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人教版高中英语必修四Unit2课文翻译人教版高中英语必修四Unit 2课文翻译Unit 2 Working the land―Reading―A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE造福全人类的先驱者Although he is one of China's most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research. 尽管是中国最著名的科学家之一,袁隆平仍然认为自己是个农民,因为他在田里耕作,进行科学研究。

Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades. 的确,他被太阳晒得黝黑的脸庞和和手臂,以及他那瘦削而又结实的身躯,就跟其他千百万中国农民一样,过去50年来,他一直在努力帮助他们。

Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice. 袁博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻的”的稻种。

In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. 1974年,他成为世界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先锋。

This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. 这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量。

Ping Fu

Ping Fu

Ping Fu's childhood tales of China's cultural revolution spark controversyTop US software entrepreneur faces new contradiction claims overrags-to-riches memoir of personal torment in 60s ChinaExperts have cast doubt on key elements of Ping Fu's memoir, Bend Not Break. Photograph: Jonathan Fredin/AFP/Getty ImagesA successful US entrepreneur faces mounting questions over her widely lauded tale of childhood torment in China's cultural revolution, as fresh contradictions emerge and experts cast doubt on key elements of her story.Ping Fu's rags-to-riches memoir Bend Not Break says she was torn away from her parents at eight, brutally abused and sent to work in a factory; then forced to leave China for the US after triggering an international outcry over female infanticide as a student. She went on to found software company Geomagic, currently being acquired by 3D Systems.Critics acknowledge the horrors of the cultural revolution, but question Fu's personal account. She has already conceded that a description of Red Guards killing a teacher by tying their victim to four horses was an "emotional memory" and probably wrong. Closer examination of her book and interviews reveal numerous conflicting claims and experts told the Guardian several parts of her story were implausible.Fu, 54, said she was traumatised and hurt by the criticism, adding: "I don't know who is behind this, but somebody is."One of her most striking claims is that Sun Yat-sen, revered as the father of modern China, "raised my grandfather and granduncle as his own sons" –akin to a Briton being reared by Winston Churchill. Prof John Wong of the University of Sydney, an expert on Sun's life, said he had no knowledge of such wards.Fu told the Guardian: "That was what I was told by my family before I left China. I believe this is true. My mother says it's in history books." She then added that Sun was attentive towards them, rather than actually adopting them.In a chapter of her book titled Factory Worker, Fu describes labouring in factories for a decade until schools reopened in 1976. She describes working six hours a day, six days a week and told an interviewer she never went to school in 10 years.Experts on the cultural revolution told the Guardian schools mostly reopened in 1968 or 1969 and that pupils had lessons in factories to learn skills, but were not used as labour.Fu said: "For 10 years I didn't have proper schooling. I was sent to study in the factory, and sometimes in farms."A photograph supplied to media by Fu shows her posing with a little red book, Mao badge and armband. Michel Bonnin of Tsinghua University and Prof Yin Hongbiao of Beijing University said it showed she was not disgraced as a "black element" at the time, as she claimed; Fu said it was common for children to be pictured pledging allegiance to Mao, "whether 'black' or 'red'".Fu also says she was arrested and criticised by Suzhou University authorities after Deng Xiaoping, then China's paramount leader, met student publishers. She says Deng had seen a daring article from the popular magazine she edited.Perry Link, an expert on modern Chinese literature at the University of California at Riverside, said student magazine representatives met in 1979, but added: "I do not believe for a moment that Deng Xiaoping ever came near the group."Neither he nor others knows of a representative from Fu's group, Red Maple, attending. Fu said she believed the article was selected for ThisGeneration, the joint publication from the meeting, but Link's copy shows it is not included.Yinghong Cheng, now a professor of history at Delaware state university, studied at the same time and in the same building at Suzhou as Fu, and had his own literary group. He told the Guardian: "I am completely unaware of that group [Red Maple] and publication, and if it had been that popular I would have known about it."Fu, who supplied a copy of her magazine, said her contemporaries might not have heard of the society because it was underground. She said Deng met the representatives at the same time as Communist Youth League leaders, noting that she was told about the meeting and was not present.The entrepreneur claims she was ordered to leave China after exposing female infanticide in the early 80s, writing that in a few months of research she "witnessed with her own eyes" drowned and suffocated female infants. Last month, she told a radio station she watched "hundreds of baby girls being killed in front of my eyes. I saw girls being tossed into the river."Therese Hesketh of University College London, an expert on population controls in China, said: "I have never heard stories of this kind. Infanticide did of course occur, but was not commonplace … It certainly was not done in public as even at that time to be caught meant a possible murder charge."Fu told the Guardian that she mis-spoke in the live radio interview and should have said "my research was based on hundreds of cases, and I saw baby girls killed right in front of my eyes".She added: "If you went to the countryside and to the family planning unit it was going on all the way down the line in every village and every school. Very few people were allowed to go to the poor areas. These kinds of things happened, and China doesn't want people to know it happened."The entrepreneur once said Deng personally intervened to free her when she was jailed due to the resulting outcry – a remarkable detail not mentioned in her book.Other questions include when Fu left China: she has said variously that it was two weeks or over a year after her release.Fu said she had been wrong to call the criticism a smear campaign, adding she had realised the people she thought were attacking her were telling their own stories of the cultural revolution."I hope that this will turn into a more civil discussion about what happened and if any good can come from it I don't mind that people have turned their anger towards me so long as we can heal together," she said.Adrian Zackheim, publisher of Penguin's business imprint, Portfolio, said: "Ping Fu wrote in the Author's Note at the front of her book: 'I have tried my best to remember and describe the events and people in my life. Mostly, I have used real names, although some names have been altered to protect privacy. Many details happened more than forty years ago and I've tried as much as possible to verify the facts.'"Sometimes, despite everyone's best efforts, minor mistakes appear in nonfiction books. Whenever they are brought to an author's attention they are corrected in future printings. Ping has already acknowledged several of these, and if any additional corrections are required, of course those will be made as well."。


