大学体验英语综合教程3 第三版 UNIT1答案

UNIT19(1)In spite of trade frictions, the US cannot do without China or vice versa.(2)If you find yourself working without efficiency, you’d better relax for awhile.(3)The speaker glanced around the audience this way and that before hestarted speaking.(4)My fa ther’s opinion on my job change sounded to me like a warning.(5)The labor union agreed to give up a pay increase for the sake of more jobopportunities.11The Panda’s Weeping CryI’m one of the endangered species. I do not have many relatives left in this w orld, and that’s why people usually can only see us in the zoos. Although we are taken good care of and live comfortably there, we long for bushes in the mountains. As you know, we pandas are very critical about food. Young and fresh bamboo branches are our favorite. But sometimes bamboos would bloom and die. When this happens, many of us would have a hard time surviving and some may even die of hunger. Most people love us for what we are, but some still risk to hunt us for money and make us even rarer in the world. Please help us. We count on you!PASSAGE BThink about it(1)It is a goal set by Interface that the company will eliminate any negativeimpact Interface has on the environment by the year 2020.(2)We can start doing something first, then do something else. Only wheneveryone in our society is involved can we expect to transform our entire system into a sustainable one.翻译归零使命雷·C·安德森(1934年7月28日—2011年8月8日)——是全球最大的商业和住宅用拼块式地毯制造商之一——英特飞有限公司的创始人和董事长。

Unit 1P14 ,,,P21? Elected Minimum Distinct Responsibility Pursue Exploit Restrict Equip Granted Awarded4 at large on the basis of in support of apply for is aiming at7 Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.A form to apply for the scholarships is sent by the university to each student before the start of each semesterOn the advice of my doctor,I decided to give up smoking.The park is located right in the center of town.The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire.Unit 2P36? P4212.,,,,Basic benefits paid vacation personnel office be laid off career plans 3 version publications click spotted refugeesentries financialFull-time detailed annual4 set up came across referred to check out learnt of7 The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident.I want to fill up the fuel tank before retuning the car.If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure.We could’t have finished the experiment so soon without John’s help.After the storm,the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat.Unit 33 attracitive fascination statement despite items defineimageConcerned belongings necessities4 step back identified with dressing up turned to feed off7 We should decreased the number of the cars on the road in order to reduce the fuel consumptionThe rise in electricity costs has added to our.You should make your own decision,and don’t always follow the lead of your brother.That hairstyle is in fashion this year,bur I am afraid it will be our of fashion next year.We are fated to suffer from many disappointments in our quest for truth.Unit 43 signal crash distress grace exploded collisionloweredBeamed scatter destruction4 combed through in any case ended in bound for on board7 She waited at the bus stop until the last bus came in.If there is anything we can help,please do not hesitate to contact us.How many crew does he need to run his yacht?Still I like her new book no matter it is not quite as good as her lastone.Never before have I met such a kind man.Unit 53 was sinking specialty purely discourage unlikely dynamicsactuallyReasonably have perceived extended4 took a deep interest in fell into sign up try outdropped out of7 We have to put aside our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.The play was so wonderful that I soon lost myself in the excitement of it.She hasn’t got any hobbies-unless you call watching TV a habby.He said that he had got the information first-hand from the mayor himself.Since you can’t answer the question,perhaps we’d better ask someone else.Unit 63 clapped defend quit perfection interview surveyexclusive storage observed cover4 count out be unaware of stopped in his tracks at timesturn around7 It is a difficult job,but I would like to have a shotThis is a book about business practice as opposed to theorySocial activities never get in the way of her study.It was not until 1911 that the first vitamin was discovered.It was obvious that natural disasters were the cause of the country’s economic crisis.Unit 73 optimist reconstruction sway principles gross fulfilledelectionsSurgery pillar rigid4 brought out her best turn out works out Hand in there by nature 7 He did not regret what he had said but felt that he could have expressed it differentlyWe’d better wait till 14 will have had his exam by then,so he’ll be able to go on holiday with usHe’s working on a new project which has to be finished by the end of the year.They are letting us use their lab ,and in return,we are giving them the results of out research.The typing of the term paper took up the whole day.Unit 83 adequate vitally document distribution urban potentialcontinual infecting threat updated4 let down came across as In the back of mind as a matter of coursecleaning up7In pursuit of a healthier diet, people are eating more fish than they used to.We need to have the roof repaired before the bad weather sets in.The disease is in spreading,and all young children are at risk.The information is transmitted from one computer to another through a telephone line.Jack is a fairy good runner . He wins more often than not.Unit11. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。
大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版)课件unit3-listen and talk(精品范文).doc

