外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 胜任力模型研究

Research on Competency Model:A Literature Review andEmpirical StudiesAbstractWestern countries have applied competency models to addressing problems existed in their administrative and managerial systems since 1970s,and the findings is positine and promising. However, competency model hasn’t been introduced to China until 1990s and it is still unknown and mysterious to many Chinese managers. This paper aims to uncover the mysterious veil of competency model in order to broaden the horizon of Chinese managers and boost China's human resource development as well as management.Keywords:Competency,Competency Models,Empirical Studies of Competency ModelsIt has been more than 30 years since competency model was utilized to human resource management.In western countries,competency model first displayed its effectiveness in government administration, meanwhile many multinationals and their branch companies applied the competency model to their daily business management and their business was a great success. As the notion of competency is gradually come to light and accepted by people all around the world,more and more enterprises have been trying to build their own competency model under the help of professional consultant firms. As a result,competency model has gradually been a very fashionable phrase in the field of management and quite a few enterprises are thus benefited from it. In recent years, competency model has become a hot spot in the Chinese academia as well as big-,middle- and small-sized enterprises alike,many relevant writings and books have also been translated and published. However, competency and competency model are still mysterious to many Chinese scholars, business managers as well as government administrators.Purpose and Significance of the StudyThe purpose of the study aims to make a critical literature review of the competency model,clarify some confusion related to it and explore its application. The following questions are employed to guide this study:What is competency? What is competency model? What are the theoretical and empirical findings related to competency model?The study illustrates how we could take advantage of competency model in our harmonious society building. On one hand,the study will delineate competency and competency model in order to clarify confusions related to it since it is still strange and mysterious to many Chinese managers and administrators;on the other hand,thestudy would enrich Chinese HRD&HRM in the field of government administration and business management both theoretically and empirically.Research MethodThe present study has utilized qualitative analysis, induction and deduction. Since this research is a literature review in some sense, qualitative analysis will be an indispensable research method; Induction and deduction are applied to both theoretical and empirical studies.In order to enhance the credibility of present research,only the authoritative publications on competency model are reviewed,including books and papers written by foreign and Chinese scholars and HRDHRM practitioners. By searching for the keywords "competency" "competency model" and "competency model building" as well as "empirical studies on competency models",books and papers written by well-known foreign scholars such as McClelland D. C.,Lyle M. Spencer, Anntoinette D. Lucia, Richard Lepsinger etc.,are available; by the same token,books and papers written by Chinese scholars such as Zhi-gong He,Jianfeng Peng, Shaohua Fang, Nengquan Wu,etc.,could be consulted. All the books and papers are published between 1950s and 2007. In addition, many data cited in this paper comes from empirical studies at home and abroad.FindingsIn this part,a literature review of competency is firstly carried out;then competency model as well as its evolution,development and innovation is delineated;finally empirical studies are reviewed. Empirical studies mainly focus on competency model building and its application to human resource development and management.Understanding CompetencyIn 1973,American scholar David C. McClelland published his paper Testing for Competency Rather Than Intelligence which cited a large amount of research findings to illustratethe inappropriateness of assessing personnel qualities by abusing intelligence tests. Dr. McClelland further explained that some factors (personality, intelligence, value,etc.)which people had always taken for granted in determining work performance hadn't displayed their desired result. As a result,he emphasized that people should ignore those theoretical by pothese and subjective judgements which had been proved groundless in reality. He declared that people should tap directly those factors and behaviors which could really impact their performance (McClelland, 1973). These factors and behaviors were named "competency" by McClelland. The publishing of this paper symbolized the debut of competency research. From then on,many scholars started getting involved into the research on competency and they conceptualizedcompetency from different perspectives as shown in the following table: The above ten concepts of competency have a lot in common:①Competency is motive, trait,value,skill,self-image, social role,knowledge;②Competency is a combination;③Competency should be measurable, observable, instructional,phasic and hierarchical;④Competency is a determinant to outstanding performance.Thus competency is an underlying combination of individual characteristics such as motive, inner drive force, quality, attitude,sole role,self-image, knowledge and skill,it is causally related to criterion-referenced effective and/or superior performance in a job or situation and it is measurable,observable and instructional.Besides,many scholars and consultancy firms believe that competency could be explained under the help of three different models:Iceberg Model. This model treats competency as an iceberg, the part above the water represents behavior, knowledge and skills which are easy to measure and observe,while the part under the water symbolizes underlying qualities such as value,attitude,social role, self-image,traits which are hard to assess,and the deepest part under the water represents the most latent qualities such as inner drive force,social motive, etc. which are most difficult to observe and measure.Onion Model. This model treats competency as an onion, the outer layer represents skills and knowledge which are liable to acquire,the inner layer refers to qualities such as self-image,social role,attitude and value which are relatively difficult to appraise, while the core of the onion symbolizes traits and motives which are most difficult to cultivate and develop.Brain Model. This model stems from the brain mechanism. It presupposes that the brain could be divided into four parts. Each part functions differently. The upper-left part is in charge of competency such as analysing capacity, calculation, strong logic ability; the upper-right part is in charge of competency such as innovation and intuition;the bottom left part is in charge of competency such as organizing ability, planning ability; and the bottom-right part is in charge of competency such as communication ability,perception, etc. Different parts will exert corresponding influence on competency development.Conceptualizations of Competency ModelFew foreign scholars have directly put forward conceptualizations of competency model. By contrast,many Chinese scholars have expressed their opinions on it. The present paper only cites those concepts that have been published by authoritative publishing houses.Jianfeng Peng, a professor in Ch;na Renmin University,together with his students, has studied how to build competency models for effective HR management since 2003. He thought competency model was the combination of differentqualities which were necessary for people to successfully finish a job or achieve superior performance,these qualities included different motives,traits, self-images and social roles as well as knowledge and skill (Jianfeng Peng, 2003). Prof. Peng believed that a competency model was composed of 4-6 competencies that were closely related to performance. Competency models could help managers judge and distinguish key factors that led to superior performance or underperformance. As a result,competency model could be treated as a foundation to improve performance.Professor Nengquan Wu from Sun Yat-sen University published his book Competency Model:Design and Application in 2005,according to his understanding, competency model refers to "proficiencies that people define core competencies of different levels, delineate corresponding behaviors,determine key competencies as well as f inish certain work.”(Nengquan Wu,2005). Prof. Wu conceptualized competency model from the perspective of methodology. He believed that competency model was a unique HRM thinking mode, method and operation flow. On the basis of organizational strategy, competency model could be utilized to enhance organizational competitiveness and improve performance.Shaohua Fang, a senior HRM consultant and expert,provided us with the following definition:"Competency model is to conceptualize and describe the necessary knowledge,skills,qualities and abilities which an employee should have in order to finish work (Shaohua Fang, 2007)”.By taking advantage of definitions of different levels and related behavioral descriptions, people could determine the combination of core competencies and required proficiency to finish work. Hc} pointed out these behaviors and skills must be able to measure,observe and instruct and they should exert a great influence upon personal performance and business success.International Human Resource Institute(IHRI) has also defined competency model:"The so-called competency model is the standardized description and explanation of competencies that could actualize superior performance.”(·IHRI, 2005)IHRI declared that a competency model should include 6^-1 2 competencies.In summary, the first concept mentioned above attaches an importance to the composition of competency model and its function, while all of the rest three concepts emphasize cognitive abilities as well as criterion-referred performance. Thus competency, model is a combination of different competencies which could be observed,delineated,explained and calculated on one hand,and could facilitate superior performance on the other hand.Development and Evolution of Competency ModelIn early 1970, top officials in U. S. Department of State believed that theirdiplomats' se- lection based on intelligence test was ineffective. It was an upset situation for them to find that many seemly excellent people fail to live up to their expectations regarding their work performance. Under such circumstances, Dr. McClelland was invited to help Department of State design an effective personnel selection system which could appraise the actual performance of employees. In that program,McClelland and his colleague Charles Dailey adopted the method of Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) to collect information in older to study factors that influenced the diplomats' performance. Through a series of summaries and analyses, McClelland and Dailey found out the differences between an excellent diplomat and a mediocre diplomat as far as their behaviors and modes of thinking were concerned. In this way, competencies that a diplomat should possess were found out. This program is the earliest empirical application of competency model. And the research findings were two papers: Improving Officer Selection for the Foreign Service (McClelland&Dailey,1972) as well as Evaluating New Methods of Measuring the Qualities Needed in Superior Foreign Service Information Officers(McClelland& Dailey,1973).Mcber and American Management Association (A'MA) also started their research on competency model in the same year. They focused on providing the answer to the question:what kind of competencies should be displayed by successful managers rather than unsuccessful ones? AMA spent 5 years observing 1 800 managers. By comparing the performance of excellent managers and mediocre ones, AMA defined their competencies based on their traits. The research results