• 现代科学研究表明:玉石加工成为日用品使用有益人们生活生命健康,玉含有对人体有 益的元素,经常佩戴和使用玉器(如玉镯、项链、戒指、玉席、玉枕等),由于摩擦 皮肤与穴位等作用,对经络血脉皮肤等有多种好处,起到防病治病效果,故将玉器作 为护身符,是非常有益的。
Jade jewelry includes jade bracelet, necklace, and ring.
• 中国四大名玉,是指新疆的“和田玉”、 陕西蓝田的“蓝田玉”、河南南阳的“独 山玉”及辽宁岫岩的“岫玉”.
Hetian jade
• Hetian jade is our national jade, which have long enjoyed a good reputation in the world , it is called " Oriental Art", and is treasured by people all over the word.In the circle of gemstone,hetian jade is regarded as the best nephrite ,so it have world significance.
Jade culture
Medical College Zhao Dinghai
I come from Nanyang, a city where there is a production of jade. Du Jade is one of the four famous jade.So today I‘d like to share a little about Chinese jade culture knowledge with you .


2.需要努力的小组:Group 6 3.优秀个人:
李春杰 李海超 郑之言 孙道升 史祥凤 徐毓谦 于喆 韩林 刘宇宽 刘雪
South China Tiger(华南虎)
Asian Elephants
Crested Ibis(朱鹮)
Golden Monkey
Tibetan antelope(藏羚羊)
die out in danger of protect…from… hunt
habitat reserve
Group A: Homework 1+2 Group B: Homework 1
Thank you!
Pre-Class Tips
Prepare your papers, textbook, black and red pens!
Believe we are the Best !
Show our Passion(激情)and persistence(坚持)!
1.做得好的小组:Group 1 Group 5
Unit 4 Wildlife Protection
Protect the environment.
Collect money to protect them.
Build wildlife nature reserves(自然保护区).
Make laws to stop people
from hunting and killing
How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife
1. Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.


