the lottery读后感

thelottery读后感《thelottery读后感》这是优秀的读后感文章,希望可以对您的学习工作中带来帮助!1、thelottery读后感篇一:the lottery读后感昨天查资料时看到有篇文章这样说Jackson写的这篇故事:美国大多数人应该都知道这篇文章,即使不知道是谁写的,也应该知道“ The Lottery(摸彩)”这个故事。
我感觉,这篇《 The Lottery(摸彩)》的性质,应该和《皇帝的新装》差不多吧。
看完那篇《 The Lottery》之后,心里嗟吁不已。

thelottery的象征意义摘要:一、引言:介绍《the lottery》的故事背景和主题二、主题一:彩票的象征意义1.彩票的象征意义概述2.彩票与命运的关系3.彩票在故事中的重要作用三、主题二:习俗的象征意义1.习俗的象征意义概述2.习俗与传统的联系3.习俗在故事中的体现四、主题三:人性的象征意义1.人性的象征意义概述2.人类对暴力的接受和顺应3.人性在故事中的表现五、主题四:结局的象征意义1.结局的象征意义概述2.结局对故事主题的深化3.结局对读者的启示六、结论:总结文章观点,强调《the lottery》的象征意义对现实意义的启示正文:一、引言《the lottery》是美国作家Shirley Jackson 创作的一篇短篇小说。