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】课程:大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版)教师:王晓芳Unit 3 Famous Brand NamesListen and TalkI.Teaching Objectives1.To train the students’ ability to listen through listening practice.2.To cultivate the students’ ability to talk about famous brandnames.3.To let students learn something about making advertisements andtheir business success.II.Time Allotment1st period:Lead-in(25min)2nd period:Discussion(25min)3rd period:Dialogue samples(30min)4th period:Communicative tasks(20min)III.Teaching Content1.Lead-in: Listen to the passage at least 3times and try to rearrangethe paragraphs which are not in the correct order.2.Discussion: Several pictures are presented to encourage studentsto make advertisements as if they were ad designers.3.Dialogue samples: Two dialoguesDialogue 1 The Pros and Cons of Famous BrandsDialogue 2 Why Piracy Exists4. Communicative tasks: Two situations are designed to help students practice oral English.Task 1 Talking about Favorite DrinksTask 2 Discussing Computer Software PiracyIV. Teaching Procedures1.Lead-inStep1:Teach students the words in P 210.Step2: Ask the students to listen to the passage at least 3 times and try to rearrange the paragraphs which are not in the correct order.1. risk n. 危险take risk 冒险2. marketing n. 市场营销3. entrepreneur n. 企业家4. penny wise and pound foolish 小时聪明,大事糊涂2. DiscussionStep 1. Show students with several pictures of world famousbrands which are familiar to students and tell theirsuccessful stories.Step 2. Ask students to form partners or groups to designadvertisements with the help of the pictures.1) sell a house to a snail2) sell a refrigerator to an Inuit3) sell a swimming suit to a fishFor reference: Inuit /ˈɪnuːɪt/ are a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic regionsof Greenland, Canada, and Alaska. Inuit is a plural noun; thesingular is Inuk. The word Inuit means "the people" in the Inuitlanguage of Inuktitut.3. Dialogue samplesStep 1. (1)Ask students to listen to dialogue 11. designer n. 设计师2. insecure adj. 无把握的,不肯定的3. catwalk n. 时装秀台4. beyond one’s means 超出某人的支付能力5. sturdy n. 结实的6. underwear n. 内衣(2)Ask students to repeat the dialogue line by line with one speaking after the other.Step 2. (1)Ask students to listen to dialogue 21. piracy n. 盗版行为2. author v. 创作出版3. undercut v. 廉价出售4. elite n. 精英(2) Ask students to repeat the dialogue line by line with onespeaking after the other.4. Communicative tasksAsk students to create a dialogue with their partneraccording to the given situation, using the expressions andsentence patterns for making the interviews in the table.Situation 1Two students are talking about their favorite drinks, eachtrying to argue for his / her own preferred brand andagainst the other’s choice.For referenceA: Hmmm, I’m thirsty. Shall we go and get a drink?B: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I could do with a nice cup of tea.A: Tea! Yuck! Coke for me.B: Coke? Do you really like it? I always think it tastes so artificial ... and it’s so sweet.A: And you like the taste of tea?B: Well, at least tea doesn’t rot my teeth.A: That depends on how much sugar you put in.B: I don’t put sugar in my tea. I drink it ‘cos it’s natural, and it tastes good. Besides, coke’s much moreexpensive.A: Some things are worth spending money on.B: Maybe, but coke’s beyond my means. And my theory is that tea’s healthy, it’s good for you.A: Well, that depends on what kind of tea you drink. You know some teas have loads of caffeine in them ... morethan coke even.B: Huh, okay. I can see I’m not going to win this one. And all this talking is making me thirsty. Let’s go and get thatdrink. You can have your coke if you want to. I’ll stickto my tea.Situation 2Two friends are discussing computer software piracy.For referenceA: Hey, I got a great new program for my computeryesterday. It’s a brilliant game. You should come overand play.B: Another program? I don’t know how you can afford them all.A: Well you know ... it’s a pirate copy.B: Don’t you feel bad supporting the pirates?A: I can’t afford the real thing!B: But it’s illegal ...A: Illegal to want to save money? It’s as good as the real thing but costs a quarter of the price.B: Maybe, but you see the problem is that with pirates the people who really do all the work end up losing out.A: Look, I’m just an average consumer. I’ve got to think about what’s good for me.B: But in the long run it’s not good for you. This pirate thing is getting out of control. You see, the more moneythe manufacturers lose through being pirated, the higherthe price of the real thing will become. In the end only anelite few can afford the genuine articles.A: I see what you mean. But if they made the programscheaper they could reduce the illegal copying.B: But they wouldn’t make any profit!A: In the short term perhaps but in the longer term theyprobably would. Honestly, I’d prefer to buy the originalsbut I just can’t. Now do you want to come and play ornot?V. AssignmentAsk students to work in pairs to discuss how to make advertisements, and preview the passage A.。

课程:大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版)教师:王晓芳Unit 3 Famous Brand NamesListen and TalkI.Teaching Objectives1.To train the students’ability to listen through listening practice.2.To cultivate the students’ability to talk about famous brand names.3.To let students learn something about making advertisements and theirbusiness success.II.Time Allotment1st period:Lead-in(25min)2nd period: Discussion(25min)3rd period:Dialogue samples(30min)4th period:Communicative tasks(20min)III.Teaching Content1.Lead-in: Listen to the passage at least 3times and try to rearrangethe paragraphs which are not in the correct order.2.Discussion: Several pictures are presented to encourage students tomake advertisements as if they were ad designers.3.Dialogue samples: Two dialoguesDialogue 1 The Pros and Cons of FamousBrands Dialogue 2 Why Piracy Existsmunicative tasks: Two situations are designed to help students practice oral English.Task 1 Talking about Favorite DrinksTask 2 Discussing Computer Software PiracyIV . Teaching Procedures1. Lead-inStep1:Teach students the words in P 210.Step2: Ask the students to listen to the passage at least 3 times and try to rearrange the paragraphs which are not in the correct order.1. risk n. 危险take risk冒险2.marketing n. 市场营销3.entrepreneur n. 公司家4.penny wise and pound foolish 小时聪慧,大事糊涂2.DiscussionStep 1. Show students with several pictures of world famous brands which are familiar to students and tell their successful stories.Step 2. Ask students to form partners or groups to design advertisements with the help of the pictures.1)sell a house to a snail2)sell a refrigerator to an Inuit3)sell a swimming suit to a fishFor reference: Inuit are a group of culturally similar inhabitingthe regions of , , and . Inuit is a plural noun; the singular is Inuk. The word Inuit means "the people" in the Inuit language of Inuktitut.3. Dialogue samplesStep 1. (1)Ask students to listen to dialogue 11.designer n. 设计师2.insecure adj. 无掌握的,不一定的3.catwalk n. 时装秀台4.beyond one’s means 高出某人的支付能力5.sturdy n. 结实的6.underwear n. 内衣(2)Ask students to repeat the dialogue line by line with one speaking after the other.Step 2. (1)Ask students to listen to dialogue 21.piracy n. 盗版行为2.author v. 创作第一版3.undercut v. 低价销售4.elite n. 精英(2)Ask students to repeat the dialogue line by line with one speakingafter the other.municative tasksAsk students to create a dialogue with their partner according to thegiven situation, using the expressions and sentence patterns formaking the interviews in the table.Situation 1Two students are talking about their favorite drinks, each trying to arguefor his / her own preferred brand and against the other ’ s .choice For referenceA:Hmmm, I’ m thirsty. Shall we go and get a drink?B:Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I could do with a nice cup of tea.A:Tea! Yuck! Coke for me.B:Coke? Do you really like it? I always think it tastes so artificial ...and it ’ s so sweet.A:And you like the taste of tea?大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版)课件unit3-listen-and-talkB:Well, at least tea doesn’ t rot my teeth.A:That depends on how much sugar you put in.B:I don ’ t put sugar in my tea. I drink it‘ cos it’ s natural, and it tastes g Besides, coke’ s muchre moexpensive.A:Some things are worth spending money on.B:Maybe, but coke’ s beyond my means. And my theory is that tea’ s healthy, it’ s good for you.A:Well, that depends on what kind of tea you drink. You know someteas have loads of caffeine in them ... more than coke even.B:Huh, okay. I can see I’ m not going to win this one. And all this talking ismaking me thirsty. Let ’ s go and get that drink. You can have your coke if youwant to. I ’ ll stick to my tea.Situation 2Two friends are discussing computer software piracy.For referenceA:Hey, I got a great new program for my computer yesterday. It ’ s a brilliant game.You should come over and play.B:Another program? I don’ t know how you can afford them all.A:Well you know ... it’ s a pirate copy.B:Don’ t you feel bad supporting the pirates?A:I can ’ t afford the real thing!B:But it ’ s illegal ...A:Illegal to want to save money? It’ s as good as the real thing but costs a quarter of the price.B:Maybe, but you see the problem is that with pirates the peoplewho really do all the work end up losing out.A:Look, I’ m just an average consumer. I’ ve got to think about what’ s g for me.B:But in the long run it’ s not good for you. This pirate thing is getting out of control. You see, the more money the manufacturers lose throughbeing pirated, the higher the price of the real thing will become. Inthe end only an elite few can afford the genuine articles.A:I see what you mean. But if they made the programs cheaper theycould reduce the illegal copying.B:But they wouldn ’ t make any profit!A:In the short term perhaps but in the longer term they probably would.Honestly, I’ d prefer to buy the originals but I just can’ t. Now do youwant to come and play or not?V. AssignmentAsk students to work in pairs to discuss how to make advertisements, and previewthe passage A.。
大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版)课件unit3-listen and talk

