

N Nabisco Biscuit 纳贝斯克饼干公司

national account management 全国性客户管

national market 国内市场

National Semiconductor 美国国家半导体公司

natural products 天然产品

NEC 日本电子



net sales 净销售额

network computer (NC) 网络计算机

new business selling 新业务销售

new buy 购入新产品

new entrants 新进入者

new markets 新市场

new materials 新材料

New Prod screening model 新普罗德筛选模型

new product lines 新产品线

new products 新产品

new-product development 新产品开发

new-product ideas 新产品创意

Newsweek 《新闻周刊》

new-task buying 全新采购

new-to-the-world products 世界性新产品

niche penetration strategy 壁龛/机会市场渗透战略

niche-market strategy 壁龛市场战略

Nike 耐克

Nissan 尼桑

no-brand brand name 无品牌的品牌名称

no-frills product 无虚饰产品

noise in communication system 传播系统中的噪音

non-financial rewards 非物质性奖励措施

non-probability sampling 非概率抽样

non-profit organization 非盈利组织

non-store retailing 无店铺零售业

number of stockouts 迟滞数目

O object-and-task method of promotion budgeting 目标-任务促销预算法

objectives and strategy area audit 目标与战略领域的审计

objectives 具体目标

observation 观察法

occupancy costs 房屋占用成本

occupation/position 职业/职位

odd pricing 奇/余数定价法

OEM (original equipment manufacturer) 原始设备制造商

oeverall quality 总体质量

off-invoice discounts 发票之外的折扣

offsets 抵消交易

Omega 欧米加

on-air testing 广播测试

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 欧佩克(石油输出国组织)opening relationships 建立关系

operating supplies 生产供应品

operational excellence 运作管理水平

opinion leaders 意见领导者

opportunity cost 机会成本

opportunity identification 机会识别

opportunity/threat matrix 机会/威胁矩阵

order cycle time 订货周期

order processing 订单处理

organisational level 组织层次

organizaitonal requirement planning 组织需

Pepsi-Cola 百事可乐

perceived customer value 顾客感知价值

perceived quality 感知到的质量

perceived value 感知到的价值

percentage of sales promotion budgeting method 销售额百分比促销预算法

perceptions of consumers 消费者感知/理解

perceptual (product) pisitioning 感知(产品)定位

perceptual map 感知图

perceptual organization 感知组织

perceptual vigilance 感性的警惕

performance dimension 业绩标准

performance evaluation 业绩评估

performance measures 表现/业绩测度

performance objective 绩效目标

performance standards 绩效标准

performance 功能

perishability 非持久性

personal selling 人员推销

personal sources 个人的信息来源

personnel development 人力资源开发

persuasive 说服性的

pharmaceuticals industry 医药行业

physical (product) positioning 物理(产品)定位

physical descriptors 物理变量

physical distribution 实物分销

Pillsbury 皮尔斯博瑞

pioneers 先入者

Pizza Hut 必胜客

place utility 地点效用

planning and control system area audit 计划与控制系统领域的审计

point of sale information 销售点信息

point-of-purhcase (POP) promotion 采购点促销

point-of-sales (POS) data 销售点数据

pontificator 保守派

popularity 通用性

population trends 人口趋势

portfolio models for resource allocation 资源配置的资产组合模式

position intensity 地位集中程度

positioning 定位

possession utility 拥有效用

post-purchase dissonance 购买后的不协调

post-purchase evaluation 购买后评估

post-purchase/after-sale service 售后服务

potential advantages 潜在优势

potential customer 潜在顾客

potential market 潜在市场

potential target market 潜在目标市场

power in distribution 分销权力

power of buyers 购买者能力

power of suppliers 供应商能力

predatory pricing 掠夺性定价法

pre-empting scarce resources 先占稀缺资源

preferential treatment 特惠待遇

premiums 额外奖励

present competitors 现有的竞争者

presenting sales message 提供销售信息

pre-test market research 测试前市场研究

price discrimination 价格歧视

price elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性

price fixing 价格设定

price leaders 价格领导者

price lining 价格排列定价法

price promotion 价格促销

price quotation 报价

price sensitivity 价格敏感度

price structure 价格结构

price 价格

price/earnings ration 价格/收益比

price-off promotions 降价促销

price-setting process 定价过程

pricing adjustments 定价调整

pricing policies 价格策略

pricing 定价

primary demand 基本需求

primary sources 第一类/主要数据

print media 印刷媒体

private/for-profit organization 私营/盈利性组织

PRIZM (Potential Rating Index for Zip Markets) 按邮政区划为基础的潜力等级指数proactive new-product development

