华为 - NBIoT解决方案介绍 201602

华为物联网联接管理平台为核心的IoT生态圈OceanConnect介绍1. OceanConnect是什么?OceanConnect是华为云核心网推出的以IoT联接管理平台为核心的IoT生态圈。
1个开源物联网操作系统Huawei LiteOS;2种连接方式,包括有线连接(家庭网关、工业网关)和无线连接(2G/3G/4G/NB-IoT);1个物联网平台——IoT联接管理平台。
2. OceanConnect的关键价值接入无关(任意设备、任意网络)OceanConnect的接入无关是指IoT联接管理平台支持任意设备的接入和任意的网络接入:●支持无线、有线等多种网络连接方式接入,可以同时接入固定,移动(2G/3G/4G/NB IoT)。

1 NB-IoT总体网络架构NB-IoT的端到端系统架构如下图所示。
» 应用服务器:是IoT数据的最终汇聚点,根据客户的需求进行数据处理等操作。
2 NB-IoT中UP和CP优化传输方案大PK为了适配NB-IoT的数据传输特性,协议上引入了CP和UP两种优化传输方案,即control plane CIoT EPS optimization和user plane CIoT EPS optimization。
4 NB-IoT窄带蜂窝物联网概述 ISSUE1.00

2025 市场空间11.1 万亿美元(Mc Kinsey Global Research 2015 )。
●基于运营商网络的蜂窝物联网也将在未来5年获得快速的增长,符合GSMA的预测,未来5年,蜂窝物联网将增长7倍,到2020年,将有约3billion的联接承载在运营商的网络,工业(Smart Agriculture、Smart Meter),个人应用(Smart Band、Smart Watch),智能家庭(Smart Band、Smart Watch),公共事业(Asset Tracking、SmartParking )等多个方面。
基于NB-IoT、eMTC等技术以及产业共同的努力,相信2020年蜂窝物联网将达到30%,3billion●NB-IoT: 最大化重用现有网络资产。
●NB-IoT支持三种部署场景☐Standalone:通常是Refarming GSM的频谱或者使用空闲零散的频谱资源部署NB- IOT。
☐Guard band:在LTE的保护带中部署NB-IOT。
●100K 连接/ 扇区,与4G相比提升100x倍。
●深覆盖,20dB+ 增益,与2G相比多穿透一堵墙。


