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8.4数据分析 各部门收集相关数据并进行分析, 证实质量管理体系的适宜性和有效性节能灯 抽检结果数据分析.doc。 8.5改进 8.5.2纠正措施 对已发现的不合格,采取的措 施。 8.5.3预防措施 对潜在的不合格,采取预防性 措施。
五、质量管理体系文件分级及确保体系持续适 宜性和有效性的手段
最后希望大家在以后的工作中相互配 合,相互理解,共同把质量管理体系 工作做好。并通过建立质量管理体系 提高公司管理水品和产品质量,共同 创造公司的美好明天。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

whenyoubelieve中文歌词翻译!many nights we've pray.很多夜里我们在祈祷着. with no proof anyone could hear.并不一定人人都听得见. and our hearts a hopeful song.我们心中的希望之歌. we barely understood.我们也不能完全理解. now we are not afraid.如今我们一无所惧. although we know there's much 2 fear.尽管我们知道前路困难重重. we were moving mountains.我们移山之力. long before we knew we could.很久以前就可以了(只是我们原来不知道). there can be miracles.奇迹就会出现. when u believe.当你充满信心. though hope is frail.尽管希望渺茫. it's hard 2 kill.但却难以扼杀. who knows what miracles ?谁能预料到会有什么奇迹? u can achieve.能由你达成. somehow u will.突然之间你就创造了奇迹. u will when u believe !只要有坚定的信仰你就能成功! in this time of fear.你面对恐惧时. when prayer so often proves in vain.当你徒劳的频频祈祷时. hope seems like the summer birds.当希望就象夏日的鸟儿. too swiftly flown away.眨眼就飞走了的时候. and now i am standing here.然而此刻我站在这里. my heart's so full i can't explain.心中充满难以表达的激情. seeking faith speaking words.寻求信仰和勇敢的演讲. i never thought i'd say.说我从未曾说过的话. when u believe(when u believe).当你充满信心! u can achieve(u can achieve).你就能成功! they don't always happen when u ask.你求助四方却无人回应. and it's easy 2 give in 2 ur fear.屈服于恐惧是那么的容易. but when u're blinded by ur pain.当你被痛苦蒙住了双眼. can't see ur way safe through the rain.就看不到雨中的路. a small but still resilient voice.一个微弱但持续回响的声音. says done is very near.告诉你胜利就在眼前. there can be miracles(miracles).会有奇迹发生. u will(u will)when u believe !当你充满信心! just believe !仅仅是充满信心!。
后翼弃兵 (The Queens Gambit)-第一季第五集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