strategy 进取型新产品开发战略

probability sampling 概率抽样

problem formulation 界定问题

problem identificatioin 确定问题

process management 过程管理

Procter & Gamble (P&G) 宝洁公司

product line 产品线

product availability 产品的可获得性

product category 产品类别

product class 产品类别

product decisions 产品决策

product design 产品设计

product development 产品开发

product dimension or attributes 产品维度/属性

product evolution 产品演变

product features 产品特征

product intent share 产品倾向份额

product leadership 产品领导能力

product life cycle (PLC) 产品生命周期

product life cycle curve 产品生命周期曲线

product line 产品线

product manager audit 产品经理审计

product offering 供应品

product organizaiton of salesforce 按产品组织销售队伍

product policies 产品策略

product positioning 产品定位

product quality 产品质量

product scope 产品范围

product space 产品位置

product specifications 产品规格

product systems 产品体系

product type 产品类型

product usage 产品用途

product 产品

product(ion)-oriented organization 产品/生产导向型组织

production 生产

product-line pricing adjustments 产品线定价调整

product-management organizational structure 产品管理组织结构

product-market entry control 产品-市场


product-related behavioral descriptors 与产品相关的行为变量

product's market characteristics 产品的市场特征

product-use testing 产品使用测试

pro-environment 环保

profit impact of market strategy (PIMS) 市场战略的利润影响

profitability analysis 盈利性分析

profitability 盈利性/盈利能力

profitable survivor strategy 有利可图的生存者战略

project-company resource compatibility 项目与公司资源的协调性

projected profit-and-loss statement 预计损益表

projective tests 投影测试

promotion decisions 促销决策

promotion mix 促销组合

promotion policies 促销策略

promotion 促销

promotional allowance 促销折让

promotional effort 促销努力

promotional pricing 促销定价

promptness 及时性

propector strategy 探索型战略

prospecting for customers 寻找顾客

psychographics 心理统计特征

psychological cost 心理成本

psychological pricing 心理定价法

public organization 公共组织

public relations 公共关系

public utilities 公共设施

publicity 公共宣传

pull strategy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的拉式战略

pupil dilation 瞳孔扩张

purchase predisposition 购买倾向

purchasing agent 采购代理

purchasing contract 采购合同

purchasing manager/agent 采购经理/代理

purchasing power perity (PPP) 购买力平价


push money/spiffs 佣金

push stragtegy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的推式战略


2020年高级商务英语高频词汇:科技及设备 1.advance 前进;进展 2.capacity 容量;才能;水平 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1411308152.html,ponent 构成要素;成分;零件 4.device 装置;设备;图案;设计 5.engineer 工程师 6.facilitate 促动;使(更)容易 7.fuel 燃料 8.generator 发电机;产生器 9.innovative 创新;革新的 10.inventor 发明家 11.leading edge 居优势的 12.malfunction 故障;发生故障,机能失常 13.mode 样式;模式;方式;风尚;时尚 14.operate 操作;运转;经营 15.outlet 出口;排水口;销售店;商行;插座;销路 16.portable 可携带的;轻便的 17.raw material 原料 18.satellite 卫星 19.specification 说明;详述

20.substandard 标准以下的 21.automaton 自动操作装置;机器人 22.cell(ular)phone 移动电话;手机 23.consecutive 连续的;连贯的 24.devise 设计;发明;策划 25.equipment 装备;设备 26.facility 便利的设施;设备 27.gadget 小巧的机械装置;小玩意 28.hands-on 实地操作的;亲自体验的 29.inspect 检查;审查;视察 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1411308152.html,boratory 实验室 33.maintenance 维护;保养 32.manual 使用手册,指南;手工的 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1411308152.html,work 网络系统;广播、电视网;电脑网 34.outage 电力中断;断电 35.petroleum 石油 36.procedure 程序;手续 37.reverse 相反的;颠倒的 38.solar (源自)太阳的;依太阳而运行的 39.static 静电干扰;静止的;静态的;静电的 40.turn down 关小(声)


