
I hope that the good memory, do not rush through the years, let it stay in our hearts forever.2、最珍惜,好友的问候,纵然人生聚散无常,念你的心依旧。
The most cherished, best friend greetings, even though life gathers and scatters, miss your heart is still.3、带着记忆,带着幻想,走向大学,走向祖国的四面八方。
With memory, with fantasy, to the university, to the motherland in all directions.4、母校的每一个角落,都珍藏着我们的友情,弥漫着我们的幻想。
Every corner of our alma mater cherishes our friendship and permeates our fantasies.5、既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,就在也回不来了。
Since love, why don't you say it? Some things are lost, and they can't come back.6、带着记忆,带着幻想,走向生活,走向祖国的四面八方。
With memory, with fantasy, to life, to the motherland in all directions.7、爱情里要是掺杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。
Love is not true love if it is doped with calculations unrelated to itself.8、让我们用共同的信念铸造的航船,到生活的大海去犁出雪白的浪花。

学校常用对话英语作文Title: A Day at School: Typical English Dialogues。
Introduction:In this essay, we will explore common English dialogues that occur in a typical day at school. These conversations encompass various situations encountered by students and teachers, highlighting the importance of effective communication in an educational environment.1. Greeting in the Morning:Student: Good morning, Mrs. Smith.Teacher: Good morning, Emily. How are you today?Student: I'm fine, thank you. How about you?Teacher: I'm doing well, thank you for asking.2. Asking for Clarification:Student: Excuse me, could you please explain this math problem again?Teacher: Of course, let's go through it step by step.3. Collaborating on Group Projects:Student 1: Hey, Sarah, have you finished your part of the project?Student 2: Not yet, I'm still working on it. How about you?Student 1: I've completed mine. Do you need any help?4. Seeking Permission:Student: May I go to the restroom, please?Teacher: Yes, but be quick and return promptly.5. Expressing Gratitude:Student: Thank you for your help with the assignment, Mr. Johnson.Teacher: You're welcome, Alex. Remember, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.6. Participating in Class Discussions:Teacher: Today, let's discuss the themes in the novel we've been reading. Who would like to start?Student: I found the theme of identity particularly intriguing because...7. Seeking Guidance:Student: Excuse me, counselor, I'm feeling overwhelmed with my workload. Can you advise me on how to manage mytime better?Counselor: Of course, let's sit down and discuss some strategies together.8. Resolving Conflict:Student 1: You took my seat!Student 2: I didn't realize it was yours. I'm sorry, let's find a solution.9. Asking for Help:Student: I'm struggling to understand this chemistry concept. Can you explain it to me?Classmate: Sure, let's review it together.10. Making Plans:Student 1: What are you doing after school?Student 2: I have basketball practice. Want to come and watch?Student 1: Sure, I'll meet you there.Conclusion:Effective communication plays a vital role in the daily interactions at school. Whether it's exchanging greetings, seeking clarification, collaborating on projects, or resolving conflicts, these dialogues facilitate a conducive learning environment. By mastering English dialogues, students enhance their communication skills, fostering better relationships with peers and teachers.。

校训集中反映了一所学校的办学宗旨和历史传统,体现了学校的文化追求和 精神风貌。
东方和西方思想和思维有较大差异,由此导致东西方大 学办学理念的不同。
古今中外世界著名大学都各自拥有其独特的校训,鲜 明的体现出他们不同的办学理念和治学特点。
东方大学传统办学理念:和而不同、各美其美、学术责 任、与时俱进、止于至善、伦理(人文)取向。
1.安徽大学:至诚至坚博学笃行 2.东北大学:自强不息知行合一 3.北京大学:勤奋严谨求实创新 4.上海大学:自强不息 先天下 之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 5.清华大学:自强不息厚德载物 6.浙江大学:求是创新 7.中国人民大学:实事求是 8.复旦大学:博学而笃志切问而 近思
• 经1993年第一次校务委员会审议,武汉大学新校训定为: 自强 弘毅 求是 拓新 • “自强”语出《周易》“天行健、君子以自强不息”。意为 自尊自重,不断自力图强,奋发向上。自强是中华民族的 传统美德,成就事业当以此为训。我校最早前身为“自强 学堂”,其名也取此意。 “弘毅”出自《论语》“士不可以 不弘毅,任重而道远”一语。意谓抱负远大,坚强刚毅。 我校30年代校训“明诚弘毅”就含此一词。 用“自强”、 “弘毅”,既概括了上述含义,又体现了我校的历史纵深 与校风延续。 “求是”即为博学求知,努力探索规律,追 求真理。语出《汉书》“修学好古,实事求是”。 “拓新” ,意为开拓、创新,不断进取。 • 概言之,校训的整体含义是: 继承和发扬中华民族自强不 息的伟大精神,树立为国家的繁荣昌盛刻苦学习、积极奉 献的伟大志向,以坚毅刚强的品格和科学严谨的治学态度 ,努力探求事物发展的客观规律,开创新局面,取得新成 绩,办好社会主义的武汉大学,不断为国家作出新贡献。