showed that all the successful managers shared the following 5 competencies:professional knowledge,maturity of mentality, maturity of .entrepreneurship,people relations and maturity of the profession. Of which,only professional knowledge were shared by excellent and mediocre managers (Mcber&.AMA, 1970).Then Prof. Bray carried out 8 years research at AT&T based on technique of assessment center. From the aspectives of abilities, attitudes and traits, etc.,he built a competency model composed of 25 competencies such as interpersonal relations, expression ability, social sensitivity, creativity,flexibility,organizational ability,planning ability, decision-making ability, etc(Bray and Grant,1978).In China,however, researches on competency model are relatively much late.Chinese scholars Chongming Wang and Minke Chen published their paper about competency model in Psychological Science in 1992. They studied 220 senior and middle-level managers of 51 enterprises in 5 cities. After examining and testing the competency model for senior managers on the basis of factor analysis and structural equation modelling, they compiled "Key Managerial Behavior Assessment Scale" (Chongming Wang&Minke Chen,2002).Scholars such as Kan Shi, Jicheng Wang and Chaoping Li took advantage of Behaviocal Event Interview to assess the competency model for senior managers in the industry of telecommunication (Kan Shi,Jicheng Wang&Chaoping Li,2002). Jicheng Wang designed 5 universal competency models for technical personnel,sales people, community service personnel,managers as well as entrepreneurs respectively.Jianfeng Peng and his postgraduate student Xiaojuan Xing built 4 universal competency models for business managers,business technical personnel,marketing personnel as well as HR managers (Jianfeng Peng,2003 ).The above domestic studies illustrate that competency models for middle-level and senior managers have been built based on in-depth interview and questionnairing. Most publications only focus on conceptualizing competency model,its development,behavioral event interview as well as competency model building,most of the findings are theoretical rather than empirical. By contrast,foreign studies are much maturer both theoretically and empirically.Empirical StudiesEmpirical studies highlight the application of competency model to enterprises, governments and other institutions.Nowadays,empirical studies on competency models mainly focus on the following 4 aspects:Staffing and Selection. Besides job standards and skills prescription, more and more businesses have carried out their personnel staffing and selection in light of the candidates' competencies which are crucial to their future performance. This competency-based personnel staffing and selection has connected business strategies and targets to business employees themselves. As a result,the quality of staffing and selection is greatly improved.Performance Management. Businesses which have built their competency models are more interested in the competency rather than the result itself in their performance management. As a result, their performance management style has been competency-driven rather than result-driven. Managers haven’t attached an importance to short-term performance, but current and long-term performances. In such a managerial system,outstanding performance has been easily actualized. Each employee has made most of their core competencies and expertise to make a contribution to their business.Compensation Management.After the competency-based compensation management system is set up, businesses have concentrated on their employees’future development and potential value, which has stimulated employees and managers of all ranks to improve themselves both menetuacy and teconologcal. Competency oases compense lion management system has helped enterprises attract and retain moretalents. In a word,competency model has endowed employees with a sense of respect and creativity.Training and Development. Enterprises which have built their competency models tend to determine core competencies in light of business strategies,environments, employee development planning and performance appraisal. Enterprises decide their training and development priorities on the basis of competency model.Future TrendsDespite that there is a growing body of literature on competency model,research on competency model is still in a premature stage and many questions still remain unanswered. Therefore, further research is required to address several important issues.First of all,although there are growing studies on the impacts of the competency model on organizational outcomes,antecedents of competency model need to be identified and academically explored. Future studies are needed to examine the relationships between the features of competency model and its key antecedent variables such as organizational sttracture.leadership and external environment. For example,it can be reasoned that the features of competency model are likely to be positively correlated with the structures of enterprises, governments as well as other institutions. Secondly,the impact of competency model on performance needs to be thoroughly explored. More studies are needed to examine whether the features of competency model or organizational culture,has direct or indirect impacts on organizational performance. While quite a few HRD and HRM researchers and practitioners have demonstrated that the concept of competency model has a positive impact on organizational performance, however,such impact may be mediated by other important organizational variables. Finally, it is also important to consider the relationships of competency model and other important HR variables such as career development, managerial coaching as well as employee training.Conclusions and DiscussionsIn conclusion,competency model has increasingly exerted profound influence on human resource development and management. While this concept has received an increase in both academic and management fields,there are increasing empirical studies designed to examine the nature of the construct and its relationships with other important organizational variables. More studies are needed to enhance the theoretical and empirical foundations of competency model.胜任力模型研究:文献综述和实证研究摘要20世纪70年代以来,西方国家已经利用胜任力模型来解决存在于行政和管理系统中的问题,其结果是积极且有前途的。



胜任力 文献综述

现今大家认可的胜任力定义,最早起源于戴维·麦克利兰(David McClelland)博士(1973)为美国国务院设计的甄选驻外联络官的项目中的应用。
戴维·杜波依斯(David Dubois)(1993)将胜任力定义为是一个人在其工作岗位上获得出色成绩的潜在特征。
莱尔·斯宾塞(Lyle Spencer)(1994)和麦克利兰对胜任力做了全面定义。

许多著名的公司,如AT &T、IBM等都建立了自己的胜任力体系。
因此,胜任力模型是21 世纪一个非常重要的工作发展体系,胜任力模型正迅速地成为本世纪工作发展的标准和业绩管理标准。
一、胜任力及胜任力模型的基本内涵1.胜任力的含义1973年,McClelland在美国《心理学家》杂志上发表了题为《Testing for Competence Rather than for Intelligence》(《测试胜任力而非智力》)的文章,提出用胜任力取代传统的智力测量,强调从第一手材料入手,直接发掘那些能真正影响工作业绩的个人条件和行为特征,为提高组织绩效和促进个人事业成功做出实质性的贡献。
表 胜任力定义汇总汇总上述众多学者对胜任力的定义,可以发现有的偏重特质,有的偏重行为,但这些不同定义都有一定的共同点:与特定工作相关,具有动态性;以绩效标准为参照;包含一些个人的特征,是个人潜在特性或行为,如:知识、技能、自我概念、特质和动机等。
对于胜任力感到迷惑?一份胜任力模型的进化和应用评估 毕业论文外文翻译

外文文献:Confounded by Competencies? An Evaluation of the Evolution and Use of CompetencyModelsLeanne H. MarkusPerformance Group International Ltd., AucklandHelena D. Cooper-ThomasDepartment of Psychology, University of AucklandKeith N. AllpressCentranum Ltd., AucklandOver the last ten years there has been a world-wide expansion in the use of competency models as a major underpinning of Human Resources (HR) strategy. The use of the competency approach is promoted by consultants and software vendors on the basis that this will improve both individual job performance and organizational effectiveness. Yet there is a substantial, and largely unquestioned, gap between the many claims and the actual benefits measurably delivered by competency initiatives. Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychologists are often involved in developing and implementing competency models, yet there is little research validating the approach. As scientist-practitioners, we should be concerned about this.This article will review the theoretical perspectives that have informed the competency movement, review our experience of the use of competency models in New Zealand, and critically examine the assumptions that underpin their use. The research that exists is reviewed with particular reference to the outcome measures used to substantiate the value of competency models. Finally we identify various research areas and questions that should clearly be investigated by I/O psychologists if they are to be involved in the promotion, development and implementation of competency models in an organizational setting.What is a competency? Three main approachesThe numerous published definitions can be grouped into three distinct approaches: educational standards, behavioral repertoires, and organizational competencies.1. The Educational Approach (The development of skills, achievement of standards, award of credentials)The modem competency movement originated from the educational discipline. In the US'competencies' were based on functional role analysis and described either role outcomes, or knowledge, skills and attitudes, or both, required for role performance, and assessed by a criterion, usually a behavioural standard. In the UK, industry bodies especially those requiring trades and technical skills, developed standards of occupational competence based on expected work outcomes (Fletcher, 1992). A 'competence' was defined narrowly as an action, behaviour or outcome to be demonstrated, or a minimum standard, with different levels of mastery defined by different statements (Bourke et al., 1975, Elam, 1971).2. The Psychological Approach- (Behavioural repertoires)In 1973 David McClelland, working in the educational field in the US, wrote a paper suggesting that personal competencies, which he defined as motives and personality traits, are a better means of predicting occupational success than traditional psychometrics such as IQ and aptitude tests.McClelland's work was to be enormously influential. Of particular interest was the idea that the factors or inputs associated with individual success could be identified, and then taught to others. McClelland and Boyatzis (1980) developed a methodology for identifying competencies, based on the skilled behavioural repertoires of recognised star performers within particular organisations. They defined competencies as "a generic body of knowledge, motives, traits, self images and social roles and skills that are causally related to superior or effective performance in the job." (p.369, italics added).3. The Business Approach (Organisational competencies for competitive advantage)The concept of competencies was taken up by business strategists in the late 1980s. Hamel and Prahalad (1989) advanced the idea of "Core Competencies" and "Capabilities". Their definition of core competencies as the "collective learning" of the organization has been much cited, and contributes to the current interest in "competencies" (Shipmann et al., 2000). Thus Sparrow (1995) suggests that practitioners should aim at defining "higher level" future oriented organisational competencies.What are the potential benefits of the Competency approach?Performance benefits are promised by the various definitions which include the causal or instrumental relationship of competencies and job performance (Boyatzis 1982) and competencies and organisational performance. (Organ, 1988; Hamel & Prahalad, 1989).In addition, Sparrow (1995) has observed that the competency literature includes a hugerange of claimed benefits specific to HR processes in organisations. In summary, these are: • improved recruitment and selection practices through a focus on required competencies;• improved individual, organisational and career development programmes;• improved performance management processes due to improved assessment; and lastly • improved communication on strategic and HR issues through a common language.What is a competency model?Organizations adopting a competency approach must create or utilize a competency model, at minimum a simple list or catalogue, specifying desirable competencies. The structure of this model must support the use of competencies across the selected HR functions.Models designed for selection and educational purposes usually describe technical competencies in terms of their antecedent skills and knowledge, at a detailed level. Those designed to promulgate behavioural repertoires and citizenship behaviours or organizational competencies typically describe competencies at a much higher level. Regardless of approach, a competency model should provide an operational definition for each competency and subcompetency, together with measurable or observable performance indicators or standards against which to evaluate individuals.How do competencies link to other constructs used in I/O Psychology?As pointed out by Shippmann et al. (2000) competency modelling is a huge trend in HR. While job analysis focuses mainly at the individual level, examining the specific knowledge, skills, abilities and other attributes required for individual job performance, much competency modelling represents an attempt to identify dimensions of performance applicable to many different roles and situations. Relevant to this is the extensive literature in I/O psychology representing many decades of research into factors associated with both job performance and organizational effectiveness.O’Reilly and Chatman (1986) suggested that two distinct variables relate to job performance; firstly the in-role behaviours required in the job, and secondly prosocial behaviours which are not specifically prescribed in a particular role. Brief and Motowidio (1986) identified 13 aspects of prosocial organisational behaviour (POB) defined as behaviours aimed at promoting the welfare of other individuals or groups within the organisation. Prosocial behaviour is hypothesised to improve communications, job and customer satisfaction, and thereforeorganizational effectiveness. Aspects of both in-role and prosocial behaviours may be included within competency models. Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) is a similar construct which has spawned a considerable literature. Organ (1988) defined OCBs as individual behaviours, beyond that required in the role or job description, which, in the aggregate, contribute to organizational effectiveness.Similar to O’ Reilly and Chatman's model (1986), Motowidio et al. (1997) have identified two elements of overall job performance; task performance, and contextual performance. The latter is essentially the socialisation, application and effort required to facilitate task performance, and is equivalent to OCB (Organ, 1997). Motowidio et al. suggest that the activities involved in task performance are most likely to vary between roles, while those involved in contextual performance are often similar. Further, they propose that the antecedents or predictors of task performance are more likely to involve cognitive ability, while personality is more likely to affect contextual performance. Task performance includes the application of technical and task knowledge, and task habits, defined as characteristic responses to task situations (Borman et al 2001). Contextual performance includes behaviours and traits such as persistence and effort, volunteering, helping and cooperation, loyalty, policy and procedural compliance, endorsement and promotion of organisational objectives, initiative and self development (Borman & Motowidio 1997). The many generic competency models and catalogues emphasise aspects of contextual rather than task performance.Personality has also been related to job performance. The Five Factor Model of Personality includes a multidimensional factor of Conscientiousness, which describes aspects of effort and application (Anastasi 1997). This factor has been found to correlate with contextual performance, particularly in the aspect of Job-Task Conscientiousness, with overall performance across a wide range of jobs, (Tett and Burnett 2003), and with career advancement (Viswesvaran & Ones 2000). This raises the question of whether investment in extensive competency models, addressing primarily contextual performance, provides any incremental utility.The literature on organizational commitment distinguishes between three types of commitment, attitudinal commitment; belief in the organisation, instrumental commitment, given on the basis of perceived costs and benefits, and normative commitment, the result of socialisation procedures. (Mathieu & Zajac, 1990). This is relevant to the use of competency models to promote and reward behaviours which exemplify desired organisational values and core competencies.Perceived organizational support (POS) is the extent to which employees believe that they are valued by the organisation. It is related to organisational commitment, and job performance. Rhoades and Eisenberger (2002) found fairness to be the most important factor in POS, followed by supervisor support. Colquitt et al (2001) summarise the elements of organisational justice as consistency of treatment between individuals and over time, the absence of bias, the accuracy of information, conformance to current ethical standards, a voice for affected individuals and groups, and a mechanism to review and correct flawed decisions. It is therefore important that competency models used for assessment and performance appraisal purposes are perceived by employees as fair.How should competency models be implemented?In an attempt to quantify the quality of competency models, Shippman et al. (2000) proposed a 10 point level of rigor scale in establishing competency taxonomies from job or competency analysis. This covered effective data collection methods, competency descriptor development procedures and quality requirements, links to business strategy, validation procedures, and documentation.Attempts at model definition often canvas ideas from the wider organisation in order to create buy in. Since there are potentially many ways of defining and phrasing competencies, this can lead to a long drawn out costly process, with results subject to the Abilene effect - you get what no-one disagreed with, not necessarily the best definitions.The alternative, buying an off-the-shelf system, is likely to be cheaper up front, but may require ongoing effort from users to adapt it to fit their situation. Either way, once implemented, the competency assessment process carries a significant administrative burden, and organisations need to be assured that such investments are worthwhile.Yet there are major validity issues with the use of competency models, and as yet little evidence to support their claimed benefits.Issues with the Competency approach1. Construct validity- What is a competency- can a competency be operationalised so that it can be observed and measured?The aim of construct validity is to assess whether a measure of an individual trait or characteristic actually measures what it is meant to. As with many psychological constructs,there is no real world aspect of competencies (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955). Establishing construct validity therefore requires finding a suitable proxy criterion of the construct (Ghiselli, Campbell, & Zedeck, 1981). This is clearly a problem for competencies, with a number of studies documenting disagreement between managers, staff and even experts asked to categorise operational definitions of competencies, usually example behaviours (American Management Association, 2003; Horton et al., 2002). This also illustrates the difficulty in using competency models to communicate, promote and reward organisational norms.1a. Content and Face validity - are competencies credible in organisations?A major problem with the use of competency models is the lack of agreement on what is meant by the term 'competency'. Sparrow (1995) has suggested that the interchangeable use of the various competency approaches encourages organisations to "build and integrate HRM systems on a bed of shifting sand" (p. 168).So what should competency models comprise - that is, how can we be sure of their content and face validity? Content validity means that the descriptors of competencies are a representative sample of the universe of interest. Face validity means that the competencies themselves feel accurate and appropriate, as judged by their users. For any particular competency model, content and face validity are essentially subjective judgements. All those to whose roles they are applied are in a position to judge whether the competencies match their role. Thus content and face validity issues may arise despite the use of subject matter experts and regardless of how systematic information gathering methods may be.Hayes et al. (2000) argue that it may be impossible to break down a competency into an exhaustive list of elements. This suggests that competency models will always be incomplete. They cite examples of studies where managers have not been able to describe all the competencies required for a role. Certainly the few behavioural statements in most generic competency models could not be regarded as exhaustive.Associated with this is the difficulty in arriving at a suitable structure for a competency model. In defining competencies, Stuart (1983) highlights the trade off between universality and specificity, the bandwidth – fidelity problem, and between complexity and simplicity (see Table 1). Universal or generic competencies are those which are applicable across roles and organisations, whereas specific competencies are those particular to roles and organisations. Universal or generic competencies run the risk of being so broadly defined that they are not perceived by individuals as relevant. Competencies can be defined simply, as a headline plus afew sample behaviours, or they can be designed to cater for multiple levels of detail and mastery. While complex models permit more accurate communication of requirements, and evaluation, they can become an administrative burden.In practice, the universal or generic approach is the most commonly adopted. As an example Tett et al. (2000) attempted to identify and validate a "hyper dimensional taxonomy of managerial competence". The many proprietary generic competency catalogues, also corresponding to Stuart's (1983) universal competencies, typically include management and OCB factors. Many of these competencies are so broadly defined that they subsume a mix of personality factors, motivation and cognitive abilities (Bartram, 2004). In a recent international survey, of the 28% of larger firms which had a competency catalogue, almost half were using proprietary software with generic competency libraries (Metagroup, 2004). Yet the one size fits all approach of generic competencies is unlikely to be appropriate for organisations working with different settings, different products and different customers (Chiabaru, 2000). As Stuart (1983) suggested, the more simple and the more universal the competency model, the less the perceived relevance at the individual level.1b. Criterion validity – Can competencies be accurately measured?An associated issue is that many competencies, especially those related to contextual performance, are defined in very broad terms, and with few performance indicators. In these cases it is unlikely that accurate evaluation is possible. This has implications for perceptions of organizational justice (Colquitt et al 2001), and perceived organisational support (Rhoades & Eisemberger 2002) which impact employee commitment to the organisation.Apart from the inadequacy of measurement criteria, competencies are usually evaluated using self and supervisor ratings, and sometimes by peers as well. Thus, the assessment of competencies is likely to suffer from all the same reliability problems, such as rater bias, that the extensive literature records for performance appraisal in general (Fletcher, 2001).Yet accurate measurement of competencies is a key issue, especially when evaluations are used in pay for performance schemes. A major pre-occupation of organisations is to accurately discriminate between different levels of success in order to ensure that "top talent" feels valued and is rewarded appropriately. For example, Hunter et al. (1990) found that in complex roles such as professional services, individual output can vary by a factor as much as 12 to 1 between best and worst performers.Table 1. An illustration of competency modelling options using Stuart's (1983) framework2. V alidation of the competency modelA