
=花木兰=<ONE>NarratorSoldier:We are under attack!Light the signal,light the signal!(Shan yu killed him)<TWO>Li:Your Majesty,the Huns have crossed our northern border.Ci:Impossible!No one can get through the Great Wall!Li:Shan yu is leading them.We`ll protect your palace.Maj:No!My people are more important,them first.Ci:Yes,your highness.Maj:Deliver conscription notices through out all the provinces.Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.Li:Forgive me,your Majesty,but I believe my troops can stop him.Maj:No fault can be permitted,one man may be the difference between victory and defeat.Li:I`ve got it,your Majesty.<THREE>Narrator:Well,our story started at a peaceful and beautiful village.A family with four members,father,mother,grandmother and their—Mulan!Mom:Mulan,how can you grow up?As a girl,you should be polite and quiet,graceful and respectful,then try to be…Are you listening,Mulan?Mu:Uh,I heard you ,mom.I`ve recited the Final Adonimotion.Mu:Umm~~Mu:Mom, what is it outside?Mom:Stay inside,Mulan.(Pa went outside)Ci:Citizens!I bring a proclamation from the Imperial City!The Huns are coming,one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army.Ci:Now it`s your turn,the Fa Family!(Mulan rushed out)Mu:No!NN:Don`t get out!Mulan!Pa:I`m ready to serve the Emperor.Mu:Father, you can`t go.Pa:Mulan!Mulan(to Ci):Please ,sir,my father has already fought for…Ci:Silence!You will do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man`spresence.Pa:Mulan,you dishonour me.Ci:Report tomorrow at the troop camp.Pa:Yes,sir.Ci(continue yo read):The Chu Family!The Chang Family!The Yong Family!(at the table)Mu:You shouldn`t have to go!Mom:Mulan…Mu:There are plenty of young men to fight for China!Pa:It is an honour to protect my country and my family.Mu:So you1ll die for honour.Pa:I will die doing what`s right.Mu:But if you…Pa:I know my place.It is your time learned yours.(Mulan ran away crying)<FOUR>Narrator:In order to get ready for the coming war,the Emperor had delivered conscription.But it seemed that our sincere Mulan`s father had made a decision,without thinking his weak body,his broken leg,his honour permitted no turning back.Narrator:As we all can see,our Mulan pay more attention to his father`s health but not what his father`s wish,will Mulan give up ?Will her father listen to his daughter and refuse to signing in?If…neither of them?<FIVE>NN:Mulan is gone!Pa:What?It can`t be…Mulan!No…Mom:You must go after her.She could be killed.Pa:If I reveal her. She will be.NN:Ancesters,hear our prayer,Watch over Mulan.<SIX>(on the way)Mu:Okay,Okay,how about this.Mu:Excuse me,where do I sign in?Ah,I see you have a sword.I have one,too.They are very manly,and strong!Mu:Oh,I`m working on it!Like a man,remember,Mulan,you are a man!(sigh)Who am I fooling.It`d take a miracle to get me into the army.J:Did I hear someone ask for a miracle?R:Miracle is coming!Mu:Who…oo are you?Where are you?I have a sword!Sword!Don`t bother a man,en?J:Ancesters.R:Yours.Mu:Ancester?Mine?Maybe…from the Fa Family?J&R:BINGO!R:Powerful(J:pleasurable)R:Indestructible(J:Si jia)R:And Si rong.J&R:We are the guardians of the whole family and …to protect you!Mu:Sounds strange.J:So,thouply thouply.R:You`re gonna have to trust me.And don`t you slap us no more.J:No more.Clear on that?Mu:I have no choice,do I?J&R:Move! Move,tomorrow will be our victory!<SEVEN>Mu:Hey…(like a man)Hey…Where…X:Hey,guy?Join us,huh?Mu:Ah…L:Have you signed in?Mu:Sorry,I am late.L:What`s your name?Mu:Uh…Uh…(J:Don`t speak out your name!R:Fa…Fa…Fa…)Mu:I know.L:Then,what is it?(R:Ah…Ping!Ping!Fa Ping!Ping was my boyfriend…)Mu:It`s Ping.Li:Ping.Mu:Yes,my name is Ping.L:Let me see your conscription notice.L:Fa Zhou?The Fa Zhou?Ci:I didn`t know Fa Zhou had a son.Mu:Er,he…doesn`t talk about me much.Ci:I can see why.If I had a son like him,I wouldn`t talk about him,either.L:Okay,gentlemen,we are the swords of emperor,we were born to .No matter when,do remember the country,the sanctity,the honour.We are Chinese.Soldiers:Yes,sir.<EIGHT><NINE>X:The Huns!Chan:I`ve been waiting for you for a long time!L:You destroyed the whole village,you Huns broke the peace.We will stop you even die.J:Mulan,Come on.R:Hit his back will work.Mulan:But…J:Quick!(Mulan falls down,Lixiang rushes to her)Li:He`s wounded!Get help!Get help!Li:Hold on,hold on.(The doctor tells the true)Mu:I can explain.Ci:So it`s true.Mu:Li xiang!Ci:I knew there was something wrongwith you!A woman!How dare!Mu:Li xiang,my name is Fa Mulan,I did it to save my father.Ci:You…Li(stop him):Don`t interrupt her!Mu:I didn`t mean for it to go this far…Ci:Ultimate dishonour!Li:(angrily stop him)Didn`t you hear me?Don`t interrupt herMu:It was the only way!Please,believe me!I…(Li xiang scilence)Li:Take her back.Ci:General!We must kill her here,right now!Li:I said,take-her-back,right-now!!(Li xiang and Cifu go away,leave Mulan herself)R:Don`t be sad,girl.J:Although…ai,we are proud of you.J&R:Cheer up!<TEN>NarratorCi:That was a deliberate attempt on my life.Stand outside,that creature`s not worth protecting.Li:She`s a hero!Ci:She`s a woman.She `ll never be worth anything!Li:Listen,you pompous…Em:I`ve heard a great deal of you,Fa Mulan.You stole your father`s armor,ran away from home,impersonated a soldier,deceived your commanding officer,dishonoured the Chinese Army,and…(music)Em:And yousaved us all,you saved China,as a woman.(bow to Mulan)Em:You worth respecting.Em:Ci fu!Ci:Your Excenllency?Em:See that this woman is made a member of my council.Ci:A??Mu:With all due respect,your excellency,I think I`ve beenawway from home long enough.Em:Then take this.So your family will know what you have done for China.Li:Um…you…You fight good.Mu:Oh,thank you.<ELEVEN>Narrator(At Mulan`s house)Fa:Mulan!Mu;Father!I`ve brought you the sword of Chan yu.It`s gift to honour the Fa family. Fa:The greatest gift in honour is having you for a daughter.I ve missed you so.Mu:I`ve missed you,too,father.(hug)Mom:She brings home a sword.If you ask me she should have brought home a man! Li:Excuse me,does Fa mulan live here?(Mom points to them)Li:Thank you.Li:Honorable Fa Zhou,I…Mulan!Uhhh…I mean…Mu:Would you like to stay for dinner?Mom:(Shout to him)Would you like to stay forever?Li:Dinner would be great.<THE END>。

《花木》 Mulan前言:花木代父从的故事中国人来可家。
Introduction:The story of Mulan who replaces her father to go to the battle field is popular in China. Mulan was born in an ancient Chinese family. She is smart and ambitious. When the news come that her aging father is to be recruited again to the army to fight against Huns, Mulan worries about her father’s safety. Though her father was once a brave fighter, he is now a disabled person. Mulan’s father is determined to go to the battle field. So Mulan decides to steal her father’s armour to go to the battle field in man’s disguise.第一幕: Act One(音 ~~~Music)木入,独舞一段(音:蹄声响起)木父母从另一入,旨人也入,随从入,木在一旁听,停止舞。
旨人 Herald:“According to god's order, Because of the invasion of the Huns,our emperor made a hard determination that we should take the weapons to protect our homeland. So we need soldiers. It's time to show your loyalty. Stand up, everybody!奉天承运,皇帝曰,匈奴入侵,我做出了个的决定:打他个屁尿流!所以,我需要士兵!没了,你懂我的意思的。

《花木兰》短剧剧本中英文Roles: 木m ù兰l án Mulan, 父f ùMu father,战zh àn 友y ǒu 及j í征zh ēng 兵b īng warrior, 旁p áng 白b ái monolog, 皇hu áng 帝d ìemperorScene 1A courtyard Stand beside, recite one after : 1.唧j ī唧j ī复f ù唧j ī唧j ī,2.木m ù兰l án 当d āng 户h ù织zh ī,3.不b ù闻w ?n 机j ī杼zh ù声sh ēng ,4.唯w ?i 闻w ?n 女n ǚ叹t àn 息x ī。
木m ù兰l án 愁ch ?u 眉m ?i 苦k ǔ脸li ǎn 坐zu ?在z ài 织zh ī布b ù机j ī旁p áng 叹t àn 气q ì。
Mulan sitting beside a loom, sighingSuddenly enter warriorWarrior : China is under attack! The mongols are coming! The emperor has ordered that one man from each family must fight.征zh ēng 兵b īng :中zh ōng 国gu ?处ch ǔ在z ài 危w ēi 机j ī!蒙m ěng 古g ǔ人r ?n 打d ǎ进j ìn 来l ái 了le !皇hu áng 帝d ì指zh ǐ令l ìng 每m ěi 家ji ā每m ěi 户h ù必b ì须x ū派p ài 一y í个g a男n án 丁d īng 参c ān 军j ūn 上sh àng 阵zh an 。

英语《花木兰》短剧剧本前言:旁白(待定)第一幕:(音乐~~~)木兰入场,独舞一段剑术(音乐:马蹄声响起)木兰父母从另一边入场,传旨人也入场,随从入场,木兰在一旁听,停止舞剑传旨人:“According to god's order, Because of the invasion of the Xiongnu Our emperor made a hard determination that we should take the weapons to protect our homeland. So we need warriors. It's time to show your loyalty. Stand up, every one!奉天承运,皇帝诏曰,匈奴入侵,我们做出了个艰难的决定:打他个屁滚尿流!所以,我们需要士兵!没了,你们懂我的意思的。
”(稍微娘娘腔)木兰父:“We get it.”木兰父领旨,回到桌子旁,拿起宝剑与圣旨,长叹一声木兰上前木兰:“Dad, let me go instead of you to join the army. Your health is not good though爸,让我去代替你从军吧!”木兰父:“That's not of your bussiness不关你的事。
”木兰:“But...但是……”木兰父:“Go back!回去!”木兰落寞地离去,木兰父放下宝剑与圣旨,也退场木兰从新上场,走到桌子前,拿起宝剑,拔剑出销,又放下,把头发(散)束起,再次拿起宝剑与圣旨(旁白解释)木兰:“I will be back!”(深情地)(音效)熄灯——第一幕完英语对白:第二幕:将军与军师入场,军师手拿名单和毛笔勾名,一群(5个)前来报到的兵一个跟一个入场,列队将军:“What’s your name?”Tom:“Tom”将军:“How about you?”Jerry:“Jerry”将军:“Tom an Jerry? Both of brothers join the army,and you?”MR.Bean:“MR.Bean”将军;“er……you?”Banana:“banana ”将军:“What?“Banana:“banana·apple”将军:“I prefer watermelon. Short guy,what about you?”木兰:“Mulan,general”将军:“Finally a normal name… But ,you look like a women!?总算有个正常的名字了————但……你好像女人?”木兰:“I am a man!!!Watch out my muscles!”(清一清嗓音,做几个类似的动作)将军:“Just kidding, guy!”将军带领训练(舞棍、转左转右)将军上前,拿出竹竿,举起来“follow me!”将军将竹竿向前捅,全队照做,木兰把前面的士兵捅倒将军:“what are you doing! watch out!”将军将棍向右横扫,木兰照做,全排士兵倒下将军上前“attention!Turn right(全队向右,木兰向左),你搞什么飞机啊!(叫木兰来到第一队)Turn left!(全队向左,木兰向右,木兰手中竹竿打中右边的士兵)将军:“My god! You’d better go back home!”(放烟~~~)木兰发现敌人木兰:“general, that way …seems like…eneies!!!”(用手指着)将军:“Ah?! God bless us! All the soldiers , array!”(音效)老兵列队上场将军:“Xiongnu is coming. It’s a good opportunity for your careers and futures! Get perfect prepared, guys! 匈奴将至,是各位升官发财的好机会啊,士兵们,准备吧!!!!!!”全体退场,熄灯第二幕完(雪山上,上炮)第三幕(音乐)单于、匈奴上场(凶残的)一个老兵上场张望,返回号召其他老兵上,五个老兵上场交战,打下打下死两个,其他三个后退退到一定后将军带新兵上场开打打着打着死一个,打着打着死一个,全体节节败退,花木兰在后方战战兢兢没有上前将军:“Why you froze there? Come and help!!快来帮忙”木兰望着雪山,得到启发旁白:“(待定)”木兰开始用火炮炸山(先炸一座)(音效)木兰军全体后退,木兰马上再炸,雪山被炸,匈奴死了大半,只剩两三个(音效)木兰军乘势杀上,敌方落荒而逃大胜,全体举手庆功(音效:胜利)熄灯旁白:“(待定)”第三幕完第四幕(场景为宫殿)皇帝入场,后有四个随从随从1:“Mulan come to listen to letters”木兰上前,单膝跪下皇帝:“Because you brave performance, we won the war. What do you want to get? Status?Wealthy?Or … beauty? 你的英勇,让我军赢得最后的胜利,想要什么,地位?财富?美女?”木兰:“Dear emperor, Mulan just want to return home to accompany my old parents.回皇上,木兰只想回乡陪伴我的老父母”皇帝:“Great! What a nice son! Now I decide to praise you a good rapid horse ‘Ferrari’ to help your homecoming!好!!好一个孝顺之人,朕赐你一匹宝马:“法拉利”衣锦还乡”木兰:“Grateful for my dear emperor.谢皇上!”木兰退场,皇帝及随从随后退场木兰父母从舞台另一侧入场木兰母:“The war eventually ended, are you still angry with Mulan? 战争终于结束了,你还在生木兰气吗?”木兰父:“No, of cause I’m not. My heart has long been full of thoughts of her. For now, I’m just looking forward to her safely return. 我不气了,我的心早就被思念充满了,现在我只盼望木兰能早点平安回来啊”木兰母:“She must be back!她一定会回来的”(音乐:马蹄声)木兰从另一边出场,拿着宝剑走向父母面前,跪下,呈上宝剑木兰:“Dad and mom,I’m back …我回来了~”(音效)第四幕完全剧终。
英语剧本 花木兰

剧本:Narrato r: Long time ago, there was a war in China.....很久以前,在中国爆发了一次战争…In the field.在战场上(两个学生拿场景出来“in the war field”)Old General Lee : Get out. The land doesn't belong to you.滚出去!这不是你们的地盘。
土酋: Your land?......Hey , he says this is his land.你的地盘?嘿,他说这是他的地盘。
土酋: We just get our land back.我们只是要回我们的地盘。
Old General Lee: Go to hell, you barbarians.下地狱去吧,野蛮人。
土酋: Attack!进攻!Old General Lee: Fire! Kill them all.开火,杀了他们。
)Old General Lee: Just wait and see. My son, Li Shang, will kill you.等着瞧吧。
(土酋大笑离场,一阵风吹来,所有演员下,场景转换,“in the palace”)使者: My dear emperor, we are losing. What can we do?(路人甲乙丙:What can we do?从小声到大声)陛下: Even if the odds are against us, we must keep on. Now, what we ca n do is recruit soldiers.即使那些残兵们还要反抗的话,我们就继续。
使者:Yes. Emperor.(使者骑马来到村庄,场景换成:“in the village”)使者:Everybody, listen. All the men must go to the army. Here is the paper about the names ,read it carefully.(在众农民面前宣布,将纸拿给群众,下场。

