiedinouruniversity,hepassedallthecourseswithexcellentmath.C.IamwritingthislettertorecommendmystudentWangHua,whoisseekingthepositionofmarketingclerkofyourco mpany.D.Duringthepastthreeyears,IhavecometoknowZhangLinwellandwouldliketorecommendhimasacandidatefor yourundergraduateprogram.10【单选题】(10分)Thepyramidswerebuiltbypilingonestoneblockupon_____.A.anotherB.otherC.oneD.theother第五章测试1【判断题】(10分)Sub-healthisagreyperiodbetweenhealthyconditionsanddiseaseorunhealthyconditions.A.错B.对2【多选题】(10分)Whatinspirepeopletodosports?A.toloseweightB.tohavefunC.tokeepfitD.toimprovephysique3【判断题】(10分)Sportsaresafeexceptextremesports.A.对B.错4【判断题】(10分) Themotivationforpeopletoparticipateinextremesportsistogetareward.A.对B.错5【单选题】(10分)Doyouoftencleanyourclassroom?—Yes.Ourclassroom___everyday.A.iscleaningB.cleansC.iscleanedD.clean6【单选题】(10分)Atalkondevelopmentsinscienceandtechnology___intheschoolhallnextweek.A.hasbeengivenB.givenC.giveD.willbegiven7【单选题】(10分)Hisnewbook___nextmonth.A.isbeingpublishedB.hasbeenpublishedC.willbepublishedD.ispublishing8【单选题】(10分)Mum,canIgotothezoowithJack? —Whenyourhomework___,youcan.A.isdoneB.doesC.wasdoneD.did9【单选题】(10分)a.YoutoldmerecentlythatyouwouldcometoChina.Iamlookingforwardtoseeingyoubothsoo n.b.Yourdinnerandhospitalitymadeusfeelwelcomeinthisnewcity.ItseemedasifIwereyouro wnson.Itwasunforgettable.c.IwassogratefultoyouandMr.DallasforyourkindnessandattentiontomeduringmystayinNe wYork.Question:Whatisthecorrectorderofthesentencesgivenabove?A.a-b-cB.b-a-cC.b-c-aD.c-b-a10【单选题】(10分)Wewill_______extensiveFitness-for-Allprograms.A.carryonB.carryawayC.carryoutD.carry第六章测试1【判断题】(10分)Apackagetourisatourarrangedbyatravelagent.Yourtransportationandfoodandlodgingare allprovidedataninclusiveprice.A.对B.错2【多选题】(10分) Whatcanyouprepareinadvancewhenyouaregoingtotravelabroad?A.ResearchyourdestinationinadvanceB.KnowthecontactinformationofChineseembassyC.BringanadaptersoyoucanstayintouchD.Photocopyallofyourtraveldocuments3【判断题】(10分)Itinerariescanbechanged.A.对B.错4【判断题】(10分) Itisunnecessarytobooktransportandaccommodationinadvance.A.对B.错5【单选题】(10分)_______makesthisshopdifferentisthatitoffersmorepersonalservices.A.WhatB.WhateverC.WhoD.Whoever6【单选题】(10分)—It’sthirtyyearssincewelastmet.—ButIstillrememberthestory,believeitornot,_______wegotlostonarainynight.A.whichB.thatC.whenD.what7【单选题】(10分)Seetheflagsontopofthebuilding?Thatwas_______wedidthismorning.A.whereB.whenC.WhatD.which8【单选题】(10分)—Couldyoudomeafavor?—Itdependson_______itis.A.whatB.whichC.whateverD.whichever9【单选题】(10分)a.Myphonenumberis138********.b.Loserisexpectedtocometoourclassroomtoclaimitorcallme.c.Ihappenedtofindapurse,insidewhichtherearecashes,cardsandotherthings.Question:W hatisthecorrectorderofthesentencesgivenabove?A.b-a-cB.c-b-aC.b-c-aD.a-b-c10【单选题】(10分) Theinitiativeshouldbeimplementedthroughextensiveconsultation,andallshouldbenefitfro m_______.A.thisB.itC.themD.that第七章测试1【判断题】(10分) Onlywerespectthelawofnaturecanwerealizetheharmoniouscoexistencebetweenhumans andnature.A.错B.对2【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingareenvironmental-protectionbehaviors?A.useclothbagB.switchoffthetapwhenbrushingteethC.flushthetoiletwithgreywaterD.promotetheideaofenvironmentalprotection3【判断题】(10分)Thedevelopmentofindustryandagriculturedoesn’thaveaneffectonnature.A.错B.对4【判断题】(10分)Onemillionoftheearth’seightmillionspeciesareindanger.A.对B.错5【单选题】(10分)Theplace_______interestedmemostwastheChildren'sPalace.A.whatB.whereC.WhichD.inwhich6【单选题】(10分) Doyouknowtheman_______?A.whomIspokeB.thatIspokeC.IspoketoD.towhospoke7【单选题】(10分) Thisisthehotel_______lastmonth.A.wheretheystayedB.atthattheystayedC.whichtheystayedD.wheretheystayedat8【单选题】(10分)Doyouknowtheyear______theChineseCommunistPartywasfounded?A.whichB.onwhichC.whenD.that9【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingsentencesareusedinacomplaintletter?A.Iamwritingtocomplainaboutthepoorserviceinyourrestaurant.B.Iwouldlikeyoutogetthismattersettledbytheendofthismonth.C. IamwritingtoinformyouthatIamnotsatisfiedwiththeshoesboughtonyourwebsite.D. AllowmetoconveymycongratulationsonyourpromotiontoMinisterofTrade.10【判断题】(10分)“绿水青山就是金山银山。



