
高一英语必修三பைடு நூலகம்nit1词汇复习复习过 程
16、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走 完。 17、一般情况下)不想三年以后的事, 只想现 在的事 。现在 有成就 ,以后 才能更 辉煌。
18、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须 充满光 明。 19、学习的关键--重复。
20、懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的 人只能 引为烧 身,只 有真正 勇敢的 人才能 所向披 靡。
16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。——华盛顿 17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。——罗素·贝克 18、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。——马云 19、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。——雷锋 20、要掌握书,莫被书掌握;要为生而读,莫为读而生。——布尔沃
必修第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations-25英语大一轮复习讲义

Ⅰ.阅读单词——会意1.lantern n.灯笼;提灯2.carnival n.狂欢节;嘉年华3.costume n.(某地或某历史时期的)服装;戏装4.riddle n.谜语;神秘事件5.samba n.桑巴舞;桑巴舞曲6.make-up n.化妆品;性格;构成方式7.evil adj.邪恶的;有害的;罪恶的n.邪恶;罪恶;恶行8.commercial adj.商业(化)的;以获利为目的的9.commercialise(NAmE also-ize)v t.使商业化;利用……牟利10.commercialisation(NAmE also-ization)n.商业化11.Christmas carol圣诞颂歌12.Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!13.pudding n.布丁;(餐末的)甜食14.mashed potatoes土豆泥15.turkey n.火鸡;火鸡肉16.roast turkey烤火鸡肉17.autonomous adj.自治的;有自治权的18.region n.地区;区域;地带19.wrestling n.摔跤运动20.wrestle v i.&v t.摔跤;奋力对付21.wrestler n.摔跤运动员22.archery n.射箭术;射箭运动23.robe n.袍服;礼袍24.eagle n.雕25.grace n.优美;优雅;高雅26.pot n.罐;壶;锅Ⅱ.重点单词——记形1.march v i.&n.行进;前进;示威游行2.ceremony n.典礼;仪式3.range n.一系列;范围,界限v i.包括;(在一定范围内)变化4.figure n.人物;数字;身材v t.认为;认定5.harvest n.收获季节;收获;收成v i.&v t.收割(庄稼);捕猎(动物、鱼) 6.crop n.庄稼;作物;一季的收成7.gather v i.聚集;集合v t.聚集;搜集;收割8.feature v t.以……为特色n.特色;特征;特点9.church n.(基督教的)教堂;礼拜堂10.fade v i.&v t.逐渐消失;(使)褪色;(身体)变得虚弱11.typical adj.典型的;有代表性的;平常的12.firecracker n.鞭炮;爆竹13.medium n.(pl.media)媒介;手段;方法adj.中等的;中号的14.the media大众传播媒介15.atmosphere n.气氛;氛围;(地球的)大气(层)16.lunar adj.阴历的;月球的;月亮的17.eve n.前夕;前一天18.envelope n.信封;塑料封套19.pumpkin n.南瓜20.roast adj.烤的;焙的v i.&v t.烘烤;焙21.firework n.烟火;烟花;[pl.]烟花表演22.inner adj.内部的;里面的;内心的23.fancy adj.花哨的;精致的;昂贵的v t.想要;倾慕;自认为是24.absolutely ad v.绝对地;完全地25.moment n.片刻;瞬间26.tent n.帐篷27.brief adj.简洁的;简单的;短暂的28.branch n.树枝;分支;支流29.wedding n.婚礼;结婚庆典30.clap v t.鼓掌;拍手;击掌n.鼓掌;拍手;掌声Ⅲ.拓展单词——悉变1.congratulation n.祝贺;恭喜→congratulate v t.向(某人)道贺;(因某事)为自己感到自豪2.origin n.起源;起因;出身→original adj.最初的;原创的→originally ad v.本来;原来3.religion n.宗教;宗教信仰→religious adj.宗教的;笃信宗教的4.charm n.魅力;迷人的特征;咒语v.吸引,迷住;向……施魔法→charmed adj.着迷的→charming adj.有魅力的;迷人的5.joy n.高兴;喜悦→joyful adj.高兴的;快乐的→joyfully ad v.开心地6.gratitude n.感激之情;感谢→grateful adj.感激的;表示感谢的7.agricultural adj.农业(劳动/生产)的→agriculture n.农业;农艺8.decorate v t.装饰;装潢→decoration n.装饰;装潢9.significant adj.有重大意义的;显著的→significance n.重要性,意义;意思,含义10.reflect v t.显示;反映;反射→reflection n.倒影;反映;思考11.belief n.信仰;信心;信任→believe v t.相信→believable adj.可以相信的→unbelievable adj.难以置信的12.faith n.宗教信仰;信任;相信→faithful adj.忠诚的;虔诚的→faithfully ad v.虔诚地13.occasion n.特别的事情(或仪式、庆典);(适当的)机会→occasional adj.偶然的,偶尔的→occasionally ad v.偶尔;间或14.merry adj.愉快的;高兴的→merrily ad v.高兴地;愉快地15.pleased adj.高兴的;满意的→pleasant adj.令人愉快的→please v t.使满意;使愉快→pleasure n.愉快;令人高兴的事16.frank adj.坦率的;直率的→frankly ad v.坦率地;直率地17.represent v t.象征;代表;相当于→representative n.代表adj.有代表性的18.respect n.&v t.尊敬;尊重→respectful adj.恭敬的;表示敬意的→respectable adj.值得尊敬的;体面的;相当好的19.horrible adj.令人震惊的;恐怖的;极坏的→horror n.畏惧;憎恶;震惊1.derive/d I'ra I v/vt.从……衍生出;来自2.wrecked/rekt/adj.失事的;遇难的;喝得烂醉→wreck/rek/n.沉船;受到严重损伤的人、物或建筑v.破坏;毁坏;毁灭3.obscure/əb'skjʊə(r)/vt.使模糊;使隐晦;使费解adj.费解的;无名的4.mutually/'mjuːtʃuəli/adv.相互地;彼此;共同地→mutual/'mjuːtʃuəl/adj.相互的;彼此的;共同的5.vitality/va I'tæləti/n.生命力;活力;热情6.stimulus/'st I mjələs/n.(pl.stimuli/'st I mjəla I/)刺激物;激励物7.defect/'diːfekt/n.缺点;缺陷;毛病/d I'fekt/vi.背叛;叛变;投敌8.diagnose/'da Iəɡnəʊz;ˌdaIəɡ'nəʊz/vt.&vi.诊断(疾病);判断(问题的原因) 9.essence/'esns/n.本质;实质;香精10.solely/'səʊlli/adv.仅;只;唯;单独地Ⅳ.背核心短语1.dress(sb)up穿上盛装;装扮2.after all毕竟;别忘了3.range from...to...包括从……到……之间4.fade away逐渐消失;(身体)变得虚弱5.in spite of不管;尽管6.take advantage of利用;欺骗;占……的便宜7.have sth in common(兴趣、想法等方面)相同;有相同的特征8.to be frank坦白说;坦率地说9.go off爆炸;走火;离开10.except for除……之外11.set off出发;动身;启程Ⅴ.悟经典句式1.However,no matter how different they may seem,all over the world,the spirit of sharing joy,gratitude,love,or peace is common in all festivals.(no matter how引导让步状语从句)然而,无论节日多么迥异,在世界各地,分享快乐、感恩、友爱或和平的精神在所有节日中是共同的。
【教案】高一英语下学期人教版2019必修第三册 Unit1 词汇教案