Summary:Long time ago, there was a war in China. The natives wanted to get the land back, which had belonged to them before. However, the king of the nation didn't allow such a ridiculous thing, and the war finally broke. Unfortunately, the odds were against China. So the king decide to recruit soldiers.Unexpectedly, Mulan's father, who was old and weak, was chosen. Know that her father was not equal to the mission, Mulan decided to dress gerself as a man to join the army instead of her fater.During the time in the army, she became acquainted wiht the captain, Li Shang, and she was deeply moved by his care for her. After they won th ewar, she told the truth frankly to him, and Li Shang asked the king to spare her life for disguising herself as a soldier.In time, they fell in love with each other, got married and lived happily hereafter.Scene INarrator:Long time age, ther was a war in China.....德首:Get out. The land doesn't belong to you.土酋:Your land?......Hey , he says this is his land.土酋:We just get our land back.德首:Go to hell, you barbarians.土酋:Attack!德首:Fire! Kill them all.德首:Just wait and see. My son, Li Shang, will revenge himeself on you.路人甲:Your majesty, we are losing. What can we do?陛下:Even if the odds are against us, we must keep going on. Now, what we can do is recruit soldiers.使者:Pat.......Ouch, what are you doing? Are you Pat?Pat: Yes.使者:O.K. I am the messenger from our great general, Li Shang. This letter is confidential. Please read it carefully. Mulan:What's up? Daddy, you look so pale,Pat: Nothing....Mulan:Look!Pat: What......Mulan: My father is dying. My brother is too young. What can I do?路人甲乙丙丁:What can she do?Mulan: What can I do?Voice: You can go to the army instead of your father.Mulan: But I'm a girl.Voice: Why not? You look like a man.Mulan: Right! Good idea! I can't see the reason why a girl can't be a soldier to defend her own country.Scene IINarrator: Mulan began her life in the army.報到士兵:Hey, don't cut in. Line up.士兵:Attention! This is our general, Li Shang.Li Shang:just want you to follow three "A"s. Thell them what three "A"s.士兵:The three "A"s are "Apple, airplane, adult video."Li Shang:The three "A"s are "Action, ability, andagility."-----understand?士兵:Yes!Li Shang:Good!....Dismissed.士兵領隊:Soldiers, follow me!士兵:嘿咻.....Mulan:Ouch!士兵:Are you out of breath for running for a short time?士兵:You are a sissy boy.-------眾:Sissy boy.士兵:Look! He is so thin and so weak. How can our country depend on him?眾:Ha, ha, ha!Li Shang:Hey, men! There is no time for you to chat!Li Shang:Are you O.K.?Mulan:I'm all right.Li Shang:Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree. Mulan:He is really a good guy. I am wondering which girl will be lucky enough to marry him.士兵:Hey! Soldiers. It's time for dinner.士兵:Oh....food! Food!---Hey, here is nothing for you. Get away! Li Shang:唉...You are inferior to others in all aspectsLi Shang:This is for you.Mulan:Thank you. Sir!Li Shang:Go and eat there.Mulan:He is really a good man. In order not to disappoint him, I'll do my best to become stronger.士兵舉重比賽)Narrator:After being humiliated and insulted by others, she was ashamed of her weakness. So Mulan tried every way to strengthen herself. She lifted weights and did push-ups.Narrator:After a few months of hard training........羅蔔兵:Sir! Sir! Our enemies are coming back again.Li Shang: What? Those barbarians are returning? hey, soldiers! Take up your weapon and follow me. It's time to fight.兵:Fight!Mulan:Hey! Wake up! Don't sleep! Where are the other guys?羅蔔兵:They....are...fighting!Mulan:What!--Guys! Wait for me!Scene IIILi Shang:Do you still remmeber General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I'm his son, Li Shang.土酋:I've killed too many people. It doesn't bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.Li Shang:Ha! You talk too much, you ugly barbarian. Now it is my chance to take revenge on you.土酋:You? Ha, ha, ha. impossible!Li Shang:Watch out, I'll kill you all.土酋:Oh yeah? You're still wet behind the ears. How can you bear us and kill us all? You are dreaming.Li Shang:Just wait and see if I can't. Soldiers, fire!土酋:My brave soldiers, go! Ha, ha, ha. Now you are under my control. Surrender?Li Shang:Just kill me. I'd rather die thatn surrender.Mulan:Are youall right?土酋:Do you look down uponme? Ge him! Get him now!土酋:It...it is impossible.Mulan:Li, I'm sorry.Li Shang:Why did you kiss me? Are you a gay?Mulan:No. In fact, I am a girl.Li Shang:According to the law, a woman can't be a soldier. What you have done is a big crime! Have you ever thought of that? Mulan:I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision.Li Shang:Hum.....I'll try to save you.陛下:My brave soldiers. Congraduations! We are brought to glorious victory by my captain, Li Shang. You deserve a good reward. Come ahead, my hero! Tell me what you want.Li Shang:I want nothing except the soldier's life. She is a girl, but she has saved us and the whole country.陛下:She is heroine. Oh, I just can't wait to see her.Li Shang:This is her. She asks for your mercy because of her violation against the law.陛下:Why should I kill her? She has beome a good example for our people. I should reward her instead of killing her.Mulan:Thank you, your majesty.Li Shang:Though this is a sudden proposal, would you mary me? Mulan:I'm so glad to hear that. But I have to go back home to ask my father first. will you go to my hometown with me?Li Shang:Of course, dear.Mulan:Let's go.Mulan:Father, I'm back.Pat:Mulan, it's really you?Mulan:Yes, it's a long time.Kid:Sis, we are missing you everyday.mulan:Oh, my brother. You are grown up.Pat:Who is the gentleman?Mulan:This is General Li.Li Shang:Sir, can I have the honor to ask your permission to marry your daughter?Pat:Of course. When are you going to get married?Li Shang:Soon.Pat:How soon?Li Shang:How about now?眾:Great!。

花木兰-原创英语剧本(动画片改编以适合舞台剧)=花木兰=NarratorSoldier:We are under attack!Light the signal,light the signal!(Shan yu killed him)Li:Your Majesty,the Huns have crossed our northern border.Ci:Impossible!No one can get through the Great Wall!Li:Shan yu is leading them.We`ll protect your palace.Maj:No!My people are more important,them first.Ci:Yes,your highness.Maj:Deliver conscription notices through out all the provinces.Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.Li:Forgive me,your Majesty,but I believe my troops can stop him.Maj:No fault can be permitted,one man may be the difference between victory and defeat.Li:I`ve got it,your Majesty.Narrator:Well,our story started at a peaceful and beautiful village.A family with four members,father,mother,grandmother and their—Mulan!Mom:Mulan,how can you grow up?As a girl,you should be polite and quiet,graceful and respectful,then try to be…Are you listening,Mulan?Mu:Uh,I heard you ,mom.I`ve recited the Final Adonimotion.Mu:Umm~~Mu:Mom, what is it outside?Mom:Stay inside,Mulan.(Pa went outside)Ci:Citizens!I bring a proclamation from the Imperial City!TheHuns are coming,one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army.Ci:Now it`s your turn,the Fa Family!(Mulan rushed out)Mu:No!NN:Don`t get out!Mulan!Pa:I`m ready to serve the Emperor.Mu:Father, you can`t go.Pa:Mulan!Mulan(to Ci):Please ,sir,my father has already fought for…Ci:Silence!You will do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man`spresence.Pa:Mulan,you dishonour me.Ci:Report tomorrow at the troop camp.Pa:Yes,sir.Ci(continue yo read):The Chu Family!The Chang Family!The Yong Family!(at the table)Mu:You shouldn`t have to go!Mom:Mulan…Mu:There are plenty of young men to fight for China!Pa:It is an honour to protect my country and my family.Mu:So you1ll die for honour.Pa:I will die doing what`s right.Mu:But if you…Pa:I know my place.It is your time learned yours.(Mulan ran away crying)Narrator:In order to get ready for the coming war,the Emperor had delivered conscription.But it seemed that oursincere Mulan`s father had made a decision,without thinking his weak body,his broken leg,his honour permitted no turning back.Narrator:As we all can see,our Mulan pay more attention to his father`s health but not what his father`s wish,will Mulan give up ?Will her father listen to his daughter and refuse to signing in?If…neither of them?NN:Mulan is gone!Pa:What?It can`t be…Mulan!No…Mom:You must go after her.She could be killed.Pa:If I reveal her. She will be.NN:Ancesters,hear our prayer,Watch over Mulan.(on the way)Mu:Okay,Okay,how about this.Mu:Excuse me,where do I sign in?Ah,I see you have a sword.I have one,too.They are very manly,and strong!Mu:Oh,I`m working on it!Like a man,remember,Mulan,you are a man!(sigh)Who am I fooling.It`d take a miracle to get me into the army.J:Did I hear someone ask for a miracle?R:Miracle is coming!Mu:Who…oo are you?Where are you?I have a sword!Sword!Don`t bother a man,en?J:Ancesters.R:Yours.Mu:Ancester?Mine?Maybe…from the Fa Family?J&R:BINGO!R:Powerful(J:pleasurable)R:Indestructible(J:Si jia)R:And Si rong.J&R:We are the guardians of the whole family and …to protect you!Mu:Sounds strange.J:So,thouply thouply.R:You`re gonna have to trust me.And don`t you slap us no more.J:No more.Clear on that?Mu:I have no choice,do I?J&R:Move! Move,tomorrow will be our victory!Mu:Hey…(like a man)Hey…Where…X:Hey,guy?Join us,huh?Mu:Ah…L:Have you signed in?Mu:Sorry,I am late.L:What`s your name?Mu:Uh…Uh…(J:Don`t speak out your name!R:Fa…Fa…Fa…)Mu:I know.L:Then,what is it?(R:Ah…Ping!Ping!Fa Ping!Ping was my boyfriend…)Mu:It`s Ping.Li:Ping.Mu:Yes,my name is Ping.L:Let me see your conscription notice.L:Fa Zhou?The Fa Zhou?Ci:I didn`t know Fa Zhou had a son.Mu:Er,he…doesn`t talk about me much.Ci:I can see why.If I had a son like him,I wouldn`t talk about him,either.L:Okay,gentlemen,we are the swords of emperor,we were born to .No matter when,do remember the country,thesanctity,the honour.We are Chinese.Soldiers:Yes,sir.X:The Huns!Chan:I`ve been waiting for you for a long time!L:You destroyed the whole village,you Huns broke the peace.We will stop you even die.J:Mulan,Come on.R:Hit his back will work.Mulan:But…J:Quick!(Mulan falls down,Lixiang rushes to her)Li:He`s wounded!Get help!Get help!Li:Hold on,hold on.(The doctor tells the true)Mu:I can explain.Ci:So it`s true.Mu:Li xiang!Ci:I knew there was something wrongwith you!A woman!How dare!Mu:Li xiang,my name is Fa Mulan,I did it to save my father.Ci:You…Li(stop him):Don`t interrupt her!Mu:I didn`t mean for it to go this far…Ci:Ultimate dishonour!Li:(angrily stop him)Didn`t you hear me?Don`t interrupt her Mu:It was the only way!Please,believe me!I…(Li xiang scilence)Li:Take her back.Ci:General!We must kill her here,right now!Li:I said,take-her-back,right-now!!(Li xiang and Cifu go away,leave Mulan herself)R:Don`t be sad,girl.J:Although…ai,we are proud of you.J&R:Cheer up!NarratorCi:That was a deliberate attempt on my life.Stand outside,that creature`s not worth protecting.Li:She`s a hero!Ci:She`s a woman.She `ll never be worth anything!Li:Listen,you pompous…Em:I`ve heard a great deal of you,Fa Mulan.You stole your father`s armor,ran away from home,impersonated a soldier,deceived your commanding officer,dishonoured the Chinese Army,and…(music)Em:And yousaved us all,you saved China,as a woman.(bow to Mulan)Em:You worth respecting.Em:Ci fu!Ci:Your Excenllency?Em:See that this woman is made a member of my council.Ci:A??Mu:With all due respect,your excellency,I think I`ve beenawway from home long enough.Em:Then take this.So your family will know what you have done for China.Li:Um…you…You fight good.Mu:Oh,thank you.Narrator(At Mulan`s house)Fa:Mulan!Mu;Father!I`ve brought you the sword of Chan yu.It`s gift to honour the Fa family. Fa:The greatest gift in honour is having you for a daughter.I ve missed you so.Mu:I`ve missed you,too,father.(hug)Mom:She brings home a sword.If you ask me she should have brought home a man! Li:Excuse me,does Fa mulan live here?(Mom points to them)Li:Thank you.Li:Honorable Fa Zhou,I…Mulan!Uhhh…I mean…Mu:Would you like to stay for dinner?Mom:(Shout to him)Would you like to stay forever?Li:Dinner would be great.。