交朋友英语情景对话A: Hi! I'm new here. My name is Tom.B: Hello, Tom. I'm Jerry. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you too. I'm a bit lonely as I don't know many people around here.B: Well, now you know me! This is a really friendly place.A: That's good to hear. How do you usually make friends here?B: Oh, there are many ways. For example, joining some clubs. There are all kinds of clubs like sports clubs, reading clubs. What about you? Do you have any hobbies?A: I like playing basketball.B: That's great! You can join the basketball club. You'll meet a lot of people who share the same interest.A: Sounds like a good idea. But I'm a little shy. I'm not good at starting conversations.B: Don't worry. Just start with a simple compliment. For example, if you see someone play a really good shot in basketball, you can say "Nice shot!". Then the conversation can start from there.A: Thanks for the advice. What else can I do?B: You can also participate in community activities. It's a great opportunity to meet different people.A: I see. It seems that there are quite a lot of opportunities to make friends here.B: Yes. And don't be afraid to be yourself. People like those who are genuine.A: Right. I'll keep that in mind. So, Jerry, what do you usually do with your friends?B: We often go to the park, have picnics, or just hang out and talk. Sometimes we also play some games together.A: That sounds like a lot of fun. I hope I can make some good friends soon and do these things with them.B: I'm sure you will. You seem like a very nice person.。

校园生活英语对话As a student, one of the most important aspects of our lives is our time on campus. The interactions we have with our peers, teachers, and other staff members can greatly impact our overall experience. Let's take a look at a typical day on campus through the lens of English conversations.In the morning, students can be heard greeting each other with "Good morning!" as they make their way to their first class. As they pass by the cafeteria, the smell of fresh coffee and breakfast fills the air, prompting some to stop for a quick bite and chat with friends.In the classroom, students engage in discussions with their teachers and classmates, asking questions and sharing their thoughts on the topic at hand. "What do you think about the reading assignment?" or "Can you explain that concept again?" are common phrases heard during these conversations.During lunchtime, the campus comes alive with the sound of laughter and chatter as students gather in the courtyard or cafeteria to enjoy their meals. "What did you bring for lunch today?" and "Do you want to join us for a game of basketball after lunch?" are some of the conversations that can be heard.After classes, students may head to the library to study or work on group projects. "Do you mind if I join your study group?" and "Can you help me with this math problem?" are phrases often exchanged in these settings.As the day comes to a close, students may attend club meetings or extracurricular activities. "Are you going to the photography club meeting today?" and "I heard there's a movie screening at the student center tonight, are you going?" are common questions asked during these gatherings.Overall, the campus is a vibrant and dynamic place filled with conversations that shape the student experience. From morning greetings to study sessions and extracurricular activities, the conversations we have on campus play a significant role inour growth and development as individuals. So, the next time you're on campus, take a moment to engage in a conversation and see how it can enrich your overall experience.。