鏅烘収鏍戠煡鍒般€婂ぇ瀛﹁嫳璇啓浣溿€嬬珷鑺傛祴璇曠瓟妗?绗竴绔?1銆乀he predicate is usually a noun or a pronoun that tells who or what the sentence is about.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 閿?2銆乀here are four kinds of sentences determined by sentence functions. They are declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences and exclamatory sentences.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?3銆丼ubordination is the use of a subordinator in joining two clauses to make a simple sentence.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 閿?4銆乄hen a sentence is loaded with big words, high-sounding phrases, or pretentious language; it will sound artificial, flowery, and pompous. It is called overwritten style.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?5銆丄 fragment without any subject comes about when a writer closes a sentence but then thinks of another detail to explain what he has just said are called 鈥渇ragments without subjects鈥?A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?6銆佲€淚 cannot drink warm milk.鈥?is a compound sentence.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 閿?7銆佲€淲hat is your hobby?鈥?is an imperative sentence?A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 閿?8銆佲€淭here is much in your book that is original and valuable鈥攂ut what is original is not valuable, and what is valuable is not original.鈥?is in a parallel form.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?9銆佲€淭rees are important on a building site. Break the wind.鈥?is 鈥渇ragments without subjects鈥?A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?10銆佲€淓xpectoration is prohibited on the vehicle.鈥?is the needless repetitionin the sentence.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 閿?绗簩绔?1銆乀he general statements are usually the first sentences that provide background information on the topic.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?2銆丄n introductory paragraph, true to its name, is a paragraph that provides the support to your introduction paragraph and to your thesis statement.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 閿?3銆乀he very purpose of writing a conclusion for a theme is to get what have been mainly talked about summed up or repeated for emphasis.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?4銆乄hen writing a paragraph or essay, just proper grammar and spelling are important.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 閿?5銆乁nity of a paragraph is concerned with its content. If all the sentences in the paragraph lead to one central theme, the paragraph is unified.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?6銆乄hen the writer wishes to introduce a new thought or topic, he should begin a new paragraph.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?7銆丗or a short theme, one paragraph for the introduction will be enough, and it is usually short and brief.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?8銆乀he introductory paragraph does not differ in purpose, element, and structure from a general paragraph.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 閿?9銆乀he general statements are the first sentences that provide background information on the topic.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 瀵?10銆乀he body of a theme is formed with only one general paragraph.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀: 閿?绗笁绔?1銆丏escriptions can be broadly divided into two categories, they are objective description and subjective description.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A2銆佲€淥bjective description鈥? could involve as much judgment as possible.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B3銆乀he purpose of a subjective description is to help the audience sense an object or situation as it is.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B4銆乀he Order of cumulative Adjectives from the first to the last are article or other noun marker, evaluative word, color, nationality, religion, size, length or shape, age, material and noun/adjective.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B5銆乀he success of descriptive writing lies in the details. The more detailed your depiction of a plot or a character or a place is, the more you engross your reader.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A6銆丄 narration essay should create a vivid picture of the topic in the reader 鈥檚 mind.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B7銆丱ne of the purposes of descriptive writing is to make the reader visualize what you want to say.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A8銆丱bjective description occurs in literary texts of all kinds, in argumentative pieces, and in personal writing.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B9銆丆hoose descriptive words that appeal to your reader's five senses and that strengthen your central idea.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A10銆佲€淪lim/slender/plump/stocky鈥? can be used to talk about a person鈥檚clothing.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B绗洓绔?1銆丄 narrative usually contains dialogue to reveal actions or personality traits of the speakers.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A2銆乀he controlling idea is always directly stated in the thesis statement.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B3銆丅iography is a kind of narrative essays about person鈥檚 life especially the important facts of someone鈥檚 life.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A4銆丗or narrative, we use the most is flashback.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B5銆乀he main function of time signal is to connect details.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A6銆乊our essay is unified if you advance a single point and stick to that point.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A7銆両f all the details in your essay relate to your thesis and supporting topic sentences, your essay is unified.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A8銆丼ometimes the controlling idea implied in the thesis statement.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A9銆丄 unified essay stays within the limits of the central idea.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A10銆丆ontrolling idea can make your article as a whole.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A绗簲绔?1銆乄ith the block pattern, a short comparison can run well throughout a paragraph, providing all aspects of each subject.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A2銆丳oint-by-Point Pattern is often used in the short essay with many aspects and a long essay with few aspects.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A3銆丆omparison and contrast is a common method of development that involves focusing on ___.A:argumentationB:cause and effectC:similarities and differencesD:description绛旀:C4銆丗or comparison, when a writer is __, he is pointing out the similarities that exist between subjects or items.A:arguingB:comparingC:contrastingD:describing绛旀:B5銆丗or contrast, when a writer is contrasting, he is pointing out the _ between subjects or items, even the two different aspects of the same subject.A:similarityB:differencesC:analysisD:description绛旀:B6銆乢___ are two thought processes we go through constantly in everyday life.A:NarrationB:ArgumentationC:ExemplificationD:Comparison and contrast绛旀:D7銆両n the essay of comparison and contrast, the main body provides ___ that support your claims.A:examplesC:details and evidenceD:description绛旀:C8銆乄ith the point-to-point comparison, you are able to shift back and forth between __ on each point of comparison or contrast.A:several examplesB:the first subject and the second subjectC:storiesD:All of the others绛旀:B9銆乄ith the subject-to-subject comparison, you can use appropriate transitions such as ___ to move smoothly between the body paragraphs.A:for exampleB:In additionC:In comparisonD:All of the others绛旀:C10銆乄hich are the techniques to develop an essay with comparison and contrast?A:Point-to-PointB:Subject-to-SubjectC:ExemplificationD:Narration绗叚绔?1銆丄 cause and effect essay includes a clear and effective thesis statement.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A2銆丄 thesis statement should be written as narrow as possible.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B3銆乀he introductory part of a cause-and-effect essay is usually short and brief.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A4銆乄hen writing a cause and effect essay, we should oversimplify causes.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B5銆乄hen writing a cause and effect essay, we should be subjective and support the analysis with solid, factual evidence.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B6銆乄hat is the effect of 鈥淭he dishes were dirty.鈥?A:They broke.B:Mum put them in the dishwasher.C:I put them on the table.D:They were put in the cupboard.绛旀:B7銆乄hat may be the cause of 鈥淚 got in trouble.鈥?A:I lied to my Mum.B:I ate an apple.C:I did my homework.D:I got good grades in the exam.绛旀:A8銆乢 being obese you are more likely to suffer from heart disease or diabetes later in life.A:As a resultB:ConsequentlyC:Result inD:As a result of绛旀:D9銆乄hich thesis statement is proper?A:Depression is a big problem.B:Depression may hinder people from functioning normally in daily life.C:Depression has many negative effects on people.D:Depression makes me lose my appetite.绛旀:B10銆乄hich is not the transitional words for causes?A:in consequence ofB:therebyC:thanks toD:due to绛旀:B绗竷绔?1銆乀o emphasize the language of specifics is not to deny the need for general words.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A2銆丳ointless shifts in number are another burden that no one should place on his reader.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A3銆丼ticking to the same grammatical subject possibly will improve the __ and __ of our sentence.A:clarity鈥ocusB:clarity鈥trengthC:clarity鈥revityD:focus鈥revity绛旀:A4銆丄 writer must be sure that changes in tense are based on ___ in time. Otherwise, the result is needless confusion.A:the authorB:real changesC:the aimD:none of them绛旀:B5銆乢___ is a method of supporting a thesis statement with a series of specific examples, or sometimes, with a single extended example.A:ExemplificationB:NarrationC:DescriptionD:Comparison绛旀:A6銆両n cases of exemplification, the added __ are like those feathers on the peacock's tail, to support or illustrate the statement and make it more colorful, descriptive, or specific.A:comparisonB:argumentationC:causeD:examples绛旀:D7銆両n the simple two-part formula, it is obvious that one part is __ and the other part refers to __.A:the specific example鈥he general statementB:the general statement鈥he specific exampleC:the general statement鈥he strong argumentationD:the strong argumentation鈥he general statement绛旀:B8銆乄hile developing the example, we may show rather than tell the example with the aid of_______.A:dialogueB:sensory languageC:descriptionD:All of the others绛旀:D9銆乀he technique of 鈥淿鈥?your readers what you mean is one of the most powerful ones available to you.A:arguingB:tellingC:showingD:contrasting绛旀:C10銆乄hich is the sentence with the fault of confusing shift?A:A driver should never race his motor without a warm-upB:A human being can never ignore his own feelingsC:In high school we worked more as groups than as individualsD:Shirley won the first prize, while her brother was awarded the second绛旀:D绗叓绔?1銆乀he most commonly used types of evidence are: (聽聽)A:facts and statisticsB:Quotations from authoritiesC:Specific examplesD:Personal viewpoints绛旀:ABC2銆乀he following example: 鈥淎nimal tests aren鈥檛 reliable. 鈥渋s more convincing.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B3銆丵uotations from authorities can strengthen an argument. And you can use this terms: (聽聽)A:As鈥as pointed out..B:A proverb says鈥?C:It is said鈥?D:Someone has said鈥?绛旀:ABCD4銆丅y using credible evidence, your point of view is so convincing that your readers have no chance to reject your information.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A5銆乄hat is the purpose of an argumentative essay? (聽聽)A:To win the debateB:To convince readersC:To get closer to the truthD:To get a higher scores绛旀:BC6銆乄hat does five-paragraph essay consist of锛?聽聽聽聽)A:An introductionB:Two paragraphs explaining our opinionC:One opposing argumentD:A conclusion绛旀:ABCD7銆乄hat kinds of method we can use to plan our essay? (聽聽)A:A spider diagramB:A positive and negative tableC:A flow chartD:Brainstorm绛旀:ABC8銆乄hat does an effective introduction consist of?A:BackgroundB:ArgumentC:Main ideasD:Fact绛旀:ABC9銆乄hat are the most likely choices do you have in writing background of the introduction? (聽聽 )A:StatisticsB:A social phenomenonC:A factD:A rhetorical question绛旀:BCD10銆乄hat are the linking devices to link clauses? (聽聽聽聽)A:LikeB:SoC:ButD:Because绛旀:ABCD绗節绔?1銆乀he block format in the business letter is the simplest format; all of the writing is flush against the聽聽聽聽聽聽margin.A:leftB:rightC:upperD:bottom绛旀:A2銆丳ut the date on which the letter is written in the form of聽聽聽聽聽聽.A:Day/Month/ YearB:Month/Day/ YearC:Day/Year/MonthD:Year/Month/Day绛旀:B3銆両f the purpose of your letter is employment related, consider ending your letter you鈥檙e your __.A:businessB:consulting informationC:exchanging informationD:sharing experience绛旀:B4銆乀o write a book report, your聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 step is to pick up the book and start reading.A:firstB:secondC:thirdD:fourth绛旀:A5銆乀he first part of a report is a聽聽聽聽聽聽of the work.A:your reactionB:plotC:detailsD:summary绛旀:D6銆乄hen you write a book report , you should ___ from the work to illustrate important ideas.A:use direct quotationsB:not use direct quotationsC:use indirect quotationsD:all of the others绛旀:C7銆乀he principal purpose of a resume is to highlight your value to a potential employer or agent聽聽聽聽聽聽.A:to ask for informationB:to exchange informationC:to register interest in youD:all of the others绛旀:C8銆乄hich type of resume is more effective when applying for jobs and demonstratesa clear record of career progression?A:Functional resumeB:chronological resumeC:one-page resumeD:none of them绛旀:B9銆乄hen listing your experience, it is also recommended to list only jobs held within the past聽聽聽聽years.A:1B:2C:5D:10绛旀:D10銆丄n abstract serves聽聽聽聽 functions.A:1B:2C:3D:4绛旀:B绗崄绔?1銆両t鈥檚 been calculated that by the age of 18, the average American will have seen 600,000 ads; by the age of 40, the total is almost one million.A:瀵?绛旀:A2銆丠e said, 鈥淚 saw that the best thing I could do was get hold of a dictionary 鈥搕o study, to learn some words.鈥?A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A3銆両n the sentence 鈥淪ome die at 30 but are not buried until they are 70,鈥?the word die connotes stop living spiritually or stop growing intellectually.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B4銆丠e became attracted to the idea of action words, so we listed a few more, fly, swim, dive, run.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:B5銆丳reventing the atmosphere鈥攕topping ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect鈥攊s an environmental necessity.A:瀵?B:閿?绛旀:A6銆丠e is an eccentric boy ( ) yet you can鈥檛 help liking him.A:.C:;D::绛旀:B7銆乀he invention brought him fame ( ) moreover, it brought him money.A:.B:,C:;D::绛旀:C8銆丼he showed me the books she had just borrowed from the library ( ) two novels by Jane Austen and a book on the history of English literature.A::B:,C:;D:.绛旀:A9銆丼he asked, 鈥淲hat does modernism mean ( )A:?鈥?B:!鈥?C:鈥?D:鈥?绛旀:A10銆乀hey asked how the semicolon should be used ( ) A:!B:.C:?D::。