Mulan导演:袁丽娟类别:剧情/爱情/动作主演:花木兰—丁彰荣尚—洁(反串)土酋、陛下—哲德首(尚父亲)—伟士兵—袁丽娟、哲、伟Pat(木兰父亲)—袁丽娟(反串)武术指导:伟、哲道具准备:哲、伟PPT制作:伟剧本编辑:小组全体4月26日全班首映Group FourScene ILong time age, there was a war in China…..德首: Get out. The land doesn’t belong to you.土酋: Your land…Hey, he says this is his land.土酋: We just get our land back.德首: Go to hell, you barbarians.土酋: Attack!德首: Fire! Kill them all.(两人拔剑战斗)德首(战败倒下): Just wait and see. My son, Li Shang, will revengehimself on you.(两人退场)Scene 2路人甲: Your majesty, we are losing. What can we do?陛下: Even if the odds are against us, we must keep going on! Now, what we can do is recruit soldiers.Scene 3使者: Pat…….Ouch, what are you doing? Are you Pat?(使者敲门,Pat把门打开,使者没站稳,身体不由自主向前倾,差点摔倒)Pat: Yes.使者: OK. I am the messenger from our great general, Li Shang. This letter is confidential. Please read it carefully.(木兰上场)(Pat接过征兵册,叹了口气)Mulan: What’s up? Daddy, you look so pale,Pat: Nothing….(Pat退场)Mulan: My father is dying. My brother is too young. What can I do? 路人甲乙丙丁: What can she do?Mula n: What can I do?路人甲乙丙丁: You can go to the army instead of your father. Mulan: But I’m a girl.路人甲乙丙丁: Why not? You look like a man.Mulan: Right! Good idea! I can’t see the reason why a girl can’t bea soldier to defend her own country.(由悲转喜)Scene 4Mulan began her life in the army.报到(背景:军中的操场)士兵:Hey, don’t cut in! Line up!士兵: Attention! This is our general, Li Shang.Li Shang: I just want you to follow three “A”s. Tell them what three “A”s are.士兵: The three “A”s are “Apple, airplane, adult video.”(众士兵笑)Li Shang: The three “A”s are “Action, ability,andagility.”understand?士兵: Yes!Li Shang: Good! Dismissed.士兵領隊: Soldiers, follow me!(士兵开始跑步)士兵: 嘿咻…..Mulan: Ouch!士兵: Are you out of breath for running for a short time?士兵: You are a sissy boy.(众士兵附和)Sissy boy…..士兵: Look! He is so thin and so weak. How can our country depend on him?众士兵: Ha, ha, ha!Li Shang: Hey, men! There is no time for you to chat!Li Shang: Are you OK.?Mulan: I’m all right.Li Shang: Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree.Mulan: He is really a good guy. I am wondering which girl will be lucky enough to marry him.士兵: Hey! Soldiers. It’s time for dinner.士兵: Oh….food! Food!—Hey, here is nothing for you. Get away!Li Shang: 唉…You are inferior to others in all aspectsLi Shang: This is for you.Mulan: Thank you. Sir!Li Shang: Go and eat there.Mulan: He is really a good man. In order not to disappoint him, I’ll do my best to become stronger.Scene 5After a few months of hard training……..士兵: Sir! Sir! Our enemies are coming back again.Li Shang: What? Those barbarians are returning? hey, soldiers! Take up your weapon and follow me. It’s time to fight.众士兵: Fight! Fight! Fight!.......(军帐中,士兵还在睡觉)Mulan: Hey! Wake up! Don’t sleep! Where are the other guys?士兵甲: They….are…fighting!Mulan: What!–Guys! Wait for me!(两人同时跑退场)Scene 6(两军交接,战争开始)Li Shang: Do you still remember General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I’m his son, Li Shang.土酋: I’ve killed too many people.It doesn’t bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.Li Shang: Ha! You talk too much, you ugly barbarian. Now it is my chance to take revenge on you.土酋: You? Ha, ha, ha. Impossible!Li Shang:Watch out, I’ll kill you all!土酋: Oh yeah? You’re still wet behind the ears. How can you bear us and kill us all? You are dreaming!Li Shang: Just wait and see if I can’t. Soldiers, fire!土酋: My brave soldiers, go!(两人开打)土酋:Ha, ha, ha…… Now you are under my control. Surrender?Li Shang: Just kill me. I’d rather die tha n surrender.(土酋的刀即将砍下去,木兰上场救了尚)Mulan(对尚): Are you all right?土酋: Do you look down upon me? Get him! Get him now!(木兰与土酋开打,木兰打败土酋)土酋:It…it is impossible.(土酋倒下,土酋退场,木兰扶着尚退场)Scene 7(仗后在军营中)Mulan: Li, I’m sorry.Li Shang: Why did you kiss me? Are you a gay?Mulan: No. In fact, I am a girl.Li Shang: According to the law, a woman can’t be a soldier. What you have done is a big crime! Have you ever thought of that? Mulan: I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision.Li Shang: Hum…..I’ll try to save you.(两人退场)Scene 8(军队凯旋归朝)陛下: My brave soldiers. Congratulations! We are brought to glorious victory by my captain, Li Shang. You deserve a good reward. Come ahead, my hero! Tell me what you want.Li Shang: I want nothing except the soldier’s life. She is a girl, but she has saved us and the whole country.陛下: She is a heroine. Oh, I just can’t wait to see her.(尚推出身后的木兰)Li Shang: This is her. She asks for your mercy because of her violation against the law.陛下: Why should I kill her? She has become a good example for our people. I should reward her instead of killing her!Mulan: Thank you, your majesty!Scene 9(背景:树林里,尚和木兰在谈心)Li Shang: Though this is a sudden proposal, would you marry me? Mulan: I’m so glad to hear that! But I have to go back home to ask my father first. will you go to my hometown with me?Li Shang: Of course, dear.Mulan: Let’s go!Sence10(木兰尚归家)Mulan:Father, I’m bac k.Pat: Mulan, it’s really you?Mulan: Yes, it’s a long time.Pat: Who is the gentleman?Mulan: This is General Li.Li Shang: Sir, can I have the honor to ask your permission to marry your daughter?Pat: Of course. When are you going to get married?Li Shang: Soon.Pat: How soon?Li Shang: How about now?众人: Great!最后,两人手挽手,婚礼进行曲的音乐响起The End。