Dark's nothing to be afraid of. 无需害怕黑暗In fact, I'd go as far as saying there's nothing to be afraid of. 实际上我想说无需害怕任何事Anywhere. 任何地方The strongest person is the person who isn't scared to be alone. 最坚强的人应该不畏惧孤独It's other people you got to worry about. 该担心的是其他人Other people. They'll tell you what to do, how to feel... 其他人他们会告诉你怎么做怎么想Before you know it... 不知不觉...you're pouring your life out in search of something 你就把生命倾注在追寻other people told you to go look for. 其他人告诉你该寻找的东西了Someday, you're gonna be all alone, 总有一天你会孤身一人so you need to figure out how to take care of yourself. 所以你要懂得如何照顾自己Hello. 喂Beth Harmon? 贝丝·哈蒙Yes. 是我Uh, this is Harry Beltik. 我是哈利·贝尔蒂克Uh, from the Kentucky State Tournament. 肯塔基州锦标赛的No, I remember. 我记得I hear you dropped one to Borgov. 我听说你输给了博尔戈夫I wanted to give condolences. 我想向你表示同情Thanks. 谢谢What were you playing, White? 你是哪一方白棋吗- Black. - Oh, it's-it's better that way. -黑棋 -那样还好I mean, if you're gonna lose. 如果要输的话Suppose so. 或许吧What did you play? 你走了什么开局Closed Sicilian. 封闭式西西里防御Rossolimo? Really? 罗索里莫变例真的吗I let him do it to me. 我任由他拿这招打败我的That's a mistake. 这是个错误Uh, look, I'm in Lexington for the summer, and I thought maybe... 听着我这个暑假在莱克星顿我想着也许Maybe what? 也许什么Would you like some training? 你想来点训练吗I-I know... I know you're better than me. 我知道我知道你棋艺比我强But if you're gonna play the Soviets, you need help. 但如果你要和苏联人对抗你需要帮忙Where are you? 你在哪I'm on my way to the Phoenix Hotel. 我正要去凤凰酒店I'm moving to an apartment on Thursday. I could come by then. 我周四会搬进公寓我可以到时候过来Why don't you come over right now? 不如你现在就过来吧第五集后翼弃兵Excuse me, miss. 不好意思小姐What happened to that gawky kid who kicked my ass five years ago?五年前把我打得落花流水的那个瞪眼小女孩呢Apparently, she grew up. 看来她长大了A.I. Deinkopf. AI·登科普夫Middlegame Strategy. 《中局战术》I've read that one. 我看过了J .R. Capablanca, My Chess Career. JR·卡帕布兰卡《我的象棋生涯》That one, too. 那本也看过了Fornaut, Alekhine's Games 1938 to 1945. 福诺特《1938年至1945年阿列瀚的棋局》Yes. 看过Meyer, Rook and Pawn Endings. 梅耶《车兵残局》I know, you've read it. 我知道你看过了No. 没有But I have my own copy upstairs. 但我有自己的复印本Well, some of these are gonna be new to you. 里面有些内容对你来说是新的Capablanca played on intuition. 卡帕布兰卡都靠直觉下棋And his natural gifts, which obviously were considerable. 而且他非常天赋禀异Unlike Bogoljubov and Grtinfeld, who memorized everything. 不像博格伊波夫和格廷菲尔德记住一切Yeah, I know how you feel about them. 对我知道你怎么看他们I read your piece in Chess Review. 我看了《象棋天下》里你的文章Nice cover photo, by the way. 对了封面拍得很好看I see players at tournaments after their games have finished,我看到锦标赛上有选手下完棋还在研究棋局sitting there studying opening variation 坐着研究各种开局变例or middle-game strategy, endgame theory. 或中局战术残局理论- Like it would have made a difference. - You don't ever study? -好像能改变什么似的 -你不研究吗I analyze games. 我会分析棋局What actually happened, not what could have happened. 实际发生的而不是可能发生的- And I play it by ear. - Like Capablanca. -然后我靠直觉下棋 -就像卡帕布兰卡一样- He would have beaten Borgov. - Mmm, not every game. -他就能打败博尔戈夫 -也不是每次Mmm, every game that counted. 每个重要的比赛- You think I'm a prima donna, don't you? - It's chess. -你觉得我自命不凡对吧 -这是象棋We're all prima donnas. 我们都自命不凡So, I've replayed your match with Benny Watts a dozen times now.我复盘了十几次你和本尼·瓦茨的比赛Why? 为什么- That's ancient history. - Well, it's not that ancient. -那都是很久以前的事了 -也不算吧- I'm a different player now. - In some ways. -我现在棋风不同了 -有些方面是的You're stubborn, so you get mad. 你很固执所以你会生气When that happens, you can only see what's in front of you. 当你发怒时你只能看到眼前的东西Anger clears my head. 愤怒会清空我的脑子Anger is a potent spice. 愤怒是种强劲的香料A pinch wakes you up, too much dulls your senses. 一小撮能让人清醒太多就让人麻木Where'd you get that from, a fortune cookie? 这话你从哪听来的幸运饼干吗Mrs. Grecco, my second grade teacher. 格雷克老师我二年级时的老师But the point is still valid. You've got to stay open. 但传达的意思不变你得保持开放心态If you get locked into one idea, 如果你固步自封like this king knight pawn, say, it's death. 就像这个王翼马兵一样就是死局Look. 你看- Now, the knight pawn is pinned. - So? -这个马前兵被堵住了 -所以呢So you got to move the king now, or you get stuck later. 所以你得移走王否则之后会被堵住I can see that, but-- 我知道但是But look at the queen-side pawns, way over here. 但你看后翼兵在这边- He could do this. - Try it. -他可以这么下 -你试试See? 你瞧It's a good sequence. 这走法不错It's from Alekhine. 这是阿列瀚的I'm saying I got it from a book. 我是说这招是从书上学来的I know what you're saying. 我知道你什么意思Let's eat. 我们吃东西吧You're not the same person you were five years ago, either. 你也和五年前不同了- No? - No. -是吗 -对But I can't figure out what's different. 但我说不出来哪里不同I've become more profound? 我更有深度了That's not it. 不是And I, um, got my teeth fixed. 我还修了牙- Yeah, that's it. - Yeah. -对就是这个 -嗯It's the teeth. It was driving me crazy. 是牙齿之前快把我逼疯了I used my tuition money. 我用了学费My parents are plenty ticked off about it. 我爸妈气坏了It was worth it. 这钱花得值得Uh, I should go. 我该走了Uh, I'll leave my board here. 我把象棋留下I'll take this. 三明治我拿走了I'll be back in the morning with more books. 明早我再带点书过来Shit. 妈的Oh, God. 天呐No. 不You see, I'm a little shy. 你瞧我有点害羞Alright, what seems to be the trouble? 好吧你的问题是什么Well, it's difficult to show you 现在向你展示症状the symptoms at the moment, because... 会有些困难因为it comes and it goes. 它来去不定Oh, it comes and goes? 来去不定Yes, it's so unfortunate. 对非常不幸It's always the same whenever I see a doctor. 我每次看医生都是这样When... when I come, it goes, 我来看医生时病就走了and when I go, it comes. 我走后病又回来了Okay, tell me, what was your endgame? 好吧你说说你的残局是什么You just saw it. 你刚看到了What was your plan? 你的计划呢To beat you? 打败你I don't know what it was. 我不知道是什么Exactly, you're still just improvising. 没错你还是在临场发挥I just wiped you out five times. 我刚打败了你五次I'm a master, 我是个大师and I've never played better in my life. 这是我这辈子下的最好的棋So modest. 真谦虚But I'm nowhere close to what you'll face in Paris. 但我压根比不上你要在巴黎交手的棋手I could beat Borgov with a little more work. 我稍微下点功夫就能打败博尔戈夫You can beat Borgov with a lot more work. 你要打败博尔戈夫需要下很多功夫Years more work. 多年的努力Borgov's not some Kentucky ex-champion like me. 博尔戈夫不是像我一样的肯达基州前冠军He is a world champion 他是个世界冠军who could have beaten both of us when he was ten. 在他十岁时就能把我们俩都打得落花流水Do you even know his career? 你了解他的象棋生涯吗No. 不知道Well... 这个Read it. 看看Read the games from Leningrad, 1962. 看看他在列宁格勒1962年下的棋Look at the way he plays rook-pawn endings. 看看他如何应对车兵残局Look at the games with Luchenko and Spassky. 看看他和卢申科与斯帕斯基的棋局You might learn something. 你或许能学到点东西No, this way. 不对是这边《我与象棋》瓦西里·博尔戈夫Right. 好吧"Look at the games with Luchenko and Spassky, "看看他和卢申科与斯帕斯基的棋局you might learn something." Fuck. 你或许能学到点东西" 妈的"I'm a master." "我是个大师"It was so bad. 太烂了Summer's coming. 夏天要来了Radio's a little loud, don't you think? 收音机声音有点响了你不觉得吗Come on. 来嘛I'll turn it down after this. I just... 这首歌之后我就调轻我只是I love this song. 我很喜欢这首歌*Sun lights up the day time* *太阳照亮白昼**Moon lights up the night* *月亮照亮黑夜*Are you coming? 你来吗"If you already in a fight, you want the first blow to be the last." "如果你已经处在战斗中最好一招制胜""And you better be the one to throw it." "而且最好是你的一招""Few things are as mentally brutal as chess." "很少有什么像象棋一般耗费脑力" "Attackers may sometimes regret their moves, "进攻者有时会后悔走错棋but it is much worse to forever regret 但更令人悔恨终身的是an opportunity you allowed to pass you by." 放走进攻机会"So, it's not always about attacking. 所以不一定要节节进攻Sometimes, it's much better to take a piece back. 有时退一步是更好的选择So, this is Smyslov versus Botvinnik. 这是斯密斯洛夫对战博特文尼克的棋局Now, as you can see, 你能看到Botvinnik should have taken the pawn with the queen. 博特文尼克本可以用后吃掉对方的兵He must have been very tired, 他肯定累坏了or someone must have drugged his tea. 或者有人在他的茶里下药了Anyway, I always thought that was interesting. 反正我总觉得这步走得很有意思"I know I'm a good player, "我知道自己是出色的棋手but now I'm up aganist people half my age." 但现在我的对手都比我小一半""I don't know how long I can keep winning." "我不知道自己还能赢多久""I can fight against anyone but time." "我可以与任何人对弈唯独无法对抗时间" I'm moving out of the hotel tomorrow. 我明天就从酒店搬出去了Into my apartment. 搬进公寓Play pawn to king five. 走兵到王线第五格Humor me. 试试嘛- That's unusual. - Yeah. -很独特的走法 -对Player named Mikinas came up with that one. 一个叫米基纳斯的棋手想的招数How far away is it? 有多远The apartment. 你的公寓New Circle Road. 新环路I won't be coming by so much. 我没法经常过来了It's not so far away. 也不是很远No, but I'll be taking classes, 对但我要上课and I should probably get a part-time job. 而且我该找个兼职You could move in here if you want. 如果你愿意可以搬进来You know, for free. 免费的Really? 真的吗Yeah. 对Really. 真的- Sorry, I... - Uh... no. No. -抱歉我... -不没关系I-I just wasn't ready. 我只是没准备好I'm ready now. 现在我准备好了Now or never. 机不可失So, um... 那么should I stay here or go back to my room? 我该留在这还是回我的房间Whatever you want. 随便你Okay. 好Good night. 晚安Good night. 晚安Beth? 贝丝Beth Harmon? 贝丝·哈蒙Margaret Neil. 我是玛格丽特·尼尔Well, Margaret Johnson now. 现在改名叫玛格丽特·约翰逊了Fairfield High? 费尔菲尔德高中Margaret. Right. Hi. 玛格丽特对你好Mike and I tied the knot right after graduation. 迈克和我毕业后就结婚了Congratulations. 恭喜Not long after, we were blessed with this little one. 不久后我们就有了这个小家伙What's her name? 她叫什么Jean, after Mike's grandmother. 简跟迈克的祖母一样I read about you. 我读到了你的事The chess and the traveling. 象棋和旅行It must be exciting. 肯定很有趣It is. 是的Being around all those boys is a real thrill. 在那么多男孩身边非常刺激You wanted to know what the boys were like, 你之前问我那些男孩都什么样if I dated any of them. 我是否跟他们约会过That time I came over to your house with the Apple Pis. 就是我去你家参加苹果派聚会的时候Gosh! 天呐That seems, uh... 那感觉like a million years ago, doesn't it? 都是几百年前的事了对吧I should probably get my errands done, before this one gets... 我该去办事了免得这个小家伙I should probably get my errands done, before this one gets... 莱克斯酒行really fussy, and the window of opportunity, 变得不耐烦而且机会的窗口as we like to say, slams shut. 如常言所说关上了It was nice to see you. 很高兴见到你You, too. 我也是I think there's more to life than chess. 我觉得象棋不是生命的唯一Yeah, one of my heroes is Philidor. 我的一个偶像是费里多This French musician, used to play chess blindfolded in Paris and London. 法国音乐家以前会在巴黎和伦敦下盲棋Diderot wrote him a letter. 狄德罗给他写了一封信Now, you know Diderot? 你知道狄德罗吗French Revolution? 法国大革命吗Yeah, it's close enough. 嗯差不多So, uh, Philidor was doing blindfold exhibitions 费里多一直致力于下盲棋and burning out his brain, 绞尽脑力or whatever it was they thought you did 或无论别人觉得你在in the 18th century. Anyway... 18世纪会做的事总之Diderot wrote to him and said something like, 狄德罗给他写了一封信说了这样的话"It's foolish to run the risk of going mad for vanity's sake." "冒着陷入疯狂的风险追求虚荣实在愚蠢至极"Now, I think about that sometimes, 我有时会想起这句话when I'm analyzing my ass off over a chess board. 在我拼命分析棋局的时候I, um... I saw your picture on the cover of Chess Review, 我我看到了你在《象棋天下》的照片and those pictures Townes took in Las Vegas, 还有陶恩斯在拉斯维加斯拍的照片for the Lexington paper. 出版在莱克星顿报纸上They were beautiful. 非常美- I thought maybe the two of you were-- - No, we weren't. -我以为也许你们俩 -不没有Truth is... 事实是I was waiting for you to come back. 我在等你回来You're the reason I got my teeth fixed. 我是为了你修牙的Didn't Koltanowski use to play blindfolded all the time? 科塔诺夫斯基不也一直下盲棋吗And he wasn't crazy. 他没疯No, no, no, he's-he's not. It was, um... 对他确实没疯那个It was Morphy who went crazy, and Steinitz. 发疯的人是墨菲还有斯坦尼茨Morphy thought people were trying to steal his shoes. 墨菲总觉得别人要偷他的鞋子Well, maybe he thought shoes were bishops. 或许他觉得鞋子是象Yeah, maybe. 对或许吧Beth? 贝丝Let's play chess. 我们下棋吧Okay. 好Two packs of Chesterfields, please. 两包契斯特菲尔德香烟谢谢Two packs of Chesterfields, please. 《象棋天下》This, too. 还有这个Sure you wouldn't rather just steal it? 你确定不直接偷走吗You gonna be there? 你会去吗That tournament? 那个锦标赛Yes. 会Good luck. 祝你好运Keep it. 留着吧For the first time. 为第一次买单Whoa, that doesn't look right. Your knight is hanging. 这看起来不对你的马情况不妙You're missing it. It's a much stronger move than it looks. 你没看出来这步比看上去的厉害很多Okay, watch. 看好了The knight takes, 马吃子and the pawn moves up. 兵走上If he didn't move it up, the bishop would be locked in. 如果不走那象就被困住了When he does... 等对方这么做时...the other pawn falls. 另一个兵就保不住了- What about the other bishop here? - For Christ's sakes, Harry. -那这边的象呢 -天呐哈利It's check once the pawn moves, and the knight trades. 一旦走兵马换象就直接将军了Can't you see that? 你看不出来吗No, I can't. I can't find it that fast. 不不行我没法这么快看出来Well, wish you could. 真希望你可以You're too sharp for me. 你对我要求太高了You're too sharp for me. 《象棋天下》Breakfast is almost ready. 早餐就快好了I have taught you everything I know. 我已经教会了你我知道的一切Which, admittedly, is not a lot. 说实话并不多I've got to start studying. 我得开始学习了I'm supposed to be an electrical engineer, not a chess bum. 我该成为一个电气工程师而不流浪棋手Where are you gonna go? 你要去哪I'm moving to that apartment. 我要搬去那个公寓It's closer to the university. 离大学近- I'm gonna leave you-- - You're wrong, you know. -我要给你 -你错了You've taught me a lot. 你教会了我很多I'm really glad you called. 我很开心你打给了我I'm glad I could be here with you, you know? 我也很开心能在这陪你After you lost your mom. 在你母亲去世后It's more than that. 不仅如此You've really helped me. 你真的帮了我I guess you've helped me, too. 我想你也帮了我You've helped me realize something. 你帮我认识到一件事What? 什么That I don't love chess. 我并不爱象棋No, it's okay. 不没关系I just don't love it as much as I once did. 我只是没有以前那么喜爱了I'm not obsessed with it the way one has to be to win it all. 我不痴迷于象棋仿佛需要为此赢得一切The way you are. 就像你那样I'm gonna leave you... 我要给你this. 这个You have a lot in common. 你们有很多共同点威廉·埃沃特·纳皮尔著《保罗·墨菲和象棋的黄金时代》Really? 真的吗Morphy was a lawyer or something, in New Orleans. 墨菲是个律师什么的吧在新奥尔良You look at his games, 你看看他的棋局the way he played. 他的步法He sacrificed knights and bishops 他愿意牺牲马和象like he had a dozen instead of two, 好像他有一打而不只是两个and then he'd move in on the king so fast, 然后他会迅速进攻对方的王his opponents would just freeze up. 让对手直接石化It's too bad Morphy and Capablanca 真遗憾墨菲和卡帕布兰卡hadn't been alive at the same time. 没有生活在同一个时代They could've played each other. 他们可以对弈Yeah, it's too bad Morphy 是啊很遗憾墨菲fell into a muttering paranoia and died. 变成了喃喃自语的偏执狂最后去世了He would stay up all night, in Paris, before his games, 他在巴黎比赛的前一天会整宿不睡drinking in cafes, and talking with strangers. 喝着咖啡和陌生人交谈And then he'd play the next day like a shark. 然后第二天像鲨鱼一般下棋Well-mannered, well-dressed, moving the pieces 彬彬有礼衣冠楚楚用那如女士般的with these small, ladylike hands. 纤细的手指移动棋子Crushing one European master after another. 打败一个又一个的欧洲特级大师You know what they called him? 你知道人们怎么称呼他吗"The pride and the sorrow of chess." "象棋届的骄傲与悲伤"And then he retired at 22. 然后他22岁就退役了- And you think that's gonna be me? - I think that is you. -你觉得我会那样吗 -我觉得那就是你I think maybe... 我想或许it's always been you. 一直以来都是你Be careful, Beth. 小心贝丝Be careful, Beth. 俄亥俄州美国锦标赛全美象棋锦标赛俄亥俄州 1967年美国锦标赛Why, hello, Beth. 好啊贝丝Why, hello, Benny. 好啊本尼I read about your game with Borgov. 我看到了你和博尔戈夫的棋局That must have felt terrible. 肯定感觉糟透了- I felt like a fool. - I know that feeling. -我感觉像个傻子 -我能感同身受Helpless. 无助It all goes, and you just... 再下也毫无意义你只是push wood. 在推小木头Who have you got up first? 你的第一个对手是谁Manfredi. 曼弗雷迪That shouldn't take too long. 应该用不了多久Highest-rated players in the whole fucking country, 整个国家等级分最高的选手们and yet here we are at some second-rate university, 却在这个二流的大学里下棋playing on cheap plastic boards with cheap plastic pieces.用着便宜的塑料棋盘和便宜的塑料棋子If this were a golf or tennis tournament, 如果这是高尔夫或网球锦标赛we'd be surrounded by reporters, as opposed to... 我们肯定会被记者簇拥而不是...whoever these people are. 无论这些是什么货色You should see the places they play in the Soviet Union. 你该看看苏联下象棋的地方I'm planning on it. 我正有此意You have to get past me first. 你得先打败我I'm planning on that, too. 我也正有此意I'm planning on that, too. 本尼·瓦茨伊丽莎白·哈蒙I'm planning on that, too. 第一天I'm planning on that, too. 第二天I'm planning on that, too. 第三天I'm planning on that, too. 瓦茨I'm planning on that, too. 哈蒙Now, most players, they lack the courage in their convictions. 多数选手他们缺乏对自己判断的勇气The key is to not be tentative. 关键在于不能踌躇不决You have to play with absolute confidence. 下棋时你必须拥有绝对的自信I can tell, on the first move, 从第一步我就能看出whether someone's got that or they don't, 对方是否有那个信心和勇气just from how they move that first piece. 仅从他们第一步棋的步法就能看出What advice would you give to any young chess players 对那些想追随你脚步的年轻象棋选手who wanna follow in your footsteps? 你有什么建议吗I'd tell them to read my book. 我会让他们读我的书Obviously. 显然Yeah, play through all the games. 对把里面的棋局都下一边You know, I'd tell them to get in shape. 我还希望他们保持身材Most people, they think about chess players, 多数人他们想到象棋选手they think about people who look like you. 就想到你这样的人Harmon! 哈蒙Wait up. 等等Found you a reporter, I see. 看来你找到了记者Funny. Ha. 真有趣What did you do to that poor guy you played in the third round?你对第三轮那个可怜人做了什么He looked like he wanted to kill himself. 他看起来都要自杀了Which poor guy are you talking about? 你说的是哪个可怜人Touche. 说的有理Some of us have been, 我们哥几个uh, heading down to the student union, 打算去学生会活动中心having a couple beers, playing some speed chess. 喝几杯啤酒下几盘快棋You should join us. 你一起来吧No, thanks. I have to study. 不谢了我要学习Thought I'd go back to the dorms, read your book. 我想着回宿舍看你的书You know, get in shape. 保持身材You do realize that we have the whole day off tomorrow? 你知道我们明天一整天都没事吧Can I ask you a question? 我能问你个问题吗Depends on whether or not the answer will give you an edge. 却决于答案是否会给你优势Seriously? 真的假的Are you that nervous? 你有那么紧张吗- Was that the question? - No! What's with the knife? -什么问题 -不刀是干什么的What do you mean? 什么意思I mean, why do you carry it around? 你为什么到处带着走This is for protection. 这是为了保护- From what? - Whatever. -防什么 -以防万一Study hard. 你好好学习Beth! 贝丝Beth Harmon, this is Danny Weiss and Dave Friedman. 贝丝·哈蒙这是丹尼·维斯和戴夫·弗里德曼Nice to meet you. 幸会Actually, we met. You beat me the other day. 其实我们见过了那天你打败了我Me, too. Rather badly, in fact. 我也是我还输得很惨- Sorry. - Don't be. -抱歉 -不必After I finished weeping in my room, I replayed the game. 我在房间里哭完后重现了棋局Learned a lot from it, so thank you. 学到了很多谢谢- You're welcome. - Beth, take a look at this. -不客气 -贝丝你看看这个It's White's move. 该白棋走了What would you do? 你会怎么下Typical mid-game Ruy Lopez. 典型的西班牙开局后的中局Well, yeah, we know that, but what's the move? 对我们知道但你会怎么走- You see? - Maybe you're right. -你瞧 -或许你是对的No, I know I'm right, and Beth sees things the same way I do. 不我知道我是对的贝丝看棋的思路跟我一样The pawn move is too weak, right? 走兵太弱了对吧The pawn move only works if he plays his bishop. 只有他走象走兵这招才有用Exactly. 没错- Bye, boys. - Whoa, hold on. -再见小伙子们 -等等How about some speed chess? 下几盘快棋吧Or we could play some skittles, or blitz, 或随便下下或闪电战or bughouse? 或四人象棋No, I'm just gonna get some coffee, 不我就是来拿杯咖啡and then I'm gonna go back and study. 然后我就要回去学习了Well, Weiss will get you some coffee, won't you, Weiss? 维斯能帮你拿咖啡对吧维斯Yeah. 当然Sugar, cream? 糖奶油Yes. 都要- Thank you. - Uh, get me an apple juice. -谢谢 -给我个苹果汁But not one of those, uh, crappy plastic cups. 不要那种用塑料杯装的Get me a-a milk glass. 要玻璃瓶的那种Yeah, sure. 好没问题Please, sit. 坐吧Fine. 行One game. 就一局- Got it? - All right. -听到了吗 -好Okay. 好的Shall we say... 那不如five bucks a game? 五块一局I haven't even had my coffee. 我都还没喝上咖啡呢Well, look, here it comes right now. 你瞧这不马上就来了吗- There you go. - Thank you. -给你 -谢谢All right, you take a sip of that coffee, 你喝一口咖啡and I'll punch your clock. 我开启你的棋钟Go ahead. 来吧Again? 再来一局吗Again? 再来一局吗Again? 再来一局吗Again? 再来一局吗- I need to see proof. - Calling me a liar? -我需要证据 -你是说我骗人吗It's gonna be you or me. 不是你就是我Are you trying to psych me out? 你是想吓坏我吗No, I don't need to do that to beat you. 不我不需要那样也能打败你Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday, okay? 听着昨天很抱歉I wasn't trying to hustle you. 我不是想坑你- Weren't you? - Come on, Beth. -不是吗 -拜托贝丝You're the best player here. 你是这里最优秀的棋手And I've been watching your games. You... 而且我一直在看你的棋局你...You attack like Alekhine. 你的进攻方式像阿列瀚You held me off well enough yesterday. 你昨晚可把我杀得片甲不留But that doesn't count. That's speed chess. 但那不算那是快棋I'm better at speed chess than you. I play a lot of it in New York. 我本来快棋就下得比你好我在纽约经常玩- You beat me in Las Vegas. - That was a while ago. -你在拉斯维加斯也击败了我 -那都是陈年往事了You were too hung up on doubling my pawns. 你那时只想着要提放我的叠兵I don't think I could get away with that again. 我觉得我没法再用这一招了Do you ever go over games in your head? 你会在脑海里复盘棋局吗When you're alone. Play all the way through them? 当你一个人从头到尾下一遍Doesn't everybody? 大家不都是吗Well, I never thought you'd let me trade queens. 我真没想到你会让我换后I didn't think so, either. 我也没想到Thirty moves, man, Jesus. 30步就完了天呐That many? 有那么多步吗Looks like you can outdrink me, too. 看来你酒量也比我好I really appreciate the way you're taking this. 我很谢谢你能输得起- I'm raging inwardly. - Well, it doesn't show. -我内心在狂怒 -反正看不出来Should never have played that goddamn bishop pawn. 就不该走象兵- No, probably not. - What are you gonna do about Borgov? -是啊或许是不该 -你打算怎么应对博尔戈夫I don't know. 我不知道I don't even have a passport. Or the right clothes. 我都没有护照或合适的衣服I hear it's pretty cold in Paris that time of year. 我听说巴黎这个时候挺冷的I'm not talking about Paris. I'm talking about Moscow. 我说的不是巴黎是莫斯科What, do they not deliver mail in Kentucky? 怎么肯塔基州都不送信吗What's in Moscow? 莫斯科怎么了The Moscow Invitational. 莫斯科邀请赛The US winner gets invited. You didn't know that? 美国冠军会被邀请你不知道吗- Yes, ma'am. - A couple more, please. -女士 -再来两瓶谢谢Uh, no, thanks. I'm still on my first. 不谢了我第一瓶还没喝完Well, I'll drink them both. 那我就都喝了Easy there, tiger. 悠着点猛虎How do I get to Moscow if I go? 如果我打算去该怎么去莫斯科Well, I mean, when I went, 我去的时候the Federation paid for my ticket, and then this church group 政府付了机票钱然后一个教会covered the rest of it. 负责了剩下的支出Did you have a second? 你有副手吗- Weiss. - Weiss? -维斯 -维斯It would be tough to go to Russia alone. 一个人去苏联太不容易了- Here you go. - Oh, thank you. -给 -谢谢You always drink this much? 你总是喝那么多吗Sometimes, I drink more. 有时我喝的更多Who else will be playing in Moscow? 还有谁会在莫斯科比赛Four top Russians, and four other countries. 苏联前四强棋手还有其他四个国家If you keep doing this, you're gonna end up washed up 如果你一直这么喝等到你21岁by the time you're 21. 就芳华不再了I like your hair. 我喜欢你的头发Yeah, sure you do. 是啊可不嘛What about Moscow? 那莫斯科呢Four Soviet chess players is a lot of Soviet chess players. 一下子四个苏联棋手太多了Murderous. 凶残毒辣But you're the only American I can think of 但你是唯一个我觉得能够that might be able to do it. 打败他们的美国人I went to pieces with Borgov in Mexico City. 我在墨西哥城惨败给了博尔戈夫When do you go to Paris? 你什么时候去巴黎In five weeks. 五周后Well, you'll need a good trainer. 那你需要个好教练Not Harry Beltik. 我不是说哈利·贝尔蒂克Someone... 一个better. 更厉害的人Someone more, um, mature. 一个更成熟的人Who'd you have in mind? 你有什么提议吗。