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ThefigureshowtrendortendencyduringacertainperiodoftimeB.ThefigureispresentedinpercentagesC. Thefigurecanbedrawneitherverticallyorhorizontally7【单选题】(10分) Whatthetable’sforminAPAstyle?A.Three-linetableB.Four-linetableC.Five-linetable8【单选题】(10分) Whereisthetitleofthetable?A.Onthetable’srightsideB.RightbelowthetableC.Rightabovethetable9【单选题】(10分)Whichsection(s)is(are)thebodypartofthewholeresearchpaper?A.ConclusionsectionB.Method,ResultandDiscussionsectionsC.Introductionsection10【单选题】(10分)WhatisLinL,H,Cthreeelements?A.Astatementthatlocatesthefigure/sortable/swheretheresultscanbefound.B.Statementsthatcommentontheresults.C.Statementsthathighlightthemostimportantfindings第五章测试1【判断题】(10分)请判断对错。



最新资料欢迎阅读2020 智慧树知到《英语精读与写作(二)》章节测试【完整答案】智慧树知到《英语精读与写作( 二) 》章节测试答案第一章1、 The manager promised that I could ( ) some of my chocolate for the shoes I wanted.changesubstitutetrade bill答案 : trade2、 It ”s a very popular play, so it will be wise to ( )seats well in advance.buyprovidebooktake答案 : book3、 ( ) , over 1600 houses, schools and hospitals were transferred to other places in 1953.1RatherTotally答案 : In total4、 ( ) he”d come to the door, he thought he might as well go in with the others to have a look.Now thatHoweverAlthoughIf答案 : Now that5、 Peter prided himself on never getting ( ) involved inhis life.physicallypsychologicallyemotionallyintelligently答案 : emotionally6、 Don”t resort to cheap copies; ( ) for the real thing. savesave upmake up答案 : save up7 、 William always gives the best advice on how to solve problems. However, ( ) , his opinion doesn”t count. I do find it funny!during this timefor onceonce againfor a time答案 : for once8、This plan couldn ”t help, ( ) again, it probably couldn ”t hurt.ratherhoweveron the other sidebut then答案 : but then9、 They complained that they had not been consulted properlyby the council ( ) the work.prior tountildue toregardless of答案 : prior to10 、 The town is ( ) prosperous, bustling and busy - let”s keep it that way.todaypresentlylastingenduring答案 : presently第二章1、 I have found that the community has ( ) great changessince I was here last.submittedundergonesustainedexperimented答案 : undergone2、 In running this business, I need to ( ) ask myselfwhether what I ”m doing is aligned with my goals.invariablyusuallyendlesslyconstantly答案 : constantly3、 He was the sort of good listener who seemed to find everybody else more interesting and( ) than himself.impossibleimpressiveunlikelyunimaginable答案 : impressive4 、 It is muchbetter to concentrate on a few subjects which interest you than try to ( ) your mind with knowledge.fillfullmeetfulfill答案 : fill5、 Rather than being hoodwinked, I would ( ) anything.indulgedivergeendureinstruct答案 : endure6、 A fortunate encounter brought the two friends together after a long ( ) .distinctiondifferenceseparationdiscrimination答案 : separation7、 Most of us thought that you ( ) to those questions inan interesting and unusual way.reactedimpactedworkedacted答案 : reacted8、 I have often seen him ( ) upon the moon and stars for hours. Why do you think he is doing that?lookglancestaregaze9 、 We ( ) a parent to care for us, to forgive us our errors, and to save us from our childish mistakes.search forlong forfor longlook after答案 : long for10、 His occasional courtesies did not ( ) his general rudeness.compensate forpay back keepup change into答案 : compensate for第三章1、 Louie was fun, with a great sense of play, and yet, unafraid to ( ) new challenges.take intake ontake outtake up2、As early as the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese beganto ( ) a great d eal of effort on science, technology and education.expelexpandexpendexpatiate答案 :expend3、It is unfortunate that the problem of children educationis often ( ).neglectedoverwhelmedwithdrawndisputed答案 :neglected4、Plants will ( ) in a fertile soil when plenty of sunshineand rain is available.cherishnourishflourishpolish5 、Being ( ) to the Internet,she knows a lot about e-commerce, which made her a skilled online buyer.expressedexecutedexpendedexposed答案 :exposed6、 The constitution had ( ) everybody with rights and obligations.instructedinvestedinspiredindulged答案 :invested7、This new kind of refrigerator is environment-friendly which ( ) 60 percent less electricity than traditional models.consumesconductsconformsconveys答案 :consumes8、 The main road through there was blocked for three hours today after an accident ( ) two trucks.containingconnectinginvolvingincluding答案 :involving9、 Children often catch minor diseases, but they soon bounce ( ), so don ”t be over-worried.outoffbackon答案 :back10、 Passers-by on the street managed to ( ) the badly injured driver with first aid treatment like cardiac massageand artificial respiration.reliverevivesurvivealive答案 :revive第四章1、 He saw a laundry bag and ( ) it to use as a shield.grabbedgrubbedembracedgathered答案 :grabbed2、 Tom”s teacher finds it difficult ( ).believingto believeto be believingbelieve答案 :to believe3、What ( ) way to celebrate Thanksgiving ( )to do something nice to others?better, than better,rather than thebest, thanthe best, rather than答案 :better, than4、I never quite got it, but that was part of the ( ).encouragementhorrorallurediscouragement答案 :allure5、He noted that Germaninvestors were ( ) invest in stocks, but were crazy about bitcoin.willing towilling forreluctant toreluctant for答案 :reluctant to6 、 The more different wines you drink, the better your ( ) becomes for which bottle to open, which ingredient to add to the meal to create a wonderful harmony.needgeniusskillinstinct答案 :instinct7、Some think it looks like a rainbow castle and Rush said it ”s totally open to( ).comprehensionunderstandingtranslationinterpretation答案 :interpretation8、 Light struggles to ( ) in through four dirty squarewindows set in the sides of the dome.joinfiltersplitflow答案 :filter9、 A powerful exploration of what it means to be human: loneliness, freedom, ( ) for connection, the expectations wehold for ourselves and hopes we maintain for others.yearningpleadingbeggingdreaming答案 :yearning10 、 We think there was a great deal more diversity in the( ) native American populations than is apparent today, so this isconsistent with a lot of other evidence.traditionalconventionaloriginalauthentic答案 :original第五章1、 His guilty expression ( ) my suspicion.confrontedconfirmedconvenedconcluded答案 :confirmed2、Salisbury sent him on a diplomatic ( ) to North America.projectplanprogrammission答案 :mission3、Experts are trying to ( ) ways to clean up the huge slick.devisethinkmeasure答案 :devise4、They have ( ) a number of conditions to the agreement.regulatedattachedattackedformulated答案 :attached5、 Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his ( ).rulesprinciplesstandardinstinct答案 :principles6、 As autumn ( ), the plants and colours in the garden changed.approachedreachedaccessed答案 :approached7、 The hour-long programme will be updated each week and ( ) highlights from recent games.characteristiccoverunderscorefeature答案 :feature8、 The agreement would allow the rebels to be ( ) into a new national police force.putabsorbedjoinedincorporated答案 :incorporated9、 I usually do a rough ( ) before I start on a painting.portraitimagepicturesketch答案 :sketch10 、 It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstractconcept by ( ) with something concrete.analogyanalysiscomparisoncontrast答案 :analogy第六章1、 She isn ”t beautiful. But she is ( ) pretty.a sort ofa kind ofof a sortsort of答案 :a kind of2、It”s a situation that( )a blend of delicacy and force.calls oncalls forcalls offcalls at答案 :calls for3、( ) we climbed, ( )awe-inspiring the scenery became.The higher, the moreThe more higher, the moreThe more high, the betterThe more highly, the better答案 :The higher, the more4、 The policeman advised the criminal to interact()thepolice.to withinamong答案 :with5、 Most students do not expect to()economics.specializespecialize inspecial inspecialist in答案 :specialize in6 、 Thousands were forced to()from rural to urban areas in search of work.migrateemigrateimmigratemigrant答案 :migrate7、 The crime was very cleverly().executingexecutiveexecutedexecution答案 :executed8、 The difficulty of a problem was ( ) terms of how long it took to complete.defining indefined asdefining asdefined in答案 :defined in9、 Lack of confidence is a psychological()to success.barriercapacitycomponentability答案 :barrier最新资料欢迎阅读10、 This dictionary is available in()form.electricalelectronicelectricelectronics答案 :electronic20。