大学生英语优秀演讲稿3分钟7篇大学生英语优秀演讲稿3分钟 (1) Good morning/evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen :Today, my speech is about talents,in my opionion, talents areindispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight amongcountries is actually the fight among talents.First, i'd like to define the word"talent" in my idea, a talent isone person who is good at or expertised in some or multiple areas. nowadays,as the world developing goes on , if one country want to rank top or doa good job in the world, the country must have many talents.for example,china, the biggest developing country in the world, in the past 100 years,is always invaded by other countries, why ,the reason is that china atthat time had not so many talents. if they had anti-intrusion leadertalents in the war, needless to say,they would have beat those bigpowers.if they had talents in weapons manufacturing, nodody dares toprovoke us.however, nowadays, it's a totally different situation, chinahas become powerfulin all over the world, why ? because there are manytalents serving the country, the civilians become more and moreliterated.more and more people go to university,more and more people cometo receive further education. so what is that in return,talents in armyprotect our country from invasion, talents in commerce help make oureconomy keep in improving, talents in aerospace make the world see chinesemanned spacecraft flying. talents in sports make china rank the first inthe olympic games……To sum up, talents will play a more and more impoetant role in theworld, if one country intends to flourish, he must foster talents as manyas they can ,that's all,thank you.大学生英语优秀演讲稿3分钟 (2)I believe in our futureHonorable Judges, fellow students:Good afternoon!Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. The college studentsare the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptionaleducation at extraordinary places. But will we be able to face thechallenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to betterthe lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility ofbuilding the future of our country?The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation,which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong.The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to liveindependently. We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping andbargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglectthe need for character cultivation. But again, the cynics are wrong. Wecare deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, andwe seek truth. Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their bloodtype tested in order to make a contribution for the children who sufferfrom blood cancer.As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning pointin our lives. We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, eachwill profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. Ibelieve in all my fellow classmates. Though we are still inexperiencedand even a little bit childish. I believe that we have the courage andfaith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities. We arepreparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use theeducation we have received to make our world a better place. I believein our future.我对未来充满信心尊敬的评委,各位同学:下午好!最近,社会上有一场很激烈的争论。

校园生活对话五人英语作文Campus Life Dialogue among Five People。
As the bell rang, five students gathered in the campus café for a quick chat during their break time. They were discussing their campus life and sharing their experiences.The first student, Lily, said, "I'm enjoying my campus life so far. I've made new friends, joined a few clubs, and even started volunteering at the local charity organization. It's been a great way to meet new people and get involvedin the community."The second student, Jack, nodded in agreement, "Icouldn't agree more. I've also joined a few clubs and have been attending their events regularly. I've learned so much from my peers and have even discovered new interests that I never knew I had."The third student, Sarah, chimed in, "I've beenstruggling a bit with my coursework, but I've found that joining study groups and seeking help from my professors has really helped. It's also been great to have a support system of friends who are going through the same challenges."The fourth student, Mike, added, "I've been trying to balance my academics with my part-time job, and it's been tough. But I've learned to manage my time better and prioritize my tasks. It's also been great to have aflexible work schedule that allows me to attend classes and participate in extracurricular activities."The fifth student, Emma, said, "I've been taking advantage of the campus resources, such as the library and career center. I've been attending workshops and networking events, which have helped me explore different career paths and build my professional skills."As they finished their coffee and snacks, the students agreed that their campus life had been enriching and fulfilling. They promised to continue exploring newopportunities and supporting each other throughout their academic journeys.In conclusion, campus life is an exciting and challenging experience for students. By getting involved in clubs, volunteering, seeking help when needed, managing time effectively, and utilizing campus resources, students can make the most of their college years and prepare for their future careers.。

