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Winter was coming, and birds had flown far to the south, where the air was warm and they could find berries(浆果)to eat. One little bird had ___21___ its wing and could not fly with the others. It stayed at the cold world of snow___22___.The forest looked warm, and it made its way to the trees to___24___ help.

It came to a birch-tree(桦树),an oak and a willow, but they all___24___it.The poor little bird did not know ___25___to do. It began to fly away, though its wings were not strong. Before it had gone far, a voice was heard. "Little bird," it said, "where are you going?"

"In fact, I do not know," answered the bird___26___. "I am very cold."

"Come right here, then," said the friendly spruce-tree(云杉),"You can live on my warmest branch all___27___if you choose." The bird flew into the tree happily.

At night, the wind came.

"May I___28___ every leaf in the forest away?" asked the wind.

"No," said the frost king. “The tree that has been___29___ to the little bird with the broken wing may keep the leaves."

This is why the leaves of the spruce are___30___ green.

( ) 21. A. defeated B. broken

C. spread

D. offered

( ) 22. A. alone B. quickly

C. secretly

D. mainly

( ) 23. A. ask for B. leave for

C. know about

D. rely on

( ) 24. A. allowed B. accepted

C. changed

D. refused

( ) 25. A. when B. how

C. why

D. what

( ) 26. A. properly B. sadly

C. extremely

D. widely

( ) 27. A. autumn B. spring

C. summer

D. winter

( ) 28. A. blow B. require

C. suffer

D. count

( ) 29. A. unknown B. odd

C. kind

D. suitable

( ) 30. A. always B. never

C. often

D. seldom




Jennie looked out of the car window. She had to wait for her father to help her. Before the accident, she used to be able to jump out herself. Now she had to be pushed everywhere in a wheel chair. When they were in the house, the family sat down together at the kitchen table. Mom got a snack for them. Jennie was happy to be home at last. It was much better to be here than in the hospital.

"We know how hard it is for you to get used to the wheel chair. School will not be easy when you go back either," said her father. "We thought you might like to have a special friend to help you get around. What do you think of having a service dog to help you?"

"How could a dag help me?" asked Jennie.

"A dog could help open doors for you or pick up things you drop. It could even help pull