现代大学英语精读1第三单元课文读后感全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Reading Reflections on Unit 3Wow, Unit 3 was really interesting! I learned a lot of cool new words and ideas. At first some of the readings seemed a little hard, but once I paid close attention, I could understand most of it. Let me tell you about some of the things I found most fascinating!The first reading was called "The Blind Men and the Elephant" and it was a super funny story from India. It was about these blind men who had never seen an elephant before. Each one touched a different part like the trunk, tusk or tail, and they all thought the elephant was a totally different thing based on what little bit they felt! They got into a big argument about it until someone who could see the whole elephant set them straight. I thought it was hilarious how stubborn they were about their wrong ideas. The moral was that you have to look at the whole picture and not just make assumptions based on a small part. That's really good advice!After that amusing little tale, we read a longer piece called "Two Ways to Belong in America." It talked about different ways that immigrants adapt to living in a new country. Some try to fully assimilate and blend into the mainstream culture, while others want to maintain their ethnic identity and traditions from their homeland. The author made a good point that there's no single right way, and immigrants can pick and choose what works best for them.篇2My Reading Response for Unit 3Hi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I love reading and my favorite subject in school is English class. We just finished reading Unit 3 in our Contemporary College English Reading 1 book and I wanted to share my thoughts about it.This unit was all about different cultures and traditions around the world. I found it really fascinating to learn about how people live in other countries. The first reading was called "Living with Traditions" and it talked about some unique traditions in places like Bhutan, Indonesia, and Peru.In Bhutan, they have this really cool tradition called Tsechu where they do mask dances and dress up in bright costumes. Thedances tell stories from Buddhism and folklore. I would love to see one of those festivals in person someday! The article said the dances can last all day and night. That sounds like a lot of fun but also very tiring.The part about Indonesia talked about these little puppet shows called Wayang Kulit. The puppets are made out of buffalo hide and they put on performances telling epic stories and legends. I collect puppets at home so I thought that was really neat. Maybe I could try making my own shadow puppets!Then we learned about this village in Peru called Taquile where everyone has to wear the same traditional clothing with bright colors and patterns. The men actually spend years knitting their clothes! I can barely knit a scarf so I can't even imagine knitting an entire outfit. The island sounded beautiful though with its rolling hills and views of Lake Titicaca.The second reading was called "Cultural Adaption" and it was about different cultures adapting and changing over time. It talked about how people's values, beliefs, and ways of living get influenced when they move to new places or get exposed to other cultures.One example they gave was about young people in Bali, Indonesia starting to adopt more Western-style clothes, music,and hobbies. Their grandparents' generation would have all dressed traditionally and participated in long-standing Balinese customs. But the article said the younger people were blending the old and new in their lifestyle.It made me think about some of the cultural traditions in my own family. My grandparents emigrated here from Mexico, so we celebrate Mexican holidays like Dia De Los Muertos and make traditional foods. But my parents and I were born in this country, so we also do things like Halloween and Thanksgiving that aren't Mexican traditions. I think it's cool to have a mixed cultural identity.The last big reading was "To Conserve a Culture" which talked about the importance of preserving cultures and making sure traditions don't disappear. It used examples like efforts to revive the Welsh language in Wales and keep the Ainu culture alive in Japan.In Wales, the government is funding more Welsh language education and media so that people don't lose that part of their heritage. Only around 20% of people in Wales speak Welsh fluently now. The article said if a language dies out, you lose a whole way of understanding and expressing the world.The part about the Ainu people in Japan was really sad. Their ancestral lands and ways of life were almost completely destroyed when settlers from the mainland came. Now there are museums and cultural centers trying to educate people about the Ainu traditions of wood carving, oral storytelling, and living in harmony with nature.After reading this unit, I have a new appreciation for all the diverse cultures around the world. It made me want to learn about and experience more cultural traditions beyond my own little part of the world. Preserving these unique ways of life is so important for keeping humanity's rich heritage alive.I hope I can take a trip someday to see things like the Tsechu festival in Bhutan or a Wayang puppet show in Indonesia. For now, I'll have to be content learning about other cultures through my reading. Thank you Contemporary College English Reading 1 for opening my eyes to all these amazing cultural traditions! I can't wait to read the next unit.篇3My Thoughts on the Stories in Unit 3Hi everyone! I'm going to tell you about the cool stories we read in our English textbook recently. Unit 3 had three longer readings that were pretty interesting.The first one was called "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. It was kind of a scary story about a hunter named Sanger Rainsford who fell off a boat and ended up on this crazy island owned by another hunter named General Zaroff. Zaroff was totally nuts - he got bored of just hunting animals so he started hunting humans instead! He would trap people on the island and then hunt them like animals for his entertainment. How messed up is that?Rainsford thought Zaroff was insane when he learned about the human hunting game. But Zaroff insisted it was a super good sport because the humans had a chance to try and outwit him and escape if they were clever enough. Of course, Rainsford ended up being hunted himself after arguing with the general. He had to use all his outdoors skills and wits to try and survive in the island jungle while Zaroff was stalking him.There was this really intense part where Rainsford made a bunch of traps for Zaroff using his knife and stuff he found in the jungle. Zaroff kept narrowly avoiding them though because he was such an experienced hunter. In the end, Rainsford turned thetables by jumping Zaroff when he wasn't expecting it and tying him up instead! I won't ruin how it finishes but it's a pretty wild and unpredictable story.The next reading was a pretty famous short story called "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. This one was weird - it took place in a small village that had this crazy tradition of doing a lottery drawing once a year. At first it seemed like it would be something fun, but then you slowly realize that the "winner" of the lottery actually gets stoned to death by the rest of the villagers! How disturbing is that?The story describes the whole ritual and buildup to the lottery in lots of detail, making it seem like just a normal part of life for the villagers. But the more you read, the more you think "Wait, why are they doing this?" Nobody questions it though, they just keep doing it because it's always been that way. At the end when you find out they're going to brutally kill the "winner" with rocks, it's really shocking.I felt bad for the poor woman who got picked because she just seemed like a normal wife and mom. You don't really find out much about why the villagers do the lottery or where the tradition came from originally. I think that's what makes it so creepy and confusing. The story makes you wonder about howpeople can just go along with customs or rituals without questioning if they're ethical or not. Definitely gave me the chills!The last big story in the unit was "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe. I've read some other creepy tales by Poe before, and this one was no exception! It's a classic story of revenge and being "immured" (which I learned means being locked up inside a wall or something to die).The narrator is this guy named Montresor who has a major grudge against another nobleman named Fortunato. Montresor decides he's going to get back at Fortunato by luring him into the catacombs beneath his palace during a festival and then chaining him up and burying him alive inside the catacomb walls! So messed up.Montresor comes up with an elaborate trick, pretending he has a rare cask of amontillado sherry that he wants Fortunato's expert opinion on so he can lure him into the catacombs. Fortunato is such a wine snob that he can't resist. Once they're deep inside the catacombs, Montresor gets Fortunato drunk on the amontillado, chains him to the granite wall, and then uses stone and mortar to seal him up alive! You can hear Fortunato's screams and jingling of chains as Montresor is immuring him, which gives me the creeps just thinking about it.At the end, after Montresor has finished closing up the last stone over the little vault, he says something like "For the half of a century no mortal has disturbed them." That means he left Fortunato entombed in there all alone for 50 years until he died! Why was Montresor so unforgivably angry at Fortunato that he would do something so evil like that? The story never really says, which makes it even creepier. Poe was definitely a master of dark, disturbing tales.Well, those were the three main readings from Unit 3. They were all suspenseful and spooky stories about revenge, human evil, weird traditions, and stuff like that. I have to admit, some parts did give me the chills or make me feel uneasy! But I like reading different genres as long as the stories are well-written and make you think a little. These classics definitely accomplished that. I'm curious what you all thought of them too!篇4A Really Amazing Story About the Past!Wow, Unit 3 of our English reading book was so cool! It was all about history and learning from the past. I didn't think I would like reading about old stuff that happened a long time ago, but the stories were actually really interesting.The first story was about this famous philosopher named Socrates who lived in ancient Greece. He didn't write any books himself, but his student Plato wrote down everything Socrates said and did. Socrates was always asking people questions to get them to think deeper about things. He didn't just tell people the answers, but made them figure it out themselves.One time, Socrates met this man who thought he was really smart. But when Socrates started asking him questions, the man realized he didn't know as much as he thought! That must have been embarrassing. Socrates showed that just because someone acts like they know everything, doesn't mean they actually do. I don't want to be like that guy - I want to stay humble and keep learning.The story said Socrates got in big trouble for making people question things too much. The leaders in Athens actually made him drink poison! That's so messed up. Socrates didn't do anything wrong, he just wanted people to think critically. If you ask me, the Athenian leaders were the ones in the wrong for executing someone over philosophical ideas. It makes me really appreciate how in modern times, we have freedom of speech and thought.After the story about Socrates, we read about this other philosopher from ancient China named Confucius. He lived around the same time as Socrates, but on the total opposite side of the world! It's crazy to think that two of the most influential thinkers in human history were alive at basically the same time without even knowing about each other.Confucius had some interesting ideas too. He believed that every person had certain roles and duties based on their identities and relationships. Like children were supposed to obey their parents, wives had to obey their husbands, and everyone had to obey the emperor. I don't fully agree with that - it seems kind of sexist and like it gives too much power to authorities. But I can respect Confucius' idea that we all have responsibilities to the people in our lives.Probably my favorite part about Confucius was his philosophy about rituals and traditions. He said following proper rituals wasn't just meaningless routine, but helped create a harmonious society. Having customs and routines brings people together. I can totally see what he means! Like in my family, we have traditions around holidays and special occasions that make me feel connected to my parents, grandparents, and ancestors. Doing certain rituals reminds me of my roots and culturalheritage. Confucius was really wise about realizing how important traditions are for a culture.The third story in the unit was about the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, known as the "Father of History." He literally invented the entire study of history as we know it! Before Herodotus, people just told made-up stories and myths to explain the past. But Herodotus traveled all around collecting evidence, interviewing people, and trying to record accurate accounts of real events and civilizations. That's exactly what historians still do today when learning about history.I thought it was really cool how curious and adventurous Herodotus was. He went on all these crazy journeys just to learn more about different cultures. Can you imagine traveling across Greece, Egypt, Persia and more back in those times? It must have been incredibly dangerous, but his desire to understand the world drove him to take those risks. Herodotus taught me that if you want to learn, you have to be bold and maybe get out of your comfort zone.My biggest takeaway from reading about Herodotus was why learning history even matters. The passage said he believed understanding the past could help people make sense of the present and future. That's a really deep point! If we know how wegot to where we are today, it lets us understand our current situation and reality so much better. And if we understand our current reality, we can make better decisions for the future. History is kind of like a guide that gives us wisdom to navigate life.Overall, Unit 3 was packed with insight from brilliant ancient thinkers. Reading about the origins of philosophy, the importance of cultural traditions, and the birth of the study of history was a fun way to learn some valuable life lessons from over 2,000 years ago! These ideas might be ancient, but they can still apply to our modern lives. I'm really glad we got to explore how civilizations like Greece and China have shaped how we think about and understand the world today. I'll definitely try to be more like Socrates, Confucius, and Herodotus by keeping an open mind, respecting my heritage, and always being curious to learn more about the past and present. What an amazing unit!篇5My Thoughts on the Readings in Unit 3Wow, Unit 3 was super interesting! There were so many cool stories and articles that really got me thinking. Let me tell you all about what I learned.The first story was called "The Night Face Up" by JulioCortázar. It was kind of spooky at first with the guy traveling alone on the motorcycle in the middle of nowhere. I was on the edge of my seat when he fell asleep and then woke up unable to move! That would be so scary. I liked how the story showed his thoughts going back and forth between being brave and panicking. When the truck drivers found him in the morning, I was relieved he was okay. I think the main lesson is that you shouldn't let your fears take over, even in really difficult situations. Just stay calm and things will work out.Next was a article about night birds like owls and nighthawks.I thought it was fascinating how their eyes are so big to see better at night. And how many of them hunt mice and other little critters when we're all asleep! My favorite was learning about the nightjar bird. How cool is it that they hiccup instead of making other noises? I'll have to listen carefully next time I'm outside at night to see if I can hear them. Nature is just so amazing.The poem "Daddy Fell Into the Pond" by Alfred Noyes was hilarious! I could totally picture the little kids watching their clumsy dad fall into the water over and over again. The rhymes and flow of the words made it fun to read out loud. It reminded me of silly times with my own dad being a goofball. The partabout the nurse laughing at the end was an unexpected twist. I love how the poem captures that mix of a kid's perspective shifting between thinking something is terrible one minute, then laughing about it the next. That's so true to life!I have to admit, I had a hard time understanding the deeper meanings in the story "The Oval Portrait" at first. All theold-fashioned language about the painter's "passionate" work on his art felt a bit over my head. But I think I get the main idea - that he got SO obsessed with painting the perfect portrait of his wife, he kind of forgot about taking care of her as a person. By the time it was finished, she had literally died from being ignored so much! It's an extreme example, but it reminded me how my parents are always telling me not to get too wrapped up in video games and to nurture real relationships too. I definitely don't want my future spouse turning into a creepy painting!The next few chapters were all about stars, planets, and astronomy stuff. I'm basically a space expert now after learning about all the cool phenomena out there like pulsars, quasars, and black holes. My mind was completely blown by the fact that there could be entire other universes out there beyond our own! That's something I'll probably spend a lot of time daydreaming about. The histories of how we discovered and learned aboutouter space across different cultures was super interesting too. I didn't realize how much ancient peoples like the Chinese, Arabs, and Greeks knew about the heavens just from looking up at the night sky.I have to say, my favorite reading of the whole unit was David Sedaris' essay called "Dress Rehearsal." He's hilarious! I loved his sarcastic sense of humor as he described the goth couple Lisa and Seth preparing their Halloween costumes. Some of the details like Lisa braiding her armpit hair and putting eggs under her armpits had me cracking up. But he also made some deeper points about how sometimes young people do weird things just to rebel and define their identity. By the end when they almost got arrested, I realized they had gone a bit too far with their costumes and makeup. It was just such a cleverly written story that caught my attention the whole way through.Overall, Unit 3 really opened my eyes to so many fascinating areas of life, literature, science, and culture. The readings prompted me to think about big philosophical questions as well as appreciate the humor and beauty found in everyday moments. I'm already excited to see what thought-provoking works are coming up next!篇6My Reading Response for Unit 3Hi everyone! I'm going to share my thoughts about the readings we did in Unit 3 of our textbook Contemporary College English 1. The unit was all about environmental issues and I learned so much cool stuff!The first reading was called "The Environmental Movement" and it talked about how people started caring more about protecting the environment in the 1960s and 1970s. Before that, most people didn't really think about pollution or saving animals and forests. But then some brave people spoke up and made others realize we need to take better care of the earth.My favorite part was learning about some of the pioneers of the environmental movement, like Rachel Carson. She wrote a famous book called Silent Spring that warned everyone about the dangers of pesticides killing birds and other wildlife. After people read her book, they finally understood that humans were messing up nature with chemicals and trash. The reading said Carson's work kicked off a "green wave" of environmental activism across America and other countries too.Another really neat person I read about was Greenpeace founder Bob Hunter. He and his friends protested nuclear weapons testing by sailing right into the test zone in an oldfishing boat! That was super brave of them. Thanks to Greenpeace, a lot of people learned how nuclear bombs could spread radiation that's bad for every living creature. Greenpeace also brought attention to whaling and deforestation issues.It's amazing how regular people like Carson and Hunter were able to start such huge movements just by speaking out about important causes they cared about. The reading inspired me to want to be an environmental activist when I grow up too! We all need to do our part to reduce pollution, protect ecosystems, and take climate change seriously before it's too late.The next reading was called "The Environmental Footprint" and it explained how scientists can measure the impact humans have on the planet. I thought the concept of an "ecological footprint" was really interesting. It calculates the amount of productive land and water areas needed to supply all the resources a person or country consumes. The bigger your footprint, the more you're damaging the environment.For example, the footprint of someone living in America or another rich nation is way bigger than the footprint of people in developing countries. That's because we use and waste way more energy, food, and goods made from natural resources liketrees, oil, and minerals. We're lucky to have lots of TVs, toys, clothes, and other neat products but making all that stuff takes a major toll on the earth.The reading also broke down the different components of an ecological footprint, like the cropland footprint which measures the farm area needed to grow a person's food and cotton for clothing. There's also the carbon footprint that shows how much greenhouse gas pollution is being created by using fossil fuels for heating, transportation, and manufacturing. I never knew there were so many ways to calculate our environmental impact! From now on, I'm going to be way more conscious of my water, energy, and waste footprints at home.The last reading was all about simple lifestyle changes people can make to "go green" and live more eco-friendly lives. I really liked this one because it gave realistic tips that kids like me could follow too. Some of the easiest things are things I'm already doing like turning off lights, taking shorter showers, recycling, and refusing to litter. The reading reminded me to pack litterless lunches using reusable containers instead of plastic baggies and bottles.But I also learned about some new "green" habits I want to start like eating less meat since farm animals require lots of land,water and crop feeds. It said cutting out meat for even one day per week makes a big difference. I'm going to try out the "Meatless Mondays" idea! The reading also suggested buying more secondhand clothes and donating old toys and books instead of throwing them out. Reusing and recycling as much as possible is definitely one of the best ways to reduce waste.My favorite new eco-tip was about "precycling" which means being mindful of garbage before you create it. So like, use both sides of a piece of paper, avoid buying items with excessive packaging, and invest in durable, long-lasting products instead of disposable junk. Precycling is such a smart way to cut down on unnecessary waste from the start!Overall, I'm really grateful we studied this unit on the environment because it opened my eyes to so many important issues facing our beautiful planet. I feel inspired to make more of an effort to conserve resources, lower my carbon footprint, protect wildlife habitats, and stand up for environmental justice. Climate change is going to be one of the biggest challenges my generation faces, but I'm hopeful we can find solutions if everyone does their part, even through small actions. Thanks for reading my thoughts, and let's all be eco-warriors together!。