second major issue is the way that organisations have implemented competency models; that is adoption without validation (Shippman et al., 2000). Validation is important because competencies describe normative behaviours, behaviours the organization wishes to promote and develop to enhance organizational effectiveness.3. Predictive validity –do improved competencies predict improved individual Job performance and/or improved organisational performance?The third and major issue is the lack of evidence for benefits that result from adopting a competency approach. The underlying assumption of all competency initiatives is that individual skill development, exemplified by particular behaviours, will lead to improved job performanceand, in turn, organisational performance. Barrett and Depinet's (1991) review of the research into competency measurement provided little empirical support for McClelland's (1980) claim that competencies are better predictors of job performance than traditional psychometric tests of mental ability.Later Laber and O'Connor (2000) highlighted the lack of empirical research into the effectiveness of competency models. Our search of the literature reveals only a handful of studies investigating the link between competencies and objective job performance, leaving the situation largely unchanged four years later.One of the many criticisms of the competency movement is the implicit confusion of competency and job performance. We suggest that this confusion has arisen through the language associated with the competency movement; the confusion of behaviours, knowledge and personality traits which are inputs to the job, with results or outcomes, objective job performance. Thus competencies are assessed by "performance" of behaviours deemed to be criteria of competence/competency. Illustrating this confusion, Campbell (cited in Bartram, 2004, p.5) states "Performance is behavior. It is something that people do and is reflected in the actions that people take... Performance is not the consequence(s) or result(s) of action; it is the action itself (see also Hackett, 2002).This confusion of terminology has created an inherent circularity in the use of competency models. Competencies are identified using a variety of information gathering methods, behavioural criteria are defined, and then in the absence of objective measures of job outputs or performance, the subjective evaluation of the occurrence of these behaviours is assumed to equate to (job) performance and validate the competency construct itself. As an illustration, Mayer (2003) reports on a study examining whether health workforce competencies are predictive of essential service performance. He measured the relationship of self-assessed core competency levels and self-assessed service performance, defined as frequency of performance of public health Job tasks, at a US metropolitan health department. He found that competency level had only a very modest association with what are essentially service performance inputs.Hunter and Schmidt (1996) point out that there is little correlation between OCBs and objective output-based measures of individual job performance. However when supervisors estimate job performance, there is a high correlation between ratings of OCBs and their subjective ratings of overall job performance. They suggest this is because supervisors tolerate poor task performance in people with high levels of OCBs. Thus any association of genericcompetencies with job performance may be due to the weighting given by supervisors to OCBs (Johnson, 2001).外文文献译文:对于胜任力感到迷惑?一份胜任力模型的进化和应用评估琳恩H.马库斯海伦娜 D.库珀-托马斯凯斯N.奥普瑞斯在最近的十年间,作为人力资源策略的主要基础的胜任力模型的应用正在世界范围上扩张。
外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 胜任力模型研究

Research on Competency Model:A Literature Review andEmpirical StudiesAbstractWestern countries have applied competency models to addressing problems existed in their administrative and managerial systems since 1970s,and the findings is positine and promising. However, competency model hasn’t been introduced to China until 1990s and it is still unknown and mysterious to many Chinese managers. This paper aims to uncover the mysterious veil of competency model in order to broaden the horizon of Chinese managers and boost China's human resource development as well as management.Keywords:Competency,Competency Models,Empirical Studies of Competency ModelsIt has been more than 30 years since competency model was utilized to human resource management.In western countries,competency model first displayed its effectiveness in government administration, meanwhile many multinationals and their branch companies applied the competency model to their daily business management and their business was a great success. As the notion of competency is gradually come to light and accepted by people all around the world,more and more enterprises have been trying to build their own competency model under the help of professional consultant firms. As a result,competency model has gradually been a very fashionable phrase in the field of management and quite a few enterprises are thus benefited from it. In recent years, competency model has become a hot spot in the Chinese academia as well as big-,middle- and small-sized enterprises alike,many relevant writings and books have also been translated and published. However, competency and competency model are still mysterious to many Chinese scholars, business managers as well as government administrators.Purpose and Significance of the StudyThe purpose of the study aims to make a critical literature review of the competency model,clarify some confusion related to it and explore its application. The following questions are employed to guide this study:What is competency? What is competency model? What are the theoretical and empirical findings related to competency model?The study illustrates how we could take advantage of competency model in our harmonious society building. On one hand,the study will delineate competency and competency model in order to clarify confusions related to it since it is still strange and mysterious to many Chinese managers and administrators;on the other hand,thestudy would enrich Chinese HRD&HRM in the field of government administration and business management both theoretically and empirically.Research MethodThe present study has utilized qualitative analysis, induction and deduction. Since this research is a literature review in some sense, qualitative analysis will be an indispensable research method; Induction and deduction are applied to both theoretical and empirical studies.In order to enhance the credibility of present research,only the authoritative publications on competency model are reviewed,including books and papers written by foreign and Chinese scholars and HRDHRM practitioners. By searching for the keywords "competency" "competency model" and "competency model building" as well as "empirical studies on competency models",books and papers written by well-known foreign scholars such as McClelland D. C.,Lyle M. Spencer, Anntoinette D. Lucia, Richard Lepsinger etc.,are available; by the same token,books and papers written by Chinese scholars such as Zhi-gong He,Jianfeng Peng, Shaohua Fang, Nengquan Wu,etc.,could be consulted. All the books and papers are published between 1950s and 2007. In addition, many data cited in this paper comes from empirical studies at home and abroad.FindingsIn this part,a literature review of competency is firstly carried out;then competency model as well as its evolution,development and innovation is delineated;finally empirical studies are reviewed. Empirical studies mainly focus on competency model building and its application to human resource development and management.Understanding CompetencyIn 1973,American scholar David C. McClelland published his paper Testing for Competency Rather Than Intelligence which cited a large amount of research findings to illustratethe inappropriateness of assessing personnel qualities by abusing intelligence tests. Dr. McClelland further explained that some factors (personality, intelligence, value,etc.)which people had always taken for granted in determining work performance hadn't displayed their desired result. As a result,he emphasized that people should ignore those theoretical by pothese and subjective judgements which had been proved groundless in reality. He declared that people should tap directly those factors and behaviors which could really impact their performance (McClelland, 1973). These factors and behaviors were named "competency" by McClelland. The publishing of this paper symbolized the debut of competency research. From then on,many scholars started getting involved into the research on competency and they conceptualizedcompetency from different perspectives as shown in the following table: The above ten concepts of competency have a lot in common:①Competency is motive, trait,value,skill,self-image, social role,knowledge;②Competency is a combination;③Competency should be measurable, observable, instructional,phasic and hierarchical;④Competency is a determinant to outstanding performance.Thus competency is an underlying combination of individual characteristics such as motive, inner drive force, quality, attitude,sole role,self-image, knowledge and skill,it is causally related to criterion-referenced effective and/or superior performance in a job or situation and it is measurable,observable and instructional.Besides,many scholars and consultancy firms believe that competency could be explained under the help of three different models:Iceberg Model. This model treats competency as an iceberg, the part above the water represents behavior, knowledge and skills which are easy to measure and observe,while the part under the water symbolizes underlying qualities such as value,attitude,social role, self-image,traits which are hard to assess,and the deepest part under the water represents the most latent qualities such as inner drive force,social motive, etc. which are most difficult to observe and measure.Onion Model. This model treats competency as an onion, the outer layer represents skills and knowledge which are liable to acquire,the inner layer refers to qualities such as self-image,social role,attitude and value which are relatively difficult to appraise, while the core of the onion symbolizes traits and motives which are most difficult to cultivate and develop.Brain Model. This model stems from the brain mechanism. It presupposes that the brain could be divided into four parts. Each part functions differently. The upper-left part is in charge of competency such as analysing capacity, calculation, strong logic ability; the upper-right part is in charge of competency such as innovation and intuition;the bottom left part is in charge of competency such as organizing ability, planning ability; and the bottom-right part is in charge of competency such as communication ability,perception, etc. Different parts will exert corresponding influence on competency development.Conceptualizations of Competency ModelFew foreign scholars have directly put forward conceptualizations of competency model. By contrast,many Chinese scholars have expressed their opinions on it. The present paper only cites those concepts that have been published by authoritative publishing houses.Jianfeng Peng, a professor in Ch;na Renmin University,together with his students, has studied how to build competency models for effective HR management since 2003. He thought competency model was the combination of differentqualities which were necessary for people to successfully finish a job or achieve superior performance,these qualities included different motives,traits, self-images and social roles as well as knowledge and skill (Jianfeng Peng, 2003). Prof. Peng believed that a competency model was composed of 4-6 competencies that were closely related to performance. Competency models could help managers judge and distinguish key factors that led to superior performance or underperformance. As a result,competency model could be treated as a foundation to improve performance.Professor Nengquan Wu from Sun Yat-sen University published his book Competency Model:Design and Application in 2005,according to his understanding, competency model refers to "proficiencies that people define core competencies of different levels, delineate corresponding behaviors,determine key competencies as well as f inish certain work.”