



中国24节气英文对照中国24节气英文对照立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5 雨水 Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20惊蜇 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6谷雨 Grain Rain (6th solar teram)Apr.19,20 or 21立夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 7 小满 Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 22 芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7夏至 the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22小暑 Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8大暑 Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24立秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9 处暑 the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24白露 White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9秋分 the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24 寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9霜降Frost‘s Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24立冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8小雪 Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23大雪 Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8冬至 the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23小寒 Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7大寒 Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2。



二十四节气the twenty-four solar terms:立春the Beginning of Spring [英/ðəbɪˈɡɪnɪŋɒv sprɪŋ]雨水Rain Water [英/reɪn ˈwɔːtə(r)]惊蛰the Waking of Insects [英/ðəˈweɪkɪŋɒv ˈɪnsɛkts]春分the Spring Equinox [英/ðəsprɪŋˈekwɪnɒks]清明Pure Brightness [英/pjʊə(r) braɪtnəs]谷雨Grain Rain [英/ɡreɪn reɪn]立夏the Beginning of Summer [英/ðəbɪˈɡɪnɪŋɒv ˈsʌmə(r)] 小满Grain Full [英/ɡreɪn fʊl]芒种Grain in Ear [英/ɡreɪn ɪn ɪə(r)]夏至the Summer Solstice [英/ðəˈsʌmə(r) ˈsɒlstɪs]小暑Slight Heat [英/slaɪt hiːt]大暑Great Heat [英/ɡreɪt hiːt]立秋the Beginning of Autumn [英/ðəbɪˈɡɪnɪŋɒv ˈɔːtəm] 处暑the Limit of Heat [英/ðəˈlɪmɪt ɒv hiːt]白露White Dew [英/waɪt djuː]秋分the Autumnal Equinox [英/ðəɔːˈtʌmnəl ˈekwɪnɒks] 寒露Cold Dew [英/kəʊld djuː]霜降Frost's Descent [英/frɒsts dɪˈsent]立冬the Beginning of Winter [英/ðəbɪˈɡɪnɪŋɒv ˈwɪntə(r)] 小雪Slight Snow [英/slaɪt snəʊ]大雪Great Snow [英/ɡreɪt snəʊ]冬至the Winter Solstice [英/ðəˈwɪntə(r) ˈsɒlstɪs]小寒Slight Cold [英/slaɪt kəʊld]大寒Great Cold [英/ɡreɪt kəʊld]二十四节气歌春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连。



在你的托福口语里加上点儿“春分”、“清明”这样的二十四节气,是不是立马就高大上了起来?!技能抓紧GET√起来吧~立春the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5雨水Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20惊蜇the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7春分the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22清明Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6谷雨Grain Rain (6th solar teram)Apr.19,20 or 21立夏the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 7小满Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 22芒种Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7夏至the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22小暑Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8大暑Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24立秋the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9处暑the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24白露White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9秋分the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24寒露Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9霜降Frost's Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24立冬the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8小雪Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23大雪Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8冬至the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23小寒Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7大寒Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2以上就是中国24个节气的英文翻译,大家也可以从这24个节气拓展开去,组织一些新的托福口语话题和模板,增加话题的新鲜度。