百万富翁英文读后感(最终版)第一篇:百万富翁英文读后感(最终版)My favourite book by Mark TwainMark Twain,one of the most important writers in the history of American literature,is well known for his local color.During his writing career,a lot of novels were written,such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,The Million Pound Note and so on.Many people said that The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn is the best work that Mark Twain ever produced,however,my favourite book by Mark Twain is The Million Pound Note.The Million Pound Note tells a adventure story of a poor guy named Henry Adams who came from American.A maritime disaster let the poor guy stay in London.One day two rich men made a bet.These men lent a cheque of 1 million pounds which could not be draw out from bank to Henry.They want to know how can Henry live only with this chaque in a month.To their surperise ,Henry did not died of hungery or arrested by the ploiceman during one month.What’s more he fell in love with a beautiful girl and got his fame and wealth.I like this book very much not only the romantic story of Henry ,but also the human nature of the people in the story.Twainsaw clearly the great changes in nation’seconomic development and political life.With thedevelopment of modern society,many people lost their heart in money.The peopl’s heart isgreedy,can never be contened.But Henry kept hiswords.Mark Twain still hope to see people can overcome the money and kept their human nature.In thisstory ,Twain observe carefully and describe those trait veryprecise.To sum up,this story is a really good work of Mark Twain.The lesson I’ve learnt frommakes me want to be an honest man sincerely and lets me not to worship money.After all ,money is not everything.第二篇:百万富翁英文读后感My favourite book by Mark Twain Mark Twain,one of the most important writers in the history of American literature,is well known for his local color.During his writing career,a lot of novels were written,such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,The Million Pound Note and so on.Many people said that The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn is the best work that Mark Twain ever produced,however,my favourite book by Mark Twain is The Million Pound Note.The Million Pound Note tells a adventure story of a poor guy named Henry Adams who came from American.A maritime disaster let the poor guy stay in London.One day two rich men made a bet.These men lent a cheque of 1 million pounds which could not be draw out from bank to Henry.They want to know how can Henry live only with this chaque in a month.To their surperise ,Henry did not died of hungery or arrested by the ploiceman during one month.What’s more he fell in love with a beautiful girl and got his fame and wealth.I like this book very much not only the romantic story of Henry ,but also the human nature of the people in the story.Twainsaw clearly the great changes in nation’s economic development and political life.With the development of modern society,many people lost their heart in money.The peopl’s heart is greedy,can never be contened.But Henry kept his words.Mark Twain still hope to see people can overcome the money and kept their human nature.In this story ,Twain observe carefully anddescribe those trait very precise.T o sum up,this story is a really good work of Mark Twain.The lesson I’ve learnt from makes me want to be an honest man sincerely and lets me not to worship money.After all ,money is not everything.第三篇:《百万富翁》读后感《百万英镑》之反思《百万英镑》是一部相当优秀的电影。