课程:大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版)教师:王晓芳Unit 3 Famous Brand NamesListen and TalkI.Teaching Objectives1.To train the students’ ability to listen through listening practice.2.To cultivate the students’ ability to talk about famous brand names.3.To let students learn something about making advertisements and their businesssuccess.II.Time Allotment1st period:Lead-in(25min)2nd period:Discussion(25min)3rd period:Dialogue samples(30min)4th period:Communicative tasks(20min)III.Teaching Content1.Lead-in: Listen to the passage at least 3times and try to rearrange theparagraphs which are not in the correct order.2.Discussion: Several pictures are presented to encourage students to makeadvertisements as if they were ad designers.3.Dialogue samples: Two dialoguesDialogue 1 The Pros and Cons of Famous BrandsDialogue 2 Why Piracy Exists4. Communicative tasks: Two situations are designed to help students practice oral English.Task 1 Talking about Favorite DrinksTask 2 Discussing Computer Software PiracyIV. Teaching Procedures1.Lead-inStep1:Teach students the words in P 210.Step2: Ask the students to listen to the passage at least 3 times and try to rearrange the paragraphs which are not in the correct order.1. risk n. 危险take risk 冒险2. marketing n. 市场营销3. entrepreneur n. 企业家4. penny wise and pound foolish 小时聪明,大事糊涂2. DiscussionStep 1. Show students with several pictures of world famous brands which are familiar to students and tell their successful stories.Step 2. Ask students to form partners or groups to design advertisements with the help of the pictures.1) sell a house to a snail2) sell a refrigerator to an Inuit3) sell a swimming suit to a fishFor reference: Inuit /ˈɪnuːɪt/ are a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic regions of Greenland, Canada, and Alaska. Inuit is a plural noun; the singular is Inuk. The word Inuit means "the people" in the Inuit language of Inuktitut.3. Dialogue samplesStep 1. (1)Ask students to listen to dialogue 11. designer n. 设计师2. insecure adj. 无把握的,不肯定的3. catwalk n. 时装秀台4. beyond one’s means 超出某人的支付能力5. sturdy n. 结实的6. underwear n. 内衣(2)Ask students to repeat the dialogue line by line with one speaking after the other.Step 2. (1)Ask students to listen to dialogue 21. piracy n. 盗版行为2. author v. 创作出版3. undercut v. 廉价出售4. elite n. 精英(2) Ask students to repeat the dialogue line by line with one speaking afterthe other.4. Communicative tasksAsk students to create a dialogue with their partner according to thegiven situation, using the expressions and sentence patterns for makingthe interviews in the table.Situation 1Two students are talking about their favorite drinks, each trying to arguefor h is / her own preferred brand and against the other’s choice.For referenceA: Hmmm, I’m thirsty. Shall we go and get a drink?B: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I could do with a nice cup of tea.A: Tea! Yuck! Coke for me.B: Coke? Do you really like it? I always think it tastes so artificial ... and it’s so sweet.A: And you like the taste of tea?B: Well, at least tea doesn’t rot my teeth.A: That depends on how much sugar you put in.B: I don’t put sugar in my tea. I drink it ‘cos it’s natural, and it tastes good.Besides, coke’s much more expensive.A: Some things are worth spending money on.B: Maybe, but coke’s beyond my means. And my theory is that tea’s healthy, it’s good for you.A: Well, that depends on what kind of tea you drink. You know some teas have loads of caffeine in them ... more than coke even.B: Huh, okay. I can see I’m not going to win this one. And all this talking is making me thirsty. Let’s go and get that drink. You can have your coke ifyou want to. I’ll stick to my tea.Situation 2Two friends are discussing computer software piracy.For referenceA: Hey, I got a great new program for my computer yesterday. It’s abrilliant game. You should come over and play.B: Another program? I don’t know how you can afford them all.A: W ell you know ... it’s a pirate copy.B: Don’t you feel bad supporting the pirates?A: I can’t afford the real thing!B: But it’s illegal ...A: Illegal to want to save money? It’s as good as the real thing but costs a quarter of the price.B: Maybe, but you see the problem is that with pirates the people who really do all the work end up losing out.A: Look, I’m just an average consumer. I’ve got to think about what’s good for me.B: But in the long run it’s not good for you. This pirate thing is getting out of control. You see, the more money the manufacturers lose throughbeing pirated, the higher the price of the real thing will become. In theend only an elite few can afford the genuine articles.A: I see what you mean. But if they made the programs cheaper they could reduce the illegal copying.B: But they wouldn’t make any profit!A: In the short term perhaps but in the longer term they probably would.Honestly, I’d prefer to buy the originals but I just can’t. Now do youwant to come and play or not?V. AssignmentAsk students to work in pairs to discuss how to make advertisements, and preview the passage A.。