苏教版五年级数学上册易错题一、计算公式1、平行四边形的面积=底×高平行四边形的底=面积÷高平行四边形的高=面积÷底(等底等高的平行四边形面积相等)2、三角形的面积=底×高÷2三角形的底=面积×2÷高三角形的高=面积×2÷底(等底等高的三角形面积相等)3、梯形的面积=(上底+下底)×高÷2梯形的高=面积×2÷(上底+下底)梯形的上底=面积×2÷高-下底梯形的下底=面积×2÷高-上底4、计算圆木、钢管堆根数公式:总根数=(顶层根数+底层根数)×层数÷2 层数=底层根数-顶层根数+15、三角形是等底等高的平行四边形面积的一半;三角形与平行四边形等积(面积)等底,则高是平行四边形高的2倍;三角形与平行四边形等积(面积)等高,则底是平行四边形底的2倍。
6、 1公顷=10000平方米 1平方千米=1000000平方米=100公顷(画图、组合图形、不规则图形)二、判断1、一个数不是正数就是负数。
3、一天凌晨的气温是-5ºC,中午比凌晨上升了2 ºC,中午的气温是()。

师:〔故意〕声音这么小,看不出有多大的信心?大声的告诉老师,有没有?〔课件出示〕用简便方法计算以下各题,并说根据什么?48+25+52+175 120-75-25 85-〔15+68〕学生自主完成后,指名说一说想法。
〔二〕、自主探究,探索新知:1、学生自主学习教材112页例4、例5 。
师:王伯伯父子俩要同学们帮助他们解决什么问题?生:一共用了多少元?师:明白他说的意思吗?那应该怎样列式呢?你是怎么计算的呢?学生汇报:〔1〕5.5+2.76+14.5 =8.26+14.5 =22.76(元)〔2〕5.5+2.76+14.5 =〔5.5+14.5〕+2.76 = 20+2.76 = 22.76(元)交流:观察两种算法的异同,比比哪种做法简便,说说这样算简便的理由,说明了什么,你想提醒同学们注意什么?师:原来学过整数加法中的交换律、结合律,对现在学的小数加法来说,适用吗?谁能用一句话总结一下。