少年维特之烦恼读后感英文版少年维特之烦恼读后感英文版The Sorrows of Young Werther was written by the famous German author Goethe. The story was based on his own experiences of her adolescence. It is a dairy form so as to fully represent the changes of Werther’s inner world .Werther happened to meet Lotte and then he fell in love with the engaged girl Lotte secretly at once. lotte was a very beautiful ,charming and kind-hearted girl,and his fiance was a handsome, honest gentleman. Werther and Lotte became good friend, but Werther dared not to speak out his admiration to her ,because he didn’t want to separate the doomed couple and he didn’t think he deserved her love for his not being good enough. But Werther loved Lotte so much that he went to the parties and activities that Lotte participated. Every time he had the impulse to tell his love to her, but then he saw the fiance, and he swallowed the words. Time after time, he became more and more upset, and the more upset he was , he thought even more of his upset and gave him more sorrows.He felt like a little hopeless and lonely mouse.Then he went away from his hometown and Lotte to be a minister in somewhere else ,he wanted to get away from the sorrows. Then he was in a legation .But the life was not the same as he thought, he always be looked down on by the nobility and the gentry as he was not rich and he was not in the high status. Apart from that, he found himself totally different from the count who employed him. So he went back to the little village.The things there was worse than before, one of the two boys he drew picture for was dead, Lotte was married .He thought thatthe whole world was filled with bad things. He became desperate of life. Several days before Christmas, he went to Lotte’s place and hugged and kissed her deeply after reading a book. Two days later, after he ended his suicide note to Lotte ,midnight came, he shot himself with his sorrows.After reading this novel,I felt sorry about Werther .Did Werther have to die? Was Werther must be so upset? Can’t he just say out his love to Lotte?Only when a man goes back to the beginning ,will he unhappily turned to admit he was lost. Werther was lost in the world of love, he couldn’t go out, he couldn’t stop loving Lotte. He didn’t know to find another road ,he indulged himself in his sorrows. Nobody can help him, nobody can save him.He should learn how to control himself, he should learn how to get out of the upset feelings and think more about the much better things in th e world. But he didn’t ,so we should learn the things and control ourselves. We admire his love, but we can’t admire his suicide. He killed himself ,and also killed his love. After the death, his love came to be a history, it never can came ture. Love should be much stronger, and so do our hearts. When we know our love can’t be accepted ,we should say ”congratulations and good luck” to the one we love, because to love is not to make her yours but to make her feel happy. some says love makes people stupid, maybe Werther is the one he describes, but we shouldn’t be like that. We should keep cool and calm with love, then we can make the best choice, and then we’ll never say regret to ourselves.Werther had love , and we know love is the most amazing thing in the whole world ,but why didn’t dare to say his love out ?The cause is the feudal thought, the people at the timecouldn’t put up with his love to an engaged woman. Besides this, why he was looked down by the nobility and the gentry ?The cause is also the feudal thought, so the feudal thought is the killer in some sense. We should fight against the feudal thought like Goethe .Werther was so kind that he didn’t want to break up the relationship between Lotte and his fiance. He always thought about the others, like the boys he ever drew pictures for, like Lotte. But then he found there is barely anybody care about him, he felt this world was full of crulty. No one could really heart and soul thought of him. His love to others was useless. The was a crul and cool world. He felt alone and lonely ,he couldn’t find some one he could depend on including Lotte—the one he loved most. Hopelessness and helplessness came to his mind ,and then death, suicide.The before , now ,the future are the forever ever topics we are talking about. Which one should we focus on mostly? Werther concentrate on the former days, he always thought about the upset and unhappy things once and again. He found more sorrows from one. And then more and more sorrows came up, these sorrows made him kill himself. So we should think more about the nowadays time and the future, especially the future, we can find more hope than hopelessness from the future. The lost days are just gone, we have no opportunity to think about them.At last, I think Werther is a kind-hearted, loving, treasonous man, he pursues individual liberation, he hopes to get love and happiness, he loves life ,he loves adolescence. But because of his own character and the cool world he lives in, he can’t get what he deserves to get, what he has got is just loneliness,hopelessness, helplessness, sorrows and at last death. So he is also a poor and pitiful one. I often feels sorry for him.The novel is not a long one, nor a hardly understood one. Goethe use the least ,best ,and also simplest words to make the best and most famous novel, what he gave us is more than Werther’s sorrows, but also the thoughts the book brought to us. We should be grateful to him and his book and we should also be grateful to the world we live in .Besides this ,we’d better think more about the future instead of the lost days. Always remember the experience of Werther, then we may be more sane to make the best choice in our own lives. And so we can avoid hurting ourselves or the people we love. We will make the world to be a better one.。

篇一:the lottery读后感昨天查资料时看到有篇文章这样说Jackson写的这篇故事:美国大多数人应该都知道这篇文章,即使不知道是谁写的,也应该知道“ The Lottery(摸彩)”这个故事。
我感觉,这篇《The Lottery(摸彩)》的性质,应该和《皇帝的新装》差不多吧。
看完那篇《The Lottery》之后,心里嗟吁不已。