Unit 1 Lead-in 1 human beings 2 powered 3 greenhouse 4 far away 5 make a difference 6 breathe in 7 decreasing performance 8 four inches high 9 campaign 10 encourage Ex 3 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 DEx 4 issues, pollution, deforestation, related, consumption, resources, threat, responsibilityEx 5 1 addicted—smoking 2 environment—concern 3 expert—wisdom 4 possession—greed 5 resources—inexhaustible Ex.6 1 strategies 2 specific 3 consumers 4 released 5 trapped 6 consequence 7 was isolated 8 priority 9 convenience 10 elementsEx7 1 transform 2 all the way 3 sit back 4 resulting from 5 share…withUnit 2 Lead-in 1 invitations 2 around the world 3 reach 4 institution 5 specially appointed experts 6 vote 7 diploma 8 medal 9 is followed by 10 includingEx3 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 BEx4. compass, inspiration, curious, persistent, stimulated, inspired, genius, complexEx5 1 condense—condensed 2 curious—curiosity 3 devise—device 4 persistent—persistence 5 convinced--convincing Ex6 1 fundamental, 2 ultimate, 3 sparked, 4 apparently, 5patience, 6 curiosity, 7 convince, 8 detail, 9 responses, 10 (has) stirredEx7 1 fooled...into, 2 came upon, 3 join in, 4 come up with, 5 up toUnit3 Lead-in 4 3 6 2 1 5Ex3 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 BEx4 advertising, brand, promoted, proved, popular, expression, global, immigrantsEx6 1 attained 2 modest 3. attractive 4 precise 5 campaign 6 market 7 manufactures 8 sponsor 9 imported 10 brandsEx7 1 frown (very much) on 2 for instance 3 as a result 4 when it comes to 5 under … UmbrellaUnit 4 Lead-in 1 got me wondering 2 it hit me 3 original me 4 bank statement 5 overdue books 6 unexplained chargesEx3 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 DEx4 famous, promoting, religious, desperate, shortage, inevitable, failureEx5 1 1) 2 2) 3 3)1 2 1) 3 2) 2 3)2 3 1) 2 2) 3 3)2Ex6 1 string 2 stir 3 controversy 4 combat 5 excessive 6 regulations 7 instincts 8 reckless 9 prohibition 10 irrational Ex7 1 to his name 2 keep at bay 3 under the sun 4 jumped the gun 5 lined upUnit 5 Lead-in 1 employment 2 handle the changes 3 concluded 4 very nature 5 builds on 6 involved in 7 at various stagesEx3 1 B 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 CEx4 Passenger, eager, explain, vocabulary, ignorant, dictionary, explanationsEx5 1 B 2 B 3 D 4 B 5 CEx6 1 quality 2 (had) committed 3 hint 4 assume 5 vague 6 peculiar 7 retreat 8 puzzled 9 misleading 10 confusedEx7 1 resorted to 2 racking your/one’s br ains 3 hangs on 4 jotted down 5 at a lossUnit 6 Lead-in 1 holds for 2 uncomfortable 3 observation of life 4 on the road ahead 5 more rewarding 6 an additional fascination 7 their full attention 8 moving aboutEx3 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 CEx4 experience, culture, women, stay, impressive, pyramids, impressed, independenceEx5 1 underdeveloped, 2 overpopulated, 3 outgrow, 4 interrelated, 5 counterpartEx6 1 counterpart, 2 efficient, 3 relief, 4 vague, 5 core, 6 punctually, 7 approach, 8 economy, 9 exception, 10 invite, Ex7 1 pull…through, 2 belongs to, 3 ever since, 4 in turn, 5 milled aboutUnit 7 Lead-in 1 Depending on 2 it’s not real 3 unfortunately 4 interfere with 5 on the spot 6 brain damage 7 In addition to 8 violent with peopleEx3 1 D 2 D 3 B 4 C 5 AEx4 attend, contact, fit, typical, breakdown, shocked, permanent Ex5 1 rural—urban 3 discloses—exposes 3 involving—involved 4 illustration—illusion 5 motivate—motivationEx6 1 deepened 2 were exposed 3 curled 4 throb 5 nightmare 6 utter 7 confusion 8 pulse 9 somewhat 10 creepEx7 1 on top of 2 as if 3 in a state of 4 ahead of 5 if onlyUnit 8 Lead-in 1 shadow of fear 2 at every stage 3 nuclear weapons 4 peace operations 5 engaged in conflict 6 religious groups 7 economic development 8 find better waysEx3 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 BEx4 refugee, adjust, contact, movement, nervous, military, care, indifferenceEx5 1 B 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 AEx6 1 venture 2 comfortable 3 confine 4 dazed 5 drifted 6 lingered 7 bewildered 8 overwhelmed 9 innocent 10 terrified Ex7 1 sticks out 2 come by 3 under way 4 in search of 5 adjust to。