significance n.意义重大
significantly adv.重要地,显著地
It is significant that …很显著
be of great significance=be very significant
例:Food safety is a significant issue.
10.reflect v.显示;反映;反射;思考
reflection n.反映;映像;反射;深思
be a reflection of是…的反映
reflect on/upon...认真思考;沉思
1)Usually a child's behavior is a _______ of his family environment.
I realized the significance of honesty.
The factory is of great significance to this area’s economy.
1)The discovery of the new drug is _______________/____________
show/have respect for sb.尊敬某人
respect sb for因为……而尊敬某人
1)He is a _________ professor and every student ______ him.
1)I’m going to ____________ (利用) this tour to explore the history of the castle.

必修三Unit 1课本知识点复习一. 词汇变形1. mean v./adj. 打算;意味着;吝啬的-- meaning n. 含义-- means(单复数同形)n.方式2. celebrate v. 庆祝-- celebration n. 庆祝3. starve v.挨饿-- starvation n. 挨饿,饥饿4. origin n. 起源;起因-- original adj. 原来的,起初的-- originally adv. 原来;起初5. honour v./n. 尊敬,尊重-- honourable adj. 可敬的,品格高尚的6. satisfy v. 满足-- satisfied adj. 感到满意的-- satisfying adj. 令人满意的-- satisfaction n. 满意7. belief n. 信心;信念-- believe v. 相信8. arrive v. 到达-- arrival n. 达到9. independence n. 独立,自主-- independent adj. 独立自主的-- dependent adj. 依赖的10. admire v.赞美;钦佩;羡慕-- admirable adj.令人羡慕的-- admiration n.钦佩;赞赏11. energy n. 能量-- energetic adj. 充满活力的12. fool n./v 愚人;愚弄-- foolish adj.愚蠢的-- foolishly adv. 愚蠢地-- foolishness n. 愚蠢13. permit v./n. 允许,许可;许可证-- permission n. 允许14. please v. 使愉快-- pleasing adj. 令人高兴的-- pleased adj. 感到高兴的--pleasant adj. 令人愉快的-- pleasure n. 愉快15. apologize v. 道歉-- apology n. 道歉16. remind v.提醒-- reminder n. 提示信;通知单17. forgive v. 原谅-- forgivable adj. 可原谅的-- forgiveness n. 原谅,宽恕18. religion n. 宗教-- religious adj. 宗教的二. 短语积累1.(1)mean vt. 有....的目的,打算。
高一英语牛津版必修3 Unit1 The world of our senses 重点词汇讲解及配套练习

U1 重点词汇讲解Welcome to the unit1.the world of our sensessense:n.(1)感官,感觉She has a good sense of smell. 她有良好的嗅觉。
(2)(对某物的)感觉I had the sense that he was lying. 我有种感觉,他在说谎。
【拓展】common sense 常识a sense of achievement 成就感 a sense of humor 幽默感make sense 有意义,讲的通His argument doesn’t make sense. 他的论点没有意义。
make sense of 理解,了解Can you make sense of the difficult article? 你能理解这篇较难的文章吗?v. 感觉到sense sth. / thatsense danger感觉到危险I sensed that he was lying. 我感觉到他在说谎。
Reading1.The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.truth: n. 真实,事实to tell you the truth 说实话true: adj. 正确的,真正的Finally my dream has come true. 最终我的梦想实现了truly: adv. 真实地,真正地2.As Polly observed the passengers on the train, she sensed that she was being watched by a tallman in a dark coat.observe: vt.(1) 观察observe sth./sb.; observe thatThe teacher observed that some students were asleep. 老师发现一些学生睡着了。
2020新译林版高一英语必修三Unit 1重点词汇讲解(精编学案)

新译林Book3 Unit 1 词汇讲解1. harm n.&vt. 伤害,损害→harmful adj. 伤害的→harmless adj. 无害的(1). n. 伤害,损害。
常见搭配do sb./sth. harm 对某人/某物有害do harm to...对……有害There is no harm in doing sth=It is no harm to do sth 做某事是个好主意/没有坏处Excessive drinking will do you a lot of harm. 饮酒过度非常不利于健康。
The typhoon did great harm to the rice crop. 那次台风对稻谷的收成造成很大的损害。
常见搭配:harm one's reputation/image 损害某人的声誉/形象What he did did harm to his image. 他的所作所为的确损害了他的形象。
归纳拓展:(1). harmful adj.有害的be harmful to对……有害(反义短语:be good for对……有好处)Your smoking can be harmful to the health of your children. 你吸烟对你的孩子们的健康有害。
(2). harmless adj.无害的be harmless to...对……无害(3). harmlessly ade.无害地;无恶意地巩固练习:1.单句语法填空(1). Staring at the screen of the computer for a long time will do harm ________ your eyes.(2). Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are ___________ (harm)to ocean animals.(3). The treatment did him more than good, though the doctor insisted it was __________ .(harm)2.一句多译:在强光下读书会对你的眼睛造成伤害。
2023年统考版高考英语总复习第一部分教材考点梳理 必修三Unit 1

10.Be careful when crossing the bridge or you will fall into the water
and get __d_r_o_w_n_e_d__ (drown).
记全记牢 1. ___re_m__in_d___ vt.提醒;使想起→__re_m__in_d_e_r__n.提醒的人或物 2. __a_d_m__ir_e___ vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕→_a_d_m_i_r_at_i_on__n.赞赏;钦佩; 羡慕→__a_dm__ir_a_b_le__adj.令人羡慕的;值得赞赏的 3. _c_e_le_b_r_a_ti_o_n_ n.庆祝;祝贺→__ce_le_b_r_a_te__ v.庆祝;祝贺 4. ___s_ta_r_v_e___ vi.& vt.(使)饿死;饿得要死→__st_a_r_va_t_io_n__ n.饿死;
用准用活 1.[2020·江苏卷]The__o_r_ig_i_n_al___ (origin) iron boxes with the round roofs first appeared in 1926. 2.[2021·浙 江 卷 1 月 ]On___a_rr_i_va_l___ (arrive) , you will attend a reception party. 3.Because of his _a_d_m__ir_a_b_le_ success in playing basketball,many
teenagers __a_d_m_i_re__ Jeremy Lin and think he deserves their_a_d_m__ir_a_ti_o_n_
高中英语必修3 Unit_1 必修三复习课件