YA: Year Ago/去年同期 PP: Previous Period/上期 CHG: Change/变化 MKT: Market/市场 PROD: Product/产品 VAL: Value/销售额 VOL: Volume/销售量 NUM: Numeric/数值 WTD: Weighted/加权 DIST: Distribution/铺货率 S.P.P.D.: Sales Per Point of Distribution /每点销售额OOS: Out of Stock/缺货 DIFF: Difference/变化 PUR: Purchase/进货 AVE: Average/平均数 OPP: Opportunity/机会 SHR: Share/份额 IMPT: Importance/重要性 MAT: Moving Annual Total /滚动年度 YTD: Year-To-Date /截至当期的本年累计

VALUE (Million)销售额(百万) VALUE YA去年同期销售额 VALUE PP上期销售额 VALUE % CHG YA当期销售额较去年同期销售额的变化 VALUE % CHG PP当期销售额较上期销售额的变化 VALUE % SHARE某销售额占总销售额的份额 VALUE % SHARE YA去年同期某销售额占总销售额的份额 VALUE % SHARE PP上期某销售额占总销售额的份额 /- VALUE % SHARE YA当期销售额份额与去年同期销售额份额之差 /- VALUE % SAHRE PP当期销售额份额与上期销售额份额之差 VALUE % SHR OF TRADE细分市场的重要性(销售额比重) VALUE % SHR OF TRADE YA? 去年同期细分市场的重要性(销售额比重) VALUE % SHR OF TRADE PP上期细分市场的重要性(销售额比重) /- VALUE % SHARE OF TRADE当期细分市场的重要性较去年同期细分市场的重要性(销售额比重)之差 VAL 100% MKT 100% MKT销售额 VAL INDEX销售额指数 VOLUME (Million) 销售量(百万) VOLUME YA去年销售量 VOLUME PP上期销售量 VOLUME % CHG YA 当期销售量较去年同期销售量的变化


关于商务英语的情景对话 对代理请求的回应 401. As the volume of business concluded by you is not big enough, we won t consider the question of agency. 鉴于贵方去年成交的数额不大我方不会考虑代理的问题。 402. We think it premature for us to discuss the question of agency at present stage. 我方认为现阶段讨论代理的问题对我方来说还为时过早。 403. The time is not yet mature to discussion of agency. 讨论代理的时间还不成熟。 404. We would like to say that this initial stage contract between us, both side do not understand each other very well, so there seems to be no sufficient bases for us to negotiate agency. 我方想要说的是在我们履行合同的初期双方的相互了解还不够因此我们讨论代理的条件还不太具备。 405. I am afraid that this is not good time yet to push the sales of our product in your market. 恐怕现在还不是在贵方市场上推销我方产品的时机。

406. We do not think the time is right for the discussion of the question of e_clusive agency. 我们认为讨论独家代理问题的时机尚不成熟。 407. We regret to say that since there is so far no transaction concluded between us, we have to decline your quest for agency. 由于我们双方迄今未成达任何交易很遗憾我方不得不拒绝贵方申请代理的要求。 408. The question of agency is still under consideration and we hope you will continue your effort to push the sale of our product at present stage. 代理的问题还在考虑中我方希望在现阶段贵方还要继续努力推销我方的产品。 409. We shall not consider pointing you as our sole agent until your sales record justify our doing so. 待你们的销售成绩足以表明可以委托你方独家代理时我们才会考虑此事。 410. Shall we discuss the matter of agency when your market condition turns better 我们是否等到中方市场情况好转时再来谈代理的事情好吗 代理条件和要求


商务英语谈判常用词汇 商务谈判常用词汇: 1、出口信贷export credit 出口津贴export subsidy 商品倾销dumping 外汇倾销exchange dumping 优惠special preferences 保税仓库bonded warehouse 贸易顺差favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制import quotas 自由贸易区free trade zone 对外贸易值value of foreign trade 国际贸易值value of international trade 普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT 2、价格条件 价格trade term (price term) 运费freight 单价price 费wharfage 总值total value 卸货费landing charges 金额amount customs duty 净价net price 印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 税port dues 回佣return commission 装运港port of shipment 折扣discount, allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价wholesale price 目的港port of destination 零售价retail price 进口许口证import licence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证export licence 价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price 国际市场价格world (International)Market price 离岸价(船上交货价) -free on board 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight


Marketing Management营销管理 New Products Development新产品开发Service Industry Marketing服务业营销Advertising广告 Business Negotiation商业谈判International Marketing国际市场营销Sales Channels销售渠道 Public Relationship公共关系 Consumer Behavior消费者行为 Systems of Management Information管理信息系统 Marketing Research营销调研accessibility 可进入性 accessory equipment markets 附属设备市场account management policies 客户管理策略positioning定位 additions to existing product lines 现有产品线的增加 administered vertical marketing systems 管理式垂直营销系统 market segmentation市场细分 sales promotion销售促进 advertising feedback 广告反馈 advertising frequency 广告频率advertising media 广告媒体 advertising reach 广告接受人数advertising message 广告信息 advertising source 广告信息来源 agent middleman 代理商 allowance 折让 alteration 退换 American Marketing Association 美国营销协会 annual marketing plan 年度营销计划assurance 保证 attitudes of consumers 消费者态度availability 可获得性/供货能力awareness (产品)知晓度/知名度 baby boomers 婴儿潮出生的一代人backward channels for recycling 回收的后向渠道 backward integration 后向垂直一体化banner advertisements 横幅标语广告 bar codes 条形码barter 实物交易 basic physical needs 基本生理需要 BCG Grow-Share Matrix 波士顿增长-份额矩阵 before tests 事前测试 Behavior Scan Information Resources Inc. 行为扫描信息源公司 behavioral analysis 行为分析 behavioral hierarchies 行为层级benchmarking 基准 benefit clusters 利益群体 benefits 利益 Benz 奔驰 billing 帐单 birth rate 出生率 blanket purchase order 一揽子采购合同blind-paired comparison testing 双盲比较测试 blue collars 蓝领 bottom line 底线/盈亏一览结算线 brand awareness 品牌意识/认知 brand extensions 品牌扩展 brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 brand mark 品牌标志 brand name 品牌名称 brand positioning 品牌定位 brand recognition 品牌识别 brand strategies 品牌战略 brand 品牌 branding strategy 品牌化战略 branding 品牌化 brand's equity 品牌的价值 break-even analysis 盈亏平衡分析 break-even volume 盈亏平衡产量 breath of product assortment 产品线的宽度breath or diversity of product lines 产品线的宽度或多样性 bribery 贿赂 British Airways 英国航空公司 brokers 经纪人 budgeting 预算 bundle 捆绑 Bureau of Census 人口统计局 business strength rating 商业能力评分


目录 Day today Office日常事务 1 Faxes传真 2 Telephone Calls电话 3 Making Telephone Appointments电话预约 4 Memos备忘录 5 Business Correspondence商业信函 6 Placing an Order下订单 Office Talk办公室谈话 7 Coworkers同事 8 Bosses老板 9 Brainstorming集体讨论 10 Commuting乘公交车上下班 11 The Working Lunch工作午餐 Business Trip商务旅行 12 International Business Travel国际商务旅行 13 Dressing for Business商务着装 14 Hotel Situations旅馆情景 15 Negotiating the Subway乘地铁 Client Reception接待客户 16 Receiving Clients接待客户 17 Entertaining Clients招待客户 18 Accommodating Foreign Clients接待国外客户 19 Factory Tours参观工厂 Business Communization商务交流 20 Personal Introductions个人介绍 21 Small Talks聊天 22 Delivering Bad News传达坏消息 23 Polite Questions礼貌提问 24 Farewells道别 Negotiation谈判 25 Clarifying the Stakes说明利害关系 26 Making Concessions做出让步 27 Discussing the Bottom Line讨论底线 28 Accepting and Confirming接受和确认29 Hard Bargainers VS Soft Bargainers强硬的对手和温和的对手 Company Organization公司结构 30 CEO执行总裁 31 Stockholders股东 32 Board of Directors董事会 33 Managerial Staff管理人员 34 Labor Staff普通员工 Meetings and Interviews会议和面谈 35 Executing Meetings开会 36 Performance Reviews业绩评估 37 Agendas会议议程 38 Making Requests提出要求 Presentations业务陈述 39 Preparation and Developing Your Topic准备和展话题 40 Introductions and Beginnings介绍和开头 41 Making Transitions in the Present ation陈述中的过渡 42 Conclusions结论 提问阶段Data数据处理 44 Trends趋势 45 Systems制度 46 Scheduling日程安排 47 SWOT An山sis态势分析 48 Statistical Reports数据统计报告 Technology技术 49 Ema il电子邮件 50 Computer Technology计算机技术 51 Running an Inte rn et Business网上做生意 52 Electronic Gadgets数码产品 53 Web based Marketing网上营销 Financial Topics财务话题 54 Costing成本