花木兰Mulan匈奴入侵,快点烽火!We're under attack!Light the signal!现在全中国的人都知道你来了Now all of China knows you're here.好极了Perfect.启票皇上Your Majesty匈奴已越过北方边界the Huns have crossed our northern border. 不可能,无人能越过长城lmpossible. No one can get through the Great Wall.他们由单于领军Shan-Yu is leading them.我们将保卫你的皇宫We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately.不,派你的军队保护朕的子民No. Send your troops to protect my people.赐福Chi Fu.是皇上Yes, Your Highness?通令全国各地征召壮丁Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces.紧急召集所有军人回营服役Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.皇上,恕臣直言Forgive me, Your Majesty,我相信我的军队就能阻挡单于but I believe my troops can stop him.朕不能冒这个险,将军l won't take any chances, General.小兵也会立大功A single grain of rice can tip the scale.有时候,一个人就是胜败关键One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.妇德就是文静,谦虚Quiet and demure.文雅……Graceful.礼貌Polite.雅致Delicate.举止优雅…小心…Refined. Poised.Punctual.'守时糟了Ai-yah!小白Little Brother!小白Little Brother!小……Lit...你在这儿啊?Ah! There you are.谁是世上最聪明的小狗狗Who's the smartest doggy in the world?来吧,小家伙Come on, smart boy.今天你能帮我做家务吗?Can you help me with my chores today?列祖列宗Honorable ancestors,让木兰今天给媒婆一个好印象please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.求求您,请帮帮她吧Please.Please help her.爹爹,我给您带来……Father, l brought your... Whoa!木兰Mulan.我多准备了一个l brought a spare.医生说清早三杯茶The doctor said three cups of tea in the morning...还有晚上上三杯哦and three at night.木兰,你早该进城了Mulan, you should already be in town.我们都指望你……We are counting on you替花家光宗耀祖啊to uphold the family honor.别担心,爹Don't worry, Father.我不会让您失望l won't let you down.祝我好运Wish me luck.快去吧Hurry!我要求祖宗多多保佑木兰l'm going to... pray some more.夫人,你女儿来了没?Fa Li, is your daughter here yet?媒婆可不是个有耐性的人哦The matchmaker is not a patient woman. 她怎么老是迟到啊Of all days to be late.我早该求祖宗保佑的l should have prayed to the ancestors for luck. 他们能保佑什么?How lucky can they be?他们死了啊They're dead.除此之外……我有Besides, l've got..我们需要的幸运符all the luck we'll need.你该有点用处了This is your chance to prove yourself.奶奶,小心啊Grandma, no!哇塞Yep,这只蟋蟀真是幸运this cricket's a lucky one!我来了l'm here.怎么了?What?娘,我必须..But, Mama, l had to...不要找借口None of your excuses.你先要打扮一下Now, let's get you cleaned up.@ This is what you give me to work with@ Well, honey, I've seen worse@ We are gonna turn this sow's ear@ Into a silk purselt's freezing.好冷哦lt would have been warmif you were here on time.@ We'll have you washed and dried @ Primped and polishedTil you glow with pride@ Trust my recipe for instant bride @ You'll bring honor to us all Mulan, what's this?Uh, notes.ln case l forget something.Hold this.We'll need more luck than l thought. @ Wait and see when we're through @ Boys will gladly go to war for you - @ With good fortune- @ And a great hairdo [together] @ You'll bring honorTo us all@ A girl can bring her family@ Great honor in one way- @ By striking a good match- Huh?- @ And this could be the day- [laughs]@ Men want girls with good taste - Calm.- Obedient.@ Who work fast-paced@ With good breeding- @ And a tiny waist- [gasps]@ You'll bring honor to us all@ We all must serve our emperor @ Who guards us from the Huns@ A man by bearing arms@ A girl by bearing sons@ When we're through you can't fail @ Like a lotus blossom soft and pale @ How could any fellow say no sale @ You'll bring honor to us all@ You'll bring honor to us all There. You're ready.Not yet.An apple for serenity. A pendant for balance.@ Beads ofjade@ For beauty@ You must proudly@ Show it@ Now add a cricket@ Just for luck@ And even you can't blow it@ Ancestors, hear my plea@ Help me not to make a fool of me@ And to not uproot my family tree@ Keep my father standing tall@ Scarier than the undertaker@ We are meeting our matchmaker [townspeople] @ Destiny guard our girls @ And our future as it fast unfurls@ Please look kindlyOn these cultured pearls@ Each a perfect porcelain doll@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us all @花木兰Fa Mulan.在Present.不要随便开口Speaking without permission.哦Oops.她火气这么大干嘛?Who spit in her bean curd?太瘦了Mmm. Too skinny.不容易生出儿子Hmph! Not good for bearing sons.妇有四德指的是什么?说呀妇德指导的是谦虚而妇言是少说话妇容是和悦,还有妇力……是妇功妇功意思是服从跟我来Hmm. This way.现在呢Now,倒茶pour the tea.取悦你未未的公婆To please your future in-laws,一定要谨慎望而却步、优雅you must demonstrate a sense of dignity... 还要心存恭敬and refinement.你也必须注意仪态You must also be poised.对不起Um, pardon me.还要安静And silent!能不能还我一下?Could l just take that back?等一下One moment.为什么,你笨手笨脚Why, you clumsy...我认为进行得顺利,对吧?l think it's going well, don't you?快给我水,浇水呀Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!你实在是太不像话You are a disgrace!你也许看起来像个新娘You may look like a bride,可是永远不会为你们家争光but you will never bring your family honor! @ Look at me 看看我@ I will never pass我永远成为不了@ For a perfect bride好新娘@ Or a perfect daughter或是好女儿@ Can it be可以吗@ I'm not meant to play this part我不是有意要这样@ Now I see现在我知道@ That if I were truly to be myself我是不是真的自我@ I would break my family's heart我会伤了家人的心@ Who is that girl I see我看到的那女孩是谁@ Staring straight@ Back at me@ Why is my reflection为什么我的倒影@ Someone I don't know@ Somehow I cannot hide@ Who I am我是谁@ Though I've tried虽然我尝试了@ When will my reflection show@ Who I am inside@ When will my reflection show@ Who I am@ Inside @天啊My, my.今年花开得真漂亮啊What beautiful blossoms we have this year.可是你看,这朵迟了But look.This one's late.但我肯定等到它开花的时候But l'll bet that when it blooms,一定会是最美丽的it will be the most beautiful of all.什么事?What is it?木兰,你别出去Mulan.Stay inside.乡亲们Citizens我从京城带来皇上谕令l bring a proclamation from the imperial city. 匈奴已侵犯中原The Huns have invaded China.皇上有令By order of the emperor,每家都要选出一名壮丁从军one man from every family must serve in the lmperial army.萧家接旨The Hsiao family.易家接旨The Yi family.我愿替我爹保卫国家l will serve the emperor in my father's place. 花家接旨The Fa family.不no我已准备为国效劳l am ready to serve the emperor.爹,你不能去Father, you can't go. 木兰Mulan!官爷,求求你Please, sir,我爹已经参加过战场了my father has already fought bravely...住嘴!Silence!你该教教你女儿You would do well to teach your daughter男人说话,哪有她插嘴的份?to hold her tongue in a man's presence.木兰,你让爹丢尽颜面Mulan, you dishonor me.明日到军营报到Report tomorrow to the Wu Zhong camp.是Yes, sir.楚家接旨The Chu family!你不应该去的You shouldn't have to go!木兰Mulan.有足够的年轻人为国打仗啊There are plenty of young men to fight for China.能够保家卫国是我的荣耀lt is an honor to protect my country and my family.就为了荣耀,连命都不要?So, you'll die for honor.我为国拐躯,死而无憾l will die doing what's right.-可是,如果…-我自有分寸- But if you...- l know my place!倒是你该管管自己lt is time you learned yours.木兰走了Mulan is gone!什么?What?怎么可能?lt can't be.木兰不你得快追她回来You must go after her.这要杀头的She could be killed.只有我们不说她才能活命列祖列宗,求求你们保佑木兰Watch over Mulan.木须,醒来吧Mushu, awaken!我复活了!I live!告诉我哪个凡人要我保护?老祖宗要我去,只要开口木须我来说几句,要是谁敢找我们花家的麻烦Let me say somethin'. Anybody who's foolish enough to threaten our family,我就好好收拾他vengeance will be mine!木须它们才是守护神它们…They...保护这个家protect the family.而你这降了级的And you, o demoted one? 我…是负责敲锣l... ring the gong.说对了,现在去叫醒祖先们吧That's right.Now, wake up the ancestors.我这就去叫醒大家大家起来快起来,别偷懒了要办正事罗,别睡美容觉了我就知道……l knew it. l knew it!木兰从一开始就是个大麻烦That Mulan was a troublemaker from the start!别看我Don't look at me.她可是你家那边的人She gets it from your side of the family.她只想帮助她父亲She's trying to help her father.要是她被人发现lf she's discovered,花家就会永远抬不起头Fa Zhou will be forever shamed.花家祠堂会声望全无千百年传统沦丧家产全得没收我家孩子从没惹过麻烦My children never caused such trouble.他们全是针灸师傅They all became acupuncturists.总不能全都当针灸师啊Well, we can't all be acupuncturists.是啊,你的曾孙女还女扮男装哩No! Your great-granddaughter had to be a cross-dresser!派守护神带她回来Let a guardian bring her back.是啊,叫醒最精明的Yes, awaken the most cunning.不,那行动最快的No, the swiftest.不,最有智慧的No, send the wisest.安静Silence!我们得派能力最强的We must send the most powerful of all.好啦…我了解,我去Okay, okay, l get the drift.l'll go.你们以为我不行?Y'all don't think l can do it.看我的Watch this here.我不错吧?Aha! Jump back.l'm pretty hot, huh?谁敢让我试试看啊?你有机会去保护花家You had your chance to protect the Fa family.结果却把花嶝害得很惨对呀,多亏你了Yeah, thanks a lot.什么意思?And your point is?意思是……The point is ...我们要派真正的龙去找木兰we will be sending a real dragon to retrieve Mulan.什么?What? What?我是真正的龙啊l'm a real dragon!你根本就不够格You are not worthy of this spot. 现在快叫醒石像神龙吧Now, awaken the great stone dragon.那你会重新考虑让我去吗?So you'll get back to me on the job thing?唉!唉!我只是要个机会嘛又不是要你老命lt's not like it'll kill ya.石头,醒醒啊Yo, Rocky, wake up!你得去追木兰Ya gotta go fetch Mulan!快起来,去追她去呀来呀有人在吗?有人在吗?醒醒!石头…Stony?他们会杀我Oh, man, they're gonna kill me.石像神龙你醒了吗?have you awakened?是啊…我刚醒uh, uh...Yes, l just woke up!我是伟大的石像神龙l'm... l am the great stone dragon.早上好,我会去追回木兰的Good morning!l will go forth and fetch Mulan. 我有说我是石像神龙吗?Did... Did l mention that l was the great stone dragon?去吧go花家的命运The fate of the Fa family都交在你的手中了rests in your claws.别担心,我不会丢脸的Don't even worry about it.l will not lose face. 我好像扭到我的筋骨了Oh. My elbow!l know l twisted somethin'.这下可好,现在该怎么办?That's just great.Now what?我死定了,都是因为男人婆l'm doomed, and all 'cause Miss Man干嘛要女扮男装惹祸?decides to take her little drag show on the road.去找她?Go get her?你有毛病吗?What's the matter with you?石像神龙已裂成两半除非她是英雄我才能回来等等,这就对了我让她变成英雄就能凯旋归来就这么办我真聪明谁说你能来的?Hey, what makes you think you're comin'?你运气好吗?You're lucky?我长得像呆子吗?Do l look like a sucker to you?你什么意思?我很衰?What you mean, ''a loser''?看我拔掉你的胡须如何?How 'bout l pop one of your antennas off?再看看谁比较衰?Then who's the loser?京城来的探子lmperial scouts. 单于两位,干得好Nice work, gentlemen.你们找到匈奴军队了You found the Hun army.皇上会阻止你们The emperor will stop you.阻止我?Stop me?是他请我来的He invited me.他不断修筑长城向我挑战By building his wall,he challenged my strength.我只是陪他玩玩Well, l'm here to play his game.滚!Go!叫你们皇上派最强的军队来Tell your emperor to send his strongest armies.我等着l'm ready.送个信要多少人?How many men does it take to deliver a message?一个One.好嘛…这样呢?Okay, okay, how about this?对不起,该在哪里报到?Excuse me.Where do l sign in?我看见你有把剑Ha, l see you have a sword.我也有l have one, too.它们可是非常男人味和有力的They're very manly and... tough.我很努力在学哎l'm working on it!我骗得了谁?Oh. Who am l fooling?除非奇迹出现,我才能从军lt's going to take a miracle to get me into the army.是不是有人希望奇迹出现?Did l hear someone ask for a miracle?让我听你大声喊“啊”Let me hear you say ''aaah''!啊!Aaah!很接近了That's close enough.鬼?A ghost.你的贴身护卫龙来了你的祖先派我来完成你代父从军的愿望快点,你想跟来就快扇呀听清楚了So heed my word!如果军队发现你是个女的'Cause if the army finds out you're a girl,就只有死路一条the penalty is death!你是谁?Who are you?我是谁?Who am l?我是谁?Who am l?我是迷失灵魂的守护神l am the guardian of lost souls. 威力无比、欢乐无限l am the powerful,the pleasurable,且无坚不摧的木须the indestructible Mushu.哈帅吧?Oh. Ha, ha.Pretty hot, huh?我的祖先派只蜥蜴来帮我?Uh, my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?喂,是龙,不是蜥蜴Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard.我不来吐舌头那套l don't do that tongue thing.你很……You're, um...很吓人?还是很威风?lntimidating? Awe-inspiring?很小Tiny.当然Of course.这是为了让你携带方便l'm travel-size for your convenience.如果是我真实的尺寸lf l was my real size会吓死你的牛your cow here would die of fright.跪下,母牛Down, Bessie.我的威力超越人们的想像My powers are beyond your mortal imagination.举个例For instance我眼睛能看透你的盔甲哦my eyes can see straight through your armor.好了,够了All right, that's it!你没面子!你家会没面子Dishonor!Dishonor on your whole family.你和你家的牛都会没面子Dishonor on you,dishonor on your cow, dis... 慢点,对不起……Stop. l'm sorry. l'm sorry.我只是太紧张了l'm just nervous.l've never done this before.我从来没扮过男生那你得相信我Then you're gonna have to trust me.别再打我了And don't slap me no more.懂不懂?We clear on that?好吧,咱们上路吧All right.Let's get this show on the road!蟋蟀,拿袋子Cri-Kee, get the bags我们走罗Let's move it, heifer.好了,我们到了Okay, this is it.学学男人走路Time to show 'em your man walk.肩膀靠后、挺胸、叉开脚Shoulders back, chest high,feet apart,抬头,开步走head up and strut.神气点,一、二、三Two, three. Break it down.就这样,二、三Hup, two, three. And work it! 很美,对吧?Beautiful, isn't it?他们好恶心They're disgusting.他们是男人No, they're men.你得学他们You have to act like them,注意看so pay attention.看Look.这刺青能保护我不受伤This tattoo will protect me from harm. 我希望你能把你的钱拿回来l hope you can get your money back! 我想我做不了这样子l don't think l can do this.都是态度问题lt's all attitude.耍狠,像这个人一样Be tough, like this guy here.呸!你看什么看?What are you lookin' at?扁他,男人都这样打招呼Punch him.lt's how men say hello.阿尧,你交了朋友哦,Oh, Yao, you've made a friend.打他屁股Slap him on the behind.他们喜欢那样They like that.我要狠狠地揍你l'm gonna hit you so hard,让你老祖宗都头昏it'll make your ancestors dizzy.阿尧,放轻松,跟我念Yao, relax and chant with me.南无阿弥陀佛……感觉好点了吗?Feel better?有Yeah.