7.好象 8.和…玩得开心 9. 期望、期待… 10. 获得独立 11.呈…形状 12. 用…装饰… 13.聚会,聚集 14.沉溺于;埋头 于
as though / as if have fun with sb. look forward to gain independence in the shape of decorate … with … get together be drowned in
义为 “过去常常做某事,而现在已经不 这么做了”。 I used to get up early in the morning when I was still a high school student.
4. At that time people would starve if food … starve v.
meaning n. 意义, 意思, 含义 meaningful adj. 意义深长的, 有意义的
1). 成功意味着工作努力。 Success means working hard.
2). 这个标志表示此路不通。 The sign means that the road is blocked.
9. award n.奖;奖品 vt.授予;判定 10. admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕→admiratino.n 羡慕 11. energetic adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的
→ energy n.能量;精力
12. custom n.习惯;风俗 13. permission n.许可;允许→ permit
2)would用在此处表示过去的习惯、习性、 倾向等,意思是“过去常常……”,常与often, frequently, sometimes, for hours等连用,且动 词常用终止性的。
Unit 1知识讲解-高一英语(人教版2019必修第三册)

(1)take the place of = take one’s place
(2)in place of = in one’s place (3)in place (4)out of place
代替某人; 取代 代替
在正确位置; 准备就绪 位置不当; 不恰当
【知识微练】 单句语法填空 ①The College Entrance Examination is scheduled _to__ta_k_e_(take)place in June all over the country. ② It would be difficult to find a man to take _th_e_ place of the secretary. ③Some of these books are _o_u_t of place. Please put them in right order. 完成句子 ④With more effective measures put _i_n_p_l_ac_e_(准备就绪), the disease has been brought under control.
Ⅱ. 核心短语 4. dress(sb. )up 穿上盛装; 装扮 【典型例句】
It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbors’ homes to ask for sweets. 它现在成了孩子们的节日, 这天他们可以乔装打扮去邻居家要糖果。
(2)congratulate oneself (on/upon doing sth. )
Unit 1 Cultural Heritage词汇知识点讲解 高一英语(人教2019版必修第三册)

turn to...
• 转向;求助于某人可能做某事
• 【拓展】
• turn around / round转身;转变; (使) 好转、 • turn away把...转过去;把...打发走、 • turn back (使)往回走;改变做法、 • turn down①关小;调低(音量等)【反turn up】②拒绝(=refuse) • turn in上交(BrE=hand in);上缴 • turn into... (使)变成; (使) 成为 • turn off关(水、煤气、电灯等)【反turn on】;离开/拐出(某条路) • turn on①开(水、煤气、电灯等)【反turn off】②使(某人)产生兴趣③对....发怒;突然攻击 • turn out①制造;生产;培养出②原来(是);证明(是);结果(是)③出席;参加 • turn over①翻身; (使)翻转;翻过(书页)②移交③反复考虑 • turn up①开大;调高(音量等)【反turn down】②(人)到达;出现③(尤指失去后偶然)被发现④找到;发现 • by turns轮流;交替 • in turn依次;反过来;转而 • take turns轮流;依次
• [C]遗物;遗迹
• cultural relics文化遗产
• ①v.[正式]爬(上);骑(上) • ②vt组织;安排(=arrange)
• mount a protest / an exhibition发起抗议/举办展览
• ③vi逐步增加
• (缩写为Mt)[用于山名前,其前不用冠词]山;峰

高一英语必修3 unit 1 复习提纲Ⅰ.根据中文意思写出单词.灯,光源使饿死充足,大量满足,使满足祖先,祖宗领导,引导节日,盛宴骨头起源,由来诡计,窍门到来,到达国家的,民族的获得,得到独立集合,聚集农业的欧洲的习惯,风俗奖品,授予赞美,钦佩精力充沛的,积极的向前的,向将来社会的,社交的每日的许可,允许可能性愚人,白痴道歉,辨白淹死,淹没悲伤,悲哀明显的,显而易见的擦去,擦可爱的,有趣的一对,一双,夫妇哭,哭泣广播员,告知者原谅,饶恕Ⅱ.根据中文意思写出词组.发生纪念,追念盛装,打扮诈骗,开玩笑期望,期待日夜,昼夜好像玩得开心出现,到场守信用,履行诺言屏息,屏气心碎的嘲笑像个傻瓜与…结婚提醒某人某事Ⅲ.根据中文意思补全句子1.他们点燃篝火,奏起音乐,因为他们认为这些节日活动会带来丰收的一年.They ______ fires and _______ music because they _______ these ________ would ______a year of _______.2.万圣节前夕的盛会也是源自纪念亡者的祭事.The festival of Halloween had its ________ as an event _____________ the dead.3.他不想屏息等她来道歉.Well, he was not going to ______________ for her to __________.4.很明显,咖啡馆里的经理在等李方离开.It was _______ that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.高一英语必修3 unit 2 复习提纲Ⅰ.根据中文意思写出单词.日常饮食精力,活力纤维,纤维制品消化力,领悟天平,平衡应当,应该苗条的,纤细的好奇心生的,未加工的说谎,谎话研究,调查顾客,消费者虚弱,弱点力量,强项使摆脱,使去掉数量债务,欠款怒目而视轻轻地,轻柔地界限,限定有限的利益,好处叹息,叹气使联合,使结合项目,条款小包裹,袋罐头Ⅱ.根据中文意思写出词组.平衡膳食应该,应当对…厌倦,厌烦扔掉,丢弃被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚说谎摆脱,除去谋生欠债怒目而视提供…..给….. 节食把…和…结合起来强健体质做研究最好……对…..感到惊讶拿掉,减弱Ⅲ.根据中文意思补全句子1.他的餐厅本来应该是宾客盈门的.His restaurant ______ to be full of people.2.王鹏伟受到好奇心的驱使.________ drove Wang Pengwei inside.3.王鹏伟对此感到惊讶,特别是对它们的价格.Wang Pengwei was _______ at this and ________ at the prices.4.他可不能让咏慧哄骗人们!他最好做一番调查.He couldn’t have Yong Hui __________________________! He had ______ do some _________.5.也许我们两家餐馆的食谱应该综合起来,做出一份富有营养,热量和纤维的平衡食谱。