(Nengquan Wu,2005). Prof. Wu conceptualized competency model from the perspective of methodology. He believed that competency model was a unique HRM thinking mode, method and operation flow. On the basis of organizational strategy, competency model could be utilized to enhance organizational competitiveness and improve performance.Shaohua Fang, a senior HRM consultant and expert,provided us with the following definition:"Competency model is to conceptualize and describe the necessary knowledge,skills,qualities and abilities which an employee should have in order to finish work (Shaohua Fang, 2007)”.By taking advantage of definitions of different levels and related behavioral descriptions, people could determine the combination of core competencies and required proficiency to finish work. Hc} pointed out these behaviors and skills must be able to measure,observe and instruct and they should exert a great influence upon personal performance and business success.International Human Resource Institute(IHRI) has also defined competency model:"The so-called competency model is the standardized description and explanation of competencies that could actualize superior performance.”(·IHRI, 2005)IHRI declared that a competency model should include 6^-1 2 competencies.In summary, the first concept mentioned above attaches an importance to the composition of competency model and its function, while all of the rest three concepts emphasize cognitive abilities as well as criterion-referred performance. Thus competency, model is a combination of different competencies which could be observed,delineated,explained and calculated on one hand,and could facilitate superior performance on the other hand.Development and Evolution of Competency ModelIn early 1970, top officials in U. S. Department of State believed that theirdiplomats' se- lection based on intelligence test was ineffective. It was an upset situation for them to find that many seemly excellent people fail to live up to their expectations regarding their work performance. Under such circumstances, Dr. McClelland was invited to help Department of State design an effective personnel selection system which could appraise the actual performance of employees. In that program,McClelland and his colleague Charles Dailey adopted the method of Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) to collect information in older to study factors that influenced the diplomats' performance. Through a series of summaries and analyses, McClelland and Dailey found out the differences between an excellent diplomat and a mediocre diplomat as far as their behaviors and modes of thinking were concerned. In this way, competencies that a diplomat should possess were found out. This program is the earliest empirical application of competency model. And the research findings were two papers: Improving Officer Selection for the Foreign Service (McClelland&Dailey,1972) as well as Evaluating New Methods of Measuring the Qualities Needed in Superior Foreign Service Information Officers(McClelland& Dailey,1973).Mcber and American Management Association (A'MA) also started their research on competency model in the same year. They focused on providing the answer to the question:what kind of competencies should be displayed by successful managers rather than unsuccessful ones? AMA spent 5 years observing 1 800 managers. By comparing the performance of excellent managers and mediocre ones, AMA defined their competencies based on their traits. The research results showed that all the successful managers shared the following 5 competencies:professional knowledge,maturity of mentality, maturity of .entrepreneurship,people relations and maturity of the profession. Of which,only professional knowledge were shared by excellent and mediocre managers (Mcber&.AMA, 1970).Then Prof. Bray carried out 8 years research at AT&T based on technique of assessment center. From the aspectives of abilities, attitudes and traits, etc.,he built a competency model composed of 25 competencies such as interpersonal relations, expression ability, social sensitivity, creativity,flexibility,organizational ability,planning ability, decision-making ability, etc(Bray and Grant,1978).In China,however, researches on competency model are relatively much late.Chinese scholars Chongming Wang and Minke Chen published their paper about competency model in Psychological Science in 1992. They studied 220 senior and middle-level managers of 51 enterprises in 5 cities. After examining and testing the competency model for senior managers on the basis of factor analysis and structural equation modelling, they compiled "Key Managerial Behavior Assessment Scale" (Chongming Wang&Minke Chen,2002).Scholars such as Kan Shi, Jicheng Wang and Chaoping Li took advantage of Behaviocal Event Interview to assess the competency model for senior managers in the industry of telecommunication (Kan Shi,Jicheng Wang&Chaoping Li,2002). Jicheng Wang designed 5 universal competency models for technical personnel,sales people, community service personnel,managers as well as entrepreneurs respectively.Jianfeng Peng and his postgraduate student Xiaojuan Xing built 4 universal competency models for business managers,business technical personnel,marketing personnel as well as HR managers (Jianfeng Peng,2003 ).The above domestic studies illustrate that competency models for middle-level and senior managers have been built based on in-depth interview and questionnairing. Most publications only focus on conceptualizing competency model,its development,behavioral event interview as well as competency model building,most of the findings are theoretical rather than empirical. By contrast,foreign studies are much maturer both theoretically and empirically.Empirical StudiesEmpirical studies highlight the application of competency model to enterprises, governments and other institutions.Nowadays,empirical studies on competency models mainly focus on the following 4 aspects:Staffing and Selection. Besides job standards and skills prescription, more and more businesses have carried out their personnel staffing and selection in light of the candidates' competencies which are crucial to their future performance. This competency-based personnel staffing and selection has connected business strategies and targets to business employees themselves. As a result,the quality of staffing and selection is greatly improved.Performance Management. Businesses which have built their competency models are more interested in the competency rather than the result itself in their performance management. As a result, their performance management style has been competency-driven rather than result-driven. Managers haven’t attached an importance to short-term performance, but current and long-term performances. In such a managerial system,outstanding performance has been easily actualized. Each employee has made most of their core competencies and expertise to make a contribution to their business.Compensation Management.After the competency-based compensation management system is set up, businesses have concentrated on their employees’future development and potential value, which has stimulated employees and managers of all ranks to improve themselves both menetuacy and teconologcal. Competency oases compense lion management system has helped enterprises attract and retain moretalents. In a word,competency model has endowed employees with a sense of respect and creativity.Training and Development. Enterprises which have built their competency models tend to determine core competencies in light of business strategies,environments, employee development planning and performance appraisal. Enterprises decide their training and development priorities on the basis of competency model.Future TrendsDespite that there is a growing body of literature on competency model,research on competency model is still in a premature stage and many questions still remain unanswered. Therefore, further research is required to address several important issues.First of all,although there are growing studies on the impacts of the competency model on organizational outcomes,antecedents of competency model need to be identified and academically explored. Future studies are needed to examine the relationships between the features of competency model and its key antecedent variables such as organizational sttracture.leadership and external environment. For example,it can be reasoned that the features of competency model are likely to be positively correlated with the structures of enterprises, governments as well as other institutions. Secondly,the impact of competency model on performance needs to be thoroughly explored. More studies are needed to examine whether the features of competency model or organizational culture,has direct or indirect impacts on organizational performance. While quite a few HRD and HRM researchers and practitioners have demonstrated that the concept of competency model has a positive impact on organizational performance, however,such impact may be mediated by other important organizational variables. Finally, it is also important to consider the relationships of competency model and other important HR variables such as career development, managerial coaching as well as employee training.Conclusions and DiscussionsIn conclusion,competency model has increasingly exerted profound influence on human resource development and management. While this concept has received an increase in both academic and management fields,there are increasing empirical studies designed to examine the nature of the construct and its relationships with other important organizational variables. More studies are needed to enhance the theoretical and empirical foundations of competency model.胜任力模型研究:文献综述和实证研究摘要20世纪70年代以来,西方国家已经利用胜任力模型来解决存在于行政和管理系统中的问题,其结果是积极且有前途的。

针对中小学教师进行在线教学胜 任力相关的问卷调查,收集样本 数据。
对部分中小学教师进行面对面访 谈,深入了解他们在在线教学中 的体验和挑战,为问卷调查提供 补充。
利用网络平台收集在线教学资源 ,了解在线教学的实际应用情况 ,为模型构建提供现实依据。
中小学教师在线教学胜任力 模型构建
对收集到的数据进行分析和处理 ,验证模型的可行性和实用性。
根据实证分析结果,提出提高中 小学教师在线教学胜任力的建议 和展望。
中小学教师在线教学胜任力 模型的应用与推广
该研究模型适用于广大中小学教师在线教学场景,包括 但不限于课堂教学、在线课程开发、在线辅导等。
在线教学胜任力是指教师在从事在线教育教学工作时 所应具备的各项能力素质的集合,包括在线课程设计 、在线教学实施、在线评价与反馈等方面。
目前,国内外学者对在线教学胜任力的研究主要集中 在能力素质构成、模型构建方法、应用等方面。其中 ,有些学者提出了基于行为事件访谈法的在线教学胜 任力模型构建方法,有些学者则提出了基于问卷调查 法的在线教学胜任力模型构建方法。同时,随着在线 教学的不断发展,在线教学胜任力研究也在不断深入 和完善。
在欧美等发达国家,在线教学已经得到了广泛的应用和推广,其中美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等 国家在在线教学方面处于领先地位。这些国家在在线课程建设、教师培训、在线教学平台建设等方面 积累了丰富的经验。

念的是 McClelland。他将胜任力表述为“与工作或工作绩效或生活 三个可辨别的成分:a 提供进入变化市场的潜能;b 对终端产品有意
中其他重要成果直接相似或相联系的知识、技能、能力、特质或动机” 义的贡献;c 对竞争者来说很难模仿的竞争优势。
共有;可迁移胜任力指某些岗位的通用胜任力,如管理者胜任力、领 个人效能 自我控制,自信心,灵活性,组织承诺
其他个人特色 职业偏好,准确的自我评估,喜欢与人相处,写作技巧,远见,
⑥元胜任力、行业通用胜任力、组织内胜任力、标准技术胜任力、 与能力
济时代。知识经济时代的重要特征,是各国之间的竞争已由原来以经 的测评体系来提升企业的未来竞争力。此阶段主要是通过构建相关 济、军事为主的竞争,演变为以科技、人才为主的竞争。而人才又是科 的 “ 胜 任 力 模 型 ”, 再 实 现 理 论 与 生 产 实 践 的 有 机 结 合 。 An技的载体,因此,当代世国际竞争的实质是人才的竞争。随着国际经 ntoinette&Leps inger(1999)将胜任力模型描述是“一个能促进高绩 济、技术交流与合作的广泛开展,国内企业进一步缩小了与世界一流 效表现的知识、技术与个性的综合体”。当前,有关胜任力模型的研究 企业的技术差距。在学习与模仿外国先进生产技术的过程中,国内企 主要集中在胜任力模型的类型及其在不同阶层中的运用两方面。其 业认识到了人力资本的重要性,逐步转变了自身的经营理念。在企 焦点又集中在如何在已有的胜任力模型基础上,结合各组织的自身 业,其生产经营不再单纯依靠丰富的物质资源以及先进的生产技术, 情况,通过对经典模型的修整,构建和运用适合本组织的胜任力模


胜任力模型研究综述*王家奇 汤舒俊 记凌开摘 要:胜任力是绩效优异者的潜在特征,胜任力模型是人力资源管理的重要工具。
关键词:胜任力 行为事件访谈 胜任力模型中图分类号:F120 3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5675(2009)05-118-02一、胜任力的内涵胜任力的思想最早可追溯至古罗马时代,当时人们为了说明 一名好的罗马战士 的属性,就曾构建过胜任剖面图(Competency Pr ofiling),这可视为胜任力的最早雏形。
20世纪初, 科学管理学之父 泰勒(T ay lor),开始 时间-动作 研究,早在1911年他就根据其时间研究发现优秀工人和较差工人在完成工作时存在差异,他建议管理者使用时间和动作分析方法去界定工人的胜任特征是由哪些成分构成的,同时通过系统的培训或发展活动去提高工人的胜任力,进而提高组织效能,这可视为胜任力建模的启蒙[1]。
真正系统完整地提出胜任力的概念并推动胜任力实证研究的是美国心理学家麦克利兰(M cClelland),他是从对美国选拔驻外信息情报官(fo reig n info rmation ser vice o fficer)的研究开始的,通过优秀的情报官的访谈,找出其区别于一般的情报官,M cClel land将胜任力定义为能够区分在特定的工作岗位和组织环境中绩效水平的个人特征[2]。
Boy atizis R.E(1994)指出,胜任力是个体的潜在特征,可能是动机、特质、技能、自我形象或社会角色方面,或者他所运用的知识体[4]。

外文翻译译文标题:胜任力模型--人力资源专业人员的方法资料来源: volume 36.issue 1.pages 9–15,Spring 1997作者:Richard S. Mansfield引言大多专业数HR人员负责为员工提供一系列的工作及分配的制度(系统)和服务。