采用四回500kV线路并网,其中两回线路长度为80km,另外两回线路长度为100km,均采用4×LGJ-400导线(充电功率为1.1Mvar/km)。如在电厂母线上安装高压并联电抗器对线路充电功率进行补偿,则高抗的容量宜选为。A.356MvarB.396MvarC.200MvarD.180Mvar 有线电视系统设备中,主要由放大器、混合器、分配器天线放大器、信号处理器等器件组成的设备为。A.天线接收与分配系统B.前端设备C.信号传输分配系统D.后端设备 脱泥用的旋流器圆柱部分的长度比分级用的旋流器。 男性,30岁。自15岁起反复中至大量咯血,有时痰呈脓性。近日咯血50ml就诊。体检:右下肺固定性湿啰音。X线胸片示两肺纹粗乱。临床诊断支气管扩张症。患者要求手术治疗,医生告之要进一步检查,对于该患者能否手术的决定性因素是A.病变范围B.病变部位C.肺功能D.临床症状E.有无继发 膝关节疾病与相关检查,下列错误的是A.浮髌试验(+):膝关节积液B.前抽屉试验(+):后交叉韧带断裂C.后抽屉试验(+):后交叉韧带断裂D.麦氏(McMurray)试验(+):半月板损伤E.髌骨摩擦试验(+):髌骨软骨软化症 文化结构的三个层次是、、。 被动屏蔽的方法不包括。A.既往献血情况核查B.健康问询C.自我评估D.体格检测E.血液筛查等结果 已知某船Lbp=78,宽B=16.4m,水线面面积为921m2,则其水线面积系数为CW为。(小吨位船试题)A.0.77B.0.65C.0.68D.0.72 依据《传染病防治法》规定,采取甲类传染病的预防、控制措施的乙类传染病是。A.病毒性肝炎B.人感染高致病性禽流感C.艾滋病D.登革热E.淋病、梅毒 在季风环流的影响下,冬季我国常常吹风,影响的气团常常为,在气压的控制下。 利用射流能量密集、速度衰减慢,而吸气气流速度衰减快的特点,把两者结合起来,使有害物得到有效控制的一种方法是。A.密闭罩B.通风柜C.外部吸气罩D.吹吸式排风罩 河北省冬小麦播种的适宜温度? 假定KM不变,则少量装卸货物后船舶的GM将。A.增加B.减小C.不变D.变化趋势不定 NTFS权限和共享权限都是的。如果一个用户从一个组继承了读权限,又从另一个组继承了写权限,那么该用户具有权限。 便血伴腹部包块者见于。A.肠道恶性淋巴瘤B.结肠癌C.肠结核D.肠套叠E.Crohn病 在对猪胴体进行分割时按我国的划分标准:将猪胴体的前端从第1颈椎,后端从第5~6根肋骨间,与背线成直角切断的肉是。A.肩颈肉B.臀腿肉C.背腰肉D.肋腹肉 鉴别甲状腺结节性质最有价值的检查方法是。A.B超B.CTC.同位素扫描D.测血T3、T4E.穿刺细胞学检查 电极法测定水的氧化还原电位,在校验指示电极时,如实测结果与标准电位值相差大于mv,则指示电极需要重新净化或更换。 调整咬合的目的如下,除外。A.清除创伤,增加牙齿承受的咀嚼力B.使损伤的牙周组织得以恢复C.尽量将侧向力转为垂直向力D.使力重新分配E.使牙周支持力平衡 1996年,根据国务院《关于金融体制改革的决定》,中国农业银行与农村信用社脱离行政隶属关系,进入全面向商业银行转轨的新阶段。A.正确B.错误 梅尼埃病的临床特征为()A.上感后出现眩晕,无耳鸣和耳聋B.眩晕发作时可伴随有意识障碍C.发作性眩晕、耳鸣、耳聋和耳胀满感D.头部处于某一位置则出现眩晕,重复检查眼震方向不变E.眩晕伴有耳聋、面瘫,患耳有疱疹 呼吸困难伴一侧胸痛见于A.心包积液B.阻塞性肺气肿C.肺栓塞D.肺间质纤维化E.支气管哮喘 [多选,案例分析题]患者,女性,28岁,因"左下颌下区肿胀3个月"入院,患者3个月前出现左下颌下区肿胀,不适,无疼痛、麻木,与进食无明显关系。检查:左颌下区肿胀,皮肤无红肿、破溃,皮温正常,触之质韧,无明显波动感。口内检查见双侧下颌下腺导管口无红肿,分泌液清亮。若确诊 在有爆炸危险场所敷设电缆时应符合哪些要求? 计算投资组合收益率最通用,但也是缺陷最明显的方法是。A.现实复利收益率B.内部收益率C.算术平均组合投资率D.加权平均投资组合收益率 下列行为中,属于印花税列举应税合同范围的是。A.某银行向另一银行签订的拆借800万元人民币的合同B.企业与主管部门签订的租赁承包经营合同C.某企业与科技公司签订的技术服务合同D.某公司和税务师事务所签订的管理咨询合同 DVI接口可传输什么信号?A.数字B.模拟C.数字和模拟D.声音 2014年8月,甲公司销售一批货物给乙公司,签订购销合同,合同上未注明该批货物的金额,已知同类货物的市场价是500000元。计算甲企业应缴纳的印花税元。A.150B.5C.0D.250 CH2=CH-CH2-CH3与HBr在过氧化物存在下生成的主产物为。A、AB、BC、CD、D 对于甲在新刑法生效以前实施的某一行为,新刑法认为是犯罪,而旧刑法不认为是犯罪,法院宣告甲无罪,这在本质上坚持了()A.罪刑法定原则B.罪责刑相适应原则C.罪责自负原则D.适用刑法人人平等原则 鉴别髓内肿瘤和髓外肿瘤最可靠的体征是:A.有无腱反射亢进B.有无分离性感觉障碍C.有无夏科关节D.有无截瘫E.有无大小便失禁 关于精索静脉曲张导致睾丸功能受损的机制,下列哪项是错误的()A.使睾丸周围温度升高,精曲小管发生变化B.左肾上腺静脉血反流至睾丸,使后者接触到高浓度的肾上腺类固醇、儿茶酚胺和前列腺素C.睾丸血流流量减少,含氧量降低D.可导致附睾功能不全,影响精子活力E.无静脉曲张侧 女性,76岁,左眼昨天行超声乳化及人工晶状体植入术,进检查人工晶状体夹持,最先考虑的治疗方法是()A.扩瞳B.降眼压治疗C.立即手术复位D.扩瞳、平躺、降眼压治疗E.抗炎、激素治疗 慢性呼吸衰竭并发右心衰的主要机制是()A.外周血管扩张、阻力降低,静脉回流量增加B.慢性缺氧后血容量增多C.红细胞数目增多,血液粘滞性增高D.肺部病变,肺毛细血管床大量破坏E.肺泡缺氧和CO2潴留引起肺小动脉收缩 《医疗机构从业人员行为规范》适用于哪些人员?A.医疗机构的医生、护士、药剂、医技人员B.医疗机构的医护及后勤人员C.医疗机构的管理、财务、后勤等人员D.药学技术人员E.医疗机构内所有从业人员 船舶不稳定平衡的主要特征是。A.漂心在重心之下,复原力矩小于零B.稳心在重心之下,复原力矩小于零C.重心在稳心之下,复原力矩大于零D.浮心在稳心之下,复原力矩大于零 肾癌的三大典型症状是A.血尿、肿块和疼痛B.血尿、发热和疼痛C.血尿、肿块和高血压D.肿块、发热和高血压E.肿块、血沉快和高血压 在各类债券中,的信用等级是最高的,通常被称为金边债券。A.金融债权B.公司债券C.政府债券D.国际债券 怎样测温? 构建团队执行力文化的根本任务是___。A.提高团队的整体素质B.提高凝聚力C.塑造负责敬业的精神D.激发创造力