2020学年人教版高中英语必修三Unit 1Festivals around the worldⅠ.单词拼写1.All of us admired(钦佩)the three-year-old boy named Lang Zheng for his bravery.2.The possibility(可能性)that the majority of the labor force will work at home in the near future is often discussed.3.The Nobel Prize is awarded(授予)to those who make great contributions in many fields every year.4.Football fans without tickets gathered(聚集)around the TV in the corner of the bar to watch the World Cup.5.Wherever you work,you will acquire(获得)much valuable experience as long as you are willing to work.6.David apologized(道歉)for having kept us waiting for hours outside.7.When I returned,there was a note on the table,reminding(使想起)me about Jane's birthday that night.8.Forgive(原谅)me,but I'm busy at the moment;I can't go out with you.Ⅰ.用所给词的恰当形式填空1.We should respect the religious (religion) activities of the local people.2.To the experts' satisfaction (satisfy), the sick child had a quick recovery.3.He is the most energetic (energy) boy I have ever met.4.Nowadays lots of young people want financial independence (depend).5.Mike was arrested on his arrival (arrive) from New York.6.You must make an apology (apologize) to your sister for being so rude.7.He expressed his sadness (sad) about what had happened.8.Their house is beautifully (beauty) decorated.Ⅰ.语境填词A)根据汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1.Our government protects citizens’ right to the freedom of religious (宗教的) belief.2.The origins (起源) of some words are unknown.3.I hope the days when people starve(饿死) to death will come to an end as soon as possible.4.My secretary informed me of his arrival in Shanghai just now.5.Tom is very naughty and he often plays tricks on new classmates.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.We admire the beauty(beautiful) of the full moon on Mid-autumn night.Ⅰ.语境填词A)根据汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1.Dolphins have sometimes been known to save drowning(快要淹死的) swimmers.2.I’ll never forgive(原谅) her for what she did.3.The teacher gave me permission to go home early.4.Jack apologized to Mary for not going to her party.5.The professor made a few notes to remind himself of what he wanted to say.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.He forgave me for losing(lose) his notebook.7.She’s so obviously(obvious) cleverer and prettier than I am.8.Memories and sadness(sad) came flooding over the 51-year-old man.Ⅱ.选词填空as though,get together,in memory of,day and night,look forward to11.The villagers set up a monument in memory of the heroes who died in the war.12.Your mother is looking forward to receiving your letter soon.13.The girl behaved as though she hadn’t known anything about the accident.14.The girls worked day and night to finish the task on time.15.A few of friends got together at my house on New Year’s Day.Unit 2Healthy eatingⅠ.单词拼写1.The boy lifted the stone with all his strength (力量).2.This restaurant was not giving its customers (顾客) energy-giving food.3.It is said that Japanese people like a dish made of raw (生的) fish.4.You shouldn't have had your son telling people lies (谎言) here and there.5.You should diet (节食)and take more exercise.6.The little boy would like to eat fried (油炸的) chicken.7.It is healthier to keep a balanced (平衡的) diet every day.8.Curiosity (好奇心) can make a scientist out of a child.9.The weakness (弱点) of the book is the author's inability to support his argument.10.I don't want any cake, I'm slimming (减肥).Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Mary has been on a_diet (节食) for weeks but still hasn't lost any weight.2.He pushed against that big stone with all his strength (力气).3.There is a time limit (限制):you must finish it in 30 minutes.4.The two men in the fight glared (怒目而视) at each other.5.You will benefit (受益) a lot from morning exercises.6.Don't be particular about food.A balanced (平衡) diet is very important for health.7.The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity (好奇).8.We aim to offer good value and service to all our customers (顾客).9.He thought that crying was a sign of weakness (软弱).10.I have consulted (查阅) a number of law books in the British Museums.Ⅰ.语境填词A)根据汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1.He thought that crying is a sign of weakness(虚弱).2.His words are full of lies about the matter.3.It is healthier to keep a balanced diet every day.4.Curiosity is part of a child’s nature.5.I don’t want any cake,I’m slimming(减肥).B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.They promised to make people energetic(energy) by using their products.7.He has no strength(strong) to stand up,for he is very weak.8.I find that it is hard to keep(keep) balance on the icy path.9.I went to the forest to do some research on wild animals.10.What will happen if you don’t eat a balanced diet?Ⅱ.选词填空ought to,get away with,tell a lie,lose weight,win...back11.He is working hard to win his reputation back.12.You’re too fat,and you’d better lose weight.13.How did he get away with cheating?14.The floors ought to be washed at least every two days.15.Judging from his expression,he told a lie just now.Ⅰ.语境填词A)根据汉语提示,写出所缺单词1.If you glare(怒目而视) at someone,you look at them with an angry expression on your face.2.We set a time limit(限定) of thirty minutes for the test.3.As students,we should combine(结合) book knowledge with practice.4.The new credit cards will be of great benefit(好处) to our customers.5.Consult(查阅) the dictionary when you come across any new words.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.It can be beneficial(benefit) to share your feelings with someone you trust.7.To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting(digest).8.There is a limit to one’s life,but no limit to serving the people.9.We needn’t have bought so much food now that Suzie won’t be with us for dinner.10.It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.Ⅱ.选词填空earn one’s living,cut down,in debt,glare at,before long11.Before long,the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water.12.When life was difficult in the past,she earned her living by singing in a night club.13.They didn’t fight,but stood there glaring at one another.14.The couple who are in debt to their relatives have gone to another city.15.You ought to cut down on your intake of rich foods in order to keep healthy.Unit 3The Million Pound Bank NoteⅠ.单词拼写1.The sunrise is a beautiful scene (景象).2.I can make a bet(打赌) that our team will win.3.I warn you; I'm beginning to lose my patience (耐心)with you.4.In order to keep his money safe, he opened an account (账户) with the bank.5.The house has an underground passage (通道).6.It was quite a while before he spotted (认出)Mr. Smith in the crowd.7.Columbus discovered America by accident (偶然).8.With nothing to do, he just wanders (漫步)about every day.9.You may not collect money in the streets without a permit (允许).10.They had a lot of adventures (冒险)in the journey.Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Millions of people in Africa are still starving (挨饿) to death at present.2.I don't mind apologizing (道歉) to others if I make a mistake.3.She told me she had forgiven ( 原谅) him his rudeness.4.On my arrival (到达) at the hotel, he gave me a sweet kiss.5.It is important for us to have a balanced diet.6.As a parent, you ought to look after your children.7.He is very tall and can be easily spotted in the crowd.8.When a boy leaves college and begins to earn money he can live a life of independence.9.Her mother would not permit her to come back late.10.Some food like nut doesn't digest easily.Ⅰ.语境填词A)根据汉语提示,写出所缺单词1.The first scene (场景) of the play was almost over when they got to the theatre.2.The best thing that a manager can do in this situation is to help the employees seek (寻找) professional guidance.3.She spotted(发现) what was wrong with the air conditioner.4.The doctor will not permit(允许) him to walk until his leg has fully recovered.5.You needn’t feel sorry for what happened.After all,it wasn’t your fault (过错).B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.Time permitting(permit),students can find a part-time job to decrease the burden of their family.7.They sought(seek) to punish him for his crime but he escaped.8.I was filled with envy at their adventurous(adventure) lifestyle.9.On no account should the house be left unlocked.10.I had just locked the door when I realized I had left my key in the room.Ⅱ.选词填空on the spot,account for,bring up,go ahead,to the contrary11.The child who is well brought up has been taught to be polite and to behave well.12.I will continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary.13.He could not account for his absence from school.14.He was hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot.15.Go ahead and do what you like.Ⅰ.语境填词A)根据汉语提示,写出所缺单词1.It’s good manners(礼仪) to say “thank you” when you get something from others.2.My little brother likes to eat dessert(餐后甜点) very much after dinner,especially ice cream.3.The amount(数量) of snow this year in the northern area has been below average.4.In some countries,people bow(鞠躬) to each other when they say hello.5.The fans screamed(尖叫) with excitement when they saw the famous singer.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.You’ll answer for your rudeness(rude) one day.7.Seats,or sometimes entire tables,were reserved(reserve).rge amounts of money were spent on the bridge.9.As for/to the cost,it will be very little.10.He feels it his duty that he should serve the people heart and soul.Ⅱ.