2020智慧树,知到《英语文学导论》章节测试答案第一章单元测试1、单选题:Decide True or False: Literature as writing is “imaginative” or fictive, as opposed to factual, true, or historical.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【False】2、多选题:What are the Primary Elements of a Plot?选项:A:expositionB:falling action and resolutionC:rising actionD:climax答案: 【exposition ;falling action and resolution;rising action;climax 】3、多选题:Which of the following can be regarded as a theme statement?选项:A:The theme of“The Egg” might be“Disillusionment is necessary to the process of maturing”.B:Bernard Shaw might suggest in his Widowers” Houses that “Even the most idealistic young man must compromise his principles”C:Disillusionment and psychological paralysis in“The Dead”.D:The protagonist Gabriel suffered a psychological breakdown in the end of the story.答案: 【The theme of“The Egg” might be“Disillusionment is necessary to the process of maturing”. ;Bernard Shaw might suggest in his Widowers” Houses that“Even the most idealistic young man must compromise his principles”】4、多选题:What are the possible themes of Eudora Welty”s“A Worn Path”?选项:A:racismB:ability of the human spirit to endure conflict and poor circumstancesC:selfless loveD:compassion and courage答案: 【racism;ability of the human spirit to endure conflict and poor circumstances;selfless love ;compassion and courage】5、单选题:Decide True or False: Style is concerned not with“what to say” but“how to say it”.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【Ture】6、多选题:What does the narrative voice in Hemingway”s“In Another Country” sound like?选项:A:disillusioned and cynicalB:objective and calmC:cold and relentlessD:isolated and detached答案: 【disillusioned and cynical;isolated and detached】7、多选题:In Aspects of the Novel, E.M. Foster classifies characters into …?选项:A:major charactersB:minor charactersC:flat charactersD:round characters答案: 【minor characters;flat characters】8、多选题:What”s true about“indirect characterization”?选项:A:the author reveals character's personality through its effect on other charactersB:the author shows us the traits of the character by describing his/her appearance, actionsC:the author state explicitly the character”s traitsD:the author tells us what he or she wants us to know about the character答案: 【the author reveals character's personality through its effect on other characters;the author shows us the traits of the character by describing his/her appearance,actions】9、多选题:What”s true about Gabriel in“The Dead”?选项:A:He loves his country and is proud of its culture.B:His character is shaped by frustration, rancor, and disappointment.C:He finds no genuine joy or pleasure in life.D:He is obsessed with the past答案: 【His character is shaped by frustration, rancor, and disappointment.;He is obsessed with the past 】10、多选题:What does the image of“eggs” symbolize in“The Eggs”?选项:A:love and happinessB:the fragile American DreamC:ambitionD:hope and aspiration答案: 【the fragile American Dream;ambition;hope and aspiration】第二章单元测试1、单选题:The earliest theoretical work on drama is Plato”s Poetics.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【False】2、单选题:________________ is the reasoning aspect of drama.选项:A:SpectacleB:ThoughtC:Diction答案: 【Thought】3、单选题:Negative capability refers to the capability of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【Ture】4、单选题:Which word did Portia use to address Shylock?选项:A:civilianB:citizenC:alien答案: 【alien】5、单选题:Kristine Linde is a round character.选项:A:FalseB:Ture答案: 【False】6、单选题:In what is the theme of love presented?选项:A:realismB:CarnivalesqueC:optimismD:fantasy答案: 【Carnivalesque 】7、单选题:What type of woman is Vivie?选项:A:A traditional woman in most aspectsB:A radical feministC:A New Woman in some aspectsD:An angel in the house答案: 【A New Woman in some aspects】8、单选题:To what does Waiting for Godot owe part of its success?选项:A:The linear plotB:The mysterious GodotC:The characterization of trampsD:The coherent language答案: 【The mysterious Godot 】9、单选题:Since it was produced, The Last Night of Ballyhoo has gotten a great reputation and it was performed in ______ during the Olympic Games.选项:A: Los AngelesB:New YorkC:BostonD:Atlanta答案: 【Atlanta 】10、单选题:It was Lala”s ______ identity that led her self-conflict.选项:A:JapaneseB:JewishC:AfricanD:European答案: 【Jewish 】。






()答:错误问:汽车通过急弯路时,最高时速不准超过( )。

答:30公里问:PPS抽样方法对应的英文表述是答:Proportional Probability Sampling问:中印自卫反击战后,我国基本收复了多少被侵占土地?()答:12万平方公里问:下列文种中属于事务文书的文种是()答:总结计划调查报告简报问:《谜一样的眼睛》中桑多瓦尔德顿悟是()答:一个人可以做任何与众不同的事,但有一件事他无法改变,他不行,你不行,任何人都不行……这是我的激情问:()碑文开了明丽清雅一路风格。





答:对问:下列哪种脸型不适合V字领衣服?( )答:长脸问:下列属于中国知青文学作品的有()?答:王小波的《黄金时代》史铁生《我的遥远的清平湾》叶辛的《蹉跎岁月》问:OPPO充电5分钟通话两小时广告表达的产品核心定位是?答:最快的充电能力问:提出“地缘政治学”这一名词的是 _______________ 。

答:契伦问:_________ 9月,英国被迫放弃金本位,实行英镑贬值。






2020智慧树,知到《大学英语》章节测试【完整答案】2020最新智慧树知到《大学英语》章节测试答案第一章1、We often ( ) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.A:exploreB:emergeC:enrichD:assume正确答案:assume2、 He ( ) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.A:inheritedB:acquiredC:overwhelmedD:pursue正确答案:inherited3、After a(n) ( ) physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. A:availableB:giantC:comprehensiveD:unique正确答案:comprehensive4、 Our bodies have greater ( ) than most of us realize, and we can benefit by remembering this.A:confidenceB:potentialC:innocenceD:approach正确答案:potential5、 He was proud of being chosen to ( ) in the game, and he promised that he would try as hard as possible.A:participateB:evolveC:bondD:embrace正确答案:participate第二章1、City residents the housing price is unreasonably high. A:complain aboutB:complain ofC:complain thatD:complain to正确答案:complain that2、Don”t just “wrong with it; suggest some positive ways to solve the problem.A:complain aboutB:complain ofC:complain thatD:complain to正确答案:complain about3、He intends to quit the job, not that he dislikes it, but that he is too old for it.可翻译为:他打算辞职,不是因为他讨厌这项工作,而是因为他年纪太大了,不适合这项工作。

2020智慧树,知到《综合英语(一)》(基础写作篇) 章节测试答案

2020智慧树,知到《综合英语(一)》(基础写作篇) 章节测试答案

2020智慧树,知到《综合英语(一)》(基础写作篇)章节测试答案第一章单元测试1、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Yesterday when I got off the school bus.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?My friend Sheila and I saw a brown toad hopping on the sidewalk.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Yelled and screamed when she saw it.选项:B:错答案: 【错】4、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?My friend Sheila, who is scared of all reptiles.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?I picked up the toad and looked closely at it.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】6、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Had dry, bumpy skin on its body.选项:A:对答案: 【错】7、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Shelia said,“I don't want to see that ugly toad!”选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】8、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Said,“Then close your eyes Sheila.”选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】9、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Sheila was mad and she ran off.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】10、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?I put the toad in my backpack.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】11、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Took it home to show my brother.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】12、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?My brother wasn't home from school yet.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】13、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Then I put the backpack on the living room sofa.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】14、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?The toad was still inside.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】15、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?My mother opened the backpack to see what homework I had.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】16、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Hopped out of the backpack and began jumping around the living room floor.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】17、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Screamed loudly!选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】18、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Do you think my mother will let me keep the little brown toad?选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】19、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Salt-water fish can be very colorful. For example, Parrot Fish.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】20、判断题:Is this a complete sentence?Merwin passed the exam. Although, he got the last five questions wrong.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】第二章单元测试1、单选题:1. Which of the following sentences contains a comma splice?。