你不值得我打,胆小鬼you ain't worth my time.Chicken boy.胆小鬼?Chicken boy.有种当我面说,低能儒夫Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!对不起,阿宁Oh. Sorry, Ling.你死定了Whoa! You're dead!他去那儿了!Oh, there he goes!弟兄们Hey, guys.匈奴攻下这儿The Huns have struck here,这儿和这儿here and here.我要带主力军到同萧关l will take the main troops up to the Tung Shao Pass...在单于摧毁这个村庄之前阻止他and stop Shan-Yu before he destroys this village.好高明的战术Excellent strategy, sir.我真的喜欢这份惊喜l do love surprises. 你将留下来训练新兵You will stay and train the new recruits.当赐福审核后你再加入我们校尉When Chi Fu believes you're ready,you will join us, Captain.校尉?Captain?这是重要的任务啊,将军This is an enormous responsibility, General.也许找个更有经验的士兵会……Perhaps a soldier with more experience...全班第一名、熟知战术兵法Number one in his class,extensive knowledge of training techniques优良军事家庭出身an impressive military lineage.我相信李翔会干得很出色的l believe Li Shang will do an excellent job.我会的,我不会让你失望Oh, l will. l won't let you down.这真是,我是说……This is... l mean...遵命Yes, sir.那样就好Very good then.我们会在胜利后在京城庆功We'll toast China's victory at the imperial city. 三个礼拜后给我报告l'll expect a full report in three weeks.我的报告会一字不落And l won't leave anything out.李翔校尉Captain Li Shang.中国最好的军队的统帅Leader of China's finest troops.不,是有史以来最棒的军队No. The greatest troops of all time.还真不是普通的逊Most impressive.祝你好运了,校尉Good luck, Captain. Hyah!好运Good luck,父亲Father.第一天Day one.士兵们Soldiers!是他惹起的……He started it!我不想任何人在我的军营里惹麻烦l don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp.对不起Sorry. Uh...我是说抱歉,给你看到那样l mean, uh...sorry you had to see that.不过你也知道男人就是这样But you know how it is when you get those manly urges行动起来非得动手打架不可and you just gotta kill something,修理东西啦!野炊啦!Fix things, cook outdoors...你叫什么名字?What's your name?我…你校尉在问你话呢Your commanding officer just asked you a question. 我有名字啊Uh, l've got a name.而且也是个男人的名字哦Ha! And it's a boy's name, too.阿宁,怎么样?Ling. How 'bout Ling?他才叫阿宁His name is Ling.我不是问他的名字l didn't ask for his name.我问的是你的名字l asked for yours!就叫…哈啾Try, uh, uh, ah, Chu.哈啾Ah Chu.哈啾?Ah Chu.保重身体啊!我真坏Gesundheit.Ha, ha. l kill myself.木须Mushu.木须?Mushu.-不,-那到底叫什么?-No,-Then what is it?叫平,平是我的最好的朋友Ping was my best friend growin' up. 是花平lt's Ping.花平?Ping.当然啦,平抢走我的女...Of course, Ping did steal my...是,我叫花平Yes, my name is Ping.让我看下你的征召令Let me see your conscription notice.花弧,有名的花弧?Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou?我不知道花弧还有儿子?l didn't know Fa Zhou had a son.我爹很少提起我Um, he doesn't talk about me much.我有这种儿子也不会说出来好了,大伙儿Okay, gentlemen,多亏你们的新朋友,花平thanks to your new friend, Ping,今晚大家要把每一粒米捡干净you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice.明天,我们正式开始训练And tomorrow, the real work begins你得在人缘这方面多下工夫You know, we have to work on your people skills.太阳都升起来了,睡美人Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.起来,快……Come on. Hup, hup, hup.快穿好衣服,准备好Get your clothes on.Get ready.早饭给你弄好了Got breakfast for ya.看,稀饭哟Look, you get porridge,它在对你笑耶and it's happy to see you.滚开,你会害人生病的Hey, get outta there!You gonna make people sick. 我迟到了吗?Am l late?没时间说话了No time to talk.今天是你第一天训练lt's your first day of training.要听老师话,别打架Listen to your teacher and no fightin'要乖Play nice除非有人想打你unless one of the other kids wanna fight. 你才能踢他屁股Then you have to kick the other kid's butt. 我不想踢人家屁股l don't wanna kick the other kid's butt.吃饭别说话Don't talk with your mouth full.让我看下你装狠Let's see your war face.这样吓不了人的求求你…吓吓我吧Come on! Scare me, girl.这才是我狠脸的战士That's my tough-lookin' warrior.走吧要让我感到骄傲哦Get out there and make me proud.军队已经出发了?The troops just left?他们什么了!They what?等下!你忘了你的剑了Wait! You forgot your sword.我的小宝贝要上战场了My little baby,off to destroy people.吵,你们吵什么?Order. People, order.我要炒一盘葱花蛋l'd like a pan-fried noodle.我要炒宫保虾仁,炒着肚丝啦Oh! Sweet and pungent shrimp.Moo goo gai pan.不好笑That's not funny!好像我们的新朋友今天睡过头了Looks like our new friend slept in this morning.你好啊,花平Hello, Ping.你饿不饿?Are ya hungry?是啊!因为我要赏你饱拳一顿Yeah, 'cause l owe you a knuckle sandwich.士兵们Soldiers!每天清早就要迅速整装集合You will assemble swiftly and silently every morning.任何人不听命令Anyone who acts otherwise我就让他好看will answer to me.好狠哦Ooh. Tough guy.阿尧Yao.谢谢你的自愿Thank you for volunteering.去把箭拿回来Retrieve the arrow.我去拿回来,小白脸l'll get that arrow, pretty boy, 我穿着衣服也能拿and l'll do it with my shirt on.等一下One moment.你还少了点东西You seem to be missing something.这代表纪律This represents discipline,这代表力量and this represents strength.带着它们把箭取回吧You need both to reach the arrow.看来还有得训练呢We've got a long way to go.@ Let's get down to business- [all gasp]- @ To defeat the Huns- [all] Hoo-ah!- @ Did they send me daughters@ When I asked for sons@ You're the saddest bunch I ever met @ But you can bet before we're through @ Mister, I'll make a man@ Out of you[Li Shang] @ Tranquil as a forest@ But on fire within@ Once you find your center@ You are sure to win@ You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot @ And you haven't got a clue@ Somehow I'll make a man@ Out of you@ I'm never gonna catch my breath@ Say good-bye to those who knew me @ Boy, was I a fool in schoolFor cutting gym[Mushu] @ This guy's got 'emScared to death[Mulan] @ Hope he doesn't seeRight through me@ Now I really wishThat I knew how to swim[men] @ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river @ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon @ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire @ Mysterious as the dark sideOf the moon@ Time is racing toward us@ Till the Huns arrive@ Heed my every order@ And you might survive@ You're unsuited for the rage of war @ So pack up, go home you're through @ How could I make a man@ Out of you[men] @ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river @ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon @ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire - @ Mysterious as the dark side- [men cheering]@ Of the moon@ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river @ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon @ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire - @ Mysterious as the dark side- [all grunting]@ Of the moon @你们看到什么?What do you see?黑松木Black pine,来自高山的……from the high mountains.一匹白马,京城的良马White horse hair.lmperial stallions.硫磺,是大炮Sulfur, from cannons.这娃娃来自同萧关的村子This doll came from a village in the Tung Shao Pass,京城士兵在那儿埋伏where the imperial army is waiting for us.我们能轻松避开他们We can avoid them easily.不,最快进京城就是经过那关No.The quickest way to the emperor is through that pass.除此之外And besides,小女孩会想念他的娃娃the little girl will be missing her doll.我们该还给她We should return it to her.这不太好啦No, this is not a good idea.被人看到怎么办?What if somebody sees you?就算要看上去像男人Just because l look like a man也不必弄得浑身发臭doesn't mean l have to smell like one.有些人袜子都没洗啊So a couple of guys don't rinse out their socks. 挑剔Picky, picky, picky.我自己有点喜欢那股怪味道Well, myself, l kind of like that corn chip smell. 够了…All right. That's enough.你再泡就要脱皮了Get out before you get all pruny and stuff.木须Mushu,如果你这么担心,就帮我看着啊if you're so worried,go stand watch.是啊…Yeah, yeah.帮我守着,木须Stand watch, Mushu,别让我被人揭穿,受不了while l blow our secret with my stupid girlie habits.'我们完蛋了!We're doomed!他们一定会发现有两点不同There are a couple of things l know they're bound to notice!花平Hey, Ping!嗨!哥儿们Oh, hi, guys.我不知道你们来了l didn't know you were here.我刚洗好l was just washing.现在干净了我要走了,再见So now l'm clean, and l'm gonna go. Bye-bye. 回来嘛Come back here.我知道我们以前对你不太好l know we were jerks to you before,让我们重新开始吧so let's start over.嗨!我叫阿宁Hi. l'm Ling.我叫金宝And l'm Chien-Po.嗨!金宝我…And I.. 叫阿尧am Yao!石头之王King of the rock!跟你们这些娘娘腔不一样And there's nothin' you girls can do about it. 是吗?Oh, yeah?我和花平就对付得了你Well, l think Ping and l can take you.我真的不想对付他l really don't wanna take him anywhere.花平,我们得打呀Ping, we have to fight!不,我们不要No, we don't.我们可以闭上眼晴We could just close our eyes并且游远一点and swim around.来啦,别像个女...Come on. Don't be such a gir...有东西咬我Ouch! Something bit me!味道真恶心What a nasty flavor.蛇!Snake!有蛇!Snake!蛇……Snake!岩石之王不错嘛Some king of the rock. Aah!天啊,好险Boy, that was close.才怪,真下流!你欠我一个大大的人情No. That was vile.You owe me big.我再也不想看到脱光的男人l never want to see a naked man again.别看我Hey, don't look at me.我再不咬屁股了l ain't bitin' no more butts.你以为你军队准备好上战场吗?You think your troops are ready to fight?没两下就会被匈奴打垮Ha! They would not last a minute against the Huns!他们完成了训练They completed their training.那些小毛孩不适合做士兵……Those boys are no more fit to be soldiers你也不适合做校尉than you are to be captain.等将军看到我的报告Once the general reads my report,你们就别想上战场your troops will never see battle.你休想,我一定要让木兰上战场Oh, no, you don't!I've worked too hard to get Mulan into this war.那家伙坏了我的计划哎This guy's messin' with my plan.我还没说完We're not finished!小心点,校尉Be careful, Captain.将军是你的父亲The general may be your father,但是我是皇上的宰相but l am the emperor's counsel. 顺便说一句…And, oh, by the way,那个职位是我靠自己努力得来的l got that job on my own.退下吧You're dismissed.我抓着他让你打Hey. l'll hold him, and you punch.当我没说Or not.我觉得……For what it's worth,你是了不起的校尉l think you're a great captain.我看出来了l saw that.什么?What?你喜欢他,对吧?You like him, don't you?没,我…No! l ..是的没错了!回你的帐篷去!Yeah, right, sure.Go to your tent!现在该我们掌控战局了l think it's time we took this war into our own hands.让我看看Let me see what you got.李将军书From General Li.儿子,我们在关口等待匈奴Dear son,we're waiting for Huns at the pass. 如果你来支援就意义重大lt would mean a lot if you'd come back us up.''不错,不过你忘了,因为我们缺花粉That's great. Except you forgot,Since we're out of potpourri,也许你不介意带送一点来perhaps you wouldn't mind bringing some.'' 拜托,这是军书哎Hello! This is the army!要听起来更紧急一点Make it sound more urgent!知道我说的吗?Know what l'm talkin' about?这还差不多,走吧That's better.Much better. Let's go.阿汗小亲亲Khanny, baby.我们要搭个便车Hey, we need a ride.不知羞耻的无赖lnsubordinate ruffians!你们欠我一双新的拖鞋You men owe me a new pair of slippers!我才不会像娘儿们乱叫And l do not squeal like a girl.将军府有令Urgent news from the general.怎么,没见过特殊快递吗?What's the matter? You've never seen a black and white before?你是谁?Who are you?什么?我想问题是,你是谁Excuse me?l think the question is, who are you?我们正在打仗哎,老兄We're in a war, man!没时间问蠢问题There's no time for stupid questions! 我应该摘下你的乌沙帽l should have your hat for that.Snatch it right off your head.但我今天大发慈悲But l'm feeling gracious today,就不告发你了so carry on before l report you.校尉,将军府来急今Captain, urgent news from the general!前线需要我们支援We're needed at the front.收拾行李,蟋蟀,我们走Pack your bags, Cri-Kee.We're movin' out.@ For a long time We've been marching off to battle长期训练只为上战场@ In our thundering herd We feel a lot like cattle像头大黄牛拉车耕田[mooing]@ Like a pounding beat our aching feet昂首迈大步@ Aren't easy to ignore不容忽视@ Hey! Think of instead待凯旋归来@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我That's what l said.我就这个意思@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ I want her paler than the moon我的她皎白像月亮@ With eyes that shine like stars眼眸赛星光[Yao] @ My girl will marvel At my strength我的她欣赏我健壮@ Adore my battle scars羡慕我满身伤疤[Chien-Po] @ I couldn't care less What she'll wear不管她穿啥衣裳@ Or what she looks like或长啥模样@ It all depends on what she cooks like我只希望她是好厨娘@ Beef, pork, chicken, mmm牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉@ Bet the local girls thought You were quite the charmer这里的姑娘以为你是个大帅哥@ And I'll bet the ladies Love a man in armor 世上美女迷恋盔甲戎装的男人[men] @ You can guess What we have missed the most我们错过了什么- @ Since we went off to war自从我们去战场- [Ling] @ What do we want- @ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ My girl will think I have no faults我的她认为我没缺点@ That I'm a major find我是大好人@ Uh, how 'bout a girl who's got a brain聪明有智慧的女人如何呢- @ Who always speaks her mind- [together] nah!还有自己的主张- 切@ My manly ways and turn of phrase我为人风趣@ Are sure to thrill her逗她乐弯腰@ He thinks he's such a lady-killer他觉得自己是妇女杀手@ I've a girl back home Who's unlike any other我故乡的爱人是与众不同的@ Yeah, the only girl Who'd love him is his mother痴痴想念他的,是他老妈[men] @ But when we come home In victory 我们打胜仗重回故里@ They'll line up at the door父老乡亲倚门而望- @ What do we want- @ A girl worth fighting for我们要什么?-佳人等着我@ Wish that I had@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ A girl worth fighting... @佳人等着我寻找生还者Search for survivors.我不懂l don't understand.父亲应该在这里啊My father should've been here.校尉Captain!将军的头盔The general.抱歉l'm sorry.匈奴来势汹汹The Huns are moving quickly.我们要尽快。
花木兰电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