选词填空take a chance,as for,a large amount of,on the spot,in a rude manner11.The reporter is on the spot where the two trucks hit each other.12.As for the child,we should find a family to bring him up.13.The waiter asked Henry in a rude manner what there was to wait for.14.We will take a chance on the weather and have the party outside.15.I had to spend a large amount of money to get it back in a month.Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the starsⅠ.单词拼写1.Too much sugar can be harmful to children's health.2.Six multiplied (乘) by five is thirty.3.A truck went out of control and crashed(撞到)into the back of a bus.4.What he said puzzled (困惑)most of us.5.The professor has brought in a good system(系统)of teaching language from abroad.6.Unlike (不像)most people in the office who come to work by car, I usually come to work by bus.7.My new teacher is a very gentle(文雅的) person and is kind to us.8.There is an atmosphere(气氛)of peace and calm in the country.9.The robbers hit the door of the bank violently(暴力的).10.Do you believe in the existence (存在)of ghosts?Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Unlike (like) most people in the office who come to work by car,I usually come to work by bus.2.If vocabulary is the “building materials” for language,sentences are the “fundamental (fundament) parts” of writings.3.I consider that it is harmful (harm) for students to play computer games,though some of them don't think so.4.It's surprising that a three-year-old boy knows that four multiplied (multiply) by four is sixteen.5.There was a puzzled (puzzle) look on her face because a puzzling (puzzle) problem puzzled (puzzle) the little girl.6.The ship rocked violently (violent) from side to side,causing many passengers to feelseasick.Ⅰ.语境填词A)根据汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1.The expert wants to find out why this sand is unlike(不同) the sand on the other side of the island.puter hackers have broken down security systems(系统),raising questions about the safety of information.3.I was puzzled(困惑的) how to handle the situation.4.Multiplying very fast,rabbits soon became the largest family of all the animals in this woods.5.Air pollution will get worse and this will be harmful to people. For example,it can cause cancer.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.The thief attached me violently(violent) and I was knocked down before I could ask for help.7.It is unlikely(like) that we shall find a cafe there,so let’s bring sandwiches.8.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth,what our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.9.The development of a planet generally depends on atoms combining together.10.I heard such encouraging news that I couldn’t sleep well that night.Ⅱ.选词填空be fundamental to,cool down,lay eggs,in time,in one’s turn11.The warm weather here permits the birds to lay eggs all year round.12.It took Charles a long time to cool down after the argument.13.Honesty is fundamental to human beings.14.We students clean the classroom every day in our turn.15.Work hard at your lessons,and you are sure to make progress in time.Ⅰ.语境填词A)根据汉语提示,写出所缺单词1.I was terrified that the plane would crash(坠落).2.The smell of new bread floated(飘动) up from the kitchen.3.Don’t pull(拉) so hard or the handle will go off.4.As we all know,Qian Xuesen is a famous physicist(物理学家).5.The young man knows little about Newton’s law of gravity(万有引力).B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.The boy was punished in the presence(present) of all his classmates.7.The mountain gorilla is on the verge(边缘) of extinction(extinct).8.When we saw the road blocked(block) with snow,we decided to spend the holiday at home.9.Teaching is as much an art as it is a science.10.Now that the baby can hear,some moms like to read books or play music.Ⅱ.选词填空watch out for,break out,cheer up,as if,get the hang of11.Have you got the hang of what the teacher explained?12.Cheer up! We nearly reached the top of the hill.13.Watch out for the stairs—they’re steep.14.A big fire broke out on August 12th,2015 in Tianjin Port.15.He talked as if he were a professor of the university.Unit 5Canada—“ The True North”Ⅰ.单词拼写1.She enjoys chatting (聊天)with grandma over the phone.2.Animals in a zoo are not living in their natural surroundings (环境).3.He went to Australia in the 1980s and settled down there.4.The composer is also a gifted (天赋) pianist.5.There are seven continents in the world, of which Asia is the largest.6.We must take necessary measures (采取措施) to solve these problems one by one.7.When she came to China, she brought some luggage (行李)with her.8.As we all know, the scenery (风景)is famous in the world.9.He tried to flee across the border(边境)but was caught.10.Though he was hurt slightly (轻微地), he still lay on the bed all the day.Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空1.They found that the surrounding (surround) environment was worse and worse.2.If mixed (mix) up, they are poisonous .3.People look forward to chatting (chat)with the ones they loved.4.If you want to make a dress,first you'll take your measure (measure).5.The composer is also a gifted (gift) pianist.6.He settled down to doing (do) his work.7.It is Tom,rather than you,that is (be) to blame.Ⅰ.语境填词A)根据汉语提示,写出所缺单词1.When I got home,I found my son was playing on the carpet,surrounded(包围) by all kinds of toys.2.At present the local government is taking measures(措施) to reduce the pollution.3.The scenery(风景) of the West Lake is beautiful beyond description.4.The plane is leaving in half an hour,so we’d better go aboard(上飞机) now.5.Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within(在……之内) the reach of little children.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.I would rather you had told(tell) me the truth yesterday.7.Don’t worry!Your son is only slightly(slight) injured.8.My father has a gift for playing the piano,which has a great influence on me.9.I had planned to help you,but it was not within my power.10.Go eastward,and you will see a beautiful lake.Ⅱ.选词填空have a chat with,settle down,go through,catch sight of,be on a trip11.Before she settled down in Portugal,she had run her own shop in London.12.I caught sight of her getting on the bus when I came out of the bookstore.13.It is good for you to have a chat with your friends sometimes.14.They were on a trip to Xi’an when I called them up.15.They first went through a valley,then a forest and at last to the village.Ⅰ.语境填词A)根据汉语提示,写出所缺单词1.They had decided to leave at dawn(黎明).2.Please bring something with you that confirms(证明) your identity.3.What impressed(给……印象) us most about the book was its beautiful language.4.We were very pleased(高兴的) to hear this encouraging news.5.There has been a great distance(隔阂) between us since our quarrel.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.As for me,I prefer traditional(tradition) shopping although it takes more time than shopping online.7.It is obvious that this is a mixture(mix) of egg and orange.8.There’s a tradition in our office that when it’s somebody’s birthday,they bring in a cake for us all to share.9.We are going on a tour to Japan to visit the modern factory.10.It’s an either-or situation—we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but wecan’t do both.Ⅱ.选词填空go downtown,be impressed by,be pleased with,in the distance,rather than11.He could see the tall chimneys of the factory in the distance.12.We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall.13.How much does it cost to go downtown by taxi?14.The girl was impressed by the kindness and patience of the guide.15.The teacher was pleased with what the boy had done and smiled.Unit 1 , Book 4Ⅰ、单词拼写1.Animals in a zoo are not living in their natural ________(环境).2.Mary has a blue dress with a white ________(边沿).3.My son has ________(定居)happily in China.4.We were travelling ________(向东).5.He learned to speak English ________ (在……之内)six months.6.We must take necessary ________(措施) to solve these problems one by one. 7.When she came to China, she brought some ________(行李)with her. 8.As we all know, the ________(风景)is famous in the world.9.The boy is ________(闲谈)on the Internet with some strangers. 10.Though he was hurt ________(轻微地), he still lay on the bed all the day.【答案】1.surroundings 2.border 3.settled 4.eastward(s) 5.within 6.measures 7.baggage 8.scenery9.chatting10.slightly用所给词的适当形式填空1.These ________(tradition) clothes still look attractive.2.He accumulated his ________(wealthy) by working hard for years.3.The old man lives alone in the ________(distance) little village.4.In ________(mist) weather,drivers should drive very carefully.5.Four weeks are often ________(approximate) regarded as one month.6.The river grows ________(broad) and ________(broad) as it nears the sea.7.The whole village is against the suggestion that they build an airport ________(near).8.The little child was ________(terrify) of crossing such a busy street.9.He was ________(please) with their warm welcome.10.We were ________(impress) with your wonderful performance at the party.【答案】1.traditional 2.wealth 3.distant 4.misty 5.approximately 6.broader;broader 7.nearby8.terrified 9.pleased10.impressed用所给词的适当形式填空1.He had ____________ (achieve)everything he wanted.2.I have an ____________ (argue)with her on such a dangerous journey.3.It was her kindness and the ______________ (consider)she showed to all her patients that had made her famous.4.This textbook is ____________ (intend)for junior middle school students.5.Mrs.Jones was ____________ (deliver)of twins last night.6.Sweet memories came ________ (crowd)in on her.【答案】 1.achieved 2.argument 3.consideration 4.intended .delivered 6.crowding第二节书面表达(满分25分)假如你叫李华,你和你的家人去笔友David所在的城市新加坡旅游,受到David的热情款待,回来后你想对他表达自己的感谢之情。