可编辑修改精选全文完整版绪论单元测试1【判断题】 (2分)英语学科教学论,是介绍英语知识的一门课。

A.对B.错2【判断题】 (2分)英语学科教学论,是一门介绍如何教英语的课。

A.对B.错3【判断题】 (2分)关于教英语,需要了解相关的语言和语言学习的理论。

A.错B.对4【判断题】 (2分)关于教英语,还需要了解相关的教学方法、了解课堂管理的内容、学习教学设计的理念等。

A.错B.对5【判断题】 (2分)听说读写看的教学,是关于语言技能的教学。

A.错B.对第一章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the view of language? ( )A.Interactional ViewB.Structural ViewC.Functional ViewD.Constructive View2【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the view of language Learning? ( )A.Behaviorist TheoryB.Cognitive TheoryC.Schema TheoryD.Socio-constructive Theory3【单选题】 (2分)Which is from social-constructivist theory?A.stimulusB.ZPDC.reinforcementD.automatic response4【多选题】 (2分)For new language learning, the aspects that students need to do with are ( )A.Understand the formB.Understand the meaningC.Go abroad for studyingD.Practice the language5【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to process-oriented theory? ( )A.Socio-constructivist TheoryB.Schema TheoryC.Behaviorist TheoryD.Cognitive Theory6【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to condition-oriented theory? ( )A.Constructivist TheoryB.Behaviorist TheoryC.Socio-constructivist TheoryD.Cognitive Theory7【判断题】 (2分)The structural view of language is that language is a system of structurally related ele ments for the transmission of meaning. ()A.错B.对8【判断题】 (2分)The functional view only sees language as a means for doing things. ( )A.对B.错9【判断题】 (2分)For behaviorist theory, mistakes should be immediately corrected, and the correction s hould be immediately praised. ( )A.对B.错10【判断题】 (2分)Learning should be achieved via the dynamic interaction between the teacher and th e learner and between learners. ( )A.错B.对第三章测试1【判断题】 (2分)Teacher Talk Time means teacher should talk more in class and do not leave silence g ap in class. ( )A.对B.错2【判断题】 (2分)Remembering and understanding belong to the higher order thinking ability. ( )A.对B.错3【单选题】 (2分)Which one does not belong to the Bloom’s Taxonomy (2001)? ( )A.ApplyingB.AnalyzingC.RememberingD.Summarizing4【单选题】 (2分)For cognitive level of evaluating, the teacher may ask students the question like ( ).A.What is the relationship between A and B?B.How would you use this?C.Which is more interesting?D.What is the main idea of this paragraph?5【单选题】 (2分)For cognitive level of analyzing, the teacher may ask students the question like ( ).A.Which is more interesting, A or B?B.Can you compare A and B?C.Is there a better solution to this?D.What is an alternative method for this?6【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to teacher’s role? ( )A.controllerB.assessorC.prompterD.organizer7【多选题】 (2分)Teachers as facilitators means ( ).A.to guide them in planning and assessing their own learningB.to use various strategies to motivate learnersC.to develop their learning strategiesD.to create a positive learning environment8【多选题】 (2分)What are the two things that the teacher does as an assessor? ( )A.organizing feedbackB.controlling the paceC.correcting mistakesD.making research on student’s performance9【判断题】 (2分)Even the clearest instructions can be hard to grasp so, after you've given them, it's wo rth checking that they have been understood. ( )A.对B.错10【判断题】 (2分)Allow learners in class the time and the quiet they need, because they need time to thi nk, to prepare what they are going to say and how they are going to say it. ( )A.对B.错第四章测试1【单选题】 (2分)For WHERETO teaching design principle, W refers to ( ).A.allow students to evaluate their work and its implication’sB.be tailored (personalized) to the different needs, interests, and abilities of learnersC.equip students, help them experience the key ideas and explore the issuesD.help the students know where the unit is going and what is expected2【单选题】 (2分)For WHERETO teaching design principle, R refers to ( ).A.help the students know where the unit is going and what is expectedB.allow students to evaluate their work and its implication’sC.equip students, help them experience the key ideas and explore the issuesD.provide opportunities to rethink and revise their understandings and work3【单选题】 (2分)Which belongs to teaching design principle? ( )A.WHERETOB.ESAC.SMARTD.ABCD4【多选题】 (2分)What does WHERETO teaching design principle refer? ( )A.equip students, help them experience the key ideas and explore the issuesB.help the students know where the unit is going and what is expectedC.allow students to evaluate their work and its implication’sD.hook all students and hold their interest5【多选题】 (2分)What are the frequently applied teaching models? ( )A.WHERETO ModelB.Backward Design ModelC.ASSURE ModelD.ADDIE Model6【多选题】 (2分)What are the four elements of articulating learning objectives? ( )A.ConditionB.AudienceC.DegreeD.Behavior7【判断题】 (2分)Develop student’s reading skills. This learning objective is appropriately presented. ( )A.错B.8【判断题】 (2分)SMART is the method for articulating learning objectives. ( )A.对B.错9【判断题】 (2分)Activation of prior knowledge means activating cognitive structures that relate to the to pics and tasks to be studied and completed. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)The purpose of teaching design is to implement teaching effectively. ( )A.B.对第五章测试1【单选题】 (2分)What is used to express meanings in many subtle ways such as surprise, complaint, s arcasm, delighted, threats, etc.? ( )A.PronunciationB.morphologyC.PhonologyD.Intonation2【单选题】 (2分)What is the best age to start learning to read through phonics? ( )A.4-6B.C.1-2D.2-33【单选题】 (2分)After learning the individual letters’ sounds, it is natural to learn the sounds o f ? ( )A.consonant lettersB.blending lettersC.all of the aboveD.vowel letters4【多选题】 (2分)Which generally should be pronounced as weak form while reading aloud? ( )A.Auxiliary wordB.C.VerbD.Preposition5【多选题】 (2分)Phonics is a method for teaching and of the English language by develo ping learners' phonemic awareness—the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate phon emes—in order to teach the correspondence between these sounds and the spelling p atterns that represent them. ( )A.speakingB.writingC.listeningD.reading6【多选题】 (2分)Sound /k/ can be spelled as ? ( )A.kB.chC.ckD.c7【判断题】 (2分)Research has shown that children who have not developed reading skills by second gr ade, will experience an overall delay in learning throughout their school life. ( )A.对B.错8【判断题】 (2分)Understanding phonics will also help children know which letters to use when they ar e writing words. ( )A.对B.错9【判断题】 (2分)A lot of people start the journey of teaching kids phonics through the traditional ways, l ike teaching them to read, and this is the best way to follow. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)Written language can be compared to a code, so knowing the sounds of individual lett ers and how those letters sound when they’re combined will help children code word s as they read. ( )A.对B.错第六章测试1【单选题】 (2分)What does the first aspect of vocabulary learning involve according to Hedge (200 0)? ( )A.The sense relations among words.B.Connotative meaning.C.Denotative meaning.D.Denotative and connotative meaning.2【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the appropriate way of consolidating vocabulary? ( )A.Play a game.B.Categories.C.Spot the difference.D.Guessing.3【单选题】 (2分)Which is not a collocation? ( )A.See a movie.B.Watch a play.C.Movie.D.Look at a picture.4【多选题】 (2分)According to Hedge (2000), what does the second aspect of vocabulary learning invol ve? ( )A.Spelling and PronunciationB.Collocations.C.Synonyms, antonyms and hyponyms.D.Receptive and productive vocabulary.5【多选题】 (2分)What does knowing a word involve? ( )A.How and when to use it to express the intended meaning.B.Its meaning.C.Its spelling and grammatical properties.D.Its pronunciation and stress.6【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to vocabulary learning strategies? ( )A.Use a dictionary.B.Review regularly.C.Guessing from context.D.Presenting vocabulary.7【判断题】 (2分)Denotative meaning refers to those words that we use to label things as regards real o bjects, such as a name or a sign, etc. in the physical world. ( )A.错B.对8【判断题】 (2分)Antonyms refer to the sameness or close similarity of meaning or we can say that wor ds are close in meaning. ( )A.对B.错9【判断题】 (2分)Receptive/passive vocabulary refers to words that one is able to recognize and compr ehend in reading or listening but unable to use automatically in speaking or writing. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)Collocations refer to words that co-occur with high frequency and have been accepte d as ways for the use of words. ( )A.对B.错第七章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Deductive reasoning is essentially a approach which moves from the more gen eral to the more specific. ( )A.gameB.down-topC.traditionalD.top-down2【单选题】 (2分)is an approach that removes you, the teacher, from the main role of “explainer” and ex tends to the students the opportunity to question and discover the target grammar. ( )A.The guided discovery methodB.Mechanical practiceC.Deductive methodD.Inductive method3【单选题】 (2分)usually comes after mechanical practice. ( )A.The guided discovery methodB.Meaningful practiceC.Deductive methodD.Inductive method4【多选题】 (2分)Although a little less effective than inductive teaching, benefits to the deductive approa ch are: ( )A.It encourages faster learning of material and understand the meaningB.Time in the classroom is spent only on the language principle.C.Most material can be easily taught this way.D.Students can have lots of interaction with others in a meaningful context.5【多选题】 (2分)Although inductive teaching takes longer than deductive, many educators agree it i s a very efficient method in the long run. Benefits include: ( )A.Students rely on their critical thinking to figure out the language.B.Students can gain deeper understanding of the language.C.Students can get more interaction and participation among each other.D.No material can be easily taught this way.6【多选题】 (2分)Using prompts has proved to be an effective way of grammar practice. The prompts ca n be: ( )A.picturesB.tablesC.key wordsD.mines7【判断题】 (2分)The deductive and inductive teaching methods can be illustrated in this picture. ( )A.对B.错8【判断题】 (2分)That the students are asked to produce language based on pictures and key phrase s provided by the teacher is using chained phrases for storytelling. ( )A.对B.错9【判断题】 (2分)In mechanical practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange o f meaning through the students “keep an eye on” the way newly learned structures ar e used in the process. ( )A.对B.错10【判断题】 (2分)Grammar practice is usually divided into two categories, mechanical practice and mea ningful practice. ( )A.错B.对第八章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Which is not involved in bottom-up processing while listening? ( )A.Recognizing phrases.B.Referring meaning from background knowledge.C.Recognizing structures.D.Recognizing sounds of words.2【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the stage of listening teaching? ( )A.While-listening.B.Predicting.C.Pre-listening.D.Post-listening.3【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the main listening difficulty of learners? ( )A.Quickly forget what is heard.B.Neglect the next part when thinking about meaning.C.Able to form a mental representation from words heard.D.Do not recognize words they know.4【多选题】 (2分)What are two models that are frequently used to describe different processes of listeni ng? ( )A.Top-up model.B.Top-down model.C.Bottom-up model.D.Bottom-down model.5【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to principles for teaching listening? ( )A.Focus on process.B.Combine listening with other skills.C.Focus on the comprehension of meaning.D.Grade difficulty level appropriately.6【多选题】 (2分)What are three main categories that affect the difficulty level of listening tasks accordin g to Anderson and lynch (1988)? ( )A.Context in which the listening occurs.B.Bottom-up and top-down approaches.C.Type of language used.D.Task or purpose in listening.7【判断题】 (2分)Bottom-up and top-down these two processes are mutually dependent. ( )A.对B.错8【判断题】 (2分)It is important to develop listening skills together with other skills because ordinarily list ening is not an isolated skill. ( )A.错B.对9【判断题】 (2分)Multiple-choice tests play a decisive role in helping students develop good listening ha bits and strategies. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)In the top-down model, listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and ba ckground knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized. ( )A.对B.错第九章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the principle for teaching speaking? ( )A.Maximizing meaning interactions.B.Problem-solving activities.C.Personalizing practice.D.Contextualizing practice.2【单选题】 (2分)Which practice is not structure-based with a focus on forms? ( )A.Grammar learning.B.Syntax learning.C.Providing sufficient opportunities for students to develop fluency.D.Vocabulary learning.3【单选题】 (2分)Which of the following activities is often used to develop students’ speaking accurac y? ( )A.Acting out the dialogue in the text.B.Having discussions in groups.C.Describing people in pair.D.Identifying and correcting oral mistakes.4【多选题】 (2分)Like all the other skills, what strategies does speaking involve?( )A.Turn taking.B.Asking for clarification.C.Initiating a conversation.D.Ending a conversation.5【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to common features of spoken language according to Bygate (1987)? ( )A.Using devices such as fillers, hesitation device to give time to think before speaking.B.Taking short cuts, e.g. incomplete sentences.C.Using less complex syntax.D.Using fixed conventional phrases or chunks.6【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to typical speaking tasks? ( )A.Problem-solving activities.B.Dialogues and role-plays.C.Doing translation exercises.D.Information-gap activities.7【判断题】 (2分)Maintaining a balance between accuracy-based and fluency-based practices is essenti al in teaching speaking.( )A.对B.错8【判断题】 (2分)Speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most in simulated situation s. ( )A.错B.对9【判断题】 (2分)Problem-solving activities tend to be productive because there is a clear objective to b e reached or problem to be solved and require a higher level of language proficienc y. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)Designing speaking activities that maximize students’ opportunity to speak is one of th e central tasks for language teachers. ( )A.错B.对第十章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the teaching step of viewing teaching? ( )A.What message does the image transmit?B.What do you feel?C.What can you touch?D.What can you see?2【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the three-dimension paradigm by Serafini (2014)? ( )A.StructuralB.IntellectualC.IdeologicalD.Perceptual3【单选题】 (2分)What is the definition of Visual literacy? ( )A.With technology, images and visual presentations are flourishing more than ever.B.It means student's ability to “use, interpret, analyze, and think critically about visual images and the signi ficance of what they are seeing”.C.This involves exploring how ideas and emotions are expressed and the use of lighting to create an emoti onal or physiological point.D.Visual literacy is based on the idea that can be "read" and that meaning can be through a process of re ading.4【多选题】 (2分)Which are the teaching steps of viewing teaching? ( )A.What can you touch?B.What is the image trying to tell us?C.What can you see?D.What do you feel?5【多选题】 (2分)What are the pedagogical questions that the teacher can use in class to develop learn ers’ visual literacy? ( )A.How could you change/improve this image?B.What more can we find out?C.What does this image say to us?D.Where has this image come from?6【多选题】 (2分)What can be used as visual literacy clues to facilitate identifying the visual products? ( )A.ColorB.ShapeC.GestureD.Lighting7【判断题】 (2分)We need to consider the active viewer as well and engage the students' creative or cur ative responses to the image. ( )A.错B.对8【判断题】 (2分)One of the most effective ways to encourage information to make that important jump f rom the limited short-term memory to the more powerful long-term memory is to pair te xt with images. ( )A.错B.对9【判断题】 (2分)As these students travel on their road to fluency in English, images can provide an eff ective bridge in that learning process. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)Information presented visually is processed extremely quickly by the brain. ( )A.对B.错第十一章测试1【单选题】 (2分)When expectations are set up, what kind of process of reading is ready to begin? ( )A.ForcedB.PassiveC.NegativeD.Active2【单选题】 (2分)What does bottom-up model mean? ( )A.The teacher should teach the background knowledge first, so that students equipped with such knowled ge will be able to guess meaning from the printed page.B.The teacher teaches reading by introducing vocabulary and new words first and then going over the tex t sentence by sentence.C.None of the above.D.Not only linguistic knowledge but also background knowledge is involved in reading.3【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the reading skill that the learners should be developed in reading clas s? ( )A.Making prediction based on vocabulary or titleB.Guessing the word’s meaningC.Cooperating with othersD.Making inference4【多选题】 (2分)What are the principles for reading teaching? ( )A.Prediction is a major factor in reading.B.Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to the language.C.Students need to be engaged with what they are reading.D.Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full.5【多选题】 (2分)What are the models for reading teaching? ( )A.Top-down ModelB.Discovery ModelC.Interactive ModelD.Bottom-up Model6【多选题】 (2分)Find out the reading skills that the learners should be cultivated in reading class. ( )A.Making inferenceB.SkimmingC.ScanningD.Guessing the word’s meaning7【判断题】 (2分)As with everything else in lessons, students who are not engaged with the reading tex t will not actively interested in what they are doing. ( )A.错B.对8【判断题】 (2分)In the Top-down Model, the teacher teaches reading by introducing vocabulary and ne w words first and then going over the text sentence by sentence. ( )A.错B.对9【判断题】 (2分)According to the Interactive Model of reading, when one is reading, the brain receive s visual information, and at the same time, interprets or reconstructs the meaning tha t the writer had in mind when he wrote the text. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)Reading comprehension involves extracting the relevant information from the text as e fficiently as possible, connecting the information from the written message with one’s o wn knowledge to arrive at an understanding. ( )A.错B.对第十二章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Which will not help teachers motivate students to write? ( )A.Encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing.B.Leave students less room for creativity and imagination.C.Make the topic of writing as close as possible to students' life.D.Provide constructive and positive feedback.2【单选题】 (2分)What product-oriented method of teaching writing mean? ( )A.Writing activities should serve to encourage a process of brainstorming, drafting, writing, feedback, revis ing and editing, which proceeds in a cyclical fashion resembling the writing process of a real writer.B.It pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students g o through to reach the final goal.C.The process approach to writing does not only pay attention to what students do while they are writing, i t also attaches great importance to what they and the teacher do before they start writing and after they f inish writing.D.What really matter is the help that the teacher provides to guide students through the process that they undergo when they are writing.3【单选题】 (2分)What does process approach to writing mean? ( )A.What really matter is the help that the teacher provides to guide students through the process that they undergo when they are writing.B.Encourage feedback both from themselves.C.Do not give students time to discover what they want to say as they write.D.Teaching writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process.4【多选题】 (2分)Which principles can help teachers motivate students to write? ( )A.Leave students enough room for creativity and imagination.B.Provide opportunities for students to share their writings.C.Make the topic of writing as close as possible to students' life.D.Encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing.5【多选题】 (2分)Which principles will motivate students to write? ( )A.Give students a sense of achievement from time to time.B.Leave students less room for creativity and imagination.C.。