In this part each candidate’s task is to choose one topic from a set of three, and to talk about it for one minute. Candidates have one minute in which to prepare and should use this time to make brief notes. The other candidate listens to the talk and is invited to ask one or two questions at the end. Candidates may make notes while listening to their partner. Each candidate is given a different set of three tasks from which to choose. General procedure A choice of three different topics One minute preparation while making notes A/B starts with the other listening---one minute Question asked 1. Customer relation: the importance of offering incentives to customers Offering incentives to customers can help you to strengthen your customer base and enhance customer loyalty. If you offer incentives such as vouchers, complementary tickets, miles, gifts in the promotion or sales, you will attractive more customers and get them buy your products or services. At the same time the image of your company will be improved and your brands are more likely to be known by customers. 2. Product promotion: how to ensure that products are promoted effectively at international trade fairs You should send a professional team of experts to arrange the promotion at the trade fair. They must be familiar with the products you want to promote at the fair. Meanwhile they must be good at dealing with clients especially foreign clients. You should use advanced technology to display your products at the fair. Necessary equipments such as DVD, overhead projector, high-definition screen can help you demonstrate the quality, function and specification of your products. You should design your show room and stand carefully to attract more customers. Your stand should be put up at an obvious place so that every customer can get an easy access to your products. 3. How to reduce labor turnover rates In order to reduce labor turnover rates we must take the following effective measures: Set up a clear staff appraisal process to make sure that the performance of every staff can be evaluated openly and honestly and their promotion is based on their contribution to the company. Thus no one will complaint about unfair promotion which once forced some of your staff to leave their jobs.


剑桥商务英语中级词汇精选 常用词汇句型运用A 1. absenteeism n.(经常性)旷工、旷职;缺勤 As a manager, we have to punish those absenteeism behaviors. 2.access n.接近(或进入)的机会,享用权;市场销路;进入市场 v.使用;获取,使用科技手段取得 We must master the access to market. 3.accumulate v.积累,累积 We couldn’t ignore accumulating our experience. 4.adjust v.调节,修改,核算(盈亏),精算 We have to adjust ourselves to adapt to the new working environments. 5.adopt v.采纳,批准 Adopting different kinds of opinions of our staffs would improve our working efficiency. 6.afford v.买得起,承受得住;承担费用 Selecting an appropriate accommodation, the most important factor is the affording power from our corporation. 7.allocate v.分配,配给 We have allocated the mission equally among all members of the department. 8.agenda n.议事日程 Because of the emergency, we have got to place the language training courses on the agenda. 9.allowance n.不用付税的津贴,补贴;折扣,折价 We should provide allowance to those retired staff. 10.ambition n.强烈的欲望,进取心,雄心 When recruiting a staff, the most important qualities we pay more attention is his ambitions. 11.anticipate v.预订,占先,抢先;预支,提前使用,期待 Before the meeting, we have to anticipate all needs. 12.appeal n.吸引力 We can design some attractive brochures to make an appeal to our customers. 13.awareness n.意识,认识程度 The most fundamental factor is to have the awareness of team work.