案例采撷基于主题语境的高三英语词汇复习———以译林版高中英语必修三Unit1Nature in the balance为例文|蒋跃峰在高三的关键时期,英语词汇的复习对于高考至关重要。
特别是在“Nature in the balance”单元中,词汇的学习不仅是为了应对考试,更是为了深入理解环境保护这一全球性话题。

一、课文概述本单元的课文主题为“Teenage Life”,讲述了青少年的生活状态和他们所面对的种种挑战。
二、词汇与短语1. teenager:青少年2. challenge:挑战3. identity:身份4. overcome:克服5. support:支持6. pressure:压力7. communication:交流8. desire:渴望9. ambition:雄心;抱负10. future prospects:未来前景11. put effort into:努力去做某事12. dream of:梦想13. have confidence in:对...有信心14. face difficulties:面对困难15. be under pressure:承受压力16. build up relationships:建立关系17. achieve success:取得成功三、语法要点1. 一般现在时:用于描述事实、经常性行为或客观真理。
例如:Teenagers face many challenges in their lives.2. 一般过去时:用于描述完成的动作或过去发生的事情。
例如:Ruth wanted to be a doctor when she was young.3. 情态动词can:表达能力或可能性。
例如:Simon can speak three languages fluently.4. 情态动词should:表示应该或建议。
例如:You should have confidence in yourself.5. not...until...:表示直到某个时间或情况才发生或完成。
unit 1 复习教学案一体化(译林牛津版高一英语必修三教案教学设计)

M3 Unit 1邹超王修潭徐爱俊一:短语互译:1.看得到、在视力范围内2.抬头凝视3.报达、偿还4.由于.....而呆住5.充分利用6.忽视某事 _________7.避免做某事8.取得进步 ________9.突然、猛地 10.不小心撞着某物11.a piece of jewellery 12.hit the shark on the nose13.make one’s way to s.p. 14.rest on15.be likely to do sth 16.observe sb do sthdoing sth17.observe the traffic rules 18.The tall man was nowhere to be seen.19.run that far 20.reach out for sth二.填词题1.Although our sense of sight is over used , our senses of touch and smell are often i .2. I’m sure something will be done to r air pollution.3. The doctor said that his lung cancer was l to smoking.4. The harder you study .the quicker p you will make.5. No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn’t make any s .6. The sudden bang (僵住 ) the man and he dropped the gun .7. This work costs us nothing.It’s all done by ( 自愿者).8. The telephone poles were fixed (牢牢地 )in the ground.9. The parcel was sent to the worng (目的地).10 (幸运的, she was in when I called .三:选择题1 My computer ________ work any longer .A won’tB shouldn’tC couldn’tD wouldn’t2 Is it Mr Green _______ runs an organization_______ he wishes formore help for children ?A who, thatB that , whichC who , whereD that , as3 If humans continue to pollute the environment , more serious problemswill _______A result inB result fromC resultD cause4________ explaining to us how to do it , he also did the work together with us .A In addition toB DespiteC In spite ofD Instead of5 You’d better keep the medicine _______ children can’t find it .A in whichB whenC whereD that6 With their work _______ , the workers returned home for supper .A being doneB doneC doD doing7 Americans will never forget the day Sep.11, a sad day , _______ two planescrashed into the World Trade Towers , ______ is always reminding them ofthousands of deaths and ________it happened .A when , which, howB which , that , thatC when , as , whatD that , which , which8 The western development has_______ plenty of jobs .A inventedB developedC discoveredD created9 It was dark everywhere , and the rain _______ our difficulty .A added toB resulted fromC turned outD make up10 It was ________star that you will find it very difficult to notice it .A such little aB such littleC so little aD so a little11 Eventually they found someone who ________ the plane.A took controlB took the control ofC took control ofD had taken the control of12 It is a fact known to all________ everyone has to eat to live .A ThatB whichC of whichD what13 When he decides to do a job , he always finds ______ hard to decide whichjob________A it ,to be doneB that , to doC it , to doD that , he does14 The earthquake made itself _______ as far as in another country .A feelB feelingC feltD to be felt15 It is ______ that people will keep trying to find new ways ______the global warming .A certain , of stoppingB sure , of stoppingC certain , in stoppingD sure ,to stop16_____we were excited about was _______we had won the match .A That , howB That , whetherC What , thatD What , whether17 Everyone else says we should set off earlier . That is _______ I disagree .A whatB whereC whichD why18 People wonder whether things in this country will________ in the near future .A rise upB hold onC pick upD hang out19 My hometown is no longer _______ it was when I was in my teens ,_______seriously polluted .A what , whenB that , whichC what , whichD which , that20 He gained his_______ by printing ________ of famous poets .A wealth ; workB wealths ; worksC wealths ; workD wealth ; works四、完成句子1.他没有时间观念。