2020智慧树,知到《中级英语写作》章节测试【完整答案】智慧树知到《中级英语写作》章节测试答案1、问题: What are the three parts of a paragraph?选项:A:a topic sentenceB:a concluding sentenceC:supporting sentences答案: 【a topic sentence ;a concluding sentence;supporting sentences】2、问题:What are the three sections of an essay?选项:A:the introductory paragraphB:the supporting paragraphsC:the concluding paragraph答案: 【the introductory paragraph;the supporting paragraphs;the concluding paragraph】3、问题:How is a paragraph expanded into an essay?选项:A: The topic sentence of the paragraph becomes the thesisstatement of the essay.B:The supporting sentences of the original paragraph expand into three separate body paragraphs in the essay.C:The concluding sentence is made into a concluding paragraph.答案: 【 The topic sentence of the paragraph becomes the thesis statement of the essay.;The supporting sentences of the original paragraph expand into three separate body paragraphs in the essay.;The concluding sentence is made into a concluding paragraph.】4、问题:What are the common supporting sentences?选项:A: major supporting sentencesB:big supporting sentencesC: minor supporting sentencesD: small supporting sentences答案: 【 major supporting sentences;minor supporting sentences】5、问题:Read the first body paragraph of the essay“Animal Camouflage” and then analyze the supporting sentences.1In birds, for example, while adult males are brightly colored andvery noticeable, adult females and young chicks are light brown or sand-colored in order to blend into their background and escape the sharp eyes of a predator. 2Consider the bright red cardinal, a very common bird in colder areas of North America. 3The male is bright and showy to attract a mate, but you hardly ever see the females. 4They are sandy brown, with touches of red on the wings, tail, and breast. 5The peacock is another bird where the male is bright and showy, while the female is easily overlooked because of her dull coloring. 6The long tail feathers of the male are generally bright green and gold and have round markings of a rich color, known as peacock blue. 7The female, called a peahen, has short tail feathers and is much less colorful than the male. 8In short, adopting camouflage colors helps the female birds survive and raise another generation of birds.(1).Which sentence is the first major supporting sentence?选项:A:sentence 2B:sentence 3C:sentence 4答案: 【sentence 2】见面课:英语专业四级与非英语专业四六级考试作文1、问题:What are the three major parts of an academic essay?选项:A:IntroductionB:Body partC:DictionD:Conclusion答案: 【Introduction;Body part;Conclusion】2、问题:What are needed in an introduction paragraph?选项:A:Thesis statementB:Attention-getterC:BridgeD:Examples答案: 【Thesis statement ;Attention-getter ;Bridge 】3、问题:When you want to explain the supporting points of your essay, what methods can you use?选项:A:ExamplesB:ElaborationsC: EvidencesD:Extra and relevant details答案: 【Examples ;Elaborations;Evidences;Extra and relevant details】4、问题:A title is always needed for a piece of essay.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、问题:When personal experiences are used to support your points in an essay, you can only use other people”s experiences.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】见面课:说明文:回顾与练习1、问题:What are the common patterns of expository essays?( )选项:A:Cause-effectB:IllustrationC:DefinitionD:Comparison and ContrastE:Process Analysis答案: 【Cause-effect;Illustration ;Definition;Comparison and Contrast;Process Analysis 】2、问题: What kind of focus can you have in a cause-effect essay?( )选项:A:CauseB: EffectC:Cause and effectD:None of the above答案: 【Cause;Effect ;Cause and effect 】3、问题: What are the common methods of comparison and contrast essays?( )选项:A: Point-by-pointB:Block contrast and comparisonC: Comparison and contrast答案: 【 Point-by-point ;Block contrast and comparison 】4、问题:What are the two types of process analysis essays? ( )选项:A:FormalB:InformalC: InformativeD:Directional答案: 【 Informative;Directional】5、问题:In illustration essays, what kind of examples can writers use? ( )选项:A: GeneralB:SpecificC:RepresentativeD:Relevant答案: 【Specific ;Representative ;Relevant】绪论1、“中级英语写作”课程的主要写作训练是什么?A.句子写作B.段落写作C.篇章写作答案: 篇章写作2、本课程不以应试为目的,但通过系统的写作训练可以达到应对英语专业四级和相应水平写作考试的要求。