新概念第四册课文翻译及学习笔记:Lesson6【课文】First listen and then answer the following question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。
How does the writer describe sport at the international level?I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. Even if one didn't know from concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles.Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive. You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win. On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise: but as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused. Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this. At the international level, sport is frankly mimic warfare. But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators: and, behind the spectators, of the nations who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests, and seriously believe -- at any rate for short periods -- that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.GEORGE ORWELL The sporting spirit【New words and expressions 生词和短语】goodwill n. 友好cricket n. 板球inclination n. 意愿contest n. 比赛orgy n. 无节制的,放荡deduce v. 推断competitive adj. 竞争性的patriotism n. 地方观念,爱国主义disgrace v. 使丢脸savage adj. 野性的combative adj. 好斗的mimic warfare 模拟战争behaviour n. 行动,举止absurd adj. 荒唐的【课文注释】1.create goodwill创造友谊Goodwill is a friendly or helpful attitude towards other people, countries, or organizations.好意、善意、友善。

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高考励志歌曲《when you believe》You will when you believe,下面店铺为大家精心整理了高考励志歌曲《when you believe》,为你的高考加油鼓劲!《When You Believe》Many nights we've prayed 许多夜晚我们曾恳切祈祷With no proof anyone could hear 不能证明任何人可以听到And our hearts' a hopeful song 我们的心如一阕希望之歌We barely understood 自己难以参透Now we are not afraid 如今我们不再害怕Although we know there's much to fear 尽管我们知道仍有许多事情令人畏惧We were moving mountains long 翻山越岭后Before we knew we could 才知晓自己能够做到There can be miracles when you believe 只要你相信,奇迹就会实现Though hope is frail 尽管希望渺茫It's hard to kill 却难以抹杀Who knows what miracles you can achieve 谁能知晓你可以实现什么奇迹When you believe somehow you will 只要你相信,你或许就会You will when you believe 只要你相信,奇迹就会实现In this time of fear 在这恐惧之时When prayer so often proves in vain 当祈祷屡次落空时Hope seems like the summer birds 希望像是夏日的鸟儿Too swiftly flown away 太快飞离And now I am standing here 此刻我却站在这里My heart's so full I can't explain 我心充满,难以言表Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’d say寻觅着信念,说着未曾想过要说的话There can be miracles when you believe 只要你相信,奇迹就会实现Though hope is frail 尽管希望渺茫It's hard to kill 却难以抹杀Who knows what miracles you can achieve 谁能知晓你可以实现什么奇迹When you believe somehow you will 只要你相信,你或许就会You will when you believe 只要你相信,奇迹就会实现They don't always happen when you ask 他们不总在你求问的时候发生And it's easy to give in to your fear 也很容易屈服于你的畏惧But when you're blinded by your pain 但当你被痛苦蒙蔽时Can't see your way safe through the rain 在风雨中看不见出路Hope is still a resilient voice 希望仍然是一个坚定有力的声音Says love is very near 告诉你爱已临近There can be miracles when you believe 只要你相信,奇迹就会实现Though hope is frail 尽管希望渺茫It's hard to kill 却难以抹杀Who knows what miracles you can achieve 谁能知晓你可以实现什么奇迹When you believe somehow you will 只要你相信,你或许就会Now you will 你现在就会You will when you believe 只要你相信,你就会You will when you believe 只要你相信,你就会You will when you believe 只要你相信,你就会Just believe 只要相信I believe 我坚信You will when you believe 只要你相信,奇迹就会实现高考励志英语歌曲推荐:1、《try try》开头就能吸引住你,男生调皮地唱,尝试尝试!嗯!在失败后,尤其要不灰心!努力尝试!2、《i believe i can fly》这首歌大家应该很熟悉!我相信我能飞!超级励志!大推!嘿嘿——。

2.1 信心的定义和作用
2.1.1 什么是信心?
2.1.2 信心与成功的关系
2.2 如何建立信心
2.2.1 认识自己
2.2.2 积极思考

电影《阿甘正传》中英文双字幕Forrest Gump<导演>罗伯特·泽米吉斯视频/ltc/?q=node/124来源:/12215445_d.html《阿甘正传》的中英台词对照[原创2007-08-25 14:05:48][02:54.49]你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump. [03:05.00]要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?[03:09.51]我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.[03:14.02]我妈妈常说My mama always said[03:16.02]人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.[03:21.36]你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.[03:31.37]那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.[03:34.37]穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that [03:37.81]脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.[03:41.98]我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.[03:45.49]其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .[03:47.99]妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot [03:49.99]只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.[03:54.00]他会往哪里走Where they're going,[03:56.00]他住在哪里where they've been.[04:04.51]我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.[04:09.02]如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard[04:12.02]我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.[04:17.19]妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .[04:20.39]她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.[04:23.49]好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .[04:33.51]你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.[04:42.95]感觉如何?How do those feel?[04:47.96]他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,[04:50.33]是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.[04:52.83]但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.[04:56.97]但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?[05:00.41]福雷斯!Forrest![05:01.74]我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,[05:04.48]妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero[05:07.31]内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.[05:08.32]内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.[05:09.48]她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.[05:12.99]他做过的事情是:What he did was,[05:14.49]建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.[05:17.99]他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets [05:21.50]看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.[05:26.00]他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.[05:30.01]不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.[05:34.15]妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me[05:37.55]我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,[05:40.56]并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.[05:51.95]向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh![05:54.96]好了All right.[05:57.19]你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?[05:59.20]从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen[06:00.70]小孩子戴脚撑的吗?a little boy with braces on his legs before ?[06:04.94]不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody[06:06.44]说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.[06:08.94]如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,[06:11.44]他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.[06:14.45]妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.[06:18.59]我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,[06:22.99]距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.[06:26.00]这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.[06:29.00]我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family[06:31.50]从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa[06:33.64]他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.[06:37.14]房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama[06:39.58]我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,[06:41.58]妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,[06:44.08]给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,[06:45.59]比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.[06:49.26]我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.[06:52.26]妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.[06:55.10]记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.[06:57.10]你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.[07:02.44]听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?[07:04.94]你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.[07:07.45]你并没有什么不一样You are no different.[07:09.45]你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.[07:14.19]他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.[07:16.69]我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,[07:19.30]汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.[07:23.80]她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education[07:26.30]所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School.[07:29.81]我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.[07:32.81]请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.[07:36.15]这是正常水平Now, this is normal.[07:38.62]福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .[07:43.69]州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80[07:46.60]才能上公立学校to attend public school.[07:48.40]甘太太Mrs. Gump,[07:49.77]他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.[07:52.74]在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.[07:55.24]正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?[07:57.74]他可能… He might be...[07:59.74]反应不太灵敏a bit on the slow side,[08:01.95]但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest[08:03.45]应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. [08:06.45]他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school[08:08.62]学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.[08:10.63]这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .[08:15.46]一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.[08:18.43]我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.[08:22.97]我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.[08:25.81]甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?[08:33.39]他去度假了He's on vacation.[08:52.38]你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.[09:01.90]你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?[09:15.93]“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.[09:18.20]“看起来容易,但是… "It looked easy, but...[09:21.20]“发生了怪事,首先他们… oh, what happened. First they--"[09:23.87]妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?[09:27.21]度假?Vacation?[09:28.54]爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?[09:32.21]度假就是你去一个地方… Vacation's when you go somewhere...[09:37.39]然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.[09:43.73]总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say[09:45.73]我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.[09:48.37]但我们不介意But we didn't mind.[09:50.40]我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.[09:52.91]经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.[09:55.91]开饭!Supper![09:57.08]大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone![09:58.58]这看起来很特别That sure looks special.[10:00.18]有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us [10:03.08]每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,[10:06.59]这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases[10:09.09]还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.[10:12.60]福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?[10:16.37]有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us, [10:19.27]他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.[10:26.95]“你从来逮不到兔子” # Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #[10:30.79]“你也不是…” # And you ain't no #[10:32.45]“我的朋友” # Friend of mine #[10:35.86]福雷斯Forrest,[10:37.53]叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.[10:40.36]不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.[10:41.87]我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.[10:45.37]好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.[10:48.37]行,好极了。

We Are One (Ole Ola) 天下一家(The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Song Pitbull)(2014年巴西世界杯主题曲嘻哈斗牛犬) Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共Olê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê olá When the goin gets tough (goin gets tough) 遇上险阻之时The tough get goin (tough get goin) 困难重重在前One love (love), one life (life) 同一份热爱同一体生命one world (world), one fight (fight) 同一个世界同一场战役Whole world (world), one night (night), 整个世界聚焦一夜one place (place), Brazil (Brasil) 仅在一地正是巴西Everybody put your flags in the sky 就让所有人高擎旗帜And do what you feel 尽情挥洒此刻感受It's your world, my world, our world today 今天就是你的世界我的世界我们的世界And we invite the whole world, 我们诚邀全世界whole world to play 整个世界加入游戏It's your world, my world, our world today 今天就是你的世界我的世界我们的世界And we invite the whole world, 我们诚邀全世界whole world to play 整个世界加入游戏Es mí mundo, tú mundo, él mundo, de nosotros 这是你的世界我的世界我们的世界Invitamos al todo el mundo, a hogar con nosotros 我们诚邀全世界欢聚一堂Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天(p ut'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共Olê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê olá(Jenny, darling 亲爱的詹尼,该你出场!)[Jennifer Lopez / 詹妮弗?洛佩兹]One night watch the world unite, 就在这一夜看到世界同聚Two sides, one fight, and a million eyes 两支队伍一场比赛万众聚焦Full hearts gonna work so hard, shoot for the stars 满溢的心情直冲星汉Fists raised towards the sky tonight 今夜振臂高呼拳指向天Watch the world unite, 看世界融为一体World unite, world unite for the fight fight fight 世界共融只为这场比赛One night watch the world unite, 就在这一夜看到世界同聚Two sides, one fight, and a million eyes 两支队伍一场比赛万众聚焦Hey hey hey Forza forza 加油加油Come on sing with me 与我一同歌唱Hey hey hey Allez allez come shout it out with me 快来与我放声呐喊Hey hey hey Come on now 来吧Hey hey hey Come on now 一起来吧Hey hey hey, hey hey[Pitbull]Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共Olê olê, olê olá Olê olê, olê olá Olê olê, olê olá Olê olê, olê olá[Cláudia Leitte] (葡萄牙语)é meu é seu, 属于你也属于我Hoje é tudo nosso, 今天我们属于彼此Quando eu chamo o mundo inteiro pra jogar 当我向全世界发出邀请é pra mostrar que eu posso, 我要让你们看到我能行Torcer, chorar, sorrir, gritar 欢呼痛苦微笑尖叫NO importa o resultado vamos extravasar 无论结果怎样[Pitbull]Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共Olê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê olá。
4 信心的操练 一