NBIoT(Narrowband IoT)是一种新型的低功耗、广域覆盖的

User ManualVersion 1.0.1 April 2019 GRP-540M-NBNB-IoT GatewayTable of Contents1.Introduction (5)1.1Features (6)1.2Applications (6)2.Hardware (7)2.1Specifications (7)2.2Appearance and pin assignments (8)2.3Dimensions (9)2.4LED indicators (10)2.5Rotary Switch (10)2.6Installing Device (11)3.Web Utility (12)3.1Login the Utility (12)3.2Information (13)3.2.1Device Information (13)3.2.2Network Information (13)3.2.3Storage Information (14)3.3Network (15)3.3.1Ethernet (15)3.4System (15)3.4.1Password (15)3.4.2Reboot (16)3.4.3Reboot Timer (16)3.4.4Backup & Restore (16)3.4.5Update (16)3.4.6Restore Factory (17)3.4.7Time (17)3.5NB-IoT Client (18)3.5.1NB-IoT Client (18)4.Example (28)4.1Data Collection and Remote Control (NB-DA Server) (28)4.2Data Collection and Remote Control (MQTT Broker) (36)Appendix A. Revision History (40)Appendix B. Traffic calculation for reference (41)Important InformationWarrantyAll products manufactured by ICP DAS are under warranty regarding defective materials for a period of one year, beginning from the date of delivery to the original purchaser.WarningICP DAS assumes no liability for any damage resulting from the use of this product. ICP DAS reserves the right to change this manual at any time without notice. The information furnished by ICP DAS is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by ICP DAS for its use, not for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use.CopyrightCopyright @ 2018 by ICP DAS Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved.TrademarkNames are used for identification purpose only and may be registered trademarks of their respective companies.Contact us1.IntroductionThe GRP-540M-NB provided by ICP DAS is a NB-IoT gateway for Ethernet and serial port. It can be used in M2M application fields to transfer the remote I/O or Modbus data via NB-IoT. Within the high performance CPU, the GRP-540M-NB can handle a large of data and are suited for the hard industrial environment. When connecting with NB-DA Server or MQTT Broker, the user can also control the devices which connected to GRP-540M-NB from the remote control center.1.1Features◆Support NB-IoT◆10/100 Base-TX compatible Ethernet controller◆COM port: COM1 (3-wire RS232), COM2 (3-wire RS232), COM3 (RS-485)◆GPS: 32 channels with All-In-View tracking◆Support Modbus RTU/TCP◆Support MQTT◆Support Micro SD card◆High reliability in harsh environments◆DIN-Rail mountable1.2Applications◆ Home/Factory security◆ Energy Management◆ Temperature MonitoringApplication 1: Data CollectorApplication 2: Remote Control2.Hardware2.1Specifications2.2 Appearance and pin assignmentsCOM2 08 TxD2 07 RxD2 06 GNDCOM3 05 D+ 04 D-CAN 03 CAN.GND 02 CAN_H 01 CAN_L2.3Dimensions2.4LED indicatorsThere are three LED indicators to help users to judge the various conditions of device. The description is as follows:A.P WR(Green): Power LED to indicate whether the external power is input or not. Thedescription is as follows:B. RUN(Red): RUN LED indicates if the OS is normal or fail.C. L1(Green/Red): this Led indicates the status of NB-IoT Client.D. L2(Green/Red): reserve.E.NB-IoT (Green): The LED indicates the status of NB-IoT module.(the NB-IoT module need about 60 seconds to register network usually)2.5Rotary SwitchThere are some functions of rotary switch. The description is as follows:A.0: Normal mode, default position.B.9: Factory default IP. If you set as 9, and then reset the device, its Ethernet IP will be“”. If you forgot your device IP, you can use this function to re-configureyour device IP.2.6Installing DeviceBefore using, please follow these steps to install the device below:A. Install the antenna.B. Plug in the normal SIM card.C. Plug the Ethernet cable if you need it.D.If you want to use the Micro SD card, please insert it into the slot.E. Connect the DC.+VS and DC.GND to the power supply.F. Need to wait about 20 ~ 30 seconds for OS booting. After finishing the process, GRP-540M-NBwould be in normal operation mode and the OS LED would blank as heart beat per 1 sec.G. It is needed to wait about 30 ~ 60 seconds to search the NB-IoT base and register to the ISP. Afterfinishing the process, the NB-IoT LED would blank per 3.333 secs.Install The AntennaInsert SIM CardLED IndicatorsInsert MicroSD CardPlug Ethernet cableConnect to Power3.Web UtilityYou must configure the device from web utility before using.3.1Login the UtilityPlease login before you use the web utility. The default username is “admin”, and the default password is “admin”.⚫Default IP = “”⚫Default Mask = “”⚫After login, the screenshot is showed as below:3.2InformationThe user can get the basic information of the device here.3.2.1D evice InformationThis page provides basic device information:(1) Product Name: the Name of your product.(2) Serial Number: only one number of ICPDAS product.(3) OS Kernel Version: Linux kernel version.3.2.2Network InformationThis page provides basic network information:(1)Ethernet: Ethernet information.Mode: static IP..MAC address: a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces..IP Address: a computer's address under the Internet Protocol..Mask: Mask will be provided from Gateway provider.(2)Modem information:.IMEI: IMEI number of NB-IoT module..PIN Code: the status of PIN Code. Please refer to below:◼READY: PIN Code is ready.◼SIM PIN: need PIN code of SIM card.◼SIM PUK: need PUK code of SIM card.◼SIM failure: Access SIM Card failure..Register Status: Indicating machine connect to mobile network successful or not..Signal Quality: the NB-IoT signal quality.Modem information will update frequently if NB-IoT client function not enable. If NB-IoT client function enable, Modem information only updates when sending message.3.2.3Storage InformationThis page provides information about “Micro SD card”, “USB Disk”:(1)USB Disk / SD card:.Size: total size of storage..used: the size is used..Available: free space in the storage..Path: the mount point in file system.3.3NetworkThe user can configure the Network functions here.3.3.1EthernetThis page provides the basic settings of Ethernet:(1) IP Address: IP of Ethernet.(2) M ask: the Mask of the gateway.(3) G ateway: IP of the gateway.3.4SystemThe user can configure password, system parameter, reboot device and restore factory settings here.3.4.1PasswordThe user can change the password of the web utility here.(1) Password: new password.(2) Confirm: confirm the password again.3.4.2RebootThe user can reboot the device here.3.4.3Reboot TimerThe user can use this function to reboot system automatically.(1) Reboot Time (everyday): the time for rebooting system.(2) E nable: Enable Reboot Timer function.3.4.4Backup & RestoreThe user can backup the device settings and restore it here.(1) Backup: Press “Backup” button to backup settings into your PC.(2) Restore: Press “Browse”button to select file, and then press “Restore”button to store yoursettings.3.4.5UpdateThe user can update the device’s firmware by themselves. Need to go to the product page and download the update file (updateFile.tarc). Must put the update file into SD card and backup your config before update.3.4.6Restore FactoryThe user can restore the device setting to factory default.3.4.7TimeThis page provide information about the time of the device.(1) S et Time: set the time of device the same as your computer.(2) N TP Server: device will connect to the NTP Server to synchronize time.(3) Timezone: if you don't know your timezone, please click the link “check timezone” to find out.(4) Enable NTP Function: if you enable it, the device will update time automatically.(NTP function will work only when Ethernet can go through Internet)3.5NB-IoT ClientThe user can configure NB-IoT Client function here. The NB-IoT Client function will connect to NB-DA Server or MQTT Broker, please refer the website for more information.3.5.1N B-IoT ClientThe user can configure NB-IoT Client firmware function here. There are three tabs:(1) Main Info. (2) Modbus Device (3) I/O Mapping◼Main Info. Tab (UDP Mode with SMS4 security):(1) APN Config: Access Point Name, please ask your SIM Card provider.(2) Data Update Period (sec.): set report time interval. The device will report all data to NB-DAServer or MQTT Broker every time.(3) S end Mode: can choose UDP or MQTT.(4) S erver IP/Domain: the IP Address or Domain Name of NB-DA Server.(5) Server Port: the port of the server.(6) Enable Function: enable the NB-IoT Client function.(If SD Card exist, this function will also save log data to SD Card by date)◼Main Info. Tab (MQTT Mode):(1) APN Config: Access Point Name, please ask your SIM Card provider.(2) Data Update Period (sec.): set report time interval. The device will report all data to NB-DAServer or MQTT Broker every time.(3) S end Mode: can choose UDP or MQTT.(4) S erver IP/Domain: the IP Address or Domain Name of MQTT Broker.(5) Server Port: the port of the MQTT Broker. (default MQTT port is 1883)(6) Buffer Size: the buffer which is used to save the MQTT message. (include Topic and Data)(7) Keep Alive: the peroid of MQTT's PINGREQ message.(8) MQTT Version: set the MQTT version that will be used.(9) User Name: the user name for MQTT connection. (if have user name)(10) Password: the password for MQTT connection. (if have password)(11) Subscribe DO: the MQTT topic which will be used for receiving DO message.(12) Subscribe AO: the MQTT topic which will be used for receiving AO message.(13) Publish DEVINFO: the MQTT topic which will be used for sending DEVINFO message.(14) Publish DI: the MQTT topic which will be used for sending DI message.(15) Publish AI: the MQTT topic which will be used for sending AI message.(16) Publish GPS: the MQTT topic which will be used for sending GPS message. (GPRMC format)(17) Publish ACK: the MQTT topic which will be used for responding ACK when received DO orAO message.(18) Use CHT platform: enable if using CHT IoT Platform. (also need to set User Name, Password)(19) CHT Device ID: set the Device ID which gets from CHT IoT Platform.(20) CHT Sensor ID: set the Sensor ID which gets from CHT IoT Platform.(21) Enable Function: enable the NB-IoT Client function.MQTT Message Format:⚫Message format for normal MQTT Broker:⚫M essage format for CHT Platform:⚫D ata Type:⚫DEVINFO data:◼Modbus Device: the interface for adding Modbus I/O device.(1) Modbus Device Number: display the Modbus device number here. You can choose a model inthe list, and then use the “Add” button to add a new Modbus device.(2) D evice Name: the name of the Modbus device.(3) D evice ID: the Modbus ID.(4) IP: the IP of Modbus/TCP device. Keep it empty if using Modbus/RTU device.(5) Port: the Port number of Modbus/TCP device.(6) D I Number: the number of DI channel.(7) D O Number: the number of DO channel.(8) A I number: the number of AI channel.(9) AO number: the number of AO channel.(10) DI Address: the start address for reading DI value.(11) DO Address: the start address for reading DO value.(12) AI Address: the start address for reading AI value.(13) AO Address: the start address for reading AO value.(14) COM Port: can choose “COM2 (RS-232)” or “COM3 (RS-485)”.(15) Baud Rate: the baud rate of RS-485 or RS-232.(Notice that must set same Baud Rate for all RS-485 devices)(16) Data Bit: the data bit of RS-485 or RS-232.(17) Parity: the parity bit of RS-485 or RS-232.(18) Stop Bit: the stop bit of RS-485 or RS-232.(19) Read DO: enable if this device's DO is output data to GRP-540M-NB.(This will let DO data combine with this device's DI data, and DO will continue after DI) (20) Read AO: enable if this device's AO is output data to GRP-540M-NB.(This will let AO data combine with this device's AI data, and AO will continue after AI)◼I/O Mapping:(1) Auto Mapping: this will check all Modbus devices and auto mapping all I/O.(2) 1st / 2nd Session ID: the ID which used to identify this GRP-540M-NB device.(3) DO/DI/AO/AI mapping table:The mapping format is “[Device Number]-[I/O Number]”.⚫Device Number: the number of Modbus devices in “Modbus Device” page. (start from 1) (ex: the config of Modbus Device Number 0 is the 1st Modbus device) ⚫I/O Number: the number of this Modbus device's I/O. (start from 1)NOTICE: If enabled “Read DO” or “Read AO”, in addition to DO/AO’s mapping table, also need to set these DO/AO to DI/AI’s mapping table.Example:If the 1st Modbus Device (the config of Modbus Device Number 0 in “Modbus Device”page) have 2 AI and 5 AO, in addition to the “1-1” and “1-2” for AI, also need to set “1-3”, “1-4”, “1-5”, “1-6”, and “1-7”in AI table (for enable Read AO). In this case, the GRP-540M-NB will send DEVINFO, AO, AI (with 7 values--2 AI and 5 AO), and GPS messages.4.Example4.1Data Collection and Remote Control (NB-DA Server)This example shows data collection and remote control application via NB-DA Server.There are PM-3112 and SAR-713 in this system.(1) Please connect your device (PM-3112 and SAR-713) to serial port of GRP-540M-NB.Baud Rate of these devices is 115200 bps, data format is 8N1 (Data bits, Parity, Stop bits).(Must attention that Baud Rate of all Modbus devices must set same value when using RS-485)(2) If you never use NB-DA Server, please refer to NB-DA Server's website.(3) Add devices in “Modbus Device” tab.In this case, we want to use two AO values of SAR-713, but their Modbus address is not continuing. We split SAR-713’s setting to two Modbus settings like below:In the 1st setting, we set to read 1 AO on AO address 9, and the 2nd setting read 1 AO on address 11. Besides, the SAR-713’s AO is the values we want, so “Read AO” is needed too.The PM-3112’s setting is below, it has 4 AI need to be read:(4) Set I/O mapping table:The Session ID is used to let NB-DA Server identifies this GRP device, so must not set the same ID if using more than one device.Because SAR-713 enable “Read AO”, the AO of SAR-713 also need to be entered into AI table.There is no AI need to be read from SAR-713, so the AO become “1-1” and “2-1” to AI table and AI of PM-3112 are “3-1”, “3-2”, “3-3”, “3-4”.(5) Set APN of your SIM card, the IP and port for NB-DA Server, and Enable the function.Press “Modify”(6) Setting NB-DA Server:(a) The server port is set “5394” in GRP-540M-NB, so server must use “5394” to receive data.(b) Click “Add Server” after all settings are ready.(c) Choose the server and click “Start Server”.(d) After server start, if received data from GRP-540M-NB, we can see the Session live statuson the Sessions block.(7) After receiving data, if the server enables MQTT or Database, user can get data from access database or subscribe MQTT topic to receive data. The server also creates Modbus Server by default, user can connect Modbus Server with local IP and the port setting on server, then use Modbus TCP command to get data.(8) If user wants to control remote DO/AO, user can change the values on the Modbus Server or publish DO/AO MQTT message to the topic which NB-DA Server subscribed.⚫[Server Side] The MQTT control message for DO/AO like below:1 byte for every DO, hex format, and data length must be 32. (set 00 for empty DO)2 bytes for every AO, hex format, and data length must be 32. (set 0000 for empty AO)⚫[Server Side] The DEVINFO/DI/AI/GPS/ACK data like below:DEVINFO data include RSRP, ECL, SNR, and Battery level.1 byte for every DI, hex format, and data length must be 32. (empty DI will be 00)2 bytes for every AI, hex format, and data length must be 32. (empty AI will be 0000)GPS data is “$GPRMC” message of NMEA 0183 protocol.4.2Data Collection and Remote Control (MQTT Broker)This example shows data collection and remote control application via MQTT broker.There are PM-3112 and SAR-713 in this system.(1) Please connect your device (PM-3112 and SAR-713) to serial port of GRP-540M-NB.Baud Rate of these devices is 115200 bps, data format is 8N1 (Data bits, Parity, Stop bits).(Must attention that Baud Rate of all Modbus devices must set same value when using RS-485)(2) If you never use NB-DA Server, please refer to NB-DA Server's website.(3) Add devices in “Modbus Device” tab. (same as Example 4.1)(4) Set I/O mapping table. (same as Example 4.1)(5) Set APN of your SIM card, the IP/Domain and port for MQTT Broker. According to user’sapplication, set the topic for subscribe and publish. Enable the function and press “Modify”.(If using CHT IoT Platform, also need to set User Name, Password, Device ID, and Sensor ID, then enable “Use CHT platform”)When using normal MQTT Broker, the message will be:⚫[GRP-540-NB Side] The MQTT control message for DO/AO like below:1 byte for every DO, hex format, and max data length is 32.2 bytes for every AO, hex format, and max data length is 32.Must include “Session ID/Type” in the end of topic like “ER/0/0/DO”(Please check the numbers of DO/AO, don’t send more or less than real I/O numbers)⚫[GRP-540-NB Side] The DEVINFO/DI/AI/GPS/ACK data like below:DEVINFO data include RSRP, ECL, SNR, and Battery level.1 byte for every DI, hex format, and max data length is 32.2 bytes for every AI, hex format, and max data length is 32.GPS data is “$GPRMC” message of NMEA 0183 protocol.ACK data is published by GRP when it received DO/AO control message. (DO_ACK/ AO_ACK)When using CHT IoT Platform, the message will be:⚫[GRP-540-NB Side] The MQTT control message for DO/AO like below:(NOTICE: Need to send data with JSON format which defined by CHT platform)1 byte for every DO, hex format, and max data length is 32.2 bytes for every AO, hex format, and max data length is 32.(Please check the numbers of DO/AO, don’t send more or less than real I/O numbers)⚫[GRP-540-NB Side] The DEVINFO/DI/AI/GPS/ACK data like below:DEVINFO data include RSRP, ECL, SNR, and Battery level.1 byte for every DI, hex format, and max data length is 32.2 bytes for every AI, hex format, and max data length is 32.GPS data is “$GPRMC” message of NMEA 0183 protocol.ACK data is published by GRP when it received DO/AO control message. (DO_ACK/ AO_ACK)Appendix A. Revision HistoryThis chapter provides revision history information to this document. The table below shows the revision history.Appendix B. Traffic calculation for referenceThis chapter provides a reference for calculating traffic, but it only calculates the traffic of data (not include the header of packets). For the real usage of traffic, please check it from the SIM Card provider.➢UDP format:Data➢MQTT format:Data + Topic length (topic is set by user)➢MQTT format for CHT IoT Platform:JSON (77 bytes + Sensor ID length + Device ID length + Data) + Topic length (topic is set by user)Example:If only 1 Modbus device with 1 DI is connecting to GRP-540M-NB, assume that DEVINFO and GPS data have max length, the bytes that will be transmitted is: (1 character = 1 byte)⚫I f using UDP:Data: 112+ 64 + 160 = 336 bytesThe GRP will transmit 336 bytes in every transmission.⚫I f using MQTT:Data: 14 + 2 + 72 = 88 bytesThe GRP will transmit 88 bytes + DEVINFO topic length + DI topic length + GPS topic length in every transmission.⚫I f using MQTT (for CHT IoT Platform):Data: 14 + 7 + 72 = 93 bytes, also need to add 3 messages’ JSON format length (77 bytes + Sensor ID length + Device ID length).The GRP will transmit JSON data length + DEVINFO topic length + DI topic length + GPS topic length in every transmission.。