1、哈佛大学:Harvard Universityet:校训:Plato be your friend,andAristotle,but more let your friend be truth.以柏拉图为友,以亚里士多德为友,更要以真理为友。
确立创新教育思想哈佛大学之所以能够成为美国高校中的成功典范 ,培养出一大批为人类创造物质财富 ,且有远见卓识 ,创新开拓精神的人 ,其根本原因在于它独特的办学宗旨和校风。
哈佛大学的校风淋漓尽致地体现出创新教育思想 ,其核心内容是 :崇尚自由竞争和个人奋斗 ,崇尚冒险和创业 ,崇尚对事业的追求与高度负责的工作态度 ,强调生活的富有应来自勤奋与努力 ,强调个人的智慧、毅力、能力和自信心是事业成功的关键因素 ,注意理性分析 ,讲求实际和办事成效。
【精编范文】英语辩论赛辩题精选大全-推荐word版 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==英语辩论赛辩题精选大全现在我们的英语辩论赛十分受我们学生我们校园的欢迎,这些时候,大家会需要知道一些英语辩论赛辩题。
更多资讯请继续关注辩论赛栏目!英语辩论赛辩题Group 1, For Side: Advertisements should be controlled.Group 1, Against Side: Advertisements should be encouraged.Group 2, For Side: Junior students should go in for beauty contests.Group 2, Against Side: Junior students should not take part in beauty contests.Group 3, For Side: Mobile phones are necessary for middle school students.Group 3, Against Side: Mobile phones are not necessary for middle school students.Group 4, For Side: Middle school students should go abroad to study.Group 4, Against Side: Middle school students should not go abroad to study.Group 5, For Side: Interest is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 5, Against Side: Progress is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 6, For Side: People and nature are in harmony.Group 6, Against Side: People and nature are not in harmony.Group 7, For Side: More money means more happiness.Group 7, Against Side: More money means more sadness.Group 8, For Side: Internet alienates the relationship among people.Group 8, Against Side: Internet doesn't alienate the relationship among people.Group 9, For Side: Quality is more important for students.Group 9, Against Side: Scores are more important for students.Group 10, For Side: Students should wear their school uniforms.Group 10, Against Side: Students should be allowed to choosetheir own clothes.Group 11, For Side: Students should learn more from books andtheir teachers.Group 11, Against Side: Students should learn more from their experience and daily life.Group 12, For Side: Computers are good for studying.Group 12, Against Side: Computers are not good for studying.Group 13, For Side: Opportunity is more important for success.Group 13, Against Side: Hard work is more important for success.Group 14, For Side: It is good for students to attend after-school training classes.Group 14, Against Side: It is bad for students to attend after-school training classes.高中组Group 1, For Side: Olympic Games are purely commercial operations.Group 1, Against Side: Olympic Games are not purely commercial operations.Group 2, For Side: Government should control the rising price of houses.Group 2, Against Side: Government should not control the rising price of houses.Group 3, For Side: Reading and writing are more important than listening and speaking in the English study.Group 3, Against Side: Listening and speaking are more important than reading and writing in the English study.Group 4, For Side: It's more crucial for students to earn knowledge.Group 4, Against Side: It's more crucial for students to mould character.Group 5, For Side: Blogging has more advantages than disadvantages.Group 5, Against Side: Blogging has more disadvantages than advantages.Group 6, For Side: Money is the source of happiness.Group 6, Against Side: Money is the root of all evil.Group 7, For Side: Shopping online is good.Group 7, Against Side: Shopping online is not good.Group 8, For Side: Going to college is the best future for students.Group 8, Against Side: Going to college is not the best futurefor students.Group 9, For Side: Students should do as many mock tests as possible.Group 9, Against Side: Students should not do so many mock tests.Group 10, For Side: Modesty is never out of date.Group 10, Against Side: Modesty is out of date now.Group 11, For Side: Senior students should take part in after-school activities.Group 11, Against Side: Senior students should not take part in after-school activities.Group 12, For Side: Fighting against terrorism brings peace to the world.Group 12, Against Side: Fighting against terrorism causes more disasters to the world.Group 13, For Side: Paper reading will be replaced by E-reading.Group 13, Against Side: Paper reading will not be replaced by E-reading.Group 14, For Side: "Golden-Weeks" should be canceled.Group 14, Against Side: "Golden-Weeks" should not be canceled.Group 15, For Side: Pressure is a motivation for students.Group 15, Against Side: Pressure is a killer for students延伸阅读:大学生辩论赛技巧一、辩论的原则1.正确对待辩论的胜负在BBS论坛上辩论没有胜负之分,因为辩论的话题本身往往没有一个绝对正确的结果,所谓决定辩论胜负的不是双方谁掌握了或者坚持了真理,而是看谁能够在理论上自圆其说,能够表现出高超的辩论技巧、风趣幽默的语言、令人尊重的个人魅力、更有人气。