在夕阳的一切是那 样的美丽,幸福而又安详。但忽然起了暴风,
打破了这平静的时刻,让沉醉在幸福时刻的门 徒苏醒过来。
⒈人生的变数 ⒉人类的渺小 ⒊人性的软弱 ⒋信心的导航
妇人焉能忘记她吃奶 的婴孩,不怜恤她所生的儿子。即或有 忘记的,我却不忘记你。看哪,我将你 铭刻在我掌上,你的墙垣常在我眼前。
他以慈爱和怜悯救赎他们。在古时的日 子,常保抱他们,怀搋他们。
肆 信心的操练
当那天晚上,耶稣对门徒说, 我们渡到那边去吧。门徒离开众人,耶稣仍在船 上,他们就把他一同带去。也有别的船和他同行。 忽然起了暴风,波浪打入船内,甚至船要满了水。 耶稣在船尾上,枕着枕头睡觉。门徒叫醒了他, 说,夫子,我们丧命,你不顾吗?耶稣醒了,斥 责风,向海说,住了吧,静了吧。风就止住,大 大地平静了。耶稣对他们说,为什么胆怯。你们 还没有信心吗?他们就大大地惧怕,彼此说,这 到底是谁,连风和海也听从他了。
①信心的重建 ②信心的扩张 ③更深的认识
Chicken Run《小鸡快跑(2000)》完整中英文对照剧本