花木兰Mulan匈奴入侵,快点烽火!We're under attack!Light the signal!如今全中国的人都知道你来了Now all of China knows you're here.好极了Perfect.启票皇上Your Majesty匈奴已越过北方边界the Huns have crossed our northern border. 不可能,无人能越过长城lmpossible. No one can get through the Great Wall.他们由单于领军Shan-Yu is leading them.我们将保卫你的皇宫We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately.不,派你的军队保护朕的子民No. Send your troops to protect my people.赐福Chi Fu.是皇上Yes, Your Highness?通令全国各地征召壮丁Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces.紧急召集所有军人回营服役Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.皇上,恕臣直言Forgive me, Your Majesty,我相信我的军队就能阻挡单于but I believe my troops can stop him.朕不能冒这个险,将军l won't take any chances, General.小兵也会立大功A single grain of rice can tip the scale.有时候,一个人就是胜败关键One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.妇德就是文静,谦虚Quiet and demure.文雅……Graceful.礼貌Polite.雅致Delicate.举止优雅…小心…Refined. Poised.Punctual.'守时糟了Ai-yah!小白Little Brother!小白Little Brother!小……Lit...你在这儿啊?Ah! There you are.谁是世上最聪明的小狗狗Who's the smartest doggy in the world?来吧,小家伙Come on, smart boy.今天你能帮我做家务吗?Can you help me with my chores today?列祖列宗Honorable ancestors,让木兰今天给媒婆一个好印象please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.求求您,请帮帮她吧Please.Please help her.爹爹,我给您带来……Father, l brought your... Whoa!木兰Mulan.我多准备了一个l brought a spare.医生说清早三杯茶The doctor said three cups of tea in the morning...还有晚上上三杯哦and three at night.木兰,你早该进城了Mulan, you should already be in town.我们都指望你……We are counting on you替花家光宗耀祖啊to uphold the family honor.别担忧,爹Don't worry, Father.我不会让您绝望l won't let you down.祝我好运Wish me luck.快去吧Hurry!我要求祖宗多多保佑木兰l'm going to... pray some more.夫人,你女儿来了没?Fa Li, is your daughter here yet?媒婆可不是个有耐性的人哦The matchmaker is not a patient woman. 她怎么老是迟到啊Of all days to be late.我早该求祖宗保佑的l should have prayed to the ancestors for luck. 他们能保佑什么?How lucky can they be?他们死了啊They're dead.除此之外……我有Besides, l've got..我们需要的幸运符all the luck we'll need.你该有点用途了This is your chance to prove yourself.奶奶,小心啊Grandma, no!哇塞Yep,这只蟋蟀真是幸运this cricket's a lucky one!我来了l'm here.怎么了?What?娘,我必须..But, Mama, l had to...不要找借口None of your excuses.你先要打扮一下Now, let's get you cleaned up.@ This is what you give me to work with@ Well, honey, I've seen worse@ We are gonna turn this sow's ear@ Into a silk purselt's freezing.好冷哦lt would have been warmif you were here on time.@ We'll have you washed and dried @ Primped and polishedTil you glow with pride@ Trust my recipe for instant bride @ You'll bring honor to us all Mulan, what's this?Uh, notes.ln case l forget something.Hold this.We'll need more luck than l thought. @ Wait and see when we're through @ Boys will gladly go to war for you - @ With good fortune- @ And a great hairdo [together] @ You'll bring honorTo us all@ A girl can bring her family@ Great honor in one way- @ By striking a good match- Huh?- @ And this could be the day- [laughs]@ Men want girls with good taste - Calm.- Obedient.@ Who work fast-paced@ With good breeding- @ And a tiny waist- [gasps]@ You'll bring honor to us all@ We all must serve our emperor @ Who guards us from the Huns@ A man by bearing arms@ A girl by bearing sons@ When we're through you can't fail @ Like a lotus blossom soft and pale @ How could any fellow say no sale @ You'll bring honor to us all@ You'll bring honor to us all There. You're ready.Not yet.An apple for serenity. A pendant for balance.@ Beads ofjade@ For beauty@ You must proudly@ Show it@ Now add a cricket@ Just for luck@ And even you can't blow it@ Ancestors, hear my plea@ Help me not to make a fool of me@ And to not uproot my family tree@ Keep my father standing tall@ Scarier than the undertaker@ We are meeting our matchmaker [townspeople] @ Destiny guard our girls @ And our future as it fast unfurls@ Please look kindlyOn these cultured pearls@ Each a perfect porcelain doll@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us all @花木兰Fa Mulan.在Present.不要随意开口Speaking without permission.哦Oops.她火气这么大干嘛?Who spit in her bean curd?太瘦了Mmm. Too skinny.不容易生出儿子Hmph! Not good for bearing sons.妇有四德指的是什么?说呀妇德指导的是谦虚而妇言是少说话妇容是和悦,还有妇力……是妇功妇功意思是服从跟我来Hmm. This way.如今呢Now,倒茶pour the tea.取悦你未未的公婆To please your future in-laws,一定要慎重望而却步、优雅you must demonstrate a sense of dignity... 还要心存恭敬and refinement.你也必须注意仪态You must also be poised.对不起Um, pardon me.还要安静And silent!能不能还我一下?Could l just take that back?等一下One moment.为什么,你笨手笨脚Why, you clumsy...我认为进展得顺利,对吧?l think it's going well, don't you?快给我水,浇水呀Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!你实在是太不像话You are a disgrace!你也许看起来像个新娘You may look like a bride,可是永远不会为你们家争光but you will never bring your family honor! @ Look at me 看看我@ I will never pass我永远成为不了@ For a perfect bride好新娘@ Or a perfect daughter或是好女儿@ Can it be可以吗@ I'm not meant to play this part我不是有意要这样@ Now I see如今我知道@ That if I were truly to be myself我是不是真的自我@ I would break my family's heart我会伤了家人的心@ Who is that girl I see我看到的那女孩是谁@ Staring straight@ Back at me@ Why is my reflection为什么我的倒影@ Someone I don't know@ Somehow I cannot hide@ Who I am我是谁@ Though I've tried虽然我尝试了@ When will my reflection show@ Who I am inside@ When will my reflection show@ Who I am@ Inside @天啊My, my.今年花开得真漂亮啊What beautiful blossoms we have this year.可是你看,这朵迟了But look.This one's late.但我肯定等到它开花的时候But l'll bet that when it blooms,一定会是最美丽的it will be the most beautiful of all.什么事?What is it?木兰,你别出去Mulan.Stay inside.乡亲们Citizens我从京城带来皇上谕令l bring a proclamation from the imperial city. 匈奴已进犯中原The Huns have invaded China.皇上有令By order of the emperor,每家都要选出一名壮丁参军one man from every family must serve in the lmperial army.萧家接旨The Hsiao family.易家接旨The Yi family.我愿替我爹保卫国家l will serve the emperor in my father's place. 花家接旨The Fa family.不no我已准备为国效劳l am ready to serve the emperor.爹,你不能去Father, you can't go. 木兰Mulan!官爷,求求你Please, sir,我爹已经参加过战场了my father has already fought bravely...住嘴!Silence!你该教教你女儿You would do well to teach your daughter男人说话,哪有她插嘴的份?to hold her tongue in a man's presence.木兰,你让爹丢尽颜面Mulan, you dishonor me.明日到军营报到Report tomorrow to the Wu Zhong camp.是Yes, sir.楚家接旨The Chu family!你不应该去的You shouldn't have to go!木兰Mulan.有足够的年轻人为国打仗啊There are plenty of young men to fight for China.可以保家卫国是我的荣耀lt is an honor to protect my country and my family.就为了荣耀,连命都不要?So, you'll die for honor.我为国拐躯,死而无憾l will die doing what's right.-可是,假如…-我自有分寸- But if you...- l know my place!倒是你该管管自己lt is time you learned yours.木兰走了Mulan is gone!什么?What?怎么可能?lt can't be.木兰不你得快追她回来You must go after her.这要杀头的She could be killed.只有我们不说她才能活命列祖列宗,求求你们保佑木兰Watch over Mulan.木须,醒来吧Mushu, awaken!我复活了!I live!告诉我哪个凡人要我保护?老祖宗要我去,只要开口木须我来说几句,要是谁敢找我们花家的费事Let me say somethin'. Anybody who's foolish enough to threaten our family,我就好好拾掇他vengeance will be mine!木须它们才是守护神它们…They...保护这个家protect the family.而你这降了级的And you, o demoted one? 我…是负责敲锣l... ring the gong.说对了,如今去叫醒祖先们吧That's right.Now, wake up the ancestors.我这就去叫醒大家大家起来快起来,别偷懒了要办正事罗,别睡美容觉了我就知道……l knew it. l knew it!木兰从一开场就是个大费事That Mulan was a troublemaker from the start!别看我Don't look at me.她可是你家那边的人She gets it from your side of the family.她只想帮助她父亲She's trying to help her father.要是她被人发现lf she's discovered,花家就会永远抬不起头Fa Zhou will be forever shamed.花家祠堂会声望全无千百年传统沦丧家产全得没收我家孩子从没惹过费事My children never caused such trouble.他们全是针灸师傅They all became acupuncturists.总不能全都当针灸师啊Well, we can't all be acupuncturists.是啊,你的曾孙女还女扮男装哩No! Your great-granddaughter had to be a cross-dresser!派守护神带她回来Let a guardian bring her back.是啊,叫醒最精明的Yes, awaken the most cunning.不,那行动最快的No, the swiftest.不,最有智慧的No, send the wisest.安静Silence!我们得派才能最强的We must send the most powerful of all.好啦…我理解,我去Okay, okay, l get the drift.l'll go.你们以为我不行?Y'all don't think l can do it.看我的Watch this here.我不错吧?Aha! Jump back.l'm pretty hot, huh?谁敢让我试试看啊?你有时机去保护花家You had your chance to protect the Fa family.结果却把花嶝害得很惨对呀,多亏你了Yeah, thanks a lot.什么意思?And your point is?意思是……The point is ...我们要派真正的龙去找木兰we will be sending a real dragon to retrieve Mulan.什么?What? What?我是真正的龙啊l'm a real dragon!你根本就不够格You are not worthy of this spot. 如今快叫醒石像神龙吧Now, awaken the great stone dragon.那你会重新考虑让我去吗?So you'll get back to me on the job thing?唉!唉!我只是要个时机嘛又不是要你老命lt's not like it'll kill ya.石头,醒醒啊Yo, Rocky, wake up!你得去追木兰Ya gotta go fetch Mulan!快起来,去追她去呀来呀有人在吗?有人在吗?醒醒!石头…Stony?他们会杀我Oh, man, they're gonna kill me.石像神龙你醒了吗?have you awakened?是啊…我刚醒uh, uh...Yes, l just woke up!我是伟大的石像神龙l'm... l am the great stone dragon.早上好,我会去追回木兰的Good morning!l will go forth and fetch Mulan. 我有说我是石像神龙吗?Did... Did l mention that l was the great stone dragon?去吧go花家的命运The fate of the Fa family都交在你的手中了rests in your claws.别担忧,我不会丢脸的Don't even worry about it.l will not lose face. 我好似扭到我的筋骨了Oh. My elbow!l know l twisted somethin'.这下可好,如今该怎么办?That's just great.Now what?我死定了,都是因为男人婆l'm doomed, and all 'cause Miss Man干嘛要女扮男装惹祸?decides to take her little drag show on the road.去找她?Go get her?你有缺点吗?What's the matter with you?石像神龙已裂成两半除非她是英雄我才能回来等等,这就对了我让她变成英雄就能凯旋归来就这么办我真聪明谁说你能来的?Hey, what makes you think you're comin'?你运气好吗?You're lucky?我长得像呆子吗?Do l look like a sucker to you?你什么意思?我很衰?What you mean, ''a loser''?看我拔掉你的胡须如何?How 'bout l pop one of your antennas off?再看看谁比拟衰?Then who's the loser?京城来的探子lmperial scouts. 单于两位,干得好Nice work, gentlemen.你们找到匈奴军队了You found the Hun army.皇上会阻止你们The emperor will stop you.阻止我?Stop me?是他请我来的He invited me.他不断修筑长城向我挑战By building his wall,he challenged my strength.我只是陪他玩玩Well, l'm here to play his game.滚!Go!叫你们皇上派最强的军队来Tell your emperor to send his strongest armies.我等着l'm ready.送个信要多少人?How many men does it take to deliver a message?一个One.好嘛…这样呢?Okay, okay, how about this?对不起,该在哪里报到?Excuse me.Where do l sign in?我看见你有把剑Ha, l see you have a sword.我也有l have one, too.它们可是非常男人味和有力的They're very manly and... tough.我很努力在学哎l'm working on it!我骗得了谁?Oh. Who am l fooling?除非奇迹出现,我才能参军lt's going to take a miracle to get me into the army.是不是有人希望奇迹出现?Did l hear someone ask for a miracle?让我听你大声喊“啊〞Let me hear you say ''aaah''!啊!Aaah!很接近了That's close enough.鬼?A ghost.你的贴身护卫龙来了你的祖先派我来完成你代父参军的愿望快点,你想跟来就快扇呀听清楚了So heed my word!假如军队发现你是个女的'Cause if the army finds out you're a girl,就只有死路一条the penalty is death!你是谁?Who are you?我是谁?Who am l?我是谁?Who am l?我是迷失灵魂的守护神l am the guardian of lost souls. 威力无比、欢乐无限l am the powerful,the pleasurable,且无坚不摧的木须the indestructible Mushu.哈帅吧?Oh. Ha, ha.Pretty hot, huh?我的祖先派只蜥蜴来帮我?Uh, my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?喂,是龙,不是蜥蜴Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard.我不来吐舌头那套l don't do that tongue thing.你很……You're, um...很吓人?还是很威风?lntimidating? Awe-inspiring?很小Tiny.当然Of course.这是为了让你携带方便l'm travel-size for your convenience.假如是我真实的尺寸lf l was my real size会吓死你的牛your cow here would die of fright.跪下,母牛Down, Bessie.我的威力超越人们的想像My powers are beyond your mortal imagination.举个例For instance我眼睛能看透你的盔甲哦my eyes can see straight through your armor.好了,够了All right, that's it!你没面子!你家会没面子Dishonor!Dishonor on your whole family.你和你家的牛都会没面子Dishonor on you,dishonor on your cow, dis...慢点,对不起……Stop. l'm sorry. l'm sorry.我只是太紧张了l'm just nervous.l've never done this before.我从来没扮过男生那你得相信我Then you're gonna have to trust me.别再打我了And don't slap me no more.懂不懂?We clear on that?好吧,咱们上路吧All right.Let's get this show on the road!蟋蟀,拿袋子Cri-Kee, get the bags我们走罗Let's move it, heifer.好了,我们到了Okay, this is it.学学男人走路Time to show 'em your man walk.肩膀靠后、挺胸、叉开脚Shoulders back, chest high,feet apart,抬头,开步走head up and strut.神气点,一、二、三Two, three. Break it down.就这样,二、三Hup, two, three. And work it! 很美,对吧?Beautiful, isn't it?他们好恶心They're disgusting.他们是男人No, they're men.你得学他们You have to act like them,注意看so pay attention.看Look.这刺青能保护我不受伤This tattoo will protect me from harm. 我希望你能把你的钱拿回来l hope you can get your money back! 我想我做不了这样子l don't think l can do this.都是态度问题lt's all attitude.耍狠,像这个人一样Be tough, like this guy here.呸!你看什么看?What are you lookin' at?扁他,男人都这样打招呼Punch him.lt's how men say hello.阿尧,你交了朋友哦,Oh, Yao, you've made a friend.打他屁股Slap him on the behind.他们喜欢那样They like that.我要狠狠地揍你l'm gonna hit you so hard,让你老祖宗都头昏it'll make your ancestors dizzy.阿尧,放轻松,跟我念Yao, relax and chant with me.南无阿弥陀佛……感觉好点了吗?Feel better?有Yeah.你不值得我打,胆小鬼you ain't worth my time.Chicken boy.胆小鬼?Chicken boy.有种当我面说,低能儒夫Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!对不起,阿宁Oh. Sorry, Ling.你死定了Whoa! You're dead!他去那儿了!Oh, there he goes!弟兄们Hey, guys.匈奴攻下这儿The Huns have struck here,这儿和这儿here and here.我要带主力军到同萧关l will take the main troops up to the Tung Shao Pass...在单于摧毁这个村庄之前阻止他and stop Shan-Yu before he destroys this village.好高明的战术Excellent strategy, sir.我真的喜欢这份惊喜l do love surprises. 你将留下来训练新兵You will stay and train the new recruits.当赐福审核后你再参加我们校尉When Chi Fu believes you're ready,you will join us, Captain.校尉?Captain?这是重要的任务啊,将军This is an enormous responsibility, General.也许找个更有经历的士兵会……Perhaps a soldier with more experience...全班第一名、熟知战术兵法Number one in his class,extensive knowledge of training techniques优良军事家庭出身an impressive military lineage.我相信李翔会干得很出色的l believe Li Shang will do an excellent job.我会的,我不会让你绝望Oh, l will. l won't let you down.这真是,我是说……This is... l mean...遵命Yes, sir.那样就好Very good then.我们会在成功后在京城庆功We'll toast China's victory at the imperial city. 三个礼拜后给我报告l'll expect a full report in three weeks.我的报告会一字不落And l won't leave anything out.李翔校尉Captain Li Shang.中国最好的军队的统帅Leader of China's finest troops.不,是有史以来最棒的军队No. The greatest troops of all time.还真不是普通的逊Most impressive.祝你好运了,校尉Good luck, Captain. Hyah!好运Good luck,父亲Father.第一天Day one.士兵们Soldiers!是他惹起的……He started it!我不想任何人在我的军营里惹费事l don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp.对不起Sorry. Uh...我是说抱歉,给你看到那样l mean, uh...sorry you had to see that.不过你也知道男人就是这样But you know how it is when you get those manly urges行动起来非得动手打架不可and you just gotta kill something,修理东西啦!野炊啦!Fix things, cook outdoors...你叫什么名字?What's your name?我…你校尉在问你话呢Your commanding officer just asked you a question. 我有名字啊Uh, l've got a name.而且也是个男人的名字哦Ha! And it's a boy's name, too.阿宁,怎么样?Ling. How 'bout Ling?他才叫阿宁His name is Ling.我不是问他的名字l didn't ask for his name.我问的是你的名字l asked for yours!就叫…哈啾Try, uh, uh, ah, Chu.哈啾Ah Chu.哈啾?Ah Chu.保重身体啊!我真坏Gesundheit.Ha, ha. l kill myself.木须Mushu.木须?Mushu.-不,-那到底叫什么?-No,-Then what is it?叫平,平是我的最好的朋友Ping was my best friend growin' up. 是花平lt's Ping.花平?Ping.当然啦,平抢走我的女...Of course, Ping did steal my...是,我叫花平Yes, my name is Ping.让我看下你的征召令Let me see your conscription notice.花弧,有名的花弧?Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou?我不知道花弧还有儿子?l didn't know Fa Zhou had a son.我爹很少提起我Um, he doesn't talk about me much.我有这种儿子也不会说出来好了,大伙儿Okay, gentlemen,多亏你们的新朋友,花平thanks to your new friend, Ping,今晚大家要把每一粒米捡干净you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice.明天,我们正式开场训练And tomorrow, the real work begins你得在人缘这方面多下工夫You know, we have to work on your people skills.太阳都升起来了,睡美人Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.起来,快……Come on. Hup, hup, hup.快穿好衣服,准备好Get your clothes on.Get ready.早饭给你弄好了Got breakfast for ya.看,稀饭哟Look, you get porridge,它在对你笑耶and it's happy to see you.滚开,你会害人生病的Hey, get outta there!You gonna make people sick. 我迟到了吗?Am l late?没时间说话了No time to talk.今天是你第一天训练lt's your first day of training.要听教师话,别打架Listen to your teacher and no fightin'要乖Play nice除非有人想打你unless one of the other kids wanna fight. 你才能踢他屁股Then you have to kick the other kid's butt. 我不想踢人家屁股l don't wanna kick the other kid's butt.吃饭别说话Don't talk with your mouth full.让我看下你装狠Let's see your war face.这样吓不了人的求求你…吓吓我吧Come on! Scare me, girl.这才是我狠脸的战士That's my tough-lookin' warrior.走吧要让我感到骄傲哦Get out there and make me proud.军队已经出发了?The troops just left?他们什么了!They what?等下!你忘了你的剑了Wait! You forgot your sword.我的小宝贝要上战场了My little baby,off to destroy people.吵,你们吵什么?Order. People, order.我要炒一盘葱花蛋l'd like a pan-fried noodle.我要炒宫保虾仁,炒着肚丝啦Oh! Sweet and pungent shrimp.Moo goo gai pan.不好笑That's not funny!好似我们的新朋友今天睡过头了Looks like our new friend slept in this morning.你好啊,花平Hello, Ping.你饿不饿?Are ya hungry?是啊!因为我要赏你饱拳一顿Yeah, 'cause l owe you a knuckle sandwich.士兵们Soldiers!每天清早就要迅速整装集合You will assemble swiftly and silently every morning.任何人不听命令Anyone who acts otherwise我就让他好看will answer to me.好狠哦Ooh. Tough guy.阿尧Yao.谢谢你的自愿Thank you for volunteering.去把箭拿回来Retrieve the arrow.我去拿回来,小白脸l'll get that arrow, pretty boy, 我穿着衣服也能拿and l'll do it with my shirt on.等一下One moment.你还少了点东西You seem to be missing something.这代表纪律This represents discipline,这代表力量and this represents strength.带着它们把箭取回吧You need both to reach the arrow.看来还有得训练呢We've got a long way to go.@ Let's get down to business- [all gasp]- @ To defeat the Huns- [all] Hoo-ah!- @ Did they send me daughters@ When I asked for sons@ You're the saddest bunch I ever met @ But you can bet before we're through @ Mister, I'll make a man@ Out of you[Li Shang] @ Tranquil as a forest@ But on fire within@ Once you find your center@ You are sure to win@ You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot @ And you haven't got a clue@ Somehow I'll make a man@ Out of you@ I'm never gonna catch my breath@ Say good-bye to those who knew me @ Boy, was I a fool in schoolFor cutting gym[Mushu] @ This guy's got 'emScared to death[Mulan] @ Hope he doesn't seeRight through me@ Now I really wishThat I knew how to swim[men] @ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river @ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon @ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire @ Mysterious as the dark sideOf the moon@ Time is racing toward us@ Till the Huns arrive@ Heed my every order@ And you might survive@ You're unsuited for the rage of war @ So pack up, go home you're through @ How could I make a man@ Out of you[men] @ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river @ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon @ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire - @ Mysterious as the dark side- [men cheering]@ Of the moon@ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river @ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon @ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire - @ Mysterious as the dark side- [all grunting]@ Of the moon @你们看到什么?What do you see?黑松木Black pine,来自高山的……from the high mountains.一匹白马,京城的良马White horse hair.lmperial stallions.硫磺,是大炮Sulfur, from cannons.这娃娃来自同萧关的村子This doll came from a village in the Tung Shao Pass,京城士兵在那儿埋伏where the imperial army is waiting for us.我们能轻松避开他们We can avoid them easily.不,最快进京城就是经过那关No.The quickest way to the emperor is through that pass.除此之外And besides,小女孩会想念他的娃娃the little girl will be missing her doll.我们该还给她We should return it to her.这不太好啦No, this is not a good idea.被人看到怎么办?What if somebody sees you?就算要看上去像男人Just because l look like a man也不必弄得浑身发臭doesn't mean l have to smell like one.有些人袜子都没洗啊So a couple of guys don't rinse out their socks.挑剔Picky, picky, picky.我自己有点喜欢那股怪味道Well, myself, l kind of like that corn chip smell. 够了…All right. That's enough.你再泡就要脱皮了Get out before you get all pruny and stuff.木须Mushu,假如你这么担忧,就帮我看着啊if you're so worried,go stand watch.是啊…Yeah, yeah.帮我守着,木须Stand watch, Mushu,别让我被人揭穿,受不了while l blow our secret with my stupid girlie habits.'我们完蛋了!We're doomed!他们一定会发现有两点不同There are a couple of things l know they're bound to notice!花平Hey, Ping!嗨!哥儿们Oh, hi, guys.我不知道你们来了l didn't know you were here.我刚洗好l was just washing.如今干净了我要走了,再见So now l'm clean, and l'm gonna go. Bye-bye.回来嘛Come back here.我知道我们以前对你不太好l know we were jerks to you before,让我们重新开场吧so let's start over.嗨!我叫阿宁Hi. l'm Ling.我叫金宝And l'm Chien-Po.嗨!金宝我…And I.. 叫阿尧am Yao!石头之王King of the rock!跟你们这些娘娘腔不一样And there's nothin' you girls can do about it.是吗?Oh, yeah?我和花平就对付得了你Well, l think Ping and l can take you.我真的不想对付他l really don't wanna take him anywhere.花平,我们得打呀Ping, we have to fight!不,我们不要No, we don't.我们可以闭上眼晴We could just close our eyes并且游远一点and swim around.来啦,别像个女...Come on. Don't be such a gir...有东西咬我Ouch! Something bit me!味道真恶心What a nasty flavor.蛇!Snake!有蛇!Snake!蛇……Snake!岩石之王不错嘛Some king of the rock. Aah!天啊,好险Boy, that was close.才怪,真下流!你欠我一个大大的人情No. That was vile.You owe me big.我再也不想看到脱光的男人l never want to see a naked man again.别看我Hey, don't look at me.我再不咬屁股了l ain't bitin' no more butts.你以为你军队准备好上战场吗?You think your troops are ready to fight?没两下就会被匈奴打垮Ha! They would not last a minute against the Huns!他们完成了训练They completed their training.那些小毛孩不合适做士兵……Those boys are no more fit to be soldiers你也不合适做校尉than you are to be captain.等将军看到我的报告Once the general reads my report,你们就别想上战场your troops will never see battle.你休想,我一定要让木兰上战场Oh, no, you don't!I've worked too hard to get Mulan into this war.那家伙坏了我的方案哎This guy's messin' with my plan.我还没说完We're not finished!小心点,校尉Be careful, Captain.将军是你的父亲The general may be your father,但是我是皇上的宰相but l am the emperor's counsel. 顺便说一句…And, oh, by the way,那个职位是我靠自己努力得来的l got that job on my own.退下吧You're dismissed.我抓着他让你打Hey. l'll hold him, and you punch.当我没说Or not.我觉得……For what it's worth,你是了不起的校尉l think you're a great captain.我看出来了l saw that.什么?What?你喜欢他,对吧?You like him, don't you?没,我…No! l ..是的没错了!回你的帐篷去!Yeah, right, sure.Go to your tent!如今该我们掌控战局了l think it's time we took this war into our own hands.让我看看Let me see what you got.李将军书From General Li.儿子,我们在关口等待匈奴Dear son,we're waiting for Huns at the pass. 假如你来支援就意义重大lt would mean a lot if you'd come back us up.''不错,不过你忘了,因为我们缺花粉That's great. Except you forgot,Since we're out of potpourri,也许你不介意带送一点来perhaps you wouldn't mind bringing some.'' 拜托,这是军书哎Hello! This is the army!要听起来更紧急一点Make it sound more urgent!知道我说的吗?Know what l'm talkin' about?这还差不多,走吧That's better.Much better. Let's go.阿汗小亲亲Khanny, baby.我们要搭个便车Hey, we need a ride.不知羞耻的无赖lnsubordinate ruffians!你们欠我一双新的拖鞋You men owe me a new pair of slippers!我才不会像娘儿们乱叫And l do not squeal like a girl.将军府有令Urgent news from the general.怎么,没见过特殊快递吗?What's the matter? You've never seen a black and white before?你是谁?Who are you?什么?我想问题是,你是谁Excuse me?l think the question is, who are you?我们正在打仗哎,老兄We're in a war, man!没时间问蠢问题There's no time for stupid questions! 我应该摘下你的乌沙帽l should have your hat for that.Snatch it right off your head.但我今天大发慈悲But l'm feeling gracious today,就不揭发你了so carry on before l report you.校尉,将军府来急今Captain, urgent news from the general!前线需要我们支援We're needed at the front.拾掇行李,蟋蟀,我们走Pack your bags, Cri-Kee.We're movin' out.@ For a long time We've been marching off to battle长期训练只为上战场@ In our thundering herd We feel a lot like cattle像头大黄牛拉车耕田[mooing]@ Like a pounding beat our aching feet昂首迈大步@ Aren't easy to ignore不容无视@ Hey! Think of instead待凯旋归来@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我That's what l said.我就这个意思@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ I want her paler than the moon我的她皎白像月亮@ With eyes that shine like stars眼眸赛星光[Yao] @ My girl will marvel At my strength我的她欣赏我强健@ Adore my battle scars羡慕我满身伤疤[Chien-Po] @ I couldn't care less What she'll wear不管她穿啥衣裳@ Or what she looks like或长啥模样@ It all depends on what she cooks like我只希望她是好厨娘@ Beef, pork, chicken, mmm牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉@ Bet the local girls thought You were quite the charmer这里的姑娘以为你是个大帅哥@ And I'll bet the ladies Love a man in armor 世上美女迷恋盔甲戎装的男人[men] @ You can guess What we have missed the most我们错过了什么- @ Since we went off to war自从我们去战场- [Ling] @ What do we want- @ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ My girl will think I have no faults我的她认为我没缺点@ That I'm a major find我是大好人@ Uh, how 'bout a girl who's got a brain聪明有智慧的女人如何呢- @ Who always speaks her mind- [together] nah!还有自己的主张- 切@ My manly ways and turn of phrase我为人幽默@ Are sure to thrill her逗她乐弯腰@ He thinks he's such a lady-killer他觉得自己是妇女杀手@ I've a girl back home Who's unlike any other我故土的爱人是与众不同的@ Yeah, the only girl Who'd love him is his mother痴痴想念他的,是他老妈[men] @ But when we come home In victory 我们打胜仗重回故里@ They'll line up at the door父老乡亲倚门而望- @ What do we want- @ A girl worth fighting for我们要什么?-佳人等着我@ Wish that I had@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ A girl worth fighting... @佳人等着我寻找生还者Search for survivors.我不懂l don't understand.父亲应该在这里啊My father should've been here.校尉Captain!将军的头盔The general.抱歉l'm sorry.匈奴来势汹汹The Huns are moving quickly.我们要尽快。
花木兰电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