以下是小编给大家整理的与真理为友的校园英语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家Han Meimei and Li Lei arrive at Han’s home.H; Why don’t you have a look at my new home. Come on in.H:不如看看我的新家,进来吧。
L: Thank you. Small but comfortable. I have to live on campus.L;谢谢。
H: Then you have the chance to know more people.H:那你可以有机会认识更多人。
L: That’s true.L:那倒是。
H: Make yourself at home. Tea or coffee?H:请随便,荼还是咖啡?L: Just water, please. Thank you.L:水就行了,谢谢。
H: Excuse me for a second. I need to check my email,H:失陪一下,我要査收一下邮件。
L:Don’t mind me.L:别管我。
(After a while)(过了一会儿)H: It’s my older cousin, she complains about her life, again.H:是我表姐,她又在抱怨她的生活。
L: Does she encounter a lot of setbacks?L:她遇到很多挫折吗?H: Not really. She’s a graduate student. She said she's in a dilemma. She wants to focus on study but worries about her future because her classmates seem busy with making money.H:也不是。

哈佛大学校园生活情景对话(2)返回目录Han Meimei and John is looking for somewhere they can have a rest.J: I'm exhausted.I can’t walk any longer. Let’s have a rest.J:累死我了,我走不动了,歇会儿吧。
H: You all right? We didn’t walk too much.H:你还好吧?我们也没走太多路呀。
J: I went mountain climbing yesterday with my Christian brothers.J:我昨天和教友们去爬山了。
H: That must be tiring. Look, there,re a lot of people sitting over there. Hold out! We're almost there.H:那肯定很累人。
J:Oh, I didn’t realize we’re arriving at Tanner Fountain. Great!J:哦,我没意识到我们就快到唐纳喷泉了,太好了H: You know there?H:你知道那儿?J: Sure. I believe that’s the most terrific place at Harvard.J:当然,我认为那是哈佛最美的地方。
H: Why didn’t you take me here?H:那你为什么不带我来这儿呢?J: I planned to show you some places that have historical significance. You can put the blame on me.J:我原打算让你看看有历史意义的地方,怪我。
H: I wasn’t blaming you. I was just asking you.H:我不是在怪你,我只是问你。

在学校交朋友对话英语作文Making friends in school is an important part of the overall experience. It can be challenging to meet new people, but it's worth the effort. One way to make friends is to join clubs or sports teams. This is a great way to meet people who share similar interests. You can also attend school events, like dances or games, to meet new people.Another way to make friends is to be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not in order to fit in. People will appreciate you for who you are, and you'll attract friends who like you for you. It's also important to be kind and friendly to everyone, even if they're not in your immediate friend group. You never know who you might connect with.When you do make a new friend, it's important to nurture the relationship. Make time to hang out and do things together. You can grab lunch together, studytogether, or go to the movies. It's important to show your friend that you value their friendship and enjoy spending time with them.Sometimes friendships can hit a rough patch. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your friend if there's an issue. Don't let small misunderstandings turn into big problems. Talk it out and work together to find a solution. This will strengthen your friendship in the long run.In conclusion, making friends in school is an important part of the experience. It can be challenging, but there are many ways to meet new people. Be yourself, be kind, and nurture your friendships. And if there are any issues, communicate openly and honestly. With effort and patience, you can build strong and lasting friendships in school.。

如何在大学交益友英文作文回答1:How to Make Friends in CollegeMaking friends in college can be challenging, especially if you are in a new environment and don't know anyone. However, it is important to remember that everyone else is in the same boat as you. Here are some tips on how to make friends in college:1. Attend social events and clubsOne of the easiest ways to meet new people is by attending social events and clubs on campus. This could include joining a sports team, attending a club fair, or going to a party. By putting yourself out there, you are more likely to meet people who share similar interests.2. Get involved in group projectsGroup projects are a great way to get to know your classmates and work together towards a common goal. This is a greatopportunity to exchange contact information and continue the friendship beyond the project.3. Join study groupsStudying can be more enjoyable and productive when you have a group of friends to study with. Joining a study group can also help you meet new people and form friendships.4. VolunteerVolunteering is a great way to give back to the community while also meeting new people. Find a cause that you are passionate about and volunteer with a group of friends.5. Be open-mindedIt is important to be open-minded when making new friends. Don't limit yourself to people who are just like you. Embrace diversity and learn from others who have different backgrounds and experiences.6. Use social mediaSocial media can be a great tool for connecting with new people. Join Facebook groups or follow accounts related to your interests. You can also use social media to organize events and meetups with new friends.7. Be yourselfFinally, it is important to be yourself when making new friends. Don't try to be someone you're not just to fit in. Authenticity is key to forming genuine and lasting friendships.如何在大学交益友在大学里交朋友可能会很有挑战性,特别是如果你处于一个新的环境中,不认识任何人。