UNIT11. 年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。
(communicate with)Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with theirparents.2. 能在中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。
(to take up residence)It has been Mary’s long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao villagein Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true3. 家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难能在野外活下来。
(survive)Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them tosurvive in the wild.4. 他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。
(overtake)He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the companybecause of depression.5. 我估计公交路线上堵车了,因为我都等了30分钟也没见一辆车开过去。
(figure)I figure that there is a traffic jam on the route of the bus, for I’ve waited for 30 minutes without seeing one passing by.1.十年前,当公司还处在生产的鼎盛时期时,我们就决定投资新技术,将公司转型为技术密集型企业。

UNIT11. 年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。
(communicate with)Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents.2. 能在中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。
(to take up residence)It has been Mary’s long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true3. 家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难能在野外活下来。
(survive)Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4. 他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。
(overtake)He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression.5. 我估计公交路线上堵车了,因为我都等了30分钟也没见一辆车开过去。
(figure)I figure that there is a traffic jam on the route of the bus, for I’ve waited for 30 minutes without seeing one passing by.1.十年前,当公司还处在生产的鼎盛时期时,我们就决定投资新技术,将公司转型为技术密集型企业。

大学体验英语综合教程3大学体验英语综合教程3(University English Experience Integrated Course 3)是一门专为大学生设计的英语综合教程。
具体内容如下:1. 听力:通过听取各种英语材料,如录音讲座、英语新闻、电影片段等,学生可以提高听力技能,培养对英语语音、语调和语速的理解能力。
2. 口语:教授实用口语表达,鼓励学生进行英语口语练习,提高口语流利度和交际能力。
3. 阅读:通过阅读各类英文文章、小说、诗歌等,学生将提升阅读理解能力、词汇量和语法知识。
4. 写作:通过指导学生写作各种文体,如图表描述、论述性文章、电子邮件等,培养学生的写作能力和文章结构组织能力。
5. 翻译:教授学生英汉互译的技巧和方法,通过翻译文本提高学生的词汇量和语法应用能力。
其中包括:1. 互动式教学:教师通过提问、讨论和小组活动等形式,激发学生的学习兴趣,并促进学生之间的合作和交流。
2. 情境教学:通过提供真实生活或工作场景,让学生在实际情境中运用所学英语知识,培养学生的实际应用能力。
3. 多媒体教学:利用音频、视频、课件等多媒体资料,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握所学内容,提高学习效果。
4. 自主学习:鼓励学生积极主动参与课堂,自主学习和思考,通过自主解决问题来提升学习能力和学习兴趣。

Dictation of answers and analysis
Provide students with the correct answers to the dictation exercises they completed. This allows them to compare their work with the correct version and identify any errors they made.
Listening skills Accurately listen to the audio recording and identify key information.
Note-taking skills Effectively record important information while listening to the audio.
Dictation exercises for the text
Listening practice
Listening to the text and understanding the main ideas.
Word recognition
Identifying individual words and their meanings.
and note-taking skills.
Self-directed learning
students are responsible for their own learning and are
encouraged to seek additional resources and materials for self-

课程:大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版)教师:王晓芳Unit 3 Famous Brand NamesListen and TalkI.Teaching Objectives1.To train the students’ ability to listen through listening practice.2.To cultivate the students’ ability to talk about famous brand names.3.To let students learn something about making advertisements and their businesssuccess.II.Time Allotment1st period:Lead-in(25min)2nd period:Discussion(25min)3rd period:Dialogue samples(30min)4th period:Communicative tasks(20min)III.Teaching Content1.Lead-in: Listen to the passage at least 3times and try to rearrange theparagraphs which are not in the correct order.2.Discussion: Several pictures are presented to encourage students to makeadvertisements as if they were ad designers.3.Dialogue samples: Two dialoguesDialogue 1 The Pros and Cons of Famous BrandsDialogue 2 Why Piracy Exists4. Communicative tasks: Two situations are designed to help students practice oral English.Task 1 Talking about Favorite DrinksTask 2 Discussing Computer Software PiracyIV. Teaching Procedures1.Lead-inStep1:Teach students the words in P 210.Step2: Ask the students to listen to the passage at least 3 times and try to rearrange the paragraphs which are not in the correct order.1. risk n. 危险take risk 冒险2. marketing n. 市场营销3. entrepreneur n. 企业家4. penny wise and pound foolish 小时聪明,大事糊涂2. DiscussionStep 1. Show students with several pictures of world famous brands which are familiar to students and tell their successful stories.Step 2. Ask students to form partners or groups to design advertisements with the help of the pictures.1) sell a house to a snail2) sell a refrigerator to an Inuit3) sell a swimming suit to a fishFor reference: Inuit /ˈɪnuːɪt/ are a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic regions of Greenland, Canada, and Alaska. Inuit is a plural noun; the singular is Inuk. The word Inuit means "the people" in the Inuit language of Inuktitut.3. Dialogue samplesStep 1. (1)Ask students to listen to dialogue 11. designer n. 设计师2. insecure adj. 无把握的,不肯定的3. catwalk n. 时装秀台4. beyond one’s means 超出某人的支付能力5. sturdy n. 结实的6. underwear n. 内衣(2)Ask students to repeat the dialogue line by line with one speaking after the other.Step 2. (1)Ask students to listen to dialogue 21. piracy n. 盗版行为2. author v. 创作出版3. undercut v. 廉价出售4. elite n. 精英(2) Ask students to repeat the dialogue line by line with one speaking afterthe other.4. Communicative tasksAsk students to create a dialogue with their partner according to thegiven situation, using the expressions and sentence patterns for makingthe interviews in the table.Situation 1Two students are talking about their favorite drinks, each trying to arguefor his / her own preferred brand and against the other’s choice.For referenceA: Hmmm, I’m thirsty. Shall we go and get a drink?B: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I could do with a nice cup of tea.A: Tea! Yuck! Coke for me.B: Coke? Do you really like it? I always think it tastes so artificial ... and it’s so sweet.A: And you like the taste of tea?B: Well, at least tea doesn’t rot my teeth.A: That depends on how much sugar you put in.B: I don’t put sugar in my tea. I drink it ‘cos it’s natural, and it tastes good.Besides, coke’s much more expensive.A: Some things are worth spending money on.B: Maybe, but coke’s beyond my means. And my theory is that tea’s healthy, it’s good for you.A: Well, that depends on what kind of tea you drink. You know some teas have loads of caffeine in them ... more than coke even.B: Huh, okay. I can see I’m not going to win this one. And all this talking is making me thirsty. Let’s go and get that drink. You can have your coke ifyou want to. I’ll stick to my tea.Situation 2Two friends are discussing computer software piracy.For referenceA: Hey, I got a great new program for my computer yesterday. It’s abrilliant game. You should come over and play.B: Another program? I don’t know how you can afford them all.A: Well you know ... it’s a pirate copy.B: Don’t you feel bad supporting the pirates?A: I can’t afford the real thing!B: But it’s illegal ...A: Illegal to want to save money? It’s as good as the real thing but costs a quarter of the price.B: Maybe, but you see the problem is that with pirates the people who really do all the work end up losing out.A: Look, I’m just an average consumer. I’ve got to think about what’s good for me.B: But in the long run it’s not good for you. This pirate thing is getting out of control. You see, the more money the manufacturers lose throughbeing pirated, the higher the price of the real thing will become. In theend only an elite few can afford the genuine articles.A: I see what you mean. But if they made the programs cheaper they could reduce the illegal copying.B: But they wouldn’t make any profit!A: In the short term perhaps but in the longer term they probably would.Honestly, I’d prefer to buy the originals but I just can’t. Now do youwant to come and play or not?V. AssignmentAsk students to work in pairs to discuss how to make advertisements, and preview the passage A.。