No. Send your troops to protect my people.
Chi Fu.
是 皇上
Yes, Your Highness?
Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces.
l think it's going well, don't you?
Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!
You are a disgrace!
You may look like a bride,
We're under attack!Light the signal!
Now all of China knows you're here.
Your Majesty
the Huns have crossed our northern border.
Hmm. This way.
pour the tea.
To please your future in-laws,

前言:旁白(待定)第一幕:(音乐~~~)木兰入场,独舞一段剑术(音乐:马蹄声响起)木兰父母从另一边入场,传旨人也入场,随从入场,木兰在一旁听,停止舞剑传旨人:“According to god's order, Because of the invasion of the Xiongnu Our emperor made a hard determination that we should take the weapons to protect our homeland. So we need warriors. It's time to show your loyalty. Stand up, every one!奉天承运,皇帝诏曰,匈奴入侵,我们做出了个艰难的决定:打他个屁滚尿流!所以,我们需要士兵!没了,你们懂我的意思的。
”(稍微娘娘腔)木兰父:“We get it.”木兰父领旨,回到桌子旁,拿起宝剑与圣旨,长叹一声木兰上前木兰:“Dad, let me go instead of you to join the army. Your health is not good though爸,让我去代替你从军吧!”木兰父:“That's not of your bussiness不关你的事。
”木兰:“But...但是……”木兰父:“Go back!回去!”木兰落寞地离去,木兰父放下宝剑与圣旨,也退场木兰从新上场,走到桌子前,拿起宝剑,拔剑出销,又放下,把头发(散)束起,再次拿起宝剑与圣旨(旁白解释)木兰:“I will be back!”(深情地)(音效)熄灯——第一幕完英语对白:第二幕:将军与军师入场,军师手拿名单和毛笔勾名,一群(5个)前来报到的兵一个跟一个入场,列队将军:“What’s your name?”Tom:“Tom”将军:“How about you?”Jerry:“Jerry”将军:“Tom an Jerry? Both of brothers join the army,and you?”MR.Bean:“MR.Bean”将军;“er……you?”Banana:“banana ”将军:“What?“Banana:“banana·apple”将军:“I prefer watermelon. Short guy,what about you?”木兰:“Mulan,general”将军:“Finally a normal name… But ,you look like a women!?总算有个正常的名字了————但……你好像女人?”木兰:“I am a manWatch out my muscles!”(清一清嗓音,做几个类似的动作)将军:“Just kidding, guy!”将军带领训练(舞棍、转左转右)将军上前,拿出竹竿,举起来“follow me!”将军将竹竿向前捅,全队照做,木兰把前面的士兵捅倒将军:“what are you doing! watch out!”将军将棍向右横扫,木兰照做,全排士兵倒下将军上前“attention!Turn right(全队向右,木兰向左),你搞什么飞机啊!(叫木兰来到第一队)Turn left!(全队向左,木兰向右,木兰手中竹竿打中右边的士兵)将军:“My god! You’d better go back home!”(放烟~~~)木兰发现敌人木兰:“general, that way …seems like…eneies”(用手指着)将军:“Ah?! God bless us! All the soldiers , array!”(音效)老兵列队上场将军:“Xiongnu is coming. It’s a good opportunity for your careers and futures! Get perfect prepared, guys! 匈奴将至,是各位升官发财的好机会啊,士兵们,准备吧!!!!!!”全体退场,熄灯第二幕完(雪山上,上炮)第三幕(音乐)单于、匈奴上场(凶残的)一个老兵上场张望,返回号召其他老兵上,五个老兵上场交战,打下打下死两个,其他三个后退退到一定后将军带新兵上场开打打着打着死一个,打着打着死一个,全体节节败退,花木兰在后方战战兢兢没有上前将军:“Why you froze there? Come and help!!快来帮忙”木兰望着雪山,得到启发旁白:“(待定)”木兰开始用火炮炸山(先炸一座)(音效)木兰军全体后退,木兰马上再炸,雪山被炸,匈奴死了大半,只剩两三个(音效)木兰军乘势杀上,敌方落荒而逃大胜,全体举手庆功(音效:胜利)熄灯旁白:“(待定)”第三幕完第四幕(场景为宫殿)皇帝入场,后有四个随从随从1:“Mulan come to listen to letters”木兰上前,单膝跪下皇帝:“Because you brave performance, we won the war. What do you want to get?Status?Wealthy?Or …beauty? 你的英勇,让我军赢得最后的胜利,想要什么,地位?财富?美女?”木兰:“Dear emperor, Mulan just want to return home to accompany my old parents.回皇上,木兰只想回乡陪伴我的老父母”皇帝:“Great! What a nice son! Now I decide to praise you a good rapid horse ‘Ferrari’ to help your homecoming!好!!好一个孝顺之人,朕赐你一匹宝马:“法拉利”衣锦还乡”木兰:“Grateful for my dear emperor.谢皇上!”木兰退场,皇帝及随从随后退场木兰父母从舞台另一侧入场木兰母:“The war eventually ended, are you still angry with Mulan? 战争终于结束了,你还在生木兰气吗?”木兰父:“No, of cause I’m not. My heart has long been full of thoughts of her. For now, I’m just looking forward to her safely return. 我不气了,我的心早就被思念充满了,现在我只盼望木兰能早点平安回来啊”木兰母:“She must be back!她一定会回来的”(音乐:马蹄声)木兰从另一边出场,拿着宝剑走向父母面前,跪下,呈上宝剑木兰:“Dad and mom,I’m back …我回来了~”(音效)第四幕完全剧终。
【7人英文话剧】花木兰 Mulan

Summary:Long time ago, there was a war in China. The natives wanted to get the land back, which had belonged to them before. However, the king of the nation didn't allow such a ridiculous thing, and the war finally broke. Unfortunately, the odds were against China. So the king decide to recruit soldiers.Unexpectedly, Mulan's father, who was old and weak, was chosen. Know that her father was not equal to the mission, Mulan decided to dress gerself as a man to join the army instead of her fater.During the time in the army, she became acquainted wiht the captain, Li Shang, and she was deeply moved by his care for her. After they won th ewar, she told the truth frankly to him, and Li Shang asked the king to spare her life for disguising herself as a soldier.In time, they fell in love with each other, got married and lived happily hereafter.Scene INarrator: Long time age, ther was a war in China.....德首: Get out. The land doesn't belong to you.土酋: Your land?......Hey , he says this is his land.土酋: We just get our land back.德首: Go to hell, you barbarians.土酋: Attack!德首: Fire! Kill them all.德首: Just wait and see. My son, Li Shang, will revenge himeself on you.路人甲: Your majesty, we are losing. What can we do?陛下: Even if the odds are against us, we must keep going on. Now, what we can do is recruit soldiers.使者: Pat.......Ouch, what are you doing? Are youPat?Pat: Yes.使者: O.K. I am the messenger from our great general, Li Shang. This letter is confidential. Please readit carefully.Mulan: What's up? Daddy, you look so pale,Pat: Nothing....Mulan: Look!Pat: What......Mulan: My father is dying. My brother is tooyoung. What can I do?路人甲乙丙What can she do?丁:Mulan: What can I do?Voice: You can go to the army instead of your father.Mulan: But I'm a girl.Voice: Why not? You look like a man.Mulan: Right! Good idea! I can't see the reason why a girl can't be a soldier to defend her own country.Scene IINarrator: Mulan began her life in the army.報到士兵: Hey, don't cut in. Line up.士兵: Attention! This is our general, Li Shang.Li Shang: I just want you to follow three "A"s. Thell them what three "A"s.士兵: The three "A"s are "Apple, airplane, adult video." Li Shang: The three "A"s are "Action, ability, andagility."-----understand?士兵: Yes!Li Shang: Good!....Dismissed.士兵領隊: Soldiers, follow me!士兵: 嘿咻.....Mulan: Ouch!士兵: Are you out of breath for running for a short time?士兵: You are a sissy boy.-------眾:Sissy boy.士兵: Look! He is so thin and so weak. How can our country depend on him?眾: Ha, ha, ha!Li Shang: Hey, men! There is no time for you to chat!Li Shang: Are you O.K.?Mulan: I'm all right.Li Shang: Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree.Mulan: He is really a good guy. I am wondering which girl will be lucky enough to marry him.士兵: Hey! Soldiers. It's time for dinner.士兵: Oh....food! Food!---Hey, here is nothing for you. Get away!Li Shang: 唉...You are inferior to others in all aspectsLi Shang: This is for you.Mulan: Thank you. Sir!Li Shang: Go and eat there.Mulan: He is really a good man. In order not to disappoint him, I'll do my best to become stronger.(士兵舉重比賽)Narrator: After being humiliated and insulted by others, she was ashamed of her weakness. So Mulan tried everyway to strengthen herself. She lifted weights anddid push-ups.Narrator: After a few months of hard training........羅蔔兵: Sir! Sir! Our enemies are coming back again.Li Shang: What? Those barbarians are returning? hey, soldiers! Take up your weapon and follow me. It'stime to fight.兵: Fight!Mulan: Hey! Wake up! Don't sleep! Where are the other guys?羅蔔兵: They....are...fighting!Mulan: What!--Guys! Wait for me!Scene IIILi Shang: Do you still remmeber General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I'm his son, Li Shang.土酋: I've killed too many people. It doesn't bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father inthe hell soon.Li Shang: Ha! You talk too much, you ugly barbarian. Now it is my chance to take revenge on you.土酋: You? Ha, ha, ha. impossible!Li Shang: Watch out, I'll kill you all.土酋: Oh yeah? You're still wet behind the ears. How can you bear us and kill us all? You are dreaming. Li Shang: Just wait and see if I can't. Soldiers, fire!土酋: My brave soldiers, go! Ha, ha, ha. Now you are under my control. Surrender?Li Shang: Just kill me. I'd rather die thatn surrender.Mulan: Are youall right?土酋: Do you look down uponme? Ge him! Get him now!土酋: It...it is impossible.Mulan: Li, I'm sorry.Li Shang: Why did you kiss me? Are you a gay?Mulan: No. In fact, I am a girl.Li Shang: According to the law, a woman can't be asoldier. What you have done is a bigcrime! Have you ever thought of that?Mulan: I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision.Li Shang: Hum.....I'll try to save you.陛下: My brave soldiers. Congraduations! We are brought to glorious victory by my captain, LiShang. You deserve a good reward. Come ahead,my hero! Tell me what you want.Li Shang: I want nothing except the soldier's life. She isa girl, but she has saved us and the whole country.陛下: She is heroine. Oh, I just can't wait to see her. Li Shang: This is her. She asks for your mercy because of her violation against the law.陛下: Why should I kill her? She has beome a good example for our people. I should reward her instead ofkilling her.Mulan: Thank you, your majesty.Li Shang: Though this is a sudden proposal, would you mary me?Mulan: I'm so glad to hear that. But I have to go back home to ask my father first. will you go to my hometownwith me?Li Shang: Of course, dear.Mulan: Let's go.Mulan: Father, I'm back.Pat: Mulan, it's really you?Mulan: Yes, it's a long time.Kid: Sis, we are missing you everyday.Mulan: Oh, my brother. You are grown up.Pat: Who is the gentleman?Mulan: This is General Li.Li Shang: Sir, can I have the honor to ask your permission to marry your daughter?Pat: Of course. When are you going to get married?Li Shang: Soon.Pat: How soon?Li Shang: How about now?眾: Great!The。

