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1. The house caught _______ fire last night. It’s said to have been set _______ fire to.

A./;/ B.a;a C.a;/ D./;a

2. A great idea suddenly _______ to me that I might use the pocket money to buy a tie for my father’s birthday.

A.passed B.happened

C.struck D.occurred

3. Do you notice the furniture in this room is quite different from _______ in yours?

A.that B.those C.one D.it

4. About 20 students a year in this school are admitted to Beijing University _______.

A. on the whole

B. on average

C. little by little

D. first of all

5. The volcano erupted and the lava _______ down the mountain, _______ several villages.

A. poured;buried

B. poured;burying

C. pouring;burying

D. pouring;buried

6. ________ parents say and do has a lifelong effect on their children.

A. That

B. Which

C. What

D. As

7. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his ________.

A. ability

B. force

C. motivation

D. strength

8. —Though Liu Qiang was unable to compete in the school spring sports, he is still our hero.

—________. Nobody will love him any less.

A. I don’t agree with you

B. I can’t agree more

C. I can’t agree any less

D. I don’t agree more

9. After graduation she reached a point in her career ________ she needed to decide what to do.

A. that

B. what

C. which

D. where

10. The flu is believed ________ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.

A. causing

B. being caused

C. to be caused

D. to have caused

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

Have you seen a sandstorm? I would like to share

with you my personal 11 of the sandstorm in northern

China. On April 7, 2004, we decided to 12 a city in

Jilin Province. It was supposed to be a four-hour drive from

the place where we lived. We 13 at about 7: 00 only to see the most amazing 14 we had ever seen. The sky was 15 as if it was midnight. The 16 from the few cars that dared to travel in the streets were yellowish. So we had to stay at home, 17 for a better condition for our trip.

The wind was fairly 18 and might have been stronger at night 19 we woke up. The visibility(能见度) at this point was close to 20 m. About two hours later the 20 increased to 50 m and stayed so 21 about 10: 00 am.

When the dust lifted(消散) a little and the visibility 22 to 200 m, we decided to drive out. However, everybody on the road was enveloped in the thick fog with dust and the sky glowed with a dark 23 color, so we hardly saw each other 24 . Sometimes, the wind suddenly 25 a lot of dust and sand and the visibility occasionally decreased to 20~50 m, making it very 26 to drive.

The dust 27 in the air until the late afternoon when it slightly lifted. At last, we arrived at the city, but the trip that 28 took about four hours, took us nearly eight hours. The dust remained in the 29 for about two more days. On the third day a short period of rain 30 as the cold front passed the region. So the terrible scene came to an end, and everything took on a lively and fresh appearance again.

11. A. experience B. record C. idea D. action