As I looked at him, dead on, his eyes looked directly at me and I heard a tone. The tone seemed to hit me right in the center of my mind. It sounded very nearly like the same one as my computer. In that tone I could hear him “say” to me, “Because I want you to understand”. Yo. That was weird. “Understand what?” my mind jumped in. Then, after a moment of feeling this communication, I felt I understood why he was there. I came to understand that frogs simply want to hear other frogs and to communicate. Possibly the tone of my computer sounded to him like other tree frogs.
Then, last week, as he was climbing around looking like a small gray/green human, I started to wonder about him.
So, there I was, working in my studio and my computer was humming along. I had to stop when

UNIT19(1)In spite of trade frictions, the US cannot do without China or vice versa.(2)If you find yourself working without efficiency, you’d better relax for awhile.(3)The speaker glanced around the audience this way and that before hestarted speaking.(4)My fa ther’s opinion on my job change sounded to me like a warning.(5)The labor union agreed to give up a pay increase for the sake of more jobopportunities.11The Panda’s Weeping CryI’m one of the endangered species. I do not have many relatives left in this w orld, and that’s why people usually can only see us in the zoos. Although we are taken good care of and live comfortably there, we long for bushes in the mountains. As you know, we pandas are very critical about food. Young and fresh bamboo branches are our favorite. But sometimes bamboos would bloom and die. When this happens, many of us would have a hard time surviving and some may even die of hunger. Most people love us for what we are, but some still risk to hunt us for money and make us even rarer in the world. Please help us. We count on you!PASSAGE BThink about it(1)It is a goal set by Interface that the company will eliminate any negativeimpact Interface has on the environment by the year 2020.(2)We can start doing something first, then do something else. Only wheneveryone in our society is involved can we expect to transform our entire system into a sustainable one.翻译归零使命雷·C·安德森(1934年7月28日—2011年8月8日)——是全球最大的商业和住宅用拼块式地毯制造商之一——英特飞有限公司的创始人和董事长。
大学体验英语综合教程3 第三版 UNIT1答案

UNIT19(1)In spite of trade frictions, the US cannot do without China or vice versa.(2)If you find yourself working without efficiency, you’d better relax for awhile.(3)The speaker glanced around the audience this way and that before hestarted speaking.(4)My fa ther’s opinion on my job change sounded to me like a warning.(5)The labor union agreed to give up a pay increase for the sake of more jobopportunities.11The Panda’s Weeping CryI’m one of the endangered species. I do not have many relatives left in this w orld, and that’s why people usually can only see us in the zoos. Although we are taken good care of and live comfortably there, we long for bushes in the mountains. As you know, we pandas are very critical about food. Young and fresh bamboo branches are our favorite. But sometimes bamboos would bloom and die. When this happens, many of us would have a hard time surviving and some may even die of hunger. Most people love us for what we are, but some still risk to hunt us for money and make us even rarer in the world. Please help us. We count on you!PASSAGE BThink about it(1)It is a goal set by Interface that the company will eliminate any negativeimpact Interface has on the environment by the year 2020.(2)We can start doing something first, then do something else. Only wheneveryone in our society is involved can we expect to transform our entire system into a sustainable one.翻译归零使命雷·C·安德森(1934年7月28日—2011年8月8日)——是全球最大的商业和住宅用拼块式地毯制造商之一——英特飞有限公司的创始人和董事长。

⼤学体验英语综合教程第三版Unit 15. Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary 1. The essayist’3. Biologists have estimated that there are around one million animal andand growingin the rainforests.’s go and have a look.8. When the kitchen is finished, I’7. Translate the following sentences into English.1.年轻⼈有时会抱怨⽆法和⽗母沟通。
(communicate with)Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents2.能在中国云南的⼀个苗家村落住下来⼀直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。
(to take up residence).It has been Mary’s long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true.3.家养的动物习惯于依赖⼈,因此很难能在野外活下来。
(survive)Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4.他突然有种恐惧感,觉得⾃⼰会因为经济不景⽓⽽被公司裁员。
最新-大学体验英语综合教程第三版 精品


Unit 6: & Ex. 4Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word. Read Explore Arriving alone in a new city late at night can be a difficult eexperience __________
Unit 1: Ex. 4Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word. I found a tree frog in my studio some months ago. I took it to my g __________, as I thought it would be a better place for the frog. But it greenhouse came back and insisted taking the residence r________ in the studio. Why? I couldn’t get an idea. Then, after five months of being together, we seemed to be able to communicate c____________ with each other. It may sound wired w____, but I did feel I came to understand what it wanted me to do. The frog came to me probably attracted by the humming h_______ tone of my computer, which sounded like that of other tree frogs, or with a message m______ to tell me that frogs were dying around the world because of their sensitivity s________ to the pollution and global climate change. As frogs are an “indicator i________ species”, whats, if we sit back and do nothing. We must act now, or it would be too late.