Mulan(前奏)Guard: We're under attack! Light the signal!Guard: Now all of China knows you're here.Shan-Yu: Perfect.(皇宫)General Li: Your Majesty, the Huns have crossed our Northern border.Chi Fu: Impossible! No one can get through The Great Wall.General Li: Shun-Yu is leading them. We'll set up defenses around yourpalace immediately.Emperor: No! Send your troops to protect my people. Chi Fu,Chi Fu: Yes, your highness.Emperor: Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.General Li: Forgive me your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him. Emperor: I wont take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tipthe scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.(木兰家)Mulan: Quiet and demure...graceful...polite...[picking up some rice with her chopsticks and eating a mouthful] delicate...refined...poised... [She setsdown her chopsticks and writes down a final word on her right arm] punctual. Aiya. Little brother. Little brother. Lit-ahhh, there you are. Who's the smartest doggie in the world? Come on smart boy, can you help me with my chores today? (寺庙)Fa Zhou: Honorable ancestors, please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.Little Brother: Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.Fa Zhou: Please, PLEASE, help her.Mulan: Father I brought your-- whoop! [Fa Zhou bumps into Mulan. The cup falls to the ground and Fa Zhou catches the teapot with the handle of his cane]Fa Zhou: Mulan--Mulan: I brought a spare.Fa Zhou: Mulan--Mulan: Remember, the doctor said three cups of tea in the morning--Fa Zhou: Mulan--Mulan: And three at night.Fa Zhou: Mulan, you should already be in town. We're counting on you to up-- Mulan: -- uphold the family honor. Don't worry father. I wont let you down. Wish me luck.Fa Zhou: Hurry! I'm going to...pray some more.[Fa Zhou turns and walks back into the temple]Bath Lady: Fa Li, is your daughter here yet? The matchmaker is not a patient woman.Fa Li: Of all days to be late. I should have prayed to the ancestors for luck. Grandma Fa: How lucky can they be,they're dead. Besides, I've got all the luckwe'll need. This is your chance to prove yourself. Grandma Fa covers her eyes steps into a busy street]Fa Li: Grandma No!Grandma Fa: Yep, this cricket's a lucky one.Fa Li: Hai.(木兰来了)Mulan: I'm here. What? But Mama I had to--Fa Li: None of your e'xcuses. Now let's get you cleaned up.Bath Lady: This is what you give me to work with?Well, honey, I've seen worse.We're gonna turn this sow's ear Into a silk purse.Mulan: It's freezing.Fa Li: It would have been warm if you were here on time.Bath Lady:We'll have you Washed and dried Primped and polished till you glow with pride Trust my recipe for instant brideYou'll bring honor to us allFa Li: Mulan, what's this?Mulan: Ahh, notes, in case I forget something?Grandma Fa: Here, hold this. We'll need more luck than I thought.Hair Dresser 1: Wait and see When we're throughHair Dresser 2: Boys will gladly go to war for youHair Dresser 1: With good fortuneHair Dresser 2: And a great hairdoBoth: You'll bring honor to us allFa Li and others: A girl can bring her family Great honor in one wayBy striking a good match And this could be the day Dresser 1 [Dresser 1, Dresser 2, and Fa Li dress Mulan]:Men want girls with good tasteDresser 2: CalmFa Li: ObedientDresser 1: Who work fast-pacedFa Li: With good breedingDresser 2: And a tiny waistMulan: huh.All Three: You'll bring honor to us allChorus: We all must serve our Emperor Who guards us from the HunsA man by bearing arms A girl by bearing sonsMake-up Lady/Fa Li: When we're through you can't failLike a lotus blossom soft and pale How could any fellowsay "No sale" You'll bring honor to us allFa Li: There, you're ready.Grandma Fa: Not yet! An apple for serenity...A pendant for balanceBeads of jade for beautyYou must proudly show itNow add a cricket just for luckAnd even you can't blow itMulan: Ancestors Hear my plea Help me not to make a fool of me And to not uproot my fam'ly tree Keep my father standing tallMaidens and Mulan: Scarier than the undertaker We are meeting our matchmaker All Townspeople: Destiny Guard our girls And our future as it fast unfurls Please look kindly on these cultured pearls Each a perfect porcelain doll Maiden #1: Please bring honor to usMaiden #2: Please bring honor to usMaiden #3: Please bring honor to usMaiden #4: Please bring honor to usMulan and Maidens: Please bring honor to us all!Matchmaker [looking at her clipboard]: Fa MulanMulan: Present.Matchmaker: Speaking without permission.Mulan: Oops.Grandma Fa: Who spit in her bean curd?Matchmaker: Huh, Hmm, too skinny. Hmph, not good for bearing sons.Recite the final admonition.Mulan: Mmm-Hmm. PtuMatchmaker: Well...Mulan: Fulfill your duties calmly and re...f--[looking at her arm with smeared writing] spectfully. Reflect before you snack act. This shall bring you honorand glory. Huh.Matchmaker: Hmmm, this way. Now, pour the tea. To please your future in-laws you must demonstrate a sense of dignity and refinement. You must also be poised. Mulan: Um, pardon me.Matchmaker: And silent!Mulan: Could I just take that back...one moment.Matchmaker: Why you clumsy Wooo, woooo, wooooooo, AhhhhGrandma Fa: I think it's going well, don't you?Matchmaker: Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! You are a disgrace!You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honor!Mulan: Look at me I will never pass for a perfect bride Or a perfect daughter Can it be I'm not meant to play this part? Now I seeThat if I were to truly To be myself I would break my family's heartWho is that girl I see Staring straight Back at me?Why is my reflection someone I don't know? Somehow I cannot hideWho I am Though I've tried [Mulan bows to the ancestors]When will my reflection show Who I am inside?When will my reflection show Who I am inside?Fa Zhou: My, my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one's late. But, I'll bet that when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all.Mulan: What is it?。

花木兰Scene I( 战争中李翔之父与胡人首领正在进行殊死搏斗)General(将军)Li 【G】: Go back to your land! This land doesn't belong to you. It’s ours! Head of Hu 【H】: Yours? (回头对兵,由甲乙丙客串) Hey, he said it’s their land! (兵大笑) We just want to get our land back!G: Go to HELL!(去死吧)H: Hah aha~ Poor man, you’re dying, you know? Fire! Kill them allG: Ah~~~~(受重伤) My son, Li Xiang, will kill you himself! (死)Scene II(花木兰拿着绣花的东西打瞌睡)Father 【F】:En~~ good good~ my daughter is doing just the right thing! Mulan, time for lunch~ have a rest!Mulan 【M】: (继续打瞌睡) Zzzzz……F: Mulan~ Mu… (发现木兰在打瞌睡) MulanM: (被惊醒) Oh dad? Look I’m doing embroidery~ (低头胡乱绣两针)F: And this is your work? (拿起木兰手里的东西,两人定格)N: This girl is Mulan, the heroine of the story.K: But it seems that she’s not good at doing girl’s stuffs.N: Actually, she’s much braver than you think.(父亲追着木兰,木兰躲,撞倒突然出现的士兵领队身上)Leader of Soldier 【L】: Ouch! Hey, be careful! Is this the Hua family? This is the imperial edict. Your family must send a male to the battlefield to protect our motherland! (下场)F: What?M: Dad, What’s an imperial edict? You look so pale, are you OK? What’s up?F: Nothing. (背对木兰) Oh, what shall I do? I really want to go to the battlefield to protect my motherland, but I’m too old to fight! And my son is too young. He’s even too weak to hold a sword!M: (假装有什么东西) Oh what’s that?F: (上当) What?M: (强过圣旨,看) What? (声音颤抖着) My father is dying. He’s too old to go to the war! But My brother is too young (随便指个人). What can I do?Passer-by A B C(路人甲乙丙): What can she do?M:What? But I’m a lady! I can’t go to the army!Passer-by A: Why not! You look like a man~M: (气愤地) What do you mean? Wait. After all, it’s the only way to save my dad!(沉思状)Scene II|(士兵报道,人头攒动,形形色色的人都来参军。

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Mulan导演:袁丽娟类别:剧情/爱情/动作主演:花木兰—丁彰荣李尚—潘洁(反串)土酋、陛下—魏哲李德首(李尚父亲)—沈伟士兵—袁丽娟、魏哲、沈伟Pat(木兰父亲)—袁丽娟(反串)武术指导:沈伟、魏哲道具准备:魏哲、沈伟PPT制作:沈伟剧本编辑:小组全体4月26日全班首映Group FourScene ILong time age, there was a war in China…..德首: Get out. The land doesn’t belong to you.土酋: Your land…Hey, he says this is his land.土酋: We just get our land back.德首: Go to hell, you barbarians.土酋: Attack!德首: Fire! Kill them all.(两人拔剑战斗)德首(战败倒下): Just wait and see. My son, LiShang, will revenge himself on you.(两人退场)Scene 2路人甲: Your majesty, we are losing. What can we do?陛下: Even if the odds are against us, we must keep going on!Now, what we can do isrecruit soldiers.Scene 3使者: Pat…….Ouch, what are you doing? Are you Pat?(使者敲门,Pat把门打开,使者没站稳,身体不由自主向前倾,差点摔倒)Pat: Yes.使者: OK. I am the messenger from our great general, Li Shang. This letter isconfidential. Please read it carefully.(木兰上场)(Pat接过征兵册,叹了口气)Mulan: What’s up? Daddy, you look so pale, Pat: Nothing….(Pat退场)Mulan: My father is dying. My brother is too young. What can I do?路人甲乙丙丁: What can she do?Mulan: What can I do?路人甲乙丙丁: You can go to the army instead of your father.Mulan: But I’m a girl.路人甲乙丙丁: Why not? You look like a man. Mulan: Right! Good idea! I can’t see the reason why a girl can’t be a soldier todefend her own country.(由悲转喜)Scene 4Mulan began her life in the army.报到(背景:军中的操场)士兵: Hey, don’t cut in! Line up!士兵: Attention! This is our general, Li Shang.Li Shang: I just want you to follow three“A”s. Tell them what three“A”s are.士兵: The three “A”s are “Apple, airplane, adult video.”(众士兵笑)Li Shang: The three “A”s are “Action, ability, andagility.”understand?士兵: Yes!Li Shang: Good! Dismissed.士兵領隊: Soldiers, follow me!(士兵开始跑步)士兵: 嘿咻…..Mulan: Ouch!士兵: Are you out of breath for running for a short time?士兵: You are a sissy boy.(众士兵附和)Sissy boy…..士兵: Look! He is so thin and so weak. How can our country depend on him?众士兵: Ha, ha, ha!Li Shang: Hey, men! There is no time for you to chat!Li Shang: Are you OK.?Mulan: I’m all right.Li Shang: Go to see the doctor and then take arest under the tree.Mulan: He is really a good guy. I am wondering which girl will be lucky enough to marryhim.士兵: Hey! Soldiers. It’s time for dinner.士兵: Oh….food! Food!—Hey, here is nothing for you. Get away!Li Shang: 唉…You are inferior to others in all aspectsLi Shang: This is for you.Mulan: Thank you. Sir!Li Shang: Go and eat there.Mulan: He is really a good man. In order not to disappoint him, I’ll do my best tobecome stronger.Scene 5After a few months of hard training……..士兵: Sir! Sir! Our enemies are coming back again.Li Shang: What? Those barbarians arereturning? hey, soldiers! Take upyour weapon and follow me. It’stime to fight.众士兵: Fight! Fight! Fight!.......(军帐中,士兵还在睡觉)Mulan: Hey! Wake up! Don’t sleep! Where are the other guys?士兵甲: They….are…fighting!Mulan: What!–Guys! Wait for me!(两人同时跑退场)Scene 6(两军交接,战争开始)Li Shang: Do you still remember GeneralLee? You killed himruthlessly. I’m his son, Li Shang.土酋: I’ve killed too many people. It doesn’t bother me to kill one more so thatyou can see your father in the hell soon. Li Shang: Ha! You talk too much, you uglybarbarian. Now it is my chance totake revenge on you.土酋: You? Ha, ha, ha. Impossible!Li Shang: Watch out, I’ll kill you all!土酋: Oh yeah? You’re still wet behind the ears. How can you bear us and kill usall? You are dreaming!Li Shang: Just wait and see if Ican’t. Soldiers, fire!土酋: My brave soldiers, go!(两人开打)土酋: Ha, ha, ha…… Now you are under my control. Surrender?Li Shang: Just kill me. I’d rather die than surrender.(土酋的刀即将砍下去,木兰上场救了李尚)Mulan(对李尚): Are you all right?土酋: Do you look down upon me? Get him! Get him now!(木兰与土酋开打,木兰打败土酋)土酋: It…it is impossible.(土酋倒下,土酋退场,木兰扶着李尚退场)Scene 7(仗后在军营中)Mulan: Li, I’m sorry.Li Shang: Why did you kiss me? Are you a gay? Mulan: No. In fact, I am a girl.Li Shang: According to the law, a woman can’tbe a soldier. What you have doneis a big crime! Have you everthought of that?Mulan: I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision. Li Shang: Hum…..I’ll try to save you.(两人退场)Scene 8(军队凯旋归朝)陛下: My bravesoldiers. Congratulations! We arebrought to glorious victory by my captain,Li Shang. You deserve a good reward.Come ahead, my hero! Tell me what you want.Li Shang: I want nothing except the soldier’s life. She is a girl, but she hassaved us and the whole country.陛下: She is a heroine. Oh, I just can’t wait to see her.(李尚推出身后的木兰)Li Shang: This is her. She asks for your mercybecause of her violation against thelaw.陛下: Why should I kill her? She has become a good example for our people. I shouldreward her instead of killing her!Mulan: Thank you, your majesty!Scene 9(背景:树林里,李尚和木兰在谈心)Li Shang: Though this is a suddenproposal, would you marry me?Mulan: I’m so glad to hear that! But I have to go back home to ask my fatherfirst. will you go to my hometown withme?Li Shang: Of course, dear.Mulan: Let’s go!Sence10(木兰李尚归家)Mulan: Father, I’m back.Pat: Mula n, it’s really you?Mulan: Yes, it’s a long time.Pat: Who is the gentleman?Mulan: This is General Li.Li Shang: Sir, can I have the honor to ask your permission to marry your daughter? Pat: Of course. When are you going to get married?Li Shang: Soon.Pat: How soon?Li Shang: How about now?众人: Great!最后,两人手挽手,婚礼进行曲的音乐响起The End。
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Get out. The land doesn’t belong to you.
Your land?……Hey , he says this is his land.
We just get our land back.
Go to hell, you barbarians.
Fire! Kill them all.
Just wait and see. My son, Li Shang, will revenge himeself on you.
Your majesty, we are losing. What can we do?
Even if the odds are against us, we must keep going on. Now, what we can do is recruit soldiers.
Pat…….Ouch, what are you doing? Are you Pat?
O.K. I am the messenger from our great general, Li Shang. This letter is confidential. Please read it carefully.
What’s up? Daddy, you look so pale,
My father is dying. My brother is too young. What can I do?
What can she do?
What can I do?
You can go to the army instead of your father.
But I’m a girl.
Why not? You look like a man.
Right! Good idea! I can’t see the reason why a girl can’t be a soldier to defend her own country.
Scene III
Li Shang:
Do you still remmeber General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I’m his son, Li Shang.
I’ve killed too many people. It doesn’t bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.
Li Shang:
Ha! You talk too much, you ugly barbarian. Now it is my chance to take revenge on you.
You? Ha, ha, ha. impossible!
Li Shang:
Watch out, I’ll kill you all.
Oh yeah? You’re still wet behind the ears. How can you bear us and kill us all? You are dreaming.
Li Shang:
Just wait and see if I can’t. Soldiers, fire!
My brave soldiers, go! Ha, ha, ha. Now you are under my control. Surrender?
Li Shang:
Just kill me. I’d rather die than surrender.
Are you all right?
Do you look down uponme? Ge him! Get him now!
It…it is impossible.
Li Shang:
Thanks for your help.You saved my life. But your hair??
No. In fact, I am a girl.
Li Shang:
According to the law, a woman can’t be a soldier. What you have done is a big crime! Have you ever thought of that?
I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision.
Li Shang:
..I’ll try to save you.
My brave soldiers. Congraduations! We are brought to glorious victory by my captain, Li Shang. You deserve a good reward. Come ahead, my hero! Tell me what you want.
Li Shang:
I want nothing except the soldier’s life. She is a girl, but she has saved us and the whole country.
She is heroine. Oh, I just can’t wait to see her.
Li Shang:
This is her. She asks for your mercy because of her violation against the law.
Why should I kill her? She has beome a good example for our people. I should reward her instead of killing her.
Thank you, your majesty.
Li Shang:
Though this is a sudden proposal, would you mary me?
I’m so glad to hear that. But I have to go back home to ask my father first. will you go to my hometown with me?
Li Shang:
Of course, dear.
Let’s go.
Father, I’m back.
Mulan, it’s really you?
Yes, it’s a long time.
Sis, we miss you ever yday.
Oh, my brother. You are grown up.
Who is the gentleman?
This is General Li.
Li Shang:
Sir, can I have the honor to ask your permission to marry your daughter?
Of course. When are you going to get married?
Li Shang:
How soon?
Li Shang:
How about now?
The End。