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Reading language points

1.There is no feast on earth that does not end in parting.天下无不散之筵席。

2.Festivals__are meant to__ (被普遍认为是)celebrate important times of year.

are intended to

You__were meant to ( 应该)attend your sister’s wedding . Why didn’t yo u come ?

Your are meant to take off your shoes when you enter the laboratory .


why didn’t you tell Anna the truth ?

--- I _meant to have (told her) ____ . ( 我本来打算)But I was lacking in the courage .

In some crowded city like New York ,missing a bus means waiting for almost an hour .


I said I would help you and I meant it .

---You should have thanked her before you left.

---I meant __B___, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.

A.to do

B. to

C. doing

D. doing so

3.We held a party__to celebrate________ (庆祝)the history-making victory.

to observe

in celebration of /for the celebration of

celebrate+宾语(Christmas / one’s birthday / a victory

I congratulated you on having passed the exam. 我祝贺你通过的考试.

Congratulations to you on having passed the exam.


In 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China.

take place发生,举行; 侧重于安排或计划而发生的事

联想: in place of 代替

take one’s place/take the place of 接替某人的位置

in the first place 用于列举理由)首先,第一点

in the last place 最后

in one’s place 处于某人的位置,为某人设身处地想一想

I happened to be out when you called me yesterday.

The Second World War_broke out_______ (爆发)in 1939.

I____C_______along the street looking for a place to park when the accident________.

went;was occurring B. went; occurred

C.was going; occurred

D. was going; had occurred


It occurs to sb. that…某人突然想起

Do you know how the problem came about ? 发生,产生

5.have a good/bad harvest

Farmers had the grain harvested . It was a good harvest.

6.Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times.

=all kinds of festivals and celebrations

We sell all kinds of shoes=we sell shoes of all kinds.

This kind of singers is popular with the youth.

Singers of this kind are popular with the youth.

①Books of this kind _sell___ (sell) well in the bookstore.

②This kind of books _sells___ (sell) well in the bookstore.

7.Most ancient festivals would cel ebrate the end of…

“would” or “used to”

When I was young, I_ would ____ listen to the radio. used to

My father_ used to __ be a heavy smoker before I persuaded him into giving up smoking.



used to主要同现在相比,说明过去如此,现在没有那样的习惯了.

8.At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find.

The lonely old man without children was left to __ starve to death _(饿死)during the Second World War. die of hunger die of starvation

The homeless children are starving for love.

long for; be in great need of

starve for sth 渴望获得某物,缺乏

When will the dinner be ready? I’ m starving.

I have been starving to explore outer space since childhood.

9.Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious…

three hours’ walk

a ton’s weight

China’s opening policy

the earth’s surface

the origins of life on earth

origin/ original season/ seasonal nation/ national

religion/ religious danger/ dangerous humour/ humorous

10.Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors.

The dead should be honored, or they would return to do harm.

the dead/living/rich/poor/injured/wounded/disabled/sick


11. satisfied/ satisfying/ satisfactory

He felt that nothing he did would satisfy his girlfriend.

Mr Yang __ was satisfied with _ (满意) the student’s__ satisfying/ satisfactory __answer.

He gave a__ satisfied _______ (满意的)smile.

I was satisfied to get a timely answer .

what he has done is __ far from satisfactory.__

( 远非让人感到满意)。

_ To our satisfaction ,(让我们感到满意的是)she got the first place in the competition .

12.Who might return either to help or to do harm .

do harm to sb.=harm sb.=be harmful to sb.

The waste may do harm to/harm our health.

If you try to solve the problem in this way,

it will do more harm than good.

do good to sb=do sb good

do wrong to sb=do sb wrong