外文文献A Competency Model for Project Construction Team and Project Control TeamTai Sik Lee, Du-Hwan Kim, and Dong Wook LeeReceived August 12, 2010/Accepted October 19, 2010Abstract:This study focuses on developing a competency model for project construction team and project control team service, which are the essential responsibilities of construction companies, in order to provide a basic framework for manpower development including employment, education, performance measurement, and organizational ability improvement. Together, these attributes comprise the basics of human resource management and reflect the key characteristics of construction companies. This study analyzed several previous competency model studies, and derived job competency items from a questionnaire-based survey of corresponding job performers centering on various existing competency items established with respect to the characteristics of construction companies.In addition, through interviews with a specialist group, this study derived weights for setting competency levels and facilitating competency evaluation and formulated a project construction team and project control team affair competency model for construction companies. This study tested the validity of the formulated model by analyzing its correlation with the performance of actual construction projects.Key words: competency model, core competency by job, high performer competency model1. Introduction1.1 Background and ObjectivesDuring the course of many adversities, ranging from the worldwide economic depression in 1998 to the current global economic crisis caused by the recent subprime meltdown and resulting financial problems, most industries in the world desperately have searched for various ways to survive. The construction industry in Korea is no exception, and is currently faced with a number of difficult financial issues. In the present slackened market situation, because construction companies also experience decrease in revenues, it becomes essential to increase efficiency and improve profitability by decreasing costs. Consequently, the paradigm of company management has switched from growth to optimization. As is the case for many other industries, construction companies have introduced information systems and office automation in accordance with the new management paradigm, and have made efforts to improve work efficiency by redesigning work processes using BPR (Business Process Reengineering). These changes have resulted in short- term improvements in efficiency; the reduction of fixed costs such as those associated with labor, appear to improve the efficiency of company management. The efforts to reduce labor costs, however, have resulted in laying off employees, hiring temporary workers instead, reducing employee training costs by hiring only people with previous work experience, and outsourcing various business functions. Although these management optimization activities produced the expected effects of saving on fixed costs and making leaner organizations, they have generated negative side effects such as loss of core competencies, whichcomprise the intangible assets of a company.In general, the number of workers a company needs is determined by labor productivity per sale per person, and has been managed separately from various human resource management activities including education. Recently, however, with the growing importance of flow-centered human resource management that integrates the inflow, management, and outflow of human resources, it has become clear that there is a need for methods that clarify the relations among activities composing human resource development and management plans, including employee education. One such method is to utilize a competency model as a part of human resource management.The present study aimed to provide a basic framework for human resource development for construction companies. Because hiring, educating, and retaining employees are the basics of human resource management, a well-developed framework can help the construction industry to build a competency model that reflects the characteristics of the core functions of construction companies. Using this competency model, the industry could improve performance measurement and efficiency.1.2 Research Scope and MethodologyThis study developed a competency model with specific foci on project construction team and project control team affair services, rather than a general model of competency including a job classification system. Because project construction team and project control team affair services and core functions of construction companies, the competency model focusing on these functions can be more readily and commonly applicable to construction companies.•Stage 1 identified major competency factors after examining the qualities of key members of construction companies, reviewing elements of other general competency models, and conducting one-on-one interviews with top-management team members or supervisors in top-tiers.• Stage 2 conducted a survey study with people who had worked at construction companies for more than 5 years and held their current jobs for more than 3 years. The survey data provided information on the relative importance of each competency factor. Additionally, interviews were conducted with top managers and the interview data were used to assign grades to each competency factor.•Stage 3 finalized the competency model, integrating all the information gathered from the stages 1 and 2. The competency model specified core competency elements for each job or task type.• Stage 4 tested the validity of the competency model by applying the model to targeted groups and examining the extent to which competency factors were related to performance measures.2. Competency Model2.1 Definition of CompetencyAs mentioned above, Korean construction companies have faced with numerous external challenges, and consequently, have hastily made performance-oriented reforms during these times of hardship. Such reforms produced positive short-term results, but now they appear to damage long-term performance.In this regard, it has become increasingly important for companies or individuals to materialize and manage their competencies, as these are the sources of high performance. The lexical meaning of “competency” is “an ability to do a work or the degree of the ability”. In 1973, David McCelland, a psychologist at Harvard University, first defined competency specifically in the context of human resource management (Boyatiz, 1982; Dubios, 1993; Jacobs, 1989). Throughout the 1980s, many scholars in various areas of research have redefined the concept of competency. Among these definitions, core competency in many human resource management areas commonly refers to the consistently observed characteristics and inner quality of high performers’ behavior compared with those of average performers’ behavior. That is, core competency is a behavior that produces successful results through the combination of knowledge, skill, attitude and value (Lee et al., 2003).Based on similar concepts of competency established by many scholars, Sparrow in 1996 divided competency into different, but closely interconnected, categories: namely, core competency (organizational competency), management competency, and job competency (individual competency). More specifically, core competency refers to an organization’s general resources and the ability for those resources to be shared by all members of an organization. Management competency refers to individual jobs, specifically competency related to knowledge, skill and behavior that can be utilized in other companies. Finally, individual com petency is one’s competency with respect to their job performance. Among Sparrow’s categories, this study examined the individual job performance aspect of competency and focused on construction and public affair services that arespecific to construction companies and are applicable to human resource management.2.2 Definition of Competency ModelCompetency, as defined above, reflect differences in the skill sets necessary for the relevant tasks. In general, performing a given job effectively can require a number of different competencies. Accordingly, a competency model needs to specify all the competencies essential for a job or a task and lay out each competency in a readily applicable form for various human resource management activities.A competency model can take on various forms, depending on what the model is for and what stage of human resource development is in need of the model. This study developed a competency model specifically for project construction team and project control team affairs.2.3 Procedure for Building the Project Construction Team and Project Control Team Affair Competency Model Competency is composed largely of obvious qualities, such as skill, knowledge, and attitude, and hidden qualities, such as beliefs, personality, motives, value system, characteristics, and mission. In general, companies set goals for such obvious qualities because they are, by definition, relatively easy to evaluate. On the other hand, hidden qualities are hard to change or acquire, and are managed at the stage of recruitment by screening applicants. The competency model developed in this study included both external and internal competencies and covered the entire process from the stage of recruitment to the stage of operation for construction projects.In addition, the competency model included basic characteristics necessary for all models. High performer competency models need a group of high performers as a reference group, and a core competency model should be preceded by the understanding of a company’s originality. Further, process competency models need to be improved in the company’s work process, and a specific job competency model requires a job classification system.Developing a competency model also requires a competency classification system and a level definition for each classified competency. In our model, the level definition was similar to job description and used as a criterion for competency evaluation. It was necessary to determine the weight of each competency for competency evaluation, and this weight was used to evaluate an individual or a project by integrating evaluated competencies.This competency model in this study did not require the creation of a separate classification system because it was formulated for project construction team and project control team affair services, both of which are typical components of construction projects. Conducting a survey study enabled competency classification and weight calculation. Competency level definitions were based on interviews with employees with high performance records.3. Core Competencies of Construction CompaniesThe core competencies of construction companies can be divided into three main types of competencies; 1) competency relevant to construction ability evaluation, 2) competency pertaining to company evaluation, and 3) competency focusing on intangible asset evaluation. First, core competenciesrelevant to construction ability evaluation have to do with the necessity of evaluating, a construction company for its construction abilities when contracting a construction work. Due to the characteristics of the construction industry, the evaluation of construction ability is considered as objective and essential information about a company’s competencies. In general, evaluation of construction ability includes performance evaluations of previous construction works, management, and technological abilities, which are heavily influenced by the company’s performance or financial shape. That is, a company’s performance or financial shape does not represent the company’s internal competencies. Because the current study focuses mainly on internal competencies in relation to human resource management this study did not include competencies relevant to construction ability evaluation in its model.Second, the core competencies of a company’s operation get evaluated in two ways: 1) evaluation done during the period of raising funds from financial institutions or mutual aid associations, and 2) credit evaluation in order to see if the company has ability to repay its issued corporate bonds. Since evaluations of a company’s operation should be objective, many of the evaluation items are