2019版高三英语一轮复习Unit 3 Amazing people教师用书牛津译林版必修2编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2019版高三英语一轮复习Unit 3 Amazingpeople教师用书牛津译林版必修2)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。


本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为2019版高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3Amazing people教师用书牛津译林版必修2的全部内容。

Unit 3 Amazing people(对应学生用书第36页)Ⅰ.写作单词——会拼写1.preserve ﻩvt.保存,保护,保持2.contentﻩn.ﻩ内容3.signal n.ﻩ信号vi.&vt.发信号;表明4.desireﻩn.ﻩ愿望,欲望,渴望vt。

期望,渴望5.within prep。


ﻩ打扰,扰乱7.swallow vt.& vi.吞下,吞咽8.breatheﻩvt。

& vi.呼吸9.native adj。

ﻩ本地的,本国的10.qualityﻩn.ﻩ质量,品质Ⅱ.拓展单词—-能辨别1.curiousﻩadj.ﻩ好奇的,求知欲强的→curiosity n.好奇→curiouslyﻩadv.好奇地2.fortune n。



幸运地3.varyﻩvt.ﻩ使多样化,变化→various adj.各种各样的→varietyﻩn.种种;多样化4.applyﻩvi。


使用,应用→applicantﻩn.ﻩ申请人→applicationﻩn.申请5.inspire vt.启迪,赋予灵感;激励,鼓舞→inspiredﻩadj.ﻩ受到启发的→inspiring adj。



PALM OIL MILL EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANTSP 9000 is designed specifically for POME treatment at the systems below to reduce BOD, COD, Fats, Oil and Grease efficiently and cost effectively.Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Treatment plants cater all raw effluent produced. Approximately 0.65 tonnes of raw POME is produced for every ton of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) processed. In 2003, a total of 2,106,956 tonnes of FFB were processed, resulting in 1,369,521 tonnes of POME being produced.Palm Oil Effuent Treatment SystemsAnaerobic Digestion SystemGenerally, palm oil mill effluent treatment plants (ETPs) are operated on two–phase anaerobic digestion process followed by extended aeration process. This two-phase anaerobic process gives excellent pollutant destruction efficiency of above 95% while extended aeration ensures that the final pollutant levels in the effluent are within the stipulated limits set by the Department of Environment (DOE). In the anaerobic digestion process, the raw POME is first converted into volatile fatty acids by acid forming bacteria. The volatile acids are then converted into methane and carbon dioxide.The advantages of anaerobic digestionsystem are:1.The two phase system allowsgreater control of digesterenvironmental conditions.2.Long solid retention times allowbetter biodegradationefficiencies.3.Additional settling of liquorensures minimum loading to theaerobic process.4.There is capability to cope withfull effluent load, regardless offluctuationExtended Aerobic ProcessIn the extended aerobic system, the anaerobic liquor is aerated to further reduce the BOD content. In addition to providing oxygen, the floating aerators also ensure complete mixing is achieved and the pod contents are always in suspension. In this process, levels of beneficial micro-organisms are increased which in turn hasten the conversion of pollutants into carbon dioxide, water and energy. The aerobic suspension is allowed to settle in a settling tank to ensure production of a fairly clean supernatant.The main advantages of extended aerobics systems are its high BOD removal efficiency and low solid yield.Ponding SystemThe raw effluent is treated using a ponding system comprising of three phases, i.e. anaerobic, facultative, and algae processes. Although the system takes a longer retention time of 90 days, it is less sensitive to environment changes, stable, efficient and could guarantee excellent pollutant biodegradation efficiency of above 95%.Bioreactor SystemThis is a simple and innovative bioreactor process that is capable of treating POME efficiently. The system is superior to the conventional system as it operates with very short hydraulic retention times, takes high organic loading, requires less space and is more environmentally friendly. Composting System – USES SP8000 FOR COMPOSTING The composting system offers an effective solution to the oil palm industry’s perennial problem of waste disposal. The composting system utilizes 100% POME and EFB and uses a technically advanced method and SP8000-COMPOST ACCELERATOR to convert these waste matters into compost. EFB are firstly shredded using a high speed hammer mill and then stacked into windrows of 1.5 meter high by 45 meter length in an open field. POME with BOD levels less than 10,000 ppm is then pumped from the pond and sprayed onto these windrows at a specified rate at 3 days intervals. The windrows are turned regularly using a windrow-turner for better mixing and aeration. SP8000-Compost Accelerator is sprayed once at the start of the process to accelerate the composting process. Throughout the composting process, the windrows are covered by an air-permeable covering to avoid drenching by heavy rain and to prevent leaching of nutrients. The covering is crucial for the control of temperature and moisture content, two key factors that affect the speed of composting and quality of the end product. The compost reaches maturity within 30 to 70 days before it is ready for use. The compost, when used in sufficient quantity, is capable of replacing 66% of chemicalfertilizers.。