关于讨论学习英语情景对话带翻译如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些关于讨论学习英语情景对话,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助!关于讨论学习英语情景对话篇一A: Hello, Linda. (你好,琳达。
)B: Hello, Bob. How are you?(你好,鲍勃。
你怎么样?)A: I am very frustrated about my English exam. (我的英语考试让我很郁闷。
)I think English is too difficult, and I don't like it. (我觉得英语太难了,我不喜欢英语。
)B: Well, English is not that hard at all.(哦,其实英语根本没有那么难。
)As long as you try your best you can speak English very well.(只要你尽力学,你也可以说一口流利的英语。
)I have confidence in you. Don't give up. (我对你有信心,别气馁。
)A: I think you are right,and I need to work harder. (我觉得你说的有道理,我需要再努努力。
)Thank you for your encouragement.(谢谢你的鼓励。
)B: It's my pleasure. (我很愿意帮助你。
)关于讨论学习英语情景对话篇二Amy: What's up, Michael? You look down today.你怎么了,迈克尔?你看起开很低落。
Michael: I got a "C" again in the English exam. What do you think I should do?我这次英语测试又得了'C'级,你觉得我应该怎么做?Amy: Well, English is a "paper tiger". Its natural enemy is adequate practice.英语是个“纸老虎”,它的敌人是足够的练习。

以下是小编给大家整理的与真理为友的校园英语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家Han Meimei and Li Lei arrive at Han’s home.H; Why don’t you have a look at my new home. Come on in.H:不如看看我的新家,进来吧。
L: Thank you. Small but comfortable. I have to live on campus.L;谢谢。
H: Then you have the chance to know more people.H:那你可以有机会认识更多人。
L: That’s true.L:那倒是。
H: Make yourself at home. Tea or coffee?H:请随便,荼还是咖啡?L: Just water, please. Thank you.L:水就行了,谢谢。
H: Excuse me for a second. I need to check my email,H:失陪一下,我要査收一下邮件。
L: Don’t mind me.L:别管我。
(After a while)(过了一会儿)H: It’s my older cousin, she complains about her life, again.H:是我表姐,她又在抱怨她的生活。
L: Does she encounter a lot of setbacks?L:她遇到很多挫折吗?H: Not really. She’s a graduate student. She said she's in a dilemma.She wants to focus on study but worries about her future because her classmates seem busy with making money.H:也不是。

辩论赛英语用词ow can you convince me that ....?Does it make any difference that you ...?Have you ever considered the XXX problem?I admit that you have a good knowledge in XXX,but you offered no solution to the problem we are discussing.What's your solution?Now that we just had a heated discussion,you still escaped our question about ...?Even if what you said on XXX is right,but how do you explain(account for)...?正方affirmative反方negative/issue校园辩论赛academic debate辩手/辩护advocate歧义ambiguity主事者agent of change(负责采取正方计划的人或单位)论点,论据argument 辩论argumentation (正式)辩论debate 断言assertion佐证backing"Balance of arguments"judge 裁判式评判人员"Better job of debating"judge 评审式评判人员面对这样的真知灼见,对方辩友至今未能幡然醒悟,正好比雨过天晴却仍静坐茅庐听雨,不愿接受真理的光芒。
主张claim 交锋clash 资料data,也作ground 推定presumption论据evidence 目标goals 通案反驳off-case 命题proposition在论辩中,选取与对方所提及的相反的事例来与之对抗,从而构成尖锐对抗。