related to tangible assets, although a good number of items touch upon the company’s internal value, such as feasibility, management skills, and technological power. Thus, the current study included the measurement indexes relevant to company evaluation.Lastly, major competency items related to a company’s members and their jobs are generally evaluated based on intangible assets. The management of such intangible assets is critical to a company’s management. The intangible value of a company is generally evaluated through a Balanced Score Card (BSC), Scandia model, and Sveiby model.4. Core Competencies of Major Jobs4.1 Setting the Scope of Core Competency Factors by JobThis study derived common competency factors from general competency models, and derived competency factors for each job from the core competencies of construction companies. In addition, this study derived competency factors for each job based on interviews with high-ranking officials.This study generated a total of 183 competency items by analyzing four general competency models proposed by scholars and six competency models used by major companies. The general competency models proposed by scholars included about 20 to 35 competency items. On the other hand, most of the models used in companies only have 10 to 14 competency items. This difference may occur because general competency models reflect all possible factors, but those used in companies tend to either exclude many items due to a company’s peculiarities or restrict the number of competency factors in order to achieve a more convenient operation.Because this study used general models mostly when generating the 183 competency items, many items appeared redundant with one another. By using information obtained from interviews with a group of 10 specialists who had carried out project construction team and project control team services at companies for over 5 years, this study identified the redundantitems and removed them. Then, this study restructured the competency factors into 36 items and used information from.As shown in Table 2, this study derived the competency factors of a construction company from the job-based core competencies in construction company’s valuation models.As mentioned above, it was difficult to derive competency factors for each job because the items associated with construction ability evaluation were mostly related to performance and financial conditions. However, by using company evaluations, we were able to derive items such as the development of competent persons, change management, motivation, problem solving, and the utilization of total systems. Job competency items included intangible asset valuation, the development of competent persons, role and responsibility allotment, cost management, technology information collection management, practical application ability, QSE management, customer relation management, and the development of new customers. In this study, as one of major methods for building a competency model, we conducted additional interviews with 10 well performing employees who had over 5 years of experience with their current job.As a result, in addition to the job competency items derived from the general competency models and company competency models, we derived several new items to incorporate construction concerns such as contract management, process management, public complaint management, construction experience, image management, adaptability, presentation ability, and administrative reporting ability. Most of these items show the characteristics of the construction industry and construction projects and provide a means to improve the applicability of the competency model.4.2 Deriving Competency Factors by JobIn order to utilize the core competency and job competency factors, we divided the competencies into general competencies, special competencies, internal competencies, and external competencies.Depending on their characteristics, competencies were divided into 1) general competencies usable in construction companies’ ordinary jobs and 2) special competencies specific to project construction team and project control team affair services of construction projects. This division was expected to be highly useful in making employment or education & training plans based on a company’s competency evaluation.In addition, division of internal and external competencies was based on whether a competency was independently useful and whether it worked through interaction with the outside.Accordingly, internal competencies have a surface characteristic, and external competencies include a partial internal characteristic and are somewhat difficult to manage and develop. This division may function as a criterion for the development of the competencies of existing members and the inflow of competencies from the outside.General-internal competency, which exists commonly in jobs and has a surface characteristic, was composed of 12 detailed competencies regarding thinking ability, personality, and self management. General-external competency was composed of 10 detailed competencies in the organization development and organization management competency groups. Likewise, special competency, which reflects the peculiarities of a given job, was composed of 12 detailed competencies in the skill, general, project management competency groups and 12 detailed competencies in the customer management and communication management competency groups.5. Development and Validation of a Project Construction Team and Project Control Team AffairCompetency Model5.1 Development of a Project Construction Team and Project Control Team Affair Competency Model.This study proposed a competency model for project construction team and project control team services which can be used in selecting workers appropriate for a job and training them for the job. Competency items were derived for each job, and competency levels were established based on responsibility and role.5.2 Test of the Applicability of Project Construction Team and Project Control Team Affair Competency Model.The established competency model was tested in three ways.Among the three methods tested, this study used simultaneous construct validation to test the established competency model. In order to validate the competency model, we tested 62 people in charge of project construction team andproject control team affairs working at one of 13 construction sites at S Construction Company, which this study used as the subject company to calculate the weight of core competencies for each job.The test hypothesized that project (construction work) organization competency would be proportional to the sum of individuals’ competencies, and that organization competency would have an effect on project performance. Through the procedure in Fig. 3, the hypothesis was tested by examining the correlation between the measurements of project performance using plans/results from an organization and the competency of that organization calculated through the evaluation of the competencies of each employee.6. ConclusionsThe present study developed and tested a competency model for project construction team and project control team affair services in order to provide a basic framework for manpower development and human resource management at construction companies, including employment, education and performance measurement, and organization ability improvement. To this end, we reviewed previous competency model research and derived job competency items for construction companies by administering questionnaire to employees.Furthermore, through interviews with a group of specialists, we derived the weight of competency items and established a project construction team and project control team affair competency model for construction companies. Then, we tested the validity of this model by analyzing its correlation with the performance of actual construction projects.The results of this study are as follows:1. Competencies derived for executing project construction team were judgment, professionalism, role and responsibility allotment, cooperation with other organizations, practical application ability, construction experience, QSE management, cost management, process management, record management, public complaint management, and persuasion ability. Among these competencies, judgment, professionalism, practical application ability, construction experience, and public complaint management required a high-level of competency, which referred to competency pertaining to the top 30% of job performers.2. Competencies derived for executing project control team affair services were logical thinking, judgment, morality, cooperation with other organizations, construction experience, planning ability, cost management, contract management, and bargaining ability. Among these competencies, logical thinking, morality, cooperation with other organizations, planning ability, and cost management required a high-level of competency.3. The competency of individual employees affected the organization’s competency and, consequently, the organization’s project performance.Information about human resource management of a given company, particularly information regarding evaluations, is confidential. Because of the confidentiality issue, the present study has limitations in building and testing the competency model, surveying cases, and sampling subjects.In order to overcome these limitations, it will be necessary to form a joint effort among large-size construction companies to develop common competency models for academic and industrial use.Furthermore, in order to enhance the validity of the model proposed in this study, we need to apply the model to various construction projects and generalize the model accordingly. Empirical case studies should be conducted in order to adapt this competency model for employment, career planning, succession planning, education and training, performance evaluation and management, and reward management.中文翻译胜任力模型在项目施工和控制团队中的应用李大植,金杜焕,李董旭摘要:本研究着重于开发一个项目的施工队伍和项目控制团队的服务,这是建筑公司的重要职责。

本次演示采用文献综述的方法,检索了国内外相关数据库和学术期刊,收集 了关于我国青少年学生主观幸福感的研究文献。
我国青少年学生主观幸福感总体水平较高,但仍有部分学生感到不幸福或不 确定是否幸福。研究显示,影响青少年学生主观幸福感的主要因素包括家庭、学 业、人际交往和社会支持等。
未来研究需要更加深入地探讨胜任力模型在企业实践中的应用效果,以及如 何根据组织环境和任务需求的变化对胜任力模型进行动态更新和优化等问题。还 需要加强对于不同行业、不同规模企业中胜任力模型应用的对比研究,以便为企 业的实际操作提供更加丰富和有效的指导。
青少年时期是个体发展的重要阶段,也是形成和发展健康人格和价值观的关 键时期。主观幸福感作为个体对自身生活满意程度的心理体验,对于青少年的心 理健康和个体发展具有重要意义。因此,针对我国青少年学生主观幸福感的研究 一直受到广泛。特别是在当前社会背景下,研究我国青少年学生主观幸福感现状 及影响因素,对于提高青少年学生的生活质量、促进其全面发展具有十分重要的 意义。
引言:随着经济的发展和社会的进步,人力资源在组织中的地位越来越重要。 胜任力模型作为人力资源管理的重要工具,已经在全球范围内得到了广泛的应用。 我国自20世纪90年代引入胜任力模型以来,越来越多的学者和企业开始和研究这 一领域。本次演示将重点我国胜任力模型研究的发展现状和存在的问题,通过分 析文献资料,总结最新研究成果和发现。
我国胜任力模型研究综述:间隔 学术论文的文献综述
摘要:本次演示旨在综述我国胜任力模型研究的发展现状和存在的问题,通 过对文献资料的分析,总结最新研究成果和发现。本次演示首先介绍了研究的背 景和意义,明确了本次演示的研究范围和目的,然后从发展历程和现状、分类以 及不足和争论焦点等方面对文献进行了综述,最后总结了我国胜任力模型研究的 主要成果和不足,并指出了研究的空白和需要进一步探讨的问题。



其核心概念最早由哈佛大学教授David McClelland于1973年提出,他强调胜任力是指能区分在特定工作岗位和组织环境中绩效水平的个人特征。