类型构建贴近现实的 功耗模型; b)终端电池自放电情 况测试; c)在不同的环境条件 及业务模型下终端整 机耗电测试; d)为降低终端耗电所 采用的终端休眠机制 测试等
同时接入的最大用户数 目; b)基于给定上行业务模型 的上行连接数目/容量极限 测试; c)基于给定下行业务模型的 下行连接数目/容量极限测 试; d)基于给定上下行混合业 务模型的连接数目/容量极 限测试;
15K Hz OFDM symbol with 10Ts CP
15K Hz OFDM symbol with 9Ts CP
• NB-IoT的上行物理信道
火灾自动报警 特点:终端位臵固定,上行延时敏 感的小数据包业务 类似场景:燃气泄漏报警、电梯故 障报警、老人急救
NB-IoT 概述
大连接,接入能力 增强
低功耗、低成本设 计
支持海量的低吞吐量 终端
每小区支持用户 5万+
• 5万用户为小区内部署的终端 数,并发用户数较少
• 基站通过SIB2广播配臵最多三组重复等级以及每组重复等级的RSRP门 限,: • 终端根据RSRP门限选择合适的重复等级进行随机接入 • R13 NB-IoT只支持竞争的随机接入,过程与LTE相同
NB-IoT NPUSCH format 1
• 用于传输上行业务数据的物理信道 • 仅支持RV0和RV2两种冗余版本 基站调度子载波间隔不同 的UE在一个上行子帧进行 传输时会产生互干扰

