
Mexico""hugging each other""after tens of years suffering• 我非常喜欢这部影片,因为它始终在提醒着我要珍惜
in the prison" I think it is so wonderful that it can't be
The film I would like to introduce to you is known to a l•ot 译文:
• I figure life is a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.
• 3.Miracles happen every day. • 奇迹每天都在发生。
• . Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.
• 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 • . I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if

• Kitchen Sink Film(Social Realist Film) 现实片
• Melodrama 情节片、家庭情节剧 • Morality Play 道德剧、伦理片 • Musical Film 歌舞片、音乐剧 • Opera Film (Film Opera) 歌剧片 • Preteen Film 儿童片 • Propaganda Film 宣传(煽动)片 • Realist Film现实片、现实主义电影 • Revisionist Film 修正主义电影 • Revolutionary Film (激进)革命电影 • Situation Comedy 情景喜剧 • Soap Opera肥皂剧、连续剧 • Surrealist Film超现实主义电影 • 3-D Film 三维(立体)电影 • Whodunit推理片,神秘惊悚片
Romance/ Romantic Film(浪漫片)
It is a sub-type of dramatic film which dwells on the elements of romantic love.
Thriller Film( 惊悚片、悬疑片)
•A kind of movie which is intended to provoke excitement and/or nervous tension into audience.
Slapstick (Classical Comedy) 丑角喜剧、经典喜剧
•It is a type of comedy involving exaggerated physical violence or activities which exceed the boundaries of common sense,
外国电影鉴赏 英文PPT课件

Linnet was shoted and dead at a peaceful night. • Poirot, as a clever detective,decided to discovery the real facts and find out the murderer. Jackie ,Linnet’s servant, The writer, Linnet’s secretary……Almost every have the evidence to prove them to be innocent.
husband’s girlfriend
西蒙Simon, Linnet’s husband
林内特Linnet,a fascinating and
wealthy girl
奥特伯恩太太 Otterbourne,a romance-novel
About the breathtaking plot Linnet is a young and beautiful woman,who
• Mrs.Otterbourne was shot by a gun when she talked with Poirot and wanted to tell him about some clues about Linnet’s death.
• Famous detective Poirot feel puzzled about this case. But ,the more complicated the situation, the closer to the real facts and Poirot solved these problems quickly. In my opinion, The murderer and the way Linnet was killed is unbelievable.

The Bosses
• They fired Andrew because they are fear that they might contract AIDS from him.In a certain sense,it can be forgive.It also reflects the whole social attitude towards the people with AIDS.
About AIDS The development of AIDS
• The first AIDS patient was knew by people in Los Angeles on June,5th,1981 .At first AIDS merely spread among gay men. It was called “gay plague”. But with the increase of the number of infections and deaths, People began to panic. AIDS patients was aliened and discrimination. On June 26th, 1988t he thirteenth session of gay freedom day, 300000 AIDS patients held demonstrations in San Francisco.
About AIDS AIDS can be spread in many ways.
1. having unprotected intercourse with an infected person. 2. AIDS can spread from mother to new born baby. 3. any means of blood contact, for example, sharing of needles, shaving blades. Once infected, it may take years for the person to notice, and in these years, the infected person may not know and can infect many more, who in turn go and infect others, just like an exponential growth.

Made by Jay .Li
1.The foundation and start (1893-1915)
2.The Golden Age and decline (1916-1974)
3.The revival and development (1975-1990)
Two years later, Lucas produced another great movie, STAR WARS, which made the tickets incomes increase rapidly.
Spielberg and Lucas were both graduated from the University of
• It was not until 1908 that Edison patented film and founded the first film company, Film Patent Company, in the world.
• However, with other film companies developing,
South California. These new directors used the point technology and
skills to make the films which brought American film industries a
new life.
Jurassic Park
4.The Our Time American films

他叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱。经由艾莎 的魔力创造而意外诞生,雪宝是史上最 友好的雪人。他天真、开朗的个性惹人 喜爱;他的古怪能力则能使其时不时就 身首分离,把场面变得尴尬又搞笑。雪 宝还拥有世界上最异想天开的梦想—— 他期待迎接夏日的暖风与骄阳。
Some people are worth melting for ----- Olaf
Main character
Fahan 法汉 Ranche 兰彻 Raju 拉朱
Fulfill his fathers wish
A wealthy genius
Uplift his family forturns
True love brings out the best.Everyone's a bit of a fixer-upper.That's what it's all about. 真爱 让人变得更好,所有人都是一块璞玉,这就是 我们要说的。——《冰雪奇缘》
It's funny how some distance makes
everything seem small.And the fears that once controlled me.Can't get to me at all.有趣 的是距离会让任何事情都变得渺小,那 些曾 经控制我的恐惧,再也无法困扰我。—— 《 冰雪奇缘》
Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart

her Mr.Right ,he
made every effort to
stop their love .
Then a series of
tragedy happened---
There was a time that Christine was so admire of him and regarded him as the angle of music .
站长素材 站长素材
One of my favorite movie
A talent but lonely and
poor(可怜)man who
wore a mask’ cause his
grisly face , a single
but kind girl, ChristPhantom used his voice to attract Christine and teach she how to sing the song he has created. In some espect, of course, he was very kind to little Christine .but his intention was very horrible ,he just liked to be the master of poor Christine and company her forever.Therefore----
He hurt ,even killed the people he thought that they may obstruct Chris from a famous singer.
英文电影英语介绍 PPT

Classic line
• Bryce's grandfather says about Juli, "Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss.... But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare."
Callan McAuliffe plays
the young boy Bryce
Madeline Carroll plays Juli Baker
It's a simple story girl likes boy, boy doesn't like girl and only realizes he does just after the girl begins to not like him.
Warm ending
• Maybe what makes "Flipped" such a warm entertainment is how it recreates a life we wish we'd had when we were 14. That's true for adults, and also I suspect true for some 14year-olds. In a way the audience flips, too.

1.Whom & Which 2.Why & How 3.What
The Film
The Actor & Actress
1.Whom & Which
尼 古 拉
西 尔 维
What the fuck are you doing?
③ Enjoyment of Art & Beauty ?
Is there anything else we can get from movie? Does it really change your attitude towards life? Does it really infulence your life?
What are the United States of America's national bird and flower?
Are U kidding me? I am no fool.
The enjoyment of art and beauty. Is this true?
1 Score
2 The star &The director
Why 3 Gorgeous Posters
4 Awards 5 The theme: Love /War /Politics /..... 6 Film Critics
7 Special effects
8 Release time & ticket price
安 妮

介绍英文电影的PPT本文由GININGEILEEN贡献17Again重返十七岁演职员表....Mike 扎克?埃夫隆Zac 扎克?埃夫隆Zac Efron ....Mike O‘ Donnellat 17 ....Mike 马修?派瑞Matthew 马修?派瑞Matthew Perry ....MikeO‘Donnell - Adult ....Scarlett莱斯利?曼恩Leslie Mann ....Scarlett O‘Donnell - Adult 莱斯利?曼恩Leslie少年麦克中年麦克中年斯嘉丽....Maggie 米歇尔?崔切伯格Michelle Trachtenberg.... 米歇尔?崔切伯格Michelle Trachtenberg....Maggie O‘Donnell亚历克斯玛吉....Alex 斯特利? 斯特利?奈特Sterling Knight ....Alex O‘DonnellTiya Sircar ....Ned汤玛斯?莱恩Thomas 汤玛斯?莱恩Thomas Lennon ....NedFreedman ....Scarlett 艾莉森? 艾莉森?米勒 Allison Miller ....Scarlett at 17 梅罗拉?哈丁梅罗拉哈丁Melora Hardin ….The schoolmaster奈德少年斯嘉丽简.麦斯德森麦斯德森剧情简介为了女友和孩子的麦克放弃了打比赛进入大学的机会,为了女友和孩子的麦克放弃了打比赛进入大学的机会,中年的麦克一事无成,在与妻子闹矛盾的同时,他的工作也年的麦克一事无成,在与妻子闹矛盾的同时,陷入僵局。
麦克回到昔日的学校,看着自己过去的照片; 麦克回到昔日的学校,看着自己过去的照片;一个神秘的清洁工突然出现,并且问他愿不愿意回到过去,工突然出现,并且问他愿不愿意回到过去,麦克不以为意的回答却即将使他的人生发生巨大的改变。
英文电影介绍 PPT课件