黑布林英语阅读初一读后感中英结合全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Black Goblin English Reader: A Journey into the Realm of StoriesAs an eager learner navigating the winding paths of English proficiency, the "Black Goblin English Reader for Grade 7" has been my trusty companion, unveiling a captivating world of stories that have not only enriched my language skills but also kindled a profound appreciation for the art of storytelling.The very first tale that enraptured me was the timeless classic, "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs. Its eerie atmosphere and cautionary undertones left an indelible mark on my psyche, teaching me the perils of tampering with fate. The suspenseful narrative and vivid imagery transported me to a realm where every wish carried unintended consequences, instilling in me a newfound respect for the power of words.Another story that resonated deeply was "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry. This poignant tale of selfless love and sacrifice touched my heart, reminding me of the true essence ofgiving. The intricate plot and masterful use of irony left me in awe, inspiring me to appreciate the intricate tapestry of language and the nuances that breathe life into stories.As I delved deeper into the anthology, I encountered tales that challenged my perceptions and broadened my horizons. "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, with its shocking twist and thought-provoking commentary on societal norms, left me questioning the very fabric of our beliefs and traditions. It was a powerful reminder that literature can serve as a mirror, reflecting the complexities of human nature and igniting important discussions.The Black Goblin English Reader not only exposed me to a diverse array of literary masterpieces but also provided invaluable language learning opportunities. The accompanying exercises and vocabulary lists allowed me to solidify my understanding of the stories while expanding my English proficiency. The comprehension questions prompted me to analyze the narratives critically, fostering my analytical skills and deepening my appreciation for the intricacies of language and literature.Moreover, the reader introduced me to a kaleidoscope of cultural perspectives, enabling me to step into the shoes ofcharacters from various backgrounds and explore the richness of human experience. From the haunting realms of gothic fiction to the whimsical worlds of fantasy, each story offered a unique lens through which to view the world, broadening my horizons and nurturing a sense of empathy and understanding.However, the true magic of the Black Goblin English Reader extended far beyond the pages of the book itself. It became a catalyst for lively discussions and shared experiences within my classroom community. We would eagerly dissect the narratives, debating their themes, analyzing character motivations, and exploring the deeper meanings hidden beneath the surface. These conversations not only fostered a love for literature but also honed our critical thinking and communication skills, preparing us for the academic challenges that lay ahead.In retrospect, the Black Goblin English Reader has been an invaluable companion on my educational journey, igniting a passion for storytelling and language learning that will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors. It has taught me that literature is not merely a collection of words on a page but a powerful medium that transcends boundaries, sparking imagination, fostering empathy, and inspiring personal growth.As I bid farewell to this cherished reader and embark on new adventures in the realm of English literature, I carry with me the lessons and experiences it has bestowed upon me. The stories have become woven into the tapestry of my life, serving as beacons of wisdom and sources of inspiration. With each turn of the page, I have grown not only as a student but also as an individual, embracing the transformative power of language and storytelling.The Black Goblin English Reader has truly been a gateway to a world of endless possibilities, and for that, I am forever grateful. Its legacy will endure, as I continue to seek out new literary horizons, forever enchanted by the magic of words and the worlds they unveil.篇2Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was the first book in the Harry Potter series that I read in my first year of English class. 当时我对英语阅读还是很陌生的,but through this novel, I was able to improve my English reading comprehension and develop a love for the magical world of Harry Potter.The story follows the life of a young orphan boy named Harry Potter who lives with his abusive aunt and uncle's family,the Dursleys. 一切就在他11岁生日的时候改变了- Harry discovers that he is actually a wizard, and has been accepted to study at the prestigious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.从一开始,我就被Harry的人物形象深深吸引了。

When it comes to naughty eggs, adults always use phrases such as "worthless" and "not motivated at all" to describe them. But since I finished reading them.After "naughty horse jumping", I don't think so. What adults say is right.I think Ma xiaotiaoxing in the book is a naughty egg, but he is kind-hearted and good at using his brain. He has a very good advantage --NoLie. But he was very wronged and the teacher didn't believe him, but his "iron brothers" always supported him. Don't look at themAngry, they have also done many good things, such as catching thieves and releasing animals back to nature. Their heroes are found in almost every bookMake. Where Ma Xiaotiao is present, incredible things will always happen. It is this extraordinary that attracts me to read the complete book. Among them is greed Playing father, baby mother and squadron have a long way to go... In short, everyone is unusual with Ma Xiaotiao.In fact, there are many naughty eggs like Ma Xiaotiao around us. Sometimes, I think they are very cute. Such naughty eggs are long.There are things you can't think ofMom told me:"In the past, there was a naughty egg in their school. He was very stubborn and had a bad temper. He liked to beat people and play pranks to scare meGuys. The teacher informed his parents. The parents came to understand the situation and took him back with his ears. Later, I heard that he transferred to another school. A few years later. When I met him, he said he was studying in a key university and was about to graduate. It's incredible for me to hear it! " "Wow! So naughtyIt's great to have such a good school! "I can't help but marvel.You now understand that what adults say is not necessarily right. Naughty bags also have incredible stories!。
The Lottery 摸彩书评

The Lottery商英132班莫雨清We all know “lottery” which is typically thought of as something good because itusuallyinvolvesgettingsomethingsuchasmoneyorprizes.Butthebook《TheLottery》writtenbyShirleyJacksongaveusanewdefinitionofthiswordanditturned out to be a cruel and horrible one.Theauthor,ShirleyJackson,wasaninfluentialAmericanwriter.Herworkshavereceive dincr easingattentionfromliterarycriticsinrecentyears.Hermostories’themes are evil which include the abnormal psychology or supernatural powers andthe best story is "The Lottery" , ironically giving the lottery a bad meaning.ThestorycontrastsdetailsofcontemporarysmalltownAmericanlifewithannual ritual know as “the lottery”.On 27 June, 300residents in this village assembledtogether with strange and nervous mood. Mr.Summers conducted the lottery, carryinga box wooden box with slips of paper.In the first round of the lottery, the head of each family draws a small slip of paper;Bill Hutchinson gets the one slip with a black spot, meaning that his family has beenchosen.In the nextround, each Hutchinson family member draws a slip, and Bill’swife Tessie got the marked s lip.Inkeepingwithtradition,Tessiewhoprotestingaboutthefairnessofthelotterywas stoned to death by others.The author’s writing techniques are very exquisite.Another feature in this story is the irony. In this lottery it was not what they winbutwhattheylost,thewinnerevenhadtodie.Sothetitleisthefirstgreatirony.Thesituation which was going to happen was so awful that cannot truly be forgotten.ButMrs.HutchinsonwasjokinglysayingyoMrs.Delacroix“Cleanforgetwhatdayitwas”. At the end of the story, Mrs.Hutchinson was upset because of the way she waschosenrather than the doom. She shouted out “It isn’t fair, it isn’t right”. The situationis extremely ironic to the story.In real life, sometimes we should keep our own minds and don’t follow the herdblindly because the untested life is not worth living.。

After reading the book "Million Millions", I feel a lot. This book tells a man who accidentally received a million pounds and then respects his legendary experience from a beggar to everyone.The author of this book is very humorous. The beggar got a million pounds because two people bet to see if that person could survive without spending a penny a month after becoming a rich man. As a result, that person has wanted to stifle him whenhe was annoying before. He went to the restaurant to eat, but he had n’t waited to pay for it. The boss would like to give him the restaurant to buy clothes, because the boss could n’t find the money, the boss gave him a lot of clothes, and the restaurant he went to caught fire overnight. .Within a month, the man was on an equal footing with the royal aristocracy, and even many counts respected him. As a result, a month later, the person was fine without spending a penny.After reading this book, I understand how many people in the world are sleek. If not, then why is that person used to be popular but now respected, so I hope that there will be no such people in the world, After all, there are more people with a sense of justice in the world.百万英镑英语读后感2这几天,我读了一本叫《百万英镑》的书。