中国24节气中英文对照立春the Beg inning of Spring (1st solar term ) Feb.3,4, or 5雨水Rain Water (2nd solar term ) Feb.18,19 or 20惊蜇the Wak ing of In sects (3rd solar term ) Mar.5,6, or 7春分the Spring Equinox (4th solar term ) Mar.20,21 or 22清明Pure Brightness (5th solar term ) Apr.4,5 or 6谷雨Grain Rai n (6th solar teram ) Apr.19,20 or 21立夏the Beg inning of Summer (7th solar term ) May 5,6 or 7小满Lesser Full ness of Grain (8th solar term ) May 20,21 or 22 芒种Grain in Beard (9th solar term ) Jun. 5,6 or 7夏至the Summer Solstice (10th solar term ) Jun .21 or 22小暑Lesser Heat (11th solar term ) Jul.6,7 or 8大暑Greater Heat (12th solar term ) Jul.22,23 or 24立秋the Begi nning of Autu mn (13th solar term ) Aug.7,8 or 9处暑the End of Heat (14th solar term ) Aug.22,23 or 24白露White Dew (15th solar term ) Sep.7,8 or 9秋分the Autu mn Equi nox (16th solar term ) Sep.22,23 or 24寒露Cold Dew (17th solar term ) Oct.8 or 9霜降Frost's Descent (18th solar term ) Oct.23 or 24立冬the Begi nning of Win ter (19th solar term ) Nov.7 or 8 小雪Lesser Snow (20th solar term ) Nov.22 or 23大雪Greater Snow (21th solar term ) Dec.6,7 or 8冬至the Win ter Solstice (22th solar term ) Dec.21,22 or 23 小寒Lesser Cold (23th solar term ) Jan. 5,6 or 7大寒Greater Cold (24th solar term ) Ja n.20 or 2。



二十四节气The 24 Solar Terms:立春Spring begins.雨水The rains.惊蛰Insects awaken.春分Vernal Equinox清明Clear and bright.谷雨Grain rain.立夏Summer begins.小满Grain buds.芒种Grain in ear.夏至Summer solstice.小暑Slight heat.大暑Great heat.立秋Autumn begins.处暑Stopping the heat.白露White dews.秋分Autumn Equinox.寒露Cold dews.霜降Hoar-frost falls.立冬Winter begins.小雪Light snow.大雪Heavy snow.冬至Winter Solstice.小寒Slight cold.大寒Great cold以下无正文仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途。

For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途。

Nur für den persönlichen für Studien, Forschung, zu kommerziellen Zwecken verwendet werden.Pour l 'étude et la recherche uniquement à des fins personnelles; pas à des fins commerciales.仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途。

толькодля людей, которые используются для обучения, исследований и не должны использоваться в коммерческих целях.For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use。



"24节气" 是中国传统的时间划分方式,每个节气都代表着一年中特定的气候、自然现象和农事活动。

1.立春(Spring Begins)
2.雨水(Rain Water)
3.惊蛰(Insects Awaken)
4.春分(Spring Equinox)
5.清明(Clear and Bright)
6.谷雨(Grain Rain)
7.立夏(Summer Begins)
8.小满(Grain Buds)
9.芒种(Grain in Ear)
10.夏至(Summer Solstice)
11.小暑(Slight Heat)
12.大暑(Great Heat)
13.立秋(Autumn Begins)
14.处暑(End of Heat)
15.白露(White Dew)
16.秋分(Autumn Equinox)
17.寒露(Cold Dew)
18.霜降(Frost's Descent)
19.立冬(Winter Begins)
20.小雪(Light Snow)
21.大雪(Heavy Snow)
22.冬至(Winter Solstice)
23.小寒(Slight Cold)
24.大寒(Great Cold)




中英文对照:24节气立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5雨水 Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20惊蜇 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6谷雨 Grain Rain (6th solar teram)Apr.19,20 or 21立夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 7小满 Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May20,21 or 22芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7夏至 the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22小暑 Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8大暑 Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24立秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9处暑 the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24白露 White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9秋分 the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9霜降 Frost's Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24立冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8小雪 Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23大雪 Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8冬至 the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23小寒 Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7大寒 Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2。