NB-IoT详细解读..一、为什么NB—IoT会出现?据预测,2016年全球将会使用64亿个物联网设备每天将有550万个设备连网, 而“万物互联”实现的基础之一在于数据的传输, 不同的物联网业务对数据传输能力和实时性都有着不同要求。
根据传输速率的不同, 可将物联网业务进行高、中、低速的区分..高速率业务:主要使用3G、4G技术, 例如车载物联网设备和监控摄像头.对应的业务特点要求实时的数据传输..中等速率业务:主要使用GPRS技术,例如居民小区或超市的储物柜, 使用频率高但并非实时使用,对网络传输速度的要求远不及高速率业务..低速率业务: 业界将低速率业务市场归纳为LPWAN(work)市场, 即低功耗广域网。
目前还没有对应的蜂窝技术,多数情况下通过GPRS技术勉力支撑, 从而带来了成本高、影响低速率业务普及度低的问题.也就是说目前低速率业务市场急需开拓, 而低速率业务市场其实是最大的市场, 如建筑中的灭火器、科学研究中使用的各种监测器, 此类设备在生活中出现的频次很低,但汇集起来总数却很可观, 这些数据的收集用于各类用途,比如改善城市设备的配置等等.而NB-IoT就是一种新的窄带蜂窝通信LPWAN(低功耗广域网)技术, 可以帮助我们解决这个问题.二、NB-IoT的优势是什么.作为一项应用于低速率业务中的技术, NB—IoT的优势不难想象.强链接: 在同一基站的情况下, NB—IoT可以比现有无线技术提供50-100倍的接入数。
一个扇区能够支持10万个连接, 支持低延时敏感度、超低的设备成本、低设备功耗和优化的网络架构.举例来说, 受限于带宽,运营商给家庭中每个路由器仅开放8—16个接入口, 而一个家庭中往往有多部手机、笔记本、平板电脑, 未来要想实现全屋智能、上百种传感设备需要联网就成了一个棘手的难题。
而NB-IoT足以轻松满足未来智慧家庭中大量设备联网需求.高覆盖:NB-IoT室内覆盖能力强, 比LTE提升20dB增益, 相当于提升了100倍覆盖区域能力.不仅可以满足农村这样的广覆盖需求, 对于厂区、地下车库、井盖这类对深度覆盖有要求的应用同样适用。
NB-Dongle 使用手册说明书

首页-技术文档NB-IoT Dongle使用手册一、产品简介NB-IoT Dongle是物联俱乐部基于华为海思Boudica 150芯片模组开发的。
三、参数说明CELL ID 基站小区标识CELL ID是网络中小区的编号,与MCC、MNC及LAC号组合成一个小区全球识别码,用来在全球范围内唯一识别某一小区。
EARFCN 中心频点若一个区域的基站中心频点都相同,表示是同频部署。
PCI 物理小区标识PCI是用于区分不同小区的无线信号,确保在小区覆盖范围内不会有相同的PCI。
SINR(Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio,信号与干扰加噪声比)SINR是指接收到的有用信号的强度与接收到的干扰信号(噪声和干扰)的强度的比值,反映当前信道的链路质量。

N B-I O T p r o t o c o l c o l l e c t i o n 1.NB-IOT基本概念Improved indoor coverage, support for massive number of low throughput devices, low delay sensitivity, ultra low device cast, low device power consumptionNB-IOT should support 3 different modes of operation:‘Stand-alone operation’ utilizing for example the spectrum currently being used by GERAN systems as a replacement ofone or more GSM carriers, as well as scattered spectrum for potential IoT deployment.‘Guard band operation’ utilizing the unused resourceblocks within a LTE carrier’s guard-band‘In-band operation’ utilizing resource blocks within anormal LTE carrier180kHz UE RF bandwidth for both downlink and uplink上行支持15kHz和两种subcarrier spacing;下行仅支持15kHz 的sub-carrier spacing只支持single-Tone;可以提供更大的覆盖,CP较长,对timing要求放松了;更小的功耗仅支持type-B half-duplex FDD operation(type-B定义参考3GPP R13 chapterNB-IOT vs eMTC vs legacy LTELTE R9NB-IoT系统带宽3M/5M/10M/15M/20M200kHz工作模式full duplex FDD/TDD half-duplex FDD最大传输速率DL: 150Mbps; UL 50Mbps DL/UL: < 200kbps频带部署方式LTE授权频段带内,带外,保护带三种部署方式覆盖范围~145dB164dB(MCL)子载波间隔DL/UL: 15kHz DL: 15kHz, UL: 15kHz or传输模式TM1-TM9TM1/TM2 (单天线或双天线发送分集)同步信号PSS/SSS NPSS/NSSS,构造以及相对间隔都与R9 PSS/SSS不同随机接入Preamble/RAR/MSG3/MSG4NPRACH/NPDSCH解调信号DL: CRS UL: DMRS DL: NRS UL: NDMRS 上下行信道探测下行CSI,上行SRS没有CSI,没有SRS下行数据信道PDSCH NPDSCHQPSK, 16QAM, 64QAMP QPSK1/3 turbo coding1/3 Tail bitingconvolutional coding单子帧传输一个传输块单个或多个子帧传输一个传输块下行控制信道PDCCH NPDCCH和PDSCH在同一个子帧,占用前几个OS占用单独的下行子帧,类似于EPDCCHDCI Format 0/1/1A/2/2A/3/3A…DCI Format N0/N1/N2上行数据信道PUSCH NPUSCH15kHz sub-carrier spacing15kHz or sub-carrierspacing1/3 turbo coding1/3 turbo coding单子帧传输一个传输块以Resource Unit(可以跨多个子帧)作为传输块的传输单位UL-SCH和UCI在同一个子帧发送UL-SCH 和 UCI 在不同子帧发送省电技术DRX PSM, eDRXhas more flexibility as it can be deployed in-band, guard band and standalone.NB-IoT can support up to 200k devices per cell per 200kHzThe NB-IoT uplink transmission , 15kHz) is much moreefficient than eMTC wideband uplink transmissionNB-IoT has about better coverage than eMTC In-Band 操作的一些特殊处理Symbols and abbreviationsUL slots NNumber of consecutive slots in an UL resource unit for NB-IoT2.UplinkUplink Physical channelsThe following narrowband physical channels are defined:- Narrowband Physical Uplink Shared Channel, NPUSCH- Narrowband Physical Random Access Channel, NPRACHThe following uplink narrowband physical signals are defined: - Narrowband demodulation reference signalComment: 新增上行信道NPUSCH 和NPRACH ,新增上行信号NDMRS ;2.1.2 Uplink slot structure and physical resourcesThe uplink bandwidth in terms of subcarriers UL sc N , and the slotduration slot T Subcarrier spacing0 p Comment: 上行有两种时隙结构,一种是针对子载波间隔15kHz 的,和legacy LTE 的时隙结构相同;一种是针对子载波间隔的,一个RB 内包含的子载波数是48,是legacy LTE 的4倍。