市场营销专业词汇中英文对照表Marketing Management营销管理 New Products Development新产品开发 Service Industry Marketing服务业营销Advertising广告 Business Negotiation商业谈判 International Marketing国际市场营销 Sales Channels销售渠道 Public Relationship公共关系 Consumer Behavior消费者行为 Systems of Management Information管理信息系统Marketing Research营销调研 accessibility 可进入性 accessory equipment markets 附属设备市场account management policies 客户管理策略positioning定位 market segmentation市场细分 sales promotion销售促进 advertising feedback 广告反馈 advertising frequency 广告频率 advertising media 广告媒体 advertising reach 广告接受人数 advertising message 广告信息advertising source 广告信息来源 agent middleman 代理商 allowance 折让 alteration 退换 American Marketing Association 美国营销协会annual marketing plan 年度营销计划assurance 保证 attitudes of consumers 消费者态度availability 可获得性/供货能力 awareness (产品)知晓度/知名度 baby boomers 婴儿潮出生的一代人 backward channels for recycling 回收的后向渠道backward integration 后向垂直一体化 banner advertisements 横幅标语广告 bar codes 条形码 barter 实物交易 basic physical needs 基本生理需要 BCG Grow-Share Matrix 波士顿增长-份额矩阵before tests 事前测试 Behavior Scan Information Resources Inc. 行为扫描信息源公司 behavioural analysis 行为分析 behavioural hierarchies 行为层级


商务英语情景对话 A: seller B: buyer A: Hello, welcome to XX company, I’m the (职位). These are my Colleague , Miss … and Miss …. B: Hi, nice to meet you. I’m the (职位),from XX company,(城市,国家) A: Nice to see you, too. Here is our catalogue for your reference. Is there anything particular you’re interested in? B: Well, I’m interested in your golden delicious apple. A: You have a good judgment. Golden delicious apple is famous as its first class quality, rich juice, and sweet sour taste. It’s also produced from Shandong province which has a good reputation of apples. B: well, I’m very impressed .May I have some idea of your price? A: Sure, USD 2000 per ton, CIF Newyork.(

B: Your price for golden delicious apple at USD 2000 per ton is on the high side, I can’t accept it. A: You must be aware that the price of golden delicious apple has been increasing since last year. It is fixed according to the upward trend in the international market price. B: But your price is much higher than the market price .Thailand gives a much lower price. A: The quality of this kind of golden delicious apple is much better. I can quote you on apple of quality and the price will definitely be lower. Our price varies according to the quality. B: What i mean is that your price is higher than of the same quality .It will be hard for us to persuade our clients to accept such a price .And as I known, many suppliers are in fact cutting the price trying to get a large market share. A: But our product can deal with the competition .You can see that we have already got many orders and more are coming. It shows that our product and price are acceptable


一、贸易准备及策略Trade preparing and Method Unit 1 约会安排Appointment 焦点句型 希望见面时 ◆I’d like to make an appointment to see you . 我想约个时间见您。 ◆I’d like to come and see you. 我想去见您。 ◆Would it be possible for me to talk to you in person about that? 我能不能和你本人谈 谈那件事? ◆I’d like to see you at your earliest possible convenience. 如果方便的话,我想尽早去见 您。 ◆Could we get together and discuss it a little more? 我们能不能聚在一起,再讨论一下 这件事。 ◆Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail? 我们能不能碰个面,再讨 论一下这件事的细节。 ◆I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet at your earliest convenience and discuss the matter in a little more detail. 如果方便的话,我们能否尽早和您见面,再讨论一 下这件事的细节。 ◆Could I see Mr. Green sometime this week?我能不能在这个礼拜的某个时候见见格 林先生? ◆Should I visit you, or would you like to come over here and see our setup? 是我去拜访 您,还是您到这里来看看我们的机械装置? ◆Would you like to come to my office? 您要不要来我的办公室? 询问对方方便的时间 ◆What time would be convenient for you ? 什么时候您方便呢? ◆When is it convenient for you?什么时候您方便呢? ◆When would it be most convenient for you? 什么时候您方便呢? ◆When can we meet to talk? 我们什么时候见面谈一谈? 陈述方便与不方便的时候 ◆Please call on me when it is convenient for you. 请在您方便的时候来找我。 ◆Please call on me anytime suits you. 请在任何您方便的时候来找我。 ◆Any time you say. 您说什么时候都方便。 ◆Any time between three and five. 3点到5点之间的任何时间都可以。 ◆I’m free after three o’clock. 3点以后,我就有空了。 ◆I’ll be out of town tomorrow, but almost anytime after that would be fine time with me. 明天我将出城到外地去,不过之后的任何时间,我几乎都方便。 ◆I’m afraid I’m busy all day tomorrow. 恐怕明天一天我都很忙。 ◆I’m excepting some visitors tomorrow morning. 明天早上我要等几个访客来。 ◆I’m sorry, I have an appointment. 抱歉,我有个约会。 约定拜访时间 ◆I’d like to meet you at three o’clock in the afternoon. 我想下午3点的时候跟您见面。 ◆I’d like to see you tomorrow if you have time. 如果您有时间,我想明天去见您。 ◆How about tomorrow at ten? 明天十点怎么样? ◆How about the day after tomorrow? 后天怎么样?