make a breakthrough
bring in great profit
make great contributions to sth
be awarded…
World Food Prize
be honored as…
Complete the sentence被誉为杂交水稻之父的袁隆平是中 国最杰出的科学家之一。
被誉为杂交水稻之父的袁隆平是 中国最杰出的科学家之一。他发明 了具有高产量的杂交水稻,成为了 农业的领军人物。
Read the paragraph
出生于,养育于一个农民家庭,袁隆平 一直对植物很感兴趣。 在大学,他主修农业。 大学毕业后,他投身于水稻研究。 在同事和 政府的帮助下,袁隆平做出了重大突破,发 明了杂交水稻,这种水稻在二十世纪九十年 代增加了50% 的水稻产量。 此外,他的水稻 出口到亚洲,非洲,美洲三十个国家,这赚 的很棒的利润。 目前,杂交水稻被种植在全 世界。
Complete the sentence出生于,养育于一个农民家庭,袁隆 平一直对植物很感兴趣。
Complete the sentence大学毕业后,他投身于水稻研究。
After__g_r_a_d_uation_, he _d__e_votes_h__is__l_i_fe__ to_rice research.
be honored as
Father of Hybrid Rice
high production

外研版高中英语必修2习题课件:Module4 FineArtsWestern,Chineseand

外研版高中英语必修2习题课件:Module4 FineArtsWestern,Chineseand

Step Two:Fast reading 1.First look at the pictures,and then skim the first sentence of each paragraph and finish the following question. What’s the main idea of the passage? The passage is mainly about___________________________________ 答案: four famous paintings by great artists at home and abroad
英语 必修2
Module 4 Fine Arts—Western,Chinese and Pop Arts
The first part of the scroll is the beautiful spring scenery in the suburb which includes several cottages,bridges,streams,old trees and small boats.This part presents the certain time and customs of Qingming and makes preparations for the following part.
Ascending the river on Qingming Festival Ascending the river on Qingming Festival is one of the ten most famous Chinese paintings that are regarded as a nation treasure,kept in the palace



拜访电厂交流材料范文英语Visiting the Power Plant for Exchange: A Report Introduction:On [date], a group of [number of participants] visited the [name of power plant] for the purpose of exchanging knowledge and experiences in the field of power generation. The visit aimed to understand the operations and functioning of a power plant, as well as the challenges faced and best practices implemented in the industry. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the visit and highlights the key insights gained from the experience. Overview of the Power Plant:The [name of power plant] is a modern and advanced facility located in [location]. The plant has [number of generators] generators with a combined capacity of [total capacity]. The power plant utilizes [type of fuel] as its primary source of energy, which is converted into electricity through the process of [description of the power generation process].Plant Tour:During the visit, the participants were given a comprehensive tour of the power plant. The tour started at the control room, where operators manage and monitor the entire power generation process. It was fascinating to see the state-of-the-art technology and equipment used for efficient and reliable operation. We were introduced to the various components of the plant, including the turbines, generators, condensers, and cooling systems. Environmental Considerations:The power plant prioritizes environmental sustainability and has implemented several measures to minimize its impact on the environment. We learned about the plant's commitment to reducing emissions and utilizing clean technologies. The use of advanced air pollution control systems, including electrostatic precipitators and flue gas desulfurization systems, impressed the participants. This demonstrated the power plant's dedication to meeting the highest environmental standards.Energy Efficiency:Another highlight of the visit was the emphasis placed on energy efficiency. The power plant has implemented innovative measures to optimize the efficiency of its operations. We were introduced to the concept of combined heat and power (CHP), where excess heat generated during electricity production is captured and used for heating or other industrial processes. The participants were inspired by this approach and recognized its potential for other power plants.Safety Measures:The power plant prioritizes the safety of its workforce and visitors. We were briefed on the safety protocols followed at the plant, including regular safety training, emergency response procedures, and the use of personal protective equipment. The participants appreciated the plant's commitment to maintaining a safe working environment and reducing the risk of accidents.Discussion and Knowledge Exchange:After the plant tour, a discussion and knowledge exchange session was held, allowing the participants to engage with the powerplant's management team and engineers. The session covered various topics, including challenges in power generation, technological advancements, and future trends in the industry. The participants shared insights from their own experiences and discussed potential collaborations for the future.Conclusion:The visit to the power plant was a highly informative and enriching experience. The participants gained valuable knowledge about power generation, environmental considerations, energy efficiency, and safety measures. This visit served as a reminder of the importance of the power industry in our daily lives and the ongoing efforts to make it more sustainable and efficient. The exchange of ideas and experiences between the participants and the power plant's team opened up possibilities for future collaborations and shared learning, making this visit truly worthwhile.。



司母戊鼎英语作文I woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I was ready to take on the world. I jumped out of bed and started my day with a big stretch and a smile on my face.As I made my way to the kitchen, the smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. I poured myself a steaming hot cup and took a sip. Ah, there's nothing like that first sip of coffee in the morning. It's like a warm hug for my soul.After breakfast, I headed out for a morning run. The cool breeze against my skin and the sound of my feethitting the pavement was invigorating. I love the feeling of pushing my body to its limits and knowing that I'm getting stronger with every step.Back at home, I sat down at my desk and got to work. I love the feeling of being in the zone, completely focusedand immersed in what I'm doing. Time seems to fly by when I'm in this state, and before I knew it, it was already lunchtime.For lunch, I whipped up a quick and healthy salad. There's something so satisfying about preparing a meal with fresh, colorful ingredients. It's like creating a work of art that I get to enjoy with every bite.In the afternoon, I met up with a friend for a chat. There's nothing like good conversation to lift my spirits and make me feel connected to the world around me. We laughed, we shared stories, and we left feeling uplifted and inspired.As the day drew to a close, I took a moment to reflect on everything that had happened. It's amazing how much joy and fulfillment can be packed into just one day. I went to bed feeling grateful for the simple pleasures and meaningful connections that make life so beautiful.。



press the glass to get
《熙戏犀》 作者:赵元任 西溪犀,喜嬉戏。嵇熙夕夕携犀徙,嵇熙 细细习洗犀。犀吸溪,戏袭熙。嵇熙嘻嘻 希息戏。惜犀嘶嘶喜袭熙。