Unit TwoLead-in1 search2 offer3 identify4 confidence5 employer6 qualifications7 certainly8 minimum9 learning style 10 importance Passage AThink About It1 Many students log on the Internet frequently. They may use the Internet to search for useful information they need, visit social network sites, e-mail their friends, or play video games.2 Job application online means doing all the application on the Internet. One can fill in the application form and send it in an e-mail form to potential e mployer’s mailbox, together with all necessary materials about oneself.3 Yes, it will continuously play more important role in the future.Read About ItContent AwarenessRead And Think2 Work with your partner and answer the following questions.1 It is an Internet website that lists as many as 45 000 job opportunities.2 Not necessarily so. According to Smith, the Internet was very easy to use. She found her job online with no training.3 Because she wanted a change in her life.4 She searched the Internet for information about the financial performance of the company she was interested in, the salary she should ask for, and the possible living accommodations available to her there.5 Open.3 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.1 F2 T3 T4 T5 T4 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.1 version2 publications3 click4 spotted5 refugees5entries 7 financial 8 full-time 9 detailed 10 annual5 Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.1 set up2 come across3 referred, to4 check out5 learnt of/learned of6 Choose an appropriate noun given in the following box to complete each of the sentences.1 career2 interview3 procedure4 exhibit5 profile7 Translate the following sentences into English.1The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident.2 I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car.3 If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure.4 We couldn’t have finished the experiment so soon without John’s help.5 After the storm, the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat.8 Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to their italicized parts, and then translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1 He had just been promoted to vice president of the company and wasn’t expecting another promotion in six months.2 Shortly after he graduated from school, he jumped to a satisfactory job.3 Most colleges and universities have their own homepages, enabling applicants to scan for the information available about the universities they want to apply for.4 With a click of her mouse, she submitted her assignment to the tutor and soon got the reply.5 By accessing the website of the university she was going to study in, she saw color photos of the university, including a detailed map of the university campus.9 More and more people have found the right jobs through the Internet just as the passage shows. Now work in pairs and take turns to give a short speech on the topic “You can find your dream job via the Internet.” Cite some of the stories of the job seekers that you have just read in Passage A.Have you ever considered finding a job on the Internet? Today, with computers in common use, the Internet has become an important tool for people to find various kinds of information. Many people log on to the Internet to seek job opportunities and some of them have found very desirable jobs. Take Theresa Smith’s story for example. Less than a month from her graduation day, she visited an Internet site and typed some key words. Immediately she found 45 jobs meeting her criteria. Four weeks later she was hired at a starting salary of $32 000. Look at another story, that of Madeline Gragg, a 28 year-old high school teacher from America. She wanted a change. So when a friend mentioned teaching English in Japan, the American teacher felt interested. She visited the popular Yahoo! website. A week later she received a call and set up an interview with a recruiter in Chicago and got the job. You see, to find the right job, you can just visit some Internet sites, type a few key words, and follow the procedure for the online application. With a click of the mouse, you are very likely to find your dream job. So why not give it a try?10 Write a paragraph of around 80 words about what you should do to track down information on job openings. Include the following key words and phrases in your writing. You may begin your paragraph with “There are several things you cannot ignore when tracking down information on job openings.”There are several things you cannot ignore when tracking down information on job openings. First, you should consult your friends, relatives, or neighbors, who may offer information unavailable elsewhere. Second, you should read the classified section in the newspapers often. Next, remember to register with two or three recruitment agencies. Finally, don’t forget to make use of the Internet. In today’s society the Internet is a quick and cost-effective method for employers to announce their employment needs. Therefore, if you log on to the Internet, you just might find your dream job.Passage BThink About It1 Open2 Open3 OpenRead About ItContent AwarenessRead And Think11 Work with your partner and answer the following questions.1 The author compares college graduates’ job hunting to finding a match when dating.2 They are careerists, entrepreneurs, explorers, harmonizers, hunters, idealists and leaders.3 Google took the top spot in popularity in each of the past four years.4 They are government and non-profit employers such as CIA and FBI.5 They are government and non-profit employers such as CIA and FBI. 12 Choose the best answer to each question with the information from the passage.1 D2 C3 B4 C 5A13 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.1 identify2 likely3 characteristic4 genuine5 confirmed6 prospects7 consequence8 recruit9 competitive10 is reflected14 Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.1 break … down2 accounts for3 associated with4 build … on5 in addition15 Translate the following sentences into English.1 This country is not big, but it plays an important role in international affairs.2 It was with the help of my uncle that I overcame the difficulty and completed the assignment in time.3 While he decided to stay in Beijing upon graduation, his best friend chose to go to Tibet.4 In this Campus English Speaking Contest, Mary from our class came inthird.5 You should know that it takes time, money as well as perseverance to learn to play the piano.16 Read the following questions and then