NB-IoT解决方案介绍目录LPWA 物联网市场需求和行业洞察 01 NB-IoT 解决方案 03 NB-IoT 标准进展 02 产业进展和应用探讨04物联网(IoT )是移动网络运营商确定的高增长业务物联网技术在行业应用比例逐年提高物联网业务比例虽然还小,但增长迅速125163205298372200 400 FY10/11FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15Financial performanceM2M revenue £ 372m in FY 14/15,+25% YoY X35.37.81216.22210 20 30 20112012 2013 2014 2015百万 X4 400%连接增长£: 372M £: 42,227MM2M 收入总收入25%同比收入增长<1%收入占比但是能源 公共事业汽车零售 消费 电子健康 医疗 交通 物流 生产制造蜂窝物联网(CIoT )的发展以海量LPWA 连接为主要驱动力POS, Smart Home, M2M Backhaul…Sensors, Meters, Tracking,Logistics, Smart Parking, Smart agriculture…高速率(>10Mbps)☐2G: GPRS|CDMA2K1X ☐MTC/eMTC ☐3G: HSPA/EVDO/TDS ☐4G: LTE/LTE-A ☐WiFi 802.11技术网络接入技术2020年全球M2M/IoT 连接分布CCTV, eHealth …中速率 (<1Mbps)低速率 (<100kbps)☐NB-IoT ☐SigFox ☐LoRa☐短距无线,如ZigBeeMTC/eMTC 未来可能替代2G M2M 技术空白市场,由于缺乏针对性技术,没有很好的的满足 丰富多样的应用场景 LPWA 的主要市场10% 30%60% 车载导航娱乐系统空间大细分市场机会2019年LPWA 物联网连接将超过传统2G/3G/4G 连接M2M 连接技术中,短距技术仍然在M2M 通信中占主导地位, 但:☐其中LPWA 连接数从2016年起快速增长,并在2019年超过传统蜂窝连接,约为14亿连接☐2G/3G/4G 蜂窝+LPWA 连接数将从2015年的3%上升到2024年的17%左右 ☐2024年LPWA 技术物联网连接数占比约11%0.005.0010.0015.0020.0025.00 30.002014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024Wide Area Fixed Short Range SatelliteMANLPWACellular2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024广域网技术物联网连接占比(%) Data source :machina <201506 machina_forecast_data>物联网连接数增长预测(十亿)LPWA 传统蜂窝2019年3%17%海外主流运营商IoT 战略和业务布局做大连接数 做大业务面 车联网 消费电子 货物 能源 金融服务 健康 工业制造 公共服务 安全 运输物流战略: 应用:驱动: 增加收入增加网络利用率健康医疗 智慧家庭 教育 农业 监控 货物跟踪 车联网IoT 行业渗透和破局 未来收入和业务增长 政府主导端管云全方位发力连接是核心控制点车联网 运输物流 工业制造 能源 金融服务 健康 公共服务 智慧家庭 消费电子 货物农业 车联网 健康 保险工业制造 运输 公共服务 能源支撑Digital Service 战略 新的收入增长点Essential2020战略支持企业客户数字化转型,核心网络和服务资产发挥协同效应健康医疗 车联网 零售 家庭互联 智慧城市 运输 工业制造车联网 家庭互联 能源 健康 智慧城市 工业制造智慧城市 能源 物流 车联网 健康 零售 货物跟踪收入增长点数字业务转型 全球领先 提升收入 提升ARPU智慧城市 连接控制点 说明:红色表示最适合LPWA 技术的物联网应用,蓝色表示其中部分物联网应用需要LPWA 技术运营商对低功耗/低成本/低速率/广深覆盖CIoT 技术诉求强烈预期2G 将普遍退网考虑 未来 3G/4G 模组贵(20~40美金)终端 价格 2G/3G/4G 覆盖和终端功耗不如Sigfox/LoRa覆盖 功耗运营商需要更具竞争优势的技术来发展物联网业务策略● 先网络,后业务,快速跑马圈地建好网络再发展业务● 大量融资,€107M ● 先圈地,27 countries ● 100Hz 超窄带技术技术先天缺陷● 可靠性低,无QOS● 低容量可用,高容量则难以承载 ● 覆盖差、时延高、速率低(12byte)部分运营商迫于市场压力,引入LoRa 布局类似运营商运作,提供管道服务● 类CDMA 技术,容量低 ● 安全性弱● 公共频谱,干扰问题难以解决LPWA 开启低功率广覆盖IoT 市场,NB-IoT 具备技术优势1m100m10kmBluetooth ZigBee … (短距低速)WiFi (短距宽带)UMTS/LTE (长距高速)GSMLPWA(长距低速)覆盖100bps100kbps100Mbps速率不同无线物联网接入技术对比高安全性高可靠性高速率低功耗高频谱效率大覆盖低成本低时延短距通信 (WiFi 等) NB IOT私有技术 (LoRa 等)NB IoT 相对短距通信/私有技术优势明显技术制式网络定位国际标准NB-IoT 可与现蜂窝网融合演进的低成本电信级的高可靠性、高安全性广域物联网技术 私有技术LoRa需独立建网、无执照波段的高风险局域网物联技术Sigfox不适配国内无执照波段、由Sigfox 建网与运营商合作的高成本高风险物联网技术NB-IoT 产业链快步完备,全球产业联盟加速行业成熟其他各大主流芯片厂家动态NB IoT 产业联盟动态华为:已推出样机芯片并在外场验证,16H2商用高通:已规划芯片MDM9206,预计17H1商用 英特尔:宣布支持NB-IoT ,芯片规划待发布MTK :跟随3GPP 标准,芯片规划待发布全球NB IoT 论坛成立 ●VDF 、联通等21 运营商 ●华为等3 主流设备厂商 ●7 芯片模组厂商 ●11 垂直行业NB IoT 正逐渐形成完整的生态链智能灯水表智能停车宠物跟踪气表垃圾箱芯片 模组终端运营商NB IoT目录LPWA 物联网市场需求和行业洞察 01 NB-IoT 解决方案 03 NB-IoT 标准进展 02 产业进展和应用探讨04NB-IoT标准即将冻结,16年Q3/Q4开启商用序幕3GPP R13 NB-M2MNB-OFDMA NB-LTENB-IoTWork ItemNB-CIoTNB-IoT规范冻结2016.62015.092015.052014.052014.07 2015.07NB-IoT技术方案2015.1215年11月RAN1#83会议明确了NB-IoT 部署场景和空口技术200k200kGSM200kUMTS/LTE(1) Standalone结论2: 上行支持2种技术200k LTE(2) Guard band200kLTE (3) In-band技术1: Single-Tone 技术☐包含3.75kHz 与15kHz 两种子载波带宽 ☐支持更好的覆盖、容量与终端功耗技术2: Multi-Tone 技术☐选择15KHz 子载波带宽 ☐支持更大的峰值速率注:终端需要上报支持的能力以便网络进行集中调度。

NB-IoT 与其他技术的对比
LoRa是一种基于扩频技术的远距离无线通信技术,与NBIoT相比,LoRa技术具有更远的传输距离和更低的数据速率 ,适用于需要长时间电池寿命和低速数据传输的应用场景。
NB-IoT 技术的发展 趋势与挑战
NB-IoT 技术正在逐渐成为行业 标准,同时越来越多的设备厂商 和运营商开放了他们的 API 和协 议,促进了技术的普及和发展。
5G 技术的融合
随着 5G 技术的不断发展,NBIoT 技术正在逐渐与 5G 技术融 合,提升网络连接速度和稳定性 ,以满足更多应用场景的需求。
1 2
NB-IoT 技术采用了更高效的信号调制解调算法 ,使得网络可以容纳更多的终端,从而提升了网 络容量。
NB-IoT 技术的广覆盖特性使得网络可以在更广 泛的区域内提供服务,增强了网络覆盖。
NB-IoT 技术的低功耗特性使得终端可以长时间 工作在静止状态,提高了网络的可靠性。
成本低 由于可以利用现有网络基础设施 ,并且设备成本相对较低,因此 部署 NB-IoT 技术的成本相对较 低。
低功耗 NB-IoT 的低功耗特性使得设备 可以长时间运行,适用于需要长 时间运行的应用场景。
覆盖广 NB-IoT 的覆盖增强技术使得信 号能够覆盖到更广泛的区域,适 用于需要大范围覆盖的应用场景 。