the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn‘t expect much of anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she’s ever met. Edward is a vampire, but he doesn‘t have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood. Intelligent and witty, Edward sees
Warm Bodies (温暖的尸体)
"Warm bodies according to Isaac Marion forthcoming, novel story tells of a zombie is called the" R "and a human girlfriend killed him, romantic relationship between the relationship caused a chain reaction, not only changed he and his partner, zombies have also changed the

The story happened in Ann goods-station pull (umbrella(保护伞)) company of biological engineering laboratory - "honeycomb(蜂巢)", hundreds of genetics, bio-engineering experts are working on a scientific research, a virus suddenly broke out and spread quickly, and the super computer "flame empress" in order to control the virus does not let its leaked to the ground, all closed, the virus will hive(蜂巢) soon infected with all the staff.o Alice, Ryan and matt led a rescue team orders received and later at the buzzer hives, they must lead the task players will this already destroyed hives all personnel virus quarantined. However, the players soon found these workers is not really dead. They have now become wandering in the hives within the zombie horror. People but they bite or scratches on will be infected, and turned into zombies.Facing the almost beyond the control of the situation, hundreds of walking around aggressive zombie, and more mysterious sinister forces, rescue team players began their relief activities.

He hurt ,even killed the people he thought that they may obstruct Chris from a famous singer.
He was annoyed
when Christine met her Mr.Right ,he made every effort to stop their love .
So,do you know why I love this movie ? For it’s plots , it’s pictures as you can see in ppt , and most impo- rtant , it’s songs , which are sang by Sarah Brig- htman and Weib.Thier voices just hit the bottom of my heart. Then I want to share one of it’s song with you .
Thank you
I hope that you would love it.
Then a series of
tragedy happened---
There was a time that Christine was so admire of him and regarded him as the angle of music . But finally ,after so many things he did to her,she just felt scared and tense .
One of my favorite movie
站长素材 站长素材
பைடு நூலகம்