我被卡住了!I'm stuck!退回去!Get back!敦蒂先生Mr. Tweedy.那只鸡在围栏外干什么?What is that chicken doing outside the fence? 我不知道亲爱的Oh! I don't know, love马上去处理一下!Just deal with it. Now!让我难堪我要教训你I'll teach you to make a fool out of me这对你们都是一个教训!Let that be a lesson to the lot of ya!没有鸡能从敦蒂鸡场逃出去!No chicken escapes from Tweedy's farm!早安姜妹刚度完假?Morning, Ginger. Back from holiday?我没去度假巴波斯I wasn't on holiday, Babs.我被关禁闭了I was in solitary confinement一个人独呆一阵子也不错Oh, it's nice to get a bit of time to yourself是不是?isn't it?集♥合♥!Roll call!马上过来你们列队要晚了Come along, now. You'll be late for parade 叽叽叽叽快点儿左右左右Pip, pip. Quick march. Left, right, left, right左右左右!Left, right, left, right!快精神点儿Come on. Smarten up.纪律! 秩序!Discipline! Order!想当初在皇家空军Back in my R.A.F. days当长官命令紧急起飞when the officer called for a scramble你跳进老飞机发现目标you'd hop in the old crate and tally-ho.轰隆开走了!Chocks away!别说了老傻瓜Give over, you old fool.他们只想数数我们They just want to count us你怎么敢这样对长官回话?How dare you talk back to a senior ranking officer? 嘿想当初在皇家空军...Why, back in my R.A.F. days!福罗他们来了Fowler, they're coming啊好好Oh, right, right.你要受到严厉的谴责There will be a stern reprimand for you, lad.取消你的自♥由♥活动You're grounded立正!Attention!欢迎你回来母鸡有新的计划吗?Welcome back, hen. Is there a new plan?我想我们试过从下面出去I thought we tried going under噢上面好Ah! Over. Right鸡蛋的数量怎么样?How's the egg count?我今早下了五个五个I've laid five eggs this morning. Five!那很好我...很高兴Well-chuffed with that, I was!产蛋记录啊不爱德文娜Oh, no. Edwina邦迪你为什么不给她几个?Bunty, why didn't you give her some of yours?我会的可她没说I would have. She didn't tell me.她没对任何人说She didn't tell anyone噢爱德文娜要去度假吗?Oh, is Edwina off on holiday?我们必须逃离此地We've got to get out of here姜妹! 我们还要逃吗?Ginger! Are we still on?啊当然啦我们要逃Oh, we're on, all right麦克告诉大家今晚在17号♥木屋开会Spread the word, Mac. Meeting tonight in hut 17你叫我们? 尼克...You called? Nick and...- 范晨 - 听从你的吩咐- Fetcher. - At your service这边儿来Over here我们还需要一些东西We need some more things好小姐Right you are, miss.这套手工茶具怎么样?How about this quality handcrafted tea set?不要Uh, no那来条漂亮的项链和挂坠?Or a lovely necklace and pendant?是不错...It's love...或者这个美丽的帽子Or this beautiful number都是巴黎鸡圈子里时髦的东西all the rage in the fashionable chicken coops of Paree 这样戴上Simply pop it on like so像法国鸡那样说声"喔哇"and as the French hens say, "Voila!"那是法语That's French这是个两用帽小姐That's two hats in one, miss.参加晚会参加婚礼For parties, for weddings啊可是女士这使你美极了Oh, but madame, this makes you look like a vision 像梦中美人like a dream- 像只鸭子 - 不要谢谢- Like a duck. - No, thank you我们在做这个需要这些We're making this. We need THESE things.你能搞到吗?Can you get them?啊啊这不容易小姐Oh, oh, oh, this is a big job, miss啊比其它的都难Oh, bigger than the others.不不价钱会很贵No, no. This is gonna cost价钱不变一袋种子Same as always. One bag of seed- 这是你的付款? - 是鸡饲料- You call this pay? - It's chicken feed- 我们还能给你什么? - 鸡蛋- What else could we give you? - Eggs- 鸡蛋? - 鸡蛋- Eggs? - Eggs我们不能给你鸡蛋太珍贵了We can't give you eggs. They're too valuable我们也珍贵And so are we你先请范晨After you, Fetcher我先请什么?After I what?走!Move!二十二加九Twenty-two and nine十四先令加三便士Fourteen shillings and threepence七加六便士乘三Seven and sixpence times three二加九Two and nine四个半便士Fourpence ha'penny蠢材没用的东西!D-oh! Stupid, worthless creatures!我做够薄利生意了I'm sick and tired of making minuscule profits 厌倦赚小钱的生意了将你的鸡场变成金矿我发财了!啊对Oh, yes这些鸡有什么诡计Those chickens are up to something安静我找到了一个方法Quiet. I'm onto something它们组织起来了我知道They're organized. I know it- 我说安静 - 那个姜妹- I said, quiet. - That ginger one我认为她是头儿I reckon she's their leader敦蒂先生!Mr. Tweedy!我想我最终找到了I may finally have found a way to生财之道make us some real money here而你却在干什么?and what are you on about?愚蠢地在想鸡会逃跑Ridiculous notions of escaping chickens但是... 但是...But... But...都是你想象的敦蒂先生你说It's all in your head, Mr. Tweedy. Say it!都是我想象的都是我想象的It's all in me head. It's all in me head现在你自己对自己重复Now, you keep telling yourself that因为我再也不想听到它了because I don't want to hear another word about it - 清楚了吗? - 清楚了亲爱的- Is that clear? - Yes, love但你知道那个姜妹...But you know that ginger one...它只是只鸡傻瓜!It's chickens, you dolt!除你之外Apart from you它们是地球上最蠢的动物they're the most stupid creatures on this planet!他们不会搞阴谋诡计They don't plot, they don't scheme他们没有组织and they are not organized秩序! 秩序!Order! Order!大家安静安定Quiet, everyone. Settle down.我请你们注意秩序...I would like to call to order!Please如果你们能够...if you could just...大家有点儿纪律! 什么什么!Let's have some discipline in the ranks! What, what! - 谢谢福罗 - 当年我在皇家空军- Thank you, Fowler. - In my R.A.F. day我们从不允许we were never allowed to waste time闲聊浪费时间with unnecessary chit-chat是谢谢你福罗Yes, thank you, Fowler我...I...对!Right!继续吧Carry on我知道上次的逃跑行动Now, I know our last escape attempt was有点儿失败a bit of a fiasco但麦克和我又有了新计划but Mac and I have come up with a brand-new plan - 给他们看看麦克 - 好- Show 'em, Mac. - Right我们试着从铁丝网下出去但没有成功We tried going under the wire and that didn't work 因此这个计划是...从上面过So, the plan is...we go OVER it这是我们明白吗?This is us, right?我们这样进去We get in like this把它拉紧...松手!Wind her up and...let her go!天啊这个萝卜完蛋了!Good grief! The turnip's bought it!农夫来了!Farmer's coming!隐蔽行动!Operation Cover-up!敦蒂先生!Mr. Tweedy!- 你在哪儿? - 都是你想象的- Where are you? - Ooh. It's all in your head都是你想象的都是你想象的It's all in your head. It's all in your head各位想想我们还有什么没有试过?Think, everyone, think. What haven't we tried yet? 我们还没试过不逃跑We haven't tried NOT trying to escape嗯那可能行得通Hmm. That might work记得爱德文娜?What about Edwina?还得有多少空窝才行?How many more empty nests will it take?也许如果她花更多的时间下蛋Perhaps it wouldn't be empty而不是逃跑if she'd spent more time laying她的窝就不会空and less time escaping所以你一生都在下蛋...So laying eggs all your life...然后被拔毛填料烘烤and then getting plucked, stuffed这样够好了吧?and roasted is good enough?这是命运It's a living你们知道问题在哪儿吗?You know what the problem is?围栏不仅仅将农场围住The fences aren't just round the farm.也将你们的思想围住了They're up here in your heads那里有个更好的地方There's a better place out there就在山丘那边儿somewhere beyond that hill那里空间开阔树木众多...and it has wide open spaces and lots of trees...还有草原and grass你能想象出吗? 翠绿的草原Can you imagine that? Cool, green grass- 谁来喂我们? - 我们自力更生- Who feeds us? - We feed ourselves- 那农场在哪儿? - 没有农场- Well, where's the farm? - There is no farm那农夫住在哪儿Then where does the farmer live? 没有农夫巴波斯There is no farmer, Babs- 他去度假了吗? - 他哪儿也没去- Is he on holiday? - He isn't anywhere你还不明白吗?Don't you get it?没有早点名没有农夫There's no morning head count, no farmers没有狗鸡舍和钥匙no dogs, coops and keys也没有围栏and no fences我一生中从没有听过如此精彩的...In all my life I've never heard such a fantastic... 一堆废话!load of tripe!哎面对现实吧亲爱的Oh, face the facts, ducks从这儿出去的机率The chances of us getting out of here只有百万分之一are a million to one那我们仍有机会Then there's still a chance啊不啊不我在干什么?Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no. What am I doing?你想骗谁?Who are you trying to fool?你不能诱骗这群...You can't lead this bunch of...啊老天帮帮我们Oh, heaven help us自♥由♥!Freedoooom!女士们先生们谢谢你们Thank you, ladies and gentlemen你们是极好的观众You've been a wonderful audience噢好的Oh, yes有办法了!That's it!快把他搬进去Get him inside quickly这是我们出去的办法THIS is our way out of here我们做海报?We'll make posters?不是海报上的画儿巴波斯No. What's ON the poster, Babs. What's ON the poster 我们将飞出去!We'll fly out!有他的照片一定是个人物He must be important to have his picture taken.他是干什么的?What does he do?这还不明显吗? 他是职业飞行公鸡Isn't it obvious? He's a professional flying rooster他在农场间做示范飞行He flies from farm to farm, giving demonstrations- 你这样认为? - 啊当然- Do you suppose? - Oh, absolutely不能在暗处不不能在这儿Not in the dark, no. No, not in there. No出去好要拿...Get out. Good. Gotta get...你们是谁? 我在哪儿? 发生了什么事?Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?哎呀! 我的翅膀怎么了?Ouch! What happened to my wing?你刚才跌得很惨You took a rather nasty fall你扭伤了前腱And sprained the anterior tendon我给你捏了捏包扎了一下儿I gave it a wee bit of a tweak and wrapped her up这是英语吗?Was that English?你扭伤了翅膀她弄好了You sprained a wing. She fixed it- 是我做的绷带 - 是我抱你进来的- I made the bandage. - I-I carried you in我们从头开始说我在哪儿?Let's back up and start from the top. Where am I?你说得对真没礼貌我们只是太激动了...You're right. How rude. We're just very excit...这是个养鸡场This is a chicken farm我们都是鸡And we're the chickens哦现在明白了鸡场鸡...Yeah, with you so far. Chicken farm, chickens...我不喜欢他的样子I don't like the look of this one.他两眼的距离太近了His eyes are too close together- 福罗别这样 - 他还是个美♥国♥佬♥! - Fowler, please. - And he's a Yank!别急老大爷在我们那儿斗鸡是违法的Easy, Pops. Cockfighting's illegal where I come from那究竟是什么地方??And where is that exactly?一个我称之为自♥由♥之地A place I call the land of the free勇敢之家的地方and the home of the brave- 苏格兰! - 不美国- Scotland! - No! America美国Oh! America胡扯爱管闲事的美国人Poppycock. Pushy Americans.每次打仗总是晚出场Showing up late for every war挣得多爱得多来这儿了!Overpaid, oversexed and over here!老爷爷怎么啦?What's eating Grandpa?哦别在意这位先生...Oh, don't mind him, Mister!Mister?我叫洛基·罗德红岛的洛基简称罗德Name's Rocky. Rocky the Rhode Island Red. Rhodes for short - 洛基·罗德? - 很顺耳是吧?- Rocky Rhodes? - Catchy, ain't it?罗德先生这是你吗?Um, Mr. Rhodes, is this you?谁想知道?Uh, who wants to know?一群十分绝望的鸡A group of rather desperate chickens你看如果是你You see, if it is you那你可能就是我们祈祷的答案then you just might be the answer to our prayers那么就叫我奇迹吧娃娃脸因为那就是我Well, then, call me a miracle, dollface, 'cause that's me 你怎么来英国了罗德先生?And what brings you to England, Mr. Rhodes?那当然是因为英国的美女了Why, all the beautiful English chicks, of course别逗了!Give over!你看我天生喜欢旅行You see, I'm a traveler by nature我在农舍呆过I've done the whole barnyard thing但我很不适应but I couldn't get into it嗨你好? 诺铺Hi. How are you? Nope自♥由♥自在这才是我的方式The open road. That's more my style对给我个背包Yep, just give me a pack on my back告诉我方向and point me where the wind blows实际上你知道在我家乡他们叫我什么吗?In fact, you know what they call me back home?你们会喜欢的孤独的自♥由♥浪人You're gonna love this. The Lone Free Ranger很伟大吧?Isn't that great?- 我知道有可能 - 有可能对- I knew it was possible. - Oh, it's possible, all right- 我知道会有办法的 - 阿们!- I knew the answer would come. - Amen!我们都将飞过那个围栏We're all going to fly over that fence罗德先生给我们示范对吧?and Mr. Rhodes is going to show us how, right? 那... 什么? 你说"飞"?That's... What? Did you say "fly"?- 你可以教我们 - 不我不能- You can teach us. - No, I can't听着嘘你们听到了吗?Listen. Shh. You hear that?那是自♥由♥大道在叫我That's the open road calling my name我生来就对此有反应and I was born to answer that call他的听力一定很好He must have very good hearing是是出口在哪儿? 啊在这儿Okay, okay, where's the exit? Ah, this way罗德先生也许Mr. Rhodes, um, perhaps我没有把我们的处境讲清楚I didn't explain our situation properly我们一天到晚下蛋We lay eggs day in and day out当我们再也不能下蛋时他们就杀了我们and when we can't lay any more, they kill us这是个残酷的世界娃娃脸It's a cruel world, doll face.你或许应该适应它You might as well get used to it"他们要杀我们" 你都明白了吗?Which part of "they kill us" do you not understand? 我也有自己烦恼的事I got my own set of problems to worry about此外从这个鸟笼子出去也并不太难Besides, this birdcage can't be that hard to bust out of 实际上瞧着我In fact, watch me一只甚至两只鸡It's not so hard to get one chicken出去并不难out of here or even two但我们全要出去but this is about all of us全部出去?All of you?这就是我一直想告诉你的That's what I've been trying to tell you等等让我搞清楚Wait a minute. Let me get this straight你想让所有的鸡You want to get every chicken同时从这儿逃出?in this place out of here at the SAME TIME?- 当然 - 你疯了!- Of course. - You're certifiable!你不能做这种惊险的事You can't pull off a stunt like that.这是自杀That's suicide有志者事竟成Where there's a will, there's a way完全同意我要从那儿走了Couldn't agree more. I WILL be leaving that way- 但... 请别走! - 我就是这种人...- But... Please! - I'm the type of guy我喜欢自♥由♥ 我从来没有在一个地方... That likes to roam around I'm never in one...原来如此你是马戏团的So that's it. You're from the circus你是逃出来的是不是?You're on the run, aren't you?你能不能小声点儿?You wanna keep it down?我正在躲藏I'm trying to lay low here.我应当马上宣扬出去I should turn you in right now你不会的对吧?You wouldn't. Would you?给我个不会的理由Give me one reason why I shouldn't因为我很...可爱?Because I'm...cute?嗨嗨! 你是哪种疯鸡?Hey, hey, hey! What kind of crazy chick are you?你知道我被找到下场会咋样?Do you know what'll happen if he finds me?这是个残酷的世界It's a cruel world我刚刚决定我不喜欢你I just decided. I don't like you我刚刚决定我不在乎I just decided. I don't care.现在给我们示范飞行Now, show us how to fly- 用这只翅膀? - 那就教我们吧- With this wing? - Teach us, then不!No!他很有价值你刚才说?He's valuable, you say?- 当然 - 拿电筒来- Sure. - Get the torch现在听着姊妹Now, you listen here, sister.我再也不想过那种生活了I'm not going back to that life我是个孤独的自♥由♥浪人喜欢自♥由♥ I'm a Lone Free Ranger. Emphasis on FREE!那也是我们的追求自♥由♥!And that's what we want. Freedom!喜欢自♥由♥ 他们向这里走来了Fancy that. They're coming this way啊不他们是来抓我的Oh, oh, no. No. They're on to me教我们飞行我们就把你藏起来Teach us to fly and we'll hide you如果我不呢?And if I don't?你♥爸♥爸也是这么卑鄙吗?Was your father by any chance a vulture?我们成交了吗?Do we have a deal?是实行交易的时候了娃娃...Time to make good on that deal, doll...我叫姜妹The name is Ginger- 舒服吗? - 不太舒服- Comfortable? - Not really这也许会有所帮助Maybe this will help藏窝不错Nice hideout哎哟比蛋壳还小Ouch. I had more room in my egg我们履行了我们的诺言We've held up our end of the deal.明天你得履行你的了Tomorrow you hold up yours- 什么诺言? - 飞行!- What deal? - The flying!噢对对别担心Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, right, right. Don't worry我将倾囊相授I'll teach you everything I know现在我的床在哪儿?Now, which bunk is mine?真是太气人了!Absolutely outrageous!让一个长官和别人睡一张床...Asking a senior officer to share his quarters...和一个美国小兵太过分了and with a noncommissioned Yank, no less想当初我从...Why, back in my day, I'd never!你也不是我的首选You weren't exactly my first choice, either挪开点儿你的翅膀到我这边儿了And scoot over. Your wing's on my side of the bunk 你那边儿?Your side of the bunk?整张床都是我的The WHOLE bunk is my side of the bunk!等等... 什么味道? 是你的口臭?Just... What's that smell? Is that your breath? 真是太气人了!It's absolutely outrageous因此你们想飞行嗯?So you wanna fly, huh?好这并不容易Well, it ain't gonna be easy一朝一夕是学不会的and it ain't gonna happen overnight你知道飞行得有三样东西You see, flying takes three things努力练习不屈不挠...Hard work, perseverance and...- 努力练习 - 你说两次努力练习了!- Hard work. - You said hard work twice!那是因为That's because它比不屈不挠难两倍it takes twice as much work as perseverance 一派胡言!Codswallop!现在最重要的是Now, the most important thing is我们要共同合作we have to work as a team这意味着... 我说什么你们就做什么which means... you do everything I tell you好! 我们开始吧!Right! Let's rock and roll!敦蒂先生! 鸡都在...Mrs. Tweedy! The chickens are...吃食?Pecking?左二三右二三And left, two, three. And right, two, three 嗯...停下啊对往下And...stop right there. Oh, yeah, down往下对转小圈就这样快点儿Down. Yeah, make little circles. That's it. Faster 快点儿对好极了Faster. Oh, yes. Perfect噢就是这儿Oh, that's the spot.我以为你要教我们飞呢I thought you were going to teach us how to fly我正在教啊That's what I'm doing不是该有些拍翅膀的动作吗?Isn't there usually some flapping involved?嘿我告诉你怎么下蛋了吗?Hey, do I tell YOU how to lay eggs?放心我们正在进步Relax. We're making progress真的? 我总觉得我们在兜圈子Really? I can't help feeling we're going around in circles 这... 嘿! 停下! 你们让我头晕What the... Hey! Cut it out! You're making me dizzy我想他们准备好飞行了I think they're ready to fly now好因为他们再也走不动了Good, because they certainly can't walk anymore过来姑娘我们拍翅膀Up and at 'em, gals. Let's flap瞧范晨Watch, Fetcher我们看看老母鸡是否改变了主意Let's see if old Attila the Hen has come to her senses下起鸡雨了!It's raining hen!- 这是什么把戏亲爱的? - 我们在飞- What's this caper, love? - We're flying当然Obviously拍翅膀看这儿范晨Flipping hell. Look at this, Fetch他们找死啊They're gonna kill themselves- 想看下去? - 想看吧- Wanna watch? - Yeah, all right嗨! 小心那些鸡蛋!Hey! Careful of those eggs!单煎一面Sunny-side up.现在他们很容易翻过来!Now they're over easy!无疑成了炒蛋Definitely scrambled走! 走! 走!Go! Go! Go!走走走!Go, go, go, go! Go!鸡在行动!Poultry in motion!物以类聚人以群分Birds of a feather flop together干得好女士们干得好!Great work, ladies. Great work!受点儿苦对你们不错是好事The pain you're feeling is a good thing. It's good 痛苦是你们的朋友对吧? 这是好事Pain is your friend, okay? It's a positive thing 坚定信念... 你叫什么名字?Just keep the faith, uh... What's your name?安吉丝! 你会成功的Agnes! You'll get there小鸭我想你今天飞过四英尺了!Ducky, I think you flew four feet today!对四英尺! 从屋顶到地面Right, four feet! From the roof to the ground女士们别担心It's all part of the process, ladies.这是成功的必由之路Nothing to worry about!你这个吃奶酪的小...Ya cheese-eating little...这听起来不太好That doesn't sound good. Ha, ha, ha听大地在震动我们需要担心吗?Okay, the ground's shaking. Are we worried?我们需要担心吗?Are we worried?马戏团快把我藏起来The circus. Quick. Hide me- 藏起来 - 来- Hide me. - Come on像疯鸡一样乱拍翅膀One isn't awarded a medal是得不到奖章的like this for flapping about like a lunatic你看这儿这是长官的地方Now, see here! This is an officer's quarters快到这儿来Quick. In here.马上出去先生!Get out of here immediately, sir!够了老爷爷Give it a rest, Pops出去! 本周我不会饶了你Out of here! I shall have you on a charge within the week 家禽产品有限公♥司♥谢谢伙计Cheers, mate都是你想象的都是你想象的It's all in your head. It's all in your head都是你想象的It's all in your head什么... 什么... 这些是什么?What... What... What's all this, then?这是我们的未来敦蒂先生This is our future, Mr. Tweedy再也不用浪费时间No more wasting time with petty收集鸡蛋和算小账了egg collection and minuscule profits不收集蛋了? 可我们一直是鸡农No more eggs? But we've always been egg farmers我父亲的父亲的父亲Me father and his father and all their fathers.他们都是...They was always...穷光蛋! 一文不值Poor! Worthless. Nothings但这一切都要改变了But all that's about to change这将使敦蒂鸡场走出黑暗的年代...This will take Tweedy's farm out of the dark ages...进入大规模的自动化生产and into full-scale automated production我再也不是穷光蛋了Melisha Tweedy will be poor no longer操作指南那我把它安装起来好吗?I'll put it together, then, shall I?这不太妙麦克This isn't good, Mac盒子里的东西是给我们的Whatever's in those boxes is for us我想不是软草and I don't think it's softer hay啊母鸡我讨厌说丧气话Aye, hen. And I hate to be the voice of doom但我一直在思考but I've been calculating我们生来就不适合飞行and I just don't think we're built for flying但我看到他飞过铁丝网But I saw him. He flew in over that fence啊啊我相信你Aye, aye, I believe you但如果我们能亲眼看看but if we could just see it for ourselves那就能说明问题了that may answer some questions你说得对对不起You're right. I'm sorry我们练了一个周可一点儿进展都没有We've been at this all week, and we're getting nowhere 如果他的翅膀好点儿他就...If his wing were better, he could!啊! 我去跟他说说Oh! I'll have a word with him他在哪儿?Where is he?他们给我奖章不是因为我是美国保姆They didn't give me this medal for being a Yank nanny一句简单的 "我不知道" 就足够了A simple "I don't know" would suffice当心那位小姜妹Beware of that one, young Ginger那个美♥国♥佬♥不可信任That Yank is not to be trusted他是我们离开这儿的希望That YANK is our ticket out of here猪对马说And the pig says to the horse"嗨伙计为什么脸拉这么长?""Hey, fella, why the long face?"噢瞧瞧Oh, oh, look, look啊鸡尾酒!Oh. Cocktail!别逗了!Give over!好吧... 无论如何...So, um, anyway...明天要记住飞行事项Remember those flying tips tomorrow.这很重要They're very important一直保持想飞的念头Keep thinking those flighty thoughts噢好Oh, yeah他们是一流的鸡真的是They're swell chicks. They really are瞧巴波斯给我织了什么Look at what Babs made me一个口罩很可爱吧?A beak warmer. Isn't that the cutest?那个邦迪她真有劲And that Bunty. She really packs a punch有什么问题吗?Is there a problem here?- 我们飞过围栏了吗? - 还没有- Have we flown over that fence? - Not quite 那就有问题了Then there's a problem耐心等待才能成功娃娃脸Good things come to those who wait, dollface 姜妹!Ginger!- 好你花了多长时间? - 做什么?- Okay, how long did it take you? - To do what? 学习飞行啊To learn how to fly苹果和橘子洋娃娃Apples and oranges, baby doll.我有天赋他们却没有I'm gifted. They're not两者不能比较对吧?You can't compare the two, okay?问题是这些事情要花时间The point is, these things take time而我们很快就没有时间了Which we are rapidly running out of我们甚至还没离开地面We haven't even lifted off the ground. Why?信心我反复想过Trust. I went over my calculations我认为关键的因素是信心and I figured the key element was trust我一点儿也不明白I-I didn't get a word of that当鸭子和鹅飞行时When birds like ducks and geese take off他们有什么呢? 信心!what do they have? Trust!我发誓她用错了词I swear she ain't using real words- 她说我们需要更多的动力 - 哦动力- She said we need more thrust. - Oh, thrust当然我们需要动力Well, of course, we need thrust.动力和飞行像...这个!Thrust and flying are like...this!- 希望你不介意? - 当然- Would you excuse us? - Aye啊翅膀翅膀翅膀Ah, the wing, the wing, the wing如果明天我们还看不到结果交易就取消了If we don't see some results by tomorrow, the deal is off没有掩护了他们会找到你No more hiding. They will find you你回马戏团去吧飞人!and it's back to the circus, flyboy!我从没遇到像你这样难交的鸡You're the first chick I ever met with the shell still on睡个好觉天使脸Sleep tight, angel face. The Rock's on the case喔...喔! 什么什么Cock-a-doodle-doo! What, what啊很漂亮朋友Oh, it was a beaut, guv'nor如果让我说一件艺术精品A fine piece of work, if I do say so meself- 我也对自己说 - 希望我也见过- I say so meself, too. - Wish I could have seen it我们溜进了农夫的家里悄悄地We slipped into the farmer's room, all quiet like- 像条鱼 - 对我们...- Like a fish. - Yeah, and we..."像条鱼"? 你这个笨蛋"Like a fish"? You stupid Norbert不管咋样这给你朋友Anyway, guv, here it is- 你要的货 - 这是西班牙语- El merchandiso. - That's Spanish这俩个无赖在这儿干什么?What are these two crooks doing here?- 那你们认识? - 她认为我们没用- So, you know each other? - She don't think we're valuable 伙计毫无疑问你们是最鬼鬼祟祟的Guys, you are without a doubt the sneakiest我所见过的最灵巧的窃贼most light-fingered thieving parasites I've ever met- 啊别别说了 - 我的脸都红- Oh, don't, don't. Stop it. - I've gone bright red那...那些鸡蛋呢?So, uh, how about them eggs?鸡蛋别告诉我你答应他们...Eggs? Don't tell me you promised them...对! 答应给他们这个月我生的所有的蛋Yep! Promised them every egg I lay this month我们什么时候可以拿到第一个蛋呢?And when can we expect the first installment?我正在准备呢我会通知你的I'm brewing one up as we speak. I'll keep you posted 很高兴与你做生意先生Pleasure doing business with you, sir傻瓜Sucker- 什么? - 你对他们撒谎- What? - You've lied to them我没有娃娃脸我只是隐瞒了一些事实I didn't lie, dollface. I just...omitted certain truths我会履行诺言的I'll give them exactly what I promised那就是什么都没有Which is nothing.那就是我要给他们的Which is what I'll give them你会给我们什么?And what will you give us?动力!Thrrrust!你没事儿吧宝贝儿? 好You okay, sweetheart? Good, good这会对你有点儿帮助Now this is just a little helper帮助你飞行的东西动力训练Something to get you going. It's a thrust exercise- 我紧张死了 - 这会害死她!- The tension's killing me. - It's gonna kill her!松手!- Release! - Whoa!快拍翅膀!Come on! Flap!你能行拍拍拍!You can do it. Flap, flap, flap!对对对!Yes, yes, yes!这是你第一次碰壁吗?Is that your first offense?点名了! 我还没下蛋呢Roll call! I haven't laid any eggs- 藏起我 - 三天没下一个蛋- Hide me. - Three days and not one- 啊不! - 为啥不告诉我们巴波斯?- Oh, no! - Why didn't you tell us, Babs?- 把我藏起来! - 我们一直忙着飞行...- Hide me! - We've been busy with the flying...- 他们来了! - 快藏起我!- They're coming! - Hide me!自己藏吧!Hide yourself!给他们双倍饲料敦蒂先生Double their food rations, Mr. Tweedy我要他们都像这只这么肥I want them all as fat as this one我的一生都在我眼前闪过!All of me life flashed before me eyes!无聊的一生It was really boring鸡饲料我最喜欢的!Chicken feed. My favorite!等等!Wait. Wait不等等!No. Wait!巴波斯邦迪! 停下! 等等!Babs, please! Bunty! Stop it! Wait!停下!Stop!停下!Stop it!有点儿不大对劲儿你们看不出来?Something is wrong here. Can't you see that?仓库里来了许多奇怪的盒子巴波斯不下蛋了Strange boxes arrive in the barn. Babs stops laying 可她并没被抓去宰了but she's not taken to the chop他们还给我们加饲料and now they're giving us extra food你们不明白发生了什么事? 他们在养肥我们Don't you see what's happening? They're fattening us up 他们要把我们全部杀掉They're going to kill us all哇哇严重警告Whoa, whoa! Heavy alert.她不是那个意思姑娘们She didn't mean that, gals.你不介意吧?Do you mind?接着吃给我留点儿Keep eating. Save some for me你在干什么? 你怎么敢... 放开我!What are you doing? How dare you! Let go of me!听着我遇到了不少难煮的蛋Listen! I've met some hard-boiled eggs in my day但我说你得煮大约20分钟!but I'd say you're about 20 minutes!你这是什么意思?What's that supposed to mean?我说你该轻松点儿It means you got to lighten up在美国我们的规矩是Over in America, we have this rule如果你要激励某人不要提到死If you want to motivate someone, don't mention death 有趣这里的规矩是: 永远要讲实话Funny. Over here, the rule is: Always tell the truth这一直很有效不是吗?That's been working like a real charm, hasn't it?这里有些免费的建议你要试试吗?Here's some free advice. You want them to perform?- 说他们想听的话 - 你是说要撒谎- Tell them what they want to hear. - You mean lie我们又转回来了你知道你的问题在哪儿吗?Here we go again. You know what your problem is? 你...难处You're...difficult。
Selena Gomez《Who Says》中英歌词超感动演唱会视频