NB-IOT protocol collection1.NB-IOT基本概念➢Improved indoor coverage, support for massive number of low throughput devices, low delay sensitivity, ultra low device cast, low device power consumption➢NB-IOT should support 3 different modes of operation:✓‘Stand-alone operation’ utilizing for example the spectrum currently being used by GERAN systems as a replacement ofone or more GSM carriers, as well as scattered spectrum for potential IoT deployment.✓‘Guard band operation’ utilizing the unused resource blocks within a LTE carrier’s guard-band✓‘In-band operation’ utilizing resource blocks within a normal LTE carrier➢180kHz UE RF bandwidth for both downlink and uplink➢上行支持15kHz和3.75kHz两种subcarrier spacing;下行仅支持15kHz 的sub-carrier spacing✓ 3.75kHz 只支持single-Tone;可以提供更大的覆盖,CP较长,对timing要求放松了;✓更小的功耗➢仅支持type-B half-duplex FDD operation(type-B定义参考3GPP36.211 R13 chapter6.2.5)➢NB-IOT vs eMTC vs legacy LTE✓eMTC can only be deployed within LTE system, while NB-IoT has more flexibility as it can be deployed in-band, guard band and standalone.✓NB-IoT can support up to 200k devices per cell per 200kHz✓The NB-IoT uplink transmission (3.75kHz, 15kHz) is much more efficient than eMTC wideband uplink transmission✓NB-IoT has about 6.3dB better coverage than eMTCIn-Band 操作的一些特殊处理???➢Symbols and abbreviationsULN Number of consecutive slots in an UL resource unit slotsfor NB-IoT2.36.211-d202.1 Uplink(10.1)2.1.1 Uplink Physical channelsand signals( following narrowband physical channels are defined: - Narrowband Physical Uplink Shared Channel, NPUSCH- Narrowband Physical Random Access Channel, NPRACHThe following uplink narrowband physical signals are defined: - Narrowband demodulation reference signalComment: 新增上行信道NPUSCH和NPRACH,新增上行信号NDMRS;2.1.2 Uplink slot structure and physical resources( uplink bandwidth in terms of subcarriers ULsc N , and the slotduration slot T are given in Table NB-IoT parameters.A single antenna port 0=p is used for all uplink transmissions. Comment: 上行有两种时隙结构,一种是针对子载波间隔15kHz 的,和legacy LTE 的时隙结构相同;一种是针对子载波间隔3.75kHz 的,一个RB 内包含的子载波数是48,是legacy LTE 的4倍。