The story happened in Ann goods-station pull (umbrella(保护伞)) company of biological engineering laboratory - "honeycomb(蜂巢)", hundreds of genetics, bio-engineering experts are working on a scientific research, a virus suddenly broke out and spread quickly, and the super computer "flame empress" in order to control the virus does not let its leaked to the ground, all closed, the virus will hive(蜂巢) soon infected with all the staff.o Alice, Ryan and matt led a rescue team orders received and later at the buzzer hives, they must lead the task players will this already destroyed hives all personnel virus quarantined. However, the players soon found these workers is not really dead. They have now become wandering in the hives within the zombie horror. People but they bite or scratches on will be infected, and turned into zombies.Facing the almost beyond the control of the situation, hundreds of walking around aggressive zombie, and more mysterious sinister forces, rescue team players began their relief activities.
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• 演员 Actor: • 詹姆斯· 弗兰科 James Franco ....Will
鲁伯特· 瓦耶特 Rupert Wyatt
Rodman • 芙蕾达· 平托 Freida Pinto ....Caroline Aranha • 安迪· 瑟金斯 Andy Serkis ....Caesar • 约翰· 利特高 John Lithgow ....Charles Rodman • 布莱恩· 考克斯 Brian Cox ....John Landon
本片是《人猿猩球》的前传,影片讲述智力大大发展 的猿人与人类之间爆发战争。詹姆斯· 弗兰科饰演一位年 轻且不屈不挠的科学家,他引发了猩猩的智慧,在之后人 类与猩猩的战斗中也起主要的作用。印度小姑娘芙蕾 达· 平托饰演灵长类学家、她一直在帮助弗兰科。布莱 恩· 考克斯则是科研所的管理者,他对动物毫无同情心。 安迪· 瑟金斯通过动作捕捉技术扮演猩猩反叛军领袖凯撒。
And most take scientific experiments of the move as science fiction, in the chimps ball rise "in, also have a genius but paranoid" mad "scientists, a group of XunXin just want to unite through the scientific experiment earn excess profit greed businessmen, and a beginning infinite light but finally more to the darkness of the result of the experiment. This reflection on reason and enlightenment of the values of modern secular torture because, as early as the first human literature history a science fiction novel "frankenstein" has been revealed no doubt, after many years, gene technology has replaced the frankenstein drama for the members of the clumsy collage art, but science (physiological-medical) experts trespass theocratic, tried to use human rational to reproduction life and soul, and finally into the deep, the story to eternity, still I. The surface looks, frankenstein made a living body type jump monsters, and the ball rise simply "the scientists will just make a IQ super chimp" Julius Caesar ". But in essence, frankenstein and will, is to give anything to "soul", and once this thing has the "soul", that means it/he/she began to like human beings have thought, don't tube is living a jump, chimpanzees, or robot, Descartes that "I think, therefore I am" (although this is a mistranslation) unmistakable told human: we must face up to them, and put them into our subject identity in the category-a process to agree with severe contradiction will no doubt on struggle, and so, it has become the subject of such science fiction film core drama conflict is.
The film is the apes simply ball "prequel, a film about the development of intelligence greatly between mankind ape-man war. James franco as a young and indomitable scientists, he caused a gorilla wisdom, in humans and apes after the battle also plays the leading role. India's little girl fu budding pinto da primate experts, she has been playing in helping franco. Brian cox is scientific research institutes of managers, he treated animals have no sympathy. Andy psaltery gold stone a motion capture techniques play chimp rebels leader Julius Caesar.
• In 2011, San Francisco. • In order to research how to treat alzheimer's disease, inline
famous scientist William Roman (James franco act the role ofing) has been tackling the research for many years. Test has not get too big improvement, though he and primates experts Caroline (fu budding pinto da lathan) was developed with called "Cure" of new drug, this drug can change gene, but due to the extremely dangerous side effects, make he couldn't find the right clinical test object to verify the medicinal properties of Cure. Finally, in scientific research institutes of (Brian cox act the role ofing) urged under, he will put on the drugs gorilla. • Cure is to repair itself the brain function, this on the gorilla is verified. The effect of a Cure, the gorilla began to become super wise, the perennial was director of the abuse animals begin retaliating human, the first recovery of intelligence gorilla Caesar (Andy psaltery jeans act the role ofing) have led to other apes human chastened counter-offensive, human is not only the earth of the rulers, the ape family gradually began to rise. Rushed down the catastrophe of William Roman, decided to use his own way to resolve this a human and ape family of war between
Human in chimps do gene test lead to orangutans evolved into senior biological, more cynical and starts with humans, among them, have a rebel leader Julius Caesar, he led the orangutan guerrilla warfare from start, finally emerged as the leaders of the future ape celestial body. The chimps ball rise "is the prequel, planet of the apes. The story happened in the modern San Francisco, Caroline zoologist (fu budding pinto da ACTS the role of) met gene scientists will virtuous man (James franco act the role ofing) and fell in love, will raise a clever orangutans Caesar, Caroline appears as it has been out of. Caroline learned that will to the treatment of father by accident of alzheimer's disease, drug development, and has been living in the apes Caesar gene experiment and research. The invention of the new drug will increase the orangutan Caesar's wisdom, it can understand complex human instructions also began to have his ideas. In a friendly fire humans after, Caesar was forced to separate and will be sent into the orangutan care. There he was cruel to treat, and then began to human hostility. Has a highly intelligent Caesar not only smooth away from the care, and also rescued the same imprisoned other chimps. A have to and human opposing war is about to begin, the havoc in the last game, will decide the future of the world live...