最新资料欢迎阅读2020 智慧树,知到《英语测试》章节测试完好答案智慧树知到《英语测试》章节测试答案第一章1、外语测试的主要理论支柱是____。

A:语言学B:社会学C:学习心理学D:哲学E:丈量学答案 :语言学,学习心理学,丈量学第二章1、“外语测试”是一门新兴的边沿学科,它经历的阶段有____A:前科学阶段B:后科学阶段C:传统测试阶段D:心理丈量和构造主义E:心理语言学与社会语言学答案 :前科学阶段,心理丈量和构造主义, 心理语言学与社会语言学2、外语考试的主要功能包含____。

A:检测B:动机C:评定D:调理E:选拔答案 :动机,评定,调理,选拔3、考试是由必定数目的题目构成,用于测定人的____的工具。

A:心理质量B:学习能力C:学习态度D:学习分数E:学习程度答案 :心理质量,学习程度4、对学生的学习行为进行评论的主要依照是____。

A:教材B:测试目的C:纲领D:测试结果E:学习兴趣答案 :测试目的,测试结果5、以下教课模式中,以为应当淡化语法甚至于不要教语法的是___。

A:浑身反响法B:社交法C:直接法D:听闻法E:任务型教课法答案 :浑身反响法,直接法,听闻法8、在一次期中考试结束后,小明经过剖析试卷,找到学习中存在的问题,改良过去的学习方法,这表现了考试的正反拨功能。