氏时时适市视狮。十时,适十狮适 市。是时适施氏适市。氏视十狮恃 矢势,使十狮逝世。氏拾是十狮尸, 适石室。石室湿,氏使侍拭石室。 石室拭,氏始试食是十狮尸。食时 始识十狮尸,实十石狮尸。试释是 事。
达意 达情(达意之一) 达文体
态度端正 用户至上

老虎 老头 An old man 老兵 An army veteran 老板 A boss 老婆 A wife 老李 Old Li

赵元任(1892-1982),字宣仲,又字宜重,江 苏武进(今常州)人,生于天津。1910年为游美 学务处第2批留学生,入美国康奈尔大学,主修 数学,1914年获理学士学位。1918年获哈佛 大学哲学博士学位。1919年任康奈尔大学物理 讲师。1920年回国任清华学校心理学及物理教 授。1921年再入哈佛大学研习语音学,继而任 哈佛大学哲学系讲师、中文系教授。1925年6 月应聘到清华国学院任导师,指导范围为“现代 方言学”、“中国音韵学”、“普通语言学”等。 1929年6月底国学研究院结束后,被中央研究 院聘为历史语言研究所研究员兼语言组主任, 同时兼任清华中国文学系讲师,授“音韵学”等 课程。1938年起在美国任教。



25% BLACK -
Take green, above, as an example.
If we add 25% magenta to it, it will become forest green. If we take out half the cyan, it will become lime green. If we take out half the yellow, it will become turquoise. Even adding or subtracting as little as 1 or 2 percent of one of the inks can change the color noticeably.
water color oil painting
portrait landscape still life
Li Ming has decided to take up painting as a hobby. He found some advice on the Internet about starting to paint. Some of the words did not print out properly. Use the words from Parts A and B to complete it.
plum 杨李色 peachpuff 桃色 rosybrown 褐玫瑰红
pansy 紫罗兰色 papayawhip 番木色 springgreen 春绿色
Look at the following words and guess the colours below.



英语手表凌富报告格式范文he Swatch watches first went on sale in 1983. Now, nearly 200 million units later, it is the most successful wristwatch of all time and The Swatch Group, the parent company, is the largest and most dynamic watch company in the world.The Swatch Group Ltd. in Switzerland is today the largest manufacturer of finished watches in the world. In terms of sales, the Swatch Group represents 22-25% of the watch production sales in the world. Famous for its colorful designs and innovative ideas, Swatch watches are affordable, yet functional and FUN! Do you know that Swatch was responsible for the survival of the Swiss watch industry? Come in and pick your Swatch at xxx!I have got a watch on my bithday as a gift by my mom.It is very beutiful.I put it on the table near to my bed.Thanks to my mom because she knows my favorite color is Yellow.It turns aroud all day long never have a restI treat it as my friends.I will smile as long as I see itMaybe everything have diferent side.I love it cause it told me what time is it now ? some time I don't cause it wake me up when I want sleep moreTHAT IS A CARZY THING I DO IT。



介绍宁乡资福,用英语作文As we all know, ningxiang Zi Fu, our parent, is a beautiful and prosperous city with beautiful mountains and clear waters. There are many places of historical interest here: Mount Wei, Huitang Hot Spring and other beautiful places. But do you know that the beauty of our ningxiang is gradually fading.Take the Weishan River for example. The water of weishan feeds the people of Ningxiang, but we hurt the weishan river that feeds us. We all know that the original Weishan River is clear to the bottom, where there are many fish, a good fertile land. But some malicious businesses built buildings on the edge of the Weishan River and poured waste water into the river, covering the once crystal clear Weishan river with dirt. In some places, the river was so full of waste water that it smelled like a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Fish did not want to swim in such dirty water, and there were dead fish rotting on the water. Imagine what our Weishan River will look like in a few years.Cars also do harm to the environment and people. Because ofthe rapid economic development in recent years, more and more cars, many families have cars, don't we know how much pollution car exhaust will bring to the environment? There is a lot of carbon dioxide in the exhaust gas emitted by cars. Inhaling a large amount of exhaust gas by cars will cause various diseases, increase the greenhouse effect, and cause a lot of pressure to traffic. So, I think we can walk more, let drive, low carbon environmental protection, but also exercise.Now I just want to appeal to people, as primary school students, we should do not litter, love flowers and trees, as the government, should also exercise the power in the hands of those who put sewage into the river business, ordered rectification. As a school, we can also carry out more activities in this area to achieve the effect of influencing students and society.。

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中南民族大学毕业论文(设计)英文翻译材料学院: 计算机科学学院专业:自动化年级:2011 学生姓名: 胡平学号: 11064089 指导教师姓名: 张宇职称: 讲师原文摘自:lvar Jacobson.Object-Oriented Software Engineering.第1版.北京:人民邮电出版社,2005.10外文资料原文 PAGE OBJECT MODELSummary: Learn about the eventing model built around Web pages and the various stages that a Web page experiences on its way to HTML. The HTTP run time governs the pipeline of objects that transform the requested URL into a living instance of a page class first, and into plain HTML text next. Discover the events that characterize the lifecycle of a page and how control and page authors can intervene to alter the standard behavior. (6 printed pages) Introduction: Each request for a Microsoft® page that hits Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS) is handed over to the HTTP pipeline. The HTTP pipeline is a chain of managed objects that sequentially process the request and make the transition from a URL to plain HTML text happen. The entry point of the HTTP pipeline is the HttpRuntime class. The infrastructure creates one instance of this class per each AppDomain hosted within the worker process (remember that the worker process maintains one distinct AppDomain per each application currently running).The HttpRuntime class picks up an HttpApplication object from an internal pool and sets it to work on the request. The main task accomplished by the HTTP application manager is finding out the class that will actually handle the request. When the request is for an .aspx resource, the handler is a page handler—namely, an instance of a class that inherits from Page. The association between types of resources and types of handlers is stored in the configuration file of the application. More exactly, the default set of mappings is defined in the <httpHandlers> section of the machine.config file. However, the application can customize the list of its own HTTP handlers in the local web.config file. The line below illustrates the code that defines the HTTP handlerfor .aspx resources.<add verb="*" path="*.aspx" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory"/>An extension can be associated with a handler class, or more in general, with a handler factory class. In all cases, the HttpApplication object in charge for the request gets an object that implements the IHttpHandler interface. If the association resource/class is resolved in terms of a HTTP handler, then the returned class will implement the interface directly. If the resource is bound to a handler factory, an extra step is necessary. A handler factory class implements the IHttpHandlerFactory interface whose GetHandler method will return an IHttpHandler-based object.How can the HTTP run time close the circle and process the page request? The IHttpHandler interface features the ProcessRequest method. By calling this method on the object that represents the requested page, the infrastructure starts the process that will generate the output for the browser.The Real Page ClassThe type of the HTTP handler for a particular page depends on the URL. The first time the URL is invoked, a new class is composed and dynamically compiled to an assembly. The source code of the class is the outcome of a parsing process that examines the .aspx sources. The class is defined as part of the namespace ASP and is given a name that mimics the original URL. For example, if the URL endpoint is page.aspx, the name of the class is ASP.Page_aspx. The class name, though, can be programmatically controlled by setting the ClassName attribute in the@Page directive.The base class for the HTTP handler is Page. This class defines the minimum set of methods and properties shared by all page handlers. The Page class implements the IHttpHandler interface.Under a couple of circumstances, the base class for the actual handler is not Page but a different class. This happens, for example, if code-behind is used. Code-behind is a development technique that insulates the code necessary to a page into a separate C# or Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET class. The code of a page is the set of event handlers and helper methods that actually create the behavior of the page. This code can be defined inline using the <scriptrunat=server> tag or placed in an external class—the code-behind class. A code-behind class is a class that inherits from Page and specializes it with extra methods. When specified, thecode-behind class is used as the base class for the HTTP handler.The other situation in which the HTTP handler is not based on Page is when the configuration file of the application contains a redefinition for the PageBaseType attribute in the <pages> section.<pages PageBaseType="Classes.MyPage, mypage" />The PageBaseType attribute indicates the type and the assembly that contains the base class for page handlers. Derived from Page, this class can automatically endow handlers with a custom and extended set of methods and properties.The Page LifecycleOnce the HTTP page handler class is fully identified, the run time calls the handler's ProcessRequest method to process the request. Normally, there is no need to change the implementation of the method as it is provided by the Page class.This implementation begins by calling the method FrameworkInitialize, which builds the controls tree for the page. The method is a protected and virtual member of the TemplateControl class—the class from which Page itself derives. Any dynamically generated handler for an .aspx resource overrides FrameworkInitialize. In this method, the whole control tree for the page is built.Next, ProcessRequest makes the page transit various phases: initialization, loading of view state information and postback data, loading of the page's user code and execution of postback server-side events. After that, the page enters in rendering mode: the updated view state is collected; the HTML code is generated and then sent to the output console. Finally, the page is unloaded and the request is considered completely served.During the various phases, the page fires a few events that Web controls and user-defined code can intercept and handle. Some of these events are specific for embedded controls and subsequently can't be handled at the level of the .aspx code.A page that wants to handle a certain event should explicitly register an appropriate handler. However, for backward compatibility with the earlier Visual Basic programming style, also supports a form of implicit event hooking. By default, the page tries to match special method names with events; if a match is found, the method is considered a handler for the event. provides special recognition of six method names. They are Page_Init, Page_Load, Page_DataBind, Page_PreRender, and Page_Unload. These methods are treated as handlers for the corresponding events exposed by the Page class. The HTTP run time will automatically bind these methods to page events saving developers from having to write the necessary glue code. For example, the method named Page_Load is wired to the page's Load event as if the following code was written.this.Load += new EventHandler(this.Page_Load);The automatic recognition of special names is a behavior under the control of the AutoEventWireup attribute of the @Page directive. If the attribute is set to false, any applications that wish to handle