Wangcheng Jiang President of IoT Solution HuaweiJointly Build a Flourishing Ecosystem and Achieve Large-scale Commercialization of IoTJiang WangchengPresident of IoT Solution, HuaweiSmart Home Gateway EC-IoTHuawei LiteOS 3T+1M Security ArchitectureOceanConnect IoT PlatformChipset ( Boudica | Balong )T-Box•IoT platform, V2X Server, and IoT cloudservices •Cellular wireless networks, EC-IoT, Smart Home Gateway•IoT chips and OS, T-Box•Co-development of the IoT ecosystem with partners to meet IoT requirementsWhat we don’t do:What we do:IoT Cloud Services | V2X ServerPublic utilitiesIndustry 4.0Smart HomeConnected VehicleNB-IoT/eMTC/5G /eLTE/C-V2X Huawei IoT Focuses on ICT to Enable Industry’s Digital Transformation•Applications•IoT Devices •IoT Device reselling •E2E integrationShanghai Smart LightingYingtan Smart CitySinopec Jiujiang Smart Factory Schindler IoEE PSA Connected CarYintan Smart Waterofo Bicycle Sharing More…Haier Intelligent Air ConditionerConnected CowsZhejiang Smart Fire DetectorExtensive Project Experiences Promote Large-scale IoT CommercializationShenzhen Smart GasDevice development: simple, fast, and cost-effectiveChallenges: High workforce requirements for complex interworking between devices and module/platform; poor antenna performance; high device power consumption; no support for multiple frequency bands of different operatorsO&M: high efficiencyChallenges: Difficult to locate faults; no support for remote upgrade; spare parts require customizationInstallation acceptance: simple installation and specified standardsChallenges: Unpredictable battery life; no acceptance standard; no process for network access licenseExtensive Experience to Build a More Convenient, Secure, and Efficient IoTIntegration verification: high performance and reliabilityChallenges: No support for in-time command delivery; traffic models differ among industries; unexpected problems after devices connect to networksOne meter’s journey ...Service development: sustainable growthChallenges: security, industry standard, ecosystem, could Service ...Boudica 120MCUBoudica 150(Powered by Huawei LiteOS)Large-scale shipments of Boudica 150 by 2018 Q2Single-chip solutionDual-chip solution $1-2PowerconsumptionDevelopment cycle months weeks50%•Boudica 120: Bring industry forward 6 months earlier•Boudica 150: Reduce development cost and shorten development cycleCostDevice Development: Boudica 150 Reduce Development Cost and Shorten Development CycleDevice Development: Optimized RF Antenna Design Improves Network PerformanceThe following antennas can be selected: 1/4-wavelength monopole antennas designed based on metal-rod or metal-plate, monopole antennas with built-in PCB carrier, and spring antennas Glue stick antennas are recommended for optimumradiation performance in scenarios whereenvironmental requirements are low and internalantennas are not required.Internal antennas are recommended for instruments thathave been enhanced by adding IoT applications. PCBand FPC antennas are typical applications, where FPCantennas feature more flexible layouts.Cost, layout, and electrical performance are important to antenna design and selection schemes.NB-IoT BSAntennasCombiner78 dB (Fixed)(22-86 dB)Path Loss (100-164 dB)Complex Stimulation Environment ofWater Meter Installation OscilloscopeVAM8864Spectrum AnalyzerE2E function problemsSystem stability problemsWater ApplicationApplication InterconnectionTest Test of the Spuriousness and Power Consumption of Signal EmissionAlarms of low water pressure or battery voltage are reported occasionally only.Packet loss of modules occasionally occurs.….The reported cycle is inconsistent with the pre-set cycle.The data is not reported again upon reporting failure.….In the OpenLab test result of Shenzhen Smart Water, 58 problems are discovered, among which 43 are caused by water meters, taking a percentage of 74%.Meter measurement problemsMeter do not report traffic.The reported data is inconsistent with that of the actual period.….Integration Verification: E2E Pre-integration Verification Ensures the Large-scale Commercial Use of ServicesIntegration Verification: The Scenario-based Technical Proposals Are Released to Enhance Verification Efficiency•Reduce the number and frequency of message exchange.•Optimize the device PCB layout to improve the sending and receiving performance of devices.•Install the devices in places with better signals.•Use the PSM mode instead of power-off mode.•Have the last message carry the RAI indicator when it is sent.•Device working mode: The PSM is used by default, followed by eDRX and DRX.•Downlink services (e.g. metering): The PSM is recommended when no requirement is performed on the executions delay of downlink commands or messages.•Downlink services (e.g. appliances): For services initiated by the platform such as the remote control or parameter configuration and query services, the eDRX or DRX modes can be selected.Optimized Network SuggestionsOptimized Power Saving SuggestionsTechnical proposals on parking, street lights, smart water, gas meter, white goods have been released.Installation Acceptance: The Scenario-Based Acceptance Test Standard Is Made to Ensure Service QualityBasic test cases●Device connection (registration/connection)●Data reporting (signal strength/battery voltage)●Network time synchronization ●Security (HTTPS and DTLS+)●Maintainability (local/remote upgrade)●Reliability (cell reselection/restoration)10+ scenario-based acceptance test cases are used to enhance the service KPI on the live network.The reporting success rate is poor (about 90%).The success rate reaches 99.5% after the association of water meter vendors, Shenzhen Water Group, and China Telecom.Smart lock LightingSharing bicycle Water meteringParking Livestock farming Fire detector Manhole Cover Fire Hydrant Post box Air conditionerGas meteringO&M: FOTA Enables the Remote Application UpgradeNB-IoT Base Station APP Server Generation Tool of Differential PackagesDifferential PackageLWM2M ClientIoT Core NetworkIoT PlatformDeviceDTLS+ secure upgrade channel Network capability-based upgrade control•The security of the upgrade package during downloading is ensured using the DTLS secure upgrade channel.•The size of the upgrade package is greatly reduced usingdifferentiation. In this way, the bandwidth requirement isdecreased, which shortens the upgrade duration.•The IoT platform performsconcurrent control on the device upgrade tasks in the same NB-IoT cell, which ensures that the upgrade tasks do not block NB-IoT services.LWM2M ServerFlexible upgrade policyDTLS+ secure upgradechannelDifferential upgradeService Development: Huawei “3T+1M” Security Framework Safeguards IoT BusinessDefend @ Device•Configurable Defense •Device & Cloud CollaborationAssurance @ Pipe•Massive Reliable Access•Anti-attack and DispatchAnalysis @ Cloud•Malicious Detection & Isolation•Platform and Data Protection3T echnology工具& Procedure Security status awarenessSecurity inspection tools Development guides Security test services …1M anagement•Huawei advocates security standards•Huawei promotes security policy and regulation formulation Device Security Design Guide Device Security Test Acceptance GuideService Development: Continual Contributions to Standards and Industry DevelopmentIndustry AlliancesStandards OrganizationsPlatformApplicationNetworkChipsetNB-IoTIndustryConnected VehicleSmart HomeNB-IoT Forum20+ Industry Standards and Specifications•NB-IoT Smart Water White Paper, NB-IoT Smart Gas White Paper, NB-IoT Smart Lighting Standard, Industrial Internet Platform White Paper, IoT Security White Paper, Edge Computing Reference Architecture …•DTLS+, Ready for IETF standard•OMA LwM2M technical specificationsProposals No.1, 1008 proposals to 3GPPAcceptance No.1, 208 proposals were adopted to 3GPP standard•Two “No.1” in NB-IoT StandardLearning ExperienceTechnicalCooperationBusinessSuccessDeveloper Community OpenLab Hosting ServiceDesign ReferenceTerminal Development Guides Application Development Guides Develop ToolsOffline Trainings Munich,Paris,DüsseldorfJoint innovation, development,integration testsPartner certificationThird-parties’ product andsolution showcaseCo-marketingHuawei IoT Ecosystem Program for European PartnersComprehensive Support for Easy Invocation and Fast DevelopmentOffline Trainings/ict/en/site-iotDeveloper CommunityGetting StartedRead & LearnBeginnersTrial userGood PerceptionProduct Introduction Solution Introduction White PaperAPI ReferenceAPI ExplorerCode LabRemote LabDevCenterForumSDKJuneGermany HannoverAugust Britain Oct.Spain/PortugalNov.France ParisDec.HollandMayGermany DusseldorfUAEThailandMexicoChinaKoreaItalySpainGermanyFranceVodafoneTelefonicaTelecom Italia3 Operator-Huawei OpenLabsHuawei SupportMunich3 Huawei OpenLabsParisDüsseldorfOpenLab for Joint Innovation,Integration Testing and CertificationDesign reference for chipsetTest method for chipset Scenario technology proposal E2E development guidanceDemonstration and IntegrationTechnical CertificationIoT Hosting Service Accelerates Large-scale Commercial DeploymentIaaSBig data analysisand EIIoT HubDevice cloud servicesSecurity kitsEnablement suitesOceanConnect IoT PaaSIoT Hosting ServiceC o n n e c t C a rL i v e s t o c kL o g i s t i c sE n v i r o n m e n tS t r e e t l i g h t sG a s m e t e r i n gW a t e r M e t e r i n gP a r k i n gD o o r l o c k sS h a r i n g b i c y c l eW h i t e g o o d sDeveloping new services more efficiently and cost-effectivelyRapidly building solutions to explore global marketsPartnerCustomerHuawei offers more convenient, secure, and efficient IoT solutions, and joins hands with partners to create and share value by commercializing large-scale IoT.。
nb iot 解决方案

NB IoT解决方案简介NB IoT(Narrowband Internet of Things)是一种低功耗广域网(LPWAN)技术,专门设计用于物联网(IoT)应用。
在物联网行业中,NB IoT解决方案被广泛应用于智慧城市、智慧农业、智慧物流等领域。
本文将介绍NB IoT解决方案的工作原理、应用场景以及未来发展趋势等内容,帮助读者更好地了解NB IoT技术及其应用。
工作原理NB IoT技术基于4G LTE网络,使用特定的频段和通信协议传输物联网设备的数据。
NB IoT采用窄频带技术,将通信带宽限制在200kHz以下,大大减少了所需的功耗和硬件成本。
NB IoT还具有良好的覆盖能力和深度室内渗透能力。
应用场景智慧城市NB IoT解决方案在智慧城市建设中发挥了重要作用。
智能照明系统利用NB IoT技术可以实现对路灯的智能控制。
智能交通系统可以利用NB IoT解决方案实现对交通信号灯、停车场等设备的远程监测和控制。
智慧农业NB IoT解决方案在智慧农业领域有广泛应用。
通过在农田中布置NB IoT传感器,可以实时监测土壤湿度、温度、光照等参数。

NB-IoT网络介绍HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.目录1物联网产业和NB-IoT2NB-IoT关键技术 NB-IoT测试和话统指标3HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei ConfidentialPage 2运营商业务从“人”扩展到“万物”,面临全新的挑战“人”联网(2/3/4G)“物”联网全联接世界 (5G)Connected Possibiliti esNB-IoT等50亿连接用户数(2017)• 新的市场和商业模式•物联网互联终端将超过手机数 量(2018)Smart Cities, Governance, Healthcare, Water, Lighting, Buildings, Transport, Education, Grids and Economics etc.2025年,千亿连接中物联占900亿行业标准和方案不成熟稳定深覆盖•运营商发展 物联网面对 的主要挑战••• 数据价值变现难题开放与安全海量联接低功耗网络重整与协同端到端问题定位困难产业联盟多样、生态链繁多Page 3• 业务碎片化长尾市场Huawei Confidential行业专家少HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.物联网成为行业焦点,运营商积极布局推进产业发展IoT从概念走向小规模商用,运营商主导推动标准、芯片端到 端产业,领先大T探索多种业务,希望成为行业领导者根据运营商业务特点,以及全球领先大T成功经验所得出 的运营商进入IoT的最佳行业公用事业环境跟踪公用事业停车医疗健康能源 运输 智慧城市安防家庭抄表UBI车车队管理千亿的物联网联接物联网联接成为运营商切入垂直行业应用的关键点HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.自动化节能TelematicsHuawei ConfidentialPage 4Page 4蜂窝物联网技术分层以及未来业务发展趋势未来IoT连接分布 市场业务机会 网络接入技术要求大带宽,低时延 LTE-V车载娱乐高速率 (>10Mbps) 中速率 (<1Mbps)自动驾驶视频监控 4G LTE/LTE-A/5G技术穿戴、POS、调度、电子广告等 新兴低速率LPWA市场低速率(<200kbps)抄表、智能停车、智慧 农业、资产跟踪等电梯广告 穿戴设备移动性、语音,速率变化,时 延100ms级车队管理 eMTC 2G GPRS/CDMA 深度覆盖、超低成本、超低功耗、海量连接、时延不敏感(秒级) NB-IoT LoRa (Unlicensed LPWA) Sigfox等健康宠物跟踪智能抄表智慧农业气象/环保监测设备远程管理资产标签安防监测智能停车智能锁 Page 5HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei ConfidentialNB-IoT/eMTC面向不同细分市场物联网 关键需求速率覆盖增强低功耗语音时延低成本大连接可定位eMTC<1Mbps15dB+5~10 年支持100ms级别<10$ /模组50k/小区 (1.4MHz) 100k/小区 (200KHz)支持NB-IoT<200Kbps20dB+10年不支持秒级别<$5 / 模组支持在低速物联网领域,NB-IoT作为一个新制式,在成本,覆盖,功耗,连接数等技术做到极致。
nb iot解决方案

nb iot解决方案

NB-IoT网络部署浅谈作者:刘丽芳来源:《中国新通信》 2017年第13期一、引言根据工信部物联网白皮书的定义,物联网就是指通信网和互联网的拓展应用和网络延伸,它能利用感知技术和智能装置对物理世界进行感知识别,然后通过网络传输互联,进行计算、处理和知识挖掘,从而实现人与物、物与物信息交互和无缝连接,达到对物理世界实时控制、精确管理与科学决策的目的。
到底什么样的网络适合物联网呢,为了满足这种需求,NB-IoT(Narrow Band Internet of Things, 基于蜂窝的窄带物联网)应运而生,它是针对LPWA(Low Power Wide Area Network, 低功率广域网)超深覆盖、低功率、低成本的特点而设计的专有制式网络,终端成本最低,NB-IoT 就是本文的讨论重点。
二、NB-IoT 的技术特点在2016 年6 月22 日,3GPP 就宣布完成了NB-IoT 的标准化工作,这就意味着Release13 中面向物联网市场制定的核心协议已经完成。
NB-IoT 是一种基于4.5G 的技术,它需要构建于蜂窝网络,通常只需要占用200KHz 的频段,它可以直接部署在现有GSM 网络、UMTS 网络或LTE 网络,以降低部署成本,从而实现平滑升级。
NB-IoT 具有四大特点。
我们都知道,物联网是物与物之间的通信,它对网络覆盖的要求很高,而NB-IoT 具有的两种技术能保证网络具有超强的覆盖能力:增强的功率频谱度和重复发送及编码,在相同的频段部署下,NB-IoT 相对于GSM 网络来说覆盖强度可以提高大约20dB。
NB-IoT 有很小的资源粒度,因此能支持更多的并发连接,在混合业务模型下,可达每小区5 万左右的连接数,这相对于LTE 每小区1200 个连接已实现了数量级的增长变化。

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未来收入和业务增长 连接是核心控制点 政府主导
支持企业客户数字化 转型,核心网络和服 务资产发挥协同效应
提升收入 提升ARPU
健康医疗 智慧家庭
教育 农业 监控 货物跟踪 车联网
车联网 运输物流 工业制造
能源 金融服务
01 LPWA物联网市场需求和行业洞察 02 NB-IoT标准进展 03 NB-IoT解决方案 04 产业进展和应用探讨
华为保密信息 未经授权禁止扩散
Page 2
考虑 未来
终端 价格
覆盖 功耗
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Page 7
UMTS/LTE (长距高速)
ZigBee… (短距低速)
100bps 1m
10km 覆盖
NB IoT相对短距通信/私有技术优势明显
高安全性 低时延
低功耗 大覆盖
短距通信 (WiFi等)
私有技术 (LoRa等)
3.75 KHz 36 times
180 KHz
15 KHz
Nx15 KHz UL BW
NB-IoT w. Flexible BW
Within ST Flexible bandwidth of 3.75kHz and 15kHz adaptive to different scenarios
生产 制造
交通 物流
健康 医疗
消费 电子
能源 公共事业
£: 42,227M
£: 372M
30 百万
0 2011
X4 12 7.8
16.2 2014
NB IoT产业联盟动态
全球NB IoT论坛成立 VDF、联通等21 运营商 华为等3 主流设备厂商 7 芯片模组厂商 11 垂直行业
华为保密信息 未经授权禁止扩散
Page 9
01 LPWA物联网市场需求和行业洞察 02 NB-IoT标准进展 03 NB-IoT解决方案 04 产业进展和应用探讨
华为保密信息 未经授权禁止扩散
Page 10
NB-CIoT 2015.05
LTE carrier
1.4MHz/3MHz/5MHz /10MHz/20MHz
LTE carrier
NB-IoT In-band
LTE carrier
GSM carriers EC-GSM • NB-IoT standalone deployment: Integrated to LTE
华为保密信息 未经授权禁止扩散
Page 3
10% 高速率
CCTV, eHealth…
中速率 (<1Mbps)
POS, Smart Home, M2M Backhaul…
健康 公共服务 智慧家庭 消费电子
农业 车联网 健康 保险 工业制造 运输 公共服务 能源
健康医疗 车联网 零售 家庭互联 智慧城市 运输 工业制造
车联网 家庭互联
能源 健康 智慧城市 工业制造
智慧城市 能源 物流
车联网 健康 零售
• better forward compatibility to TDD • better coexist with legacy LTE links
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Page 13
NB-IoT三种部署场景:Standalone/ Guard-band/ In-band
M2M连接技术中,短距技术仍然在M2M通信中占主导地位, 但:
Page 4
0.00 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Wide Area Fixed Short Range
NB-IoT SigFox LoRa 短距无线,如ZigBee
MTC/eMTC未来可能替代 2G M2M技术
空白市场,由于缺乏针对性 技术,没有很好的的满足
丰富多样的应用场景 LPWA的主要市场
华为保密信息 未经授权禁止扩散
技术先天缺陷 可靠性低,无QOS 低容量可用,高容量则难以承载 覆盖差、时延高、速率低(12byte)
类CDMA技术,容量低 安全性弱
GSM 200k
(2) Guard band LTE
200k (3) In-band LTE 200k
结论2: 上行支持2种技术
技术1: Single-Tone技术
包含3.75kHz与15kHz两种子载波带宽 支持更好的覆盖、容量与终端功耗
技术2: Multi-Tone技术
选择15KHz子载波带宽 支持更大的峰值速率
结论2: 下行采用OFDMA 15kHz子载波
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Page 12
NB-IoT两类终端:Single-Tone vs. Multi-Tone Single-Tone
• 900MHz or other scattered spectrum:
GSM carriers
NB-IoT Standalone
3G(UTRA/…) Carrier
5MHz /1.25MHz/
• LTE bands: Share same PA with LTE
NB-IoT Guardband
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Page 6
策略 先网络,后业务,快速跑 马圈地建好网络再发展业务 大量融资,€107M 先圈地,27 countries 100Hz超窄带技术
• provides better coverage with relaxed timing requirements due to longer CP length
• better capacity for large cell PRACH and PUSCH links • lower power consumption
国际标准 私有技术
NB-IoT LoRa Sigfox
可与现蜂窝网融合演进的低成本电信级的 高可靠性、高安全性广域物联网技术