7. belief n.信任;信心;信仰→ __b_e_li_e_v_e_ vt. 相信;信任 __b_e_l_ie_v_a_b_l_e__ adj.可以相信的_u_n_b_e__li_e_v_a_b_l_e__(adj) 难以相信的_b_e_l_ie_v_e__in_ 信任;相信…的存在(短语)
_f_o_r_g_i_v_e_n___(过去分词) _f_o_rg__iv_e_n_e_s_s n.宽恕
Para. 2 短语:
1. 纪念死者
honor the dead
2. 使祖先得到满足
satisfy the ancestors
3. 要么…要么
4. 带来危害
do harm
14. 暂时
for a little while
一. 核心单词 Language Points
1. satisfy (vt.) _满__足__,__使_满__意______ * satisfy sb./ sth. 使某人满足/ 满足…
1) 那位诗人所做的使我满意。
What the __p_o_e_t___ did _____s_a_t_is_f_ie_d_ _m_e__. 2) 父母尽己所能满足我们所有的需要。
10. agricultural adj.农业的;农艺的→ _a_g_ri_c_u_l_tu_r_e_ n.农业;农艺;
11. admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕→ _a_d_m_i_ra_t_i_o_n n. 羡慕 _a_d_m__i_re__r__ n.崇拜者,羡慕者
12. energetic adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的→ n. _e_n_e_r_g_y_ 能量;精力
2023年统考版高考英语总复习第一部分教材考点梳理 必修三Unit 1 Festivals

必修③Unit 1Festivals around the world过基础晨读晚练——先识记再仿写·及时巩固(一)分类识记单词——用时少·功效高识记单词写对Ⅰ.知其意默想下面单词的词性和意义,不会的做出标记并核对识记□1.beauty□2.herd□3.seasonal □4.ancestor□5.feast □6.skull□7.weep □8.weave□9.carnival □10.lunar□11.Easter □12.parade□13.blossom □14.worldwide□15.predictionⅡ.写其形1. _______________n. 美;美人2. _______________n.& v t.& v i. 收获;收割3. _______________ n. 狩猎者;猎人4. _______________n. 衣服5. _______________adj. 遍及全世界的;世界性的6. _______________n. 愚人;白痴;受骗者v t. 愚弄;欺骗v i. 干傻事;开玩笑7. _______________v t. 擦;揩;擦去8. _______________v i. 哭泣;流泪n. 哭;哭泣核心单词练通1.[2021·全国甲卷] __________ (显而易见)we're all absolutely delighted to welcomeanother calf to our black rhino family.2.He apologized to her and hoped she could__________ (原谅) him for being rude.3.[2021·天津卷3月]The doctor who is also a __________ (诗人)and philosopher is asuperior doctor,one who can give so much more to his patients than just good medical skills.4.[2021·浙江卷6月]We live in a town with three beaches.There are two parks less than 10 minutes' walk from home where neighbourhood children__________ (聚集) to play.5.[2021·浙江卷1月] People worldwide are getting heavier and that most of the rise isdue to__________ (gain)in BMI in rural areas.6.I'm more than delighted to receive your letter,asking about what__________ (风俗) you should pay attention to when visiting a friend.7.[2021·全国甲卷]The study found that girls act on that__________ (believe):Aroundage six they start to avoid activities said to be for children who are “really,really smart.”8.We were__________ (trick) into buying a poor car,which made me very upset.9.He__________ (award)the first prize in the speech competition,which made his parents very proud.10.Be careful when crossing the bridge or you will fall into the water and get __________ (drown).拓展单词用活记全记牢1. __________v t.提醒;使想起→__________n.提醒的人或物2. __________v t.赞美;钦佩;羡慕→__________n.赞赏;钦佩;羡慕→__________adj.令人羡慕的;值得赞赏的3. __________ n.庆祝;祝贺→_________ v.庆祝;祝贺4. __________ v i.& v t.(使)饿死;饿得要死→__________n.饿死;挨饿5. __________ n.起源;由来;起因→__________adj.原始的;最初的→__________ad v.起初6. __________ adj.宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的→__________n.宗教信仰7. __________ n.到来;到达;到达者→__________v i.到达8. __________ adj.独立的;自主的→__________n.独立;自主→__________n.依靠;依赖9. __________ n.农业;农艺;农学→__________adj.农业的;农艺的10. __________ adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的→__________n.能量;精力11. __________ n.许可;允许→__________v t.许可;准许n.许可证12. __________ v i.道歉;辩白→__________n.道歉;辩白13. __________ n.悲哀;悲伤→__________adj.难过的;悲哀的用准用活1.[2020·江苏卷]The__________ (origin) iron boxes with the round roofs first appeared in 1926.2.[2021·浙江卷1月]On__________ (arrive),you will attend a reception party.3.Because of his __________ success in playing basketball,many teenagers __________ Jeremy Lin and think he deserves their__________ (admire)4.To keep__________,he set aside two hours a day to take exercise. That's why he is always full of__________ (energy)5.In some tourist spots,you are not __________ to take photos without my __________ (permit)6.Technology is vital for __________ development. With the development of science andtechnology,I do believe we will make great advances in__________ (agriculture)7.The young man kept __________ to his girlfriend for his being late,but she refused to accept his__________ (apologize)8.They are __________ the Dragon Boat Festival and many people are joining inthe__________ (celebrate)(二)语境记忆短语——不枯燥·兴趣高记全记牢1.发生;举行2.化装;打扮3.期望;期待;盼望4.好像5.守信用;履行诺言6.出发;动身;使爆炸7.为纪念……8.欺骗;开玩笑9.日夜;昼夜;整天10.玩得开心11.出现;到场12.屏息;屏气用准用活1.[2021·新高考全国卷Ⅰ]Before she could ask any question,their father__________________ and told his wife about how the twins had made preparations to give her the surprise breakfast.2.Great changes __________________ in this mountain area in the past few years.3.In brief,do as the Chinese do when in China. I do hope you will __________________ your friends at the party.4.The annual Dragon Boat Festival is one of China's most important cultural events __________________ the ancient poet Qu Yuan.5.Johnson __________________the shy girl by putting a worm into her pencil box yesterday afternoon.·会积累联想拓展·1.单复数意义不同的名词小结①custom (风俗)→customs (海关)②manner (方式)→manners (礼貌)③paper (纸)→papers (文件)④art (艺术)→arts (文科)⑤arm (手臂)→arms (武器)⑥blue (蓝色)→blues烦闷;忧郁⑦content (容量)→contents目录2.名词兼用作动词①trick n.诡计;恶作剧;窍门→v t.欺骗;诈骗②eye n.眼睛→v.注视,细看,审视③nurse n.护士→v t.护理,照顾④head n.头→v i.前往⑤back n.后背→v t.支持3.v.+sb.+of sth.短语荟萃①cure sb.of sth.治好某人的病②accuse sb.of sth. 指控某人某事③cheat sb.of sth. 骗取某人某物④inform sb.of sth. 通知某人某事⑤convince sb.of sth. 使某人相信某事⑥rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物(三)仿写用活句式——造佳句·表达高句式背诵句型1either...or...或者……或者……教材:Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors,who might return either to help or to do harm.有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或者使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们) 提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。