Selena Gomez《Who Says》中英歌词超感动演唱会视频导语:《Who Says》中Selena Gomez的声线非常特别,有极高的辨识度!以下是品才网小编整理的Selena Gomez 《Who Says》中英歌词超感动演唱会视频,欢迎阅读参考!最新单曲MV《Who Says》中Selena Gomez的声线非常特别,有极高的辨识度,沙沙的声音中带着很是吸引人的性感和磁性,极具爆发力。
Who Says——Selena GomezYou made me insecure你让我没安全感Told me I wasn t good enough你告诉我我不够好But who are you to judge可是你有什么资格批评我呢When you re a diamond in the rough你自己也是未经打磨的钻石I m sure you got some things我知道你一定有才华的You d like to change about yourself你会想改变自己But when it comes to me不过如果你问我I wouldn t want to be anybody else 我不想作除了自己的任何人Na na na....呐呐呐...I m no beauty queen我不是美丽女皇I m just beautiful me我只是美丽的我Na na na...呐呐呐...You ve got every right你拥有每个权利To a beautiful life去活得漂亮cmon来吧Who says谁说Who says you re not perfect谁说你不完美Who says you re not worth it谁说你不值得Who says you re the only one that s hurting 谁说只有你在伤心Trust me相信我That s the price of beauty这就是美丽的代价Who says you re not pretty谁说你不漂亮Who says you re not beautiful谁说你不美丽Who says谁说It s such a funny thing这真的很有趣How nothing s funny when it s you当所有事和你有关就变得有趣You tell em what you mean你告诉他们你是什么意思But they keep whiting out the truth不过他们一直扭曲事实It’s like a work of art就像一件艺术品That never gets to see the light 永远无法面世Keep you beneath the stars让你一直在星辰下Won t let you touch the sky不让你触碰天空Na na na...呐呐呐...I m no beauty queen我不是美丽女皇I m just beautiful me我只是美丽的我Na na na...呐呐呐...You ve got every right你拥有每个权利To a beautiful life去活得漂亮Cmon来吧Who says谁说Who says you re not perfect谁说你不完美Who says you re not worth it谁说你不值得Who says you re the only one that s hurting 谁说只有你在伤心Trust me相信我That s the price of beauty这就是美丽的代价Who says you re not pretty谁说你不漂亮Who says you re not beautiful谁说你不美丽Who says谁说Who says you re not start potential谁说你没有巨星潜质Who says you re not presidential谁说你没有当总统的潜能Who says you can t be in movies谁说你不能拍电影Listen to me listen to me听我说,听我说Who says you don t pass the test谁说你不会及格Who says you can t be the best谁说你不能做最好的Who said who said谁说过谁说过Won t you tell me who said that你会告诉我谁说过吗Yeah oh who says耶哦谁说Who says谁说Who says you’re not perfect谁说你不完美Who says you’re not worth it谁说你不值得Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting 谁说只有你在伤心Trust me相信我That’s the price of beauty这就是美丽的代价Who says you’re not pretty谁说你不漂亮Who says you’re not beautiful谁说你不美丽Who says谁说Who says you’re not perfect谁说你不完美Who says you’re not worth it谁说你不值得Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting 谁说只有你在伤心Trust me相信我That’s the price of beauty这就是美丽的代价Who says you’re not pretty谁说你不漂亮Who says you’re not beautiful 谁说你不美丽Who says谁说。