校园月夜大学英语作文附译文It was a quiet night in October. Having read for a couple of hours, I closed my book and went ont for a walk on the campus. The moon was high above, bright and beautiful. The four blocks of grey dormitory buildings stand in neat array, bathed in silvery light. Shining magnificently, the moon floated in the thin sky. She followed me as I walked. It is always like this. When the moon shines, there are very few stars in the sky,so fewthat I can count them. They are some distance away from the shining moon.I looked at the moon and murmured to myself: Oh, Moon, female friend of ours, how many people sing of you; how many people write about you. You witness all the good and evil on earth, yet you always keep your mouth shut, showing a sweet smile and soothing the bitter heart. It seems that all your virtue and power he in tolerance and kindness.Walking along, I came to the students' dormitory. Dim lights flickered above the noodle stalls. The pedlars were sitting there minding their own business. From the windows, the lamplight came out. Inside, some students were playing cards. The dim tights and the lamplight somewhat diminished the brightness of the moon. I was a little disgusted.Walking further along, I saw the library and the classroom budding well lit up, as bright as day. Thestudents there were working hard. They rack their brains tackling difficult scientific problems. A sense of admiration welled up inside myself. Involuntarily, I called to the moon from my heart. "Oh, moon, I could find your peers, rivals who could match yon. Since the advent of electric light, you have been somewhat neglected, yet how can we forget you when we travel on the ocean or in the desert? You light up the way for those who need you."Here I came to the school garden. The laurels gave offa fragrant smell, which intoxicaled (使人陶醉) me. The moon's shining face showed up new and then, in and out of the tree leaves as if she was playing a game of hide-and-seek with me. Then as I game and stood in the shadow of the tree, I looked up and lost sight of the gently smiling face.A touch of sadness came over me. I at once moved away from the shadow, left it behind and there still serene andsilvery I saw the moon.The wind passed by and the trees waved their leafy arms. The fish in the pond shook their backs and flashed their dragon scales. What a cool and calm night.From the distance came soft music. The miraculous melody instantly drew me. I walked towards it and found some people singing. I wanted to join them, but it ourredto me that I had something more important to do, thelectures to be given the next day. I hastened back. Beforeentering my house, I turned and looked back at the moon,still high up in the sky, away from the few countable stars, shining magnificently in the thin sky. One cannot butadmire her brightness. Yes, if the world is the sky, then everyone is a star. Everyone wants to shine. The moon hasno light of her own. Yet it is so bright at night. She reflects the rays from the sun, the source of light and heat, the symbol of truth and knowledge. Since We know why the moon shines so magnificently and discovered the sourceof her brightness, why not follow suit and try to retch up with the sun?译文:10月的一个宁静的夜晚,看了两小时书后,我合上书,走出去到校园散步。