好运先生倒霉先生读后感英文回答:"Good Luck, Bad Luck" is a fascinating story that explores the concept of luck and how it can affect our lives. The story revolves around two characters, Mr. Good Luck and Mr. Bad Luck, who have contrasting experiences in life due to their respective luck.Mr. Good Luck is a fortunate man who seems to always be in the right place at the right time. He wins the lottery, finds money on the street, and everything seems to go his way. On the other hand, Mr. Bad Luck is constantly faced with misfortune. He loses his job, gets into accidents, and encounters one setback after another.As I read the story, I couldn't help but reflect on the role luck plays in our lives. It made me question whether luck is just a matter of chance or if there is something more to it. The story suggests that luck is not solelydetermined by external factors but also by our attitude and mindset.For example, Mr. Good Luck always maintains a positive outlook on life, even in the face of adversity. He believes that every setback is an opportunity for growth and learning. This optimistic mindset allows him to overcome obstacles and turn them into advantages.On the other hand, Mr. Bad Luck constantly dwells on his misfortunes and believes that he is destined to be unlucky. His negative mindset becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as it prevents him from taking risks and seizing opportunities.The story also highlights the unpredictable nature of luck. Sometimes, what initially appears to be bad luck can turn out to be a blessing in disguise. For instance, Mr. Bad Luck loses his job but ends up finding a new careerthat he is passionate about. This unexpected turn of events demonstrates that luck is not always straightforward and can change in an instant.In conclusion, "Good Luck, Bad Luck" is a thought-provoking story that delves into the complexities of luck and its impact on our lives. It reminds us that luck is not solely determined by external factors but also by our mindset and attitude. The story's characters serve as a reminder that we have the power to shape our own luck through our actions and perspectives.中文回答:《好运先生,倒霉先生》是一个引人入胜的故事,探讨了运气的概念以及它如何影响我们的生活。
The Lottery彩票英文读后感

The Lottery--By Cave dweller The Lottery is written by Shirley Jackson, which tells stories of weird or psychopathic subjects placed in direct, realistic settings. The story focuses on a middle-aged housewife and mother of four children, Tessie Hutchinson, a woman who "wins" the lottery and is stoned to death by members of her village. The Lottery employs symbols and allegories to express author's intentions.A important symbol in the story is the black box which is old and shabby. While the villagers are unwilling to replace it, just as they refuse to give up their tradition of the lottery. Therefore, the black box may symbolize the tradition which roots in villagers minds that the sacrifice of someone will benefit the village even if that person has not done anything wrong. The black box's color may also symbolize the death of that person. The stone as a tool to kill symbolizes coldness and cruelty. The names of the characters imply some meanings too. Joe Summer who strongly protects the tradition is said to symbolize the evil of capitalism and social stratification. Mr. Graves's name represents tragedy.Ironically, the story unfolds in a fine day "the morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day". The setting is in a seemingly civilized and peacefulvillage. But it ends up in a horrible death. This contradictory reveals that horrifying acts of violence can take place anywhere at any time. And the most ordinary people can commit the crime to kill an innocent people. The name of the story, "The Lottery", is an allegory. Normally, lottery means the chance of gain. Winning a lottery is a good and lucky thing. However, in the story, lottery means the horrible death. Mr. Summers represents joviality, while his supporting of the custom brings tragedies to the villagers.。

美国经典短篇小说TheLottery完整评析Characteristics (蔡嘉懿)Bobby, Harry Jones, Dickie Delacroix, Bobby Martin :na?ve, curious,(represents for the new generation that are destroyed by the feudatorial thoughts. )Mr. Summers :Pitiful (For he had no children and his wife was a scold),Traditional , numb ( summers represents for the time),brutal ( “ ‘ All right folks.’ Mr. Summer said, ‘ Let’s finish quickly’.”)energetic : direct characterization (“ w ho had time and energy to devote to civic activities”)Mr. Graves :calm, serious, polite, rationalBaxter:powerful, young, energetic (“Baxter, came forward to hold the box steady on the stool while Mr. Summers s tirred up the papers inside it.”)Warner:Old (the oldest man in the village),brutal,(Old Man Warner was saying, "Come on, come on, everyone." )conservative,“Old Man Warner snorted, "Pack of crazy fools," he said. "Listening to the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work any more, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying about 'Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.')numb, "Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery," Old ManWarner said as he went through the crowd. "Seventy-seventh time."stubborn "Nothing but trouble in that," Old Man Warner said stoutly. "Pack of young fools." Mrs. Hutchinson:tragic, ( She “won” the lottery)helpless, (Everyone is happy that the person who won the lottery is not them. No one is feeling sad or unfair for her) selfish(asked to let her daughter join the second round of lottery)Mrs. Dunbar/ Mrs. Delacroix:chilling, hypocritical, ( She talked to Mrs. Hutchinson so friendly before she was picked to be the person who was going to die. Then, she chose a big stone to kill her “friend”. ) brutal( she chose a big stone)Waston:brave, love his mother, responsible (draw the lottery for his mother)Mr. Adams and Mrs. Adams:Dare to question, aware of the bad of the lottery,( "They do say," Mr. Adams said to Old Man Warner, who stood next to him, "that over in the north village they're talking of giving up the lottery.")Nancy and Bill:cold and detached, selfish ( As they were happy when they knew they were not going to die)Devices: (蔡嘉懿)1.Indirect characterization: For example, Warner, the oldest man. The author uses his words todescribe him as a brutal, conservative, numb, stubborn man.“Old Man Warner snorted, "Pack of crazy fools," he said."Listening to the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work any more, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying about 'Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.’”Here, he believed the advantages of lottery, keeping the old conception instead of accepting new ideas.2.Irony(1)“Mrs. Delacroix said, "You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there.""Seems like there's no time at all between lotteries any more," Mrs. Delacroix said to Mrs.Graves in the back row. "Seems like we got through with the last one only last week."From the quotation, we know that Mrs. Delacroix talked friendly to Mrs. Hutchinson, but later on she killed her with a big stone without any pity. Author uses ironic tone to express the detest of the folks who believe in old tradition and criticizes both the traditions and folks like Mrs. Delacroix.(2) “Delacroix-- the villagers pronounced this name "Dellacroy"”the original meaning of“Delacroix”is the Cross which represents for “Christianity”.Then, author uses irony of people’s mistake of pronouncing that word to criticize their misunderstanding of Christianity by doing Lottery.3.Repetition(1)“Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr. Summers, "You didn't give him time enough to takea ny paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn't fair!"”"It isn't fair, it isn't right," Mrs. Hutchinson screamed and then they were upon her.Here, the author uses the repetition of the words of Mrs. Hutchinson stating “unfair” to show her sorrow and fear. She better passes the message of the bad of the Lottery through emphasizing the pain .(2)The black boxThe author describe the black box over and over again in order to criticize the old tradition through the repetition of the black box.4.Symbolize(1)Mr. Su mmer is the name of one main character. “Summer” is the symbol of years andpassing time which is also ironically revealing that the folks are numb.(2)the original meaning of “Delacroix”is the Cross which is the symbol for“Christianity” .Then, author uses irony of people’s mistake of pronouncing that word to criticize their misunderstanding of Christianity by doing Lottery.(3)The name “Graves” is the symbol of death.。
the lottery ticket读后感

the lottery ticket读后感Next to bullfight and soccer, lotteries are Spain's biggest sport2。
There's some kind of drawing3 almost every week, but the most important of them all is the one held just before Christmas。
Its grand prize is 50 million pesetas4, which is about $1,250,000。
And tax free5, too。
The tickets are sold year round, all over Spain。
Every number is divided into a hundred parts, and most people buy one part, which costs about $1。
When the winning numbers are posted6, nobody in Spain works or eats or thinks of anything else。
Walking along El Prado7 in Madrid that day in the 1950', I passed a cafe where I saw the winning figures posted and excited people looking at them。
Like almost everybody in Spain I had a 1/100 ticket。
My hand was trembling as I took out my wallet and looked at my own ticket。

