离婚证 翻译b

The People's Republic of China 中华人民共和國ZHONGHUA RENMIN GONGHEGUODivorce Certificate离婚证LIHUNZHENDedicated Seal for Marriage Documents Management,The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国民政部监制婚姻证件管理专用章The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China The Manufacture Was Supervised by中华人民共和国民政部监制Certificate Holder : 持证人Certificate NO. : 字第号Name : 姓名Sex : Female 性别Date of Brith :出生日期Identity Card NO. : 身份证号Name : 姓名Sex : Male 性别Date of Brith :出生日期Identity Card NO. : 身份证号The Marriage Law of the People's RepublicThe divorce application conforming to the stipulations ofof China about Consensual Divorce can get the divorce registered.Thus,the divorce certificate is issued.申请离婚,经审查符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》关于双方自愿离婚的规定,准予登记,发给此证。
Register Institution : Municipal People's Government 发证机关Date of Issue :发证日期STATE说明1. Anywhere indicating the photo place shall be stuck the photograph and be stamped the dedicated seal used for marriage registration (steel seal) on request .1.凡标明照片的地方须按照要求贴有照片并加盖婚姻登记专用章(钢印)。

内容单身证明中国内地结婚证(新版本与老版本)国外结婚证(美国各州、加拿大、澳大利亚)中国内地离婚证明国外离婚证明与判决(美国各州、加拿大、澳大利亚)翻译时可直接套用:单身证明版本1(带原文和译文)Embassy of the United States of AmericaMarriageability Affidavit×××××)Municipality of ××)THE EMBASSY OF THE ) ssUNITED STATES OF AMERICA)I, ×××(full name), an American Citizen who is the bearer of Passport No.*******, born in×××××, USA on ××××, hereby swear under oath that I have never been married; and I further swear that I am now single and other wise legally free to marry.I intend to marry ×××, who is resident in ××××.Affiant Signature××Day××Month××××YearI certify that on this ××day of ××××, 20××, the individual named above appeared before me, and being duly sworn, made the statement set forth in this instrument. I assume no responsibility for the truth or the falsity of the representations that appear in this document.(signature)Consular Officer×××Consular Associate(印章) 美国大使馆单身证明×××国)×××市)美国大使馆) 宣誓证词我, ×××(全名)系为美国公民,我的护照号为********。

离婚证翻译模板|DIVORCE CERTIFICATE(2011-09-22 10:54:23)转载?标签: 分类: 商务法律转载原文地址:离婚证翻译模板|DIVORCE CERTIFICATE作者:法律英语翻译离婚证模板 DIVORCE CERTIFICATE(Translation)(Photo of the holder)Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China(Seal for Marriage Certificate Custody) Prepared under the supervision of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Holder: XXXXXXXX Zi, No. XXXXName: XXXXSex: XXXXDate of Birth: XXXXNationality: XXXXID. No.: XXXXName: XXXXSex: XXXXDate of Birth: XXXXNationality: XXXXID. No.: XXXXThe applicants mentioned above apply for divorce, they are found to be in conformity withthe regulation on voluntary divorce stipulated in the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic ofChina upon verification and are hereby granted to have registration and issued this Certificate.Certificate Issuer:XXXX Bureau of Civil Affairs(Seal for Marriage Registration) Date of Issuance: XXXXArrangement for XXXX child/childrenDisposal for property XXXX Other agreement XXXXArrangement for XXXX child/childrenDisposal for property XXXX Other agreement XXXX。

Sex: Female
Nationality: China
Date of birth: Dec.10, 1969
ID Card No.: XX XX XX XX
Name: XX Nationality: China ID Card No.: XX XX XX XX
Sex: Male Date of birth: Oct. 21, 1966
No.: 0000867401
如有侵权请联系网站删除 精品资料
Registered by: ZHANG Lei
Holder: XX
Photo of XX
Registered date: July. 30, 2004
Marriage Certificate No.: C(2004)R.W.L.Zi.No.0000966
Name: XX
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Divorce Certificate
Through check, the divorcement application is in accordance with the Marital Law of the P.R.C., and the Certificate is hereby issued.
According to the Marriage Law of People’s Republic of China, divorce shall be granted if it’s desired voluntarily by both the husband and wife. The marriage registration authority, after clearly establishing that divorce is desired by both parties and that appropriate arrangements have been made for the care of any children and the disposition of property, shall issue the divorce certificate.