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Cambridge IELTS 5: Test 2


剑桥V系列真题的Test 2 无论从文章的核心话题还是题型方面来看都有一定难度,对于雅思考生尤其是初次参加考试的‘烤鸭’们来讲,无疑是一个不小的挑战。三篇文章的主题分别涉及到‘酚醛材料BAKELITE’, 关于大脑处理幽默的一系列机制的‘What’s so funny?’以及科技英语的诞生:‘The Birth of Scientific English’,其中2篇文章都出现了有一定难度系数的summary 和Matching, 一个关于脑部结构与功能的Labelling题以及多项选择题,除2个表格填空题相对简单外,3篇文章都出现了中等难度的是非无判断题T / F / NG. 下面朗阁海外考试研究中心阅读组的专家将就考生普遍感到困惑的难点做一解析,希望对众‘烤鸭’们有所帮助。

Passage 1‘BAKELITE’算得上是一篇有相当难度的文章,无论就其本身的内容,题型而言还是与后面2篇文章的难度对比而言,有鉴于此,朗阁海外考试研究中心一般会建议学员对3篇文章做一个全盘了解和统筹安排,将本文置于最后来进行,遵循由易到难的基本原则,把最充裕的时间留给最有把握的题,这样才有利于最大限度地优化成绩。

在Passage 1 的题型中出现了Summary 的填空题和凸显定位难度的五选二的多选题,三个是非无判断以及唯一不太具备难度的流程图填空题。

在第一篇文章的题目中最具难度的Q9 & 10两道五选二的多选题,题目为:

Which TWO of the following factors influencing the design of Bakelite objects are mentioned in the text?

A. the function which the object would serve

B. the ease with which the resin could fill the mould

C. the facility with which the object could be removed from the mould

D. the limitations of the materials used to manufacture the mould

E. the fashionable styles of the period

要达成快速定位就需要首先在题干中找到关键词,从全句的意思可知,influencing the design是核心意义,也是赖以定位的关键词。


回到原文,用Scanning 的方式在原文中Paragraph 5的首句可以看到design: The design of Bakelite objects, everything from earrings to television sets, was governed to a large extent by the technical requirements of the moulding process.

由于该句是主题句(Topic Sentence),可知本段的核心是关于design的,细读段落内容,分别有2处讲到了design:

1. The object could not be designed so that it was locked into the mould and therefore difficult to extract.

2. Moulds had to be carefully designed so that the molten Bakelite

would flow evenly and completely into the mould.

两句都毫无疑义地涉及到关于design 的要义,第1句中指不能导致‘locked into the mould’, 以至于不能extract, 正确理解这句话在浇铸生产中的实际意义需要一点想象能力,这对于不了解浇铸工艺的考生来说是不大好理解的,所以在下文中给到了一些解释:

A common general rule was that objects should taper towards the deepest part of the mould, and if necessary the product was moulded in separate pieces.

在了解到‘一个普遍常规是物体应该越朝向底部越尖细’的意义后,结合‘以免被锁在里面’,读者方能理解它的实际意义,然后确定和C选项中‘removed from the mould’这一信息相吻合。

第2句中‘flow evenly and completely into the mould’在对前文理解的基础上相对容易,不过在下文中也出现了补充解释:

Sharp corners proved impractical and were thus avoided, giving rise to the smooth, ‘streamlined’ style popular in the 1930s.

在综合理解上文的基础上,可以获知另一个待选的正确选项是B,因为B选项中‘the ease’和‘fill the mould’的表述与上述信息一致。


另外,笔者在执教过程中还发现学生对于本篇文章的Summary 中的Question 1& 2做题的正确率不高,朗阁海外考试研究中心分析发现,主要原因还在于信息定位和综合理解能力欠佳,下面具体说明:

题目:Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Some plastic behave in a similar way to 1____________ in that they melt under heat and can be moulded into new forms. BAKELITE was unique because it was the first material to be both entirely 2____________ in origin, and thermosetting.

除了similar 及melt under heat 两个特点可以帮助定位以外,作为主体的Some plastic 也不应被忽略。原文中:

Some plastics are derived from natural sources, some are semi-synthetic (the result of chemical action on a natural substance), and some are entirely synthetic, that is, chemically engineered from the constituents of coal or oil.

考生在找到Some plastics 定位后,在涵盖了4行篇幅的文字中并未能如愿找到similar和melt under heat的相关信息。这时缺乏经验和备考不足的考生可能会失去对定位准确性的信心,另觅他处寻找答案;综合理解能力较好或有经验的考生会意识到,既然此处已经谈及Some plastics的来源和特性,那么就有可能会在后面的内容中涉及和它有类似特性的某种物质,而这种物质的特点是melt under heat, 这意味着只要读下去,甄别出来是容易的。

在接下来的句子中:Some are ‘thermoplastic’, which means that,

like candlewax, they melt when heated and can be reshaped. 出现了题目中提及的特点:遇热融化,由前文可发现,答案是candlewax.


Question 2: BAKELITE 具备的unique 的特点是极好的定位词,加之first, entirely 以及thermosetting, 该题的定位并不比Q1麻烦。在紧接Q1的下一句中出现了:
