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• She never foget him. • I will never foget to do it.
4)few和little分别表示可数名词和不可数名 词的否定,含义为“几乎没有”。 • Jack has few friends here. • There is little water in the bottle.
• 一般疑问句要把各种助动词放在句首,读 时用升调,回答要以yes/no开始,也可以看 情况灵活回答。 • --Do you work in that lawyer's office? • --No, I don't work there. • --你是在那家律师事务所上班吗? • --不,我不在那儿上班 • --Can you wait here for me for a moment? --Certainly.
• • • • 陈述句 疑问句 祈使句 感叹句
• • • • 陈述句用来陈述事实或者表明看法。 His name is Li Ming. I feel happy. Linda has long,red hair.
• 疑问句用来提出疑问,可分为四类:一般 疑问据句(能用Yes/No回答),特殊疑问 句(不能用Yes/No回答),选择疑问句, 反意疑问句。 • Is this your ruler? • How are you ? • Is he a teacher or a cook? • You agree with him,don't you?
• 用于表达命令,请求,劝告,警告,禁止 等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句常用于表达 命令,因此称为命令句。 • Watch the movie and find out! • Be quiet,please.
• 感叹句表示说话时的惊异,喜悦,气愤等 情绪,句末常用感叹号,读时一般用降调。 • What a beautiful girl! • How happy(they are)! • What an interesting book!
• I don't think you are hungry. • We don;t believe she will come.
• there be 句型
• 此句型在英语中表示“什么地方或什么时 间存在什么事物”。在这种结构中,there 是引导词,be后面的名词是主语,句子的 结尾是地点(时间)状语。 • There is a tall tall tree in front of the classroom. • There will be a meeting at the conference room at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
• • • • • • • 1)使用not否定 He is not a worker. She does not do the cleaning every day. I have not had my breakfast yet. 2)使用not以外的否定词表示否定。 I have no money. We have no time to do it.
5)nothing=not any thing什么都没有
• I have nothing to wash today. • He had nothing to eat that day.
6)none of 没有任何人/没有任何事物
•It's none of your business. •None of us is going to see the film.
• • • • • • all--none,no everyone,each--no one some--not any,no everything--nothing a few--few a little--little
注意:以think,believe为主句谓语的复合 句,其从句的否定要前移至主句的谓语 上。
• • • • • • • • • • • • 肯定陈述句 a) This is a book. (be动词) b) He looks very young. (连系动词) c) I want a sweat like this. (实义动词) d) I can bring some things to school. (情态动词) e) There’s a computer on my desk. (There be结构) 否定陈述句 a) These aren’t their books. b) They don’t look nice. c) Kate doesn’t go to No. 4 Middle School. d) Kate can’t find her doll. e) There isn’t a cat here. (=There’s no cat here.)
•一般疑问句有时也以否定形式出现,用 以表示赞赏、责备等带有感情色彩的意 思或者表示 提出看法、意见和建议等
• • • • • Didn't I tell you how to do it? 难道我没告诉你应该怎么做吗? Won't you come to my birthday party? 你难道不会来参加我的生日晚会吗? Don't you believe she will get married to that old man? • 你难道不相信她会嫁给那个老头?
•如果有两个或两个以上的主语,谓语动 词be要采用就近一致的原则
• There is a pen,two books,and many pencils on the desk.
Leabharlann Baidu
•there be 结构有不同的时态形式,而且可 以和各种助动词,情态动词连用.
•There was a meeting in our school yeaterday. •There will be a new film show on Sunday. •There can't be any mistakes in his passage.