商务英语常用缩略词词汇表大全 a accepted 承兑 AA Auditing Administration (中国)审计署 AAA 最佳等级 abs. abstract 摘要 a/c, A/C account 帐户、帐目 a/c, A/C account current 往来帐户、活期存款帐户 A&C addenda and corrigenda 补遗和勘误 Acc. acceptance or accepted 承兑 Accrd.Int accrued interest 应计利息 Acct. account 帐户、帐目 Acct. accountant 会计师、会计员 Acct. accounting 会计、会计学 Acct.No. account number 帐户编号、帐号 Acct.Tit. account title 帐户名称、会计科目 ACN air consignment 航空托运单 a/c no. account number 帐户编号、帐号 Acpt. acceptance or accepted 承兑 A/CS Pay. accounts payable 应付帐款 A/CS Rec. accounts receivable 应收帐款 ACT advance corporation tax 预扣公司税 ACU Asia Currency Unit 亚洲货币单位 A.C.V actual cash value 实际现金价值a.d., a/d after date 开票后、出票后 ADRS asset depreciation range system 固定资产分组折旧法 BA bank acceptance 银行承兑汇票 bal. balance 余额、差额 banky. bankruptcy 破产、倒闭 Bat battery 电池 b.b. bearer bond 不记名债券 B.B., B/B bill book 出纳簿 B/B bill bought 买入票据、买入汇票 b&b bed & breakfast 住宿费和早餐费 b.c. blind copy 密送的副本 BC buyer credit 买方信贷 B/C bills for collection 托收汇票 B.C. bank clearing 银行清算 b/d brought down 转下页 Bd. bond 债券 B/D bills discounted 已贴现票据 B/D bank draft 银行汇票 b.d.i. both dates inclusive, both days inclusive 包括头尾两天 B/E bill of entry 报关单 b.e., B/E bill of exchange 汇票


市场营销专业英语词汇表 需要:need 欲望want 需求:demand 产品:product 关系营销:relationship marketing 营销网:marketing network 生产观念:the production concept 产品观念:the product concept 相关群体:reference group 购买者角色:buying role 购买行为:buying behavior 认知需求:problem recognition 搜集信息:information search 组织者市场:orqanization market 派生需求:derived demand 缺乏弹性:inelastic demand 品牌策略:brand strategy 制造商品牌:manufactures brand 定价策略:pricing strategie 现金折扣:cash discount 数量折扣:quantity discount 功能折扣:functional discount 季节折扣:seasonal discount 新产品定价:new product pricing 产品组合定价:product-mix pricing 分销渠道:distribution channel 密集分销渠道:intensive distribution 选择性分销:selective distribution 独家分销:exclusive distribution 中间商品牌:intermediaries brand 批发商:whoksaler 零售商:retailer 百货公司:department store 超市:supermarket 便利店:convenience store 折扣店:discount store 促销组合:promotion mix 交流信息:communicating information 人员销售:personalo selling 广告策略advertising strateqie 公共关系public relation 营销调研:marketing research 产品策略:product strategie 产品组合:product mix 营销观念:the marketing concept 消费者市场consumer market 顾客满意:customer satisfaction 顾客总价值:total customer value 顾客总成本:total customer value 营销环境:marketing environment 营销信息系统:marketing information syste 市场细分策略:market segmentation startegie 目标市场策略:market tageting strategie 市场定位策略market positioning strategie 产品市场寿命周期;the product life cycle 销售观念:the selling/sales concept 社会营销观念:the societal marketing concept 宏观营销环境:macro-marketing environment 消费者行为模式:model of consumer behavior 价值,成本和满意:value,cost,andsatisfaction 交换和交易exchange and transaction 营销者和预期顾客:marketers and prospect 市场营销观念:marketing management philosophy