an event need to connect explicitly to the page event. Pages that don't use automatic event wire-up will get a slight performance boost by not having(51-aspx) to do the extra work of matching names and events. You should note that all Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET projects are created with the AutoEventWireup attribute disabled. However, the default setting for the attribute is true, meaning that methods such as Page_Load are recognized and bound to the associated event.The execution of a page consists of a sequence of stages listed in the following table and is characterized by application-level events and/or protected, overridable methods.Table 1. Key events in the life of an pageSome of the stages listed above are not visible at the page level and affect only authors of server controls and developers who happen to create a class derived from Page. Init, Load, PreRender, Unload, plus all postback events defined by embedded controls are the only signals of life that a page sends to the external world.Stages of ExecutionThe first stage in the page lifecycle is the initialization. This stage is characterized by the Init event, which fires to the application after the page's control tree has been successfully created. In other words, when the Init event arrives, all the controls statically declared in the .aspx source file have been instantiated and hold their default values. Controls can hook up the Init event to initialize any settings that will be needed during the lifetime of the incoming Web request. For example, at this time controls can load external template files or set up the handler for the events. You should notice that no view state information is available for use yet.Immediately after initialization, the page framework loads the view state for the page. The view state is a collection of name/value pairs, where controls and the page itself store any information that must be persistent across Web requests. The view state represents the call contextof the page. Typically, it contains the state of the controls the last time the page was processed on the server. The view state is empty the first time the page is requested in the session. By default, the view state is stored in a hidden field silently added to the page. The name of this field is__VIEWSTATE. By overriding the LoadViewState method—a protected overridable method on the Control class—component developers can control how the view state is restored and how its contents are mapped to the internal state.Methods like LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium and its counterpart SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium can be used to load and save the view state to an alternative storage medium—for example, Session, databases, or a server-side file. Unlike LoadViewState, the aforementioned methods are available only in classes derived from Page.Once the view state has been restored, the controls in the page tree are in the same state they were the last time the page was rendered to the browser. The next step consists of updating their state to incorporate client-side changes. The postback data-processing stage gives controls a chance to update their state so that it accurately reflects the state of the corresponding HTML element on the client. For example, a server TextBox control has its HTML counterpart in an<input type=text> element. In the postback data stage, the TextBox control will retrieve the current value of <input> tag and use it to refresh its internal state. Each control is responsible for extracting values from posted data and updating some of its properties. The TextBox control will update its Text property whereas the CheckBox control will refresh its Checked property. The match between a server control and a HTML element is found on the ID of both.At the end of the postback data processing stage, all controls in the page reflect the previous state updated with changes entered on the client. At this point, the Load event is fired to the page.There might be controls in the page that need to accomplish certain tasks if a sensitive property is modified across two different requests. For example, if the text of a textbox control is modified on the client, the control fires the TextChanged event. Each control can take the decision to fire an appropriate event if one or more of its properties are modified with the values coming from the client. Controls for which these changes are critical implement the IPostBackDataHandler interface, whose LoadPostData method is invoked immediately after the Load event. By coding the LoadPostData method, a control verifies if any critical change has occurred since last request and fires its own change event.The key event in the lifecycle of a page is when it is called to execute the server-side code associated with an event triggered on the client. When the user clicks a button, the page posts back. The collection of posted values contains the ID of the button that started the whole operation. If the control is known to implement the IPostBackEventHandler interface (buttons and link buttons will do), the page framework calls the RaisePostBackEvent method. What this method does depends on the type of the control. With regard to buttons and link buttons, the method looks up for a Click event handler and runs the associated delegate.After handling the postback event, the page prepares for rendering. This stage is signaled bythe Pretender event. This is a good time for controls to perform any last minute update operations that need to take place immediately before the view state is saved and the output rendered. The next state is SaveViewState, in which all controls and the page itself are invited to flush the contents of their own ViewState collection. The resultant view state is then serialized, hashed, Base64 encoded, and associated with the __VIEWSTATE hidden field.The rendering mechanism of individual controls can be altered by overriding the Render method. The method takes an HTML writer object and uses it to accumulate all HTML text to be generated for the control. The default implementation of the Render method for the Page class consists of a recursive call to all constituent controls. For each control the page calls the Render method and caches the HTML output.The final sign of life of a page is the Unload event that arrives just before the page object is dismissed. In this event you should release any critical resource you might have (for example, files, graphical objects, database connections).Finally, after this event the browser receives the HTTP response packet and displays the page.SummaryThe page object model is particularly innovative because of the eventing mechanism. A Web page is composed of controls that both produce a rich HTML-based user interface and interact with the user through events. Setting up an eventing model in the context of Web applications is challenging. It's amazing to see that client-side generated events are resolved with server-side code, and the output of this is visible as the same HTML page, only properly modified.To make sense of this model it is important to understand the various stages in the page lifecycle and how the page object is instantiated and used by the HTTP run time.译文中午 页面对象模型摘要:了解围绕 Web 页构建的事件模型,以及一个Web 页面在其转变为HTML 的历程中的各个阶段。
