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1. Old people should offer young people opportunities to practice their abilities and talents .

2. We should not overestimate or deny either of them.

3. Smoking is just a personal hobby and for entertainment.

4. It is hard to come to an absolute conclusion.

6. What the old need is spiritual consolation.


1表状态用系动词:Life is full of ups and downs. Life is hope and hope is life.

2表动作用及物或不及物动词:Many hands make light work. I came I saw I conquered.

3表拥有:人或物时用:have has 无生命的东西:there be : Every dog has its day.In a full heart, there is room for everything.

4情态动词+动词原形:A man may die, nations may fall, but an idea lives on.

宾语:及物动词或介词所指向的对象。常做宾语的有名词、宾语从句、复合结构、V-ing 、To do五种。

1名词:Reading enriches our mind.

Haste makes waste.

2宾语从句:Goals determine what you are going to be.

Temptation discovers what we are.

3复合结构:If you lack confidence you will find it hard to win.

4V-ing: You are never a loser until you quit trying.

Reading is like opening a window to the outside world.

5To do: Winners expect to win in advance.

One should learn to forgive.

表语:接在系动词后,补充说明主语的情况又称为主语补足语。常做表语的有名词、形容词、V-ing 、To do、从句五种。

1名词:Life is not a bed of roses.

Today is our only sure possession.

2形容词:Time is fleeting and art is long.

Change is constant.

3V-ing: Courage is doing what others think you can’t do.

Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum.

4To do: To change attitude is to change life.

The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.

5从句:The real measure of success is how happy we are.

Love is what links two souls.

定语:修饰名词或类似于名词的词。一般翻译为“……..的”,表示事物性质或状态,分为前置或后置。常做定语的有形容词、名词、V-ing 、过去分词、To do、介词短语。1形容词:A warm smile is the universal language.

Each moment in history is a fleeting time.

2名词:Adversity teaches one a great deal about survival skills.

Life education is the basis for success in the knowledge society.

3V-ing: Failure is a learning experience.

The starting point of all achievements is desire.

5定语从句:That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.

Success is a process that never ends.

6介词短语:Individuals with limited budgets usually get their priorities right.

状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词或整句的词或句。按照功能分十一种:时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、方式、条件、让步、比较、伴随、评注。常做状语的有副词、状语从句、状语从句省略结构、To do 、V-ing 、V-ed 六种。

1. Last week, I went to the cinema. = I went to the cinema last week.

2. According to the laws, advertisements must be completely truthful and healthy.

3. To dispel loneliness and kill the time, they can cultivate some other hobbies such as growing

flowers, collecting stamps and learning to paint.

4. Living far away from home, one will suffer from loneliness and homesickness.

5. I still like to travel with friends because I think the most important thing during travel is to get

pleasure and relaxation.

同位语:句子中的两种成份表达同一种概念,即A=B 称之为同位语。常做同位语的有名词和从句两种。

1名词:Shopping, a necessary activity in everyday life, is more convenient in the city.

Love can tear students away from learning, the students’ main task.

2从句:Failure is a sign that one should explore other opportunities. The fact that you have tried your best is in itself a big victory.



㈠从可由以下这些引导词引导:that\ whether\ whoever/who\ which\ what\ whatever\ where\ how\ when\ why\ if

⑴That 引导主从,在主从中不做成份。

句型一That + 完整句=名词可做主语

That everyone may receive at least a moderate education is significant.

That we should act in the right spirit is necessary.



Whether +you can succeed in making your dream come true.=That

Whether +you can succeed in making your dream come true depends on hard work more than luck.

Whether it rains or shines makes no difference to proactive people.