我奉耶穌基督的名,命令一切疾病的靈,貧 窮的靈,謊言的靈,控告的靈,離開!(x3) 去到耶穌的腳前,永遠不准再回來。
主耶穌,今天,我要起來回應你的呼召!我要 進入我生命中的美門,得著你給我的應許:健 康、豐盛、喜樂、光明、自由!
約10:9-10我就是門;凡從我進來的,必然得救,…我 來了,是要叫羊(或作:人)得生命,並且得的更豐盛 。
徒 3:3-6 他看見彼得、約翰將要進殿,就求他們賙濟。
彼得約翰定睛看他;彼得說:你看我們! 那人就留意看他們,指望得著什麼。 彼得說:金銀我都沒有,只把我所有的給你: 我奉拿撒勒人耶穌基督的名,叫你起來行走!
身體上的 疾病,疼痛,軟弱,…。
• 瘸腿 → 行走 • 瞎眼 → 看見 • 啞吧 → 說話 • 痲瘋 → 潔淨
禾場必滿了麥子;酒醡與油醡必有新酒 和油盈溢。我打發到你們中間的大軍隊 ,就是蝗蟲、蝻子、螞蚱、剪蟲,那些 年所吃的,我要補還你們。 (restore,恢 復,重新得力)
你們必多吃而得飽足,就讚美為你們行 奇妙事之耶和華─你們神的名。我的百姓 必永遠不致羞愧。
2011年!走在在超自然的領域中, 用口走路:宣告出神的應許!
神恢復豐盛、健康的一年! • 健康代替疾病 • 豐盛代替貧窮 • 喜樂代替憂愁 • 光明代替黑暗
親愛的天父,謝謝你藉著耶穌賜給我全新的 生命!永恆的盼望!求主寶血潔淨我的心思 意念。我相信:我的禱告是大有能力的!
徒 3:7-8 於是拉著他的右手,扶他起來;他的腳和踝子 骨立刻健壯了, 就跳起來 ,站著,又行走, 同他們進了殿,走著,跳著,讚美神。 1.拉他, 2.扶他;他的腳和踝子骨立刻健壯了, 3.就跳起來 , 4.站著, 5.又行走, 6.同他們進了殿, 7.走著,跳著,讚美神。


教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校不完美也是一种美教教教教教1.教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教“教教教”教教教教教教教2.教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教: 教36教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教3教教教教教教教教教4教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教应对考试有信心教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教38教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教“教教”教教教教教教“教教”教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教40教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教3教教教教教教教教教教教4教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教①教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教②教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教“教教教”教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教3教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教唠唠叨叨满是情教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教3教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教: 教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教!教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教(教教教… … )2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教? (教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教)教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教?教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教?(教教教教)3教教教教教教教教教教教教教4教教教教教教教教教教教教教?5教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教?教教教教教教教教教教?(教教教教) 教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教①教教教教教②教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教“教教教教” “教教教教”“教教教教教教”“教教教教教教教教教”教教6教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教?教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教? (教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教)(1)教教教教教教(2)教教教教教教教(3)教教教教教教(4)教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教?(教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教)教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教?(教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教) 教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教2教教教教教教3教教教教教教4教教教教教教感谢有你教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教3教教教教教46教教教教教教教教:教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2005教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1976教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教————————2教——————————3教—————————4教—————————5教—————————教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教49教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教1教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教365教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教2教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教——教教教教教——教教教教教——教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教教。


Lesson4 Did you have fun?1.你们今天玩的开心吗?是的,我们玩的开心。
Lesson 5 A Basketball Game1.你们今天晚上做什么了?2.我们观看鲍勃打篮球了!3.鲍勃的球队打比赛了吗?是的,他的球队和橙队打的比赛。
Lesson7 Always Have Breakfast1.每个人都想变得健康和强壮。
Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth!1.李明在早上7点吃早餐。
Lesson9 Eat More Vegetables and Fruit1.丹尼多久吃一次水果和蔬菜?让我们看一看。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
男生 . 60%
男生 60%
女生 40%
下面是小颖一天的时间 安排统计图: 安排统计图:
(1)根据上图中的数据制作扇形统计图, 根据上图中的数据制作扇形统计图, 根据上图中的数据制作扇形统计图 表示小颖一天的时间安排. 表示小颖一天的时间安排
睡觉 百分比 33%
学习 38%
活动 17%
吃饭 6%
其他 6%
合计 1
“睡觉”:360°X33%=119°; 睡觉” 睡觉 ° ° “学习”:360°X38%=137°; 学习” ° ° “活动”:360°X17%=61°; 活动” ° ° “吃饭”:360°X6%=22°; 吃饭” ° ° “其他”:360°X6%=22°; 其他” ° °
谈不上” “ 谈不上 ” 或 其他” “ 其他 ” 没信心
光明学校七年级全体学生 对学好数学有信心吗” “对学好数学有信心吗”调查结果
“有信心”:270° 有信心” 有信心 ° (2)你能算出每个圆心角的度数吗? 1)每种想法的学生人数占七年级全体学生 你能算出每个圆心角的度数吗? ( “没信心”:36° 没信心” 没信心 ° 人数的百分数是多少? “谈不上”或“其他”:54° 谈不上” 其他” 谈不上 °
1、P.210习题 知识技能 、 习题6.4知识技能 习题 第1(3)题。 ( ) 2、P.218复习题问题解决 、 复习题问题解决 第3题。 题
(1)借助计算器 借助计算器, 借助计算器 计算各大洋面积占四 大洋总面积的百分比 (四舍五入到 四舍五入到1%); 四舍五入到 (2)借助计算器 借助计算器, 借助计算器 计算各大洋对应的 扇形圆心角的度数 (四舍五入到 °) 四舍五入到1° 四舍五入到 (3)画出扇形统计图 画出扇形统计图. 画出扇形统计图
根据调查的结果,分 根据调查的结果, 组制作扇形统计图, 组制作扇形统计图,看哪 个组做得最好。 个组做得最好。
你能展示一下你的 作品吗? 作品吗? 你能说出你的制作 方法或步骤吗? 方法或步骤吗?
根据下表制作扇形统计图, 根据下表制作扇形统计图,表示各大洋面积 占四大洋总面积的百分比. 占四大洋总面积的百分比
1、进一步了解了扇形统计图的特点: 、进一步了解了扇形统计图的特点 反映各部分在总体中所占的百分比. 反映各部分在总体中所占的百分比 2、学会了制作扇形统计图的步骤 会制作 、学会了制作扇形统计图的步骤,会制作 扇形统计图: 扇形统计图 第一步:计算各部分占总体的百分比 计算各部分占总体的百分比; 第一步 计算各部分占总体的百分比 第二步:计算各个扇形的圆心角度数 计算各个扇形的圆心角度数; 第二步 计算各个扇形的圆心角度数 第三步:在圆中画出各个扇形 在圆中画出各个扇形,并标上各部 第三步 在圆中画出各个扇形 并标上各部 分的项目名称及百分比. 分的项目名称及百分比 最后,还要写上统计图的名称 还要写上统计图的名称,必要时注明 最后 还要写上统计图的名称 必要时注明 数据的来源. 数据的来源
黄港镇中学数学组 胡训淼
光明学校七、 光明学校七、八年级全体学生 对学好数学有信心吗” “对学好数学有信心吗”调查结果
七年级 八年级 “有信心” 有信心” 有信心 “没信心” 没信心” 没信心 “谈不上” 谈不上” 谈不上 其他” 或“其他” 180 24 36 210 12 18
海洋名 太平洋 大西洋 印度洋 北冰洋
面积/万千米 面积 万千米2 17967.9 9165.5 7617.4 1475.0
17967.9+9165.5+7617.4+1475.0=36225.8 (1)各大洋面积占四大洋总面积的百分比为 各大洋面积占四大洋总面积的百分比为: 各大洋面积占四大洋总面积的百分比为 17967.9 太平洋 : ≈ 50% 大西洋 : 9165.5 ≈ 25% 36225.8 36225.8 7617.4 1475.0 印度洋 : ≈ 21% 北冰洋 : ≈ 4% 36225.8 36225.8 (2)各大洋对应的扇形圆的度数为 各大洋对应的扇形圆的度数为: 各大洋对应的扇形圆的度数为 大平洋: 360°×50%=180° 大西洋: 360°×25%=90° 印度洋: 360°×21%=76° 北冰洋: 360°×4%=14° (3)画出扇形统计图 如右图 画出扇形统计图(如右图 画出扇形统计图 如右图).
用自己的语言描述什么是扇形统计图吗? 用自己的语言描述什么是扇形统计图吗? 用圆代表总体, 用圆代表总体,圆中的各个扇形 分别代表总体中的不同部分, 分别代表总体中的不同部分,扇形的大小 反映部分占总体的百分比的大小, 反映部分占总体的百分比的大小,这样的 统计图叫做扇形统计图。 统计图叫做扇形统计图。
你对学好数学有信心吗?进行现场调查, 你对学好数学有信心吗?进行现场调查, 把调查的结果填入下表: 把调查的结果填入下表:
本班学生对学好数学的想法 “有信心” 有信心” 有信心 “没信心” 没信心” 没信心 “谈不上”或“其他” 谈不上” 其他” 谈不上 各种想法的人数
如果胡老师想了解各种想法的人数占总人 数的百分比,请问怎么办? 数的百分比,请问怎么办?
6% 17%
6% 33%
睡觉 学习 活动 吃饭 其他
(2)比较两幅统计图的不同之处 ) 比较两幅统计图的不同之处.) 比较两幅统计图的不同之处
6% 17% 6% 33% 睡觉 学习 活动 吃饭 其他 38%
小颖一天体时间; 从条形统计图可以得到每项安排的具体时间;从 扇形统计图中可以看到每项安排所需时间占全天时间 的百分比。 的百分比。
大西洋 25% 太平洋 50% 印度洋 21% 北冰洋 4%
某班男女生比例如图(1)所示 如果用图(2)的正方形表示该班全 某班男女生比例如图 所示,如果用图 的正方形表示该班全 所示 如果用图 体人数,你能图 中直观地表示该班男女生人数的比例关系吗? 你能图(2)中直观地表示该班男女生人数的比例关系吗 体人数 你能图 中直观地表示该班男女生人数的比例关系吗 3