A:对B:错答案 :对9、全部的丈量都是测试,全部的评论活动都波及到测试或丈量,但并不是全部的测试都属于评论。

A:对B:错答案 :错10、中小学校期中考试是旨在经过测试及其结果剖析,对在校学生进行评论的考试。


A:对B:错答案 : 对第三章1、高考作为一种水平考试一般应以___作为命题的主要依照。

A:教课纲领B:教材C:大学对外语的要求D:中学毕业答案 : 大学对外语的要求2、____的主要用途是对考生进行甄别、分类和选拔。

A:标准参照考试B:主观型考试C:客观型考试D:常模型考试答案 : 常模型考试3、下边那个选项属于标准参照考试。



2020智慧树,知到《大学英语写作》章节测试完整答案智慧树知到《大学英语写作》章节测试答案第一章1、The predicate is usually a noun or a pronoun that tells who or what the sentence is about.A:对B:错答案: 错2、There are four kinds of sentences determined by sentence functions. They are declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences and exclamatory sentences. A:对B:错答案: 对3、Subordination is the use of a subordinator in joining two clauses to make a simple sentence.A:对B:错答案: 错4、When a sentence is loaded with big words, high-soundingphrases, or pretentious language; it will sound artificial, flowery, and pompous. It is called overwritten style.A:对B:错答案: 对5、A fragment without any subject comes about when a writer closes a sentence but then thinks of another detail to explain what he has just said are called“fragments without subjects”. A:对B:错答案: 对6、“I cannot drink warm milk.” is a compound sentence. A:对B:错答案: 错7、“What is your hobby?” is an imperative sentence?A:对B:错答案: 错8、“There is much in your book that is original and valuable-but what is original is not valuable, and what is valuable is not original.” is in a parallel form.B:错答案: 对9、“Trees are important on a building site. Break the wind.”is“fragments without subjects”.A:对B:错答案: 对10、“Expectoration is prohibited on the vehicle.” is the needless repetition in the sentence.A:对B:错答案: 错第二章1、The general statements are usually the first sentences that provide background information on the topic.A:对B:错答案: 对2、An introductory paragraph, true to its name, is a paragraph that provides the support to your introduction paragraph and to your thesis statement.B:错答案: 错3、The very purpose of writing a conclusion for a theme is to get what have been mainly talked about summed up or repeated for emphasis.A:对B:错答案: 对4、When writing a paragraph or essay, just proper grammar and spelling are important.A:对B:错答案: 错5、Unity of a paragraph is concerned with its content. If all the sentences in the paragraph lead to one central theme, the paragraph is unified.A:对B:错答案: 对6、When the writer wishes to introduce a new thought or topic, he should begin a new paragraph.A:对B:错答案: 对7、For a short theme, one paragraph for the introduction will be enough, and it is usually short and brief.A:对B:错答案: 对8、The introductory paragraph does not differ in purpose, element, and structure from a general paragraph.A:对B:错答案: 错9、The general statements are the first sentences that provide background information on the topic.A:对B:错答案: 对10、The body of a theme is formed with only one generalparagraph.A:对B:错答案: 错第三章1、Descriptions can be broadly divided into two categories, they are objective description and subjective description. A:对B:错答案:A2、“Objective description” could involve as much judgment as possible.A:对B:错答案:B3、The purpose of a subjective description is to help the audience sense an object or situation as it is.A:对B:错答案:B4、The Order of cumulative Adjectives from the first to the last are article or other noun marker, evaluative word, color,nationality, religion, size, length or shape, age, material and noun/adjective.A:对B:错答案:B5、The success of descriptive writing lies in the details. The more detailed your depiction of a plot or a character or a place is, the more you engross your reader.A:对B:错答案:A6、A narration essay should create a vivid picture of the topic in the reader”s mind.A:对B:错答案:B7、One of the purposes of descriptive writing is to make the reader visualize what you want to say.A:对B:错答案:A8、Objective description occurs in literary texts of allkinds, in argumentative pieces, and in personal writing.A:对B:错答案:B9、Choose descriptive words that appeal to your reader's five senses and that strengthen your central idea.A:对B:错答案:A10、“Slim/slender/plump/stocky” can be used to talk abouta person”s clothing.A:对B:错答案:B第四章1、A narrative usually contains dialogue to reveal actions or personality traits of the speakers.A:对答案:A2、The controlling idea is always directly stated in the thesis statement.A:对B:错答案:B3、Biography is a kind of narrative essays about person”s life especially the important facts of someone”s life.A:对B:错答案:A4、For narrative, we use the most is flashback.A:对B:错答案:B5、The main function of time signal is to connect details. A:对B:错答案:A6、Your essay is unified if you advance a single point and stick to that point.B:错答案:A7、If all the details in your essay relate to your thesis and supporting topic sentences, your essay is unified.A:对B:错答案:A8、Sometimes the controlling idea implied in the thesis statement.A:对B:错答案:A9、A unified essay stays within the limits of the central idea.A:对B:错答案:A10、Controlling idea can make your article as a whole. A:对B:错答案:A第五章1、With the block pattern, a short comparison can run well throughout a paragraph, providing all aspects of each subject. A:对B:错答案:A2、Point-by-Point Pattern is often used in the short essay with many aspects and a long essay with few aspects.A:对B:错答案:A3、Comparison and contrast is a common method of development that involves focusing on ___.A:argumentationB:cause and effectC:similarities and differencesD:description答案:C4、For comparison, when a writer is __, he is pointing out the similarities that exist between subjects or items.A:arguingB:comparingC:contrastingD:describing答案:B5、For contrast, when a writer is contrasting, he is pointing out the _ between subjects or items, even the two different aspects of the same subject.A:similarityB:differencesC:analysisD:description答案:B6、____ are two thought processes we go through constantly in everyday life.A:NarrationB:ArgumentationC:ExemplificationD:Comparison and contrast答案:D7、In the essay of comparison and contrast, the main bodyprovides ___ that support your claims.A:examplesB:storiesC:details and evidenceD:description答案:C8、With the point-to-point comparison, you are able to shift back and forth between __ on each point of comparison or contrast.A:several examplesB:the first subject and the second subjectC:storiesD:All of the others答案:B9、With the subject-to-subject comparison, you can use appropriate transitions such as ___ to move smoothly between the body paragraphs.A:for exampleB:In additionC:In comparisonD:All of the others答案:C10、Which are the techniques to develop an essay with comparison and contrast?A:Point-to-PointB:Subject-to-SubjectC:ExemplificationD:Narration答案:AB第六章1、A cause and effect essay includes a clear and effective thesis statement.A:对B:错答案:A2、A thesis statement should be written as narrow as possible.A:对B:错答案:B3、The introductory part of a cause-and-effect essay is usually short and brief.A:对B:错答案:A4、When writing a cause and effect essay, we should oversimplify causes.A:对B:错答案:B5、When writing a cause and effect essay, we should be subjective and support the analysis with solid, factual evidence.A:对B:错答案:B6、What is the effect of“The dishes were dirty.”?A:They broke.B:Mum put them in the dishwasher.C:I put them on the table.D:They were put in the cupboard.答案:B7、What may be the cause of“I got in trouble.”?A:I lied to my Mum.B:I ate an apple.C:I did my homework.D:I got good grades in the exam.答案:A8、_ being obese you are more likely to suffer from heart disease or diabetes later in life.A:As a resultB:ConsequentlyC:Result inD:As a result of答案:D9、Which thesis statement is proper?A:Depression is a big problem.B:Depression may hinder people from functioning normally in daily life.C:Depression has many negative effects on people.D:Depression makes me lose my appetite.答案:B10、Which is not the transitional words for causes?A:in consequence ofB:therebyC:thanks toD:due to答案:B第七章1、To emphasize the language of specifics is not to deny the need for general words.A:对B:错答案:A2、Pointless shifts in number are another burden that no one should place on his reader.A:对B:错答案:A3、Sticking to the same grammatical subject possibly will improve the __ and __ of our sentence.A:clarity…focusB:clarity…strengthC:clarity…brevityD:focus…brevity答案:A4、A writer must be sure that changes in tense are basedon ___ in time. Otherwise, the result is needless confusion. A:the authorB:real changesC:the aimD:none of them答案:B5、____ is a method of supporting a thesis statement witha series of specific examples, or sometimes, with a single extended example.A:ExemplificationB:NarrationC:DescriptionD:Comparison答案:A6、In cases of exemplification, the added __ are like those feathers on the peacock's tail, to support or illustrate the statement and make it more colorful, descriptive, or specific.A:comparisonB:argumentationC:causeD:examples答案:D7、In the simple two-part formula, it is obvious that one part is __ and the other part refers to __.A:the specific example…the general statementB:the general statement…the specific exampleC:the general statement…the strong argumentation D:the strong argumentation…the general statement 答案:B8、While developing the example, we may show rather than tell the example with the aid of_______.A:dialogueB:sensory languageC:descriptionD:All of the others答案:D9、The technique of“_” your readers what you mean is one of the most powerful ones available to you.A:arguingB:tellingC:showingD:contrasting答案:C10、Which is the sentence with the fault of confusing shift? A:A driver should never race his motor without a warm-up B:A human being can never ignore his own feelingsC:In high school we worked more as groups than as individualsD:Shirley won the first prize, while her brother was awarded the second答案:D第八章1、The most commonly used types of evidence are: ( )A:facts and statisticsB:Quotations from authoritiesC:Specific examplesD:Personal viewpoints答案:ABC2、The following example:“Animal tests aren”t reliable.“is more convincing.A:对B:错答案:B3、Quotations from authorities can strengthen an argument. And you can use this terms: ( )A:As…has pointed out..B:A proverb says…C:It is said…D:Someone has said…答案:ABCD4、By using credible evidence, your point of view is so convincing that your readers have no chance to reject your information.A:对B:错答案:A5、What is the purpose of an argumentative essay? ( )A:To win the debateB:To convince readersC:To get closer to the truthD:To get a higher scores答案:BC6、What does five-paragraph essay consist of?( )A:An introductionB:Two paragraphs explaining our opinionC:One opposing argumentD:A conclusion答案:ABCD7、What kinds of method we can use to plan our essay? ( ) A:A spider diagramB:A positive and negative tableC:A flow chartD:Brainstorm答案:ABC8、What does an effective introduction consist of?A:BackgroundB:ArgumentC:Main ideasD:Fact答案:ABC9、What are the most likely choices do you have in writing background of the introduction? ( )A:StatisticsB:A social phenomenonC:A factD:A rhetorical question答案:BCD10、What are the linking devices to link clauses? ( )A:LikeB:SoC:ButD:Because答案:ABCD第九章1、The block format in the business letter is the simplest format; all of the writing is flush against the margin.A:leftB:rightC:upperD:bottom答案:A2、Put the date on which the letter is written in the form of .A:Day/Month/ YearB:Month/Day/ YearC:Day/Year/MonthD:Year/Month/Day答案:B3、If the purpose of your letter is employment related, consider ending your letter you”re your __.A:businessB:consulting informationC:exchanging informationD:sharing experience答案:B4、To write a book report, your step is to pick up the book and start reading.A:firstB:secondC:thirdD:fourth答案:A5、The first part of a report is a of the work.A:your reactionB:plotC:detailsD:summary答案:D6、When you write a book report , you should ___ from the work to illustrate important ideas.A:use direct quotationsB:not use direct quotationsC:use indirect quotationsD:all of the others答案:C7、The principal purpose of a resume is to highlight your value to a potential employer or agent .A:to ask for informationB:to exchange informationC:to register interest in youD:all of the others答案:C8、Which type of resume is more effective when applying for jobs and demonstrates a clear record of career progression? A:Functional resumeB:chronological resumeC:one-page resumeD:none of them9、When listing your experience, it is also recommended to list only jobs held within the past years.A:1B:2C:5D:10答案:D10、An abstract serves functions.A:1B:2C:3D:4答案:B第十章1、It”s been calculated that by the age of 18, the average American will have seen 600,000 ads; by the age of 40, the total is almost one million.A:对答案:A2、He said,“I saw that the best thing I could do was get hold of a dictionary–to study, to learn some words.” A:对B:错答案:A3、In the sentence“Some die at 30 but are not buried until they are 70,” the word die connotes stop living spiritually or stop growing intellectually.A:对B:错答案:B4、He became attracted to the idea of action words, so we listed a few more, fly, swim, dive, run.A:对B:错答案:B5、Preventing the atmosphere-stopping ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect-is an environmental necessity.A:对B:错6、He is an eccentric boy ( ) yet you can”t help liking him.A:.B:,C:;D::答案:B7、The invention brought him fame ( ) moreover, it brought him money.A:.B:,C:;D::答案:C8、She showed me the books she had just borrowed from the library ( ) two novels by Jane Austen and a book on the history of English literature.A::B:,C:;D:.9、She asked,“What does modernism mean ( )A:?”B:!”C:”?D:”!答案:A10、They asked how the semicolon should be used ( ) A:!B:.C:?D::答案:B。



2020智慧树,知到《大学英语》章节测试【完整答案】2020最新智慧树知到《大学英语》章节测试答案第一章1、We often ( ) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.A:exploreB:emergeC:enrichD:assume正确答案:assume2、 He ( ) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.A:inheritedB:acquiredC:overwhelmedD:pursue正确答案:inherited3、After a(n) ( ) physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. A:availableB:giantC:comprehensiveD:unique正确答案:comprehensive4、 Our bodies have greater ( ) than most of us realize, and we can benefit by remembering this.A:confidenceB:potentialC:innocenceD:approach正确答案:potential5、 He was proud of being chosen to ( ) in the game, and he promised that he would try as hard as possible.A:participateB:evolveC:bondD:embrace正确答案:participate第二章1、City residents the housing price is unreasonably high. A:complain aboutB:complain ofC:complain thatD:complain to正确答案:complain that2、Don”t just “wrong with it; suggest some positive ways to solve the problem.A:complain aboutB:complain ofC:complain thatD:complain to正确答案:complain about3、He intends to quit the job, not that he dislikes it, but that he is too old for it.可翻译为:他打算辞职,不是因为他讨厌这项工作,而是因为他年纪太大了,不适合这项工作。

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