下面是为大家整理的:百万英镑读后感英文,欢迎阅读!更多相关内容请继续关注读后感栏目百万英镑读后感英文See here, I am very envious of this so "lucky" the hero, but I want to: people reason to please him, because it was not that people are reading too much money to it? Worship of money is shameful, and something for nothing we should not! Money is not a panacea, in the world there are many more important things than money .Mark Twain's short story with "one million pounds" is a very good work. Article on the "money is everything" "Money is omnipotent," the ideas of irony, exposed the ugly face of capitalist society."Millions of pounds" refers to a poor, honest man, that is, the hero of this story has received a pair of brothers, a letter which gave him one million pounds. It turns out that the brothers played a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest man knocking on the door of one million pounds received, he will be what results? His brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be someone else's question, even the banks do not let him save. Little brother that he would be getting along very well, so they are brothers to one million pounds to lend a check of this poor people, and spent 30 days abroad.Did not expect at this time, people have the rare suddenriches millionaire, went so far as hard to win over him, from free to eat, buy clothes, to free accommodation, one by one like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status, it was only in addition to Wang's highest outdoor Duke on! Not only that, he also got a good wife and £ 30,000 in bank interest, and finally from two brothers, there has been a very good job. Lived a very, very happy life.百万英镑读后感英文Mark Twain's short story of "one million pounds" is a very good work. The article on the "money is everything," "money is omnipotent," the idea of a satire, to expose the ugly face of capitalist society."One million pounds" is about a poor, honest man, that is, the heroine of this story has received a pair of brothers, the letter sent to him inside one million pounds. The brothers had made a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest people who come knocking on the door received the one million pounds, he will be what kind of results? Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be subject to other people's doubts, and even the banks do not let him save money. His younger brother that he would lead a very good, and therefore they have the brothers of one million pounds will be loaned to check the poorest people, and spent 30 days abroad. Did not expect that during this period of time, people have the rare fortune suddenly rich, has tried to cozy up to him, from the free food, buy clothes, free accommodation, like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status until the exception of the highest outdoor Wang Duke on! Not only that, he also has been a good wife and 30,000 pounds of bank interest, and finally from two brothers got a very good job. Lived a very,very happy life.See here, I am so envious of the "lucky" the heroine, but at the same time I would like to: people reason to curry favor with him, not just because when people value money too it? Worship of money is shameful and should not be reaping more! Money is not omnipotent, the world than money, there are many more important things … …百万英镑读后感英文My Impressions after Reading" The Mil lion Pound Note”.This time I want to talk about a very famous short story written by Mark Twain---------“The Million Pound Note”. Referring to Mark Twain, you must feel familiar, because we must have read his works before. I still remember the article “ T he Bite Events on the Train” in our textbook when I’m in the middle school. What touched me most at that time were his ironic words. Yes, he is a great humorist, novelist, writer and orator in America in nineteenth century. During his 40 years’ writing car eer, he created dozens of short or long stories, among which “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is of the most popularity, which was praised by Hemingway as “the first real American literature”. But today I am introducing his another work------ The Million Pound Note.This story tells about a poor but honest American Adam Henry. When he was wandering in the street of London, he was given by two billionaires a letter, in which he surprisedly found a £1,000,000 pound bank-note. Later he got to know that the two billionaires who were brothers had made a bet about the results after he got a one million-pound note at once. One of them thought the note wound count for nothing to the poor man because he could not prove that the money was his own whilethe other considered just as the opposite. Dramatically, the plot went just out of my expectation. Herry went to a restaurant to have dinner first. The manager was mean to him at the beginning but his attitude changed quickly when Herry took out the note and asked for change. Faced with a millionaire, the manager apologized again and again and obsequiously told Herry that he didn’t need to pay for the bill right now. So Herry managed to have a free dinner.Then similarly, Herry went to a clothing shop and got a suit of clothes costing him nothing. Like the plot above, people are curious of such a rich man and tried every means to cozy up to him, from free food, free clothes to free accommodation. At the same time, his social status was becoming higher and higher and finally higher than most dukes. Apart from that, he later got a beautiful wife and 200,000 pounds of bank interest. I can imagine a bright future was waiting for him. The writing style of this story is so humorous. Mark Twain used hyperbole describing how our hero defeated snobbishness repeatedly. What I appreciate most is the detailed description of different people’s ridiculous actions before one million pounds, vivid, funny, ironic and humorous, which forms a Caricature. In terms of the theme, it is apparent that the author wanted to denounce the overflowing mammonism in the society. Even now it gives us an impressive lesson. Yes, I cannot deny the importance of money to a person who wants to survive. We won’t live without money, with which we get food, clothes, house and many otherNecessities. But we must know that there are many things which can’t be bought with money such as love or friendship. So in my opinion, money may be important to us, but not the most important. We need to build up the correct sense of money.Another point I want to emphasize is honesty. From the plot, we can see that there were so many people the brothers could choose, so why just Herry? I think it was because he was honest. When he got the note, what he did wasn’t use it right n ow but return it to the brothers. Without a kind and honest heart, Herry couldn’t have been such a successful man. There are various of tempertation alluring us in our life, Only by keeping honesty and consciousness inside can we manage to resist them. T o sum up, this story is a really good work of Mark Twain. The lesson I’ve learnt from it makes me want to be an honest man sincerely and lets me not to worship money too much. I begin to regret not reading it earlier.百万英镑读后感英文Based on Mark Twain's novel, 'The Millionaire Pound Note' takes an interesting satirical look at the hypocrisy stemming from class distinction in the 50s England. England is a country where class and wealth are given extreme significance, especially among the rich. The film shows the hypocrisy that existed among these people, how the rich are quick to change face when in an instant they find out that you're a man of wealth and how within the next moment they revert back to their condescending selves when all wealth is lost. Interestingly, 'The Millionaire' also briefly looks at how the English perceived Americans in that era. Rich Americans were welcomed as outsiders and the poor were quickly shunned away. The fact that he's an outsider either makes him more appealing or the complete opposite. The story sticks to the main theme by emphasizing on the hypocrisy of the upper class society but at the same time it also creates a balance that prevents the movie from being a mockery of the British society. The movie drags at some point but the love story appears at theright time and there is plenty of comedy to keep one entertained.A charming Gregory Peck totally nails the part and the luminous Jane Griffiths is a treat. Reginald Beckwith, as Peck's sidekick Rock is amusing. The ending is a little predictable but the director does an overall good job by rounding it up and presenting his points. 百万英镑读后感英文I knew Mark Twain when i was a middle school student. In my memory, there is an article in my English textbook that written by him. At that time, I pay no attention to Mark Twain. However, i knew more about him after I learned the History and Anthology of American Literature, he appeals to me dearly and deeply. As a result, I read a part of his novels in part time. Here I will introduce Million Pounds to you. Before that, I will give some information about Mark Twain to you. And last, it comes my though.Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910) was an American humorist, satirist, lecturer and writer, better known by the pen name Mark Twain. He was born in Florida, Missouri and brought up in Hannibal, Missouri. After his father's death in 1847, he was apprenticed to a printer and wrote for his brother's newspaper. He later worked as a licensed Mississippi river-boat pilot. The Civil War put an end to the steamboat traffic and Clemens moved to Virginia City, where he edited the Territorial Enterprise. On February 3, 1863, 'Mark Twain' was born when Clemens signed a humorous travel account with that pseudonym. He often uses exaggerated ways to show his irony.Mark Twain is most noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He is also known for his quotations. During his life, Clemens became a friend to presidents, artists, leading industrialists and Europeanroyalty. For I love the One Million Pounds Note best, I would introduce it to you.Is there real free-lunch in the world? Maybe there is! And such kind of “free lunch” strikes the poor and honest young man Henry Adams who has surprisingly got a one-million bank note from the brothers (Roderick & Oliver)。