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毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:胜任力模型研究:文献综述和实证研究文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14Research on Competency Model:A Literature Review andEmpirical StudiesAbstractWestern countries have applied competency models to addressing problems existed in their administrative and managerial systems since 1970s,and the findings is positine and p romising. However, competency model hasn’t been introduced to China until 1990s and it is still unknown and mysterious to many Chinese managers. This paper aims to uncover the mysterious veil of competency model in order to broaden the horizon of Chinese managers and boost China's human resource development as well as management.Keywords:Competency,Competency Models,Empirical Studies of Competency ModelsIt has been more than 30 years since competency model was utilized to human resource management.In western countries,competency model first displayed its effectiveness in government administration, meanwhile many multinationals and their branch companies applied the competency model to their daily business management and their business was a great success. As the notion of competency is gradually come to light and accepted by people all around the world,more and more enterprises have been trying to build their own competency model under the help of professional consultant firms. As a result,competency model has gradually been a very fashionable phrase in the field of management and quite a few enterprises are thus benefited from it. In recent years, competency model has become a hot spot in the Chinese academia as well as big-,middle- and small-sized enterprises alike,many relevant writings and books have also been translated and published. However, competency and competency model are still mysterious to many Chinese scholars, business managers as well as government administrators.Purpose and Significance of the StudyThe purpose of the study aims to make a critical literature review of the competency model,clarify some confusion related to it and explore its application. The following questions are employed to guide this study:What is competency? What is competency model? What are the theoretical and empirical findings related to competency model?The study illustrates how we could take advantage of competency model in our harmonious society building. On one hand,the study will delineate competency and competency model in order to clarify confusions related to it since it is still strange and mysterious to many Chinese managers and administrators;on the other hand,thestudy would enrich Chinese HRD&HRM in the field of government administration and business management both theoretically and empirically.Research MethodThe present study has utilized qualitative analysis, induction and deduction. Since this research is a literature review in some sense, qualitative analysis will be an indispensable research method; Induction and deduction are applied to both theoretical and empirical studies.In order to enhance the credibility of present research,only the authoritative publications on competency model are reviewed,including books and papers written by foreign and Chinese scholars and HRDHRM practitioners. By searching for the keywords "competency" "competency model" and "competency model building" as well as "empirical studies on competency models",books and papers written by well-known foreign scholars such as McClelland D. C.,Lyle M. Spencer, Anntoinette D. Lucia, Richard Lepsinger etc.,are available; by the same token,books and papers written by Chinese scholars such as Zhi-gong He,Jianfeng Peng, Shaohua Fang, Nengquan Wu,etc.,could be consulted. All the books and papers are published between 1950s and 2007. In addition, many data cited in this paper comes from empirical studies at home and abroad.FindingsIn this part,a literature review of competency is firstly carried out;then competency model as well as its evolution,development and innovation is delineated;finally empirical studies are reviewed. Empirical studies mainly focus on competency model building and its application to human resource development and management.Understanding CompetencyIn 1973,American scholar David C. McClelland published his paper Testing for Competency Rather Than Intelligence which cited a large amount of research findings to illustratethe inappropriateness of assessing personnel qualities by abusing intelligence tests. Dr. McClelland further explained that some factors (personality, intelligence, value,etc.)which people had always taken for granted in determining work performance hadn't displayed their desired result. As a result,he emphasized that people should ignore those theoretical by pothese and subjective judgements which had been proved groundless in reality. He declared that people should tap directly those factors and behaviors which could really impact their performance (McClelland, 1973). These factors and behaviors were named "competency" by McClelland. The publishing of this paper symbolized the debut of competency research. From then on,many scholars started getting involved into the research on competency and they conceptualizedcompetency from different perspectives as shown in the following table: The above ten concepts of competency have a lot in common:①Competency is motive, trait,value,skill,self-image, social role,knowledge;②Competency is a combination;③Competency should be measurable, observable, instructional,phasic and hierarchical;④Competency is a determinant to outstanding performance.Thus competency is an underlying combination of individual characteristics such as motive, inner drive force, quality, attitude,sole role,self-image, knowledge and skill,it is causally related to criterion-referenced effective and/or superior performance in a job or situation and it is measurable,observable and instructional.Besides,many scholars and consultancy firms believe that competency could be explained under the help of three different models:Iceberg Model. This model treats competency as an iceberg, the part above the water represents behavior, knowledge and skills which are easy to measure and observe,while the part under the water symbolizes underlying qualities such as value,attitude,social role, self-image,traits which are hard to assess,and the deepest part under the water represents the most latent qualities such as inner drive force,social motive, etc. which are most difficult to observe and measure.Onion Model. This model treats competency as an onion, the outer layer represents skills and knowledge which are liable to acquire,the inner layer refers to qualities such as self-image,social role,attitude and value which are relatively difficult to appraise, while the core of the onion symbolizes traits and motives which are most difficult to cultivate and develop.Brain Model. This model stems from the brain mechanism. It presupposes that the brain could be divided into four parts. Each part functions differently. The upper-left part is in charge of competency such as analysing capacity, calculation, strong logic ability; the upper-right part is in charge of competency such as innovation and intuition;the bottom left part is in charge of competency such as organizing ability, planning ability; and the bottom-right part is in charge of competency such as communication ability,perception, etc. Different parts will exert corresponding influence on competency development.Conceptualizations of Competency ModelFew foreign scholars have directly put forward conceptualizations of competency model. By contrast,many Chinese scholars have expressed their opinions on it. The present paper only cites those concepts that have been published by authoritative publishing houses.Jianfeng Peng, a professor in Ch;na Renmin University,together with his students, has studied how to build competency models for effective HR management since 2003. He thought competency model was the combination of differentqualities which were necessary for people to successfully finish a job or achieve superior performance,these qualities included different motives,traits, self-images and social roles as well as knowledge and skill (Jianfeng Peng, 2003). Prof. Peng believed that a competency model was composed of 4-6 competencies that were closely related to performance. Competency models could help managers judge and distinguish key factors that led to superior performance or underperformance. As a result,competency model could be treated as a foundation to improve performance.Professor Nengquan Wu from Sun Yat-sen University published his book Competency Model:Design and Application in 2005,according to his understanding, competency model refers to "proficiencies that people define core competencies of different levels, delineate corresponding behaviors,determine key competencies as well as f inish certain work.‖(Nengquan Wu,2005). Prof. Wu conceptualized competency model from the perspective of methodology. He believed that competency model was a unique HRM thinking mode, method and operation flow. On the basis of organizational strategy, competency model could be utilized to enhance organizational competitiveness and improve performance.Shaohua Fang, a senior HRM consultant and expert,provided us with the following definition:"Competency model is to conceptualize and describe the necessary knowledge,skills,qualities and abilities which an employee should have in order to finish work (Shaohua Fang, 2007)‖.By taking advantage of definitions of different levels and related behavioral descriptions, people could determine the combination of core competencies and required proficiency to finish work. Hc} pointed out these behaviors and skills must be able to measure,observe and instruct and they should exert a great influence upon personal performance and business success.International Human Resource Institute(IHRI) has also defined competency model:"The so-called competency model is the standardized description and explanation of competencies that could actualize superior performance.‖(·IHRI, 2005)IHRI declared that a competency model should include 6^-1 2 competencies.In summary, the first concept mentioned above attaches an importance to the composition of competency model and its function, while all of the rest three concepts emphasize cognitive abilities as well as criterion-referred performance. Thus competency, model is a combination of different competencies which could be observed,delineated,explained and calculated on one hand,and could facilitate superior performance on the other hand.Development and Evolution of Competency ModelIn early 1970, top officials in U. S. Department of State believed that theirdiplomats' se- lection based on intelligence test was ineffective. It was an upset situation for them to find that many seemly excellent people fail to live up to their expectations regarding their work performance. Under such circumstances, Dr. McClelland was invited to help Department of State design an effective personnel selection system which could appraise the actual performance of employees. In that program,McClelland and his colleague Charles Dailey adopted the method of Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) to collect information in older to study factors that influenced the diplomats' performance. Through a series of summaries and analyses, McClelland and Dailey found out the differences between an excellent diplomat and a mediocre diplomat as far as their behaviors and modes of thinking were concerned. In this way, competencies that a diplomat should possess were found out. This program is the earliest empirical application of competency model. And the research findings were two papers: Improving Officer Selection for the Foreign Service (McClelland&Dailey,1972) as well as Evaluating New Methods of Measuring the Qualities Needed in Superior Foreign Service Information Officers(McClelland& Dailey,1973).Mcber and American Management Association (A'MA) also started their research on competency model in the same year. They focused on providing the answer to the question:what kind of competencies should be displayed by successful managers rather than unsuccessful ones? AMA spent 5 years observing 1 800 managers. By comparing the performance of excellent managers and mediocre ones, AMA defined their competencies based on their traits. The research results showed that all the successful managers shared the following 5 competencies:professional knowledge,maturity of mentality, maturity of .entrepreneurship,people relations and maturity of the profession. Of which,only professional knowledge were shared by excellent and mediocre managers (Mcber&.AMA, 1970).Then Prof. Bray carried out 8 years research at AT&T based on technique of assessment center. From the aspectives of abilities, attitudes and traits, etc.,he built a competency model composed of 25 competencies such as interpersonal relations, expression ability, social sensitivity, creativity,flexibility,organizational ability,planning ability, decision-making ability, etc(Bray and Grant,1978).In China,however, researches on competency model are relatively much late.Chinese scholars Chongming Wang and Minke Chen published their paper about competency model in Psychological Science in 1992. They studied 220 senior and middle-level managers of 51 enterprises in 5 cities. After examining and testing the competency model for senior managers on the basis of factor analysis and structural equation modelling, they compiled "Key Managerial Behavior Assessment Scale" (Chongming Wang&Minke Chen,2002).。