参观校园的英语对话:介绍校园A: Nice to meet you! Honorific Mrs Johnson. Welcome to University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.My name is Tom.Today, I will give you a tour around our beautiful campus.B: Nice to meet you! Tom. Think you very much for your treat.A: Mrs johnson, please follow me.Our campus can be traced back to University of shanghai founded in 1906. She a history of 109 years.B: Oh! So long for her history! She must have a strong sense of history. I like it !A:Of course.The road we walk on is named afterzhan’en avenue. Along this avenue you will see somebeautifulancient buildings.B: Great! I look forward to them. zhan en! it sounds like a chinese name. isn’t it?A: Yes,it is. His fullname is zhan en Liu. He was the first chinese president of University of Shanghai after 1928. Pepole named the avenueto commemorate him.B: He must be a giant. What is the building of right? It is very grand.A: It is the comprehensive teaching building of our university. It consists of four parts and provides a place for almost half of the teaching activities. Mrs johnson, please follow me and walk on.B: Ok. Let’s go. Tom,there are so many trees along the avenue. It loo ks like we are walking in the forest.A: Right. There are a considerable number of trees in our campus.Camphor tree is the most common kind of tree. They can send fortha delicate fragrance. It makes pepole in a cheerful frame of mind. Our campus also hasa large area of greenbelt. It makesour campus full of vitality.B: I can feel it. It is very wonderful to live and study in here.A: Mrs Jhonson,now, we arrive at the International Cultural Park of Hujiang.She is an international cultural community, and consists of sevendifferent styles of old buildings.She reproduces the original style of University of Shanghai historic district.And she is not only a multicultural exchange center, but also will be open to the whole school teachers and students to open the international culture learning, experience base.B:Wow,it’s very good! Can you tell me more about it.A:Sure, it is my pleasure. Our University is the predecessor of the University of Shanghai, originated in the Church University.In thecampus,there are many Gothic buildings. thosesmall villas presented in front of us have respectively have two to three layers, a slope of the roof, dormer windows, windows with ornate brick arch,indoor with brick fireplace.seven single villa although are different, but they all reflect the United States characteristic villa style features.B: They are so beautiful. May I have some group photos with those ancient buildings?A: Sure, You are welcome.B: Tom , they are so beautiful that I will never forget them.A: It is an honour to me for you like them. Mrs Johnson,our tour is end. Wish you have had a good time.B:Yeah,your campus is beautiful. I hope I could have a chance to study here, you are so happiness, Tom.A:Thank you ,Mrs Johnson. We welcome your arrival at any time.:参观校园麦克: Look at the nine-storey building over there. That`s the school library.看那边那座9层的楼,那是学校图书馆.比尔: Oh, what a big library it is! I love books the most. Books to me are what air is to life.哦,图书馆真大!我最喜欢书了.书对我来说就像空气对生命一样重要.麦克: Yes, you`re right. I`m sure you will enjoy yourself with more fresh air there, because there is a wealth of information in the library.是的,你说得对.我敢肯定你在里面会如鱼得水的,因为图书馆里有许多有用的信息.比尔: I`m sure, I will. Is the library open all the day?肯定了.图书馆是一整天都开吗?麦克: No, it isn`t. The lending section opens from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, but reading rooms will stay open until 11:00 pm even on weekends.不,不是的.借阅区每天上午9点到下午4点开门,但是阅览室会一直开到晚上11点,周末照常开.比尔: That`s wonderful! But first of all, I hope to apply for a library card. I have to get it as soon as possible.太好了!但是首先,我得去办一个图书证,我想尽快去图书馆.麦克: Don`t worry about it. Your department will make all necessary arrangements for you within a week.不要着急.你们院会在一周之内给你们办好所有的手续的.比尔: A whole week? I want to borrow books right now!一整个星期?我现在就想去借书.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
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Han Meimei and Li Lei arrive at Hans home.
H; Why dont you have a look at my new home. Come on in.
L: Thank you. Small but comfortable. I have to live on campus.
H: Then you have the chance to know more people.
L: Thats true.
H: Make yourself at home. Tea or coffee?
L: Just water, please. Thank you.
H: Excuse me for a second. I need to check my email,
L:Dont mind me.
(After a while)
H: Its my older cousin, she complains about her life, again.
L: Does she encounter a lot of setbacks?
H: Not really. Shes a graduate student. She said shes in a dilemma. She wants to focus on study but worries about her future because her classmates seem busy with making money.
L: I have some Chinese friends at Harvard graduate schools. They told me that that their friends in China are also facing the same problem now. They are scatterbrained.
H: I cant understand. Students are supposed to study.
L: Youre too young to understand. Let me put it this way, your cousin is a graduate. She may feel guilty not to make money at her age. You see? Someone told me that the academic atmosphere in China is far from good, so they chose to study abroad.
H: Maybe its too much for me. Fm still a high school student.
L:Let me tell you a story first. Several years ago, Harvard Divinity Scholl enrolled a student what was a little weird. He had
actually been admitted by MIT and Juilliard School. If he went to either, he would have a “profitable” future.
几年前,哈佛神学院招收了一个有点奇怪的学生,他其实已经同时被麻省理工大学和朱莉亚音乐学院录取了,不管去哪个学校,都会很有"钱” 途。
H: Definitely! Did he go nuts? He might not even find a job after graduating from Divinity School.
L: Hes absolutely more clear-headed than any of us. He knew what he wanted. He said he was young and could make money later. Now he just wanted to know more about God, and human beings. Thats the ideology he,d like to follow for the rest of his life.
H: Few people nowadays have such a state of mind.