百万英镑读后感英文After reading the novel "A Million Pounds" by David Nicholls, I was deeply moved by the story and the characters. The novel follows the life of Brian, a middle-aged man who wins a million pounds in the lottery and how this windfall changes his life. The novel delves into the complexities of human relationships, the pursuit of happiness, and the impact of sudden wealth on an individual.One of the most compelling aspects of the novel is the way it explores the theme of money and its influence on people's lives. Brian's sudden wealth brings about a series of changes in his life, from the way he interacts with his family and friends to the decisions he makes about his future. The novel raises thought-provoking questions about the true value of money and the extent to which it can bring happiness. It also highlights the ways in which money can complicate relationships and create new tensions in Brian's life.Furthermore, the characters in the novel are incredibly well-developed and relatable. Brian is a deeply flawed yet sympathetic protagonist, and his struggles and triumphs resonate with the reader on a personal level. The supporting characters, such as Brian's wife and children, are also fleshed out with their own hopes, dreams, and fears. The dynamics between the characters are portrayed with honesty and authenticity, making the novel a rich and immersive reading experience.In addition, the novel's exploration of the theme of happiness is particularly poignant. As Brian grapples with the implications of his newfound wealth, he is forced to confront his own desires and priorities. The novel raises important questions about the nature of happiness and fulfillment, and whether material wealth can truly bring contentment. This theme is handled with sensitivity and insight, prompting the reader to reflect on their own values and aspirations.Overall, "A Million Pounds" is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that offers a deep exploration of human nature and the pursuit of happiness. The well-crafted characters and compelling themes make it a truly rewarding read. I would highlyrecommend this novel to anyone looking for a moving and insightful story about the complexities of life and the human experience.。
【参考文档】最有趣百万英镑英语读后感-优秀word范文 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==最有趣百万英镑英语读后感导语:百万英镑它描述了拜金主义是可耻的,不劳而获更不应该!金钱不是万能的,世界上还有许多比金钱更重要的东西……我们不要想里面的人那样做一个让人耻笑的守财奴,做金钱的奴才。
希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!百万英镑英语读后感【篇一】:Gold, yellow, light, precious gold! This thing, so just a little, can make the black into white, ugly into the beautiful and wrong into right, into a noble honor, the old man into a teenager, a coward valient... "This is Mark Twain's" million pounds "true portraiture."Million pounds" is a famous story of Mark Twain, depicts a small clerk went to sea to play in the United States, disorientation, XingYu save, despatch, arrived in London, England. He penniless, without friends, two rich brothers gave him a one million pound note, and he within 30 days from the millions of pounds of bills cansurvive and bet. At the end of the story, the little people not only live for 30 days, and take advantage of this piece of millions of pounds made a fortune, also received a lady's heart. Novels by all kinds of small clerk "adventure" mock the money all-powerful in bourgeois society, it's raining.After reading this book, I couldn't help laughing. The authorwith the technique comic sketch different characters in "million pounds" in front of a variety of gaffes, humor, funny, interesting, like a picture, social satire, was in stitches.Actually this kind of things have happened in your life, may not be so serious, but there are some signs. Such as the crowding roundfor big boss, fawning; For some beggars, clothing is not very bright people despise, in our society have happened around you. This is a "million pounds" another kind of refraction, this article may have some exaggerated, but enough to confirm its connotation."Million pounds" is a short piece of short fiction, in with the same name in the book, there are many such stories, let a person gasp in admiration.It is shameful to money worship, more should not be something for nothing! Money is not everything, there are many more importantthings than money in the world... We don't want to the people inside did a miser, let people laugh at the slave of money. Don't be a mammonist,, it will let others looked down upon.金子,黄黄的,发光的,宝贵的金子!这东西,只要那么一点儿,就可以使黑的变成白的,丑的变成美的,错的变成对的,卑贱的变成尊贵的,老人变成少年,懦夫变成勇士……”这就是马克吐温笔下的《百万英镑》真实写照。

Life is a circle. Some people have not walked out of the circle drawn by fate for a lifetime. In fact, every point on the circle has a soaring tangent.同学互助一起进步(页眉可删)《百万英镑》读后感范文《百万英镑》读后感范文1马克吐温著的短篇小说《百万英镑》是一部很好的作品。

The lottery读后感After reads this novel,i feel if all of us live in that time,will we die in that custom? Maybe,i think.In the beginning of this novel ,this is under cover a relaxed, happy atmosphere , but i feel a kind of nervous, ominous sign has been reveal.From the child's behavior, we can see some clue, such as bobby Martin pockets filled with rocks. in the start I was wonder why those children put stones in their pocket, but saw back the novel again and again, and based on the understanding of the background, I know that the stone in ancient means killing ,and the sacrifice is common and common. so when I read this novel again, the history is very obvious, and i know the theme more clear.From the words of old man warner can speculate that the lottery customs has lasted for more than seventy years. At the beginning ,i see the topic, thinking that this novel may write a people who win the money though lottery, but after a few time reading, i found that this novel is writing a custom derived out of the story. This article quite have the allegorical meaning to satire of customs of the people and the villagers blindlyfollowing the cold-blooded cruel, these are all human evil in common. To say the purpose of the lottery, you can imagine previous sacrifice, like food in order to pray for a bumper harvest or the good crop weather, can choose sacrifice. I think the collective violence to depict the marrow. Imagine if you smoke in the lottery is not Mrs. Hutchinson, she would become a part of the cruel persecution to another person. So terrible is not evil, but the evil is unaware.From this story we see the people's indifference and ignorance, reflects the social bad style at that time. The world is in common in some ways, that is from junior to senior, if we look back in our Chinese old period, there are many bad habits too. Superstition in today's China is still exist. although this kind of person is still exist, we believe that they will from inside to emancipate the mind. The ending of the novel is a blood teaching, we should not hold negative attitude, and believe that even if again cold will have a good side.After read this novel,i just want to say that i am so honor ,because during i live in this world,i don’t have to though those corrupt customs. and i feel sorry about the story’s people,they are so foolish and stupid.anyway,it’s a sad story.。
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the lottery读后感篇一:the lottery读后感昨天查资料时看到有篇文章这样说Jackson写的这篇故事:美国大多数人应该都知道这篇文章,即使不知道是谁写的,也应该知道“ The Lottery(摸彩)”这个故事。
我感觉,这篇《The Lottery(摸彩)》的性质,应该和《皇帝的新装》差不多吧。
看完那篇《The Lottery》之后,心里嗟吁不已。
篇二:the lottery读后感he lottery译为《摸彩》,说的俗一点就是抽彩票,但其性质不同,结果也不同。
我大概读了3遍以后,差不多看懂说什么了,又去查查资料才了解实质,写作背景就是反乌托邦,这个反乌托邦更是相当复杂,有兴趣自己去查吧,然后继续这个作者是个美国人叫Shirley Jackson。