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立春the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5雨水Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20惊蜇the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7春分the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22清明Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6谷雨Grain Rain (6th solar term)Apr.19,20 or 21立夏the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 7 小满Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 22 芒种Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7夏至the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22小暑Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8大暑Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24立秋the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9 处暑the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24白露White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9秋分the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24寒露Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9霜降Frost"s Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24立冬the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8小雪Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23大雪Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8冬至the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23小寒Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7大寒Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2中国节日和纪念日大全(中英文对照)阳历节日1月1日元旦(New Year"s Day)2月2日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day)2月14日情人节(Valentine"s Day)3月8日国际妇女节(International Women" Day)3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)3月14日白色情人节(White Day)3月14日国际警察日(International Policemen" Day)3月15日世界消费者权益日(World Consumer Right Day)3月21日世界森林日(World Forest Day)3月21日世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day)3月22日世界水日(World Water Day)3月23日世界气象日(World Meteorological Day)3月24日世界防治结核病日(World Tuberculosis Day)4月1日愚人节(April Fools" Day)4月5日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)4月7日世界卫生日(World Health Day)4月22日世界地球日(World Earth Day)4月26日世界知识产权日(World Intellectual Property Day) 5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day)5月3日世界哮喘日(World Asthma Day)5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day)5月8日世界红十字日(World Red-Cross Day)5月12日国际护士节(International Nurse Day)5月15日国际家庭日(International Family Day)5月17日世界电信日(World Telecommunications Day)5月23日国际牛奶日(International Milk Day)5月31日世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day)6月1日国际儿童节(International Children"s Day)6月5日世界环境日(International Environment Day)6月17日世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to combat desertification)6月23日国际奥林匹克日(International Olympic Day)6月26日国际禁毒日(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking) 7月1日中国共产党诞生日(Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party)7月1日国际建筑日(International Architecture Day)7月7日中国人民抗日战争纪念日7月11日世界人口日(World Population Day)8月1日中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day)8月12日国际青年节(International Youth Day)9月8日国际扫盲日(International Anti-illiteracy Day)9月10日中国教师节(Teacher"s Day)9月16日中国脑健康日9月16日国际臭氧层保护日(International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer)9月21日世界停火日(World Cease-fire Day)9月27日世界旅游日(World Tourism Day)10月1日中华人民共和国国庆节(National Day)10月1日国际音乐日(International Music Day)10月1日国际老年人日(International Day of Older Persons)10月4日世界动物日(World Animal Day)10月5日世界教师日(World Teachers" Day)(联合国教科文组织确立)10月9日世界邮政日(World Post Day)10月10日世界精神卫生日(World Mental Health Day)10月14日世界标准日(World Standards Day)10月15日国际盲人节(International Day of the Blind)10月15日世界农村妇女日(World Rural Women"s Day)10月16日世界粮食日(World Food Day)10月17日国际消除贫困日(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)10月24日联合国日(United Nations Day)10月24日世界发展新闻日(World Development Information Day)10月28日中国男性健康日10月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biodiversity Day)10月31日万圣节(Halloween)11月8日中国记者节11月9日消防宣传日11月14日世界糖尿病日(World Diabetes Day)11月17日国际大学生节11月25日国际消除对妇女的暴力日(International Day For the elimination of Violence against Women)12月1日世界爱滋病日(World AIDS Day)12月3日世界残疾人日(World Disabled Day)12月9日世界足球日(World Football Day)12月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day)12月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biological Diversity Day)1月最后一个星期日国际麻风节3月最后一个完整周的星期一中小学生安全教育日春分月圆后的第一个星期日复活节(Easter Monday)(有可能是3月22-4月25日间的任一天)5月第二个星期日母亲节(Mother"s Day)5月第三个星期日全国助残日6月第三个星期日父亲节(Father"s Day)9月第三个星期二国际和平日(International Peace Day)9月第三个星期六全国国防教育日9月第四个星期日国际聋人节(International Day of the Deaf)10月的第一个星期一世界住房日(World Habitat Day)10月的第二个星斯一加拿大感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)10月第二个星期三国际减轻自然灾害日(International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction)10月第二个星期四世界爱眼日(World Sight Day)11月最后一个星期四美国感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)农历节日农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival)农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival)农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day)农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)。