2020新译林版高一英语必修三unit1重点短语归纳小结do harm to..对…造成伤害cut down砍倒;削减,缩小(尺寸、数量或数目)cut down trees砍树sound the alarm发出警报natural wonder自然奇观documentary script纪录片脚本a wide range of..各种各样的…judging from/by...根据…判断natural treasure大自然珍宝a sea of大量的,大片的alive with充满,到处都是(活的或动的东西)play a significant role/part in...在……中起着重要的作用,在……中扮演重要角色maintain the fine balance of...保持…的微妙平衡with an area of...面积为…more than超过;很,非常in length在长度上provide sth. for...为…提供某物a variety of各种各样的a system of roots 根系tree root树根living things生物close to extinction近乎灭绝food chain 食物链feed on...以…为食in turn相应地,转而an army of..一大批…break down使分解be poor in nutrients 缺少养分cattle farming养牛be known as...被称作…breathe life into...给……带来起色,注入活力agricultural land农田treasure house n.宝库,宝地have an impact on..对…有影响go away离开;消失for one thing..., for another (thing)….首先……,再者…on (the) one hand ..., on the other (hand)….意为"一方面……,另一方面…a hot/mild/warm/wet climate 炎热的/温和的/温暖的/潮湿的气候build up (使)逐渐增加,(使)扩大take in在此意为“吸收”。
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11. ___好__像________________ as though 12. ___玩__得__开_心______________ have fun with 13. ___为__…__…_骄__傲____________ be proud of 14. ____出_现__,__露__面___________ turn up 15. ____遵__守__诺_言_____________ keep one’s word 16. ____屏__息_________________ hold one’s breath 17. ____与__某__人_结__婚____________ get married to 18. _____出_发__,__动_身____________ set off 19. _____提__醒_某__人__某__事_________ remind … of… 20. ______扔_掉________________ throw away
五、词组运用 据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词 组并用其适用的形式填空。 1. You don’t need to ___d_r_e_s_s_u_p____, just to go to the pub — jeans and a T-shirt will do. _to_o_k__p_l_a_c_e_ that night, because Mr Smith, the only eyewitness, died last night. 3. Mom, don’t worry about me. I am _h_a_v_i_n_g__fu_n__w_i_t_h other boys. 4. Luckily, help arrived _in__t_h_e_s_h_a_p_e__ofa police officer. 5. It’s acceptable to __p_l_a_y_t_r_i_ck__s_o_n_ your friends on April 1st.
Unit1 Festivals around the world
1. __h_a_r_v_e_s_t ___ vt. & vi. 收割 2. __s_ta_r_v_e_____ vt. & vi. 饿死 3. _in_d_e_p_e_n_d__en__t adj. 独立的;自主的 4. _a_g_r_ic_u_l_tu_r_a_l_ adj. 农业的,农艺的 5. __a_d_m__i_re____ vt. 赞美;钦佩 6. __d_r_o_w__n____ vt. & vi. 淹没;溺死 7. ___w_i_p_e_____ vt. 擦;擦去 8. __C_h_r_i_s_ti_a_n__ n. 基督徒 9. ___b_e_li_e_f____ n. 信任;信心 10. __w__ee_p______ vi. 哭泣;流泪
1. ___ta_k_e_p_l_a_c_e______________ 发生,举行 2. __f_e_st_iv_a_l_s_a_n_d_c_e_le_b_r_a_ti_o_n_s___ 节日和庆祝活动 3. ___in__m_e_m_o_r_y_o_f____________ 为了纪念 4. ___in__th_e_s_h_a_p_e_o_f___________ 以……形式 5. ___d_re_s_s_u_p________________ 打扮 6. ___p_la_y__a_t_ri_c_k_o_n___________ 开玩笑,恶作剧 7. ___d_ec_o_r_a_te__…__w_i_th__…________ 用……装饰 …… 8. ___g_e_t _to_g_e_t_h_er_____________ 聚集在一起 9. ___l_o_o_k_f_o_rw__a_rd__to_________ 盼望,期待 10. __d_a_y__an_d__n_ig_h_t___________ 日日夜夜
11. __f_o_r_g_iv_e____ vt . 原谅;饶恕 12. __r_e_li_g_io_u_s___ adj. 宗教上的;虔诚的 13. __e_n_e_r_g_e_ti_c__ adj. 充满活力的;精力充沛的 14. ___o_b_v_io_u_s___ adj. 显而易见的 15. __c_e_le_b_r_a_t_io_n__ n. 庆祝;庆贺 16. __a_n_c_e_s_t_o_r___ n. 祖先;祖宗 17. ___c_u_st_o_m_____ n. 习惯;风俗 18. ___n_e_c_es_s_i_ty___ n. 必要性;需要 19. __p_r_e_d_i_c_ti_o_n__ n. 预言;预报; 20. _a_n_n_o_u_n_c_e_r___ n. 广播员;报幕员
核心单词 1. satisfy vt 满足;使满意 ◇Your reply didn’t satisfy me. 你的答复我不满意。 ◆搭配:熟记下列搭配。 (1)satisfy sb./sth. 使……满意(满足) (2)be satisfied with sb./sth. 对……感到满意 (3)be satisfied to do sth. 对做……感到满意 ▲辨析satisfied, satisfying & satisfactory satisfied表示某人“感到满意”;satisfying 表示某事物是 “令人满意的”。另外,还有一个固定搭配be far from satisfactory表示“远不能令人满意”。
6. The government set up a monument _i_n_m__e_m_o_r_y__o_f_ the heroes who died in the war.
7. I’m _l_o_o_k_i_n_g_f_o_r_w_a_r_d__to__ hearing from you. 8. He behaved __a_s_t_h_o_u_g_h__ he hadn’t known anything about it. 9. Those workers worked _d_a_y__a_n_d_n_i_g_h_t___ to finish the task. 10. __h_o_ld__y_o_u_r_b__re_a_t_h__ and count 1 to 10.