scan the letter below to find answers to the questions. Try to finish in less than 2 minutes.1 At the University of Denver.2 In Colorado.3 Over the Rocky Mountains.4 From her window.5 Next month when she gets home.6 Share all the happiness and sadness they are feeling.7 She feels a little homesick.8 In the afternoon on Tuesday, December 1st.17 Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb form.1 would write, would have written2 could see, could have seen3might break, might have broken4 gave, had given5 were, had been18 Read each pair of sentences. Then express a contrary situation using a) a sentence with an if clause and b) a sentence with had. Follow the examples.1If I had heard you, I would have answeredHad I heard you, I would have answered2 If it hadn’t been cold, I would have opened the windowHad it not been cold, I would have opened the window3 If we had been late, we would have hurriedHad we been late, we would have hurried4 If you had used a typewriter, they could have read your lettersHad you used a typewriter, they could have read your letters5 If the car hadn’t stopped, it would have hit meHad the car not stopped, it would have hit me19 Rewrite the conditional clauses in the following sentences. Follow the examples.1 Were she interested, I would telephone her.2 Were John here, we would soon learn the truth.3 They would be here with us should they have the time.4 Should I see you, I would invite you home.5 Should she try harder next time, she would pass the examination.20 The following sentences tell something real. Change them to indicate something unreal.1 If we had not allowed the oil company to build this paper mill, we would not have water pollution now.2 If we did not pay taxes, our schools would be closed.3 If the government had dealt with the crisis properly, inflation would not have stayed at high levels.4 If this university had enough student housing, it would attract more international students.5 If we had stopped the construction of this dam, we would not have destroyed miles of natural wilderness along the river.。
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U7P 1 Lead inA family begins with two people. Love deepens and grows between a couple and soon a wedding takes place, the beginnings of a family. Children are born, growing and maturing with every passing year. When grown up, they, too, fall in love and marry. The process of creating a family begins again, adding generations to the family.A day in the life of a family is filled with work and school, errands and chores. At the end of a busy day we can find children excitedly sharing the events of their day with Mom and Dad. It is a time for - working together and playing together. Reading to the children, singing songs, doing homework together, and playing games are some activities that take place during family time. A television show may be what each family member needs to relax and enjoy some quiet time together. Strong family relationships are developed by spending quality time together.Key:1. takes place2. maturing3. process4. filled with5. excitedly7. singing 8. activities 9. show 10 relax完形填空1. You have to be a born optimist to be able to do this hard job and not despair.你是一个天生的乐观主义者,能够做这项艰巨的工作而不绝望2. Economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the recovering of agricultural production.国家的经济重建必须从农业生产的恢复开始。
3. Her speech failed to sway her colleagues into supporting the plan.她的演讲未能使她的同事们支持这个计划.。
4. Jack never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his principles.杰克从不让自己被迫做任何违背自己原则的事5. I felt disgusted and wandered how I could have ever been so gross.我感到恶心,我怎么会做出这么严重6. The director insisted that the conditions of the contract must be fulfilled exactly.厂长坚持认为合同的条件必须完全履行.。
7. Local government elections will take place in May next year.地方政府选举将在明年5月举行。
8. The doctor who performed the surgery gave Aikman an 85% chance of full recovery by September.医师动手术的医生给Aikman在九月全面恢复85%的可能性。
9. Mother was a pillar of strength to us when our situation seemed hopeless.当我们的处境似乎绝望时,妈妈是我们力量的支柱.。
10. The students complained about the rigid rules and regulations at the school.学生们抱怨学校里严格的规章制度.。
Anwser:1. optimist2. reconstruction3. sway4. principles5. gross6. fulfilled7. elections 8. surgery 9. pillar 10. rigid1. The family crisis really brought out her best she was a competent mother and a successful career woman at the same time.家庭危机真的使她发挥了最大的作用,她是一个称职的母亲,同时也是一个成功的职业女性.。
2. The interesting thing about him is that he is one of those who always turn out to be lucky no matter what they do.有趣的是,他是一个谁总是证明是幸运的,无论他们做什么。
3. If the traffic plan works out, it will be applied to other cities too.如果交通计划成功,它也会被应用到其他城市.。
4. Hang in there the police will soon come to rescue us.警察马上就要来救我们了。
5. It's not like Catherine to be rude; she's polite by nature.它不是像凯瑟琳粗鲁;她很有礼貌的Anwser:1. brought out her best2. turn out3. works out4. Hang in there5. by nature1. 他并不后悔说过的话,只是觉得他完全可以不用这种方式表达。
(couldhave done) He did not regret what he had said but felt that he could have expressed it differently.2.我们最好等到12月14日。
(will have done)We’d better wait till 14 December. David will have had his exam by then, so he’ll be able to go on holiday with us.3. 他正在做一个新项目,年底前必须完成。
(work on)He’s working on a new project which has to be finished by the end of the year.4.他们让我们使用他们的实验室,作为回报,我们则让他们分享研究成果。
(in return)They are letting us use their lab, and in return, we are sharing with them the results of our research.5.诸如打电话,听电话一类的事情占用了这位秘书的大部分时间。
(take up)Such things as making and answering telephone calls take up most of the secretary’s time.U7P21. It was raining but they played the game anyway.下雨了,但他们还是玩游戏。
2. He took one sip of the wine and spat it out, for it tasted a bit sour.他抿了一口酒,吐了出来,因为尝起来有点酸.。
3. Adjusting to the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.适应热带炎热比他们预料的要困难得多。
4. As he is out of work these days, we should certainly visit him frequently to cheer him up.这些天他失业了,我们应该经常去看望他,使他高兴起来.。
5. Their relationship was decidedly chilly after the argument.争吵之后,他们的关系明显冷淡了。
6. If you do not go to school regularly, you will not learn your lessons properly.如果你不经常上学,你就不能正确地学习功课.。
7. Anne felt helpless, only able to wipe her mother's face and grip her hands, praying for some relief for her.安妮感到无助,只能擦拭母亲的脸,握着她的手,祈祷她能得到一些安慰.。
8. We both kept pinching ourselves to prove that it wasn't all a dream.我们两个都一直在掐自己,证明这不是在做梦。
9. He scraped his car when he drove through the narrow gate.他开车经过狭窄的门时刮了他的车.。
10. Don't you worry if your baby seems a little reluctant to crawl or walk. Sooner or later, she'll pick it up.你不担心,如果你的宝宝似乎有点不愿意爬行或步行。